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Epidemic Diseases
Of the many diseases spread by insects, none are actually caused by the insects themselves but by other organisms passed on when they feed or bite.
Insects are capable of spreading diseases caused by many different types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoan and others.
Mosquitoes have earned the title of "the most deadly creature on earth." This is due to the fact that they spread serious epidemic diseases such as
Malaria, Yellow Fever, African Sleeping Sickness, and West Nile Virus. Malaria is one of the ten most common, yet deadly diseases in the world. It
is a parasitic disease spread by the bite of Anopheles mosquito, which is active between dusk and dawn. Malaria occurs in over 100 countries and more content...
This type of mosquito that usually carries the yellow fever is called Aedes aegypti. Among the two kinds, urban yellow fever is the cause of most
yellow fever outbreaks. The symptoms of yellow fever are varied. The virus has an incubation period of three to six days. The first symptoms will
be fever, muscle pain, backache, headache, shivers, and loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Frequently a slow pulse accompanies the fever.
Most people improve after three to four days, however in 15% of the cases; patients go into a toxic phase within 24 hours. Fever reappears, and
they exhibit jaundice and abdominal pain with vomiting. Bleeding occurs from the mouth, eyes, nose and stomach. The kidneys fail to produce
urine, and blood appears in the vomit and feces. Half of the patients who experience this toxic phase die in ten to fourteen days. Due to the fact that
many of these symptoms are identical to malaria and other diseases native to the areas, yellow fever is difficult to recognize. Blood tests can
identify the virus, but may not be easily available to people in poorer developing countries. A vaccine for yellow fever is available, and highly
effective. The immunity can take effect within one week after vaccination, and protects a person for between ten years and possible for life. The World
Health Organization is trying to convince countries in infected areas to incorporate the yellow fever vaccine into their
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Reflection Paper On Disease
Epidemiology Reflection Assignment
The most significant problems faced by the people who are residents of 63031 zip code neighborhood are chronic diseases like asthma, cancer,
diabetes, hypertension and alcohol or substance related issues. People also faced problems with disease conditions like chlamydia, gonorrhea,
syphilis. Among the list of chronic diseases faced by people living in this area is cancer which is the leading cause of death in the area and this might
be as a result of some exposure to chemicals from work place, life styles, and even from their environment. Another major chronic health disease
faced by people living in this area is diabetes. Diabetes may be as results of poor diets, lack of exercises and other more content...
If I had a pharmacy in this zip code, the type of services I might provide to the people are safe–sex education, preventative care services, how to deal
with substance abuse, community health fairs for blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose screenings, healthy diets and regular exercises, and
medication management. The first important service that should be provided to people living in this zip code is safe–sex education. Epidemiology
data shows high number of people living with sexually transmitted diseases in this zip code. As a pharmacist, one possible way by which this can be
done would be passing out information about risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases in form of flyers and posters that can be easily
accessible to people that approach the pharmacy. Another important type of service a pharmacist can provide in this type of zip code is to enlighten
people more about the use and dangers associated with substances abuse. Most common substances that are abused are alcohols, prescription drugs,
tobacco products, heroin, cocaine and others. Pharmacist can help in this area by organizing neighborhood health fairs just to discuss about dangers
of substance abuse and also providing ways to help people dealing with these addictions. Moreover, pharmacist can also help the population in this zip
code by organizing health fairs event for the people in order to enlighten the people more about preventive care
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Disease and Treatment in the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages were tough times when it came to disease and medicine. There were numerous types of sickness and disease that flooded Europe
during the Middle Ages. Not helping the situation, the medicinal knowledge of the people of Europe of the time was not up to par. Some of the
diseases and illness that were running rampant during these times were pneumonia, leprosy, and the plague. The middle ages were a time of great
suffering and death because of the abundant disease and lack of knowledge of the spread and treatments. Leprosy was one of the greatest concerns
during the middle ages. Many people feared catching this disease, and those who had this disease were usually cast out. more content...
Of course by the previous information provided it could be concluded that this disease was extremely contagious thus making it even more dangerous.
It is greatly disputed exactly how many people were killed due to this horrible disease, but figures usually range anywhere from one third to anywhere
to seventy five percent of the total population of Europe. The Bubonic Plague and a variation called the septicemic plague was spread throughout
Europe by oriental rats that carried infected fleas. Little is known to why the infection never seemed to affect the carrier rats. Infected fleas were being
starved by the infection, so they began feasting upon the people they came into contact with. These fleas coming into contact with any human being
would infect the human with the disease. These people were now carriers of the Bubonic plague or Black Death. These infected people would then
spread the disease by coughing or coming into direct contact with another human being. However, this disease, since not being transmitted via rat
would now be called the Pneumonic Plague. (www.insecta– Bacteria called Yersinia pestis caused the Bubonic plague. It was the cause
for some of the wicked symptoms that normally showed within one to seven days. Some of the symptoms were general illness such as vomiting, fevers
around 101–105 degrees, headaches and the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the areas
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The Epidemic Of Infectious Diseases Essay
For thousands of years, infectious diseases have had a strong influence over human populations by challenging the immune system to continuously
adapt to new virulent strains. With the advantage of reproducing more rapidly than the human immune response, microorganisms that cause even
minor infections can prove to be fatal (Parham, 2015). Over time, outbreaks such as 'The Great Plague' have threatened to bring an end to society.
Without the ability to contain these diseases geographically and provide means of prevention, they run the risk of wiping out the human race
completely. When considering economic costs, the vast numbers of individuals who fall ill due to an epidemic can increase healthcare costs as well
as decrease labour markets. Indirect costs as a result of public actions, such as fleeing the area of outbreak, can contribute to economic damage (Barker
& Bacon, 2015); not to mentioned the increased likelihood of transferring the disease from one area to another. Two infectious diseases that are of
continuous interest today, HIV/AIDS and Ebola, will be contrasted in terms of their outcomes and possible alternatives to tackling similar diseases in
the future. Both an economic and social lens will be utilized in order to provide an analysis that covers all implications of the disease.
Beginning in the early 20th century in Africa, a retrovirus known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) presented itself; characterized by an
attack on the hosts' immune system
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The Global Burden Of Disease Essay
With most societies trying to cope with the increasing demand for health resources, the issue then becomes how to assess the comparative importance
of risks to health and their outcomes in different demographic groups of the population. This leads to the development of a principal framework
known as the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) which can be used as a guideline for organisations such as the Chan–Zukerberg Initiative.The
Chan–Zukerberg initiative plan has set a long term commitment to eliminate, prevent and manage all diseases with a focal point on creating tools and
technologies to detect, respond, treat and prevent all diseases before the end of the century through a collaborative research (Hayden,2016). With this
initiative's long–term objective, this report attempts to bring to attention the role the GBD study; as a tool for assessing the performance of the health
system and the role of Disability – adjusted life years (DALY). Furthermore, using its findings to advice the initiative on the best possible approach(es)
to allocate its funds to combat the global health issue before the end of the century.
 Section One
1.1 Current Situation; The Global Burden of
Disease Study
The Global Burden of Disease, Injuries and Risk Factors (GBD) is a systematic, scientific effort to quantify the comparative magnitude of health loss
due to diseases, injuries and risk factors by age, sex, and geography for specific points in time (Murray et al, 2012). Over the past 25 years,
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Disease Management
Each year, at least 1 million people in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes, which makes this disease one of the nation's most serious health
concerns that, if left unchecked, could reach epidemic proportions. And it doesn't stop there. Often, people who suffer from diabetes also have to
contend with other complications, which not only increase the risk to the patient's health but also add to the rising cost of health care. This makes it
necessary for an effective disease management program for diabetes to be in place. What Is Disease Management? Disease management is essentially a
coordinated and continuous process of health care with the goal of managing and improving the health of the patients diagnosed with recurring or long more content...
The main goal of a disease management program for diabetes is to concentrate on providing a patient–centered method of health care by extending
beyond clinical and medical issues and including the psychological and social aspects of the disease. After all, diabetes is a disease that affects more
than just the patient – it also affects his family and care providers. Because of its chronic nature, diabetes also tends to impact patients
psychologically, which makes it necessary that a proper venue and platform for emotional support be made available. Disease management for
diabetes also seeks to provide care using nationally accepted and recognized standards. If a patient suffers from multiple chronic diseases related to
diabetes, disease management can make medical service coordination easier and more efficient, even if the main focus of the management plan is
only diabetes. By providing the most innovative approaches to diabetes care, a disease management program can lead to the improvement of health
services and approaches. If efficiency is achieved, health care cost can be reduced by eliminating redundant services and the unnecessary costs
associated with failed or poor
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Essay on Infectious Disease
Infectious Diseases Sharelle Taylor HCA more content...
There is no cure for aids however, that are different medicines that you can take so that you can still live the most normal as a life as possible. The
best way to control these medicines are to take at least three drugs from two different classes to avoid crating strains of the disease that are immune to
a single drug. There are five different classes or "families" of anti–HIV drugs: Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs) Non–nucleoside
Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) Protease Inhibitors (PIs) Entry/Fusion Inhibitors Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors Each drug class fights
HIV in a different way. The primary difference between each class is the stage of HIV replication that the drugs target. With the rate that HIV/
spreading it is a must that everyone be educated about this killer. There are programs that are made to inform others about this disease. Around 2.5
million people became infected with HIV in 2011. Sub–Saharan Africa has been hardest hit by the epidemic; in 2011 over two–thirds of AIDS deaths
were in this region (CDC, 2008). There are also clinics that will check you out to make sure that you are clear and free from this disease. Also there
are people that speak
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Emerging Infectious Diseases Essay
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are the third leading cause of death in the United States and the first leading cause of death worldwide (3). Thus,
should EID's be considered an oncoming threat to human existence or is it God's response to our unbiblical stewardship of the Earth or is it nature's
practical solution to overpopulation.
Past EIDs
Since the beginning of time, human existence has been overwhelmed by threatening diseases. To begin with,leprosy and other highly contagious skin
diseases affected humanity as early as in the days of the Old Testament. Due to its rapidly infectious manner and its degrading and dehumanizing
results, skin–diseased victims were often more content...
In 1994, Gloucestershire, England was assailed by the infamous and unstoppable "flesh–eating bacteria" or Necrotizing Fasciitis, which virtually
devoured its victims to death (2). In March of 1996, 2.6 million cows were slaughtered in the United Kingdom in an effort to rid themselves of the
invasion of the Mad Cow disease. Another term for Mad Cow disease is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), which is a disease observed
solely in cattle. Mad Cow disease or BSE is transmitted to humans via the consumption of infected beef resulting in a fatal human brain disorder known
as Creutzfeldt–Jacob (CJD). As a result of this "British beef scare" 32 people died of CJD, of whose deaths were linked to Mad Cow disease (10.e).
Similarly, 1 million chickens were gassed to death in Hong Kong in 1997 in order to prevent the already undertaking spread of Influenza A (H5N1) or
"Bird Flu". The worst Influenza A epidemic occurred in the United States killing 20 million people in 1918 (10.b). In New York last month, five
people died of a rare encephalitis disease caused by a West Nile–like virus, which is believed to have been transmitted from birds, who researchers
found to have died from the West Nile virus (8). Finally, and probably the most menacing disease ever in human history would have to be HIV and
AIDS, which is still infecting the human population worldwide in gross amounts.
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Essay on Nutrition Related Diseases & Conditions
One basic key to survival is eating, but this very notion is a double–edged sword, because of the risks involved with various food sources. While many
may not think of what we eat as food safety issue, it is nonetheless an important factor in the widespread net of food safety concerns. What we put into
our food can help or hurt us, thus creating a safety concern. If people wish to live longer lives, they should be aware that of the top ten leading
causes of deaths in the United States, several are related to food consumption. This statistic is mind boggling because of the sheer fact that people are
literally eating themselves to death. If society is made more educated in regards to these risks, and these risks are more clearly more
Another negative effect that is contributing to food related diseases is the fact that our society consumes large portions of food in one sitting.
When someone looks at their plate piled high and wide, they will most likely eat the whole thing. So many people today do not understand how to
control their portion sizes and that is why they overeat. Just as home cooked meals can be better for you, in that you can personally monitor it, the
same goes for portion sizes (Elliot). One way to do this is by purchasing single portions of snacks or ordering half or smaller sizes of meals, versus a
full or "biggie" size. Also, attempt to snack on more fruits and vegetables, as this will decrease your chances of developing a food–related disease
(Living smart). When dining out, portion sizes are predetermined, and most people choose to eat it all rather than waste it or take it home. Research
has shown that people unintentionally consume more calories when faced with larger portions (CDC). Compared to years ago, the portion sizes
have increased dramatically, and with increased portions come an increase in waist sizes (CDC). Good tips to try when ordering is: don't be afraid to
take home what you can't eat in one sitting. You can always make a second meal out of it versus overstuffing yourself; or only order what you can eat
in one sitting. Don't let your eyes be bigger than your mouth!
Diabetes is
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Persuasive Essay On Disease
As we busily bustle around our lives, a prevalent problem surfaces, disease. The mournful realization when assessing our situation, is that sick people
are polluting the world. Diseases spread like wildfire, leaving a wake of destruction in their path. Our inability to defeat disease highlights the problem,
and I have the solution...
It is surely agreed by all parties that disease's very existence is condemned and despised. Disease burdens pain and uncomfortability upon its victims.
Some people can even experience an unfortunate and early death, when illnesses comes knocking on their doorsteps. Why are we allowing evil
illnesses to take the lives of innocent people; something needs to be done.
My proposal is far from extreme, and is plainly perfection partly due to the circumstances at hand. My solution will solve the problem entirely, as only
the survival of the healthy is guaranteed. After analyzing the problem and weighing the many solutions that came to mind, I decided on the execution
of what follows.
If an individual shows any sign of illness – a cough or sniffle perhaps – they will face immediate extermination for the greater good of our species.
This solution will eliminate the transfer of diseases, and create an environment free of stress. People will no longer have to look over their shoulder
and worry about catching the cold or flu.
The details of the procedure that must be followed are very orderly and professional. Everywhere will be mic'd
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Genetic Disorders Essay
Genetic disorders are a topic in biology that can not be avoided. The fact is that genetic disorders can happen in humans, plants or animal. No one
and nothing is safe from a genetic disorder. A genetic disorder can appear in the first years off life, or can appear much later in life when least
expected. A basic principal of biology states that the behavior of chromosomes during the meiosis process can account for geneticinheritance patterns.
There are many reasons for genetic disorders.
To start it is important to understand what a genetic disorder is. It is a mutation in the genetic material of a person. The mutant gene is transmitted thru more content...
Common recessive diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs.
Alzheimer and Huntington diseases are examples of dominant disorders. Some mutant disorders occur on the X chromosome. Females have little or
no effects if the mutation occurs on the X linked gene. Males on the other hand do not have another X chromosomes so do not have another gene to
fall on. Dominant disorders linked to the X chromosomes are usually very deadly to males. These disorders tend to affect men more then women.
Almost exclusively. Some of the diseases associated with the X are down syndrome, Hemophilia. There are also the diseases that occur on the sex
genes. They also come in recessive and dominant forms. With this it determines who will get the disease. For example a mother can pass on a trait to a
daughter but not to a son and vice versa.
One can not forget that genetic disorders can also occur because of external effects. Things like cigarette smoking and drinking during pregnancy can
affect the babies genetics. Leaving the baby with one of the genetic disorders.
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that usually appears between the ages of 2 and 4 years old. The red blood cells are shaped like crescents or
sickles. The red blood cells only last about 10 to 24 days. In a healthy person they last about 120 days. That is where the anemia part of the name
comes into play. Studies
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Diseases and Its Impact on Humans
This research is aimed at informing the reader on different types of diseases and the impact it has on humans. Enclosed herein are details on the types,
treatments, transmissions and descriptions of different diseases in the region and around the world.
Name: T. Thompson
Subject: Biology
Grade: 10
Teacher: Ms. K. Reid
Table of Contents
Topic.....................................................................Page No.
Acknowledgements more content...
| Avoiding situation where oxygen supply is reduced. No treatment or cure available.| Genetic counseling| Physiological– [diabetes] caused by inability
of Langerhans to produce insulin, thus body cells are unable to absorb glucose which is in the blood.| Insulin injection or tablet; low carbohydrate
diet and exercise.| Education on the importance of diet and exercise. | 2. The role of diet and exercise in controlling hypertension and diabetes
[physiological diseases] is that it helps to control and to a large extent prevent these diseases. Having a diet low in salt and fat, as well as reducing
alcohol consumption; combined with plenty of moderate exercise such as aerobics/swimming can reduce obesity and thus control/prevent diabetes.
Additionally, by controlling carbohydrate intake – consuming foods containing polysaccharides rather than simple sugars – and having regular,
moderate exercise will reduce blood glucose levels, reduce blood glucose levels, improving circulation and maintain fitness.
VECTORS AND TRANSMISSION OF DISEASES 3. Vectors spreaddisease by carrying the pathogen from host to host. Examples of vectors include
flies, mosquitoes and rats. Example: Mosquitoes are vectors for malaria and many other diseases in man. Also, flies feed on the food we then eat and
so spread disease.
Pathogens transmitted
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Disease Essay Outline
Disease Essay Intro/Thesis Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is a unique virus that infects individuals who are surro6unded by technology,
especially those who use YouTube. The name was created from the root word "Shane" standing for Shane Dawson who was the first individuals
diagnosed with the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease and the suffix "anea" was intended to represent one of Shanes' characters/personas on his YouTube
channel. People on YouTube after mid 2008 are at greater risk of receiving this disease. Be that it may, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is becoming
increasingly more common, there are no signs of it leaving in the next years. Symptoms Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease has multiple
symptoms, the most extreme is, more content...
A disease, for instance, in the event that you listen to a certain song the sound waves assault the infection you will be cured. In addition, in the event
that you haven't gotten your work done, or haven't read in the most recent 6 months or done any schoolwork, then you decide to read the whole
Harry Potter Series, then you will be cured. On the off chance that you eat fast food consistently, then you have to kidnap Shane Dawson and forcibly
feed him vegetables for 24 hours in a row, then you will be cured. On the other hand, if you haven't seen a Netflix television show in the past 6 months,
then you have to listen to Pretty Hurts by BeyoncГ© for 24 hours in a row in light of the fact that sitting in front of the TV which kills the infectious
cells and will cure you. These are some working treatment, nevertheless, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease isn't an infection that abandons your system,
you just quit demonstrating symptoms. There's no working cure to date on the grounds that the infection is localized in the brain. Conclusion
Paragraph Despite the fact that, the S.H.AN.E.A.N.E.A. sickness hints at not leaving in the following years. This virus is hallmarked by daily diarrhea
and irregular sweating. Its improtant to engage in preventitive treatment of the disease, such as reading the whole entire Harry Potter Series. As a
result, one can in any case dependably avoid getting infected, however at the
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Essay on Pulmonary Diseases
Pulmonary Diseases Any disorder or disease that occurs in the lungs or causes the lungs not to function correctly is referred to as lung disease. The
three main types consist of lung tissue diseases, airway diseases, and pulmonary circulation diseases. Lung tissue diseases involve the lung tissue
structure. When the tissue becomes inflamed and scarred, the lungs are no longer able to fully expand, which is known as restrictive lung disease. In
addition, it also causes the lungs to have more difficulty taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. An example of lung tissue disease is
pulmonary fibrosis, which is sometimes described as a feeling of not being able to take a deep breath. Airway diseases involve the tubes, or airways, that more content...
There are times when a lung will collapse when there is lung damage caused by diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, or asthma. A direct lung
or chest injury is not always the cause. Lung collapse is especially common when the lungs fill up with air sacs that form, due to emphysema, and
these air sacs are called blebs. The lung collapses when air is discharged into the pleural cavity after one of the sacs splits open. It is also possible that
an unprompted pneumothorax can develop in a person who has no evident lung disease, although it is most frequent in men between 20 and 40 years
of age who are tall and thin. It is also more frequent in smokers. In addition, an unprompted pneumothorax can occur in some people who have no
obvious lung disease but have blebs that may burst ("Pneumothorax," 2008). It is common in most pneumothorax cases for some air to move in and
out through the lung or chest wall tear. However, if the air is only able to move into the chest cavity and not out, a tension pneumothorax condition can
happen. This is when a developing pocket of air produces escalating pressure within the pleural cavity, and this, in turn, may cause total collapse of the
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Essay On Childhood Illness And Disease
The study of the childhood illness and disease needs a special attention on recruitment and retention, in both family–based studies and large studies. The
process of informed consent with children is essential in participating in the study. The researchers need to take special consideration to vulnerable
participants, especially children as the possibility of the ethical and legal issues can arise. The age and psychological state of the children involved in
the study must be considered. The consent from parental and guardian is required except in circumstances of neglect and abuse.
However, if the initial participation of the individual occurs during the childhood, a consent is needed on adult age to be involved in the study. The more content...
The easy accessibility and comfortable location for the interview will be helpful for the caregiver or guardian of the ill child during the study. A place
that is less inconvenient during interview will give positive result to retain the participants. It is important to consider catering to the need of the
participants for the convenience during the process of the study.
Furthermore, for the financial situation of the participant, small monetary support are well–tested motivators. This will also promote sense of gratitude
and express the appreciation from the researchers.
The study participants are essential to a success of a research. The process of recruitment and enrollment involves time, money and energy to both the
researchers and participants. The sample size, and the analysis of the outcome of the research study can be affected by the retention of the participants
in the research study. The understanding of trust, persuasion and motivation from the researcher is essential to implement the study. There are diverse
ways to motivate the increase retention in a study to promote an effective retention of the participants. The accessibility and a comfortable location for
the participants is an important method in promoting retention in a study. The convenience of the participants must be considered in this process, to
which the study can be brought to their house, school, or office. Moreover, there are some transportation issues that could be
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Heart Disease Essay
Heart disease
What is heart disease?
Heart disease or Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels. It can cause an increase in risk for heart attack, heart
failure, sudden death, stroke and cardiac rhythm problems, thus resulting in decreased quality of life and decreased life expectancy. The causes of
cardiovascular disease range from structural defects, to infection, inflammation, environment and genetics. In order to help prevent cardiovascular
disease one must adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking, fattening foods and stress. Heart disease is a serious problem not only in the United States
but also in many other countries around the world.
Every 33 seconds, a person dies more content...
How often should I take my blood pressure?
If you are just starting to monitor your blood pressure you might begin by taking it twice a day for a week or two, then cut back to a couple of times a
How common is heart disease?
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in 2010 heart disease will cost
the United States $316.4 billion. This total includes the cost of healthcare services, medications and lost productivity. Cardiovascular disease (includes
heart disease and stroke) claims more lives each year than the next four leading causes of death combined, which are cancer, chronic lower respiratory
diseases, accidents and diabetes. Many steps, however, can be taken towards heart disease prevention, like regular health screening.
Most importantly, heredity and gender also cause people to have Cardiovascular Diseases. Men have very higher risks to have heart disease than
women, but after women reach the age of 65 they have about same risks as men do. You have gotten lots of traits from your parents. Due to that,
there are more chances to get a heart disease from your parents if your parents have heart disease than someone who doesn't have anybody with heart
disease in his family history. Older age also leads having heart disease. About 4 of every 5 deaths are caused by heart disease in people older than
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Causes of Disease in Humans Essay examples
Causes of disease in humans
A disease is usually a medical condition that affects the body of an organism. In humans, disease is often broadly used to refer to any condition that
causes pain, dysfunction, distress or death to the person affected. In this sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes,
infections, etc. The most common cause of disease in humans is via pathogens; microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that cause
disease in humans and other species that enter the body in a number of ways. This includes the digestive system and the gas exchange system. Once
inside the body, pathogens may cause disease by damaging cells or producing toxins that affect the cells in the more content...
Thrush is a yeast infection and its main symptom is causing inflammation of the general area resulting in discomfort to the host. Another pathogen
that causes disease is Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Caused by bacterial infection, it's transmitted via droplet infection in which it's spread through
sneezing or coughing and an uninfected person takes in the droplets by inhaling them into the lungs. The bacteria reproduce and destroy the lung
tissue, prompting an immune response that brings the infection under control and repairs the lung damage is. However, the infection may re emerge
years later as secondary TB. This occurs as in some cases as the phagocytes surround and ingest the bacteria but the bacteria have a thick waxy coat
and are not killed by the white blood cells. The TB bacteria start to destroy the lung tissue, causing multiple lesions appear on the lungs called
tubercles and the bacteria may spread to both lungs and to other organs such brain. The patient coughing up damaged lung tissue and blood and
becoming very short of breath are just a few of the symptoms. Disease in humans can also be caused by defects in the genetic code. This results when
mutations occur, which is a change in the sequence of nucleotide bases in the genetic code. The mutation, a change in the base sequence of the DNA,
will mean that the mutated amino acids with code for a different polypeptide. As a result, the protein will have a different tertiary structure and
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infectious diseases Essay
Illness and death from infectious diseases are particularly tragic because they are preventable and treatable. Not surprisingly, the poorest and most
vulnerable are the most severely affected by infectious disease. Infectious diseases are a major cause of death, disability and social and economic
turmoil for millions around the world. Poverty stricken countries lack access to health care. Reports show that in nations with the lowest economic
status the causes of death are primarily infectious and nutritional diseases. Respiratory infections like the flu, pneumonia, diphtheria, and tuberculosis
and gastrointestinal illnesses like dysentery and viral diarrhea kill children and adults most commonly in these countries. Unlike the more
In a poor country such as Ethiopia there are as many as 36,660 people per doctor. This means that for each person in the country to get seen one
time a year every doctor would have to see over 100 patients a day every day of the week. Limited access to drugs makes treatable conditions like
malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis fatal for the poor.
The most prominent infectious diseases in developing countries are malaria, schistosomiasis and trypanosomiasis. Malaria is the leading cause of death
in tropical countries. More than one million deaths occur each year. Malaria is a vector borne parasitic infection. It is caused by a parasite that is
transmitted through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Plasmodium is the causative organism. People infected with the parasite that causes malaria
could experience weeks or months of bad health. Children and pregnant women are less likely to recover than adults who have built up immunity to the
disease. Malaria has increased a lot in Africa and other tropical and poverty stricken areas. Plasmodium has become resistant to chloroquine which is the
antimalarial drug. A recent report showed that nearly 25,000 childhood deaths per day are due to only seven infectious diseases. These include malaria,
pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, whooping cough, tetanus, and tuberculosis. In many of these deaths, malnutrition is an influencing factor.
In developing
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Spread Of Disease Essay
What is your research question?
To what extent can mathematics be used to model the spread of infectious diseases?
Why is the research question significant and worthy of study?
How will you integrate critical analysis into your Body?
Why is the research question significant to you personally?
What is your thesis?
My hypothesis claims that in order for a mathematical model to work properly, factors must be variables, as fixed factors take the accuracy out of the
model. In other words, the more factors a model can present as variable, the more accurate the model will be.
What is your game plan for the rest of the essay?
For the essay, I will try to prove my hypothesis. To do this, I will have to compare different models of
What is more content...
How can the thesis be divided and broken down into parts?
First of all, the outline of the issue, infectious diseases, and the importance of these models both for me and for a general population. Then, approach
on the SIR model and the limitations of the model. After that, I'm going to evaluate to what extent the SIR model works when birth and death rate
become a variable again, and explain how it makes the model more accurate, however, still not enough. Finally, I'm going to make the age
susceptibility a variable once more, and explain how that makes the model even more accurate. In conclusion, I'll evaluate the difficulty of modelling
so many different variables at once, and evaluate how this makes a model inaccurate, however, in theory it's possible to have that model replicated, but
due to the different variables, different and individual for everyone, it's not possible to have this model work in practice.
What are the central arguments you will make to defend your thesis?
The comparison between the different models and the changes which occur, and evaluate the amount of fixed factors each model has as a way to
evaluate effectiveness.
What are the topical subsections of your body? Outline each subsection of the
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Epidemic Diseases

  • 1. Epidemic Diseases Of the many diseases spread by insects, none are actually caused by the insects themselves but by other organisms passed on when they feed or bite. Insects are capable of spreading diseases caused by many different types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, protozoan and others. Mosquitoes have earned the title of "the most deadly creature on earth." This is due to the fact that they spread serious epidemic diseases such as Malaria, Yellow Fever, African Sleeping Sickness, and West Nile Virus. Malaria is one of the ten most common, yet deadly diseases in the world. It is a parasitic disease spread by the bite of Anopheles mosquito, which is active between dusk and dawn. Malaria occurs in over 100 countries and more content... This type of mosquito that usually carries the yellow fever is called Aedes aegypti. Among the two kinds, urban yellow fever is the cause of most yellow fever outbreaks. The symptoms of yellow fever are varied. The virus has an incubation period of three to six days. The first symptoms will be fever, muscle pain, backache, headache, shivers, and loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Frequently a slow pulse accompanies the fever. Most people improve after three to four days, however in 15% of the cases; patients go into a toxic phase within 24 hours. Fever reappears, and they exhibit jaundice and abdominal pain with vomiting. Bleeding occurs from the mouth, eyes, nose and stomach. The kidneys fail to produce urine, and blood appears in the vomit and feces. Half of the patients who experience this toxic phase die in ten to fourteen days. Due to the fact that many of these symptoms are identical to malaria and other diseases native to the areas, yellow fever is difficult to recognize. Blood tests can identify the virus, but may not be easily available to people in poorer developing countries. A vaccine for yellow fever is available, and highly effective. The immunity can take effect within one week after vaccination, and protects a person for between ten years and possible for life. The World Health Organization is trying to convince countries in infected areas to incorporate the yellow fever vaccine into their Get more content on
  • 2. Reflection Paper On Disease Epidemiology Reflection Assignment The most significant problems faced by the people who are residents of 63031 zip code neighborhood are chronic diseases like asthma, cancer, diabetes, hypertension and alcohol or substance related issues. People also faced problems with disease conditions like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis. Among the list of chronic diseases faced by people living in this area is cancer which is the leading cause of death in the area and this might be as a result of some exposure to chemicals from work place, life styles, and even from their environment. Another major chronic health disease faced by people living in this area is diabetes. Diabetes may be as results of poor diets, lack of exercises and other more content... If I had a pharmacy in this zip code, the type of services I might provide to the people are safe–sex education, preventative care services, how to deal with substance abuse, community health fairs for blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose screenings, healthy diets and regular exercises, and medication management. The first important service that should be provided to people living in this zip code is safe–sex education. Epidemiology data shows high number of people living with sexually transmitted diseases in this zip code. As a pharmacist, one possible way by which this can be done would be passing out information about risks associated with sexually transmitted diseases in form of flyers and posters that can be easily accessible to people that approach the pharmacy. Another important type of service a pharmacist can provide in this type of zip code is to enlighten people more about the use and dangers associated with substances abuse. Most common substances that are abused are alcohols, prescription drugs, tobacco products, heroin, cocaine and others. Pharmacist can help in this area by organizing neighborhood health fairs just to discuss about dangers of substance abuse and also providing ways to help people dealing with these addictions. Moreover, pharmacist can also help the population in this zip code by organizing health fairs event for the people in order to enlighten the people more about preventive care Get more content on
  • 3. Disease and Treatment in the Middle Ages The Middle Ages were tough times when it came to disease and medicine. There were numerous types of sickness and disease that flooded Europe during the Middle Ages. Not helping the situation, the medicinal knowledge of the people of Europe of the time was not up to par. Some of the diseases and illness that were running rampant during these times were pneumonia, leprosy, and the plague. The middle ages were a time of great suffering and death because of the abundant disease and lack of knowledge of the spread and treatments. Leprosy was one of the greatest concerns during the middle ages. Many people feared catching this disease, and those who had this disease were usually cast out. more content... Of course by the previous information provided it could be concluded that this disease was extremely contagious thus making it even more dangerous. It is greatly disputed exactly how many people were killed due to this horrible disease, but figures usually range anywhere from one third to anywhere to seventy five percent of the total population of Europe. The Bubonic Plague and a variation called the septicemic plague was spread throughout Europe by oriental rats that carried infected fleas. Little is known to why the infection never seemed to affect the carrier rats. Infected fleas were being starved by the infection, so they began feasting upon the people they came into contact with. These fleas coming into contact with any human being would infect the human with the disease. These people were now carriers of the Bubonic plague or Black Death. These infected people would then spread the disease by coughing or coming into direct contact with another human being. However, this disease, since not being transmitted via rat would now be called the Pneumonic Plague. (www.insecta– Bacteria called Yersinia pestis caused the Bubonic plague. It was the cause for some of the wicked symptoms that normally showed within one to seven days. Some of the symptoms were general illness such as vomiting, fevers around 101–105 degrees, headaches and the enlargement of the lymph nodes in the areas Get more content on
  • 4. The Epidemic Of Infectious Diseases Essay For thousands of years, infectious diseases have had a strong influence over human populations by challenging the immune system to continuously adapt to new virulent strains. With the advantage of reproducing more rapidly than the human immune response, microorganisms that cause even minor infections can prove to be fatal (Parham, 2015). Over time, outbreaks such as 'The Great Plague' have threatened to bring an end to society. Without the ability to contain these diseases geographically and provide means of prevention, they run the risk of wiping out the human race completely. When considering economic costs, the vast numbers of individuals who fall ill due to an epidemic can increase healthcare costs as well as decrease labour markets. Indirect costs as a result of public actions, such as fleeing the area of outbreak, can contribute to economic damage (Barker & Bacon, 2015); not to mentioned the increased likelihood of transferring the disease from one area to another. Two infectious diseases that are of continuous interest today, HIV/AIDS and Ebola, will be contrasted in terms of their outcomes and possible alternatives to tackling similar diseases in the future. Both an economic and social lens will be utilized in order to provide an analysis that covers all implications of the disease. Beginning in the early 20th century in Africa, a retrovirus known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) presented itself; characterized by an attack on the hosts' immune system Get more content on
  • 5. The Global Burden Of Disease Essay With most societies trying to cope with the increasing demand for health resources, the issue then becomes how to assess the comparative importance of risks to health and their outcomes in different demographic groups of the population. This leads to the development of a principal framework known as the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) which can be used as a guideline for organisations such as the Chan–Zukerberg Initiative.The Chan–Zukerberg initiative plan has set a long term commitment to eliminate, prevent and manage all diseases with a focal point on creating tools and technologies to detect, respond, treat and prevent all diseases before the end of the century through a collaborative research (Hayden,2016). With this initiative's long–term objective, this report attempts to bring to attention the role the GBD study; as a tool for assessing the performance of the health system and the role of Disability – adjusted life years (DALY). Furthermore, using its findings to advice the initiative on the best possible approach(es) to allocate its funds to combat the global health issue before the end of the century.
 Section One
1.1 Current Situation; The Global Burden of Disease Study The Global Burden of Disease, Injuries and Risk Factors (GBD) is a systematic, scientific effort to quantify the comparative magnitude of health loss due to diseases, injuries and risk factors by age, sex, and geography for specific points in time (Murray et al, 2012). Over the past 25 years, Get more content on
  • 6. Disease Management Each year, at least 1 million people in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes, which makes this disease one of the nation's most serious health concerns that, if left unchecked, could reach epidemic proportions. And it doesn't stop there. Often, people who suffer from diabetes also have to contend with other complications, which not only increase the risk to the patient's health but also add to the rising cost of health care. This makes it necessary for an effective disease management program for diabetes to be in place. What Is Disease Management? Disease management is essentially a coordinated and continuous process of health care with the goal of managing and improving the health of the patients diagnosed with recurring or long more content... The main goal of a disease management program for diabetes is to concentrate on providing a patient–centered method of health care by extending beyond clinical and medical issues and including the psychological and social aspects of the disease. After all, diabetes is a disease that affects more than just the patient – it also affects his family and care providers. Because of its chronic nature, diabetes also tends to impact patients psychologically, which makes it necessary that a proper venue and platform for emotional support be made available. Disease management for diabetes also seeks to provide care using nationally accepted and recognized standards. If a patient suffers from multiple chronic diseases related to diabetes, disease management can make medical service coordination easier and more efficient, even if the main focus of the management plan is only diabetes. By providing the most innovative approaches to diabetes care, a disease management program can lead to the improvement of health services and approaches. If efficiency is achieved, health care cost can be reduced by eliminating redundant services and the unnecessary costs associated with failed or poor Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Infectious Disease Infectious Diseases Sharelle Taylor HCA more content... There is no cure for aids however, that are different medicines that you can take so that you can still live the most normal as a life as possible. The best way to control these medicines are to take at least three drugs from two different classes to avoid crating strains of the disease that are immune to a single drug. There are five different classes or "families" of anti–HIV drugs: Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs) Non–nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) Protease Inhibitors (PIs) Entry/Fusion Inhibitors Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors Each drug class fights HIV in a different way. The primary difference between each class is the stage of HIV replication that the drugs target. With the rate that HIV/ AIDS is spreading it is a must that everyone be educated about this killer. There are programs that are made to inform others about this disease. Around 2.5 million people became infected with HIV in 2011. Sub–Saharan Africa has been hardest hit by the epidemic; in 2011 over two–thirds of AIDS deaths were in this region (CDC, 2008). There are also clinics that will check you out to make sure that you are clear and free from this disease. Also there are people that speak Get more content on
  • 8. Emerging Infectious Diseases Essay Emerging Infectious Diseases Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are the third leading cause of death in the United States and the first leading cause of death worldwide (3). Thus, should EID's be considered an oncoming threat to human existence or is it God's response to our unbiblical stewardship of the Earth or is it nature's practical solution to overpopulation. Past EIDs Since the beginning of time, human existence has been overwhelmed by threatening diseases. To begin with,leprosy and other highly contagious skin diseases affected humanity as early as in the days of the Old Testament. Due to its rapidly infectious manner and its degrading and dehumanizing results, skin–diseased victims were often more content... In 1994, Gloucestershire, England was assailed by the infamous and unstoppable "flesh–eating bacteria" or Necrotizing Fasciitis, which virtually devoured its victims to death (2). In March of 1996, 2.6 million cows were slaughtered in the United Kingdom in an effort to rid themselves of the invasion of the Mad Cow disease. Another term for Mad Cow disease is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), which is a disease observed solely in cattle. Mad Cow disease or BSE is transmitted to humans via the consumption of infected beef resulting in a fatal human brain disorder known as Creutzfeldt–Jacob (CJD). As a result of this "British beef scare" 32 people died of CJD, of whose deaths were linked to Mad Cow disease (10.e). Similarly, 1 million chickens were gassed to death in Hong Kong in 1997 in order to prevent the already undertaking spread of Influenza A (H5N1) or "Bird Flu". The worst Influenza A epidemic occurred in the United States killing 20 million people in 1918 (10.b). In New York last month, five people died of a rare encephalitis disease caused by a West Nile–like virus, which is believed to have been transmitted from birds, who researchers found to have died from the West Nile virus (8). Finally, and probably the most menacing disease ever in human history would have to be HIV and AIDS, which is still infecting the human population worldwide in gross amounts. Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Nutrition Related Diseases & Conditions One basic key to survival is eating, but this very notion is a double–edged sword, because of the risks involved with various food sources. While many may not think of what we eat as food safety issue, it is nonetheless an important factor in the widespread net of food safety concerns. What we put into our food can help or hurt us, thus creating a safety concern. If people wish to live longer lives, they should be aware that of the top ten leading causes of deaths in the United States, several are related to food consumption. This statistic is mind boggling because of the sheer fact that people are literally eating themselves to death. If society is made more educated in regards to these risks, and these risks are more clearly more content... Another negative effect that is contributing to food related diseases is the fact that our society consumes large portions of food in one sitting. When someone looks at their plate piled high and wide, they will most likely eat the whole thing. So many people today do not understand how to control their portion sizes and that is why they overeat. Just as home cooked meals can be better for you, in that you can personally monitor it, the same goes for portion sizes (Elliot). One way to do this is by purchasing single portions of snacks or ordering half or smaller sizes of meals, versus a full or "biggie" size. Also, attempt to snack on more fruits and vegetables, as this will decrease your chances of developing a food–related disease (Living smart). When dining out, portion sizes are predetermined, and most people choose to eat it all rather than waste it or take it home. Research has shown that people unintentionally consume more calories when faced with larger portions (CDC). Compared to years ago, the portion sizes have increased dramatically, and with increased portions come an increase in waist sizes (CDC). Good tips to try when ordering is: don't be afraid to take home what you can't eat in one sitting. You can always make a second meal out of it versus overstuffing yourself; or only order what you can eat in one sitting. Don't let your eyes be bigger than your mouth! Diabetes is Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay On Disease As we busily bustle around our lives, a prevalent problem surfaces, disease. The mournful realization when assessing our situation, is that sick people are polluting the world. Diseases spread like wildfire, leaving a wake of destruction in their path. Our inability to defeat disease highlights the problem, and I have the solution... It is surely agreed by all parties that disease's very existence is condemned and despised. Disease burdens pain and uncomfortability upon its victims. Some people can even experience an unfortunate and early death, when illnesses comes knocking on their doorsteps. Why are we allowing evil illnesses to take the lives of innocent people; something needs to be done. My proposal is far from extreme, and is plainly perfection partly due to the circumstances at hand. My solution will solve the problem entirely, as only the survival of the healthy is guaranteed. After analyzing the problem and weighing the many solutions that came to mind, I decided on the execution of what follows. If an individual shows any sign of illness – a cough or sniffle perhaps – they will face immediate extermination for the greater good of our species. This solution will eliminate the transfer of diseases, and create an environment free of stress. People will no longer have to look over their shoulder and worry about catching the cold or flu. The details of the procedure that must be followed are very orderly and professional. Everywhere will be mic'd Get more content on
  • 11. Genetic Disorders Essay Genetic disorders are a topic in biology that can not be avoided. The fact is that genetic disorders can happen in humans, plants or animal. No one and nothing is safe from a genetic disorder. A genetic disorder can appear in the first years off life, or can appear much later in life when least expected. A basic principal of biology states that the behavior of chromosomes during the meiosis process can account for geneticinheritance patterns. There are many reasons for genetic disorders. To start it is important to understand what a genetic disorder is. It is a mutation in the genetic material of a person. The mutant gene is transmitted thru more content... Common recessive diseases are cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs. Alzheimer and Huntington diseases are examples of dominant disorders. Some mutant disorders occur on the X chromosome. Females have little or no effects if the mutation occurs on the X linked gene. Males on the other hand do not have another X chromosomes so do not have another gene to fall on. Dominant disorders linked to the X chromosomes are usually very deadly to males. These disorders tend to affect men more then women. Almost exclusively. Some of the diseases associated with the X are down syndrome, Hemophilia. There are also the diseases that occur on the sex genes. They also come in recessive and dominant forms. With this it determines who will get the disease. For example a mother can pass on a trait to a daughter but not to a son and vice versa. One can not forget that genetic disorders can also occur because of external effects. Things like cigarette smoking and drinking during pregnancy can affect the babies genetics. Leaving the baby with one of the genetic disorders. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disorder that usually appears between the ages of 2 and 4 years old. The red blood cells are shaped like crescents or sickles. The red blood cells only last about 10 to 24 days. In a healthy person they last about 120 days. That is where the anemia part of the name comes into play. Studies Get more content on
  • 12. Diseases and Its Impact on Humans CSEC BIOLOGY SUMMER RESEARCH PAPER DISEASE & ITS IMPACT ON HUMANS This research is aimed at informing the reader on different types of diseases and the impact it has on humans. Enclosed herein are details on the types, treatments, transmissions and descriptions of different diseases in the region and around the world. 2013 Name: T. Thompson Subject: Biology Grade: 10 Teacher: Ms. K. Reid Table of Contents Topic.....................................................................Page No. Acknowledgements more content... | Avoiding situation where oxygen supply is reduced. No treatment or cure available.| Genetic counseling| Physiological– [diabetes] caused by inability of Langerhans to produce insulin, thus body cells are unable to absorb glucose which is in the blood.| Insulin injection or tablet; low carbohydrate diet and exercise.| Education on the importance of diet and exercise. | 2. The role of diet and exercise in controlling hypertension and diabetes [physiological diseases] is that it helps to control and to a large extent prevent these diseases. Having a diet low in salt and fat, as well as reducing alcohol consumption; combined with plenty of moderate exercise such as aerobics/swimming can reduce obesity and thus control/prevent diabetes. Additionally, by controlling carbohydrate intake – consuming foods containing polysaccharides rather than simple sugars – and having regular, moderate exercise will reduce blood glucose levels, reduce blood glucose levels, improving circulation and maintain fitness. VECTORS AND TRANSMISSION OF DISEASES 3. Vectors spreaddisease by carrying the pathogen from host to host. Examples of vectors include flies, mosquitoes and rats. Example: Mosquitoes are vectors for malaria and many other diseases in man. Also, flies feed on the food we then eat and
  • 13. so spread disease. Pathogens transmitted Get more content on
  • 14. Disease Essay Outline Disease Essay Intro/Thesis Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is a unique virus that infects individuals who are surro6unded by technology, especially those who use YouTube. The name was created from the root word "Shane" standing for Shane Dawson who was the first individuals diagnosed with the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease and the suffix "anea" was intended to represent one of Shanes' characters/personas on his YouTube channel. People on YouTube after mid 2008 are at greater risk of receiving this disease. Be that it may, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease is becoming increasingly more common, there are no signs of it leaving in the next years. Symptoms Paragraph The S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease has multiple symptoms, the most extreme is, more content... A disease, for instance, in the event that you listen to a certain song the sound waves assault the infection you will be cured. In addition, in the event that you haven't gotten your work done, or haven't read in the most recent 6 months or done any schoolwork, then you decide to read the whole Harry Potter Series, then you will be cured. On the off chance that you eat fast food consistently, then you have to kidnap Shane Dawson and forcibly feed him vegetables for 24 hours in a row, then you will be cured. On the other hand, if you haven't seen a Netflix television show in the past 6 months, then you have to listen to Pretty Hurts by BeyoncГ© for 24 hours in a row in light of the fact that sitting in front of the TV which kills the infectious cells and will cure you. These are some working treatment, nevertheless, the S.H.A.N.E.A.N.E.A disease isn't an infection that abandons your system, you just quit demonstrating symptoms. There's no working cure to date on the grounds that the infection is localized in the brain. Conclusion Paragraph Despite the fact that, the S.H.AN.E.A.N.E.A. sickness hints at not leaving in the following years. This virus is hallmarked by daily diarrhea and irregular sweating. Its improtant to engage in preventitive treatment of the disease, such as reading the whole entire Harry Potter Series. As a result, one can in any case dependably avoid getting infected, however at the Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Pulmonary Diseases Pulmonary Diseases Any disorder or disease that occurs in the lungs or causes the lungs not to function correctly is referred to as lung disease. The three main types consist of lung tissue diseases, airway diseases, and pulmonary circulation diseases. Lung tissue diseases involve the lung tissue structure. When the tissue becomes inflamed and scarred, the lungs are no longer able to fully expand, which is known as restrictive lung disease. In addition, it also causes the lungs to have more difficulty taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. An example of lung tissue disease is pulmonary fibrosis, which is sometimes described as a feeling of not being able to take a deep breath. Airway diseases involve the tubes, or airways, that more content... There are times when a lung will collapse when there is lung damage caused by diseases such as cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, or asthma. A direct lung or chest injury is not always the cause. Lung collapse is especially common when the lungs fill up with air sacs that form, due to emphysema, and these air sacs are called blebs. The lung collapses when air is discharged into the pleural cavity after one of the sacs splits open. It is also possible that an unprompted pneumothorax can develop in a person who has no evident lung disease, although it is most frequent in men between 20 and 40 years of age who are tall and thin. It is also more frequent in smokers. In addition, an unprompted pneumothorax can occur in some people who have no obvious lung disease but have blebs that may burst ("Pneumothorax," 2008). It is common in most pneumothorax cases for some air to move in and out through the lung or chest wall tear. However, if the air is only able to move into the chest cavity and not out, a tension pneumothorax condition can happen. This is when a developing pocket of air produces escalating pressure within the pleural cavity, and this, in turn, may cause total collapse of the Get more content on
  • 16. Essay On Childhood Illness And Disease The study of the childhood illness and disease needs a special attention on recruitment and retention, in both family–based studies and large studies. The process of informed consent with children is essential in participating in the study. The researchers need to take special consideration to vulnerable participants, especially children as the possibility of the ethical and legal issues can arise. The age and psychological state of the children involved in the study must be considered. The consent from parental and guardian is required except in circumstances of neglect and abuse. However, if the initial participation of the individual occurs during the childhood, a consent is needed on adult age to be involved in the study. The more content... The easy accessibility and comfortable location for the interview will be helpful for the caregiver or guardian of the ill child during the study. A place that is less inconvenient during interview will give positive result to retain the participants. It is important to consider catering to the need of the participants for the convenience during the process of the study. Furthermore, for the financial situation of the participant, small monetary support are well–tested motivators. This will also promote sense of gratitude and express the appreciation from the researchers. The study participants are essential to a success of a research. The process of recruitment and enrollment involves time, money and energy to both the researchers and participants. The sample size, and the analysis of the outcome of the research study can be affected by the retention of the participants in the research study. The understanding of trust, persuasion and motivation from the researcher is essential to implement the study. There are diverse ways to motivate the increase retention in a study to promote an effective retention of the participants. The accessibility and a comfortable location for the participants is an important method in promoting retention in a study. The convenience of the participants must be considered in this process, to which the study can be brought to their house, school, or office. Moreover, there are some transportation issues that could be Get more content on
  • 17. Heart Disease Essay Heart disease Introduction What is heart disease? Heart disease or Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels. It can cause an increase in risk for heart attack, heart failure, sudden death, stroke and cardiac rhythm problems, thus resulting in decreased quality of life and decreased life expectancy. The causes of cardiovascular disease range from structural defects, to infection, inflammation, environment and genetics. In order to help prevent cardiovascular disease one must adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking, fattening foods and stress. Heart disease is a serious problem not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world. Every 33 seconds, a person dies more content... How often should I take my blood pressure? If you are just starting to monitor your blood pressure you might begin by taking it twice a day for a week or two, then cut back to a couple of times a week. How common is heart disease? Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in 2010 heart disease will cost the United States $316.4 billion. This total includes the cost of healthcare services, medications and lost productivity. Cardiovascular disease (includes heart disease and stroke) claims more lives each year than the next four leading causes of death combined, which are cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents and diabetes. Many steps, however, can be taken towards heart disease prevention, like regular health screening. Conclusion Most importantly, heredity and gender also cause people to have Cardiovascular Diseases. Men have very higher risks to have heart disease than women, but after women reach the age of 65 they have about same risks as men do. You have gotten lots of traits from your parents. Due to that, there are more chances to get a heart disease from your parents if your parents have heart disease than someone who doesn't have anybody with heart
  • 18. disease in his family history. Older age also leads having heart disease. About 4 of every 5 deaths are caused by heart disease in people older than Get more content on
  • 19. Causes of Disease in Humans Essay examples Causes of disease in humans A disease is usually a medical condition that affects the body of an organism. In humans, disease is often broadly used to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress or death to the person affected. In this sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, etc. The most common cause of disease in humans is via pathogens; microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that cause disease in humans and other species that enter the body in a number of ways. This includes the digestive system and the gas exchange system. Once inside the body, pathogens may cause disease by damaging cells or producing toxins that affect the cells in the more content... Thrush is a yeast infection and its main symptom is causing inflammation of the general area resulting in discomfort to the host. Another pathogen that causes disease is Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Caused by bacterial infection, it's transmitted via droplet infection in which it's spread through sneezing or coughing and an uninfected person takes in the droplets by inhaling them into the lungs. The bacteria reproduce and destroy the lung tissue, prompting an immune response that brings the infection under control and repairs the lung damage is. However, the infection may re emerge years later as secondary TB. This occurs as in some cases as the phagocytes surround and ingest the bacteria but the bacteria have a thick waxy coat and are not killed by the white blood cells. The TB bacteria start to destroy the lung tissue, causing multiple lesions appear on the lungs called tubercles and the bacteria may spread to both lungs and to other organs such brain. The patient coughing up damaged lung tissue and blood and becoming very short of breath are just a few of the symptoms. Disease in humans can also be caused by defects in the genetic code. This results when mutations occur, which is a change in the sequence of nucleotide bases in the genetic code. The mutation, a change in the base sequence of the DNA, will mean that the mutated amino acids with code for a different polypeptide. As a result, the protein will have a different tertiary structure and Get more content on
  • 20. infectious diseases Essay Illness and death from infectious diseases are particularly tragic because they are preventable and treatable. Not surprisingly, the poorest and most vulnerable are the most severely affected by infectious disease. Infectious diseases are a major cause of death, disability and social and economic turmoil for millions around the world. Poverty stricken countries lack access to health care. Reports show that in nations with the lowest economic status the causes of death are primarily infectious and nutritional diseases. Respiratory infections like the flu, pneumonia, diphtheria, and tuberculosis and gastrointestinal illnesses like dysentery and viral diarrhea kill children and adults most commonly in these countries. Unlike the more content... In a poor country such as Ethiopia there are as many as 36,660 people per doctor. This means that for each person in the country to get seen one time a year every doctor would have to see over 100 patients a day every day of the week. Limited access to drugs makes treatable conditions like malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis fatal for the poor. The most prominent infectious diseases in developing countries are malaria, schistosomiasis and trypanosomiasis. Malaria is the leading cause of death in tropical countries. More than one million deaths occur each year. Malaria is a vector borne parasitic infection. It is caused by a parasite that is transmitted through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito. Plasmodium is the causative organism. People infected with the parasite that causes malaria could experience weeks or months of bad health. Children and pregnant women are less likely to recover than adults who have built up immunity to the disease. Malaria has increased a lot in Africa and other tropical and poverty stricken areas. Plasmodium has become resistant to chloroquine which is the antimalarial drug. A recent report showed that nearly 25,000 childhood deaths per day are due to only seven infectious diseases. These include malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, whooping cough, tetanus, and tuberculosis. In many of these deaths, malnutrition is an influencing factor. In developing Get more content on
  • 21. Spread Of Disease Essay What is your research question? To what extent can mathematics be used to model the spread of infectious diseases? Why is the research question significant and worthy of study? How will you integrate critical analysis into your Body? Why is the research question significant to you personally? What is your thesis? My hypothesis claims that in order for a mathematical model to work properly, factors must be variables, as fixed factors take the accuracy out of the model. In other words, the more factors a model can present as variable, the more accurate the model will be. What is your game plan for the rest of the essay? For the essay, I will try to prove my hypothesis. To do this, I will have to compare different models of What is more content... How can the thesis be divided and broken down into parts? First of all, the outline of the issue, infectious diseases, and the importance of these models both for me and for a general population. Then, approach on the SIR model and the limitations of the model. After that, I'm going to evaluate to what extent the SIR model works when birth and death rate become a variable again, and explain how it makes the model more accurate, however, still not enough. Finally, I'm going to make the age susceptibility a variable once more, and explain how that makes the model even more accurate. In conclusion, I'll evaluate the difficulty of modelling so many different variables at once, and evaluate how this makes a model inaccurate, however, in theory it's possible to have that model replicated, but due to the different variables, different and individual for everyone, it's not possible to have this model work in practice. What are the central arguments you will make to defend your thesis? The comparison between the different models and the changes which occur, and evaluate the amount of fixed factors each model has as a way to
  • 22. evaluate effectiveness. What are the topical subsections of your body? Outline each subsection of the Get more content on