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The Galilee Society
The Arab National Society for Health Research & Services (RA)


Annual Report 2007
A Word from Our Administration

    In 2007, the Galilee Society achieved a number               began on an additional 600 m2 space above the
    of significant milestones towards promoting                  Galilee Society headquarters building that will
    the health, welfare, and environment of the                  house the Regional Research & Development
    Palestinian community in Israel through a multi-             Center from mid-2008 onwards. We are grateful
    faceted platform of scientific research, education,          for the outpouring of community support for this
    and advocacy. As such, it is with great honor that           effort, as well as to all our donors without whom
    we present to you the following summary of all               our work would not be possible.
    our departmental activities undertaken in the last
    year.                                                        We would like to invite all the members of the
                                                                 Galilee Society as well as the general public to
    The Galilee Society has witnessed a number of                share their suggestions and opinions, and to
    changes which allow for the expansion and re-                work with us in our mission to promote public
2   orienting of our programs. Dr. Basel Ghattas                 welfare and services. The board and staff of the
    stepped down from the General Director position              Galilee Society join us in thanking everyone who
    which he held for more than 12 years. We are                 has contributed to the organization’s continued
    grateful for his longstanding leadership and                 activities and growth. We would especially like
    contribution. We appreciate the enormous effort              to thank our donors and partners from different
    Dr. Ghattas has committed to the Galilee Society             organizations, and we hope that this cooperation
    and the Palestinian community in Israel over the             will enable us to continue working for the benefit
    years. Before he left, he ensured that construction          of our greater society.

                                                    Yours sincerely,
                     Mr. Wael Omari                                           Mr. Mohammad Khatib

The Health
Rights Center
The Galilee Society’s Health Rights Center strives to improve the health status,
    and achieve equality of health services, for the Palestinian minority in Israel. Its
    underlying principle is that the consideration of the health status of a society is a
    fundamental component of the development process.

    The Center works according to several strategies:        among the Palestinian community in Israel. Primarily
    1. The strengthening of health education in various      funded by the Church of Scotland, this project began
       areas and consolidating its impact so that it will    in 2005.
       be reflected positively on the public health of the
       Palestinian Arab community;                           Activities in 2007 included:
    2. The        development,         expansion      and    Holding peer educator workshops at two different
       institutionalization of the information network         high schools, and training high school students
       regarding the health of the Palestinian Arab            on issues of health, sexually transmitted diseases,
       population in Israel as an essential foundation for     and HIV/AIDS. The workshops follow the Peer
4      health and environmental planning;                      Education Model, which trains young people to
    3. The planning and implementation of direct               act as peer role models and advisors, empowering
       intervention programs related to specific health        them by providing them with health information
       issues on the basis of available information and        and methods of guidance.
       research; and                                         Printing and distribution of 1500 Arabic-language
    4. Wide marketing of Galilee Society publications on       informational pamphlets on HIV/AIDS produced
       health issues relevant to the Palestinian community     by the Galilee Society.
       in Israel (a guide for female youth, breast cancer,    delegation of young people from the Church
       HIV/AIDS, etc).                                         of Scotland joined the peer educators who
                                                               participated in the Galilee Society HIV/AIDS
    Health Rights Center Projects in 2007                      project in a joint workshop in July 2007. These
    1. HIV/AIDS Education and Awareness Program                30 young people took part in activities focusing
    The Galilee Society is the sole organization to offer      on preventing HIV/AIDS, and breaking down
    preventative education on HIV/AIDS so widely               stereotypes.
Holding HIV/AIDS prevention workshops for                  directed towards Palestinian women in Israel,
  boarding school professionals and orphaned youth           and the second addresses the role of the family
  in Ebilin and Nazareth                                     in encouraging women in the process of early
Reaching over 120 students through awareness-              detection. 5,000 copies of each were printed.
  raising lectures at high schools in Nazareth, Ebilin,    Participating in the US State Department Breast
  Reineh and Jdaidy Makr.                                    Cancer Awareness and Community Outreach
Achieving accreditation from the Ministry of               project. The Galilee Society’s Project Coordinator
  Education for a training course for professionals          for this program joined seventeen participants
  involved with children, which will be run in               from many Arab countries in a tour of the United
  2008 in coordination with the Arab Forum for               States. The group strategized about the challenges
  Sexuality.                                                 of their breast cancer awareness campaigns, and
Implementing a comprehensive media campaign                met with organizations including the National
  for World AIDS Day on December 1st. High school            Institute of Health, the American Cancer Society,
  graduates of the Galilee Society program, as well          Susan G Komen for the Cure, and organizations
  as General Director Mohammad Khatib, were                  working with minority populations in the US.
  interviewed for Arabic language radio stations.          Conducting lectures in six high schools in
  A downloadable PowerPoint presentation in                  Nazareth, Reineh and Tamra.
  Arabic was made available on the Galilee Society         Holding the first training course for professionals.
  website.                                                   The course is designed to train health professionals
                                                             and social workers to be responsive to the special
2. Breast Cancer Awareness Project                           needs of Palestinian women in Israel, and increase
This pioneering project aims to address a general lack       the number of women comfortably obtaining
of awareness about breast cancer in the Palestinian          breast cancer exams.                                     5
population in Israel, through a broad Arabic-language
campaign addressing women, their families and health       3. Scholarships for Health Educators
care professionals. Breast cancer, the leading cause       This project recognizes and supports outstanding
of cancer mortality in Israeli women, is increasing at     Palestinian students in Israel in the field of community
a faster rate among Palestinian women in Israel, who       health promotion.
suffer from a higher mortality rate from the disease. A
sensitive issue, a special effort is required to address    qualified MPH students received scholarships
breast cancer in the Palestinian public in Israel in a       after submitting proposals for community health
culturally specific and sensitive manner.                    projects, which they implemented in the summer
                                                             of 2007.
Activities in 2007 included:                               Topics the students addressed in their projects
Printing two leaflets and a poster in the Arabic           included childhood obesity, hypertension in the
  language, explaining breast cancer and the                 elderly, health effects of waterpipe smoking, and
  importance of early detection. One leaflet is              the use of seatbelts among Arab children.

The Environmental
Justice Center
The Environmental Justice Center’s goals are to develop the values of justice and realize individual
and collective rights as they pertain to the environmental and health conditions of Palestinian
citizens in Israel. The Center strives to achieve equal environmental conditions for these citizens
through employing a number of strategies to raise public awareness and promote environmental
justice. Environmental conditions do not relate only to the physical surroundings of an individual or
community. They also constitute the social, psychological and aesthetic aspects that contribute to a
healthy environment. This more holistic view of environment is our guide.

The Center works to provide financial and                its services in 2007. An interactive form available
professional resources to address environmental          on the Internet allows anyone to submit a concern
hazards in the Palestinian community including           directly to EJC litigators, and a link was added to
the absence of environmental infrastructure,             the popular Arab48 website.
lack of sewage systems, and the spread of stone         pollution: The Center’s work in air pollution
quarries and illegal dumping sites near Palestinian      pivots around legal defense and preventing the
towns and villages. As a crucial component of            construction or clustering of factories and polluting     7
this work, in 2007 the EJC began to coordinate           industries in the vicinity of Palestinian localities in
its work with that of the Health Rights Center           Israel. In 2007, EJC air pollution advocacy focused
because these environmental problems have clear          on two environmentally hazardous plants - a tire
public health implications.                              recycling factory and a gas warehouse - that were
                                                         planned to be built in Shefa Amr.
Environmental Justice Center Projects in 2007          Sewage: The Center continues to draw attention
                                                         to the lack of environmental infrastructure in
1. Environmental Advocacy and Legal Action               Palestinian localities in Israel, especially the lack
The Environmental Justice Center pursued the             of sewage networks. In the village of Majd Al
following legal advocacy activities in 2007:             Kroum, sewage flooding was a recurring problem
 The GreenLine: Initiated in 2006, the EJC’s           that resulted in cases of West Nile Virus in 2007.
   environmental hotline continued and expanded          A local citizen donated pesticides, which were
constituting collective punishment and hazards
      sprayed as a public health precaution in late              to public health. Following the latest water
      summer in the village. The EJC brought the issue           shutoff in the Fall of 2007, the Galilee Society’s
      to the attention of the Ministry of the Environment,       lawyer requested immediate intervention from
      which initiated an investigation. As a result of           the Knesset Committee for Interior Affairs and
      a class action lawsuit brought by the EJC, the             Protection of the Environment. On November
      problem of the lack of sewage infrastructure is            12th, the Committee held a session to hear the
      currently being resolved in the village.                   EJC claims. The Committee stated they were
    Asbestos: Children have the right to a safe school         concerned with this appalling policy which harms
      environment. Asbestos is a known carcinogen                innocents, elderly, and students, and furthermore
      and illegal for use in buildings, yet it is found in       condemned Mekorot for allowing the cutoffs. The
      neglected school buildings attended by Palestinian         Committee ordered Mekorot to stop practicing
      children in Israel. In 2007, the Ministry of Education
8     acted in response to an EJC petition to refurbish Al
                                                                 water shutoffs, and to instead solve matters of non-
                                                                 payment through dialogue and legal proceedings.
      Salaam School in Majd Al Kroum. Before work                As a result of this success, the Galilee Society has
      on Omar Iben al Khattab School - also in Majd Al           been asked to suggest a coalition of NGOs to
      Kroum - could begin, a fire struck the building and        collaborate on the issue of water shutoffs to begin
      spread asbestos into the air. The EJC sent urgent          in 2008.
      letters to the Local Authority and the Ministries of     Illegal Waste Sites: In 2007, the EJC continued
      Environment and Education to alert them to the             its advocacy activities regarding legal waste sites
      health risk of aerated asbestos. The government            at the request of concerned citizens. Letters were
      has agreed to deal with the problem.                       submitted to the Ministry of the Environment
    Water Cutoffs: Mekorot, the national water utility         pressing for permanent solutions for people who
      company, maintains a policy of cutting off water           need to dispose of rubbish, and for illegal sites to
      supplies to entire Palestinian villages in Israel to       be cleaned.
      punish partial non-payment by local authorities,
2. Environmental Education and                              of 60 Arab high school students to clean up the
     Awareness Raising                                      beach bordering the last remaining Arab coastal
The EJC continued its education work among the              village in Israel.
Palestinian community in Israel through:                  Holding Study Days on environmental justice,
 Environmental Education Scholarships: Qualified          sustainable development and the Galilee Society’s
   bachelor’s and master’s level Palestinian university     Stone Quarry Report.
   students were awarded scholarships to aid their
   studies. The students completed reports on             3. Research
   environmental projects that they conducted in          The EJC considers research as the necessary basis
   their home communities.                                for any successful environmental advocacy:
 Two lectures on environmental education were            a result of the Stone Quarry Report findings, the
   given to teachers of the environment in Acre. A           EJC is planning a campaign to address the problem    9
   seminar was also held in Majd Al Kroum for local          of stone quarries on a national level.
   citizens following the water shutoff, regarding         The EJC is currently preparing a report on the
   the legal aspects of water shutoffs and the               problem of sewage infrastructure in Arab villages.
   environmental situation in Northern Israel.             special report on environmental issues will
 Arab Environmental Writers’ Competition: This             be published after a review of the data from the
   competition began in 2007 to provide opportunities        Galilee Society’s 2007 Socio-Economic Survey of
   for gifted Palestinian writers to produce culturally      Palestinians in Israel, which covered 3,270 Arab
   specific environmental literature for Arab schools.       households across the country.
   The stories of three winners were published and
   distributed to Arab schools and libraries.
 Beach Cleanup in Jeser el Zarka: As part of the
   international initiative Clean up the Med, led by
   Italian NGO Legambiente, the EJC led a group

     The Naqab
The Bedouin of the Naqab (Negev) Desert, and particularly those residing in the unrecognized
villages, constitute the most disadvantaged among the Palestinian minority in Israel. The
Galilee Society’s Naqab Department therefore works to improve the general situation of
this group, through empowering the local community, and women in particular, to actively
further their own development, as well as through various advocacy and lobbying efforts.
2007 saw the third and final year of a grant from ACSUR, the Spanish Agency for International
Cooperation, and the Naqab Department continued its programs to strengthen health and
education initiatives in the Bedouin unrecognized villages of the Naqab.

Naqab Department initiatives in 2007 included:             intended to raise awareness of breast cancer,
                                                           household accidents, nutrition and other subjects.
1. Advocacy and Public Awareness
                                                           The Galilee Society’s health educator, who is also
                                                           a Bedouin woman, conducted the courses.
The main advocacy initiative regarded the issue of
sewage in Tel Kseife. Due to Environmental Justice       Women’s Leadership: 65 women from various
Center pressure on the local and national authorities,     unrecognized villages took part in these courses,
a 100m2 open pond of raw sewage was drained                which is more advanced than the health education
and fenced off. Three Public Health Days were              described above. These women were trained in
held in March, May and August 2007, as well as an
                                                           anatomy of the human body, pregnancy, stages of
Environmental Day. The events aimed to bring the
                                                           fetal development, breast cancer early detection,
community’s attention to campaigns focusing on
                                                           good nutrition, household accidents prevention
breast cancer, household accidents and nutrition.
                                                           and treatment, and First Aid.
2. Training Courses
                                                         First Aid for Daycare Teachers: During 2007, two
 Women’s Health Education: 163 Bedouin from
                                                           courses certified a total of 35 women in First Aid.
   the unrecognized villages completed courses
3. Special Training Programs                            Mobile Clinic: The Galilee Society’s long-
     Youth-to-Youth, Stewards of Health and the              established mobile clinic continued its essential
       Environment: Bedouin youth participated in a            services to the unrecognized villages in 2007.
       training course about health and environmental          In addition, the clinic was present at Public
       issues and organized projects among their peers.        Health Days, and explained the importance of
                                                               immunization and health care in the unrecognized
       After completing training, the students organized a
       health and environment day for their school in Al
       Mostaqba, which was attended by 1,000 children
                                                             Publications: Following the Galilee Society’s
       who participated in a litter clean-up activity.
                                                               successful First Regional Conference on Traditional
                                                               Arabic and Islamic Medicine that was held in
     Special Needs Education Courses for Bedouin:            Amman in August 2007, the Naqab Department
       In the Naqab Department’s ongoing efforts to            launched a nutrition campaign at the start of the
       improve services for Arabic-speaking residents          new school term. The campaign incorporates Al-
       with special needs, it has successfully lobbied         Maissam’s research on the benefits of indigenous
       the state to offer Psychology and Special Needs         plans of the region. Brochures about the uses and
       education courses in Arabic at the Open University      beneficial properties of indigenous plants were
       in Beer ElSabe’ (Beer Sheva). This program marks        distributed to pharmacies, mother and childcare
       the first time many of these courses are offered in     centers, national health clinics, and elementary
       Arabic at the University. The Naqab Department          schools throughout the Naqab. Health days were
       continued working closely with the 22 women             held at elementary schools to encourage children
                                                               to adopt positive behaviors. Additionally, all of
       who are enrolled in the program, supporting them
12     with Hebrew language challenges and exam
                                                               the original brochures on health promotion that
                                                               were included in the health kits produced by the
                                                               Naqab Department were reprinted in 2007 and
                                                               distributed on the regular rounds of the Mobile
                                                               Clinic and during courses and public awareness

Rikaz Databank
for the Palestinian
Minority in Israel
Rikaz was born of the need for reliable and comprehensive information on the status and specific needs of
     the Palestinian community in Israel. Its aim is to facilitate applied socio-economic research, development and
     advocacy work for the benefit of, and to empower, the Palestinian minority in Israel. Rikaz serves to draw the
     attention of the public, NGOs, decision-makers and the authorities to disparities between Palestinian and Jewish
     living standards and thereby help to bridge a disconcerting information gap. A comprehensive computerized
     information system, Rikaz collects and analyzes extensive data relating to this population group, providing
     free, reliable and up-to-date information on the Internet ( for a variety of audiences.

     Rikaz Projects in 2007 included:                               130 of the 164 localities in Israel with a significant
     2007 Socio-economic Survey: Supported by                     Arab population. The Community Survey collected
       a grant from the European Commission, Rikaz                  data on local institutions (educational, cultural,
       successfully completed the first year of this                religious and health), services (governmental
       major two-year project. From May through July                and non-governmental), economic resources
       2007, homes in 47 statistical areas throughout               (private and public), and infrastructure in order
       Israel were surveyed, obtaining 3,270 complete               to determine what resources are present in these
       and accurate questionnaires. Rikaz staff then                communities. Analyzed together with the rest
       processed the data and continued to do analysis              of the data in Rikaz’s Databank, this survey can
       until the end of the year in order to produce a              show which further resources should be added
       final report. The topics included in the survey              to specific localities and can offer comparisons
       will update data from the 2004 Socio-economic                between other social groups in Israel.
14     Survey, which focused on demography, housing
       and housing conditions, labor and labor force,             ‘Ataa Report and Study Day- Security: A Collective
       standards of living, education, media and culture,           Right of the Palestinian Minority: In 2006, the
       health, environment, agricultural holdings, and              Galilee Society spearheaded a group initiative
       public order. New questions were added to                    (‘Ataa) to create an Arabic emergency call-in center
       gain a more complete understanding of health                 during the Israeli War on Lebanon to deal with the
       and environmental status, especially access to               many logistical questions and psychological issues
       preventative health examinations. In 2008, Rikaz             for Palestinians in Israel posed by the conflict. This
       plans to write three focus reports analyzing the             year, ‘Ataa published a groundbreaking report
       2007 data.                                                   based on a survey conducted by Rikaz in 24 Arab
                                                                    towns and villages in northern Israel, including
     2006 Community Survey Report: Analysis and                   Haifa. It details the severe lack of emergency
       writing of the final report for the extensive 2006           facilities and services in war-affected Palestinian
       Community Survey was completed in December                   villages in Israel. Among the primary results of
       2007. The Report compiles data collected from                the report is that the state, through its numerous
apparatuses, did not sufficiently deal with the
  consequences of its attack on Lebanon and the
  Hezbollah missiles that landed on Palestinian
  towns and villages in Israel. In addition, the
  report demonstrates that Palestinian localities lack
  facilities and services required to deal with states
  of emergency, such as air raid sirens, shelters,
  and Arabic language emergency literature and
  warnings. Rikaz presented its findings at a study
  day entitled Security: A Collective Right of the
  National Minority in October 2007 in Haifa.

Updating Rikaz: Rikaz was updated in 2007 with
  the official 2005 and 2006 Israeli Government
  Labor Surveys. By updating the Databank with
  these latest indicators, it is assured that Rikaz
  Databank contains the latest comparative data on
  the majority and minority communities in Israel.

Website Maintenance: In order to make its website
  ( more accessible to target groups,
  the Hebrew interface of Rikaz was translated
  alongside the Arabic and English (slated to go on-     15
  line in early 2008).

The Resource
The Resource Development Department manages the Galilee Society’s relationships with
its foreign donors and serves the organization in many ways. It operates primarily in
English and is responsible for fundraising, including working with the Friends of the Galilee
Society in the US; donor reporting; the bi-monthly newsletter sent to over 2,000 recipients
worldwide; website updates and Annual Reports.

In 2007, the Department achieved many successes for the             The Newsletter is sent to more than 2,000 recipients
Galilee Society, including:                                         worldwide.
New grants from Roche and Teva pharmaceutical
   companies to support the HRC’s Breast Cancer project.         Internal Staffing and Capacity Building
   The Resource Development will continue this successful        Over the course of the year, Resource Development
   strategy of tapping into corporate philanthropy in the           Director Felice Nassar managed interns Chris Sutton
   future.                                                          and Emily Antoon. The department also welcomed back
Laying the foundation for a new generous grant from               former intern Jamie Mandell, now Resource Development
   the Sigrid Rausing Foundation in the UK to support the           Executive, to help manage the intricacies of the demands
   activities of the Environmental Justice Center.                  placed on the department by the new grants obtained in
                                                                    the previous year.
Fundraising and Donor Relations                                  The Resource Development Department began in 2007
The department has successfully continued to manage               to search for a qualified organizational development
   the relationship with Misereor, the overseas development         consultant to work alongside the General Director and the
   agency of the Catholic Church, securing a two-year               Resource Development department to build organizational
   contract for 2008 and 2009.                                      capacity, engage in program planning and evaluation,
Working to manage the reporting of the third and final year       engage in strategic planning, and help oversee the resource   17
   of the three-year grant from ACSUR Las Segovias. This            development function of the organization.
   grant, from the Spanish Cooperation, funded the Galilee
   Society’s projects working with Bedouin women and             Donors to the Galilee Society in 2007
   children in the Naqab.                                        ACSUR Las Segovias
Managing the Galilee Society’s first grant from the European   Church of Scotland
   Union, which was obtained in 2006 to support the unique       European Union
   and vital surveys of Palestinians in Israel, together with    Ford Foundation
   advocacy training, conducted by Rikaz Databank.               Misereor
A significant number of tailored proposals were sent to        Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation
   foundations and personal contacts for the General Program     Open Society Institute
   as well as all individual projects.                           Roche Pharmaceuticals
All project and program reporting was carried out              Susan G Komen for the Cure
   according to the agreements with donor organizations.         Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
The Newsletter, with comprehensive articles and news           Shefa Amr Municipality and Government Ministries
   on the Galilee Society’s activities, was published seven      Individuals
   times in 2007: five full issues, and two special issues.

The Regional
Research &
Development Center
The research activities of 2007 included the            aims to develop a low cost wastewater treatment
continuation of research projects, as well as the       in arid regions for use in irrigation. The project
initiation of new projects, in the following areas:     started in 2007 and will last until 2010, funded
                                                        by the Federal Ministry of Education and
1. Agricultural and Environmental Projects              Research (BMBF), Germany.
The examination of recovery and use of              Conducting the first training program on the
  polyphenols from olive wastes for innovative          principles of compost science and technology:
  products. Wastes from the olive industry              Transfer the Knowledge. This workshop was
  can cause environmental problems when                 held in Newe Ya’ar on July 4-5, 2007 within the
  disposed of. The ultimate goal of this project        framework of the joint MERC project between
  is to utilize the olive mill wastes produced          the R&D, Newe Ya’ar, Hebron University, and
  in the Mediterranean region during olive oil          the RSS (Jordan). The workshop focused on
  extraction for the production of economical           principles of composting science and technology
  and environmentally safe antioxidants and             applications to olive mill wastes. The workshop
  antimicrobial products with innovative uses.          includes 7 lectures, lab demonstrations, and
  This project is in coordination with researchers      a half-day visit at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu (Beit
  from the Technical University of Munich,              She’an valley, northern Israel).
  Germany. The project will last from 2007
  until 2010, funded by the Federal Ministry of       2. Health and Medicinal Plants Projects
  Education and Research (BMBF), Germany.             The first Conference on Traditional Arabic
 removal of pharmaceuticals and pathogens
  The                                                   and Islamic Medicine took place in Amman
  from sewage water. The objective is to facilitate     Jordan, August 2007. This groundbreaking
  the sustainable, safe reuse of treated sewage         conference was organized by the R&D Center
  effluents. This project is in coordination            in coordination with the Arab Group for the
  with researchers at Haifa University and the          Protection of Nature, Antaki Center for Herbal
  Technion. It is funded by the Ministry of             Medicine Ltd., Delass Co., and sponsored by the
  Science and Technology, Israel.                       World Health Organization (WHO) and Sprunk
The production of bioethanol from agricultural        Jansen Co, Denmark. The conference was
  wastes, including the olive oil industry. This        attended by over 130 scientists, students and
  project is in coordination with researchers from      representatives of pharmaceutical companies.
  the Technion, and is funded by the Ministry of        More than 35 presentations were given, and 65
  Science and Technology, Israel.                       papers were presented as posters, discussing
The Helmholtz Dead Sea Project: this research         issues related to Arab and Islamic medicine,
traditional uses of herbs, agricultural research,   3. Publications and Presentations
       pharmaceutical compounds and remedies               R&D Center researchers published 11
       of human diseases. Attendees hailed from              peer-reviewed papers in 2007. The topics
       Algeria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan,        included wastewater treatment in Arab
       Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine,         villages, biodegradation of phenols, botanical

20   
       Switzerland, Tunisia, Uganda and the US.
       Developing herbal remedies used in traditional
                                                             pesticides, treatment of olive mill and swine
                                                             wastes, traditional Arab and Islamic medicine,
       Arabic medicine to treat various skin and liver       and traditional Arabic botanical medicine for
       diseases                                              regulation of blood sugar in diabetes.
      addition to the above mentioned projects, a
       In                                                   Isam Sabbah participated in the “Research
       new Bioinformatics unit has been established          and Development” panel of the Conference
       at the R&D Center by the addition of new              on Economic Development Opportunities and
       researcher Dr. Malik Yousef. The field of             Business Initiatives in the Arab Community.
       Bioinformatics combines computer science,             The conference was organized by Mossawa
       mathematics, statistics and biology to analyze        Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens
       large amounts of biological data, and facilitate      in Israel.
       cross-discipline communication.                      Hassan Azaizeh presented his research on
                                                             Selenium in the human diet at the European
Cooperation in the field of Scientific and        4. Submitting Research Proposals
  Technical Research Conference held at Ben         The R&D Center’s researchers wrote more than
  Gurion University October 23-25. He also            25 research proposals, which were submitted
  presented his research on using microbes and        to local and international funders.
  plants (wetlands) to bioremediate contaminated    Thus far, the R&D Center has gained funding for
  soils from Selenium at the COST EU conference
  held at Vilnius University, Lithuania May
                                                      five research projects, three from local funders
                                                      (the Ministry of Science and Technology) and
  30-June 2. In addition, Dr. Azaizeh attended a      two from international funders (two German
  Biogas conference and presented his research        funds: BIODISC and BMBF). The research
  on the treatment of olive mill wastewater at        projects were approved in the sum of 4 million
  the Progress in Biogas Conference held at the       NIS over a period of three years.
  University of Hohenheim September 18-25.
Dr. Isam Sabbah presented the results of
  the olive mill wastewater project at the New
  Technologies for the Treatment and Valorization
  of Agricultural Byproducts Conference in Terni,
  Italy October 3-5.

The Medicinal Plant

Center for Research and Education
In 2007, the Al-Maissam Center continued its core activities, which focus on the revival of Arab folk heritage,
protecting medicinal plants species, educating the local public on the uses of traditional medicinal plants,
and offering guidance to students in support of their research in the environment, biology, chemistry
and medicinal herbs. Led by new Al-Maissam Director Dr. Naim Karim, the Center began implementing

ambitious plans to expand Al-Maissam’s educational activities. In 2007, Al-Maissam increased the number
of educational stations and subjects to include botany, regional indigenous plants, marine life, :beekeeping,                                         .
insects, recycling, environmental conservation, and the interconnectedness of all living things.           .  /

Al-Maissam Activities in 2007 included:                         790 local high school students in completing their
 Day Visits: Nearly 3000 students representing                final projects for the Israeli high. school graduation
   all grade levels from surrounding villages visited           certificate (Bagrut) in the areas of Biology,
   Al-Maissam in 2007. On a typical day visit, the              Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. 04-9861173 :                04-9861171 / 04-6419272 :

   students learn first-hand about the Center’s activities                                     :              www

   starting with the greenhouse, and moving on to the        Public Lectures: Al-Maissam’s public outreach
   educational stations on beekeeping and organic              engagements continued, with Dr. Naim Karim
   fertilizers including compose and algae, and the            delivering lectures in locations throughout the
   model aquatic system. The students also move to             country.                                                             23
   the medicinal plant laboratories to perform research
   activities that are utilized in the development of        Training Activities for Teachers: Al-Maissam held
   natural products and medicinal herbs.                       a series of workshops to further the capabilities of
                                                               teachers in the environmental sciences, as well
The Young Researchers’ Program: 122 students                 as an internal capacity-building workshop for Al-
  in grades 5 - 8 participate in science classes and           Maissam’s teachers in 2007. These workshops
  laboratory work, as well as completing individual            are an opportunity for high school teachers to
  research projects with the assistance of Al-Maissam          learn about locally grown medicinal plants and
  teachers for this program.                                   their uses and project models for their pupils.
                                                               The internal workshop for Al-Maissam’s teachers
Final Assignments Program: In 2007, scientists               aimed more specifically to prepare employees
  from Al-Maissam and the Galilee Society’s                    for the expected influx of students in the coming
  Regional Research & Development Center advised               2007-2008 academic year.
Board of Directors                                Naqab Department
     Mr. Wael Omari Chair                              Adnan Sa’id Director
     Mr. Abed Msalha Deputy Chairperson                Dr. Salem Sane Strategic Program Coordinator
     Ms. Rosland Daem                                  Safaa Latawna Health Educator
     Dr. Ilyad Jahshan                                 Kholod Al Assad Administrative Assistant
     Dr. Fathi Daqqa                                   Maher Abu-Ratewesh Mobile Clinic Driver
     Mr. Mohammad Al Shayib
     Mr. Abed Al Rahman Jassar                         R&D Center
                                                       Dr. Isam Sabbah Scientific Director
     General Director                                  Dr. Sobhi Bashir Senior Researcher
     Dr. Basel Ghattas (January-September 2007)        Dr. Hassan Azaizeh Senior Researcher
     Mr. Mohammad Khatib (September-December 2007)     Dr. Ahmad Yazbik Senior Researcher
                                                       Prof. Bashar Saad Senior Researcher
     Library                                           Dr. Basel Ghattas Senior Researcher
     Reema Hayek                                       Dr. Jeries Jadoun Senior Researcher
     Librarian and Assistant to the General Director   Dr. Naim Najami Senior Researcher
                                                       Dr. Malik Yousef Senior Researcher
     Financial Department                              Dr. Ahmad Tafish Senior Researcher
     Suheir Hanna-Armali CPA and Director              Dr. Medhat Osman Senior Researcher
                                                       Faris Halahly Lab Technician
     Environmental Justice Center                      Ahlam Hayek Lab Technician
     Shadi Azzam Lawyer                                Bernadette Abu Atta Research Assistant
                                                       Nidal Masalha Research Student
     Rikaz Databank                                    Bahaa Hadia Research Student
     Ahmad Sheikh Muhammad Director and Developer      Katy Baransi Research Student
     Aid Rohanna Statistician                          Kler Tawafshe Administrative Assistant
24   Nabih Bashir Socioeconomic Researcher
     Health Rights Center                              Dr. Omar Said Director (January-July 2007)
     Abeer Ghantoos AIDS Project Coordinator           Dr. Naim Kraim Director (July-December 2007)
     Amira Othman Breast Cancer Project Coordinator    Iman Said Guide
     Hannan Mannaa Project Coordinator                 Hisham Shahin Guide
                                                       Assad Dhamshi Administrative Assistant
     Resource Development Department
     Felice Nassar Director
     Jamie Mandell Officer
     Chris Sutton Institutional Support
     Emily Antoon Institutional Support
     Entissar Shlewett Administrative Assistant



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Galilee Society - Annual Report 2007

  • 1. The Galilee Society The Arab National Society for Health Research & Services (RA) 1 Annual Report 2007
  • 2. A Word from Our Administration In 2007, the Galilee Society achieved a number began on an additional 600 m2 space above the of significant milestones towards promoting Galilee Society headquarters building that will the health, welfare, and environment of the house the Regional Research & Development Palestinian community in Israel through a multi- Center from mid-2008 onwards. We are grateful faceted platform of scientific research, education, for the outpouring of community support for this and advocacy. As such, it is with great honor that effort, as well as to all our donors without whom we present to you the following summary of all our work would not be possible. our departmental activities undertaken in the last year. We would like to invite all the members of the Galilee Society as well as the general public to The Galilee Society has witnessed a number of share their suggestions and opinions, and to changes which allow for the expansion and re- work with us in our mission to promote public 2 orienting of our programs. Dr. Basel Ghattas welfare and services. The board and staff of the stepped down from the General Director position Galilee Society join us in thanking everyone who which he held for more than 12 years. We are has contributed to the organization’s continued grateful for his longstanding leadership and activities and growth. We would especially like contribution. We appreciate the enormous effort to thank our donors and partners from different Dr. Ghattas has committed to the Galilee Society organizations, and we hope that this cooperation and the Palestinian community in Israel over the will enable us to continue working for the benefit years. Before he left, he ensured that construction of our greater society. Yours sincerely, Mr. Wael Omari Mr. Mohammad Khatib
  • 4. The Galilee Society’s Health Rights Center strives to improve the health status, and achieve equality of health services, for the Palestinian minority in Israel. Its underlying principle is that the consideration of the health status of a society is a fundamental component of the development process. The Center works according to several strategies: among the Palestinian community in Israel. Primarily 1. The strengthening of health education in various funded by the Church of Scotland, this project began areas and consolidating its impact so that it will in 2005. be reflected positively on the public health of the Palestinian Arab community; Activities in 2007 included: 2. The development, expansion and Holding peer educator workshops at two different institutionalization of the information network high schools, and training high school students regarding the health of the Palestinian Arab on issues of health, sexually transmitted diseases, population in Israel as an essential foundation for and HIV/AIDS. The workshops follow the Peer 4 health and environmental planning; Education Model, which trains young people to 3. The planning and implementation of direct act as peer role models and advisors, empowering intervention programs related to specific health them by providing them with health information issues on the basis of available information and and methods of guidance. research; and Printing and distribution of 1500 Arabic-language 4. Wide marketing of Galilee Society publications on informational pamphlets on HIV/AIDS produced health issues relevant to the Palestinian community by the Galilee Society. in Israel (a guide for female youth, breast cancer,  delegation of young people from the Church A HIV/AIDS, etc). of Scotland joined the peer educators who participated in the Galilee Society HIV/AIDS Health Rights Center Projects in 2007 project in a joint workshop in July 2007. These 1. HIV/AIDS Education and Awareness Program 30 young people took part in activities focusing The Galilee Society is the sole organization to offer on preventing HIV/AIDS, and breaking down preventative education on HIV/AIDS so widely stereotypes.
  • 5. Holding HIV/AIDS prevention workshops for directed towards Palestinian women in Israel, boarding school professionals and orphaned youth and the second addresses the role of the family in Ebilin and Nazareth in encouraging women in the process of early Reaching over 120 students through awareness- detection. 5,000 copies of each were printed. raising lectures at high schools in Nazareth, Ebilin, Participating in the US State Department Breast Reineh and Jdaidy Makr. Cancer Awareness and Community Outreach Achieving accreditation from the Ministry of project. The Galilee Society’s Project Coordinator Education for a training course for professionals for this program joined seventeen participants involved with children, which will be run in from many Arab countries in a tour of the United 2008 in coordination with the Arab Forum for States. The group strategized about the challenges Sexuality. of their breast cancer awareness campaigns, and Implementing a comprehensive media campaign met with organizations including the National for World AIDS Day on December 1st. High school Institute of Health, the American Cancer Society, graduates of the Galilee Society program, as well Susan G Komen for the Cure, and organizations as General Director Mohammad Khatib, were working with minority populations in the US. interviewed for Arabic language radio stations. Conducting lectures in six high schools in A downloadable PowerPoint presentation in Nazareth, Reineh and Tamra. Arabic was made available on the Galilee Society Holding the first training course for professionals. website. The course is designed to train health professionals and social workers to be responsive to the special 2. Breast Cancer Awareness Project needs of Palestinian women in Israel, and increase This pioneering project aims to address a general lack the number of women comfortably obtaining of awareness about breast cancer in the Palestinian breast cancer exams. 5 population in Israel, through a broad Arabic-language campaign addressing women, their families and health 3. Scholarships for Health Educators care professionals. Breast cancer, the leading cause This project recognizes and supports outstanding of cancer mortality in Israeli women, is increasing at Palestinian students in Israel in the field of community a faster rate among Palestinian women in Israel, who health promotion. suffer from a higher mortality rate from the disease. A sensitive issue, a special effort is required to address  qualified MPH students received scholarships Six breast cancer in the Palestinian public in Israel in a after submitting proposals for community health culturally specific and sensitive manner. projects, which they implemented in the summer of 2007. Activities in 2007 included: Topics the students addressed in their projects Printing two leaflets and a poster in the Arabic included childhood obesity, hypertension in the language, explaining breast cancer and the elderly, health effects of waterpipe smoking, and importance of early detection. One leaflet is the use of seatbelts among Arab children.
  • 7. The Environmental Justice Center’s goals are to develop the values of justice and realize individual and collective rights as they pertain to the environmental and health conditions of Palestinian citizens in Israel. The Center strives to achieve equal environmental conditions for these citizens through employing a number of strategies to raise public awareness and promote environmental justice. Environmental conditions do not relate only to the physical surroundings of an individual or community. They also constitute the social, psychological and aesthetic aspects that contribute to a healthy environment. This more holistic view of environment is our guide. The Center works to provide financial and its services in 2007. An interactive form available professional resources to address environmental on the Internet allows anyone to submit a concern hazards in the Palestinian community including directly to EJC litigators, and a link was added to the absence of environmental infrastructure, the popular Arab48 website. lack of sewage systems, and the spread of stone  pollution: The Center’s work in air pollution Air quarries and illegal dumping sites near Palestinian pivots around legal defense and preventing the towns and villages. As a crucial component of construction or clustering of factories and polluting 7 this work, in 2007 the EJC began to coordinate industries in the vicinity of Palestinian localities in its work with that of the Health Rights Center Israel. In 2007, EJC air pollution advocacy focused because these environmental problems have clear on two environmentally hazardous plants - a tire public health implications. recycling factory and a gas warehouse - that were planned to be built in Shefa Amr. Environmental Justice Center Projects in 2007 Sewage: The Center continues to draw attention to the lack of environmental infrastructure in 1. Environmental Advocacy and Legal Action Palestinian localities in Israel, especially the lack The Environmental Justice Center pursued the of sewage networks. In the village of Majd Al following legal advocacy activities in 2007: Kroum, sewage flooding was a recurring problem  The GreenLine: Initiated in 2006, the EJC’s that resulted in cases of West Nile Virus in 2007. environmental hotline continued and expanded A local citizen donated pesticides, which were
  • 8. constituting collective punishment and hazards sprayed as a public health precaution in late to public health. Following the latest water summer in the village. The EJC brought the issue shutoff in the Fall of 2007, the Galilee Society’s to the attention of the Ministry of the Environment, lawyer requested immediate intervention from which initiated an investigation. As a result of the Knesset Committee for Interior Affairs and a class action lawsuit brought by the EJC, the Protection of the Environment. On November problem of the lack of sewage infrastructure is 12th, the Committee held a session to hear the currently being resolved in the village. EJC claims. The Committee stated they were Asbestos: Children have the right to a safe school concerned with this appalling policy which harms environment. Asbestos is a known carcinogen innocents, elderly, and students, and furthermore and illegal for use in buildings, yet it is found in condemned Mekorot for allowing the cutoffs. The neglected school buildings attended by Palestinian Committee ordered Mekorot to stop practicing children in Israel. In 2007, the Ministry of Education 8 acted in response to an EJC petition to refurbish Al water shutoffs, and to instead solve matters of non- payment through dialogue and legal proceedings. Salaam School in Majd Al Kroum. Before work As a result of this success, the Galilee Society has on Omar Iben al Khattab School - also in Majd Al been asked to suggest a coalition of NGOs to Kroum - could begin, a fire struck the building and collaborate on the issue of water shutoffs to begin spread asbestos into the air. The EJC sent urgent in 2008. letters to the Local Authority and the Ministries of Illegal Waste Sites: In 2007, the EJC continued Environment and Education to alert them to the its advocacy activities regarding legal waste sites health risk of aerated asbestos. The government at the request of concerned citizens. Letters were has agreed to deal with the problem. submitted to the Ministry of the Environment Water Cutoffs: Mekorot, the national water utility pressing for permanent solutions for people who company, maintains a policy of cutting off water need to dispose of rubbish, and for illegal sites to supplies to entire Palestinian villages in Israel to be cleaned. punish partial non-payment by local authorities,
  • 9. 2. Environmental Education and of 60 Arab high school students to clean up the Awareness Raising beach bordering the last remaining Arab coastal The EJC continued its education work among the village in Israel. Palestinian community in Israel through: Holding Study Days on environmental justice,  Environmental Education Scholarships: Qualified sustainable development and the Galilee Society’s bachelor’s and master’s level Palestinian university Stone Quarry Report. students were awarded scholarships to aid their studies. The students completed reports on 3. Research environmental projects that they conducted in The EJC considers research as the necessary basis their home communities. for any successful environmental advocacy:  Two lectures on environmental education were  a result of the Stone Quarry Report findings, the As given to teachers of the environment in Acre. A EJC is planning a campaign to address the problem 9 seminar was also held in Majd Al Kroum for local of stone quarries on a national level. citizens following the water shutoff, regarding  The EJC is currently preparing a report on the the legal aspects of water shutoffs and the problem of sewage infrastructure in Arab villages. environmental situation in Northern Israel.  special report on environmental issues will A  Arab Environmental Writers’ Competition: This be published after a review of the data from the competition began in 2007 to provide opportunities Galilee Society’s 2007 Socio-Economic Survey of for gifted Palestinian writers to produce culturally Palestinians in Israel, which covered 3,270 Arab specific environmental literature for Arab schools. households across the country. The stories of three winners were published and distributed to Arab schools and libraries.  Beach Cleanup in Jeser el Zarka: As part of the international initiative Clean up the Med, led by Italian NGO Legambiente, the EJC led a group
  • 10. 10 The Naqab Department
  • 11. The Bedouin of the Naqab (Negev) Desert, and particularly those residing in the unrecognized villages, constitute the most disadvantaged among the Palestinian minority in Israel. The Galilee Society’s Naqab Department therefore works to improve the general situation of this group, through empowering the local community, and women in particular, to actively further their own development, as well as through various advocacy and lobbying efforts. 2007 saw the third and final year of a grant from ACSUR, the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, and the Naqab Department continued its programs to strengthen health and education initiatives in the Bedouin unrecognized villages of the Naqab. Naqab Department initiatives in 2007 included: intended to raise awareness of breast cancer, household accidents, nutrition and other subjects. 1. Advocacy and Public Awareness Initiatives: The Galilee Society’s health educator, who is also a Bedouin woman, conducted the courses. 11 The main advocacy initiative regarded the issue of sewage in Tel Kseife. Due to Environmental Justice Women’s Leadership: 65 women from various Center pressure on the local and national authorities, unrecognized villages took part in these courses, a 100m2 open pond of raw sewage was drained which is more advanced than the health education and fenced off. Three Public Health Days were described above. These women were trained in held in March, May and August 2007, as well as an anatomy of the human body, pregnancy, stages of Environmental Day. The events aimed to bring the fetal development, breast cancer early detection, community’s attention to campaigns focusing on good nutrition, household accidents prevention breast cancer, household accidents and nutrition. and treatment, and First Aid. 2. Training Courses First Aid for Daycare Teachers: During 2007, two  Women’s Health Education: 163 Bedouin from courses certified a total of 35 women in First Aid. the unrecognized villages completed courses
  • 12. 3. Special Training Programs Mobile Clinic: The Galilee Society’s long- Youth-to-Youth, Stewards of Health and the established mobile clinic continued its essential Environment: Bedouin youth participated in a services to the unrecognized villages in 2007. training course about health and environmental In addition, the clinic was present at Public issues and organized projects among their peers. Health Days, and explained the importance of immunization and health care in the unrecognized After completing training, the students organized a villages. health and environment day for their school in Al Mostaqba, which was attended by 1,000 children Publications: Following the Galilee Society’s who participated in a litter clean-up activity. successful First Regional Conference on Traditional Arabic and Islamic Medicine that was held in Special Needs Education Courses for Bedouin: Amman in August 2007, the Naqab Department In the Naqab Department’s ongoing efforts to launched a nutrition campaign at the start of the improve services for Arabic-speaking residents new school term. The campaign incorporates Al- with special needs, it has successfully lobbied Maissam’s research on the benefits of indigenous the state to offer Psychology and Special Needs plans of the region. Brochures about the uses and education courses in Arabic at the Open University beneficial properties of indigenous plants were in Beer ElSabe’ (Beer Sheva). This program marks distributed to pharmacies, mother and childcare the first time many of these courses are offered in centers, national health clinics, and elementary Arabic at the University. The Naqab Department schools throughout the Naqab. Health days were continued working closely with the 22 women held at elementary schools to encourage children to adopt positive behaviors. Additionally, all of who are enrolled in the program, supporting them 12 with Hebrew language challenges and exam the original brochures on health promotion that were included in the health kits produced by the preparation. Naqab Department were reprinted in 2007 and distributed on the regular rounds of the Mobile Clinic and during courses and public awareness events.
  • 13. 13 Rikaz Databank for the Palestinian Minority in Israel
  • 14. Rikaz was born of the need for reliable and comprehensive information on the status and specific needs of the Palestinian community in Israel. Its aim is to facilitate applied socio-economic research, development and advocacy work for the benefit of, and to empower, the Palestinian minority in Israel. Rikaz serves to draw the attention of the public, NGOs, decision-makers and the authorities to disparities between Palestinian and Jewish living standards and thereby help to bridge a disconcerting information gap. A comprehensive computerized information system, Rikaz collects and analyzes extensive data relating to this population group, providing free, reliable and up-to-date information on the Internet ( for a variety of audiences. Rikaz Projects in 2007 included: 130 of the 164 localities in Israel with a significant 2007 Socio-economic Survey: Supported by Arab population. The Community Survey collected a grant from the European Commission, Rikaz data on local institutions (educational, cultural, successfully completed the first year of this religious and health), services (governmental major two-year project. From May through July and non-governmental), economic resources 2007, homes in 47 statistical areas throughout (private and public), and infrastructure in order Israel were surveyed, obtaining 3,270 complete to determine what resources are present in these and accurate questionnaires. Rikaz staff then communities. Analyzed together with the rest processed the data and continued to do analysis of the data in Rikaz’s Databank, this survey can until the end of the year in order to produce a show which further resources should be added final report. The topics included in the survey to specific localities and can offer comparisons will update data from the 2004 Socio-economic between other social groups in Israel. 14 Survey, which focused on demography, housing and housing conditions, labor and labor force, ‘Ataa Report and Study Day- Security: A Collective standards of living, education, media and culture, Right of the Palestinian Minority: In 2006, the health, environment, agricultural holdings, and Galilee Society spearheaded a group initiative public order. New questions were added to (‘Ataa) to create an Arabic emergency call-in center gain a more complete understanding of health during the Israeli War on Lebanon to deal with the and environmental status, especially access to many logistical questions and psychological issues preventative health examinations. In 2008, Rikaz for Palestinians in Israel posed by the conflict. This plans to write three focus reports analyzing the year, ‘Ataa published a groundbreaking report 2007 data. based on a survey conducted by Rikaz in 24 Arab towns and villages in northern Israel, including 2006 Community Survey Report: Analysis and Haifa. It details the severe lack of emergency writing of the final report for the extensive 2006 facilities and services in war-affected Palestinian Community Survey was completed in December villages in Israel. Among the primary results of 2007. The Report compiles data collected from the report is that the state, through its numerous
  • 15. apparatuses, did not sufficiently deal with the consequences of its attack on Lebanon and the Hezbollah missiles that landed on Palestinian towns and villages in Israel. In addition, the report demonstrates that Palestinian localities lack facilities and services required to deal with states of emergency, such as air raid sirens, shelters, and Arabic language emergency literature and warnings. Rikaz presented its findings at a study day entitled Security: A Collective Right of the National Minority in October 2007 in Haifa. Updating Rikaz: Rikaz was updated in 2007 with the official 2005 and 2006 Israeli Government Labor Surveys. By updating the Databank with these latest indicators, it is assured that Rikaz Databank contains the latest comparative data on the majority and minority communities in Israel. Website Maintenance: In order to make its website ( more accessible to target groups, the Hebrew interface of Rikaz was translated alongside the Arabic and English (slated to go on- 15 line in early 2008).
  • 17. The Resource Development Department manages the Galilee Society’s relationships with its foreign donors and serves the organization in many ways. It operates primarily in English and is responsible for fundraising, including working with the Friends of the Galilee Society in the US; donor reporting; the bi-monthly newsletter sent to over 2,000 recipients worldwide; website updates and Annual Reports. In 2007, the Department achieved many successes for the The Newsletter is sent to more than 2,000 recipients Galilee Society, including: worldwide. New grants from Roche and Teva pharmaceutical companies to support the HRC’s Breast Cancer project. Internal Staffing and Capacity Building The Resource Development will continue this successful Over the course of the year, Resource Development strategy of tapping into corporate philanthropy in the Director Felice Nassar managed interns Chris Sutton future. and Emily Antoon. The department also welcomed back Laying the foundation for a new generous grant from former intern Jamie Mandell, now Resource Development the Sigrid Rausing Foundation in the UK to support the Executive, to help manage the intricacies of the demands activities of the Environmental Justice Center. placed on the department by the new grants obtained in the previous year. Fundraising and Donor Relations The Resource Development Department began in 2007 The department has successfully continued to manage to search for a qualified organizational development the relationship with Misereor, the overseas development consultant to work alongside the General Director and the agency of the Catholic Church, securing a two-year Resource Development department to build organizational contract for 2008 and 2009. capacity, engage in program planning and evaluation, Working to manage the reporting of the third and final year engage in strategic planning, and help oversee the resource 17 of the three-year grant from ACSUR Las Segovias. This development function of the organization. grant, from the Spanish Cooperation, funded the Galilee Society’s projects working with Bedouin women and Donors to the Galilee Society in 2007 children in the Naqab. ACSUR Las Segovias Managing the Galilee Society’s first grant from the European Church of Scotland Union, which was obtained in 2006 to support the unique European Union and vital surveys of Palestinians in Israel, together with Ford Foundation advocacy training, conducted by Rikaz Databank. Misereor A significant number of tailored proposals were sent to Naomi & Nehemiah Cohen Foundation foundations and personal contacts for the General Program Open Society Institute as well as all individual projects. Roche Pharmaceuticals All project and program reporting was carried out Susan G Komen for the Cure according to the agreements with donor organizations. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. The Newsletter, with comprehensive articles and news Shefa Amr Municipality and Government Ministries on the Galilee Society’s activities, was published seven Individuals times in 2007: five full issues, and two special issues.
  • 19. The research activities of 2007 included the aims to develop a low cost wastewater treatment continuation of research projects, as well as the in arid regions for use in irrigation. The project initiation of new projects, in the following areas: started in 2007 and will last until 2010, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and 1. Agricultural and Environmental Projects Research (BMBF), Germany. The examination of recovery and use of Conducting the first training program on the polyphenols from olive wastes for innovative principles of compost science and technology: products. Wastes from the olive industry Transfer the Knowledge. This workshop was can cause environmental problems when held in Newe Ya’ar on July 4-5, 2007 within the disposed of. The ultimate goal of this project framework of the joint MERC project between is to utilize the olive mill wastes produced the R&D, Newe Ya’ar, Hebron University, and in the Mediterranean region during olive oil the RSS (Jordan). The workshop focused on extraction for the production of economical principles of composting science and technology and environmentally safe antioxidants and applications to olive mill wastes. The workshop antimicrobial products with innovative uses. includes 7 lectures, lab demonstrations, and This project is in coordination with researchers a half-day visit at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu (Beit from the Technical University of Munich, She’an valley, northern Israel). Germany. The project will last from 2007 until 2010, funded by the Federal Ministry of 2. Health and Medicinal Plants Projects Education and Research (BMBF), Germany. The first Conference on Traditional Arabic  removal of pharmaceuticals and pathogens The and Islamic Medicine took place in Amman from sewage water. The objective is to facilitate Jordan, August 2007. This groundbreaking 19 the sustainable, safe reuse of treated sewage conference was organized by the R&D Center effluents. This project is in coordination in coordination with the Arab Group for the with researchers at Haifa University and the Protection of Nature, Antaki Center for Herbal Technion. It is funded by the Ministry of Medicine Ltd., Delass Co., and sponsored by the Science and Technology, Israel. World Health Organization (WHO) and Sprunk The production of bioethanol from agricultural Jansen Co, Denmark. The conference was wastes, including the olive oil industry. This attended by over 130 scientists, students and project is in coordination with researchers from representatives of pharmaceutical companies. the Technion, and is funded by the Ministry of More than 35 presentations were given, and 65 Science and Technology, Israel. papers were presented as posters, discussing The Helmholtz Dead Sea Project: this research issues related to Arab and Islamic medicine,
  • 20. traditional uses of herbs, agricultural research, 3. Publications and Presentations pharmaceutical compounds and remedies R&D Center researchers published 11 of human diseases. Attendees hailed from peer-reviewed papers in 2007. The topics Algeria, Denmark, Egypt, France, Iran, Jordan, included wastewater treatment in Arab Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, villages, biodegradation of phenols, botanical 20  Switzerland, Tunisia, Uganda and the US. Developing herbal remedies used in traditional pesticides, treatment of olive mill and swine wastes, traditional Arab and Islamic medicine, Arabic medicine to treat various skin and liver and traditional Arabic botanical medicine for diseases regulation of blood sugar in diabetes.  addition to the above mentioned projects, a In  Isam Sabbah participated in the “Research Dr. new Bioinformatics unit has been established and Development” panel of the Conference at the R&D Center by the addition of new on Economic Development Opportunities and researcher Dr. Malik Yousef. The field of Business Initiatives in the Arab Community. Bioinformatics combines computer science, The conference was organized by Mossawa mathematics, statistics and biology to analyze Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens large amounts of biological data, and facilitate in Israel. cross-discipline communication.  Hassan Azaizeh presented his research on Dr. Selenium in the human diet at the European
  • 21. Cooperation in the field of Scientific and 4. Submitting Research Proposals Technical Research Conference held at Ben The R&D Center’s researchers wrote more than Gurion University October 23-25. He also 25 research proposals, which were submitted presented his research on using microbes and to local and international funders. plants (wetlands) to bioremediate contaminated Thus far, the R&D Center has gained funding for soils from Selenium at the COST EU conference held at Vilnius University, Lithuania May five research projects, three from local funders (the Ministry of Science and Technology) and 21 30-June 2. In addition, Dr. Azaizeh attended a two from international funders (two German Biogas conference and presented his research funds: BIODISC and BMBF). The research on the treatment of olive mill wastewater at projects were approved in the sum of 4 million the Progress in Biogas Conference held at the NIS over a period of three years. University of Hohenheim September 18-25. Dr. Isam Sabbah presented the results of the olive mill wastewater project at the New Technologies for the Treatment and Valorization of Agricultural Byproducts Conference in Terni, Italy October 3-5.
  • 22. 22 Al-Maissam The Medicinal Plant Center for Research and Education
  • 23. In 2007, the Al-Maissam Center continued its core activities, which focus on the revival of Arab folk heritage, protecting medicinal plants species, educating the local public on the uses of traditional medicinal plants, and offering guidance to students in support of their research in the environment, biology, chemistry and medicinal herbs. Led by new Al-Maissam Director Dr. Naim Karim, the Center began implementing : ambitious plans to expand Al-Maissam’s educational activities. In 2007, Al-Maissam increased the number of educational stations and subjects to include botany, regional indigenous plants, marine life, :beekeeping, . . insects, recycling, environmental conservation, and the interconnectedness of all living things. . / . Al-Maissam Activities in 2007 included: 790 local high school students in completing their  Day Visits: Nearly 3000 students representing final projects for the Israeli high. school graduation . all grade levels from surrounding villages visited certificate (Bagrut) in the areas of Biology, Al-Maissam in 2007. On a typical day visit, the Chemistry and Environmental Sciences. 04-9861173 : 04-9861171 / 04-6419272 : students learn first-hand about the Center’s activities : www starting with the greenhouse, and moving on to the Public Lectures: Al-Maissam’s public outreach educational stations on beekeeping and organic engagements continued, with Dr. Naim Karim fertilizers including compose and algae, and the delivering lectures in locations throughout the model aquatic system. The students also move to country. 23 the medicinal plant laboratories to perform research activities that are utilized in the development of Training Activities for Teachers: Al-Maissam held natural products and medicinal herbs. a series of workshops to further the capabilities of teachers in the environmental sciences, as well The Young Researchers’ Program: 122 students as an internal capacity-building workshop for Al- in grades 5 - 8 participate in science classes and Maissam’s teachers in 2007. These workshops laboratory work, as well as completing individual are an opportunity for high school teachers to research projects with the assistance of Al-Maissam learn about locally grown medicinal plants and teachers for this program. their uses and project models for their pupils. The internal workshop for Al-Maissam’s teachers Final Assignments Program: In 2007, scientists aimed more specifically to prepare employees from Al-Maissam and the Galilee Society’s for the expected influx of students in the coming Regional Research & Development Center advised 2007-2008 academic year.
  • 24. Board of Directors Naqab Department Mr. Wael Omari Chair Adnan Sa’id Director Mr. Abed Msalha Deputy Chairperson Dr. Salem Sane Strategic Program Coordinator Ms. Rosland Daem Safaa Latawna Health Educator Dr. Ilyad Jahshan Kholod Al Assad Administrative Assistant Dr. Fathi Daqqa Maher Abu-Ratewesh Mobile Clinic Driver Mr. Mohammad Al Shayib Mr. Abed Al Rahman Jassar R&D Center Dr. Isam Sabbah Scientific Director General Director Dr. Sobhi Bashir Senior Researcher Dr. Basel Ghattas (January-September 2007) Dr. Hassan Azaizeh Senior Researcher Mr. Mohammad Khatib (September-December 2007) Dr. Ahmad Yazbik Senior Researcher Prof. Bashar Saad Senior Researcher Library Dr. Basel Ghattas Senior Researcher Reema Hayek Dr. Jeries Jadoun Senior Researcher Librarian and Assistant to the General Director Dr. Naim Najami Senior Researcher Dr. Malik Yousef Senior Researcher Financial Department Dr. Ahmad Tafish Senior Researcher Suheir Hanna-Armali CPA and Director Dr. Medhat Osman Senior Researcher Faris Halahly Lab Technician Environmental Justice Center Ahlam Hayek Lab Technician Shadi Azzam Lawyer Bernadette Abu Atta Research Assistant Nidal Masalha Research Student Rikaz Databank Bahaa Hadia Research Student Ahmad Sheikh Muhammad Director and Developer Katy Baransi Research Student Aid Rohanna Statistician Kler Tawafshe Administrative Assistant 24 Nabih Bashir Socioeconomic Researcher Al-Maissam Health Rights Center Dr. Omar Said Director (January-July 2007) Abeer Ghantoos AIDS Project Coordinator Dr. Naim Kraim Director (July-December 2007) Amira Othman Breast Cancer Project Coordinator Iman Said Guide Hannan Mannaa Project Coordinator Hisham Shahin Guide Assad Dhamshi Administrative Assistant Resource Development Department Felice Nassar Director Jamie Mandell Officer Chris Sutton Institutional Support Emily Antoon Institutional Support Entissar Shlewett Administrative Assistant Staff