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Filesystem abstraction
layer and message
queue for Symfony
About me
Technical lead
Digital department 1+1 media
7 years with PHP
3 years with Symfony 😍
● Image processing packages (VichUploaderBundle,
● Filesystem abstraction layer (Gaufrette)
● Message queue package (Enqueue)
● Symfony Messenger Component
Start from scratch
$form = $this->createFormBuilder()
->add('attachment', FileType::class)
// ...
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
/** @var SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationFileUploadedFile $file */
$file = $form['attachment']->getData();
Real life problems
Folders structure
File names
Files & entities binding
Background handlers
Symfony Filesystem
Basic utilities for the filesystem.
Methods: mkdir, exists, copy, touch, chown, chgrp, chmod, remove, rename, symlink, readlink,
makePathRelative, mirror, isAbsolutePath, dumpFile, appendToFile
$fileSystem->dumpFile('file.txt', 'Hello World');
$fileSystem->remove(array('symlink', '/path/to/directory', 'activity.log'));
What about images?
- File and folder names
- Inject the file into the entity
- Delete the file upon removal of the entity
- Templating helpers
* @VichUploadableField(mapping="product_image", fileNameProperty="imageName")
private $imageFile;
* @ORMColumn(type="string", length=255)
private $imageName;
Manual upload
* @ORMColumn(type="datetime")
private $updatedAt;
public function setImageFile(?File $image = null): void
$this->imageFile = $image;
if (null !== $image) {
$this->updatedAt = new DateTimeImmutable();
Configuration (events)
# ...
# ...
inject_on_load: false
delete_on_update: true
delete_on_remove: true
storage: file_system # one of ['gaufrette', 'flysystem',
# ...
inject_on_load: false
delete_on_update: true
delete_on_remove: true
Configuration (storage)
Filesystem abstraction layer.
Data Abstraction layer Storage
Supported adapters:
Local, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, OpenCloud, FTP,
SFTP etc.
Basic usage
use GaufretteFilesystem;
use GaufretteAdapterLocal as LocalAdapter;
// First, you need a filesystem adapter
$adapter = new LocalAdapter('/var/media');
// Then, you can access your filesystem directly
var_dump($filesystem->read('myFile')); // bool(false)
$filesystem->write('myFile', 'Hello world!');
//Then, create filesystem with adapter
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
Extras: Resolvable filesystem
- AwsS3PublicUrlResolver: Create a URL for an object stored
on S3 with public ACL.
- AwsS3PresignedUrlResolver: Create a temporary URL, valid
for a given amount of time.
- StaticUrlResolver: Resolves the object into an URL by
concatenating a prefix with object path.
Usage example
$client = // AwsS3 client instantiation
$expDate = new DateTime('+ 1 hour');
$decorated = new Filesystem(
new AwsS3($client, 'my_bucket', ['directory' => 'root/dir'])
$filesystem = new ResolvableFilesystem(
new AwsS3PresignedUrlResolver($client, 'my_bucket', 'root/dir', $expDate)
$url = $filesystem->resolve('/foo/bar.png');
Symfony Integration -
Filesystem map service: 'knp_gaufrette.filesystem_map'
Filesystem services: 'gaufrette.%filesystem_alias%'
Stream wrapper: protocol and filesystems config and ability to use code
like 'gaufrette://domain/file.txt'
Adapters and
Filesystems configuration
directory: /path/to/my/filesystem
create: true
adapter: foo
alias: foo_filesystem
adapter: profile_photos
service_id: 'acme.aws_s3.client'
bucket_name: 'images'
detect_content_type: true
id: 'my.adapter.service'
Basic usage
// get from filesystem map service
//get by filesystem alias “foo”
//stream_wrapper usage example
$fileStream = sprintf('gaufrette://your_defined_fs/%s', 'path/to/file.pdf');
$response = new BinaryFileResponse($fileStream);
Back to VichUploader
storage: gaufrette
uri_prefix: /images/products
upload_destination: aws # gaufrette filesystem name
What about
- Filters, filter sets (size, orientation etc.)
- Post processors (JPEG Optim, Opti PNG etc.)
- Runtime filter configuration
- Background processing
- Data Loaders
- Cache Resolvers
<img src="{{ asset('/relative/path/to/image.jpg') | imagine_filter('my_thumb') }}" />
Data Loaders
wrapper: gaufrette://profile_photos
Custom loader
interface LoaderInterface
public function find($path);
Cache Resolvers
interface ResolverInterface
public function isStored($path, $filter);
public function resolve($path, $filter);
public function store(BinaryInterface $binary, $path, $filter);
public function remove(array $paths, array $filters);
When to do it?
Do stuff
How it works: fastcgi_finish_request()
When to use:
- short time processes
- small number of requests
Possible problems:
- exceptions breaks profiler
- execution control complexity
- pm.max_children limitation
- Remote Procedure Calls
- Job queue
- Async commands
- frameworks integration: Symfony, Magento, Laravel,
Supported transports: AMQP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Redis,
Gearman, Mongodb etc.
How it works
Producer Consumer
use EnqueueClientMessage;
use EnqueueClientMessagePriority;
$message = new Message();
$message->setBody('Hello %username%');
Message Producer
//send to all "fire and forget"
$producer->sendEvent('a_topic', 'Hello there!');
use EnqueueClientProducerInterface;
$producer = $container->get(ProducerInterface::class);
// send to one consumer
$producer->sendCommand('a_processor_name', 'Hello there!');
Spool Producer
use EnqueueClientSpoolProducer;
$spoolProducer = $container->get(SpoolProducer::class);
// messages is being sent on console.terminate or kernel.terminate event
$spoolProducer->sendEvent('a_topic', 'Hello there!');
$spoolProducer->sendCommand('a_processor_name', 'Hello there!');
// you could send queued messages manually by calling flush method
Message Processor
use InteropQueuePsrProcessor;
use InteropQueuePsrMessage;
use InteropQueuePsrContext;
class SendMailProcessor implements PsrProcessor
public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context)
$this->mailer->send('', $message->getBody());
return self::ACK;
Consumer extensions
use InteropQueuePsrContext;
use EnqueueConsumptionChainExtension;
use EnqueueConsumptionQueueConsumer;
use EnqueueConsumptionExtensionReplyExtension;
/** @var InteropQueuePsrContext $psrContext */
$queueConsumer = new QueueConsumer(
new ChainExtension([
new ReplyExtension()
Reply extension
use EnqueueConsumptionResult;
use InteropQueuePsrProcessor;
use InteropQueuePsrMessage;
use InteropQueuePsrContext;
class SendMailProcessor implements PsrProcessor
public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context)
$this->mailer->send('', $message->getBody());
$replyMessage = $context->createMessage('Message has been sent');
return Result::reply($replyMessage);
Async commands
use EnqueueAsyncCommand{CommandResult, Commands, RunCommand};
$promise = $producer->sendCommand(
new RunCommand('debug:container'),
// do other stuff.
if ($replyMessage = $promise->receive(5000)) {
$result = CommandResult::jsonUnserialize($replyMessage->getBody());
echo $result->getOutput();
Testing & Debugging
transport: 'null:'
traceable_producer: true
use EnqueueClientTraceableProducer;
use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleClient;
// ...
$service = $client->getContainer()->get('a_service');
// the method calls inside $producer->send('fooTopic', 'messageBody');
$producer = $client->getContainer()->get(TraceableProducer::class);
$traces = $producer->getTopicTraces('fooTopic');
//use inside SomeServiceTest
$this->assertCount(1, $traces);
$this->assertEquals('messageBody', $traces[0]['message']);
Integration with
transport: "amqp:"
client: ~
enqueue: true
./bin/console enqueue:consume --setup-broker -vvv
Run consumer
Long running commands
● Clear all Doctrine ORM entity managers (to prevent outdated entities from being
● Reset all closed Doctrine ORM entity managers (after a failed transaction)
● Close all database connections (to prevent database timeout errors)
● Clear all Monolog "fingers crossed" handlers (clears messages and resets the handler
when there was no failure during the execution of a task)
● Close all Monolog buffer handlers (clears log messages that were buffered during the
execution of a task)
● Flush all Swift Mailer "in memory" spools (i.e. send spooled e-mails)
● Flush all unsent Sentry errors (in case they are handled async)
''long_running.delegating_cleaner'' service
Alternative - Messenger
Message Bus
use AppMessageMyMessage;
use SymfonyComponentMessengerMessageBus;
use SymfonyComponentMessengerHandlerLocatorHandlerLocator;
use SymfonyComponentMessengerMiddlewareHandleMessageMiddleware;
$bus = new MessageBus([
new HandleMessageMiddleware(new HandlerLocator([
MyMessage::class => $handler,
//Default middleware: LoggingMiddleware, SendMessageMiddleware, HandleMessageMiddleware
$result = $bus->dispatch(new MyMessage(/* ... */));
Message Handler
use AppMessageMyMessage;
class MyMessageHandler
public function __invoke(MyMessage $message)
// Message processing...
Message Envelope
use SymfonyComponentMessengerEnvelope;
use SymfonyComponentMessengerTransportSerializationSerializerConfiguration;
(new Envelope($message))->with(new SerializerConfiguration([
'groups' => ['my_serialization_groups'],
//Built-in envelopes: SerializerConfiguration, ValidationConfiguration, ReceivedMessage
VichUploaderBundle -
LiipImagineBundle -
Gaufrette -
KnpGaufretteBundle -
Enqueue -
Enqueue Bundle -
LongRunning -
Symfony Messenger -

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Filesystem abstractions and msg queue sergeev - symfony camp 2018

  • 1.
  • 2. Filesystem abstraction layer and message queue for Symfony
  • 3. About me SergeevYuriy Technical lead Digital department 1+1 media 7 years with PHP 3 years with Symfony 😍
  • 4. Agenda ● Image processing packages (VichUploaderBundle, LiipImagiuneBundle) ● Filesystem abstraction layer (Gaufrette) ● Message queue package (Enqueue) ● Symfony Messenger Component
  • 5. Start from scratch $form = $this->createFormBuilder() ->add('attachment', FileType::class) ->getForm(); // ... if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { /** @var SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationFileUploadedFile $file */ $file = $form['attachment']->getData(); $file->move( $this->getParameter('upload_directory'), 'image.jpg' ); }
  • 6. Real life problems Folders structure File names Files & entities binding Storage Scaling Thumbnails Performance Background handlers
  • 7. Symfony Filesystem Component Basic utilities for the filesystem. Methods: mkdir, exists, copy, touch, chown, chgrp, chmod, remove, rename, symlink, readlink, makePathRelative, mirror, isAbsolutePath, dumpFile, appendToFile $fileSystem->exists('/tmp/photos'); $fileSystem->dumpFile('file.txt', 'Hello World'); $fileSystem->remove(array('symlink', '/path/to/directory', 'activity.log'));
  • 9. VichUploaderBundle - File and folder names - Inject the file into the entity - Delete the file upon removal of the entity - Templating helpers
  • 10. Mapping /** * @VichUploadableField(mapping="product_image", fileNameProperty="imageName") */ private $imageFile; /** * @ORMColumn(type="string", length=255) */ private $imageName;
  • 11. Manual upload /** * @ORMColumn(type="datetime") */ private $updatedAt; //... public function setImageFile(?File $image = null): void { $this->imageFile = $image; if (null !== $image) { $this->updatedAt = new DateTimeImmutable(); } }
  • 12. Configuration (events) vich_uploader: # ... mappings: product_image: # ... inject_on_load: false delete_on_update: true delete_on_remove: true
  • 13. vich_uploader: storage: file_system # one of ['gaufrette', 'flysystem', 'file_system'] mappings: product_image: # ... inject_on_load: false delete_on_update: true delete_on_remove: true Configuration (storage)
  • 14. Gaufrette Filesystem abstraction layer. Data Abstraction layer Storage Supported adapters: Local, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, OpenCloud, FTP, SFTP etc.
  • 15. Basic usage use GaufretteFilesystem; use GaufretteAdapterLocal as LocalAdapter; // First, you need a filesystem adapter $adapter = new LocalAdapter('/var/media'); // Then, you can access your filesystem directly var_dump($filesystem->read('myFile')); // bool(false) $filesystem->write('myFile', 'Hello world!'); //Then, create filesystem with adapter $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter);
  • 16. Extras: Resolvable filesystem - AwsS3PublicUrlResolver: Create a URL for an object stored on S3 with public ACL. - AwsS3PresignedUrlResolver: Create a temporary URL, valid for a given amount of time. - StaticUrlResolver: Resolves the object into an URL by concatenating a prefix with object path.
  • 17. Usage example $client = // AwsS3 client instantiation $expDate = new DateTime('+ 1 hour'); $decorated = new Filesystem( new AwsS3($client, 'my_bucket', ['directory' => 'root/dir']) ); $filesystem = new ResolvableFilesystem( $decorated, new AwsS3PresignedUrlResolver($client, 'my_bucket', 'root/dir', $expDate) ); $url = $filesystem->resolve('/foo/bar.png'); //
  • 18. Symfony Integration - KnpGaufretteBundle Filesystem map service: 'knp_gaufrette.filesystem_map' Filesystem services: 'gaufrette.%filesystem_alias%' Stream wrapper: protocol and filesystems config and ability to use code like 'gaufrette://domain/file.txt'
  • 19. Adapters and Filesystems configuration knp_gaufrette: adapters: foo: local: directory: /path/to/my/filesystem create: true knp_gaufrette: filesystems: bar: adapter: foo alias: foo_filesystem aws: adapter: profile_photos profile_photos: aws_s3: service_id: 'acme.aws_s3.client' bucket_name: 'images' detect_content_type: true custom_adapter: service: id: 'my.adapter.service'
  • 20. Basic usage // get from filesystem map service $container->get('knp_gaufrette.filesystem_map')->get('bar'); //get by filesystem alias “foo” $container->get('gaufrette.foo_filesystem'); //stream_wrapper usage example $fileStream = sprintf('gaufrette://your_defined_fs/%s', 'path/to/file.pdf'); $response = new BinaryFileResponse($fileStream);
  • 21. Back to VichUploader vich_uploader: storage: gaufrette mappings: product_image: uri_prefix: /images/products upload_destination: aws # gaufrette filesystem name
  • 23. LiipImagineBundle - Filters, filter sets (size, orientation etc.) - Post processors (JPEG Optim, Opti PNG etc.) - Runtime filter configuration - Background processing - Data Loaders - Cache Resolvers <img src="{{ asset('/relative/path/to/image.jpg') | imagine_filter('my_thumb') }}" />
  • 25. Cache Resolvers interface ResolverInterface { public function isStored($path, $filter); public function resolve($path, $filter); public function store(BinaryInterface $binary, $path, $filter); public function remove(array $paths, array $filters); }
  • 26. When to do it?
  • 28. kernel.terminate How it works: fastcgi_finish_request() When to use: - short time processes - small number of requests Possible problems: - exceptions breaks profiler - execution control complexity - pm.max_children limitation
  • 29. Enqueue - Remote Procedure Calls - Job queue - Async commands - frameworks integration: Symfony, Magento, Laravel, Yii2 Supported transports: AMQP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Redis, Gearman, Mongodb etc.
  • 30. How it works Producer Consumer Queue Messages
  • 31. Message use EnqueueClientMessage; use EnqueueClientMessagePriority; $message = new Message(); $message->setBody('Hello %username%'); $message->setPriority(MessagePriority::NORMAL);
  • 32. Message Producer //send to all "fire and forget" $producer->sendEvent('a_topic', 'Hello there!'); use EnqueueClientProducerInterface; $producer = $container->get(ProducerInterface::class); // send to one consumer $producer->sendCommand('a_processor_name', 'Hello there!');
  • 33. Spool Producer use EnqueueClientSpoolProducer; $spoolProducer = $container->get(SpoolProducer::class); // messages is being sent on console.terminate or kernel.terminate event $spoolProducer->sendEvent('a_topic', 'Hello there!'); $spoolProducer->sendCommand('a_processor_name', 'Hello there!'); // you could send queued messages manually by calling flush method $spoolProducer->flush();
  • 34. Message Processor use InteropQueuePsrProcessor; use InteropQueuePsrMessage; use InteropQueuePsrContext; class SendMailProcessor implements PsrProcessor { public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context) { $this->mailer->send('', $message->getBody()); return self::ACK; } }
  • 35. Consumer extensions use InteropQueuePsrContext; use EnqueueConsumptionChainExtension; use EnqueueConsumptionQueueConsumer; use EnqueueConsumptionExtensionReplyExtension; /** @var InteropQueuePsrContext $psrContext */ $queueConsumer = new QueueConsumer( $psrContext, new ChainExtension([ new ReplyExtension() ]) );
  • 36. Reply extension use EnqueueConsumptionResult; use InteropQueuePsrProcessor; use InteropQueuePsrMessage; use InteropQueuePsrContext; class SendMailProcessor implements PsrProcessor { public function process(PsrMessage $message, PsrContext $context) { $this->mailer->send('', $message->getBody()); $replyMessage = $context->createMessage('Message has been sent'); return Result::reply($replyMessage); } }
  • 37. Async commands (enqueue/async-command) use EnqueueAsyncCommand{CommandResult, Commands, RunCommand}; $promise = $producer->sendCommand( Commands::RUN_COMMAND, new RunCommand('debug:container'), true ); // do other stuff. if ($replyMessage = $promise->receive(5000)) { $result = CommandResult::jsonUnserialize($replyMessage->getBody()); echo $result->getOutput(); }
  • 38. Testing & Debugging enqueue: transport: 'null:' client: traceable_producer: true use EnqueueClientTraceableProducer; use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleClient; // ... $service = $client->getContainer()->get('a_service'); // the method calls inside $producer->send('fooTopic', 'messageBody'); $service->do(); $producer = $client->getContainer()->get(TraceableProducer::class); $traces = $producer->getTopicTraces('fooTopic'); //use inside SomeServiceTest $this->assertCount(1, $traces); $this->assertEquals('messageBody', $traces[0]['message']);
  • 39. Integration with LiipImagineBundle enqueue: transport: "amqp:" client: ~ liip_imagine: enqueue: true ./bin/console enqueue:consume --setup-broker -vvv Run consumer
  • 40. Long running commands ● Clear all Doctrine ORM entity managers (to prevent outdated entities from being updated) ● Reset all closed Doctrine ORM entity managers (after a failed transaction) ● Close all database connections (to prevent database timeout errors) ● Clear all Monolog "fingers crossed" handlers (clears messages and resets the handler when there was no failure during the execution of a task) ● Close all Monolog buffer handlers (clears log messages that were buffered during the execution of a task) ● Flush all Swift Mailer "in memory" spools (i.e. send spooled e-mails) ● Flush all unsent Sentry errors (in case they are handled async) ''long_running.delegating_cleaner'' service
  • 42. Message Bus use AppMessageMyMessage; use SymfonyComponentMessengerMessageBus; use SymfonyComponentMessengerHandlerLocatorHandlerLocator; use SymfonyComponentMessengerMiddlewareHandleMessageMiddleware; $bus = new MessageBus([ new HandleMessageMiddleware(new HandlerLocator([ MyMessage::class => $handler, ])), ]); //Default middleware: LoggingMiddleware, SendMessageMiddleware, HandleMessageMiddleware $result = $bus->dispatch(new MyMessage(/* ... */));
  • 43. Message Handler use AppMessageMyMessage; class MyMessageHandler { public function __invoke(MyMessage $message) { // Message processing... } }
  • 44. Message Envelope use SymfonyComponentMessengerEnvelope; use SymfonyComponentMessengerTransportSerializationSerializerConfiguration; $bus->dispatch( (new Envelope($message))->with(new SerializerConfiguration([ 'groups' => ['my_serialization_groups'], ])) ); //Built-in envelopes: SerializerConfiguration, ValidationConfiguration, ReceivedMessage
  • 46. Links VichUploaderBundle - LiipImagineBundle - Gaufrette - KnpGaufretteBundle - Enqueue - Enqueue Bundle - LongRunning - Symfony Messenger -

Editor's Notes

  1. какие у нас есть проекты, что на симфони
  2. Минимально необходымий рабочий код
  3. Задачи и проблемы, которые возникают в реальном проекте
  4. Работа с файловой системой из коробки, базовые операции
  5. Свой велосипед, или ищем готовые решения
  6. Основные задачи которые закрывает вич аплоадер
  7. Доп поля для мапинга (size, mimeType, originalName, dimensions) Задача свойства updatedAt (если вручную сетаем файл - обновляем updatedAt)
  8. Конфиг для эвентов и абстракция для файловой системы, здесь подходим к использованию Gaugrette
  9. Общая инфа по адаптерам
  10. Возможность юзать сервисы в качестве адаптеров
  11. Меняем storage + upload_destination Включаем stream_wrapper
  12. pm.max_children для terminate
  13. context нужен если прокидываем новые сообщения или очереди
  14. superviser для консьюмеров