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Factors Of Juvenile Crime
Juvenile crime has been a major issue in the United State, from the beginning and its impact on
society. People are trying to find effective ways to stop it. Juvenile crime has many factors that
influences the United States and makes people want to stop it. Juvenile crime is an issue that needs
to be stopped. Juvenile crime can be a danger to many people. Juvenile crime had a strong uprising
when conditions within the society got worse. Research over the past few decades on normal child
development and development on delinquent behavior has shown that individual, social, and
community conditions and interactions influence behavior(McCord). This says that in bad
environments in the community the children that live there are more likely to be an individual with
juvenile delinquency. "'Clearly, genes affect biological development, but there is no biological
development without environmental input," Bock and Goode" (McCord, 66). This quote says that
environmental interaction develops kids, so kids that interact with a bad environment can end up in
a worse position than other kids [what other kids? Kids from a good environment? – JMH]. The age
can influence whether or not a child will be a juvenile delinquent. Studies of criminal activity by age
constantly find that rates of offending begin to rise in pre–adolescence or early adulthood(McCord).
This says that juvenile crime usually starts when the children are teens or entering their puberty
years. This can be a big deal because that age is usually when kids are influenced more easily. "The
percentage of boys who self–reported serious delinquent behavior rose from 5 percent at age 6 to
about 18 percent at age 16 for whites and 27 percent for blacks at age 16." Loeber (McCord,68).
This says that delinquent behavior and crime rose for each race at the age of 16. The family
influence also plays a big role for a child if the child is going to be a delinquent or not. When
families have difficulties with the task laid on them, the product often is a juvenile delinquent.
(McCord) This says that parents with no care in how their child ends up will have their child
become a juvenile delinquent.
Juvenile crime is affecting the United states because Juvenile crime and
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Juvenile Crime Statistics
Individual Assignment; Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper
CJA374 Juvenile Justice Systems and Processes
Francisco Jorge Flores Sr.
December 3rd, 2012
Mrs. Amy Gordon
University of Phoenix
Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper summarizing the key points of the "Juvenile Arrests 2008" article.
Address the following;
According to Puzzanchera (2009), on his Juvenile Arrests 2008, article published through the
Juvenile Justice Bulletin from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, juvenile
arrests during 2008 felt a minor, but significant decrease in comparison to statistics of 2007, in 2008,
juvenile arrests by law enforcement agencies were estimated at 2.11 million of juveniles under the
age of 18 in the whole country, this ... Show more content on ...
Now as for minorities playing their part in these statistics of juvenile arrest in 2008, between the
ages of 10 – 17, they were classified as follows; whites conformed a 78%, black teenagers shared a
16%, while Asian/Pacific Islanders made a 5%, and another 1% was made by American Indians,
Hispanics juveniles arrests were included among whites statistics, of all violent crimes that occurred
during 2008 , whites were reported to conform 47% of the chart, in the mean time another 52% was
made by black teenagers, leaving a 2% conformed by Asian juveniles and American Indians at 1%
each group. (Puzzanchera, 2009)
Within the violent crime classification, according to Puzzanchera (2009), black juvenile arrest rate
in 2008, (926) turned out to be 5 times higher than the rate of white juveniles which were (178) per
the same period of time, which were also considered 6 times much higher than the rate for American
Indian juveniles that was (153) and it also resulted 13 times much higher than the rate of Asian
teenagers (71), if we compared these numbers to the statistics from 1980, we will find that our 2008
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Juvenile Delinquent Crimes
What is considered a juvenile delinquent? Criminal courts would say that a juvenile delinquent is a
child that is between the ages of 7 to 14 years of age. Nowadays, 14–year–old children can be
charged with certain crimes that may be handled like adults. Today, many states determine that a
child is considered to be a juvenile until the age of 18; however, in some states they set limits at 16
and 17 years–of–age. Under the age of 18, many offenses are considered juvenile delinquency. We
see that crimes that are committed by juveniles have increased with violent crimes, drug crimes,
gangs, and many more. With this in mind, some may argue to charge the juvenile as an adult based
on the seriousness of the crime. These delinquent acts are considered to be crimes that may be
committed by adults or even ... Show more content on ...
Delinquency is crimes that are committed by youths; as well as, adults. These delinquencies include;
violent crimes, property crimes, criminal homicide, drug–related offenses, and disturbances to the
public order. Status offenses illegal crimes for youths but not adults, these types of crimes are
beyond parents or guardians control. Status offenses include; truancy, parental disobedience, and
runaways. 23% of offenses committed by females are status offense verses the 4% of boys. Both are
juvenile court jurisdictions; however, more serious crimes may be subjected to criminal court and
even prison. Multiple factors exist through understanding what leads a juvenile to delinquent
behavior. Biological, sociological, and psychological factors hold high merits in explaining crime to
delinquency. Some also study that age definitely factors closely to offending behaviors. Children
with traumatic backgrounds can exhibit symptoms such as anxiety and/or depression. This typical
behavior amongst juveniles is overlooked; which in return can cause PTSD, then to a delinquency
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Juvenile Crimes And Crime Rates
Did you know that murders, rapists, kidnappers and drug dealers are being released from jail after
only serving short and relaxed sentences. Who are these criminals you might ask, and what makes
them so special?
Good morning___ and welcome to _____. So I will tell you who they are, they are people like you
and me, juveniles under the age of 18 who commit atrocious adult crimes but are still tried in
juvenile courts. They not only get off with shortened sentences but when released are given new
identities to start a new life where no one knows what they previously have committed. They
continue to live their new lives in peace and contentment all while their victims and the families are
left to suffer.
–This is why minors the age of 10 to 17 year olds who commit serious crimes like murder,
kidnapping, rape, aggravated assault and armed robbery should be charged as adults. Today I am
here to convince you that this is (the right notion and the most effective to decrease crime rates?)
They should be charged as adults firstly as every child, teen and adult knows right from wrong, if
they can do the crime they can do the time. Secondly, ____ and finally_____
So you might be thinking that minors are not adults and do not have the intellectual or moral
capacity to understand the consequences of their actions or that their brains are not fully developed
until at least the age of 20, in addition they are more vulnerable and impulsive to negative influences
and outside pressures.
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Juvenile Crimes And Juvenile Crime
Juvenile Crimes Juvenile crime occurs when a person violates the criminal law under the age of
majority (in most states it's 18). The juvenile system is way different than the adult system. When a
juvenile commits a crime there are legal consequences for their actions depending on what he/she
did. Sometimes the system can put them in rehabilitation or a detention center. If the offense is
minor, the juvenile could be released to the custody of a parent or legal guardian. In the United
States if the juvenile gets arrested for a minor offense the court will usually give a (Notice to
Appear). In the notice to appear will list, where the juvenile should report, as well the time and date.
There are different types of sentencing alternatives to juvenile crime, when sentencing a juvenile
they can be classified into two basic categories: incarceration–related options and non–incarceration
options. When incarceration the juvenile can be in (1) (Detention Facility), this is where the minor
has to serve a short term sentencing for the crime they committed. (2) (House Arrest), House arrest
is when the minor has to stay home, with the limit to travel from school, work, and wherever the
court allows them to go. (3) (Secured Juvenile Facilities) these are similar to juvenile hall except
that they are intended for longer terms, sometimes months or years, also called camps. There are
over 2,500 people that are serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for the crimes
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Juvenile Crime Paper
Juvenile Crime Paper
Malina Wiese
December 9,2012
Juvenile Crime Paper
Juvenile Court is a tribunal having special authority to try and pass judgments for crimes committed
by children or adolescents who have not attained the age of maturity, generally defined as persons
under the age of 18 and above the age of 10. Adult Court is a court of law where adults can be tried,
and if convicted, face adult punishment such as probation, adult prison, or even the death penalty.
Juvenile cases are handled differently than adult criminal cases. Instead of a criminal district or
county court, juvenile cases are heard by a juvenile court judge. A juvenile who is alleged to have
committed an offense may have their case heard in juvenile ... Show more content on ...
Roughly half of all juvenile arrests are made for theft, simple assault, drug abuse, disorderly
conduct, and curfew violations, according to the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention. Some other crimes that are committed by juveniles are auto theft, DUI, trespassing,
underage alcohol consumption, and property damage. In an average year, only about 3% of cases
heard in juvenile court involved violent offenses like robbery, rape, murder, and aggravated assault.
Historically, the vast majority of juvenile court cases have involved male offenders. Usually
between the ages of 14 and 17. But the number of girls entering the juvenile justice system has been
on the rise in recent years, in an average year, girls accounted for 27% of all juveniles facing
proceedings in the juvenile courts in the United States. Over the last 10 years, there has been a
marked increase in the number of crimes committed by juveniles. The largest increase has been in
the number of violent offenses committed. Motor vehicle theft and property crimes, burglary, and
larceny have also increased substantially. Juveniles are not only committing more crimes, they are
more frequently becoming the victim of a crime, and more and more juveniles are being victimized
by assailants armed with firearms.
A criminal record will negatively impact the
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The Insanity Of Juvenile Crimes
My stance on this particular situation is that the mental capacity of an individual would be a huge
factor in determining whether their sanity played any part in the felony they committed. Overall, I
do believe that everyone should be held accountable for their own actions. As a general rule,
adolescents know the difference between what is considered right and wrong and they are able to
understand that it is against the law to commit murder, period. For those who feel a juvenile should
not be held responsible for their actions due to their frontal and prefrontal lobes not being fully
developed until the age of 25, I would like them to consider the following: the legal age that an
individual is considered an adult should be changed permanently
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History Of Juvenile Crimes
We believe that the world's most notorious and ruthless killers are locked away in a jail cell, away
from society and possibly never having the chance to see sunlight again. Yet, what we do not know
is that it is very possible that we could be sitting in a room with a future killer. When we hear the
words "serial killer" or "murderer," we most often see pictures of the famous killers or the ones
actors portray on tv, but one of the biggest things we do not see are pictures of children. The biggest
twist of all though is according to the Justice Department, it estimates "about 10 percent of all
homicides are committed by juveniles under the age of 18." Many juveniles are being tried as adults
and possibly being locked up because of the crimes that they do, depending on how bad the crime is
and the juvenile's criminal history. Most children do not really know what they did or why they did
but that does not excuse the fact that they took another person's life, regardless of what was actually
going on during the time. Kids who do adult crimes should be put away from society for protection
against themselves and others. If a person did something really bad and they regret it, you can
instantly see it on their faces. Something sparks in their eye that just shows remorse which is good
because it shows not only them feeling bad about what they did, but also giving teaching them a
lesson to not do that bad thing ... Show more content on ...
Most adults will imagine those kids being their own which gives the children some sort of leeway.
Most juvenile courts do not have a jury, therefore making it hard for the juveniles who committed a
crime not be given a proper trial, which in their case is good for them. But, if juveniles were to be
tried as adults, not only could it bring justice, but it could also show other people who don't believe
they should have a trial by jury and keep it the
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Changes In Juvenile Crimes
In 2012 a ten year old boy in Southern California murdered his friend with a kitchen knife by
repeatedly stabbing the friend in the chest. The suspect was said to have anger issues and a mental
illness that he was medicated for. The boy, charged with felony assault and murder, was tried in a
Juvenile Court and later sentenced to juvenile rehabilitation. Depending on the crime and age of a
defendant, the Juvenile Justice System decides whether or not to put the case in the hands of the
Juvenile Court and try them as children. Due to the defendant's unusual young age he was tried as a
child,. Often times fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen year olds are tried as adults, when they should not
be. The underlying assumptions about juveniles is that they are not developmentally able to be
treated as adults, and that they can be put through rehabilitation programs and change for the better.
Whereas adults are thought as not being able to change their ways, so locking them up is a more
suitable answer. Juveniles are also thought of as not knowing their rights, leading to unfair ... Show
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The rate increased greatly during the mid 1990's and then decreased dramatically after 1996. A
Possible cause of the changes in juvenile crime rates may be parental negligence and a lack of
discipline. In the early and mid 1900's parents would smoke around their children, drink while
pregnant, and allow their children to do as they pleased, today things are very different. Times have
changed and what used to be acceptable has also changed. Today more high school graduates go to
college than before, society has higher expectations for juveniles than it used to. The usage of
juvenile rehabilitation has increased in order to keep this trend going. Prisons have also started to
overflow, which may have a connection to the Juvenile Justice System assigning more cases to the
Juvenile courts, as to not send "delinquents" to
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Juveniles And Crime
According to the text, the societal view regarding, "juveniles are not found 'guilty' of committing
crimes (cripe, pg. ). The term "guilty" connote criminality. Based on the English legal system,
children do not have the mental capacity to commit crime, therefore are not responsible for their
acts. As a result, juveniles are treated under special rules that are designed for their protection.
Juveniles are processed in special court which is not open to the public. Additionally, juvenile
records are sealed from the public scrutiny. In society views, juvenile are incapable to protect
themselves because they are not mature enough, as a result, it is up to the government to act as their
protector. I believe age is the best way to determine if an
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Juvenile Crime And Crime Rates
Juvenile crime is one of the nation 's most serious problems. Concerns about it are generally
broadcasted by federal, state, and local government officials and by the public. In years prior, the
burden developed beginning with the dramatic rise in juvenile violence in the eighties reaching an
all–time peak in the first part of the nineties. Even though juvenile crime rates seem to have lowered
since the mid–nineties, the reduction has not eased the concern. Many states began taking strict
statutory stances toward juveniles in the late seventies and early eighties. This was an era in which
juvenile crime rates were steady or dropping slightly, while federal reformers were commending
prevention and less disciplinary actions. Some of the conflict between the federal program and what
was happening in the states at that time may have been initiated by substantial changes in legal
measures that made juvenile court procedures more similar, however not equal to those in adult
(criminal) court. The reaction to the most recent spike in vicious juvenile crime has been a portrayal
of laws that uphold blurred differences between juvenile courts and adult courts. Some states
continued to strengthen their juvenile crime laws over the years first by making sentencing more
severe, two by increasing allowable transfers to criminal court, or doing away with some of the
discretion protections of juvenile court. Many such changes were enacted after the juvenile violent
crime rate had already
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Juvenile Crime In Juveniles
There is an amplified rate of recurrence with which dangerous or habitual youthful offenders are
judged in criminal court and then imprisoned in adult prison. The biggest increase in youthful
offender crime has been among the youngest offenders. A juvenile is a young person, mostly a child.
In the early 1800s, children used to be judged in the identical court as adults. They were exposed to
the same conditions as adult offenders and even received the same penalties and punishments. In
1822, an organization (society for the reformation of juvenile delinquent) conducted research, which
showed that the penitentiary system of the United States could not fully cater to the specific needs of
the juveniles. (Weis, Crutchfield & Bridges, 2001) They further suggested the invention of a
different court for the juveniles. Towards the late 1800s, the United States experienced a movement
that advocated for a clear–cut line to be drawn between adult and juvenile offenders. (Mays &
Ruddell, 2012) More groups advocating for the same emerged, they were arguing on a common fact,
that children and adults are very unusual and bear distinctly different levels of thinking. They were
not perfect; there were reports of abuse and mistreatment. In 1899, however, the Illinois Juvenile
Court Act of 1899 was passed and the first Juvenile court was established in that state. The act
considered anyone under the age of sixteen years as a Juvenile. It insisted on a rehabilitative
approach to the solving of
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Juvenile Crime Statistics
Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper
September 19, 2012
The information in this article gives statistics of juvenile crime in America ranging from the late
1980's to 2008. Its purpose is to take the information provided in these studies over the past 20 years
or so to guide efforts and address the disparities among the youth to combat and prevent juvenile
delinquency to better the lives of our children and for the future of our nation.
The overall rate for juvenile arrests has gone down substantially in the two years of 2006–2008
following its recent high peak back in 2004. For violent crimes the FBI uses and assesses trends in
four categories that law enforcement ... Show more content on ...
juvenile population ages 10–17 were 78% white, 16% black, 5% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1%
American Indian. While the whites greatly outnumbered all other Minorities Black juveniles made
up the majority of arrests for violent crimes in 2008. Black being at 52% while whites were at 47%.
For property crimes, whites made up the majority there with 65% while the blacks made up 33%. It
appeared that black youths committed more of the violent crimes, in the crime index rate for 2008
arrest per 100,000 juveniles in the racial group. Black youths made up of (926) crimes 5 times that
of whites with (178). The only explanation I could think of for such large differences in the number
of arrests and crimes committed is the economic differences between the whites and blacks. Blacks
are typically raised in poor ghetto areas while whites are not, causing different life styles and living
With the assessment of tracking juvenile arrests, you see the trends in crime and how often that
specific crime is committed. You can get a better understanding of what provisions and interventions
have worked and what have not, so that in the future there can be more programs that can
specifically target a certain crime and have more success and less repeat of the past.
Charles Puzzanchera (2009) National Criminal Justice Reference Service article "Juvenile Arrests
2008," Retrieved from
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Juvenile Crime And Juvenile Offenders
Juvenile crime is at its lowest level since 1987, falling 30% between 1994 and 1998.
Therefore it is only fair to acknowledge that the criminal justice system has made tremendous
strides in it's treatment of the typical juvenile offender. For example, there was once a time when
there was no separation between the treatment of both juvenile and adult offenders. Meanwhile
today we have separate courts for juveniles and adults which I feel is a step in the right direction
because it enforces the reality that a child's mind is different from that of an adult. I feel that the
separation is very important because it does a lot to protect the privacy of a child versus that of
an adult offender. Another example of the strides our justice system has made in recent years to
improve the treatment of juvenile offender is the fact that juvenile offenders do not have to
experience facilities such as the Houses of Refuge, which was the norm in the earlier days of
juvenile justice and crime.
It is my belief that juvenile crime is not caused single–handedly by the youth themselves,
I feel that there are mitigating factors that play a huge role in this societal issue. The reason is
because of the fact that they are children at the end of the day, and a child only controls so much
of their day to day. For example, it is no secret that education is a not a priority as far as
government funding, which results in the revelation that the cost of higher education is
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Juvenile Crimes Are Classified As Juvenile Delinquents
In the United States children and adolescents that partake in illegal behavior or commit crimes are
classified as juvenile delinquents. Those who are tried by the juvenile court system and continue
their illegal behavior are classified as repeat offenders. Juvenile crime can be either status offenses,
like under–age drinking and range to violent crime, such as rape, aggravated assault, and even
property crimes. In many cases juveniles commit heinous acts that one would think only an adult is
capable of doing, this leads to sentences of life without parole.
In the past juveniles have been sentenced to life without parole, recent U.S. Supreme Court cases
have abolished this aw stating it violates their rights. Even though it reduces the recidivism
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Juvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs
22:6 New International Version).
Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age
of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid–1900's "about one–fifth of all persons arrested for
crimes were under the age of 18" (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as
juvenile delinquency (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile
delinquency and reduces recidivism. "From the beginning, the principal consideration of the
juvenile courts was the welfare of the child" (Silva, 2014). When discussing whether the juvenile
justice system works to rehabilitate young offenders, we must examine what options are available.
Funk & Wagnalls (2014), state that Programs such as a child–guidance clinics, juvenile aid bureaus
attached to police department or other official agencies, special programs in schools are all effective
ways of deterring youth offenders and keeping them out of correctional facilities. Other forms of
rehabilitation are military type.
Before we label a child as a delinquent we must first determine the cause of the delinquency. The
question to be answered is, what causes delinquency? If you were to conduct a blind study and
asked this question, you would get many different reasons. Perhaps Bad parenting, genetics, peer
pressure, bad self–esteem, and society are all answers. Funk
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Juvenile Violent Crime And Juvenile Crime Rates
According to (Walton, 2014), as far back as the late 1800's, children have been sentenced to the
same punishments as adults, depending on the crime they committed. Punishments even included
death if the juvenile was deemed to be past the point of help. Later on courts were geared more
towards rehabilitation than punishment. Reform movements came along and parents could send
their children off to reformatories to live and work as part of their rehabilitation. Due to poor living
and working conditions many of these places were closed down.
Soon after the Progressive Era, the first juvenile court system was opened in Illinois. The main focus
of these courts was rehabilitation for the juveniles (Fiorillo, 2013). Juvenile violent crime rates had
increased so much that law makers knew they had to do something to combat all of the violence.
Juveniles were committing murder, assault, rape and other serious crimes which sent the public into
a fear overload. These increases in juvenile violent crimes lead to some of our early "get tough" on
juvenile laws. Policy makers were inclined to push for harsher laws for juveniles who committed
violent crimes.
The increase in juvenile crimes led lawmakers away from implementing laws the focused on
rehabilitation and back to laws that focused on punishment. States began to develop statutes allowed
juveniles to be tried in the same court system and receive the same sentences as adults. These
statutes brought important reforms to the juvenile
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Juvenile Sentencing : Juvenile Crime Essay
Juvenile Sentencing Juvenile crime has skyrocketed to an all–time high, mainly in the big cities. The
major problem is kids doing crimes and not being punish severely enough due to the lack of
sentencing. Today's generation knows how to beat the system because of the sentencing guidelines.
Most of the kids in Florida knew that a simple misdemeanor charge they could be released the next
day. During the years from 1997–2013 the amount of kids committed to juvenile facilities has
dropped from 75,000 to 35,000(Nicole D Porter) according to The Sentencing Project. The judges
have their hands tied because of obsolete laws, underfunding and no space to house them. Over 30
states are reforming the guidelines to lower the time juvenile serves for crimes they have committed
according to a report done in 2015 by The Sentencing Project. Some of them are pushing for
probation instead of being incarcerated. There are two resolutions to resolve the problem .First one
is to change the outdated sentencing by writing your congressional representative and secondly is to
reinforce family values. Family is an important part of the problem. There are a lot of states that use
probation instead of jail time. This causes many juveniles to stay within the system because a lot of
them violate the terms of their probation. Furthermore, it is just another slap on the wrist for getting
into more trouble. For example, probation was ordered in 53% of the 920,000 delinquency cases that
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Juvenile Crimes
When deciding how juveniles should be treated or punished for their crimes, depends on the
individual and the severity of the crime they commit. The term juvenile is classified as anyone who
commits a crime that is generally between the ages of 7 and 17. There are many critics that argue
different ways and ideas on how to handle juveniles and whether or not their age should affect their
consequences. Some view that juveniles should be treated more for rehabilitation rather than
punishing them. The supporters that believe in rehabilitation for juveniles have come up with ideas
like boot camps and detention facilities. Then there are some critics that believe that juveniles
should just be punished for their actions and take responsibility ... Show more content on ...
They explained that their needs and mental capacity were different from adults. Even though the
educational system was not properly trained to handle them, education was still the way for them to
become better well–behaved. In 1968, Congress passed The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and
Control act that looked at the root causes. However, this was amended in 1974, which allowed them
to be tried as adults, depending on the severity of the crime (Aliprandini and Walter 2–3). Then
another act passed in 1975, that was amended multiple times, but the most recent was in 2004, made
education the primary way to rehabilitation (Aliprandini and Walter 3). Currently, there are debates
on how to handle juveniles and to what extent that they should receive the same punishments as
adults. Juveniles should not be grouped together as one when deciding whether or not to try them as
an adult, instead they should be looked at as individuals and only tried as adults for violent crimes.
However, there are some people that argue that anyone not considered an adult, which is anyone
under 18 years old, should not be tried as an adult. They argue that the law is inconsistent because
someone who commits murder under the age of 18 can be tried as an adult, but anyone under 18
cannot vote, buy a gun and more (Lee and Cushman 1–2). Critics claim that since the law is
inconsistent, it allows for revenge, which is not the purpose of the
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Juvenile Crime Essay
One of the biggest problems which the United States is faced with is juvenile crime. The reason
experts feel juvenile's commit crimes is because of risk factors when they were younger but experts
still have not found the main reason why juvenile's commit crimes. Some risk factors associated
with juvenile crime are poverty, repeated exposure to violence, drugs, easy access to firearms,
unstable family life and family violence, delinquent peer groups, and media violence. Especially the
demise of family life, the effect of the media on the juveniles today, and the increase of firearms
available today have played a big role in the increase of juveniles crimes.
most common risk factor is the demise of the ... Show more content on ...
Another risk factor is the effect of the media on the juveniles of today. Before the time a child has
reached seventh grade, the average child has witnessed 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence
on the television. There is no doubt that heavy exposure to televised violence is one of the causes of
aggressive behavior, crime and violence in society. Television violence affects youngsters of all
ages, of both genders, at all economic levels, and all levels of intelligence. Long–term childhood
exposure to television is a casual factor behind one half of the homicides committed by juveniles in
the United States.
The increased availability of guns has played a big part in escalating the number of crimes
committed by juveniles.
In Los Angeles juvenile delinquency cases involving weapon violation grew by 86% from 1988 to
1992, which was more then any other type of juvenile offense. According to a University of
Michigan study found that 270,000 guns accompany secondary school students to class daily. This is
startling because it shows how many more juveniles are carrying guns and the juvenile use of guns
in homicides has increased from 65 to 80 percent from 1987 to 1991.
The possession of firearms plays a big cause in the delinquency of children and is playing a bigger
role in the crimes which juveniles commit. Another cause of the increase of juvenile crimes has been
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Juvenile Crime
Imagine two innocent young children; one girl, age seven and the other, a boy, age nine. The two are
playing video games inside on a snowy, frigid day. After, the young girl's father, Richard Ratti,
ended the festivities a seven year old, Jessica Ratti went outside to ride a snow mobile with her best
friend. The nine year old boy, identified as Cameron Kocher, enraged at his parents for not allowing
him to participate stormed home, unlocked his father's gun cabinet, and stalked to a window where
he delivered the shots that ended Jessica Ratti's life. Cameron, who showed no remorse for his
previous wrong–doings, was interchanged from juvenile and adult court, at least once. However, the
judge denied the transfer of his case into the juvenile ... Show more content on ...
"Following a steady decline since 2006, the Juvenile violent Crimes Index arrest rate reached a new
historic low–point in 2014." However, crime rates in the 1980's was comparatively lower than the
recent years. The arrest rate may have lowered, but this could mean that children are becoming more
efficient criminals. Which is why we need to reinforce the juvenile justice system. A quote from
Hanna Chiou further fortifies this statement. "...if our justice system uses mental incompetency as
the reason juveniles have their own separate and more lenient court, why aren't 40 year–olds with
the mind of a 10 year–old prosecuted in the juvenile justice system..." (Chiou 130).Another quote
from Chiou expresses the same fact: "...fully competent and mature juveniles are fully capable of
committing the same crime as a competent adult." (Chiou 141). Why is it that in the eyes of society
even children with high intelligence, who are fully competent, that have malignant motives for
committing these vehement crimes receive gentle treatment, or a mere pop or the wrist? Why is it
that age means automatic innocence? Children who commit these crimes have obviously chose so.
Remember: "Young people have to obey the same laws as adults." ("Juvenile Crime"167). So why
exactly would you not treat a well–functioning child how he or she should be
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Juvenile Justice : Juvenile Crime
Stephani Portillo
Honors English 10b
May 19,2017
Juvenile Justice
As juvenile crime increases over the years due to gang activity, bullying, etc. many offenders are
given a life sentence without parole. There isn 't a clear boundary that marks at what age should they
be treated as adults because the severity of their action always effects that. Should a 6–year–old be
convicted with life in prison or should they let them go? Is a 16–year–old enough to be charged with
murder like an adult would be? These are some things that cross people 's mind when it comes to
this subject. When the real simple question. Is it correct to give a juvenile offender life in prison?
Juvenile Justice is laws that are used to determine the punishment ... Show more content on ...
For instance, she states how society has allowed juveniles that are 18 "to vote because people
believe that by that age they can think rationally and sensibly". Indicating that if society lets them do
things like drinking alcohol, driving, and voting, it is because they are mature. Chorus argues that if
they choose not to do what 's right they should be able to take the punishment.
Advocates think juvenile offenders should get the life sentence without parole because if we don 't
arrest them now, they are going to think the crimes they are committing are fine and are going to
keep doing them. In the article "Sentencing juveniles to life", the author explains that if we don 't
capture the murderer now, they are going to keep killing. He claims "some people are simply too
dangerous to be free" killers no matter what age should not be able to be free. As quoted in the
article Bishop Jenkins states when they decided to kill a person the gave up their " right to walk
among us." A person who may be a danger to others can 't be out and free.It 's better to contain
something bad before it spreads even more(Jenkins). Sentencing them to life in prison without
parole is for the best of the other citizens.
Opponents agree that sentencing juvenile offenders to life in prison without parole are unfair and
instead of helping it will make them worse. In the article "Sentencing Juveniles To
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Juvenile Crimes
Juvenile crime is a growing problem that endangers virtually every American. Juvenile delinquency
is enormously damaging to the health and well–being of the nations families and communities. A
juvenile crime can consist of DUI, robbery, rape, minor in possession, weapon in possession
anything an adult can be charged with. Individuals under the age of eighteen who commit these
crimes can be charged as a juvenile delinquent. Statistics show that most juveniles that commit
crimes are in a gang; weather its street related or school related. The average cost of caring for an
incarcerated juvenile is more than $40,000 a year. Vandalism in schools cost more than two–hundred
million a year, and vandalism directed at personal property is even ... Show more content on ...
Some juveniles commit crimes because of poor parenting skills, because most parents do not page
close attentions to their child and give them the attention they ask for. Not knowing what your child
is doing are not having any thing to do with your child's life is poor relationships between children
and parents. According to Eric Lotke, "the numbers of juvenile homicides with firearm are starting
to spiral upwards while the number of non–firearm homicides stays steady or is decreasing. Lotke
and others contend that guns have led to higher rates of violence because they have replaced less
fatal weapons. While juveniles use to fight with fits and knives they now resolve disputes with lethal
firearms (qtd in Ojeda 53). Preventing juvenile crime is very hard to do. Recently authorities have
tried various means of addressing the problem of juvenile crime including teenage curfew laws,
parental responsibility laws, and after–school and early intervention programs (qtd in Ojeda 129).
Family interactions have greater influence on delinquency. To prevent juvenile delinquency one
should spend more time with their child, and be more controlling. If the parent feels like he or she
can not control the child they should seek for assistance by calling social services. Parents should
educate their child about the dangerous parts of drug use. Most parents should put their child in after
school activities, such as community services,
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Juvinle Crimes: Juvenile Crime
Juvenile Crimes: There are many crimes that juvenile's do that can put them in juvie for a short time,
or even a long time, it depends on how bad their charge is against them. There are many crimes that
juvenile's do like : alcohol, battery, Violations, truancy, harassment, traffic violation, fraud, and
Burglary. There are places that can help you if you dealing with people that are juvenile's, or you are
a juvenile. One place that you can go to for help is counselling. Another one would be therapy, if
you really need help, like major help you would need to go to therapy. The last place you get help
from is restart, a place you get help you are in need for some support. The crimes in 2015: from kids
aged 10 to 18 is 52% of homicides,
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Crime And Juvenile And Adult Crimes
In today's criminal justice system in the United States, there is a lot of dispute between what the
qualifications are for juvenile and adult crimes. Some believe that the only difference is age. Others
say it is the severity of the crime. It's obvious that when adults commit crimes, whether they are a
misdemeanor offense or a felony, they pay for it. The confliction comes when a juvenile commits a
crime. What exactly determines if they are tried as an adult or a juvenile? Does it vary by state–to–
state? Are there federal laws that govern that debate? There have been cases where children have
been tried in a court of law as an adult. So what exactly is the clear cut reason why juveniles are
tired sometimes as adults, and other times as juveniles?
So what exactly is a crime to begin with? According to, crime is defined as "an
action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the
interests of the state and that is legally prohibited." (
s=t). People of all ages commit a crime. The crimes that people commit can range from shoplifting
to murder. But what happens when a juvenile commits one of these crimes? First, let's cover what a
juvenile is. According to (–crime–law.html), "Minors under the age of 18
years, who commit a crime, or otherwise violate established rules and statutes, are identified as
juvenile delinquents, juvenile offenders,
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Juvenile Crimes Of Juveniles
Do you know of anyone who has been a victim of a major crime? I live near the nation's capitol and
our local news channel carries stories about people meeting this fate every day. The worst part is
that the criminal is often under the age of eighteen. In 2016, in Washington, D.C. alone, there were
3,278 juveniles arrested for criminal activity ("Biannual Reports"). I find myself wondering if that
criminal will be tried as an adult or merely spend time in juvenile detention. I wonder if the child
understands the gravity of what they did. I am certain the victim of the crime is not thinking "they
were just a child; they didn't know any better."
The United States considers a juvenile to be an individual seventeen years of age or ... Show more
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Young adolescents (before age nine) primarily show pre–conventional morality. This stage of moral
development is when an individual learns to obeys rules in order to avoid punishment. Pre–
conventional morality development in young children demonstrates that they are capable of
understanding that there are laws that need to be followed and failure to follow them will result in
serious consequences. Older adolescents begin to show conventional morality. In this stage of
development, an individual is a "rule follower", simply because it is the right thing to do. The final
level of Kohlberg's morality theory is post–conventional morality. Kohlberg believes most people do
not reach this level of development (Myers 448–450). These studies would indicate, regardless of
the stage of moral development, adolescents are competent of abiding by laws. A common crime in
my area has been attacks of metro riders by teen gangs. These attacks have resulted in injuries rather
than robberies and are a popular post on social media for the gang members. One rider that was
attacked said he believed the gang did this just for the fun of it (Uliano). If an adolescent has the
moral reasoning to know right from wrong, they should be held accountable when they choose to do
wrong. Justice cannot be equally fair and apply to everyone if the rules are according to age instead
of severity of crime. For example, in 2016 in Washington, D.C., juvenile crimes
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Juvenile Incarceration Crime
Aizer, Anna & Doyle Jr., Joseph J. (2013). Juvenile incarceration, human capital and future crime:
evidence from randomly–assigned judges. National Bureau of Economic Research
The authors conducted a retrospective study using data gathered from Chicago Public Schools,
Court of Cook County and the Illinois Department of Corrections. Their aim was to determine the
effect that juvenile incarceration has on human capital accumulation. Their main focus was on high
school completion and adult recidivism.
Brunson, Rod K & Weitzer, Ronald (2009). Police Relations with Black and White Youths in
Different Urban Neighborhoods. Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 44, 858–885.
The authors conduct in–depth interviews of young black and white males residing in disadvantaged
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Children from loving families often have the support of their parents to help with things like college
funding, places to live and childcare.
Saminsky, A. (2010). "Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: Early Intervention and Comprehensiveness
as Critical Factors.
The authors, in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: Early Intervention and Comprehensiveness as
Critical Factors., use determine factors of different programs, and to see what works and what does
not. In this way, the most successful programs can continue to be implemented and improved. They
looked at poor child–rearing practices, poor parental supervision, criminal parents and siblings, low
family income, large family size, poor housing, low intelligence, and low educational attainment to
determine cause of delinquency behavior in juvenile.
The Council of State Governments Justice Center, "Locked Out: Improving Educational and
Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth" (New York: The Council of State Governments Justice
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Three Juvenile Crimes
By the time one is an adolescent, one should know that stealing, killing, using drugs, and
committing felonies is wrong. "Williams, who celebrated his sixteenth birthday in jail, faces up to
110 years behind bars for second–degree attempted murder and use of a weapon to commit a felony.
He's also charged with robbery and assault in another county" (Khan). Williams was faced with the
consequences of an adult because of his actions. He has committed other crimes before, therefore,
Williams has not learned from his mistakes. "Three of the five Florida teenagers accused of setting
15–year–old Michael Brewer on fire over a $40 video game debt" (Netter). These three juveniles
were the ages of fifteen and sixteen when they were convicted. The
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2008 Juvenile Crime
According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service article "Juvenile Arrests
2008" on the bulletin by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), juvenile
crime in 2008 showed a decline from recent years. Crime data is gathered annually and reported to
the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program by local law enforcement agencies across the
nation and 2008 marked the first decline in juvenile crime since 2004.
Juvenile crime is defined as crime committed by persons under the age of 18. Although juvenile
crime in 2008 had increased in a few categories such as property crime it had decreased in most.
Criminal offenses are categorized under violent crime index (murder, manslaughter, forcible rape,
robbery, aggravated ... Show more content on ...
According to the article, juvenile arrests in 2008 disproportionally involved more minorities than
whites. Data of 2008 indicated that 52% of juvenile violent crime index arrests and 33% of juvenile
property crime index arrests involved black youth even though they only make 16% of the youth
population ages 10–17 in the U.S. 47% of the same crime index involved white youth which makes
up 78% of the U.S. population ages 10–17. Hispanic youth was included under white racial group.
Keeping track of crime through the FBI's UCR Program can be an effective tool to measure trends
in juvenile crime and reduce delinquency among our youth. For instance, data gathered can help law
enforcement agencies allocated funds to programs aimed to curtail rising crime in certain areas and
hire more staff where it's needed. On the flipside, the same data can help law enforcement agencies
notice what programs or what is not working in the fight against juvenile delinquency. Also, the
same data can also help address social issues such as the juvenile arrests disproportionately involved
minorities and female
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Juveniles Commit Crimes
Most people think that when kids commit crimes that it was a misunderstanding or that brain
disorder excuse the cause of violent crimes such as murder,shoplifting,and selling drugs. Juveniles
should be convicted as adults for violent crimes because they chose to commit these crimes also
teens should know what is right from wrong. When juveniles commit crimes juveniles don't think
about the consequences that juveniles can suffer from when juveniles commit this adult acts.
Massive loss of brain tissue occurs in the teen years,according to Paul Thompson he explains that a
teens brain results in why would a teen would want to commit crimes and not think about the
consequences of a juvenile's action.If development of the brain in teen years were
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Juvenile Crime And The Juvenile Justice System
Bryn Conley
November 7, 2014
Juvenile Crime and the Juvenile Justice System in North Carolina:
Informative Speech
Specific Purpose Statement
To inform my audience about the seriousness of juvenile crime and the problems that North
Carolina faces when dealing with underage offenders.
I. According to the Annual Summary Report done by the North Carolina Department of Justice and
the State Bureau of Investigation, in 2012, approximately 36,000 juveniles were arrested in the state
of North Carolina.
i. Over 11,000 of these arrests were made for index crimes.
1. Over 1/3 of the 11,000 index crime arrests were juveniles under the age of 16. ii. From 2011 to
2012, the murder rate for juveniles rose approximately 20%.
1. The rate for juveniles under the age of 16 in the same year rose nearly 170%.
II. Today I want to talk to you about the seriousness of juvenile crime here in our state and the
difficulties that the justice department faces when handling underage offenders.
III. I am currently enrolled in a Corrections course here at the college and have interviewed
members of the criminal justice system for information.
IV. Throughout my speech, I will talk to you about
a. situations that lead to juvenile arrests,
b. the crimes committed by juveniles,
c. how the justice system reacts to juvenile offenders,
d. and how convicted juveniles handle re–entering the community.
I. Childhood is a very delicate and shapeable period. Minors who are subject to live in poor
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Is Juvenile Crime Uncontrollable?
Child Act allows children to wait til eighteen to legally to drink, some are abusing the government
laws. Intercollege Research and Development Centre conducted a survey of 960 students in a
secondary schools from ages 14 to 18 years old and about 400 individuals from ages 18 to 21, which
the results showed that 44% have driven without a license, 38% had consumed alcohol illegally, and
37% were arrested for assault (Kapardis, 2013). Furthermore, the findings of this survey in Cyprus
have demostrated useful criminological information concerning the occurrence on juvenile
selfishness performance. It is comforting to understand that society is not enforcing new laws, but
children enjoy the risk of not getting caught, especially when it is something that they are forbidden
to obtain.
Is Juvenile Crime Uncontrollable? Although illegal actions by a child are widespread across the
universe, serious violence is becoming uncontrollable. Such bad behavior has a shocking impact in
the media because it disrupts with people's theories that adolescence is still in the stage of purity
(Morse, 1997). Society believed that adolescene are ... Show more content on ...
Premeditated human misconduct, which is action, can be easily explained by the physical sources
and the motives behind it. Stephen Morse explained that the intention of a human behavior is a
product from desires and belief of the individual (Morse, 1997). For example, Henry is a police
officer from his hometown, Jersey City, New Jersey. The reason behind his decision is that he
wishes to follow his admired father, mother, or a family relative, which Henry believes that the best
route is also become a police officer. Stephen Morse explained that this situation is refer to as a folk
psychology because Henry's mind set is to follow his relative occupation rather than choosing their
own desire (Morse,
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Juvenile Crime Solution
It may seem shocking that America has one of the highest crime rates per capita compared to other
similar industrialized nations. Over the years, there have been many discussions and efforts in order
to reduce this problem. Perhaps one of the more sensitive issues when discussing crime in America
is the problem of juvenile crime. Recently, juveniles make up 3% of all felonies committed each
year and 6% of all violent crimes ( These statistics have troubled politicians for
decades as they have worked to find a solution. Starting in 1994 the Clinton administration started
putting stricter punishment on juvenile offenders, but it was quickly realized that this harsh
punishment may not be the best solution. Various studies and programs put into action have shown
that early prevention in a child's life is much more effective and more cost efficient in reducing
crime. Because of these efforts, juvenile crime has reduced 68% since the violent boom of the
1990s. In light of these discoveries, it is important for states to focus on these results in order to
reduce crime. In the 1990s, as crime was continuing to rise at a steady rate, American leaders soon
realized they had a crisis on their hands. In response to this, President Bill Clinton released a bill in
1994 aiming to take extreme action in combatting crime. This bill included many actions such as
increasing the amount of police officers, more funding for cities' law enforcement programs, and
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The Importance Of Juvenile Crimes
Juvenile justice is a system whereby justice is executed by state bodies in cases that apply to teens
and children. This also includes both public and private structures that rehabilitates, corrects, and
monitors the young offenders. These state organs are really important because they help the young
juvenile offenders, to change their behaviors' and become greater people in the future before it gets
to worse.
Most of the teens especially in the black community living in the United States, are affected by
juvenile crime. This not only affects the teens but as well the parents and the relatives to these
youngsters. While the police and the entire society have been fighting crime still the rates day by
day have been increasing. Many institutions have come up with programs which may help the
juvenile's for example in America, we have crime watch, which attempts to install discipline in
youngsters who engage in criminal activities for example, stealing, drugs and fighting. The juveniles
are taken to prisons where they have seventy two hours to spend in prison. This has changed and
transformed many Juveniles lives but to other youngsters it is nothing but a waste of time. Many
programs that do not work are those that just only intervene to those kids that have committed
crimes, instead of engaging all the kids.
Nevertheless prevention programs have a big impact not only to the juveniles but the entire public,
because they prevent different types of crimes from happening.
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Preventing Juvenile Crime
Each individual lives in the US nowadays is influenced by juvenile crime. It sways parents,
neighbors, teachers, and families. It influences the sufferers of crime, the executors, and the witness.
While crime rates have been declining, rates remains high. There have been numerous programs that
have tried to lower this rate. A few are truly unbeaten, whereas a lot of others have least or no
impact. These programs are ravage of our sources. It is important to verify the effectiveness of
various programs, and to distinguish what will work and what doesn't. In this manner, the most
thriving programs can be executed and enhanced, while those that don't work are stopped.
An amount of various kinds of programs presently exist. Those that get engaged with the antisocial
following the incidence of deviant actions inclined to be less booming, from the time when that
point of disruptive practice are well developed. More successful programs are ones that intercede
prior to the start of antisocial actions and avoid those actions prevention programs. By getting
involved in children's lives in a timely manner, later crime can be effectively reduced (Zagar, Busch,
and Hughes, 2009). Prevention programs certainly impact the common public as they end this
transgression from occurring in the first place. And there are even several deterrence programs that
are more booming than others. One feature of remarkably winning deterrence
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Underage Crimes And Charges For Juvenile Crime
Underage Charges
Juvenile crimes are an ongoing serious epidemic all over the world that's been increasing at a steady
pace. Many juveniles have committed crimes, that leads us to a variety of different perspectives on
this strong controversial topic. Which brings up the question should individuals under the age of 16
charged with felonies be tried as adults. In society today, they are indecisive over this subject. They
shouldn't be charged because of different factors that affects the minor's environment such as age
and maturity levels, psychological issues, and lifetime effects. Adolescents should be accountable
for their action and face any consequences that comes along with the crime they committed. Judges
contemplate that the minors need to understand that it won't be tolerated and any perpetrators caught
in any allegations will be prosecuted and arraigned in court. They believe if they break the law they
should have the responsibility for their actions to the full extent of the law. That they are not above
the law and age shouldn't be a reason why they should be taken leniently and should receive severe
punishments for their conduct. Emphasizing on the criminal act itself and not the delinquents age.
To them what matters most is for justice to be served and the form of punishment used. That they
should not be given special treatment for the crime. This is not the correct process of trying to fix
this issue. Yes, they have the right to fair trial by jury, but should
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Crime Statistics And Juvenile Crime
Juvenile Crime Statistics
The paper will focus and highlight some details of the statistics of juvenile crime statistics and
juvenile crime itself. Is an aim to evaluate the reduction in national juvenile arrest, narcotics
offenses, minor assaults, and the allegations regarding minor females, with the incousion of ethnic
and racial classes. Additionally, data will be shown on the increase in arrest for minor females, the
contrast in decrease for their male delinquent counterparts and voilent crimes and lastly, the method
of gathering trends for arresting data of juveniles. According to the (Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 2000).
Determining juvenile crime statistics the arrest data report the amount of arrest made by law
enforcement in a precise year – nor the amount of individual arrested nor the amount of crimes
committed. Data about juvenile crime, in particular violent crime, and statistics about the size and
characteristics of the juvenile population have played an important part in the policy debates
(Zimring, 1998).
Overall Decrease in Juvenile Arrest
Juvenile crime rates are a significant portion of the UCR statistics. (Uniform Crime Report).Most of
the crimes in which juveniles committed were in fact violent crimes. The main crimes that were
committed were drug abuse and simple assault. According to the FBI, juveniles accounted for "17%
of all arrests, while 15% of those arrests were considered violent crimes". (Juvenile Crime 2001,
2003) Overall there has been a
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Juvenile Crime Theories
Although juvenile crime tends to go unrecognized, it is a major issue in America and happens to go
unrecognized. There once was a time when society did not place emphasis on the special needs of
juveniles. In most cases children were taking on adult roles to help their families survived, which
caused them to struggle with identifying themselves in society. They were also subject to the same
consequences that adults received when they did something that was considered morally wrong,
forcing them to grow up before their time. There are multiple theories that are used when
considering the consequences for an adult offender. However, I personally feel that we should not
use the same theories for juvenile crime unless the crime committed is a Mala In Se Crime, which is
considered wrong and inherently evil & immoral.Studies have shown that our brains continue to
develop into our twenties, which confirms that the thought process that a child and an adult goes
through is completely different. A juvenile is not mentally of physically developed enough to handle
the severe consequences that an adult can. Just because someone makes ... Show more content on ...
While conducting my research, I learned about a young man named Kalief Browder. Kalief was sent
to Rikers Island at the age of 16 for being accused of stealing a backpack. He served three years at
Rikers Island although he did have a trial or was found guilty of committing a crime. While serving
his time he was often beaten by the guards and locked in his cell for long periods throughout the
day. When he was released from prison he was completely traumatized. He would lock himself in
his bedroom for long periods of time and feared being around large groups of prison. Because he
was treated as an adult for a minor crime, he was left mentally unstable at the age of 22.
Consequently, Kalief committed suicide due to his experience at Rikers
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Factors Of Juvenile Crime

  • 1. Factors Of Juvenile Crime Juvenile crime has been a major issue in the United State, from the beginning and its impact on society. People are trying to find effective ways to stop it. Juvenile crime has many factors that influences the United States and makes people want to stop it. Juvenile crime is an issue that needs to be stopped. Juvenile crime can be a danger to many people. Juvenile crime had a strong uprising when conditions within the society got worse. Research over the past few decades on normal child development and development on delinquent behavior has shown that individual, social, and community conditions and interactions influence behavior(McCord). This says that in bad environments in the community the children that live there are more likely to be an individual with juvenile delinquency. "'Clearly, genes affect biological development, but there is no biological development without environmental input," Bock and Goode" (McCord, 66). This quote says that environmental interaction develops kids, so kids that interact with a bad environment can end up in a worse position than other kids [what other kids? Kids from a good environment? – JMH]. The age can influence whether or not a child will be a juvenile delinquent. Studies of criminal activity by age constantly find that rates of offending begin to rise in pre–adolescence or early adulthood(McCord). This says that juvenile crime usually starts when the children are teens or entering their puberty years. This can be a big deal because that age is usually when kids are influenced more easily. "The percentage of boys who self–reported serious delinquent behavior rose from 5 percent at age 6 to about 18 percent at age 16 for whites and 27 percent for blacks at age 16." Loeber (McCord,68). This says that delinquent behavior and crime rose for each race at the age of 16. The family influence also plays a big role for a child if the child is going to be a delinquent or not. When families have difficulties with the task laid on them, the product often is a juvenile delinquent. (McCord) This says that parents with no care in how their child ends up will have their child become a juvenile delinquent. Juvenile crime is affecting the United states because Juvenile crime and ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Juvenile Crime Statistics Individual Assignment; Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper CJA374 Juvenile Justice Systems and Processes Francisco Jorge Flores Sr. December 3rd, 2012 Mrs. Amy Gordon University of Phoenix Write a 700 to 1,050 word paper summarizing the key points of the "Juvenile Arrests 2008" article. Address the following; According to Puzzanchera (2009), on his Juvenile Arrests 2008, article published through the Juvenile Justice Bulletin from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, juvenile arrests during 2008 felt a minor, but significant decrease in comparison to statistics of 2007, in 2008, juvenile arrests by law enforcement agencies were estimated at 2.11 million of juveniles under the age of 18 in the whole country, this ... Show more content on ... Now as for minorities playing their part in these statistics of juvenile arrest in 2008, between the ages of 10 – 17, they were classified as follows; whites conformed a 78%, black teenagers shared a 16%, while Asian/Pacific Islanders made a 5%, and another 1% was made by American Indians, Hispanics juveniles arrests were included among whites statistics, of all violent crimes that occurred during 2008 , whites were reported to conform 47% of the chart, in the mean time another 52% was made by black teenagers, leaving a 2% conformed by Asian juveniles and American Indians at 1% each group. (Puzzanchera, 2009) Within the violent crime classification, according to Puzzanchera (2009), black juvenile arrest rate in 2008, (926) turned out to be 5 times higher than the rate of white juveniles which were (178) per the same period of time, which were also considered 6 times much higher than the rate for American Indian juveniles that was (153) and it also resulted 13 times much higher than the rate of Asian teenagers (71), if we compared these numbers to the statistics from 1980, we will find that our 2008 ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Juvenile Delinquent Crimes What is considered a juvenile delinquent? Criminal courts would say that a juvenile delinquent is a child that is between the ages of 7 to 14 years of age. Nowadays, 14–year–old children can be charged with certain crimes that may be handled like adults. Today, many states determine that a child is considered to be a juvenile until the age of 18; however, in some states they set limits at 16 and 17 years–of–age. Under the age of 18, many offenses are considered juvenile delinquency. We see that crimes that are committed by juveniles have increased with violent crimes, drug crimes, gangs, and many more. With this in mind, some may argue to charge the juvenile as an adult based on the seriousness of the crime. These delinquent acts are considered to be crimes that may be committed by adults or even ... Show more content on ... Delinquency is crimes that are committed by youths; as well as, adults. These delinquencies include; violent crimes, property crimes, criminal homicide, drug–related offenses, and disturbances to the public order. Status offenses illegal crimes for youths but not adults, these types of crimes are beyond parents or guardians control. Status offenses include; truancy, parental disobedience, and runaways. 23% of offenses committed by females are status offense verses the 4% of boys. Both are juvenile court jurisdictions; however, more serious crimes may be subjected to criminal court and even prison. Multiple factors exist through understanding what leads a juvenile to delinquent behavior. Biological, sociological, and psychological factors hold high merits in explaining crime to delinquency. Some also study that age definitely factors closely to offending behaviors. Children with traumatic backgrounds can exhibit symptoms such as anxiety and/or depression. This typical behavior amongst juveniles is overlooked; which in return can cause PTSD, then to a delinquency life ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Juvenile Crimes And Crime Rates Did you know that murders, rapists, kidnappers and drug dealers are being released from jail after only serving short and relaxed sentences. Who are these criminals you might ask, and what makes them so special? Good morning___ and welcome to _____. So I will tell you who they are, they are people like you and me, juveniles under the age of 18 who commit atrocious adult crimes but are still tried in juvenile courts. They not only get off with shortened sentences but when released are given new identities to start a new life where no one knows what they previously have committed. They continue to live their new lives in peace and contentment all while their victims and the families are left to suffer. –This is why minors the age of 10 to 17 year olds who commit serious crimes like murder, kidnapping, rape, aggravated assault and armed robbery should be charged as adults. Today I am here to convince you that this is (the right notion and the most effective to decrease crime rates?) They should be charged as adults firstly as every child, teen and adult knows right from wrong, if they can do the crime they can do the time. Secondly, ____ and finally_____ So you might be thinking that minors are not adults and do not have the intellectual or moral capacity to understand the consequences of their actions or that their brains are not fully developed until at least the age of 20, in addition they are more vulnerable and impulsive to negative influences and outside pressures. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Juvenile Crimes And Juvenile Crime Juvenile Crimes Juvenile crime occurs when a person violates the criminal law under the age of majority (in most states it's 18). The juvenile system is way different than the adult system. When a juvenile commits a crime there are legal consequences for their actions depending on what he/she did. Sometimes the system can put them in rehabilitation or a detention center. If the offense is minor, the juvenile could be released to the custody of a parent or legal guardian. In the United States if the juvenile gets arrested for a minor offense the court will usually give a (Notice to Appear). In the notice to appear will list, where the juvenile should report, as well the time and date. There are different types of sentencing alternatives to juvenile crime, when sentencing a juvenile they can be classified into two basic categories: incarceration–related options and non–incarceration options. When incarceration the juvenile can be in (1) (Detention Facility), this is where the minor has to serve a short term sentencing for the crime they committed. (2) (House Arrest), House arrest is when the minor has to stay home, with the limit to travel from school, work, and wherever the court allows them to go. (3) (Secured Juvenile Facilities) these are similar to juvenile hall except that they are intended for longer terms, sometimes months or years, also called camps. There are over 2,500 people that are serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for the crimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Juvenile Crime Paper Juvenile Crime Paper Malina Wiese CJS/200 December 9,2012 Juvenile Crime Paper Juvenile Court is a tribunal having special authority to try and pass judgments for crimes committed by children or adolescents who have not attained the age of maturity, generally defined as persons under the age of 18 and above the age of 10. Adult Court is a court of law where adults can be tried, and if convicted, face adult punishment such as probation, adult prison, or even the death penalty. Juvenile cases are handled differently than adult criminal cases. Instead of a criminal district or county court, juvenile cases are heard by a juvenile court judge. A juvenile who is alleged to have committed an offense may have their case heard in juvenile ... Show more content on ... Roughly half of all juvenile arrests are made for theft, simple assault, drug abuse, disorderly conduct, and curfew violations, according to the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Some other crimes that are committed by juveniles are auto theft, DUI, trespassing, underage alcohol consumption, and property damage. In an average year, only about 3% of cases heard in juvenile court involved violent offenses like robbery, rape, murder, and aggravated assault. Historically, the vast majority of juvenile court cases have involved male offenders. Usually between the ages of 14 and 17. But the number of girls entering the juvenile justice system has been on the rise in recent years, in an average year, girls accounted for 27% of all juveniles facing proceedings in the juvenile courts in the United States. Over the last 10 years, there has been a marked increase in the number of crimes committed by juveniles. The largest increase has been in the number of violent offenses committed. Motor vehicle theft and property crimes, burglary, and larceny have also increased substantially. Juveniles are not only committing more crimes, they are more frequently becoming the victim of a crime, and more and more juveniles are being victimized by assailants armed with firearms. A criminal record will negatively impact the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Insanity Of Juvenile Crimes My stance on this particular situation is that the mental capacity of an individual would be a huge factor in determining whether their sanity played any part in the felony they committed. Overall, I do believe that everyone should be held accountable for their own actions. As a general rule, adolescents know the difference between what is considered right and wrong and they are able to understand that it is against the law to commit murder, period. For those who feel a juvenile should not be held responsible for their actions due to their frontal and prefrontal lobes not being fully developed until the age of 25, I would like them to consider the following: the legal age that an individual is considered an adult should be changed permanently ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. History Of Juvenile Crimes We believe that the world's most notorious and ruthless killers are locked away in a jail cell, away from society and possibly never having the chance to see sunlight again. Yet, what we do not know is that it is very possible that we could be sitting in a room with a future killer. When we hear the words "serial killer" or "murderer," we most often see pictures of the famous killers or the ones actors portray on tv, but one of the biggest things we do not see are pictures of children. The biggest twist of all though is according to the Justice Department, it estimates "about 10 percent of all homicides are committed by juveniles under the age of 18." Many juveniles are being tried as adults and possibly being locked up because of the crimes that they do, depending on how bad the crime is and the juvenile's criminal history. Most children do not really know what they did or why they did but that does not excuse the fact that they took another person's life, regardless of what was actually going on during the time. Kids who do adult crimes should be put away from society for protection against themselves and others. If a person did something really bad and they regret it, you can instantly see it on their faces. Something sparks in their eye that just shows remorse which is good because it shows not only them feeling bad about what they did, but also giving teaching them a lesson to not do that bad thing ... Show more content on ... Most adults will imagine those kids being their own which gives the children some sort of leeway. Most juvenile courts do not have a jury, therefore making it hard for the juveniles who committed a crime not be given a proper trial, which in their case is good for them. But, if juveniles were to be tried as adults, not only could it bring justice, but it could also show other people who don't believe they should have a trial by jury and keep it the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Changes In Juvenile Crimes In 2012 a ten year old boy in Southern California murdered his friend with a kitchen knife by repeatedly stabbing the friend in the chest. The suspect was said to have anger issues and a mental illness that he was medicated for. The boy, charged with felony assault and murder, was tried in a Juvenile Court and later sentenced to juvenile rehabilitation. Depending on the crime and age of a defendant, the Juvenile Justice System decides whether or not to put the case in the hands of the Juvenile Court and try them as children. Due to the defendant's unusual young age he was tried as a child,. Often times fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen year olds are tried as adults, when they should not be. The underlying assumptions about juveniles is that they are not developmentally able to be treated as adults, and that they can be put through rehabilitation programs and change for the better. Whereas adults are thought as not being able to change their ways, so locking them up is a more suitable answer. Juveniles are also thought of as not knowing their rights, leading to unfair ... Show more content on ... The rate increased greatly during the mid 1990's and then decreased dramatically after 1996. A Possible cause of the changes in juvenile crime rates may be parental negligence and a lack of discipline. In the early and mid 1900's parents would smoke around their children, drink while pregnant, and allow their children to do as they pleased, today things are very different. Times have changed and what used to be acceptable has also changed. Today more high school graduates go to college than before, society has higher expectations for juveniles than it used to. The usage of juvenile rehabilitation has increased in order to keep this trend going. Prisons have also started to overflow, which may have a connection to the Juvenile Justice System assigning more cases to the Juvenile courts, as to not send "delinquents" to ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Juveniles And Crime According to the text, the societal view regarding, "juveniles are not found 'guilty' of committing crimes (cripe, pg. ). The term "guilty" connote criminality. Based on the English legal system, children do not have the mental capacity to commit crime, therefore are not responsible for their acts. As a result, juveniles are treated under special rules that are designed for their protection. Juveniles are processed in special court which is not open to the public. Additionally, juvenile records are sealed from the public scrutiny. In society views, juvenile are incapable to protect themselves because they are not mature enough, as a result, it is up to the government to act as their protector. I believe age is the best way to determine if an ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Juvenile Crime And Crime Rates Juvenile crime is one of the nation 's most serious problems. Concerns about it are generally broadcasted by federal, state, and local government officials and by the public. In years prior, the burden developed beginning with the dramatic rise in juvenile violence in the eighties reaching an all–time peak in the first part of the nineties. Even though juvenile crime rates seem to have lowered since the mid–nineties, the reduction has not eased the concern. Many states began taking strict statutory stances toward juveniles in the late seventies and early eighties. This was an era in which juvenile crime rates were steady or dropping slightly, while federal reformers were commending prevention and less disciplinary actions. Some of the conflict between the federal program and what was happening in the states at that time may have been initiated by substantial changes in legal measures that made juvenile court procedures more similar, however not equal to those in adult (criminal) court. The reaction to the most recent spike in vicious juvenile crime has been a portrayal of laws that uphold blurred differences between juvenile courts and adult courts. Some states continued to strengthen their juvenile crime laws over the years first by making sentencing more severe, two by increasing allowable transfers to criminal court, or doing away with some of the discretion protections of juvenile court. Many such changes were enacted after the juvenile violent crime rate had already ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Juvenile Crime In Juveniles There is an amplified rate of recurrence with which dangerous or habitual youthful offenders are judged in criminal court and then imprisoned in adult prison. The biggest increase in youthful offender crime has been among the youngest offenders. A juvenile is a young person, mostly a child. In the early 1800s, children used to be judged in the identical court as adults. They were exposed to the same conditions as adult offenders and even received the same penalties and punishments. In 1822, an organization (society for the reformation of juvenile delinquent) conducted research, which showed that the penitentiary system of the United States could not fully cater to the specific needs of the juveniles. (Weis, Crutchfield & Bridges, 2001) They further suggested the invention of a different court for the juveniles. Towards the late 1800s, the United States experienced a movement that advocated for a clear–cut line to be drawn between adult and juvenile offenders. (Mays & Ruddell, 2012) More groups advocating for the same emerged, they were arguing on a common fact, that children and adults are very unusual and bear distinctly different levels of thinking. They were not perfect; there were reports of abuse and mistreatment. In 1899, however, the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899 was passed and the first Juvenile court was established in that state. The act considered anyone under the age of sixteen years as a Juvenile. It insisted on a rehabilitative approach to the solving of ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Juvenile Crime Statistics JUVENILE CRIME STATISTICS PAPER Juvenile Crime Statistics Paper CJA/374 September 19, 2012 The information in this article gives statistics of juvenile crime in America ranging from the late 1980's to 2008. Its purpose is to take the information provided in these studies over the past 20 years or so to guide efforts and address the disparities among the youth to combat and prevent juvenile delinquency to better the lives of our children and for the future of our nation. The overall rate for juvenile arrests has gone down substantially in the two years of 2006–2008 following its recent high peak back in 2004. For violent crimes the FBI uses and assesses trends in four categories that law enforcement ... Show more content on ... juvenile population ages 10–17 were 78% white, 16% black, 5% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1% American Indian. While the whites greatly outnumbered all other Minorities Black juveniles made up the majority of arrests for violent crimes in 2008. Black being at 52% while whites were at 47%. For property crimes, whites made up the majority there with 65% while the blacks made up 33%. It appeared that black youths committed more of the violent crimes, in the crime index rate for 2008 arrest per 100,000 juveniles in the racial group. Black youths made up of (926) crimes 5 times that of whites with (178). The only explanation I could think of for such large differences in the number of arrests and crimes committed is the economic differences between the whites and blacks. Blacks are typically raised in poor ghetto areas while whites are not, causing different life styles and living conditions. With the assessment of tracking juvenile arrests, you see the trends in crime and how often that specific crime is committed. You can get a better understanding of what provisions and interventions have worked and what have not, so that in the future there can be more programs that can specifically target a certain crime and have more success and less repeat of the past. Reference Charles Puzzanchera (2009) National Criminal Justice Reference Service article "Juvenile Arrests 2008," Retrieved from ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Juvenile Crime And Juvenile Offenders Juvenile crime is at its lowest level since 1987, falling 30% between 1994 and 1998. Therefore it is only fair to acknowledge that the criminal justice system has made tremendous strides in it's treatment of the typical juvenile offender. For example, there was once a time when there was no separation between the treatment of both juvenile and adult offenders. Meanwhile today we have separate courts for juveniles and adults which I feel is a step in the right direction because it enforces the reality that a child's mind is different from that of an adult. I feel that the separation is very important because it does a lot to protect the privacy of a child versus that of an adult offender. Another example of the strides our justice system has made in recent years to improve the treatment of juvenile offender is the fact that juvenile offenders do not have to experience facilities such as the Houses of Refuge, which was the norm in the earlier days of juvenile justice and crime. It is my belief that juvenile crime is not caused single–handedly by the youth themselves, I feel that there are mitigating factors that play a huge role in this societal issue. The reason is because of the fact that they are children at the end of the day, and a child only controls so much of their day to day. For example, it is no secret that education is a not a priority as far as government funding, which results in the revelation that the cost of higher education is ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Juvenile Crimes Are Classified As Juvenile Delinquents In the United States children and adolescents that partake in illegal behavior or commit crimes are classified as juvenile delinquents. Those who are tried by the juvenile court system and continue their illegal behavior are classified as repeat offenders. Juvenile crime can be either status offenses, like under–age drinking and range to violent crime, such as rape, aggravated assault, and even property crimes. In many cases juveniles commit heinous acts that one would think only an adult is capable of doing, this leads to sentences of life without parole. In the past juveniles have been sentenced to life without parole, recent U.S. Supreme Court cases have abolished this aw stating it violates their rights. Even though it reduces the recidivism ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Juvenile Crime And Juvenile Delinquency "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6 New International Version). Juvenile crime, in law, term denoting various offense committed by children or youth under the age of 18. U.S. official crime reported that in the mid–1900's "about one–fifth of all persons arrested for crimes were under the age of 18" (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014). Such acts are sometimes referred to as juvenile delinquency (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014. Offering constructive programs reduces juvenile delinquency and reduces recidivism. "From the beginning, the principal consideration of the juvenile courts was the welfare of the child" (Silva, 2014). When discussing whether the juvenile justice system works to rehabilitate young offenders, we must examine what options are available. Funk & Wagnalls (2014), state that Programs such as a child–guidance clinics, juvenile aid bureaus attached to police department or other official agencies, special programs in schools are all effective ways of deterring youth offenders and keeping them out of correctional facilities. Other forms of rehabilitation are military type. Before we label a child as a delinquent we must first determine the cause of the delinquency. The question to be answered is, what causes delinquency? If you were to conduct a blind study and asked this question, you would get many different reasons. Perhaps Bad parenting, genetics, peer pressure, bad self–esteem, and society are all answers. Funk ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Juvenile Violent Crime And Juvenile Crime Rates According to (Walton, 2014), as far back as the late 1800's, children have been sentenced to the same punishments as adults, depending on the crime they committed. Punishments even included death if the juvenile was deemed to be past the point of help. Later on courts were geared more towards rehabilitation than punishment. Reform movements came along and parents could send their children off to reformatories to live and work as part of their rehabilitation. Due to poor living and working conditions many of these places were closed down. Soon after the Progressive Era, the first juvenile court system was opened in Illinois. The main focus of these courts was rehabilitation for the juveniles (Fiorillo, 2013). Juvenile violent crime rates had increased so much that law makers knew they had to do something to combat all of the violence. Juveniles were committing murder, assault, rape and other serious crimes which sent the public into a fear overload. These increases in juvenile violent crimes lead to some of our early "get tough" on juvenile laws. Policy makers were inclined to push for harsher laws for juveniles who committed violent crimes. The increase in juvenile crimes led lawmakers away from implementing laws the focused on rehabilitation and back to laws that focused on punishment. States began to develop statutes allowed juveniles to be tried in the same court system and receive the same sentences as adults. These statutes brought important reforms to the juvenile ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Juvenile Sentencing : Juvenile Crime Essay Juvenile Sentencing Juvenile crime has skyrocketed to an all–time high, mainly in the big cities. The major problem is kids doing crimes and not being punish severely enough due to the lack of sentencing. Today's generation knows how to beat the system because of the sentencing guidelines. Most of the kids in Florida knew that a simple misdemeanor charge they could be released the next day. During the years from 1997–2013 the amount of kids committed to juvenile facilities has dropped from 75,000 to 35,000(Nicole D Porter) according to The Sentencing Project. The judges have their hands tied because of obsolete laws, underfunding and no space to house them. Over 30 states are reforming the guidelines to lower the time juvenile serves for crimes they have committed according to a report done in 2015 by The Sentencing Project. Some of them are pushing for probation instead of being incarcerated. There are two resolutions to resolve the problem .First one is to change the outdated sentencing by writing your congressional representative and secondly is to reinforce family values. Family is an important part of the problem. There are a lot of states that use probation instead of jail time. This causes many juveniles to stay within the system because a lot of them violate the terms of their probation. Furthermore, it is just another slap on the wrist for getting into more trouble. For example, probation was ordered in 53% of the 920,000 delinquency cases that ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Juvenile Crimes When deciding how juveniles should be treated or punished for their crimes, depends on the individual and the severity of the crime they commit. The term juvenile is classified as anyone who commits a crime that is generally between the ages of 7 and 17. There are many critics that argue different ways and ideas on how to handle juveniles and whether or not their age should affect their consequences. Some view that juveniles should be treated more for rehabilitation rather than punishing them. The supporters that believe in rehabilitation for juveniles have come up with ideas like boot camps and detention facilities. Then there are some critics that believe that juveniles should just be punished for their actions and take responsibility ... Show more content on ... They explained that their needs and mental capacity were different from adults. Even though the educational system was not properly trained to handle them, education was still the way for them to become better well–behaved. In 1968, Congress passed The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control act that looked at the root causes. However, this was amended in 1974, which allowed them to be tried as adults, depending on the severity of the crime (Aliprandini and Walter 2–3). Then another act passed in 1975, that was amended multiple times, but the most recent was in 2004, made education the primary way to rehabilitation (Aliprandini and Walter 3). Currently, there are debates on how to handle juveniles and to what extent that they should receive the same punishments as adults. Juveniles should not be grouped together as one when deciding whether or not to try them as an adult, instead they should be looked at as individuals and only tried as adults for violent crimes. However, there are some people that argue that anyone not considered an adult, which is anyone under 18 years old, should not be tried as an adult. They argue that the law is inconsistent because someone who commits murder under the age of 18 can be tried as an adult, but anyone under 18 cannot vote, buy a gun and more (Lee and Cushman 1–2). Critics claim that since the law is inconsistent, it allows for revenge, which is not the purpose of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Juvenile Crime Essay One of the biggest problems which the United States is faced with is juvenile crime. The reason experts feel juvenile's commit crimes is because of risk factors when they were younger but experts still have not found the main reason why juvenile's commit crimes. Some risk factors associated with juvenile crime are poverty, repeated exposure to violence, drugs, easy access to firearms, unstable family life and family violence, delinquent peer groups, and media violence. Especially the demise of family life, the effect of the media on the juveniles today, and the increase of firearms available today have played a big role in the increase of juveniles crimes. The most common risk factor is the demise of the ... Show more content on ... Another risk factor is the effect of the media on the juveniles of today. Before the time a child has reached seventh grade, the average child has witnessed 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence on the television. There is no doubt that heavy exposure to televised violence is one of the causes of aggressive behavior, crime and violence in society. Television violence affects youngsters of all ages, of both genders, at all economic levels, and all levels of intelligence. Long–term childhood exposure to television is a casual factor behind one half of the homicides committed by juveniles in the United States. The increased availability of guns has played a big part in escalating the number of crimes committed by juveniles. In Los Angeles juvenile delinquency cases involving weapon violation grew by 86% from 1988 to 1992, which was more then any other type of juvenile offense. According to a University of Michigan study found that 270,000 guns accompany secondary school students to class daily. This is startling because it shows how many more juveniles are carrying guns and the juvenile use of guns in homicides has increased from 65 to 80 percent from 1987 to 1991. The possession of firearms plays a big cause in the delinquency of children and is playing a bigger role in the crimes which juveniles commit. Another cause of the increase of juvenile crimes has been the effect ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Juvenile Crime Imagine two innocent young children; one girl, age seven and the other, a boy, age nine. The two are playing video games inside on a snowy, frigid day. After, the young girl's father, Richard Ratti, ended the festivities a seven year old, Jessica Ratti went outside to ride a snow mobile with her best friend. The nine year old boy, identified as Cameron Kocher, enraged at his parents for not allowing him to participate stormed home, unlocked his father's gun cabinet, and stalked to a window where he delivered the shots that ended Jessica Ratti's life. Cameron, who showed no remorse for his previous wrong–doings, was interchanged from juvenile and adult court, at least once. However, the judge denied the transfer of his case into the juvenile ... Show more content on ... "Following a steady decline since 2006, the Juvenile violent Crimes Index arrest rate reached a new historic low–point in 2014." However, crime rates in the 1980's was comparatively lower than the recent years. The arrest rate may have lowered, but this could mean that children are becoming more efficient criminals. Which is why we need to reinforce the juvenile justice system. A quote from Hanna Chiou further fortifies this statement. "...if our justice system uses mental incompetency as the reason juveniles have their own separate and more lenient court, why aren't 40 year–olds with the mind of a 10 year–old prosecuted in the juvenile justice system..." (Chiou 130).Another quote from Chiou expresses the same fact: "...fully competent and mature juveniles are fully capable of committing the same crime as a competent adult." (Chiou 141). Why is it that in the eyes of society even children with high intelligence, who are fully competent, that have malignant motives for committing these vehement crimes receive gentle treatment, or a mere pop or the wrist? Why is it that age means automatic innocence? Children who commit these crimes have obviously chose so. Remember: "Young people have to obey the same laws as adults." ("Juvenile Crime"167). So why exactly would you not treat a well–functioning child how he or she should be ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Juvenile Justice : Juvenile Crime Stephani Portillo Honors English 10b Branson,6 May 19,2017 Juvenile Justice As juvenile crime increases over the years due to gang activity, bullying, etc. many offenders are given a life sentence without parole. There isn 't a clear boundary that marks at what age should they be treated as adults because the severity of their action always effects that. Should a 6–year–old be convicted with life in prison or should they let them go? Is a 16–year–old enough to be charged with murder like an adult would be? These are some things that cross people 's mind when it comes to this subject. When the real simple question. Is it correct to give a juvenile offender life in prison? Juvenile Justice is laws that are used to determine the punishment ... Show more content on ... For instance, she states how society has allowed juveniles that are 18 "to vote because people believe that by that age they can think rationally and sensibly". Indicating that if society lets them do things like drinking alcohol, driving, and voting, it is because they are mature. Chorus argues that if they choose not to do what 's right they should be able to take the punishment. Advocates think juvenile offenders should get the life sentence without parole because if we don 't arrest them now, they are going to think the crimes they are committing are fine and are going to keep doing them. In the article "Sentencing juveniles to life", the author explains that if we don 't capture the murderer now, they are going to keep killing. He claims "some people are simply too dangerous to be free" killers no matter what age should not be able to be free. As quoted in the article Bishop Jenkins states when they decided to kill a person the gave up their " right to walk among us." A person who may be a danger to others can 't be out and free.It 's better to contain something bad before it spreads even more(Jenkins). Sentencing them to life in prison without parole is for the best of the other citizens. Opponents agree that sentencing juvenile offenders to life in prison without parole are unfair and instead of helping it will make them worse. In the article "Sentencing Juveniles To ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Juvenile Crimes Juvenile crime is a growing problem that endangers virtually every American. Juvenile delinquency is enormously damaging to the health and well–being of the nations families and communities. A juvenile crime can consist of DUI, robbery, rape, minor in possession, weapon in possession anything an adult can be charged with. Individuals under the age of eighteen who commit these crimes can be charged as a juvenile delinquent. Statistics show that most juveniles that commit crimes are in a gang; weather its street related or school related. The average cost of caring for an incarcerated juvenile is more than $40,000 a year. Vandalism in schools cost more than two–hundred million a year, and vandalism directed at personal property is even ... Show more content on ... Some juveniles commit crimes because of poor parenting skills, because most parents do not page close attentions to their child and give them the attention they ask for. Not knowing what your child is doing are not having any thing to do with your child's life is poor relationships between children and parents. According to Eric Lotke, "the numbers of juvenile homicides with firearm are starting to spiral upwards while the number of non–firearm homicides stays steady or is decreasing. Lotke and others contend that guns have led to higher rates of violence because they have replaced less fatal weapons. While juveniles use to fight with fits and knives they now resolve disputes with lethal firearms (qtd in Ojeda 53). Preventing juvenile crime is very hard to do. Recently authorities have tried various means of addressing the problem of juvenile crime including teenage curfew laws, parental responsibility laws, and after–school and early intervention programs (qtd in Ojeda 129). Family interactions have greater influence on delinquency. To prevent juvenile delinquency one should spend more time with their child, and be more controlling. If the parent feels like he or she can not control the child they should seek for assistance by calling social services. Parents should educate their child about the dangerous parts of drug use. Most parents should put their child in after school activities, such as community services, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Juvinle Crimes: Juvenile Crime Juvenile Crimes: There are many crimes that juvenile's do that can put them in juvie for a short time, or even a long time, it depends on how bad their charge is against them. There are many crimes that juvenile's do like : alcohol, battery, Violations, truancy, harassment, traffic violation, fraud, and Burglary. There are places that can help you if you dealing with people that are juvenile's, or you are a juvenile. One place that you can go to for help is counselling. Another one would be therapy, if you really need help, like major help you would need to go to therapy. The last place you get help from is restart, a place you get help you are in need for some support. The crimes in 2015: from kids aged 10 to 18 is 52% of homicides, ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Crime And Juvenile And Adult Crimes In today's criminal justice system in the United States, there is a lot of dispute between what the qualifications are for juvenile and adult crimes. Some believe that the only difference is age. Others say it is the severity of the crime. It's obvious that when adults commit crimes, whether they are a misdemeanor offense or a felony, they pay for it. The confliction comes when a juvenile commits a crime. What exactly determines if they are tried as an adult or a juvenile? Does it vary by state–to– state? Are there federal laws that govern that debate? There have been cases where children have been tried in a court of law as an adult. So what exactly is the clear cut reason why juveniles are tired sometimes as adults, and other times as juveniles? So what exactly is a crime to begin with? According to, crime is defined as "an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited." ( s=t). People of all ages commit a crime. The crimes that people commit can range from shoplifting to murder. But what happens when a juvenile commits one of these crimes? First, let's cover what a juvenile is. According to (–crime–law.html), "Minors under the age of 18 years, who commit a crime, or otherwise violate established rules and statutes, are identified as juvenile delinquents, juvenile offenders, ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Juvenile Crimes Of Juveniles Do you know of anyone who has been a victim of a major crime? I live near the nation's capitol and our local news channel carries stories about people meeting this fate every day. The worst part is that the criminal is often under the age of eighteen. In 2016, in Washington, D.C. alone, there were 3,278 juveniles arrested for criminal activity ("Biannual Reports"). I find myself wondering if that criminal will be tried as an adult or merely spend time in juvenile detention. I wonder if the child understands the gravity of what they did. I am certain the victim of the crime is not thinking "they were just a child; they didn't know any better." The United States considers a juvenile to be an individual seventeen years of age or ... Show more content on ... Young adolescents (before age nine) primarily show pre–conventional morality. This stage of moral development is when an individual learns to obeys rules in order to avoid punishment. Pre– conventional morality development in young children demonstrates that they are capable of understanding that there are laws that need to be followed and failure to follow them will result in serious consequences. Older adolescents begin to show conventional morality. In this stage of development, an individual is a "rule follower", simply because it is the right thing to do. The final level of Kohlberg's morality theory is post–conventional morality. Kohlberg believes most people do not reach this level of development (Myers 448–450). These studies would indicate, regardless of the stage of moral development, adolescents are competent of abiding by laws. A common crime in my area has been attacks of metro riders by teen gangs. These attacks have resulted in injuries rather than robberies and are a popular post on social media for the gang members. One rider that was attacked said he believed the gang did this just for the fun of it (Uliano). If an adolescent has the moral reasoning to know right from wrong, they should be held accountable when they choose to do wrong. Justice cannot be equally fair and apply to everyone if the rules are according to age instead of severity of crime. For example, in 2016 in Washington, D.C., juvenile crimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Juvenile Incarceration Crime Aizer, Anna & Doyle Jr., Joseph J. (2013). Juvenile incarceration, human capital and future crime: evidence from randomly–assigned judges. National Bureau of Economic Research The authors conducted a retrospective study using data gathered from Chicago Public Schools, Court of Cook County and the Illinois Department of Corrections. Their aim was to determine the effect that juvenile incarceration has on human capital accumulation. Their main focus was on high school completion and adult recidivism. Brunson, Rod K & Weitzer, Ronald (2009). Police Relations with Black and White Youths in Different Urban Neighborhoods. Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 44, 858–885. The authors conduct in–depth interviews of young black and white males residing in disadvantaged ... Show more content on ... Children from loving families often have the support of their parents to help with things like college funding, places to live and childcare. Saminsky, A. (2010). "Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: Early Intervention and Comprehensiveness as Critical Factors. The authors, in Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: Early Intervention and Comprehensiveness as Critical Factors., use determine factors of different programs, and to see what works and what does not. In this way, the most successful programs can continue to be implemented and improved. They looked at poor child–rearing practices, poor parental supervision, criminal parents and siblings, low family income, large family size, poor housing, low intelligence, and low educational attainment to determine cause of delinquency behavior in juvenile. The Council of State Governments Justice Center, "Locked Out: Improving Educational and Vocational Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth" (New York: The Council of State Governments Justice Center, ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Three Juvenile Crimes By the time one is an adolescent, one should know that stealing, killing, using drugs, and committing felonies is wrong. "Williams, who celebrated his sixteenth birthday in jail, faces up to 110 years behind bars for second–degree attempted murder and use of a weapon to commit a felony. He's also charged with robbery and assault in another county" (Khan). Williams was faced with the consequences of an adult because of his actions. He has committed other crimes before, therefore, Williams has not learned from his mistakes. "Three of the five Florida teenagers accused of setting 15–year–old Michael Brewer on fire over a $40 video game debt" (Netter). These three juveniles were the ages of fifteen and sixteen when they were convicted. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. 2008 Juvenile Crime According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service article "Juvenile Arrests 2008" on the bulletin by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), juvenile crime in 2008 showed a decline from recent years. Crime data is gathered annually and reported to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program by local law enforcement agencies across the nation and 2008 marked the first decline in juvenile crime since 2004. Juvenile crime is defined as crime committed by persons under the age of 18. Although juvenile crime in 2008 had increased in a few categories such as property crime it had decreased in most. Criminal offenses are categorized under violent crime index (murder, manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated ... Show more content on ... According to the article, juvenile arrests in 2008 disproportionally involved more minorities than whites. Data of 2008 indicated that 52% of juvenile violent crime index arrests and 33% of juvenile property crime index arrests involved black youth even though they only make 16% of the youth population ages 10–17 in the U.S. 47% of the same crime index involved white youth which makes up 78% of the U.S. population ages 10–17. Hispanic youth was included under white racial group. Keeping track of crime through the FBI's UCR Program can be an effective tool to measure trends in juvenile crime and reduce delinquency among our youth. For instance, data gathered can help law enforcement agencies allocated funds to programs aimed to curtail rising crime in certain areas and hire more staff where it's needed. On the flipside, the same data can help law enforcement agencies notice what programs or what is not working in the fight against juvenile delinquency. Also, the same data can also help address social issues such as the juvenile arrests disproportionately involved minorities and female ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Juveniles Commit Crimes Most people think that when kids commit crimes that it was a misunderstanding or that brain disorder excuse the cause of violent crimes such as murder,shoplifting,and selling drugs. Juveniles should be convicted as adults for violent crimes because they chose to commit these crimes also teens should know what is right from wrong. When juveniles commit crimes juveniles don't think about the consequences that juveniles can suffer from when juveniles commit this adult acts. Massive loss of brain tissue occurs in the teen years,according to Paul Thompson he explains that a teens brain results in why would a teen would want to commit crimes and not think about the consequences of a juvenile's action.If development of the brain in teen years were ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Juvenile Crime And The Juvenile Justice System Bryn Conley November 7, 2014 Juvenile Crime and the Juvenile Justice System in North Carolina: Informative Speech Specific Purpose Statement To inform my audience about the seriousness of juvenile crime and the problems that North Carolina faces when dealing with underage offenders. Introduction I. According to the Annual Summary Report done by the North Carolina Department of Justice and the State Bureau of Investigation, in 2012, approximately 36,000 juveniles were arrested in the state of North Carolina. i. Over 11,000 of these arrests were made for index crimes. 1. Over 1/3 of the 11,000 index crime arrests were juveniles under the age of 16. ii. From 2011 to 2012, the murder rate for juveniles rose approximately 20%. 1. The rate for juveniles under the age of 16 in the same year rose nearly 170%. II. Today I want to talk to you about the seriousness of juvenile crime here in our state and the difficulties that the justice department faces when handling underage offenders. III. I am currently enrolled in a Corrections course here at the college and have interviewed members of the criminal justice system for information. IV. Throughout my speech, I will talk to you about a. situations that lead to juvenile arrests, b. the crimes committed by juveniles, c. how the justice system reacts to juvenile offenders, d. and how convicted juveniles handle re–entering the community. Body I. Childhood is a very delicate and shapeable period. Minors who are subject to live in poor ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Is Juvenile Crime Uncontrollable? Child Act allows children to wait til eighteen to legally to drink, some are abusing the government laws. Intercollege Research and Development Centre conducted a survey of 960 students in a secondary schools from ages 14 to 18 years old and about 400 individuals from ages 18 to 21, which the results showed that 44% have driven without a license, 38% had consumed alcohol illegally, and 37% were arrested for assault (Kapardis, 2013). Furthermore, the findings of this survey in Cyprus have demostrated useful criminological information concerning the occurrence on juvenile selfishness performance. It is comforting to understand that society is not enforcing new laws, but children enjoy the risk of not getting caught, especially when it is something that they are forbidden to obtain. Is Juvenile Crime Uncontrollable? Although illegal actions by a child are widespread across the universe, serious violence is becoming uncontrollable. Such bad behavior has a shocking impact in the media because it disrupts with people's theories that adolescence is still in the stage of purity (Morse, 1997). Society believed that adolescene are ... Show more content on ... Premeditated human misconduct, which is action, can be easily explained by the physical sources and the motives behind it. Stephen Morse explained that the intention of a human behavior is a product from desires and belief of the individual (Morse, 1997). For example, Henry is a police officer from his hometown, Jersey City, New Jersey. The reason behind his decision is that he wishes to follow his admired father, mother, or a family relative, which Henry believes that the best route is also become a police officer. Stephen Morse explained that this situation is refer to as a folk psychology because Henry's mind set is to follow his relative occupation rather than choosing their own desire (Morse, ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Juvenile Crime Solution It may seem shocking that America has one of the highest crime rates per capita compared to other similar industrialized nations. Over the years, there have been many discussions and efforts in order to reduce this problem. Perhaps one of the more sensitive issues when discussing crime in America is the problem of juvenile crime. Recently, juveniles make up 3% of all felonies committed each year and 6% of all violent crimes ( These statistics have troubled politicians for decades as they have worked to find a solution. Starting in 1994 the Clinton administration started putting stricter punishment on juvenile offenders, but it was quickly realized that this harsh punishment may not be the best solution. Various studies and programs put into action have shown that early prevention in a child's life is much more effective and more cost efficient in reducing crime. Because of these efforts, juvenile crime has reduced 68% since the violent boom of the 1990s. In light of these discoveries, it is important for states to focus on these results in order to reduce crime. In the 1990s, as crime was continuing to rise at a steady rate, American leaders soon realized they had a crisis on their hands. In response to this, President Bill Clinton released a bill in 1994 aiming to take extreme action in combatting crime. This bill included many actions such as increasing the amount of police officers, more funding for cities' law enforcement programs, and enforcing ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Importance Of Juvenile Crimes Juvenile justice is a system whereby justice is executed by state bodies in cases that apply to teens and children. This also includes both public and private structures that rehabilitates, corrects, and monitors the young offenders. These state organs are really important because they help the young juvenile offenders, to change their behaviors' and become greater people in the future before it gets to worse. Most of the teens especially in the black community living in the United States, are affected by juvenile crime. This not only affects the teens but as well the parents and the relatives to these youngsters. While the police and the entire society have been fighting crime still the rates day by day have been increasing. Many institutions have come up with programs which may help the juvenile's for example in America, we have crime watch, which attempts to install discipline in youngsters who engage in criminal activities for example, stealing, drugs and fighting. The juveniles are taken to prisons where they have seventy two hours to spend in prison. This has changed and transformed many Juveniles lives but to other youngsters it is nothing but a waste of time. Many programs that do not work are those that just only intervene to those kids that have committed crimes, instead of engaging all the kids. Nevertheless prevention programs have a big impact not only to the juveniles but the entire public, because they prevent different types of crimes from happening. ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Preventing Juvenile Crime WHAT DO WE NEED TO KNOW FOR PREVENTING JUVENILE CRIME? Each individual lives in the US nowadays is influenced by juvenile crime. It sways parents, neighbors, teachers, and families. It influences the sufferers of crime, the executors, and the witness. While crime rates have been declining, rates remains high. There have been numerous programs that have tried to lower this rate. A few are truly unbeaten, whereas a lot of others have least or no impact. These programs are ravage of our sources. It is important to verify the effectiveness of various programs, and to distinguish what will work and what doesn't. In this manner, the most thriving programs can be executed and enhanced, while those that don't work are stopped. An amount of various kinds of programs presently exist. Those that get engaged with the antisocial following the incidence of deviant actions inclined to be less booming, from the time when that point of disruptive practice are well developed. More successful programs are ones that intercede prior to the start of antisocial actions and avoid those actions prevention programs. By getting involved in children's lives in a timely manner, later crime can be effectively reduced (Zagar, Busch, and Hughes, 2009). Prevention programs certainly impact the common public as they end this transgression from occurring in the first place. And there are even several deterrence programs that are more booming than others. One feature of remarkably winning deterrence ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Underage Crimes And Charges For Juvenile Crime Underage Charges Juvenile crimes are an ongoing serious epidemic all over the world that's been increasing at a steady pace. Many juveniles have committed crimes, that leads us to a variety of different perspectives on this strong controversial topic. Which brings up the question should individuals under the age of 16 charged with felonies be tried as adults. In society today, they are indecisive over this subject. They shouldn't be charged because of different factors that affects the minor's environment such as age and maturity levels, psychological issues, and lifetime effects. Adolescents should be accountable for their action and face any consequences that comes along with the crime they committed. Judges contemplate that the minors need to understand that it won't be tolerated and any perpetrators caught in any allegations will be prosecuted and arraigned in court. They believe if they break the law they should have the responsibility for their actions to the full extent of the law. That they are not above the law and age shouldn't be a reason why they should be taken leniently and should receive severe punishments for their conduct. Emphasizing on the criminal act itself and not the delinquents age. To them what matters most is for justice to be served and the form of punishment used. That they should not be given special treatment for the crime. This is not the correct process of trying to fix this issue. Yes, they have the right to fair trial by jury, but should ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Crime Statistics And Juvenile Crime Juvenile Crime Statistics The paper will focus and highlight some details of the statistics of juvenile crime statistics and juvenile crime itself. Is an aim to evaluate the reduction in national juvenile arrest, narcotics offenses, minor assaults, and the allegations regarding minor females, with the incousion of ethnic and racial classes. Additionally, data will be shown on the increase in arrest for minor females, the contrast in decrease for their male delinquent counterparts and voilent crimes and lastly, the method of gathering trends for arresting data of juveniles. According to the (Juvenile Justice Bulletin, 2000). Determining juvenile crime statistics the arrest data report the amount of arrest made by law enforcement in a precise year – nor the amount of individual arrested nor the amount of crimes committed. Data about juvenile crime, in particular violent crime, and statistics about the size and characteristics of the juvenile population have played an important part in the policy debates (Zimring, 1998). Overall Decrease in Juvenile Arrest Juvenile crime rates are a significant portion of the UCR statistics. (Uniform Crime Report).Most of the crimes in which juveniles committed were in fact violent crimes. The main crimes that were committed were drug abuse and simple assault. According to the FBI, juveniles accounted for "17% of all arrests, while 15% of those arrests were considered violent crimes". (Juvenile Crime 2001, 2003) Overall there has been a ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Juvenile Crime Theories Although juvenile crime tends to go unrecognized, it is a major issue in America and happens to go unrecognized. There once was a time when society did not place emphasis on the special needs of juveniles. In most cases children were taking on adult roles to help their families survived, which caused them to struggle with identifying themselves in society. They were also subject to the same consequences that adults received when they did something that was considered morally wrong, forcing them to grow up before their time. There are multiple theories that are used when considering the consequences for an adult offender. However, I personally feel that we should not use the same theories for juvenile crime unless the crime committed is a Mala In Se Crime, which is considered wrong and inherently evil & immoral.Studies have shown that our brains continue to develop into our twenties, which confirms that the thought process that a child and an adult goes through is completely different. A juvenile is not mentally of physically developed enough to handle the severe consequences that an adult can. Just because someone makes ... Show more content on ... While conducting my research, I learned about a young man named Kalief Browder. Kalief was sent to Rikers Island at the age of 16 for being accused of stealing a backpack. He served three years at Rikers Island although he did have a trial or was found guilty of committing a crime. While serving his time he was often beaten by the guards and locked in his cell for long periods throughout the day. When he was released from prison he was completely traumatized. He would lock himself in his bedroom for long periods of time and feared being around large groups of prison. Because he was treated as an adult for a minor crime, he was left mentally unstable at the age of 22. Consequently, Kalief committed suicide due to his experience at Rikers ... Get more on ...