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ASH ENG 225 Entire Course NEW
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ENG 225 Week 1 DQ Effective Use of Aesthetic Choices
ENG 225 Week 2 Assignment Genres and Genre Film
ENG 225 Week 2 DQ Genre Theory
ENG 225 Week 3 Assignment Establishing Theme
ENG 225 Week 3 DQ The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Optionsdocx
ENG 225 Week 4 Assignment Final Film Critique Preparation
ENG 225 Week 4 DQ The Cinematic Auteur Theory
ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies
ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 2 Film Analysis and Its Applications
ENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper
ASH ENG 225 Week 1 DQ 1 Effective Use of Aesthetic Choices
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Effective Use of Aesthetic Choices. Think about how you watch film and how the aesthetic elements work together to create meaning for the
viewer audience. Some of the important elements to consider are: editing, cinematography, and lighting. Analyze each of these aesthetic choices
by following the instructions below.
Editing: visual transitions between shots that work to move the story forward.
Watch the following clips. Each demonstrates the effective use of editing.
The baptism murders – The Godfather (8/9) movie clip (1972) HD
A Beautiful Mind (4/11) movie clip – Nash cracks the code (2011) HD § The shower – Psycho (5/12) movie clip (1960) HD Choose one of the clips
and analyze the effective use of editing in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the transitions between specific shots and the overall
effect this has on the scene.
Cinematography: camera angles, types of shots, framing, and color all working to set a particular mood. a. Watch the following clips. Each
demonstrates the effective use of cinematography.
Manhattan – The bridge scene
Miriam‟ s last breath – Strangers on a Train (4/10) movie clip (1951)
Goodfellas – Copacabana nightclub tracking shot (HQ)
b. Choose one of the clips and analyze the effective use of cinematography in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way specific shots
are composed, paying particular attention to the camera angles, types of shots, framing, color, and the overall effect this has on the scene.
Lighting: light and shadow used to affect the mood, the way we view characters, and set the overall tone of the film.
Watch the following clips. Each demonstrates the effective use of lighting.
Jurassic Park (10/10) movie clip – Raptors in the kitchen (1993) HD
Lost in Translation (7/10) movie clip – Bob and Charlotte meet (2003) HD
The stuff that dreams are made of – The Maltese Falcon (10/10) movie clip (1941) HD
Choose one of the clips and analyze the effective use of lighting in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way the light looks in
specific shots, how it affects the mood and the way we view characters, and how it sets the overall tone of the film.
Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly
resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates who analyzed at least one different clip than you did in
your initial post focusing on the clip that you did not discuss. In your responses, reference your initial post and show how your ideas relate to
those of your peers. Each response should be at least 125 words in length.
ASH ENG 225 Week 2 Assignment Genres and Genre Film NEW
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Genres and Genre Film. After reviewing the discussion of genre in Chapter 8 of Film: From Watching to Seeing, demonstrate your understanding
of one selected genre using a feature-length film.
Note: Several films are listed in Chapter 8 as emblematic of a specific genre. You are allowed to choose a film or genre not mentioned in Chapter 8,
but you are strongly encouraged to email your professor to receive approval before doing so.
In 800 to 1200 words:
Explain genre theory and, using Chapter 8 of the text as a reference, thoroughly describe the conventions and attributes of your selected genre.
Identify a feature-length film that fits this genre and provide a basic summary of the movie. As you develop this summary, remember the
differences between a film’s story and a film’s plot and how these differences can lead to the inclusion of genre elements.
Interpret at least two genre conventions exhibited in your chosen feature-length film that help classify it in the selected genre. Be sure to provide
a specific example of each convention (e.g., a particular scene or plot component).
Provide an example of a third convention from your chosen feature-length film and explain how this convention expands the boundaries of the
specified genre.
Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how your chosen feature-length film both aligns with and expands
upon your chosen genre.
The paper must be 800 to 1200 words in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the
Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least two scholarly sources other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources (including
the feature-length film) within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials,
visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
Please note that if you opt to write about the same film in your Final Film Critique, applicable pieces of this assignment can be used to write that
assignment. Please also note that you should reflect on and revise this assignment based on the instructor’s feedback before you incorporate it
into the Final Film Critique.
ASH ENG 225 Week 2 DQ Genre Theory NEW
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Genre Theory. Genre, a category of artistic production characterized by similarities in composition and style, is a term used to discuss literature,
music, art, and film. It is particularly useful in critical applications because it distinguishes a work within a context of similar works. In film, we
are familiar with certain broad genre categories such as horror, science-fiction, romance, or drama.
Understanding genre helps provide the viewer with certain expectations about the film. For instance, the film The Conjuring trailer (Version 2) is
of the horror genre and thus can be discussed in context with other horror films. More specifically, it is of the sub-genre, supernatural horror, so it
can be discussed in context with, say, The Exorcist trailer. Making this distinction enables the audience to situate their reaction within a
particular framework.
That framework is important to our work here. In this discussion:
Identify a film and classify it according to its genre (or sub-genre). Include a link(s) to a trailer or scene(s) from the film.
Discuss the conventions that are typical in films of that genre (or sub-genre).
Explain how this specific film meets the expectations of its genre.
Include the name or partial name of the film you identified in the “Subject” line of your discussion. Your initial post should be at least 150 words
in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.
By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates, making sure to respond to classmates who have chosen a different film than you did (though it is
acceptable to respond to a classmate who chose the same genre). In your responses, reference your initial post and show how your ideas relate to
those of your peers. Each response should be at least 125 words in length.
ASH ENG 225 Week 3 Assignment Establishing Theme
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Establishing Theme. Select a movie from AFI’s 10 Top 10 lists and explain how three cinematic techniques and/or design ele ments have helped
establish a major theme in that film.
In 800 to 1200 words:
Describe a major theme of the movie you have selected using evidence from the movie itself as well as course resources and other scholarly
sources to support your position.
Identify at least three techniques (cinematography, lighting, acting style, or direction) and/or design elements (set design, costuming, or hair and
makeup), and explain how these techniques and/or design elements contribute to the establishment of the theme. Reference particular scenes or
sequences in your explanations. State your opinion regarding the mise-en-scène, including:
How do the elements work together?
§ How congruent the design elements are with the theme of the movie?
§ Whether or not other techniques would be as effective (Explain your reasoning).
Note: According to Goodykoontz and Jacobs (2011), “A theme is an idea, subject, or topic of some kind that pervades the plot” (section 2.4, para.
1). As the authors explain, “It is not so much what „happens,‟ but rather what the movie is „about,‟ part of the meaning you are expected to take
away from the work” (section 2.4, para. 1).
Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how the elements of your chosen
feature-length film both establish and maintain one of its major themes.
The paper must be 800 to 1200 words in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at
least two scholarly sources other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference
page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Le arning Resources tab
on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.
Please note that if you opt to write about the same film in your Final Film Critique, applicable pieces of this assignment can be used to write that
assignment. Please also note that you should reflect on and revise this assignment based on the instructor’s feedback before you incorporate it
into the Final Film Critique.
ASH ENG 225 Week 3 DQ The Impact of Cinematography and
Editing Options NEW
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The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Options.Explore movie clips from the Movieclips website or the Internet Movie Datab ase –IMDB. Choose a clip that you wish to
analyze. The clip you choose must be froma film (preferably from a film with which you are familiar) – not a film trailer or a mash- up. Re-watch your chosen movie clip
while closely observing the mise en scène, making sure to analyze the placement and movement of characters and props inthe scene as they relate to camera shots, color,
and lighting, and other elements of cinematography.
In your discussion, analyze at least three elements of cinematography and editing (e.g., lighting, color, shots, focus, trans itions, and types of cuts) by evaluating the
dramatic impact of the scene. Interpret the scene based on your analysis. In your view, what mood, symbolism, or meaning resu lts from the scene’s creative editing and
Include the name or partial name of the film clip you analyzed in the “Subject” line of your discussion. Include the link to your film clip in the body of your p ost. Your
initial post should be at least 200 words inlength. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite
any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates who reviewed a different clip than your own. After watching the movie clips reviewed by your classmates,
compare how the scenes would be different had the editors or cinematographers chosen other options. Each response should be a minimum of 125 words.
ASH ENG 225 Week 4 Assignment Final Film Critique
Preparation NEW
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Final Film Critique Preparation. Look ahead at the Final Film Critique and review the instructions carefully. Use this time to prepare for the
completion of your project. Review the feedback from your Week Two and Week Three assignments and integrate the suggested changes. Be sure
to reach out to your instructor if you have questions.
ASH ENG 225 Week 4 DQ The Cinematic Auteur Theory NEW
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he Cinematic Auteur. Auteur theory infilm suggests not only that a director is the primary author of a film, but also that the film must be analyzed within the context of
the director’s other films. Directors create certain expectations with their films much in the same way authors create certain expectations with their writing.
As you construct your initial post, focus on the importance of auteur theory in film analysis and interpretation.
Name a director who you would consider an auteur and explain your reasoning.
Discuss the arguments against auteur theory and provide examples to support your points.
Examine how the auteur theory influences audiences and critics, using examples from film criticism, film marketing campaigns, and your own personal experience.
Include the name of the director you identified inthe “Subject” line of your discussion. Your initial postshould be at leas t 200 words in length. Support your claims with
examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two of your classmates who have
named a different director than you. Ineach response, discuss whether or not you agree with your classmate’s assertionthat the director being considered is an auteur,
and be sure to provide examples to support your position. Each response should be a minimum of 125 words.
ASH ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies
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The Impact of Evolving Technologies.There are many ways in which technology is affecting the production,distribution,and appreciation of films. According to the first
letter of your last name, respond to your designated topic. Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post.
Topic A (Last names beginning with A through M)
Think of how CGI,animation, and other advances indigital technology have changed the ways inwhich stories are told on film. Choose a film and discuss the importance
of these advancements to its success as a mode of storytelling. How might it have been told differently, for better or worse, without these technological advancements?
Topic B (Last names beginning with N through Z)
Consider how the Internet has changed the way we access, evaluate, and discuss films. Choose a fi lm that gained notoriety due to the Internet and discuss how social
media and other instant modes of communicationhave changed the ways in which we approach, appreciate, and consume films. What do these changes imply about the
future of film distribution and audience participation in the film’s lifespan?
Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post.Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required
material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, reply to a post by at least one classmate who was assigned to the topi c group you
were not. For example, if you wrote your initial post onTopic A, then choose a classmate who responded to Topic B. In your reply, provide your opinion on the topic and
discuss how it is similar or different than your classmate’s. Each response must be a minimum of 125 words.
ASH ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 2 Film Analysis and Its Applications
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Film Analysis and Its Applications. As you have learned in this class, film is a far- reaching medium with the potential to affect the greater fabric of
our culture. Our understanding this potential and our ability to analyze it reach far beyond just this medium and into all areas of our social
structures and culture. For example, the practice of closely analyzing particular films, which we’ve honed in this course, is the same practice of
analysis which you will find in other courses – or in learning any new skill.
Based on the films you have watched and the ways you have learned to interpret meaning in them, discuss your ideas about how films engage
social concerns and have lasting effects on society. Pick a film (or films) as evidence of this dynamic and describe the soci al and cultural
resonance you see.
Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly
resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates who referenced different films than those you have
chosen. In your responses, compare the film you discussed as having a lasting effect on society with the films noted in your classmates’ posts.
ASH ENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper NEW
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Focus of the Final Film Critique
Throughout this course, you have been compiling a blog and writing essays that analyze various elements of film such as theme, cinematic techniques, and genre. It is now
time to combine those elements into a comprehensive analysis of one movie.
You will be completing this assignment intwo stages: for the firststage (1500 to 1800 wo rds), you will analyze an entire movie; in the second stage (300 to 600 words),
you will reflect on how you analyzed the movie as well as how your ability to analyze film in general has evolved.
You are encouraged to incorporate writing fromyour Week Two Assignment and your Week Three Assignment if (a) you have reflected on the instructor’s feedback, (b)
you have revised the relevant parts of the essays accordingly, and (c) the essays discuss the same film that you discuss here.
Stage 1: Analysis
For this stage, you will be analyzing a movie selected from the AFI’s 10 Top 10 list. The film you choose can be one that you have previously analyzed in this course. The
analysis portion of your paper should be 1500 to 1800 words in length. You should analyze the film through the lens of one of the broad theories you have learned about
in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory). Your analysis must address four main areas (contextual information, story / plot, aesthetic
choices, and social/personal impact) and how these areas work together to develop the theme of the movie. As you constructyour analysis, assume that your reader is not
familiar with this film. Use your analysis to explain why your reader why they should watch this film.
In addition to the film you are analyzing, you must use three scholarly sources to support your arguments.List these sources on your referen ces page and provide in-text
citations for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content in the body of your paper. Cite your sources according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Your analysis must address these four components:
Contextual Information – In this area, you will provide some of the basic identifying information of the film.
This includes: Title Director, cinematographer, major actors/actresses. Be sure to describe their roles in the overall design process.
Year of release Type of film (blockbuster, indie, documentary, etc.)
Genre Story/Plot – In this area, you should offer a brief summary of the film, and then show how it was deployed in the narrative structure of the film. Explain the
difference between the film’s story and its plot. This area can be addressed as a separate paragraph, or can be threaded thro ughout your analysis of the film.
Aesthetic Choices – In this area, you will assess the efficacy of specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they apply to the overarching narrative and
theme of the film. These elements include:
Mise en scène (lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming)
Editing (cuts and transitions, shots used, angles)
Technology (Analyze the impact of any notable technological effects: film stock, targeted release venue, special effects, etc.)
Social/Personal Impact – In this area, you will critically address the following questions:
What impact did this film have on society (politically or culturally, positive or negative)? The impact can be as major as in spiring political or social changes or as minor as
inspiring the production of toys or lunchboxes.
How did society affect this film (i.e., what currents in society led to the creation of the film)?
If you are unable to find any information about the social impact of the film, explain the personal impact it has had on you.
Note: Not every bullet point under the four listed components will necessarily apply to your movie. However, you will still need to discuss each of the fou r main
components thoroughly, which means that you may need to explain a concept even if it can‟t be directly applied to your movie.
Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that clarifies what you will attempt to accomplish in your paper, an d how you will proceed. Additionally, you
must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Stage 2: Reflection
After completing your movie analysis, you will reflect onthe analysis process and how you have learned to more thoroughly an alyze film as well as how rigorous study of
film enhances your development as a student and thinker. Inthis 300- to 600-word reflection,review your initial post from the “Post Your Introduction” discussion in
Week One, and consider how your ability to analyze movies has changed or grown. Append your reflectionto the analysis portio nof your paper. Your reflection should be
personal and exploratory in nature.

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ENG 225 Entire Course NEW

  • 1. ASH ENG 225 Entire Course NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at entire-course For more classes visit ENG 225 Week 1 DQ Effective Use of Aesthetic Choices ENG 225 Week 2 Assignment Genres and Genre Film ENG 225 Week 2 DQ Genre Theory ENG 225 Week 3 Assignment Establishing Theme ENG 225 Week 3 DQ The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Optionsdocx ENG 225 Week 4 Assignment Final Film Critique Preparation ENG 225 Week 4 DQ The Cinematic Auteur Theory ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 2 Film Analysis and Its Applications ENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper
  • 2. ASH ENG 225 Week 1 DQ 1 Effective Use of Aesthetic Choices NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-1-dq-1-effective-use-of-aesthetic-choices-recent For more classes visit Effective Use of Aesthetic Choices. Think about how you watch film and how the aesthetic elements work together to create meaning for the viewer audience. Some of the important elements to consider are: editing, cinematography, and lighting. Analyze each of these aesthetic choices by following the instructions below. Editing: visual transitions between shots that work to move the story forward. Watch the following clips. Each demonstrates the effective use of editing. The baptism murders – The Godfather (8/9) movie clip (1972) HD A Beautiful Mind (4/11) movie clip – Nash cracks the code (2011) HD § The shower – Psycho (5/12) movie clip (1960) HD Choose one of the clips and analyze the effective use of editing in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the transitions between specific shots and the overall effect this has on the scene. Cinematography: camera angles, types of shots, framing, and color all working to set a particular mood. a. Watch the following clips. Each demonstrates the effective use of cinematography. Manhattan – The bridge scene Miriam‟ s last breath – Strangers on a Train (4/10) movie clip (1951) Goodfellas – Copacabana nightclub tracking shot (HQ) b. Choose one of the clips and analyze the effective use of cinematography in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way specific shots are composed, paying particular attention to the camera angles, types of shots, framing, color, and the overall effect this has on the scene. Lighting: light and shadow used to affect the mood, the way we view characters, and set the overall tone of the film. Watch the following clips. Each demonstrates the effective use of lighting. Jurassic Park (10/10) movie clip – Raptors in the kitchen (1993) HD Lost in Translation (7/10) movie clip – Bob and Charlotte meet (2003) HD The stuff that dreams are made of – The Maltese Falcon (10/10) movie clip (1941) HD Choose one of the clips and analyze the effective use of lighting in one short paragraph. In your analysis, describe the way the light looks in specific shots, how it affects the mood and the way we view characters, and how it sets the overall tone of the film.
  • 3. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates who analyzed at least one different clip than you did in your initial post focusing on the clip that you did not discuss. In your responses, reference your initial post and show how your ideas relate to those of your peers. Each response should be at least 125 words in length.
  • 4. ASH ENG 225 Week 2 Assignment Genres and Genre Film NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at h 225-week-2-assignment-genres-and-genre-film-recent For more classes visit Genres and Genre Film. After reviewing the discussion of genre in Chapter 8 of Film: From Watching to Seeing, demonstrate your understanding of one selected genre using a feature-length film. Note: Several films are listed in Chapter 8 as emblematic of a specific genre. You are allowed to choose a film or genre not mentioned in Chapter 8, but you are strongly encouraged to email your professor to receive approval before doing so. In 800 to 1200 words: Explain genre theory and, using Chapter 8 of the text as a reference, thoroughly describe the conventions and attributes of your selected genre. Identify a feature-length film that fits this genre and provide a basic summary of the movie. As you develop this summary, remember the differences between a film’s story and a film’s plot and how these differences can lead to the inclusion of genre elements. Interpret at least two genre conventions exhibited in your chosen feature-length film that help classify it in the selected genre. Be sure to provide a specific example of each convention (e.g., a particular scene or plot component). Provide an example of a third convention from your chosen feature-length film and explain how this convention expands the boundaries of the specified genre. Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how your chosen feature-length film both aligns with and expands upon your chosen genre. The paper must be 800 to 1200 words in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least two scholarly sources other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources (including the feature-length film) within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course. Please note that if you opt to write about the same film in your Final Film Critique, applicable pieces of this assignment can be used to write that assignment. Please also note that you should reflect on and revise this assignment based on the instructor’s feedback before you incorporate it into the Final Film Critique.
  • 5. ASH ENG 225 Week 2 DQ Genre Theory NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-2-dq-genre-theory-recent For more classes visit Genre Theory. Genre, a category of artistic production characterized by similarities in composition and style, is a term used to discuss literature, music, art, and film. It is particularly useful in critical applications because it distinguishes a work within a context of similar works. In film, we are familiar with certain broad genre categories such as horror, science-fiction, romance, or drama. Understanding genre helps provide the viewer with certain expectations about the film. For instance, the film The Conjuring trailer (Version 2) is of the horror genre and thus can be discussed in context with other horror films. More specifically, it is of the sub-genre, supernatural horror, so it can be discussed in context with, say, The Exorcist trailer. Making this distinction enables the audience to situate their reaction within a particular framework. That framework is important to our work here. In this discussion: Identify a film and classify it according to its genre (or sub-genre). Include a link(s) to a trailer or scene(s) from the film. Discuss the conventions that are typical in films of that genre (or sub-genre). Explain how this specific film meets the expectations of its genre. Include the name or partial name of the film you identified in the “Subject” line of your discussion. Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates, making sure to respond to classmates who have chosen a different film than you did (though it is acceptable to respond to a classmate who chose the same genre). In your responses, reference your initial post and show how your ideas relate to those of your peers. Each response should be at least 125 words in length.
  • 6. ASH ENG 225 Week 3 Assignment Establishing Theme Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-3-assignment-establishing-theme For more classes visit Establishing Theme. Select a movie from AFI’s 10 Top 10 lists and explain how three cinematic techniques and/or design ele ments have helped establish a major theme in that film. In 800 to 1200 words: Describe a major theme of the movie you have selected using evidence from the movie itself as well as course resources and other scholarly sources to support your position. Identify at least three techniques (cinematography, lighting, acting style, or direction) and/or design elements (set design, costuming, or hair and makeup), and explain how these techniques and/or design elements contribute to the establishment of the theme. Reference particular scenes or sequences in your explanations. State your opinion regarding the mise-en-scène, including: How do the elements work together? § How congruent the design elements are with the theme of the movie? § Whether or not other techniques would be as effective (Explain your reasoning). Note: According to Goodykoontz and Jacobs (2011), “A theme is an idea, subject, or topic of some kind that pervades the plot” (section 2.4, para. 1). As the authors explain, “It is not so much what „happens,‟ but rather what the movie is „about,‟ part of the meaning you are expected to take away from the work” (section 2.4, para. 1). Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how the elements of your chosen feature-length film both establish and maintain one of its major themes. The paper must be 800 to 1200 words in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least two scholarly sources other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Le arning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course. Please note that if you opt to write about the same film in your Final Film Critique, applicable pieces of this assignment can be used to write that assignment. Please also note that you should reflect on and revise this assignment based on the instructor’s feedback before you incorporate it into the Final Film Critique.
  • 7. ASH ENG 225 Week 3 DQ The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Options NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-3-dq-the-impact-of-cinematography-and-editing- options For more classes visit The Impact of Cinematography and Editing Options.Explore movie clips from the Movieclips website or the Internet Movie Datab ase –IMDB. Choose a clip that you wish to analyze. The clip you choose must be froma film (preferably from a film with which you are familiar) – not a film trailer or a mash- up. Re-watch your chosen movie clip while closely observing the mise en scène, making sure to analyze the placement and movement of characters and props inthe scene as they relate to camera shots, color, and lighting, and other elements of cinematography. In your discussion, analyze at least three elements of cinematography and editing (e.g., lighting, color, shots, focus, trans itions, and types of cuts) by evaluating the dramatic impact of the scene. Interpret the scene based on your analysis. In your view, what mood, symbolism, or meaning resu lts from the scene’s creative editing and cinematography? Include the name or partial name of the film clip you analyzed in the “Subject” line of your discussion. Include the link to your film clip in the body of your p ost. Your initial post should be at least 200 words inlength. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates who reviewed a different clip than your own. After watching the movie clips reviewed by your classmates, compare how the scenes would be different had the editors or cinematographers chosen other options. Each response should be a minimum of 125 words.
  • 8. ASH ENG 225 Week 4 Assignment Final Film Critique Preparation NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-4-assignment-final-film-critique-preparation-recent For more classes visit Final Film Critique Preparation. Look ahead at the Final Film Critique and review the instructions carefully. Use this time to prepare for the completion of your project. Review the feedback from your Week Two and Week Three assignments and integrate the suggested changes. Be sure to reach out to your instructor if you have questions.
  • 9. ASH ENG 225 Week 4 DQ The Cinematic Auteur Theory NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-4-dq-the-cinematic-auteur-theory-recent For more classes visit he Cinematic Auteur. Auteur theory infilm suggests not only that a director is the primary author of a film, but also that the film must be analyzed within the context of the director’s other films. Directors create certain expectations with their films much in the same way authors create certain expectations with their writing. As you construct your initial post, focus on the importance of auteur theory in film analysis and interpretation. Name a director who you would consider an auteur and explain your reasoning. Discuss the arguments against auteur theory and provide examples to support your points. Examine how the auteur theory influences audiences and critics, using examples from film criticism, film marketing campaigns, and your own personal experience. Include the name of the director you identified inthe “Subject” line of your discussion. Your initial postshould be at leas t 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two of your classmates who have named a different director than you. Ineach response, discuss whether or not you agree with your classmate’s assertionthat the director being considered is an auteur, and be sure to provide examples to support your position. Each response should be a minimum of 125 words.
  • 10. ASH ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 1 The Impact of Evolving Technologies NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-5-dq-1-the-impact-of-evolving-technologies-recent For more classes visit The Impact of Evolving Technologies.There are many ways in which technology is affecting the production,distribution,and appreciation of films. According to the first letter of your last name, respond to your designated topic. Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post. Topic A (Last names beginning with A through M) Think of how CGI,animation, and other advances indigital technology have changed the ways inwhich stories are told on film. Choose a film and discuss the importance of these advancements to its success as a mode of storytelling. How might it have been told differently, for better or worse, without these technological advancements? Topic B (Last names beginning with N through Z) Consider how the Internet has changed the way we access, evaluate, and discuss films. Choose a fi lm that gained notoriety due to the Internet and discuss how social media and other instant modes of communicationhave changed the ways in which we approach, appreciate, and consume films. What do these changes imply about the future of film distribution and audience participation in the film’s lifespan? Indicate Topic A or Topic B in the “Subject” of your post.Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, reply to a post by at least one classmate who was assigned to the topi c group you were not. For example, if you wrote your initial post onTopic A, then choose a classmate who responded to Topic B. In your reply, provide your opinion on the topic and discuss how it is similar or different than your classmate’s. Each response must be a minimum of 125 words.
  • 11. ASH ENG 225 Week 5 DQ 2 Film Analysis and Its Applications NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-5-dq-2-film-analysis-and-its-applications-recent For more classes visit Film Analysis and Its Applications. As you have learned in this class, film is a far- reaching medium with the potential to affect the greater fabric of our culture. Our understanding this potential and our ability to analyze it reach far beyond just this medium and into all areas of our social structures and culture. For example, the practice of closely analyzing particular films, which we’ve honed in this course, is the same practice of analysis which you will find in other courses – or in learning any new skill. Based on the films you have watched and the ways you have learned to interpret meaning in them, discuss your ideas about how films engage social concerns and have lasting effects on society. Pick a film (or films) as evidence of this dynamic and describe the soci al and cultural resonance you see. Your initial post should be at least 150 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. By Day 7, respond to at least two classmates who referenced different films than those you have chosen. In your responses, compare the film you discussed as having a lasting effect on society with the films noted in your classmates’ posts.
  • 12. ASH ENG 225 Week 5 Film Critique Final Paper NEW Check this A+ tutorial guideline at week-5-film-critique-final-paper-recent For more classes visit Focus of the Final Film Critique Throughout this course, you have been compiling a blog and writing essays that analyze various elements of film such as theme, cinematic techniques, and genre. It is now time to combine those elements into a comprehensive analysis of one movie. You will be completing this assignment intwo stages: for the firststage (1500 to 1800 wo rds), you will analyze an entire movie; in the second stage (300 to 600 words), you will reflect on how you analyzed the movie as well as how your ability to analyze film in general has evolved. You are encouraged to incorporate writing fromyour Week Two Assignment and your Week Three Assignment if (a) you have reflected on the instructor’s feedback, (b) you have revised the relevant parts of the essays accordingly, and (c) the essays discuss the same film that you discuss here. Stage 1: Analysis For this stage, you will be analyzing a movie selected from the AFI’s 10 Top 10 list. The film you choose can be one that you have previously analyzed in this course. The analysis portion of your paper should be 1500 to 1800 words in length. You should analyze the film through the lens of one of the broad theories you have learned about in class (auteur theory, genre theory, formalist theory). Your analysis must address four main areas (contextual information, story / plot, aesthetic choices, and social/personal impact) and how these areas work together to develop the theme of the movie. As you constructyour analysis, assume that your reader is not familiar with this film. Use your analysis to explain why your reader why they should watch this film. In addition to the film you are analyzing, you must use three scholarly sources to support your arguments.List these sources on your referen ces page and provide in-text citations for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content in the body of your paper. Cite your sources according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Your analysis must address these four components: Contextual Information – In this area, you will provide some of the basic identifying information of the film. This includes: Title Director, cinematographer, major actors/actresses. Be sure to describe their roles in the overall design process. Year of release Type of film (blockbuster, indie, documentary, etc.) Genre Story/Plot – In this area, you should offer a brief summary of the film, and then show how it was deployed in the narrative structure of the film. Explain the difference between the film’s story and its plot. This area can be addressed as a separate paragraph, or can be threaded thro ughout your analysis of the film. Aesthetic Choices – In this area, you will assess the efficacy of specific techniques and design elements employed in the film as they apply to the overarching narrative and theme of the film. These elements include: Mise en scène (lighting, sound, composition of frame, costuming) Editing (cuts and transitions, shots used, angles) Technology (Analyze the impact of any notable technological effects: film stock, targeted release venue, special effects, etc.) Social/Personal Impact – In this area, you will critically address the following questions: What impact did this film have on society (politically or culturally, positive or negative)? The impact can be as major as in spiring political or social changes or as minor as inspiring the production of toys or lunchboxes. How did society affect this film (i.e., what currents in society led to the creation of the film)?
  • 13. If you are unable to find any information about the social impact of the film, explain the personal impact it has had on you. Note: Not every bullet point under the four listed components will necessarily apply to your movie. However, you will still need to discuss each of the fou r main components thoroughly, which means that you may need to explain a concept even if it can‟t be directly applied to your movie. Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that clarifies what you will attempt to accomplish in your paper, an d how you will proceed. Additionally, you must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Stage 2: Reflection After completing your movie analysis, you will reflect onthe analysis process and how you have learned to more thoroughly an alyze film as well as how rigorous study of film enhances your development as a student and thinker. Inthis 300- to 600-word reflection,review your initial post from the “Post Your Introduction” discussion in Week One, and consider how your ability to analyze movies has changed or grown. Append your reflectionto the analysis portio nof your paper. Your reflection should be personal and exploratory in nature.