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Essay The Lewis and Clark Expedition
After being issued by President Thomas Jefferson to map, explore, and compile information on the land just bought through the Louisiana
Purchase, Captain Meriwether Lewis and 2nd Lieutenant William Clark set off on one of the greatest expeditions of all time. This paper will
explore what adversities were faced on the Corp of Discoveries. From militant Indians to diseases like dysentery, they faced it all. And as Captain
Lewis documented, "We went as close to hell as you can go in this lifetime." (11.Perry) On April 30, 1803, the United States bought 828,000 square
miles of uncharted land from France. This is known as the Louisiana Purchase. A little over a year later, Jefferson's famous "Corps of Discovery" set
off from more content...
Lewis and Clark combined prehistoric gathering of edible plants with the more modern style of hunting. This created a wide variety in their diet.
Their main source of food was from shooting wild buffalo. Sacagawea also aided them in finding food. Since she was a native of the land, she knew
the vegetation better than anybody. But even with this many resources there were times when their food supply was low or even deteriorated to the
point that several members often suffered with malnutrition. As bad as this seems, this is just the beginning of their problems. (2. Delms)
(3."Hardships – mccarthy) Our next hardship is illnesses. This was a monumental challenge during that day. Their medical knowledge was very
little. Lewis and Clark did carry medicine with them, but most of it did no good. These diseases included boils, dysentery, frost bite, appendicitis,
tooth aches, mouth sores, cholera, and many more. The only person to die on the expedition was Sergeant Charles Floyd, and he passed away with
appendicitis. Also petty things like no toothbrushes or unsterile water cause many of the diseases. (2. Delms) (12. Scott) Weather also gave the crew
trouble. Since they did not have the technology we do today, they had no way of knowing if bad weather was on its way. This served as one of the
greatest hardships. They encountered temperatures ranging from ninety–five degrees to negative forty degrees (in Fahrenheit).
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Lewis and Clark Expedition Essay
This paper will explain why Lewis and Clark are two of the greatest explorers in American history. Some of the distinguishing factors of these
explorers and the three main points in this paper are their exploration of the uncharted west by way of the Missouri river, the many discoveries made
along the way, and the effect they had on the westward expansion of the United States. In January 1803, Thomas Jefferson sent a confidential message
to Congress asking for approval and funding of the exploration of the Westward part of the continent and was granted 2500–dollar budget for the
expedition. Captain Meriwether Lewis was chosen as the expeditions' leader because of his previous experience with the west and because he was an more content...
They stayed at the fort until April 1805. So far, Lew and Clark had discovered 108 new plant species and 68 mineral types. Sacagawea became
increasingly important to the expedition as she showed the men things to eat like licorices, white apples, wild artichokes, and many other edible
plants and roots. She also saved many important tools and artifacts when the boat tipped in a storm. On June 13, 1805, Lewis reached the great
Missouri falls and the crew was forced to carry all their gear, supplies, and canoes up a seventeen–mile trail to the top of the falls. This took them
almost an entire month. On August 8, 1805, Sacagawea recognized Beaverhead rock from her childhood and knew they were close to Shoshone lands.
On August 17, 1805, the expedition arrives at the Shoshone camp, where Sacagawea recognized the chief as her long–lost brother Cameahwait, and
they were given horses to continue their journey. On August 31, 1805, the expedition set out for the Bitterroot Mountains with many horses they had
received from the Shoshone. On September 11, 1805, the Corps started the steep climb into the Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mountains they will
travel more than 160 miles. On October 16, 1805, they reached the Colombia River where the rapids were so dangerous that nearby Indian tribes stood
by to watch the white men drown. In November when they found the Pacific, the
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The Challenges Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition
When you hear the names Lewis and Clark, you think of the legendary people who first discovered the midwest, but they did more than that. They
opened the door to infinite possibilities and are responsible for the world as we know it today. This paper will be discussing what challenges they
faced and how it impacted the United States. Lewis and Clark faced many challenges on their expedition, including bad weather, possible animal
attacks and encounters with Indians, but in the end, Lewis and Clark were able to map out much of the west and the Pacific Ocean area and even
discovered new animals and plants.
President Jefferson gave the following instructions to Lewis and Clark: "The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri River, and such
principle stream of it, as, by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific ocean, whether the Columbia, Oregon, Colorado or any other
river may offer the most more content...
They left from St. Charles, Missouri and began the expedition on May 21, 1804. They were called The Corps of Discovery. It took them two years,
four months, and ten days to travel from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean and back home again. This was one of the biggest discoveries that has ever
How is it that only one person died on the journey? Surprisingly, only one person died on the journey and it was from natural causes. His name was
Sergeant Charles Floyd and he died from a ruptured appendix.
On the journey, they encountered Indians and in an effort to make peace with them, they brought items to trade, including tons of food, weapons, and
money. When Lewis and Clark were exploring, they encountered an Indian tribe member that we know today as Sacajawea. She helped them out with
the supplies and even saved a couple of journals when the boat was about to sink. These journals would be worth about two million dollars
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Lewis And Clark Expedition
"Faith dare the soul to go farther than it can see" –William clark Imagine standing and staring at giant Mountains that were touching clouds, reaching
for the sun.And thinking "I half to cross those?!" The Rockies was a very important part of the Lewis and Clark expedition.Lewis and Clark soon
began to realize there was no northwest passage but still continued on their journey hoping for more discoveries.Before the Rockies came in sight the
corps found the Shoshones on August 17.They met the leader,Cameahwait and the interpreters started translating.Clark traded a pistol, knife, and
ammunition for only one animal. The corps of discovery crossed the range of Mountains that took them to Orofino,Idaho and into the headwaters of
the Columbia River.They used an elderly Native American guide although they had gotten lost once ,but got back on track. Snow began to fall and
there was very little food.Eventually, after starving they ate their horses in a stew.Finally, the corps were in what is now the border of Idaho and
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Faraz Hosseini
Mr. More
US History Lewis and Clark Expedition The Lewis and Clark expedition was amongst one of the first major American expeditions. This expedition
helped the United States advance in science, land as well as gaining many valuable resources. The Lewis and Clark expedition is also an amazing
American story. Lewis and Clark went through extraordinary situations to expedite Americas growth and science. They accomplished this expedition
with strenuous encounters with the Native Americans.The importance of the Lewis and Clark expedition is derived by the challenges they faced, the
encounters they had with Western Indians, and the knowledge gained about the Louisiana territory. The question arises of why Thomas Jefferson
commenced the great expedition of Lewis and Clark. " Jefferson wanted to form an expedition that were able to gather valuable information about
Western Indians while living at peace with them" (Ronda 1). This was important because the people that were going to move into the Louisiana
territory had to make sure they had peace with the Native American. If people take away the Native's food source, or destroy the materials they make
a living out of, is going to cause conflict between the two. "The expedition was fashioned to explore the vast wilderness of what is now North Western
United States. It was sponsored by the United States government and was led by U.S. army officers
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Essay on The Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Missing Works Cited
Exploration has always been a central theme in the development of the United States. The Louisiana Purchase, in 1803, made the government more
eager to expand west. The newly acquired lands were in need of exploration. A team needed to be established to survey and document the new territory.
The Lewis and Clark expedition would answer the unknown questions of the west. The expedition would not have been successful without the
leadership, determination, discipline of the Corps of Discovery, and the cooperation of the Native Americans. President Jefferson wanted the leader to
have the same passion and intensity toward the discovery of the west as he possessed. Jefferson hand– more content...
He was also instructed to acquaint himself with and gather much information on the people inhabiting the areas, to let them know of the "peaceable &
commercial dispositions of the U.S." an the "innocence" of the expedition. (Harrison papers)
In a private letter to Governor of the Indiana Territory William Harrison in February 1803, Jefferson outlines a plan to make the Indians dependent on
farming by decreasing their ability to find game, and eventually making them in debt through trading, thus forcing them to sell their lands to pay
debts, and lose their history and way of life. He also tells Harrison of plans for expansion to the west by purchase, taking unclaimed land, or driving
Indians elsewhere if they should become violent or stubborn.
Either way, Lewis was the man for the job. He had skill as a gentleman, politician and military officer as well as skill with the sciences and all the
knowledge of Indians as could be found. With his friend William Clark as his equal for the journey, they spent the fall and winter in preparation.
Jefferson had given Lewis a "blank check" with the understanding that he should buy what he needed and the U.S. government would pay the bill,
despite the fact that only $2500 had originally been approved by congress before the formal purchase of the Louisiana Territory. (Jefferson)
To undertake such a journey without "modern
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The Importance Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition
The importance of the Lewis and Clarks expedition for America was immense. It changed the future country by strengthening the America's claim to
the areas north of California which would become Washington and Oregon. Lewis and Clark had great success which might not have happened
without peaceful cooperation with the Indians. Lewis and Clark proved there was no Northwest Passage but showed the feasibility of an overland
route to the Pacific Ocean. This opened up the area to further exploration and commercial ventures. The expedition collected the first general survey
of plant and animal life and of the different cultures of the many Native American tribes they met. Lewis and Clark provided some of the first
scientific descriptions of many new species of animals, including the mountain goat, prairie dogs, antelopes, and grizzly bears, With the details on
local wildlife that was brought back there became great interest in the fur trade. During Lewis and Clark's travel, which was over eight thousand miles
in less than two and a half years, they only lost one member of the expedition. The Lewis and Clark expedition was a success at a cost of around
thirty–eight thousand dollars, in terms of achieving its goals. Lewis and Clark and Corps of Discovery made the expansion west possible, with
expanded knowledge about American Indians, geography, biology. Over the next two centuries, Americans would travel across the land west to settle
new cities, claim new land, and shape the
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Lewis And Clark Expedition Essay
Final Exam This year has been really cool for me because it has provoked a lot of thought from me. When we went over the Lewis and Clark
expedition I didn't really understand why we were going over it to be completely honest. I kept an open mind and I did enjoy the documentary as I
was able to learn some things and it was better than doing a worksheet. Then we discussed some ideas about government and how it was ran and
set up. One huge key I thought was very valuable was the idea of why land ownership was so important. We reviewed how the whole government
was set up to give the people a voice and power in politics. Then we were able to connect it to land ownership and the idea that owning land gives
you power. This is why the government used to reward soldiers and explorers with land and why so many immigrants come in and buy land. It
gives them power! I understood the Lewis and Clark expedition was important but I never knew the huge degree it was. I know after what we
learned it has definitely made me want to buy land when I get older. Not just a small house with a front yard and back but I want land with acreage
because that is the American Dream. To give the people power so they can do what they want to do and be who they want to be. Another idea that
caused me to think a lot was the idea of self awareness; at least that's what more content...
I am only one kid who isn't necessarily given the same platform as others but after the discussion I learned that the biggest thing I can do is just hold
on to my beliefs. Argue for them and don't let them be suppressed but also do the same for others. Under the first amendment we have the right to
freedom of speech, assembly, press and petition and no one has the right to take those away. Those rights are natural, inherited rights that are given to
every man and woman and shouldn't be taken
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Why Is Lewis And Clark Important
In two years, Lewis, Clark, and all of the men that traveled with them did the impossible. They mapped the territory, collected ample samples of
flora and fauna, and made peace with the various Indian tribes, all while keeping more than thirty men alive in the wilderness. If they hadn't been
efficient packers and effective diplomats, none of this would have been possible. Their journey was a huge success, and all of the men made it back
alive, despite risking themselves several times by splitting up. The journey of Lewis and Clark will be remembered for centuries to come, and
rightfully so.
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Lewis and Clark Expedition
James Jang William and Meriwether, better known as Lewis and Clark, were hired by the U.S. president Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly
bought Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was bought from France in 1803. Lewis and Clark started their expedition in 1804 near St.
Louis. The group of explorers called themselves the corps of discovery. In the first winter they were helped by a Shoshone Indian named
Sacagawea. Their journey was full of trouble and challenges but in the end led to a great discovery that changed the lives and beliefs of people
everywhere. Their expedition stretched from camp wood to fort Clatsop. Lewis and Clark knew each other from the war where Clark was under
William Lewis's command later then Thomas Jefferson recruited Clark to lead this exploration and then he went to William Lewis to ask him to come
along with him. Their expedition was full of confusing water ways that could potentially ruin their exploration for the most convenient route through
the Louisiana Purchase. One problem was that America claimed parts of land that were occupied by the Native Americans; this was a problem
because this caused many disputes between Americans and the Natives that lived there. This expedition was not to find trade roots or to search for
science but was to discover the Louisiana Purchase. In May of 1804 the expedition started off in camp Dubois next they arrive at St. Charles, and then
they ventured on the Missouri river. Next in June the journey moves
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The Lewis And Clark Expedition
Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark put their lives on the line only to return with information regarding the Pacific Northwest of the United
States territory. Their reasons behind this journey, being to expand the United States to the West, involved the entire nation but debatably, their
accomplishments and the reaction of others became a major part of today's history. The foremost reason behind the Lewis and Clark expedition was all
based on Thomas Jefferson's, president at the time, interest in expanding the West since before the 1803 Louisiana Purchase in France. Even as a
child, Jefferson was always curious and interested. Jefferson believed that if he could enlarge the United States to the West it would be guaranteed
that the United States would survive and would have a stronger government. Thomas Jefferson had chosen various candidates to send to explore to
the West, due to him being busy being the president. Each candidate Jefferson chose, did not seem to be fit for the job. In around 1802, Jefferson
read a book on Alexander Mackenzie who previous traveled from Canada to the Pacific Ocean and then back. After reading the book he told his
personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, about the book and Mackenzie's accomplishments. Lewis decided to take the challenge of following the
footsteps of Alexander Mackenzie and make that same journey. Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis to Philadelphia to be tutored and taught to survive during
the journey. Lewis then hand–picked
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Lewis and Clark
Jefferson was delighted with the deal. At the same time, he had a problem. The Constitution nowhere states that the President has the power to purchase
land from foreign countries. Adding the huge Louisiana Territory would drastically change the nation. In the end, Jefferson decided that he did have
the authority to purchase Louisiana. The Constitution allowed the president to make treaties. The Senate approved the treaty, and Congress quickly
voted to pay for the land.
In January,1803, even before the U.S. bought Louisiana, Jefferson convinced Congress to spend $2,500 on a western expedition. Jefferson chose
army captain Meriwether Lewis to lead the exploration. Lewis chose William Clark, also and army officer, as his co leader. The men were ordered to
report back on the geography, plants, and more content...
Jefferson wanted Lewis and Clark to make contact with Native Americans who lived in the Louisiana Territory. The president also wanted Lewis and
Clark to find out if a waterway existed between the Mississippi River and the Pacific
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The Lewis And Clark Expedition
The Lewis and Clark expedition was a truth that was to become the crowning accomplishment in the lifetime of the brilliant thinker, inventor, and
founding father, Thomas Jefferson . It has become a profounding turning point throughout America's history. Investigating the recently obtained
Louisiana Territory, which nearly doubled the size of the country, arranged Jefferson the opportunity to widen the boundaries of theUnited States to
include both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The threat of the unknown lay ahead for Lewis and Clark's team. The explorers had no idea what they
would e be confronted with on their journey, but still they advanced into the unknown area that could officially be called part of America. Thanks to
the addition of Lewis, Clark, their essential guide Sacajawea, and the many men that traveled with them America was able to expose land as well as
providing important information about the topography, the biological studies, the ecology, and the studies of the American Indian as they discovered
the mysteries of the Louisiana Purchase. Although it was a treacherous and costly journey, theLewis and Clark expedition was the most important
exploration in American history.
In the beginning explorations of North America, European adventurers headed into the interior of the continent, within various decades of the first
coastal expeditions of this "New World". Adventurers ,or even daredevil is the fitting word here, for more tentative men would have
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Lewis And Clark Expedition Analysis
I am William Clark, the 4th governor of the Missouri Territory, and one of the lead explorer of the Lewis and Clark expedition. I was born on
August 1, 1770, the 9th child in a family of 10, in the country of Virginia. I didn't have a formal education, instead I had a tutor that tutored me at
my house. I was married twice in my life. The first marriage was to Julia Hancock on the year of 1808, but Julia had perished in the year 1820. My
second marriage was to Harriet Kennerly Radford in the year of 1820, but Harriet has perished on the year of 1831. The most important event in my
life was the Lewis and Clark expedition. I had been recruited by my friend, Meriwether Lewis, to embark on this expedition to explore the territory of
the Louisiana
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Lewis Vs. Clark Expedition Of Lewis And Clark
President Thomas Jefferson gave Capt.Lewis a job as his private secretary. Jefferson then gave Lewis another job which was to lead an expedition
into the lands of the great Mississippi. The corps discovery was led by Capt.Meriweather Lewis and Lieut.William Clark. Their mission was to
explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest. On this trip, Lewis and Clark faced almost every near death obstacle from dangerous
waters to very tough weather to Illness and then hunger, Along the way on this trip Lewis always kept his handy journal which he put very special
samples of plants and animals he encountered. While still searching for the Pacific Northwest Lewis and Clark had some assistance to help them with
their struggles.The Mandans had to help with supplies and during their very first winter to help them with their journey not too long after the group
had picked up two new people and their names were Sacagawea a Shoshone Indian more content...
Lewis and Clark spent so much time over the winter to go over and write in their journals about their overview of what they had already
encountered and what they are doing now that they are at the fort and waiting the winter out trading with Indians.Before Lewis and Clark even met
the Mandans they passed at least several other abandoned villages on their way up to Missouri. But these villages were cleaned out because of the
smallpox epidemic, when Lewis and Clark met the Mandans at first they were split into two villages Matootonha and Rooptahee (now called
Mitutanka and Nuptadi).To keep track of each village Lewis had come up with a name for each leader of the village Black cat for Nupatadi and Big
white for
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The Success Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition
Sacagawea was a significant, admirable historical figure, though not many knew of her contributions. She was a Shoshone Indian who worked as an
interpreter, guide, and peacemaker for the Lewis and Clark expedition. Through these essential roles, she became a vital part of the journey to find
territory. The efforts of Sacagawea lead to the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition which greatly impacted the expansion and advancement of
The early life of Sacagawea became preparation for an important time to come. Her childhood name, Bo–i–naiv reflected her reaction and connection to
nature. Remaining in one place seemed strange and tiresome to her. She grew up in the mountains with the Shoshone tribe who were nomads. They
were accustomed to scarce food supply and scavenging. In comparison to the Plains Indians, Shoshones were poor, diminished in numbers, and
lacked resources such as weapons. Sacagawea had been trained since childhood to be able to find food in barren mountains and remain healthy on an
irregular food supply, as well as constantly moving. At age eleven, she was kidnapped. Though opportunity for escape from her captors come, she
could not leave her friends behind–she was loyal to the point of danger and even death. As she was moved further away from home and the only life
she's ever known, she still did not want to go back. Rather, she longed to know more about the captors' people and their culture. This is one turning
point in her life.
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Thomas Jefferson: The Lewis And Clark Expedition
Thomas Jefferson promises in 1787 that the territories in the northwest would not be forgotten. He stated that the Indians would be given good faith
that their land would not be taken from them unless they agreed to give it up. Thomas Jefferson also stated that the rights, liberty, and their property
would be set in good faith. The problem with this is that Congress could take their lands if it was needed for a war.Thomas Jefferson wanted to keep the
peace with the Indians and he did his best to keep those promises, but unfortunately, it didn't always happen in 1801, Thomas Jefferson set up the Lewis
and Clark Expedition in which he sent explorers to map out the transcontinental routes to study the natural resources that could be used in the
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Lewis And Clark Expedition Essay
As we go back in 1802 Thomas Jefferson sent an expedition to the Western part of the United States after purchasing the land called Louisiana
Territory. They were instructed to bring back maps, plants, animals, and discover a water way from the Mississippi River to the pacific Ocean. You
will venture on an expedition back in time following Lewis and Clark as they journey through rough weathers and landscapes. Sacagawea; a former
shoshone woman until kidnapped and raised by the Hidatsa Tribe. Now welcome to the Corps Discovery! A Aleutian Canada Goose was encountered
in March 8, 1806. This creature a dark black head, and its neck was marked with a distinctive white "Chin strap." We found this animal at Fort Clatsop.
This goose is the more content...
Well, in July 9, 1806 at the Rocky Mountains this plant was discovered. It had a perennial (To live for a couple years) tufted plant, with slender,
leafy stems, sky blue color that bloom in the summer. This magnificent plant was named, "The Blue Flax." The Blue Flax plant is used as cordage
and string, which caught the eye of many people. Far into the mountains is a marvelous location called the "Tower Rock." The Tower Rock was a
transition from Great PLains to unknown terrain of the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest. On the west side of the Missouri River
approximately 8 miles south of Cascade, Montana lays, "Tower Rock" are 3 immense sides of Buffalo in plains before. On July 16, 1905 the
Corps discovered a large rock of 400 ft high. As the Corps were discovering new land and tribes they came across the women of the Shoshone Tribe.
The women were scared, but relaxed when they saw Sacagawea and her son. This tribe was a nomadic tribe that would always move. Shoshone traded
with the Spanish and were a poor tribe. Over the years or months the Shoshone tribe gained many enemies for stealing. Western Shoshones made their
huts out of grass and roofless meanwhile the Eastern used tepees. Their diets consisted of hunting or fishing for the Eastern part and for the Western
part they would eat plant–based
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The Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Summary
Lewis and Clark Expedition:
One of the greatest achievements that contributed to the increase of the size of the United States by double is the Louisiana Purchase. While this
accomplishment was started through the initiative of a group of American explorers, it was mainly realized because of the efforts and vision of
President Jefferson. Since it increased the geographical size of the country, the Louisiana Purchase was a significant historical event that was realized
when America's population started to grow rapidly and it was a relatively young nation. Following the expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William
Clark, this historical event occurred in 1803 after an agreement was ratified between America and France. Actually, this region stretched from the river
to the orifice of the Rocky Mountains though with yet to be determined original boundaries. The significance of the Louisiana Purchase is evident in
the fact that it currently includes states like Colorado, Montana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Minnesota among others (Stief,
Historical Context of the Exploration:
The Louisiana Purchase was a by–product of Lewis and Clark's expedition that started in 1804 as an exciting journey to examine land, resources,
people, and animals. These two individuals were leaders of a group of explorers from the United States who traveled without through the use of horses
and boats. The use of horses and boats as means of transport to facilitate the
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Essay The Lewis And Clark Expedition

  • 1. Essay The Lewis and Clark Expedition After being issued by President Thomas Jefferson to map, explore, and compile information on the land just bought through the Louisiana Purchase, Captain Meriwether Lewis and 2nd Lieutenant William Clark set off on one of the greatest expeditions of all time. This paper will explore what adversities were faced on the Corp of Discoveries. From militant Indians to diseases like dysentery, they faced it all. And as Captain Lewis documented, "We went as close to hell as you can go in this lifetime." (11.Perry) On April 30, 1803, the United States bought 828,000 square miles of uncharted land from France. This is known as the Louisiana Purchase. A little over a year later, Jefferson's famous "Corps of Discovery" set off from more content... Lewis and Clark combined prehistoric gathering of edible plants with the more modern style of hunting. This created a wide variety in their diet. Their main source of food was from shooting wild buffalo. Sacagawea also aided them in finding food. Since she was a native of the land, she knew the vegetation better than anybody. But even with this many resources there were times when their food supply was low or even deteriorated to the point that several members often suffered with malnutrition. As bad as this seems, this is just the beginning of their problems. (2. Delms) (3."Hardships – mccarthy) Our next hardship is illnesses. This was a monumental challenge during that day. Their medical knowledge was very little. Lewis and Clark did carry medicine with them, but most of it did no good. These diseases included boils, dysentery, frost bite, appendicitis, tooth aches, mouth sores, cholera, and many more. The only person to die on the expedition was Sergeant Charles Floyd, and he passed away with appendicitis. Also petty things like no toothbrushes or unsterile water cause many of the diseases. (2. Delms) (12. Scott) Weather also gave the crew trouble. Since they did not have the technology we do today, they had no way of knowing if bad weather was on its way. This served as one of the greatest hardships. They encountered temperatures ranging from ninety–five degrees to negative forty degrees (in Fahrenheit). Get more content on
  • 2. Lewis and Clark Expedition Essay This paper will explain why Lewis and Clark are two of the greatest explorers in American history. Some of the distinguishing factors of these explorers and the three main points in this paper are their exploration of the uncharted west by way of the Missouri river, the many discoveries made along the way, and the effect they had on the westward expansion of the United States. In January 1803, Thomas Jefferson sent a confidential message to Congress asking for approval and funding of the exploration of the Westward part of the continent and was granted 2500–dollar budget for the expedition. Captain Meriwether Lewis was chosen as the expeditions' leader because of his previous experience with the west and because he was an more content... They stayed at the fort until April 1805. So far, Lew and Clark had discovered 108 new plant species and 68 mineral types. Sacagawea became increasingly important to the expedition as she showed the men things to eat like licorices, white apples, wild artichokes, and many other edible plants and roots. She also saved many important tools and artifacts when the boat tipped in a storm. On June 13, 1805, Lewis reached the great Missouri falls and the crew was forced to carry all their gear, supplies, and canoes up a seventeen–mile trail to the top of the falls. This took them almost an entire month. On August 8, 1805, Sacagawea recognized Beaverhead rock from her childhood and knew they were close to Shoshone lands. On August 17, 1805, the expedition arrives at the Shoshone camp, where Sacagawea recognized the chief as her long–lost brother Cameahwait, and they were given horses to continue their journey. On August 31, 1805, the expedition set out for the Bitterroot Mountains with many horses they had received from the Shoshone. On September 11, 1805, the Corps started the steep climb into the Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mountains they will travel more than 160 miles. On October 16, 1805, they reached the Colombia River where the rapids were so dangerous that nearby Indian tribes stood by to watch the white men drown. In November when they found the Pacific, the Get more content on
  • 3. The Challenges Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition When you hear the names Lewis and Clark, you think of the legendary people who first discovered the midwest, but they did more than that. They opened the door to infinite possibilities and are responsible for the world as we know it today. This paper will be discussing what challenges they faced and how it impacted the United States. Lewis and Clark faced many challenges on their expedition, including bad weather, possible animal attacks and encounters with Indians, but in the end, Lewis and Clark were able to map out much of the west and the Pacific Ocean area and even discovered new animals and plants. President Jefferson gave the following instructions to Lewis and Clark: "The object of your mission is to explore the Missouri River, and such principle stream of it, as, by its course and communication with the waters of the Pacific ocean, whether the Columbia, Oregon, Colorado or any other river may offer the most more content... They left from St. Charles, Missouri and began the expedition on May 21, 1804. They were called The Corps of Discovery. It took them two years, four months, and ten days to travel from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean and back home again. This was one of the biggest discoveries that has ever happened. How is it that only one person died on the journey? Surprisingly, only one person died on the journey and it was from natural causes. His name was Sergeant Charles Floyd and he died from a ruptured appendix. On the journey, they encountered Indians and in an effort to make peace with them, they brought items to trade, including tons of food, weapons, and money. When Lewis and Clark were exploring, they encountered an Indian tribe member that we know today as Sacajawea. She helped them out with the supplies and even saved a couple of journals when the boat was about to sink. These journals would be worth about two million dollars Get more content on
  • 4. Lewis And Clark Expedition "Faith dare the soul to go farther than it can see" –William clark Imagine standing and staring at giant Mountains that were touching clouds, reaching for the sun.And thinking "I half to cross those?!" The Rockies was a very important part of the Lewis and Clark expedition.Lewis and Clark soon began to realize there was no northwest passage but still continued on their journey hoping for more discoveries.Before the Rockies came in sight the corps found the Shoshones on August 17.They met the leader,Cameahwait and the interpreters started translating.Clark traded a pistol, knife, and ammunition for only one animal. The corps of discovery crossed the range of Mountains that took them to Orofino,Idaho and into the headwaters of the Columbia River.They used an elderly Native American guide although they had gotten lost once ,but got back on track. Snow began to fall and there was very little food.Eventually, after starving they ate their horses in a stew.Finally, the corps were in what is now the border of Idaho and Washington. Get more content on
  • 5. Faraz Hosseini Mr. More 4/10/2015 US History Lewis and Clark Expedition The Lewis and Clark expedition was amongst one of the first major American expeditions. This expedition helped the United States advance in science, land as well as gaining many valuable resources. The Lewis and Clark expedition is also an amazing American story. Lewis and Clark went through extraordinary situations to expedite Americas growth and science. They accomplished this expedition with strenuous encounters with the Native Americans.The importance of the Lewis and Clark expedition is derived by the challenges they faced, the encounters they had with Western Indians, and the knowledge gained about the Louisiana territory. The question arises of why Thomas Jefferson commenced the great expedition of Lewis and Clark. " Jefferson wanted to form an expedition that were able to gather valuable information about Western Indians while living at peace with them" (Ronda 1). This was important because the people that were going to move into the Louisiana territory had to make sure they had peace with the Native American. If people take away the Native's food source, or destroy the materials they make a living out of, is going to cause conflict between the two. "The expedition was fashioned to explore the vast wilderness of what is now North Western United States. It was sponsored by the United States government and was led by U.S. army officers Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on The Lewis and Clark Expedition The Lewis and Clark Expedition Missing Works Cited Exploration has always been a central theme in the development of the United States. The Louisiana Purchase, in 1803, made the government more eager to expand west. The newly acquired lands were in need of exploration. A team needed to be established to survey and document the new territory. The Lewis and Clark expedition would answer the unknown questions of the west. The expedition would not have been successful without the leadership, determination, discipline of the Corps of Discovery, and the cooperation of the Native Americans. President Jefferson wanted the leader to have the same passion and intensity toward the discovery of the west as he possessed. Jefferson hand– more content... He was also instructed to acquaint himself with and gather much information on the people inhabiting the areas, to let them know of the "peaceable & commercial dispositions of the U.S." an the "innocence" of the expedition. (Harrison papers) In a private letter to Governor of the Indiana Territory William Harrison in February 1803, Jefferson outlines a plan to make the Indians dependent on farming by decreasing their ability to find game, and eventually making them in debt through trading, thus forcing them to sell their lands to pay debts, and lose their history and way of life. He also tells Harrison of plans for expansion to the west by purchase, taking unclaimed land, or driving Indians elsewhere if they should become violent or stubborn. Either way, Lewis was the man for the job. He had skill as a gentleman, politician and military officer as well as skill with the sciences and all the knowledge of Indians as could be found. With his friend William Clark as his equal for the journey, they spent the fall and winter in preparation. Jefferson had given Lewis a "blank check" with the understanding that he should buy what he needed and the U.S. government would pay the bill, despite the fact that only $2500 had originally been approved by congress before the formal purchase of the Louisiana Territory. (Jefferson) To undertake such a journey without "modern Get more content on
  • 7. The Importance Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition The importance of the Lewis and Clarks expedition for America was immense. It changed the future country by strengthening the America's claim to the areas north of California which would become Washington and Oregon. Lewis and Clark had great success which might not have happened without peaceful cooperation with the Indians. Lewis and Clark proved there was no Northwest Passage but showed the feasibility of an overland route to the Pacific Ocean. This opened up the area to further exploration and commercial ventures. The expedition collected the first general survey of plant and animal life and of the different cultures of the many Native American tribes they met. Lewis and Clark provided some of the first scientific descriptions of many new species of animals, including the mountain goat, prairie dogs, antelopes, and grizzly bears, With the details on local wildlife that was brought back there became great interest in the fur trade. During Lewis and Clark's travel, which was over eight thousand miles in less than two and a half years, they only lost one member of the expedition. The Lewis and Clark expedition was a success at a cost of around thirty–eight thousand dollars, in terms of achieving its goals. Lewis and Clark and Corps of Discovery made the expansion west possible, with expanded knowledge about American Indians, geography, biology. Over the next two centuries, Americans would travel across the land west to settle new cities, claim new land, and shape the Get more content on
  • 8. Lewis And Clark Expedition Essay Final Exam This year has been really cool for me because it has provoked a lot of thought from me. When we went over the Lewis and Clark expedition I didn't really understand why we were going over it to be completely honest. I kept an open mind and I did enjoy the documentary as I was able to learn some things and it was better than doing a worksheet. Then we discussed some ideas about government and how it was ran and set up. One huge key I thought was very valuable was the idea of why land ownership was so important. We reviewed how the whole government was set up to give the people a voice and power in politics. Then we were able to connect it to land ownership and the idea that owning land gives you power. This is why the government used to reward soldiers and explorers with land and why so many immigrants come in and buy land. It gives them power! I understood the Lewis and Clark expedition was important but I never knew the huge degree it was. I know after what we learned it has definitely made me want to buy land when I get older. Not just a small house with a front yard and back but I want land with acreage because that is the American Dream. To give the people power so they can do what they want to do and be who they want to be. Another idea that caused me to think a lot was the idea of self awareness; at least that's what more content... I am only one kid who isn't necessarily given the same platform as others but after the discussion I learned that the biggest thing I can do is just hold on to my beliefs. Argue for them and don't let them be suppressed but also do the same for others. Under the first amendment we have the right to freedom of speech, assembly, press and petition and no one has the right to take those away. Those rights are natural, inherited rights that are given to every man and woman and shouldn't be taken Get more content on
  • 9. Why Is Lewis And Clark Important In two years, Lewis, Clark, and all of the men that traveled with them did the impossible. They mapped the territory, collected ample samples of flora and fauna, and made peace with the various Indian tribes, all while keeping more than thirty men alive in the wilderness. If they hadn't been efficient packers and effective diplomats, none of this would have been possible. Their journey was a huge success, and all of the men made it back alive, despite risking themselves several times by splitting up. The journey of Lewis and Clark will be remembered for centuries to come, and rightfully so. Get more content on
  • 10. Lewis and Clark Expedition James Jang William and Meriwether, better known as Lewis and Clark, were hired by the U.S. president Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly bought Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Purchase was bought from France in 1803. Lewis and Clark started their expedition in 1804 near St. Louis. The group of explorers called themselves the corps of discovery. In the first winter they were helped by a Shoshone Indian named Sacagawea. Their journey was full of trouble and challenges but in the end led to a great discovery that changed the lives and beliefs of people everywhere. Their expedition stretched from camp wood to fort Clatsop. Lewis and Clark knew each other from the war where Clark was under William Lewis's command later then Thomas Jefferson recruited Clark to lead this exploration and then he went to William Lewis to ask him to come along with him. Their expedition was full of confusing water ways that could potentially ruin their exploration for the most convenient route through the Louisiana Purchase. One problem was that America claimed parts of land that were occupied by the Native Americans; this was a problem because this caused many disputes between Americans and the Natives that lived there. This expedition was not to find trade roots or to search for science but was to discover the Louisiana Purchase. In May of 1804 the expedition started off in camp Dubois next they arrive at St. Charles, and then they ventured on the Missouri river. Next in June the journey moves Get more content on
  • 11. The Lewis And Clark Expedition Captain Meriwether Lewis and William Clark put their lives on the line only to return with information regarding the Pacific Northwest of the United States territory. Their reasons behind this journey, being to expand the United States to the West, involved the entire nation but debatably, their accomplishments and the reaction of others became a major part of today's history. The foremost reason behind the Lewis and Clark expedition was all based on Thomas Jefferson's, president at the time, interest in expanding the West since before the 1803 Louisiana Purchase in France. Even as a child, Jefferson was always curious and interested. Jefferson believed that if he could enlarge the United States to the West it would be guaranteed that the United States would survive and would have a stronger government. Thomas Jefferson had chosen various candidates to send to explore to the West, due to him being busy being the president. Each candidate Jefferson chose, did not seem to be fit for the job. In around 1802, Jefferson read a book on Alexander Mackenzie who previous traveled from Canada to the Pacific Ocean and then back. After reading the book he told his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, about the book and Mackenzie's accomplishments. Lewis decided to take the challenge of following the footsteps of Alexander Mackenzie and make that same journey. Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis to Philadelphia to be tutored and taught to survive during the journey. Lewis then hand–picked Get more content on
  • 12. Lewis and Clark Jefferson was delighted with the deal. At the same time, he had a problem. The Constitution nowhere states that the President has the power to purchase land from foreign countries. Adding the huge Louisiana Territory would drastically change the nation. In the end, Jefferson decided that he did have the authority to purchase Louisiana. The Constitution allowed the president to make treaties. The Senate approved the treaty, and Congress quickly voted to pay for the land. In January,1803, even before the U.S. bought Louisiana, Jefferson convinced Congress to spend $2,500 on a western expedition. Jefferson chose army captain Meriwether Lewis to lead the exploration. Lewis chose William Clark, also and army officer, as his co leader. The men were ordered to report back on the geography, plants, and more content... Jefferson wanted Lewis and Clark to make contact with Native Americans who lived in the Louisiana Territory. The president also wanted Lewis and Clark to find out if a waterway existed between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Get more content on
  • 13. The Lewis And Clark Expedition The Lewis and Clark expedition was a truth that was to become the crowning accomplishment in the lifetime of the brilliant thinker, inventor, and founding father, Thomas Jefferson . It has become a profounding turning point throughout America's history. Investigating the recently obtained Louisiana Territory, which nearly doubled the size of the country, arranged Jefferson the opportunity to widen the boundaries of theUnited States to include both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The threat of the unknown lay ahead for Lewis and Clark's team. The explorers had no idea what they would e be confronted with on their journey, but still they advanced into the unknown area that could officially be called part of America. Thanks to the addition of Lewis, Clark, their essential guide Sacajawea, and the many men that traveled with them America was able to expose land as well as providing important information about the topography, the biological studies, the ecology, and the studies of the American Indian as they discovered the mysteries of the Louisiana Purchase. Although it was a treacherous and costly journey, theLewis and Clark expedition was the most important exploration in American history. In the beginning explorations of North America, European adventurers headed into the interior of the continent, within various decades of the first coastal expeditions of this "New World". Adventurers ,or even daredevil is the fitting word here, for more tentative men would have Get more content on
  • 14. Lewis And Clark Expedition Analysis I am William Clark, the 4th governor of the Missouri Territory, and one of the lead explorer of the Lewis and Clark expedition. I was born on August 1, 1770, the 9th child in a family of 10, in the country of Virginia. I didn't have a formal education, instead I had a tutor that tutored me at my house. I was married twice in my life. The first marriage was to Julia Hancock on the year of 1808, but Julia had perished in the year 1820. My second marriage was to Harriet Kennerly Radford in the year of 1820, but Harriet has perished on the year of 1831. The most important event in my life was the Lewis and Clark expedition. I had been recruited by my friend, Meriwether Lewis, to embark on this expedition to explore the territory of the Louisiana Get more content on
  • 15. Lewis Vs. Clark Expedition Of Lewis And Clark President Thomas Jefferson gave Capt.Lewis a job as his private secretary. Jefferson then gave Lewis another job which was to lead an expedition into the lands of the great Mississippi. The corps discovery was led by Capt.Meriweather Lewis and Lieut.William Clark. Their mission was to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest. On this trip, Lewis and Clark faced almost every near death obstacle from dangerous waters to very tough weather to Illness and then hunger, Along the way on this trip Lewis always kept his handy journal which he put very special samples of plants and animals he encountered. While still searching for the Pacific Northwest Lewis and Clark had some assistance to help them with their struggles.The Mandans had to help with supplies and during their very first winter to help them with their journey not too long after the group had picked up two new people and their names were Sacagawea a Shoshone Indian more content... Lewis and Clark spent so much time over the winter to go over and write in their journals about their overview of what they had already encountered and what they are doing now that they are at the fort and waiting the winter out trading with Indians.Before Lewis and Clark even met the Mandans they passed at least several other abandoned villages on their way up to Missouri. But these villages were cleaned out because of the smallpox epidemic, when Lewis and Clark met the Mandans at first they were split into two villages Matootonha and Rooptahee (now called Mitutanka and Nuptadi).To keep track of each village Lewis had come up with a name for each leader of the village Black cat for Nupatadi and Big white for Get more content on
  • 16. The Success Of The Lewis And Clark Expedition Sacagawea was a significant, admirable historical figure, though not many knew of her contributions. She was a Shoshone Indian who worked as an interpreter, guide, and peacemaker for the Lewis and Clark expedition. Through these essential roles, she became a vital part of the journey to find territory. The efforts of Sacagawea lead to the success of the Lewis and Clark expedition which greatly impacted the expansion and advancement of America. The early life of Sacagawea became preparation for an important time to come. Her childhood name, Bo–i–naiv reflected her reaction and connection to nature. Remaining in one place seemed strange and tiresome to her. She grew up in the mountains with the Shoshone tribe who were nomads. They were accustomed to scarce food supply and scavenging. In comparison to the Plains Indians, Shoshones were poor, diminished in numbers, and lacked resources such as weapons. Sacagawea had been trained since childhood to be able to find food in barren mountains and remain healthy on an irregular food supply, as well as constantly moving. At age eleven, she was kidnapped. Though opportunity for escape from her captors come, she could not leave her friends behind–she was loyal to the point of danger and even death. As she was moved further away from home and the only life she's ever known, she still did not want to go back. Rather, she longed to know more about the captors' people and their culture. This is one turning point in her life. Get more content on
  • 17. Thomas Jefferson: The Lewis And Clark Expedition Thomas Jefferson promises in 1787 that the territories in the northwest would not be forgotten. He stated that the Indians would be given good faith that their land would not be taken from them unless they agreed to give it up. Thomas Jefferson also stated that the rights, liberty, and their property would be set in good faith. The problem with this is that Congress could take their lands if it was needed for a war.Thomas Jefferson wanted to keep the peace with the Indians and he did his best to keep those promises, but unfortunately, it didn't always happen in 1801, Thomas Jefferson set up the Lewis and Clark Expedition in which he sent explorers to map out the transcontinental routes to study the natural resources that could be used in the Get more content on
  • 18. Lewis And Clark Expedition Essay As we go back in 1802 Thomas Jefferson sent an expedition to the Western part of the United States after purchasing the land called Louisiana Territory. They were instructed to bring back maps, plants, animals, and discover a water way from the Mississippi River to the pacific Ocean. You will venture on an expedition back in time following Lewis and Clark as they journey through rough weathers and landscapes. Sacagawea; a former shoshone woman until kidnapped and raised by the Hidatsa Tribe. Now welcome to the Corps Discovery! A Aleutian Canada Goose was encountered in March 8, 1806. This creature a dark black head, and its neck was marked with a distinctive white "Chin strap." We found this animal at Fort Clatsop. This goose is the more content... Well, in July 9, 1806 at the Rocky Mountains this plant was discovered. It had a perennial (To live for a couple years) tufted plant, with slender, leafy stems, sky blue color that bloom in the summer. This magnificent plant was named, "The Blue Flax." The Blue Flax plant is used as cordage and string, which caught the eye of many people. Far into the mountains is a marvelous location called the "Tower Rock." The Tower Rock was a transition from Great PLains to unknown terrain of the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Northwest. On the west side of the Missouri River approximately 8 miles south of Cascade, Montana lays, "Tower Rock" are 3 immense sides of Buffalo in plains before. On July 16, 1905 the Corps discovered a large rock of 400 ft high. As the Corps were discovering new land and tribes they came across the women of the Shoshone Tribe. The women were scared, but relaxed when they saw Sacagawea and her son. This tribe was a nomadic tribe that would always move. Shoshone traded with the Spanish and were a poor tribe. Over the years or months the Shoshone tribe gained many enemies for stealing. Western Shoshones made their huts out of grass and roofless meanwhile the Eastern used tepees. Their diets consisted of hunting or fishing for the Eastern part and for the Western part they would eat plant–based Get more content on
  • 19. The Lewis and Clark Expedition: A Summary Lewis and Clark Expedition: One of the greatest achievements that contributed to the increase of the size of the United States by double is the Louisiana Purchase. While this accomplishment was started through the initiative of a group of American explorers, it was mainly realized because of the efforts and vision of President Jefferson. Since it increased the geographical size of the country, the Louisiana Purchase was a significant historical event that was realized when America's population started to grow rapidly and it was a relatively young nation. Following the expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, this historical event occurred in 1803 after an agreement was ratified between America and France. Actually, this region stretched from the river to the orifice of the Rocky Mountains though with yet to be determined original boundaries. The significance of the Louisiana Purchase is evident in the fact that it currently includes states like Colorado, Montana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Minnesota among others (Stief, n.d.). Historical Context of the Exploration: The Louisiana Purchase was a by–product of Lewis and Clark's expedition that started in 1804 as an exciting journey to examine land, resources, people, and animals. These two individuals were leaders of a group of explorers from the United States who traveled without through the use of horses and boats. The use of horses and boats as means of transport to facilitate the Get more content on