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-Shikher Kaushik
I Was Not born ,Neither Discovered
1945 - 1959
A peaceful Europe – the beginnings
of cooperation
• European Coal and Steel
•1957,Treaty of Rome marks the
birth of European Economic
1960 - 1969
The ‘Swinging Sixties’ – a period of
economic growth
• The Beatles
• EU Countries stop charging custom
1980 - 1989
The changing face of Europe - the
fall of the Berlin Wall
• Border b/w East and West
Germany are opened for the 1st time
in 28 Years
1970 - 1979
A growing Community – the first
• Arab – Israeli war of October 1973
results in an energy crisis and
economic problem
• Salzar regime ,1975 and General
Stage 1
• Complete freedom for capital transactions
• Increased co-operation between central banks
• Free use of the ECU (European Currency Unit, forerunner of the €)
• Improvement of economic convergence
Stage 2
• Establishment of the European Monetary Institute (EMI)
• Ban on the granting of central bank credit
• Increased co-ordination of monetary policies
Stage 3
• Irrevocable fixing of conversion rates
• Introduction of the euro
• Conduct of the single monetary policy by the European System of
Central Banks
Maastricht Treaty 1992
Introduction Reason
1973 Joined
•Czech Republic
Euro Zone
“January 11,1999”
• Austria
• Belgium
• Finland
• France
• Germany
• Ireland
• Italy
• Luxembourg
• Netherlands
• Portugal
• Spain
“January 1,2001”
• Greece
• Estonia
• Slovenia
• Cyprus
• Malta
• Slovakia
“We do share
the same DNA
right ..??”
Iceland's Near Collapse
Mid 1990’s
• Business Flourished
• Bank Loans,
• Own domestic stock
market in 1985
• Wages increased by
45% b/w 1995 &
• Carry Rates
• Krona’s Value fell
While it's common to hear of companies going bankrupt, many were shocked when the
entire country of Iceland almost fell into a state of bankruptcy in 2008.
Iceland Fiasco
Interest Rates
Travel Woes
Impact on Average Icelandic Lessons to be learnt
The Dangers of
Oversight of
the Banking
18 % in October,2008
IMF announced $ 2.1 billion loan plan. By march 2009 conditions
improved in Iceland
Spending Revenue
Debt Services
1. Principal
Non Discretionary
2.Social Security
Banks &
Govt. Bonds
• Stocks
• Deposits
• Bonds
Criteria for EZ
 Inflation, a maximum of 1.5% above the average of all members; government debt
and deficit restrictions; exchange rate rules and long term interest rate level
 A maximum of 60% of government debt as a ratio to Gross Domestic Production
Well defined rules meant to exclude weaker countries!!!
PIIGS officially
declared the
Champion …lol ;)
Putting Lipstick on a Pig
Not originally Included, Ireland
has found it’s way into the mix
14th largest economy in
the European Union
slow economic growth,
high unemployment and a
high debt to GDP rating
Hosting over 10 million
exports over 75% of its
products, including grain,
cattle, cork wheat and
olive oil.
At a Glance
 For instance, as per the OECD
surveys, Portugal has one of the
lowest percentage of population
with at least upper secondary
education in the age group of 25 to
64 as compared to the EU average.
+ves -ves
Fiscal Deficit Public Debt
boot-shaped county in the
south of Europe, eighth-largest
economy in the world and the
fourth-largest in Europe in
terms of nominal GDP
Italy's economy is considered
above average in
development, driven by an
educated, efficient, hard
working labor force
Italy's rich history, famous food
and romantic nature, makes it
one of the most visited
countries in the world
The country has reached an
above average GDP per
capita, with a national debt in
excess of 100% of GDP
Home of fashion
“Only Concern”
Growth Rate
Fiscal Deficit
Unemployment rate at
8.4 per cent is lower
than the average for
the euro zone
About two-thirds of the 60
million residents work in
the service sector,
Italy‘s public debt and
external debt ratios at
119 and 108 are rather
large. Italy has always
been characterized
AKA Emerald Isle, Ireland is
a famous tourist destination
due to its rich history, unique
climate and terrain
was dubbed the Celtic Tiger,
as it was once considered an
economic anchor with Asian-
like growth characteristics.
participated in the economic
boom throughout the 1990s
and 2000s, but suffered from
the same symptoms and was
the first eurozone country to
fall rapidly into recession in
Ireland required massive
injections to its banks and
significant government
oversight and rebuilding
4.5 million
Unemployment Rate
of Debt
Low Interest
Rates lead too
expansion of
By 2007,There
was downward
trend in
property prices
By first half of
2009 , there
was tightening
of credit control
• Marked Increase in Irish
April 2009
• government support for
six banks had risen
markedly to 32 per cent
of GDP
• the government decided
to seek a €85 billion
"bailout" from the ECB
and the IMF.
Problems of Ireland
•excessive build up of bank lending
•public debt as in the case of Greece
It has population of
over 45 million
5th largest
economy in the EU
and 12th largest in
the world as of
Spain boasted 15
years of above
average GDP
growth and began
to stumble in 2007
Famous for its
historical sites and
diverse climates
and locations,
Spain also relies
heavily on tourism
to drive its
“Spain, like
Ireland, was
considered a
economy and till
2005 and
Empowered to sell bonds & make a loan upto €
440 billion
of EU
“European Financial Stability Facility”
Bonds were guaranteed by European Commission
that represented
• Whole EU,
• Eurozone member states, and
• The IMF
440 60 250 750
€ 60 billion came from EFSF
mechanism & € 250 billion from
loan backed by IMF
• EFSF was allowed to intervene in Secondary Market in the event of risk to financial crisis.
• It agreed to apply to Portugal and Ireland the same EFSF conditions that they confirmed for Greece
1. Debt maturity upto min. of 15 years, and
2. Reduced Interest rates upto 3.5%
• Also agreed to reduce deficit of member countries below 3% by 2013
Meanwhile moody’s lowered Greece rating to junk status on June 1 2011( to Caa1 from B1)
€ Facts about Crisis
 2008 EU Leaders agreed for € 200 billion to boost European Economy.
 In October 2008, IMF announced a $2.1 billion loan plan with Iceland with the goal of
restoring confidence in the banking system
 April 2009,EU ordered 4 countries to reduce Budget deficit
 April 2010,ECB & IMF agreed to provide a net safety of € 30 billion to Greece.
 May 2 ,2010 IMF issued € 110 billion bailout package to rescue Greece economy.
 November ,2010 EU & IMF agreed to bail out Irish Republic with € 85 billion.
 Early 2011,EU Finance Minister set up permanent bailout facility of over € 500 billion
and smaller such funds for Portugal i.e. € 78 billion.
 On 21 July ,2011 An extraordinary summit was convened in Brussels to further bailout
€ 109 billion participation from IMF
 By March of 2012 a further Greek bailout of €130 billion was required, and the
permanent bailout facility size was increased to €1 trillion
France Spain Ireland Greece
Critical Dimensions EZ crisis
productivity and
A monetary union
without a fiscal
“Within the euro zone, there is substantial variation in
terms of productivity. The peripheral economies have
lower labor productivity compared to Germany (taken
as a bench mark of 100) which clearly stands out in
terms of unit labour costs. Only France and Ireland are
comparable to Germany on this count”
Misconceptions about EZ Crisis
It Will
Is Rich
to Bail
Itself out
The U.S.
This Is a
Criterion designed to be a basis for qualifying for the EMU
• Size of budget deficits,
• National debt,
• Inflation,
• Interest rates, and
• Exchange rates
Greece failed
to qualify, but
was later
admitted on 1
January 2001
“How it all got started ???”
Essentials about Greece
 Greece debt burden accounted for 113% of it’s GDP, Nearly double the eurozone
limit of the 60% debt.
 Credit rating agencies downgraded Greek corporate bonds and govt debt.
 “ Papandreou” insisted that Greece was not about to default on it’s debt.
 EU launched an investigation into excessive Greek debts and it’s budget deficit
was revised upward to 12.7% from 3.7%
 By April,2010 Greek deficit showed it’s debt to be 13.6% of GDP.
• December 2014, the Greek government,
under increasing pressure from it's
citizenry, unexpectedly called for an early
• The next day, the Greek stock market
dropped 12.78%, the most since 1989.
Voters scrambled to understand the
situation, and
• On December 29th the election failed to
choose a new president for Greece leading
to a new round of emergency elections to
be held on January 25th, 2015
Greece Current Status
•During 2013 and much of 2014, the Greek
government changed multiple times as new
elections were called and cabinets were
• Greek politicians seemed to gain the upper
hand, alleviating concerns of a Greek exit, and
• Mid of 2014 Greece had returned to the
financial markets issuing new bonds for the
first time in years, and its credit rating was
upgraded by Fitch from B- to B.
The election of a new anti-austerity
government in Greece is raising questions
about how the debt-laden state will satisfy
its creditors and citizens weary of cost-
cutting measures.
The leader of the left-wing Syriza
party, Alexis Tsipras, was sworn in as
Greece's new Prime Minister on Monday
after forming a coalition with the right-
wing Independent Greeks party.
Tsipras has vowed to end austerity
measures and renegotiate the terms of
Greece's European Union bailout.
Italy –GDP –Government Debt
( In $ billion and %age)
Greece –GDP –Government Debt
( In $ billion and %age)
Spain –GDP –Government Debt
(In $ billion and %age)
Ireland – GDP –Government Debt
( In $ billion and % age)
ECB Benchmark Rate
Portugal –Government Budget
Value ( In $ billion)
Ireland- Government- Budget Value
( In $ billion)
Italy – Government- Budget Value
( In $ billion)
Greece –Government- Budget
Value ( In $ billion)
Spain – Government – Budget
Value ( In $ billion)
Bank exposure to Euro zone periphery
[USD Billion Position as of March 2011]
Greece Portugal Ireland Italy Spain
Direct exposure to public and private debt
 France 56.9 28.3 30.1 410.2 146.1
 Germany 23.8 38.9 116.5 164.9 177.9
 UK 14.7 26.6 136.6 68.9 100.8
 US 8.7 5.6 58.9 44.1 57.9
Indirect exposure through derivatives / guarantees
 France 8.3 5.7 25.3 85.6 37.7
 Germany 5.2 12.5 38.8 61.6 45.8
 UK 4.6 4.7 47.6 30.0 30.2
 US 38.4 49.4 59.7 248.0 154.6
Total exposure
 France 65.8 34.0 55.4 495.9 183.7
 Germany 29.0 51.4 155.3 226.5 223.6
 UK 19.2 31.3 184.2 98.9 131.0
 US 47.0 55.0 118.6 292.1 212.5
What If Greece Leaves €
“It will finally be able to recover from years of austerity and economic depression”
“Dire Consequences for Europe”
 There would be a capital flight out of Greece initially as people seek to offload the new Greek
currency, expecting that it will promptly be devalued.
 In response, the Greek government would likely impose a series of strict capital controls to prevent
massive outflows of deposits, a measure currently forbidden by EU policy
Distrust in the new currency would also create a massive black market for goods and services
operating outside the law, not taxed by the government, and at a significantly different exchange rate than
that set by the Greek central bank.
The Greek economy would experience massive inflation as prices skyrocket and the value of the new
drachma plummets.
The central bank would be enticed to print more money to maintain civil services and make interest
payments, but this can lead to the risk of a hyperinflation
EZ Turning SEZ …LOL !!!
 The ECB would be under fire as the institution responsible for maintaining the price
stability and credit worthiness of the Euro
 After spending over a trillion € to prevent Greece from exiting, the ECB would more than
likely face a crisis of trust
 . At the same time, global banks – but mostly European banks – would suffer exceedingly
large losses, threatening their solvency and leading to potential bank runs. The euro would
fall in value relative to the dollar and other world currencies creating a vicious downward
spiral for all European assets.
€/$ Exchange Rate
Worldwide Impact
“Bhai Jab Recession ne nhi Choda toh phir Ye toh Euro hai”
United States of America
 On a basic level, many
of the euro bonds would
take losses when they are
translated into another
currency or simply
defaulted on entirely.
 This wholesale
destruction of capital and
the uncertainty of currency
risks and contract law
would shrink the imports
and exports between the
United States.
As at present, the United States
has a large financial stake in
Europe. American banks have
over $600 billion of exposure
in the troubled economies of
the euro zone as per BIS data.
There are close trading links as
Europe is US’s largest trading
partner and the largest
destination for investment by
U.S. corporations
Following the collapse of the
Lehman brothers in 2008, the
US opened short term loans to
European banks. In 2009, the US
Fed went in for the second round
of quantitative easing by buying
treasury bonds and pushing
down long-term interest rates.
By August 2011, its own debt
position has become a matter of
concern. The capacity of US to
accommodate liquidity in order
to support the euro zone
economies, this time around may
be more limited
China seeks
Make bargains during a fire sale that may follow to gain
political mileage and acquire useful and perhaps strategic
assets by simply offering to hold troubled assets of the
troubled euro zone States
Diversify its foreign exchange assets.
These assets could be in the form
of sovereign debt as well as real
assets like interest in public sector
units that may be privatized
The manner in which the euro
zone and the EU would respond
to this possibility remains to be
India [Recession ka bachaya ESD me lutaya]
Bilateral Trade
Agriculture products, Fuel
and mining products,
machinery and transport
equipment, chemicals, semi
manufactured products
textile and clothing
European Union is a major trade
partner accounting for as much as
20.2 per cent of India’s exports (in
2009-10) and 13.3 per cent of
India’s imports
Bilateral trade between the two has been growing on an
average of 9.6 per cent during 2006-10. EU services
exports to India during 2010 was €9.8 billion and EU
imports from India was €8.1 billion
the total FDI from
EU during 2010
amounted to €3.0
billion while India
also invested about
€0.6 billion in the
“European Union countries imported roughly € 33.1 billion worth in 2010 from India. The EU exports to India
amounted to €34.8bl, majority of which was machinery, chemical products and semi manufactured items which
was almost 2.6 percent of EU exports”
 The euro zone crisis
 Its dimensions and implications
[M R Anand ,GL Sharma and Ranjan Dash]
Euro Sovereign Debt Crisis

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Euro Sovereign Debt Crisis

  • 2. I Was Not born ,Neither Discovered BUT CREATED 1945 - 1959 A peaceful Europe – the beginnings of cooperation • European Coal and Steel Community •1957,Treaty of Rome marks the birth of European Economic Community 1960 - 1969 The ‘Swinging Sixties’ – a period of economic growth • The Beatles • EU Countries stop charging custom duties 1980 - 1989 The changing face of Europe - the fall of the Berlin Wall • Border b/w East and West Germany are opened for the 1st time in 28 Years 1970 - 1979 A growing Community – the first Enlargement • Arab – Israeli war of October 1973 results in an energy crisis and economic problem • Salzar regime ,1975 and General Franco,1975
  • 3. Stage 1 • Complete freedom for capital transactions • Increased co-operation between central banks • Free use of the ECU (European Currency Unit, forerunner of the €) • Improvement of economic convergence Stage 2 • Establishment of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) • Ban on the granting of central bank credit • Increased co-ordination of monetary policies Stage 3 • Irrevocable fixing of conversion rates • Introduction of the euro • Conduct of the single monetary policy by the European System of Central Banks
  • 6. Euro Zone “January 11,1999” • Austria • Belgium • Finland • France • Germany • Ireland • Italy • Luxembourg • Netherlands • Portugal • Spain “January 1,2001” • Greece • Estonia “January,2007” • Slovenia “January,2008” • Cyprus • Malta “January,2009” • Slovakia
  • 7. “We do share the same DNA right ..??”
  • 8. Iceland's Near Collapse Mid 1990’s • Business Flourished • Bank Loans, Investment Growing Economy • Own domestic stock market in 1985 • Wages increased by 45% b/w 1995 & 2000. Problem • Carry Rates • Krona’s Value fell catastrophically While it's common to hear of companies going bankrupt, many were shocked when the entire country of Iceland almost fell into a state of bankruptcy in 2008.
  • 9. Iceland Fiasco Skyrocketing Interest Rates International Travel Woes Impact on Average Icelandic Lessons to be learnt The Dangers of Unmanaged Growth Govt. Oversight of the Banking Industry Contagious 18 % in October,2008 IMF announced $ 2.1 billion loan plan. By march 2009 conditions improved in Iceland
  • 10. Debt Govt. Sovereigns Spending Revenue Discretionary 1.Defense 2.Others Debt Services 1. Principal 2.Interest Non Discretionary 1.Medical 2.Social Security Tax Banks & Financial Institutions Collateral Govt. Bonds ECB Printed Money • Stocks • Deposits • BOP • Bonds Financial Market Loans
  • 11. Criteria for EZ  Inflation, a maximum of 1.5% above the average of all members; government debt and deficit restrictions; exchange rate rules and long term interest rate level restrictions.  A maximum of 60% of government debt as a ratio to Gross Domestic Production [GDP] Well defined rules meant to exclude weaker countries!!! PIIGS officially declared the World Heavyweight Champion …lol ;)
  • 12. Putting Lipstick on a Pig Portugal Italy IrelandGreece Spain Not originally Included, Ireland has found it’s way into the mix
  • 13. Portugal 14th largest economy in the European Union slow economic growth, high unemployment and a high debt to GDP rating Hosting over 10 million people. exports over 75% of its agriculture-based products, including grain, cattle, cork wheat and olive oil. At a Glance
  • 14.  For instance, as per the OECD surveys, Portugal has one of the lowest percentage of population with at least upper secondary education in the age group of 25 to 64 as compared to the EU average. -3.1% -10% 68% 83% +ves -ves Fiscal Deficit Public Debt 2007 2009 2007 2009 -2.5%
  • 15. Italy boot-shaped county in the south of Europe, eighth-largest economy in the world and the fourth-largest in Europe in terms of nominal GDP Italy's economy is considered above average in development, driven by an educated, efficient, hard working labor force Italy's rich history, famous food and romantic nature, makes it one of the most visited countries in the world The country has reached an above average GDP per capita, with a national debt in excess of 100% of GDP Home of fashion
  • 16. “Only Concern” 2% 1% -4.6% -6% 2000-2007 2010 EU Italy Italy EU Growth Rate Fiscal Deficit Unemployment rate at 8.4 per cent is lower than the average for the euro zone About two-thirds of the 60 million residents work in the service sector, North-South divide Italy‘s public debt and external debt ratios at 119 and 108 are rather large. Italy has always been characterized
  • 17. Ireland AKA Emerald Isle, Ireland is a famous tourist destination due to its rich history, unique climate and terrain was dubbed the Celtic Tiger, as it was once considered an economic anchor with Asian- like growth characteristics. participated in the economic boom throughout the 1990s and 2000s, but suffered from the same symptoms and was the first eurozone country to fall rapidly into recession in 2008 Ireland required massive injections to its banks and significant government oversight and rebuilding efforts 4.5 million Peeps
  • 18. Unemployment Rate 13.7% Wholesale nationalization of Debt Low Interest Rates lead too expansion of credit By 2007,There was downward trend in property prices By first half of 2009 , there was tightening of credit control • Marked Increase in Irish Bonds April 2009 • government support for six banks had risen markedly to 32 per cent of GDP September 2010 • the government decided to seek a €85 billion "bailout" from the ECB and the IMF. November 2010 Problems of Ireland •excessive build up of bank lending •public debt as in the case of Greece
  • 19. Spain It has population of over 45 million 5th largest economy in the EU and 12th largest in the world as of 2010 Spain boasted 15 years of above average GDP growth and began to stumble in 2007 Famous for its historical sites and diverse climates and locations, Spain also relies heavily on tourism to drive its economy
  • 20. +VES -VES “Spain, like Ireland, was considered a dynamic economy and till 2005 and attracted significant foreign investment”
  • 21. EFSF Empowered to sell bonds & make a loan upto € 440 billion Financial Stability SPV 27 members of EU “European Financial Stability Facility” Bonds were guaranteed by European Commission that represented • Whole EU, • Eurozone member states, and • The IMF 440 60 250 750 € 60 billion came from EFSF mechanism & € 250 billion from loan backed by IMF • EFSF was allowed to intervene in Secondary Market in the event of risk to financial crisis. • It agreed to apply to Portugal and Ireland the same EFSF conditions that they confirmed for Greece 1. Debt maturity upto min. of 15 years, and 2. Reduced Interest rates upto 3.5% • Also agreed to reduce deficit of member countries below 3% by 2013 Meanwhile moody’s lowered Greece rating to junk status on June 1 2011( to Caa1 from B1)
  • 22. € Facts about Crisis  2008 EU Leaders agreed for € 200 billion to boost European Economy.  In October 2008, IMF announced a $2.1 billion loan plan with Iceland with the goal of restoring confidence in the banking system  April 2009,EU ordered 4 countries to reduce Budget deficit  April 2010,ECB & IMF agreed to provide a net safety of € 30 billion to Greece.  May 2 ,2010 IMF issued € 110 billion bailout package to rescue Greece economy.  November ,2010 EU & IMF agreed to bail out Irish Republic with € 85 billion.  Early 2011,EU Finance Minister set up permanent bailout facility of over € 500 billion and smaller such funds for Portugal i.e. € 78 billion.  On 21 July ,2011 An extraordinary summit was convened in Brussels to further bailout € 109 billion participation from IMF  By March of 2012 a further Greek bailout of €130 billion was required, and the permanent bailout facility size was increased to €1 trillion France Spain Ireland Greece
  • 23. Critical Dimensions EZ crisis Varying productivity and Structural differences A monetary union without a fiscal union Unemployment “Within the euro zone, there is substantial variation in terms of productivity. The peripheral economies have lower labor productivity compared to Germany (taken as a bench mark of 100) which clearly stands out in terms of unit labour costs. Only France and Ireland are comparable to Germany on this count”
  • 24. Misconceptions about EZ Crisis It Will End Soon Europe Is Rich Enough to Bail Itself out The U.S. Isn't Affected That Much This Is a Greece Problem
  • 25. GREECE Criterion designed to be a basis for qualifying for the EMU • Size of budget deficits, • National debt, • Inflation, • Interest rates, and • Exchange rates Greece failed to qualify, but was later admitted on 1 January 2001 “How it all got started ???” “Brotherhood”
  • 26. Essentials about Greece  Greece debt burden accounted for 113% of it’s GDP, Nearly double the eurozone limit of the 60% debt.  Credit rating agencies downgraded Greek corporate bonds and govt debt.  “ Papandreou” insisted that Greece was not about to default on it’s debt.  EU launched an investigation into excessive Greek debts and it’s budget deficit was revised upward to 12.7% from 3.7%  By April,2010 Greek deficit showed it’s debt to be 13.6% of GDP.
  • 27. • December 2014, the Greek government, under increasing pressure from it's citizenry, unexpectedly called for an early election. • The next day, the Greek stock market dropped 12.78%, the most since 1989. Voters scrambled to understand the situation, and • On December 29th the election failed to choose a new president for Greece leading to a new round of emergency elections to be held on January 25th, 2015 THE GREEK CRISIS RETURNS Greece Current Status •During 2013 and much of 2014, the Greek government changed multiple times as new elections were called and cabinets were reshuffled., • Greek politicians seemed to gain the upper hand, alleviating concerns of a Greek exit, and • Mid of 2014 Greece had returned to the financial markets issuing new bonds for the first time in years, and its credit rating was upgraded by Fitch from B- to B. The election of a new anti-austerity government in Greece is raising questions about how the debt-laden state will satisfy its creditors and citizens weary of cost- cutting measures. The leader of the left-wing Syriza party, Alexis Tsipras, was sworn in as Greece's new Prime Minister on Monday after forming a coalition with the right- wing Independent Greeks party. Tsipras has vowed to end austerity measures and renegotiate the terms of Greece's European Union bailout.
  • 28. Italy –GDP –Government Debt ( In $ billion and %age)
  • 29. Greece –GDP –Government Debt ( In $ billion and %age)
  • 30. Spain –GDP –Government Debt (In $ billion and %age)
  • 31. Ireland – GDP –Government Debt ( In $ billion and % age)
  • 34. Ireland- Government- Budget Value ( In $ billion)
  • 35. Italy – Government- Budget Value ( In $ billion)
  • 37. Spain – Government – Budget Value ( In $ billion)
  • 38. Bank exposure to Euro zone periphery [USD Billion Position as of March 2011] Greece Portugal Ireland Italy Spain Direct exposure to public and private debt  France 56.9 28.3 30.1 410.2 146.1  Germany 23.8 38.9 116.5 164.9 177.9  UK 14.7 26.6 136.6 68.9 100.8  US 8.7 5.6 58.9 44.1 57.9 Indirect exposure through derivatives / guarantees  France 8.3 5.7 25.3 85.6 37.7  Germany 5.2 12.5 38.8 61.6 45.8  UK 4.6 4.7 47.6 30.0 30.2  US 38.4 49.4 59.7 248.0 154.6 Total exposure  France 65.8 34.0 55.4 495.9 183.7  Germany 29.0 51.4 155.3 226.5 223.6  UK 19.2 31.3 184.2 98.9 131.0  US 47.0 55.0 118.6 292.1 212.5
  • 39. What If Greece Leaves € “It will finally be able to recover from years of austerity and economic depression” “Dire Consequences for Europe”  There would be a capital flight out of Greece initially as people seek to offload the new Greek currency, expecting that it will promptly be devalued.  In response, the Greek government would likely impose a series of strict capital controls to prevent massive outflows of deposits, a measure currently forbidden by EU policy Distrust in the new currency would also create a massive black market for goods and services operating outside the law, not taxed by the government, and at a significantly different exchange rate than that set by the Greek central bank. The Greek economy would experience massive inflation as prices skyrocket and the value of the new drachma plummets. The central bank would be enticed to print more money to maintain civil services and make interest payments, but this can lead to the risk of a hyperinflation
  • 40. EZ Turning SEZ …LOL !!!  The ECB would be under fire as the institution responsible for maintaining the price stability and credit worthiness of the Euro  After spending over a trillion € to prevent Greece from exiting, the ECB would more than likely face a crisis of trust  . At the same time, global banks – but mostly European banks – would suffer exceedingly large losses, threatening their solvency and leading to potential bank runs. The euro would fall in value relative to the dollar and other world currencies creating a vicious downward spiral for all European assets.
  • 42. Worldwide Impact China India USA France Germany “Bhai Jab Recession ne nhi Choda toh phir Ye toh Euro hai”
  • 43. United States of America  On a basic level, many of the euro bonds would take losses when they are translated into another currency or simply defaulted on entirely.  This wholesale destruction of capital and the uncertainty of currency risks and contract law would shrink the imports and exports between the United States. As at present, the United States has a large financial stake in Europe. American banks have over $600 billion of exposure in the troubled economies of the euro zone as per BIS data. There are close trading links as Europe is US’s largest trading partner and the largest destination for investment by U.S. corporations Following the collapse of the Lehman brothers in 2008, the US opened short term loans to European banks. In 2009, the US Fed went in for the second round of quantitative easing by buying treasury bonds and pushing down long-term interest rates. By August 2011, its own debt position has become a matter of concern. The capacity of US to accommodate liquidity in order to support the euro zone economies, this time around may be more limited
  • 44. China seeks Opportunity Make bargains during a fire sale that may follow to gain political mileage and acquire useful and perhaps strategic assets by simply offering to hold troubled assets of the troubled euro zone States Diversify its foreign exchange assets. These assets could be in the form of sovereign debt as well as real assets like interest in public sector units that may be privatized The manner in which the euro zone and the EU would respond to this possibility remains to be seen
  • 45. India [Recession ka bachaya ESD me lutaya] Trading Partner Bilateral Trade Agreements FDI Trading Products Agriculture products, Fuel and mining products, machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, semi manufactured products textile and clothing products European Union is a major trade partner accounting for as much as 20.2 per cent of India’s exports (in 2009-10) and 13.3 per cent of India’s imports Bilateral trade between the two has been growing on an average of 9.6 per cent during 2006-10. EU services exports to India during 2010 was €9.8 billion and EU imports from India was €8.1 billion the total FDI from EU during 2010 amounted to €3.0 billion while India also invested about €0.6 billion in the EU “European Union countries imported roughly € 33.1 billion worth in 2010 from India. The EU exports to India amounted to €34.8bl, majority of which was machinery, chemical products and semi manufactured items which was almost 2.6 percent of EU exports”
  • 46. References   The euro zone crisis  Its dimensions and implications [M R Anand ,GL Sharma and Ranjan Dash]  