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Evince is a social media marketing and communications
agency that offers the complete spectrum of content
curation, social media marketing, public relations and social
media management services for both public and commercial
We work locally and globally, with particular expertise
in initiation of social engagement strategies and
policies for our clients. Our projects range from
managing individuals/celebrities presence on social
media to that of large enterprises.
Supported by a young, vibrant and small but streamlined team, the founding
director of EVINCE has impressive 20 year record of highly creative
involvement in social communication, IT & communication law and corporate
governance work.
Our collaborative work ethic involves:
- Using Business Intelligence for secure communication and sharing of files;
- Contract with client to adhere to company policies and governance structures
relevant to the project;
- Attend collaborative meetings for strategic directions and project
- Engaging in collaborative process to build and refine key messages and
campaign themes on social media;
- Reporting ,on a periodical basis to management structures.
To achieve effective collaboration, we take all of our clients through
a consistent and comprehensive social media marketing and
communication planning process, employing the following highly
interactive steps:
Situation Analysis
Strategy Formulation
Action Plan Development
Evaluation Framework
EVINCE combines dedicated client focus with the
disciplines of good management and client reporting. The
delivering structure ensures that the director oversees
every stage of a client’s social media marketing,
campaigns and projects, which are delivered with
dedication, focus, on time and within budget
This working model is a reflection of the EVINCE’s professional, creative and commercial
team, who pride themselves on being vibrant and youthful. Enjoying the benefits that
come with a winning formula and working in a new and niche industry. This establishes a
sense of confidence in that they foresee that each will make his/her mark in this industry.
Lungile Renene
Bjournalism; LLB
Evince gets what social media is all about, the basics and its
importance, not just marketing but social communication. The team
brought clear-headed, thoughtful, spot-on ideas about social media
marketing and content within our company, including its societal
impacts. Find a way to work with Evince you’ll be glad you did.
Lungile was great. He brought fresh-thinking to the table
and helped us shape our Social Media Strategy. He came
well prepared and able to present his ideas in a
compelling way. I would definitely support Evince..
Mr M Zwane
Mrs X Tini
Xoliswa Tini Properties
Enhle Mbatyoti
Sinobom Vazi
Siya Ndzele
Engagement Coordinator
Online Content Coordinator
Social Media Marketing Coordinator
Sinomtha lali
Online Community Manager
Whether it’s the launch of a social campaign, new branded
message, product sales, marketing material, a pre-planning or
crisis PR issue, the re-brand of a stalled project, or headline
publicity, EVINCE has the expertise required to provide clients
with innovative solutions and strategic advice to various social
communication challenges and opportunities.
Content Curation
Content Marketing
Social Media Management
Social Media BI
Online Target Market Profiling
Employee engagement
In the marketing process, the balance of power has shifted to the customer since the
advent of social media. This has drummed up support for an alternative form of
marketing referred to as Social Marketing. The basis of this type of marketing is
conversations between business and target market which aims at conversions that are
the result of mutual and equal interactions between the two parties.
When companies adopt social media as part of their communications strategy, they often hit a
brick wall when faced with what to talk about. Or write. Or tweet. A conversation is a two-way
street as opposed to the manner it has been traditionally done in the marketing profession.
EVINCE is well positioned to deliver on Social Marketing for your
Content curation is the art of collecting and collating information within a business and/or for its
products that may be communicated to the targeted market presenting information about the
business/product which is relevant to targeted people and has that edginess to convert them to support
the business or its product through positive actions.
Content Curation as a Marketing tool provides instant benefit and is supported by Social Media Companies
(SMC’s) in that:
- All SMC’s employ algorithms to personalize content for users according to market
segments and proximity;
- All SMC’s normally establish network of users through content, then relationships
and then similar interests.
Content curation remains the primary tool to engage on social media for the individual and business. We at EVINCE
have ascertained that the nature of content created for social marketing is influenced by the choice of channel whilst
content amplification depends upon how effective an organisation’s social media content marketing plan is.
Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, etc. are some of the SMC’s that bring their own advantages to
the game, with new ones being developed and coming into that market.
Content marketing is about providing valuable information or content to current and
potential customers for the purposes of:
1) Building trust, branding, awareness, and positive sentiment;
2) Establishing your company as an expert in your field of operation;
3) Setting the groundwork for a long-term business relationship; and
4) Increasing profitable and customer actions.
- Increases visibility of your brand/product
- Develops lasting relationships with your audience;
- Improves brand awareness and recognition;
- Creates loyalty and trust, with your audience;
- Helps you to build authority and credibility;
- Positions your business as an expert in your industry;
- Generates traffic to your site to improve lead generation;
- Opens a channel of communication through social shares and comments;
- Helps your customer move through the purchase decision more quickly; and
- Provides value with no strings attached.
Without content there is nothing to optimize and nothing to share on social sites. Content marketing:
Social networking as a human activity pre-dates any and all forms of communication, digital or other types. The
core aspect of social networking is CONVERSATION. Conversation is the natural result whenever more than
two people gather. People can’t help conversing, thus conversations are at the centre of ALL Social Networks.
This same basic conversation can be supercharged through social networking sites.
There are so many ways to use social media to communicate with the customer which fall into three main functions:
- public relations and marketing,
- sales, and
- customer services.
Social Communication is a relatively new term that has emerged over the last decade.
While this may appear to be a ‘new’ concept, it is a regrouping and recategorizing of the
previously known concepts of social reciprocity, social interaction, social skills or
communication skills.
EVINCE’s model of social communication constitutes a linear activity as
- Sender (business) encodes the idea;
- The idea takes the form of content for posting;
- Recipient (audience) decodes the message and (somehow)
understands and appreciates it;
- Subsequently recipient provides feedback to the sender,
whether he understood or misunderstood the message;
- Sender cleans the noise in the message and re-sends; and
- Recipient decodes and makes up his mind.
The problem most businesses face is not creating amazing content It’s creating amazing
content consistently and sustaining it over time.
At EVINCE we employ strategies to engage the client in content creation planning that will
drastically increase the results gained from its investment in content creation.
Our model of content creation involves the following:
- Identifying the business categories or areas that would strike a cord with the audience;
- Identifying and tabulating keywords for each content category or area;
- Map out the content creation plan for approval;
- Set out a content marketing schedule for approval;
- Commit to the content creation plan and schedule.
Corporate governance and social media are bedfellows newly met. Still negative perception
still drive these two apart due to traditions and personal fears of social media. No doubt,
Boards and management should be aware of the risks and liabilities involved in using social
media but should also see the potential opportunities and advantages.
At EVINCE we advocate that, for our clients to engage in social media the following should borne
in mind:
- The Board (or top-level management) should approve social media communication
strategies, policies and budget upfront;
- Corporate governance structures, at all levels, should undergo social media
management and communication training/briefing;
- Responsibilities and delegations on social media communication should be made clear;
- The internal effects of social media engagement should also be addressed broadly
within the business.
EVINCE helps businesss with social media on:
- Promoting client business online
- Online Reputation Management
- Online Business Branding
- Followers (Fan) Generation
- Lead Generation through social media
- Conversion Optimization
Traditional risk management policies were not designed
for minute-by-minute monitoring of social media chatter
which occurs within this time-frame. This is the inherent
problem with social media and has decision-makers rightly
averse to the use of social media in their businesses.
That being said, the point to be taken is that social media
risks are difficult to quantify in the traditional sense, however
there are ways and means to circumvent.
Besides adhering to our client’s formal risk management
register, at EVINCE we adopt practical means that add
value to that formal risk management plan.
Integrating social media plans to marketing plans
This helps us understand what content meets the risk
appetite of the client organisation regarding external
Murphy’s Law readiness
A lot of branded social media content is about positive messaging, but we at Evince know that our
clients need to be prepared for the dark side of social media. For the benefit of our client we
develop a document that outlines what could go wrong and what action would need to be done in
the event.
Minding consumer feedback, good or bad
Brand Reputation does not just rely on positive feedback. The business has got to be able to
take the good with the bad. Consumer feedback, good or bad, should be seen as ‘emotional
capital’. It can help aver the business risk by listening to customer’s feedback realistically.
One of the biggest issues for social media management
is crisis management. Whether intentionally or by
accident, there have been many cases where social
media has been detrimental in creating a crisis for a
business because incorrect or inaccurate information
about a company has been posted.
At Evince a crisis means the following:
Product related issues
Product issues that lead to recalls, service reduction for any
reason, data leaks and security breaches. The list is not closed.
Brewing issues
These are ongoing, low-level problems that have the potential to
escalate if given impetus by user generated content. This could
include political activism or an area of technical weakness.
Unforeseen issues
This could be a product or campaign that doesn’t land in the manner
expected or an event outside of the brand’s control which may
result in dissatisfaction to a large population of the target audience.
Our crisis avoidance guidelines are:
- Posting content with clear expectations from target audience;
- Committing to timely and accurate response to audience;
- Being transparent and honest in communicating with target audience.
In the world of social media performance measurement, what
makes a particular metric a key performance indicator is both
its relationship to the program’s purpose and its value in
evaluating the program’s effectiveness.
Key performance indicators for social media are agnostic. They
are based on the target set for a program or campaign. When
identifying KPI’S , together with client, we go through the process
of separating the primary social media KPI’s from secondary
KPI’s and secondary performance indicators from all other
metrics. Creating a tiered system that will help our client
organisation with a measurement order of our performance.
We provide the following as an example of a client’s overall KPI scenario - in sales:
Objective : Increase sales of Product-X.
Target : 25,000 additional Product-X sold in Quarter-Y.
Base KPI : Number of Sales of Product-X in Quarter-Y.
The PRIMARY KPI’s for social media activities would be:
• Positive online mentions of Product-X leading into Quarter-Y within target area ;
• Net new “Likes” of Product-X content on social media channel (s) by target audience within
target area;
• Net new click-throughs of links leading to Product-X web content from social media accounts;
• Redeemed coupons and discount codes for Product-X in Quarter-Y from target audience
withintarget area.
The SECONDARY KPI’s for social media activities would be:
• Net new “Likes” of Product-X content on a specific channel page ;
• Net new “Likes” of Product-X content on a specific channel by target audience outside target
• Net new click-throughs of links leading to Product-X web content from social media accounts
(outside target area); and
• Redeemed coupons and discount codes for Product-X in Quarter-Y from target audience
outside target area.
F.R.Y. stands for FREQUENCY, REACH, and YIELD. In a sales orientated
environment, for example, F.R.Y means the buy rate, net new transacting
customers, and average amount per transaction (frequency, reach, and yield).
Measuring F.R.Y means the appreciation of an outcome and it is at the heart of
what types of metrics and software tools that will constitute the core of our
measurement practice.
Social media provides opportunities not only to generate new customers,
influence buy rate, and impact yield, but to determine the extent to which each
contributes to the increase in revenue that an organisation is looking for.
Frequency of transactions
Frequency of transactions is one aspect of transactional behaviour we
aim to influence with our activities on social media.
Increasing Reach
Increasing reach should in turn increase the number of net new
transacting customers for our client organisation.
The Yield dynamic
Yield refers to the process of developing our client’s customers in such a
way that they will want to spend more money with them using social
media channels.
Within the realm of social media many software tools have been developed to:
Reach the right audience at the right time
This allows us to publish our client’s content when their audience is more likely to see it.
Such prediction engines helps us to decide the best time to schedule our client’s content.
Listen and engage in real time
Staying tuned to what is being said about our client’s business or product is very
important. These software products allow us to receive Instant notifications to let us
listen, respond and engage the online audience- even on mobile platforms.
Measure and improve performance
Understand who your audience is and how they engage with your business on social
media. Choose from ready-made reports or create your own, based on the numbers
that matter for you.
What we see with the social media software tools is that they feature ROI
calculation modules too. As much as we would rely on these we still maintain
that we should not fail to rely on non-mechanical quantifying mechanism of the
hard and soft benefits of social media programs and activities vis-a-vis ROI,
otherwise we risk having our clients flying blind into the social media storm.
The general ROI equation goes like this:
The matter with calculating social media ROI is in respect of determining the
benefits part. Costs are relatively the same as in any other environment.
The estimate of the costs falls typically into the following three categories:
• People : Number of people who worked on the Campaign
X amount of time they Spent X - their hourly rate.
• Process : Costs for the creative work, curation setting up
plans and schedules.
• Technology: Costs for the social media software marketing
system (s) used for the campaign, cost for the
cameras etc.
To appreciate the cost of benefits for ROI, in the equation, goal setting is the basis
upon which accuracy in calculating benefits is obtained. This involves pairing the
appropriate goals with the desirable action a step that is flowing from what is
discussed on page 24 above .
Here are some researched and costed benchmarks for actions that may follow set goals:
Facebook like average – R 6.73 per page like
Facebook reach average – R 7.94 per thousand impressions
Facebook click average – R 6.73 per click
Promoted tweet – R 47.10 per thousand impressions
LinkedIn – R 26.91 per click
The remainder is multiplication to reach the cost of benefit – a 1000
likes would costed at R67300, etc.
The benefits of using our firm are as follows:
Improving Efficiency
An optimised content discovery process can result to a successful social media marketing
engagement and effective scheduling. By actively and consistently managing this area your
created content will be based on the best available data and knowledge to suits your customer.
Improved Consistency
Constant engagement of our client’s data is one of the greatest assets we have mastered
on social marketing processing. This makes it possible for us to identify quick wins and/or
problems quicker and more reliably on what has to be done on any project/campaign.
Improved Continuity
By the customer providing easy access to related documentation and by us providing
regular training for staff on the curation process, it is possible to improve continuity such
that the effects of personnel moving to different positions in the organisation or of
personnel leaving the organisation have little or no impact.
Reduced Social Media Risk
By working within the parameters of our customer’s risk profile and having the process
automated ensures that social media risks and the risk of human error will be reduced.
Embedded Process Knowledge
Knowledge received from joint content preparations with our client’s ensures that
content is available and actively processed within the organisation through our rigorous
attentiveness for purposes of posting on social media.
Social-media marketing is rich with potential branding opportunities. Social media
is touted for its engagement potential, ALL brands even those with many
objectives can find social-media marketing appropriate.
When our clients engage in social media marketing the benefits are immense
and include, but are not limited to the following:
- Building brand awareness on social media
- Maximising cross- and within-media integration
- utilization of researched consumer behavior
- Developing ideas for new social media marketing strategies
- Driving traffic to client’s corporate Web sites
- Increase site stickiness, extending the brand message’s exposure time
- Garner publicity from news coverage on social-media blogs
- Encourage message internalization
- etc
Lungile Renene
Mobile: 0832141235
Address 1:
19 Vincent Road
East London
Address 2:
51 Hobart Street
Corner Hobart & Grosvenor
Brynston, Johannesburg
DISCLAIMER: The information provided by in this Profile is for information purposes only and should not be construed as part of an offer or solicitation to buy or sell
any services, nor should it be construed as advice or consultation.
Evincesocmed_profile 2017

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Evincesocmed_profile 2017

  • 1. E V I N C E
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  • 4. Evince is a social media marketing and communications agency that offers the complete spectrum of content curation, social media marketing, public relations and social media management services for both public and commercial businesses. We work locally and globally, with particular expertise in initiation of social engagement strategies and policies for our clients. Our projects range from managing individuals/celebrities presence on social media to that of large enterprises. Supported by a young, vibrant and small but streamlined team, the founding director of EVINCE has impressive 20 year record of highly creative involvement in social communication, IT & communication law and corporate governance work.
  • 5. Our collaborative work ethic involves: - Using Business Intelligence for secure communication and sharing of files; - Contract with client to adhere to company policies and governance structures relevant to the project; - Attend collaborative meetings for strategic directions and project implementation; - Engaging in collaborative process to build and refine key messages and campaign themes on social media; - Reporting ,on a periodical basis to management structures. To achieve effective collaboration, we take all of our clients through a consistent and comprehensive social media marketing and communication planning process, employing the following highly interactive steps: Situation Analysis Strategy Formulation Action Plan Development Evaluation Framework
  • 6. EVINCE combines dedicated client focus with the disciplines of good management and client reporting. The delivering structure ensures that the director oversees every stage of a client’s social media marketing, campaigns and projects, which are delivered with dedication, focus, on time and within budget This working model is a reflection of the EVINCE’s professional, creative and commercial team, who pride themselves on being vibrant and youthful. Enjoying the benefits that come with a winning formula and working in a new and niche industry. This establishes a sense of confidence in that they foresee that each will make his/her mark in this industry. (Director) Lungile Renene Bjournalism; LLB
  • 7. Evince gets what social media is all about, the basics and its importance, not just marketing but social communication. The team brought clear-headed, thoughtful, spot-on ideas about social media marketing and content within our company, including its societal impacts. Find a way to work with Evince you’ll be glad you did. Lungile was great. He brought fresh-thinking to the table and helped us shape our Social Media Strategy. He came well prepared and able to present his ideas in a compelling way. I would definitely support Evince.. Mr M Zwane EASTERN CAPE GAMBLING BOARD Mrs X Tini Xoliswa Tini Properties
  • 8. Enhle Mbatyoti Sinobom Vazi Siya Ndzele Engagement Coordinator Online Content Coordinator Social Media Marketing Coordinator Sinomtha lali Online Community Manager
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  • 11. Whether it’s the launch of a social campaign, new branded message, product sales, marketing material, a pre-planning or crisis PR issue, the re-brand of a stalled project, or headline publicity, EVINCE has the expertise required to provide clients with innovative solutions and strategic advice to various social communication challenges and opportunities. Content Curation Content Marketing Research Social Media Management Social Media BI Online Target Market Profiling Training Employee engagement
  • 12. In the marketing process, the balance of power has shifted to the customer since the advent of social media. This has drummed up support for an alternative form of marketing referred to as Social Marketing. The basis of this type of marketing is conversations between business and target market which aims at conversions that are the result of mutual and equal interactions between the two parties. When companies adopt social media as part of their communications strategy, they often hit a brick wall when faced with what to talk about. Or write. Or tweet. A conversation is a two-way street as opposed to the manner it has been traditionally done in the marketing profession. EVINCE is well positioned to deliver on Social Marketing for your business.
  • 13. Content curation is the art of collecting and collating information within a business and/or for its products that may be communicated to the targeted market presenting information about the business/product which is relevant to targeted people and has that edginess to convert them to support the business or its product through positive actions. Content Curation as a Marketing tool provides instant benefit and is supported by Social Media Companies (SMC’s) in that: - All SMC’s employ algorithms to personalize content for users according to market segments and proximity; - All SMC’s normally establish network of users through content, then relationships and then similar interests. Content curation remains the primary tool to engage on social media for the individual and business. We at EVINCE have ascertained that the nature of content created for social marketing is influenced by the choice of channel whilst content amplification depends upon how effective an organisation’s social media content marketing plan is. Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, etc. are some of the SMC’s that bring their own advantages to the game, with new ones being developed and coming into that market.
  • 14. Content marketing is about providing valuable information or content to current and potential customers for the purposes of: 1) Building trust, branding, awareness, and positive sentiment; 2) Establishing your company as an expert in your field of operation; 3) Setting the groundwork for a long-term business relationship; and 4) Increasing profitable and customer actions. - Increases visibility of your brand/product - Develops lasting relationships with your audience; - Improves brand awareness and recognition; - Creates loyalty and trust, with your audience; - Helps you to build authority and credibility; - Positions your business as an expert in your industry; - Generates traffic to your site to improve lead generation; - Opens a channel of communication through social shares and comments; - Helps your customer move through the purchase decision more quickly; and - Provides value with no strings attached. Without content there is nothing to optimize and nothing to share on social sites. Content marketing:
  • 15. Social networking as a human activity pre-dates any and all forms of communication, digital or other types. The core aspect of social networking is CONVERSATION. Conversation is the natural result whenever more than two people gather. People can’t help conversing, thus conversations are at the centre of ALL Social Networks. This same basic conversation can be supercharged through social networking sites. There are so many ways to use social media to communicate with the customer which fall into three main functions: - public relations and marketing, - sales, and - customer services.
  • 16. Social Communication is a relatively new term that has emerged over the last decade. While this may appear to be a ‘new’ concept, it is a regrouping and recategorizing of the previously known concepts of social reciprocity, social interaction, social skills or communication skills. EVINCE’s model of social communication constitutes a linear activity as follows: - Sender (business) encodes the idea; - The idea takes the form of content for posting; - Recipient (audience) decodes the message and (somehow) understands and appreciates it; - Subsequently recipient provides feedback to the sender, whether he understood or misunderstood the message; - Sender cleans the noise in the message and re-sends; and - Recipient decodes and makes up his mind.
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  • 18. The problem most businesses face is not creating amazing content It’s creating amazing content consistently and sustaining it over time. At EVINCE we employ strategies to engage the client in content creation planning that will drastically increase the results gained from its investment in content creation. Our model of content creation involves the following: - Identifying the business categories or areas that would strike a cord with the audience; - Identifying and tabulating keywords for each content category or area; - Map out the content creation plan for approval; - Set out a content marketing schedule for approval; - Commit to the content creation plan and schedule.
  • 19. Corporate governance and social media are bedfellows newly met. Still negative perception still drive these two apart due to traditions and personal fears of social media. No doubt, Boards and management should be aware of the risks and liabilities involved in using social media but should also see the potential opportunities and advantages. At EVINCE we advocate that, for our clients to engage in social media the following should borne in mind: - The Board (or top-level management) should approve social media communication strategies, policies and budget upfront; - Corporate governance structures, at all levels, should undergo social media management and communication training/briefing; - Responsibilities and delegations on social media communication should be made clear; - The internal effects of social media engagement should also be addressed broadly within the business.
  • 20. EVINCE helps businesss with social media on: - Promoting client business online - Online Reputation Management - Online Business Branding - Followers (Fan) Generation - Lead Generation through social media - Conversion Optimization
  • 21. Traditional risk management policies were not designed for minute-by-minute monitoring of social media chatter which occurs within this time-frame. This is the inherent problem with social media and has decision-makers rightly averse to the use of social media in their businesses. That being said, the point to be taken is that social media risks are difficult to quantify in the traditional sense, however there are ways and means to circumvent. Besides adhering to our client’s formal risk management register, at EVINCE we adopt practical means that add value to that formal risk management plan. Integrating social media plans to marketing plans This helps us understand what content meets the risk appetite of the client organisation regarding external communications. Murphy’s Law readiness A lot of branded social media content is about positive messaging, but we at Evince know that our clients need to be prepared for the dark side of social media. For the benefit of our client we develop a document that outlines what could go wrong and what action would need to be done in the event. Minding consumer feedback, good or bad Brand Reputation does not just rely on positive feedback. The business has got to be able to take the good with the bad. Consumer feedback, good or bad, should be seen as ‘emotional capital’. It can help aver the business risk by listening to customer’s feedback realistically.
  • 22. One of the biggest issues for social media management is crisis management. Whether intentionally or by accident, there have been many cases where social media has been detrimental in creating a crisis for a business because incorrect or inaccurate information about a company has been posted. At Evince a crisis means the following: Product related issues Product issues that lead to recalls, service reduction for any reason, data leaks and security breaches. The list is not closed. Brewing issues These are ongoing, low-level problems that have the potential to escalate if given impetus by user generated content. This could include political activism or an area of technical weakness. Unforeseen issues This could be a product or campaign that doesn’t land in the manner expected or an event outside of the brand’s control which may result in dissatisfaction to a large population of the target audience. Our crisis avoidance guidelines are: - Posting content with clear expectations from target audience; - Committing to timely and accurate response to audience; - Being transparent and honest in communicating with target audience.
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  • 24. In the world of social media performance measurement, what makes a particular metric a key performance indicator is both its relationship to the program’s purpose and its value in evaluating the program’s effectiveness. Key performance indicators for social media are agnostic. They are based on the target set for a program or campaign. When identifying KPI’S , together with client, we go through the process of separating the primary social media KPI’s from secondary KPI’s and secondary performance indicators from all other metrics. Creating a tiered system that will help our client organisation with a measurement order of our performance. We provide the following as an example of a client’s overall KPI scenario - in sales: Objective : Increase sales of Product-X. Target : 25,000 additional Product-X sold in Quarter-Y. Base KPI : Number of Sales of Product-X in Quarter-Y. The PRIMARY KPI’s for social media activities would be: • Positive online mentions of Product-X leading into Quarter-Y within target area ; • Net new “Likes” of Product-X content on social media channel (s) by target audience within target area; • Net new click-throughs of links leading to Product-X web content from social media accounts; and • Redeemed coupons and discount codes for Product-X in Quarter-Y from target audience withintarget area. The SECONDARY KPI’s for social media activities would be: • Net new “Likes” of Product-X content on a specific channel page ; • Net new “Likes” of Product-X content on a specific channel by target audience outside target area; • Net new click-throughs of links leading to Product-X web content from social media accounts (outside target area); and • Redeemed coupons and discount codes for Product-X in Quarter-Y from target audience outside target area.
  • 25. F.R.Y. stands for FREQUENCY, REACH, and YIELD. In a sales orientated environment, for example, F.R.Y means the buy rate, net new transacting customers, and average amount per transaction (frequency, reach, and yield). Measuring F.R.Y means the appreciation of an outcome and it is at the heart of what types of metrics and software tools that will constitute the core of our measurement practice. Social media provides opportunities not only to generate new customers, influence buy rate, and impact yield, but to determine the extent to which each contributes to the increase in revenue that an organisation is looking for. Frequency of transactions Frequency of transactions is one aspect of transactional behaviour we aim to influence with our activities on social media. Increasing Reach Increasing reach should in turn increase the number of net new transacting customers for our client organisation. The Yield dynamic Yield refers to the process of developing our client’s customers in such a way that they will want to spend more money with them using social media channels.
  • 26. Within the realm of social media many software tools have been developed to: Reach the right audience at the right time This allows us to publish our client’s content when their audience is more likely to see it. Such prediction engines helps us to decide the best time to schedule our client’s content. Listen and engage in real time Staying tuned to what is being said about our client’s business or product is very important. These software products allow us to receive Instant notifications to let us listen, respond and engage the online audience- even on mobile platforms. Measure and improve performance Understand who your audience is and how they engage with your business on social media. Choose from ready-made reports or create your own, based on the numbers that matter for you.
  • 27. What we see with the social media software tools is that they feature ROI calculation modules too. As much as we would rely on these we still maintain that we should not fail to rely on non-mechanical quantifying mechanism of the hard and soft benefits of social media programs and activities vis-a-vis ROI, otherwise we risk having our clients flying blind into the social media storm. The general ROI equation goes like this: The matter with calculating social media ROI is in respect of determining the benefits part. Costs are relatively the same as in any other environment. The estimate of the costs falls typically into the following three categories: • People : Number of people who worked on the Campaign X amount of time they Spent X - their hourly rate. • Process : Costs for the creative work, curation setting up plans and schedules. • Technology: Costs for the social media software marketing system (s) used for the campaign, cost for the cameras etc. To appreciate the cost of benefits for ROI, in the equation, goal setting is the basis upon which accuracy in calculating benefits is obtained. This involves pairing the appropriate goals with the desirable action a step that is flowing from what is discussed on page 24 above . Here are some researched and costed benchmarks for actions that may follow set goals: Facebook like average – R 6.73 per page like Facebook reach average – R 7.94 per thousand impressions Facebook click average – R 6.73 per click Promoted tweet – R 47.10 per thousand impressions LinkedIn – R 26.91 per click The remainder is multiplication to reach the cost of benefit – a 1000 likes would costed at R67300, etc.
  • 28.
  • 29. The benefits of using our firm are as follows: Improving Efficiency An optimised content discovery process can result to a successful social media marketing engagement and effective scheduling. By actively and consistently managing this area your created content will be based on the best available data and knowledge to suits your customer. Improved Consistency Constant engagement of our client’s data is one of the greatest assets we have mastered on social marketing processing. This makes it possible for us to identify quick wins and/or problems quicker and more reliably on what has to be done on any project/campaign. Improved Continuity By the customer providing easy access to related documentation and by us providing regular training for staff on the curation process, it is possible to improve continuity such that the effects of personnel moving to different positions in the organisation or of personnel leaving the organisation have little or no impact. Reduced Social Media Risk By working within the parameters of our customer’s risk profile and having the process automated ensures that social media risks and the risk of human error will be reduced. Embedded Process Knowledge Knowledge received from joint content preparations with our client’s ensures that content is available and actively processed within the organisation through our rigorous attentiveness for purposes of posting on social media.
  • 30. Social-media marketing is rich with potential branding opportunities. Social media is touted for its engagement potential, ALL brands even those with many objectives can find social-media marketing appropriate. When our clients engage in social media marketing the benefits are immense and include, but are not limited to the following: - Building brand awareness on social media - Maximising cross- and within-media integration - utilization of researched consumer behavior - Developing ideas for new social media marketing strategies - Driving traffic to client’s corporate Web sites - Increase site stickiness, extending the brand message’s exposure time - Garner publicity from news coverage on social-media blogs - Encourage message internalization - etc
  • 31. Lungile Renene (Director) Mobile: 0832141235 email: Address 1: 19 Vincent Road Vincent East London Address 2: 51 Hobart Street Corner Hobart & Grosvenor Brynston, Johannesburg DISCLAIMER: The information provided by in this Profile is for information purposes only and should not be construed as part of an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any services, nor should it be construed as advice or consultation.