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Accio (AK-see-oh or A-see-oh)
"Summoning Charm"

"accio" L. send for, summon

Causes an object to fly to the caster, even over quite some distance. It would
seem that the caster must know at least the general location of the object


        Mrs. Weasley used a series of Summoning Charms to find the magical items Fred
        and George were trying to sneak out of the house with (GF6).


        Harry learned the Summoning Charm to use the the First Task, when he
        Summoned his Firebolt to him so he could fly around and past the dragon


        Harry used this charm to call the Triwizard Cup to him while escaping Voldemort
        and the Death Eaters (GF34).


        Moody used the Summoning Charm to grab the Marauder's Map off the stairs (GF

Age Line
no incantation given

A thin golden line drawn on a floor, which affects anyone who crosses it if they
are too young (Presumably, the Age Line could also be set up to prevent
someone to cross who was older than a given age.)


        Dumbledore drew an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire to keep away anyone
        who was not yet seventeen years old.


        When the Weasely twins, who had taken an Aging Potion to try to fool it, crossed
        over the Age Line, they were thrown back and sprouted long white beards.

Alohomora (AL-o-ho-MOR-ah)
"aloha" Haw. farewell + "mora" L. obstacle

Charm which causes a locked door to open.


        Hermione uses this spell to let herself and Ron and Harry into the forbidden third
        floor corridor (SS9, also PA21),


        but it wouldn't work on the door which required the winged key in the chamber
        guarding the Sorcerer's Stone (SS16)

Animagus(an-i-MAH-jus OR an-i-MAY-jus)
"animal" L. animal + "magus" Pers. magic user

A Wizard or Witch who can transform themselves into an animal; very rare.
Plural: Animagi (an-i-MAH-jye OR an-i-MAH-gee)


        McGonagall transforms into a cat (SS1, PA6).


        Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew become Animagi while students at
        Hogwarts (PA).


        Animagi are supposed to be registered with the Ministry of Magic (PA, ) but there
        are unregistered ones around, for example Rita Skeeter (GF).

anti-cheating spells
no names or words given

Cast on quills before exams.


        Used before exams at Hogwarts (SS16)

anti-gravity mist
no incantation given

Charm which creates an innocent-looking mist which hovers above the ground. A
person stepping into this mist immediately finds that up and down have reversed
and they are hanging from the ground over the endless sky.


        Harry encounters this mist in the maze of the Third Task of the Triwizard
        Tournament. (GF

Aparecium (a-par-EE-see-um)
"appareo" L. to appear

Makes invisible ink become visible.


        Hermione tried this on Riddle's diary, but no words appear (CS13)

Apparition (A-pa-RI-shun)

Apparate, Disapparate

"appareo" L. to appear

Advanced spell used by fully trained wizards to disappear from one place and
appear almost instantly somewhere else.


        Very difficult spell.


        Wizards must pass a test in order to be allowed to perform it.


        Done incorrectly, apparition can result in the caster being "splinched," which
        refers to part of the caster's body being left behind.


        Apparition becomes more difficult as distance increases. Only highly trained
        wizards would try intercontinental Apparating ( ).

armor-bewitching charm
no incantation given

Enchants a suit of armor to sing Christmas carols.


        This charm was used as part of the Christmas decorations in 1994. Unfortunately,
        a suit of armor so enchanted is still not a particularly clever thing, so many of
        them didn't know all the words to the songs. Peeves took to hiding inside the
        armor and filling in the gaps with lyrics of his own invention, usually very rude
        ones (GF22).

Avada Kedavra (uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh )
"Killing Curse"

Aramaic: "let the thing be destroyed".
NOTE: Abracadabra is a cabbalistic charm in Judaic mythology that is supposed to bring healing powers. One of its sources is
believed to be from Aramaic avada kedavra, another is the Phoenician alphabet (a-bra-ca-dabra).

Causes instant death in a flash of green light.


          One of the Unforgivable Curses


          This is the spell Voldemort used to kill Harry's parents.


          Harry is the only person to survive the Killing Curse (esp. SS1, GF14, also


          This spell produces a glare of green light.


          Wormtail, on orders from Voldemort, used Avada Kedavra to kill Cedric Diggory


          It was also used to kill Frank Bryce (GF1) and Bertha Jorkins (GF1, 33).

Avis (AH-vis)
"avis" L. bird

Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.


          Mr. Ollivander, to test Viktor Krum's wand during the Weighing of the Wands,
          used this spell, sending the birds out the window (GF18)

Babbling Curse

no incantation given

Exact effect not mentioned, but one can assume it causes the victim to babble.


        Lockhart supposedly cured a simple Transylvanian villager of this affliction

Banishing Charm
reverse of "Summoning Charm"

no incantation given

Sends an object away from the caster.


        Harry and his classmates practiced this spell in their fourth-year Charms class.
        Flitwick found himself being "banished" around the room by Neville, whose aim
        wasn't very good (GF26)

Bewitched Sleep
no incantation given

Puts someone into a deep sleep; subjects are in a state almost like suspended
animation and do not breathe for the duration of the spell.


        Dumbledore placed Cho, Ron, Hermione, and Gabrielle Delacour into this kind of
        sleep while they were "captured" by the merpeople in the lake (GF27)

Binding/Fastening magic
no incantation given

Spells which fasten chains or ropes to restrain someone or something


Dragon keepers use this magic to drive stakes into the ground to fasten the
        dragons to (GF19)


        the chair in the Court of Magical Law magically restrained the accused using
        ropes (GF


        Snape fired ropes from his wand to bind Sirius Black (PA


        Pettigrew bound Harry to the tombstone of Tom Riddle Sr. with a binding spell

see also Ropes, magical

Bluebell flames
"bluebell" flower with blue blossoms

Creates a quantity of blue flame which can be directed to a specific place.


        Hermione casts a bluebell flame that can be carried around in a jam jar, sent out a
        short distance, then retrieved into the jar (SS11)


        She sends the flame onto Snape's robes (SS11) and against the Devil's Snare plant


        Portable, waterproof fires are a speciality of hers (CS11).

Bogies, Curse of the
see Curse of the Bogies

Braking Charm
no incantation given

Charm used on a broomstick to allow it to stop effectively.


        The Firebolt has an "unbreakable Braking Charm" on it. (PA


        the Horton-Keitch Braking Charm is a patented form of the Braking Charm,
        named after the founders of the Comet Trading Company, which makes the
        Comet Racing Broom (QA)

Bubble-Head Charm
no incantation given

Encloses the head of the caster with a bubble of breathable air.


        Cedric used this spell to travel underwater and rescue Cho in the Second Task

candle magic
no incantation used

This minor spell ignites candles and can make them float in midair.


        Rita Skeeter uses this magic when she's trying to arrange an interview

Cheering Charm
no incantation given

A charm that cheers a person up, makes them happy.


          Cheering Charms were part of the Charms curriculum for the Third Years. They
          were included in the final exam for that term. (PA15)

Confundus Charm (con-FUN-dus)
"confundo" L. to perplex

Causes confusion. A person who is affected by this Charm is said to be


          Crouch Jr. used this charm to fool the Goblet of Fire into accepting Harry's name
          under a fourth school (GF17)


          Snape suggested that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were Confunded by Sirius Black
          into believing him innocent (PA

Conjunctivitis Curse
"conjunctiva" L. connecting (as in membrane of the eye) + "-itis" L. inflammation

A spell that affects the eyes and vision of the target.


          Sirius was going to suggest this spell to use against the Horntail dragon (GF9)

Cross-Species Switches

Classification of Transfiguration spells in which one type of creature is
transfigured into another.


         The fourth years had to write an essay about using these after practicing
         transfiguring guinea fowl into guinea pigs (GF22). Apparently it's easier to do the
         spell when the creatures have similar names...

Cruciatus Curse (KROO-see-AH-tus)
"cruciatus" L. torture (n.)


Crucio (KROO-see-oh)
"Cruciatus Curse"

"crucio" L. torment (v.)

One of the "Unforgiveable Curses," this spell causes the victim to suffer almost
intolerable pain. Some victims of prolonged use of this curse have been driven


         Used by Voldemort's followers during his years of power, both on Wizards and
         Muggles. Voldemort used it on Wormtail, Avery, and Harry (GF14, 17, 21, 29,
         31, 33).


Curse of the Bogies
"bogy" uncertain origin: "Old Bogey" = The Devil c. 1836; "bogle" Scottish phantom or goblin c.
1505 and "bogge" terror, possibly from "bwg" Welsh ghost and "bwgwl" fear

Yeah, maybe. But more likely:

"bogey" British slang: booger

Effect unknown.


Ron threatened to learn this curse and then use it on Hermione and Neville if they
        all got caught roaming the school at night on their way to a duel with Malfoy

Cushioning Charm
incantation unknown

The Cushioning Charm creates an invisible "pillow" on the handle of the broom to
make flying more comfortable.


        Invented by Elliot Smethwyk in 1820. (QA)


Deletrius ( deh-LEE-tree-us )
"deleterius" L. detroy, eradicate

Erases the ghost images of spells revealed by the Priori Incantatem spell.
Possibly can be used to remove other spell effects as well.


        Amos Diggory uses the Deletrius spell to erase the ghost image of the Dark Mark
        he had caused to be emitted from Harry's wand (GF9).

Densaugeo ( den-sah-OO-gi-oh )
"dens" L. tooth + "augeo" L. grow

Curse which causes the victim's teeth to enlarge grotesquely.


        Hermione was hit by this curse from the wand of Draco Malfoy. Malfoy and
        Harry Potter had started fighting in the corridor, but the curses missed and hit
        Hermione and Goyle (GF18)

Diffindo (dih-FIN-doe)
"diffindo" L. cleave, open

Spell that cuts something open.


        Harry uses this spell on Cedric's book bag to slow him down so Harry could tell
        him about the dragons (GF9)

Disapparate (dis-AP-a-rate)
"dis-" opposite of, from L. "apart" + "appareo" L. to appear

Apparition, as seen from the place a wizard is leaving.


Dissendium (dis-EN-dee-um)
uncertain: "dissocio" L. to sever or divide? Possibly similar in sound to "descend."

Opens the secret door in the statue of the humped witch.


        Harry learns this word from the Marauder's Map. It is said aloud while the statue
        is tapped with the caster's wand (PA10)

Drought Charm
no incantation given

Dries up water.


        Harry briefly considerd this as a method of getting to the bottom of the lake, but
        realized he couldn't dry up that much water with it (GF26)

Engorgio (en-GOR-gee-oh)
"Engorgement Charm"

"engorger" Fr. swallow greedily

Spell which causes the target to swell in size.


        The twins placed an Engorgement Charm on the Ton Tongue Toffee that they
        "accidentally" dropped in front of Dudley (GF4)


        Kevin, the little Wizard boy in the campground, was casting an Engorgement
        Spell (or something very similar) on a slug (GF

Ennervate (EN-er-vayt)
"en-" Old French from "in-" L. cause to be + "nerves" Eng. c.1603 strength, from "nervus" L. nerve

Spell used to revive a person who has been hit by a Stunner.


        Amos Diggory woke up Winky with an Ennervate spell


        Dumbledore used it to revive Barty Crouch Jr. (GF9, 35)

Entrancing Enchantments
no incantation given

Spells that cause someone to fall in love with the caster.


        Lockhart suggested that Flitwick was an expert in these, much to Flitwicks's
        embarassment (CS13)

Expecto Patronum (ex-PEK-toh pa-TROH-num)
"Patronus Charm"

"expecto" L. expect or look for + "patronus" Medieval L. patron saint, symbolizing a patron or

ALTERNATE ETYMOLOGY: "expecto" L. to expel from the chest, send forth from one's

Conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is
the embodiment of the positive thoughts of the caster. A Patronus will drive away


        Lupin teaches Harry to cast this spell, which he does with minor success until he
        faces a large group of Dementors who are trying to attack Sirius Black. Harry sees
        a Patronus come charging across the lake and later realizes that he himself cast it.
        (PA12, GF31)

Expelliarmus (ex-pel-ee-AR-mus)
"Disarming Spell"

"expelo" L. to drive out + "arma" L. weapon

Causes opponent's weapon to fly out of their hand.


        Basic defensive spell, taught at the Dueling Club (CS10) used frequently
        thereafter. If the exact nature of the opponent's weapon is uncertain, the spell can
        have unexpected results. If several people cast the spell simultaneously, the target
        may be rendered unconscious (PA, GF31, 34)

Extinguishing Spell
no incantation given

Spell that puts out fires.


Used by dragon keepers; they kept them at the ready when handling the dragons
         for the first task (GF14)

Ferula (feh-ROO-lah)
"ferule" alt. spelling of "ferrule" Eng. wooden handle for strength or protection, from "ferula" L.
fennel plant

Spell that conjures a wooden rod.


         Lupin uses this spell to conjure a splint and bandages for Ron's broken leg

Fidelius Charm (fih-DAY-lee-us)
"fidelis" L. trusty, faithful

Complex and powerful charm that hides a person or persons completely; their
location is known only to their designated "Secret Keeper."


         Used to try to protect Lily and James Potter from Voldemort. "An immensely
         complex spell involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single,
         living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper,
         and is henceforth impossible to find -- unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper
         chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-
         Who could search the village where Lily and James were staying for years and
         never find them, not even if he had his nose pressed against their sitting room
         window!" Unfortunately, Peter Pettigrew was chosen as Secret-Keeper, and he
         betrayed James and Lily (PA

Finite Incantatum (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tum)
"finio" L. settle, end, die + "incantationem" L. the art of enchanting

Stops currently operating spell effects.


Snape uses this spell to end the various unfortunate spells that were affecting
        members of the Dueling Club when things got a little out of hand (CS10)

Fire Magic

        See FIRE TALKING






        See INCENDIO




        c.f. Hagrid starts a roaring fire in the hut on the rock without wand (SS4)


        c.f. WAND EFFECTS


        c.f. FLOO POWDER


        c.f. Wormtail starts a fire under the cauldron in which Voldemort is reborn

Fire Talking
no incantation given

Using a Wizard's fire, a person can communicate with another over distance. The
head of the person making contact appears in the midst of the flames and they
can hold a conversation and even interact physically with the person they are
connecting to.


        Amos Diggory used this method of contacting Ron's dad when Mad-Eye Moody
        reported being attacked. (GF10)


        When he was in hiding,Sirius Black talked to Harry by means of a Wizard


        Snape used a powder thrown into the fire to contact Lupin and ask to speak to him

Flame Freezing Charm
no words given

Changes the properties of fire so that it's heat feels like a warm breeze.


        Spell used by witches and the wizards in Medieval times who were burned at the
        stake. They would then scream and pretend to be burning up (PA1)

Flashing Paint Charm
no incantation given

This "tricky little charm" makes the paint on a banner flash different colors.


        Hermione uses this charm on the banner that the Gryffindors had painted on one
        of the sheets Scabbers had ruined. It said Potter for President, and Dean, who was
        good at drawing, had drawn a Gryffindor lion under the words. (SS11)

Four-Point Spell
"point me"

A simple spell, performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the
caster. When the words are spoken, the wand rotates to point north.


        Harry uses this spell to good advantage in the maze of the Third Task, keeping
        himself walking in more or less the right direction (GF31).

Freezing Charm




Furnunculus ( fur-NUN-kyoo-lus)
related to "furnus" L. oven?

Curse that causes boils to break out all over the victim.


        Harry casts this spell on Malfoy, but it is deflected and hits Goyle in the face
        (GF18, 37)

A form of magic or class of spells that defend the caster against hexes.


Moody included Hex-Deflection in his fourth year Defense Against the Dark Arts
        classes (GF28)

Homorphus Charm
"homo" Gr. the same + "morph": Eng. change shape [force a werewolf NOT to change]

"homo" L. man + "morph": Eng. change shape [force werewolf into human shape]

A good Charm to use against a werewolf. It's exact effects aren't given.


        Lockhart supposedly used this Charm to defeat the Wagga Wagga werewolf and
        demonstrated the feat in Defense Against The Dark Arts class (CS10).

Horn Tongue
no incantation given

Conjures a horn on the target's tongue. What good this would do anyone is unclear....


        Harry, looking for spells to help him combat a dragon, wisely decided not to use
        this one as it would just give the dragon one more weapon (GF20)

Hover Charm
no incantation given

Makes an object float in the air.


        Dobby uses this spell (without wand or incantation) to float Aunt Petunia's violet
        pudding in the air (CS2)

Hurling Hex
no spell words given

A nasty kind of curse that could be placed on a broom which would cause the rider to be thrown
off, presumably.


        When Flitwick was going to strip down Harry's Firebolt to check for curses, this
        was one of the things he was looking for (PA )

Impediment Curse

Impedimenta (im-ped-ih-MEN-tah )
"Impediment Curse"

"im-" prefix from L. not +

Stops an object or slows it down.


        Harry learns this spell to use in the Third Task. Ron also learns it, using it to stop
        a bee in midair. Harry uses it to good effect on the giant spider and on the huge
        Blast-Ended Skrewt. (GF29, 31

Impervius (im-PER-vee-us)
"im-" prefix from L. not + "pervius" L. letting things through

Makes something waterproof or water repellent.


Hermione uses this spell to make Harry's glasses repel water during a rainy
        Quidditch match (PA9)

Imperio (im-PAIR-ee-oh )
"Imperius Curse"

"impero" L. order, govern, command

One of the "Unforgiveable Curses," this spell causes the victim to be completely
under the command of the caster, who can make them do anything they wish.



Incendio (in-SEN-dee-o)
"incendo" L. to set fire to

Starts a fire.


        Mr. Weasley uses this charm to start a fire in the Dursley's fireplace (GF4)

Instant Scalping
no incantation given

As the name suggests, this hex removes hair.


        This spell appears in the book Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed, which Harry
        consulted to find a spell to work against dragons. (GF20)

Jelly-Legs Jinx
no incantation given

Causes the target's legs to wobble uncontrollably.


        Hermione used the spell to break Harry's Shield Charm as they were practicing
        for the Third Task.


        Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were hit with this Jinx (along with a few other hexes
        and curses) on the train (GF31, 37)

Leek Curse
no incantation given

Results in leeks growing out of the target's ears.


        During the tension-filled week leading up to the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch
        match in the spring of 1994, a nasty incident in the corridors resulted in a
        Gryffindor fourth year and a Slytherin sixth year going to the Hospital Wing with
        leeks sprouting out of their ears.

Light Spell
no incantation used

Appearing with a soft, crackling sound, this spell creates a handful of shimmering


        Lupin used this spell while on the Hogwarts Express. It lit the compartment and
        the form of the Dementor which was searching the train. (PA5)


Locomotor Mortis (lo-co-MO-tor MOR-tis)
"Leg-Locker Curse"

"loco" L. from a place + "motionem" L. motion + "mortis" L. death

Locks together the legs of the victim, making him unable to walk.


        Draco casts this spell on Neville just for kicks; Neville must then hop back to the
        common room (SS13)

Lumos (LOO-mos)
"lumen" L. light

Causes a small beam of light to shine from the end of the caster's wand.


        This spell is used frequently as people skulk about the castle or the Forbidden


        Dumbledore even used one when looking for Mr. Crouch (GF28), and his beam
        of light was just as narrow and flashlight-like as Harry's usually is. You'd think
        Dumbledore would have been able to summon up something a little brighter.


        The spell to turn the light off is "Nox."

Memory Charm

Messenger Spell
no incantation used

Sends a magical messenger to someone in the form of a silvery dart, rather like a
small, ghostly bird.


        Dumbledore sent a message to Hagrid using this spell. He simply pointed his
        wand in the direction of Hagrid's hut and sent the messenger without saying a
        word. Hagrid came directly to Dumbledore, which suggests that it is possible to
        retrace the flight of the dart. (GF28)

Mobiliarbus (MO-bi-lee-AR-bus)
"mobilis" L. movable + "arbor" L. tree

Moves a tree.


        The basic spell for moving something starts with the "Mobili" prefix. It is up to
        the caster to be able to tack on the correct Latinate word for the object to be
        moved, in this case a tree. Certainly there cannot be a "standard" spell for moving
        a tree to one side!

Morsmorde (mors-MOR-                     duh   )
"The Dark Mark"

"mors" L. death + "mordere" L. to bite

Conjures an immense glowing skull in the sky, comprised of green sparks. There
is a snake coming out of the skull's mouth.


        This spell is known only to Death Eaters, who send it up in the sky when they kill.
        The Dark Mark is seen at the Quidditch World Cup in 1994, conjured up by Barty
        Crouch Jr. using Harry's wand. (GF9)

Muggle Repelling Charms

no incantation given

Spells cast to keep Muggles away from a place or object.


         The Quidditch World Cup Stadium had Muggle Repelling Charms all over it; if
         Muggles got anywhere near it, they would suddenly remember some appointment
         they were late for and hurry off (GF8)

Nox (noks)
"nox" L. night

Turns off the light from a "Lumos" spell.

Obliviate (oh-BLI-vee-ate)
"Memory Charm"

"oblivisci" L. forget

Modifies or erases portions of a person's memory.


         These spells are used routinely by the Ministry of Magic as they work to keep the
         Wizarding World a secret from the Muggles.


         They are used if a Muggle sees a dragon (SS ) and after an enchanted item falls
         into Muggle hands (CS3).


         Memory Charms were used on the witnesses to Peter Pettigrew's murder of
         thirteen Muggles and subsequent escape as a rat (PA10).


         Bertha Jorkins had had a Memory Charm placed on her by Crouch Sr. after she
         discovered Barty Crouch Jr. at the Crouch home (GF33). Voldemort broke
         through it, but the process left her mind damaged and he killed her (GF1).


Mr. Roberts, the campground manager near the Quidditch World Cup, needed ten
          Memory Charms a day or he started noticing odd things going on. Later, after he
          and his family had been attacked by the Death Eaters, they all received Memory
          Charms (GF7, 9).


          Lockhart used Memory Charms on those whose adventures he claimed as his
          own. He'd interview someone who battled some creature or conquered some dark
          foe, then write the story as if he did it himself and give a Memory Charm to
          theperson so they'd forget it was really them. He tried to do the same to Harry and
          Ron, but it backfired onto him instead. (CS16)


          A Ministry Wizard whose job it is to cast Memory Charms is called an Obliviator

Orchideous (or-KID-ee-us )
"Orchideae" L. name for the orchid plant family

Conjures a bouquet of flowers out of the end of a wand.


          Mr. Ollivander used this spell to test Fleur's wand at the Weighing of the Wands

Patronus Charm (pa-TROH-nus)
"patronus" Medieval L. patron saint.


Pepper Breath
no incantation given

This charm gives a person firey hot breath.


Harry, when researching spells to use against a dragon, decides against this one

Peskipiksi Pesternomi (pes-kee PIK-see pes-ter-NO-mee)
"Freezing Charm"?

"pesky" + "pixie" + "pester" + "no" + "me"

Lockhart's version of a Freezing Charm.


        Lockhart tries this spell on the escaped Cornish Pixies. It has no effect. The spell
        words certainly don't fit the usual format, so it seems likely that Lockhart was
        making the whole thing up on the spot. (CS6)

"petrificare" L. to make into stone, from "petra" L. rock

Not a spell so much as a magical effect, caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a


        The Petrification effect resembles death, except that the victim is still alive, as if
        in suspended animation. It takes careful examination to discern whether a victim
        is in fact Petrified instead of dead. If a ghost is Petrified, is turns a dark smokey
        gray and can only be moved by the use of a fan. The antidote is made from
        mandrake roots (CS9).

Petrificus Totalus (pe-TRI-fi-cus toe-TAH-lus)
"Full Body Bind"

"petrificare" L. to make into stone + "totalis" L. entire

Turns the entire body of the victim rigid.


Hermione casts this spell on Neville with profuse apologies when he tried to stop
        them from going after the Sorcerer's Stone (SS16)

Prior Incantato (prye-OR in-can-TAH-toe)
also: Priori Incantatem
"Reverse Spell Effect"

"prior" L. former, earlier, preceeding + "incantatare" L. to bewirtch or enchant

Can be cast as a spell, ("Prior Incantato"), in which case it forces a wand to emit
a ghost image of the last spell it cast. The images can be dispelled using the
Deletrius spell.

When two wands are forced to duel which have core material from the same
single animal, the result will be "Priori Incantatem," a display in sequence of the
last spells one of the wands cast. Which wand will show the spell effect depends
on the willpower of the two wizards involved.


        Amos Diggory cast the Prior Incantato spell on Harry's wand to find out if it had
        cast the Dark Mark (GF9)


        When Harry and Voldemort dueled, their wands, which share a core of a feather
        from the same phoenix, were linked in the Priori Incantatem effect. (GF36)

Quietus (KWY-uh-tus)
reverse: Sonorus

"quietus" L. quiet, peaceful

Reverses the effect of the Sonorus spell, making the caster's voice normal in


        Bagman used the Sonorus and Quietus spells to allow himself to speak to a large
        crowd at the World Cup and at the Triwizard Tournament (GF8)

Reducio (re-DOO-see-oh )
reverse: Engorgio

"redusen" Middle Eng. diminish, from "reducer" Old Fr. bring back to the source, from" reducere"
L. bring, lead

Causes an object to return to it's normal size.


        Moody, who had enlarged a spider with an Engorgement Charm, used Reducio to
        return it to it's normal size (GF14)

Reductor Curse
from "redusen" Middle English, borrowed from Old French and Latin, c. 1380: to bring down

Blasts solid objects out of the caster's path.


        Harry learned this spell as part of his preparation for the Third Task. He used it to
        blast a hole in the hedge (GF31)

"rilascio" It. - to release, to relax, to issue

Relases a jet of firey sparks. Underwater, this spell fires a jet of boiling water.


        Harry used this spell against the Grindylows in the Second Task. (GF)

Reluctant Reversers, A Charm To Cure
no incantation given

Broom charm.


        This spell is on page twelve of the Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care

Reparo (re-PAR-oh )
"reparare" L. repair, restore

Undoes damage to an object.


        Hermione casts this spell to repair the broken glass in the door to a railway
        carriage compartment (GF8, 11)


        Probably the same spell as Mr. Weasley uses to repair Harry's glasses (CS4), Bill
        Weasley uses to repair the table leg (GF5), and Percy uses to repair his glasses
        when he bows just a little bit too low (GF8).

Restoring Spell
no incantation used

Forces an Animagus who has transformed into animal form to revert to their
human form. The spell's effect is a bright blue-white flash of light.


        Lupin and Sirius cast this spell together to change Scabbers back into Peter
        Pettigrew (PA19)

Rictusempra (ric-tu-SEM-pra)
"Tickling Charm"

"rictus" L. gaping mouth, grin + "sempra" L. always

Causes a person to laugh uncontrollably.


        Harry casts this spell on Draco at the Dueling Club (CS10)

Riddikulus (ri-di-KYOO-lus)
"ridiculum" L. joke, from "ridere" L. to laugh

Defense against a Boggart, forces the creature to take on a silly appearance.


        Lupin taught the third year Defense Against The Dark Arts class to use this spell
        (PA, GF31)

Ropes, magical
no incantation used

Sends out magical ropes from a wand which tie up someone firmly.


        Dumbledore used magic ropes from his wand to bind Barty Crouch Jr. (GF36)


        Wormtail conjured tight cords to bind Harry to the headstone of Voldemort's
        father (GF32)


        Snape used this spell to tie up Lupin. When he did it, there was a loud bang.


        a similar enchantment is used on the Chained Chair in the Court of Magical Law.
        When a prisoner sits in that chair, the chain glow gold and encircle the person's
        arms, binding them to the chair (GF30)

Scouring Charm

no incantation given

Cleans things, fingernails, for example.


        Hermione taught Neville a Scouring Charm to clean the frog guts out from under
        his fingernails (GF14).


        A Scouring Charm is required to eradicate an infestation of Bundimuns (FB)

Serpensortia (ser-pen-SOR-sha)
"serpens" L. serpent + "sortir" Old Fr. to go out

Causes a large serpent to burst from the end of an opponent's wand.


        Draco casts this spell on Harry at the Dueling Club on Snape's suggestion; the
        serpent moves to attack Justin Fitch-Fletchley (CS10)

Severing Charm
no incantation given

Spell to cut something.


        Ron uses this spell to remove the lace from the neck and sleeves of his used dress
        robes (GF23)

Shield Charm
no incantation given

This spell creates a magical barrier which will deflect hexes thrown at the caster.


        Harry learned this spell in his preparations for the Third Triwizard Tournament
        task (GF31).

Slug Curse
no incantation given

Causes the victim to belch up slugs.


        Ron tried to hit Malfoy with this curse after Malfoy had called Hermione a
        Mudblood. Unfortunately, Ron's wand was damaged and the spell backfired


        Interestingly, Ron had only a short time before, at breakfast, snapped "Eat slugs,

Sonorus (so-NO-rus )
reverse: Quietus

"sonorus" L. loud

Makes the caster's voice carry over long distances.


        Ludo Bagman uses these spells to make his voice heard throughout the World
        Quidditch Cup stadium and over the stands of people watching the Triwizard
        Tournament (GF8, 31)

"Stunning Spell"


Stupefy ( STOO-puh-fye)
reverse: "Ennervate"

"stupefacio" L. to make senseless, from "stupeo" L. stunned

Renders the target of the spell unconscious.


        Used by Ministry Wizards to try to stop whomever cast the Dark Mark (GF9)


        Used by dragon keepers (a lot of them at once) to manage dragons (GF

Summoning Charm

Switching Spells
various, depending on the transfiguration intended

A classification of Transfiguration spells.


        Neville wasn't particularly adept at these (GF15)


Talon-clipping charm
no incantation given

A charm used for dragon care.


Harry found this spell in a book in the Hogwarts library when researching ways to
        overcome the Hungarian Horntail in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament.

Tarantallegra (TAIR-an-tuh-LEG-ruh)
"tarantella" It. dance associated with the tarantula, from Taranto, a city in Italy + "allegro" It. fast

Forces the victim's legs to do a crazy dance.


        Draco casts this spell on Harry during the Dueling Club (CS10)

Tickling Charm

Transmogrifian Torture
"trans" L. across + ?
"transmogrify" Eng. verb c.1656, from L. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or
humorous effect
c.f. Calvin and Hobbes: his "duplicating machine" is called a Transmogrifier

Supposedly something which results in a cat being killed.


        Lockhart pronounced with certainty that Mrs. Norris was dead, killed by the
        Transmogrifian Torture. Immediately thereafter, Dumbledore informed everyone
        that she wasn't in fact dead, rather she was Petrified, and Lockhart pointed out
        that he knew this all along. Knowing Lockhart, it is distinctly possible that there is
        no such thing as the Transmogrifian Torture (c.f. PESKIPIKSI PESTERNOMI)

Twitchy Ears Hex
no incantation given

Causes the ears of the victim to wiggle and twitch uncontrollably.


        Harry was hit with this Hex as they practiced Hex-Deflection in Defense Against
        the Dark Arts class (GF28)

Unbreakable Charm
incantation not given

Makes an object unbreakable.


        Hermione cast an Unbreakable Charm on the jar in which she captured Rita
        Skeeter in beetle form. (GF37)

Unforgivable Curses
Three curses in particular are known as Unforgivable because using them on
another human being can result in a life term in Azkaban. These three curses
were used extensively by Voldemort's followers during his rise to power in the
1970s. One, the Killing Curse, was used by Voldemort himself on Harry Potter,
but the curse backfired and Voldemort was defeated. The three curses are the
Cruciatus Curse, the Imperius Curse, and the Killing Curse.


incantation not given

Magical state of a place; makes it impossible to plot its location on a map.


        Hermione suggested that this may have been done to make Durmstrang and
        Beauxbatons harder to locate by other witches and wizards. (GF10)


        Hogwarts also has wards and spells on it to hide its true nature from Muggles, but
        it is apparently not Unplottable. (SEE Muggle Repelling Charms).

Vanishing Spell
no incantation given

Makes something or someone disappear.


        When Colin was taking his picture and asking him to sign it, Harry wished he
        knew a good Vanishing Spell to escape the embarassment (CS

Waddiwasi (wah-di-WAH-see)
"wad" + ?

Shoots a wad of gum out of a keyhole.


        Lupin considers this to be a useful little spell. He uses it to remove a wad of gum
        from a keyhole that Peeves was putting there. The gum then shot up Peevse's
        nose. (PA7)

Wand effects
no words used

Causes loud booming noises, sparks, or flashes of light, designed to get people's


        McGonagall creates a loud bang to get people's attention in the hallway (CS10)


        Harry and Ron shot sparks to hold off an advancing skrewt (GF21)


        Harry, Ron, Draco, Neville fired red sparks into the air to call for help in the
        Forbidden Forest (SS


        Ollivander casts a stream of silver smoke rings and a fountain of wine during the
        Weighing of the Wands (GF18)


        Purple firecrackers to get everyone's attention (SS10)

SEE ALSO: Messenger Spell, Four-Point Spell, Wand Writing

Wand writing
no incantation given

Emits an animated ribbon from the tip of the wand that spells words or forms


        Dumbledore uses ribbon from wand to form letters in air (SS7).


        The judges of the Triwizard Tournament show scores with ribbons coming from
        their wands (GF

Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa)
"wing" + "arduus" L. high, steep + "levo" L. to raise up, levitate

Causes a feather to levitate.


        Very simple spell taught to first year Charms students (SS10).


In an excellent example of how intention affects magic, Ron uses this spell to
make a mountain troll's club levitate and then crash back onto it's own head, even
though the "wing" portion of the spell seems specific to feathers.


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Encyclopedia of spells

  • 1. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPELLS Accio (AK-see-oh or A-see-oh) "Summoning Charm" "accio" L. send for, summon Causes an object to fly to the caster, even over quite some distance. It would seem that the caster must know at least the general location of the object Summoned. · Mrs. Weasley used a series of Summoning Charms to find the magical items Fred and George were trying to sneak out of the house with (GF6). · Harry learned the Summoning Charm to use the the First Task, when he Summoned his Firebolt to him so he could fly around and past the dragon (GF20). · Harry used this charm to call the Triwizard Cup to him while escaping Voldemort and the Death Eaters (GF34). · Moody used the Summoning Charm to grab the Marauder's Map off the stairs (GF ) Age Line no incantation given A thin golden line drawn on a floor, which affects anyone who crosses it if they are too young (Presumably, the Age Line could also be set up to prevent someone to cross who was older than a given age.) 1
  • 2. · Dumbledore drew an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire to keep away anyone who was not yet seventeen years old. · When the Weasely twins, who had taken an Aging Potion to try to fool it, crossed over the Age Line, they were thrown back and sprouted long white beards. (GF12) Alohomora (AL-o-ho-MOR-ah) "aloha" Haw. farewell + "mora" L. obstacle Charm which causes a locked door to open. · Hermione uses this spell to let herself and Ron and Harry into the forbidden third floor corridor (SS9, also PA21), · but it wouldn't work on the door which required the winged key in the chamber guarding the Sorcerer's Stone (SS16) Animagus(an-i-MAH-jus OR an-i-MAY-jus) "animal" L. animal + "magus" Pers. magic user A Wizard or Witch who can transform themselves into an animal; very rare. Plural: Animagi (an-i-MAH-jye OR an-i-MAH-gee) · McGonagall transforms into a cat (SS1, PA6). · Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew become Animagi while students at Hogwarts (PA). 2
  • 3. · Animagi are supposed to be registered with the Ministry of Magic (PA, ) but there are unregistered ones around, for example Rita Skeeter (GF). anti-cheating spells no names or words given Cast on quills before exams. · Used before exams at Hogwarts (SS16) anti-gravity mist no incantation given Charm which creates an innocent-looking mist which hovers above the ground. A person stepping into this mist immediately finds that up and down have reversed and they are hanging from the ground over the endless sky. · Harry encounters this mist in the maze of the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament. (GF Aparecium (a-par-EE-see-um) "appareo" L. to appear Makes invisible ink become visible. · Hermione tried this on Riddle's diary, but no words appear (CS13) Apparition (A-pa-RI-shun) 3
  • 4. Apparate, Disapparate "appareo" L. to appear Advanced spell used by fully trained wizards to disappear from one place and appear almost instantly somewhere else. · Very difficult spell. · Wizards must pass a test in order to be allowed to perform it. · Done incorrectly, apparition can result in the caster being "splinched," which refers to part of the caster's body being left behind. · Apparition becomes more difficult as distance increases. Only highly trained wizards would try intercontinental Apparating ( ). armor-bewitching charm no incantation given Enchants a suit of armor to sing Christmas carols. · This charm was used as part of the Christmas decorations in 1994. Unfortunately, a suit of armor so enchanted is still not a particularly clever thing, so many of them didn't know all the words to the songs. Peeves took to hiding inside the armor and filling in the gaps with lyrics of his own invention, usually very rude ones (GF22). Avada Kedavra (uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh ) "Killing Curse" 4
  • 5. Aramaic: "let the thing be destroyed". NOTE: Abracadabra is a cabbalistic charm in Judaic mythology that is supposed to bring healing powers. One of its sources is believed to be from Aramaic avada kedavra, another is the Phoenician alphabet (a-bra-ca-dabra). Causes instant death in a flash of green light. · One of the Unforgivable Curses · This is the spell Voldemort used to kill Harry's parents. · Harry is the only person to survive the Killing Curse (esp. SS1, GF14, also GF34). · This spell produces a glare of green light. · Wormtail, on orders from Voldemort, used Avada Kedavra to kill Cedric Diggory (GF32). · It was also used to kill Frank Bryce (GF1) and Bertha Jorkins (GF1, 33). Avis (AH-vis) "avis" L. bird Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds. · Mr. Ollivander, to test Viktor Krum's wand during the Weighing of the Wands, used this spell, sending the birds out the window (GF18) Babbling Curse 5
  • 6. no incantation given Exact effect not mentioned, but one can assume it causes the victim to babble. · Lockhart supposedly cured a simple Transylvanian villager of this affliction (CS10). Banishing Charm reverse of "Summoning Charm" no incantation given Sends an object away from the caster. · Harry and his classmates practiced this spell in their fourth-year Charms class. Flitwick found himself being "banished" around the room by Neville, whose aim wasn't very good (GF26) Bewitched Sleep no incantation given Puts someone into a deep sleep; subjects are in a state almost like suspended animation and do not breathe for the duration of the spell. · Dumbledore placed Cho, Ron, Hermione, and Gabrielle Delacour into this kind of sleep while they were "captured" by the merpeople in the lake (GF27) Binding/Fastening magic no incantation given Spells which fasten chains or ropes to restrain someone or something · 6
  • 7. Dragon keepers use this magic to drive stakes into the ground to fasten the dragons to (GF19) · the chair in the Court of Magical Law magically restrained the accused using ropes (GF · Snape fired ropes from his wand to bind Sirius Black (PA · Pettigrew bound Harry to the tombstone of Tom Riddle Sr. with a binding spell (GF see also Ropes, magical Bluebell flames "bluebell" flower with blue blossoms Creates a quantity of blue flame which can be directed to a specific place. · Hermione casts a bluebell flame that can be carried around in a jam jar, sent out a short distance, then retrieved into the jar (SS11) · She sends the flame onto Snape's robes (SS11) and against the Devil's Snare plant (SS16). · Portable, waterproof fires are a speciality of hers (CS11). Bogies, Curse of the see Curse of the Bogies 7
  • 8. Braking Charm no incantation given Charm used on a broomstick to allow it to stop effectively. · The Firebolt has an "unbreakable Braking Charm" on it. (PA · the Horton-Keitch Braking Charm is a patented form of the Braking Charm, named after the founders of the Comet Trading Company, which makes the Comet Racing Broom (QA) Bubble-Head Charm no incantation given Encloses the head of the caster with a bubble of breathable air. · Cedric used this spell to travel underwater and rescue Cho in the Second Task (GF26) candle magic no incantation used This minor spell ignites candles and can make them float in midair. · Rita Skeeter uses this magic when she's trying to arrange an interview Cheering Charm no incantation given 8
  • 9. A charm that cheers a person up, makes them happy. · Cheering Charms were part of the Charms curriculum for the Third Years. They were included in the final exam for that term. (PA15) Confundus Charm (con-FUN-dus) "confundo" L. to perplex Causes confusion. A person who is affected by this Charm is said to be Confunded. · Crouch Jr. used this charm to fool the Goblet of Fire into accepting Harry's name under a fourth school (GF17) · Snape suggested that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were Confunded by Sirius Black into believing him innocent (PA Conjunctivitis Curse "conjunctiva" L. connecting (as in membrane of the eye) + "-itis" L. inflammation A spell that affects the eyes and vision of the target. · Sirius was going to suggest this spell to use against the Horntail dragon (GF9) Cross-Species Switches various Classification of Transfiguration spells in which one type of creature is transfigured into another. 9
  • 10. · The fourth years had to write an essay about using these after practicing transfiguring guinea fowl into guinea pigs (GF22). Apparently it's easier to do the spell when the creatures have similar names... Cruciatus Curse (KROO-see-AH-tus) "cruciatus" L. torture (n.) See CRUCIO Crucio (KROO-see-oh) "Cruciatus Curse" "crucio" L. torment (v.) One of the "Unforgiveable Curses," this spell causes the victim to suffer almost intolerable pain. Some victims of prolonged use of this curse have been driven insane. · Used by Voldemort's followers during his years of power, both on Wizards and Muggles. Voldemort used it on Wormtail, Avery, and Harry (GF14, 17, 21, 29, 31, 33). See LONGBOTTOM FAMILY. Curse of the Bogies "bogy" uncertain origin: "Old Bogey" = The Devil c. 1836; "bogle" Scottish phantom or goblin c. 1505 and "bogge" terror, possibly from "bwg" Welsh ghost and "bwgwl" fear Yeah, maybe. But more likely: "bogey" British slang: booger Effect unknown. · 10
  • 11. Ron threatened to learn this curse and then use it on Hermione and Neville if they all got caught roaming the school at night on their way to a duel with Malfoy (SS9) Cushioning Charm incantation unknown The Cushioning Charm creates an invisible "pillow" on the handle of the broom to make flying more comfortable. · Invented by Elliot Smethwyk in 1820. (QA) See MORSMORDE (GF9) Deletrius ( deh-LEE-tree-us ) "deleterius" L. detroy, eradicate Erases the ghost images of spells revealed by the Priori Incantatem spell. Possibly can be used to remove other spell effects as well. · Amos Diggory uses the Deletrius spell to erase the ghost image of the Dark Mark he had caused to be emitted from Harry's wand (GF9). Densaugeo ( den-sah-OO-gi-oh ) "dens" L. tooth + "augeo" L. grow Curse which causes the victim's teeth to enlarge grotesquely. · Hermione was hit by this curse from the wand of Draco Malfoy. Malfoy and Harry Potter had started fighting in the corridor, but the curses missed and hit Hermione and Goyle (GF18) 11
  • 12. Diffindo (dih-FIN-doe) "diffindo" L. cleave, open Spell that cuts something open. · Harry uses this spell on Cedric's book bag to slow him down so Harry could tell him about the dragons (GF9) Disapparate (dis-AP-a-rate) "dis-" opposite of, from L. "apart" + "appareo" L. to appear Apparition, as seen from the place a wizard is leaving. See APPARITION Dissendium (dis-EN-dee-um) uncertain: "dissocio" L. to sever or divide? Possibly similar in sound to "descend." Opens the secret door in the statue of the humped witch. · Harry learns this word from the Marauder's Map. It is said aloud while the statue is tapped with the caster's wand (PA10) Drought Charm no incantation given Dries up water. · Harry briefly considerd this as a method of getting to the bottom of the lake, but realized he couldn't dry up that much water with it (GF26) 12
  • 13. Engorgio (en-GOR-gee-oh) "Engorgement Charm" "engorger" Fr. swallow greedily Spell which causes the target to swell in size. · The twins placed an Engorgement Charm on the Ton Tongue Toffee that they "accidentally" dropped in front of Dudley (GF4) · Kevin, the little Wizard boy in the campground, was casting an Engorgement Spell (or something very similar) on a slug (GF Ennervate (EN-er-vayt) "en-" Old French from "in-" L. cause to be + "nerves" Eng. c.1603 strength, from "nervus" L. nerve Spell used to revive a person who has been hit by a Stunner. · Amos Diggory woke up Winky with an Ennervate spell · Dumbledore used it to revive Barty Crouch Jr. (GF9, 35) Entrancing Enchantments no incantation given Spells that cause someone to fall in love with the caster. · Lockhart suggested that Flitwick was an expert in these, much to Flitwicks's embarassment (CS13) 13
  • 14. Expecto Patronum (ex-PEK-toh pa-TROH-num) "Patronus Charm" "expecto" L. expect or look for + "patronus" Medieval L. patron saint, symbolizing a patron or assistant ALTERNATE ETYMOLOGY: "expecto" L. to expel from the chest, send forth from one's self. Conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is the embodiment of the positive thoughts of the caster. A Patronus will drive away Dementors. · Lupin teaches Harry to cast this spell, which he does with minor success until he faces a large group of Dementors who are trying to attack Sirius Black. Harry sees a Patronus come charging across the lake and later realizes that he himself cast it. (PA12, GF31) Expelliarmus (ex-pel-ee-AR-mus) "Disarming Spell" "expelo" L. to drive out + "arma" L. weapon Causes opponent's weapon to fly out of their hand. · Basic defensive spell, taught at the Dueling Club (CS10) used frequently thereafter. If the exact nature of the opponent's weapon is uncertain, the spell can have unexpected results. If several people cast the spell simultaneously, the target may be rendered unconscious (PA, GF31, 34) Extinguishing Spell no incantation given Spell that puts out fires. · 14
  • 15. Used by dragon keepers; they kept them at the ready when handling the dragons for the first task (GF14) Ferula (feh-ROO-lah) "ferule" alt. spelling of "ferrule" Eng. wooden handle for strength or protection, from "ferula" L. fennel plant Spell that conjures a wooden rod. · Lupin uses this spell to conjure a splint and bandages for Ron's broken leg (PA19). Fidelius Charm (fih-DAY-lee-us) "fidelis" L. trusty, faithful Complex and powerful charm that hides a person or persons completely; their location is known only to their designated "Secret Keeper." · Used to try to protect Lily and James Potter from Voldemort. "An immensely complex spell involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find -- unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-Keeper refused to speak, You-Know- Who could search the village where Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!" Unfortunately, Peter Pettigrew was chosen as Secret-Keeper, and he betrayed James and Lily (PA Finite Incantatum (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tum) "finio" L. settle, end, die + "incantationem" L. the art of enchanting Stops currently operating spell effects. · 15
  • 16. Snape uses this spell to end the various unfortunate spells that were affecting members of the Dueling Club when things got a little out of hand (CS10) Fire Magic · See FIRE TALKING · See FLAME FREEZING CHARM · See BLUEBELL FLAMES · See INCENDIO · See EXTINGUISHING SPELLS · c.f. Hagrid starts a roaring fire in the hut on the rock without wand (SS4) · c.f. WAND EFFECTS · c.f. FLOO POWDER · c.f. Wormtail starts a fire under the cauldron in which Voldemort is reborn Fire Talking no incantation given 16
  • 17. Using a Wizard's fire, a person can communicate with another over distance. The head of the person making contact appears in the midst of the flames and they can hold a conversation and even interact physically with the person they are connecting to. · Amos Diggory used this method of contacting Ron's dad when Mad-Eye Moody reported being attacked. (GF10) · When he was in hiding,Sirius Black talked to Harry by means of a Wizard fireplace. · Snape used a powder thrown into the fire to contact Lupin and ask to speak to him (PA Flame Freezing Charm no words given Changes the properties of fire so that it's heat feels like a warm breeze. · Spell used by witches and the wizards in Medieval times who were burned at the stake. They would then scream and pretend to be burning up (PA1) Flashing Paint Charm no incantation given This "tricky little charm" makes the paint on a banner flash different colors. · Hermione uses this charm on the banner that the Gryffindors had painted on one of the sheets Scabbers had ruined. It said Potter for President, and Dean, who was good at drawing, had drawn a Gryffindor lion under the words. (SS11) 17
  • 18. Four-Point Spell "point me" A simple spell, performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the wand rotates to point north. · Harry uses this spell to good advantage in the maze of the Third Task, keeping himself walking in more or less the right direction (GF31). Freezing Charm · See PESKIPIKSI PESTERNOMI · See FLAME FREEZING CHARM Furnunculus ( fur-NUN-kyoo-lus) related to "furnus" L. oven? Curse that causes boils to break out all over the victim. · Harry casts this spell on Malfoy, but it is deflected and hits Goyle in the face (GF18, 37) Hex-Deflection A form of magic or class of spells that defend the caster against hexes. · 18
  • 19. Moody included Hex-Deflection in his fourth year Defense Against the Dark Arts classes (GF28) Homorphus Charm "homo" Gr. the same + "morph": Eng. change shape [force a werewolf NOT to change] OR "homo" L. man + "morph": Eng. change shape [force werewolf into human shape] A good Charm to use against a werewolf. It's exact effects aren't given. · Lockhart supposedly used this Charm to defeat the Wagga Wagga werewolf and demonstrated the feat in Defense Against The Dark Arts class (CS10). Horn Tongue no incantation given Conjures a horn on the target's tongue. What good this would do anyone is unclear.... · Harry, looking for spells to help him combat a dragon, wisely decided not to use this one as it would just give the dragon one more weapon (GF20) Hover Charm no incantation given Makes an object float in the air. · Dobby uses this spell (without wand or incantation) to float Aunt Petunia's violet pudding in the air (CS2) 19
  • 20. Hurling Hex no spell words given A nasty kind of curse that could be placed on a broom which would cause the rider to be thrown off, presumably. · When Flitwick was going to strip down Harry's Firebolt to check for curses, this was one of the things he was looking for (PA ) Impediment Curse See IMPEDIMENTA Impedimenta (im-ped-ih-MEN-tah ) "Impediment Curse" "im-" prefix from L. not + Stops an object or slows it down. · Harry learns this spell to use in the Third Task. Ron also learns it, using it to stop a bee in midair. Harry uses it to good effect on the giant spider and on the huge Blast-Ended Skrewt. (GF29, 31 Impervius (im-PER-vee-us) "im-" prefix from L. not + "pervius" L. letting things through Makes something waterproof or water repellent. · 20
  • 21. Hermione uses this spell to make Harry's glasses repel water during a rainy Quidditch match (PA9) Imperio (im-PAIR-ee-oh ) "Imperius Curse" "impero" L. order, govern, command One of the "Unforgiveable Curses," this spell causes the victim to be completely under the command of the caster, who can make them do anything they wish. · (GF14) Incendio (in-SEN-dee-o) "incendo" L. to set fire to Starts a fire. · Mr. Weasley uses this charm to start a fire in the Dursley's fireplace (GF4) Instant Scalping no incantation given As the name suggests, this hex removes hair. · This spell appears in the book Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed, which Harry consulted to find a spell to work against dragons. (GF20) 21
  • 22. Jelly-Legs Jinx no incantation given Causes the target's legs to wobble uncontrollably. · Hermione used the spell to break Harry's Shield Charm as they were practicing for the Third Task. · Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were hit with this Jinx (along with a few other hexes and curses) on the train (GF31, 37) Leek Curse no incantation given Results in leeks growing out of the target's ears. · During the tension-filled week leading up to the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch match in the spring of 1994, a nasty incident in the corridors resulted in a Gryffindor fourth year and a Slytherin sixth year going to the Hospital Wing with leeks sprouting out of their ears. Light Spell no incantation used Appearing with a soft, crackling sound, this spell creates a handful of shimmering light. · Lupin used this spell while on the Hogwarts Express. It lit the compartment and the form of the Dementor which was searching the train. (PA5) see also LUMOS, BLUEBELL FLAMES 22
  • 23. Locomotor Mortis (lo-co-MO-tor MOR-tis) "Leg-Locker Curse" "loco" L. from a place + "motionem" L. motion + "mortis" L. death Locks together the legs of the victim, making him unable to walk. · Draco casts this spell on Neville just for kicks; Neville must then hop back to the common room (SS13) Lumos (LOO-mos) "lumen" L. light Causes a small beam of light to shine from the end of the caster's wand. · This spell is used frequently as people skulk about the castle or the Forbidden Forest. · Dumbledore even used one when looking for Mr. Crouch (GF28), and his beam of light was just as narrow and flashlight-like as Harry's usually is. You'd think Dumbledore would have been able to summon up something a little brighter. · The spell to turn the light off is "Nox." Memory Charm See OBLIVIATE Messenger Spell no incantation used 23
  • 24. Sends a magical messenger to someone in the form of a silvery dart, rather like a small, ghostly bird. · Dumbledore sent a message to Hagrid using this spell. He simply pointed his wand in the direction of Hagrid's hut and sent the messenger without saying a word. Hagrid came directly to Dumbledore, which suggests that it is possible to retrace the flight of the dart. (GF28) Mobiliarbus (MO-bi-lee-AR-bus) "mobilis" L. movable + "arbor" L. tree Moves a tree. · The basic spell for moving something starts with the "Mobili" prefix. It is up to the caster to be able to tack on the correct Latinate word for the object to be moved, in this case a tree. Certainly there cannot be a "standard" spell for moving a tree to one side! Morsmorde (mors-MOR- duh ) "The Dark Mark" "mors" L. death + "mordere" L. to bite Conjures an immense glowing skull in the sky, comprised of green sparks. There is a snake coming out of the skull's mouth. · This spell is known only to Death Eaters, who send it up in the sky when they kill. The Dark Mark is seen at the Quidditch World Cup in 1994, conjured up by Barty Crouch Jr. using Harry's wand. (GF9) Muggle Repelling Charms 24
  • 25. no incantation given Spells cast to keep Muggles away from a place or object. · The Quidditch World Cup Stadium had Muggle Repelling Charms all over it; if Muggles got anywhere near it, they would suddenly remember some appointment they were late for and hurry off (GF8) Nox (noks) "nox" L. night Turns off the light from a "Lumos" spell. Obliviate (oh-BLI-vee-ate) "Memory Charm" "oblivisci" L. forget Modifies or erases portions of a person's memory. · These spells are used routinely by the Ministry of Magic as they work to keep the Wizarding World a secret from the Muggles. · They are used if a Muggle sees a dragon (SS ) and after an enchanted item falls into Muggle hands (CS3). · Memory Charms were used on the witnesses to Peter Pettigrew's murder of thirteen Muggles and subsequent escape as a rat (PA10). · Bertha Jorkins had had a Memory Charm placed on her by Crouch Sr. after she discovered Barty Crouch Jr. at the Crouch home (GF33). Voldemort broke through it, but the process left her mind damaged and he killed her (GF1). · 25
  • 26. Mr. Roberts, the campground manager near the Quidditch World Cup, needed ten Memory Charms a day or he started noticing odd things going on. Later, after he and his family had been attacked by the Death Eaters, they all received Memory Charms (GF7, 9). · Lockhart used Memory Charms on those whose adventures he claimed as his own. He'd interview someone who battled some creature or conquered some dark foe, then write the story as if he did it himself and give a Memory Charm to theperson so they'd forget it was really them. He tried to do the same to Harry and Ron, but it backfired onto him instead. (CS16) · A Ministry Wizard whose job it is to cast Memory Charms is called an Obliviator (GF7). Orchideous (or-KID-ee-us ) "Orchideae" L. name for the orchid plant family Conjures a bouquet of flowers out of the end of a wand. · Mr. Ollivander used this spell to test Fleur's wand at the Weighing of the Wands (GF18) Patronus Charm (pa-TROH-nus) "patronus" Medieval L. patron saint. See EXPECTO PATRONUM Pepper Breath no incantation given This charm gives a person firey hot breath. · 26
  • 27. Harry, when researching spells to use against a dragon, decides against this one (GF20). Peskipiksi Pesternomi (pes-kee PIK-see pes-ter-NO-mee) "Freezing Charm"? "pesky" + "pixie" + "pester" + "no" + "me" Lockhart's version of a Freezing Charm. · Lockhart tries this spell on the escaped Cornish Pixies. It has no effect. The spell words certainly don't fit the usual format, so it seems likely that Lockhart was making the whole thing up on the spot. (CS6) Petrification "petrificare" L. to make into stone, from "petra" L. rock Not a spell so much as a magical effect, caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a Basilisk. · The Petrification effect resembles death, except that the victim is still alive, as if in suspended animation. It takes careful examination to discern whether a victim is in fact Petrified instead of dead. If a ghost is Petrified, is turns a dark smokey gray and can only be moved by the use of a fan. The antidote is made from mandrake roots (CS9). Petrificus Totalus (pe-TRI-fi-cus toe-TAH-lus) "Full Body Bind" "petrificare" L. to make into stone + "totalis" L. entire Turns the entire body of the victim rigid. · 27
  • 28. Hermione casts this spell on Neville with profuse apologies when he tried to stop them from going after the Sorcerer's Stone (SS16) Prior Incantato (prye-OR in-can-TAH-toe) also: Priori Incantatem "Reverse Spell Effect" "prior" L. former, earlier, preceeding + "incantatare" L. to bewirtch or enchant Can be cast as a spell, ("Prior Incantato"), in which case it forces a wand to emit a ghost image of the last spell it cast. The images can be dispelled using the Deletrius spell. When two wands are forced to duel which have core material from the same single animal, the result will be "Priori Incantatem," a display in sequence of the last spells one of the wands cast. Which wand will show the spell effect depends on the willpower of the two wizards involved. · Amos Diggory cast the Prior Incantato spell on Harry's wand to find out if it had cast the Dark Mark (GF9) · When Harry and Voldemort dueled, their wands, which share a core of a feather from the same phoenix, were linked in the Priori Incantatem effect. (GF36) Quietus (KWY-uh-tus) reverse: Sonorus "quietus" L. quiet, peaceful Reverses the effect of the Sonorus spell, making the caster's voice normal in volume. · Bagman used the Sonorus and Quietus spells to allow himself to speak to a large crowd at the World Cup and at the Triwizard Tournament (GF8) 28
  • 29. Reducio (re-DOO-see-oh ) reverse: Engorgio "redusen" Middle Eng. diminish, from "reducer" Old Fr. bring back to the source, from" reducere" L. bring, lead Causes an object to return to it's normal size. · Moody, who had enlarged a spider with an Engorgement Charm, used Reducio to return it to it's normal size (GF14) Reductor Curse from "redusen" Middle English, borrowed from Old French and Latin, c. 1380: to bring down Blasts solid objects out of the caster's path. · Harry learned this spell as part of his preparation for the Third Task. He used it to blast a hole in the hedge (GF31) Relashio "rilascio" It. - to release, to relax, to issue Relases a jet of firey sparks. Underwater, this spell fires a jet of boiling water. · Harry used this spell against the Grindylows in the Second Task. (GF) Reluctant Reversers, A Charm To Cure no incantation given Broom charm. 29
  • 30. · This spell is on page twelve of the Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Broom Care (PA2). Reparo (re-PAR-oh ) "reparare" L. repair, restore Undoes damage to an object. · Hermione casts this spell to repair the broken glass in the door to a railway carriage compartment (GF8, 11) · Probably the same spell as Mr. Weasley uses to repair Harry's glasses (CS4), Bill Weasley uses to repair the table leg (GF5), and Percy uses to repair his glasses when he bows just a little bit too low (GF8). Restoring Spell no incantation used Forces an Animagus who has transformed into animal form to revert to their human form. The spell's effect is a bright blue-white flash of light. · Lupin and Sirius cast this spell together to change Scabbers back into Peter Pettigrew (PA19) Rictusempra (ric-tu-SEM-pra) "Tickling Charm" "rictus" L. gaping mouth, grin + "sempra" L. always Causes a person to laugh uncontrollably. 30
  • 31. · Harry casts this spell on Draco at the Dueling Club (CS10) Riddikulus (ri-di-KYOO-lus) "ridiculum" L. joke, from "ridere" L. to laugh Defense against a Boggart, forces the creature to take on a silly appearance. · Lupin taught the third year Defense Against The Dark Arts class to use this spell (PA, GF31) Ropes, magical no incantation used Sends out magical ropes from a wand which tie up someone firmly. · Dumbledore used magic ropes from his wand to bind Barty Crouch Jr. (GF36) · Wormtail conjured tight cords to bind Harry to the headstone of Voldemort's father (GF32) · Snape used this spell to tie up Lupin. When he did it, there was a loud bang. (PA19) · a similar enchantment is used on the Chained Chair in the Court of Magical Law. When a prisoner sits in that chair, the chain glow gold and encircle the person's arms, binding them to the chair (GF30) Scouring Charm 31
  • 32. no incantation given Cleans things, fingernails, for example. · Hermione taught Neville a Scouring Charm to clean the frog guts out from under his fingernails (GF14). · A Scouring Charm is required to eradicate an infestation of Bundimuns (FB) Serpensortia (ser-pen-SOR-sha) "serpens" L. serpent + "sortir" Old Fr. to go out Causes a large serpent to burst from the end of an opponent's wand. · Draco casts this spell on Harry at the Dueling Club on Snape's suggestion; the serpent moves to attack Justin Fitch-Fletchley (CS10) Severing Charm no incantation given Spell to cut something. · Ron uses this spell to remove the lace from the neck and sleeves of his used dress robes (GF23) Shield Charm no incantation given This spell creates a magical barrier which will deflect hexes thrown at the caster. 32
  • 33. · Harry learned this spell in his preparations for the Third Triwizard Tournament task (GF31). Slug Curse no incantation given Causes the victim to belch up slugs. · Ron tried to hit Malfoy with this curse after Malfoy had called Hermione a Mudblood. Unfortunately, Ron's wand was damaged and the spell backfired (CS7) · Interestingly, Ron had only a short time before, at breakfast, snapped "Eat slugs, Malfoy!" Sonorus (so-NO-rus ) reverse: Quietus "sonorus" L. loud Makes the caster's voice carry over long distances. · Ludo Bagman uses these spells to make his voice heard throughout the World Quidditch Cup stadium and over the stands of people watching the Triwizard Tournament (GF8, 31) Stunner "Stunning Spell" See STUPEFY c.f. ENNERVATE 33
  • 34. Stupefy ( STOO-puh-fye) "Stunner" reverse: "Ennervate" "stupefacio" L. to make senseless, from "stupeo" L. stunned Renders the target of the spell unconscious. · Used by Ministry Wizards to try to stop whomever cast the Dark Mark (GF9) · Used by dragon keepers (a lot of them at once) to manage dragons (GF Summoning Charm See ACCIO Switching Spells various, depending on the transfiguration intended A classification of Transfiguration spells. · Neville wasn't particularly adept at these (GF15) See CROSS-SPECIES SWITCHES Talon-clipping charm no incantation given A charm used for dragon care. · 34
  • 35. Harry found this spell in a book in the Hogwarts library when researching ways to overcome the Hungarian Horntail in the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament. (GF20) Tarantallegra (TAIR-an-tuh-LEG-ruh) "tarantella" It. dance associated with the tarantula, from Taranto, a city in Italy + "allegro" It. fast Forces the victim's legs to do a crazy dance. · Draco casts this spell on Harry during the Dueling Club (CS10) Tickling Charm See RICTUSEMPRA Transmogrifian Torture "trans" L. across + ? "transmogrify" Eng. verb c.1656, from L. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect c.f. Calvin and Hobbes: his "duplicating machine" is called a Transmogrifier Supposedly something which results in a cat being killed. · Lockhart pronounced with certainty that Mrs. Norris was dead, killed by the Transmogrifian Torture. Immediately thereafter, Dumbledore informed everyone that she wasn't in fact dead, rather she was Petrified, and Lockhart pointed out that he knew this all along. Knowing Lockhart, it is distinctly possible that there is no such thing as the Transmogrifian Torture (c.f. PESKIPIKSI PESTERNOMI) (CS9) Twitchy Ears Hex no incantation given 35
  • 36. Causes the ears of the victim to wiggle and twitch uncontrollably. · Harry was hit with this Hex as they practiced Hex-Deflection in Defense Against the Dark Arts class (GF28) Unbreakable Charm incantation not given Makes an object unbreakable. · Hermione cast an Unbreakable Charm on the jar in which she captured Rita Skeeter in beetle form. (GF37) Unforgivable Curses Three curses in particular are known as Unforgivable because using them on another human being can result in a life term in Azkaban. These three curses were used extensively by Voldemort's followers during his rise to power in the 1970s. One, the Killing Curse, was used by Voldemort himself on Harry Potter, but the curse backfired and Voldemort was defeated. The three curses are the Cruciatus Curse, the Imperius Curse, and the Killing Curse. See CRUCIO See AVADA KEDAVRA See IMPERIO Unplottable incantation not given Magical state of a place; makes it impossible to plot its location on a map. · Hermione suggested that this may have been done to make Durmstrang and Beauxbatons harder to locate by other witches and wizards. (GF10) 36
  • 37. · Hogwarts also has wards and spells on it to hide its true nature from Muggles, but it is apparently not Unplottable. (SEE Muggle Repelling Charms). Vanishing Spell no incantation given Makes something or someone disappear. · When Colin was taking his picture and asking him to sign it, Harry wished he knew a good Vanishing Spell to escape the embarassment (CS Waddiwasi (wah-di-WAH-see) "wad" + ? Shoots a wad of gum out of a keyhole. · Lupin considers this to be a useful little spell. He uses it to remove a wad of gum from a keyhole that Peeves was putting there. The gum then shot up Peevse's nose. (PA7) Wand effects no words used Causes loud booming noises, sparks, or flashes of light, designed to get people's attention. · McGonagall creates a loud bang to get people's attention in the hallway (CS10) · Harry and Ron shot sparks to hold off an advancing skrewt (GF21) 37
  • 38. · Harry, Ron, Draco, Neville fired red sparks into the air to call for help in the Forbidden Forest (SS · Ollivander casts a stream of silver smoke rings and a fountain of wine during the Weighing of the Wands (GF18) · Purple firecrackers to get everyone's attention (SS10) SEE ALSO: Messenger Spell, Four-Point Spell, Wand Writing Wand writing no incantation given Emits an animated ribbon from the tip of the wand that spells words or forms numbers · Dumbledore uses ribbon from wand to form letters in air (SS7). · The judges of the Triwizard Tournament show scores with ribbons coming from their wands (GF Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa) "wing" + "arduus" L. high, steep + "levo" L. to raise up, levitate Causes a feather to levitate. · Very simple spell taught to first year Charms students (SS10). · 38
  • 39. In an excellent example of how intention affects magic, Ron uses this spell to make a mountain troll's club levitate and then crash back onto it's own head, even though the "wing" portion of the spell seems specific to feathers. 39