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Article 92
Article 92 of the uniform code of military justice is when a solider fails to obey an order or
regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad.
Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military
Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard
who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the
Uniform Code of Military Justice makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It lays down the
ground law, the absolute line which may not be crossed. Everything else in the uniform code of
military justice is explanation of the various forms that disobeying an order more content...
When u take that oath you are making a promise to the military to be a solider and that means to
obey all military orders. Greater orders mean bigger consequences. Military members who fail to
obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. To obey someone means to
comply with or fulfill the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of that specific person. We
are taught as children to obey our higher–ups. Starting from our parents, teachers, managers, police
officers. When a soldier doesn't follow the orders they are given in not only hurts themselves but it
hurts the team and the goals of the mission. When the mission objectives are hurt by not following
orders this weakens everything that is necessary to win the war. Actual knowledge does to need to
be shown if the individual reasonably should have known of the duties. it is important to obey the
orders given are to be combat effective, disciplined, and just to be a good member of the military.
Everything you do not only reflects on you, but your superiors in your section, Company, Brigade,
Division, and the
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What is Social Order? Essay examples
This essay will compare and contrast two social science views about the ordering of social life. It
will look at what social order is and how it effects our daily lives and explore the differences and
similarities between the work of Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault. It will consider Buchanan's
and Monderman's views on ordering public space to highlight Goffman's focus on the way
individuals interact with each other and Foucault's emphasis on authoritative knowledge by
authorities or experts. Social order is the term used to describe a 'stable social situation in which
connections are maintained without change, or else change occurs in a predictable way'. (Taylor S,
2009, p173) Each of us is an individual with our own thoughts more content...
He did this by immersing himself in specific practical situations, such as working in hotels and
restaurants, to focus his attention on the micro levels of society. Social scientists use the levels of
micro, meso and macro to distinguish between different levels of social life. (Silva E, 2009, p309)
Foucault, on the other hand, looked at social order on the macro level. He noted that individuals are
shaped and organised through authoritative knowledge, particularly that of the social and political
institutions. (Silva E, 2009, p319) Foucault focused on the past looking at historical documents to
gain an understanding of what is familiar in the present day. Goffman questioned how people
perform roles and interpret the roles of others in different contexts, as well as how social order is
produced and reproduced from people's individual performances. Goffman was concerned with the
functions of rituals and order in everyday life. Whilst working in the hotels and restaurants Goffman
paid particular attention to the waiters, and drew upon the metaphor of the theatre, where people
play roles in specific everyday situations using expectation and understanding. He examined the
control of bodily gestures, face and gaze, and the use of language to set the parameters of their
social interactions. He witnessed that waiters behaved in a courteous and respectful
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Three General Orders Essay
When you are on guard you are responsible for everything that occurs within the limits of your
post while you are on duty. You are also responsible for all equipment and property located within
the limits of your post. The exact limits of your post are defined by the special orders. The special
orders should also include every place a guard must go to perform your duties. You will investigate
every unusual or suspicious occurrence on or near your post provided that you do not have to
leave your point of duty to do so. If necessary, you or the NCO who is on guard with you will
contact the chain of command for instructions. While on guard you will remain at your place of duty
and continue to perform all duties required until you are more content...
A guard reports all violations of special orders to the commander of the relief. You may have to
apprehend the offender, if necessary. A guard reports all emergencies that occur on or near post.
The guard will take whatever action is prescribed in your special orders or guard instructions.
Anytime the guard is in doubt as to what action to take, or it is not covered in the special orders,
you will call the commander of the relief for instructions or assistance.
Sleeping on guard duty is not tolerated by any means. If you fall asleep on guard duty a lot of
things can happen. Your post can be over run, the equipment that you are meant to guard could be
stolen, or the building you're guarding could get broken into. You could face a UMCJ action for
falling asleep because you're in violation of FM 22–6 which covers guard duty. You are looked upon
to perform your duty at all times and if you fall asleep you fail to do your part and cover all things
that are covered in you special orders. Any violations that may occur at your post you can become
a part of because you fell asleep while the violations happen. Falling asleep on guard duty prevents
you from reacting in a timing manner to an emergency. Over all falling asleep hinders you from
doing your job on
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Essay On Order Online Food
Restaurants using order online food for Delivery in Ireland
Delivery services widely spread after the establishment of search engines. Before then, restaurants
in Ireland were using telephones to take their customers orders. Technology is taking over the
business world at a high rate. There are many online platforms that restaurant owners can use to
take their client's orders. These platforms vary in terms of efficiency and prices among others. As
we all know, there are many restaurant owners dealing with the same meals. So, how does a service
provider stand out from his fellow competitors? There are three things that a restaurant can become
visible in the market. They range from effective marketing, top notch ordering platforms and a more content...
New restaurant owners can use guest hosting if they wish to make their brands visible within a short
Why should restaurant owners consider order online food platform? As earlier stated, lets order
food online is one of the commonly used applications in Ireland. There are many applications that
restaurant owners can use. Here are some reasons why delivery service providers should consider
this platform:
It is reliable. This platform doesn't break down now and then. This makes it easy for restaurants to
take and make deliveries within a reasonable time. Many customers prefer reliable service providers.
It is one of the most flexible platforms. Order online platform paves way for restaurants to include
and edit their menu. Moreover, this platform has different designs that a person can choose from.
This platform can be incorporated with different payment methods. Recently, there have been cases
of clients losing money, while making payments.
It is can be easily accessed using mobile phones. Studies conducted by various search engine
platforms have indicated many customers use mobile phones place orders. Restaurant owners should
always look professional .Customers shortlist service providers based on the look of their websites.
How to become a top rated delivery operator in Ireland
Restaurant owners should do more than just using the lets order food online platform to advertise its
products and services. Delivery business is
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Executive Order Essay
An executive order issued by President George W. Bush on October 16, 2001 established the
President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. The Board was created with the goals of
coordinating "cooperation with and protection of private sector critical infrastructure, state and local
governments critical infrastructure, and supporting programs in corporate and academic
organization; protection of federal departments and agencies critical infrastructure; and related
national security programs" (The White House). The executive order established a set of
responsibilities for the Board as follows: outreach to the private sector and state and local
governments; share information; incident coordination and crisis response; recruitment, retention more content...
This specific section of the executive order calls for consultation with potentially affected
communities purposely identifying legal, auditing, financial, and insurance communities as
industries with which to consult. Additionally, the executive order also establishes a directive that
the Board shall coordinate with the senior liaison officers of the Attorney General, the Secretaries of
Energy, Commerce, Transportation, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services, and the Director
of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, the Board shall work in coordination
with the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office and the national Institute of Infrastructure
Assurance Office and the national Institute of Standards and Technology of the Department of
Commerce, the National Infrastructure Protection Center, and the National Communications System
(The White House). This indicates the large amount of actors impacted by information security
infrastructure. This author finds it compelling that departments and agencies specifically related to
homeland security and protection such as the FBI, CIA, and Department of Homeland Security. In
fact, throughout the Executive Order the Department of Justice is mentioned in incident
coordination and crisis response and law enforcement coordination; however, the Secret Service is
specifically mentioned. It appears there is a large emphasis on coordination between executive
agencies. However, the Board's Coordination committee includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(The White
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Order and Chaos
Order and chaos are related to and dependent on each other. The clear cut distinction between them
is man made and an illusion. Society uses order to regulate all aspects of the world from nature to
personal lives, while chaos allows for open mindedness and also provides an explanation for certain
aspects of the world. This can be seen in science, theology,music, language, and imaginative play.
Science is rational, logical, and orderly. It has the ability to break apart complex systems into
simpler ones described by theories ad equations. This is seen in the description of the planets' orbits,
evolution, and Newton's laws. Scientists have a thirst for knowledge and seek understanding about
the world around them. Their more content...
Anthropology, fossils, and other material evidence provide proof of evolution by similarities
between organisms of the past and present ,including the controversial belief that humans evolved
from apes. All these discoveries discredit the belief that humans were created to posses dominion
over the world, and all that was created has existed from the beginning. The five percent of
fundamentalists that are radical and use violence and other unusual means to support their views
have made fundamentalism seem extreme and crazy. They discriminate against other Christians,
who do not have their same views, and deem them not real Christians. They are also completely
intolerant of other religions, offering no salvation outside their faith. Throughout the ages these
two groups have clashed as seen in the trial of Galileo. The common denominator in Galileo's trial
,and other controversies between the ideologies is each group's stubbornness and intolerance of
other views. One view can not exist without the other ,and they are both impractical and
incomplete. The joining of the two is essential for a human being and the world as a whole. This
point is clearly illustrated in the Library of Babel where all was known ,yet chaos was rampant
because no faith could exist.
Music can sometimes sound random, chaotic, and spontaneous but all music has a certain structure
and fundamental
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Petristan Essay
ARH305 – Archaeological Interpretation
Petristan: The Seriation of Pottery Types
The state of Petristan is a vast landmass acknowledged as the subcontinent of India, spreading across
the watershed of Paratha Valley in the West and Korma River in the East, with the early civilization
which ranged from 2700 to 1700 B.C. Recent discoveries have asserted the notion that the early
civilization of Paratha Valley has greatly influenced the formation of the Petristan state.
Consequently, The Petristan State Archaeological Survey has selected 5000 sherds from eighteen
probable sites by random sampling techniques in effort to investigate the proposed postulation. In
principal, relative dating method of seriation has more content...
According to Table 1.1, water vessel type W1 popularity increased overtime, while water vessel type
W2 decreased (refer to Chart #1). With this information, we may include the remaining
archaeological data of water vessels in sites "D" and "GM" into the table with correct chronological
order that pre–dates 2200 B.C. In essence, we now know the chronological flow of the sites from
recent to oldest, which are "PGU", "B", "PGL", "D" and "GM" respectively. Sites (In chronological
order from recent to oldest)| W1| W2| W3| Sq. Seal| Rec. Seal| Phul–Gobi Upper(2100 +/– 50 BC)|
19.3| 0| 0| 0| 1| B (2200 B.C.)| 17.6| 0.6| 0| 1| 1| Phul–Gobi Lower (2450 +/– 70 BC)| 9.8| 4.0| 0| 1| 0|
D | 1.4| 10.4| 0| 1| 0| Garam Masala | 0.6| 8.4| 0| 1| 0|
Table 1.1 Relative Chronology of Water Vessels pre
–dating 2200 B.C
Evidently, based on the locations of all the eighteen sites on the map and statistical data given, it is
highly probable that the sites were divided into three separate zones. Firstly, we may perceive the
sites "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G", Garam Masala (GM), Phul–Gobi Lower (PGL), Phul–Gobi Upper
(PGU), and Tiltandula (T) located on the plains as the Lower Zone. Secondly, all sites that are
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Good Order and Discipline
Good Order and Discipline For the military leader, the maintenance of good order and discipline
is essential for a military force to be effective. An undisciplined military force is a losing one
(Hoversten). General Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military leaders of all time and was
firm when it came to discipline. It was important to him that his soldiers understood that, in
addition to efficiency, discipline guaranteed a solder's safety; that if his forces did not prepare
themselves for war when they had a chance, they would pay dearly (McBride). Discipline can be
best defined as "a state of training, resulting in orderly conduct." (McBride). This "state of training"
must be achieved as well as maintained during peacetime more content...
Failure to go, absent without leave (AWOL), poor attitude, drug and/or alcohol use and abuse or
continued tardiness are some examples of violations by individuals who do not understand the
full meaning of personal liberty. Extra duty, restriction, and correctional custody all punish as
well as psychologically teach the value of liberty to the individual (McBride). Good order and
discipline is vital for a successful military. General George Patton was a strong disciplinarian who
was equally as adamant about preparedness. He told his commanders if they did not enforce and
maintain perfect discipline, they were potential murderers (McBride). He went on to say... "That
is a blunt way of putting it, but war is blunt, and war is what we must all prepare for" (McBride).
It is too late to prepare for war once the war has already begun. Good order and discipline prepares
soldiers for war; it teaches responsibility for being accountable for what they do or fail to do and it
assists soldiers in making them accountable for their personal conduct as well. Good order and
discipline is a state of obedience. It allows those who serve in the military to be prompt and
willing; to be responsive to orders and to understand and comply to regulation. It makes for a
strong, uniformed force who can act swift and justly to maintain safety. Without good order and
discipline the safety of the American people, the military as a whole and fellow
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What is a Social Order?
Social Order "A social order may be defined as the consequence of any set of moral norms that
regulates the way in which persons pursue objectives. The set of norms does not specify the
objectives the participants are to seek, nor the pattern formed by and through the coordination or
integration of these ends, but merely the modes of seeking them. Traffic rules and the consequent
traffic order provide an obvious example. Any social system or any game may be viewed quite
properly as an instance of social order, although the perspective of social order does not allow us to
get at what is characteristically systematic about systems or what is game–like about games"
(Goffman 1963, p. 140). By its definition, social order is the term which refers to the structures and
institutions which allow our society to continue functioning. It encompasses all the processes which
must be put in place for the society to maintain its foundation and avoid breaking down into chaos.
For decades, if indeed not centuries, philosophers and sociologists have been attempting to identify
exactly what social order consists of and what is most necessary to continue its presence in the
community. Among the most successful and highly respected of these sociologists are Michel
Foucault and Erving Goffman. Both men published well–received literature about the structures of
social order and each presents a very different view of exactly what is necessary in order to for
society to maintain that order.
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Peace & Order
PEACE AND ORDER Peace and order unites religions and culture, incorporating values of security
and harmony together with justice and respect for the human dignity. While peace undoubtedly, is
one of the most universal and significant of human ideals, it is describe as "one of the most positive
symbols having meaning for the whole humanity", the ways that we think about peace and how to
attain it are often diffuse and content–dependent. Peace is the dream of every generation, the goal of
every civil society. Do we recall the anti–war movement in the 60's in which states "Make Love, Not
War!" The masses of "flower" children waved their homemade signs and chanted in their exuberant
innocence. They opposed the Vietnam War, they wanted more content...
That is why without Judeo–Christian values and constitution that enshrines basic human rights,
democratically elected government through majority votes can be just as corrupt and abusive as
the inherited royalty. TYRANNY OF PEACE We pay too high a price, when we try to maintain
peace at any cost. Peace can be deadly! The Holocaust and World War II have taught us powerful
lesson on the danger of peace that condones evil. These are circumstances when we have to answer
terror and aggression with appropriate actions. RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS When properly
managed, conflicts can deepen relationships and strengthen the community, local or global. The
basic rules of dispute are deceptively simple. 1)Play fair В– Apply the golden rule and the principle
of equality, justice and honesty. If one party keeps on moving the goal post and changing the rules
of the game, the other party will eventually cry foul and stop playing. 2)Listen attentively and
proactively В– Try to understand each other's assumption, ideas and intentions. 3)Respect each other
В– It is the key to keeping the dialogue going. 4)Don't insult, don't lie and don't play the "blaming
game". 5)Find the common ground В– Focus on the sameness and common interests. 6)Be clear
about the objective В– When either party is vague about its desired objective, it would be difficult to
reach an agreement. 7)Be willing to consider other alternatives
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Sha'Carri Richardson Presentation 202345

Essay Order

  • 1. Article 92 Article 92 of the uniform code of military justice is when a solider fails to obey an order or regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad. Article 92 is perhaps the most important article in the entirety of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Any military member, whether in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard who fail to obey a lawful order of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order. It lays down the ground law, the absolute line which may not be crossed. Everything else in the uniform code of military justice is explanation of the various forms that disobeying an order more content... When u take that oath you are making a promise to the military to be a solider and that means to obey all military orders. Greater orders mean bigger consequences. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. To obey someone means to comply with or fulfill the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of that specific person. We are taught as children to obey our higher–ups. Starting from our parents, teachers, managers, police officers. When a soldier doesn't follow the orders they are given in not only hurts themselves but it hurts the team and the goals of the mission. When the mission objectives are hurt by not following orders this weakens everything that is necessary to win the war. Actual knowledge does to need to be shown if the individual reasonably should have known of the duties. it is important to obey the orders given are to be combat effective, disciplined, and just to be a good member of the military. Everything you do not only reflects on you, but your superiors in your section, Company, Brigade, Division, and the Get more content on
  • 2. What is Social Order? Essay examples This essay will compare and contrast two social science views about the ordering of social life. It will look at what social order is and how it effects our daily lives and explore the differences and similarities between the work of Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault. It will consider Buchanan's and Monderman's views on ordering public space to highlight Goffman's focus on the way individuals interact with each other and Foucault's emphasis on authoritative knowledge by authorities or experts. Social order is the term used to describe a 'stable social situation in which connections are maintained without change, or else change occurs in a predictable way'. (Taylor S, 2009, p173) Each of us is an individual with our own thoughts more content... He did this by immersing himself in specific practical situations, such as working in hotels and restaurants, to focus his attention on the micro levels of society. Social scientists use the levels of micro, meso and macro to distinguish between different levels of social life. (Silva E, 2009, p309) Foucault, on the other hand, looked at social order on the macro level. He noted that individuals are shaped and organised through authoritative knowledge, particularly that of the social and political institutions. (Silva E, 2009, p319) Foucault focused on the past looking at historical documents to gain an understanding of what is familiar in the present day. Goffman questioned how people perform roles and interpret the roles of others in different contexts, as well as how social order is produced and reproduced from people's individual performances. Goffman was concerned with the functions of rituals and order in everyday life. Whilst working in the hotels and restaurants Goffman paid particular attention to the waiters, and drew upon the metaphor of the theatre, where people play roles in specific everyday situations using expectation and understanding. He examined the control of bodily gestures, face and gaze, and the use of language to set the parameters of their social interactions. He witnessed that waiters behaved in a courteous and respectful Get more content on
  • 3. Three General Orders Essay When you are on guard you are responsible for everything that occurs within the limits of your post while you are on duty. You are also responsible for all equipment and property located within the limits of your post. The exact limits of your post are defined by the special orders. The special orders should also include every place a guard must go to perform your duties. You will investigate every unusual or suspicious occurrence on or near your post provided that you do not have to leave your point of duty to do so. If necessary, you or the NCO who is on guard with you will contact the chain of command for instructions. While on guard you will remain at your place of duty and continue to perform all duties required until you are more content... A guard reports all violations of special orders to the commander of the relief. You may have to apprehend the offender, if necessary. A guard reports all emergencies that occur on or near post. The guard will take whatever action is prescribed in your special orders or guard instructions. Anytime the guard is in doubt as to what action to take, or it is not covered in the special orders, you will call the commander of the relief for instructions or assistance. Sleeping on guard duty is not tolerated by any means. If you fall asleep on guard duty a lot of things can happen. Your post can be over run, the equipment that you are meant to guard could be stolen, or the building you're guarding could get broken into. You could face a UMCJ action for falling asleep because you're in violation of FM 22–6 which covers guard duty. You are looked upon to perform your duty at all times and if you fall asleep you fail to do your part and cover all things that are covered in you special orders. Any violations that may occur at your post you can become a part of because you fell asleep while the violations happen. Falling asleep on guard duty prevents you from reacting in a timing manner to an emergency. Over all falling asleep hinders you from doing your job on Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Order Online Food Restaurants using order online food for Delivery in Ireland Delivery services widely spread after the establishment of search engines. Before then, restaurants in Ireland were using telephones to take their customers orders. Technology is taking over the business world at a high rate. There are many online platforms that restaurant owners can use to take their client's orders. These platforms vary in terms of efficiency and prices among others. As we all know, there are many restaurant owners dealing with the same meals. So, how does a service provider stand out from his fellow competitors? There are three things that a restaurant can become visible in the market. They range from effective marketing, top notch ordering platforms and a more content... New restaurant owners can use guest hosting if they wish to make their brands visible within a short period. Why should restaurant owners consider order online food platform? As earlier stated, lets order food online is one of the commonly used applications in Ireland. There are many applications that restaurant owners can use. Here are some reasons why delivery service providers should consider this platform: It is reliable. This platform doesn't break down now and then. This makes it easy for restaurants to take and make deliveries within a reasonable time. Many customers prefer reliable service providers. It is one of the most flexible platforms. Order online platform paves way for restaurants to include and edit their menu. Moreover, this platform has different designs that a person can choose from. This platform can be incorporated with different payment methods. Recently, there have been cases of clients losing money, while making payments. It is can be easily accessed using mobile phones. Studies conducted by various search engine platforms have indicated many customers use mobile phones place orders. Restaurant owners should always look professional .Customers shortlist service providers based on the look of their websites. How to become a top rated delivery operator in Ireland Restaurant owners should do more than just using the lets order food online platform to advertise its products and services. Delivery business is Get more content on
  • 5. Executive Order Essay An executive order issued by President George W. Bush on October 16, 2001 established the President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board. The Board was created with the goals of coordinating "cooperation with and protection of private sector critical infrastructure, state and local governments critical infrastructure, and supporting programs in corporate and academic organization; protection of federal departments and agencies critical infrastructure; and related national security programs" (The White House). The executive order established a set of responsibilities for the Board as follows: outreach to the private sector and state and local governments; share information; incident coordination and crisis response; recruitment, retention more content... This specific section of the executive order calls for consultation with potentially affected communities purposely identifying legal, auditing, financial, and insurance communities as industries with which to consult. Additionally, the executive order also establishes a directive that the Board shall coordinate with the senior liaison officers of the Attorney General, the Secretaries of Energy, Commerce, Transportation, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services, and the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, the Board shall work in coordination with the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office and the national Institute of Infrastructure Assurance Office and the national Institute of Standards and Technology of the Department of Commerce, the National Infrastructure Protection Center, and the National Communications System (The White House). This indicates the large amount of actors impacted by information security infrastructure. This author finds it compelling that departments and agencies specifically related to homeland security and protection such as the FBI, CIA, and Department of Homeland Security. In fact, throughout the Executive Order the Department of Justice is mentioned in incident coordination and crisis response and law enforcement coordination; however, the Secret Service is specifically mentioned. It appears there is a large emphasis on coordination between executive agencies. However, the Board's Coordination committee includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (The White Get more content on
  • 6. Order and Chaos Order and chaos are related to and dependent on each other. The clear cut distinction between them is man made and an illusion. Society uses order to regulate all aspects of the world from nature to personal lives, while chaos allows for open mindedness and also provides an explanation for certain aspects of the world. This can be seen in science, theology,music, language, and imaginative play. Science is rational, logical, and orderly. It has the ability to break apart complex systems into simpler ones described by theories ad equations. This is seen in the description of the planets' orbits, evolution, and Newton's laws. Scientists have a thirst for knowledge and seek understanding about the world around them. Their more content... Anthropology, fossils, and other material evidence provide proof of evolution by similarities between organisms of the past and present ,including the controversial belief that humans evolved from apes. All these discoveries discredit the belief that humans were created to posses dominion over the world, and all that was created has existed from the beginning. The five percent of fundamentalists that are radical and use violence and other unusual means to support their views have made fundamentalism seem extreme and crazy. They discriminate against other Christians, who do not have their same views, and deem them not real Christians. They are also completely intolerant of other religions, offering no salvation outside their faith. Throughout the ages these two groups have clashed as seen in the trial of Galileo. The common denominator in Galileo's trial ,and other controversies between the ideologies is each group's stubbornness and intolerance of other views. One view can not exist without the other ,and they are both impractical and incomplete. The joining of the two is essential for a human being and the world as a whole. This point is clearly illustrated in the Library of Babel where all was known ,yet chaos was rampant because no faith could exist. Music can sometimes sound random, chaotic, and spontaneous but all music has a certain structure and fundamental Get more content on
  • 7. Petristan Essay ARH305 – Archaeological Interpretation Petristan: The Seriation of Pottery Types The state of Petristan is a vast landmass acknowledged as the subcontinent of India, spreading across the watershed of Paratha Valley in the West and Korma River in the East, with the early civilization which ranged from 2700 to 1700 B.C. Recent discoveries have asserted the notion that the early civilization of Paratha Valley has greatly influenced the formation of the Petristan state. Consequently, The Petristan State Archaeological Survey has selected 5000 sherds from eighteen probable sites by random sampling techniques in effort to investigate the proposed postulation. In principal, relative dating method of seriation has more content... According to Table 1.1, water vessel type W1 popularity increased overtime, while water vessel type W2 decreased (refer to Chart #1). With this information, we may include the remaining archaeological data of water vessels in sites "D" and "GM" into the table with correct chronological order that pre–dates 2200 B.C. In essence, we now know the chronological flow of the sites from recent to oldest, which are "PGU", "B", "PGL", "D" and "GM" respectively. Sites (In chronological order from recent to oldest)| W1| W2| W3| Sq. Seal| Rec. Seal| Phul–Gobi Upper(2100 +/– 50 BC)| 19.3| 0| 0| 0| 1| B (2200 B.C.)| 17.6| 0.6| 0| 1| 1| Phul–Gobi Lower (2450 +/– 70 BC)| 9.8| 4.0| 0| 1| 0| D | 1.4| 10.4| 0| 1| 0| Garam Masala | 0.6| 8.4| 0| 1| 0| Table 1.1 Relative Chronology of Water Vessels pre –dating 2200 B.C Evidently, based on the locations of all the eighteen sites on the map and statistical data given, it is highly probable that the sites were divided into three separate zones. Firstly, we may perceive the sites "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "G", Garam Masala (GM), Phul–Gobi Lower (PGL), Phul–Gobi Upper (PGU), and Tiltandula (T) located on the plains as the Lower Zone. Secondly, all sites that are Get more content on
  • 8. Good Order and Discipline Good Order and Discipline For the military leader, the maintenance of good order and discipline is essential for a military force to be effective. An undisciplined military force is a losing one (Hoversten). General Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military leaders of all time and was firm when it came to discipline. It was important to him that his soldiers understood that, in addition to efficiency, discipline guaranteed a solder's safety; that if his forces did not prepare themselves for war when they had a chance, they would pay dearly (McBride). Discipline can be best defined as "a state of training, resulting in orderly conduct." (McBride). This "state of training" must be achieved as well as maintained during peacetime more content... Failure to go, absent without leave (AWOL), poor attitude, drug and/or alcohol use and abuse or continued tardiness are some examples of violations by individuals who do not understand the full meaning of personal liberty. Extra duty, restriction, and correctional custody all punish as well as psychologically teach the value of liberty to the individual (McBride). Good order and discipline is vital for a successful military. General George Patton was a strong disciplinarian who was equally as adamant about preparedness. He told his commanders if they did not enforce and maintain perfect discipline, they were potential murderers (McBride). He went on to say... "That is a blunt way of putting it, but war is blunt, and war is what we must all prepare for" (McBride). It is too late to prepare for war once the war has already begun. Good order and discipline prepares soldiers for war; it teaches responsibility for being accountable for what they do or fail to do and it assists soldiers in making them accountable for their personal conduct as well. Good order and discipline is a state of obedience. It allows those who serve in the military to be prompt and willing; to be responsive to orders and to understand and comply to regulation. It makes for a strong, uniformed force who can act swift and justly to maintain safety. Without good order and discipline the safety of the American people, the military as a whole and fellow Get more content on
  • 9. What is a Social Order? Social Order "A social order may be defined as the consequence of any set of moral norms that regulates the way in which persons pursue objectives. The set of norms does not specify the objectives the participants are to seek, nor the pattern formed by and through the coordination or integration of these ends, but merely the modes of seeking them. Traffic rules and the consequent traffic order provide an obvious example. Any social system or any game may be viewed quite properly as an instance of social order, although the perspective of social order does not allow us to get at what is characteristically systematic about systems or what is game–like about games" (Goffman 1963, p. 140). By its definition, social order is the term which refers to the structures and institutions which allow our society to continue functioning. It encompasses all the processes which must be put in place for the society to maintain its foundation and avoid breaking down into chaos. For decades, if indeed not centuries, philosophers and sociologists have been attempting to identify exactly what social order consists of and what is most necessary to continue its presence in the community. Among the most successful and highly respected of these sociologists are Michel Foucault and Erving Goffman. Both men published well–received literature about the structures of social order and each presents a very different view of exactly what is necessary in order to for society to maintain that order. Get more content on
  • 10. Peace & Order PEACE AND ORDER Peace and order unites religions and culture, incorporating values of security and harmony together with justice and respect for the human dignity. While peace undoubtedly, is one of the most universal and significant of human ideals, it is describe as "one of the most positive symbols having meaning for the whole humanity", the ways that we think about peace and how to attain it are often diffuse and content–dependent. Peace is the dream of every generation, the goal of every civil society. Do we recall the anti–war movement in the 60's in which states "Make Love, Not War!" The masses of "flower" children waved their homemade signs and chanted in their exuberant innocence. They opposed the Vietnam War, they wanted more content... That is why without Judeo–Christian values and constitution that enshrines basic human rights, democratically elected government through majority votes can be just as corrupt and abusive as the inherited royalty. TYRANNY OF PEACE We pay too high a price, when we try to maintain peace at any cost. Peace can be deadly! The Holocaust and World War II have taught us powerful lesson on the danger of peace that condones evil. These are circumstances when we have to answer terror and aggression with appropriate actions. RECOMMENDED SOLUTIONS When properly managed, conflicts can deepen relationships and strengthen the community, local or global. The basic rules of dispute are deceptively simple. 1)Play fair В– Apply the golden rule and the principle of equality, justice and honesty. If one party keeps on moving the goal post and changing the rules of the game, the other party will eventually cry foul and stop playing. 2)Listen attentively and proactively В– Try to understand each other's assumption, ideas and intentions. 3)Respect each other В– It is the key to keeping the dialogue going. 4)Don't insult, don't lie and don't play the "blaming game". 5)Find the common ground В– Focus on the sameness and common interests. 6)Be clear about the objective В– When either party is vague about its desired objective, it would be difficult to reach an agreement. 7)Be willing to consider other alternatives Get more content on