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Essay on Science Fair Project Example
How do different liquids and solids affect the boiling and freezing point of water?
ABSTRACT There are many different substances that affect the freezing and boiling points of water. This experiment was designed to test the effects
of five liquid and five solid substances/mixtures on the freezing and boiling points of water. It was hypothesized that if we tested five liquid and five
solid substances/mixtures then the results would show that the solids would have a greater affect. Using these guidelines the experimentation was
completed and the data was recorded. It was determined that the hypothesis was supported. Salt had by far the greatest effect on the freezing and boiling
point. Baking soda had the next more content...
Basically, any solid or liquid mixture can change to boiling and freezing point of water. This is proven in an experiment done at
sciencefair– Each substance/mixture added to water will have a different impact on the freezing and boiling point. What the impact is
depends on the boiling and freezing point on the substance/mixture itself. All matter has its own freezing and boiling point. This determines when
something becomes a solid, liquid, or gas. Knowing this, by adding different matter to water the point at which the water changes its current state of
matter to either a solid or a gas is its new freezing and boiling point. This project will determine how ten different mixtures/substances will affect the
freezing and boiling point of water. These substances and mixtures consist of five solids and five liquids. The solids are salt, baking soda, sugar,
flour, and cinnamon. The liquids are lemon juice, beat juice, molasses, vegetable oil, and orange juice. It was hypothesized that lemon juice would
have the greatest effect on the freezing and boiling point of water. This was hypothesized because of the citric acid in lemon juice which was thought to
have a big impact on the water. The independent variable in this experiment is the different mixtures/ substances being used and the dependent variable
is the change in the freezing and boiling point
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Value of Science Essay
Science is undoubtedly a very important part of growing as the human race. It has improved our lives drastically from the first stone tools, to iPods
and cars we drive. But what is it really that matters when it comes to science? Material things are not the only things that science gives humanity.
Richard Feynman explains his point of view of the values of science, and on how science is used to create things beneficial and afflicting, how the
values behind science are affected by society, and how science affects people. The very first point brought up ismorality. Science is not morally
oriented to do good or bad and can easily do either. Feynman referenced a Buddhist proverb he heard while visiting Honolulu, " more content...
For example, recently we had a large hoopla about stem cell research because of the supposed "farming babies". When in reality, the stem cells were
in vitro fertilized eggs from artificially inseminated parents that would have been thrown away. Those extra fertilized eggs contained cells that have the
capability of creating any cell in the human body, and with the future possibility of growing replacement/repair body parts of patients; it would have
been a huge leap in the medical field. But because of our own ignorance to the science behind it, we effectively closed the continuum of scientific
progress. Feynman wrote a small poetic section putting into perspective how great and complicated humans are, but showing how miniscule they are
compared to the universe. Also, how it is a "religious experience" to have you put into perspective through science itself. He says that artists and singers
won't sing about it because not everyone can understand the science, but the scientists who can explain it.
The last value of science is the methodology behind being a scientist. Feynman explains how all scientists have lots of experience with "ignorance and
doubt" and after time, effort, testing and further degrees of uncertainty, subjects can still are unsure, with doubt, and uncertainty. Logic, data, critical
thinking and reasoning can only be as important of understanding. The understanding of the numerous struggles within science has been
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Science Fair Project Essay
My science fair project is on how the Sun's rays affect our clothing. Have you ever noticed how your clothes lose color after a while? Well that's all due
to the Sun. I decided to do this project because i've heard many complaints on how people hate when they're clothing starts to fade or lose it's color. For
this project I will be figuring out which fabrics are least likely to fade over a period of time exposed directly to the Sun. After my experiment is over,
I'll be able to see what fabric upheld the most color. I'll also be researching on why the fabric lost its color easily or kept it from fading over time.
This can help someone maybe buy a certain type of material over summer when the Sun is out the most and stop from your clothing
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The Solubility As A Measure
Science Fair Essay
–chemist understands solubility as a measure
–a chemist would say that solubility is the max solute that can be dissolved in the solvent until it reaches equilibrium
–when the solution reaches equilibrium, there can be no more solute added to the solvent: it won 't dissolve anymore, it will just rest at the bottom as
–the chemical formula of salt is NaCI
–1 ATM is standard air pressure for earth
–the unit for solubility of water it for ex: 357.00 g/L
–when the solubility is put in the solvent, the solution reaches equilibrium
–every chemical substance has a fixed solubility
–if something doesn 't dissolve, it 's solubility is 0
–measures of solubility cannot be applied to immiscible substances
–some substances can be mixed and create a homogeneous phase in any proportion: miscible
–the opposite is an immiscible substance
–in dissolving, molecules of the solvent enter the solute and are surrounded many other molecules
–for the solute 's molecules to be surrounded, the molecular bonds between the molecules of the solute have to be broken and the molecular bonds of
the solvent have to be disrupted
–energy given off in the process
–then, when the solute dissolves into the solvent, new molecular bonds are created
–but for the solute and solvent to dissolve, the molecular bonds have to be broken and the energy output has to be immense
–right when the solute is placed in the solvent, the concentrated solute, breaks into pieces
–then the molecules of the
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How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Reaction
{draw:g} Table of Contents 3... Abstract 4... Literature Review 7... Hypothesis 8... Materials 9... Procedure 10... Results 12... Analysis of Data 13...
Conclusion Abstract Literature Review In Chemical Kinetics in the field of Chemistry, the Collision Theory plays a large role. The theory states that
the more collisions that occur in a system, the more likely combinations of molecules will happen. Also, more collisions means more combinations of
molecules to occur which will consequently speed up the reaction and the rate of reaction (Bursten 492). Another factor in reaction rates in the
concentration of particles. Similar to the Collision Theory, the more particles there are the greater chance there is to collide with one another. The more more content...
In the experiment, Cup 1 (120В°F) and Cup 3 (40В°F) with the very hot and very cold water are the experimental group. Cup 2 with the normal
temperature (60В°F) is the control group. The independent variable is water and the temperature of the water. The dependent variable is thereaction rate
of the Alka–Seltzer. My literature review supports my hypothesis because an increase in temperature would increase particle speed, frequency of
collisions, and ability to overcome activation energy whereas a decrease in temperature would decrease the rate of reaction. This leads me to believe
that temperature will directly affect the speed of the chemical reaction. I chose the study that I did because of the criteria for topic selection being
something that interests me. I am interested in chemistry, molecular activity, and what the results would be for my own experimentation. Materials 3
Clear Cups 1 Measuring Cup 1 Thermometer 3 Alka–Seltzer Tablets 1 Stopwatch Tap Water Ice Cubes Recording Material (Pencil, Paper) Procedure
Take each of the three cups and label them Cup 1 (120В°F), Cup 2 (60В°F), and Cup 3 (40В°F). Use the measuring cup to fill each cup with 8 oz. of
the corresponding water temperatures. Use the thermometer to verify the
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Report on School Science Fair
Science fair during activity week Introduction This report investigates an activity done during the activity week which took place during the third
week in June 2014. The science fair was held during the fourth day and this programme was initiated to demonstrate science related experiments to the
students. The experiments were based on form 5 and form 4 practical books. The science fair was conducted by teachers from science department and
was divided into three different subjects; physics, chemistry and biology. The objectives of the science fair are; 1. One of the programme during the
activity week. 2. As a teaching platform to introduce physics, chemistry, and biology subject to lower secondary and for further
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Conclusion. The science fair which take place during the activity week have help the students to understand topics in three different science subjects
via experiments and explanations by the teachers. The science fair was participated by all students, lower secondary and upper secondary. The science
carnival was successfully coordinated with helps from science department and the activity week
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Early Childhood Education Essay
Early childhood teachers have a vital role in supporting children's scientific learning, lead them to explore the environment and allow them to
experience the fascination of science activities. Therefore, it is very important for early childhood teachers to have a sound understanding of designing
play–based science programs, engaging children in the science activities and building upon their prior knowledge. From the perspective of a
pre–service early childhood teacher, this essay will briefly introduce what I have learnt from the science classes and the academic readings, discuss the
challenge that I encounter during this learning journey and what is my pathway to work on it. It will also outline the nature of science and technology,
highlight the value of incorporating science activities and using technology in the early childhood context and explain how do they support children's
overall development.
Prior to this course, I reckoned science activities in the early childhood classroom would be intriguing and fresh for young children as I used to
enjoy the scientific activities in my previous schooling experience. Similar to the mathematics subject, I believe science is embedded in our daily
life and the early years is a good starting point for young children to engage in the science activities or programs. Although I recognised the
importance and the advantages of designing science activities for young children, I did not think of teaching science to infants and toddlers before.
My understanding of how to select and design age appropriate science activities for young children were unsophisticated. However, over the course of
this semester, the knowledge that I learnt from the classes and the readings that I read have enabled me to understand the value of science experiences
for young children in a higher level. I learn how to plan scientific learning experiences for children at different age groups now.
I used to think children who aged older than three are more suitable in engaging scientific learning experiences rather than infants and toddlers. This is
due to the fact that according to Piaget's cognitive development theory, young children at the sensorimotor stage have limited language and thinking
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Personal Narrative Essay On Science Fair
I felt a cool wave flood my body as I entered Ms. Portee's air conditioned room. I took a seat and copied my agenda. I felt my body flush red and my
heart ripped in two as I saw the words 'science fair.' I hated science fair with a burning passion that could light a thousand suns. Ms. Portee's voice
dragged on and on as she explained the dates we would turn things in. She began to say something about how this project could make or break our
grades, but I was only half listening. My pencil drifted across the silk white paper like a ballerina doing graceful pirouettes across the floor.
Mindlessly, I drew tornadoes and squiggles next to the dates I was writing down as I hummed the chorus of 'Heartbreak Girl' by 5 Seconds of
Summer. RING! The
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Science Fair Research Report: Solar Oven
Science Fair Project Research Report Rough Draft Many people these days have been wasting electricity for cooking for hundreds of years. Many of
them do not realize that they always did not have to cook with a stove, microwave, oven or any type of heating or cooling product. Instead, they should
have used the sun; it's everywhere and allowing us to use its energy to cook. So, here are some basics about solar energy. People have a tendency to
forget that they can use the sun's energy to heat up things. The sun has always been producing energy for billions of years and billions to come. The
energy that is from the sun that is used to heat up things is called solar energy. Solar energy is used for heating up water, spaces, and fluids. For water, more content...
The main purpose of a solar oven is to harness the sun's energy for free. It does not matter if it is a homemade or a product solar oven because they
both cook food completely if outside long enough. A solar oven is an oven that uses solar energy to cook or heat up things. The best time to use a
solar oven is between eleven a.m. through three p.m. Before cooking, make sure to leave the solar oven outside between thirty minutes through an
hour. To activate the solar oven, it has to be in direct sunlight so the sun can reflect off the reflectors. The sun's energy heats the inside of the solar
oven. Sunlight, both reflected and direct enters the glass or plastic top of the solar oven. The more the glass or plastic directly faces the sun, the
greater possibility that the solar oven will gain more heat. To make possibility greater add single or multiple reflectors to the glass or plastic top to
increase the internal temperature. To increase more heat, use a dark cooking pot. The reason to use a dark pot is because it will absorb the sun's
energy. The sunlight that was absorbed by the pot(s) is made into a longer wavelength heat energy that radiates the inside of the solar oven. The
sunlight is either absorbed by the materials in it, passed throughout the glass back, or wavelength does not change any bit. The heat input causes the
temperature within the solar oven to rise until the solar oven's heat loss is equivalent to the heat gain. This is the way that both homemade and product
solar ovens work ("How Solar Ovens Work – Solar Circle") ("Climate Kids NASA's Eyes on the
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Reflective Essay On Pharmacy Experience
As I reflect on my experience of a pharmacy practice, I realize how much of my personality has changed in only few months. The experiences I
gained during my first rotation at Walgreens were particularly rewarding, especially those gained while working as a team to achieve a common goal
of a patient's well–being. I did not have any previous experience in the pharmacy setting, therefore I was determined to take advantage of this
opportunity to grow and develop skills that are vital to be a good pharmacist. During the rotation, I performed many activities that were assigned by the
preceptor, learned new skills and competencies, identified my strengths and weaknesses, and made plans for continued development throughout the
journey of pharmacy practice. My primary goal of getting a practical experience in pharmacy was to develop the knowledge and skills to actively
participate in patient care, improve self–confidence, approach any task with an open mind, and having eagerness to learn what the rotation has to
offer. I participated and attempted all the tasks that were assigned by my preceptor throughout my rotation. A very first activity I learned to perform
was counting medications properly before pharmacists dispense them. While working on this task, I also learned to change the manufacturing number
and do the partials for medications. Although it seemed like a very simple task, it requires attention, fast pace, and accuracy. Most of the errors in the
pharmacy occur due to incorrect medication, dosage strength, or dosage form while filling so it is critical to pay attention to small details.
Furthermore, my preceptors allowed me to perform vaccinations from the very first day which helped me develop one–on–one interactions with
patients and improved my knowledge on administrating and recommending different vaccinations to patients. Since pharmacists hold a great source of
information on vaccinations and they are easily accessible in neighborhood, pharmacists play a prominent role in prevention and safety of public
health. When I heard news of my preceptor's participation in flu clinic at the Village of Hanover park, I offered him my help for several hours. After
administrating vaccines continuously
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The National Curriculum for Science (2013), anticipates to advance all pupils' scientific knowledge and conceptualise understanding through the
segmented scientific approaches; biology, chemistry and physics. In addition, pupils should have an awareness of the nature, processes and approaches
used within science, through the various scientific enquires that enable pupils to answer questions related to the world and life. Finally, the aims of the
science curriculum also consider that children must have the resources to fund the knowledge that is necessary to use science in the, present and future
tense states the Department of Education (2013). In relation to the EYFS framework, teachers and additional members of staff have a duty to educate
children on the various ways they can learn. There are three central ideas in the effective teaching pedagogy. Firstly, pupils should be able to play and
explore, in doing so they can investigate and try new experiences. Children can also actively learn which involves concentration and enjoying exploring
their environment. To conclude it is essential to allow children to be creative and expressive within their own learning. Although provision is required,
students must create their own ideas and links suggests The British Association for Early Childhood Education, (2012). In addition to the EYFS
framework, children and required to understand the world. It is evidenced within nursery and reception that children are expected to gather information
of places, materials, objects and living creatures. Further to this point some schools find it beneficial to provide farming of animals such as chicken
and bees. In doing so, children can observe and evaluate animals in their habitats and consider why certain things happen such as, reproduction.
As part of the science curriculum, it is mandatory to introduce the concept of enquiry through experiments and investigations. The practical element of
science promotes the idea that children need to develop a certain level of scientific enquiry through a wide range of activities suggests, Cross and
Bowden (2014). Some examples of scientific enquiry can range from; nature walks in order to observe the numerous mini beasts amongst the school
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My Science Fair Project
Statement of Problem Due to the fact that I have a lot of Hot Wheelz cars at my house and I enjoy woodwork I decided to make a science fair
project that encompassed these two things. If I remember correctly it was in the middle of a hot summer's day when I had the idea to see how
much it would vary every round if I built a ramp with a larger ramp to accelerate the car on to the smaller one and see if it would make an error
ellipse. Due to my fascination in ballistics, I decided this would be my science fair project. Because of lack of exploration in my topic's area there is
not much known about my topic? The few things that are known are as follows, the friction coefficient, the drag, and the approximate number of
rotations per minute is known
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Personal Statement: My Science Fair Project
I believe houses and buildings are miracles because they are brought into life from the drawings. The event that spark interest in civil engineering was
my science fair project during junior high. "The Fire Breathing Dragon" that was the name of my science fair project. During my junior year of high
school, I was given the experiment to produce an exothermic reaction with decomposition potassium chlorate and sugar. My real interest was creating a
structure that could create the most interest among my peers of science fair projects. I decided that the dragon might well suit the flaming substance of
the project. I researched and created a strong frame for the dragon with the construction of a solid foundation of wires entangled in the shapes
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Science Fair Project Analysis
The purpose of my science fair project is to show that kids are more than just their labels. At the beginning of my project I did research on labels
and how they affect students at school and at home. Later on I made a 2 test which one was visual and the other was read out loud. I tested on as
much people as I could. After a couple of weeks I analyzed my data and divided what into groups. I did the same tests on every person no matter
age or grade.The results I got were very impressive students that were looked as the "bad kids" or "not smart" kids, got the best grades on the test
versus the kids that are seen as the smart ones got lower scores. These results show that students are more than the labels given there's is more to us
than what
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Reflection Paper On Science And Science
Reflection Statement Before taking this course, I had never questioned how to characterize science. In elementary school I was taught that "good"
science experiments use the scientific method so that they are replicable. I had always seen science as a source of reliable information. I certainly
questioned certain findings, but I held the belief that there was such a thing as "good science." I thought that "good science" transcended any
subjectivity and was indisputable. These notions I had were called into question in Anthropology of Science. We started by looking into the history of
science. Throughout lectures, we studied epistemology and different trends in scientific discovery. These classroom lectures were complemented with
discussions of Thomas Kuhn and other scholars, such as Emily Martin and Michael Carrithers, who have theorized about scientific research. During that
time, I personally began deconstructing my image of science being on a pedestal when it comes to scholarly findings. I acknowledged that there
were ways for culture to influence science. When I read the assigned ethnographies God's Laboratory and Alien Ocean by Elizabeth Roberts and
Stefan Helmreich, respectively, I was able to see exactly how clearly the theories about science were visible when anthropologists studied scientific
communities. The connections were even more visible to me when we got to apply the theories ourselves through our Ethnography of Science class
project. As a class, we
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Solar Power Essay example
Solar Power
All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants
and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater.
Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface
temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's
surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's more content...
Because the intensity of the sun's radiation at the surface of the Earth is so low, collectors designed to capture solar energy must be large.
In the sunniest parts of the continental United States, for example, in order for a collector to gather enough energy to serve one person for one day,
the area of the collector's surface must be about 430 square feet. The actual energy that can be used depends on the efficiency of the collector and of
the device that converts the radiation into usable energy.
Flat–plate collectors. The most common flat–plate collectors consist of a dark metal plate, covered with one or two sheets of glass, that absorbs heat.
The heat is transferred to air or water, called carrier fluids, that flows past the back of the plate. This heat may be used directly or it may be transferred
to another medium. Flat–plate collectors are used for home and hot–water heating. Flat–plate collectors typically heat carrier fluids to temperatures
ranging from 150B0 to 200B0F. The efficiency of such collectors varies from 20 to 80 percent.
Concentrating collectors. When higher temperatures are required, a concentrating collector is used. These collectors reflect and concentrate sunlight
from a wide area.
One such device, called a solar furnace, was installed in the Pyrenees in France and has several acres of mirrors focused on a single target. The energy
concentrated at
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Science Fair Report Sample
I will be doing my science fair project on what ingredient will best activate a package of dry yeast. Dry yeast was developed by Fleischmann's
company during WW11, so that people in the army did not have to get their yeast refrigerated, while still being able to easily make bread. Activating
means to cause an act or function. Activating dry yeast makes the yeast makes it thick, bubbly, and foamy. It will be an off white in color and
sometimes appear to be more of a light brown. Yeast is single–celled fungi. There are roughly over 600 species of yeast that we know of. Many of
which can be distributed greatly in nature. Where exactly can we get yeast? This may be a common question one may have about yeast. Yeast can be
exudates in plants. This includes cacti and the sap of the plants. Also, yeast can be found in the skins of fruits like grapes, apples, and peaches. You
may also get yeast from the skin of berries. In the past this experiment has been done. It can be found when you look up the title Yeasty Beasties. On the
website,–celled–science–yeasty–beasties/, I found that this website was doing the project the same
way I will be doing mine. After reading this article I have learned that if you mix sugar and yeast the yeast will eat more content...
Like why does yeast bubble, when was yeast discovered for baking purposes, and how do we use yeast in everyday life? Well, when you add a pinch
of sugar to your yeast it will bubble, this is if it's not expired. The yeast feeds on the sugar and once the released carbon dioxide expires the dough
will rise. Adding a pinch of sugar will be a constant in my project. Vinegar cancels out the ability for yeast to grow, so this is why many people use
vinegar for a home remedy for yeast infections on the body. With only a small amount of baking soda yeast rises more, but if there is too much then
the growth will get
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Planetary Science Personal Statement
Back in first grade, before ever learning about probability in school, I remember designing and carrying out an experiment comparing mind reading to
chance. This experience sparked my passion for research. Eventually, I began to employ the scientific method to solve increasingly more serious
problems, culminating in the countywide science fair. At Science Montgomery, I won first place with my research into making an optimal parabolic
reflector that resolves the common problem of weak internet signals. However, my interests in science, technology,engineering, and math are as broad
as my imagination. I am especially eager to work in the areas of planetary science, astronomy, applied physics, and applied mathematics. Likewise, I
would like to explore projects in the context of national security and defense, aerospace, and space. Currently, I am a leader in Envirothon, because a
motivation to discover ways using science to protect lives drives me to explore the importance of the environment to human society. As a leader, I plan
various field trips and events to help students learn about environmental stewardship and science. Participating and leading hands–on events allows me
to spur interest in my fellow students about how STEM skills can be fun and versatile.
Furthermore, aerospace technology more content...
In my free time, I enjoy reading about the properties of different extraterrestrial bodies, such as their geology, quirks, potential for life, and similarity to
Earth. With my strong skills in conducting research, I possess the ability to quickly locate information, including surprising facts about celestial bodies
and phenomena. Recently, I won third place in the Maryland Science Olympiad for remote sensing. I specialized in remote sensing because of my
desire to learn about the technology currently used to learn about celestial objects, including
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Science Fair: Where Do Parachutes Originate From?
Kling, Ashton Dec. 01, 2016 Science Fair Essay Have you ever wondered how parachutes make you fall slower to the ground. People wonder
because gravity pulls you down but how does a parachute slow you down. The whole point of this project is to find out what size parachute would
work better for falling to the ground and the weight of the person the parachute is holding. Where do parachutes originate from? Parachutes were found
by Leonardo Da Vinci. He found that dropping to items at the same height with the same weight would hit the same time, but when he drop a pencil
and a rock they hit the ground at the same time even though they have different weights and sizes. He use the same process but he used attached the
cloth with strings on the
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Essay On Science Fair Project Example

  • 1. Essay on Science Fair Project Example How do different liquids and solids affect the boiling and freezing point of water? Name 02/12/12 ABSTRACT There are many different substances that affect the freezing and boiling points of water. This experiment was designed to test the effects of five liquid and five solid substances/mixtures on the freezing and boiling points of water. It was hypothesized that if we tested five liquid and five solid substances/mixtures then the results would show that the solids would have a greater affect. Using these guidelines the experimentation was completed and the data was recorded. It was determined that the hypothesis was supported. Salt had by far the greatest effect on the freezing and boiling point. Baking soda had the next more content... Basically, any solid or liquid mixture can change to boiling and freezing point of water. This is proven in an experiment done at sciencefair– Each substance/mixture added to water will have a different impact on the freezing and boiling point. What the impact is depends on the boiling and freezing point on the substance/mixture itself. All matter has its own freezing and boiling point. This determines when something becomes a solid, liquid, or gas. Knowing this, by adding different matter to water the point at which the water changes its current state of matter to either a solid or a gas is its new freezing and boiling point. This project will determine how ten different mixtures/substances will affect the freezing and boiling point of water. These substances and mixtures consist of five solids and five liquids. The solids are salt, baking soda, sugar, flour, and cinnamon. The liquids are lemon juice, beat juice, molasses, vegetable oil, and orange juice. It was hypothesized that lemon juice would have the greatest effect on the freezing and boiling point of water. This was hypothesized because of the citric acid in lemon juice which was thought to have a big impact on the water. The independent variable in this experiment is the different mixtures/ substances being used and the dependent variable is the change in the freezing and boiling point Get more content on
  • 2. Value of Science Essay 3/14/2013 Values Science is undoubtedly a very important part of growing as the human race. It has improved our lives drastically from the first stone tools, to iPods and cars we drive. But what is it really that matters when it comes to science? Material things are not the only things that science gives humanity. Richard Feynman explains his point of view of the values of science, and on how science is used to create things beneficial and afflicting, how the values behind science are affected by society, and how science affects people. The very first point brought up ismorality. Science is not morally oriented to do good or bad and can easily do either. Feynman referenced a Buddhist proverb he heard while visiting Honolulu, " more content... For example, recently we had a large hoopla about stem cell research because of the supposed "farming babies". When in reality, the stem cells were in vitro fertilized eggs from artificially inseminated parents that would have been thrown away. Those extra fertilized eggs contained cells that have the capability of creating any cell in the human body, and with the future possibility of growing replacement/repair body parts of patients; it would have been a huge leap in the medical field. But because of our own ignorance to the science behind it, we effectively closed the continuum of scientific progress. Feynman wrote a small poetic section putting into perspective how great and complicated humans are, but showing how miniscule they are compared to the universe. Also, how it is a "religious experience" to have you put into perspective through science itself. He says that artists and singers won't sing about it because not everyone can understand the science, but the scientists who can explain it. The last value of science is the methodology behind being a scientist. Feynman explains how all scientists have lots of experience with "ignorance and doubt" and after time, effort, testing and further degrees of uncertainty, subjects can still are unsure, with doubt, and uncertainty. Logic, data, critical thinking and reasoning can only be as important of understanding. The understanding of the numerous struggles within science has been Get more content on
  • 3. Science Fair Project Essay My science fair project is on how the Sun's rays affect our clothing. Have you ever noticed how your clothes lose color after a while? Well that's all due to the Sun. I decided to do this project because i've heard many complaints on how people hate when they're clothing starts to fade or lose it's color. For this project I will be figuring out which fabrics are least likely to fade over a period of time exposed directly to the Sun. After my experiment is over, I'll be able to see what fabric upheld the most color. I'll also be researching on why the fabric lost its color easily or kept it from fading over time. This can help someone maybe buy a certain type of material over summer when the Sun is out the most and stop from your clothing Get more content on
  • 4. The Solubility As A Measure Science Fair Essay –chemist understands solubility as a measure –a chemist would say that solubility is the max solute that can be dissolved in the solvent until it reaches equilibrium –when the solution reaches equilibrium, there can be no more solute added to the solvent: it won 't dissolve anymore, it will just rest at the bottom as residue –the chemical formula of salt is NaCI –1 ATM is standard air pressure for earth –the unit for solubility of water it for ex: 357.00 g/L –when the solubility is put in the solvent, the solution reaches equilibrium –every chemical substance has a fixed solubility –if something doesn 't dissolve, it 's solubility is 0 –measures of solubility cannot be applied to immiscible substances –some substances can be mixed and create a homogeneous phase in any proportion: miscible –the opposite is an immiscible substance –in dissolving, molecules of the solvent enter the solute and are surrounded many other molecules –for the solute 's molecules to be surrounded, the molecular bonds between the molecules of the solute have to be broken and the molecular bonds of the solvent have to be disrupted –energy given off in the process –then, when the solute dissolves into the solvent, new molecular bonds are created –but for the solute and solvent to dissolve, the molecular bonds have to be broken and the energy output has to be immense –right when the solute is placed in the solvent, the concentrated solute, breaks into pieces –then the molecules of the
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  • 6. How Does Temperature Affect The Rate Of Reaction {draw:g} Table of Contents 3... Abstract 4... Literature Review 7... Hypothesis 8... Materials 9... Procedure 10... Results 12... Analysis of Data 13... Conclusion Abstract Literature Review In Chemical Kinetics in the field of Chemistry, the Collision Theory plays a large role. The theory states that the more collisions that occur in a system, the more likely combinations of molecules will happen. Also, more collisions means more combinations of molecules to occur which will consequently speed up the reaction and the rate of reaction (Bursten 492). Another factor in reaction rates in the concentration of particles. Similar to the Collision Theory, the more particles there are the greater chance there is to collide with one another. The more more content... In the experiment, Cup 1 (120В°F) and Cup 3 (40В°F) with the very hot and very cold water are the experimental group. Cup 2 with the normal temperature (60В°F) is the control group. The independent variable is water and the temperature of the water. The dependent variable is thereaction rate of the Alka–Seltzer. My literature review supports my hypothesis because an increase in temperature would increase particle speed, frequency of collisions, and ability to overcome activation energy whereas a decrease in temperature would decrease the rate of reaction. This leads me to believe that temperature will directly affect the speed of the chemical reaction. I chose the study that I did because of the criteria for topic selection being something that interests me. I am interested in chemistry, molecular activity, and what the results would be for my own experimentation. Materials 3 Clear Cups 1 Measuring Cup 1 Thermometer 3 Alka–Seltzer Tablets 1 Stopwatch Tap Water Ice Cubes Recording Material (Pencil, Paper) Procedure Take each of the three cups and label them Cup 1 (120В°F), Cup 2 (60В°F), and Cup 3 (40В°F). Use the measuring cup to fill each cup with 8 oz. of the corresponding water temperatures. Use the thermometer to verify the Get more content on
  • 7. Report on School Science Fair Science fair during activity week Introduction This report investigates an activity done during the activity week which took place during the third week in June 2014. The science fair was held during the fourth day and this programme was initiated to demonstrate science related experiments to the students. The experiments were based on form 5 and form 4 practical books. The science fair was conducted by teachers from science department and was divided into three different subjects; physics, chemistry and biology. The objectives of the science fair are; 1. One of the programme during the activity week. 2. As a teaching platform to introduce physics, chemistry, and biology subject to lower secondary and for further more content... Conclusion. The science fair which take place during the activity week have help the students to understand topics in three different science subjects via experiments and explanations by the teachers. The science fair was participated by all students, lower secondary and upper secondary. The science carnival was successfully coordinated with helps from science department and the activity week Get more content on
  • 8. Early Childhood Education Essay Early childhood teachers have a vital role in supporting children's scientific learning, lead them to explore the environment and allow them to experience the fascination of science activities. Therefore, it is very important for early childhood teachers to have a sound understanding of designing play–based science programs, engaging children in the science activities and building upon their prior knowledge. From the perspective of a pre–service early childhood teacher, this essay will briefly introduce what I have learnt from the science classes and the academic readings, discuss the challenge that I encounter during this learning journey and what is my pathway to work on it. It will also outline the nature of science and technology, highlight the value of incorporating science activities and using technology in the early childhood context and explain how do they support children's overall development. Prior to this course, I reckoned science activities in the early childhood classroom would be intriguing and fresh for young children as I used to enjoy the scientific activities in my previous schooling experience. Similar to the mathematics subject, I believe science is embedded in our daily life and the early years is a good starting point for young children to engage in the science activities or programs. Although I recognised the importance and the advantages of designing science activities for young children, I did not think of teaching science to infants and toddlers before. My understanding of how to select and design age appropriate science activities for young children were unsophisticated. However, over the course of this semester, the knowledge that I learnt from the classes and the readings that I read have enabled me to understand the value of science experiences for young children in a higher level. I learn how to plan scientific learning experiences for children at different age groups now. I used to think children who aged older than three are more suitable in engaging scientific learning experiences rather than infants and toddlers. This is due to the fact that according to Piaget's cognitive development theory, young children at the sensorimotor stage have limited language and thinking Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Narrative Essay On Science Fair I felt a cool wave flood my body as I entered Ms. Portee's air conditioned room. I took a seat and copied my agenda. I felt my body flush red and my heart ripped in two as I saw the words 'science fair.' I hated science fair with a burning passion that could light a thousand suns. Ms. Portee's voice dragged on and on as she explained the dates we would turn things in. She began to say something about how this project could make or break our grades, but I was only half listening. My pencil drifted across the silk white paper like a ballerina doing graceful pirouettes across the floor. Mindlessly, I drew tornadoes and squiggles next to the dates I was writing down as I hummed the chorus of 'Heartbreak Girl' by 5 Seconds of Summer. RING! The Get more content on
  • 10. Science Fair Research Report: Solar Oven Science Fair Project Research Report Rough Draft Many people these days have been wasting electricity for cooking for hundreds of years. Many of them do not realize that they always did not have to cook with a stove, microwave, oven or any type of heating or cooling product. Instead, they should have used the sun; it's everywhere and allowing us to use its energy to cook. So, here are some basics about solar energy. People have a tendency to forget that they can use the sun's energy to heat up things. The sun has always been producing energy for billions of years and billions to come. The energy that is from the sun that is used to heat up things is called solar energy. Solar energy is used for heating up water, spaces, and fluids. For water, more content... The main purpose of a solar oven is to harness the sun's energy for free. It does not matter if it is a homemade or a product solar oven because they both cook food completely if outside long enough. A solar oven is an oven that uses solar energy to cook or heat up things. The best time to use a solar oven is between eleven a.m. through three p.m. Before cooking, make sure to leave the solar oven outside between thirty minutes through an hour. To activate the solar oven, it has to be in direct sunlight so the sun can reflect off the reflectors. The sun's energy heats the inside of the solar oven. Sunlight, both reflected and direct enters the glass or plastic top of the solar oven. The more the glass or plastic directly faces the sun, the greater possibility that the solar oven will gain more heat. To make possibility greater add single or multiple reflectors to the glass or plastic top to increase the internal temperature. To increase more heat, use a dark cooking pot. The reason to use a dark pot is because it will absorb the sun's energy. The sunlight that was absorbed by the pot(s) is made into a longer wavelength heat energy that radiates the inside of the solar oven. The sunlight is either absorbed by the materials in it, passed throughout the glass back, or wavelength does not change any bit. The heat input causes the temperature within the solar oven to rise until the solar oven's heat loss is equivalent to the heat gain. This is the way that both homemade and product solar ovens work ("How Solar Ovens Work – Solar Circle") ("Climate Kids NASA's Eyes on the Get more content on
  • 11. Reflective Essay On Pharmacy Experience As I reflect on my experience of a pharmacy practice, I realize how much of my personality has changed in only few months. The experiences I gained during my first rotation at Walgreens were particularly rewarding, especially those gained while working as a team to achieve a common goal of a patient's well–being. I did not have any previous experience in the pharmacy setting, therefore I was determined to take advantage of this opportunity to grow and develop skills that are vital to be a good pharmacist. During the rotation, I performed many activities that were assigned by the preceptor, learned new skills and competencies, identified my strengths and weaknesses, and made plans for continued development throughout the journey of pharmacy practice. My primary goal of getting a practical experience in pharmacy was to develop the knowledge and skills to actively participate in patient care, improve self–confidence, approach any task with an open mind, and having eagerness to learn what the rotation has to offer. I participated and attempted all the tasks that were assigned by my preceptor throughout my rotation. A very first activity I learned to perform was counting medications properly before pharmacists dispense them. While working on this task, I also learned to change the manufacturing number and do the partials for medications. Although it seemed like a very simple task, it requires attention, fast pace, and accuracy. Most of the errors in the pharmacy occur due to incorrect medication, dosage strength, or dosage form while filling so it is critical to pay attention to small details. Furthermore, my preceptors allowed me to perform vaccinations from the very first day which helped me develop one–on–one interactions with patients and improved my knowledge on administrating and recommending different vaccinations to patients. Since pharmacists hold a great source of information on vaccinations and they are easily accessible in neighborhood, pharmacists play a prominent role in prevention and safety of public health. When I heard news of my preceptor's participation in flu clinic at the Village of Hanover park, I offered him my help for several hours. After administrating vaccines continuously Get more content on
  • 12. The National Curriculum for Science (2013), anticipates to advance all pupils' scientific knowledge and conceptualise understanding through the segmented scientific approaches; biology, chemistry and physics. In addition, pupils should have an awareness of the nature, processes and approaches used within science, through the various scientific enquires that enable pupils to answer questions related to the world and life. Finally, the aims of the science curriculum also consider that children must have the resources to fund the knowledge that is necessary to use science in the, present and future tense states the Department of Education (2013). In relation to the EYFS framework, teachers and additional members of staff have a duty to educate children on the various ways they can learn. There are three central ideas in the effective teaching pedagogy. Firstly, pupils should be able to play and explore, in doing so they can investigate and try new experiences. Children can also actively learn which involves concentration and enjoying exploring their environment. To conclude it is essential to allow children to be creative and expressive within their own learning. Although provision is required, students must create their own ideas and links suggests The British Association for Early Childhood Education, (2012). In addition to the EYFS framework, children and required to understand the world. It is evidenced within nursery and reception that children are expected to gather information of places, materials, objects and living creatures. Further to this point some schools find it beneficial to provide farming of animals such as chicken and bees. In doing so, children can observe and evaluate animals in their habitats and consider why certain things happen such as, reproduction. As part of the science curriculum, it is mandatory to introduce the concept of enquiry through experiments and investigations. The practical element of science promotes the idea that children need to develop a certain level of scientific enquiry through a wide range of activities suggests, Cross and Bowden (2014). Some examples of scientific enquiry can range from; nature walks in order to observe the numerous mini beasts amongst the school Get more content on
  • 13. My Science Fair Project Statement of Problem Due to the fact that I have a lot of Hot Wheelz cars at my house and I enjoy woodwork I decided to make a science fair project that encompassed these two things. If I remember correctly it was in the middle of a hot summer's day when I had the idea to see how much it would vary every round if I built a ramp with a larger ramp to accelerate the car on to the smaller one and see if it would make an error ellipse. Due to my fascination in ballistics, I decided this would be my science fair project. Because of lack of exploration in my topic's area there is not much known about my topic? The few things that are known are as follows, the friction coefficient, the drag, and the approximate number of rotations per minute is known Get more content on
  • 14. Personal Statement: My Science Fair Project I believe houses and buildings are miracles because they are brought into life from the drawings. The event that spark interest in civil engineering was my science fair project during junior high. "The Fire Breathing Dragon" that was the name of my science fair project. During my junior year of high school, I was given the experiment to produce an exothermic reaction with decomposition potassium chlorate and sugar. My real interest was creating a structure that could create the most interest among my peers of science fair projects. I decided that the dragon might well suit the flaming substance of the project. I researched and created a strong frame for the dragon with the construction of a solid foundation of wires entangled in the shapes Get more content on
  • 15. Science Fair Project Analysis The purpose of my science fair project is to show that kids are more than just their labels. At the beginning of my project I did research on labels and how they affect students at school and at home. Later on I made a 2 test which one was visual and the other was read out loud. I tested on as much people as I could. After a couple of weeks I analyzed my data and divided what into groups. I did the same tests on every person no matter age or grade.The results I got were very impressive students that were looked as the "bad kids" or "not smart" kids, got the best grades on the test versus the kids that are seen as the smart ones got lower scores. These results show that students are more than the labels given there's is more to us than what Get more content on
  • 16. Reflection Paper On Science And Science Reflection Statement Before taking this course, I had never questioned how to characterize science. In elementary school I was taught that "good" science experiments use the scientific method so that they are replicable. I had always seen science as a source of reliable information. I certainly questioned certain findings, but I held the belief that there was such a thing as "good science." I thought that "good science" transcended any subjectivity and was indisputable. These notions I had were called into question in Anthropology of Science. We started by looking into the history of science. Throughout lectures, we studied epistemology and different trends in scientific discovery. These classroom lectures were complemented with discussions of Thomas Kuhn and other scholars, such as Emily Martin and Michael Carrithers, who have theorized about scientific research. During that time, I personally began deconstructing my image of science being on a pedestal when it comes to scholarly findings. I acknowledged that there were ways for culture to influence science. When I read the assigned ethnographies God's Laboratory and Alien Ocean by Elizabeth Roberts and Stefan Helmreich, respectively, I was able to see exactly how clearly the theories about science were visible when anthropologists studied scientific communities. The connections were even more visible to me when we got to apply the theories ourselves through our Ethnography of Science class project. As a class, we Get more content on
  • 17. Solar Power Essay example Solar Power All life on Earth depends on energy from the sun. Solar energy is the source of energy for photosynthesis. It provides the warmth necessary for plants and animals to survive. The heat from the sun causes water on the Earth's surface to evaporate and form clouds that eventually provide fresh rainwater. Solar energy is the result of thermonuclear fusion reactions deep within the sun. These reactions produce so much energy that they keep the surface temperature of the sun at about 10,300B0F. Even though solar energy is the largest source of energy received by the Earth, its intensity at the Earth's surface is actually very low due to the large distance between the Earth and the sun and the fact that the Earth's more content... Because the intensity of the sun's radiation at the surface of the Earth is so low, collectors designed to capture solar energy must be large. In the sunniest parts of the continental United States, for example, in order for a collector to gather enough energy to serve one person for one day, the area of the collector's surface must be about 430 square feet. The actual energy that can be used depends on the efficiency of the collector and of the device that converts the radiation into usable energy. Flat–plate collectors. The most common flat–plate collectors consist of a dark metal plate, covered with one or two sheets of glass, that absorbs heat. The heat is transferred to air or water, called carrier fluids, that flows past the back of the plate. This heat may be used directly or it may be transferred to another medium. Flat–plate collectors are used for home and hot–water heating. Flat–plate collectors typically heat carrier fluids to temperatures ranging from 150B0 to 200B0F. The efficiency of such collectors varies from 20 to 80 percent. Concentrating collectors. When higher temperatures are required, a concentrating collector is used. These collectors reflect and concentrate sunlight from a wide area. One such device, called a solar furnace, was installed in the Pyrenees in France and has several acres of mirrors focused on a single target. The energy concentrated at
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  • 19. Science Fair Report Sample I will be doing my science fair project on what ingredient will best activate a package of dry yeast. Dry yeast was developed by Fleischmann's company during WW11, so that people in the army did not have to get their yeast refrigerated, while still being able to easily make bread. Activating means to cause an act or function. Activating dry yeast makes the yeast makes it thick, bubbly, and foamy. It will be an off white in color and sometimes appear to be more of a light brown. Yeast is single–celled fungi. There are roughly over 600 species of yeast that we know of. Many of which can be distributed greatly in nature. Where exactly can we get yeast? This may be a common question one may have about yeast. Yeast can be exudates in plants. This includes cacti and the sap of the plants. Also, yeast can be found in the skins of fruits like grapes, apples, and peaches. You may also get yeast from the skin of berries. In the past this experiment has been done. It can be found when you look up the title Yeasty Beasties. On the website,–celled–science–yeasty–beasties/, I found that this website was doing the project the same way I will be doing mine. After reading this article I have learned that if you mix sugar and yeast the yeast will eat more content... Like why does yeast bubble, when was yeast discovered for baking purposes, and how do we use yeast in everyday life? Well, when you add a pinch of sugar to your yeast it will bubble, this is if it's not expired. The yeast feeds on the sugar and once the released carbon dioxide expires the dough will rise. Adding a pinch of sugar will be a constant in my project. Vinegar cancels out the ability for yeast to grow, so this is why many people use vinegar for a home remedy for yeast infections on the body. With only a small amount of baking soda yeast rises more, but if there is too much then the growth will get Get more content on
  • 20. Planetary Science Personal Statement Back in first grade, before ever learning about probability in school, I remember designing and carrying out an experiment comparing mind reading to chance. This experience sparked my passion for research. Eventually, I began to employ the scientific method to solve increasingly more serious problems, culminating in the countywide science fair. At Science Montgomery, I won first place with my research into making an optimal parabolic reflector that resolves the common problem of weak internet signals. However, my interests in science, technology,engineering, and math are as broad as my imagination. I am especially eager to work in the areas of planetary science, astronomy, applied physics, and applied mathematics. Likewise, I would like to explore projects in the context of national security and defense, aerospace, and space. Currently, I am a leader in Envirothon, because a motivation to discover ways using science to protect lives drives me to explore the importance of the environment to human society. As a leader, I plan various field trips and events to help students learn about environmental stewardship and science. Participating and leading hands–on events allows me to spur interest in my fellow students about how STEM skills can be fun and versatile. Furthermore, aerospace technology more content... In my free time, I enjoy reading about the properties of different extraterrestrial bodies, such as their geology, quirks, potential for life, and similarity to Earth. With my strong skills in conducting research, I possess the ability to quickly locate information, including surprising facts about celestial bodies and phenomena. Recently, I won third place in the Maryland Science Olympiad for remote sensing. I specialized in remote sensing because of my desire to learn about the technology currently used to learn about celestial objects, including Get more content on
  • 21. Science Fair: Where Do Parachutes Originate From? Kling, Ashton Dec. 01, 2016 Science Fair Essay Have you ever wondered how parachutes make you fall slower to the ground. People wonder because gravity pulls you down but how does a parachute slow you down. The whole point of this project is to find out what size parachute would work better for falling to the ground and the weight of the person the parachute is holding. Where do parachutes originate from? Parachutes were found by Leonardo Da Vinci. He found that dropping to items at the same height with the same weight would hit the same time, but when he drop a pencil and a rock they hit the ground at the same time even though they have different weights and sizes. He use the same process but he used attached the cloth with strings on the Get more content on