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BeanSwitch Staff
Executive Editors –
                   Misty Dunlap
			                 Sheila Scott
Visual Editor –   	
                   Kalsey Stults
Supporting Cast -
                  Eli Anderson
			               Eric Brand
			               Dave Chambliss
			               Jonathan French
			               Rocky Holland
			               Zack Nabors
			               Jennifer Parrish
			               Madilyn Peay
			               Beth Reed
			               Lyndsay Riggs
			               Crystal Springer
			               Marah Vogt
			               Sarah Williams
Faculty Advisors -	
     Chris Hill –
				     Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages
			  Jeffery Longacre –
				     Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages
			  Tomi Parrish –
				Department of Communications 
Art Table of Contents
Fire and Ice						Cody Speed				Cover
Ballet Dancer 					                  Memori DePriest		        1
Mystic Moon					                     Zachariah Dickson	    	 	3
Not Ready to Leave Here			           Cody Speed               9
Tearfall						Zachariah Dickson                              11
Drops of Jupiter					Cody Speed                              13
Distant Places Bring Lonesome Faces	 Cody Michael Williams   15
The Calling						Mary Jean Hall                              16
?							Alexandra Stover                                     19
Wish Right Now					Cody Speed                                20
Sadness						Zachariah Dickson                               23
Gaze							Alexandra Stover                                  26
Tree Woman Cries				                 Zachariah Dickson       24
Dance It All Away					               Beth Crocker            28
To be Unmeasured				                 Cody Michael Williams   31
Waterland						Zachariah Dickson                             33
Blooming with Hue				                Jocelyne Barchet        34
Another View of the Eiffel Tower		   Kara Kidwell            35
Abstract Painting 				               Lauren Suiter           36
Center						Melanie O’Neil                                   37
Wine Bottle						Aaron Burks                                 38
Alone at Last					Megan Schwab                               39
Curious Aquarium				Jocelyne Barchet                 40
Nighttime						Melanie O’Neil                        41
Gilt and Crystal at the Louvre			 Kara Kidwell       43
Night Sky Dreamscape				          Jocelyne Barchet   45
Blackhole Sun					Zach Johnson                       46
Oil							Alexandra Stover                           48
Into the Dark					Cody Speed                         50
The Companion					Diane Shaw                         54
Tilted, Twisted, and Worn			      Donna Hacker       57
Wonderland					Zachariah Dickson                     59
Feather Stone					Cody Speed                         60
Deadly Substance					Jocelyne Barchet                69
12:30							Aaron Burks                              70
Timeless						Kait Scott                             73
Literary Table of Contents
The Wedding Dance 				            Belinda Barker           2
The Visitors					Sonny Taylor                              4
These Shoes					Belinda Barker                            10
We Buried a Boy Today				         Belinda Barker          12
Benefits						Brittney Reed                               14
In God We Trust					              Ashley Burton           17
A Sideways Glance				             Kristin Brooks          21
Wonder Lust					Rachel Hurst                              25
Colorful						Jami Miller                                 27
The All Powerful Hairy Hand			    Jonathan Lucas French   29
The Question					Cody Jarman                              32
Ephemera						Brittney Reed                               42
A Modern Pyramus and Thisbe		     Misty Dunlap            44
Rotting Teeth					Rachel Hurst                            47
The Gremlin of All Hallow’s Eve		 Eli Anderson            49
Should I Do This?					            Regan Ward              51
The Shakes						Toshya Leonard                            55
Family Photographs				Belinda Barker                      58
Road to Recovery					Rocky Holland                        61
Please, Professor					Kathleen Alford                     71
Ballet Dancer
                                     Memori DePriest

                      Title: Ballet Dancer
                   Media: Graphite Pencils
                      Size: 11 x 14 inches
Intention: Wanted to try a technique we had done earlier in figure
            drawing while it was fresh on my mind.                   1
The Wedding Dance
                                 Belinda Barker

the wedding dance
of dreams yet untold
a ballerina I am! grace
and beauty to behold

a dress of organza
or leather or lace
and the joy of completion ripe
on my face

my Papa in earnest
showing his prize
and me in his glory
reflecting his eyes

the wedding dance
of dreams now told
a woman I am! grace
and beauty to behold

Mystic Moon
                                Zacharia Dickson

                       Graphic Design
                     2170 X 2996 pixels
 Capturing the eye of the viewer with the many aspects of the
night, and provoking the same mystified emotion that one has
                 when looking at the moon.
The Visitor
                                                     Sonny Taylor
	       Sitting in the hospital waiting room, a little girl swings her legs slowly. Her
hands are braced on the semi-soft plastic of the chair cushion as she looks around
the sterile, dimly lit room with soft brown eyes. Hospitals are nothing new to this
four-year-old, though for once she’s experiencing the waiting room as a visitor,
not a patient soon to be ushered back into a room. Still, the nurses are familiar to
her. Her gaze halts its exploration of the off-white walls as the squeaking of shoes
reaches her ears. Glancing in that direction, she smiles hesitantly at the woman
walking towards her, a nurse she knows from her countless visits here. This
nurse, she remembers, is particularly gentle when drawing blood.
	       “Hi!” she chimes sweetly, giving the woman a delighted smile, revealing
teeth that are just crooked enough to be charming, along with deep dimples. The
nurse stops by the little girl’s chair, the squeaking of her typical white shoes
coming to an abrupt halt.
	       “Hey, sweetie,” she answers warmly, her voice low and soothing. To the
little girl, she sounds like what a nurse should sound like, comforting, gentle and
friendly. Reaching one calloused hand into the pocket of her hot pink scrubs, she
pulls out a prized piece of candy for the girl, a small red lollipop wrapped in clear
plastic. Smiling, the girl takes the lollipop and opens it, popping it into her mouth
with a soft lip-smacking sound as she mumbles a polite, thank you. The nurse
laughs, reaching out to ruffle the little one’s dark curls.
	       “Are you excited about meeting your little brother?”
	       Gazing up at the nice woman’s angular face and pretty green eyes, the little
girl rolls her eyes.
	       “Not really. Babies are ugly. But, Momma says I ain’t gunna thank that when
I see him,” she answers honestly, knowing that it isn’t right to lie.
	       The nurse laughs, shaking her head slightly. As the tip of her long blond
ponytail brushes against her back, she gives the girl a conspirator’s grin.

“I thought my little brother was ugly when he was born, too. And he sure
did annoy me. But, I loved him, and when he woke us up in the middle of the
night with his crying, I’d always try to help my parents get him back to sleep.”
	      The little girl wrinkles her nose, her pale lips turning downwards to form a
serious frown.
	      “I sure hope he don’t keep me up all night. I gotta go to school, ya know.”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to get plenty of sleep, sw--” The nurse’s response is cut
off by the sudden voice booming in the air, the intercom speaker almost visibly
rattling from the sound. She lets out a startled sigh and stands quickly.
“You be good now,” she calls as she rushes off, her shoes squeaking again, much
faster this time.
	      Nearly an hour later, a painfully long amount of time for the little girl, a
doctor comes out and leads her back into a room. She skips along beside him
happily, her tiny legs working overtime to keep up with his long strides. Once in
the room, the girl lets out a delighted cry of “Mommy!” before rushing towards
the woman. She half climbs onto the bed, struggling slightly with its height, to
plant a loud cherry scented kiss on the dark haired woman’s sweaty cheek. Then
she freezes, her brown eyes locking on the bundle in the baby bed next to her
	      “Is that him?” she asks curiously, not looking away from the bundle to see
her mother’s smile.
“That’s him, alright. You have a little brother, possum britches. His name is
Nathan,” the mother answers weakly, obviously more than a tad tired from the
hours of labor.
	      The little girl hops off the bed and walks slowly over to the baby’s bed,
stretching up on her tiptoes to see him better. As her mother and the doctor talk,
the girl stares at the little thing in the bed. It doesn’t look completely human; its
head is big, its body is too long, its hands are chubby, and its fingers are so tiny
that she isn’t sure they’re fully formed. As she stares at him, the little thing blinks
slowly and then gazes up at her with squinty blue eyes. She reaches over slowly
to touch his puffy little hand, wondering why his skin is so red that when she
touches it the spot around her fingers goes all white and weird looking. The baby

wiggles his fingers slightly, barely a twitch, and she slides her index finger against
his palm. As he closes his tiny little stubs around her slim digit, a delighted smile
breaks across her innocent face. Practically glowing with happiness, she gazes
adoringly at the little boy until he closes his eyes again and releases her finger.
	      Finally, she looks towards her mother again.
	      “Mommy?” she quips quietly, not wanting to disturb the baby.
	      “I gunna call him Bubba,” she answers, as though this is the most simple,
and highly important, thing in the world.
	      For around six months the little girl goes to school when she has to, but
otherwise she stays home, practically attached to her brother’s side. In her mind,
the rapidly growing baby is the most precious thing in the world. She doesn’t
mind when he cries. She patiently allows him to pull on her long brown curls. She
giggles at how much noise he makes when he’s happy and how he smiles when he
sees her. Life is perfect.
	      One night, at her grandma’s house, Bubba is lying on the couch while
Momma gets ready to change his diaper. The girl prances into the kitchen,
opening the door to the large white refrigerator and looking around in it. Not
finding what she wants, she shuts the door and heads towards the back porch to
ask her Pa if he can help. However, before she can cross the distance, she hears
an alarmed cry. She rushes towards the sound quickly, hearing her Bubba’s wail
start up. Before she can get to him, she’s scooped up in her Daddy’s arms and
carried in the opposite direction. Daddy takes her home, without Momma or
Bubba, and for hours she paces the house, whining impatiently and demanding to
see her brother. Finally, Momma comes in the door, Bubba in her arms. The little
girl rushes towards them, rambling on a mile a minute wanting to know what’s
happening and why everyone’s so upset.
	      “Bubby just hit his head,” Momma explains quietly, as the strapping baby
boy reaches impatiently for his sister, making grabby hands.
Satisfied with this response, and seeing that he’s okay, the little girl reaches
up and slides her own sun-kissed hand into his chubby paw. Things go back to
normal, for a few days.

Three nights later, the little girl stands in the waiting room of a hospital,
yet again. This time, tears streak down her cheeks and she clutches her jacket
closed around her pajamas. A Beanie Baby puppy is firmly squished between one
arm and her chest as she sobs quietly, pleading with anyone who will listen, to
please tell her what’s wrong. She can’t understand why her Bubba was shaking so
badly, or why her Momma and Daddy are crying and they aren’t allowed to see
him. As they cart the little boy out of the hospital on a stretcher, into the awaiting
helicopter, the little girl rushes after him. She stands in the hospital doors,
watching the massive blades slice through the air, practically cowering away from
the terrible sound. She watches with wide, terrified eyes as the giant metal beast
takes her brother away. Then, she’s rushed off to her grandma’s house while
Momma and Daddy go to take care of Bubba and bring him home.
Not a week later, she’s sitting in the miniature rocking chair in the middle of her
grandma’s living room, clutching the same stuffed puppy to her chest. Her face
is still streaked with tears, but she’s smiling up at a man in a dark suit. This man,
his light brown eyes warm and welcoming, jokes with her. He asks to sit in her
chair, and she squeals in protest, informing him that he’s too big and will break
it. He asks to see her puppy, and she clutches it tighter, her bright smile suddenly
fading. He sighs, his dark skin lacking in a certain glow that shows someone
is enjoying his activity. Brushing his lanky fingers through his short brown
hair, he crouches down in front of the girl, giving her a very serious look. And
then he asks a round of questions that range from just plain silly to absolutely
devastating. Finally, she’s in tears again, glaring up at this man. His eyes are no
longer warm but full of sorrow.
	       He smoothes over his dark suit nervously, unsure as to how to face the
wrath of this tiny whirlwind.
	       “My Mommy and Daddy are not mean. You are mean. Stop bothering me.
Go away. NOW!” Her voice rises with each word, until she’s shouting at him, her
cheeks flushed and her eyes nearly black with fury.
	       “They never hurt us!” she adds in a softer tone, the words broken by a sob,
before she rushes out.
	       The man in the suit thanks her grandma for their time, shaking her hand
and apologizing for upsetting the little girl. Then he turns to his partner, a man

with a similar appearance but no fondness or sympathy for children. This man
had been ignored by the little girl during the entire meeting, as she’d heard him
telling her grandma that they didn’t want her seeing her mother or father.
	      “I think she made it pretty clear,” the nicer man says as they take their
	      Days go by, the funeral passing in a blur that she doesn’t even want to
remember. She cries almost constantly, wanting her brother back, wanting to see
her parents, wanting to know why God is being so mean. The days turn to months
before she’s allowed to live with her parents, only seeing them when supervised.
During this time, the only comfort to her is her dreams.
	      Every night, she experiences the same dream. A soft glowing white light
surrounds her, and soon enough she isn’t alone, but in the company of a beautiful
woman with long blond hair and comforting green eyes. This woman, however,
isn’t dressed in hot pink scrubs or bringing lollipops. A white dress that seems
to flow and flutter constantly covers her willowy form in a demure fashion, the
sleeves falling well past her hands. Large white wings sprout from her back, a
source of interest to the girl even though she understands what they mean. The
feathers ruffle occasionally, in response to some movement or action, creating a
comforting sound that soon becomes the little girl’s new version of her brother’s
laugh. And a thin ring of gold hovers above the woman’s head, glowing with the
same bright white light as everything else in this dreamscape. The woman brings
news, her voice somehow holding every happy memory the little girl has of her
brother. The news is always the same. Bubba is okay, he is happy; he is with
people that love him. He is not gone.
	      As much as the little girl may want to stay in this dream with this woman
who reminds her of happiness, she cannot. Soon enough, life returns to
happiness; though, there are moments of great sorrow. She returns to her parents.
She grows up. She never forgets the visitors of her youth: the nurse that told her
it was possible to like her brother; the man in the suit that tried to gain her trust,
simply so he could question her about her parents; and the angel that visited
her dreams to help her find closure. But most importantly, the adorable little
boy, who was the most amazing Bubba in the world, while he had the time to be,
the little boy that changed her life, and left a deep mark on her heart, soul, and
Not Ready to Leave Here
                               Cody Speed

            Not Ready to Leave Here
                  Pen and Ink
        Leaving behind someone you love.

These Shoes
                                    Belinda Barker
these shoes
never worn in my youth
stiff and unyielding
perched high on
their lofty place

these shoes
brought down with halting purpose
alien and new
beside a dress
the color of mourning

these shoes
creased with maps from my tears
scalloped and hot
fallen from downward eyes
that cannot turn away

these shoes
broken and pliant
hidden beneath the silent stories
of my life

Tear Fall
                                                       Zacharia Dickson

                                 Graphic Design
                               1384 X 3648 pixels
Represents the sadness of losing a loved one, through the heart of a grieving child.

We Buried a Boy
                                           Belinda Barker
we buried a boy today
a beautiful boy

the sound
of a mother’s silent mourning

the sound
of your own child’s grief

unimaginable sounds
unanswerable questions
unthinkable answers

the sound
of each heart rending
joining all the others
desperate to make sense
of the beautiful boy’s death

the sound
of young men in unison
their cadence crushed and strong
singing the swan song of the boy

the sound
of love

we buried a boy today
a beautiful boy
In loving memory of Jacob Cole Nunley (September 22,
1993--September 10, 2012)
Drops of Jupiter
                                     Cody Speed

                Acrylic on canvas
 Looking up and seeing the one you lost in the stars.

You sit across from me
and tell me about my retirement options.
                                                     Brittney Reed
Even you know this is ridiculous:
the tiny giggle bubbles from your lips
at the end of each sentence.
You were running late—
I’m twenty-three.
I must make you feel awkward.

You tell me about my new life
insurance policy, and I wonder if I died
how much money my parents would get,
if it would be enough for even one round
of my father’s chemo. If it could gather
each hair from his pillow, weave it into something
other than an empty bank account
and a line of zeros.

My face is pale but unfair, unlined.
They call me sweetie on the phone, ask for my superior.
The little I command is too much.
They want to know where I hide my incompetence.
I must keep it in my tiny pocket of years,
sewn into the hem of my thrift store skirt.

You push pages across your desk
and I sign each one with my name
but also with thank you,
with I’m sorry,
I don’t want this,
I have no place in my life to put it.
I don’t want this,
I have no place in my life to put it.
Distant Places Bring
  Lonesome Faces
                 Cody Williams

The Calling
                             Mary Jean Hall

         The Calling
        Digital Photo
Capturing the beauty of nature.

In God We Trust
It all seems the same                            Ashley Burton
Justification for a game
Reality for a peace
A color of a painting for which we might be
The same God in a different land
Holding the same hands
Leading people to understand
Yet you hate and migrate
And won’t seek face of
Anyone who looks differently
Than you
Who speaks with more slurs than you do?
And we sin and say only God can judge me
Like it is ok to be a slob of whom we teach not to be
It all seems the same
Justification for a game
Reality for a peace
A color of a painting for which we might be
Wars based on differences
And we neglect what is significant
For prized possessions that fade away
And say we want a piece of heaven
Yet don’t search for righteousness
Or pray to understand what needs to be understood
This is a land where people look at your shoes
Before they speak to you
And ask what you do
Instead of asking about you
It all seems the same
Justification for a game
Reality for a peace
A color of a painting for which we might be
We base our trust in a government we distrust
And take from the poor
Knock if you may on murderers’ door
And we claim that every hard working person is evil
We belittle if they don’t meet the standards of everyone else
We have forgotten about the collective good
And only think about self
We say Amen
Although we don’t agree
We get on our knees to do everything but pray
So I say
It all seems the same
Justification for a game
Reality for a peace
A color of a painting for which we might be


Noah’s Ark
             Alexandra Stover

Wish Right Now
                                            Cody Speed

                      Acrylic on canvas
Saying goodbye to all your dreams and wishing for a reprieve.

A Sideways Glance
                                                Kristin Brooks
Beth quietly retrieved her coffee from the counter of the coffee shop, and
retreated to a corner seat in the back of the supposedly warm, and welcom-
ing café. She couldn’t help but enjoy the warm rays of the sun that, regardless
of the bold orange blinds, seemed to be drawn to her like two magnets, that
had found themselves in the bottom of the cluttered kitchen ‘catch-all’ draw-
er. She seemed to be surrounded by warmth: the friendly waitress behind
the counter who had smiled, as she had unknowingly given her the incor-
rect change; the rays of sun passing through the windows; and the appealing
sideways glance of the handsome young gentlemen, sitting across from her
sipping, on what appeared to be a latte, covered in rich cream. Wait, this last
entry in the never-ending lists of her mind was one that had not been noticed,
or logged mentally, before. She found herself out of her comfort zone, being
one who usually melted, unnoticed into the scenery.
The man reminded her of Steven, her ex, who had broken her heart, just a few
months before. She had fallen in love with him, and the year that they had
been together, had been wonderful. Beth had always been a quiet person, who
never said much, and was always in the shadow of others. Steven had the un-
canny ability of making her forget about her self-conscious nature, and could
draw her out of herself enough, that she could enjoy life. She had finally
learned to trust him, and had started to picture their future together, just as
her world had come crashing down. He had sat her down at the kitchen table,
in the apartment that they shared, and bluntly told her that he had met some-
one else. He left shortly after that, and she hadn’t seen him since. This had
propelled her back deeper, into her painfully shy world of self-consciousness,
and withdrawal.
Seeing this man, Beth thought to herself, that maybe this was the start to
a new beginning, a second chance at a life with someone else. She held her
breath as the man smiled, rose to his feet, and started to make his way to
her table. Her heart fluttered, as his shiny black shoes waded through what

had once been a cup of coffee strewn along the floor that had carelessly and in-
efficiently been cleaned up. Her mind flew to the possibilities of what he might
say to her, and what she could possibly say that would keep him from running in
the opposite direction. She always had been able to say just the wrong thing that
would cause a guy to quickly excuse himself, from her presence, but maybe she
had learned enough from Steven, to keep this guy from bolting.
He grew closer and closer, and time seemed to pass slower and slower. Time was
jolted into what seemed an endless Hades, as he passed by her and reached for
the decorative handle of the exit door, she had unknowingly placed herself be-
side, as she felt her hopes diminish and her dream for a normal life disappear,
along with the handsome stranger, around the bustling street corner.

                            Zachariah Dickson

             Graphic Design
           2265 X 7681 pixels
Emotions: meant to be seen, not held in and
              thought on.                     23
                                        Alexandra Stover

 Watercolor (landscape) Acrylic (characters) on canvas
Putting my original characters in their natural environ-
                ment for the first time.

Wonder Lust
                                             Rachel Hurst
I want to take this world
And crack it within these trembling hands.
I want to take it
And press its fractures to my lips
So that I can drink deeply of its
Wonders and secrets.

Tree Woman Cries
                                             Cody Speed

                       Graphic Design
                      2264 X 3046 pixels
Even when the world around you is beautiful, it does not make up
                   the grief within oneself.
                                 Jami Miller
            Blue lips, Red eyes
        Violet patches on my skin
           Reluctant apologies
           Mean nothing when
         Released from those lips
           And then I hear him
Whisper “you are my favorite fragile thing”
          And I am in love again.

Dance It All Away
                                               Beth Crocker

                  Permanent Marker and Sharpie
Expressing joy, youth, and freedom in the use of the figure and the
The All Powerful Hairy Hand
                                                Jonathan Lucas French
	      He was lying there in the rank smell of urine and shit, stiff, like a fish you
left in the back of a pickup too long on a hot day. With his pants and underwear
at his ankles it was almost surreal seeing him there, in the basement of the
church, where my family knelt and prayed, sang and danced. With an open mouth
and eyes wide open, stuck, frozen in time, his face was mashed against the cold
cement floor. It was so much to take in, standing there seeing him. I didn’t dare
move nor make a sound. I just stood and stared, listening to the music and the
people I knew to be good, dancing and celebrating Jesus in all His glory, in the
sanctuary above.
	      It was Willard, the retarded boy, who didn’t like to be touched by anyone
he didn’t know. He was Mrs. Dowdy’s grandson and she had taken him to every
church service I ever been to. His beard was one of wonder, one that could never
be groomed, due to his erratic violent movements. He sat often in front of me
and my family, and I would peer at him and ponder as to what he was thinking,
as he moved his head as if flies were all about. He was unique, gray haired at an
early age, with yellow and black teeth that were usually clenched. He had aged
eyes that seemed to look beyond this world and into another. I admired him,
admired his blood vessels that ran wild, standing out on his arms like markings
on a map. I admired his strength for throwing people about when they would try
to place hands on him. He was almost a super hero in slacks, Willard, the retard.
Now he was beneath me, dead in a puddle of his own piss, with people dancing
above unbeknownst to his new form.
	      A hand was placed on my shoulder, coming from nowhere, startling me,
almost like it was a hand of God himself. It was Brother Rick, dressed in black as
always, holding me, reassuring me. Standing there we looked at poor Willard.
	      “Dear Lord, what in the world was he doing?” Brother Rick said calmly,
clenching me close, my elbow at his waist.

Staring at Willard, it was a thought, his words, though none of real reason.
I was young and knew not a lot, but I knew it wasn’t what Willard was doing,
rather what had been done to him. With tears in my eyes waiting to fall, my
body tensed up with every movement of Brother Rick’s big hairy hand, working
its way up my neck, as I looked at the last of my mindless super hero. I thought
I was special. I thought I was the only one. I thought if I could’ve been Willard,
I would’ve been strong enough, mindless enough, to fight back; I wasn’t, and
neither was he.

To be Unmeasured
             Cody Williams

The Question
                                    Cody Jarman
             This is not a poem
            nor is it a short story
                  nor a play
     nor a dance, painting, or sculpture
 It is present merely to raise the question
              Just like you or I

            The universe is wide
       it is an eternally silent plane
  but if a being gives a voice to the void
       is that not meaning enough?

                                                     Zachariah Dickson

                                    Graphic Design
                                  1930 X 3804 pixels
Showing the fluidity of both ocean creatures and humanity, and our ability to change and
                           warp to the changing of the world.

Blooming with Hue
                                       Jocelyne Barchet

                      Acrylic Paint
  Showing a full spectrum of color centered on flowers.

Looking up the Eiffel at Night
                                                        Kara Kidwell

                            Digital Photo
                         4320 x 3240 pixels
    Showing an angle of the Eiffel Tower that is not normally seen.

Abstract Painting
                                                      Lauren Suiter

                                    Acrylic on canvas
An abstract piece that contains no recognizable forms yet depicts an overall happy mood.

                             Melanie O’Neil

Capturing the beauty of Mother Nature.

Wine Bottle
                                          Aaron Burks

               Charcoal on Paper
A study of still life with light, shadow and tone.

Alone at Last
                                        Megan Schwab

             Oil on Canvas
                 28x 22
Endeavoring with oil paints for the first time.

Curious Aquarium
                                         Jocelyne Barchet

Representing the curiosity of a young person’s mind.
   (Notice the child in the bottom-left corner)

                                      Melanie O’Neil

Showing how bright the world can be at night.

                                                     Brittney Reed
I find my pleasure in cheap things meant to be taken off
like the leopard-print slip that slides
over the cleft between thighs
with a purring, symphony of zippers

meant to be thrown away
the books never made for top billing on any shelf
paperbacks born to die kicked under beds
pages still sticky with cherry soda and lust

to be tossed aside
the thin edge of night and morning
when another cigarette forever is never the last
and the car tires binge-eat asphalt
like they’re looking for love at the bottom of the cookie jar

made cheap and easy
the lucky can buy happiness from gumball machines,
find it in lipstick, unicorn pink
glitter stickers on early ‘90s trapper keepers

both trashy and inane
arraying selves in junk,
building lives out of cast-offs from the bottom of the drawer,
lighting blonde Jesus candles while radio starlets gyrate
on tarnished silver screens

They wouldn’t call it tacky if it didn’t stick in your heart.

Gilt and Crystal at the Louvre
                                        Kara Kidwell

                Digital Photography
                 4320 x 3240 pixels
       Showing a chandelier from another angle.

A Modern Pyramus and Thisbe
                                                        Misty Dunlap
I am having a love affair between the walls

knock once for are you there
knock twice with a long pause in between for I want to kiss you
knock three times for reassurance that everything will be okay

we will not wake up in ten years to find we still have not
taken that road trip or won a Nobel Prize

we sleep as close as we can to our shared wall
backs pressed, ribs uncurled
a knuckle running against the eggshell white paint
as if the color was the soft crook of an elbow

whisper all your fears, regrets, plans, likes

I will keep an empty tumbler on my windowsill
ready to listen

Night Sky Dreamscape
                            Jocelyne Barchet

           Oil paint
      Resembling a dream.

Blackhole Sun
                              Zach Johnson

  Charcoal on Drawing Paper
      Realizing an idea.

Rotting Teeth
                                                        Rachel Hurst
	     His fingers sailed across the decaying teeth, lithe and caressing. Each one
gave in to his touch hesitantly, and whispered music between the trees and
the moonlight. Melodies soared into the night, carried on his breath with each
slow exhale. Around him the world hushed. No cry of the birds were heard, no
movement of the wind called. All the sounds of the night fell quiet in the presence
of him and the long forgotten instrument. The stars, as well, took a step back at
the show of his hands’ gentle play.
	     Sour wood permeated the air and foliage spilt forth from its core. The feel
of the ruts and scars marred along the keys matched his own on the curve of his
lip and those along the delicate lining of her heart. It was an outcast to its owner,
just as the girl with shaking hands was to the lover before him. Each groan of an
unyielding chord struck him, just as the hardness in her words would. Despite
its quiet beauty, abuse had left its scoring mark on the piano, leaving its spirit
broken for nature to take back into its bosom. No amount of skill would again
beckon its beautiful language. Its love cast away from its owner, just as his
beloved had been. No, neither the piano nor the girl would sing for him, as they
had for those that touched them before. But still he would remain.

                                                  Alexandra Stover

                          Oil painting on canvas
Being striking and complimentary of the colors within it while remaining loose.

The Gremlin of All Hallow’s Eve
                                                     Eli Anderson
I tell you now of a beast of old
Who walked the earth with courage bold.
Listen close with fervid ear
And lean in close so you may hear.
He walked these hills, these plains, these woods
And even terrorized our neighborhoods.
His figure is ghastly, his spirit you’ll feel
And his presence alone will make grown men squeal.
His long lanky limbs leave no print in the earth
And he is ghoulishly misshapen for lack of girth.
He prowls the night with malice entail
And he uses the land for his shadowy veil.
His hair hangs long from all four limbs
And cursed be the soul that catches a glimpse.
His long ivory claws stay sharp from use
And from them he learned to deal man abuse.
His large sunken eyes can be spotted at night,
They’ve been known to emit a ghoulish green light.
Do not be fooled, he is no boorish brute
His mind is as sharp as yours and mine to boot.
He is often seen tracing the water’s edge
And is occasionally spotted peering from a mountain ledge.
We know not where he next will creep
But we know that he can never sleep.

Into the Dark
                                            Cody Speed

                      Pen and Ink
Facing the darkness and pain is always better with a friend.

Should I Do This?
                                                       Regan Ward
Should I do this? What if I’m gonna regret this? John’s pale face feels like it is
gradually beginning to sizzle under the scrutiny of the sun’s rays. Kate draws
his attention, away from deep thoughts, with the breathless sigh to his right that
brings goose bumps to every inch of his skin. He is so warm and so cold; he is
incredibly confused but also absolutely sure. Her freckled collarbones slowly rise
as the small bits of pollen around her face rush to her pink, slender nose. A few
strands of pumpernickel-colored hair slide elegantly across her high cheekbone
and strong jaw line, as she tilts her closed emerald eyes towards him.
“What?” she says.
“What ‘what’?”
“You’re staring at me. You can’t hide it from me anymore, ya know?”
“So, you can just sense that now or something?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Ever since high school,” she says.
“Ah, yes, Arlington High. How you loved that place.”
“Oh, hush. It’s not like you were having the time of your life either.”
“I started to, senior year.”
“Now you’re just sucking up.”
“No really. Just like right then; your giggle always made French easier.”
“Weren’t you just blessed the only seat open was right in front of you, then?”
“Nah, first thing that came to mind was, ‘Ew, freshman.’”
“Don’t even pretend. I knew what you were thinking the first day of freshman
“You’re weird.”
“You’re the one staring.”
“It’s nothing. You just look relaxed is all.”

“You suck at lying, even with my eyes closed.”
“I thought you were sleeping, so I was going to play a prank on you.”
“Really? What prank was that?”
“No, I’ll just save it for later,” he says.
“You weren’t going to play a prank.”
“You can wipe that little smirk off your face, smart butt. I did have a prank.”
“Then do it. I still have my eyes closed, don’t I?”
“You won’t like it.”
“Isn’t that the point of a prank?”
“Not my prank.”
“Then why don’t you do it?”
“Maybe, I will.”
“You’re too careful about things. You need to buck up, Mister.”
“You pick on me now, but wouldn’t you want any boy to be careful with you?”
“I’m not pickin’ too bad. And, of course I would, but you’re different.”
“You don’t want me to be careful?”
“No, you just aren’t anywhere near normal.”
“Aren’t we just a pair then?”
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to be. I mean, come on, we’ve known each
other for about seven years now, right? If I haven’t decided by now that I hate
your guts, when will I ever?”
“Seriously, John, I’m only kidding. What is it? You looked like you were about to
be sick… but just now you look like you could up and kiss that frog sitting by that
half-sunk log over there. What is up with you today?”
“I just wanted to ask you something.”
“And that’s your prank or…”
“Yeah, kind of.”
“So, what is it?”
“You’re kinda cute, you know that?”
“Do what now?”
“Will you marry me?”

“You are a jerk.”
“You do not ask a girl to marry you as a prank, if you want to live to see the
mornin’ after.”
“Sorry, I didn’t think it would bother you.”
“It didn’t.”
“Hey, I do have a real question for you, though.”
“What’s that?”
“Wanna propose to me?”
	      “I just did.” 

The Companion
                                                         Diane Shaw

                                 Acrylic on Paper
                                       14 x 21
Signifying the universal behavior pattern for those who have the ability to be a loyal
                  companion without the need to be self-serving.

The Shakes
                                          Toshya Leonard
All of the fine China
Has been put away
Since the fateful hour
Grandpa got the shakes.

Grandma took out the TV
And the garbage too,
But judging by her expression,
It didn’t do much good.

There Grandpa sits talking
To all of no audience,
And all the doctors can prescribe
Is a dose of plenty patience.

As Grandma’s wrinkles grow,
Grandpa’s condition stays the same.
The pills; the drugs; the war; the Man;
Those are who to blame.

He can remember the past
As clear as the blue sky,
And all Grandma can do
Is sit back in her rocker and cry.

Grandpa hasn’t been his best
Since April of 1965.
Grandma is out of mind,
But at the same, still alive.
Grandpa talks about the bombs
And when the missiles flew,
But ask him about the kids,
And he doesn’t have a clue.

He still yells into his pillow
And cannot help but weep.
It’s probably been a thousand nights
Since Grandma’s gotten any sleep.

It’s not that she doesn’t care;
It’s that she cares too much.
No offense to God,
But her prayers haven’t had luck.
Grandma just wants company,
For she can’t drink coffee alone,
But it would be just as easy
To send Grandpa off to “the home.”

Grandma understands that age
Is a force that you can’t fight,
And with it comes rage,
Which Grandpa fights every night.

Grandma still claims
That Grandpa’s love is there.
Even if they are crazy together,
It’s a love that they still share.

All of the fine China
Is still put away,
But Grandma remains
With Grandpa and his shakes.
Tilted, Twisted, and Worn
                                                            Donna Hacker

                                     Digital Photo
Capturing the early morning light that is reflecting on this quirky old rugged white picket

Family Photographs
                                                      Belinda Barker
heart falling first
mind scrambling behind
searching for a hold
to recapture the snapshot
before this flash in time

family photographs
never taken
forgotten to be forgotten

in the space not yet awake and not yet sleeping even there and even then

they awake in dreams
of muscles reenacting the slow motions
plummeting down into the darkest room
where a stopped heart must remember how to beat
and a body so plagued with weariness
leaves a spirit whose brokenness is its only beauty

family photographs
never displayed
forgotten to be forgotten

                                            Zachariah Dickson

                      Graphic Design
                     632 X 2616 pixels
Giving the viewer a new reflection beyond the looking glass.

Feather Stone
                                                                     Cody Speed

The higher and brighter the feathers, the closer to the spirits you are. Influenced by African

Road to Recovery
                                                                   Rocky Holland
        Russell Russo was a compulsive gambler. Compulsive was a nice way of putting it.
Russell needed to feel the exciting rush of betting like a drug addict, needed to feel the high of
premium heroin. Lady Luck is a bipolar wasp, uncertain, untrustworthy, and ready to strike at
any moment. Russell had been in recovery for half a year. It had been six months since his last
paycheck was blown, his last bill went unpaid and his last relative had cut him off.
	       Russell had stopped at Dave’s Gas and Grubb to fill his tank after work. There appeared
to be only one clerk working behind the counter and Russell stood at the end of a long line of
rush hour customers. The clerk was overwhelmed and the customers were becoming agitated.
Russell glanced around the store as he waited, and his eyes came to a flashy purple sign with
silver stars, advertising the state lottery. There was a new scratch off game available, Red Hot
25’s,and the sign informed him, that he could win twenty-five hundred dollars every week, for
life. He imagined what it would be like to hit that jackpot. He imagined walking into work the
next day and telling his boss to piss off; being able to retire early and spend the rest of his days
relaxing. He thought of what it would be like to pay off all his loans, the student loans, as well
as, the gambling loans. He could have it all, for just the minor, tiny, insignificant, short-term
investment of five dollars out of pocket.
	       “Next!” the store clerk said, waking Russell from his daydream.
	       “Pump number three, pack of Marlboro Lights…and a Red Hot 25, please.” Russell
told himself not to feel guilty. It was only five dollars; besides, the money went towards college
scholarships and new roads. All he had done was donate five dollars to a good cause. This
was not a big deal.
	       Russell took a quarter from his pocket and began to scratch the lottery ticket. He
absolutely hated scratching tickets one play at a time; he always scratched the entire ticket all

at once and looked for the winning numbers after. Russell’s heart dropped to his stomach, as
he saw a flaming twenty-five appear. He looked across to the prizes: free ticket. Russell was
glad he wasn’t walking away empty handed. It was like he had gotten two tickets for the price
of one, which made the five dollar investment, worth it in his mind.
	       He scratched ticket number two. That one was a bust. Russell discarded the ticket into
the trash. He started to walk out of the convenience store, while thinking: If the odds are one in
three, then one of the next two tickets could possibly have a cash prize, right? Russell busted
on the next two tickets he purchased. Thinking that the roll of tickets was bound to pay off at
some point, now more than ever, he bought two more.
	       “Hot damn!” Russell said, as he finally hit fifteen dollars.
	       “Would you like to keep playing or do you want the cash?” the clerk asked him.
	       Russell heard his next words, as if he were having an out of body experience. His
conscience was screaming at him from some far off distant land, but it was too late; the
warning had fallen upon deaf ears, and he lost complete control. “I want a Lucky Horseshoe,
Outstanding Aces, Quick $50, 10x The Money, Bingo, Cool Dice, Platinum Diamonds, Cent of
Cash, Dazzling 7’s, Flaming Cherries, Hot Slots and Crazy Eights.”
	       “Anything else?” the clerk asked, indifferently.
	       “A one dollar quick pick for the Cash 4 evening drawing, any order.” Russell placed his
Cash 4 ticket in his wallet, took a seat at the small table in the back of the store and began to
	       Thirty minutes later Russell heard himself telling the clerk, “This is my last round and
then I’m done.” Fifteen minutes after that, he said, “A few more, then I’ve got to go.” Finally, the
rush started to wear off and the guilt started to set in. Russell’s conscience had caught up with
him. After two hours, Russell had lost close to two hundred dollars, including the money from
the handful of times he had won.

Russell sat in his Nissan Civic staring at a picture of his wife, Renee, and his three
children. He kept a photograph of his family taped to his dashboard, his motivation. It had done
him no good, today. He was going to have to go home and tell his wife where the two hundred
dollars had gone. He imagined sitting down at the kitchen table, and telling her; which, would
be followed by the unbearable conversation that was sure to come after. He could already see
the hurt and disappointment in her eyes, the worst part of it all. That, however, was a situation
he’d had to deal with, time and time again in the past. Tonight, there would be a new one. He’d
have to tell his three sons, that they would not be going to the ballpark this weekend. It would
have been his youngest son’s first time seeing a live major league game.  
	       It wasn’t unusual for Russell to work late, every so often. His boss wasn’t stingy about
over-time, during the busy season. He called Renee, to tell her that he’d be coming home late.
The lie seemed insignificant, compared to what he’d inevitably be telling her, later that night.
His hope was that he could stop off for a night cap first, and stay out just long enough to return,
when his boys had gone to bed.
        He stopped at his usual drinking spot, Tessa’s Bar and Grill. He walked in, loosened his
tie, took a seat on a small brown leather stool, and noticed a video poker machine, three stools
down from him, sitting at the end of the bar.
	       “What the hell,” he said. He fed the machine a dollar and began to play. He didn’t get
the same kind of rush playing the video poker machine, as he got playing the scratch cards;
the machine didn’t pay out in anything but points, and if you were lucky, your name on the high
score screen.
	       “Looks like someone’s off the wagon,” said Tessa, as she sat down onto the stool next
to him.
	       “I don’t really want to talk about it, Tess,” he replied.
	       Russell and Renee had gone to college with Tessa. He and Tessa had even dated
briefly. Renee had been Tessa’s roommate, which, was how Russell had initially been

introduced to her. Tessa had kept in touch with them since graduation and remained a close
friend of the family. It was in college that Russell first discovered the joys and sorrows of his
gambling addiction. He had taken up sports betting, and it had gotten serious, when he’d lost
a substantial amount of his student loan. Luckily, Tessa had taken pity on him, and leant him
the money, that allowed him to pay for the expenses of his final semester. Now, all these years
later, when things went wrong he still went to her and spilled his woes over a cold drink. Tessa
was a very caring person, his best friend.
	       “How much are you out?” she asked.
	       “Two,” he said, staring at the video poker game.
	       “That’s not so bad, Russ. At least, it’s not like your trip to Reno.”
	       “Tell that to Renee,” Russell said, as he put another dollar into the machine.
	       “She’s very understanding, Russell. You know that. You’re sick, and you’ve been
working hard, to overcome this thing. No one’s going to fault you, for a small relapse, this
	       “It’s been six months, Tess,” Russell said, looking at her now. “Christ, I was supposed
to take my boys to the game tomorrow, and now I have to tell them, we can’t go, because their
daddy’s a screw up. I picked a hell of a week to relapse.” Russell had tears and frustration in
his eyes.
	       Tessa placed her hand on his shoulder, and said “You’re, not a screw up. You’re,
human. You put your pants on, one leg at a time, like the rest of us. Is there anything I can do,
to help? Would you like me, to talk to Renee?”
	       “Can you lend me two hundred dollars?” Russell asked. It pained him more than
anything, to hit people up for money to cover his gambling losses, but it never stopped him
from doing it. His pride never mattered, as much as, the shame he felt from not being able to
conceal what he’d done, from his family.
	       “Do I really need to answer that?” Tessa said, sounding a little more hostile, than she’d
intended. “You know I promised, not to enable you.”

“I know. you, and everyone else who matters. How about a rum and Coke then?”
	         Tessa stepped behind the bar and prepared his drink, giving him a double shot of rum,
but only charging him regular price. She leaned against the counter and watched the broken
gambler play video poker, biting her lip and wanting to do something to help him. An idea
popped into her head, and she grabbed a cocktail napkin and pen. She jotted down a name
and address, and slid the napkin in front of Russell.
	         “What’s this?” he asked.
	         “I’ll make a long story short,” she began. “I let a guy I was dating run up a tab in here,
a little over a thousand dollars, and we had a falling out, last month. He never came back to
pay it. I told him I’d involve the authorities and we agreed to settle it for five hundred. I was
supposed to pick up the money at his place, after work tonight; you do it, and you can keep
two hundred of it.”
	         “Tessa, no, I…”
	         “You’d be doing me a great favor, Russell. I really don’t want to see him again. This isn’t
me enabling you; this is me paying you to do a job. What do you say?”
	         “I don’t know what to say. I promise I’ll repay you.”
	         “Just promise me you’ll stick with the therapy, Russell. You can beat this thing. I
know you can. You take your boys to the baseball game and have a great time. Remember,                                                                                                                                        
         they’re depending on you to get well.”	
          Russell thanked her and hurried to his car. Once again he’d been in a bind and Tessa
had bailed him out. But he really would pay her back this time, and he was more determined
than ever, to control his vice. This time, he’d let his addiction hurt not only him and Renee, but
his boys. Russell truly believed he could be better than that. He was going to do right by his
family and was going to do right by his overly generous friend.
          His car came to a stop, in the driveway of 566 Memorial Street. He glanced at the
picture of his family on the dash, as he pulled the napkin from his pocket. The guy’s name

was Brian. Russell walked across a gravel driveway, to a white two-story house with a long
wooden porch on the front of it. He thought it was a gorgeous place; had a well-kept lawn, two
car garage, garden, and a porch swing. It was a nice little slice of the American dream; like
something out of a magazine.
       He rang the doorbell, and a short moment later it was answered by a large, gruff,
unshaven man wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts. The man had anger in his eyes, and
Russell wondered for a second if this had been a good idea. Brian was built like a professional
football player, and Russell could smell whiskey on his breath.
       “Who the hell are you?” Brian asked.
       “I’m a…uh…coworker of Tessa’s. She sent me to pick up the money.”
	      “You work for Tessa?” Brian asked, looking Russell up and down.
	      “That’s right.”
	      “How come I’ve never seen you in there before?”
	      “Just started; got hired on as a floor bouncer,” Russell said, hoping to end this encounter
	      Brian snickered at Russell and began to laugh at him. “You’re a bouncer? You always
wear a suit and tie to work?”
	      “When it’s appropriate,” Russell said, feeling foolish now.
	      “So, were you supposed to come over here and rough me up for the rest of the money,
Mr. Floor Bouncer?”
	      “Just what was agreed on.” Russell was getting extremely uncomfortable, now. He
thought once or twice of turning around and bolting back to his car. He wished Brian would just
shut up and give him the money.
	      “So, you’re here to rough me up, for what was agreed upon?”
	      Good God! Russell thought to himself. The situation was turning ugly fast.  “Look, I’m
just here to pick up the five hundred. I’m not looking for any trouble.”

Brian stepped closer to Russell, chest to chest with him, staring into his eyes and sizing
him up. Russell tried to look away and was almost sure, he was about to get punched in the
	       “Wait here,” Brian said and went back into the house.
	       “Thank you,” Russell muttered under his breath, relieved not to be lying on the ground,
with a broken nose.
	       Brain returned to the door, holding a Mossberg 12 gauge pump action shotgun, with
pistol grip across his chest. “I don’t know what kind of crap Tessa is trying to pull, but you can
tell her, if she wants the money, she can take me to court. Now, get the hell off my porch.”
	       Russell hadn’t even waited for Brain to finish his last sentence, before he’d turned
around, and sprinted back to his car. When he’d put enough distance between himself and
the house, he pulled off the road and tried to get his breathing under control. He thought for
a second, he might have been having a heart attack, but as the adrenalin started to wear off,
he caught his breath and calmed his nerves. Russell looked at the picture of his family and
slammed his fists onto the steering wheel. He was back to square one. He was going to have
to go home, and tell his wife, he’d lost the money, and tell his boys, that they’d be watching the
game in the living room on the flat screen. And now, he’d messed things up for Tessa, as well.
Russell decided to head home, and get it over with.
	       He started the car and turned the volume up on the radio, to try  and concentrate on
something, other than what he was about to face. He caught the tail end of some new rock
song, and as it faded out, the DJ announced, “Up next, we’ll have tonight’s winning lottery
numbers.” Russell suddenly remembered the Cash 4 ticket he’d purchased earlier and quickly
dug it out of his wallet. He listened as the DJ read through the Powerball and Cash 3 drawings.
	       “Now for your Cash 4 evening drawing, the numbers are: Three, four, three, and three.”
	       Russell looked at the ticket, and his adrenaline was suddenly pumping, as it had when
the crazy man had been threatening him, with a shotgun. Lady Luck had stung him, and he

could feel the poison entering his veins. The numbers on Russell’s ticket read: 3; 3; 4; and 3.
Russell tried to remember the jackpot for three identical digits, in any order.
        He pulled into the closest gas station, and asked the clerk to tell him what his ticket
paid out. She ran his ticket through the lotto machine, and on the electronic display appeared:
WINNER! $1,200! Russell couldn’t believe it. As the clerk handed him back his ticket, he found
himself, once again tempted by the scratch-offs. He had extra cash now, more than enough for
a couple of go-rounds; perhaps, a quick trip to the casino, instead.
	       Russell thought of his family. He thought of his wife, Renee. He remembered his boys
and the game tomorrow. He pictured Tessa standing behind the bar, with the sad pitiful look
on her face, and the offer to bail him out, again. He thought of all the people who meant
something to him, turned around, and walked out of the store.
        The next day, he would give Tessa one thousand dollars, and tell her Brian had come
to his senses, and decided to settle things evenly. He would take his boys to the ballpark and
put the remaining two hundred to use on hotdogs, sodas, and souvenirs. On Tuesday night,
the next week, he would go to his gamblers anonymous group therapy session, discuss his
relapse, and begin his journey once again, on the long road to recovery.

Deadly Substance
                                              Jocelyne Barchet

Looking through the eyes of the artist while sketching.

                                               Aaron Burks

               Charcoal on Paper
A study of still life with light, shadow and tone.

Please, Professor
                                          Kathleen Alford
Oh please, professor, please shut up,
My head, my brain is stuffed, full up,
I know I need to pay attention,
But my mind’s gone past all redemption,
So please, professor, please shut up.

It’s not that I don’t want to learn,
It’s not that this class I spurn,
It’s just that I’ve my focus lost,
And I know not listening will cost,
So please, professor, please shut up.

I hear you speak, but nothing stays,
I know my eyes have got that glaze,
I’m sorry I don’t seem to care,
About the things you’ve got to share,
But please, professor, please shut up.

Cut class short, just this once,
I feel like such a royal dunce,
The others seem to feel the same,
Heads ducked low in tired shame,
Oh please, professor, please shut up.

My hand is cramped, my eyes have crossed,
My foot’s asleep and I’m plumb lost,
Oh please, oh please, oh please dear prof.,
Let us have just an hour off,
Please, professor, please shut up.

Please professor, don’t be sad,
And please don’t let us make you mad,
It’s not that we don’t care – we do!
We just need some time to renew,
So please, professor, just – please shut up.

                                   Kait Scott

    Digital Photography
Documenting the passage of time.


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Fall pages 2012

  • 1. BeanSwitch Staff Executive Editors – Misty Dunlap Sheila Scott Visual Editor – Kalsey Stults Supporting Cast - Eli Anderson Eric Brand Dave Chambliss Jonathan French Rocky Holland Zack Nabors Jennifer Parrish Madilyn Peay Beth Reed Lyndsay Riggs Crystal Springer Marah Vogt Sarah Williams Faculty Advisors - Chris Hill – Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages Jeffery Longacre – Department of English and Modern Foreign Languages Tomi Parrish – Department of Communications 
  • 2. Art Table of Contents Fire and Ice Cody Speed Cover Ballet Dancer Memori DePriest 1 Mystic Moon Zachariah Dickson 3 Not Ready to Leave Here Cody Speed 9 Tearfall Zachariah Dickson 11 Drops of Jupiter Cody Speed 13 Distant Places Bring Lonesome Faces Cody Michael Williams 15 The Calling Mary Jean Hall 16 ? Alexandra Stover 19 Wish Right Now Cody Speed 20 Sadness Zachariah Dickson 23 Gaze Alexandra Stover 26 Tree Woman Cries Zachariah Dickson 24 Dance It All Away Beth Crocker 28 To be Unmeasured Cody Michael Williams 31 Waterland Zachariah Dickson 33 Blooming with Hue Jocelyne Barchet 34 Another View of the Eiffel Tower Kara Kidwell 35 Abstract Painting Lauren Suiter 36 Center Melanie O’Neil 37 Wine Bottle Aaron Burks 38 Alone at Last Megan Schwab 39
  • 3. Curious Aquarium Jocelyne Barchet 40 Nighttime Melanie O’Neil 41 Gilt and Crystal at the Louvre Kara Kidwell 43 Night Sky Dreamscape Jocelyne Barchet 45 Blackhole Sun Zach Johnson 46 Oil Alexandra Stover 48 Into the Dark Cody Speed 50 The Companion Diane Shaw 54 Tilted, Twisted, and Worn Donna Hacker 57 Wonderland Zachariah Dickson 59 Feather Stone Cody Speed 60 Deadly Substance Jocelyne Barchet 69 12:30 Aaron Burks 70 Timeless Kait Scott 73
  • 4. Literary Table of Contents The Wedding Dance Belinda Barker 2 The Visitors Sonny Taylor 4 These Shoes Belinda Barker 10 We Buried a Boy Today Belinda Barker 12 Benefits Brittney Reed 14 In God We Trust Ashley Burton 17 A Sideways Glance Kristin Brooks 21 Wonder Lust Rachel Hurst 25 Colorful Jami Miller 27 The All Powerful Hairy Hand Jonathan Lucas French 29 The Question Cody Jarman 32 Ephemera Brittney Reed 42 A Modern Pyramus and Thisbe Misty Dunlap 44 Rotting Teeth Rachel Hurst 47 The Gremlin of All Hallow’s Eve Eli Anderson 49 Should I Do This? Regan Ward 51 The Shakes Toshya Leonard 55 Family Photographs Belinda Barker 58 Road to Recovery Rocky Holland 61 Please, Professor Kathleen Alford 71
  • 5. Ballet Dancer Memori DePriest Title: Ballet Dancer Media: Graphite Pencils Size: 11 x 14 inches Intention: Wanted to try a technique we had done earlier in figure drawing while it was fresh on my mind. 1
  • 6. The Wedding Dance Belinda Barker the wedding dance of dreams yet untold a ballerina I am! grace and beauty to behold a dress of organza or leather or lace and the joy of completion ripe on my face my Papa in earnest showing his prize and me in his glory reflecting his eyes the wedding dance of dreams now told a woman I am! grace and beauty to behold   2
  • 7. Mystic Moon Zacharia Dickson Graphic Design 2170 X 2996 pixels Capturing the eye of the viewer with the many aspects of the night, and provoking the same mystified emotion that one has when looking at the moon. 3
  • 8. The Visitor Sonny Taylor Sitting in the hospital waiting room, a little girl swings her legs slowly. Her hands are braced on the semi-soft plastic of the chair cushion as she looks around the sterile, dimly lit room with soft brown eyes. Hospitals are nothing new to this four-year-old, though for once she’s experiencing the waiting room as a visitor, not a patient soon to be ushered back into a room. Still, the nurses are familiar to her. Her gaze halts its exploration of the off-white walls as the squeaking of shoes reaches her ears. Glancing in that direction, she smiles hesitantly at the woman walking towards her, a nurse she knows from her countless visits here. This nurse, she remembers, is particularly gentle when drawing blood. “Hi!” she chimes sweetly, giving the woman a delighted smile, revealing teeth that are just crooked enough to be charming, along with deep dimples. The nurse stops by the little girl’s chair, the squeaking of her typical white shoes coming to an abrupt halt. “Hey, sweetie,” she answers warmly, her voice low and soothing. To the little girl, she sounds like what a nurse should sound like, comforting, gentle and friendly. Reaching one calloused hand into the pocket of her hot pink scrubs, she pulls out a prized piece of candy for the girl, a small red lollipop wrapped in clear plastic. Smiling, the girl takes the lollipop and opens it, popping it into her mouth with a soft lip-smacking sound as she mumbles a polite, thank you. The nurse laughs, reaching out to ruffle the little one’s dark curls. “Are you excited about meeting your little brother?” Gazing up at the nice woman’s angular face and pretty green eyes, the little girl rolls her eyes. “Not really. Babies are ugly. But, Momma says I ain’t gunna thank that when I see him,” she answers honestly, knowing that it isn’t right to lie. The nurse laughs, shaking her head slightly. As the tip of her long blond ponytail brushes against her back, she gives the girl a conspirator’s grin. 4
  • 9. “I thought my little brother was ugly when he was born, too. And he sure did annoy me. But, I loved him, and when he woke us up in the middle of the night with his crying, I’d always try to help my parents get him back to sleep.” The little girl wrinkles her nose, her pale lips turning downwards to form a serious frown. “I sure hope he don’t keep me up all night. I gotta go to school, ya know.” “I’m sure you’ll be able to get plenty of sleep, sw--” The nurse’s response is cut off by the sudden voice booming in the air, the intercom speaker almost visibly rattling from the sound. She lets out a startled sigh and stands quickly. “You be good now,” she calls as she rushes off, her shoes squeaking again, much faster this time. Nearly an hour later, a painfully long amount of time for the little girl, a doctor comes out and leads her back into a room. She skips along beside him happily, her tiny legs working overtime to keep up with his long strides. Once in the room, the girl lets out a delighted cry of “Mommy!” before rushing towards the woman. She half climbs onto the bed, struggling slightly with its height, to plant a loud cherry scented kiss on the dark haired woman’s sweaty cheek. Then she freezes, her brown eyes locking on the bundle in the baby bed next to her Mommy. “Is that him?” she asks curiously, not looking away from the bundle to see her mother’s smile. “That’s him, alright. You have a little brother, possum britches. His name is Nathan,” the mother answers weakly, obviously more than a tad tired from the hours of labor. The little girl hops off the bed and walks slowly over to the baby’s bed, stretching up on her tiptoes to see him better. As her mother and the doctor talk, the girl stares at the little thing in the bed. It doesn’t look completely human; its head is big, its body is too long, its hands are chubby, and its fingers are so tiny that she isn’t sure they’re fully formed. As she stares at him, the little thing blinks slowly and then gazes up at her with squinty blue eyes. She reaches over slowly to touch his puffy little hand, wondering why his skin is so red that when she touches it the spot around her fingers goes all white and weird looking. The baby 5
  • 10. wiggles his fingers slightly, barely a twitch, and she slides her index finger against his palm. As he closes his tiny little stubs around her slim digit, a delighted smile breaks across her innocent face. Practically glowing with happiness, she gazes adoringly at the little boy until he closes his eyes again and releases her finger. Finally, she looks towards her mother again. “Mommy?” she quips quietly, not wanting to disturb the baby. “Yes?” “I gunna call him Bubba,” she answers, as though this is the most simple, and highly important, thing in the world. For around six months the little girl goes to school when she has to, but otherwise she stays home, practically attached to her brother’s side. In her mind, the rapidly growing baby is the most precious thing in the world. She doesn’t mind when he cries. She patiently allows him to pull on her long brown curls. She giggles at how much noise he makes when he’s happy and how he smiles when he sees her. Life is perfect. One night, at her grandma’s house, Bubba is lying on the couch while Momma gets ready to change his diaper. The girl prances into the kitchen, opening the door to the large white refrigerator and looking around in it. Not finding what she wants, she shuts the door and heads towards the back porch to ask her Pa if he can help. However, before she can cross the distance, she hears an alarmed cry. She rushes towards the sound quickly, hearing her Bubba’s wail start up. Before she can get to him, she’s scooped up in her Daddy’s arms and carried in the opposite direction. Daddy takes her home, without Momma or Bubba, and for hours she paces the house, whining impatiently and demanding to see her brother. Finally, Momma comes in the door, Bubba in her arms. The little girl rushes towards them, rambling on a mile a minute wanting to know what’s happening and why everyone’s so upset. “Bubby just hit his head,” Momma explains quietly, as the strapping baby boy reaches impatiently for his sister, making grabby hands. Satisfied with this response, and seeing that he’s okay, the little girl reaches up and slides her own sun-kissed hand into his chubby paw. Things go back to normal, for a few days. 6
  • 11. Three nights later, the little girl stands in the waiting room of a hospital, yet again. This time, tears streak down her cheeks and she clutches her jacket closed around her pajamas. A Beanie Baby puppy is firmly squished between one arm and her chest as she sobs quietly, pleading with anyone who will listen, to please tell her what’s wrong. She can’t understand why her Bubba was shaking so badly, or why her Momma and Daddy are crying and they aren’t allowed to see him. As they cart the little boy out of the hospital on a stretcher, into the awaiting helicopter, the little girl rushes after him. She stands in the hospital doors, watching the massive blades slice through the air, practically cowering away from the terrible sound. She watches with wide, terrified eyes as the giant metal beast takes her brother away. Then, she’s rushed off to her grandma’s house while Momma and Daddy go to take care of Bubba and bring him home. Not a week later, she’s sitting in the miniature rocking chair in the middle of her grandma’s living room, clutching the same stuffed puppy to her chest. Her face is still streaked with tears, but she’s smiling up at a man in a dark suit. This man, his light brown eyes warm and welcoming, jokes with her. He asks to sit in her chair, and she squeals in protest, informing him that he’s too big and will break it. He asks to see her puppy, and she clutches it tighter, her bright smile suddenly fading. He sighs, his dark skin lacking in a certain glow that shows someone is enjoying his activity. Brushing his lanky fingers through his short brown hair, he crouches down in front of the girl, giving her a very serious look. And then he asks a round of questions that range from just plain silly to absolutely devastating. Finally, she’s in tears again, glaring up at this man. His eyes are no longer warm but full of sorrow. He smoothes over his dark suit nervously, unsure as to how to face the wrath of this tiny whirlwind. “My Mommy and Daddy are not mean. You are mean. Stop bothering me. Go away. NOW!” Her voice rises with each word, until she’s shouting at him, her cheeks flushed and her eyes nearly black with fury. “They never hurt us!” she adds in a softer tone, the words broken by a sob, before she rushes out. The man in the suit thanks her grandma for their time, shaking her hand and apologizing for upsetting the little girl. Then he turns to his partner, a man 7
  • 12. with a similar appearance but no fondness or sympathy for children. This man had been ignored by the little girl during the entire meeting, as she’d heard him telling her grandma that they didn’t want her seeing her mother or father. “I think she made it pretty clear,” the nicer man says as they take their leave. Days go by, the funeral passing in a blur that she doesn’t even want to remember. She cries almost constantly, wanting her brother back, wanting to see her parents, wanting to know why God is being so mean. The days turn to months before she’s allowed to live with her parents, only seeing them when supervised. During this time, the only comfort to her is her dreams. Every night, she experiences the same dream. A soft glowing white light surrounds her, and soon enough she isn’t alone, but in the company of a beautiful woman with long blond hair and comforting green eyes. This woman, however, isn’t dressed in hot pink scrubs or bringing lollipops. A white dress that seems to flow and flutter constantly covers her willowy form in a demure fashion, the sleeves falling well past her hands. Large white wings sprout from her back, a source of interest to the girl even though she understands what they mean. The feathers ruffle occasionally, in response to some movement or action, creating a comforting sound that soon becomes the little girl’s new version of her brother’s laugh. And a thin ring of gold hovers above the woman’s head, glowing with the same bright white light as everything else in this dreamscape. The woman brings news, her voice somehow holding every happy memory the little girl has of her brother. The news is always the same. Bubba is okay, he is happy; he is with people that love him. He is not gone. As much as the little girl may want to stay in this dream with this woman who reminds her of happiness, she cannot. Soon enough, life returns to happiness; though, there are moments of great sorrow. She returns to her parents. She grows up. She never forgets the visitors of her youth: the nurse that told her it was possible to like her brother; the man in the suit that tried to gain her trust, simply so he could question her about her parents; and the angel that visited her dreams to help her find closure. But most importantly, the adorable little boy, who was the most amazing Bubba in the world, while he had the time to be, the little boy that changed her life, and left a deep mark on her heart, soul, and family. 8
  • 13. Not Ready to Leave Here Cody Speed Not Ready to Leave Here Pen and Ink 8x11 Leaving behind someone you love. 9
  • 14. These Shoes Belinda Barker these shoes never worn in my youth stiff and unyielding perched high on their lofty place waiting these shoes brought down with halting purpose alien and new beside a dress the color of mourning waiting these shoes creased with maps from my tears scalloped and hot fallen from downward eyes that cannot turn away waiting these shoes rediscovered broken and pliant hidden beneath the silent stories of my life waiting 10
  • 15. Tear Fall Zacharia Dickson Graphic Design 1384 X 3648 pixels Represents the sadness of losing a loved one, through the heart of a grieving child. 11
  • 16. We Buried a Boy Belinda Barker we buried a boy today a beautiful boy the sound of a mother’s silent mourning the sound of your own child’s grief unimaginable sounds unanswerable questions unthinkable answers the sound of each heart rending joining all the others desperate to make sense of the beautiful boy’s death the sound of young men in unison their cadence crushed and strong singing the swan song of the boy the sound of love we buried a boy today a beautiful boy In loving memory of Jacob Cole Nunley (September 22, 1993--September 10, 2012) 12
  • 17. Drops of Jupiter Cody Speed Acrylic on canvas 20x16 Looking up and seeing the one you lost in the stars. 13
  • 18. Benefits You sit across from me and tell me about my retirement options. Brittney Reed Even you know this is ridiculous: the tiny giggle bubbles from your lips at the end of each sentence. You were running late— I’m twenty-three. I must make you feel awkward. You tell me about my new life insurance policy, and I wonder if I died how much money my parents would get, if it would be enough for even one round of my father’s chemo. If it could gather each hair from his pillow, weave it into something other than an empty bank account and a line of zeros. My face is pale but unfair, unlined. They call me sweetie on the phone, ask for my superior. The little I command is too much. They want to know where I hide my incompetence. I must keep it in my tiny pocket of years, sewn into the hem of my thrift store skirt. You push pages across your desk and I sign each one with my name but also with thank you, with I’m sorry, I don’t want this, I have no place in my life to put it. I don’t want this, I have no place in my life to put it.   14
  • 19. Distant Places Bring Lonesome Faces Cody Williams 15
  • 20. The Calling Mary Jean Hall The Calling Digital Photo Capturing the beauty of nature. 16
  • 21. In God We Trust It all seems the same Ashley Burton Justification for a game Reality for a peace A color of a painting for which we might be The same God in a different land Holding the same hands Leading people to understand Yet you hate and migrate And won’t seek face of Anyone who looks differently Than you Who speaks with more slurs than you do? And we sin and say only God can judge me Like it is ok to be a slob of whom we teach not to be It all seems the same Justification for a game Reality for a peace A color of a painting for which we might be Wars based on differences And we neglect what is significant For prized possessions that fade away And say we want a piece of heaven Yet don’t search for righteousness Or pray to understand what needs to be understood This is a land where people look at your shoes Before they speak to you And ask what you do Instead of asking about you It all seems the same Justification for a game Reality for a peace A color of a painting for which we might be 17
  • 22. We base our trust in a government we distrust And take from the poor Knock if you may on murderers’ door And we claim that every hard working person is evil We belittle if they don’t meet the standards of everyone else We have forgotten about the collective good And only think about self We say Amen Although we don’t agree We get on our knees to do everything but pray So I say It all seems the same Justification for a game Reality for a peace A color of a painting for which we might be   18
  • 23. Noah’s Ark Alexandra Stover 19
  • 24. Wish Right Now Cody Speed Acrylic on canvas 20x16 Saying goodbye to all your dreams and wishing for a reprieve. 20
  • 25. A Sideways Glance Kristin Brooks Beth quietly retrieved her coffee from the counter of the coffee shop, and retreated to a corner seat in the back of the supposedly warm, and welcom- ing café. She couldn’t help but enjoy the warm rays of the sun that, regardless of the bold orange blinds, seemed to be drawn to her like two magnets, that had found themselves in the bottom of the cluttered kitchen ‘catch-all’ draw- er. She seemed to be surrounded by warmth: the friendly waitress behind the counter who had smiled, as she had unknowingly given her the incor- rect change; the rays of sun passing through the windows; and the appealing sideways glance of the handsome young gentlemen, sitting across from her sipping, on what appeared to be a latte, covered in rich cream. Wait, this last entry in the never-ending lists of her mind was one that had not been noticed, or logged mentally, before. She found herself out of her comfort zone, being one who usually melted, unnoticed into the scenery. The man reminded her of Steven, her ex, who had broken her heart, just a few months before. She had fallen in love with him, and the year that they had been together, had been wonderful. Beth had always been a quiet person, who never said much, and was always in the shadow of others. Steven had the un- canny ability of making her forget about her self-conscious nature, and could draw her out of herself enough, that she could enjoy life. She had finally learned to trust him, and had started to picture their future together, just as her world had come crashing down. He had sat her down at the kitchen table, in the apartment that they shared, and bluntly told her that he had met some- one else. He left shortly after that, and she hadn’t seen him since. This had propelled her back deeper, into her painfully shy world of self-consciousness, and withdrawal. Seeing this man, Beth thought to herself, that maybe this was the start to a new beginning, a second chance at a life with someone else. She held her breath as the man smiled, rose to his feet, and started to make his way to her table. Her heart fluttered, as his shiny black shoes waded through what 21
  • 26. had once been a cup of coffee strewn along the floor that had carelessly and in- efficiently been cleaned up. Her mind flew to the possibilities of what he might say to her, and what she could possibly say that would keep him from running in the opposite direction. She always had been able to say just the wrong thing that would cause a guy to quickly excuse himself, from her presence, but maybe she had learned enough from Steven, to keep this guy from bolting. He grew closer and closer, and time seemed to pass slower and slower. Time was jolted into what seemed an endless Hades, as he passed by her and reached for the decorative handle of the exit door, she had unknowingly placed herself be- side, as she felt her hopes diminish and her dream for a normal life disappear, along with the handsome stranger, around the bustling street corner. 22
  • 27. Sadness Zachariah Dickson Graphic Design 2265 X 7681 pixels Emotions: meant to be seen, not held in and thought on. 23
  • 28. Gaze Alexandra Stover Watercolor (landscape) Acrylic (characters) on canvas 18x24 Putting my original characters in their natural environ- ment for the first time. 24
  • 29. Wonder Lust Rachel Hurst I want to take this world And crack it within these trembling hands. I want to take it And press its fractures to my lips So that I can drink deeply of its Wonders and secrets. 25
  • 30. Tree Woman Cries Cody Speed Graphic Design 2264 X 3046 pixels Even when the world around you is beautiful, it does not make up the grief within oneself. 26
  • 31. Colorful Jami Miller Blue lips, Red eyes Violet patches on my skin Reluctant apologies Mean nothing when Released from those lips And then I hear him Whisper “you are my favorite fragile thing” And I am in love again. 27
  • 32. Dance It All Away Beth Crocker Permanent Marker and Sharpie 9x12 Expressing joy, youth, and freedom in the use of the figure and the colors. 28
  • 33. The All Powerful Hairy Hand Jonathan Lucas French He was lying there in the rank smell of urine and shit, stiff, like a fish you left in the back of a pickup too long on a hot day. With his pants and underwear at his ankles it was almost surreal seeing him there, in the basement of the church, where my family knelt and prayed, sang and danced. With an open mouth and eyes wide open, stuck, frozen in time, his face was mashed against the cold cement floor. It was so much to take in, standing there seeing him. I didn’t dare move nor make a sound. I just stood and stared, listening to the music and the people I knew to be good, dancing and celebrating Jesus in all His glory, in the sanctuary above. It was Willard, the retarded boy, who didn’t like to be touched by anyone he didn’t know. He was Mrs. Dowdy’s grandson and she had taken him to every church service I ever been to. His beard was one of wonder, one that could never be groomed, due to his erratic violent movements. He sat often in front of me and my family, and I would peer at him and ponder as to what he was thinking, as he moved his head as if flies were all about. He was unique, gray haired at an early age, with yellow and black teeth that were usually clenched. He had aged eyes that seemed to look beyond this world and into another. I admired him, admired his blood vessels that ran wild, standing out on his arms like markings on a map. I admired his strength for throwing people about when they would try to place hands on him. He was almost a super hero in slacks, Willard, the retard. Now he was beneath me, dead in a puddle of his own piss, with people dancing above unbeknownst to his new form. A hand was placed on my shoulder, coming from nowhere, startling me, almost like it was a hand of God himself. It was Brother Rick, dressed in black as always, holding me, reassuring me. Standing there we looked at poor Willard. “Dear Lord, what in the world was he doing?” Brother Rick said calmly, clenching me close, my elbow at his waist. 29
  • 34. Staring at Willard, it was a thought, his words, though none of real reason. I was young and knew not a lot, but I knew it wasn’t what Willard was doing, rather what had been done to him. With tears in my eyes waiting to fall, my body tensed up with every movement of Brother Rick’s big hairy hand, working its way up my neck, as I looked at the last of my mindless super hero. I thought I was special. I thought I was the only one. I thought if I could’ve been Willard, I would’ve been strong enough, mindless enough, to fight back; I wasn’t, and neither was he.   30
  • 35. To be Unmeasured Cody Williams 31
  • 36. The Question Cody Jarman This is not a poem nor is it a short story nor a play nor a dance, painting, or sculpture It is present merely to raise the question Just like you or I The universe is wide it is an eternally silent plane but if a being gives a voice to the void is that not meaning enough? 32
  • 37. Waterland Zachariah Dickson Graphic Design 1930 X 3804 pixels Showing the fluidity of both ocean creatures and humanity, and our ability to change and warp to the changing of the world. 33
  • 38. Blooming with Hue Jocelyne Barchet Acrylic Paint 18x24 Showing a full spectrum of color centered on flowers. 34
  • 39. Looking up the Eiffel at Night Kara Kidwell Digital Photo 4320 x 3240 pixels Showing an angle of the Eiffel Tower that is not normally seen. 35
  • 40. Abstract Painting Lauren Suiter Acrylic on canvas 11X14 An abstract piece that contains no recognizable forms yet depicts an overall happy mood. 36
  • 41. Center Melanie O’Neil Photograph Capturing the beauty of Mother Nature. 37
  • 42. Wine Bottle Aaron Burks Charcoal on Paper 18x24 A study of still life with light, shadow and tone. 38
  • 43. Alone at Last Megan Schwab Oil on Canvas 28x 22 Endeavoring with oil paints for the first time. 39
  • 44. Curious Aquarium Jocelyne Barchet Pastels 11x14 Representing the curiosity of a young person’s mind. (Notice the child in the bottom-left corner) 40
  • 45. Nighttime Melanie O’Neil Photograph Showing how bright the world can be at night. 41
  • 46. Ephemera Brittney Reed I find my pleasure in cheap things meant to be taken off like the leopard-print slip that slides over the cleft between thighs with a purring, symphony of zippers meant to be thrown away the books never made for top billing on any shelf paperbacks born to die kicked under beds pages still sticky with cherry soda and lust to be tossed aside the thin edge of night and morning when another cigarette forever is never the last and the car tires binge-eat asphalt like they’re looking for love at the bottom of the cookie jar made cheap and easy the lucky can buy happiness from gumball machines, find it in lipstick, unicorn pink glitter stickers on early ‘90s trapper keepers both trashy and inane arraying selves in junk, building lives out of cast-offs from the bottom of the drawer, lighting blonde Jesus candles while radio starlets gyrate on tarnished silver screens They wouldn’t call it tacky if it didn’t stick in your heart. 42
  • 47. Gilt and Crystal at the Louvre Kara Kidwell Digital Photography 4320 x 3240 pixels Showing a chandelier from another angle. 43
  • 48. A Modern Pyramus and Thisbe Misty Dunlap I am having a love affair between the walls knock once for are you there knock twice with a long pause in between for I want to kiss you knock three times for reassurance that everything will be okay we will not wake up in ten years to find we still have not taken that road trip or won a Nobel Prize we sleep as close as we can to our shared wall backs pressed, ribs uncurled a knuckle running against the eggshell white paint as if the color was the soft crook of an elbow whisper all your fears, regrets, plans, likes I will keep an empty tumbler on my windowsill ready to listen 44
  • 49. Night Sky Dreamscape Jocelyne Barchet Oil paint 18x24 Resembling a dream. 45
  • 50. Blackhole Sun Zach Johnson Charcoal on Drawing Paper 9x12 Realizing an idea. 46
  • 51. Rotting Teeth Rachel Hurst His fingers sailed across the decaying teeth, lithe and caressing. Each one gave in to his touch hesitantly, and whispered music between the trees and the moonlight. Melodies soared into the night, carried on his breath with each slow exhale. Around him the world hushed. No cry of the birds were heard, no movement of the wind called. All the sounds of the night fell quiet in the presence of him and the long forgotten instrument. The stars, as well, took a step back at the show of his hands’ gentle play. Sour wood permeated the air and foliage spilt forth from its core. The feel of the ruts and scars marred along the keys matched his own on the curve of his lip and those along the delicate lining of her heart. It was an outcast to its owner, just as the girl with shaking hands was to the lover before him. Each groan of an unyielding chord struck him, just as the hardness in her words would. Despite its quiet beauty, abuse had left its scoring mark on the piano, leaving its spirit broken for nature to take back into its bosom. No amount of skill would again beckon its beautiful language. Its love cast away from its owner, just as his beloved had been. No, neither the piano nor the girl would sing for him, as they had for those that touched them before. But still he would remain. 47
  • 52. Oil Alexandra Stover Oil painting on canvas Being striking and complimentary of the colors within it while remaining loose. 48
  • 53. The Gremlin of All Hallow’s Eve Eli Anderson I tell you now of a beast of old Who walked the earth with courage bold. Listen close with fervid ear And lean in close so you may hear. He walked these hills, these plains, these woods And even terrorized our neighborhoods. His figure is ghastly, his spirit you’ll feel And his presence alone will make grown men squeal. His long lanky limbs leave no print in the earth And he is ghoulishly misshapen for lack of girth. He prowls the night with malice entail And he uses the land for his shadowy veil. His hair hangs long from all four limbs And cursed be the soul that catches a glimpse. His long ivory claws stay sharp from use And from them he learned to deal man abuse. His large sunken eyes can be spotted at night, They’ve been known to emit a ghoulish green light. Do not be fooled, he is no boorish brute His mind is as sharp as yours and mine to boot. He is often seen tracing the water’s edge And is occasionally spotted peering from a mountain ledge. We know not where he next will creep But we know that he can never sleep. 49
  • 54. Into the Dark Cody Speed Pen and Ink 8x11 Facing the darkness and pain is always better with a friend. 50
  • 55. Should I Do This? Regan Ward Should I do this? What if I’m gonna regret this? John’s pale face feels like it is gradually beginning to sizzle under the scrutiny of the sun’s rays. Kate draws his attention, away from deep thoughts, with the breathless sigh to his right that brings goose bumps to every inch of his skin. He is so warm and so cold; he is incredibly confused but also absolutely sure. Her freckled collarbones slowly rise as the small bits of pollen around her face rush to her pink, slender nose. A few strands of pumpernickel-colored hair slide elegantly across her high cheekbone and strong jaw line, as she tilts her closed emerald eyes towards him. “What?” she says. “What ‘what’?” “You’re staring at me. You can’t hide it from me anymore, ya know?” “So, you can just sense that now or something?” “Yeah, pretty much. Ever since high school,” she says. “Ah, yes, Arlington High. How you loved that place.” “Oh, hush. It’s not like you were having the time of your life either.” “I started to, senior year.” “Now you’re just sucking up.” “No really. Just like right then; your giggle always made French easier.” “Weren’t you just blessed the only seat open was right in front of you, then?” “Nah, first thing that came to mind was, ‘Ew, freshman.’” “Don’t even pretend. I knew what you were thinking the first day of freshman year.” “You’re weird.” “You’re the one staring.” “True.” “So?” “It’s nothing. You just look relaxed is all.” “Wow.” 51
  • 56. “Huh?” “You suck at lying, even with my eyes closed.” “I thought you were sleeping, so I was going to play a prank on you.” “Really? What prank was that?” “No, I’ll just save it for later,” he says. “You weren’t going to play a prank.” “You can wipe that little smirk off your face, smart butt. I did have a prank.” “Then do it. I still have my eyes closed, don’t I?” “You won’t like it.” “Isn’t that the point of a prank?” “Not my prank.” “Then why don’t you do it?” “Maybe, I will.” “You’re too careful about things. You need to buck up, Mister.” “You pick on me now, but wouldn’t you want any boy to be careful with you?” “I’m not pickin’ too bad. And, of course I would, but you’re different.” “You don’t want me to be careful?” “No, you just aren’t anywhere near normal.” “Aren’t we just a pair then?” “I don’t want you to feel like you have to be. I mean, come on, we’ve known each other for about seven years now, right? If I haven’t decided by now that I hate your guts, when will I ever?” “True.” “Seriously, John, I’m only kidding. What is it? You looked like you were about to be sick… but just now you look like you could up and kiss that frog sitting by that half-sunk log over there. What is up with you today?” “I just wanted to ask you something.” “And that’s your prank or…” “Yeah, kind of.” “So, what is it?” “You’re kinda cute, you know that?” “Do what now?” “Will you marry me?” 52
  • 57. “You are a jerk.” “What?” “You do not ask a girl to marry you as a prank, if you want to live to see the mornin’ after.” “Sorry, I didn’t think it would bother you.” “It didn’t.” “Liar.” “Hey, I do have a real question for you, though.” “What’s that?” “Wanna propose to me?” “I just did.”  53
  • 58. The Companion Diane Shaw Acrylic on Paper 14 x 21 Signifying the universal behavior pattern for those who have the ability to be a loyal companion without the need to be self-serving. 54
  • 59. The Shakes Toshya Leonard All of the fine China Has been put away Since the fateful hour Grandpa got the shakes. Grandma took out the TV And the garbage too, But judging by her expression, It didn’t do much good. There Grandpa sits talking To all of no audience, And all the doctors can prescribe Is a dose of plenty patience. As Grandma’s wrinkles grow, Grandpa’s condition stays the same. The pills; the drugs; the war; the Man; Those are who to blame. He can remember the past As clear as the blue sky, And all Grandma can do Is sit back in her rocker and cry. Grandpa hasn’t been his best Since April of 1965. Grandma is out of mind, But at the same, still alive. 55
  • 60. Grandpa talks about the bombs And when the missiles flew, But ask him about the kids, And he doesn’t have a clue. He still yells into his pillow And cannot help but weep. It’s probably been a thousand nights Since Grandma’s gotten any sleep. It’s not that she doesn’t care; It’s that she cares too much. No offense to God, But her prayers haven’t had luck. Grandma just wants company, For she can’t drink coffee alone, But it would be just as easy To send Grandpa off to “the home.” Grandma understands that age Is a force that you can’t fight, And with it comes rage, Which Grandpa fights every night. Grandma still claims That Grandpa’s love is there. Even if they are crazy together, It’s a love that they still share. All of the fine China Is still put away, But Grandma remains With Grandpa and his shakes. 56
  • 61. Tilted, Twisted, and Worn Donna Hacker Digital Photo Capturing the early morning light that is reflecting on this quirky old rugged white picket fence. 57
  • 62. Family Photographs Belinda Barker heart falling first mind scrambling behind searching for a hold to recapture the snapshot before this flash in time family photographs never taken forgotten to be forgotten in the space not yet awake and not yet sleeping even there and even then they awake in dreams of muscles reenacting the slow motions plummeting down into the darkest room where a stopped heart must remember how to beat and a body so plagued with weariness leaves a spirit whose brokenness is its only beauty family photographs never displayed forgotten to be forgotten 58
  • 63. Wonderland Zachariah Dickson Graphic Design 632 X 2616 pixels Giving the viewer a new reflection beyond the looking glass. 59
  • 64. Feather Stone Cody Speed Clay/Metal/Feathers 19x22 The higher and brighter the feathers, the closer to the spirits you are. Influenced by African masks. 60
  • 65. Road to Recovery Rocky Holland Russell Russo was a compulsive gambler. Compulsive was a nice way of putting it. Russell needed to feel the exciting rush of betting like a drug addict, needed to feel the high of premium heroin. Lady Luck is a bipolar wasp, uncertain, untrustworthy, and ready to strike at any moment. Russell had been in recovery for half a year. It had been six months since his last paycheck was blown, his last bill went unpaid and his last relative had cut him off. Russell had stopped at Dave’s Gas and Grubb to fill his tank after work. There appeared to be only one clerk working behind the counter and Russell stood at the end of a long line of rush hour customers. The clerk was overwhelmed and the customers were becoming agitated. Russell glanced around the store as he waited, and his eyes came to a flashy purple sign with silver stars, advertising the state lottery. There was a new scratch off game available, Red Hot 25’s,and the sign informed him, that he could win twenty-five hundred dollars every week, for life. He imagined what it would be like to hit that jackpot. He imagined walking into work the next day and telling his boss to piss off; being able to retire early and spend the rest of his days relaxing. He thought of what it would be like to pay off all his loans, the student loans, as well as, the gambling loans. He could have it all, for just the minor, tiny, insignificant, short-term investment of five dollars out of pocket. “Next!” the store clerk said, waking Russell from his daydream. “Pump number three, pack of Marlboro Lights…and a Red Hot 25, please.” Russell told himself not to feel guilty. It was only five dollars; besides, the money went towards college scholarships and new roads. All he had done was donate five dollars to a good cause. This was not a big deal. Russell took a quarter from his pocket and began to scratch the lottery ticket. He absolutely hated scratching tickets one play at a time; he always scratched the entire ticket all 61
  • 66. at once and looked for the winning numbers after. Russell’s heart dropped to his stomach, as he saw a flaming twenty-five appear. He looked across to the prizes: free ticket. Russell was glad he wasn’t walking away empty handed. It was like he had gotten two tickets for the price of one, which made the five dollar investment, worth it in his mind. He scratched ticket number two. That one was a bust. Russell discarded the ticket into the trash. He started to walk out of the convenience store, while thinking: If the odds are one in three, then one of the next two tickets could possibly have a cash prize, right? Russell busted on the next two tickets he purchased. Thinking that the roll of tickets was bound to pay off at some point, now more than ever, he bought two more. “Hot damn!” Russell said, as he finally hit fifteen dollars. “Would you like to keep playing or do you want the cash?” the clerk asked him. Russell heard his next words, as if he were having an out of body experience. His conscience was screaming at him from some far off distant land, but it was too late; the warning had fallen upon deaf ears, and he lost complete control. “I want a Lucky Horseshoe, Outstanding Aces, Quick $50, 10x The Money, Bingo, Cool Dice, Platinum Diamonds, Cent of Cash, Dazzling 7’s, Flaming Cherries, Hot Slots and Crazy Eights.” “Anything else?” the clerk asked, indifferently. “A one dollar quick pick for the Cash 4 evening drawing, any order.” Russell placed his Cash 4 ticket in his wallet, took a seat at the small table in the back of the store and began to scratch. Thirty minutes later Russell heard himself telling the clerk, “This is my last round and then I’m done.” Fifteen minutes after that, he said, “A few more, then I’ve got to go.” Finally, the rush started to wear off and the guilt started to set in. Russell’s conscience had caught up with him. After two hours, Russell had lost close to two hundred dollars, including the money from the handful of times he had won. 62
  • 67. Russell sat in his Nissan Civic staring at a picture of his wife, Renee, and his three children. He kept a photograph of his family taped to his dashboard, his motivation. It had done him no good, today. He was going to have to go home and tell his wife where the two hundred dollars had gone. He imagined sitting down at the kitchen table, and telling her; which, would be followed by the unbearable conversation that was sure to come after. He could already see the hurt and disappointment in her eyes, the worst part of it all. That, however, was a situation he’d had to deal with, time and time again in the past. Tonight, there would be a new one. He’d have to tell his three sons, that they would not be going to the ballpark this weekend. It would have been his youngest son’s first time seeing a live major league game. It wasn’t unusual for Russell to work late, every so often. His boss wasn’t stingy about over-time, during the busy season. He called Renee, to tell her that he’d be coming home late. The lie seemed insignificant, compared to what he’d inevitably be telling her, later that night. His hope was that he could stop off for a night cap first, and stay out just long enough to return, when his boys had gone to bed. He stopped at his usual drinking spot, Tessa’s Bar and Grill. He walked in, loosened his tie, took a seat on a small brown leather stool, and noticed a video poker machine, three stools down from him, sitting at the end of the bar. “What the hell,” he said. He fed the machine a dollar and began to play. He didn’t get the same kind of rush playing the video poker machine, as he got playing the scratch cards; the machine didn’t pay out in anything but points, and if you were lucky, your name on the high score screen. “Looks like someone’s off the wagon,” said Tessa, as she sat down onto the stool next to him. “I don’t really want to talk about it, Tess,” he replied. Russell and Renee had gone to college with Tessa. He and Tessa had even dated briefly. Renee had been Tessa’s roommate, which, was how Russell had initially been 63
  • 68. introduced to her. Tessa had kept in touch with them since graduation and remained a close friend of the family. It was in college that Russell first discovered the joys and sorrows of his gambling addiction. He had taken up sports betting, and it had gotten serious, when he’d lost a substantial amount of his student loan. Luckily, Tessa had taken pity on him, and leant him the money, that allowed him to pay for the expenses of his final semester. Now, all these years later, when things went wrong he still went to her and spilled his woes over a cold drink. Tessa was a very caring person, his best friend. “How much are you out?” she asked. “Two,” he said, staring at the video poker game. “That’s not so bad, Russ. At least, it’s not like your trip to Reno.” “Tell that to Renee,” Russell said, as he put another dollar into the machine. “She’s very understanding, Russell. You know that. You’re sick, and you’ve been working hard, to overcome this thing. No one’s going to fault you, for a small relapse, this soon.” “It’s been six months, Tess,” Russell said, looking at her now. “Christ, I was supposed to take my boys to the game tomorrow, and now I have to tell them, we can’t go, because their daddy’s a screw up. I picked a hell of a week to relapse.” Russell had tears and frustration in his eyes. Tessa placed her hand on his shoulder, and said “You’re, not a screw up. You’re, human. You put your pants on, one leg at a time, like the rest of us. Is there anything I can do, to help? Would you like me, to talk to Renee?” “Can you lend me two hundred dollars?” Russell asked. It pained him more than anything, to hit people up for money to cover his gambling losses, but it never stopped him from doing it. His pride never mattered, as much as, the shame he felt from not being able to conceal what he’d done, from his family. “Do I really need to answer that?” Tessa said, sounding a little more hostile, than she’d intended. “You know I promised, not to enable you.” 64
  • 69. “I know. you, and everyone else who matters. How about a rum and Coke then?” Tessa stepped behind the bar and prepared his drink, giving him a double shot of rum, but only charging him regular price. She leaned against the counter and watched the broken gambler play video poker, biting her lip and wanting to do something to help him. An idea popped into her head, and she grabbed a cocktail napkin and pen. She jotted down a name and address, and slid the napkin in front of Russell. “What’s this?” he asked. “I’ll make a long story short,” she began. “I let a guy I was dating run up a tab in here, a little over a thousand dollars, and we had a falling out, last month. He never came back to pay it. I told him I’d involve the authorities and we agreed to settle it for five hundred. I was supposed to pick up the money at his place, after work tonight; you do it, and you can keep two hundred of it.” “Tessa, no, I…” “You’d be doing me a great favor, Russell. I really don’t want to see him again. This isn’t me enabling you; this is me paying you to do a job. What do you say?” “I don’t know what to say. I promise I’ll repay you.” “Just promise me you’ll stick with the therapy, Russell. You can beat this thing. I know you can. You take your boys to the baseball game and have a great time. Remember, they’re depending on you to get well.” Russell thanked her and hurried to his car. Once again he’d been in a bind and Tessa had bailed him out. But he really would pay her back this time, and he was more determined than ever, to control his vice. This time, he’d let his addiction hurt not only him and Renee, but his boys. Russell truly believed he could be better than that. He was going to do right by his family and was going to do right by his overly generous friend. His car came to a stop, in the driveway of 566 Memorial Street. He glanced at the picture of his family on the dash, as he pulled the napkin from his pocket. The guy’s name 65
  • 70. was Brian. Russell walked across a gravel driveway, to a white two-story house with a long wooden porch on the front of it. He thought it was a gorgeous place; had a well-kept lawn, two car garage, garden, and a porch swing. It was a nice little slice of the American dream; like something out of a magazine. He rang the doorbell, and a short moment later it was answered by a large, gruff, unshaven man wearing a polo shirt and khaki shorts. The man had anger in his eyes, and Russell wondered for a second if this had been a good idea. Brian was built like a professional football player, and Russell could smell whiskey on his breath. “Who the hell are you?” Brian asked. “I’m a…uh…coworker of Tessa’s. She sent me to pick up the money.” “You work for Tessa?” Brian asked, looking Russell up and down. “That’s right.” “How come I’ve never seen you in there before?” “Just started; got hired on as a floor bouncer,” Russell said, hoping to end this encounter quickly. Brian snickered at Russell and began to laugh at him. “You’re a bouncer? You always wear a suit and tie to work?” “When it’s appropriate,” Russell said, feeling foolish now. “So, were you supposed to come over here and rough me up for the rest of the money, Mr. Floor Bouncer?” “Just what was agreed on.” Russell was getting extremely uncomfortable, now. He thought once or twice of turning around and bolting back to his car. He wished Brian would just shut up and give him the money. “So, you’re here to rough me up, for what was agreed upon?” Good God! Russell thought to himself. The situation was turning ugly fast. “Look, I’m just here to pick up the five hundred. I’m not looking for any trouble.” 66
  • 71. Brian stepped closer to Russell, chest to chest with him, staring into his eyes and sizing him up. Russell tried to look away and was almost sure, he was about to get punched in the face. “Wait here,” Brian said and went back into the house. “Thank you,” Russell muttered under his breath, relieved not to be lying on the ground, with a broken nose. Brain returned to the door, holding a Mossberg 12 gauge pump action shotgun, with pistol grip across his chest. “I don’t know what kind of crap Tessa is trying to pull, but you can tell her, if she wants the money, she can take me to court. Now, get the hell off my porch.” Russell hadn’t even waited for Brain to finish his last sentence, before he’d turned around, and sprinted back to his car. When he’d put enough distance between himself and the house, he pulled off the road and tried to get his breathing under control. He thought for a second, he might have been having a heart attack, but as the adrenalin started to wear off, he caught his breath and calmed his nerves. Russell looked at the picture of his family and slammed his fists onto the steering wheel. He was back to square one. He was going to have to go home, and tell his wife, he’d lost the money, and tell his boys, that they’d be watching the game in the living room on the flat screen. And now, he’d messed things up for Tessa, as well. Russell decided to head home, and get it over with. He started the car and turned the volume up on the radio, to try and concentrate on something, other than what he was about to face. He caught the tail end of some new rock song, and as it faded out, the DJ announced, “Up next, we’ll have tonight’s winning lottery numbers.” Russell suddenly remembered the Cash 4 ticket he’d purchased earlier and quickly dug it out of his wallet. He listened as the DJ read through the Powerball and Cash 3 drawings. “Now for your Cash 4 evening drawing, the numbers are: Three, four, three, and three.” Russell looked at the ticket, and his adrenaline was suddenly pumping, as it had when the crazy man had been threatening him, with a shotgun. Lady Luck had stung him, and he 67
  • 72. could feel the poison entering his veins. The numbers on Russell’s ticket read: 3; 3; 4; and 3. Russell tried to remember the jackpot for three identical digits, in any order. He pulled into the closest gas station, and asked the clerk to tell him what his ticket paid out. She ran his ticket through the lotto machine, and on the electronic display appeared: WINNER! $1,200! Russell couldn’t believe it. As the clerk handed him back his ticket, he found himself, once again tempted by the scratch-offs. He had extra cash now, more than enough for a couple of go-rounds; perhaps, a quick trip to the casino, instead. Russell thought of his family. He thought of his wife, Renee. He remembered his boys and the game tomorrow. He pictured Tessa standing behind the bar, with the sad pitiful look on her face, and the offer to bail him out, again. He thought of all the people who meant something to him, turned around, and walked out of the store. The next day, he would give Tessa one thousand dollars, and tell her Brian had come to his senses, and decided to settle things evenly. He would take his boys to the ballpark and put the remaining two hundred to use on hotdogs, sodas, and souvenirs. On Tuesday night, the next week, he would go to his gamblers anonymous group therapy session, discuss his relapse, and begin his journey once again, on the long road to recovery. 68
  • 73. Deadly Substance Jocelyne Barchet Charcoal 18x24 Looking through the eyes of the artist while sketching. 69
  • 74. 12:30 Aaron Burks Charcoal on Paper 18x24 A study of still life with light, shadow and tone. 70
  • 75. Please, Professor Kathleen Alford Oh please, professor, please shut up, My head, my brain is stuffed, full up, I know I need to pay attention, But my mind’s gone past all redemption, So please, professor, please shut up. It’s not that I don’t want to learn, It’s not that this class I spurn, It’s just that I’ve my focus lost, And I know not listening will cost, So please, professor, please shut up. I hear you speak, but nothing stays, I know my eyes have got that glaze, I’m sorry I don’t seem to care, About the things you’ve got to share, But please, professor, please shut up. Cut class short, just this once, I feel like such a royal dunce, The others seem to feel the same, Heads ducked low in tired shame, Oh please, professor, please shut up. 71
  • 76. My hand is cramped, my eyes have crossed, My foot’s asleep and I’m plumb lost, Oh please, oh please, oh please dear prof., Let us have just an hour off, Please, professor, please shut up. Please professor, don’t be sad, And please don’t let us make you mad, It’s not that we don’t care – we do! We just need some time to renew, So please, professor, just – please shut up. 72
  • 77. Timeless Kait Scott Timeless Digital Photography Documenting the passage of time. 73