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Welcome to ESE – a school where you are made
                                                                           to feel at home as you study and work hard to reach
                                                                           your goals.

                                                                           At ESE we understand that your decision to learn English
                                                                           for life is an investment in your future. Whichever
                                                                           academic or career path you have chosen to follow,
                                                                           our team of academic staff and qualified teachers offer
                                                                           you the necessary support and guidance to help you
                                                                           achieve your objectives.

                                                                           Our long list of prestigious accreditations and
                                                                           our academic track record of successful students’
                                                                           results are your guarantee that we are committed
                                                                           to high standards and quality teaching across all our
                                                                           academic courses.

                                                                           Sean LeGault
Your decision to learn English for life is an investment in your future.   Chief Executive Officer & Director

Why choose ESE?                                         6

Why Malta?                                              9

Academics                                              10

Exam Preparation Courses                               12

Academic Year Course                                   14

University Foundation Programme                        16

Tourism and Hospitality Courses                        18

CTH Diploma Level Programmes                           20

Work Placement                                         21

International Computer Driving Licence                 23

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)   24

Accommodation                                          26

Your Social Experience                                 29

ESE Facilities and Services                            30

Course Comparison Grid                                 31

     Why choose ESE?                                                                                                                                                      PROGRAMMES

     You may have decided to learn English            To maximise your learning opportunities, you    school hours and frequent use teaches you
                                                      are exposed to language in use in natural       how to take responsibility for your own
     for life for a variety of reasons. Perhaps
                                                      and authentic contexts and given activities     learning. Our teachers give you regular
     you need to pass an English exam to              with real communicative value to carry out      tutorials on how to use the e-learning site
     gain admission into university or you            in small groups or pairs. This, followed by     as well as tips on how you can maximise your
     hope to improve your job prospects               personalised feedback, remedial and further     learning experience through this blended
                                                      practice opportunities by our qualified and     mode of study. It’s all about learning for life.
     by becoming fluent in ‘global English’.          experienced teachers, is the key to your
     Whatever your reasons, at ESE we                 success.                                        Learning for Life –
     understand that, as an individual, you                                                           your social learning                                                     Adult
     have specific learning objectives, your          ESE e-learning                                  experience                                                     Top Nationalities
     own preferred learning style and that            Free access to our e-learning programme
                                                                                                      Your language learning experience isn’t
                                                      allows you to combine face-to-face teaching
     you bring your own rich history of                                                               confined to the classroom. Your ESE social         German14%
                                                      with online self-study from the moment you
     language learning experience to the                                                              experience gives you more opportunities
                                                      book your course till 3 months after your
                                                                                                      to practise English in a real-world context        Italian                12%
     classroom.                                       course is over. It is up to you to determine
                                                                                                      and to process language in real time. By
                                                      your own study plan, focus on the skills you                                                       Russian                12%
                                                                                                      joining ESE-organised social activities, you
                                                      need most, work extra exam practice papers
     ESE Methodology places                                                                           are immersed in an English speaking context        Czech                   9%
                                                      for that upcoming English exam, choose
                                                                                                      with endless opportunities to interact with
     you at the heart of your                         topics that tweak your interest at the right
                                                                                                      other multilingual language learners like
                                                                                                                                                         Turkish                 9%
                                                      language level for you and monitor your
     learning                                         own progress.
                                                                                                      yourself and make new friends. You can             Austrian                7%
                                                                                                      continue to practise your core skills and
     As an ESE learner of English, you are an
                                                                                                      interact with other ESE language learners by
                                                                                                                                                         Dutch                   7%
     active participant in your learning process.     ESE – How blended will                          networking socially online and chatting to         Swiss                   7%
     Our courses are student-centred and are
     designed to equip you with the linguistic
                                                      you go?                                         others through our ever-growing Facebook
                                                                                                      database of fans.                                  Spanish                 5%
     tools necessary for you to develop your skills   By blending face-to-face teaching with online
     holistically. This means that you develop all    self-study, you reach your learning goals       Studying at ESE means learning for life from       Korean                  5%
     your core language skills equally: listening,    quicker. The online learning programme          an experience you choose to shape... Our
                                                                                                                                                         Japanese                4%
     speaking, reading and writing.                   allows you to work at your own pace after       Team is here to welcome You!
                                                                                                                                                         French                  2%
         As an individual, you have specific learning objectives.                                                                                        Other                   7%

6                                                                                                                                                     7

                       Why Malta?                                                                                                                            PROGRAMMES

                       What better way to learn English than to study on a sunny island in the heart of
                       the Mediterranean where English is an official language?                                                                       EUROPE

                       Mostly known for its crystal clear waters,        If you enjoy the clubbing scene, drop in at                                 ITALY

                       all year-round mild Mediterranean climate         one of the nightclubs or casinos dotting the
                       and the locals’ hospitality, Malta has been       streets of Paceville, the island’s entertainment
                                                                                                                            M edit er r anean S ea
                       welcoming English language students for           hub. If you prefer something quieter, you may
                       more than half a century and has earned a         prefer to stroll along the Spinola waterfront
                       reputation as a centre of excellence in the       or eat at one of the upmarket restaurants                              THE MALTESE ISLANDS

                       EFL industry.                                     offering international cuisine.                      NORTH AFRICA

                       Malta boasts one of the lowest crime rates        If you are more of the adventurous type, you
                       in Europe, making it a safe language study        could trek to one of the bays on the Northern
                       destination. It is easy and relatively cheap      and Western shorelines such as Mellieha Bay
                       to get around by public transport and the         or Golden Bay, go rock climbing or abseiling                        M edi ter r anean S ea

                       distances you have to travel are quite short.     along the rugged coastline, scuba diving in
                       In fact, it won’t take you more than an hour      waters renowned for their visibility, sailing                                 COMINO
                       to get from one tip of the island to the other!   or maybe even discover Malta and its sister
                                                                         islands by bicycle.
                       Yet despite Malta’s small size, you will be                                                                                       MALTA            St Julian’s

                       amazed by what the island has to offer.           If you are following a long-term course, you                                          Valletta

                       With over 7000 years of history, there is         may be tempted to hop on a plane and visit
                       no shortage of historical sites to visit. Just    one or two European cities which are no
                       walk through the streets of the capital city      more than a 2 and a half hour flight away
                       Valletta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and       from Malta.
                       admire the numerous architectural treasures
                                                                         Whatever your reasons for learning English,
                       all over the city. And if you really want to                                                                     And for just a short
                                                                         you will find that Malta is a fascinating base
                       experience a sense of history, make sure
                                                                         where you can learn English. And for just a
                                                                                                                                     while, you’ll be happy
                       you visit some of the oldest temples in
                                                                         short while, you’ll be happy to call this little            to call this little island
                       the world – Ggantija, Hagar Qim, Mnajdra
                                                                         island your home.                                                    your home.
                       and the Hypogeum – the only prehistoric
                       underground temple in the world.

8                                                                                                                        9
Academics                                                                              Our Teachers
                                                                                                                                            Accredited Trinity
                                                                                                                                            Examination Centre
                                                                                           Our pool of permanent EFL teachers are           ESE is an accredited Trinity examination
                                                                                           friendly, experienced and well-qualified to
                                                                                                                                            centre for GESE (Graded Examinations in
                                                                                           teach you and offer you all the support you
    Understanding our Language Levels                                                      need. Native-level speakers, our teachers
                                                                                                                                            Spoken English) and ISE (Integrated Skills in
                                                                                                                                            English). Teachers are trained by Trinity to
                                                                                           are adept at helping you define and reach        deliver GESE and ISE examination courses
         ESE            CEFR                                                               your learning objectives. Whatever your          in preparation for the exams.
        Level           Level                                                              language level, you follow classes at the
                                                                                           right level for you.                             Personal Attention
                                     You can understand almost everything you hear
            8                        or read. You can express yourself spontaneously                                                        Small classes ensure that you are given
                          C2         and fluently on most topics, including abstract and   Continuous Professional                          personalised attention, feedback on your
                                     complex ones.                                         Development                                      progress and numerous opportunities for
            7             C1
                                     You can express yourself fluently, effectively and                                                     interaction with your teacher.
       Advanced                      accurately in most situations.                        Every year our teachers participate in Teacher
                                                                                           Training courses as part of their Continuous
            6                        You can communicate easily and effectively on a
                                                                                           Professional Development (CPD) and follow
                                                                                                                                            Our School Facilities
         Upper            B2         wide range of topics and easily understand the main
                                                                                           workshops in a range of EFL teaching areas
     Intermediate                    ideas of complex texts.                                                                                ESE school is a large modern school with
                                                                                           such as how to: use Interactive Whiteboards      60 well-lit classrooms. Classrooms are
                                     You can understand and interact in a variety of
                                                                                           effectively to bring the real world into the     air-conditioned and many are equipped
            5            B1.2
                                     social situations but may sometimes find that your
                                                                                           classroom, make lessons dynamic, create
     Intermediate                    vocabulary range and ability to use more complex                                                       with interactive whiteboards. Free Wi-Fi is
                                     structures accurately and fluently is limited.        in-house teaching resources to make              available throughout the school. The school
                                                                                           lessons more interesting and encourage           houses 2 computer labs where you can log
                                     You can interact in everyday social and travel
            4                        situations and understand some of what you hear       you to become an independent and life-           onto the ESE e-learning programme for
         Low             B1.1        or read. You have a reasonable vocabulary and         long learner of English once you finish your     self-study and research after your lessons.
     Intermediate                    knowledge of basic grammar structures.                course. CPD ensures that our teachers are        A Self-Access Centre/Library is available
                                                                                           always up-to-date with new teaching trends       for you to borrow learning tools such as
            3                        You have basic vocabulary and can communicate
          Pre-            A2         in everyday situations such as shopping, meeting      and technology so that you experience the        dictionaries, DVDs and graded readers which
     Intermediate                    people and travelling.                                highest standards of teaching.                   allow you to consolidate your class-based
                                     You can interact in a simple way and understand a                                                      learning and progress to more challenging
            2             A1         few basic English words and phrases for immediate     Methodology                                      readers as you become more confident in
      Elementary                     situations as well as familiar topics.                                                                 your use of English.
                                                                                           ESE methodology places you, the learner, at
                                     You can use and understand rehearsed situation-
            1          Starter       specific phrases and a few basic English words on     the centre of your lessons. Teachers develop     Additional Support
        Starter                      very familiar topics                                  their lessons to ensure that you are actively
                                                                                           involved in your learning process and that       At ESE we have an open door policy so our
    CEFR refers to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
                                                                                           you are given maximum opportunities for          Director of Studies and Academic managers
                                                                                           interaction. Small group activities and pair     are always available to discuss any academic
      Most of our teachers are experienced and qualified
                                                                                           work mean that you don’t have to wait too        concerns you have. After lessons are over,
    with a CELTA, a CertTESOL or a higher teaching                                         long for practice opportunities and most         one of our experienced Learning Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                 “I believe this programme
                                                                                                                                                                                                 is the perfect stepping
    qualification. All our teachers follow training courses                                activities have real communicative value         teachers is available in the library to assist       stone to my academic
    and participate in regular workshops as part of their                                  so you feel that you are learning in a real      you with any advice or guidance you                  pathway in future.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Elmira Suleymanova
    Continuous Professional Development.                                                   world scenario.                                  may need.                                            Azerbaijian

10                                                                                                                                                                                          11
Exam Preparation Courses              Our qualified teachers give you the opportunity to practise answering a wide variety
                                           of question types including multiple choice, gap fills, matching and mock exam
                                           practice followed by personalised feedback. You can work extra exam practice                                                    PROGRAMMES
                                           exercises through the ESE e-learning programme as part of your blended learning                                                 2013
       At ESE you will
                                           study plan. Depending on your reasons for taking an English exam, you may choose
    find all the support
                                           from the following popular English tests:
    necessary to obtain the
    result you need.
                                           IELTS                                              Cambridge Main Suite                               TOEFL iBT
                                           (International English Language                                                                       (Test of English as a Foreign Language
                                           Testing System)                                                                                       administered via the Internet)
    You may need to sit for an
                                           If you want to study at a university in Britain,   You can prepare for any of the Cambridge           If you are planning to study in Canada or the
    internationally-recognised English
                                           Australia or New Zealand, you will probably        range of exams (KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE)        U.S., you will probably be asked to present
    exam because you are planning to
                                           need a 5.5 or better in the IELTS Academic         at ESE although the exam you sit for will          a TOEFL score. A TOEFL iBT score may also
    study at university at undergraduate   option. The General Training option is             depend on your level of English. By following      be required for Visa purposes.
    or postgraduate level or perhaps       often required for immigration purposes,           this course, you improve your overall level of
    you need an exam result to get         by students who intend following vocational        English and obtain a certificate which certifies
    a job or improve your career           or non-academic training and by employers          the language level you have achieved. Exams
                                           as proof of your level of English proficiency.     are held three to four times a year.
    prospects. Whatever your reason,
                                           The exam is held every month.
    at ESE you will find all the support
    necessary to obtain the result
    you need.
                                           Entry level:	         B1/Intermediate              Entry level: 	        Min. levels apply            Entry level: 	       B1/Intermediate
                                                                                              	                     per exam
                                           Min. age: 	           17                           	                     KET – A2                     MIn age:	            17
                                                                                              	                     PET – B1
                                           Length of course:	    Min. 6 weeks                                                                    Length of course:	   Min. 6 weeks
                                                                                              	                     FCE – B2
                                           Start dates: 	        Every Monday                 	                     CAE – C1                     Start dates:	        Every Monday
                                                                                              	                     CPE – C2
                                           Lessons/week:	        30 (22.5 hours)                                                                 Lessons/week:	       30 (22.5 hours)
                                                                                              Min. age: 	           17
    “Six months studying                   Class size: 	         Max. 10                                                                         Class size: 	        Max. 10
    English at ESE on the                                                                     Length of course: 	 8 weeks
    AYC programme is like
    7 years of studying
    English in China! This is                                                                 Start dates: 	        8 – 10 weeks
    my true feeling. I really                 You can work extra                              	                     before exam dates
    appreciated all my teachers
    at ESE – without them I                exam practice exercises                            Lessons/week: 	       30 (22.5 hours)
    wouldn’t have improved
    my English so quickly.”                through the ESE e-learning                         Class size: 	         Max. 10
                                                                                                                                                 For more information visit our website
    Yiyuan Chen (Yasar)
    Guangdong, China                       programme.                                                                                  
12                                                                                                                                              13
Academic Year Course
                                                                                                                                        AYC Flexible Learning Pathway                                                                                       PROGRAMMES
                                             Morning classes:                                Afternoon classes:
                                             Language Stream                                 Specialist Stream                                                            13:00 – 14:30 ● ACADEMIC STREAM

                                                                                                                                         	 09:00 – 12:30
                                             You concentrate on improving your 4 core
                                             language skills (listening, speaking, reading
                                                                                             You can choose to concentrate on your                                        13:00 – 14:30 ● BUSINESS STREAM                            Course Benefits
                                                                                             preferred learning pathway depending on     ●	LANGUAGE
                                             and writing) and improving all areas of         why you need to improve your English.         STREAM                                                                                    When you book the Academic Year course,
                                             language knowledge (vocabulary, grammar                                                                                      13:00 – 14:30 ● HOSPITALITY  TOURISM STREAM               you benefit from regular tutorials with a
                                             and pronunciation) around a wide variety                                                    	 (all students)                                                                            member of our academic staff, Free After
                                             of topics.                                              CHOOSE A STREAM                                                      13:00 – 14:30 ● FLUENCY STREAM                             School club, daily student support group,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     access to the ESE e-learning programme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and study plan and use of the Self-Access
                                                                                                                                        AYC Sample Timetable                                                                         Centre so that you can continue your studies
                                                                                                                                                        MONDAY        TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY         FRIDAY         after school hours. Our academic staff
                                             ●   AYC Academic Stream                                                                                                                                                                 encourage you to make use of all our self-
                                                                                                                                        ● LANGUAGE STREAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     study facilities and resources to maximise
                                             If you want to sit for the IELTS, Cambridge or TOEFL iBT exam or intend furthering         09:00 – 10:30   Situational   Grammar in      Speaking     Writing          Independent
                                             your studies at university, this stream allows you to concentrate on Academic English                      English       Context         Pronunciation Writing           Learning       your opportunities for blended learning and
                                             such as study skills, summarising, planning  writing essays and other skills which you                                                                Portfolio          ESE’s        faster results.
                                             need for academic success.                                                                                                                                                              For more information visit our website
                                                                                                                                        10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
                                             ●   AYC Business Stream                                                                    11:00 – 12:30   Situational   Vocabulary      Vocabulary     Grammar in       Extensive
                                                                                                                                                        English       to go           to go          Context          Reading
                                             If you want to improve your English for work purposes, this stream allows you to                                          Listening      Reading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Project Work
                                             concentrate on using English for business such as writing a good CV, applying for a job,
                                             writing business correspondence, answering questions in an interview and other skills      12:30 – 13:00 LUNCH BREAK                                                                    Entry level:	 Starter +
                                             which are beneficial for career advancement in any sector. It is also ideal for students   ● ACADEMIC STREAM                                                                            	             Min. A2 to join
    If you need to improve your overall      who want to prepare for a business exam such as BEC or BULATS.                             13:00 – 14:30   Academic      Study Skills    Academic       The World        Academic
    level of English across the core                                                                                                                    English                       English        Around Us        English        	             Hospitality and
                                                 AYC Hospitality  Tourism Stream                                                                       Language                      Reading/                        Reading/       	             Tourism Stream
    language skills for career or study      ●
                                                                                                                                                                                      Listening                       Writing
    purposes, the Academic Year course       If you intend working in the hospitality and tourism industries, by following this         ● BUSINESS STREAM                                                                            Min. age: 	       17
    gives you the flexibility of choosing    stream you develop vocabulary and improve your English language skills around              13:00 – 14:30   Business      Intercultural   Business Skills Interpersonal   The World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Length of course:	 24/30/36 weeks
    your start date, your preferred area     hospitality and tourism-related topics. It is also an ideal stepping stone onto the CTH                    English       Awareness                       Skills          Around Us
                                             (Confederation of Tourism  Hospitality) diploma qualifications in Hotel and Tourism                       Language
    of focus in the afternoons (you can                                                                                                                                                                                              Start dates: 	    Every 6 weeks
                                             management offered at ESE.                                                                                                                                                              	                 07.01.2013 / 18.02.2013 /
    choose every six weeks) as well as                                                                                                  ● CTH HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM STREAM*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     	                 01.04.2013 / 13.05.2013 /
    which internationally-recognised         ●   AYC Fluency Stream                                                                     13:00 – 14:30   Telephoning   Vocabulary    The World        Public           Writing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     	                 01.07.2013 / 12.08.2013 /
    certificates you want to obtain by the                                                                                                              Techniques    for           Around Us        Presentations    Letters of
                                                                                                                                                                      Reservations                                    Confirmation   	                 30.09.2013 / 11.11.2013
    end of your course. This means that      This stream gives you a more structured alternative to long-term General English. By
                                                                                                                                                                      and Check-Ins
                                             following the Fluency Stream in the afternoons, you develop fluency and become a                                                                                                        Lessons/week: 	   30 (22.5 hours)
    the AYC allows you to personalise                                                                                                   ● FLUENCY STREAM
                                             confident speaker of English as you engage in oral communication activities based on
    your course according to your            recent and interesting topics in multinational classes.                                    13:00 – 14:30 Task-based      The World       Information    Intercultural    Debate Teams   Class size: 	     Max. 12
    learning objectives.                                                                                                                                Learning      Around Us       Gap Activity   Awareness

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
University Foundation Programme                                                                           University Foundation Programme Sample Timetable

                                                                                                                                MONDAY           TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY        THURSDAY        FRIDAY
                                                                                                               09:00 – 10:30 General            General          General         General        General 
                                                                                                                             Academic            Academic          Academic         Academic        Academic                         2013
    If you want to further your academic                       Physics, Government and Politics and
                                                                                                                             Language            Language          Language         Language        Language
    studies in an English-speaking country                     Business Studies.                                             Input               Input             Input            Input           Input
    such as the UK, the US or Australia,                       When you enrol on the University                10:30 – 11:00 BREAK
    you can fast track your progression                        Foundation Programme, you benefit from          11:00 – 12.30    General         General          General         General        General 
    onto an undergraduate course                               regular tutorials with a member of our                           Academic         Academic          Academic         Academic        Academic
                                                               academic staff to discuss your language                          Language         Language          Language         Language        Language
    by following the ESE University                                                                                             Input            Input             Input            Input           Input
                                                               development, ongoing guidance from the
    Foundation Programme. The                                  Programme Director with your choice of          12:30 – 13:00 LUNCH
    University Foundation Programme                            course, university application and personal     13:00 – 14:30 Presentations       Study Period      Critical        Essay Writing   Study Modes
    guarantees you entry into some                             statement. You also benefit from the ESE                                                            Analytical
                                                               daily student support group, ESE e-learning                                                         Thinking                                                    “The ESE-Twin Foundation
    universities in the UK provided that                                                                                                                                                                                       programme has been a great
    you meet all other entry criteria.                         programme and study plan as well as the                                                                                                                         experience for me. It has
                                                               use of the Self-Access Centre so that you       15:00 – 16:30 Core Maths          Core I.T.         Core Maths       Study Period    Core I.T.                  opened my mind to new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               subjects and experiences.
                                                               can continue your studies after school hours.                                                                                                                   Everyone here is very
    The UFP is a one-year programme which                                                                                                                                                                                      helpful and friendly.”
    helps you develop your level of English                    For more information visit our website                                                                                                                          Jerioth Wambui Ndungu
    proficiency, prepares you for the English                                                                                                                                                         Kenya

    exam you need for university admission                                                                     Your Study Progression Chart
    (IELTS / Cambridge / TOEFL iBT) and
    allows you to develop the skills necessary
    for academic success in your chosen
    academic field.                                                                                                                                                             2 YEAR PROGRAMME
                                                               Entry level: 	        B1/Intermediate level
    The UFP prepares you for the following                     	                     of English                   Traditional               GSCE
    subject routes: Accounting, Architecture,                                                                     Routes
                                                               Min. age: 	           17                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE       BACHELOR’S            MASTER’S
    B u s i n e s s , Co m p u t i n g , E c o n o m i c s ,                                                                                                                    2 YEAR PROGRAMME                  DEGREE                DEGREE
    Engineering, Hospitality Management,                                                                          International             HIGH SCHOOL
                                                               Length of course: 	   30 weeks
    Humanities, Information Systems, Law and                                                                      Routes                    CERTIFICATE
                                                               	                     (Standard Course)
    Social Science.                                                                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION
                                                               	                     20 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                1 YEAR PROGRAMME
    The subjects you study on the University                   	                     (Intensive Course)
    Foundation Programme are various.
    Compulsory subjects include: English for
                                                               Start dates: 	        4 times a year            NQF*                         2                              3                                      4 5 6                  7
                                                               	                     October / January /
    University Studies, Exam Preparation,
                                                               	                     April / June
    Research  Study Skills, Core Mathematics
                                                                                                               * The NQF (National Qualifications Framework) sets out the level at which qualifications are recognised in the UK. It helps learners
    and Core Computing. You can choose from                    Hours/week: 	         25 – 30                   make the right decisions about the qualifications they need to follow their chosen career path.
    the optional Academic Subject modules that                 	                     including self-study
    are being run each term. Optional modules
    include Accounting, Sociology, Psychology,                 Class size: 	         Max. 12
    Economics, Law, Further Mathematics,                                                                             This programme is run in conjunction with Twin UK.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
Tourism and Hospitality Courses
                       If you intend working in the hospitality and tourism industry or you want to                                                                                                                                                     2013
                                                                                                                              Following a CTH                                The course is demanding and practical in nature.
                       further your education by following a diploma or degree and improving your job                                                                        CTH Modules include:
                                                                                                                            pathway guarantees you
                       prospects in this sector, you can enrol on one of the Confederation of Tourism
                       and Hospitality (CTH) courses being offered by ESE.                                                  personal progress and                             Essentials of human resources and
                                                                                                                                                                              business computing in hospitality and
                                                                                                                            career achievement                                tourism
                       Established in 1982, CTH is one of the world’s leading hospitality and tourism professional bodies
                       which provides the highest standards of qualifications. Following a CTH pathway guarantees you                                                         Essentials of marketing and customer
                                                                                                                                                                              relationships in hospitality and tourism
                       personal progress and career achievement in this ever-growing global industry.                       Foundation Certificate
                                                                                                                            in Tourism and                                    Hospitality and tourism industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Intensive Programme
                       Certificate in English for                                                                           Management                                        Essentials of hospitality and tourism
                       Hospitality and Tourism                                                                                                                                operations                                        Entry level: 	     B2/Upper Intermediate

                                                                                                                            The Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality       Additional core modules include:                   Requirements: 	    High School certificate
                       The Certificate in English for Hospitality                                                           Management (NQF Level 3) is an independent                                                          Min. age: 	        17
                                                                                                                                                                               Study Skills and IELTS preparation
                       and Tourism (NQF Level 2) gives you                                                                  qualification if you wish to enter the tourism
                       English language training based on topics                                                            industry at team member level. Alternatively,                                                       Length of course: 	 6 months/24 weeks

                       which are relevant to the industry such as                                                           if you intend furthering your studies in this                                                       Start date: 	      March 2013
                       hotel departments, restaurant personnel,                                                             sector, this foundation certificate prepares     You are expected to demonstrate sound
                                                                                                                                                                             interpersonal, extensive self-study and            Lessons/week: 	    Average 30 (22.5 hours)
                       tour operators, resort representatives                                                               you for direct admission on to the first
                       and travel agents. In addition, you                                                                  year of a relevant university degree such        research and presentation skills throughout        Class size: 	      Max. 12
                       develop your core skills in English and               Entry level: 	      Level 1:                   as Hospitality and Tourism Management or         the course.
                                                                             	                   B1/Intermediate level
                       become more confident in the use of                                                                  the Level 4 CTH Diploma in Hotel or Tourism                                                         Standard Programme
                                                                             	                   of English                                                                  Depending on your level of English
                       the language.                                                                                        management programmes.
                                                                             	                   Level 2:                                                                    proficiency, you may take this course over         Entry level: 	     B1/Intermediate
                       Depending on your level of English, you               	                   B2/Upper Intermediate      The course is also a valid pathway to training   2 terms (Intensive Programme) or 3 terms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Requirements: 	    High School certificate
                       can follow the Certificate in English for             Min. age:	          17                         at leading specialist institutions such as Les   (Standard Programme). Students who follow
                       Hospitality and Tourism at Level 1 or Level                                                          Roches International School (Switzerland),       the Standard 9-month Programme complete            Min. age: 	        17
                                                                             Length of course: 	 6 weeks                                                                     the Certificate in English for Tourism and
                       2. The Level 1 certificate takes you up                                                              University of Surrey (UK) and Bournemouth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Length of course: 	 9 months/36 weeks
                       to B1/Intermediate Level while the Level              Start dates: 	      Twice a year               University (UK).                                 Hospitality (Level 2) in the first term.
                       2 certificate takes you up to B2/Upper                	                   April / November                                                                                                               Start date: 	      January 2013
                       Intermediate Level.
                                                                             Lessons/week: 	     30 (22.5 hours)            This foundation certificate prepares                                                                Lessons/week: 	    Average 30 (22.5 hours)

                       For more information visit our website                Class size:	        Max. 12                    you for direct admission to the first            For more information visit our website             Class size: 	      Max. 12
                                                                                                   year of a relevant university degree.  
18                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
CTH Diploma Level Programmes                                                                                                                     Work
                                                                                                                                                      Placement                                                                                                                     PROGRAMMES

    CTH Diploma level programmes                      Diploma in Hotel                                Diploma in Tourism
    provide you with an in-depth
                                                      Management                                      Management                                                                                                                                              This package is suitable
    understanding of the operational
    side of the tourism and hospitality               Subjects for detailed study include:            Subjects for detailed study include:                                                                                                                 for students involved in
    sector and an awareness of the core               •	 Food and Beverage Operations                 •	 Travel Geography                                                                                                                                  vocational education and
    management principles involved.                   •	 Food Hygiene, Health and Safety              •	 The Tourism Industry                                                                                                                              training and who wish to
    The CTH Diploma level programmes                                                                                                                  An ESE work placement package                     To date, we have placed students in these areas:
                                                      •	 Front Office Operations                      •	 Business Computing                           gives you the opportunity to                                                                         attain a Europass Mobility
    integrate practical career-focused
    skills with knowledge of management               •	 Housekeeping and Accommodation               •	 Travel Agency  Tour                         experience practical, work-based
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 Administration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Certificate in conjunction
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 Architecture
    skills which are essential for a career           •	 Finance for Hospitality  Tourism
                                                                                                      	 Guide Operations                              learning which is relevant to your
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 Auto Mechanics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with the Leonardo
    in this ever-growing industry.                    •	 Business Operations in 
                                                                                                      •	 Tourism Economics                            area of study or interest.                         •	 Beauty Therapy and Hair Dressing               da Vinci programme
    The diploma courses are taught at NQF Level 4     	 Hospitality and Tourism                       •	 Special Interest Tourism                     You start your stay in Malta with a week of        •	 Childcare  Teaching Assistants                and aims to help build
                                                                                                                                                      General English 20 classes which will help         •	 Coaching Assistants in various
    (equivalent to first year undergraduate study),   •	 Marketing for Tourism                        •	 Destination Analysis                         you brush up your language skills. During this        Sportive Disciplines                           a skilled workforce
    are challenging and require considerable                                                                                                          week you will also be introduced to your line
    self-study. Successful completion of a
                                                      	 and Hospitality
                                                                                                      •	 Business Operations in                       manager at your place of work and shown
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 Dental Assistants                              across Europe.
                                                      •	 The Tourism Industry                         	 Hospitality  Tourism                         how to find your way around Malta.                 •	 Electrical Technical Assistants
    diploma course means that you can either
    join Year 2 of an undergraduate degree                                                                                                                                                               •	 Fashion Design
                                                      •	 Business Computing                           •	 Marketing for Tourism  Hospitality          As from the second week week you will
    course, join the sector at trainee level or                                                                                                       be expected to work for approximately 34           •	 Graphic  Web Design
    obtain credit entry into the second stages        •	 The Global Hospitality Industry              •	 Finance for Hospitality  Tourism            hours per week and take “English for Work          •	 Hospitality  Hotel Management
                                                                                                                                                      Purposes” lessons or attend a tutorial every       •	 International Trade
    of either the CTH Advanced Diploma or
    Graduate Diploma courses.                                                                                                                                                                            •	 Information Technology                         Entry level:	 B1/Intermediate level of English
                                                                                                                                                      Bookings have to be received at least 14           •	 Journalism
                                                      Entry level: 	        B2/Upper Intermediate     Entry level: 	        B2/Upper Intermediate     weeks prior to your desired starting date                                                            Min. age:	 17
                                                                                                                                                      and although most organisations prefer stays       •	 Legal Assistants
                                                      	                     Level of English          	                     Level of English
                                                                                                                                                      of 12 weeks and over, shorter stays will be        •	 Leisure
       The CTH Diploma level                                                                                                                          considered upon request.                           •	 Logistics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Length of course:
                                                      Requirements:	        High School certificate   Requirements:	        High School certificate                                                                                                        	           Min. recommended 12 weeks
    programmes integrate                                                                                                                                                                                 •	 Marketing
                                                      Min. age:	            18                        Min. age:	            18                                         “I was really proud to work                                                         Start dates:	Throughout the year
    practical career-focused                                                                                                                                           with the European School          •	 Media
                                                                                                                                                                       of English. I learnt how to
    skills with knowledge                             Length of course: 	   1 year                    Length of course: 	   1 year                                     create newsletters, a website,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 Nursing                                        English face-to-face tuition:
                                                                                                                                                                       organise a course proposal,       •	 Photography                                    	           1st week:
    of management skills                              Start date: 	         7th October 2013          Start date: 	         7th October 2013                           and developed many different
                                                                                                                                                                                                         •	 Retail                                         	           20 lessons (15 hours) +
                                                                                                                                                                       marketing skills. I also
    which are essential for                           Total learning hours: 	1200                     Total learning hours: 	1200
                                                                                                                                                                       improved my English. These        •	 Secretarial Duties                             	           Following weeks:
                                                                                                                                                                       two months were really                                                              	           4 General English lessons (3 hours)
    a career in this ever-                            	                      including self-study     	                      including self-study                      beneficial for me.”               •	 Veterinary Assistants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           	           / 1 tutorial per week
                                                                                                                                                                       Dorian Bechade                    •	 Wholesale  Distribution
    growing industry                                                                                                                                                   France

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
                       Computer                                                                                                                                        ACADEMIC

                      The ICDL is the leading international
                      computer skills cer tification
                      programme. It has been delivered
                                                                       The course is made up of 40 hours
                      to 11 million people, in 41 languages            of face-to-face tuition with an
                      across 148 countries.                            experienced tutor and comprises
                                                                       the following modules:
                      By following this course you enhance your
                      resumé, make yourself more employable,
                      learn how to meet deadlines at work or at         Concepts of ICT
                      university and develop your IT literacy skills
                      through practical experience.

                      The course includes 7 online tests (45 minutes    Using the Computer
                      each) and mock tests at ESE, internationally-     and Managing Files

                                                                                                      Modules may also be booked individually.
                      recognised certification, ICDL courseware on
                      CD and course materials.                          Word Processing
                      For more information visit our website
                                                                        Spreadsheets                                                             Entry level:	         B1/Intermediate level
                                                                                                                                                 	                     of English
                enhance your                                                                                                     Min. age:	            17
                      resumé, make yourself                             Using Databases
                                                                                                                                                 Length of course: 	   12 weeks
                      more employable, learn
                                                                                                                                                 Start date: 	 4 times a year
                      how to meet deadlines                             Presentations                                                            	January/April/
                      at work or at university                                                                                                   	             June/October 2013	
                      faster and develop your                                                                                                    Contact hours/week: 	3 – 4
                                                                        Web Browsing 
                      IT literacy skills through                        Communication
                                                                                                                                                 Class size: 	         Max. 16
                      practical experience.
22                                                                                                                                              23
International Baccalaureate
     Diploma Programme (IBDP)                                                                                                       Language A1
                                                                                                                                     English HL
                                                                                                                                      Group 1
                                                                                  Second                                                                                                       Individuals
                                                                                 language                                                                                                     and societies
                                                                                                          p2                                                                       ou           History of
                                                                                 Spanish SL
                                                                                                     ou                                                                              p3
                                                                                 French SL         Gr                              l   ed ge             ex
                                                                                                                                                                                             the Americas HL
                                                                                 German SL                                  n   ow                            te
                                                                                                                                                                   n                          Psychology SL



                                                                                                                                      THE IB

                                                                                                               the or

                                                                                                                                                                         ssa y
                                      IBDP subjects focus on



                                                                               Experimental                                  iv i
                                                                                                                                                            r   vi                           Mathematics
                                   your character formation,                      sciences
                                                                                                                                    t y,
                                                                                                                                           a c ti o n , s e
                                                                                                                                                                                             and computer
                                                                                                         p4                                                                        ou           science
                                   giving you a well-                         Biology HL or SL
                                                                                                                                                                                 Gr          Mathematics SL
                                                                                Chemistry SL
                                   rounded education.                            Physics SL                                                                                                  Math Studies SL
                                                                                                                                      Group 6

                                                                                                                                     The arts
                                                                                                                                 Theatre Arts HL,
                                                                                                                                  Visual Arts HL,
                                                                                                                                  Music Solo SL

                                   If you are 16 years of age and have   The IBDP is a two-year pre-university                                          addition, you follow Theories of Knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Entry level: 	      B1/Intermediate level
                                                                         qualification which is accepted in more                                        and a Creativity, Action, Service Programme
                                   a minimum intermediate level of                                                                                                                                             	                   of English
                                                                         than 121 countries. The IBDP will prepare                                      as part of the full diploma.
                                   English, you may be looking for an    you for university life, encourage critical
                                                                                                                                                        The full range of IBDP subjects you study              Admission age: 	    16
                                   alternative to A levels as an entry   and independent thinking and intercultural
                                                                                                                                                        focus on your character formation, giving
                                   requirement for admission into        understanding.
                                                                                                                                                        you a well-rounded education and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Length of course: 	 2 years
                                   university both locally and abroad.   When following the full IBDP, you can                                          solid preparation for university study at              Start date: 	       October 2013
                                   Our partner, St Edward’s College in   choose up to 6 subjects (3 at higher level                                     undergraduate level.
                                   Malta, is running the International   and 3 at subsidiary level) from the disciplines                                                                                       Study mode: 	       Full-time
                                                                                                                                                        For more information visit our website
                                                                         of humanities, sciences, languages and
                                   Baccalaureate Diploma Programme       mathematics. Ideally, you choose one                                                                         Class size: 	       Max. 15
                                   (IBDP) over two years.                subject from each of the 6 subject groups. In

24                                                                                                                                                                                                            25
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ESE Academic Brochure 2013
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ESE Academic Brochure 2013

  • 2. Welcome to ESE – a school where you are made to feel at home as you study and work hard to reach your goals. At ESE we understand that your decision to learn English for life is an investment in your future. Whichever academic or career path you have chosen to follow, our team of academic staff and qualified teachers offer you the necessary support and guidance to help you achieve your objectives. Our long list of prestigious accreditations and our academic track record of successful students’ results are your guarantee that we are committed to high standards and quality teaching across all our academic courses. Sean Sean LeGault Your decision to learn English for life is an investment in your future. Chief Executive Officer & Director
  • 3. ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES 2013 Contents Why choose ESE? 6 Why Malta? 9 Academics 10 Exam Preparation Courses 12 Academic Year Course 14 University Foundation Programme 16 Tourism and Hospitality Courses 18 CTH Diploma Level Programmes 20 Work Placement 21 International Computer Driving Licence 23 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) 24 Accommodation 26 Your Social Experience 29 ESE Facilities and Services 30 Course Comparison Grid 31
  • 4. ACADEMIC Why choose ESE? PROGRAMMES 2013 You may have decided to learn English To maximise your learning opportunities, you school hours and frequent use teaches you are exposed to language in use in natural how to take responsibility for your own for life for a variety of reasons. Perhaps and authentic contexts and given activities learning. Our teachers give you regular you need to pass an English exam to with real communicative value to carry out tutorials on how to use the e-learning site gain admission into university or you in small groups or pairs. This, followed by as well as tips on how you can maximise your hope to improve your job prospects personalised feedback, remedial and further learning experience through this blended practice opportunities by our qualified and mode of study. It’s all about learning for life. by becoming fluent in ‘global English’. experienced teachers, is the key to your Whatever your reasons, at ESE we success. Learning for Life – understand that, as an individual, you your social learning Adult have specific learning objectives, your ESE e-learning experience Top Nationalities own preferred learning style and that Free access to our e-learning programme Your language learning experience isn’t 2012 allows you to combine face-to-face teaching you bring your own rich history of confined to the classroom. Your ESE social German14% with online self-study from the moment you language learning experience to the experience gives you more opportunities book your course till 3 months after your to practise English in a real-world context Italian 12% classroom. course is over. It is up to you to determine and to process language in real time. By your own study plan, focus on the skills you Russian 12% joining ESE-organised social activities, you need most, work extra exam practice papers ESE Methodology places are immersed in an English speaking context Czech 9% for that upcoming English exam, choose with endless opportunities to interact with you at the heart of your topics that tweak your interest at the right other multilingual language learners like Turkish 9% language level for you and monitor your learning own progress. yourself and make new friends. You can Austrian 7% continue to practise your core skills and As an ESE learner of English, you are an interact with other ESE language learners by Dutch 7% active participant in your learning process. ESE – How blended will networking socially online and chatting to Swiss 7% Our courses are student-centred and are designed to equip you with the linguistic you go? others through our ever-growing Facebook database of fans. Spanish 5% tools necessary for you to develop your skills By blending face-to-face teaching with online holistically. This means that you develop all self-study, you reach your learning goals Studying at ESE means learning for life from Korean 5% your core language skills equally: listening, quicker. The online learning programme an experience you choose to shape... Our Japanese 4% speaking, reading and writing. allows you to work at your own pace after Team is here to welcome You! French 2% As an individual, you have specific learning objectives. Other 7% 6 7
  • 5. ACADEMIC Why Malta? PROGRAMMES 2013 What better way to learn English than to study on a sunny island in the heart of the Mediterranean where English is an official language? EUROPE Mostly known for its crystal clear waters, If you enjoy the clubbing scene, drop in at ITALY all year-round mild Mediterranean climate one of the nightclubs or casinos dotting the and the locals’ hospitality, Malta has been streets of Paceville, the island’s entertainment M edit er r anean S ea welcoming English language students for hub. If you prefer something quieter, you may more than half a century and has earned a prefer to stroll along the Spinola waterfront reputation as a centre of excellence in the or eat at one of the upmarket restaurants THE MALTESE ISLANDS EFL industry. offering international cuisine. NORTH AFRICA Malta boasts one of the lowest crime rates If you are more of the adventurous type, you in Europe, making it a safe language study could trek to one of the bays on the Northern destination. It is easy and relatively cheap and Western shorelines such as Mellieha Bay to get around by public transport and the or Golden Bay, go rock climbing or abseiling M edi ter r anean S ea distances you have to travel are quite short. along the rugged coastline, scuba diving in GOZO In fact, it won’t take you more than an hour waters renowned for their visibility, sailing COMINO to get from one tip of the island to the other! or maybe even discover Malta and its sister islands by bicycle. Yet despite Malta’s small size, you will be MALTA St Julian’s amazed by what the island has to offer. If you are following a long-term course, you Valletta With over 7000 years of history, there is may be tempted to hop on a plane and visit no shortage of historical sites to visit. Just one or two European cities which are no walk through the streets of the capital city more than a 2 and a half hour flight away Valletta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and from Malta. admire the numerous architectural treasures Whatever your reasons for learning English, all over the city. And if you really want to And for just a short you will find that Malta is a fascinating base experience a sense of history, make sure where you can learn English. And for just a while, you’ll be happy you visit some of the oldest temples in short while, you’ll be happy to call this little to call this little island the world – Ggantija, Hagar Qim, Mnajdra island your home. your home. and the Hypogeum – the only prehistoric underground temple in the world. 8 9
  • 6. Academics Our Teachers Accredited Trinity Examination Centre ACADEMIC Our pool of permanent EFL teachers are ESE is an accredited Trinity examination friendly, experienced and well-qualified to PROGRAMMES centre for GESE (Graded Examinations in teach you and offer you all the support you 2013 Understanding our Language Levels need. Native-level speakers, our teachers Spoken English) and ISE (Integrated Skills in English). Teachers are trained by Trinity to are adept at helping you define and reach deliver GESE and ISE examination courses ESE CEFR your learning objectives. Whatever your in preparation for the exams. Level Level language level, you follow classes at the right level for you. Personal Attention You can understand almost everything you hear 8 or read. You can express yourself spontaneously Small classes ensure that you are given Proficiency C2 and fluently on most topics, including abstract and Continuous Professional personalised attention, feedback on your complex ones. Development progress and numerous opportunities for 7 C1 You can express yourself fluently, effectively and interaction with your teacher. Advanced accurately in most situations. Every year our teachers participate in Teacher Training courses as part of their Continuous 6 You can communicate easily and effectively on a Professional Development (CPD) and follow Our School Facilities Upper B2 wide range of topics and easily understand the main workshops in a range of EFL teaching areas Intermediate ideas of complex texts. ESE school is a large modern school with such as how to: use Interactive Whiteboards 60 well-lit classrooms. Classrooms are You can understand and interact in a variety of effectively to bring the real world into the air-conditioned and many are equipped 5 B1.2 social situations but may sometimes find that your classroom, make lessons dynamic, create Intermediate vocabulary range and ability to use more complex with interactive whiteboards. Free Wi-Fi is structures accurately and fluently is limited. in-house teaching resources to make available throughout the school. The school lessons more interesting and encourage houses 2 computer labs where you can log You can interact in everyday social and travel 4 situations and understand some of what you hear you to become an independent and life- onto the ESE e-learning programme for Low B1.1 or read. You have a reasonable vocabulary and long learner of English once you finish your self-study and research after your lessons. Intermediate knowledge of basic grammar structures. course. CPD ensures that our teachers are A Self-Access Centre/Library is available always up-to-date with new teaching trends for you to borrow learning tools such as 3 You have basic vocabulary and can communicate Pre- A2 in everyday situations such as shopping, meeting and technology so that you experience the dictionaries, DVDs and graded readers which Intermediate people and travelling. highest standards of teaching. allow you to consolidate your class-based You can interact in a simple way and understand a learning and progress to more challenging 2 A1 few basic English words and phrases for immediate Methodology readers as you become more confident in Elementary situations as well as familiar topics. your use of English. ESE methodology places you, the learner, at You can use and understand rehearsed situation- 1 Starter specific phrases and a few basic English words on the centre of your lessons. Teachers develop Additional Support Starter very familiar topics their lessons to ensure that you are actively involved in your learning process and that At ESE we have an open door policy so our CEFR refers to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages you are given maximum opportunities for Director of Studies and Academic managers interaction. Small group activities and pair are always available to discuss any academic Most of our teachers are experienced and qualified work mean that you don’t have to wait too concerns you have. After lessons are over, with a CELTA, a CertTESOL or a higher teaching long for practice opportunities and most one of our experienced Learning Support “I believe this programme is the perfect stepping qualification. All our teachers follow training courses activities have real communicative value teachers is available in the library to assist stone to my academic and participate in regular workshops as part of their so you feel that you are learning in a real you with any advice or guidance you pathway in future.” Elmira Suleymanova Continuous Professional Development. world scenario. may need. Azerbaijian 10 11
  • 7. Exam Preparation Courses Our qualified teachers give you the opportunity to practise answering a wide variety of question types including multiple choice, gap fills, matching and mock exam ACADEMIC practice followed by personalised feedback. You can work extra exam practice PROGRAMMES exercises through the ESE e-learning programme as part of your blended learning 2013 At ESE you will study plan. Depending on your reasons for taking an English exam, you may choose find all the support from the following popular English tests: necessary to obtain the result you need. IELTS Cambridge Main Suite TOEFL iBT (International English Language (Test of English as a Foreign Language Testing System) administered via the Internet) You may need to sit for an If you want to study at a university in Britain, You can prepare for any of the Cambridge If you are planning to study in Canada or the internationally-recognised English Australia or New Zealand, you will probably range of exams (KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE) U.S., you will probably be asked to present exam because you are planning to need a 5.5 or better in the IELTS Academic at ESE although the exam you sit for will a TOEFL score. A TOEFL iBT score may also study at university at undergraduate option. The General Training option is depend on your level of English. By following be required for Visa purposes. or postgraduate level or perhaps often required for immigration purposes, this course, you improve your overall level of you need an exam result to get by students who intend following vocational English and obtain a certificate which certifies a job or improve your career or non-academic training and by employers the language level you have achieved. Exams as proof of your level of English proficiency. are held three to four times a year. prospects. Whatever your reason, The exam is held every month. at ESE you will find all the support necessary to obtain the result you need. Entry level: B1/Intermediate Entry level: Min. levels apply Entry level: B1/Intermediate per exam Min. age: 17 KET – A2 MIn age: 17 PET – B1 Length of course: Min. 6 weeks Length of course: Min. 6 weeks FCE – B2 Start dates: Every Monday CAE – C1 Start dates: Every Monday CPE – C2 Lessons/week: 30 (22.5 hours) Lessons/week: 30 (22.5 hours) Min. age: 17 “Six months studying Class size: Max. 10 Class size: Max. 10 English at ESE on the Length of course: 8 weeks AYC programme is like 7 years of studying English in China! This is Start dates: 8 – 10 weeks my true feeling. I really You can work extra before exam dates appreciated all my teachers at ESE – without them I exam practice exercises Lessons/week: 30 (22.5 hours) wouldn’t have improved my English so quickly.” through the ESE e-learning Class size: Max. 10 For more information visit our website Yiyuan Chen (Yasar) Guangdong, China programme. 12 13
  • 8. Academic Year Course ACADEMIC AYC Flexible Learning Pathway PROGRAMMES Morning classes: Afternoon classes: 2013 Language Stream Specialist Stream 13:00 – 14:30 ● ACADEMIC STREAM 09:00 – 12:30 You concentrate on improving your 4 core language skills (listening, speaking, reading You can choose to concentrate on your 13:00 – 14:30 ● BUSINESS STREAM Course Benefits preferred learning pathway depending on ● LANGUAGE and writing) and improving all areas of why you need to improve your English. STREAM When you book the Academic Year course, language knowledge (vocabulary, grammar 13:00 – 14:30 ● HOSPITALITY TOURISM STREAM you benefit from regular tutorials with a and pronunciation) around a wide variety (all students) member of our academic staff, Free After of topics. CHOOSE A STREAM 13:00 – 14:30 ● FLUENCY STREAM School club, daily student support group, access to the ESE e-learning programme and study plan and use of the Self-Access AYC Sample Timetable Centre so that you can continue your studies MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY after school hours. Our academic staff ● AYC Academic Stream encourage you to make use of all our self- ● LANGUAGE STREAM study facilities and resources to maximise If you want to sit for the IELTS, Cambridge or TOEFL iBT exam or intend furthering 09:00 – 10:30 Situational Grammar in Speaking Writing Independent your studies at university, this stream allows you to concentrate on Academic English English Context Pronunciation Writing Learning your opportunities for blended learning and such as study skills, summarising, planning writing essays and other skills which you Portfolio ESE’s faster results. e-Learning need for academic success. For more information visit our website 10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK ● AYC Business Stream 11:00 – 12:30 Situational Vocabulary Vocabulary Grammar in Extensive English to go to go Context Reading If you want to improve your English for work purposes, this stream allows you to Listening Reading Project Work concentrate on using English for business such as writing a good CV, applying for a job, writing business correspondence, answering questions in an interview and other skills 12:30 – 13:00 LUNCH BREAK Entry level: Starter + which are beneficial for career advancement in any sector. It is also ideal for students ● ACADEMIC STREAM Min. A2 to join If you need to improve your overall who want to prepare for a business exam such as BEC or BULATS. 13:00 – 14:30 Academic Study Skills Academic The World Academic Academic/Business/ level of English across the core English English Around Us English Hospitality and AYC Hospitality Tourism Stream Language Reading/ Reading/ Tourism Stream language skills for career or study ● Listening Writing purposes, the Academic Year course If you intend working in the hospitality and tourism industries, by following this ● BUSINESS STREAM Min. age: 17 gives you the flexibility of choosing stream you develop vocabulary and improve your English language skills around 13:00 – 14:30 Business Intercultural Business Skills Interpersonal The World Length of course: 24/30/36 weeks your start date, your preferred area hospitality and tourism-related topics. It is also an ideal stepping stone onto the CTH English Awareness Skills Around Us (Confederation of Tourism Hospitality) diploma qualifications in Hotel and Tourism Language of focus in the afternoons (you can Start dates: Every 6 weeks management offered at ESE. 07.01.2013 / 18.02.2013 / choose every six weeks) as well as ● CTH HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM STREAM* 01.04.2013 / 13.05.2013 / which internationally-recognised ● AYC Fluency Stream 13:00 – 14:30 Telephoning Vocabulary The World Public Writing 01.07.2013 / 12.08.2013 / certificates you want to obtain by the Techniques for Around Us Presentations Letters of Reservations Confirmation 30.09.2013 / 11.11.2013 end of your course. This means that This stream gives you a more structured alternative to long-term General English. By and Check-Ins following the Fluency Stream in the afternoons, you develop fluency and become a Lessons/week: 30 (22.5 hours) the AYC allows you to personalise ● FLUENCY STREAM confident speaker of English as you engage in oral communication activities based on your course according to your recent and interesting topics in multinational classes. 13:00 – 14:30 Task-based The World Information Intercultural Debate Teams Class size: Max. 12 learning objectives. Learning Around Us Gap Activity Awareness 14 15
  • 9. University Foundation Programme University Foundation Programme Sample Timetable MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY ACADEMIC 09:00 – 10:30 General General General General General PROGRAMMES Academic Academic Academic Academic Academic 2013 If you want to further your academic Physics, Government and Politics and Language Language Language Language Language studies in an English-speaking country Business Studies. Input Input Input Input Input such as the UK, the US or Australia, When you enrol on the University 10:30 – 11:00 BREAK you can fast track your progression Foundation Programme, you benefit from 11:00 – 12.30 General General General General General onto an undergraduate course regular tutorials with a member of our Academic Academic Academic Academic Academic academic staff to discuss your language Language Language Language Language Language by following the ESE University Input Input Input Input Input development, ongoing guidance from the Foundation Programme. The Programme Director with your choice of 12:30 – 13:00 LUNCH University Foundation Programme course, university application and personal 13:00 – 14:30 Presentations Study Period Critical Essay Writing Study Modes guarantees you entry into some statement. You also benefit from the ESE Analytical daily student support group, ESE e-learning Thinking “The ESE-Twin Foundation universities in the UK provided that programme has been a great you meet all other entry criteria. programme and study plan as well as the experience for me. It has use of the Self-Access Centre so that you 15:00 – 16:30 Core Maths Core I.T. Core Maths Study Period Core I.T. opened my mind to new subjects and experiences. can continue your studies after school hours. Everyone here is very The UFP is a one-year programme which helpful and friendly.” helps you develop your level of English For more information visit our website Jerioth Wambui Ndungu proficiency, prepares you for the English Kenya exam you need for university admission Your Study Progression Chart (IELTS / Cambridge / TOEFL iBT) and allows you to develop the skills necessary for academic success in your chosen A-LEVELS academic field. 2 YEAR PROGRAMME Entry level: B1/Intermediate level The UFP prepares you for the following of English Traditional GSCE subject routes: Accounting, Architecture, Routes Min. age: 17 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE BACHELOR’S MASTER’S B u s i n e s s , Co m p u t i n g , E c o n o m i c s , 2 YEAR PROGRAMME DEGREE DEGREE Engineering, Hospitality Management, International HIGH SCHOOL Length of course: 30 weeks Humanities, Information Systems, Law and Routes CERTIFICATE (Standard Course) Social Science. UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION 20 weeks 1 YEAR PROGRAMME The subjects you study on the University (Intensive Course) Foundation Programme are various. Compulsory subjects include: English for Start dates: 4 times a year NQF* 2 3 4 5 6 7 October / January / University Studies, Exam Preparation, April / June Research Study Skills, Core Mathematics * The NQF (National Qualifications Framework) sets out the level at which qualifications are recognised in the UK. It helps learners and Core Computing. You can choose from Hours/week: 25 – 30 make the right decisions about the qualifications they need to follow their chosen career path. the optional Academic Subject modules that including self-study are being run each term. Optional modules include Accounting, Sociology, Psychology, Class size: Max. 12 Economics, Law, Further Mathematics, This programme is run in conjunction with Twin UK. 16 17
  • 10. Tourism and Hospitality Courses ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES If you intend working in the hospitality and tourism industry or you want to 2013 Following a CTH The course is demanding and practical in nature. further your education by following a diploma or degree and improving your job CTH Modules include: pathway guarantees you prospects in this sector, you can enrol on one of the Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (CTH) courses being offered by ESE. personal progress and Essentials of human resources and business computing in hospitality and career achievement tourism Established in 1982, CTH is one of the world’s leading hospitality and tourism professional bodies which provides the highest standards of qualifications. Following a CTH pathway guarantees you Essentials of marketing and customer relationships in hospitality and tourism personal progress and career achievement in this ever-growing global industry. Foundation Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality and tourism industry Hospitality Intensive Programme Certificate in English for Management Essentials of hospitality and tourism Hospitality and Tourism operations Entry level: B2/Upper Intermediate The Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Additional core modules include: Requirements: High School certificate The Certificate in English for Hospitality Management (NQF Level 3) is an independent Min. age: 17 Study Skills and IELTS preparation and Tourism (NQF Level 2) gives you qualification if you wish to enter the tourism English language training based on topics industry at team member level. Alternatively, Length of course: 6 months/24 weeks which are relevant to the industry such as if you intend furthering your studies in this Start date: March 2013 hotel departments, restaurant personnel, sector, this foundation certificate prepares You are expected to demonstrate sound interpersonal, extensive self-study and Lessons/week: Average 30 (22.5 hours) tour operators, resort representatives you for direct admission on to the first and travel agents. In addition, you year of a relevant university degree such research and presentation skills throughout Class size: Max. 12 develop your core skills in English and Entry level: Level 1: as Hospitality and Tourism Management or the course. B1/Intermediate level become more confident in the use of the Level 4 CTH Diploma in Hotel or Tourism Standard Programme of English Depending on your level of English the language. management programmes. Level 2: proficiency, you may take this course over Entry level: B1/Intermediate Depending on your level of English, you B2/Upper Intermediate The course is also a valid pathway to training 2 terms (Intensive Programme) or 3 terms Requirements: High School certificate can follow the Certificate in English for Min. age: 17 at leading specialist institutions such as Les (Standard Programme). Students who follow Hospitality and Tourism at Level 1 or Level Roches International School (Switzerland), the Standard 9-month Programme complete Min. age: 17 Length of course: 6 weeks the Certificate in English for Tourism and 2. The Level 1 certificate takes you up University of Surrey (UK) and Bournemouth Length of course: 9 months/36 weeks to B1/Intermediate Level while the Level Start dates: Twice a year University (UK). Hospitality (Level 2) in the first term. 2 certificate takes you up to B2/Upper April / November Start date: January 2013 Intermediate Level. Lessons/week: 30 (22.5 hours) This foundation certificate prepares Lessons/week: Average 30 (22.5 hours) For more information visit our website Class size: Max. 12 you for direct admission to the first For more information visit our website Class size: Max. 12 year of a relevant university degree. 18 19
  • 11. CTH Diploma Level Programmes Work ACADEMIC Placement PROGRAMMES 2013 CTH Diploma level programmes Diploma in Hotel Diploma in Tourism provide you with an in-depth Management Management This package is suitable understanding of the operational side of the tourism and hospitality Subjects for detailed study include: Subjects for detailed study include: for students involved in sector and an awareness of the core • Food and Beverage Operations • Travel Geography vocational education and management principles involved. • Food Hygiene, Health and Safety • The Tourism Industry training and who wish to The CTH Diploma level programmes An ESE work placement package To date, we have placed students in these areas: • Front Office Operations • Business Computing gives you the opportunity to attain a Europass Mobility integrate practical career-focused skills with knowledge of management • Housekeeping and Accommodation • Travel Agency Tour   experience practical, work-based • Administration Certificate in conjunction • Architecture skills which are essential for a career • Finance for Hospitality Tourism Guide Operations learning which is relevant to your • Auto Mechanics with the Leonardo in this ever-growing industry. • Business Operations in  • Tourism Economics area of study or interest. • Beauty Therapy and Hair Dressing da Vinci programme The diploma courses are taught at NQF Level 4 Hospitality and Tourism • Special Interest Tourism You start your stay in Malta with a week of • Childcare Teaching Assistants and aims to help build General English 20 classes which will help • Coaching Assistants in various (equivalent to first year undergraduate study), • Marketing for Tourism   • Destination Analysis you brush up your language skills. During this Sportive Disciplines a skilled workforce are challenging and require considerable week you will also be introduced to your line self-study. Successful completion of a and Hospitality • Business Operations in   manager at your place of work and shown • Dental Assistants across Europe. • The Tourism Industry Hospitality Tourism how to find your way around Malta. • Electrical Technical Assistants diploma course means that you can either join Year 2 of an undergraduate degree • Fashion Design • Business Computing • Marketing for Tourism Hospitality As from the second week week you will course, join the sector at trainee level or be expected to work for approximately 34 • Graphic Web Design obtain credit entry into the second stages • The Global Hospitality Industry • Finance for Hospitality Tourism hours per week and take “English for Work • Hospitality Hotel Management Purposes” lessons or attend a tutorial every • International Trade of either the CTH Advanced Diploma or Friday. Graduate Diploma courses. • Information Technology Entry level: B1/Intermediate level of English Bookings have to be received at least 14 • Journalism Entry level: B2/Upper Intermediate Entry level: B2/Upper Intermediate weeks prior to your desired starting date Min. age: 17 and although most organisations prefer stays • Legal Assistants Level of English Level of English of 12 weeks and over, shorter stays will be • Leisure The CTH Diploma level considered upon request. • Logistics Length of course: Requirements: High School certificate Requirements: High School certificate Min. recommended 12 weeks programmes integrate • Marketing Min. age: 18 Min. age: 18 “I was really proud to work Start dates: Throughout the year practical career-focused with the European School • Media of English. I learnt how to skills with knowledge Length of course: 1 year Length of course: 1 year create newsletters, a website, • Nursing English face-to-face tuition: organise a course proposal, • Photography 1st week: of management skills Start date: 7th October 2013 Start date: 7th October 2013 and developed many different • Retail 20 lessons (15 hours) + marketing skills. I also which are essential for Total learning hours: 1200 Total learning hours: 1200 improved my English. These • Secretarial Duties Following weeks: two months were really 4 General English lessons (3 hours) a career in this ever- including self-study including self-study beneficial for me.” • Veterinary Assistants / 1 tutorial per week Dorian Bechade • Wholesale Distribution growing industry France 20 21
  • 12. International Computer ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES 2013 Driving Licence The ICDL is the leading international computer skills cer tification programme. It has been delivered The course is made up of 40 hours to 11 million people, in 41 languages of face-to-face tuition with an across 148 countries. experienced tutor and comprises the following modules: By following this course you enhance your resumé, make yourself more employable, learn how to meet deadlines at work or at Concepts of ICT university and develop your IT literacy skills through practical experience. The course includes 7 online tests (45 minutes Using the Computer each) and mock tests at ESE, internationally- and Managing Files Modules may also be booked individually. recognised certification, ICDL courseware on CD and course materials. Word Processing For more information visit our website Spreadsheets Entry level: B1/Intermediate level of English enhance your Min. age: 17 resumé, make yourself Using Databases Length of course: 12 weeks more employable, learn Start date: 4 times a year how to meet deadlines Presentations January/April/ at work or at university June/October 2013 faster and develop your Contact hours/week: 3 – 4 Web Browsing IT literacy skills through Communication Class size: Max. 16 practical experience. 22 23
  • 13. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Language A1 English HL ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES 2013 Group 1 Second Individuals language and societies Gr p2 ou History of Spanish SL ou p3 French SL Gr l ed ge ex the Americas HL German SL n ow te n Psychology SL fk de yo de THE IB the or ssa y LEARNER PROFILE IBDP subjects focus on cr at e c e Experimental iv i r vi Mathematics your character formation, sciences Gr ou t y, a c ti o n , s e p5 and computer p4 ou science giving you a well- Biology HL or SL Gr Mathematics SL Chemistry SL rounded education. Physics SL Math Studies SL Group 6 The arts Theatre Arts HL, Visual Arts HL, Music Solo SL If you are 16 years of age and have The IBDP is a two-year pre-university addition, you follow Theories of Knowledge Entry level: B1/Intermediate level qualification which is accepted in more and a Creativity, Action, Service Programme a minimum intermediate level of of English than 121 countries. The IBDP will prepare as part of the full diploma. English, you may be looking for an you for university life, encourage critical The full range of IBDP subjects you study Admission age: 16 alternative to A levels as an entry and independent thinking and intercultural focus on your character formation, giving requirement for admission into understanding. you a well-rounded education and a Length of course: 2 years university both locally and abroad. When following the full IBDP, you can solid preparation for university study at Start date: October 2013 Our partner, St Edward’s College in choose up to 6 subjects (3 at higher level undergraduate level. Malta, is running the International and 3 at subsidiary level) from the disciplines Study mode: Full-time For more information visit our website of humanities, sciences, languages and Baccalaureate Diploma Programme mathematics. Ideally, you choose one Class size: Max. 15 (IBDP) over two years. subject from each of the 6 subject groups. In 24 25