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Q1 Report
The EOS Network Foundation’s mission is to enable developers, businesses and
individuals to build on EOS to further innovation.
The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) provides support, funding and the coordination of
resources necessary to make EOS a thriving ecosystem. We’re harnessing the power of
decentralization to chart a coordinated future for the EOS Network as a force for positive
global change.
Through direct investments, sponsored working groups, Eden(s), and Pomelo, the ENF is
strategically taking a multi-pronged approach to allow us to all work together as a unified
EOS community to create positive sum games that will lead to EOS maturing into the
best-in-class Web3 smart contract platform and blockchain ecosystem.
ENF Quarterly Report
The first quarter of 2022 saw rapid growth for the ENF in both its core team and in its
output for the betterment of the EOS ecosystem as a whole. Many of the initiatives that
began in Q4 began to bear fruit as we saw our first four Blue Papers published after
months of research from the working groups.
The ENF more than doubled its core team size while also securing senior developer talent
as its own internal engineering team. These engineers will focus their upcoming efforts
on supporting the Blue Paper proposals and the consolidated roadmap that comes out
of them as well as other ad-hoc initiatives to increase development cycles on other key
objectives such as the EOS EVM.
Throughout Q1, the ENF continued making strategic bets across the EOS ecosystem
through the funding of new developments, working groups, public goods, and support
initiatives as outlined throughout this document.
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ENF Socials by the Numbers
ENF Quarterly Report
The EOS Network has lacked a cohesive vision and roadmap since the original white
paper was published. Therefore, at its onset, the ENF established several sponsored
working groups to incentivize collaboration amongst the most trusted and experienced
developers within the EOSIO ecosystem to better understand its existing weaknesses
and to identify multiple potential solutions. For the first time since genesis, we were able
to bring the greatest minds together and funded them to work together to consolidate
knowledge, collaborate, research, and innovate towards a unified vision to enable EOS to
deliver on its full potential.
The culmination of these efforts were seen in Q1 with the publication of four EOS Blue
Four Blue Papers Published
Audit+ : Providing an overall framework for security analysis tooling and contract
aaaaaaaaaudit for EOSIO-based application.
Core+ : Restoring the EOSIO protocol as a global leader in blockchain technology.
API+ : Providing access for the next generation of EOSIO-powered dApps.
Wallet+ : Wallets, SDKs, standards, and complementary products to benefit
aaaaaaaaapplication developers and the end-user experience for EOSIO.
ENF Quarterly Report
The EVM+ working group was established in Q1 with a mandate for delivering an
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on EOS with full RPC compatibility, deterministic gas
usage / billing, and ETH precompiles as EOS intrinsics. The EOS EVM has continuously
evolved in its development throughout Q1 as the technology has inched closer towards
maturity leading up to its initial deployment recently on the Jungle testnet.
The EOS EVM itself is a public good, which will be open sourced and accessible to other
EOSIO blockchains for adoption. However, to set EOS apart from other EVMs, the ENF
funded a product team consisting of Y Combinator alumni and industry experts who are
augmenting the technical work being done by EOS Argentina. This team’s focus is on
developing the business cases for the EOS EVM as well as its economics, marketing, and
onboarding strategies. As part of these efforts, they will also be developing and forming
strategic partnerships to deliver a full suite of complementary products including wallets,
bridges, DEX, launchpad, and block explorers for the most performant EVM.
The ENF is making a strategic bet in its support and backing for the EVM+ initiative as it
will provide an instant on-ramp for Solidity developers to build on EOS who will be able to
leverage all of the tools, libraries, and open source code that they are already familiar with.
To accelerate the onboarding of Solidity projects, developers will be able to access EOS
funding via Pomelo, direct grants, as well as the liquidity incentives that will be proposed
by the Yield+ working group.
More details about the EOS EVM will be shared in the coming weeks through formal
communication channels.
EVM+ Expands to Include EOS EVM Product Team
These four Blue Papers represent a detailed overview of the current state of EOS with
more than seventy-five proposals to enhance EOS to become the best-in-class smart
contract development platform for supporting Web3 applications.
ENF Quarterly Report
The Yield+ group working group was established to assess the decentralized finance
(DeFi) landscape across other blockchain ecosystems and to propose the best practices
and approaches for the EOS Network to incentivize DeFi protocols to attract and deploy
liquidity on-chain for both native EOS and the EOS EVM.
DeFi is one of the most popular use cases for blockchain and offering liquidity incentives
has proven to be an effective means for attracting new projects and end-users to
existing layer 1 protocols. The incentives being proposed by Yield+ will encourage fresh
investment into the EOS ecosystem and provide new opportunities for EOS holders to put
their capital to work. Yield+ will also serve to complement the EOS EVM deployment as
it will provide an incentive model for existing DeFi projects and open source code written
in Solidity to be easily cloned, forked, or expanded to EOS with negligible development
costs to do so. This will enable new projects to deploy quickly and focus their budgets
on marketing and community building to attract new users and TVL rather than on
engineering costs.
The Yield+ working group will be publishing a Blue Paper in Q2 that outlines a collection of
research and proposals for growing Total Value Locked (TVL) on EOS. This working group
is being spearheaded by some of the best and brightest minds in EOS DeFi including EOS
Nation, DefiBox, PIZZA, 0rigin, Myles Snyder, and Joe Louis.
Yield+ Working Group Established
The Recover+ working group was established in Q1 and is being led by the team at PIZZA.
The Recover+ working group aims to create a crisis management framework for EOS with
deliverables such as developing emergency contracts, protocols, best practices guides,
FAQs, and advice on who to contact for help and support immediately after an exploit
Recover+ Working Group Established
ENF Quarterly Report
The Recover+ working group will publish a light Blue Paper in Q2 as well as a user-friendly
web-based portal that will host all of the tools and deliverables outlined above.
The EOSIO+ working group was established in Q1 and was able to accomplish something
that had never happened before since the launch of EOS when it brought all EOSIO
chains together in a collaborative effort to support and improve upon the EOSIO core
EOSIO+ is working towards establishing a cooperative system that allows parties that
depend on EOSIO to help fund, organize, and prioritize the future of that software. This
collective of EOSIO chains is currently in the process of prioritizing which proposals
outlined in the Blue Papers should be collectively funded. A coalition of EOSIO chains was
formed amongst EOS, Telos, Wax, and UX Network with a collective funding commitment
of $8 million annually towards core protocol development. The ENF will fund 71.6%* of the
EOSIO+ working group treasury for developments based on a calculation using a formula
that factors in market cap, trading volume, and liquidity depth to establish how much of
the shared treasury each chain should be responsible for.
No EOSIO+ development proposals were funded in Q1, however, at the onset of the
working group it was agreed that a re-brand of EOSIO was necessary to establish the
community fork as the technology stack being utilized by all of the public blockchains. The
ENF funded the contract for a professional design studio to work with members of the
EOSIO+ working group to establish the new name and branding for the community edition
of the EOSIO technology stack.
EOSIO+ Working Group Established
*Funding levels will be dynamically updated over time and on a quarterly basis.
ENF Quarterly Report
Pomelo is an open-source platform and community-driven portal designed to fund EOS-
based projects using a quadratic funding mechanism. Quadratic Funding (QF) has proven
to be the mathematically optimal way for funding public goods in a community by giving
greater weight to the number of unique contributors when determining the actual amount
Pomelo held its first season in Q4 with the ENF participating as the sole matching pool
partner with a commitment of $500,000. This capital was distributed across all 76 grant
proposals made using the quadratic formula to allow the EOS token holders themselves
to dictate how the public goods funding was to be allocated rather than the ENF itself.
There wasn’t a Pomelo funding round held in the first quarter of 2022 as the time was
spent analyzing the data from Season 1 and developing new features for its next season.
Moving forward, there will be a Pomelo season held each quarter beginning in Q2. The
ENF has already made a financial commitment of $888,888.88 as a matching pool
partner for Pomelo Season 2. However, these funds have yet to be distributed, therefore,
they are not included in the financial calculations for this quarterly report.
Matching Pool Commitment
After the grant contribution period has ended and the matching funds have been
calculated, the ENF has made a commitment to contributing an additional $125,000 in
direct funding to grant proposals for public goods that the ENF believes would be valuable
to the EOS ecosystem, but were either underfunded or that could accomplish even more
Direct Funding Contributions
ENF Quarterly Report
with a top up. The combination of the matching pool and direct funding contributions will
bring the funding total for Pomelo Season 2 to over $1,000,000!
The direct funding process will include the ENF contacting grant owners directly, which
will serve as a soft audit as an additional layer of accountability. The ENF may request
additional information or details about individual proposals and will also validate that
any previous deliverables have been met if they were participants in the first Pomelo
season. Over time, we believe that Pomelo will serve as a reputation layer for EOS and this
process will play an integral role in that.
Pomelo was originally built using funds received from a previous grant in 2020. Those
funds were used to develop Pomelo into what it is today. There is no doubt that Pomelo
serves as a fair and democratic method for distributing public goods funding across the
EOS ecosystem.
The Pomelo platform itself is a public good, so we believe that funding it directly makes
more sense than having on-going Pomelo development be earned through applying for
grants within its own platform, although this may be possible in the future as the platform
As such, the ENF will directly fund the development of additional features, such as
bounties, collections, and other new features to improve Pomelo and increase its impact
across the EOS community. This funding will ensure that the Pomelo seasons continue
throughout 2022 with a team in place to manage operations, marketing, development,
KYC/AML, and the on-chain analysis to protect the integrity of the platform itself.
On-Going and Future Development
ENF Quarterly Report
The Blue Papers were written by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable
teams developing on EOS and the collaborative nature of the working groups allowed
them to hone in on many of the most salient issues EOS faces to articulate many novel
After the Blue Papers were published, the ENF established a feedback initiative to
incentivize the EOS community to showcase their thoughts and responses to the
proposals outlined in the Blue Papers. Additionally, the community was invited and
encouraged to offer their own alternative or enhanced solutions to the proposals made in
the original Blue Papers.
Blue Paper Community Feedback Initiative
The ENF has signed an agreement to begin a partnership with Object Computing Inc.
(OCI) to develop and implement the Transaction Lifecycle proposal outlined in the API+
Blue Paper as the first set of EOS features to move forward into development as a result
of the Blue Papers research initiative. The Transaction Lifecycle development will address
and improve transaction resource cost estimations, subjective billing, transaction retries,
and transaction finality status.
OCI’s team consists of 200+ highly skilled engineers and includes some of the top
contributors to the EOSIO codebase. OCI was instrumental in the development of EOSIO
and has been a key contributor to its development since 2017.
API+ Transaction Lifecycle Improvements Development by OCI
ENF Quarterly Report
Daniel Larimer and his engineering team at ClarionOS (now Fractally) were contracted
by the ENF to deliver several new features to the EOS codebase as part of the Mandel
Release, which was established as a fork of EOSIO 2.0. The Mandel code was developed
as part of the EOS Network Foundation’s Github repository. The Mandel repository
includes new features such as configurable WASM limits, enhanced configurable
blockchain parameters, and a handful of other system contract upgrades to improve the
EOS Network.
When the Mandel consensus upgrade occurs later this year, it will mark the symbolic
completion of EOS independence because it will be the first time the EOS Network is
running a version of the software not developed or released by B1.
Fractally Contracted for Mandel Development
The ENF established a working agreement with Bywire to devise a strategic research-led
communication plan that will seek to reset the EOS narrative. The Market+ deliverables
will include a series of documents similar in nature to the construct for a presidential
or political style campaign as well as a user friendly sentiment analysis and analytics
dashboard that will display dozens of key metrics within an easy to use community
portal. A major University will also be collaborating on this initiative and the team has
also recently hired Brittany Kaiser to assist in leading their initiative in data driven market
The market research will include community surveys and polls, big data collection, focus
groups, town hall meetings and many conversations that will plot the opinions of the
community, past and present. The research will help identify patterns, define consumers
wants and needs, and focus marketing efforts where they can be cost effective and
Market+ Research and Competitive Analysis
ENF Quarterly Report
In 2020, WordProof was awarded a €1 million grant as the winners of a “Blockchains
for social good” contest hosted by the European Innovation Council (EIC). The EIC was
established under the European Union’s Horizon Europe program and is their flagship
innovation program to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and
game changing innovations. WordProof wants to create a new standard for a more
reliable and trustworthy internet, with the help of blockchain technology through the use
of the WordProof Timestamp Ecosystem, which empowers internet users and content
creators with the tools to build a safer and more trustworthy internet by offering the tools
needed to make it easy for websites to timestamp their data to the EOS blockchain via
user friendly website plugins. WordProof has made notable progress since earning the
€1 million grant, including technological developments as well as major partnerships
established such as with Yoast SEO, which is one of the most popular WordPress plugins
with over 350 million downloads.
WordProof is in the process of seeking out another round of grant funding from the EIC,
however, this time the EIC required a grant matching partner to qualify as a participant in
this contest. The ENF believes that the WordProof Timestamp Ecosystem is a public good
with a legitimate mass adoption use case. As such, the ENF is supporting WordProof
as its matching partner for the EIC Accelerator Program. This ENF grant will ensure that
WordProof prioritizes EOS as its blockchain of choice for timestamping as it matures to
become a market leader with integrations into three search engines as well as across
many websites on the ‘Alexa Top 100k List’.
WordProof Matching Partner for Social Goods
ENF Quarterly Report
EOS Support is an organization started by community members that serves as a
concierge for providing user and technical support for users and customers of the EOS
Network. EOS Support is especially focused on tackling issues related to onboarding new
community members with a support ticketing system and 24/7 live chat available across
multiple different languages.
The goals of EOS Support are ambitious and include a variety of technological
developments and improvements that have not been able to be adequately supported
through EdenOnEOS and Pomelo. As a way to accelerate the rapid growth and maturity of
EOS Support, the ENF has established a working contract to supplement EOS Support’s
growing needs. As part of this contract, the EOS Support team will be able to ramp
up its existing services and knowledgebase, while also offering new services such as
coordination efforts for the Mandel consensus upgrade.
EOS Support
ENF Quarterly Report
ENF Overall Spending
Core Code
Marketing &
Operations &
Core Code
Marketing &
Operations &
Q1 2022 Total Spending : $5,020,485
ENF Quarterly Report
ENF Direct Grant Framework
Recover+ Blue Paper &
EVM+ Testnet Deployment
EVM+ Audit
Yield+ Blue Paper
EOSIO+ Consolidated
Pomelo Bounties
Market+ Dashboard &
Light Report
API+ Transaction Lifecycle
Mandel 3.1 RC1 &
Testnet Deployment
Activate Mandel 3.1
Consensus Upgrade
EVM+ Launchpad
EVM+ Mainnet Launch
EVM+ Product Suite
Market+ Full Report
Pomelo Season 3
Matching Partner
ENF Ventures
Pomelo Season 4
Matching Partner

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ENF Q1 Report

  • 2. OUR MISSION. The EOS Network Foundation’s mission is to enable developers, businesses and individuals to build on EOS to further innovation. The EOS Network Foundation (ENF) provides support, funding and the coordination of resources necessary to make EOS a thriving ecosystem. We’re harnessing the power of decentralization to chart a coordinated future for the EOS Network as a force for positive global change. Through direct investments, sponsored working groups, Eden(s), and Pomelo, the ENF is strategically taking a multi-pronged approach to allow us to all work together as a unified EOS community to create positive sum games that will lead to EOS maturing into the best-in-class Web3 smart contract platform and blockchain ecosystem. 2 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 3. ENF PROGRESS REPORT. The first quarter of 2022 saw rapid growth for the ENF in both its core team and in its output for the betterment of the EOS ecosystem as a whole. Many of the initiatives that began in Q4 began to bear fruit as we saw our first four Blue Papers published after months of research from the working groups. The ENF more than doubled its core team size while also securing senior developer talent as its own internal engineering team. These engineers will focus their upcoming efforts on supporting the Blue Paper proposals and the consolidated roadmap that comes out of them as well as other ad-hoc initiatives to increase development cycles on other key objectives such as the EOS EVM. Throughout Q1, the ENF continued making strategic bets across the EOS ecosystem through the funding of new developments, working groups, public goods, and support initiatives as outlined throughout this document. Total Blog Posts Total Videos Total Video Views (Youtube +Twitter) 28 37 125.6k Total Tweets Tweet Impressions Increase in Twitter Followers 228 1.8m 33% ENF Socials by the Numbers (+3270) 3 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 4. ENF WORKING GROUPS. The EOS Network has lacked a cohesive vision and roadmap since the original white paper was published. Therefore, at its onset, the ENF established several sponsored working groups to incentivize collaboration amongst the most trusted and experienced developers within the EOSIO ecosystem to better understand its existing weaknesses and to identify multiple potential solutions. For the first time since genesis, we were able to bring the greatest minds together and funded them to work together to consolidate knowledge, collaborate, research, and innovate towards a unified vision to enable EOS to deliver on its full potential. The culmination of these efforts were seen in Q1 with the publication of four EOS Blue Papers: Four Blue Papers Published Audit+ : Providing an overall framework for security analysis tooling and contract aaaaaaaaaudit for EOSIO-based application. Core+ : Restoring the EOSIO protocol as a global leader in blockchain technology. API+ : Providing access for the next generation of EOSIO-powered dApps. Wallet+ : Wallets, SDKs, standards, and complementary products to benefit aaaaaaaaapplication developers and the end-user experience for EOSIO. 4 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 5. The EVM+ working group was established in Q1 with a mandate for delivering an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on EOS with full RPC compatibility, deterministic gas usage / billing, and ETH precompiles as EOS intrinsics. The EOS EVM has continuously evolved in its development throughout Q1 as the technology has inched closer towards maturity leading up to its initial deployment recently on the Jungle testnet. The EOS EVM itself is a public good, which will be open sourced and accessible to other EOSIO blockchains for adoption. However, to set EOS apart from other EVMs, the ENF funded a product team consisting of Y Combinator alumni and industry experts who are augmenting the technical work being done by EOS Argentina. This team’s focus is on developing the business cases for the EOS EVM as well as its economics, marketing, and onboarding strategies. As part of these efforts, they will also be developing and forming strategic partnerships to deliver a full suite of complementary products including wallets, bridges, DEX, launchpad, and block explorers for the most performant EVM. The ENF is making a strategic bet in its support and backing for the EVM+ initiative as it will provide an instant on-ramp for Solidity developers to build on EOS who will be able to leverage all of the tools, libraries, and open source code that they are already familiar with. To accelerate the onboarding of Solidity projects, developers will be able to access EOS funding via Pomelo, direct grants, as well as the liquidity incentives that will be proposed by the Yield+ working group. More details about the EOS EVM will be shared in the coming weeks through formal communication channels. EVM+ Expands to Include EOS EVM Product Team These four Blue Papers represent a detailed overview of the current state of EOS with more than seventy-five proposals to enhance EOS to become the best-in-class smart contract development platform for supporting Web3 applications. 5 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 6. The Yield+ group working group was established to assess the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape across other blockchain ecosystems and to propose the best practices and approaches for the EOS Network to incentivize DeFi protocols to attract and deploy liquidity on-chain for both native EOS and the EOS EVM. DeFi is one of the most popular use cases for blockchain and offering liquidity incentives has proven to be an effective means for attracting new projects and end-users to existing layer 1 protocols. The incentives being proposed by Yield+ will encourage fresh investment into the EOS ecosystem and provide new opportunities for EOS holders to put their capital to work. Yield+ will also serve to complement the EOS EVM deployment as it will provide an incentive model for existing DeFi projects and open source code written in Solidity to be easily cloned, forked, or expanded to EOS with negligible development costs to do so. This will enable new projects to deploy quickly and focus their budgets on marketing and community building to attract new users and TVL rather than on engineering costs. The Yield+ working group will be publishing a Blue Paper in Q2 that outlines a collection of research and proposals for growing Total Value Locked (TVL) on EOS. This working group is being spearheaded by some of the best and brightest minds in EOS DeFi including EOS Nation, DefiBox, PIZZA, 0rigin, Myles Snyder, and Joe Louis. Yield+ Working Group Established The Recover+ working group was established in Q1 and is being led by the team at PIZZA. The Recover+ working group aims to create a crisis management framework for EOS with deliverables such as developing emergency contracts, protocols, best practices guides, FAQs, and advice on who to contact for help and support immediately after an exploit occurs. Recover+ Working Group Established 6 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 7. The Recover+ working group will publish a light Blue Paper in Q2 as well as a user-friendly web-based portal that will host all of the tools and deliverables outlined above. The EOSIO+ working group was established in Q1 and was able to accomplish something that had never happened before since the launch of EOS when it brought all EOSIO chains together in a collaborative effort to support and improve upon the EOSIO core protocol. EOSIO+ is working towards establishing a cooperative system that allows parties that depend on EOSIO to help fund, organize, and prioritize the future of that software. This collective of EOSIO chains is currently in the process of prioritizing which proposals outlined in the Blue Papers should be collectively funded. A coalition of EOSIO chains was formed amongst EOS, Telos, Wax, and UX Network with a collective funding commitment of $8 million annually towards core protocol development. The ENF will fund 71.6%* of the EOSIO+ working group treasury for developments based on a calculation using a formula that factors in market cap, trading volume, and liquidity depth to establish how much of the shared treasury each chain should be responsible for. No EOSIO+ development proposals were funded in Q1, however, at the onset of the working group it was agreed that a re-brand of EOSIO was necessary to establish the community fork as the technology stack being utilized by all of the public blockchains. The ENF funded the contract for a professional design studio to work with members of the EOSIO+ working group to establish the new name and branding for the community edition of the EOSIO technology stack. EOSIO+ Working Group Established *Funding levels will be dynamically updated over time and on a quarterly basis. 7 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 8. POMELO FOR FUNDING PUBLIC GOODS. Pomelo is an open-source platform and community-driven portal designed to fund EOS- based projects using a quadratic funding mechanism. Quadratic Funding (QF) has proven to be the mathematically optimal way for funding public goods in a community by giving greater weight to the number of unique contributors when determining the actual amount funded. Pomelo held its first season in Q4 with the ENF participating as the sole matching pool partner with a commitment of $500,000. This capital was distributed across all 76 grant proposals made using the quadratic formula to allow the EOS token holders themselves to dictate how the public goods funding was to be allocated rather than the ENF itself. There wasn’t a Pomelo funding round held in the first quarter of 2022 as the time was spent analyzing the data from Season 1 and developing new features for its next season. Moving forward, there will be a Pomelo season held each quarter beginning in Q2. The ENF has already made a financial commitment of $888,888.88 as a matching pool partner for Pomelo Season 2. However, these funds have yet to be distributed, therefore, they are not included in the financial calculations for this quarterly report. Matching Pool Commitment After the grant contribution period has ended and the matching funds have been calculated, the ENF has made a commitment to contributing an additional $125,000 in direct funding to grant proposals for public goods that the ENF believes would be valuable to the EOS ecosystem, but were either underfunded or that could accomplish even more Direct Funding Contributions 8 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 9. with a top up. The combination of the matching pool and direct funding contributions will bring the funding total for Pomelo Season 2 to over $1,000,000! The direct funding process will include the ENF contacting grant owners directly, which will serve as a soft audit as an additional layer of accountability. The ENF may request additional information or details about individual proposals and will also validate that any previous deliverables have been met if they were participants in the first Pomelo season. Over time, we believe that Pomelo will serve as a reputation layer for EOS and this process will play an integral role in that. Pomelo was originally built using funds received from a previous grant in 2020. Those funds were used to develop Pomelo into what it is today. There is no doubt that Pomelo serves as a fair and democratic method for distributing public goods funding across the EOS ecosystem. The Pomelo platform itself is a public good, so we believe that funding it directly makes more sense than having on-going Pomelo development be earned through applying for grants within its own platform, although this may be possible in the future as the platform matures. As such, the ENF will directly fund the development of additional features, such as bounties, collections, and other new features to improve Pomelo and increase its impact across the EOS community. This funding will ensure that the Pomelo seasons continue throughout 2022 with a team in place to manage operations, marketing, development, KYC/AML, and the on-chain analysis to protect the integrity of the platform itself. On-Going and Future Development 9 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 10. FUNDING INITIATIVES. The Blue Papers were written by some of the most experienced and knowledgeable teams developing on EOS and the collaborative nature of the working groups allowed them to hone in on many of the most salient issues EOS faces to articulate many novel solutions. After the Blue Papers were published, the ENF established a feedback initiative to incentivize the EOS community to showcase their thoughts and responses to the proposals outlined in the Blue Papers. Additionally, the community was invited and encouraged to offer their own alternative or enhanced solutions to the proposals made in the original Blue Papers. Blue Paper Community Feedback Initiative The ENF has signed an agreement to begin a partnership with Object Computing Inc. (OCI) to develop and implement the Transaction Lifecycle proposal outlined in the API+ Blue Paper as the first set of EOS features to move forward into development as a result of the Blue Papers research initiative. The Transaction Lifecycle development will address and improve transaction resource cost estimations, subjective billing, transaction retries, and transaction finality status. OCI’s team consists of 200+ highly skilled engineers and includes some of the top contributors to the EOSIO codebase. OCI was instrumental in the development of EOSIO and has been a key contributor to its development since 2017. API+ Transaction Lifecycle Improvements Development by OCI 10 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 11. Daniel Larimer and his engineering team at ClarionOS (now Fractally) were contracted by the ENF to deliver several new features to the EOS codebase as part of the Mandel Release, which was established as a fork of EOSIO 2.0. The Mandel code was developed as part of the EOS Network Foundation’s Github repository. The Mandel repository includes new features such as configurable WASM limits, enhanced configurable blockchain parameters, and a handful of other system contract upgrades to improve the EOS Network. When the Mandel consensus upgrade occurs later this year, it will mark the symbolic completion of EOS independence because it will be the first time the EOS Network is running a version of the software not developed or released by B1. Fractally Contracted for Mandel Development The ENF established a working agreement with Bywire to devise a strategic research-led communication plan that will seek to reset the EOS narrative. The Market+ deliverables will include a series of documents similar in nature to the construct for a presidential or political style campaign as well as a user friendly sentiment analysis and analytics dashboard that will display dozens of key metrics within an easy to use community portal. A major University will also be collaborating on this initiative and the team has also recently hired Brittany Kaiser to assist in leading their initiative in data driven market research. The market research will include community surveys and polls, big data collection, focus groups, town hall meetings and many conversations that will plot the opinions of the community, past and present. The research will help identify patterns, define consumers wants and needs, and focus marketing efforts where they can be cost effective and successful. Market+ Research and Competitive Analysis 11 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 12. In 2020, WordProof was awarded a €1 million grant as the winners of a “Blockchains for social good” contest hosted by the European Innovation Council (EIC). The EIC was established under the European Union’s Horizon Europe program and is their flagship innovation program to identify, develop and scale up breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations. WordProof wants to create a new standard for a more reliable and trustworthy internet, with the help of blockchain technology through the use of the WordProof Timestamp Ecosystem, which empowers internet users and content creators with the tools to build a safer and more trustworthy internet by offering the tools needed to make it easy for websites to timestamp their data to the EOS blockchain via user friendly website plugins. WordProof has made notable progress since earning the €1 million grant, including technological developments as well as major partnerships established such as with Yoast SEO, which is one of the most popular WordPress plugins with over 350 million downloads. WordProof is in the process of seeking out another round of grant funding from the EIC, however, this time the EIC required a grant matching partner to qualify as a participant in this contest. The ENF believes that the WordProof Timestamp Ecosystem is a public good with a legitimate mass adoption use case. As such, the ENF is supporting WordProof as its matching partner for the EIC Accelerator Program. This ENF grant will ensure that WordProof prioritizes EOS as its blockchain of choice for timestamping as it matures to become a market leader with integrations into three search engines as well as across many websites on the ‘Alexa Top 100k List’. WordProof Matching Partner for Social Goods 12 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 13. EOS Support is an organization started by community members that serves as a concierge for providing user and technical support for users and customers of the EOS Network. EOS Support is especially focused on tackling issues related to onboarding new community members with a support ticketing system and 24/7 live chat available across multiple different languages. The goals of EOS Support are ambitious and include a variety of technological developments and improvements that have not been able to be adequately supported through EdenOnEOS and Pomelo. As a way to accelerate the rapid growth and maturity of EOS Support, the ENF has established a working contract to supplement EOS Support’s growing needs. As part of this contract, the EOS Support team will be able to ramp up its existing services and knowledgebase, while also offering new services such as coordination efforts for the Mandel consensus upgrade. EOS Support 13 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 14. ENF OPERATIONS AND FINANCIALS OVERVIEW. ENF Overall Spending Grants 51.0% Core Code Development 21.0% Marketing & Design 18.6% Payroll 4.9% Professional Services 3.2% Operations & Insurance 1.3% Grants Core Code Development Marketing & Design Payroll Professional Services Operations & Insurance $2,245,600 $920,500 $817,064 $216,310 $142,182 $58,404 1.3% 3.2% 4.9% 18.6% 21.0% 51.0% Q1 2022 Total Spending : $5,020,485 14 ENF Quarterly Report
  • 15. WHAT’S AHEAD ENF Direct Grant Framework Recover+ Blue Paper & Dashboard EVM+ Testnet Deployment EVM+ Audit Yield+ Blue Paper EOSIO+ Consolidated Roadmap Pomelo Bounties Market+ Dashboard & Light Report API+ Transaction Lifecycle Improvements Mandel 3.1 RC1 & Testnet Deployment Activate Mandel 3.1 Consensus Upgrade EVM+ Launchpad EVM+ Mainnet Launch EVM+ Product Suite Bridge+ Market+ Full Report Pomelo Season 3 Matching Partner ENF Ventures Pomelo Season 4 Matching Partner