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Similarities Between Roosevelt And The New Deal
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's program of relief, recovery, and reform that aimed at solving the
economic problems created by the Depression of the 1930's, was referred to as the New Deal. The
Great Society was the name given to the domestic program of the U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson.
Both programs had similar yet opposing points.
Something had to be done about the banking system disintegration, and the most conservative
business leaders were as ready for government intervention as the most advanced radicals (Garraty
765). It was unquestionably Franklin D. Roosevelt who provided the spark that reenergized the
American people (Garraty 765) more content...
A large minority labeled the New Deal a solid success. "Considerable recovery had taken place, but
more basic was the fact that Roosevelt, recruiting an army of forceful officials to staff the new
government agencies, had infused his administration with a spirit of bustle and optimism" (Garraty
769). Although he wasn't much of an intellectual, his openness to suggestion made him eager to
draw on the ideas and energies of experts of all sorts.
The New Deal lacked any consistent ideological base. After 1936, the New Deal was thrown
increasingly on the defensive (Stevenson 130). "The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that much of the
New Deal legislation was unconstitutional, and the presidents proposal to enlarge the court to
make it more liberal and therefore more amenable to the legislation caused many members of
Congress to desert the president" (Stevenson 130). In addition, a severe recession led many people
to turn against the New Deal policies. When World War II erupted in September 1939, Roosevelt
grew increasingly reluctant to support reforms that might, by antagonizing conservatives in
Congress or by alienating any bloc of voters, jeopardize support for his foreign policy (Stevenson
131). No major New Deal was enacted after 1938.
United States entry into the war provided a temporary solution for many problems that had baffled
New Dealers. The war, not the New Deal, triggered massive industrial
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Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay
Napolean Bonaparte once stated, "A leader is a dealer in hope." Hoover and Roosevelt had very
different viewpoints on how to handle the Great Depression. Hoover preferred "rugged
individualism," and FDR preferred "helping hand" philosophies. Hoover believed in assisting
business in hope that this support would create a trickle down impact which would lead to
investment and more jobs. FDR, on the other hand, wanted to provide people with jobs to increase
confidence and correcting failures in certain economic institutions, leading to a bubble up scenario.
It is ironic that Hoover knew how it felt to suffer in poverty as a child, yet FDR better handled the
job of reassuring citizens that he was the man to get the nation out of its more content...
The Great Depression was a test of will for Hoover, one that proved too difficult for him to manage.
His "rugged individualism" approach failed to stimulate the consumption and production that was
necessary to jump–start the dead economy. Hoover did eventually support some interventionist
government programs that aimed at combating the Depression, he feared that government aid
would breed a sense of dependence among the poor. Thus, he refused to extend assistance to
millions of the nation's unemployed and hungry who were overwhelming private relief agencies. In
the public eye, Hoover appeared uncaring and unwilling to admit that the people of the U.S. were
starving and that his ideas and philosophies were failing miserably. He lost significant public
support. In 1932, Hoover ran for reelection, anxious to prove that his policies could still revolutionize
the economic crisis. Nonetheless, the Americans were captivated by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt
and his New Deal. The New Deal vaguely promised a crusade to restore America to its own people.
Roosevelt won, with an unprecedented majority.
Though Hoover's reputation is forever tarnished in the public's view, it has risen over time. Though
he is no longer blamed for causing the Depression, Hoover's efforts to combat its aftermath were
pathetic. He portrayed himself as an efficient engineer, a successful self–made man, a careful
businessman, and a
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Fdr And The Great Depression
QBERT: (Quote) "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those
who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." (Background)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt quoted this at his second Inaugural Address on January 20th, 1937.
(Explanation) Throughout his terms, FDR has had many successful outcomes during his presidency
into what shapes our nation today. (Relationship) FDR progressed with many achievements to help
America revive and prosper. (THESIS) The response of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's administration
to the problems of The Great Depression was effective because they created the New Deal program,
revived enterprise, and made better use of the country 's land. Acknowledgement of other side–
There was different opinions on how FDR managed situations such as Huey Long who believed FDR
was doing nothing for the country.
Topic Sentence Point 1: FDR disproved critics by creating various programs that assisted many
people and improved the country's economy. Supporting evidence: FDR created The New Deal
which was made up of many effective programs. Example: "The country now enjoys the safety of
bank savings under the new banking laws, the careful checking of new securities under the Securities
Act and the curtailment of rank stock speculation through the Securities Exchange Act" (Text 3
Lines 23–25). Explanation: These programs recovered the public confidence in the security of
savings and changed the policies
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Franklin D. Roosevelt Chapter Summary
The authors of this chapter mostly described Franklin D. Roosevelt in a positive light and as a
hero for ending the Great Depression. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt was president, he was the
assistant secretary of the navy during the World War I. He was paralyzed in both legs from a
condition called poliomyelitis. The authors thought that Roosevelt's disability profoundly shaped his
unique personality also. However, they noted that before his disability he was somewhat arrogant
and overbearing. His painful experience made him understand the disabled and disadvantages better.
It made him much more determined to succeed instead of feeling sorry for himself. He was elected
president during the worst depression in American history. There was a
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Franklin D. Roosevelt: An Influential Leader
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was a man of unusual charm and great optimism, which he was
able to communicate to others. He had a broad smile and was a charismatic optimist whose
confidence helped sustain the nation through its darkest moments during crisis like the Great
Depression and World War II. He became one of the most beloved of U.S. presidents for four terms
in office. But beneath his outward friendliness was an inner reserve and an iron will. His admirers
emphasized the way in which he met the nation's problems. They praised him for insisting that the
federal government must help the underprivileged and that the United States must share in the
responsibility for preserving more content...
As the number of radios grew in the U.S., more people relied on this media for obtaining information
and entertainment. During the Great Depression, when disappointment in the economy reached its
peak, FDR resorted to speeches on the radio. These became known as "Fireside Chats" (Boorstin
624) during which FDR talked about the banking system and other economic concerns. In these
chats, he could describe his actions and his reasoning so that everyone would understand what the
government was doing (The Great Depression). The New Deal was a program designed to reverse
the effects of the Depression. Some of the successful programs that it encompassed were ones such
as the following:
1. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) which provided jobs for single men between the ages of
18 and 25 and earned $1.00 each day.
2. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which helped farmers by paying them not
to produce crops; thereby, keeping their income from dropping by overproducing certain crops.
Since less was being grown, the price for farm goods would rise. The government said that they
would also pay farmers to plow some crops under and destroy some of the surplus.
3. So that more people could have jobs during the Depression, the WPA made jobs for people to
work in buildings, hospitals, and parks. It also hired artists and photographers.
4. The FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, insured savings accounts in banks
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FDR: The New Deal Essay examples
Thesis: The various programs created by FDR's New Deal helped bring the United States out of The
Great Depression.
Paper Outline
Who was FDR
Why was he popular
His views
II.) The U.S. emerges from a depression
About the depression
Who was affected
What the nation needed at the time
FDR's help during New Deal
Who helped him
Why they did it
It's effects on the nation
Restoring Banks
Why people lost faith in the banks
What FDR did to increase faith the FDIC
More Americans get jobs
Business relief
How business was affected by depression
Help for Farming
Depression hurts agriculture
Improving Americans lives
Poor conditions of depression
TVA more content...
Instead, most money was in the hands of a few families and businesses who saved or invested rather
than spent their money on American goods. Supply became greater than demand on products.
Certain people profited, but many others did not. As a result of this, prices went up and Americans
could not spare the money for many goods. While the wealth in America was not being distributed
evenly, and overspeculation of the stock market led to a lack of confidence, the United States began
to fall into a deep depression that would last until the beginning of World War II (Gupta).
Faced with this economic decline, came other factors that included unemployment and lack of
confidence in banks (Church 100). Restoring faith in banks across the United States was one goal
for FDR. As depositors lost confidence in the national bank, over $1,000,000,000 was taken out in
cash and hoarded (Boardman 64). The Emergency Banking Act closed all banks for four straight
days, and put them under inspection by the national government (Schraff 52). Banks were put under
meticulous scrutiny by the Treasury Department. The U.S. government demanded that all hoarded
gold be returned and all of the $1,000,000,000 was deposited (Boardman 65). Banks were allowed
to open only under a strict system of licensing (Schraff 52). Another banking program was The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, which was created by Congress to guarantee
deposits up to $5000 (Gupta). In the case
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What Is Fdr Essay
History voice of fdr
History is filled with events and figures that shaped the course of the future. In some cases, the
world would be totally different without the contributions of certain people. No figure is more
essential to the modern history of the western world than FDR. Franklin Delano Roosevelt positively
contributed to the world when he was governor and president of the United States though the year
that he was in office. His disability did not hold him back from doing great deeds in the world. For
instance, he help the people of New York when the stock market crashed by setting up the( T E R A)
he thought that it would help New York so that people with families could find jobs. The stock
market crashed which led to more content...
In addition, he protected the depositor's account and the SEC. The SEC's job was to regulate the
stock market and prevent people abusing it. In 1935 Roosevelt asked Congress to pass a wave of
reform for the second new deal. The Social Security Act the Democrats help to led the congress to
raise taxes on large companies plus wealthy individuals. They created a tax called soak the rich.
Roosevelt won reelection with a huge margin in 1936. He beat the governor of Kansas. His name
was Alfred D. Landon. Roosevelt faced the Supreme Court for the New Deal program. He
proposed an expansion for the court that will allow them to pick a new justice for every sitting
70 years old or older. After the heated debate congress denied the court packing scheme. This was
the biggest setback in Roosevelt's career. The court changed direction, it held both the Social
Security Act and the Wagner Act. It was called national Labor Relations Act. In 1937, the crisis
had largely passed. By the following year, the republicans gained ground for the congressional
elections. Soon an alliance formed with the conservative democrats. That will block further reform
legislation's with the end of 1938 as support losing for the new deal roosevelt faced a new
upcoming challenge on it was on international stage. In the early 1937s FDR warned the people of
america it was all about the dangers of the hard line in germany, italy, and japan but though time he
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Fdr : Fdr And Leadership
FDR and Leadership Alvernia University Kenneth Stenger October 13th, 2014 Whether or not
you agreed with his policies Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a very effective leader. When he
became president the country was in the worst economic turmoil it has ever seen. Couple that
with his diagnosis of polio he received at the age of 39 that left him handicapped and leading the
country when we were fighting the greatest war that has ever been fought you can see that this
wasn't a president that had the luxury of leading while the country was at peace. He had arguably
one of the toughest presidencies, a presidency that required strong leadership and determination in
order for the country to become successful. When FDR was first elected president in 1932 many
people many people speculate that he he won so much of the vote due to the fact that everyone
was voting against the extremely unpopular Herbert Hoover rather then voting for him. Before he
died in 1945 he served longer then anyother president before or since and led the united states
through the two biggest challenges in the 20th century. Both historians and political scientists give
credit to FDRs high poll ratings to his extremely effective communications skills. His charisma
enabled him to connect with a large amount of the American people. It was said his voice made
him one of the most powerful speakers of the twentieth century. His voice coupled with the radio he
was able to project his message to millions of
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FDR and Winston Churchill Essay
Between the years of 1939 and 1945 the world was sent spiralling in a mess of corruption, violence
and uncertainty. Allied powers were faced with the unparalleled task of protecting the world from
tyranny. In terms of political power, this weight was bestowed upon the shoulders of two memorable
individuals. By and large Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt can be labelled as beacons of
democracy and leaders of the free world in their time.
Winston Churchill, the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, became an officer in the 4th cavalry in
1894. Between 1895 and 1899 he served in Cuba, India and South Africa as a reporter. Churchill
entered politics in 1900 and held many government posts until he was appointed First Lord of the more content...
In 1936, Roosevelt was re–elected to a second term in office. He denounced international aggression
and called for US entry into the war. In 1940, Roosevelt made history in becoming the only
president to serve for a third term in office. The United States, lead by Roosevelt entered the war
after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. On April 12, 1945, roughly a month before Germany
surrendered to the Allies, President Roosevelt died suddenly from a cerebral haemorrhage. He was
succeeded by Harry S. Truman.
Both Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt were leaders of democratic societies whose
general principles strongly advocate the promotion and protection of freedom. Great Britain and
the United States of America respectively have been the two greatest democratic nations, in terms
of economic and military factors, throughout the greater part of the twentieth century. This being
said, it is obvious that any leaders of these countries must share a similar set of values and have a
somewhat parallel view of international affairs. Both Churchill and Roosevelt believed in
democracy as the superior political system in the world. They both understood that human beings
should be given a certain number of rights and be treated fairly in a society. They also viewed
western style democratic living standards as a model for how a society should run and how people
should be treated.
Winston Churchill saw the early
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Franklin Delano Fdr's Achievements
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," said one of the greatest presidents our nation has
had: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Franklin was the 32nd president of the United States. He
worked extremely hard to shape our country into what it is today. He may have hit some rough
patches, but he did great things. Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived a hard working life with
multiple obstacles in his way, but he didn't let any of that stop him from achieving his goal. When
Franklin was born, he weighed ten pounds (Nardo 26). He was born in Hyde Park, New York
(Maney 2). His parents didn't name him for seven whole weeks. They argued over what they wanted
his name to be. His father wanted to name him Isaac, but his mother wanted to name him
more content...
Robert W. Lovett diagnosed Franklin with polio. It started with his left leg, and proceeded to his
right. It took many doctors to finally figure out what the problem was. (Nardo 16). In order to be
able to walk again, Franklin had to do exercises. He would swim in indoor pools a lot of the time.
Though it wasn't helping his legs too much, his arms became strong. He learned to get out of his
wheelchair and sit on other seats. He got leg brace that weighed about ten pounds each. He
learned to use them and eventually was able to walk with them. It may have been painful, but it
was another step towards healing (Nardo 18). Despite his sickness, Franklin wanted to get back
into politics. His wife and mother hated it, and wanted him to retire and try to get better. He told
them that he didn't want to waste his talent (Nardo 21). So, Franklin took charge as president, and
the first thing he had to deal with was the banking crisis. Our nation was in a Great Depression.
That was only the beginning of it, though. Franklin decided to create the "banking holiday." This
when every bank in the U.S. closed until the Department of the Treasury was able to examine every
bank's books. The ones in good financial condition would reopen, the ones that weren't would
remain closed until they regained firm footing (Maney 5). Franklin, then, called Congress into an
important session. This started a busy period of time of legislative activity. This was called
"Hundred Days." It
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FDR The First Hundred Days Essay
FDR The First Hundred Days One of the most traumatic situations this country has ever experienced
was the Great Depression. It was an extraordinary event for the people of this country because ,
unlike the previous events such as wars this country has experienced, it directly affected whole
families, including women and children. Many families were living in conditions similar to what we
see in third world countries today. These extraordinary times required an extraordinary leader.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was such a leader. While his New Deal policies were not the sole solution to
the multitude of problems that this country faced, the first hundred days of his administration set in
place the foundation that ultimately restored more content...
During his campaign, however, it was hard to tell exactly what Roosevelt's New Deal policy was.
He lashed out against the Hoover administration for high tariff policies, but by the end of the
campaign, no real difference separated the candidates on the tariff issue. In his speeches he said he
would increase aid to the unemployed, but he would slash federal spending (Leuchtenburg 10). One
of the New Deal administrators reflected subsequently: "Given later developments, the campaign
speeches often read like a giant misprint, in which Roosevelt and Hoover speak each other's lines"
(qtd. in Leuchtenburg 11). However, Hoover's handling of the economic crisis and many other issues
virtually assured Roosevelt of the Presidency.
In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt said "This nation asks for action, and action now.... We must
act and act quickly" (qtd. in Schlesinger 1). This address was also where his famous quote "The
only thing we have to fear is fear itself" was uttered (qtd. in Freidel 93) The first part of the New
Deal happened in the first three months of his presidency, which became know as the hundred days.
The first objective of the new administration was to get the banks on a more firm footing. On his
very first night in office, Roosevelt directed his Secretary of the Treasury to draft an emergency
banking bill, and gave him only five days to get it ready. On March fifth he proclaimed a national
bank holiday to close the
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Franklin D Roosevelt Biography Essay
The excerpt, "Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography", the video "Disney The American Presidents:
Franklin D. Roosevelt", and the article, "Biography: Franklin D. Roosevelt" all convey Roosevelt
as an extremely dedicated and hard working president. During a time of economic distress known as
the Great Depression and the dreadful fear of World War II,Franklin D. Roosevelt was given the
utmost responsibility of saving a crumbling nation from falling apart. Despite the major constraints
President Roosevelt suffered through which included him being afflicted with polio, he still revived
confidence and calmed the economy with achievements such as the New Deal. FDR faced multiple
hardships throughout his political and personal life, but with his more content...
Roosevelt Biography" depicts Franklin D. Roosevelt as a determined president who had no will
to give up. "Despite his courageous efforts to overcome his crippling illness, he never regained
the use of his legs"(4). Roosevelt had to endure the disadvantages that polio brought him, but
instead of agonizing over his pain, FDR chose to take on the responsibility to aid other polio
victims. Roosevelt's disability led him to create a foundation to help polio victims and to fund the
March of Dimes program which eventually established an effective vaccine for the miserable
disease. "Moved to create a 'grand alliance' against the Axis powers...pledged themselves to a
peacekeeping organization"(15). As America battled the Axis powers which consisted of Germany,
Italy, and Japan during World War II, FDR did not want his country to be defined as a defeated
nation. With all his power, Roosevelt united several countries who fought against the Axis powers
into a single organization currently known as the United Nations and claimed victory for America.
Franklin D. Roosevelt used his own feelings and powers to gain the trust of Americans by affirming
the victory of WWII and by making an impactful change for future polio
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Fdr's Accomplishments
Since the founding of the United States of America, many presidents have worked tirelessly in their
posts to change our country for the better. Some have seen abounding success, while others have
met a slow decline from glory. Of all of these generally noble and brave men, one especially has
stood out; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a remarkable idealist of a man and an amazing vehicle for
change in America. While in office, this dignified man demonstrated many positive qualities, such as
unrelenting optimism, heartfelt concern for both the populace and the land of America, and fierce
determination to accomplish his goals.
When FDR came into the presidency, this nation was in the throes of a depression, which had come
as a shock following the Roaring 20s, a time of prosperity and wealth for the United States. Despite
that, Roosevelt foresaw a bright and renewed future for us, and more content...
This is clearly seen in the overwhelming success of the aforementioned Works Progress
Administration, which lowered the unemployment rate from around 20% at the time of its
founding in 1933 to as low as 2% by 1943 (Hansan). Another amazing example of how Roosevelt's
valor paid off is visible through his famous fireside chats. These public expositions of the simple
political truth to a vast cross section of Americans, who were refreshed by the departure from the
secrecy they had endured ( Staff).
Throughout his 12–year presidency, Franklin Delano Roosevelt showed himself to be a politician
of the highest caliber. He displayed a positive spirit, a widespread concern for the people, and an
unmatched willpower in pushing through his most important policies and making them historic
successes. To conclude, FDR was a remarkable and extremely successful president who is one of
the most worthy to receive such an honor as being referred to as our best president
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Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay
During its years of existence, The United States of America had seen 42 presidents governing its
citizens and created policies, amendment and laws which they have lived by. But in 1933, a man
with views and a character different than his predecessors won the trust of millions of Americans
who at one point had no hopes, and a future seemed unclear. His name was Franklin D. Roosevelt, a
man whose willingness to build the economy of his country as the most powerful nation, brought
admiration not only among his fellow American citizens, but the rest of the world's.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on 1882 in Hyde Park, NY. Campobello, the Canadian Island
which lies between Maine and Nova Scotia in the Bay of Fundy was the playground more
FDR's proposals during his campaign were not so clear, but the American people who thought that
Hoover was not taking them anywhere, gave FDR the seat of the White House in 1932. (2)
On inauguration day in 1933, Admiral Grayson reported to the White House that the weather was
the worst any President had had since Taft in 1909. Franklin Roosevelt peered out of the window
and observed the crowd in the rain and said: if they can take it, I can. During the ride to the
capitol, FDR kept the window of his limousine down and waved at the hundreds of people
standing along Pennsylvania avenue. At the Capitol, the inaugural platform was open to the rain
but this incident did not impede FDR to give his speech. For two hours, he paused twice to wiped
the rain off his face(3). During his speech FDR gave a clear statement of reconstruction and was
determined to bring the country's economical crisis to a halt. In his first radio broadcast, he gave the
nation new courage, at that point he won the nation's confidence. He reopened banks, took the dollar
off gold, brought back beer. He put together a new alphabet: AAC (Agricultural Adjustment Act),
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), NRA (National Recovery Administration), PWA (Public Works
Administration), TVA (Tennessee: Valley Authority). (4). These programs had three specific goals:
Relief, Recovery and Reform, better know as FDR's New Deal.
When he was done with his speech, FDR made a choice
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The first inaugural address of Franklin D. Roosevelt was one that strove to lift the American
people off their feet as the country entered some of it's worst years during the Great Depression.
One of Roosevelt's strong advantages during his address was his ability to relate to the very real
concerns of the everyday American citizens. With pressures of the failing economy facing the
President–elect, he delivered this speech, addressing the nation about his plans for a New Deal.
Roosevelt made his first point in his address by stating, "...the only thing we have to fear is fear
itself." This statement later became one of the most famous Presidential lines in all of history. The
purpose of this statement was to remind the nation that for more content...
Roosevelt also uses this main topic for the mood of his entire speech; detailing the hopelessness that
these families feel during this crucial time. Another great rhetoric device that Roosevelt utilizes in
his speech is that of religion. In the closing statement of his inaugural speech, Roosevelt asks that,
"In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and
every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come." His reference to God was added in an
attempt to bring together the American people even in the greatest despair by using the topic
most relatable for people, especially at this time. Roosevelt also declares that, "These dark days
will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to
minister to ourselves and to our fellow men." Not only has he successfully engineered his speech in
a way that puts audience members in the same state of mind, but he also goes on to enlighten these
very same people to further instill hope and pride. Not only is this an effective rhetoric in his speech,
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FDR: The Greatest President Essay example
FDR: The Greatest President Who was the greatest president of the United States? There have been
many great presidents in the history of the U.S. Many presidents have led our country through very
trying times. Some people believe Lincoln was the greatest president. However, President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt led our country at times when a great leader was needed. Franklin D. Roosevelt
was the greatest president of the United States because of his New Deal, his great leadership skills,
and his strong and deep connection to the people of the United States. President Roosevelt initiated
the only program that could pull the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Roosevelt's New Deal got the
country through one of the worst more content...
The Social Security act aided many people with government relief. These 2 acts helped to boost the
economy. President Roosevelt's many daring projects proved to pay off in the end because many
people regained jobs. Roosevelt's New Deal basically ended the great depression altogether because
of his many government aid projects and employment agencies. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the best
commander–in–chief of America also because he was the best leader our country has ever seen.
FDR was a calm, brilliant person who made everyone around him believe he knew everything.
According to a biography on FDR, "Feeling the future world peace would depend on the relations
with America and Russia, he devoted much thought to planning of the United Nations, in which he
hoped international difficulties could be settled" (Digger history FDR biography 2). FDR always
put the future of his country before anything else and he always knew what would be best, both
important traits of great leader. FDR knew that having peace with Russia would be important in
preventing future world wars. Roosevelt devoted much time in ensuring that world peace and
because there is still no mass world war today, it would seem Roosevelt's United Nations Plan
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Franklin D Roosevelt Argumentative Essay
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States and ended up serving 12
years from 1933 until his death in 1945. He was born on January 30, 1882 in the state of New York
as the only child of the marriage between James Roosevelt, 54, and Sara Delano Roosevelt, 22
(Pearce, 2). His mother was extremely protective of her only child, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
received no formal education until he was age 14 (Pearce, 6) when he attended the Groton School
(Pearce, 15), which was a boarding school for boys of well–off families who were being set up to go
off to elite colleges such as Harvard, where Franklin Delano Roosevelt would ultimately attend
college (Pearce, 38). In college, he showed an initiative which would more
His fifth cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, was the president of the United States while Roosevelt was in
Harvard and was a major hero of Franklin. Franklin Delano would eventually marry Theodore's
niece, Eleanor, who was walked down the aisle by Theodore (Pearce, 55). Roosevelt would also
briefly attend Columbia University law school and go on to be a lawyer, a career which did not
particularly interest nor appeal to him (Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life before the Presidency). He would
enter politics as a Democrat in New York, but as a state senator, he often went against the
Democratic establishment of Tammany Hall and pushed for Progressive reforms. He would
continue in New York politics, and when the Great Depression struck in 1929, Roosevelt was the
governor of New York. (Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life Before the Presidency). He would first try to
help New York through the crisis before moving to try and help the nation by going against
Republican incumbent Herbert Hoover in the election of 1932. Although Roosevelt won all four
elections against all four Republican candidates he ran against, this election was most likely one of
the easiest, as Herbert Hoover was extremely unpopular; Roosevelt won the Electoral College
472:59 and the popular vote
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Fdr New Deal Essay
When FDR took office, the United States was experiencing one of, if not the worst, economic
depression. Labeled the Great Depression, FDR knew that extreme government policies would need
to be implemented to combat the problems that existed. To do this, FDR's "New Deal" policies did
just that. Whether it be the Social Security Program or any other aspect of the New Deal, the
response was highly effective. In fact, many programs from this time are still in use today,
showing just some of the ways that the role of the federal government was changed due to the
presidency of FDR. First off, the Social Security, as mentioned above has been very impactful. Its
purpose was to provide an income for people 65 and above for their retirement. This pushed the
elderly out of the workforce, allowing people entering the workforce to find a job at a time when
jobs were scarce and people were looking for any kind of income they could find. Later, this
program was evolved to include disability payments, and other sorts of financial security for the
needy, and still exists today, showing the uber success that has been found from a program started
in 1935. Another program created by FDR was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) which paid
young men for their work in fixing things in communities where it was needed. While the money
they more content...
The FDIC is another program that exists today, protecting people's money in the bank up to
$250,000 per account per bank. This came at a time when people rushed to the banks when the
stock market crashed to pull all their money out. When this occurred, many banks were
unfortunately forced to close their doors due to a lack of money. Many people lost their hard
earned life savings as a result as well. With the implementation of the FDIC, people were guaranteed
to keep their life
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FDR: New Deal Essay
Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FDR) is responsible for creating and establishing the New Deal
which saved the United States after the Great Depression. The New Deal was important because
the United States was in a major financial hole and had to get itself out. After the stock market
crashed in 1929 there were millions of people who were struggling just to get something to eat and
have a roof to sleep under. The program that FDR created made it possible for the U.S. to get up
and dust itself off. It created jobs and many organizations that were responsible for a lot of the public
works and state department organizations that we still use today.
The new deal also set the U.S. up for success if something financially wrong happened again by more content...
After Hoover had left office FDR managed to find these funds that weren't somehow available or
simply sought after by Hoover and started to refill America with many jobs to help rebuild America
with jobs and culture.
This Contribution was made all over the U.S. It was made in homes of broken down families who
were struggling just to get something to eat. It was made in banks where people now had a
reassurance that there money would be safe whereas before was not insured and had no guarantee of
any money should the banks lose all cash on hand. The contribution was made on the streets and
structures that needed a new touch or just needed to be built.
Congress helped FDR tremendously by backing him whenever he needed to pass a bill that would
help create jobs or help our country economically should something of this nature ever happen
again. So partly I believe FDR helped himself a lot by being the man he was and earning the trust
and loyalty of Congress and all of his fellow Americans who trusted FDR to turn this economic crisis
completely around.
One obstacle that FDR faced was that taxes had to be raised and the national debt was increased with
emergency funds being expended to fund organizations to create more jobs. He also had to cut the
budget of many government organizations such as the military, post office, and staff layoffs which
created some unemployment.
Anyone who was against the U.S. could have been
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Franklin D. Roosevelt's Influence In Politics
Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in 1882 at Hyde Park, New York. He attended Harvard University
and Columbia Law School. On St. Patrick's Day, 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt. He entered
public service through politics but as a Democrat. John Mack the Democratic District Attorney in
New York came to FDR's work office to get papers signed and offered FDR the chance to run for
the Assembly Seat that was about to open. President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of
the Navy, and he was the Democratic Nominee for Vice President in 1920. In 1921, when he was
39, he was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis. In 1928 he became Governor of New York. FDR's biggest
influence in politics was his 5th cousin, Teddy Roosevelt, who served as president more
He wanted to open trade markets with other countries and started this with the Soviet Union and
Latin America through the Good Neighbor Policy. For FDR's economic policy he started the
New Deal which was the first thing the Government went in with. The Government created 42
new agencies. FDR wanted to add higher taxes but, since the economy was so bad he knew the
Government would have to go into debt. FDR's domestic policy was about the same as his
political ideology where he wanted to expand and create more jobs in order to put more money
into the economy for people to spend and cause the business they spend it to make a higher profit.
One of the biggest scandals FDR faced was when Republican leaders in congress caused FDR to
face allegations after telling a story that he had left his dog, Fala, in the Aleutian Islands after a
family getaway and at the taxpayers expense he supposedly sent a Navy destroyer back to rescue
Fala. It didn't have much of a political impact other than the fact that others were furious that he used
taxpayers money, but, it was quickly proven that this scandal was a
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Fdr Essay

  • 1. Similarities Between Roosevelt And The New Deal President Franklin D. Roosevelt's program of relief, recovery, and reform that aimed at solving the economic problems created by the Depression of the 1930's, was referred to as the New Deal. The Great Society was the name given to the domestic program of the U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson. Both programs had similar yet opposing points. Something had to be done about the banking system disintegration, and the most conservative business leaders were as ready for government intervention as the most advanced radicals (Garraty 765). It was unquestionably Franklin D. Roosevelt who provided the spark that reenergized the American people (Garraty 765) more content... A large minority labeled the New Deal a solid success. "Considerable recovery had taken place, but more basic was the fact that Roosevelt, recruiting an army of forceful officials to staff the new government agencies, had infused his administration with a spirit of bustle and optimism" (Garraty 769). Although he wasn't much of an intellectual, his openness to suggestion made him eager to draw on the ideas and energies of experts of all sorts. The New Deal lacked any consistent ideological base. After 1936, the New Deal was thrown increasingly on the defensive (Stevenson 130). "The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that much of the New Deal legislation was unconstitutional, and the presidents proposal to enlarge the court to make it more liberal and therefore more amenable to the legislation caused many members of Congress to desert the president" (Stevenson 130). In addition, a severe recession led many people to turn against the New Deal policies. When World War II erupted in September 1939, Roosevelt grew increasingly reluctant to support reforms that might, by antagonizing conservatives in Congress or by alienating any bloc of voters, jeopardize support for his foreign policy (Stevenson 131). No major New Deal was enacted after 1938. United States entry into the war provided a temporary solution for many problems that had baffled New Dealers. The war, not the New Deal, triggered massive industrial Get more content on
  • 2. Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay Napolean Bonaparte once stated, "A leader is a dealer in hope." Hoover and Roosevelt had very different viewpoints on how to handle the Great Depression. Hoover preferred "rugged individualism," and FDR preferred "helping hand" philosophies. Hoover believed in assisting business in hope that this support would create a trickle down impact which would lead to investment and more jobs. FDR, on the other hand, wanted to provide people with jobs to increase confidence and correcting failures in certain economic institutions, leading to a bubble up scenario. It is ironic that Hoover knew how it felt to suffer in poverty as a child, yet FDR better handled the job of reassuring citizens that he was the man to get the nation out of its more content... The Great Depression was a test of will for Hoover, one that proved too difficult for him to manage. His "rugged individualism" approach failed to stimulate the consumption and production that was necessary to jump–start the dead economy. Hoover did eventually support some interventionist government programs that aimed at combating the Depression, he feared that government aid would breed a sense of dependence among the poor. Thus, he refused to extend assistance to millions of the nation's unemployed and hungry who were overwhelming private relief agencies. In the public eye, Hoover appeared uncaring and unwilling to admit that the people of the U.S. were starving and that his ideas and philosophies were failing miserably. He lost significant public support. In 1932, Hoover ran for reelection, anxious to prove that his policies could still revolutionize the economic crisis. Nonetheless, the Americans were captivated by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. The New Deal vaguely promised a crusade to restore America to its own people. Roosevelt won, with an unprecedented majority. Though Hoover's reputation is forever tarnished in the public's view, it has risen over time. Though he is no longer blamed for causing the Depression, Hoover's efforts to combat its aftermath were pathetic. He portrayed himself as an efficient engineer, a successful self–made man, a careful businessman, and a Get more content on
  • 3. Fdr And The Great Depression QBERT: (Quote) "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." (Background) Franklin Delano Roosevelt quoted this at his second Inaugural Address on January 20th, 1937. (Explanation) Throughout his terms, FDR has had many successful outcomes during his presidency into what shapes our nation today. (Relationship) FDR progressed with many achievements to help America revive and prosper. (THESIS) The response of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's administration to the problems of The Great Depression was effective because they created the New Deal program, revived enterprise, and made better use of the country 's land. Acknowledgement of other side– There was different opinions on how FDR managed situations such as Huey Long who believed FDR was doing nothing for the country. Topic Sentence Point 1: FDR disproved critics by creating various programs that assisted many people and improved the country's economy. Supporting evidence: FDR created The New Deal which was made up of many effective programs. Example: "The country now enjoys the safety of bank savings under the new banking laws, the careful checking of new securities under the Securities Act and the curtailment of rank stock speculation through the Securities Exchange Act" (Text 3 Lines 23–25). Explanation: These programs recovered the public confidence in the security of savings and changed the policies Get more content on
  • 4. Franklin D. Roosevelt Chapter Summary The authors of this chapter mostly described Franklin D. Roosevelt in a positive light and as a hero for ending the Great Depression. Before Franklin D. Roosevelt was president, he was the assistant secretary of the navy during the World War I. He was paralyzed in both legs from a condition called poliomyelitis. The authors thought that Roosevelt's disability profoundly shaped his unique personality also. However, they noted that before his disability he was somewhat arrogant and overbearing. His painful experience made him understand the disabled and disadvantages better. It made him much more determined to succeed instead of feeling sorry for himself. He was elected president during the worst depression in American history. There was a Get more content on
  • 5. Franklin D. Roosevelt: An Influential Leader Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was a man of unusual charm and great optimism, which he was able to communicate to others. He had a broad smile and was a charismatic optimist whose confidence helped sustain the nation through its darkest moments during crisis like the Great Depression and World War II. He became one of the most beloved of U.S. presidents for four terms in office. But beneath his outward friendliness was an inner reserve and an iron will. His admirers emphasized the way in which he met the nation's problems. They praised him for insisting that the federal government must help the underprivileged and that the United States must share in the responsibility for preserving more content... As the number of radios grew in the U.S., more people relied on this media for obtaining information and entertainment. During the Great Depression, when disappointment in the economy reached its peak, FDR resorted to speeches on the radio. These became known as "Fireside Chats" (Boorstin 624) during which FDR talked about the banking system and other economic concerns. In these chats, he could describe his actions and his reasoning so that everyone would understand what the government was doing (The Great Depression). The New Deal was a program designed to reverse the effects of the Depression. Some of the successful programs that it encompassed were ones such as the following: 1. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) which provided jobs for single men between the ages of 18 and 25 and earned $1.00 each day. 2. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which helped farmers by paying them not to produce crops; thereby, keeping their income from dropping by overproducing certain crops. Since less was being grown, the price for farm goods would rise. The government said that they would also pay farmers to plow some crops under and destroy some of the surplus. 3. So that more people could have jobs during the Depression, the WPA made jobs for people to work in buildings, hospitals, and parks. It also hired artists and photographers. 4. The FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, insured savings accounts in banks Get more content on
  • 6. FDR: The New Deal Essay examples Outline Thesis: The various programs created by FDR's New Deal helped bring the United States out of The Great Depression. Paper Outline Intro Who was FDR Why was he popular His views Thesis II.) The U.S. emerges from a depression About the depression Who was affected What the nation needed at the time FDR's help during New Deal Who helped him Why they did it It's effects on the nation Restoring Banks Why people lost faith in the banks What FDR did to increase faith the FDIC More Americans get jobs CWA FERA CCC Business relief How business was affected by depression NIRA NRA SEC Help for Farming Depression hurts agriculture AAA Improving Americans lives Poor conditions of depression TVA more content... Instead, most money was in the hands of a few families and businesses who saved or invested rather
  • 7. than spent their money on American goods. Supply became greater than demand on products. Certain people profited, but many others did not. As a result of this, prices went up and Americans could not spare the money for many goods. While the wealth in America was not being distributed evenly, and overspeculation of the stock market led to a lack of confidence, the United States began to fall into a deep depression that would last until the beginning of World War II (Gupta). Faced with this economic decline, came other factors that included unemployment and lack of confidence in banks (Church 100). Restoring faith in banks across the United States was one goal for FDR. As depositors lost confidence in the national bank, over $1,000,000,000 was taken out in cash and hoarded (Boardman 64). The Emergency Banking Act closed all banks for four straight days, and put them under inspection by the national government (Schraff 52). Banks were put under meticulous scrutiny by the Treasury Department. The U.S. government demanded that all hoarded gold be returned and all of the $1,000,000,000 was deposited (Boardman 65). Banks were allowed to open only under a strict system of licensing (Schraff 52). Another banking program was The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, which was created by Congress to guarantee deposits up to $5000 (Gupta). In the case Get more content on
  • 8. What Is Fdr Essay History voice of fdr History is filled with events and figures that shaped the course of the future. In some cases, the world would be totally different without the contributions of certain people. No figure is more essential to the modern history of the western world than FDR. Franklin Delano Roosevelt positively contributed to the world when he was governor and president of the United States though the year that he was in office. His disability did not hold him back from doing great deeds in the world. For instance, he help the people of New York when the stock market crashed by setting up the( T E R A) he thought that it would help New York so that people with families could find jobs. The stock market crashed which led to more content... In addition, he protected the depositor's account and the SEC. The SEC's job was to regulate the stock market and prevent people abusing it. In 1935 Roosevelt asked Congress to pass a wave of reform for the second new deal. The Social Security Act the Democrats help to led the congress to raise taxes on large companies plus wealthy individuals. They created a tax called soak the rich. Roosevelt won reelection with a huge margin in 1936. He beat the governor of Kansas. His name was Alfred D. Landon. Roosevelt faced the Supreme Court for the New Deal program. He proposed an expansion for the court that will allow them to pick a new justice for every sitting 70 years old or older. After the heated debate congress denied the court packing scheme. This was the biggest setback in Roosevelt's career. The court changed direction, it held both the Social Security Act and the Wagner Act. It was called national Labor Relations Act. In 1937, the crisis had largely passed. By the following year, the republicans gained ground for the congressional elections. Soon an alliance formed with the conservative democrats. That will block further reform legislation's with the end of 1938 as support losing for the new deal roosevelt faced a new upcoming challenge on it was on international stage. In the early 1937s FDR warned the people of america it was all about the dangers of the hard line in germany, italy, and japan but though time he Get more content on
  • 9. Fdr : Fdr And Leadership FDR and Leadership Alvernia University Kenneth Stenger October 13th, 2014 Whether or not you agreed with his policies Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a very effective leader. When he became president the country was in the worst economic turmoil it has ever seen. Couple that with his diagnosis of polio he received at the age of 39 that left him handicapped and leading the country when we were fighting the greatest war that has ever been fought you can see that this wasn't a president that had the luxury of leading while the country was at peace. He had arguably one of the toughest presidencies, a presidency that required strong leadership and determination in order for the country to become successful. When FDR was first elected president in 1932 many people many people speculate that he he won so much of the vote due to the fact that everyone was voting against the extremely unpopular Herbert Hoover rather then voting for him. Before he died in 1945 he served longer then anyother president before or since and led the united states through the two biggest challenges in the 20th century. Both historians and political scientists give credit to FDRs high poll ratings to his extremely effective communications skills. His charisma enabled him to connect with a large amount of the American people. It was said his voice made him one of the most powerful speakers of the twentieth century. His voice coupled with the radio he was able to project his message to millions of Get more content on
  • 10. FDR and Winston Churchill Essay Between the years of 1939 and 1945 the world was sent spiralling in a mess of corruption, violence and uncertainty. Allied powers were faced with the unparalleled task of protecting the world from tyranny. In terms of political power, this weight was bestowed upon the shoulders of two memorable individuals. By and large Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt can be labelled as beacons of democracy and leaders of the free world in their time. Winston Churchill, the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, became an officer in the 4th cavalry in 1894. Between 1895 and 1899 he served in Cuba, India and South Africa as a reporter. Churchill entered politics in 1900 and held many government posts until he was appointed First Lord of the more content... In 1936, Roosevelt was re–elected to a second term in office. He denounced international aggression and called for US entry into the war. In 1940, Roosevelt made history in becoming the only president to serve for a third term in office. The United States, lead by Roosevelt entered the war after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour. On April 12, 1945, roughly a month before Germany surrendered to the Allies, President Roosevelt died suddenly from a cerebral haemorrhage. He was succeeded by Harry S. Truman. Both Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt were leaders of democratic societies whose general principles strongly advocate the promotion and protection of freedom. Great Britain and the United States of America respectively have been the two greatest democratic nations, in terms of economic and military factors, throughout the greater part of the twentieth century. This being said, it is obvious that any leaders of these countries must share a similar set of values and have a somewhat parallel view of international affairs. Both Churchill and Roosevelt believed in democracy as the superior political system in the world. They both understood that human beings should be given a certain number of rights and be treated fairly in a society. They also viewed western style democratic living standards as a model for how a society should run and how people should be treated. Winston Churchill saw the early Get more content on
  • 11. Franklin Delano Fdr's Achievements "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," said one of the greatest presidents our nation has had: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Franklin was the 32nd president of the United States. He worked extremely hard to shape our country into what it is today. He may have hit some rough patches, but he did great things. Franklin Delano Roosevelt lived a hard working life with multiple obstacles in his way, but he didn't let any of that stop him from achieving his goal. When Franklin was born, he weighed ten pounds (Nardo 26). He was born in Hyde Park, New York (Maney 2). His parents didn't name him for seven whole weeks. They argued over what they wanted his name to be. His father wanted to name him Isaac, but his mother wanted to name him more content... Robert W. Lovett diagnosed Franklin with polio. It started with his left leg, and proceeded to his right. It took many doctors to finally figure out what the problem was. (Nardo 16). In order to be able to walk again, Franklin had to do exercises. He would swim in indoor pools a lot of the time. Though it wasn't helping his legs too much, his arms became strong. He learned to get out of his wheelchair and sit on other seats. He got leg brace that weighed about ten pounds each. He learned to use them and eventually was able to walk with them. It may have been painful, but it was another step towards healing (Nardo 18). Despite his sickness, Franklin wanted to get back into politics. His wife and mother hated it, and wanted him to retire and try to get better. He told them that he didn't want to waste his talent (Nardo 21). So, Franklin took charge as president, and the first thing he had to deal with was the banking crisis. Our nation was in a Great Depression. That was only the beginning of it, though. Franklin decided to create the "banking holiday." This when every bank in the U.S. closed until the Department of the Treasury was able to examine every bank's books. The ones in good financial condition would reopen, the ones that weren't would remain closed until they regained firm footing (Maney 5). Franklin, then, called Congress into an important session. This started a busy period of time of legislative activity. This was called "Hundred Days." It Get more content on
  • 12. FDR The First Hundred Days Essay FDR The First Hundred Days One of the most traumatic situations this country has ever experienced was the Great Depression. It was an extraordinary event for the people of this country because , unlike the previous events such as wars this country has experienced, it directly affected whole families, including women and children. Many families were living in conditions similar to what we see in third world countries today. These extraordinary times required an extraordinary leader. Franklin D. Roosevelt was such a leader. While his New Deal policies were not the sole solution to the multitude of problems that this country faced, the first hundred days of his administration set in place the foundation that ultimately restored more content... During his campaign, however, it was hard to tell exactly what Roosevelt's New Deal policy was. He lashed out against the Hoover administration for high tariff policies, but by the end of the campaign, no real difference separated the candidates on the tariff issue. In his speeches he said he would increase aid to the unemployed, but he would slash federal spending (Leuchtenburg 10). One of the New Deal administrators reflected subsequently: "Given later developments, the campaign speeches often read like a giant misprint, in which Roosevelt and Hoover speak each other's lines" (qtd. in Leuchtenburg 11). However, Hoover's handling of the economic crisis and many other issues virtually assured Roosevelt of the Presidency. In his inaugural speech, Roosevelt said "This nation asks for action, and action now.... We must act and act quickly" (qtd. in Schlesinger 1). This address was also where his famous quote "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" was uttered (qtd. in Freidel 93) The first part of the New Deal happened in the first three months of his presidency, which became know as the hundred days. The first objective of the new administration was to get the banks on a more firm footing. On his very first night in office, Roosevelt directed his Secretary of the Treasury to draft an emergency banking bill, and gave him only five days to get it ready. On March fifth he proclaimed a national bank holiday to close the Get more content on
  • 13. Franklin D Roosevelt Biography Essay The excerpt, "Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography", the video "Disney The American Presidents: Franklin D. Roosevelt", and the article, "Biography: Franklin D. Roosevelt" all convey Roosevelt as an extremely dedicated and hard working president. During a time of economic distress known as the Great Depression and the dreadful fear of World War II,Franklin D. Roosevelt was given the utmost responsibility of saving a crumbling nation from falling apart. Despite the major constraints President Roosevelt suffered through which included him being afflicted with polio, he still revived confidence and calmed the economy with achievements such as the New Deal. FDR faced multiple hardships throughout his political and personal life, but with his more content... Roosevelt Biography" depicts Franklin D. Roosevelt as a determined president who had no will to give up. "Despite his courageous efforts to overcome his crippling illness, he never regained the use of his legs"(4). Roosevelt had to endure the disadvantages that polio brought him, but instead of agonizing over his pain, FDR chose to take on the responsibility to aid other polio victims. Roosevelt's disability led him to create a foundation to help polio victims and to fund the March of Dimes program which eventually established an effective vaccine for the miserable disease. "Moved to create a 'grand alliance' against the Axis powers...pledged themselves to a peacekeeping organization"(15). As America battled the Axis powers which consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II, FDR did not want his country to be defined as a defeated nation. With all his power, Roosevelt united several countries who fought against the Axis powers into a single organization currently known as the United Nations and claimed victory for America. Franklin D. Roosevelt used his own feelings and powers to gain the trust of Americans by affirming the victory of WWII and by making an impactful change for future polio Get more content on
  • 14. Fdr's Accomplishments Since the founding of the United States of America, many presidents have worked tirelessly in their posts to change our country for the better. Some have seen abounding success, while others have met a slow decline from glory. Of all of these generally noble and brave men, one especially has stood out; Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a remarkable idealist of a man and an amazing vehicle for change in America. While in office, this dignified man demonstrated many positive qualities, such as unrelenting optimism, heartfelt concern for both the populace and the land of America, and fierce determination to accomplish his goals. When FDR came into the presidency, this nation was in the throes of a depression, which had come as a shock following the Roaring 20s, a time of prosperity and wealth for the United States. Despite that, Roosevelt foresaw a bright and renewed future for us, and more content... This is clearly seen in the overwhelming success of the aforementioned Works Progress Administration, which lowered the unemployment rate from around 20% at the time of its founding in 1933 to as low as 2% by 1943 (Hansan). Another amazing example of how Roosevelt's valor paid off is visible through his famous fireside chats. These public expositions of the simple political truth to a vast cross section of Americans, who were refreshed by the departure from the secrecy they had endured ( Staff). Throughout his 12–year presidency, Franklin Delano Roosevelt showed himself to be a politician of the highest caliber. He displayed a positive spirit, a widespread concern for the people, and an unmatched willpower in pushing through his most important policies and making them historic successes. To conclude, FDR was a remarkable and extremely successful president who is one of the most worthy to receive such an honor as being referred to as our best president Get more content on
  • 15. Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Essay During its years of existence, The United States of America had seen 42 presidents governing its citizens and created policies, amendment and laws which they have lived by. But in 1933, a man with views and a character different than his predecessors won the trust of millions of Americans who at one point had no hopes, and a future seemed unclear. His name was Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man whose willingness to build the economy of his country as the most powerful nation, brought admiration not only among his fellow American citizens, but the rest of the world's. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born on 1882 in Hyde Park, NY. Campobello, the Canadian Island which lies between Maine and Nova Scotia in the Bay of Fundy was the playground more content... FDR's proposals during his campaign were not so clear, but the American people who thought that Hoover was not taking them anywhere, gave FDR the seat of the White House in 1932. (2) On inauguration day in 1933, Admiral Grayson reported to the White House that the weather was the worst any President had had since Taft in 1909. Franklin Roosevelt peered out of the window and observed the crowd in the rain and said: if they can take it, I can. During the ride to the capitol, FDR kept the window of his limousine down and waved at the hundreds of people standing along Pennsylvania avenue. At the Capitol, the inaugural platform was open to the rain but this incident did not impede FDR to give his speech. For two hours, he paused twice to wiped the rain off his face(3). During his speech FDR gave a clear statement of reconstruction and was determined to bring the country's economical crisis to a halt. In his first radio broadcast, he gave the nation new courage, at that point he won the nation's confidence. He reopened banks, took the dollar off gold, brought back beer. He put together a new alphabet: AAC (Agricultural Adjustment Act), CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), NRA (National Recovery Administration), PWA (Public Works Administration), TVA (Tennessee: Valley Authority). (4). These programs had three specific goals: Relief, Recovery and Reform, better know as FDR's New Deal. When he was done with his speech, FDR made a choice Get more content on
  • 16. The first inaugural address of Franklin D. Roosevelt was one that strove to lift the American people off their feet as the country entered some of it's worst years during the Great Depression. One of Roosevelt's strong advantages during his address was his ability to relate to the very real concerns of the everyday American citizens. With pressures of the failing economy facing the President–elect, he delivered this speech, addressing the nation about his plans for a New Deal. Roosevelt made his first point in his address by stating, "...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." This statement later became one of the most famous Presidential lines in all of history. The purpose of this statement was to remind the nation that for more content... Roosevelt also uses this main topic for the mood of his entire speech; detailing the hopelessness that these families feel during this crucial time. Another great rhetoric device that Roosevelt utilizes in his speech is that of religion. In the closing statement of his inaugural speech, Roosevelt asks that, "In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come." His reference to God was added in an attempt to bring together the American people even in the greatest despair by using the topic most relatable for people, especially at this time. Roosevelt also declares that, "These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men." Not only has he successfully engineered his speech in a way that puts audience members in the same state of mind, but he also goes on to enlighten these very same people to further instill hope and pride. Not only is this an effective rhetoric in his speech, Get more content on
  • 17. FDR: The Greatest President Essay example FDR: The Greatest President Who was the greatest president of the United States? There have been many great presidents in the history of the U.S. Many presidents have led our country through very trying times. Some people believe Lincoln was the greatest president. However, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt led our country at times when a great leader was needed. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the greatest president of the United States because of his New Deal, his great leadership skills, and his strong and deep connection to the people of the United States. President Roosevelt initiated the only program that could pull the U.S. out of the Great Depression. Roosevelt's New Deal got the country through one of the worst more content... The Social Security act aided many people with government relief. These 2 acts helped to boost the economy. President Roosevelt's many daring projects proved to pay off in the end because many people regained jobs. Roosevelt's New Deal basically ended the great depression altogether because of his many government aid projects and employment agencies. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the best commander–in–chief of America also because he was the best leader our country has ever seen. FDR was a calm, brilliant person who made everyone around him believe he knew everything. According to a biography on FDR, "Feeling the future world peace would depend on the relations with America and Russia, he devoted much thought to planning of the United Nations, in which he hoped international difficulties could be settled" (Digger history FDR biography 2). FDR always put the future of his country before anything else and he always knew what would be best, both important traits of great leader. FDR knew that having peace with Russia would be important in preventing future world wars. Roosevelt devoted much time in ensuring that world peace and because there is still no mass world war today, it would seem Roosevelt's United Nations Plan Get more content on
  • 18. Franklin D Roosevelt Argumentative Essay Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States and ended up serving 12 years from 1933 until his death in 1945. He was born on January 30, 1882 in the state of New York as the only child of the marriage between James Roosevelt, 54, and Sara Delano Roosevelt, 22 (Pearce, 2). His mother was extremely protective of her only child, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt received no formal education until he was age 14 (Pearce, 6) when he attended the Groton School (Pearce, 15), which was a boarding school for boys of well–off families who were being set up to go off to elite colleges such as Harvard, where Franklin Delano Roosevelt would ultimately attend college (Pearce, 38). In college, he showed an initiative which would more content... His fifth cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, was the president of the United States while Roosevelt was in Harvard and was a major hero of Franklin. Franklin Delano would eventually marry Theodore's niece, Eleanor, who was walked down the aisle by Theodore (Pearce, 55). Roosevelt would also briefly attend Columbia University law school and go on to be a lawyer, a career which did not particularly interest nor appeal to him (Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life before the Presidency). He would enter politics as a Democrat in New York, but as a state senator, he often went against the Democratic establishment of Tammany Hall and pushed for Progressive reforms. He would continue in New York politics, and when the Great Depression struck in 1929, Roosevelt was the governor of New York. (Franklin D. Roosevelt: Life Before the Presidency). He would first try to help New York through the crisis before moving to try and help the nation by going against Republican incumbent Herbert Hoover in the election of 1932. Although Roosevelt won all four elections against all four Republican candidates he ran against, this election was most likely one of the easiest, as Herbert Hoover was extremely unpopular; Roosevelt won the Electoral College 472:59 and the popular vote Get more content on
  • 19. Fdr New Deal Essay When FDR took office, the United States was experiencing one of, if not the worst, economic depression. Labeled the Great Depression, FDR knew that extreme government policies would need to be implemented to combat the problems that existed. To do this, FDR's "New Deal" policies did just that. Whether it be the Social Security Program or any other aspect of the New Deal, the response was highly effective. In fact, many programs from this time are still in use today, showing just some of the ways that the role of the federal government was changed due to the presidency of FDR. First off, the Social Security, as mentioned above has been very impactful. Its purpose was to provide an income for people 65 and above for their retirement. This pushed the elderly out of the workforce, allowing people entering the workforce to find a job at a time when jobs were scarce and people were looking for any kind of income they could find. Later, this program was evolved to include disability payments, and other sorts of financial security for the needy, and still exists today, showing the uber success that has been found from a program started in 1935. Another program created by FDR was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) which paid young men for their work in fixing things in communities where it was needed. While the money they more content... The FDIC is another program that exists today, protecting people's money in the bank up to $250,000 per account per bank. This came at a time when people rushed to the banks when the stock market crashed to pull all their money out. When this occurred, many banks were unfortunately forced to close their doors due to a lack of money. Many people lost their hard earned life savings as a result as well. With the implementation of the FDIC, people were guaranteed to keep their life Get more content on
  • 20. FDR: New Deal Essay Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FDR) is responsible for creating and establishing the New Deal which saved the United States after the Great Depression. The New Deal was important because the United States was in a major financial hole and had to get itself out. After the stock market crashed in 1929 there were millions of people who were struggling just to get something to eat and have a roof to sleep under. The program that FDR created made it possible for the U.S. to get up and dust itself off. It created jobs and many organizations that were responsible for a lot of the public works and state department organizations that we still use today. The new deal also set the U.S. up for success if something financially wrong happened again by more content... After Hoover had left office FDR managed to find these funds that weren't somehow available or simply sought after by Hoover and started to refill America with many jobs to help rebuild America with jobs and culture. This Contribution was made all over the U.S. It was made in homes of broken down families who were struggling just to get something to eat. It was made in banks where people now had a reassurance that there money would be safe whereas before was not insured and had no guarantee of any money should the banks lose all cash on hand. The contribution was made on the streets and structures that needed a new touch or just needed to be built. Congress helped FDR tremendously by backing him whenever he needed to pass a bill that would help create jobs or help our country economically should something of this nature ever happen again. So partly I believe FDR helped himself a lot by being the man he was and earning the trust and loyalty of Congress and all of his fellow Americans who trusted FDR to turn this economic crisis completely around. One obstacle that FDR faced was that taxes had to be raised and the national debt was increased with emergency funds being expended to fund organizations to create more jobs. He also had to cut the budget of many government organizations such as the military, post office, and staff layoffs which created some unemployment. Anyone who was against the U.S. could have been Get more content on
  • 21. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Influence In Politics Franklin D. Roosevelt was born in 1882 at Hyde Park, New York. He attended Harvard University and Columbia Law School. On St. Patrick's Day, 1905, he married Eleanor Roosevelt. He entered public service through politics but as a Democrat. John Mack the Democratic District Attorney in New York came to FDR's work office to get papers signed and offered FDR the chance to run for the Assembly Seat that was about to open. President Wilson appointed him Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and he was the Democratic Nominee for Vice President in 1920. In 1921, when he was 39, he was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis. In 1928 he became Governor of New York. FDR's biggest influence in politics was his 5th cousin, Teddy Roosevelt, who served as president more content... He wanted to open trade markets with other countries and started this with the Soviet Union and Latin America through the Good Neighbor Policy. For FDR's economic policy he started the New Deal which was the first thing the Government went in with. The Government created 42 new agencies. FDR wanted to add higher taxes but, since the economy was so bad he knew the Government would have to go into debt. FDR's domestic policy was about the same as his political ideology where he wanted to expand and create more jobs in order to put more money into the economy for people to spend and cause the business they spend it to make a higher profit. One of the biggest scandals FDR faced was when Republican leaders in congress caused FDR to face allegations after telling a story that he had left his dog, Fala, in the Aleutian Islands after a family getaway and at the taxpayers expense he supposedly sent a Navy destroyer back to rescue Fala. It didn't have much of a political impact other than the fact that others were furious that he used taxpayers money, but, it was quickly proven that this scandal was a Get more content on