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                                                              The artistic or aesthetic standard is a
Ethics for Senior                                             measure of how well a rhetorical act
                                                              succeeds in altering perception, creating
Portraits                                                     visual experience, attracting and holding
                                                              attention, and inducing participation and
How rhetoric inspired a new business model
                                                              identification. It is a measure of how well
Any communication—any rhetorical act—can be                   an act achieves its purpose, of how
evaluated based upon four standards. These are                creatively at rhetor responds to the
an artistic standard, a response standard, an                 obstacles faced, of how inventively a
accuracy standard, and a moral standard                       rhetor fulfills the requirements or
(Campbell & Huxman, 2009). The artistic                       expectations of form. (p. 247).
standard considers whether the communication is
                                                       Applying these measures to the techniques,
aesthetically satisfying. The response standard
                                                       means, and strategies employed within the
evaluates the results of the communication. The
                                                       Masterpiece Studio website design provides
accuracy standard verifies the accuracy and
                                                       several valuable insights.
completeness of the communication. And the
moral stand determines whether the                     Alter perception
communication uses ethical methods for ethical
purposes.                                              The website successfully alters the viewer’s
                                                       perception of the kind of art Masterpiece Studio
Masterpiece Studio is a boutique portrait studio       creates by the use of four different means. First,
that creates portrait art for high school seniors,     the home page immediately creates the
families, and children. Because the high school        understanding that the studio creates books about
senior market is specialized, the studio has           its clients. This is accomplished by the bold
designed a website focused exclusively on              declaration in large text, “Someday they’ll write a
seniors. The Masterpiece Studio senior website         book about you. Someday is now.”
could benefit from a few changes, but overall it
measures well against the artistic, response,
accuracy, and moral standards.

Artistic Standard

Evaluating a rhetorical act against an artistic
standard is not just a matter of deciding whether it
is visually appealing. Campbell and Huxman
(2009) suggest the following criteria:

                                                       This message is supported by the “Why?” link

                                                              August 2011 | Rhetorical Review    1
which displays several reasons for commissioning     explains the steps involved in creating these
a personal biography.                                books. This process description could be
                                                     improved by providing images to illustrate each
                                                     step. For example, an image showing the writer
                                                     interviewing a client or sorting through a stack of
                                                     childhood photographs would demonstrate some
                                                     of the steps in the process.

Second, the quality of the books is demonstrated
by the book samples that allow the viewer to see
both the inside and the outside of the book and to
watch a video of a book being removed from its
box, opened, and the pages turned. This
demonstrates that these are not just “image          A fourth way that perceptions about the studio’s
books” like those created by other portrait          work are altered is by the display and description
photographers, but actual biographies. It also       of the WallArt gallery. The images depicting the
eliminates any question of whether the art of        studio’s portraits framed and displayed in home
scrapbooking compares to the custom books the        settings conveys the idea that this studio produces
studio creates.                                      artwork intended to be displayed in this manner.

                                                     The descriptions elevate the viewer’s thinking
To further alter the perception about the kind of    above the temporary fame to be achieved by
books the studio produces, the website includes      posting a few images on Facebook, but it does so
an interactive process diagram which shows and

       2 |
without denigrating the fun of the Facebook
experience. Even the name, WallArt, conveys the
idea that this studio produces wall art—not just
little prints.

Create virtual experience

The virtual experiences that the website supports
include seeing one’s own portraits created by the
studio, viewing framed artwork in an actual
setting, viewing a book, and walking through the
                                                     reading a book. And the video of the book being
book creation process.
                                                     removed from its box, opened, and the pages
The viewer can readily imagine viewing her own       turned is similar. The interactive book
portraits while watching the full-screen slideshow   development process diagram is not quite as good
in the portrait gallery. Watching these large,       a simulation, and really does need some depictive
                                                     images to enhance the process descriptions.

                                                     Attract and hold attention

                                                     Throughout the website, numerous techniques
                                                     exist to attract and hold attention. It begins with
                                                     the home page which opens by momentarily
                                                     displaying a strikingly beautiful portrait on a
                                                     black background. The portrait fades into the
                                                     shadows as the bold message appears over it in
                                                     very large text, “Someday, they’ll write a book
beautiful images on the screen she can gain some     about you. Someday is now.” The message
of the sensation she will have when her own          catches the attention because it is common for
images are displayed. The WallArt gallery takes      people to wonder if they will ever be important
that virtual experience to a new level. Seeing       enough that someone will write a book about
large, framed portraits displayed in beautiful       them. This message answers in the affirmative,
rooms, the viewer can imagine having portraits of    which is bound to make the viewer wonder how
his own senior on the wall.                          that could be true. The “Why?” link below the
                                                     message will naturally draw the viewer’s
The book samples are an excellent virtual
                                                     attention and the series of “Because…” answers
experience. The technique of having the page
                                                     will hold that attention in much the same way that
appear to turn when the viewer clicks the edge of
                                                     the old Burma Shave roadway signs used to do
the page is almost tactile in its simulation of

                                                           August 2011 | Rhetorical Review     3
(Thomas, n.d.). The viewer will wonder what the         and the bold text message, “Long after your
next message will be.                                   Facebook images have been replaced…The
                                                        legend of Masterpiece Studio WallArt will
A second way that the site will attract and hold        endure.”
attention is by the full-screen portraits in the
portrait gallery. Many portrait sites offer only        The final significant, attention-getting device is
small images, perhaps hoping that the images are        the interactive process diagram described earlier.
small enough that clients will not copy them and        The colors and shapes in the diagram and the
then fail to buy prints. But on this site, the images   intrigue of watching it change as the “buttons”
are presented at the largest size the screen will       are clicked will catch and hold the viewer’s
display to provide the fullest experience possible.     attention.
The size, and the quality of the images will hold
the attention of the viewer.                            Induce participation and identification

The third technique for attracting attention is the     Getting the viewer to participate interactively
book gallery. Seeing these gorgeous book                with the site is an important goal because when
examples, which are clearly something different         people interact they are more likely to commit.
than the heavy albums and thin image books              But equally important is the need to help the
                                                        viewer to identify with the rhetor—to feel that the
                                                        “voice” behind the website is someone who is
                                                        like them in some way and can understand them.

                                                        Most of the techniques already mentioned serve
                                                        to induce participation by the viewer: the Why?
                                                        link and the Because pages, the interactive book
                                                        gallery and book process description, and the
                                                        portrait and WallArt galleries. In addition to
                                                        these, the menus on the website invite exploration
                                                        and the links to Facebook and Twitter open the
offered by other portrait studios will certainly
                                                        door to very interactive experiences. Finally, the
catch the attention. Being able to interact with
                                                        Contact page provides the option to send email to
them, open them, and turn the pages will hold the
                                                        the studio. To further enhance participation, at
attention. The time-lapse video of the book being
                                                        least one video should be displayed somewhere
opened will have a similar effect.
                                                        on the site. Suggestions about videos to include
The landing page for the WallArt gallery is the         are: 1) a music video featuring some of the
fourth technique for catching the attention of the      studio’s portraits or books, 2) studio staff
viewer. This page has two riveting elements: the        working with a client through the process of
beautiful setting depicting the framed portraits,       developing a book, including the reception where

       4 |
the book is finally unveiled, 3) a tour of the         possible to identify the techniques used to address
studio.                                                each of these purposes. The studio owners
                                                       identified the following purposes, according to
To cause the viewer to identify with the rhetor,       the Functional Design document:
the rhetorical strategy in the Functional Design
document for this website proposed that some of           1) Attract potential clients to the type of
the website pages should use “we” and “our”                  work and style of art that Masterpiece
language and have the studio owners talk about               Studio creates.
creating (or failing to create) for their own family      2) Encourage potential clients to take the
the kind of artwork they now create for others. So           next step of contacting the studio for an
far, the design does not include anything like that.         appointment.
Doing so would help the viewers to feel that the          3) Get referrals for the studio
owners understand them. While this would be a             4) Make potential clients feel pampered from
good addition to the site, something similar is              their first contact with the studio.
achieved by a different means. The “Because”              5) Set expectations about what the studio
pages suggest that the rhetor understands how                offers and what it does not offer
important this senior year is, and how much               6) Create expectations about what the client
things are going to change after graduation. Also,           should expect to buy.
the “Us” page conveys the idea that the studio            7) Provide capability for existing clients to
owners really value the person inside each senior.           view their images and place orders.

                                                       To address the first goal, attracting potential
                                                       clients, the three galleries are a potent
                                                       mechanism. There is nothing overt on the website
                                                       to encourage a potential client to contact the
                                                       studio. Besides the obvious appeal of the work,
                                                       the only devices employed are 1) the invitation on

Both of these will serve to make the viewer feel

How well it achieves its purpose

Until the website can be tested by members of the
target audience, it is not possible to determine
how well it achieves its purpose. However, it is       the Portrait Sessions-About page to call the studio

                                                             August 2011 | Rhetorical Review     5
to schedule a consultation, 2) the senior timeline   actually being pampered at their portrait session
showing various deadlines related to portrait and    or during book creation.
book creation, and 3) the Contact page with its
phone number and email address. This very soft       The goals about setting expectations about what
approach may be suitable if the studio uses other    the studio offers and what the client should buy
means to encourage potential clients to take         seem to be effectively met by all the devices that
action.                                              emphasize books and wall art. The base prices
                                                     quoted on the Portrait Sessions and book Pricing
The website offers only one device to get            pages should also convey the message that this
referrals: the BFF Incentive. This is an incentive   studio produces high-end art. This should help to
for an existing client to invite a best friend (or   deter clients who are price sensitive and want to
two) for a special session. Here again, the studio   buy a few small prints at a small price.
may need to employ other means to encourage
referrals beyond this mild incentive.                The final goal, to enable existing clients to view
                                                     their images and place orders, is achieved by
                                                     providing a link to the studio’s ordering website.

                                                     How creatively the rhetor responds to the

                                                     The primary obstacle portrait artist face is
                                                     differentiating their studio from other studios.
                                                     The Masterpiece Studio differs from others in one
                                                     major way and one minor way. The major
                                                     differentiator is that this studio creates personal
                                                     biographies. Other studios only offer photo
Making the client feel pampered seems to be
                                                     books. The minor differentiator is that this is a
effectively achieved by both the language and the
                                                     high-end studio which produces exceptional
graphics on the website. The language talks about
                                                     artwork for a few clients. This is different than a
the value of the person, the desire to discover
                                                     high-volume studio that produces decent
more about them, to write their story, to create
                                                     photographs for hundreds of clients.
amazing images and design custom artwork of
                                                     Communicating that difference helps to set client
them. It speaks of interviewing them, including
their own writings or other creations in a book,
and actually writing a book about them. All of       The website effectively communicates both of
these seem to be effective means for making a        these differences. The book gallery and other
person feel special. The videos suggested above      pages about creating personal biographies clearly
would add to this. They could show a client          communicates that these books are unique. The

       6 |
WallArt and portrait galleries, along with their        website. The Portrait Sessions pages show the
prices, communicate the quality of the artwork          price for each of the sessions and indicate
and the kind of prices the client can expect.           whether a purchase is required with that session,
                                                        and indicate the minimum collection that must be
Besides these techniques, the website further           purchased with that session. The book Prices
differentiates the studio by the language it uses.      page explains the number of hours required to
Most portrait websites use nearly identical             create a book and provides a minimum price.
language. They say they will make you a
rockstar, they will capture the real you, they          The website adequately describes the various
create story-telling images, their portraits are part   portrait session options, but these very succinct
of leaving a legacy, and other typical clichés.         descriptions could be enhance to fire the
This website contains none of those clichés.            imagination about the possibilities to be
                                                        explored—especially for on-location sessions.
How inventively the rhetor fulfills the                 This would make a good basis for inviting a
expectations of form                                    prospect to come to the studio for a consultation.

Because most portrait websites have the same            The Testimonials page for books is good, since it
basic features, there naturally exists an               shows the book that the testimony is about. It
expectation that this website will provide them.        might be even better if it showed a portrait of the
These include a gallery, information about prices,      person the book is about. The website has no
information about how to book a session,                testimonials page for portraits. This is an
testimonials, and lately, some kind of video.           important omission that should be corrected. That
                                                        testimonials page should definitely include an
As explained previously, the gallery design for
                                                        image of the student who offered the testimonial.
this website is somewhat unique in that it displays
full-screen images. This is not just a “wow
factor.” It also conveys a sense of generosity and
luxury. The WallArt and book galleries further
augment that feeling.

The issue of displaying price on a portrait website
is often debated in photography circles. The low-
end, high-volume studios usually do display their
prices, as do most beginners. Mid-range and high-
end studios often do not display prices. However,
some of the high-end studios do display base
                                                        The website currently has only one video
prices as a means to deter price sensitive
                                                        planned—the time lapse video of a book being
shoppers. That is the strategy employed on this
                                                        opened. While that is a very creative video, as

                                                              August 2011 | Rhetorical Review     7
discussed before, the website would benefit from    Accuracy (Truth) Standard
including other videos.
                                                    The Masterpiece Studio senior website is truthful.
Response (or Effects) Standard                      This means that there is no appreciable difference
                                                    between the reality it presents and the reality that
This website can only be evaluated by the           other sources present (Campbell & Huxman,
response it evokes after it has been exposed to     2009). Furthermore, truthfulness means that it
members of the target audience. As of this          provides adequate and accurate arguments for the
writing, the mockups of the website have been       decisions that it encourages its clients to make.
exposed to only a few people. The responses were
as follows:                                         To illustrate this point, consider the reasons given
                                                    for commissioning a personal biography:
A 23-year-old single woman said “Aww… I
really like it” when she saw the Home page and          •   Because there’s more to you than just a
the “Because” pages. She felt that the messages             pretty face.
would resonate with high school seniors.                •   Because senior portraits are not just for
                                                            model wanna-be’s.
A mother of a high school student saw the Home
                                                        •   Because there’s no one else like you.
page and one of the “Because” pages and said “I
                                                        •   Because by telling your story, you’ll
love it. I immediately wanted to see more.”
                                                            understand who you are.
The studio photographer said, “I like it!”              •   Because someday your kids will want to
                                                            know how great you were.
A mother of a junior high student said, “It gives       •   Because you will always want to
me goose bumps! Will you create a book for my               remember this year.
son?”                                                   •   Because you’ll leave an empty place when
                                                            you leave home.
These responses suggest that the effect of the
                                                        •   Because after this year, everything
website will match the intended purpose. If it
does, the application of the next two standards—
                                                        •   Because the unforgettable is all too
truth and ethics—will become even more
                                                            quickly forgotten.
important. Results cannot be measured
adequately without considering whether the
means for achieving the results were truthful and   These things are all true and they are all good
ethical.                                            reasons to capture the essence of a high school
                                                    senior, at this pivotal year in his life, in a book for

       8 |
The same can be said for the argument        above all other values. To illustrate their concern,
given about the best friends session: “You’ve        they mentioned another portrait website which
been best friends forever and now you are            displays pictures of its senior model contest
seniors. After graduation, you’ll go your separate   winners. These young people are invited to a
ways and things will never be quite the same         destination portrait event where they are treated
again. Stay close with BFF Legends books.”           like movie stars. Some of the photographs of one
Again, the statement addresses the reality that      of these events show the kids posing in very
many close friends face when they graduate and it    skimpy clothing, in sensual poses, with a dozen
offers something they will value in years to come:   photographers photographing them.
a book that captures their special friendship.
                                                     The Masterpiece Studio owners felt that this
The presentation of pricing information is the       approach communicated the message that only
only area where the website might be said to         “model wanna be’s” deserve to have portraits
provide less than adequate information. It           created, that physical beauty is the highest value,
provides a minimum price for books, and it           and that becoming a model is desirable (at a time
provides session prices, but it does not provide     when they should be thinking about college).
any other prices. By some standards, this might      These messages are harmful, not helpful, and they
be considered misleading. However, the studio        promote social discord. This is what led the
does custom quotes for all books, so it can hardly   studio owners to the idea of creating personal
provide more than the base price and the fact that   biographies in addition to the portrait art. The
books differ dramatically in the number of hours     custom books provide a way to communicate the
they require to produce. And portraits are similar   true value of a person beyond physical
because of the wide variety of framing options.      appearance.

Ethical Standard                                     The messages about the value of the individual
                                                     are communicated throughout the Masterpiece
What will be the social consequences of the          Studio senior website. The “Someday they’ll
Masterpiece Studio website? This is what the
ethical standard asks. Will it promote harmony or
discord (Campbell & Huxman, 2009)? Will it
help or harm?

The ethical question was one of the most serious
issues considered in designing this website. In
fact, the studio owners actually modified their
business model based upon this evaluation. They
were uncomfortable with a website, and a
business, that promoted sensual physical beauty
                                                     write a book about you” message, the “Because”

                                                           August 2011 | Rhetorical Review      9
messages, the “We think you’re amazing”              References
message on the “Us” page, and even the               Campbell, K. K., Huxman, S. S. (2009). The rhetorical act:
description of the process of creating a custom             Thinking, speaking, and writing critically.
book underscore the value of each person. These             Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
messages are not trite. They do not say that “we
                                                     Thomas, M. (n.d.). The Burma Shave phenomenon.
show the real you” or “we’ll make you look like a            Retrieved from
rock star.” They say that each person is valuable  
and has a story worth telling. At a time in their            hpolscrv/mthomas.htm.
lives when these kids are seeking their true
identity and questioning their worth, this is a
message that will help. This is an ethical


The design for the Masterpiece Studio has
effectively implemented most of the rhetorical
strategy defined in the Functional Design
document in which it is documented. The only
exception is that it does not include any personal
stories by the studio owners about their
experience in creating (or failing to create) such
artwork for their own family. Beyond this
omission, the design could also benefit from
including more images to illustrate some of the
descriptions and by including one or more videos.
This design supports an ethical purpose and it
does so using ethical means. The studio owners
can develop and deploy this website with
confidence that it will meet its purposes.

Fran McKain applies rhetorical strategy to
writing books, designing websites, and creating

      10 |

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Ethics for senior portraits

  • 1. IN RETROSPECT BY FRAN MCKAIN The artistic or aesthetic standard is a Ethics for Senior measure of how well a rhetorical act succeeds in altering perception, creating Portraits visual experience, attracting and holding attention, and inducing participation and How rhetoric inspired a new business model identification. It is a measure of how well Any communication—any rhetorical act—can be an act achieves its purpose, of how evaluated based upon four standards. These are creatively at rhetor responds to the an artistic standard, a response standard, an obstacles faced, of how inventively a accuracy standard, and a moral standard rhetor fulfills the requirements or (Campbell & Huxman, 2009). The artistic expectations of form. (p. 247). standard considers whether the communication is Applying these measures to the techniques, aesthetically satisfying. The response standard means, and strategies employed within the evaluates the results of the communication. The Masterpiece Studio website design provides accuracy standard verifies the accuracy and several valuable insights. completeness of the communication. And the moral stand determines whether the Alter perception communication uses ethical methods for ethical purposes. The website successfully alters the viewer’s perception of the kind of art Masterpiece Studio Masterpiece Studio is a boutique portrait studio creates by the use of four different means. First, that creates portrait art for high school seniors, the home page immediately creates the families, and children. Because the high school understanding that the studio creates books about senior market is specialized, the studio has its clients. This is accomplished by the bold designed a website focused exclusively on declaration in large text, “Someday they’ll write a seniors. The Masterpiece Studio senior website book about you. Someday is now.” could benefit from a few changes, but overall it measures well against the artistic, response, accuracy, and moral standards. Artistic Standard Evaluating a rhetorical act against an artistic standard is not just a matter of deciding whether it is visually appealing. Campbell and Huxman (2009) suggest the following criteria: This message is supported by the “Why?” link August 2011 | Rhetorical Review 1
  • 2. which displays several reasons for commissioning explains the steps involved in creating these a personal biography. books. This process description could be improved by providing images to illustrate each step. For example, an image showing the writer interviewing a client or sorting through a stack of childhood photographs would demonstrate some of the steps in the process. Second, the quality of the books is demonstrated by the book samples that allow the viewer to see both the inside and the outside of the book and to watch a video of a book being removed from its box, opened, and the pages turned. This demonstrates that these are not just “image A fourth way that perceptions about the studio’s books” like those created by other portrait work are altered is by the display and description photographers, but actual biographies. It also of the WallArt gallery. The images depicting the eliminates any question of whether the art of studio’s portraits framed and displayed in home scrapbooking compares to the custom books the settings conveys the idea that this studio produces studio creates. artwork intended to be displayed in this manner. The descriptions elevate the viewer’s thinking To further alter the perception about the kind of above the temporary fame to be achieved by books the studio produces, the website includes posting a few images on Facebook, but it does so an interactive process diagram which shows and 2 |
  • 3. without denigrating the fun of the Facebook experience. Even the name, WallArt, conveys the idea that this studio produces wall art—not just little prints. Create virtual experience The virtual experiences that the website supports include seeing one’s own portraits created by the studio, viewing framed artwork in an actual setting, viewing a book, and walking through the reading a book. And the video of the book being book creation process. removed from its box, opened, and the pages The viewer can readily imagine viewing her own turned is similar. The interactive book portraits while watching the full-screen slideshow development process diagram is not quite as good in the portrait gallery. Watching these large, a simulation, and really does need some depictive images to enhance the process descriptions. Attract and hold attention Throughout the website, numerous techniques exist to attract and hold attention. It begins with the home page which opens by momentarily displaying a strikingly beautiful portrait on a black background. The portrait fades into the shadows as the bold message appears over it in very large text, “Someday, they’ll write a book beautiful images on the screen she can gain some about you. Someday is now.” The message of the sensation she will have when her own catches the attention because it is common for images are displayed. The WallArt gallery takes people to wonder if they will ever be important that virtual experience to a new level. Seeing enough that someone will write a book about large, framed portraits displayed in beautiful them. This message answers in the affirmative, rooms, the viewer can imagine having portraits of which is bound to make the viewer wonder how his own senior on the wall. that could be true. The “Why?” link below the message will naturally draw the viewer’s The book samples are an excellent virtual attention and the series of “Because…” answers experience. The technique of having the page will hold that attention in much the same way that appear to turn when the viewer clicks the edge of the old Burma Shave roadway signs used to do the page is almost tactile in its simulation of August 2011 | Rhetorical Review 3
  • 4. (Thomas, n.d.). The viewer will wonder what the and the bold text message, “Long after your next message will be. Facebook images have been replaced…The legend of Masterpiece Studio WallArt will A second way that the site will attract and hold endure.” attention is by the full-screen portraits in the portrait gallery. Many portrait sites offer only The final significant, attention-getting device is small images, perhaps hoping that the images are the interactive process diagram described earlier. small enough that clients will not copy them and The colors and shapes in the diagram and the then fail to buy prints. But on this site, the images intrigue of watching it change as the “buttons” are presented at the largest size the screen will are clicked will catch and hold the viewer’s display to provide the fullest experience possible. attention. The size, and the quality of the images will hold the attention of the viewer. Induce participation and identification The third technique for attracting attention is the Getting the viewer to participate interactively book gallery. Seeing these gorgeous book with the site is an important goal because when examples, which are clearly something different people interact they are more likely to commit. than the heavy albums and thin image books But equally important is the need to help the viewer to identify with the rhetor—to feel that the “voice” behind the website is someone who is like them in some way and can understand them. Most of the techniques already mentioned serve to induce participation by the viewer: the Why? link and the Because pages, the interactive book gallery and book process description, and the portrait and WallArt galleries. In addition to these, the menus on the website invite exploration and the links to Facebook and Twitter open the offered by other portrait studios will certainly door to very interactive experiences. Finally, the catch the attention. Being able to interact with Contact page provides the option to send email to them, open them, and turn the pages will hold the the studio. To further enhance participation, at attention. The time-lapse video of the book being least one video should be displayed somewhere opened will have a similar effect. on the site. Suggestions about videos to include The landing page for the WallArt gallery is the are: 1) a music video featuring some of the fourth technique for catching the attention of the studio’s portraits or books, 2) studio staff viewer. This page has two riveting elements: the working with a client through the process of beautiful setting depicting the framed portraits, developing a book, including the reception where 4 |
  • 5. the book is finally unveiled, 3) a tour of the possible to identify the techniques used to address studio. each of these purposes. The studio owners identified the following purposes, according to To cause the viewer to identify with the rhetor, the Functional Design document: the rhetorical strategy in the Functional Design document for this website proposed that some of 1) Attract potential clients to the type of the website pages should use “we” and “our” work and style of art that Masterpiece language and have the studio owners talk about Studio creates. creating (or failing to create) for their own family 2) Encourage potential clients to take the the kind of artwork they now create for others. So next step of contacting the studio for an far, the design does not include anything like that. appointment. Doing so would help the viewers to feel that the 3) Get referrals for the studio owners understand them. While this would be a 4) Make potential clients feel pampered from good addition to the site, something similar is their first contact with the studio. achieved by a different means. The “Because” 5) Set expectations about what the studio pages suggest that the rhetor understands how offers and what it does not offer important this senior year is, and how much 6) Create expectations about what the client things are going to change after graduation. Also, should expect to buy. the “Us” page conveys the idea that the studio 7) Provide capability for existing clients to owners really value the person inside each senior. view their images and place orders. To address the first goal, attracting potential clients, the three galleries are a potent mechanism. There is nothing overt on the website to encourage a potential client to contact the studio. Besides the obvious appeal of the work, the only devices employed are 1) the invitation on Both of these will serve to make the viewer feel understood. How well it achieves its purpose Until the website can be tested by members of the target audience, it is not possible to determine how well it achieves its purpose. However, it is the Portrait Sessions-About page to call the studio August 2011 | Rhetorical Review 5
  • 6. to schedule a consultation, 2) the senior timeline actually being pampered at their portrait session showing various deadlines related to portrait and or during book creation. book creation, and 3) the Contact page with its phone number and email address. This very soft The goals about setting expectations about what approach may be suitable if the studio uses other the studio offers and what the client should buy means to encourage potential clients to take seem to be effectively met by all the devices that action. emphasize books and wall art. The base prices quoted on the Portrait Sessions and book Pricing The website offers only one device to get pages should also convey the message that this referrals: the BFF Incentive. This is an incentive studio produces high-end art. This should help to for an existing client to invite a best friend (or deter clients who are price sensitive and want to two) for a special session. Here again, the studio buy a few small prints at a small price. may need to employ other means to encourage referrals beyond this mild incentive. The final goal, to enable existing clients to view their images and place orders, is achieved by providing a link to the studio’s ordering website. How creatively the rhetor responds to the obstacles The primary obstacle portrait artist face is differentiating their studio from other studios. The Masterpiece Studio differs from others in one major way and one minor way. The major differentiator is that this studio creates personal biographies. Other studios only offer photo Making the client feel pampered seems to be books. The minor differentiator is that this is a effectively achieved by both the language and the high-end studio which produces exceptional graphics on the website. The language talks about artwork for a few clients. This is different than a the value of the person, the desire to discover high-volume studio that produces decent more about them, to write their story, to create photographs for hundreds of clients. amazing images and design custom artwork of Communicating that difference helps to set client them. It speaks of interviewing them, including expectations. their own writings or other creations in a book, and actually writing a book about them. All of The website effectively communicates both of these seem to be effective means for making a these differences. The book gallery and other person feel special. The videos suggested above pages about creating personal biographies clearly would add to this. They could show a client communicates that these books are unique. The 6 |
  • 7. WallArt and portrait galleries, along with their website. The Portrait Sessions pages show the prices, communicate the quality of the artwork price for each of the sessions and indicate and the kind of prices the client can expect. whether a purchase is required with that session, and indicate the minimum collection that must be Besides these techniques, the website further purchased with that session. The book Prices differentiates the studio by the language it uses. page explains the number of hours required to Most portrait websites use nearly identical create a book and provides a minimum price. language. They say they will make you a rockstar, they will capture the real you, they The website adequately describes the various create story-telling images, their portraits are part portrait session options, but these very succinct of leaving a legacy, and other typical clichés. descriptions could be enhance to fire the This website contains none of those clichés. imagination about the possibilities to be explored—especially for on-location sessions. How inventively the rhetor fulfills the This would make a good basis for inviting a expectations of form prospect to come to the studio for a consultation. Because most portrait websites have the same The Testimonials page for books is good, since it basic features, there naturally exists an shows the book that the testimony is about. It expectation that this website will provide them. might be even better if it showed a portrait of the These include a gallery, information about prices, person the book is about. The website has no information about how to book a session, testimonials page for portraits. This is an testimonials, and lately, some kind of video. important omission that should be corrected. That testimonials page should definitely include an As explained previously, the gallery design for image of the student who offered the testimonial. this website is somewhat unique in that it displays full-screen images. This is not just a “wow factor.” It also conveys a sense of generosity and luxury. The WallArt and book galleries further augment that feeling. The issue of displaying price on a portrait website is often debated in photography circles. The low- end, high-volume studios usually do display their prices, as do most beginners. Mid-range and high- end studios often do not display prices. However, some of the high-end studios do display base The website currently has only one video prices as a means to deter price sensitive planned—the time lapse video of a book being shoppers. That is the strategy employed on this opened. While that is a very creative video, as August 2011 | Rhetorical Review 7
  • 8. discussed before, the website would benefit from Accuracy (Truth) Standard including other videos. The Masterpiece Studio senior website is truthful. Response (or Effects) Standard This means that there is no appreciable difference between the reality it presents and the reality that This website can only be evaluated by the other sources present (Campbell & Huxman, response it evokes after it has been exposed to 2009). Furthermore, truthfulness means that it members of the target audience. As of this provides adequate and accurate arguments for the writing, the mockups of the website have been decisions that it encourages its clients to make. exposed to only a few people. The responses were as follows: To illustrate this point, consider the reasons given for commissioning a personal biography: A 23-year-old single woman said “Aww… I really like it” when she saw the Home page and • Because there’s more to you than just a the “Because” pages. She felt that the messages pretty face. would resonate with high school seniors. • Because senior portraits are not just for model wanna-be’s. A mother of a high school student saw the Home • Because there’s no one else like you. page and one of the “Because” pages and said “I • Because by telling your story, you’ll love it. I immediately wanted to see more.” understand who you are. The studio photographer said, “I like it!” • Because someday your kids will want to know how great you were. A mother of a junior high student said, “It gives • Because you will always want to me goose bumps! Will you create a book for my remember this year. son?” • Because you’ll leave an empty place when you leave home. These responses suggest that the effect of the • Because after this year, everything website will match the intended purpose. If it changes. does, the application of the next two standards— • Because the unforgettable is all too truth and ethics—will become even more quickly forgotten. important. Results cannot be measured adequately without considering whether the means for achieving the results were truthful and These things are all true and they are all good ethical. reasons to capture the essence of a high school senior, at this pivotal year in his life, in a book for posterity. 8 |
  • 9. The same can be said for the argument above all other values. To illustrate their concern, given about the best friends session: “You’ve they mentioned another portrait website which been best friends forever and now you are displays pictures of its senior model contest seniors. After graduation, you’ll go your separate winners. These young people are invited to a ways and things will never be quite the same destination portrait event where they are treated again. Stay close with BFF Legends books.” like movie stars. Some of the photographs of one Again, the statement addresses the reality that of these events show the kids posing in very many close friends face when they graduate and it skimpy clothing, in sensual poses, with a dozen offers something they will value in years to come: photographers photographing them. a book that captures their special friendship. The Masterpiece Studio owners felt that this The presentation of pricing information is the approach communicated the message that only only area where the website might be said to “model wanna be’s” deserve to have portraits provide less than adequate information. It created, that physical beauty is the highest value, provides a minimum price for books, and it and that becoming a model is desirable (at a time provides session prices, but it does not provide when they should be thinking about college). any other prices. By some standards, this might These messages are harmful, not helpful, and they be considered misleading. However, the studio promote social discord. This is what led the does custom quotes for all books, so it can hardly studio owners to the idea of creating personal provide more than the base price and the fact that biographies in addition to the portrait art. The books differ dramatically in the number of hours custom books provide a way to communicate the they require to produce. And portraits are similar true value of a person beyond physical because of the wide variety of framing options. appearance. Ethical Standard The messages about the value of the individual are communicated throughout the Masterpiece What will be the social consequences of the Studio senior website. The “Someday they’ll Masterpiece Studio website? This is what the ethical standard asks. Will it promote harmony or discord (Campbell & Huxman, 2009)? Will it help or harm? The ethical question was one of the most serious issues considered in designing this website. In fact, the studio owners actually modified their business model based upon this evaluation. They were uncomfortable with a website, and a business, that promoted sensual physical beauty write a book about you” message, the “Because” August 2011 | Rhetorical Review 9
  • 10. messages, the “We think you’re amazing” References message on the “Us” page, and even the Campbell, K. K., Huxman, S. S. (2009). The rhetorical act: description of the process of creating a custom Thinking, speaking, and writing critically. book underscore the value of each person. These Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. messages are not trite. They do not say that “we Thomas, M. (n.d.). The Burma Shave phenomenon. show the real you” or “we’ll make you look like a Retrieved from rock star.” They say that each person is valuable and has a story worth telling. At a time in their hpolscrv/mthomas.htm. lives when these kids are seeking their true identity and questioning their worth, this is a message that will help. This is an ethical message. Conclusion The design for the Masterpiece Studio has effectively implemented most of the rhetorical strategy defined in the Functional Design document in which it is documented. The only exception is that it does not include any personal stories by the studio owners about their experience in creating (or failing to create) such artwork for their own family. Beyond this omission, the design could also benefit from including more images to illustrate some of the descriptions and by including one or more videos. This design supports an ethical purpose and it does so using ethical means. The studio owners can develop and deploy this website with confidence that it will meet its purposes. Fran McKain applies rhetorical strategy to writing books, designing websites, and creating presentations. 10 |