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Essay on Privacy
Ensuring Your Privacy "Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts confronting American society.
From AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph tests to computerized data bases, the common denominator has been whether the right to privacy outweighs
other concerns of society....." Robert Ellis Smith, the Privacy Journal Computers have been a very instrumental technology that has greatly
advanced the ways in which we now do things such as; business, daily activities, shopping, scheduling appointments, and many other things. And with
more and more people using the Internet, more and more information being passed over the Internet, more problems arise. The Internet has been an
advance more content...
Microsoft, the computer software company, is powerful because it designs the operating system that millions of people use to organize and transmit
data. The Washington Post is powerful because it screens, sorts, and defines "the news" for influential readers (Bacard, 33). The average
person has little power because he absorbs data form others rather than transmitting data to others. Computer companies have been trying to come up
with ways in which a person can have some assemblage of privacy. Privacy is important to people. People do not want others to be able to get this
information. Privacy is about power. Information, in the hands of people who know how to use it, is power (Bacard, 33). John Fiske argues in Power
Plays, Power Works that people are divided in two distinct groups; the "haves" and the "have nots." The "haves" are
those with imperializing power, the dominating group. Localizing power would be the group of the "have nots." Localizing power refers to
the weaker, resistant group. Privacy relates to Fiske's theory quite explicitly. The government, criminals, and businesses would be the
"haves," while everyday citizens would be the "have nots." Everyday people do not have the power to ensure their privacy like
the "haves" do. This is mainly because the imperializing powers try to prohibit the localizing powers from ensuring their privacy. The
government has
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Privacy Issues in Social Media Essay
Privacy Issues in Social Media Social Media is a current way in which people are using to interact with one another daily. Since the launch of various
Social Networking Sites (SNS) its been a huge attraction in a new way to share information with others and correspond with interests of your choice in
many different forms. Although social media sites allow users to share information with friends and other sites on theinternet, many people are unaware
of how their privacy is getting out. Now that the expansion of global connection through these social media networking sites are so highly present in
todays society, giving us easy access to information, the lack of one's privacy is being diminished. Everyday peoples privacy rights more
In the beginning of 2004 is when social media users see Piczo, Flickr, Mixi and Facebook only in Harvard college introduced. Piczo and Flickr
revolved around mainly pictures being shared and Mixi was one of Japans top social media sites. At this time, Facebook was only allowed to be
used in the Harvard College where it was designed by Mark Zuckerberg. It was not until 2005 when Facebook launched a site for high school
students as well. This is where the profits of advertising set in for the social media network and the way we share things online transformed and
expanded drastically. In addition,during 2005, is when Youtube took off and started storing and retrieving videos for the public. Twitter was then
launched in 2006 as a social networking site that let members send and receive messages called tweets. By experience with using Twitter you can
only send 140 words/ characters to one another and they can be seen by anyone unless you set your controls to be a private account. However, if you
add a hashtag to one of your tweets it can be seen by anyone that searches that hashtag and is related to one anothers tweets regardless of your privacy
settings. . In Friends Without Borders by Dan Fletcher he argues that Facebook is using its capabilities to get users to share more information that may
be critical to their success but not yours. Facebook
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Reflection On Privacy
Growing up in the digital age with unprecedented rates of technological proliferation allows a dependency on technology to seem inevitable. Some
characterize millennials as possessing an increased willingness to sacrifice privacy for security and an increased sense of freedom that comes with
convenience. However, a counter–argument could claim that for those who are aware of the inherent risk associated with technology can utilize
precautions to effectively minimize the threat that it poses to the privacy of an individual. This essay aims to reflect on my own personal philosophies,
values, and behaviors regarding privacy by putting myself into "conversation" with various texts. The first article, "Privacy and Technology in the
Twenty–First Century" by Mark A. Rothstein is used to introduce how I view privacy in the context of current day technology. The second article,
"The Private I: Privacy in a Public World" by F. Gonzalez–Crussi introduces the underlying cultural values that shape my privacy beliefs. The third
article "Privacy and Narrativity in the Internet Era" by J.C Buitelaar introduces the possible explanations for my privacy practices and behaviors.
Putting myself into conversation with these text aids in the development of a holistic view encompassing the concepts that influence my values,
attitudes, and behaviors regarding privacy. Personal space and time away from the scrutiny of the public eye are necessary for the continued emotional
and psychological health
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Privacy in a Digital World Essay
Privacy in a Digital World
The history of privacy in the United States is a storied one. The context of the 4 th Amendment to the Constitution has been debated for years to
determine if the "right to privacy" is a constitutionally guaranteed right. Additionally, many people are technologically ignorant of what behaviors and
activities will put them at risk.
The "Carnivore" is a good example of an historic digital technology that generated privacy concerns. The Carnivore was a digital intelligence
gathering tool that was supposed to be used by the FBI to fight crime. People's concerns about the tool were so vocal, however, it was never used.
Currently, there are specific laws governing the protection of digital privacy. more content...
Corporations who use data mining techniques in order to more accurately target their products and services sometimes compromise the privacy of the
consumers they wish to court. Entire enterprises have been created and sustained by the private sector's desire to market goods and services to the
specific demographic that most closely matches their "ideal consumer." While in most cases the pursuit and use of this information is legal, there can
be no denying that it compromises the privacy of the consumer, whether they know their privacy is being compromised or not.
Government entities that use the provisions of the Patriot Act sometimes compromise the privacy of private citizens in their efforts to safeguard the
United States.
Examples of this can be found as early as 2003, when the U.S. government used the provisions of the Patriot Act to data mine private information from
Las Vegas hotels, acting on a tip that some sort of terrorist activity would take place during the New Year's celebration. Additionally, the use of illegal
wire taps has been documented against the
Page 3
U.S. government. The new domestic spying bill will also surely be vetoed if it "unduly limits the administration's authority to eavesdrop without
Personal privacy has been compromised on every level with the advent of the digitization of our society. The availability of personal information
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Privacy Is An Invasion To Privacy
The right to privacy is granted to all American citizens under the fourth amendment. However, this rule doesn't seem to apply to us anymore in modern
times. The main purpose of technology and the internet are to give people more 'freedom', and to connect us with the world much faster. But this
freedom comes with a price; that is privacy. Privacy is being invaded in numerous ways through everyday devices since an enourmous are being
surveillanced. The use and advancements of technology has invaded privacy greatly because of social media and trackers on people's everyday
devices, therefore citizens should be educated on technology use. A main reason that tech surveillance is an invasion to privacy is because of the use
of social media.
On the one hand, some argue that social media is a main factor of the disturbance of privacy. Social media, especially popular ones such as
Facebook or Twitter are known to leak and collect personal data without the user even knowing. Despite the fact that there are large amounts of
privacy settings that are offered on these sites, they are not much help to protect a user's privacy. A great deal of job applicants, students, and
employees are being demanded to hand over their Facebook and other social media passwords over. The AmericanCivil Liberties Union, which is an
organization whose stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country" claims that
"The privacy line should
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Synthesis Essay On Privacy
Over the course of the past few decades, technology has been on a fast track to more advanced opportunities for communication. These developments
have increased efficiency in society, however, it is evident that the basic values, such as privacy of personal information, are compromised
significantly. Privacy is an essential element of a free society and without which, individuals would lose the ability to interact with one another in
private. With the advancements of technology there is a clash between an individuals right to guard their personal information and the power of the
cyber world to penetrate that information. Innovative technologies such as various forms of social media and surveillance are invading the freedom to
said more content...
The recent developments in surveillance technology, however, have diminished said power. For instance, Source F explains how the FBI is "going
to new lengths to eavesdrop" by "secretly installing powerful software that records every keystroke on a computer". This is alarming because people
have no idea they are being watched. Another example of a violation of privacy is described in Source D. Parents are downloading tracking programs
just like the father that "equipped his daughter's cell phone with the monitoring software but didn't tell her what it was." This is the epitome of
violating a person's privacy. The technological advancements in surveillance are nothing short of innovative, but the benefits are simply not worth the
loss of privacy that comes with
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The Right to Privacy Essay
Privacy Laws – For
Privacy laws are established because people have a right to privacy, to an extent. For many years people have argued over their privacy rights, from
online videos, to people spying on them, even people stealing internet. People think that they should be completely secluded from others seeing what
they're doing, but in all reality, there's no stopping people from seeing what you are doing. With more people using the flaws within our media and
lives, we as a society must come to accept the fact that people are watching us.
With new technology coming out, people have a chance to abuse their flaws. Browsers should make it to where hackers are unable to look at their
personal material. We all know that's not happening more content...
"Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school." (U.S. Department of
Education) Because of FERPA, The Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act, parents are able to monitor their student/children progress in school.
If a student were to lie about a grade, the parents have several ways to find out if they were lying. First of all, for Alvarado, we have Skyward, a way
for parents and students to check grades, and with FERPA, they can also get the records themselves. "Protecting Children's Privacy Online – The law
sets out specific guidelines about the online collection of personal information from children under 13." (The U.S. Small Business Administration)
With more creepers and people looking for an easy target, it's so easy for them to get your information. With this law protecting thirteen year olds
and younger, it's harder for them to get to them. My opinion though, is that they should raise the age, teenagers are still young, and they can do some
reckless things either over the web, or in real life. The government is starting to take action in protecting us, but we need to learn to accept it. Yes,
change is difficult to get use to or agree with, but change is good. "Health Information Privacy, the Office
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The Importance Of Information Privacy
Our research rests upon two pillars. The first one is related to how we conceptualize the privacy concept and the other is the model proposed by
Miltgen and Reyrat–Guillard (2014). In our research, we focus on information privacy, which can be categorized as a sub–construct of the general
privacy construct (Smith et. al., 2011). More specifically, we define informationprivacy as factual privacy, which deals with "issues about the access,
collection, dissemination and use of personal factual information" within the context of online social network sites (Zhang et. al., 2011). Our second
pillar is the Miltgen and Peyrat–Guillard model (Miltgen and Peyrat–Guillard, 2014). This model is developed based on a qualitative research, which
uses 14 focus groups from 7 EU countries. The authors study how citizens in E.U. countries decide to disclose and protect their personal information.
The key conclusion of this study is that an E.U. citizen's national culture and age influence both the information privacy concerns and behaviors such as
disclosure and protection strategies. The authors note that younger individuals have a more positive attitude towards data management, feel more
responsible and capable to prevent personal information misuse when compared to older individuals. They further emphasize that younger generation
may have relatively lower information privacy concerns, and this may be related to deploying greater amount of data protection strategies. On the other
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Privacy vs. Security Essay
Ever since day one, people have been developing and creating all sorts of new methods and machines to help better everyday life in one way or
another. Who can forget the invention of the ever–wondrous telephone? And we can't forget how innovative and life–changing computers have been.
However, while all machines have their positive uses, there can also be many negatives depending on how one uses said machines, wiretapping in on
phone conversations, using spyware to quietly survey every keystroke and click one makes, and many other methods of unwanted snooping have
arisen. As a result, laws have been made to make sure these negative uses are not taken advantage of by anyone. But because of how often technology
changes, how can it more content...
However, most people did anyways as it was beneficiary. As a result, there would be times when the government would, without warning or
permission, would burst into a civilian's house to search for the illegal trade goods. This angered the people, and after the United States declared and
achieved their independence, they made sure to make it so the government would never abuse this power again. This assurance takes form as the Fourth
Amendment. The Fourth Amendment states as follows: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. What that basically means, is that the government would not be
allowed to search a person's home or personal documents without a warrant from a court judge. The Fourth Amendment is essentially the spine of all
privacy rights, but it was written in 1789, long before things such as telephones and computers were even in thought. As a result, interpreting this
amendment has become quite a challenge. While it does say it protects a person's physical papers from unreasonable search, does it protect a person's
digital papers as well? (Kuhn 9) The exact details of what the Fourth Amendment covered really began to get fuzzy around the time
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Argumentative Essay On Privacy
Prasanna Kumar Bezavada
Online English 3000(Section–07)
Patricia Raburn
"The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead–lined room with armed guards."(Spafford).
The word privacy has become a buzz word in the current decade compared to how it used to be talked about in the last decade. As we all are aware of
the recent happenings around the world with regards to privacy, we all should be worried that nothing is safe in the times we are living in, as every bit
of information is getting snatched somehow or the other through different channels. This information can be something that is related to our personal,
family or professional life. I believe that individual privacy outweighs money or anything at this moment in the world right now. If we lose money or
property, we can regain it somehow, but if we lose our personal information to someone or an agency, it's challenging to get it back before it gets
Danial J. Solove is an eminent author and a law professor at University of George Washington law school. Dr. Solove introduces the article why
privacy matters if you have "Nothing to Hide" in an interesting way that, In his introduction of the eassy, he puts a valid question to the audience
regarding their current privacy standards. He starts off this article by presenting the views of various people on the most debated topic around the
world at present which is "Nothing to Hide." All throughout the article, Solove tries to make an argument both in a positive and negative tone. He also
supports his arguments with so many valid examples that, it makes you wonder, which side of the coin he stands.
Firstly, after seeing the collective inferences made by the people in the initial paragraphs of the article, Solove explains us in which form should we
look at the argument "Nothing to Hide." If we extremely see the argument, for example, If a person says he has nothing to hide, another person comes
and means, since you have nothing to hide can I take a nude picture of yours and show it to everyone which is an extreme form of taking that
argument. Dr.Solove feels that taking an argument in an exaggerated form isn'ta good thing because
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Persuasive Essay On Privacy
Privacy is the most important right that one has to an individual. There are a lot of interpretations of what the word "privacy" entails. Privacy can go
as far as the "right to be alone" to access to personal information to online privacy and much more. Privacy did not become an asset to Americans until
around the 1960s. Some Americans feel they are losing their right to privacy, others think their right to privacy should be lessened to protect that state
and individuals. Privacy may not be a right found written in the Constitution, but it is a fundamental right and is used throughout the law. If privacy
never came into play, the democratic system that we know today would not be in existence. Throughout history, this has become a controversial
concept because of the expansion of resources and conflicts. Way back when, privacy was never an issue because everybody lived close together in
and knew everyone in their towns. They felt comfortable in their surroundings, so privacy was not questioned. Nobody was worried about terrorism or
murder or even drugs or alcohol. Their transportation and way they lived day to day was a lot different than that of today. There was nothing that
changed their way of life.
Technology has been the big impact on the last few centuries. It is what has shaped the production of privacy and only continues to do so. Cell phones
and the internet have the biggest involvement throughout past generations with privacy. They did not exist until the twentieth century. Today,
everything is different and more developed from back in past and more dangerous. Which leads the government to be more strict on privacy and in
return, leads people to have their thoughts either that the government is taking away their right to privacy or that their right to privacy should be
lessened for their protection.
On one side of the privacy spectrum there are those who believe that government is taking away their right to privacy. For example, some peoples
concern is that technological developments threaten privacy. The rapid growth and involvement of the internet by Americans has expanded the outlook
on it for the government. Therefore, it is no surprise that the government has took privacy rights and the
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Privacy And The Privacy Of Privacy
Privacy is the ability to maintain what or who can access and see your personal content and information. With that, the idea of privacy is different
amongst different cultures and countries, while they all differ, they share common characteristics. The act of sharing ones own personal information is
decision one must make on their own. Privacy is a right that all people should have and the government has the responsibility of maintaining that
right. Data such as personal emails, bank details, medical records, and passwords need to remain safe and secure to ensure privacy is not invaded.
With the controversy of intrusion of privacy, this has forced various governments to make laws and clarifications of laws in multiple countries. For
example, in the United States, the principle underlying meaning of the fourth and the Fifth Amendment is the protection against the invasion of the
sanctity of a person's home and the privacy of life. Now, there are more factors that go into privacy than, say 100 years ago.Between 1850 and 1890,
the United States newspaper circulation increased by 1000% from 100 papers with only 800,000 readers to 900 papers with more than 8 million
readers (Warren & Brandeis). In earlier times, it was much easier to keep your business to yourself, but with the increase in journalism and increase in
technology, it has become progressively harder to keep your privacy. Included in the advances of technology, the first handheld camera, which was
lighter than the
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Essay On Internet Privacy
Subhajit Debnath
SUID 331531789
IST 618 Summer 2017 online
Policy Essay #2
In today's world, Privacy and Security comes hand in hand with internet. Technology allows us free speech and freedom of information over the
internet, by imposing strict laws and policies regulating the privacy and security of our information. According to Richard Clarke, free expression over
the internet and its privacy are two sides of the same coin (Privacy and security(n.d.)). Writing blogs, uploading posts, comments or pictures on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, networking or sharing links on Linkedin are all considered as our free expression and its security is our right. Individual
right more content...
This policy is applicable only on the search engines. The individual can request the search engine companies to not show his information like blogs,
news, videos, articles or websites when someone searches about him. However, the news channels, media, websites or blogs can retain the
information but the search engines cannot show the information publicly on search machines. The individual can only request for putting down the
links, but the decision is on the search engine company if they would accept the individual's request. In my opinion, I believe such law should be
diminished. If this continues, a criminal, a doctor, a pharmacist, an engineer or a politician can remove their earlier misdeeds from the search
engines. People would not be able to access their background and might take some wrong decisions. Individuals can get away from their earlier
malicious deeds just due to this law of 'Right to be Forgotten' that hides such individual's information from the common people. This goes against the
right to get access to information or freedom of information for common people. For example, if a doctor has some negative record about a surgery
that went wrong leading to a patient's death and he removes such information from the search engine, people cannot take the right decision whether to
choose the doctor. Again, people might end up voting a politician who has corruption cases against him. If there is review about a restaurant serving
unhealthy food,
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Privacy: Controversy And Issues
Privacy is a topic that has impacted this new generation more so than others, and more than likely will continue to do so. It has been the source to
much controversy and issues in the past decade. Additionally, it seems like privacy is only becoming more of a hazard rather than a blessing to users
of social media and modalities of communication. Therefore, underscoring this topic and examining its effects, will possibly lead to an understanding
of the rise and potentiality of this sensitive subject. Moreover, in some form or another, people have stumbled across this topic and that is why it is
crucial that it is addressed, so that people can have an understanding of the problem.
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Essay On Invasion Of Privacy
The interest in privacy has been continually growing since the late nineteenth century and will only keep growing as technology continues to improve.
Privacy and technology go hand in hand with today's society being so dependent on electronic devices. The new movement towards law enforcement
wearing body cameras has raised a few concerns over the protection of privacy. For as long as the U.S. has been established there have been laws and
regulations set in place regarding privacy; the right to be let alone. Confidentiality laws give citizens the ability to bring a lawsuit against anyone who
invades his or her privacy. For this same amount of time there have been laws set in place, law enforcement officers have been accused of unjust and
offensive actions regarding ones secrecy. In the late 1970's due to the numbers of complaints growing the police department made a step towards
solving this issue and they implemented the first "dashcam" in the patrol cars. When this device was brought to the police force it provided clear
evidence to be used in the court rooms. With today's use of cell phones to video and provide evidence about a certain situation, many police forces are
adapting the new "bodycam" to use while on duty. The more content...
The privacy law is clearly defined as," 1)intrusion on one's solitude or into one's private affairs; 2) public disclosure of embarrassing private
information; 3) publicity which puts him/her in a false light to the public; 4) appropriation of one's name or picture for personal or commercial
advantage." Judging by the laws that are set in place, the use of a bodycam cannot be an invasion of privacy. While this could be true if the bodycam
was constantly recording, it is not. The body cam is operated by the wearer and only switched on when an officer has any form of confrontation with a
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Persuasive Essay On Privacy
Right to privacy online has increasingly become an issue, especially in society today the rapid development of internet users have more then tripled
according to the next web sources ( It's actually quite depressing that we have evolved into this addiction of constantly craving that
daily need for technology. People practically "live" online and most actually feel that their private information that's being uploaded should be
completely "safe and secluded" from other online users. Let's just take a second to digest the whole concept of "online privacy" because let's be honest
to ourselves, there is no such thing. There's no way to stop hackers and companies from seeing what your doing without being contradicting, how do
you think we catch these people? Investigators invade their privacy to find evidence. These flaws within our media and lives will always be a
constant battle. Society must come to accept the fact that there will always be someone watching you or tracking your every move online. Although
the term "privacy" states that one is not to be observed or disturbed by other people and there is a restricted access and control to our personal data.
Hackers and other ad related companies can easily generate, store, collect, duplicate and distribute data through the Internet as reported in news article
from adweek ( Unfortunetly, the internet is not a private place to be releasing your personal vendettas, whatever they may be. It's virtually
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Essay about Internet Privacy and Security
Technology is great in so many ways. It has provided us with more communication access, access to knowledge at our finger tips, and so much more.
Technology has overall made life easier, but maybe too easy, and has made things a lot less private. This results in us having to be extra careful with
security on the internet. Internet security is important to protect our privacy, protect us from fraud, and from viruses that could destroy a piece of our
technology. Internet privacy and security may be different but share a responsibility, but it is up to us to take personal responsibility to protect
ourselves on the internet. We should pick unique, carful passwords, and never share this sensitive information, and encrypt our data when
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Privacy and Security are both equally important, to internet use.
Did you know that from 2005–2009 the internet scams rose from 100,000 per year to nearly 300, 000 per year (Internet Scam Statistics). From 2010–
2012 it continues to rise beyond 350,000 per year, with a monetary loss of over $300 million per year.
The top 5 internet scams per (Info–graphic Highlights) with the most complaints:
1.14.4 % – Identity theft
2.13.2% – FBI–related scams
3.9.8% – Miscellaneous fraud
4.9.1% – Advance fee fraud
5.8.6% – Spam
Men report 25% higher monetary losses related to internet spam then females. 60 years old or older group reported the most monetary loss than any
other group. (Info–graphic Highlights).
Also (Internet Scam Statistics) reports that the 3 most common locations for internet scams are:
1.65.9% – United States
2.10.4 % – United Kingdom
3.3.1% – China
Security issues with wireless technology also continues to rise, 50% of smartphones were returned even though all of them contained owner contact
information, and 75% of smartphones owners do not password protect their phones (2012 Info–graphic Highlights).
These statistics above only prove the importance of security on the internet. We all have to do our part in protecting ourselves when online. Privacy and
security on the internet are both supported by our ability to protect our own personal information when
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Essay on Privacy vs. Security
Privacy vs. Security
Pictures seen in homes across America and throughout the world of American symbols in flames and crashing a quarter mile to the ground changed
the world forever. The world's last and only superpower had been attacked in a way only conceivable in a Hollywood script. However, the physical
destruction that resulted was not necessarily the biggest loss that the United States faced. The emotional destruction of Americans could be considered
much greater and can be captured in one word: "fear." Because of this fear, most Americans were more willing to sacrifice many of thefreedoms that
make this country great in exchange for added security. United States citizens were much more concerned about more content...
Also, is the security of Americans more important than the privacy of individuals around the world?
Legal Issues
Legal Issues in America ? The Constitution, privacy laws, and the Patriot Act
The Constitution, and more specifically the Bill of Rights, grants certain freedoms to all United States citizens. The major role of most governments is
to protects its citizens and to punish those who take the right to life away from others. So, security is an important function of governments. In
response to the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001, the United States passed the USA/Patriot Act, which granted the federal government increased
surveillance privileges.7 It gave U.S. intelligence agencies a greater degree of freedom of spying within the United States. It chips away at many of the
freedoms that were granted in the Constitution by expanding record searches, secret searches, intelligence searches, and "trap and trace" searches of
According to Timothy Lynch of the Cato Institute on the Patriot Act, "The assumption has been that there was simply too much liberty and privacy in
America ? and that federal law–enforcement agencies did not have enough power."5 However, in addition to protecting the right to life, it is implied
that the founders of the United States also believed in the right of privacy even though it is not explicitly stated in the Constitution. Former U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Louis
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Personal Privacy
The purpose of this paper is to explain what I use to protect my personal privacy. There are many different things that can be use to protect someone's
information and keep hackers from accessing their computer. Some people use anti–virus, firewalls and anti–spam software to help protect their
personal privacy. As we all know with today's technology having just anti–virus or firewalls are not good enough, but having something is better than
nothing. They do not protect you from new or custom–made viruses and evil–scripts. There is no one solution to protect you from Identity Theft, it's just
too many threats to keep up with, and having one software will not do the job for you. One key to protecting your information would more
A packet filter will monitor all packets leaving and entering my computer. If I am going to leave data on my machine I will usually encrypt it,
which makes it much harder to access it. By me encrypting my data no one will be able to access it unless they have the password or secret key that
allows them to be able to decrypt it. Those are just the few things that I use on my computer to protect my personal privacy. The most important
element of protecting my personal privacy is me, because if I don't put it out there or leave it on my computer then no one can access
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Essay On Privacy

  • 1. Essay on Privacy Ensuring Your Privacy "Privacy. There seems to be no legal issue today that cuts so wide a swath through conflicts confronting American society. From AIDS tests to wiretaps, polygraph tests to computerized data bases, the common denominator has been whether the right to privacy outweighs other concerns of society....." Robert Ellis Smith, the Privacy Journal Computers have been a very instrumental technology that has greatly advanced the ways in which we now do things such as; business, daily activities, shopping, scheduling appointments, and many other things. And with more and more people using the Internet, more and more information being passed over the Internet, more problems arise. The Internet has been an advance more content... Microsoft, the computer software company, is powerful because it designs the operating system that millions of people use to organize and transmit data. The Washington Post is powerful because it screens, sorts, and defines "the news" for influential readers (Bacard, 33). The average person has little power because he absorbs data form others rather than transmitting data to others. Computer companies have been trying to come up with ways in which a person can have some assemblage of privacy. Privacy is important to people. People do not want others to be able to get this information. Privacy is about power. Information, in the hands of people who know how to use it, is power (Bacard, 33). John Fiske argues in Power Plays, Power Works that people are divided in two distinct groups; the "haves" and the "have nots." The "haves" are those with imperializing power, the dominating group. Localizing power would be the group of the "have nots." Localizing power refers to the weaker, resistant group. Privacy relates to Fiske's theory quite explicitly. The government, criminals, and businesses would be the "haves," while everyday citizens would be the "have nots." Everyday people do not have the power to ensure their privacy like the "haves" do. This is mainly because the imperializing powers try to prohibit the localizing powers from ensuring their privacy. The government has Get more content on
  • 2. Privacy Issues in Social Media Essay Privacy Issues in Social Media Social Media is a current way in which people are using to interact with one another daily. Since the launch of various Social Networking Sites (SNS) its been a huge attraction in a new way to share information with others and correspond with interests of your choice in many different forms. Although social media sites allow users to share information with friends and other sites on theinternet, many people are unaware of how their privacy is getting out. Now that the expansion of global connection through these social media networking sites are so highly present in todays society, giving us easy access to information, the lack of one's privacy is being diminished. Everyday peoples privacy rights more content... In the beginning of 2004 is when social media users see Piczo, Flickr, Mixi and Facebook only in Harvard college introduced. Piczo and Flickr revolved around mainly pictures being shared and Mixi was one of Japans top social media sites. At this time, Facebook was only allowed to be used in the Harvard College where it was designed by Mark Zuckerberg. It was not until 2005 when Facebook launched a site for high school students as well. This is where the profits of advertising set in for the social media network and the way we share things online transformed and expanded drastically. In addition,during 2005, is when Youtube took off and started storing and retrieving videos for the public. Twitter was then launched in 2006 as a social networking site that let members send and receive messages called tweets. By experience with using Twitter you can only send 140 words/ characters to one another and they can be seen by anyone unless you set your controls to be a private account. However, if you add a hashtag to one of your tweets it can be seen by anyone that searches that hashtag and is related to one anothers tweets regardless of your privacy settings. . In Friends Without Borders by Dan Fletcher he argues that Facebook is using its capabilities to get users to share more information that may be critical to their success but not yours. Facebook Get more content on
  • 3. Reflection On Privacy Growing up in the digital age with unprecedented rates of technological proliferation allows a dependency on technology to seem inevitable. Some characterize millennials as possessing an increased willingness to sacrifice privacy for security and an increased sense of freedom that comes with convenience. However, a counter–argument could claim that for those who are aware of the inherent risk associated with technology can utilize precautions to effectively minimize the threat that it poses to the privacy of an individual. This essay aims to reflect on my own personal philosophies, values, and behaviors regarding privacy by putting myself into "conversation" with various texts. The first article, "Privacy and Technology in the Twenty–First Century" by Mark A. Rothstein is used to introduce how I view privacy in the context of current day technology. The second article, "The Private I: Privacy in a Public World" by F. Gonzalez–Crussi introduces the underlying cultural values that shape my privacy beliefs. The third article "Privacy and Narrativity in the Internet Era" by J.C Buitelaar introduces the possible explanations for my privacy practices and behaviors. Putting myself into conversation with these text aids in the development of a holistic view encompassing the concepts that influence my values, attitudes, and behaviors regarding privacy. Personal space and time away from the scrutiny of the public eye are necessary for the continued emotional and psychological health Get more content on
  • 4. Privacy in a Digital World Essay Privacy in a Digital World The history of privacy in the United States is a storied one. The context of the 4 th Amendment to the Constitution has been debated for years to determine if the "right to privacy" is a constitutionally guaranteed right. Additionally, many people are technologically ignorant of what behaviors and activities will put them at risk. The "Carnivore" is a good example of an historic digital technology that generated privacy concerns. The Carnivore was a digital intelligence gathering tool that was supposed to be used by the FBI to fight crime. People's concerns about the tool were so vocal, however, it was never used. Currently, there are specific laws governing the protection of digital privacy. more content... Corporations who use data mining techniques in order to more accurately target their products and services sometimes compromise the privacy of the consumers they wish to court. Entire enterprises have been created and sustained by the private sector's desire to market goods and services to the specific demographic that most closely matches their "ideal consumer." While in most cases the pursuit and use of this information is legal, there can be no denying that it compromises the privacy of the consumer, whether they know their privacy is being compromised or not. Government entities that use the provisions of the Patriot Act sometimes compromise the privacy of private citizens in their efforts to safeguard the United States. Examples of this can be found as early as 2003, when the U.S. government used the provisions of the Patriot Act to data mine private information from Las Vegas hotels, acting on a tip that some sort of terrorist activity would take place during the New Year's celebration. Additionally, the use of illegal wire taps has been documented against the 2 Page 3 U.S. government. The new domestic spying bill will also surely be vetoed if it "unduly limits the administration's authority to eavesdrop without warrants." Personal privacy has been compromised on every level with the advent of the digitization of our society. The availability of personal information Get more content on
  • 5. Privacy Is An Invasion To Privacy The right to privacy is granted to all American citizens under the fourth amendment. However, this rule doesn't seem to apply to us anymore in modern times. The main purpose of technology and the internet are to give people more 'freedom', and to connect us with the world much faster. But this freedom comes with a price; that is privacy. Privacy is being invaded in numerous ways through everyday devices since an enourmous are being surveillanced. The use and advancements of technology has invaded privacy greatly because of social media and trackers on people's everyday devices, therefore citizens should be educated on technology use. A main reason that tech surveillance is an invasion to privacy is because of the use of social media. On the one hand, some argue that social media is a main factor of the disturbance of privacy. Social media, especially popular ones such as Facebook or Twitter are known to leak and collect personal data without the user even knowing. Despite the fact that there are large amounts of privacy settings that are offered on these sites, they are not much help to protect a user's privacy. A great deal of job applicants, students, and employees are being demanded to hand over their Facebook and other social media passwords over. The AmericanCivil Liberties Union, which is an organization whose stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country" claims that "The privacy line should Get more content on
  • 6. Synthesis Essay On Privacy Over the course of the past few decades, technology has been on a fast track to more advanced opportunities for communication. These developments have increased efficiency in society, however, it is evident that the basic values, such as privacy of personal information, are compromised significantly. Privacy is an essential element of a free society and without which, individuals would lose the ability to interact with one another in private. With the advancements of technology there is a clash between an individuals right to guard their personal information and the power of the cyber world to penetrate that information. Innovative technologies such as various forms of social media and surveillance are invading the freedom to said more content... The recent developments in surveillance technology, however, have diminished said power. For instance, Source F explains how the FBI is "going to new lengths to eavesdrop" by "secretly installing powerful software that records every keystroke on a computer". This is alarming because people have no idea they are being watched. Another example of a violation of privacy is described in Source D. Parents are downloading tracking programs just like the father that "equipped his daughter's cell phone with the monitoring software but didn't tell her what it was." This is the epitome of violating a person's privacy. The technological advancements in surveillance are nothing short of innovative, but the benefits are simply not worth the loss of privacy that comes with Get more content on
  • 7. The Right to Privacy Essay Privacy Laws – For Privacy laws are established because people have a right to privacy, to an extent. For many years people have argued over their privacy rights, from online videos, to people spying on them, even people stealing internet. People think that they should be completely secluded from others seeing what they're doing, but in all reality, there's no stopping people from seeing what you are doing. With more people using the flaws within our media and lives, we as a society must come to accept the fact that people are watching us. With new technology coming out, people have a chance to abuse their flaws. Browsers should make it to where hackers are unable to look at their personal material. We all know that's not happening more content... "Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school." (U.S. Department of Education) Because of FERPA, The Family Educational Rights andPrivacy Act, parents are able to monitor their student/children progress in school. If a student were to lie about a grade, the parents have several ways to find out if they were lying. First of all, for Alvarado, we have Skyward, a way for parents and students to check grades, and with FERPA, they can also get the records themselves. "Protecting Children's Privacy Online – The law sets out specific guidelines about the online collection of personal information from children under 13." (The U.S. Small Business Administration) With more creepers and people looking for an easy target, it's so easy for them to get your information. With this law protecting thirteen year olds and younger, it's harder for them to get to them. My opinion though, is that they should raise the age, teenagers are still young, and they can do some reckless things either over the web, or in real life. The government is starting to take action in protecting us, but we need to learn to accept it. Yes, change is difficult to get use to or agree with, but change is good. "Health Information Privacy, the Office Get more content on
  • 8. The Importance Of Information Privacy Our research rests upon two pillars. The first one is related to how we conceptualize the privacy concept and the other is the model proposed by Miltgen and Reyrat–Guillard (2014). In our research, we focus on information privacy, which can be categorized as a sub–construct of the general privacy construct (Smith et. al., 2011). More specifically, we define informationprivacy as factual privacy, which deals with "issues about the access, collection, dissemination and use of personal factual information" within the context of online social network sites (Zhang et. al., 2011). Our second pillar is the Miltgen and Peyrat–Guillard model (Miltgen and Peyrat–Guillard, 2014). This model is developed based on a qualitative research, which uses 14 focus groups from 7 EU countries. The authors study how citizens in E.U. countries decide to disclose and protect their personal information. The key conclusion of this study is that an E.U. citizen's national culture and age influence both the information privacy concerns and behaviors such as disclosure and protection strategies. The authors note that younger individuals have a more positive attitude towards data management, feel more responsible and capable to prevent personal information misuse when compared to older individuals. They further emphasize that younger generation may have relatively lower information privacy concerns, and this may be related to deploying greater amount of data protection strategies. On the other hand, Get more content on
  • 9. Privacy vs. Security Essay Ever since day one, people have been developing and creating all sorts of new methods and machines to help better everyday life in one way or another. Who can forget the invention of the ever–wondrous telephone? And we can't forget how innovative and life–changing computers have been. However, while all machines have their positive uses, there can also be many negatives depending on how one uses said machines, wiretapping in on phone conversations, using spyware to quietly survey every keystroke and click one makes, and many other methods of unwanted snooping have arisen. As a result, laws have been made to make sure these negative uses are not taken advantage of by anyone. But because of how often technology changes, how can it more content... However, most people did anyways as it was beneficiary. As a result, there would be times when the government would, without warning or permission, would burst into a civilian's house to search for the illegal trade goods. This angered the people, and after the United States declared and achieved their independence, they made sure to make it so the government would never abuse this power again. This assurance takes form as the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment states as follows: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. What that basically means, is that the government would not be allowed to search a person's home or personal documents without a warrant from a court judge. The Fourth Amendment is essentially the spine of all privacy rights, but it was written in 1789, long before things such as telephones and computers were even in thought. As a result, interpreting this amendment has become quite a challenge. While it does say it protects a person's physical papers from unreasonable search, does it protect a person's digital papers as well? (Kuhn 9) The exact details of what the Fourth Amendment covered really began to get fuzzy around the time Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Privacy Prasanna Kumar Bezavada Online English 3000(Section–07) Patricia Raburn 29–10–17 Privacy++ "The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead–lined room with armed guards."(Spafford). The word privacy has become a buzz word in the current decade compared to how it used to be talked about in the last decade. As we all are aware of the recent happenings around the world with regards to privacy, we all should be worried that nothing is safe in the times we are living in, as every bit of information is getting snatched somehow or the other through different channels. This information can be something that is related to our personal, family or professional life. I believe that individual privacy outweighs money or anything at this moment in the world right now. If we lose money or property, we can regain it somehow, but if we lose our personal information to someone or an agency, it's challenging to get it back before it gets misused. Danial J. Solove is an eminent author and a law professor at University of George Washington law school. Dr. Solove introduces the article why privacy matters if you have "Nothing to Hide" in an interesting way that, In his introduction of the eassy, he puts a valid question to the audience regarding their current privacy standards. He starts off this article by presenting the views of various people on the most debated topic around the world at present which is "Nothing to Hide." All throughout the article, Solove tries to make an argument both in a positive and negative tone. He also supports his arguments with so many valid examples that, it makes you wonder, which side of the coin he stands. Firstly, after seeing the collective inferences made by the people in the initial paragraphs of the article, Solove explains us in which form should we look at the argument "Nothing to Hide." If we extremely see the argument, for example, If a person says he has nothing to hide, another person comes and means, since you have nothing to hide can I take a nude picture of yours and show it to everyone which is an extreme form of taking that argument. Dr.Solove feels that taking an argument in an exaggerated form isn'ta good thing because Get more content on
  • 11. Persuasive Essay On Privacy Privacy is the most important right that one has to an individual. There are a lot of interpretations of what the word "privacy" entails. Privacy can go as far as the "right to be alone" to access to personal information to online privacy and much more. Privacy did not become an asset to Americans until around the 1960s. Some Americans feel they are losing their right to privacy, others think their right to privacy should be lessened to protect that state and individuals. Privacy may not be a right found written in the Constitution, but it is a fundamental right and is used throughout the law. If privacy never came into play, the democratic system that we know today would not be in existence. Throughout history, this has become a controversial concept because of the expansion of resources and conflicts. Way back when, privacy was never an issue because everybody lived close together in and knew everyone in their towns. They felt comfortable in their surroundings, so privacy was not questioned. Nobody was worried about terrorism or murder or even drugs or alcohol. Their transportation and way they lived day to day was a lot different than that of today. There was nothing that changed their way of life. Technology has been the big impact on the last few centuries. It is what has shaped the production of privacy and only continues to do so. Cell phones and the internet have the biggest involvement throughout past generations with privacy. They did not exist until the twentieth century. Today, everything is different and more developed from back in past and more dangerous. Which leads the government to be more strict on privacy and in return, leads people to have their thoughts either that the government is taking away their right to privacy or that their right to privacy should be lessened for their protection. On one side of the privacy spectrum there are those who believe that government is taking away their right to privacy. For example, some peoples concern is that technological developments threaten privacy. The rapid growth and involvement of the internet by Americans has expanded the outlook on it for the government. Therefore, it is no surprise that the government has took privacy rights and the Get more content on
  • 12. Privacy And The Privacy Of Privacy Privacy is the ability to maintain what or who can access and see your personal content and information. With that, the idea of privacy is different amongst different cultures and countries, while they all differ, they share common characteristics. The act of sharing ones own personal information is decision one must make on their own. Privacy is a right that all people should have and the government has the responsibility of maintaining that right. Data such as personal emails, bank details, medical records, and passwords need to remain safe and secure to ensure privacy is not invaded. With the controversy of intrusion of privacy, this has forced various governments to make laws and clarifications of laws in multiple countries. For example, in the United States, the principle underlying meaning of the fourth and the Fifth Amendment is the protection against the invasion of the sanctity of a person's home and the privacy of life. Now, there are more factors that go into privacy than, say 100 years ago.Between 1850 and 1890, the United States newspaper circulation increased by 1000% from 100 papers with only 800,000 readers to 900 papers with more than 8 million readers (Warren & Brandeis). In earlier times, it was much easier to keep your business to yourself, but with the increase in journalism and increase in technology, it has become progressively harder to keep your privacy. Included in the advances of technology, the first handheld camera, which was lighter than the Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Internet Privacy Subhajit Debnath SUID 331531789 IST 618 Summer 2017 online Policy Essay #2 Privacy In today's world, Privacy and Security comes hand in hand with internet. Technology allows us free speech and freedom of information over the internet, by imposing strict laws and policies regulating the privacy and security of our information. According to Richard Clarke, free expression over the internet and its privacy are two sides of the same coin (Privacy and security(n.d.)). Writing blogs, uploading posts, comments or pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, networking or sharing links on Linkedin are all considered as our free expression and its security is our right. Individual right more content... This policy is applicable only on the search engines. The individual can request the search engine companies to not show his information like blogs, news, videos, articles or websites when someone searches about him. However, the news channels, media, websites or blogs can retain the information but the search engines cannot show the information publicly on search machines. The individual can only request for putting down the links, but the decision is on the search engine company if they would accept the individual's request. In my opinion, I believe such law should be diminished. If this continues, a criminal, a doctor, a pharmacist, an engineer or a politician can remove their earlier misdeeds from the search engines. People would not be able to access their background and might take some wrong decisions. Individuals can get away from their earlier malicious deeds just due to this law of 'Right to be Forgotten' that hides such individual's information from the common people. This goes against the right to get access to information or freedom of information for common people. For example, if a doctor has some negative record about a surgery that went wrong leading to a patient's death and he removes such information from the search engine, people cannot take the right decision whether to choose the doctor. Again, people might end up voting a politician who has corruption cases against him. If there is review about a restaurant serving unhealthy food, Get more content on
  • 14. Privacy: Controversy And Issues Privacy is a topic that has impacted this new generation more so than others, and more than likely will continue to do so. It has been the source to much controversy and issues in the past decade. Additionally, it seems like privacy is only becoming more of a hazard rather than a blessing to users of social media and modalities of communication. Therefore, underscoring this topic and examining its effects, will possibly lead to an understanding of the rise and potentiality of this sensitive subject. Moreover, in some form or another, people have stumbled across this topic and that is why it is crucial that it is addressed, so that people can have an understanding of the problem. Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Invasion Of Privacy The interest in privacy has been continually growing since the late nineteenth century and will only keep growing as technology continues to improve. Privacy and technology go hand in hand with today's society being so dependent on electronic devices. The new movement towards law enforcement wearing body cameras has raised a few concerns over the protection of privacy. For as long as the U.S. has been established there have been laws and regulations set in place regarding privacy; the right to be let alone. Confidentiality laws give citizens the ability to bring a lawsuit against anyone who invades his or her privacy. For this same amount of time there have been laws set in place, law enforcement officers have been accused of unjust and offensive actions regarding ones secrecy. In the late 1970's due to the numbers of complaints growing the police department made a step towards solving this issue and they implemented the first "dashcam" in the patrol cars. When this device was brought to the police force it provided clear evidence to be used in the court rooms. With today's use of cell phones to video and provide evidence about a certain situation, many police forces are adapting the new "bodycam" to use while on duty. The more content... The privacy law is clearly defined as," 1)intrusion on one's solitude or into one's private affairs; 2) public disclosure of embarrassing private information; 3) publicity which puts him/her in a false light to the public; 4) appropriation of one's name or picture for personal or commercial advantage." Judging by the laws that are set in place, the use of a bodycam cannot be an invasion of privacy. While this could be true if the bodycam was constantly recording, it is not. The body cam is operated by the wearer and only switched on when an officer has any form of confrontation with a Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Privacy Right to privacy online has increasingly become an issue, especially in society today the rapid development of internet users have more then tripled according to the next web sources ( It's actually quite depressing that we have evolved into this addiction of constantly craving that daily need for technology. People practically "live" online and most actually feel that their private information that's being uploaded should be completely "safe and secluded" from other online users. Let's just take a second to digest the whole concept of "online privacy" because let's be honest to ourselves, there is no such thing. There's no way to stop hackers and companies from seeing what your doing without being contradicting, how do you think we catch these people? Investigators invade their privacy to find evidence. These flaws within our media and lives will always be a constant battle. Society must come to accept the fact that there will always be someone watching you or tracking your every move online. Although the term "privacy" states that one is not to be observed or disturbed by other people and there is a restricted access and control to our personal data. Hackers and other ad related companies can easily generate, store, collect, duplicate and distribute data through the Internet as reported in news article from adweek ( Unfortunetly, the internet is not a private place to be releasing your personal vendettas, whatever they may be. It's virtually Get more content on
  • 17. Essay about Internet Privacy and Security Technology is great in so many ways. It has provided us with more communication access, access to knowledge at our finger tips, and so much more. Technology has overall made life easier, but maybe too easy, and has made things a lot less private. This results in us having to be extra careful with security on the internet. Internet security is important to protect our privacy, protect us from fraud, and from viruses that could destroy a piece of our technology. Internet privacy and security may be different but share a responsibility, but it is up to us to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves on the internet. We should pick unique, carful passwords, and never share this sensitive information, and encrypt our data when more content... Privacy and Security are both equally important, to internet use. Did you know that from 2005–2009 the internet scams rose from 100,000 per year to nearly 300, 000 per year (Internet Scam Statistics). From 2010– 2012 it continues to rise beyond 350,000 per year, with a monetary loss of over $300 million per year. The top 5 internet scams per (Info–graphic Highlights) with the most complaints: 1.14.4 % – Identity theft 2.13.2% – FBI–related scams 3.9.8% – Miscellaneous fraud 4.9.1% – Advance fee fraud 5.8.6% – Spam Men report 25% higher monetary losses related to internet spam then females. 60 years old or older group reported the most monetary loss than any other group. (Info–graphic Highlights). Also (Internet Scam Statistics) reports that the 3 most common locations for internet scams are: 1.65.9% – United States 2.10.4 % – United Kingdom 3.3.1% – China Security issues with wireless technology also continues to rise, 50% of smartphones were returned even though all of them contained owner contact information, and 75% of smartphones owners do not password protect their phones (2012 Info–graphic Highlights). These statistics above only prove the importance of security on the internet. We all have to do our part in protecting ourselves when online. Privacy and security on the internet are both supported by our ability to protect our own personal information when
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  • 19. Essay on Privacy vs. Security Privacy vs. Security Introduction Pictures seen in homes across America and throughout the world of American symbols in flames and crashing a quarter mile to the ground changed the world forever. The world's last and only superpower had been attacked in a way only conceivable in a Hollywood script. However, the physical destruction that resulted was not necessarily the biggest loss that the United States faced. The emotional destruction of Americans could be considered much greater and can be captured in one word: "fear." Because of this fear, most Americans were more willing to sacrifice many of thefreedoms that make this country great in exchange for added security. United States citizens were much more concerned about more content... Also, is the security of Americans more important than the privacy of individuals around the world? Legal Issues Legal Issues in America ? The Constitution, privacy laws, and the Patriot Act The Constitution, and more specifically the Bill of Rights, grants certain freedoms to all United States citizens. The major role of most governments is to protects its citizens and to punish those who take the right to life away from others. So, security is an important function of governments. In response to the September 11th terrorist attacks in 2001, the United States passed the USA/Patriot Act, which granted the federal government increased surveillance privileges.7 It gave U.S. intelligence agencies a greater degree of freedom of spying within the United States. It chips away at many of the freedoms that were granted in the Constitution by expanding record searches, secret searches, intelligence searches, and "trap and trace" searches of communications.4 According to Timothy Lynch of the Cato Institute on the Patriot Act, "The assumption has been that there was simply too much liberty and privacy in America ? and that federal law–enforcement agencies did not have enough power."5 However, in addition to protecting the right to life, it is implied that the founders of the United States also believed in the right of privacy even though it is not explicitly stated in the Constitution. Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis
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  • 21. Personal Privacy Abstract The purpose of this paper is to explain what I use to protect my personal privacy. There are many different things that can be use to protect someone's information and keep hackers from accessing their computer. Some people use anti–virus, firewalls and anti–spam software to help protect their personal privacy. As we all know with today's technology having just anti–virus or firewalls are not good enough, but having something is better than nothing. They do not protect you from new or custom–made viruses and evil–scripts. There is no one solution to protect you from Identity Theft, it's just too many threats to keep up with, and having one software will not do the job for you. One key to protecting your information would more content... A packet filter will monitor all packets leaving and entering my computer. If I am going to leave data on my machine I will usually encrypt it, which makes it much harder to access it. By me encrypting my data no one will be able to access it unless they have the password or secret key that allows them to be able to decrypt it. Those are just the few things that I use on my computer to protect my personal privacy. The most important element of protecting my personal privacy is me, because if I don't put it out there or leave it on my computer then no one can access Get more content on