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Passion for @BWKnopper
The key to solving complex Java puzzles
JavaOne [BOF2913]
#javaone #EvolutionaryAlgorithms @BWKnopper
Passion for @BWKnopper
Let me introduce myself…
• Bas W. Knopper
• Dutch
• Java Developer
• NCIM (IT Services Company)
• 9 years Java exp
• AI enthousiast
• Soft spot for Evolutionary Algorithms
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• A lot of ground to cover in 45 mins.
• Ask questions anytime!
• But don’t take it personal if I have to move on…
• We’ll discuss it over a <insert beverage of choice>!
• If time permits it
• Question round at the end as well
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Passion for @BWKnopper
What I would like to accomplish…
• Interest
• Understanding
• How & when
• Add to toolbox
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• Space Technology 5 mission
• launched March 22, 2006, and completed June 20, 2006
• Three full service 25-kilogram-class spacecraft
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Passion for @BWKnopper
NASA Continued
• Needs even smaller antenna
• That still functions according to spec
• Need for solution that’s not easy to engineer
• So they used an EA that made these:
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Passion for @BWKnopper
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• Powerful example
• Evolving object
• First evolved object to fly in space
• How?
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Evolution - “Survival of the fittest”
with a basic
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Passion for @BWKnopper
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Passion for @BWKnopper
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Passion for @BWKnopper
From evolution to problem solvingEnvironment Problem
Individual Candidate Solution
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Puzzle solving time!
• More down to earth example
• Travelling Salesman Problem
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Travelling Salesman Problem
• Given n cities
• n = number of cities to visit
• Find (optimal) route for visiting all cities
• Visit every city only once
• Return to origin city
• Search space is huge
• For 30 cities there are 30! 10^32 possible routes
That’s possible routes!
Brute force might not be the best solution…
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Puzzle solving time!
• More down to earth example
• Travelling Salesman Problem
• Use case to show you
• Evolutionary Algorithm Design
• Plain Java Code
• Demo
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Different EA’s
• Genetic Algorithms (GA’s)
• Evolution Strategies (ES’s)
• Evolutionary Programming (EP)
• Genetic Programming (GP)
• All have the same basis
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Candidate Solution - Representation
• n = 6
• And base city 1
• Label cities 1,2,3,4,5,6
• Candidate Solution
• Signifying the route
• for n = 10
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Passion for @BWKnopper
1653421 1653421
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Evaluation Function (Fitness Function)
• Summed distance:
• d1,2 + d2,4 + … + d5,1
• Minimize!
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this
* candidate solution's fitness
private void calculateFitness() {
/* initialize total distance */
double totalDistance = 0;
* For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this
* City and the next and add it to the totalDistance
for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) {
City city = route.get(i);
City nextCity = route.get(i + 1);
totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity);
/* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Termination Condition
• EA’s are stochastic
• May never find optimum
• Combination
• Max number of runs (generations)
• Sure to terminate
• Either:
• Fitness threshold
• Fitness improvement remains under a threshold over runs
• Population diversity drops under a certain threshold
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Parent Selection
• Where x is the number of parents:
• Pick x best
• Random x
• Best x out of random y
• In our example:
• Best x out of random y
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() {
List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population);
List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>();
/* create parent pool */
for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++)
/* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */
int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size());
CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex);
/* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */
/* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */
/* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */
return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• In our example:
• half-half does not work
• “Cut-and-crossfill”
15421 135421 1635421 1425631
1245631 1245631 1245631
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Passion for @BWKnopper
public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) {
/* get routes of both parents */
List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute();
List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute();
/* initialize the routes for the children */
List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>();
List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>();
/* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */
int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size());
/* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */
childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex));
childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex));
/* perform crossfill for both children */
crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex);
crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex);
/* create new children using the new children routes */
CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1);
CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2);
/* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */
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Passion for @BWKnopper
public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) {
/* get routes of both parents */
List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute();
List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute();
/* initialize the routes for the children */
List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>();
List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>();
/* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */
int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size());
/* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */
childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex));
childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex));
/* perform crossfill for both children */
crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex);
crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex);
/* create new children using the new children routes */
CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1);
CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2);
/* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */
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Passion for @BWKnopper
public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) {
/* get routes of both parents */
List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute();
List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute();
/* initialize the routes for the children */
List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>();
List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>();
/* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */
int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size());
/* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */
childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex));
childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex));
/* perform crossfill for both children */
crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex);
crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex);
/* create new children using the new children routes */
CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1);
CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2);
/* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */
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Passion for @BWKnopper
public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) {
/* get routes of both parents */
List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute();
List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute();
/* initialize the routes for the children */
List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>();
List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>();
/* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */
int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size());
/* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */
childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex));
childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex));
/* perform crossfill for both children */
crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex);
crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex);
/* create new children using the new children routes */
CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1);
CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2);
/* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */
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Passion for @BWKnopper
public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) {
/* get routes of both parents */
List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute();
List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute();
/* initialize the routes for the children */
List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>();
List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>();
/* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */
int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size());
/* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */
childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex));
childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex));
/* perform crossfill for both children */
crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex);
crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex);
/* create new children using the new children routes */
CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1);
CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2);
/* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */
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Passion for @BWKnopper
public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) {
/* get routes of both parents */
List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute();
List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute();
/* initialize the routes for the children */
List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>();
List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>();
/* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */
int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size());
/* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */
childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex));
childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex));
/* perform crossfill for both children */
crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex);
crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex);
/* create new children using the new children routes */
CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1);
CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2);
/* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Check the rest of the route in the crossing parent and add the cities
* that are not yet in the child (in the order of the route of the crossing
* parent)
private void crossFill(List<City> childRoute, List<City> parentRoute,
int cutIndex) {
/* traverse the parent route from the cut index on and add every city not yet in the child to the child */
for (int i = cutIndex; i < parentRoute.size(); i++) {
City nextCityOnRoute = parentRoute.get(i);
if (!childRoute.contains(nextCityOnRoute)) {
/* traverse the parent route from the start of the route and add every city not yet in the child to the child */
for (int i = 0; i < cutIndex; i++) {
City nextCityOnRoute = parentRoute.get(i);
if (!childRoute.contains(nextCityOnRoute)) {
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• Change of nr won’t work
• Infeasible candidate solution
• Swap to the rescue!
1653421 1253461
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Mutates the current individual by swapping two random cities in its
* route.
public void mutate() { 1653421
Random random = new Random();
/* randomly select two indices in the route */
int indexFirstCity = random.nextInt(route.size());
int indexSecondCity = random.nextInt(route.size());
/* Make sure they are different */
while (indexFirstCity == indexSecondCity) {
indexSecondCity = random.nextInt(route.size());
/* retrieve the Cities on the given indices */
City firstCity = route.get(indexFirstCity);
City secondCity = route.get(indexSecondCity);
/* Changer! */
route.set(indexFirstCity, secondCity);
route.set(indexSecondCity, firstCity);
Slide 54 of 68
Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
Slide 55 of 68
Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Algorithm (Pseudocode)
INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions;
EVALUATE each candidate;
WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) {
1 SELECT parents;
2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents;
3 MUTATE the resulting offspring;
4 EVALUATE new candidates;
5 SELECT individuals for the next generation;
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Survivor Selection
• Replacement Strategy
• Replace Worst
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Passion for @BWKnopper
* Selects the survivors by removing the worst candidate
* solutions from the list, so we have the original
* population size again
private void selectSurvivors() {
population = population.subList(0, populationSize);
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• Mutation probability
• Population size
• Nr of offspring
• Termination condition (# runs or fitness)
• Parent selection
• Survival selection
• Initialisation
• Random
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Passion for @BWKnopper
EA Behavior
Figures from “Introduction to Evolutionary Computing” by A.E. Eiben & J.E. Smith (Springer)
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Passion for @BWKnopper
• Used NASA World Wind to map route on 
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Java Frameworks & API’s
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Java Frameworks & API’s
• MOEA Framework
• …
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Passion for @BWKnopper
With great power comes great responsibility
• Can I find a solution using a brute-force approach?
• (within a reasonable amount of time)
• Am I facing an optimization or search problem?
• Can I encode a candidate solution to the problem?
• Representation possible?
• Can I determine the fitness of a candidate solution?
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Passion for @BWKnopper
than a fool can learn from a wise answer”
– Bruce Lee
“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Additional questions?
• Contact me on @BWKnopper
• Google it!
• There’s lots to find…
• Papers
• Demo’s
• Aforementioned Frameworks/API’s
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Passion for @BWKnopper
Have a great week @JavaOne
That’s all folks!
Thank you.
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Evolutionary Algorithms: The Key to Solving Complex Java Puzzles

  • 1. Passion for @BWKnopper EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS The key to solving complex Java puzzles JavaOne [BOF2913] #javaone #EvolutionaryAlgorithms @BWKnopper
  • 2. Passion for @BWKnopper Let me introduce myself… • Bas W. Knopper • Dutch • Java Developer • NCIM (IT Services Company) • 9 years Java exp • AI enthousiast • Soft spot for Evolutionary Algorithms Slide 2 of 68
  • 3. Passion for @BWKnopper Questions • A lot of ground to cover in 45 mins. • Ask questions anytime! • But don’t take it personal if I have to move on… • We’ll discuss it over a <insert beverage of choice>! • If time permits it • Question round at the end as well Slide 3 of 68
  • 4. Passion for @BWKnopper What I would like to accomplish… • Interest • Understanding • How & when • Add to toolbox Slide 4 of 68
  • 5. Passion for @BWKnopper NASA • Space Technology 5 mission • launched March 22, 2006, and completed June 20, 2006 • Three full service 25-kilogram-class spacecraft Slide 5 of 68
  • 6. Passion for @BWKnopper NASA Continued • Needs even smaller antenna • That still functions according to spec • Need for solution that’s not easy to engineer • So they used an EA that made these: Slide 6 of 68
  • 7. Passion for @BWKnopper Slide 7 of 68
  • 8. Passion for @BWKnopper Recap • Powerful example • Evolving object • First evolved object to fly in space • How? Slide 8 of 68
  • 9. Passion for @BWKnopper Evolution - “Survival of the fittest” Finite Resources Lifeforms with a basic instinct towards Reproduction Natural Selection Slide 9 of 68
  • 10. Passion for @BWKnopper Recombination Mutation Slide 10 of 68
  • 11. Passion for @BWKnopper Recombination Mutation Slide 11 of 68
  • 12. Passion for @BWKnopper From evolution to problem solvingEnvironment Problem Individual Candidate Solution Slide 12 of 68
  • 13. Passion for @BWKnopper Puzzle solving time! • More down to earth example • Travelling Salesman Problem Slide 13 of 68
  • 14. Passion for @BWKnopper Travelling Salesman Problem • Given n cities • n = number of cities to visit • Find (optimal) route for visiting all cities • Visit every city only once • Return to origin city • Search space is huge • For 30 cities there are 30! 10^32 possible routes That’s possible routes! Brute force might not be the best solution… Slide 14 of 68
  • 15. Passion for @BWKnopper Puzzle solving time! • More down to earth example • Travelling Salesman Problem • Use case to show you • Evolutionary Algorithm Design • Plain Java Code • Demo Slide 15 of 68
  • 16. Passion for @BWKnopper Different EA’s • Genetic Algorithms (GA’s) • Evolution Strategies (ES’s) • Evolutionary Programming (EP) • Genetic Programming (GP) • All have the same basis Slide 16 of 68
  • 17. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 17 of 68
  • 18. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 18 of 68
  • 19. Passion for @BWKnopper Candidate Solution - Representation • n = 6 • And base city 1 • Label cities 1,2,3,4,5,6 • Candidate Solution • Signifying the route • for n = 10 1563421 110947356821 Slide 19 of 68
  • 20. Passion for @BWKnopper Recombination Mutation 1653421 1653421 1653421 1653421 1653421 Slide 20 of 68
  • 21. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 21 of 68
  • 22. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 22 of 68
  • 23. Passion for @BWKnopper Evaluation Function (Fitness Function) • Summed distance: • d1,2 + d2,4 + … + d5,1 • Minimize! 1563421 Slide 23 of 68
  • 24. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 24 of 68
  • 25. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 25 of 68
  • 26. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 26 of 68
  • 27. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 27 of 68
  • 28. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 28 of 68
  • 29. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 29 of 68
  • 30. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Calculates the total distance of the whole route and stores it as this * candidate solution's fitness */ private void calculateFitness() { /* initialize total distance */ double totalDistance = 0; /* * For all Cities in the route (except the last one) get the distance between this * City and the next and add it to the totalDistance */ for (int i = 0; i < route.size() - 1; i++) { City city = route.get(i); City nextCity = route.get(i + 1); totalDistance += city.calculateDistance(nextCity); } /* store totalDistance as this candidate solution's fitness */ = totalDistance; } Slide 30 of 68
  • 31. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 31 of 68
  • 32. Passion for @BWKnopper Termination Condition • EA’s are stochastic • May never find optimum • Combination • Max number of runs (generations) • Sure to terminate • Either: • Fitness threshold • Fitness improvement remains under a threshold over runs • Population diversity drops under a certain threshold Slide 32 of 68
  • 33. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 33 of 68
  • 34. Passion for @BWKnopper Parent Selection • Where x is the number of parents: • Pick x best • Random x • Best x out of random y • In our example: • Best x out of random y Slide 34 of 68
  • 35. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 35 of 68
  • 36. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 36 of 68
  • 37. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 37 of 68
  • 38. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 38 of 68
  • 39. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 39 of 68
  • 40. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 40 of 68
  • 41. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 41 of 68
  • 42. Passion for @BWKnopper private List<CandidateSolution> parentSelection() { List<CandidateSolution> tempPopulation = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(population); List<CandidateSolution> randomCandidates = new ArrayList<CandidateSolution>(); /* create parent pool */ for(int i = 0; i < parentPoolSize; i++) { /* select a random candidate solution from the temp population */ int randomlySelectedIndex = random.nextInt(tempPopulation.size()); CandidateSolution randomSelection = tempPopulation.get(randomlySelectedIndex); randomCandidates.add(randomSelection); /* delete the candidate from the temp population, so we can't pick it again */ tempPopulation.remove(randomlySelectedIndex); } /* Sort the population so that the best candidates are up front */ Collections.sort(randomCandidates); /* return a list with size parentSelectionSize with the best CandidateSolutions */ return randomCandidates.subList(0, parentSelectionSize); } Slide 42 of 68
  • 43. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 43 of 68
  • 44. Passion for @BWKnopper Recombination • In our example: • half-half does not work • “Cut-and-crossfill” 1653421 1421 1245631 15421 135421 1635421 1425631 1245631 1245631 1245631 Slide 44 of 68
  • 45. Passion for @BWKnopper public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) { /* get routes of both parents */ List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute(); List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute(); /* initialize the routes for the children */ List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>(); List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>(); /* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */ int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size()); /* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */ childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex)); childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex)); /* perform crossfill for both children */ crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex); crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex); /* create new children using the new children routes */ CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1); CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2); /* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */ } Slide 45 of 68
  • 46. Passion for @BWKnopper public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) { /* get routes of both parents */ List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute(); List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute(); /* initialize the routes for the children */ List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>(); List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>(); /* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */ int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size()); /* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */ childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex)); childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex)); /* perform crossfill for both children */ crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex); crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex); /* create new children using the new children routes */ CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1); CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2); /* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */ } Slide 46 of 68
  • 47. Passion for @BWKnopper public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) { /* get routes of both parents */ List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute(); List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute(); /* initialize the routes for the children */ List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>(); List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>(); /* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */ int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size()); /* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */ childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex)); childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex)); /* perform crossfill for both children */ crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex); crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex); /* create new children using the new children routes */ CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1); CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2); /* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */ } Slide 47 of 68
  • 48. Passion for @BWKnopper public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) { /* get routes of both parents */ List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute(); List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute(); /* initialize the routes for the children */ List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>(); List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>(); /* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */ int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size()); /* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */ childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex)); childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex)); /* perform crossfill for both children */ crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex); crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex); /* create new children using the new children routes */ CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1); CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2); /* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */ } Slide 48 of 68
  • 49. Passion for @BWKnopper public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) { /* get routes of both parents */ List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute(); List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute(); /* initialize the routes for the children */ List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>(); List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>(); /* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */ int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size()); /* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */ childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex)); childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex)); /* perform crossfill for both children */ crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex); crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex); /* create new children using the new children routes */ CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1); CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2); /* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */ } Slide 49 of 68
  • 50. Passion for @BWKnopper public List<CandidateSolution> recombine(CandidateSolution otherParent) { /* get routes of both parents */ List<City> parentRoute1 = getRoute(); List<City> parentRoute2 = otherParent.getRoute(); /* initialize the routes for the children */ List<City> childRoute1 = new ArrayList<City>(); List<City> childRoute2 = new ArrayList<City>(); /* randomize cutIndex for "cross-and-fill point" */ int cutIndex = new Random().nextInt(parentRoute1.size()); /* copy the first part of the parents cut into the children */ childRoute1.addAll(parentRoute1.subList(0, cutIndex)); childRoute2.addAll(parentRoute2.subList(0, cutIndex)); /* perform crossfill for both children */ crossFill(childRoute1, parentRoute2, cutIndex); crossFill(childRoute2, parentRoute1, cutIndex); /* create new children using the new children routes */ CandidateSolution child1 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute1); CandidateSolution child2 = new CandidateSolution(childRoute2); /* put the children in a list and return it (omitted for layout reasons) */ } Slide 50 of 68
  • 51. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Check the rest of the route in the crossing parent and add the cities * that are not yet in the child (in the order of the route of the crossing * parent) */ private void crossFill(List<City> childRoute, List<City> parentRoute, int cutIndex) { /* traverse the parent route from the cut index on and add every city not yet in the child to the child */ for (int i = cutIndex; i < parentRoute.size(); i++) { City nextCityOnRoute = parentRoute.get(i); if (!childRoute.contains(nextCityOnRoute)) { childRoute.add(nextCityOnRoute); } } /* traverse the parent route from the start of the route and add every city not yet in the child to the child */ for (int i = 0; i < cutIndex; i++) { City nextCityOnRoute = parentRoute.get(i); if (!childRoute.contains(nextCityOnRoute)) { childRoute.add(nextCityOnRoute); } } } 1425631 1425631 Slide 51 of 68
  • 52. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 52 of 68
  • 53. Passion for @BWKnopper 1653421 Mutation • Change of nr won’t work • Infeasible candidate solution • Swap to the rescue! 1653421 1253461 Slide 53 of 68
  • 54. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Mutates the current individual by swapping two random cities in its * route. */ public void mutate() { 1653421 1653421 1253461 Random random = new Random(); /* randomly select two indices in the route */ int indexFirstCity = random.nextInt(route.size()); int indexSecondCity = random.nextInt(route.size()); /* Make sure they are different */ while (indexFirstCity == indexSecondCity) { indexSecondCity = random.nextInt(route.size()); } /* retrieve the Cities on the given indices */ City firstCity = route.get(indexFirstCity); City secondCity = route.get(indexSecondCity); /* Changer! */ route.set(indexFirstCity, secondCity); route.set(indexSecondCity, firstCity); } Slide 54 of 68
  • 55. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 55 of 68
  • 56. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Algorithm (Pseudocode) INITIALISE population with random candidate solutions; EVALUATE each candidate; WHILE ( TERMINATION CONDITION is not satisfied ) { 1 SELECT parents; 2 RECOMBINE pairs of parents; 3 MUTATE the resulting offspring; 4 EVALUATE new candidates; 5 SELECT individuals for the next generation; } Slide 56 of 68
  • 57. Passion for @BWKnopper Survivor Selection • Replacement Strategy • Replace Worst Slide 57 of 68
  • 58. Passion for @BWKnopper /** * Selects the survivors by removing the worst candidate * solutions from the list, so we have the original * population size again */ private void selectSurvivors() { Collections.sort(population); population = population.subList(0, populationSize); } Slide 58 of 68
  • 59. Passion for @BWKnopper Tuning… • Mutation probability • Population size • Nr of offspring • Termination condition (# runs or fitness) • Parent selection • Survival selection • Initialisation • Random Slide 59 of 68
  • 60. Passion for @BWKnopper EA Behavior Figures from “Introduction to Evolutionary Computing” by A.E. Eiben & J.E. Smith (Springer) Slide 60 of 68
  • 61. Passion for @BWKnopper Demo! • Used NASA World Wind to map route on  • Slide 61 of 68
  • 62. Passion for @BWKnopper Java Frameworks & API’s Slide 62 of 68
  • 63. Passion for @BWKnopper Java Frameworks & API’s • ECJ • • MOEA Framework • • JEAF • • … Slide 63 of 68
  • 64. Passion for @BWKnopper With great power comes great responsibility • Can I find a solution using a brute-force approach? • (within a reasonable amount of time) • Am I facing an optimization or search problem? • Can I encode a candidate solution to the problem? • Representation possible? • Can I determine the fitness of a candidate solution? Slide 64 of 68
  • 65. Passion for @BWKnopper than a fool can learn from a wise answer” – Bruce Lee “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question Slide 65 of 68
  • 66. Passion for @BWKnopper Additional questions? • Contact me on @BWKnopper • Google it! • There’s lots to find… • Papers • Demo’s • Aforementioned Frameworks/API’s Slide 66 of 68
  • 67. Passion for @BWKnopper Have a great week @JavaOne That’s all folks! Thank you. Slide 67 of 68