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Institutional co-ordinator: D. Dougenis, Acting Secretary General
Departmental co-ordinator: K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics
University of Patras, Patras GR26500, Greece
Telephone: +30-2610-996990 Fax: +30-2610-969007
1. The Department
The Department was founded in 1980, and was the first in an engineering (polytechnic) school in
Greece to offer a 5 year engineering Diploma curriculum in the exciting and dynamic field of Com-
puter Engineering & Informatics. Since then, it has become one of the leading university departments
in Greece, attracting some of the highest ranking students in the country. The Department has the larg-
est alumni population, in Computer Engineering, leading successful industrial and academic careers in
Greece and abroad. An active Alumni Association helps connect the Department’s graduates. Cur-
rently, the Department has a faculty of 26 and a current enrolment of over 1380 undergraduate students
and about 350 postgraduate students. There are also several visiting faculty with term-time appoint-
ments. The Department consists of three major Divisions, namely “Hardware and Architecture”,
“Software” and “Foundations and Applications”. The Department’s members actively participate in
teaching and research in most areas of Computer Engineering and Computer Science. The quality of
the research activities is borne out by the number of publications in prestigious international confer-
ences and journals, citations, frequent awards for best paper, participation in and frequent coordination
of international and national research and development projects. For more information one can visit the
Department’s site on the Internet at the address
The 5 year undergraduate curriculum consists of core and a large number of elective courses spread
over 10 semesters of full-time study. The courses that are offered and the way the curriculum is struc-
tured allow students to obtain a well rounded education in Computer Engineering and Computer Sci-
ence, while exposing them also to in-depth knowledge of selected state-of-the-art topics. Due to the
length of the study program, many elective courses are at a level corresponding to M.Sc. level. An im-
portant component of the curriculum that is essential requirement for the successful completion of the
Diploma degree is the writing and public presentation of a thesis. This activity is under the supervision
of a faculty member and takes place in the last semester of study. The postgraduate curriculum consists
of two cycles, one leading to a Postgraduate Diploma and the other to a Ph.D. degree, and requires the
successful completion of more advanced courses and the preparation of original research. Postgraduate
students can enroll in one of several programmes leading to the above degrees, namely: i) “Computer
Science and Engineering”, ii) “Integrated Hardware and Software Systems”, and iii) “Signal and Image
Processing Systems: Theory, Implementations and Applications”, iv) “Mathematics of Computers and
Decision Making”, v) “Logic, Algorithms and Computation”. The last three programmes are interde-
partmental and run in collaboration with other departments in Patras (Physics and Mathematics), the
University of Athens, and the National Technical University of Athens.
The Department follows the academic calendar of the University of Patras, with “odd” semesters last-
ing from the end of September until the middle of February and “even” semesters lasting from the end
of February until the end of June. Research and teaching activities are aided by extensive and modern
computing facilities that are being continuously updated. Each Division hosts a number of research and
teaching laboratories. The Department’s Computer Centre is staffed with 2 specialized technicians and
several students working as systems programmers and computer operators. The Computer Center is
open to the students for the whole academic year.
Degrees offered
 Undergraduate : Diploma (five-year degree)
 Postgraduate: Postgraduate Specialization Diploma and Doctor of Philosophy Diploma - Ph.D.
Professor Theodore Papatheodorou
Telephone: +30 2610 996900
Fax: +30 2610 997706
2. The ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Assistant Professor, Kyriakos Vlachos.
University of Patras,
Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics,
265 00 Patras, Greece.
tel. +30-2610-996990,
fax: +30-2610-969007
3.1 Divisions
The Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics (CEID) consists of three major Divisions:
 Division of Applications and Foundations of Computer Science
 Division of Computer Software
 Division of Hardware and Computer Architecture
All faculty staff and courses of the Department belong to one of these divisions.
3.2 Laboratories
In the Department several organised infrastructure divisions exist, which support the laboratories and
the research activities of the Department.
1. Laboratory for Combinatorial Algorithms - Director: L.Kirousis
2. Laboratory for Communication Networks - Director: E.Varvarigos
3. Laboratory for Computing (Computer Center) - Director: C.Zaroliagis
4. Laboratory for Databases - Director: D.Christodoulakis
5. Laboratory for Distributed Systems & Telematics - Director: P.Spirakis
6. Laboratory for Graphics, Multimedia & GIS - Director: A.Tsakalidis
7. Laboratory for Hardware & Computer Architecture - Director: E. Varvarigos
8. Laboratory for High Performance Information Systems - Director: T.Papatheodorou
9. Laboratory for Information Systems & Artificial Intelligence - Director: P. Triantafillou
10. Laboratory for Microelectronics - Director: G. Alexiou
11. Laboratory for Pattern Recognition - Director: S.Likothanassis
12. Laboratory for Signal Processing and Communications - Director: K.Berberides
3.3 List of Faculty members of the department
In the Department there are 27 faculty members: 13 professors, 5 associate professors, 6 assistant pro-
fessors and 3 lecturers. A detailed list of the faculty members is provided below (in parenthesis, the
University from which they obtained their Ph.D degree). In addition, there are 100 graduate students
working their Ph.D degree and 5 technicians assigned in the three divisions of the Department.
List of faculty members of the Department
G. Alexiou (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
D. Christodoulakis (Ph.D., University of Bonn, Germany)
S. Cosmadakis (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
E. Gallopoulos (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
C. Kaklamanis (Ph.D., Harvard University, USA)
L. Kirousis (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
S. Likothanassis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
D. Nikolos (Ph.D., University of Athens, Greece)
T. Papatheodorou (Ph.D., Purdue University, USA)
P. Spirakis (Ph.D., Harvard University, USA)
P. Triantafillou (Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada)
A. Tsakalidis (Ph.D., University of Saarland, Germany)
E. Varvarigos (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Associate Professors
K. Berberides (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
C. Bouras (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
I. Garofalakis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
C. Zaroliagis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
D. Lioupis (Ph.D., Imperial College of Science & Technology, England)
Assistant Professors
H. Vergos (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
I. Hatzilygeroudis (Ph.D., University of Nottingham, UK)
C. Makris, (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
E. Psarakis, (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
K. Vlachos (Ph.D., National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
S. Nikoletseas (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
C. Alexopoulos (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
E. Polychronopoulos (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
I. Karagiannis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
3.4 Research Activities of the Department
3.5 Instrumental facilities of the Department
The Department in co-ordination with the Research Academic Institute of Computer Technology owns
a large number of state-of the-art computer systems and other equipment of the more recent technol-
ogy. Most of them are organised into a multi protocol computer network (see the image below).
The Greek educational system is based on semesters. There are two semesters per academic year. The
first (winter) semester begins in October 1st and ends in January 31st. Classes for the second (spring)
semester, resume the 16th of February and last until the 10th of June ( the above dates are not exact but
indicative). For the departments of Engineering (as is the Computer Engineering & Informatics De-
partment), a student formally needs 10 semesters (5 academic years) of study in order to graduate, that
is to obtain the Diploma in Computer Engineering & Informatics (Computer Science). During the 9
first semesters the student has to follow 6-8 courses with a total of around 24-32 hrs attendance per
week. During the 10th semester each student must develop a certain subject under the supervision of a
faculty member (Diploma Thesis). It is also required that the student defends his/her work publicly.
Each course typically lasts one semester and a course can consists solely of lectures or lectures and
seminars or lectures, seminars and practical work (laboratory). The way courses appear in the Course
Summary Table indicate the typical sequence of courses that students namely follow in order to avoid
choosing courses whose background material has not been studied before. That way, knowledge is
built up in logical succession and failures in the related exams can be minimised.
Our curriculum consists of core courses (compulsory courses) that every student must take and elective
courses (optional courses) that can be chosen by the students according to their special interests. These
latter courses are designated in the Course Summary Table as Options and the minimum number of
courses each student should opt for is also indicated therein. Election courses are treated just as the
compulsory ones in relation to attendance and exams matters.
There is no quota of students for the optional courses, although in some cases where fewer than three
students opt for a particular course this course for the particular semester might be cancelled and stu-
dents advised to opt for a different course. The number of students usually participating in optional
courses is in the order of 20-50 students.
Attendance of lectures and seminars is not compliancy whereas attendance of laboratories is manda-
tory. In most taught courses there is not any formal assessment throughout the semester. In rare cases,
lectures offer partial exams within the semester and the grades obtained at these exams are taken into
account in the final mark. However in the labs, the students are constantly examined, usually orally, on
the theory and practice behind each experiment they are to perform, before or during their lab work,
and finally have to present written account of their results after the end of each exercise. All these are
taken into account in the final mark together with the results of the final written examination which is
associated with each particular lab.
Courses are only offered in the Greek language and lecturers teach the related material based on Greek
textbooks which are often written by them. Therefore, Greek students study from these textbooks
which are offered free by the Greek State. These textbooks are usually based on the corresponding
most heavily, internationally, used English books. Thus the content and the level of these Greek text-
books are similar to the corresponding English ones. For an ECTS student whose native language is
not Greek and his/her Greek is not good enough to be able to study from a Greek textbook, there can
always be easily found an English textbook with similar content to that his/her fellow Greek students
use. These textbooks are offered on loan by our departmental or institutional (central) library.
During their final year, in addition to the courses they follow, the students have to carry out a short re-
search project, called Diploma thesis under the supervision of a member of the academic staff. At the
end of this work students have to provide a written account of their results and often to present them
orally. A grade is then assigned to the student by the supervisor involved reflecting the overall per-
formance of the student. This grade should be at least 5 for a successfully completed Diploma Work.
A course is considered as being successfully passed only when the student has acquired at least the
grade 5 out of 10 in the associated exams. However, a course associated with lab work requires in ad-
dition also successful completion of the labwork and for the final mark both the grade in the exam and
the lab performance are considered with factors which vary from lab to lab. Exams are offered to the
students after the end of each semester and repeat exams in September. However students who have
failed in these exams, or not participated at all, can sit for these exams as many times as they wish in
the following exams periods. A student is considered as having completed his/her studies in our De-
partment only when he/she has passed all the exams associated with all courses consisting our curricu-
The number of Greek credits we assign to each course is dictated by a regulation of Greek Law for
Higher Education (1268/82) which states that 1 Greek credit corresponds to 1 hr lecture per week per
semester whereas to the rest of educational work (e.g. seminars and labs) 1 credit corresponds to 1-3 hr
per week per semester. Then each Department through its General Assembly defines the number of
credits assigned to this other educational work. Thus in Patras, 1 credit corresponds to 1 hr per seminar
per week per semester and 2 hrs lab work per week per semester. The credits the students collect dur-
ing their study period in the Greek Universities, and the associated grades, are taken into account for
the calculation of their final mark. For this calculation another factor has been introduced by Law,
which is called «weighing» factor. According to this factor, courses associated with 1-2 Greek credits
have a factor of 1.0, courses associated with 3-4 credits have the factor 1.5 and courses with more than
4 credits take the highest facror 2.0. Thus, the final grade with which a student is graduated is the mean
value of grades obtained for each course multiplied by the associated weighing factor.
Thus, taking into account our higher education system as it was briefly described above, the basic re-
quirement of the ECTS system for 3.0 credits for each semester was met in our Department by initially
assigning for each 1 hr per week per semester of lecture, seminar and lab work 1 ECTS credit. Addi-
tional ECTS credits were then added to those of the courses which are considered as the most hard for
the students to be passed, that is those requiring higher student work load.
A ECTS student who have studied for at least a year in our institution can be considered as candidate
to obtain the Diploma in Computer Engineering & Informatics offered by our Department for under-
graduate studies. The ECTS Committee of our Department dealing with the recognition of studies car-
ried out abroad will consider the student’s transcript of records and his performance at our Department.
Courses successfully completed abroad will then be correlated to those in Patras. If there is no need for
additional courses to be taken by the student in Patras in order to fulfil the requirements imposed by
our curriculum, this committee will propose the General Assembly of the Department to offer our Di-
ploma to that particular student. Otherwise, the student will have to attend and successfully pass all
those courses which are needed to complete our curriculum.
Following graduation, it is possible for a student to follow graduate studies leading to the doctorate de-
gree. A supervisory three-member committee is assigned upon the approval of the Department and the
graduate student conducts research under the direction of the chairman of the supervisory committee
and attends seminars. The average time required for the doctorate degree is four years. No specific re-
quirements for admission and registration apply to ECTS students, other than those described in sec-
tion 4.4. (Part A).
The department of Computers Engineering and Informatics has thoroughly re-organised its post gradu-
ate course programme and designed a new course according to the modern requirements of cutting
edge technology. For the design of the program, and in particular for its basic structure and content, the
experience of all the faculty members was used.
The prime target was the organization and operation of a reputable postgraduate course programme in
Computer Science and Technology, that in a short-medium time will evolve in a attractive course
within the very competitive are of postgraduate studies.
The operation of the program started during the academic year 1998-1999 and was supported by the
operational programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training.
The post-graduate program offers the following scientific objectives:
1) Software Engineering
2) Hardware and Computer Architecture
3) Foundations of Computing
4) Application of Computer Science to other fields.
The post-graduate course programme, can lead to either a MSc (Master of Science) or a PhD degree.
The course duration is 1-3 years for obtaining a MSc degree and 3-6 year (including the minimum 3
years for obtaining the MSc degree) for obtaining a PhD degree.
Furthermore, the department of Computers Engineering and Informatics participates in 5 interdepart-
mental post-graduated courses, in collaboration with other departments in Patras (Physics and Mathe-
matics), the University of Athens, and the National Technical University of Athens.
Director of Post-Graduate studies
Professor Pavlos Spirakis
Telephone: +30 2610 997 703
4.3.1 Under-Graduate Studies
The fourth numerals following each course code number indicate lecture hours, seminar hours, labora-
tory hours and number of ECTS credits respectively. Before graduation and not earlier than VIII se-
mester, the students should carry out and finally submit a Diploma Thesis, which is done under the su-
pervision of a faculty member.
Code Core S T L U Division
101 Mathematics I 3 2 5 GE
103 Physics I 3 1 5 GE
Introduction to Procedural Pro-
2 2 2 5 SW
Introduction to the Science of
Computers and Communications
3 2 5
163 Logic Design I 2 3 5 HA
181 Introduction to Circuits 2 3 5 HA
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
102 Mathematics II 3 2 5 GE
104 Physics II 3 2 5 GE
110 Linear Algebra 2 2 3 AF
134 Object Oriented Programming Ι 2 2 2 4 SW
165 Basic Electronics 2 2 4 HA
163Ε Logic Design Laboratory 2 2 HA
161E Assembly Language Programming 2 2 HA
164 Logic Design II 2 1 5 HA
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
201 Discrete Mathematics I 2 2 5 AF
205 Introduction to Algorithms 2 2 5 AF
231 Object Oriented Programming II
1 3 3 SW
204 Probability 2 2 4 AF
261 Computer Architecture I 2 2 5 HA
166 Digital Electronics 2 2 5 HA
165E Electronics Laboratory I 3 3 HA
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
202 Discrete Mathematics II 2 2 4 AF
Principles of Programming Lang.
& Compilers
3 1 2 5 SW
233 Data Structures 3 1 2 5 SW
Numerical Analysis & Environ-
3 1 2 5 SW
Introduction to the Theory of Sig-
nals and Systems
3 1 4 HA
262 Computer Architecture II 2 1 3 HA
262E Computer Architecture Laboratory 0 0 2 2 HA
166E Electronics Laboratory ΙΙ 2 2 HA
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
330 Operating Systems I 3 2 6 SW
334 Databases 2 2 4 SW
334Ε Databases Laboratory 2 2 SW
343 Scientific Computing I 3 1 2 6 SW
361 Microcomputers 2 2 5 HA
361Ε Microcomputer Laboratory 3 3 HA
301 Theory of Computation 2 2 4 AF
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
302 Computational Complexity 2 2 5 AF
330Ε Operating Systems Laboratory 3 5 SW
550 Parallel Processing 2 1 3 5
381 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 2 5 HA
NEW Introduction to Heuristics 3 2 1 5 AF
Transmission Communication
3 2 1 5 HW
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
387 Computer Networks 3 1 5 HA
387E Computer Networks Laboratory 2 3 HA
384 Digital Communications 3 1 2 6 HA
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
Netcentric Programming and Web
3 1 3 7 AF
232 Software Engineering 2 1 2 6 AF
Code Core S T L U Division
Total 30
Code Core S T L U Division
Total 30
Code Core Electives S T L U Division
435 Applied Information Systems I 2 2 2 5 SW
Artificial Intelligence and Expert
2 1 2 5 SW
Computer Systems Evaluation
2 2 5 SW
432 Compilers 2 1 2 5 HA
Mathematical Logic and its Appli-
2 2 5 AF
411 Distributed Systems I 2 2 2 5 AF
Public Networks and Interconnec-
tion Networks
2 2 5 AF
421 Computational Intelligence I 2 1 3 5 AF
Advanced Themes on Computer
2 1 5 HA
Stochastic Signals and Applica-
2 1 2 5 HA
489 Mobile Communication Networks 2 1 2 5 HA
Interconnection of Microcomputer
2 1 3 5 HA
Code Electives S T L U Division
536 Advanced Information Systems 2 1 2 5 SW
538 Internet Technologies 2 2 5 SW
Softw. & Progr. of High Perform-
ance Systems
2 1 3 5 SW
Calculating Methods for Differen-
tial Equations
2 1 3 5 SW
557 Quality Assurance and Standards 2 1 2 5 SW
559 Information Retrieval 2 1 2 5 SW
593 Business Administration 2 1 5
501 Probabilistic Techniques 2 2 5 AF
Algorithms and Combinatorial
2 2 5 AF
512 Communication Algorithms 2 2 2 5 AF
509 Economic Theory and Algorithms 2 2 0 5 AF
523 Decision Theory 2 1 2 5
591 Production Design Methods 2 1 5 AF
564 Design of VLSI Systems 2 1 3 5 SW
525 Algorithmic Topics on Images 2 1 2 5 AF
Computer Science and Engineer-
ing Education II
2 1 5 SW
Design of Special Purpose Sys-
2 1 2 5 HA
579 Real time digital signal processing 2 2 5 HA
Code Core Electives S T L U Division
434 Databases II 2 1 3 5 SW
Advance Data structure and
2 1 3 5 SW
443 Scientific Computing II 2 1 2 5 SW
430 Operating Systems II 2 1 2 5 SW
Special Topics on Theory of
Computation and Complexity
2 2 5 AF
412 Parallel Algorithms 2 2 2 5 AF
416 Cryptography 2 2 5 AF
462 Microcomputers 2 2 3 5 HA
464 Introduction to VLSI 2 1 3 5 HA
465 E-CAD 2 1 3 5 HA
Digital Image Processing and
2 1 2 5 HA
Advanced Topics on Telecommu-
2 1 2 5 HA
Advanced Topics on Computer
2 1 5 HA
Code Electives S T L U Division
535 Applied Information Systems II 2 1 2 5 SW
547 Computational Finance 2 1 3 5 SW
554 Simulation of Information Systems 2 2 5 SW
Semantics and Correctness of Pro-
2 2 5 AF
511 Distributed Systems II 2 2 2 5 AF
516 High Speed Networks 2 2 5 AF
517 Telematics and New Services I 2 2 2 5 AF
521 Computational Intelligence II 2 1 3 5 AF
Special Themes of Computational
2 2 5 AF
Social and Legal Aspects of Tech-
2 5 SW
556 Human-Computer Interaction 2 1 2 5 SW
Computer Science and Engineer-
ing Education Ι
2 1 5 SW
566 Digital Systems Testing 2 1 2 5 HA
507 Algorithm Engineering 2 2 2 5 AF
558 Problem Solving Environments 2 1 3 5 SW
584 E-business 2 1 5 SW
552 Intelligent Programming 2 2 5 SW
588 Embedded computer systems 2 2 5 HA
574 Optical Communication Networks 2 1 2 5 HA
548 Bioinformatics 2 2 2 5 SW
568 Language Technology 2 1 0 5 SW
Data Mining and Machine Learn-
ing Algorithms
2 2 0 5 SW
Κounias, Moisiadis: "Probability Theory I", 1995.
S. Nikoletseas and P. Spirakis, "Elements of the Probabilistic Method (Mathematical Foundations of
Computer Science)", Gutenberg Editions, 1997.
N. Alon and J. Spencer, "The Probabilistic Method", John Wiley and Sons, 1992.
B. Bollobas, "Random Graphs", Academic Press, 1985.
R. Motwani and P. Raghavan, "Randomized Algorithms", Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Algorithms. Introductory subjects and examples, T. S. Papatheodorou
Computational methods for Differential Equations, T. S. Papatheodorou
Numerical methods, T. S. Papatheodorou
Advanced Calculus, Luis Brand
Mathematics for Engineers VOL I, V. V. Markellos, I. A. Koutrouvelis
Mathematics for Engineers VOL II, V. V. Markellos
Mathematics for Engineers VOL III, V. V. Markellos, P. Hatzikonstantinou
Principles of Mathematical Analysis, J. Rudin
Oh! Pascal, D. Cooper, M. Clancy
Basic Circuit Theory, C. A. Desoer, E. S. Kuh
Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano
Physics Vol I & II, Haliday, Resnick
Berkeley Physics Course Vol I & II
6502 Assembly Language Programming, Leventhal
Digital Integrated Electronics, J. Millman, C. Halkias
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, D. A. Hodges,H. G. Jackson
Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits, Texas InstrumentsIncorporated
Probabilities, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, A. Papoulis
An Introduction to Probability Theory Vol. I, Feller
Data Structures Using Pascal, A. M. Tanenbaum, M. J. Augenstein
Fundamentals of Data Structures, E. Horowitz, S. Sahni
Fundamentals of Programming Languages, E. Horowitz
Structured Computer Organization, A. Tanenbaum
Computer Architecture and Organization, J. P. Hayes
The C Programming Language, B. W. Kernighan, D. M. Ritchie
Programming in C++, S. C. Dewhurst & K. T. Stark
LISP, P. H. Winston, B. K. P. Horn
Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, C. L. Liu
Elements of Discrete Mathematics, C. L. Liu
Graph Theory , F. Harary
Introduction to Graph Theory, Andrastou.
An Introduction to Linear Algebra, G. Strang
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Chapter 6:Data Structures'', K.Mehlhorn,A.K.Tsakalidis
Data Structures and Algorithms 1:Sorting and Searching,K. Mehlhorn
Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multidimensional Searching and Computational Geometry,K.
Microprocessors, N. Alexandridis
Operating System Concepts, J. Peterson
An Introduction to Operating Systems, H. M. Deitel
Principles of Compiler Design, A. V. Aho,R.Sethi, J. D. Ullman
Elements of the Theory of Computation, H. Lewis, C. Papadimitriou
Signals and Systems, A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, I. T. Young
Signals And Systems : Continuous and Discrete,
R. E. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter, D.R. Fannin
Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, J. G. Proakis, D. G.Manolakis
The Unix Programming Environment, B. W. Kerninghan, R. Pike
4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System, S.J. Leffler, M. K. McKusick,M. J. Karels, J. S. Quarterman
Principles of Communication Systems, H. Taub, D. L. Schilling
Digital and Analog Communication Systems, K. S. Shanmugam
16 bit Microprocessors, Ian R. Whitworth
Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques, R. Zaks, A. Lesea
Database System Concepts, H. Korth, A. Silberschatz
Principles of Database Design, C. J. Date
Data Models, Database Languages and Database Management Systems, G. Vossen,
Database and Knowledge--base Systems, J. Ullmann
Expert Database Systems:A Gentle Introduction,P.Beynon-Davies
Computer Algorithms, Sara Baase
Computer Networks, A. Tanenbaum
Telecommunication Networks: Protocols, Modeling and Analysis,M. Schwartz
Data Networks, D. Bertsekas & R. Gallager
Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, K. Hwang, F. A.Briggs
Adaptive Filter Theory,S.Haykin,
Optimum Signal Processing, S.Orphanides
Feedback Control Systems,C.L.Philips
Modern Control Systems,R.C.Dorf
Digital Image Processing,R.Gonzalez,P.Wintz
Two Dimensional Signal and Image Processing,J.Lim
Introduction to VLSI design A systems perspective, N. Weste,K. Eshraghian
Software Engineering, I. Sommerville
Software Engineering:A Practitioner's Approach,R.Pressman
Queuing Theory Vol. I, A. Kleinrock
Combinatorial Optinization, C. Papadimitriou, Steiglitz
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, D. C. Kozen
Data Structures & Network Algorithms, R. E. Tarjan
Computers & Intractability.A guide to the Theory of NP--Completeness,Garey-Johnson
Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, S. Haykin
Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, Duda & Hart
The following courses are offered by the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics arranged
as appear in the programme plan.
Local Course Code : (101)
Title : Mathematics I
Lecturer : C. Douskos
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Elements of Topology. Continuity. Differential and Integral Calculus. Introduction to Differential
Equations. Sequences and Series of Functions.
Local Course Code : (103)
Title : Physics I
Lecturer : Velgakis and K. Sfetsos,
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars(1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Motion in one and two Dimension(s), Dynamics of particles, Impacts, Oscillations, Heat, Thermo-
Local Course Code : (131)
Title : Introduction to Procedural Programming (C)
Lecturer : E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer, C. Makris, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Fundamental concepts in programming (problem, algorithm, program). Editing, compiling and
executing a program. What is a programming language, the C language. The structure of a program,
alphabet, instructions, constants, variables, expressions. Basic data types, basic input-output instruc-
tions, operators and types of expressions. Flow control instructions, repetition instructions, program
blocks, functions, and variable scope. Advanced material in functions. Arrays, structs, pointers and
file handling in C. Elementary data structures (stacks, queues, lists) in C. The course also contains a
series of laboratory exercises in order to help the student understand in detail the various program-
ming notions introduced in the context of the theory.
Local Course Code : (161)
Title : Introduction to the Science of Computers and Communications
Lecturer : H. Vergos, Assistant Professor.
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Processes and Systems. Serial and Parallel Systems. Procedures and Data Flow. Process Systems
and Control of their Function (synchronous and asynchronous control). Procedure Logic and Pro-
grams. Internal and External representation of Information in Computer Systems. The Computer as
a System of various Cooperative Procedures (memory, CPU, I/O procedures). Memory and Periph-
eral Devices. Basic Digital Processes. General issues of Computer Organization and Architecture
Local Course Code : (163)
Title : Logic Design I
Lecturer : G. Alexiou, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction: Binary Logic, Binary Operations, BCD, XS3 codes, Integrated Circuits Logic Fami-
lies. Boolean Algebra: Definitions, Postulates, Theorems, Properties, Simplication of Boolean
Functions. Karnaugh maps, Implementation with NAND and NOR gates, Implementation with
various gates. Quine and Mc Cluskey table methods, Combinational Logic, Analysis, Design, Ad-
ders, Subtractors, Code Conversions, Multi-level Implementations. MSI and LSI Combinational
Circuits: Adders, Comparators, Decoders, Multiplexers, ROMs and PLAs.
Local Course Code : (103)
Title : Introduction to Circuits
Lecturer : K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 2
Basic electro-magnetic parameters, Basic equations for resistors, capacitors and inductors, basic
theorems of electrical circuits (Thevenin-Nortor transformations), circuit analysis using complex
numbers and phasors, Laplace transformations, Dirac and Step functions.
Local Course Code : (102)
Title : Mathematics II
Lecturer : C. Douskos
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 4
Theorems of Differential Calculus applications, Sequences, Infinite Series, Improper Integrals, Mul-
tiple Integrals. Vector Algebra with Applications to Analytic Geometry.
Local Course Code : (104)
Title : Physics II
Lecturer : Velgakis and K. Kouzoudis
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 4
Electromagnetic Fields: Electric charge, law Coulomb, electric field, law Gauss, specific and con-
tinuous distributions of Electric charge. Dielectric materials and capacitors. Electric conductance.
Current, resistance, law Ohm, circuits. Magnetic field, magnetic flow, Ampere Law, Law of Biot-
Savart. Induction, Law Faraday. RL-circuit, Electromagnetic oscillations, LC-oscillator, RLC-
circuit. Equations Maxwell. Magnetic attributes of matter. Optics: Light, nature of light, reflection,
diffraction, lenses, faults of lenses.
Local Course Code : (110)
Title : Linear Algebra
Lecturer : C. Alexopoulos, Lecturer, E. Gallopoulos, Professor,
T. Papatheodorou, Professor.
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 2
Linear Spaces, Inner Product, Vector Spaces, Matrix Algebra, Determinants, Linear Systems, Linear
Transformations, Eigenvalue problems.
Local Course Code : (134)
Title : Object Oriented Programming Ι
Lecturer : I. Hatzilygeroudis, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 2
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Object, Attributes, Class, Instance, Class Hierarchy,
Generalization, Specialization, Inheritance. Benefits of Object-Oriented Programming. Introduction
to Java, General aspects, Types of applications. Class and Instance Definition, Methods and Vari-
ables, Java and C, Basic java Library, Inheritance in Java, Types of classes, Interfaces, Exceptions
handling, Input-Output, Handling Files, Threads-Concurrent Programming. Working with Swing-
Graphical interfaces. Handling Events. Applets.
Local Course Code : (165)
Title : Basic Electronics
Lecturer : Konofaos
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Basic semiconductor physics. Electronic diodes. Diode operation. Operation of the p-n junction,
Zener diodes. Diode applications: Rectifier circuits, limiters. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT).
Structure and basic operating principles. Low signal analysis of BJT circuits. Amplifier circuits us-
ing BJTs (voltage and current amplification, two-stge amplification: Differential amplifiers, Dar-
lington pairs, etc). Field effect transistors: Structure and basic operating principles. JFETs and
MOSFETs. Low signal analysis of basic MOSFET circuits. Amplifiers with FETs. Basic circuits.
Digital circuits using BJTs. The BJT as a switch. Digital gates made up with BJTs.
Local Course Code : (163E)
Title : Logic Design Laboratory
Lecturer : G. Alexiou, Professor
Type : laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 1
Laboratory exercises for the courses LOGIC DESIGN.
Local Course Code : (161E)
Title : Assembly Language Programming
Lecturer : G. Alexiou, Professor
Type : laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 1
Acquaintance with LAB196system and the commands of loading and storage. Familiarization with
the commands of addition and abstraction, as well as with the reasonable action. Familiarization
with the significances as the succession of program, the treatment and follow-up of programs, the
contact with the operations (loop) and ramification (branch) as well as the learning of possibilities
for interruption of program of user and localisation of programming errors.
Local Course Code : (164)
Title : Logic Design II
Lecturer : H. Vergos, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
In Logic Design II, the intention is turned into sequential logic. HDLs are used as a description ve-
hicle for the designs. Structural and behavioral descriptions are analyzed by examples of combina-
tional logic. Latches and flip flops are then introduced and analyzed. The operation and design of
synchronous sequential machines is then presented, followed by the structures of HDLs that support
it. The course then discusses commonly used sequential designs ((shift) registers, counters, ...),
memory construction by 2-D and 3-D designs. A brief look at programmable logic devices, field
programmable gate arrays and asynchronous sequential circuits completes the course. Marking is
based on either a written test or on three homeworks assigned to groups of two students. The written
test focuses on the ability to build a FSM that implements some basic function, such as string rec-
ognition or input counting and on comprehending the functionality of basic sequential elements.
The homeworks are of substantial difficulty in order not to have a single obvious solution that en-
ables our students to consider different state encodings, use of different FFs and coding styles.
Local Course Code : (201)
Title : Discrete Mathematics I
Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Permutations and Combinations, Generating Functions, Recurrence Relations, the Principle of In-
clusion and Exclusion, Polya's Theory of Counting.
Local Course Code : (205)
Title : Introduction to Algorithms
Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor.
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Basic concepts in algorithms and complexity, Graphs, Trees. Design and Analysis Methods of Algo-
rithms: Balancing, Divide and Conquer, Greedy algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Graph Tra-
versals. Graph Algorithms: Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim and Kruskal algorithms), Paths of
Minimum Cost (Dijkstra, Warshall, Floyd Algorithms), Directed Acyclic Graphs, Topological Sort,
Graph Connectivity, Cuts, Matching and Bipartite Graphs. Sorting Algorithms, Complexity Analy-
sis of Sorting Algorithms using Trees. Computation of the value of a Polynomial, Vector and Ma-
trix Multiplication, The Fast Fourier Algorithm, Convolution.
Local Course Code : (231)
Title : Object Oriented Programming II
Lecturer : C. Makris, Assistant Professor, I. Hatzilygeroudis, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (1/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 2
C++ Structures, Classes and instructions, Class templates, Class derivation and inheritance, Object-
Oriented programming, organizing code, programming styles, C++ library, implementing data struc-
tures in C++. Designing object oriented/object centric programs. Designing classes/hierarchies, in-
heritance. Derived classes, message passing, operator overload, polymorphism, prototypes, excep-
tion handling, basic C++ libraries (input/output streams, class hierarchies, abstract data types, itera-
tors), reusing code.
Local Course Code : (204)
Title : Probability
Lecturer : S. Nikoletseas, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : automn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Random Experiments, Events, Axiomatic Definition of Probability, Finite Sample Spaces, Probabil-
ity of Union of Events, Conditional Probability, Stochastic Independence, Random Variables (Dis-
crete and Continuous), Functions of Random Variables, Probability Distribution Function and Prob-
ability Density Function, Mean, Variance, Moments, Inequalities (Markov, Chebyshev, Jensen),
Moment and Probability Generating Functions, Basic Probability Distributions (Binomial, Poisson,
Hypergeometric, Geometric, Uniform, Normal, Exponential), The Central Limit Theorem, Introduc-
tion to the Probabilistic Method.
Local Course Code : (261)
Title : Computer Architecture I
Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Introduction: Hardware, software, Computer architecture, Computer structure and organization, in-
put and output units. Computer performance. Information representation: data (constant point
arithmetic, floating point arithmetic, alphanumeric, image, sound), instructions (machine instruction
types, addressing modes, operands size and type, machine instructions encoding, machine instruc-
tions based computer classification). Central processing unit: data path and control unit (structure
and implementation). Data path and control unit design for single cycle and multiple cycle ma-
chines. Memory system: memory technology, semiconductor, magnetic and optical memories,
memories hierarchy, main memory implementation. Interconnection and input-output system: bus
(bus types, synchronous and asynchronous busses, bus arbitration), input-output process.
Local Course Code : (166)
Title : Digital Electronics
Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor.
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Digital Intergrated Circuits:general characteristics. DCTL, RTL, DTL. TTL(LTTL, HTTL, STTL,
ASTTL, LSTTL, ALSTTL, FASTTTL):in detail analysis. Schmitt trigger characteristics. ECL 10K,
ECL 100K. CMOS Logic Families(4000, 4000B, 74C, 74HC, 74HCT, 74AC/ACT). Logic Families
Interconnection. Clocking Circuits( Monostable, Astable CMOS Multivibrator,IC 555, Crystal-
Controlled Oscillators). Noise(from internal & external sources). Semiconductor Memories, ROM,
Local Course Code : (165E)
Title : Electronics Laboratory I
Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor
Type : laboratory (3/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 2
Elementary measurements using an Oscilloscope. DC Current and Voltage measurements- resis-
tance measurements. Basic circuit theory principles. Studying RC circuits both under pulse and sine
form excitations. Frequency select circuits. p-n diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistors. FETs.
Local Course Code : (202)
Title : Discrete Mathematics II
Lecturer : S. Cosmadakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to main concepts and methods of graph theory. Sets and multi-sets. Binary relations,
equivalence relations, partitions. Mathematical induction, structural induction and their use in ele-
mentary proofs. Walks, trails, paths and cycles in graphs. Connected components. Articulations and
bridges. Structural induction for graphs. Trees and forests. Spanning trees and fundamental cycles.
Structural induction for trees. The Helly property, centroids of trees. Biconnectivity. Menger’s theo-
rem. Biconnected components of a graph. Strong connectivity, strongly connected components of a
directed graph.
Local Course Code : (132)
Title : Principles of Programming Lang. & Compilers
Lecturer : I. Garofalakis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 5
Introduction. Evolution of programming languages. Language design criteria. Variables, expres-
sions, statements. Data types and type definition systems. Scope and binding time. Subprograms.
Exception handling. Concurrency. Functional programming languages. Logic programming lan-
guages. Object-oriented programming. Overview of compilers. Lexical analysis. Programming lan-
guage syntax. Parsing. Symbol tables. Intermediate code generation.
Local Course Code : (233)
Title : Data Structures
Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 5
Introduction to Data Structures, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Balanced Trees(AVL, RedBlack,
BB, BB[a], Hybrid structures, TRIE, Interpolation Search Tree). Graphs. Sorting Algo-
rithms(Bubblesort, Heapsort, Quicksort, External Sorting. Median Algorithms). Searching Algo-
rithms, Binary, Interpolation, Binary-Interpolation. Union -- find. Hashing(chains, open addressing,
extendible). Implementation of sorting and searching algorithms, 2-4 tree, BB-tree.
Local Course Code : (240)
Title : Numerical Analysis & Environments
Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, Ch. Alexopoulos, Lecturer,
E. Gallopoulos, Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 5
Numerical methods, Systems of Linear Equations, Nonlinear Equations, Approximation of Integrals
and Derivatives, Numerical Solution of Simple Ordinary Differential Equations.
Local Course Code : (282)
Title : Introduction to the Theory of Signals and Systems
Lecturer : E. Psarakis, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Introduction to signal and systems theory, Impulse Functions, Linear systems. Linear Time Invariant
Systems, Convolution, Impulse and Frequency Responses. Fourier Transform and Fourier Series,
Definition, Properties, Applications. Laplace Transform, Definition, Properties, BIBO Stability of
Continuous Time Linear Systems. State Space, States, State Equations, Controllability, Observabil-
ity, Exponential Stability, Stabilization of Unstable Systems, State Feedback. Z Transform, Defini-
tion, Properties, BIBO Stability of Discrete Time Linear Systems.
Local Course Code : (262)
Title : Computer Architecture II
Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Cache memory (fetch policies, organization, replacing policies and update policies), Virtual mem-
ory (implementation), cache memory in the virtual and in the physical space. Pipeline (organization,
performance, structural, data and procedural hazards), Pipeline data path design. Superscalar proc-
essors and Very Long Instruction Word, VLIW, processors. Processor examples.
Local Course Code : (262E)
Title : Computer Architecture Laboratory
Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor
Type : laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 1
The laboratory exercises are based on the use of a microprogrammable computer designed and im-
plemented in the Technology and Computer Architecture Laboratory of our Department and a simu-
lator of the microprogrammable computer running on a Windows environment developed in our
laboratory too. The students have the opportunity to design a machine language instruction set and
then to write the necessary microprograms which implement the designed instruction set. After
loading the microprograms into the control memory the students can write programs using the ma-
chine language, which they have designed and implemented, and run them in the microprogramma-
ble computer.
Local Course Code : (166E)
Title : Electronics Laboratory ΙΙ
Lecturer : Konofaos
Type : laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 1
Operational Amplifiers. Digital gates. Flip-flops. Interfacing different circuits. Timing circuits.
Schmitt trigger. Noise problems. Elementary circuit simulation using Spice.
Local Course Code : (330)
Title : Operating Systems I
Lecturer : P. Spirakis, Professor, P. Triantafillou, Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Process Concepts, Process Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion (Semaphores, Monitors ), Stor-
age Organization (Paging, Segmentation), Storage Management (Page Replacement Policies, Swap-
Local Course Code : (334)
Title : Databases
Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Basic concepts, Data Models, Entity-Relationship Model, Relational Data Model, Logic, Relational
Algebra, Relational Calculus, Relational Query Languages (ISBL, QUEL, SQL, QBE), Physical
Data Organization, Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms for Relation Schemes. Database appli-
cation project: Design and implementation of a large scale database on an existing
Local Course Code : (334E)
Title : Databases Laboratory
Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor
Type : laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 1
Exercises in using the ORACLE DBMS (SQL*Plus, PRO*C). Extensions to the physical
level(BB-tree for data storage etc) of a mini DBMS or, alternatively, development of UNIX-like file
system for a mini DBMS, designed and implemented by a 15-member group of students (Patras
1992), C language has been used under a UNIX environment.
Local Course Code : (361)
Title : Microcomputers
Lecturer : Petrellis
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
8 bit microprocessors I8080, I8085, MC6800: architecture and control signals, memory addressing,
instruction set, addressing modes, timing and instruction execution, interrupt handling. Interfacing
microprocessors, peripheral devices, memories, micromputer organisation. Bit-slice microproces-
sors: architecture, assembly and usage. General Microprocessor's features: Interrupt Handling,
Memory Mapped I/O, I/O Mapped Organisations, Pipelining. Application Project: Design and pro-
gramming of a control circuit for a specified application using one of the above microprocessors or
Z80 or R6502.
Local Course Code : (343)
Title : Scientific Computing I
Lecturer : S. Gallopoulos, Professor T. Papatheodorou, Professor.
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 5
The purpose of Scientific Computing is the design, development and efficient use of computational
tools that help in the fast and practical use of the underlying mathematical models. In "Scientific
Computing I" we build the background for the design of efficient algorithms and accompanying
software and their implementation for modern computing platforms for important problems that
demand large scale computing resources; we provide the necessary modeling framework - empha-
sizing the computational and arithmetic models as well as an introduction to the discrete model -
and show their use in predicting performance and accuracy of computations. The emphasis of the
course is on problems from computational linear algebra since these form the overwhelming majori-
ty of computational kernels of today's scientific applications. The material covered in the course is
in the spirit of books such as C. Ueberhuber's "Numerical Computation" (vol. 1, Springer, 1997), J.
Demmel's "Applied Numerical Linear Algebra" (SIAM, 1997) and A. Quarteroni and F. Saleri's
"Scientific Computing with MATLAB" (Springer, 2003). Even though these books (especially the
first two) are at a more advanced level and contain more material they provide the necessary flavor
for students who want to learn more about the contents of the course. The course is graded based on
a written final exam, laboratory exercises (typically in MATLAB) and a midterm.
Local Course Code : (361E)
Title : Microcomputer Laboratory
Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor
Type : laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 2
Programming of the Versatile Interface Adaptor (VIA) of the R6502 microprocessor and intercon-
nection with several IC's . Implementations: Telephone Keyboard, A simple Electronic game using
LED's, Extension of the R6502 address space using Page Addressing, Virtual Addressing.
Local Course Code : (301)
Title : Theory of Computation
Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Sets, Relations and Languages, Finite Automata, Properties of the Languages accepted by the Finite
Automata, Context Free Grammars, Pushdown Automata, Properties of Context Free Grammars,
Turing Machines.
Local Course Code : (302)
Title : Computational Complexity
Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Turing machines. Non-deterministic Turing machines. Universal Turing machines. Algorithmically
solvable and un-solvable problems. Church thesis. The halting problem. Computational complexity.
Efficiently solvable problems. Complexity classes. The classes P and NP. Polynomial-time reduc-
tions between problems. NP-completeness.
Local Course Code : (330E)
Title : Operating Systems Laboratory
Lecturer : P. Triantafillou, Professor, E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer
Type : laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 2
The scope of the Operating Systems laboratory is to develop the skills of the undergraduate students
in the area of system programming. The Minix Operating Systems is used and the students have to
develop, alter or increase the functionality of at least one of the OS modules and finally integrate it
in the Minix. Therefore synchronization mechanisms, scheduling techniques, file systems, process
management, memory management mechanisms, networking etc. are some of the projects proposed
during the semester.
Local Course Code : (550)
Title : Parallel Processing
Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to parallel computer systems, Multithtreading programming and synchronization tech-
niques. Fundamental design issues of parallel system architectures (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD).
Basic performance indexes of multiprocessors. Pipelining. Interconnection Networks. Memory con-
sistency techniques in multiprocessor systems. Also, in the context of the course laboratory, the stu-
dents have to implement a set of small weekly projects and an extending semester project that cov-
ers most of the taught theory.
Local Course Code : (381)
Title : Digital Signal Processing
Lecturer : E. Psarakis
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 4
Discrete Time Signals and Systems, Sampling of Continuous Time Signals, Fourier Transform of a
Discrete Time Signal, Discrete Fourier Transform and Series. Digital Filters, Filters Realizations,
Design of FIR filters, Design of IIR filters, Butterworth, Chebyshev and elliptic Filters. Multirate
Systems and Filter Banks. Introduction to Stochastic Signal Processing and the Theory of Estima-
tion (Least Squares Filters: Wiener).
Local Course Code : (387)
Title : Computer Networks
Lecturer : E. Varvarigos, Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Network architectures, the ISO reference model. Physical Layer, theoretical basis for data commu-
nication, transmission and multiplexing, terminal handling(Polling etc), error detecting and correct-
ing codes. Medium Access Sublayer, Aloha protocols, LAN protocols (CSMA, CSMA with Colli-
sion Detection, Ethernet, Token Ring). Data Link Layer, elementary data link protocols(Stop-and-
Wait), sliding window protocols(Go Back n, Selective Repeat), analysis of protocols.
Local Course Code : (387E)
Title : Computer Networks Laboratory
Lecturer : E. Varvarigos, Professor, K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor
Type : laboratory(2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 1
Exercises on virtual terminals, file transfer, remote printing, e-mail, resource discovery systems.
Network Programming in Unix(Client/Server model).
Local Course Code : (384)
Title : Digital Communications
Lecturer : K. Berberides, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 4
Baseband Data Transmission (PAM, PDM, PPM). Analog Signal Transmission, Linear Modulation
(DSB, AM, SSB, VSB), Angular Modulation (FM, PM). Multiplexing Techniques (FDM, TDM).
Digital CW Modulation Systems(ASK, PSK, FSK). Pulse Code Modulation. Introduction to Infor-
mation Theory.
Local Course Code : (435)
Title : Applied Information Systems I (elective course)
Lecturer : G. Pavlidis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
The notion of ``system'', cybernetics systems, basic function of the managing subsystem, program-
ming, organization and systematic approach, computerization and managing activities, network
analysis(PERT method, complete, vacant and independent time resource, cost minimization with
finite resources).
Local Course Code : (451)
Title : Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : I. Hatzilygeroudis, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to AI, Search, State Space, Blind and Heuristic Search Algorithms, Constraint Satisfac-
tion, Knowledge Representation, First-Order Predicate Calculus, Model Theory, Proof Theory, Syn-
tax, Clausal Form, Resolution Principle, Resolution Refutation, Resolution Control Strategies,
PROLOG, Production Rules and Systems, Uncertainty Representation, Semantic Nets, Frame-
Based Representation, Intelligent Agents.
Local Course Code : (454)
Title : Computer Systems Evaluation Techniques (elective course)
Lecturer : I. Garofalakis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Methodology of evaluation studies. Selection of evaluation techniques. Selection of performance
metrics. Commonly used performance metrics. Workload selection and characterization. Monitors.
Capacity planning and management. Experimental design. Analytical evaluation techniques. Basic
queueing theory models. Queueing network models of computer systems. Efficient computing algo-
rithms. Computer and network systems applications.
Local Course Code : (432)
Title : Compilers (elective course)
Lecturer : P. Pidelas, Professor, C.Alexopoulos, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Specification of Programming Languages, Parsing Techniques, Symbol
Tables, Runtime Storage Administration, Error Detection and Recovery.
Local Course Code : (401)
Title : Mathematical Logic and its Applications (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Cosmadakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to main concepts and methods of Mathematical Logic. Formal proofs and semantics
for Propositional Logic and First-order Logic. The natural deduction system for Propositional Logic,
soundness and completeness of the system. The natural deduction system for First-Order Logic,
soundness of the system. Introduction to temporal logics and their application in system specifica-
Local Course Code : (411)
Title : Distributed Systems I (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor, I. Chatzigiannakis
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
It aims at introducing the students to the fundamental concepts of distributed computing. The fol-
lowing topics are covered: Synchronous and asynchronous models. Fundamental algorithms: leader
election algorithms, wave algorithms, traversal algorithms, routing algorithms. Fault tolerance and
consensus. Logical time. Synchronizers.
Local Course Code : (415)
Title : Public Networks and Intercon-nection Networks (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Bouras, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to data networks: ISO/OSI interconnection model. Data transmission techniques, X.25
protocols, TCP/IP protocol, IPv6.
Switching: Circuit and Packet switching. Public networks and broadband Interconnection Networks.
Asymetric access technologies, xDSL technology architecture, Satellite communications, Wireless
mobile networks ((GPRS, EDGE, UMTS)), wireless local networks (802.11)
Local Course Code : ComIn1 (421)
Title : Computational Intelligence I (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Likothanassis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction: Basic Models of Artificial Neuron, Activation Functions, Basic Structures of Artificial
Neural Networks (ANNs), Basic Concepts of Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence.
Basic Algorithms of the Learning Process: Learning Paradigms and the Statistical Nature of Learn-
ing, Basic Concepts of the Learning Theory. The Perceptron Algorithm: Foundation of the Algo-
rithm, Convergence Theorem, Performance Measure. Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Algo-
rithm: Wiener-Hopf Equations, and Solution with the Steepest Descent Algorithm, Study of the So-
lution Convergence, Learning Curve and Training of the ADALINE Element. Multi-layer Percep-
trons: Derivation of the Error Back Propagation (EP) Algorithm, Generalized Delta Rule, Training
Modes, Termination Criteria. Case Study: Principles and Limitations in the Design of ANNs. Ap-
Local Course Code : (461)
Title : Advanced Themes on Computer Architecture (elective course)
Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Design cost, performance & benchmarks, instruction sets, parallel architectures, parallel machines,
memory hierarchy 7 caches organization, I/O systems.
Local Course Code : (481)
Title : Stochastic Signals and Applications (elective course)
Lecturer : K. Giannopoulos
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Discrete Time Random Processes and Special Types of Random Processes. Signal Modeling (Least
Squares, Pade Approximation, Prony’s Method), Stochastic models. Wiener Filtering ( FIR and IIR
Wiener filters). Spectrum Estimation (Nonparametric techniques, Minimum Variance Spectrum Es-
timation, Maximum Entropy Estimation, Parametric Techniques). Adaptive Filtering, Nonrecursive
adaptive filters, the Steepest Descent filter, the LMS algorithm, the Recursive Least Square filters.
Local Course Code : (489)
Title : Mobile Communication Net-works (elective course)
Lecturer : E.Varvarigos, Professor, K. Berberides, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to the mobility concept in the networks. Basic characteristic of the mobile channel.
Small and large scale phenomenon. Basic constraints, digital modulation techniques, advanced cod-
ing techniques, channel coding and equalization. Smart antennas, spread spectrum communications.
Cellular mobile systems (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA), static and dynamic channel management, Ca-
pacity and micro-cells, hand-off algorithms. GSΜ, 2.5G και 3G systems. Transmission protocols for
mobile networks (Aloha, CSMA, PRMA, polling). Ad-hoc networks: architectures, protocols, rout-
ing algorithms.
Local Course Code : (463)
Title : Interconnection of Microcomputer Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : Stefanidakis
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
AT Keyboard, Keyboard controller. Screens technologies of, CRT controller, VGA controller,
Video Processors. Serial transmission, ACIA, SIO controller, Modems - Protocols of compaction.
Parallel transmission, Centronics interface, Printers, Printer controller, Case study: Laser Printer.
Architecture of Channels, PC bus, AT bus, DMA, Interrupts - PIC, PCI bus. Magnetic means of
storage, Techniques of disk coding (NRZ, NRZI, FM, MFM M2FM, RLL), Hard/Floppy Disk con-
troller - Winchenster controller (case study), Multi I/O card, SCSI interface/controller. Material of
Networks, HDLC controllers, Multi-protocol controller, Ethernet controller, X.25 controller, ISDN,
ATM (SAR controller, etc.). Sensors technologies and interconnection with host stations, Integrated
information systems, Case study: Integrated information systems of Collection and Treatment of
Meteorological Data. Multimedia technologies, sound cards and protocols, video cards, cameras,
Case study: videoconference.
Local Course Code : (536)
Title : Advanced Information Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor.
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction in Information Systems, The Strategic Importance of Information Systems, Information
Systems, Organizations and Functional Procedures, Decision Support Systems, Architectures for
Advanced Information Systems, Knowledge Management and Information Systems, Representation
Techniques (OLAP, Data Visualization) and Data Analysis ((Regression, Forecasting, Data Min-
ing), Web Search Engines, Semantics and Ontologies for Advanced Information Systems, .NET
Technologies, Web Services and Mobile Internet for Information Systems, Semantic Net and Infor-
mation Systems, Special Applications (ERPs, Document Managemen, Workflow, etc.), Large scale
information systems – GRID.
Local Course Code : (538)
Title : Internet Technologies (elective course)
Lecturer : I.Garofalakis, Associate Prof
Type : lectures (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction. History of the Internet and of the World Wide Web (WWW). Internet architecture and
protocols. Web servers and web browsers. Web authoring (HTML, CSS). Dynamic HTML. Client
side scripting (JavaScript, VBScript). Server side scripting (PHP). Ajax. XML. XSL. Web Services.
Semantic web. Mobile Web. Security issues.
Local Course Code : (540)
Title : Software & Programming of High Per-formance Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Programming models for parallel and distributed systems (OpenMP, MPI). Basic concepts of re-
structuring compilers. Parallel code optimization techniques, loop parallelization. Scheduling tech-
niques and algorithms at the user and kernel level for multiprocessor systems. Runtime systems
support for parallel and distributed computing. Software Distributed Shared Memory Platforms for
parallel processing on top of high speed clusters. The course also includes free topics on Computa-
tional Grids.
Local Course Code : (545)
Title : Calculating Methods for Differential Equations (elective course)
Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to basic mathematical concepts, descriptions and examples of fundamental numerical
methods for ordinary differential equations, error estimates. Analytic description of finite difference
and finite element methods for ODE and PDE, tensor product and Fast Fourier Transform methods,
specific applications, e.g. in computational finance, generalizations to higher dimensions and intro-
duction of new techniques.
Local Course Code : (559)
Title : Information Retrieval (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Makris, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introductory notions (user process, document logical representation, retrieval process). Perform-
ance evaluation metrics (recall, precision, average precision, R-precision, precision histograms,
harmonic median, user oriented metrics). Information retrieval models. Set-oriented models (boo-
lean models, fuzzy set model, extended boolean model), algebraic models (vector space models,
latent semantic indexing model), probabilistic models. Web information retrieval. Web search en-
gines (crawler, indexer). HITS algorithm (Hyperlink-induced topic search). Google search engine
(the PageRank metric). The SALSA algorithm. word indexing (inverted files, signature files, bit-
maps). Full indexing (suffix trees, suffix arrays, acyclic directed graphs (DAWG) for strings).
String indexing in secondary memory (supra-suffix array, prefix Β-tree, string Β-tree). XML and
searching Web Services.
Local Course Code : (557)
Title : Quality Assurance and Standards (elective course)
Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Definitions of quality. Models of quality and qualitative characteristics of software. FCM Model.
Users in a system of guarantee of quality. Quality Plan and Quality Manual. Cost of quality, Quality
and development in an enterprise. The significance of “product” in the production of software.
Phases of software and activities of quality that are included in each phase. Quality Processes of
quality that are included more generally in work management, activities and users that concern.
Subjects of quality of services. Customers, relations and internal customers. Measurements in the
software and problems of measurements in the software. Metric. Metric categories (internal, exte-
rior - soft, hard etc.).
Basic internal metric and OO internal metric. Measurement tools. External metrics. Particularities of
external metric in the software and levels of users. Basic mathematics for measurement analysis.
Model ISO 9001 and directive ISO 9000-3 on his application in the software. Model ISO 9126 for
qualitative characteristics of software. Model ISO 12207 for the activities of software. The model
CMM. The model SPICE. The rewards Baldrige.
Local Course Code : (593)
Title : Business Administration (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Goutsos
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to business administration. A systematic approach to administration: the production
system and its inter-dependencies with the environment, economy and social community.
Local Course Code : (501)
Title : Probabilistic Techniques (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Nikoletseas, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w),
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Non-constructive proofs of existence of combinatorial structures, The method of positive probabil-
ity, Linearity of expectation, the second moment method, The Lovasz Local Lemma, the Janson
inequality, Martingale sequences, Random walks and Markov chains, Chernoff bounds, Introduc-
tion to the Design and Analysis of Randomized Algorithms.
Local Course Code : (505)
Title : Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor, P. Spirakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
It aims at introducing the students to the fundamental techniques of combinatorial optimization and
to present advanced algorithmic techniques for the efficient solution of fundamental combinatorial
optimization problems. In particular, the following topics are involved: optimization techniques,
convex programming, linear programming, geometry of linear programming, the Simplex method,
duality theory, the ellipsoid method, the interior point method, integer programming, shortest paths,
maximum flow, minimum cost flow, matching, separators.
Local Course Code : (512)
Title : Communication Algorithms (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor, I. Caragiannis, Lecturer
Type : lectures(2/w), seminars(2/w), laboratories(2/w)
Period : autumn semester.
ECTS credits : 3
The class consists of lectures on elective topics from the recent literature on communication algo-
rithms for parallel computers and wide area networks. Examples are sorting on meshes of proces-
sors, routing models (store-and-forward, wormhole, hot potato) on meshes, butterflies and hyper-
cubes, as well as offline and online bandwidth allocation on modern communication networks (e.g.,
optical networks, wireless networks, etc.).
Local Course Code : (509)
Title : Economic Theory and Algorithms (elective course)
Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor, P. Spirakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w),
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
1. Game theory: a. Strategic game theory (zero-sum games, pure and mixed strategies, dominating
strategies and best response, Nash equilibrium, algorithms and their complexity for computing Nash
equilibria, the Lemke-Howson and Shapley algorithms). Applications in auction theory.
b Cooperative game theory. Applications in contract theory.
2. Special topics: Mechanism design. The price of anarchy
Local Course Code : (591)
Title : Production design methods (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Bouras, Associate Professor, M. Paraskevas
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Production Management System (PMS), Architectural of PMS systems, Required S/W Technology,
Methodology of Planning and Control of Production: MRP II, OPT, JIT, GP, TQC, Current situa-
tion in Greece. General Production planning: Reserves control, ABC analysis, Lot policies, Struc-
ture of given BOM, requirements planning in structures, capacities, Wholesale or Analytic require-
ments planning. Industrial Networks: MAP/TOP, CNMA, FIP, PROFIBUS, BITRUS.
Local Course Code : (523)
Title : Decision Theory (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Likothanassis, Professor, C. Alexopoulos, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Basic Concepts and Examples of the Machine Perception, Pattern Recognition Systems (sensors,
segmentation and clustering, feature extraction, classification, meta-processing) Design Cycle (data
collection, feature selection, model selection, training, evaluation, computational complexity),
Learning and Adaptation (Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning).
Bayes Decision Theory for continuous features (tow classes classification). Minimum Error Rate
Classification (Minimax and Neyman – Pearson Criteria). Classifiers, Discriminant Functions and
Decision Surfaces (multi-classes and tow clesses cases). The Normal Probability Density Function –
PDF (uni-modal and multi-modal PDF, discriminant functions for the normal PDF). Error Prob-
abilities and Error Intervals. Error Limits for Normal PDFs (Chernoff’s limit, Bhattacharrya’s limit,
signal tracking theory). Bayes Theory for Discrete Features. Maximum Likelihood Estimation
(general principle, the Gauss case). Bayes Estimation (conditional probabilities, parameter distribu-
tion). Bayesian Parameters’ Estimation (Gaussian case, general theory). The Dimension Problems.
Hidden Markov Models. Non-parametric Techniques. Calculation of the PDF. Parzen Windows
(convergence of the mean value, convergence of the variance, applications). The Kn Nearest
Neighbor Method. The Nearest Neighbor Rule (convergence, error rate, error limits, computational
Nearest Neighbor Classification and Performance Measures (measures’ attributes, tangent distance).
Linear Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces (the tow and multi classes case). Generalized
Discriminant Functions. The Tow Linear Separated Classes Case (the gradient descent process).
The Perceptron Algorithm (minimization of the criterion function, proof of the convergence). Re-
laxation Processes (the descent algorithm, proof of the convergence). Non Separable Behavior.
Minimum Square Error Processes (LMS Algorithm). Ho-Kashyap Processes. Game Theory. His-
torical Review. Basic Features. Game Classification. Game Description and Analysis. Zero Sum
Games. The Pure Strategy Case. Combined Strategies.
Local Course Code : (564)
Title : Design of VLSI Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : G. Alexiou. Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Faults & fault models, test pattern generation (Algorithmic, random), logic simulation (serial, paral-
lel, deductive, concurrent), testability measures, design for testability (ad hoc, structured, built-in
self test, boundary scanning).
Local Course Code : (525)
Title : Algorithmic Topics on Images (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Alexopoulos, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Data structures for images ( hierarchical structures, pyramids or ttetrahedral trees), Binary trees of
images, Split and Merge Algorithm, line coding, region coding.
Special Techniques with use [synartisioeidon]: Mathematic models for compaction of picture,
Mathematic foundation of method of compaction with the use of functions, Compaction with the
use of functions
Local Course Code : (582)
Title : Computer Science and Engineering Education II (elective course)
Lecturer : M. Kordaki
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Information and Communication Technologies as a context of learning. Internet-based learning.
Traditional and modern social and constructivist learning theories and computer based learning en-
vironments; architecture, content, activity, communication, evaluation. Modeling methodologies in
the design and evaluation of e-learning environments. Constructing the learning model, the subject
matter model and the learners’ model. The different roles of teacher, learner and learning activity in:
typical classroom, educational software and web based learning environments. Computer mediated
communication. Synchronous and asynchronous communication. Ethical issues.
Local Course Code : (567)
Title : Design of Special Purpose Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : H. Vergos, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : autumn semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to special purpose systems (Dependability as a Design Goal, Applications, Long – Life,
Critical Computation, Maintenance Avoidance, High Availability).
Terminology, Complexity and Models (Faults, Errors, Failures), Physical Causes of Faults, Fault
Characteristics, Common Fault Models, Common Error Models.
Design Techniques (Hardware Redundancy - Passive (TMR, NMR, Voting) - Active (Duplication,
Sparing, Watchdog Timers,...) and Hybrid (NMR with Spares, Purging, Triple-Duplex, ...). Informa-
tion Redundancy - Codes (Parity, Arithmetic, Cyclic, Syndrome, ...). Time Redundancy and Soft-
ware Redundancy.
Application of the Developed Theory (Design Cycle Modification to accommodate Dependability,
A Design Example).
Local Course Code : (579)
Title : Real time digital signal processing
Lecturer : E. Psarakis Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (0/w), lab (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Single-chip programmable signal processors. Hardware aspects of digital signal processing (DSP)
systems, architectural issues, and fixed versus floating pointing representations for implementing
DSP algorithms. The emphasis of the course is on the design and implementation of DSP algo-
rithms. The algorithms are implemented on personal, portable DSP based boards. Applications to
speech processing, adaptive filtering, telecommunications, image processing and video processing.
Local Course Code : (434)
Title : Databases II (elective course)
Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to Expert Database Systems. Database systems. Information, Knowledge and Inference.
Expert Systems. Expert Database Architectures. Enhanced Database Systems. Enhanced Expert
Systems. Interdependent Expert and Database Systems. Semantic Data Models. Object-oriented
Systems. Logic and Database Systems. Conceptual Modeling. The design of POSTGRES, rules,
procedures, caching and views in POSTGRES.
Laboratory: Design and Implementation of an expert system using Prolog.
Local Course Code : (433)
Title : Advance Data structure and Graphics (elective course)
Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to Computer Graphics, Lines and Circles in Raster-Display, 2-dimensional transforma-
tions, windowing and clipping algorithms, Realistic Computer Graphics. Introduction to Computa-
tional Geometry, Interval tree, Priority Search tree, Segment tree, Range tree and their respective
Local Course Code : (443)
Title : Scientific Computing II (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Gallopoulos, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Linear equations systems (Elimination and Factorization). Approximation and Interpolation (piece-
wise polynomials, splines, Hermite). Differentiation and Integration.
Laboratory: Solution of Partial Differential Equations using ELLPACK.
Local Course Code : (430)
Title : Operating Systems II (elective course)
Lecturer : P. Triantafillou, Professor, E.Polychronopoulos, Lecturer
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Processor Scheduling Strategies, Disk Scheduling, File Systems, File Organisation,Deadlock Detec-
tion, Deadlock Prevention, Performance Evaluation Techniques. Lans, TCP/IP, Operating Systems
for Lans:Novell Network, Distributed Operating Systems: Vines Operating System, Remote Proce-
dure Calls, Interprocess Communication in 4.3BSD Unix. Study of the Unix Operating System. Se-
curity and Protection of Data. Leader Election Algorithms.
Local Course Code : (402)
Title : Special Topics on Theory of Computation and Complexity (elective
Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Space complexity. The Savitch and Immerman-Szelepscenyi theorems. Parallel algorithms and cor-
responding complexity classes. Kolmogorov complexity. Probabilistic algorithms. Probabilistic
classes of complexity. Approximation algorithms and corresponding classes.
Local Course Code : (412)
Title : Parallel Algorithms
Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
The goal is to present to the students the fundamental issues of parallel computation and the main
techniques for the design and analysis of parallel algorithms. In this context, the key points of inter-
connection networks for parallel computers are studied, e.g., parallel counting algorithms, integer
operations, matrix operations, sorting and routing in meshes of processors. Moreover, the students
are introduced to hypercube, butterfly and De Bruijn networks, as well as to the PRAM computing
Local Course Code : (416)
Title : Cryptography
Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor, P.Spirakis, Professor.
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Cryptographic protocols, sender/receiver interaction, key management, Block Ciphers, secure pseu-
dorandom number sequences, public key cryptography, digital signatures, authentication. Legal is-
Local Course Code : (462)
Title : Microcomputers (elective course)
Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Data books usage, systems design and modern 16-bit μcpu, (I80386, MC68000, Z8000), from 16-bit
to 32-bit μcpu. Programmable memory management, modern 32-bit μcpu (Z80000, M68020, Tran-
Local Course Code : (464)
Title : Introduction to VLSI (elective course)
Lecturer : Bakalis
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
The Basic Inverter, Inverter Logic Threshold Voltage, Inverter Delay, Parasitic Effects, Driving
Large Capacitive Loads, Basic NAND and NOR Logic Circuits, Super Buffers, Delays in Another
Form of Logic Circuitry,Yield Statistics, Design Rules,Two-Phase Clocks.
Local Course Code : (465)
Title : E-CAD
Lecturer : H.Vergos, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
This course intends to present to its students traditional and modern ways of designing digital hard-
ware. In parallel, programmable logic devices and especially Field Programmable Gate Arrays are
introduced in order for the students to realize zero-turnaround-time implementations of their de-
signs. After a short introduction of graphical design entry and PCB realization, attention is given on
FSM representation, HDL design, behavioral simulation and synthesis targetting FPGA devices.
The course is backed up by 6 lab exercises performed on major vendors' (Mentor Graphics, Synop-
sys, Xilinx) tools. Then a bigger project is assigned to lab teams each consisting of at most 3 stu-
dents. The project has a substantial degree of complexity in order not to have a unique obvious solu-
tion. Marking is performed for students that can prove the functionality of their design with vectors
provided by the instructor but also based on the area and speed that their implementation can
Local Course Code : (482)
Title : Digital Image Processing and Analysis (elective course)
Lecturer : K. Berberidis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction. Digital Image Fundamentals. Image Transforms(2-D FT, FFT, Hadamard, DCT). Im-
age Enhancement, Histogram Modification Techniques, Image Smoothing, Image Sharpening, Im-
age Model based enhancement. Image Restoration. Image Encoding.
Laboratory: Application of Several Image Enhancement Methods (Histogram Equalization etc) on a
digital image and compression using DCT.
Local Course Code : (484)
Title : Advanced Topics on Telecommunications (elective course)
Lecturer : K. Berberides, Associate Professor
Type : lectures(2/w), seminars(1/w), laboratory(2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Modern coding techniques with and without data loss. Channel coding and error detection and cor-
rection algorithms. Optimal bit-symbol retrieval and minimization of bit-error rate. Viterbi algo-
rithm. Bit pre-coding and advanced digital modulation techniques. Inter-sysmbol crosstalk minimi-
zation. A complete model for a digital telecommunication systems. MODEMS digital implementa-
tion. Modern multiplexing techniques (multiple-access): FDMA, TDMA, CDMA etc. Synchronisation
and clock recovery techniques. Satellite communications and wireless communications systems (celluar sys-
tems, personal communication systems).
Local Course Code : (487)
Title : Advanced Topics on Computer Networks (elective course)
Lecturer : E. Varvarigos, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Optimal Routing, Quality of Service, Flow and Congestion control. Hybrid protocols, Leaky Bucket
Schemes, optical networks, optical switching, wavelength conversion, high-speed optical switches, in-
put/output queuing switches.
Local Course Code : (535)
Title : Applied Information Systems II (elective course)
Lecturer : G. Paulidis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Structured Analysis:Definitions, Characteristics, Methodology, User-Analyst relationship, Dataflow
diagrams, Data Dictionary, Task specification. Linear Programming.
Local Course Code : (547)
Title : Computational Finance (elective course)
Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
The main objective of the Computational Finance course is to provide students with theoretical un-
derstanding and the practical skills they need to formulate, implement and evaluate models used in
the financial sector and more particularly in the area of financial derivatives pricing. Emphasis will
be given on techniques in programming and numerical computing and especially on the mathemati-
cal formulation and solution of problems using Partial Differential Equations.
Local Course Code : (554)
Title : Simulation of Information Systems (elective course)
Lecturer : I. Garofalakis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction. Types of simulation. Components and organization of simulation models. Problem
formulation. Determining events and transitions. Implementation of a simulator. Selection of input
probability distributions. Random number generators. Generation of random variable instances.
Analysis of simulation results.
Local Course Code : (503)
Title : Semantics and Correctness of Programs (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Cosmadakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Proof systems for Propositional Logic and First-Order Logic. Systems based on tableaux and sys-
tems based on resolution. Gentzen Systems. Completeness and Compactness theorems. Hintikka
sets. Applications to the expressiveness of programs.
Local Course Code : (511)
Title : Distributed Systems II
Lecturer : P. Spirakis, Professor, I. Chatzigiannakis
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Routing in distributed systems, fault tolerance in distributed systems, security in distributed sys-
tems, distributed operating systems, mobile distributed computing.
Local Course Code : (516)
Title : High Speed Networks (elective course)
Lecturer : C.Bouras, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to Frame Relay, gigabit Ethernet, ATM. WDM. CDWM. DWDM. MPLS. Wireless
networks, broadband access technologies.
Local Course Code : (517)
Title : Telematics and New Services I (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Bouras, Associate Professor, P. Spirakis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Public networks: Public Switching Telephone Network, HELLASPACK I & II, HELLASCOM. Eu-
Local Course Code : (521)
Title : Computational Intelligence II (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Likothanassis, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms, Evolutionary Programming and Evolutionary Strategies.
Genetic Algorithms: Biological Background, Genetic Algorithm Design, Chromosome Representa-
tion, Selection Operator, Crossover Operator, Mutation Operator and Parameters of a Genetic Algo-
rithm. Theoretic Foundation of Genetic Algorithms. Parallel Applications of Genetic Algorithms,
Parallel Genetic Algorithms. Description of the Operation of a Simple Genetic Algorithm: Applica-
tion to an Optimization Problem. Applications of Genetic Algorithms. Application of Genetic Algo-
rithms to Real World Problems. Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Knapsack Problem.
Local Course Code : (590)
Title : Social and Legal Aspects of Technology (elective course)
Lecturer : G. Papakonstantinou
Type : lectures (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 2
Personal data protection, e-governance, IPR protection of software systems (databases and open
source), special issues of e-trade. Issues related to practical issues such as commercial contracts for
SW development and support. The relation of the above issues with respect the national and Euro-
pean regulatory framework.
Local Course Code : (556)
Title : Human-Computer Interaction (elective course)
Lecturer : S. Sirmakessis, G. Tzimas
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
In this course students learn the fundamental concepts of human-computer interaction and user-
centered design, through lectures, readings, and discussions. They learn to evaluate and design us-
able and appropriate software based on psychological, social, and technical analysis. They become
familiar with the variety of design and evaluation methods used in interaction design, and get ex-
perience with these methods. Programming experience is a prerequisite for this course. Topics in-
clude usability fundamentals, usability evaluation, direct manipulation, design methods, user con-
ceptual models and interface metaphors, icon design, web design, design languages and genres, hu-
man cognitive models, physical ergonomics, information and interactivity structures, and design
tools and environments.
Local Course Code : (581)
Title : Computer Science and Engi-neering Education Ι (elective course)
Lecturer : M. Kordaki
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Integrating Information and Communication Technologies in Education. Computer Science curric-
ula in Primary and Secondary levels of Education. Traditional and modern social and constructivist
learning theories, and their impact on the entire learning context including; teachers, learners, learn-
ing media and learning activities. Critical thinking and Computer Science and Engineering Educa-
The diversity of methods used for instructional design in Computer Science and Engineering educa-
tion; design based learning, project-based learning, concept-mapping, role playing, collaborative
learning, media-based learning, web-based learning. Effective communication and management in
the classroom and in the laboratory. Design implementation and evaluation of a lesson. Ethical is-
Local Course Code : (507)
Title : Algorithm Engineering (elective course)
Lecturer : C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
It aims at introducing the students to: (i) the efficient implementation and experimental evaluation
of both fundamental and advanced algorithms & data structures; (ii) construction of software reposi-
tories and platforms that facilitate the implementation and experimental testing of algorithms; (iii)
methodological issues involved in the empirical research on algorithms & data structures, as well as
on the process of converting user requirements into efficient algorithmic solutions and implementa-
Local Course Code : (558)
Title : Problem Solving Environments
Lecturer : S. Gallopoulos, Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Technologies and Applications in meta-calculations. Problem solving environments (PSE) for cer-
tain applications. PSE Architectures, Technologies (methodologies, infrastructure software, user
communication environments), Bases of knowledge, Calculations systems with agents of software,
Tools for the growth and use pf PSE systems. PSE examples: for scientific calculations, for simula-
tion of money-markets, for e-trading companies planning, for energy networks management, for cri-
sis management, for distant learning and for political systems simulation
Local Course Code : (584)
Title : E-business (elective course)
Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor, S. Sirmakessis, M. Rigou
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to e-Business and e-Commerce (background to the field, classification of e-business
applications, advantages and limitations), Functional Requirements and Design Guidelines (in terms
of the user interface, order submission, payment, distribution and after-sales support, security re-
quirements, and legal issues), Personalization Technology (personalization functions, data collec-
tion and preprocessing, pattern discovery from web usage data, knowledge post-processing, user
profiling), e-Commerce Assessment Metrics (customer life cycle, best customer metrics, marketing
metrics, sales cycle pipeline, customer behavior metrics), and Implementation Options (technolo-
gies, languages, tools, platforms).
Local Course Code : (552)
Title : Intelligent Programming (elective course)
Lecturer : I. Hatzilygeroudis, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), laboratories (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
Introduction to Functional Programming, LISP Language (Symbolic Expressions, Basic Predicates,
Defining a Function, Assignment-Let, Flow Contrlo-if, cond, dolist, do, dotimes, Recursion, Struc-
tures, Input-Output. AI application in LISP. Rule-Based Programming, Rule-Based Systems, Devel-
opment of Intelligent Systems-Methodologies, Tools. CLIPS Tool: Structure, Facts and Rules,
Templates, Functions, Conflict Resolution Strategies. JESS Tool. Applications in CLIPS and JESS.
Local Course Code : (588)
Title : Embedded computer systems (elective course)
Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
This course addresses the hardware/software co-design and ubiquitous computing. It focuses on sys-
tems-on-chip and internet enabled controllers. The topics are: Architecture of modern microcontrol-
lers, systems-on-chip, sensors, sense & control, mechatronics, control networks, low power systems.
It also deals with the software peculiarities for embedded systems, how instructions dissipate power,
description of control in software, real time systems, real time operating systems and finally ex-
plains a novel idea developed at Univ. of Patras named software peripherals.
Local Course Code : (574)
Title : Optical Communication Net-works
Lecturer : K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor
Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), lab (2/w)
Period : spring semester
ECTS credits : 3
High speed Network Architectures and Technologies, Switch Architectures, Optical WDM net-
works, Broadband packet switching, Routing and Signalling protocols, Optical Component, Optical
Burst switching, Photonic Technology, Opto-electronics Systems.

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  • 1. 1 UNIVERSITY OF PATRAS ECTS DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING & INFORMATICS Institutional co-ordinator: D. Dougenis, Acting Secretary General Departmental co-ordinator: K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics University of Patras, Patras GR26500, Greece Telephone: +30-2610-996990 Fax: +30-2610-969007
  • 2. 2 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS GENERAL INFORMATION AND STRUCTURE OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. The Department The Department was founded in 1980, and was the first in an engineering (polytechnic) school in Greece to offer a 5 year engineering Diploma curriculum in the exciting and dynamic field of Com- puter Engineering & Informatics. Since then, it has become one of the leading university departments in Greece, attracting some of the highest ranking students in the country. The Department has the larg- est alumni population, in Computer Engineering, leading successful industrial and academic careers in Greece and abroad. An active Alumni Association helps connect the Department’s graduates. Cur- rently, the Department has a faculty of 26 and a current enrolment of over 1380 undergraduate students and about 350 postgraduate students. There are also several visiting faculty with term-time appoint- ments. The Department consists of three major Divisions, namely “Hardware and Architecture”, “Software” and “Foundations and Applications”. The Department’s members actively participate in teaching and research in most areas of Computer Engineering and Computer Science. The quality of the research activities is borne out by the number of publications in prestigious international confer- ences and journals, citations, frequent awards for best paper, participation in and frequent coordination of international and national research and development projects. For more information one can visit the Department’s site on the Internet at the address The 5 year undergraduate curriculum consists of core and a large number of elective courses spread over 10 semesters of full-time study. The courses that are offered and the way the curriculum is struc- tured allow students to obtain a well rounded education in Computer Engineering and Computer Sci- ence, while exposing them also to in-depth knowledge of selected state-of-the-art topics. Due to the length of the study program, many elective courses are at a level corresponding to M.Sc. level. An im- portant component of the curriculum that is essential requirement for the successful completion of the Diploma degree is the writing and public presentation of a thesis. This activity is under the supervision of a faculty member and takes place in the last semester of study. The postgraduate curriculum consists of two cycles, one leading to a Postgraduate Diploma and the other to a Ph.D. degree, and requires the successful completion of more advanced courses and the preparation of original research. Postgraduate students can enroll in one of several programmes leading to the above degrees, namely: i) “Computer Science and Engineering”, ii) “Integrated Hardware and Software Systems”, and iii) “Signal and Image Processing Systems: Theory, Implementations and Applications”, iv) “Mathematics of Computers and Decision Making”, v) “Logic, Algorithms and Computation”. The last three programmes are interde- partmental and run in collaboration with other departments in Patras (Physics and Mathematics), the University of Athens, and the National Technical University of Athens. The Department follows the academic calendar of the University of Patras, with “odd” semesters last- ing from the end of September until the middle of February and “even” semesters lasting from the end of February until the end of June. Research and teaching activities are aided by extensive and modern computing facilities that are being continuously updated. Each Division hosts a number of research and teaching laboratories. The Department’s Computer Centre is staffed with 2 specialized technicians and several students working as systems programmers and computer operators. The Computer Center is open to the students for the whole academic year.
  • 3. 3 Degrees offered  Undergraduate : Diploma (five-year degree)  Postgraduate: Postgraduate Specialization Diploma and Doctor of Philosophy Diploma - Ph.D. Chairperson Professor Theodore Papatheodorou Telephone: +30 2610 996900 Fax: +30 2610 997706 E-mail: 2. The ECTS Departmental Coordinator: Assistant Professor, Kyriakos Vlachos. University of Patras, Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, 265 00 Patras, Greece. tel. +30-2610-996990, fax: +30-2610-969007 3. STRUCTURE OF THE DEPARTMENT 3.1 Divisions The Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics (CEID) consists of three major Divisions:  Division of Applications and Foundations of Computer Science  Division of Computer Software  Division of Hardware and Computer Architecture All faculty staff and courses of the Department belong to one of these divisions. 3.2 Laboratories In the Department several organised infrastructure divisions exist, which support the laboratories and the research activities of the Department. 1. Laboratory for Combinatorial Algorithms - Director: L.Kirousis 2. Laboratory for Communication Networks - Director: E.Varvarigos 3. Laboratory for Computing (Computer Center) - Director: C.Zaroliagis 4. Laboratory for Databases - Director: D.Christodoulakis 5. Laboratory for Distributed Systems & Telematics - Director: P.Spirakis 6. Laboratory for Graphics, Multimedia & GIS - Director: A.Tsakalidis 7. Laboratory for Hardware & Computer Architecture - Director: E. Varvarigos 8. Laboratory for High Performance Information Systems - Director: T.Papatheodorou 9. Laboratory for Information Systems & Artificial Intelligence - Director: P. Triantafillou 10. Laboratory for Microelectronics - Director: G. Alexiou 11. Laboratory for Pattern Recognition - Director: S.Likothanassis 12. Laboratory for Signal Processing and Communications - Director: K.Berberides
  • 4. 4 3.3 List of Faculty members of the department In the Department there are 27 faculty members: 13 professors, 5 associate professors, 6 assistant pro- fessors and 3 lecturers. A detailed list of the faculty members is provided below (in parenthesis, the University from which they obtained their Ph.D degree). In addition, there are 100 graduate students working their Ph.D degree and 5 technicians assigned in the three divisions of the Department. List of faculty members of the Department Professors G. Alexiou (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) D. Christodoulakis (Ph.D., University of Bonn, Germany) S. Cosmadakis (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) E. Gallopoulos (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) C. Kaklamanis (Ph.D., Harvard University, USA) L. Kirousis (Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, USA) S. Likothanassis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) D. Nikolos (Ph.D., University of Athens, Greece) T. Papatheodorou (Ph.D., Purdue University, USA) P. Spirakis (Ph.D., Harvard University, USA) P. Triantafillou (Ph.D., University of Waterloo, Canada) A. Tsakalidis (Ph.D., University of Saarland, Germany) E. Varvarigos (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Associate Professors K. Berberides (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) C. Bouras (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) I. Garofalakis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) C. Zaroliagis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) D. Lioupis (Ph.D., Imperial College of Science & Technology, England) Assistant Professors H. Vergos (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) I. Hatzilygeroudis (Ph.D., University of Nottingham, UK) C. Makris, (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) E. Psarakis, (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) K. Vlachos (Ph.D., National Technical University of Athens, Greece) S. Nikoletseas (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) Lecturers C. Alexopoulos (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) E. Polychronopoulos (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece) I. Karagiannis (Ph.D., University of Patras, Greece)
  • 5. 5 3.4 Research Activities of the Department 3.5 Instrumental facilities of the Department The Department in co-ordination with the Research Academic Institute of Computer Technology owns a large number of state-of the-art computer systems and other equipment of the more recent technol- ogy. Most of them are organised into a multi protocol computer network (see the image below).
  • 6. 6 4. PROGRAMME OF STUDY 4.1 PROGRAMME OF UNDER-GRADUATE STUDY The Greek educational system is based on semesters. There are two semesters per academic year. The first (winter) semester begins in October 1st and ends in January 31st. Classes for the second (spring) semester, resume the 16th of February and last until the 10th of June ( the above dates are not exact but indicative). For the departments of Engineering (as is the Computer Engineering & Informatics De- partment), a student formally needs 10 semesters (5 academic years) of study in order to graduate, that is to obtain the Diploma in Computer Engineering & Informatics (Computer Science). During the 9 first semesters the student has to follow 6-8 courses with a total of around 24-32 hrs attendance per week. During the 10th semester each student must develop a certain subject under the supervision of a faculty member (Diploma Thesis). It is also required that the student defends his/her work publicly. Each course typically lasts one semester and a course can consists solely of lectures or lectures and seminars or lectures, seminars and practical work (laboratory). The way courses appear in the Course Summary Table indicate the typical sequence of courses that students namely follow in order to avoid choosing courses whose background material has not been studied before. That way, knowledge is built up in logical succession and failures in the related exams can be minimised. Our curriculum consists of core courses (compulsory courses) that every student must take and elective courses (optional courses) that can be chosen by the students according to their special interests. These latter courses are designated in the Course Summary Table as Options and the minimum number of courses each student should opt for is also indicated therein. Election courses are treated just as the compulsory ones in relation to attendance and exams matters. There is no quota of students for the optional courses, although in some cases where fewer than three students opt for a particular course this course for the particular semester might be cancelled and stu- dents advised to opt for a different course. The number of students usually participating in optional courses is in the order of 20-50 students. Attendance of lectures and seminars is not compliancy whereas attendance of laboratories is manda- tory. In most taught courses there is not any formal assessment throughout the semester. In rare cases, lectures offer partial exams within the semester and the grades obtained at these exams are taken into account in the final mark. However in the labs, the students are constantly examined, usually orally, on the theory and practice behind each experiment they are to perform, before or during their lab work, and finally have to present written account of their results after the end of each exercise. All these are taken into account in the final mark together with the results of the final written examination which is associated with each particular lab. Courses are only offered in the Greek language and lecturers teach the related material based on Greek textbooks which are often written by them. Therefore, Greek students study from these textbooks which are offered free by the Greek State. These textbooks are usually based on the corresponding most heavily, internationally, used English books. Thus the content and the level of these Greek text- books are similar to the corresponding English ones. For an ECTS student whose native language is not Greek and his/her Greek is not good enough to be able to study from a Greek textbook, there can always be easily found an English textbook with similar content to that his/her fellow Greek students use. These textbooks are offered on loan by our departmental or institutional (central) library.
  • 7. 7 During their final year, in addition to the courses they follow, the students have to carry out a short re- search project, called Diploma thesis under the supervision of a member of the academic staff. At the end of this work students have to provide a written account of their results and often to present them orally. A grade is then assigned to the student by the supervisor involved reflecting the overall per- formance of the student. This grade should be at least 5 for a successfully completed Diploma Work. A course is considered as being successfully passed only when the student has acquired at least the grade 5 out of 10 in the associated exams. However, a course associated with lab work requires in ad- dition also successful completion of the labwork and for the final mark both the grade in the exam and the lab performance are considered with factors which vary from lab to lab. Exams are offered to the students after the end of each semester and repeat exams in September. However students who have failed in these exams, or not participated at all, can sit for these exams as many times as they wish in the following exams periods. A student is considered as having completed his/her studies in our De- partment only when he/she has passed all the exams associated with all courses consisting our curricu- lum. The number of Greek credits we assign to each course is dictated by a regulation of Greek Law for Higher Education (1268/82) which states that 1 Greek credit corresponds to 1 hr lecture per week per semester whereas to the rest of educational work (e.g. seminars and labs) 1 credit corresponds to 1-3 hr per week per semester. Then each Department through its General Assembly defines the number of credits assigned to this other educational work. Thus in Patras, 1 credit corresponds to 1 hr per seminar per week per semester and 2 hrs lab work per week per semester. The credits the students collect dur- ing their study period in the Greek Universities, and the associated grades, are taken into account for the calculation of their final mark. For this calculation another factor has been introduced by Law, which is called «weighing» factor. According to this factor, courses associated with 1-2 Greek credits have a factor of 1.0, courses associated with 3-4 credits have the factor 1.5 and courses with more than 4 credits take the highest facror 2.0. Thus, the final grade with which a student is graduated is the mean value of grades obtained for each course multiplied by the associated weighing factor. Thus, taking into account our higher education system as it was briefly described above, the basic re- quirement of the ECTS system for 3.0 credits for each semester was met in our Department by initially assigning for each 1 hr per week per semester of lecture, seminar and lab work 1 ECTS credit. Addi- tional ECTS credits were then added to those of the courses which are considered as the most hard for the students to be passed, that is those requiring higher student work load. A ECTS student who have studied for at least a year in our institution can be considered as candidate to obtain the Diploma in Computer Engineering & Informatics offered by our Department for under- graduate studies. The ECTS Committee of our Department dealing with the recognition of studies car- ried out abroad will consider the student’s transcript of records and his performance at our Department. Courses successfully completed abroad will then be correlated to those in Patras. If there is no need for additional courses to be taken by the student in Patras in order to fulfil the requirements imposed by our curriculum, this committee will propose the General Assembly of the Department to offer our Di- ploma to that particular student. Otherwise, the student will have to attend and successfully pass all those courses which are needed to complete our curriculum. Following graduation, it is possible for a student to follow graduate studies leading to the doctorate de- gree. A supervisory three-member committee is assigned upon the approval of the Department and the graduate student conducts research under the direction of the chairman of the supervisory committee and attends seminars. The average time required for the doctorate degree is four years. No specific re-
  • 8. 8 quirements for admission and registration apply to ECTS students, other than those described in sec- tion 4.4. (Part A). 4.2 PROGRAMME OF POST-GRADUATE STUDY The department of Computers Engineering and Informatics has thoroughly re-organised its post gradu- ate course programme and designed a new course according to the modern requirements of cutting edge technology. For the design of the program, and in particular for its basic structure and content, the experience of all the faculty members was used. The prime target was the organization and operation of a reputable postgraduate course programme in Computer Science and Technology, that in a short-medium time will evolve in a attractive course within the very competitive are of postgraduate studies. The operation of the program started during the academic year 1998-1999 and was supported by the operational programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training. The post-graduate program offers the following scientific objectives: 1) Software Engineering 2) Hardware and Computer Architecture 3) Foundations of Computing 4) Application of Computer Science to other fields. The post-graduate course programme, can lead to either a MSc (Master of Science) or a PhD degree. The course duration is 1-3 years for obtaining a MSc degree and 3-6 year (including the minimum 3 years for obtaining the MSc degree) for obtaining a PhD degree. Furthermore, the department of Computers Engineering and Informatics participates in 5 interdepart- mental post-graduated courses, in collaboration with other departments in Patras (Physics and Mathe- matics), the University of Athens, and the National Technical University of Athens. Director of Post-Graduate studies Professor Pavlos Spirakis Telephone: +30 2610 997 703 E-mail: 4.3 PROGRAMME PLAN 4.3.1 Under-Graduate Studies The fourth numerals following each course code number indicate lecture hours, seminar hours, labora- tory hours and number of ECTS credits respectively. Before graduation and not earlier than VIII se- mester, the students should carry out and finally submit a Diploma Thesis, which is done under the su- pervision of a faculty member.
  • 9. 9 COURSE SUMMARY TABLE FIRST YEAR - SEMESTER I Code Core S T L U Division 101 Mathematics I 3 2 5 GE 103 Physics I 3 1 5 GE 131 Introduction to Procedural Pro- gramming 2 2 2 5 SW 161 Introduction to the Science of Computers and Communications 3 2 5 SW/AF/ HW 163 Logic Design I 2 3 5 HA 181 Introduction to Circuits 2 3 5 HA Total 30 FIRST YEAR - SEMESTER II Code Core S T L U Division 102 Mathematics II 3 2 5 GE 104 Physics II 3 2 5 GE 110 Linear Algebra 2 2 3 AF 134 Object Oriented Programming Ι 2 2 2 4 SW 165 Basic Electronics 2 2 4 HA 163Ε Logic Design Laboratory 2 2 HA 161E Assembly Language Programming 2 2 HA 164 Logic Design II 2 1 5 HA Total 30 SECOND YEAR - SEMESTER III Code Core S T L U Division 201 Discrete Mathematics I 2 2 5 AF
  • 10. 10 205 Introduction to Algorithms 2 2 5 AF 231 Object Oriented Programming II 1 3 3 SW 204 Probability 2 2 4 AF 261 Computer Architecture I 2 2 5 HA 166 Digital Electronics 2 2 5 HA 165E Electronics Laboratory I 3 3 HA Total 30 SECOND YEAR - SEMESTER IV Code Core S T L U Division 202 Discrete Mathematics II 2 2 4 AF 132 Principles of Programming Lang. & Compilers 3 1 2 5 SW 233 Data Structures 3 1 2 5 SW 240 Numerical Analysis & Environ- ments 3 1 2 5 SW 282 Introduction to the Theory of Sig- nals and Systems 3 1 4 HA 262 Computer Architecture II 2 1 3 HA 262E Computer Architecture Laboratory 0 0 2 2 HA 166E Electronics Laboratory ΙΙ 2 2 HA Total 30 THIRD YEAR - SEMESTER V Code Core S T L U Division 330 Operating Systems I 3 2 6 SW 334 Databases 2 2 4 SW 334Ε Databases Laboratory 2 2 SW 343 Scientific Computing I 3 1 2 6 SW 361 Microcomputers 2 2 5 HA
  • 11. 11 361Ε Microcomputer Laboratory 3 3 HA 301 Theory of Computation 2 2 4 AF Total 30 THIRD YEAR - SEMESTER VI Code Core S T L U Division 302 Computational Complexity 2 2 5 AF 330Ε Operating Systems Laboratory 3 5 SW 550 Parallel Processing 2 1 3 5 381 Digital Signal Processing 3 1 2 5 HA NEW Introduction to Heuristics 3 2 1 5 AF NEW Transmission Communication Systems 3 2 1 5 HW Total 30 FOURTH YEAR - SEMESTERS VII Code Core S T L U Division 387 Computer Networks 3 1 5 HA 387E Computer Networks Laboratory 2 3 HA 384 Digital Communications 3 1 2 6 HA TWO SELECTIONS FROM WINTER ELECTIVE COURSES Total 30 FOURTH YEAR - SEMESTERS VIII Code Core S T L U Division NEW Netcentric Programming and Web Engineering 3 1 3 7 AF 232 Software Engineering 2 1 2 6 AF FOUR SELECTIONS FROM SPRING ELECTIVE COURSES
  • 12. 12 FIFTH YEAR - SEMESTERS IX Code Core S T L U Division SIX SELECTIONS FROM WINTER ELECTIVE COURSES Total 30 FIFTH YEAR - SEMESTERS X Code Core S T L U Division DIPLOMA THESIS TWO SELECTIONS FROM SPRING ELECTIVE COURSES Total 30 SPRING ELECTIVE COURSES Code Core Electives S T L U Division 435 Applied Information Systems I 2 2 2 5 SW 451 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2 1 2 5 SW 454 Computer Systems Evaluation Techniques 2 2 5 SW 432 Compilers 2 1 2 5 HA 401 Mathematical Logic and its Appli- cations 2 2 5 AF 411 Distributed Systems I 2 2 2 5 AF 415 Public Networks and Interconnec- tion Networks 2 2 5 AF 421 Computational Intelligence I 2 1 3 5 AF 461 Advanced Themes on Computer Architecture 2 1 5 HA 481 Stochastic Signals and Applica- tions 2 1 2 5 HA 489 Mobile Communication Networks 2 1 2 5 HA 463 Interconnection of Microcomputer Systems 2 1 3 5 HA
  • 13. 13 Code Electives S T L U Division 536 Advanced Information Systems 2 1 2 5 SW 538 Internet Technologies 2 2 5 SW 540 Softw. & Progr. of High Perform- ance Systems 2 1 3 5 SW 545 Calculating Methods for Differen- tial Equations 2 1 3 5 SW 557 Quality Assurance and Standards 2 1 2 5 SW 559 Information Retrieval 2 1 2 5 SW 593 Business Administration 2 1 5 501 Probabilistic Techniques 2 2 5 AF 505 Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization 2 2 5 AF 512 Communication Algorithms 2 2 2 5 AF 509 Economic Theory and Algorithms 2 2 0 5 AF 523 Decision Theory 2 1 2 5 591 Production Design Methods 2 1 5 AF 564 Design of VLSI Systems 2 1 3 5 SW 525 Algorithmic Topics on Images 2 1 2 5 AF 582 Computer Science and Engineer- ing Education II 2 1 5 SW 567 Design of Special Purpose Sys- tems 2 1 2 5 HA 579 Real time digital signal processing 2 2 5 HA AUTΟMN ELECTIVE COURSES Code Core Electives S T L U Division 434 Databases II 2 1 3 5 SW 433 Advance Data structure and Graphics 2 1 3 5 SW 443 Scientific Computing II 2 1 2 5 SW
  • 14. 14 430 Operating Systems II 2 1 2 5 SW 402 Special Topics on Theory of Computation and Complexity 2 2 5 AF 412 Parallel Algorithms 2 2 2 5 AF 416 Cryptography 2 2 5 AF 462 Microcomputers 2 2 3 5 HA 464 Introduction to VLSI 2 1 3 5 HA 465 E-CAD 2 1 3 5 HA 482 Digital Image Processing and Analysis 2 1 2 5 HA 484 Advanced Topics on Telecommu- nications 2 1 2 5 HA 487 Advanced Topics on Computer Networks 2 1 5 HA Code Electives S T L U Division 535 Applied Information Systems II 2 1 2 5 SW 547 Computational Finance 2 1 3 5 SW 554 Simulation of Information Systems 2 2 5 SW 503 Semantics and Correctness of Pro- grams 2 2 5 AF 511 Distributed Systems II 2 2 2 5 AF 516 High Speed Networks 2 2 5 AF 517 Telematics and New Services I 2 2 2 5 AF 521 Computational Intelligence II 2 1 3 5 AF 528 Special Themes of Computational Logic 2 2 5 AF 590 Social and Legal Aspects of Tech- nology 2 5 SW 556 Human-Computer Interaction 2 1 2 5 SW 581 Computer Science and Engineer- ing Education Ι 2 1 5 SW 566 Digital Systems Testing 2 1 2 5 HA 507 Algorithm Engineering 2 2 2 5 AF
  • 15. 15 558 Problem Solving Environments 2 1 3 5 SW 584 E-business 2 1 5 SW 552 Intelligent Programming 2 2 5 SW 588 Embedded computer systems 2 2 5 HA 574 Optical Communication Networks 2 1 2 5 HA 548 Bioinformatics 2 2 2 5 SW 568 Language Technology 2 1 0 5 SW 562 Data Mining and Machine Learn- ing Algorithms 2 2 0 5 SW 4.4 TEXTBOOKS & BASIC BOOK REFERENCE Author(s)-Course(s) Κounias, Moisiadis: "Probability Theory I", 1995. S. Nikoletseas and P. Spirakis, "Elements of the Probabilistic Method (Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science)", Gutenberg Editions, 1997. N. Alon and J. Spencer, "The Probabilistic Method", John Wiley and Sons, 1992. B. Bollobas, "Random Graphs", Academic Press, 1985. R. Motwani and P. Raghavan, "Randomized Algorithms", Cambridge University Press, 1995. Algorithms. Introductory subjects and examples, T. S. Papatheodorou Computational methods for Differential Equations, T. S. Papatheodorou Numerical methods, T. S. Papatheodorou Advanced Calculus, Luis Brand Mathematics for Engineers VOL I, V. V. Markellos, I. A. Koutrouvelis Mathematics for Engineers VOL II, V. V. Markellos Mathematics for Engineers VOL III, V. V. Markellos, P. Hatzikonstantinou Principles of Mathematical Analysis, J. Rudin Oh! Pascal, D. Cooper, M. Clancy Basic Circuit Theory, C. A. Desoer, E. S. Kuh Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano Physics Vol I & II, Haliday, Resnick Berkeley Physics Course Vol I & II 6502 Assembly Language Programming, Leventhal Digital Integrated Electronics, J. Millman, C. Halkias
  • 16. 16 Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, D. A. Hodges,H. G. Jackson Designing with TTL Integrated Circuits, Texas InstrumentsIncorporated Probabilities, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, A. Papoulis An Introduction to Probability Theory Vol. I, Feller Data Structures Using Pascal, A. M. Tanenbaum, M. J. Augenstein Fundamentals of Data Structures, E. Horowitz, S. Sahni Fundamentals of Programming Languages, E. Horowitz Structured Computer Organization, A. Tanenbaum Computer Architecture and Organization, J. P. Hayes The C Programming Language, B. W. Kernighan, D. M. Ritchie Programming in C++, S. C. Dewhurst & K. T. Stark LISP, P. H. Winston, B. K. P. Horn Introduction to Combinatorial Mathematics, C. L. Liu Elements of Discrete Mathematics, C. L. Liu Graph Theory , F. Harary Introduction to Graph Theory, Andrastou. An Introduction to Linear Algebra, G. Strang Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Chapter 6:Data Structures'', K.Mehlhorn,A.K.Tsakalidis Data Structures and Algorithms 1:Sorting and Searching,K. Mehlhorn Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multidimensional Searching and Computational Geometry,K. Mehlhorn Microprocessors, N. Alexandridis Operating System Concepts, J. Peterson An Introduction to Operating Systems, H. M. Deitel Principles of Compiler Design, A. V. Aho,R.Sethi, J. D. Ullman Elements of the Theory of Computation, H. Lewis, C. Papadimitriou Signals and Systems, A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, I. T. Young Signals And Systems : Continuous and Discrete, R. E. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter, D.R. Fannin Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, J. G. Proakis, D. G.Manolakis The Unix Programming Environment, B. W. Kerninghan, R. Pike 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System, S.J. Leffler, M. K. McKusick,M. J. Karels, J. S. Quarterman Principles of Communication Systems, H. Taub, D. L. Schilling Digital and Analog Communication Systems, K. S. Shanmugam 16 bit Microprocessors, Ian R. Whitworth Microprocessor Interfacing Techniques, R. Zaks, A. Lesea Database System Concepts, H. Korth, A. Silberschatz Principles of Database Design, C. J. Date
  • 17. 17 Data Models, Database Languages and Database Management Systems, G. Vossen, Database and Knowledge--base Systems, J. Ullmann Expert Database Systems:A Gentle Introduction,P.Beynon-Davies Computer Algorithms, Sara Baase Computer Networks, A. Tanenbaum Telecommunication Networks: Protocols, Modeling and Analysis,M. Schwartz Data Networks, D. Bertsekas & R. Gallager Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing, K. Hwang, F. A.Briggs Adaptive Filter Theory,S.Haykin, Optimum Signal Processing, S.Orphanides Feedback Control Systems,C.L.Philips Modern Control Systems,R.C.Dorf Digital Image Processing,R.Gonzalez,P.Wintz Two Dimensional Signal and Image Processing,J.Lim Introduction to VLSI design A systems perspective, N. Weste,K. Eshraghian Software Engineering, I. Sommerville Software Engineering:A Practitioner's Approach,R.Pressman Queuing Theory Vol. I, A. Kleinrock Combinatorial Optinization, C. Papadimitriou, Steiglitz The Design and Analysis of Algorithms, D. C. Kozen Data Structures & Network Algorithms, R. E. Tarjan Computers & Intractability.A guide to the Theory of NP--Completeness,Garey-Johnson Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, S. Haykin Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis, Duda & Hart
  • 18. 18 C. DESCRIPTION OF COURSE UNITS The following courses are offered by the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics arranged as appear in the programme plan. Local Course Code : (101) Title : Mathematics I Lecturer : C. Douskos Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Elements of Topology. Continuity. Differential and Integral Calculus. Introduction to Differential Equations. Sequences and Series of Functions. Local Course Code : (103) Title : Physics I Lecturer : Velgakis and K. Sfetsos, Type : lectures (3/w), seminars(1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Motion in one and two Dimension(s), Dynamics of particles, Impacts, Oscillations, Heat, Thermo- dynamics. Local Course Code : (131) Title : Introduction to Procedural Programming (C) Lecturer : E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer, C. Makris, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Fundamental concepts in programming (problem, algorithm, program). Editing, compiling and executing a program. What is a programming language, the C language. The structure of a program, alphabet, instructions, constants, variables, expressions. Basic data types, basic input-output instruc- tions, operators and types of expressions. Flow control instructions, repetition instructions, program blocks, functions, and variable scope. Advanced material in functions. Arrays, structs, pointers and file handling in C. Elementary data structures (stacks, queues, lists) in C. The course also contains a series of laboratory exercises in order to help the student understand in detail the various program- ming notions introduced in the context of the theory.
  • 19. 19 . Local Course Code : (161) Title : Introduction to the Science of Computers and Communications Lecturer : H. Vergos, Assistant Professor. Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Processes and Systems. Serial and Parallel Systems. Procedures and Data Flow. Process Systems and Control of their Function (synchronous and asynchronous control). Procedure Logic and Pro- grams. Internal and External representation of Information in Computer Systems. The Computer as a System of various Cooperative Procedures (memory, CPU, I/O procedures). Memory and Periph- eral Devices. Basic Digital Processes. General issues of Computer Organization and Architecture Local Course Code : (163) Title : Logic Design I Lecturer : G. Alexiou, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction: Binary Logic, Binary Operations, BCD, XS3 codes, Integrated Circuits Logic Fami- lies. Boolean Algebra: Definitions, Postulates, Theorems, Properties, Simplication of Boolean Functions. Karnaugh maps, Implementation with NAND and NOR gates, Implementation with various gates. Quine and Mc Cluskey table methods, Combinational Logic, Analysis, Design, Ad- ders, Subtractors, Code Conversions, Multi-level Implementations. MSI and LSI Combinational Circuits: Adders, Comparators, Decoders, Multiplexers, ROMs and PLAs. Local Course Code : (103) Title : Introduction to Circuits Lecturer : K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: Basic electro-magnetic parameters, Basic equations for resistors, capacitors and inductors, basic theorems of electrical circuits (Thevenin-Nortor transformations), circuit analysis using complex numbers and phasors, Laplace transformations, Dirac and Step functions.
  • 20. 20 Local Course Code : (102) Title : Mathematics II Lecturer : C. Douskos Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Theorems of Differential Calculus applications, Sequences, Infinite Series, Improper Integrals, Mul- tiple Integrals. Vector Algebra with Applications to Analytic Geometry. Local Course Code : (104) Title : Physics II Lecturer : Velgakis and K. Kouzoudis Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Electromagnetic Fields: Electric charge, law Coulomb, electric field, law Gauss, specific and con- tinuous distributions of Electric charge. Dielectric materials and capacitors. Electric conductance. Current, resistance, law Ohm, circuits. Magnetic field, magnetic flow, Ampere Law, Law of Biot- Savart. Induction, Law Faraday. RL-circuit, Electromagnetic oscillations, LC-oscillator, RLC- circuit. Equations Maxwell. Magnetic attributes of matter. Optics: Light, nature of light, reflection, diffraction, lenses, faults of lenses. Local Course Code : (110) Title : Linear Algebra Lecturer : C. Alexopoulos, Lecturer, E. Gallopoulos, Professor, T. Papatheodorou, Professor. Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: Linear Spaces, Inner Product, Vector Spaces, Matrix Algebra, Determinants, Linear Systems, Linear Transformations, Eigenvalue problems.
  • 21. 21 Local Course Code : (134) Title : Object Oriented Programming Ι Lecturer : I. Hatzilygeroudis, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Object, Attributes, Class, Instance, Class Hierarchy, Generalization, Specialization, Inheritance. Benefits of Object-Oriented Programming. Introduction to Java, General aspects, Types of applications. Class and Instance Definition, Methods and Vari- ables, Java and C, Basic java Library, Inheritance in Java, Types of classes, Interfaces, Exceptions handling, Input-Output, Handling Files, Threads-Concurrent Programming. Working with Swing- Graphical interfaces. Handling Events. Applets. Local Course Code : (165) Title : Basic Electronics Lecturer : Konofaos Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Basic semiconductor physics. Electronic diodes. Diode operation. Operation of the p-n junction, Zener diodes. Diode applications: Rectifier circuits, limiters. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). Structure and basic operating principles. Low signal analysis of BJT circuits. Amplifier circuits us- ing BJTs (voltage and current amplification, two-stge amplification: Differential amplifiers, Dar- lington pairs, etc). Field effect transistors: Structure and basic operating principles. JFETs and MOSFETs. Low signal analysis of basic MOSFET circuits. Amplifiers with FETs. Basic circuits. Digital circuits using BJTs. The BJT as a switch. Digital gates made up with BJTs. Local Course Code : (163E) Title : Logic Design Laboratory Lecturer : G. Alexiou, Professor Type : laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 1 Content: Laboratory exercises for the courses LOGIC DESIGN.
  • 22. 22 Local Course Code : (161E) Title : Assembly Language Programming Lecturer : G. Alexiou, Professor Type : laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 1 Content: Acquaintance with LAB196system and the commands of loading and storage. Familiarization with the commands of addition and abstraction, as well as with the reasonable action. Familiarization with the significances as the succession of program, the treatment and follow-up of programs, the contact with the operations (loop) and ramification (branch) as well as the learning of possibilities for interruption of program of user and localisation of programming errors. Local Course Code : (164) Title : Logic Design II Lecturer : H. Vergos, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: In Logic Design II, the intention is turned into sequential logic. HDLs are used as a description ve- hicle for the designs. Structural and behavioral descriptions are analyzed by examples of combina- tional logic. Latches and flip flops are then introduced and analyzed. The operation and design of synchronous sequential machines is then presented, followed by the structures of HDLs that support it. The course then discusses commonly used sequential designs ((shift) registers, counters, ...), memory construction by 2-D and 3-D designs. A brief look at programmable logic devices, field programmable gate arrays and asynchronous sequential circuits completes the course. Marking is based on either a written test or on three homeworks assigned to groups of two students. The written test focuses on the ability to build a FSM that implements some basic function, such as string rec- ognition or input counting and on comprehending the functionality of basic sequential elements. The homeworks are of substantial difficulty in order not to have a single obvious solution that en- ables our students to consider different state encodings, use of different FFs and coding styles. Local Course Code : (201) Title : Discrete Mathematics I Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Permutations and Combinations, Generating Functions, Recurrence Relations, the Principle of In- clusion and Exclusion, Polya's Theory of Counting.
  • 23. 23 Local Course Code : (205) Title : Introduction to Algorithms Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor. Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Basic concepts in algorithms and complexity, Graphs, Trees. Design and Analysis Methods of Algo- rithms: Balancing, Divide and Conquer, Greedy algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Graph Tra- versals. Graph Algorithms: Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim and Kruskal algorithms), Paths of Minimum Cost (Dijkstra, Warshall, Floyd Algorithms), Directed Acyclic Graphs, Topological Sort, Graph Connectivity, Cuts, Matching and Bipartite Graphs. Sorting Algorithms, Complexity Analy- sis of Sorting Algorithms using Trees. Computation of the value of a Polynomial, Vector and Ma- trix Multiplication, The Fast Fourier Algorithm, Convolution. Local Course Code : (231) Title : Object Oriented Programming II Lecturer : C. Makris, Assistant Professor, I. Hatzilygeroudis, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (1/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: C++ Structures, Classes and instructions, Class templates, Class derivation and inheritance, Object- Oriented programming, organizing code, programming styles, C++ library, implementing data struc- tures in C++. Designing object oriented/object centric programs. Designing classes/hierarchies, in- heritance. Derived classes, message passing, operator overload, polymorphism, prototypes, excep- tion handling, basic C++ libraries (input/output streams, class hierarchies, abstract data types, itera- tors), reusing code. Local Course Code : (204) Title : Probability Lecturer : S. Nikoletseas, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : automn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Random Experiments, Events, Axiomatic Definition of Probability, Finite Sample Spaces, Probabil- ity of Union of Events, Conditional Probability, Stochastic Independence, Random Variables (Dis- crete and Continuous), Functions of Random Variables, Probability Distribution Function and Prob- ability Density Function, Mean, Variance, Moments, Inequalities (Markov, Chebyshev, Jensen), Moment and Probability Generating Functions, Basic Probability Distributions (Binomial, Poisson, Hypergeometric, Geometric, Uniform, Normal, Exponential), The Central Limit Theorem, Introduc- tion to the Probabilistic Method.
  • 24. 24 Local Course Code : (261) Title : Computer Architecture I Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Introduction: Hardware, software, Computer architecture, Computer structure and organization, in- put and output units. Computer performance. Information representation: data (constant point arithmetic, floating point arithmetic, alphanumeric, image, sound), instructions (machine instruction types, addressing modes, operands size and type, machine instructions encoding, machine instruc- tions based computer classification). Central processing unit: data path and control unit (structure and implementation). Data path and control unit design for single cycle and multiple cycle ma- chines. Memory system: memory technology, semiconductor, magnetic and optical memories, memories hierarchy, main memory implementation. Interconnection and input-output system: bus (bus types, synchronous and asynchronous busses, bus arbitration), input-output process. Local Course Code : (166) Title : Digital Electronics Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor. Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Digital Intergrated Circuits:general characteristics. DCTL, RTL, DTL. TTL(LTTL, HTTL, STTL, ASTTL, LSTTL, ALSTTL, FASTTTL):in detail analysis. Schmitt trigger characteristics. ECL 10K, ECL 100K. CMOS Logic Families(4000, 4000B, 74C, 74HC, 74HCT, 74AC/ACT). Logic Families Interconnection. Clocking Circuits( Monostable, Astable CMOS Multivibrator,IC 555, Crystal- Controlled Oscillators). Noise(from internal & external sources). Semiconductor Memories, ROM, RAM. Local Course Code : (165E) Title : Electronics Laboratory I Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor Type : laboratory (3/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: Elementary measurements using an Oscilloscope. DC Current and Voltage measurements- resis- tance measurements. Basic circuit theory principles. Studying RC circuits both under pulse and sine form excitations. Frequency select circuits. p-n diodes. Bipolar Junction Transistors. FETs.
  • 25. 25 Local Course Code : (202) Title : Discrete Mathematics II Lecturer : S. Cosmadakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to main concepts and methods of graph theory. Sets and multi-sets. Binary relations, equivalence relations, partitions. Mathematical induction, structural induction and their use in ele- mentary proofs. Walks, trails, paths and cycles in graphs. Connected components. Articulations and bridges. Structural induction for graphs. Trees and forests. Spanning trees and fundamental cycles. Structural induction for trees. The Helly property, centroids of trees. Biconnectivity. Menger’s theo- rem. Biconnected components of a graph. Strong connectivity, strongly connected components of a directed graph. Local Course Code : (132) Title : Principles of Programming Lang. & Compilers Lecturer : I. Garofalakis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 5 Content: Introduction. Evolution of programming languages. Language design criteria. Variables, expres- sions, statements. Data types and type definition systems. Scope and binding time. Subprograms. Exception handling. Concurrency. Functional programming languages. Logic programming lan- guages. Object-oriented programming. Overview of compilers. Lexical analysis. Programming lan- guage syntax. Parsing. Symbol tables. Intermediate code generation. Local Course Code : (233) Title : Data Structures Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 5 Content: Introduction to Data Structures, Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Balanced Trees(AVL, RedBlack, BB, BB[a], Hybrid structures, TRIE, Interpolation Search Tree). Graphs. Sorting Algo- rithms(Bubblesort, Heapsort, Quicksort, External Sorting. Median Algorithms). Searching Algo- rithms, Binary, Interpolation, Binary-Interpolation. Union -- find. Hashing(chains, open addressing, extendible). Implementation of sorting and searching algorithms, 2-4 tree, BB-tree.
  • 26. 26 Local Course Code : (240) Title : Numerical Analysis & Environments Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, Ch. Alexopoulos, Lecturer, E. Gallopoulos, Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 5 Content: Numerical methods, Systems of Linear Equations, Nonlinear Equations, Approximation of Integrals and Derivatives, Numerical Solution of Simple Ordinary Differential Equations. Local Course Code : (282) Title : Introduction to the Theory of Signals and Systems Lecturer : E. Psarakis, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Introduction to signal and systems theory, Impulse Functions, Linear systems. Linear Time Invariant Systems, Convolution, Impulse and Frequency Responses. Fourier Transform and Fourier Series, Definition, Properties, Applications. Laplace Transform, Definition, Properties, BIBO Stability of Continuous Time Linear Systems. State Space, States, State Equations, Controllability, Observabil- ity, Exponential Stability, Stabilization of Unstable Systems, State Feedback. Z Transform, Defini- tion, Properties, BIBO Stability of Discrete Time Linear Systems. Local Course Code : (262) Title : Computer Architecture II Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Cache memory (fetch policies, organization, replacing policies and update policies), Virtual mem- ory (implementation), cache memory in the virtual and in the physical space. Pipeline (organization, performance, structural, data and procedural hazards), Pipeline data path design. Superscalar proc- essors and Very Long Instruction Word, VLIW, processors. Processor examples.
  • 27. 27 Local Course Code : (262E) Title : Computer Architecture Laboratory Lecturer : D. Nikolos, Professor Type : laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 1 Content: The laboratory exercises are based on the use of a microprogrammable computer designed and im- plemented in the Technology and Computer Architecture Laboratory of our Department and a simu- lator of the microprogrammable computer running on a Windows environment developed in our laboratory too. The students have the opportunity to design a machine language instruction set and then to write the necessary microprograms which implement the designed instruction set. After loading the microprograms into the control memory the students can write programs using the ma- chine language, which they have designed and implemented, and run them in the microprogramma- ble computer. Local Course Code : (166E) Title : Electronics Laboratory ΙΙ Lecturer : Konofaos Type : laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 1 Content: Operational Amplifiers. Digital gates. Flip-flops. Interfacing different circuits. Timing circuits. Schmitt trigger. Noise problems. Elementary circuit simulation using Spice. Local Course Code : (330) Title : Operating Systems I Lecturer : P. Spirakis, Professor, P. Triantafillou, Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Process Concepts, Process Synchronization and Mutual Exclusion (Semaphores, Monitors ), Stor- age Organization (Paging, Segmentation), Storage Management (Page Replacement Policies, Swap- ping).
  • 28. 28 Local Course Code : (334) Title : Databases Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Basic concepts, Data Models, Entity-Relationship Model, Relational Data Model, Logic, Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus, Relational Query Languages (ISBL, QUEL, SQL, QBE), Physical Data Organization, Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms for Relation Schemes. Database appli- cation project: Design and implementation of a large scale database on an existing DBMS(ORACLE, SQL) Local Course Code : (334E) Title : Databases Laboratory Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor Type : laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 1 Content: Exercises in using the ORACLE DBMS (SQL*Plus, PRO*C). Extensions to the physical level(BB-tree for data storage etc) of a mini DBMS or, alternatively, development of UNIX-like file system for a mini DBMS, designed and implemented by a 15-member group of students (Patras 1992), C language has been used under a UNIX environment. Local Course Code : (361) Title : Microcomputers Lecturer : Petrellis Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: 8 bit microprocessors I8080, I8085, MC6800: architecture and control signals, memory addressing, instruction set, addressing modes, timing and instruction execution, interrupt handling. Interfacing microprocessors, peripheral devices, memories, micromputer organisation. Bit-slice microproces- sors: architecture, assembly and usage. General Microprocessor's features: Interrupt Handling, Memory Mapped I/O, I/O Mapped Organisations, Pipelining. Application Project: Design and pro- gramming of a control circuit for a specified application using one of the above microprocessors or Z80 or R6502.
  • 29. 29 Local Course Code : (343) Title : Scientific Computing I Lecturer : S. Gallopoulos, Professor T. Papatheodorou, Professor. Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 5 Content: The purpose of Scientific Computing is the design, development and efficient use of computational tools that help in the fast and practical use of the underlying mathematical models. In "Scientific Computing I" we build the background for the design of efficient algorithms and accompanying software and their implementation for modern computing platforms for important problems that demand large scale computing resources; we provide the necessary modeling framework - empha- sizing the computational and arithmetic models as well as an introduction to the discrete model - and show their use in predicting performance and accuracy of computations. The emphasis of the course is on problems from computational linear algebra since these form the overwhelming majori- ty of computational kernels of today's scientific applications. The material covered in the course is in the spirit of books such as C. Ueberhuber's "Numerical Computation" (vol. 1, Springer, 1997), J. Demmel's "Applied Numerical Linear Algebra" (SIAM, 1997) and A. Quarteroni and F. Saleri's "Scientific Computing with MATLAB" (Springer, 2003). Even though these books (especially the first two) are at a more advanced level and contain more material they provide the necessary flavor for students who want to learn more about the contents of the course. The course is graded based on a written final exam, laboratory exercises (typically in MATLAB) and a midterm. Local Course Code : (361E) Title : Microcomputer Laboratory Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor Type : laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: Programming of the Versatile Interface Adaptor (VIA) of the R6502 microprocessor and intercon- nection with several IC's . Implementations: Telephone Keyboard, A simple Electronic game using LED's, Extension of the R6502 address space using Page Addressing, Virtual Addressing. Local Course Code : (301) Title : Theory of Computation Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Sets, Relations and Languages, Finite Automata, Properties of the Languages accepted by the Finite Automata, Context Free Grammars, Pushdown Automata, Properties of Context Free Grammars, Turing Machines.
  • 30. 30 Local Course Code : (302) Title : Computational Complexity Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Turing machines. Non-deterministic Turing machines. Universal Turing machines. Algorithmically solvable and un-solvable problems. Church thesis. The halting problem. Computational complexity. Efficiently solvable problems. Complexity classes. The classes P and NP. Polynomial-time reduc- tions between problems. NP-completeness. Local Course Code : (330E) Title : Operating Systems Laboratory Lecturer : P. Triantafillou, Professor, E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer Type : laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: The scope of the Operating Systems laboratory is to develop the skills of the undergraduate students in the area of system programming. The Minix Operating Systems is used and the students have to develop, alter or increase the functionality of at least one of the OS modules and finally integrate it in the Minix. Therefore synchronization mechanisms, scheduling techniques, file systems, process management, memory management mechanisms, networking etc. are some of the projects proposed during the semester. Local Course Code : (550) Title : Parallel Processing Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to parallel computer systems, Multithtreading programming and synchronization tech- niques. Fundamental design issues of parallel system architectures (SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD). Basic performance indexes of multiprocessors. Pipelining. Interconnection Networks. Memory con- sistency techniques in multiprocessor systems. Also, in the context of the course laboratory, the stu- dents have to implement a set of small weekly projects and an extending semester project that cov- ers most of the taught theory.
  • 31. 31 Local Course Code : (381) Title : Digital Signal Processing Lecturer : E. Psarakis Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Discrete Time Signals and Systems, Sampling of Continuous Time Signals, Fourier Transform of a Discrete Time Signal, Discrete Fourier Transform and Series. Digital Filters, Filters Realizations, Design of FIR filters, Design of IIR filters, Butterworth, Chebyshev and elliptic Filters. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks. Introduction to Stochastic Signal Processing and the Theory of Estima- tion (Least Squares Filters: Wiener). Local Course Code : (387) Title : Computer Networks Lecturer : E. Varvarigos, Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Network architectures, the ISO reference model. Physical Layer, theoretical basis for data commu- nication, transmission and multiplexing, terminal handling(Polling etc), error detecting and correct- ing codes. Medium Access Sublayer, Aloha protocols, LAN protocols (CSMA, CSMA with Colli- sion Detection, Ethernet, Token Ring). Data Link Layer, elementary data link protocols(Stop-and- Wait), sliding window protocols(Go Back n, Selective Repeat), analysis of protocols. Local Course Code : (387E) Title : Computer Networks Laboratory Lecturer : E. Varvarigos, Professor, K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor Type : laboratory(2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 1 Content: Exercises on virtual terminals, file transfer, remote printing, e-mail, resource discovery systems. Network Programming in Unix(Client/Server model).
  • 32. 32 Local Course Code : (384) Title : Digital Communications Lecturer : K. Berberides, Associate Professor Type : lectures (3/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 4 Content: Baseband Data Transmission (PAM, PDM, PPM). Analog Signal Transmission, Linear Modulation (DSB, AM, SSB, VSB), Angular Modulation (FM, PM). Multiplexing Techniques (FDM, TDM). Digital CW Modulation Systems(ASK, PSK, FSK). Pulse Code Modulation. Introduction to Infor- mation Theory. Local Course Code : (435) Title : Applied Information Systems I (elective course) Lecturer : G. Pavlidis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: The notion of ``system'', cybernetics systems, basic function of the managing subsystem, program- ming, organization and systematic approach, computerization and managing activities, network analysis(PERT method, complete, vacant and independent time resource, cost minimization with finite resources). Local Course Code : (451) Title : Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (elective course) Lecturer : I. Hatzilygeroudis, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to AI, Search, State Space, Blind and Heuristic Search Algorithms, Constraint Satisfac- tion, Knowledge Representation, First-Order Predicate Calculus, Model Theory, Proof Theory, Syn- tax, Clausal Form, Resolution Principle, Resolution Refutation, Resolution Control Strategies, PROLOG, Production Rules and Systems, Uncertainty Representation, Semantic Nets, Frame- Based Representation, Intelligent Agents.
  • 33. 33 Local Course Code : (454) Title : Computer Systems Evaluation Techniques (elective course) Lecturer : I. Garofalakis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Methodology of evaluation studies. Selection of evaluation techniques. Selection of performance metrics. Commonly used performance metrics. Workload selection and characterization. Monitors. Capacity planning and management. Experimental design. Analytical evaluation techniques. Basic queueing theory models. Queueing network models of computer systems. Efficient computing algo- rithms. Computer and network systems applications. Local Course Code : (432) Title : Compilers (elective course) Lecturer : P. Pidelas, Professor, C.Alexopoulos, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Specification of Programming Languages, Parsing Techniques, Symbol Tables, Runtime Storage Administration, Error Detection and Recovery. Local Course Code : (401) Title : Mathematical Logic and its Applications (elective course) Lecturer : S. Cosmadakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to main concepts and methods of Mathematical Logic. Formal proofs and semantics for Propositional Logic and First-order Logic. The natural deduction system for Propositional Logic, soundness and completeness of the system. The natural deduction system for First-Order Logic, soundness of the system. Introduction to temporal logics and their application in system specifica- tions.
  • 34. 34 Local Course Code : (411) Title : Distributed Systems I (elective course) Lecturer : C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor, I. Chatzigiannakis Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: It aims at introducing the students to the fundamental concepts of distributed computing. The fol- lowing topics are covered: Synchronous and asynchronous models. Fundamental algorithms: leader election algorithms, wave algorithms, traversal algorithms, routing algorithms. Fault tolerance and consensus. Logical time. Synchronizers. Local Course Code : (415) Title : Public Networks and Intercon-nection Networks (elective course) Lecturer : C. Bouras, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to data networks: ISO/OSI interconnection model. Data transmission techniques, X.25 protocols, TCP/IP protocol, IPv6. Switching: Circuit and Packet switching. Public networks and broadband Interconnection Networks. Asymetric access technologies, xDSL technology architecture, Satellite communications, Wireless mobile networks ((GPRS, EDGE, UMTS)), wireless local networks (802.11) Local Course Code : ComIn1 (421) Title : Computational Intelligence I (elective course) Lecturer : S. Likothanassis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction: Basic Models of Artificial Neuron, Activation Functions, Basic Structures of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Basic Concepts of Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence. Basic Algorithms of the Learning Process: Learning Paradigms and the Statistical Nature of Learn- ing, Basic Concepts of the Learning Theory. The Perceptron Algorithm: Foundation of the Algo- rithm, Convergence Theorem, Performance Measure. Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Algo- rithm: Wiener-Hopf Equations, and Solution with the Steepest Descent Algorithm, Study of the So- lution Convergence, Learning Curve and Training of the ADALINE Element. Multi-layer Percep- trons: Derivation of the Error Back Propagation (EP) Algorithm, Generalized Delta Rule, Training Modes, Termination Criteria. Case Study: Principles and Limitations in the Design of ANNs. Ap- plications.
  • 35. 35 Local Course Code : (461) Title : Advanced Themes on Computer Architecture (elective course) Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Design cost, performance & benchmarks, instruction sets, parallel architectures, parallel machines, memory hierarchy 7 caches organization, I/O systems. Local Course Code : (481) Title : Stochastic Signals and Applications (elective course) Lecturer : K. Giannopoulos Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Discrete Time Random Processes and Special Types of Random Processes. Signal Modeling (Least Squares, Pade Approximation, Prony’s Method), Stochastic models. Wiener Filtering ( FIR and IIR Wiener filters). Spectrum Estimation (Nonparametric techniques, Minimum Variance Spectrum Es- timation, Maximum Entropy Estimation, Parametric Techniques). Adaptive Filtering, Nonrecursive adaptive filters, the Steepest Descent filter, the LMS algorithm, the Recursive Least Square filters. Local Course Code : (489) Title : Mobile Communication Net-works (elective course) Lecturer : E.Varvarigos, Professor, K. Berberides, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to the mobility concept in the networks. Basic characteristic of the mobile channel. Small and large scale phenomenon. Basic constraints, digital modulation techniques, advanced cod- ing techniques, channel coding and equalization. Smart antennas, spread spectrum communications. Cellular mobile systems (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA), static and dynamic channel management, Ca- pacity and micro-cells, hand-off algorithms. GSΜ, 2.5G και 3G systems. Transmission protocols for mobile networks (Aloha, CSMA, PRMA, polling). Ad-hoc networks: architectures, protocols, rout- ing algorithms.
  • 36. 36 Local Course Code : (463) Title : Interconnection of Microcomputer Systems (elective course) Lecturer : Stefanidakis Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: AT Keyboard, Keyboard controller. Screens technologies of, CRT controller, VGA controller, Video Processors. Serial transmission, ACIA, SIO controller, Modems - Protocols of compaction. Parallel transmission, Centronics interface, Printers, Printer controller, Case study: Laser Printer. Architecture of Channels, PC bus, AT bus, DMA, Interrupts - PIC, PCI bus. Magnetic means of storage, Techniques of disk coding (NRZ, NRZI, FM, MFM M2FM, RLL), Hard/Floppy Disk con- troller - Winchenster controller (case study), Multi I/O card, SCSI interface/controller. Material of Networks, HDLC controllers, Multi-protocol controller, Ethernet controller, X.25 controller, ISDN, ATM (SAR controller, etc.). Sensors technologies and interconnection with host stations, Integrated information systems, Case study: Integrated information systems of Collection and Treatment of Meteorological Data. Multimedia technologies, sound cards and protocols, video cards, cameras, Case study: videoconference. Local Course Code : (536) Title : Advanced Information Systems (elective course) Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor. Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction in Information Systems, The Strategic Importance of Information Systems, Information Systems, Organizations and Functional Procedures, Decision Support Systems, Architectures for Advanced Information Systems, Knowledge Management and Information Systems, Representation Techniques (OLAP, Data Visualization) and Data Analysis ((Regression, Forecasting, Data Min- ing), Web Search Engines, Semantics and Ontologies for Advanced Information Systems, .NET Technologies, Web Services and Mobile Internet for Information Systems, Semantic Net and Infor- mation Systems, Special Applications (ERPs, Document Managemen, Workflow, etc.), Large scale information systems – GRID. Local Course Code : (538) Title : Internet Technologies (elective course) Lecturer : I.Garofalakis, Associate Prof Type : lectures (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction. History of the Internet and of the World Wide Web (WWW). Internet architecture and protocols. Web servers and web browsers. Web authoring (HTML, CSS). Dynamic HTML. Client side scripting (JavaScript, VBScript). Server side scripting (PHP). Ajax. XML. XSL. Web Services. Semantic web. Mobile Web. Security issues.
  • 37. 37 Local Course Code : (540) Title : Software & Programming of High Per-formance Systems (elective course) Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor, E. Polychronopoulos, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Programming models for parallel and distributed systems (OpenMP, MPI). Basic concepts of re- structuring compilers. Parallel code optimization techniques, loop parallelization. Scheduling tech- niques and algorithms at the user and kernel level for multiprocessor systems. Runtime systems support for parallel and distributed computing. Software Distributed Shared Memory Platforms for parallel processing on top of high speed clusters. The course also includes free topics on Computa- tional Grids. Local Course Code : (545) Title : Calculating Methods for Differential Equations (elective course) Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to basic mathematical concepts, descriptions and examples of fundamental numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, error estimates. Analytic description of finite difference and finite element methods for ODE and PDE, tensor product and Fast Fourier Transform methods, specific applications, e.g. in computational finance, generalizations to higher dimensions and intro- duction of new techniques. Local Course Code : (559) Title : Information Retrieval (elective course) Lecturer : C. Makris, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introductory notions (user process, document logical representation, retrieval process). Perform- ance evaluation metrics (recall, precision, average precision, R-precision, precision histograms, harmonic median, user oriented metrics). Information retrieval models. Set-oriented models (boo- lean models, fuzzy set model, extended boolean model), algebraic models (vector space models, latent semantic indexing model), probabilistic models. Web information retrieval. Web search en- gines (crawler, indexer). HITS algorithm (Hyperlink-induced topic search). Google search engine (the PageRank metric). The SALSA algorithm. word indexing (inverted files, signature files, bit- maps). Full indexing (suffix trees, suffix arrays, acyclic directed graphs (DAWG) for strings). String indexing in secondary memory (supra-suffix array, prefix Β-tree, string Β-tree). XML and searching Web Services.
  • 38. 38 Local Course Code : (557) Title : Quality Assurance and Standards (elective course) Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Definitions of quality. Models of quality and qualitative characteristics of software. FCM Model. Users in a system of guarantee of quality. Quality Plan and Quality Manual. Cost of quality, Quality and development in an enterprise. The significance of “product” in the production of software. Phases of software and activities of quality that are included in each phase. Quality Processes of quality that are included more generally in work management, activities and users that concern. Subjects of quality of services. Customers, relations and internal customers. Measurements in the software and problems of measurements in the software. Metric. Metric categories (internal, exte- rior - soft, hard etc.). Basic internal metric and OO internal metric. Measurement tools. External metrics. Particularities of external metric in the software and levels of users. Basic mathematics for measurement analysis. Model ISO 9001 and directive ISO 9000-3 on his application in the software. Model ISO 9126 for qualitative characteristics of software. Model ISO 12207 for the activities of software. The model CMM. The model SPICE. The rewards Baldrige. Local Course Code : (593) Title : Business Administration (elective course) Lecturer : S. Goutsos Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to business administration. A systematic approach to administration: the production system and its inter-dependencies with the environment, economy and social community. Local Course Code : (501) Title : Probabilistic Techniques (elective course) Lecturer : S. Nikoletseas, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Non-constructive proofs of existence of combinatorial structures, The method of positive probabil- ity, Linearity of expectation, the second moment method, The Lovasz Local Lemma, the Janson inequality, Martingale sequences, Random walks and Markov chains, Chernoff bounds, Introduc- tion to the Design and Analysis of Randomized Algorithms.
  • 39. 39 Local Course Code : (505) Title : Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization (elective course) Lecturer : C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor, P. Spirakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: It aims at introducing the students to the fundamental techniques of combinatorial optimization and to present advanced algorithmic techniques for the efficient solution of fundamental combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, the following topics are involved: optimization techniques, convex programming, linear programming, geometry of linear programming, the Simplex method, duality theory, the ellipsoid method, the interior point method, integer programming, shortest paths, maximum flow, minimum cost flow, matching, separators. Local Course Code : (512) Title : Communication Algorithms (elective course) Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor, I. Caragiannis, Lecturer Type : lectures(2/w), seminars(2/w), laboratories(2/w) Period : autumn semester. ECTS credits : 3 Content: The class consists of lectures on elective topics from the recent literature on communication algo- rithms for parallel computers and wide area networks. Examples are sorting on meshes of proces- sors, routing models (store-and-forward, wormhole, hot potato) on meshes, butterflies and hyper- cubes, as well as offline and online bandwidth allocation on modern communication networks (e.g., optical networks, wireless networks, etc.). Local Course Code : (509) Title : Economic Theory and Algorithms (elective course) Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor, P. Spirakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: 1. Game theory: a. Strategic game theory (zero-sum games, pure and mixed strategies, dominating strategies and best response, Nash equilibrium, algorithms and their complexity for computing Nash equilibria, the Lemke-Howson and Shapley algorithms). Applications in auction theory. b Cooperative game theory. Applications in contract theory. 2. Special topics: Mechanism design. The price of anarchy Local Course Code : (591) Title : Production design methods (elective course) Lecturer : C. Bouras, Associate Professor, M. Paraskevas Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Production Management System (PMS), Architectural of PMS systems, Required S/W Technology, Methodology of Planning and Control of Production: MRP II, OPT, JIT, GP, TQC, Current situa- tion in Greece. General Production planning: Reserves control, ABC analysis, Lot policies, Struc- ture of given BOM, requirements planning in structures, capacities, Wholesale or Analytic require- ments planning. Industrial Networks: MAP/TOP, CNMA, FIP, PROFIBUS, BITRUS.
  • 40. 40 Local Course Code : (523) Title : Decision Theory (elective course) Lecturer : S. Likothanassis, Professor, C. Alexopoulos, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Basic Concepts and Examples of the Machine Perception, Pattern Recognition Systems (sensors, segmentation and clustering, feature extraction, classification, meta-processing) Design Cycle (data collection, feature selection, model selection, training, evaluation, computational complexity), Learning and Adaptation (Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning). Bayes Decision Theory for continuous features (tow classes classification). Minimum Error Rate Classification (Minimax and Neyman – Pearson Criteria). Classifiers, Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces (multi-classes and tow clesses cases). The Normal Probability Density Function – PDF (uni-modal and multi-modal PDF, discriminant functions for the normal PDF). Error Prob- abilities and Error Intervals. Error Limits for Normal PDFs (Chernoff’s limit, Bhattacharrya’s limit, signal tracking theory). Bayes Theory for Discrete Features. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (general principle, the Gauss case). Bayes Estimation (conditional probabilities, parameter distribu- tion). Bayesian Parameters’ Estimation (Gaussian case, general theory). The Dimension Problems. Hidden Markov Models. Non-parametric Techniques. Calculation of the PDF. Parzen Windows (convergence of the mean value, convergence of the variance, applications). The Kn Nearest Neighbor Method. The Nearest Neighbor Rule (convergence, error rate, error limits, computational complexity). Nearest Neighbor Classification and Performance Measures (measures’ attributes, tangent distance). Linear Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces (the tow and multi classes case). Generalized Discriminant Functions. The Tow Linear Separated Classes Case (the gradient descent process). The Perceptron Algorithm (minimization of the criterion function, proof of the convergence). Re- laxation Processes (the descent algorithm, proof of the convergence). Non Separable Behavior. Minimum Square Error Processes (LMS Algorithm). Ho-Kashyap Processes. Game Theory. His- torical Review. Basic Features. Game Classification. Game Description and Analysis. Zero Sum Games. The Pure Strategy Case. Combined Strategies. Local Course Code : (564) Title : Design of VLSI Systems (elective course) Lecturer : G. Alexiou. Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Faults & fault models, test pattern generation (Algorithmic, random), logic simulation (serial, paral- lel, deductive, concurrent), testability measures, design for testability (ad hoc, structured, built-in self test, boundary scanning).
  • 41. 41 Local Course Code : (525) Title : Algorithmic Topics on Images (elective course) Lecturer : C. Alexopoulos, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Data structures for images ( hierarchical structures, pyramids or ttetrahedral trees), Binary trees of images, Split and Merge Algorithm, line coding, region coding. Special Techniques with use [synartisioeidon]: Mathematic models for compaction of picture, Mathematic foundation of method of compaction with the use of functions, Compaction with the use of functions Local Course Code : (582) Title : Computer Science and Engineering Education II (elective course) Lecturer : M. Kordaki Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Information and Communication Technologies as a context of learning. Internet-based learning. Traditional and modern social and constructivist learning theories and computer based learning en- vironments; architecture, content, activity, communication, evaluation. Modeling methodologies in the design and evaluation of e-learning environments. Constructing the learning model, the subject matter model and the learners’ model. The different roles of teacher, learner and learning activity in: typical classroom, educational software and web based learning environments. Computer mediated communication. Synchronous and asynchronous communication. Ethical issues. Local Course Code : (567) Title : Design of Special Purpose Systems (elective course) Lecturer : H. Vergos, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : autumn semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to special purpose systems (Dependability as a Design Goal, Applications, Long – Life, Critical Computation, Maintenance Avoidance, High Availability). Terminology, Complexity and Models (Faults, Errors, Failures), Physical Causes of Faults, Fault Characteristics, Common Fault Models, Common Error Models. Design Techniques (Hardware Redundancy - Passive (TMR, NMR, Voting) - Active (Duplication, Sparing, Watchdog Timers,...) and Hybrid (NMR with Spares, Purging, Triple-Duplex, ...). Informa- tion Redundancy - Codes (Parity, Arithmetic, Cyclic, Syndrome, ...). Time Redundancy and Soft- ware Redundancy. Application of the Developed Theory (Design Cycle Modification to accommodate Dependability, A Design Example).
  • 42. 42 Local Course Code : (579) Title : Real time digital signal processing Lecturer : E. Psarakis Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (0/w), lab (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Single-chip programmable signal processors. Hardware aspects of digital signal processing (DSP) systems, architectural issues, and fixed versus floating pointing representations for implementing DSP algorithms. The emphasis of the course is on the design and implementation of DSP algo- rithms. The algorithms are implemented on personal, portable DSP based boards. Applications to speech processing, adaptive filtering, telecommunications, image processing and video processing. Local Course Code : (434) Title : Databases II (elective course) Lecturer : D. Christodoulakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to Expert Database Systems. Database systems. Information, Knowledge and Inference. Expert Systems. Expert Database Architectures. Enhanced Database Systems. Enhanced Expert Systems. Interdependent Expert and Database Systems. Semantic Data Models. Object-oriented Systems. Logic and Database Systems. Conceptual Modeling. The design of POSTGRES, rules, procedures, caching and views in POSTGRES. Laboratory: Design and Implementation of an expert system using Prolog. Local Course Code : (433) Title : Advance Data structure and Graphics (elective course) Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Lines and Circles in Raster-Display, 2-dimensional transforma- tions, windowing and clipping algorithms, Realistic Computer Graphics. Introduction to Computa- tional Geometry, Interval tree, Priority Search tree, Segment tree, Range tree and their respective applications.
  • 43. 43 Local Course Code : (443) Title : Scientific Computing II (elective course) Lecturer : S. Gallopoulos, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Linear equations systems (Elimination and Factorization). Approximation and Interpolation (piece- wise polynomials, splines, Hermite). Differentiation and Integration. Laboratory: Solution of Partial Differential Equations using ELLPACK. Local Course Code : (430) Title : Operating Systems II (elective course) Lecturer : P. Triantafillou, Professor, E.Polychronopoulos, Lecturer Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Processor Scheduling Strategies, Disk Scheduling, File Systems, File Organisation,Deadlock Detec- tion, Deadlock Prevention, Performance Evaluation Techniques. Lans, TCP/IP, Operating Systems for Lans:Novell Network, Distributed Operating Systems: Vines Operating System, Remote Proce- dure Calls, Interprocess Communication in 4.3BSD Unix. Study of the Unix Operating System. Se- curity and Protection of Data. Leader Election Algorithms. Local Course Code : (402) Title : Special Topics on Theory of Computation and Complexity (elective course) Lecturer : L. Kirousis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Space complexity. The Savitch and Immerman-Szelepscenyi theorems. Parallel algorithms and cor- responding complexity classes. Kolmogorov complexity. Probabilistic algorithms. Probabilistic classes of complexity. Approximation algorithms and corresponding classes.
  • 44. 44 Local Course Code : (412) Title : Parallel Algorithms Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: The goal is to present to the students the fundamental issues of parallel computation and the main techniques for the design and analysis of parallel algorithms. In this context, the key points of inter- connection networks for parallel computers are studied, e.g., parallel counting algorithms, integer operations, matrix operations, sorting and routing in meshes of processors. Moreover, the students are introduced to hypercube, butterfly and De Bruijn networks, as well as to the PRAM computing model. Local Course Code : (416) Title : Cryptography Lecturer : C. Kaklamanis, Professor, P.Spirakis, Professor. Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Cryptographic protocols, sender/receiver interaction, key management, Block Ciphers, secure pseu- dorandom number sequences, public key cryptography, digital signatures, authentication. Legal is- sues. Local Course Code : (462) Title : Microcomputers (elective course) Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Data books usage, systems design and modern 16-bit μcpu, (I80386, MC68000, Z8000), from 16-bit to 32-bit μcpu. Programmable memory management, modern 32-bit μcpu (Z80000, M68020, Tran- sputer).
  • 45. 45 Local Course Code : (464) Title : Introduction to VLSI (elective course) Lecturer : Bakalis Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: The Basic Inverter, Inverter Logic Threshold Voltage, Inverter Delay, Parasitic Effects, Driving Large Capacitive Loads, Basic NAND and NOR Logic Circuits, Super Buffers, Delays in Another Form of Logic Circuitry,Yield Statistics, Design Rules,Two-Phase Clocks. Local Course Code : (465) Title : E-CAD Lecturer : H.Vergos, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: This course intends to present to its students traditional and modern ways of designing digital hard- ware. In parallel, programmable logic devices and especially Field Programmable Gate Arrays are introduced in order for the students to realize zero-turnaround-time implementations of their de- signs. After a short introduction of graphical design entry and PCB realization, attention is given on FSM representation, HDL design, behavioral simulation and synthesis targetting FPGA devices. The course is backed up by 6 lab exercises performed on major vendors' (Mentor Graphics, Synop- sys, Xilinx) tools. Then a bigger project is assigned to lab teams each consisting of at most 3 stu- dents. The project has a substantial degree of complexity in order not to have a unique obvious solu- tion. Marking is performed for students that can prove the functionality of their design with vectors provided by the instructor but also based on the area and speed that their implementation can achieve. Local Course Code : (482) Title : Digital Image Processing and Analysis (elective course) Lecturer : K. Berberidis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction. Digital Image Fundamentals. Image Transforms(2-D FT, FFT, Hadamard, DCT). Im- age Enhancement, Histogram Modification Techniques, Image Smoothing, Image Sharpening, Im- age Model based enhancement. Image Restoration. Image Encoding. Laboratory: Application of Several Image Enhancement Methods (Histogram Equalization etc) on a digital image and compression using DCT.
  • 46. 46 Local Course Code : (484) Title : Advanced Topics on Telecommunications (elective course) Lecturer : K. Berberides, Associate Professor Type : lectures(2/w), seminars(1/w), laboratory(2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Modern coding techniques with and without data loss. Channel coding and error detection and cor- rection algorithms. Optimal bit-symbol retrieval and minimization of bit-error rate. Viterbi algo- rithm. Bit pre-coding and advanced digital modulation techniques. Inter-sysmbol crosstalk minimi- zation. A complete model for a digital telecommunication systems. MODEMS digital implementa- tion. Modern multiplexing techniques (multiple-access): FDMA, TDMA, CDMA etc. Synchronisation and clock recovery techniques. Satellite communications and wireless communications systems (celluar sys- tems, personal communication systems). Local Course Code : (487) Title : Advanced Topics on Computer Networks (elective course) Lecturer : E. Varvarigos, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Optimal Routing, Quality of Service, Flow and Congestion control. Hybrid protocols, Leaky Bucket Schemes, optical networks, optical switching, wavelength conversion, high-speed optical switches, in- put/output queuing switches. Local Course Code : (535) Title : Applied Information Systems II (elective course) Lecturer : G. Paulidis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Structured Analysis:Definitions, Characteristics, Methodology, User-Analyst relationship, Dataflow diagrams, Data Dictionary, Task specification. Linear Programming.
  • 47. 47 Local Course Code : (547) Title : Computational Finance (elective course) Lecturer : T. Papatheodorou, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: The main objective of the Computational Finance course is to provide students with theoretical un- derstanding and the practical skills they need to formulate, implement and evaluate models used in the financial sector and more particularly in the area of financial derivatives pricing. Emphasis will be given on techniques in programming and numerical computing and especially on the mathemati- cal formulation and solution of problems using Partial Differential Equations. Local Course Code : (554) Title : Simulation of Information Systems (elective course) Lecturer : I. Garofalakis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction. Types of simulation. Components and organization of simulation models. Problem formulation. Determining events and transitions. Implementation of a simulator. Selection of input probability distributions. Random number generators. Generation of random variable instances. Analysis of simulation results. Local Course Code : (503) Title : Semantics and Correctness of Programs (elective course) Lecturer : S. Cosmadakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Proof systems for Propositional Logic and First-Order Logic. Systems based on tableaux and sys- tems based on resolution. Gentzen Systems. Completeness and Compactness theorems. Hintikka sets. Applications to the expressiveness of programs. Local Course Code : (511) Title : Distributed Systems II Lecturer : P. Spirakis, Professor, I. Chatzigiannakis Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratory (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Routing in distributed systems, fault tolerance in distributed systems, security in distributed sys- tems, distributed operating systems, mobile distributed computing.
  • 48. 48 Local Course Code : (516) Title : High Speed Networks (elective course) Lecturer : C.Bouras, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to Frame Relay, gigabit Ethernet, ATM. WDM. CDWM. DWDM. MPLS. Wireless networks, broadband access technologies. Local Course Code : (517) Title : Telematics and New Services I (elective course) Lecturer : C. Bouras, Associate Professor, P. Spirakis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Public networks: Public Switching Telephone Network, HELLASPACK I & II, HELLASCOM. Eu- ro-ISDN. Local Course Code : (521) Title : Computational Intelligence II (elective course) Lecturer : S. Likothanassis, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms, Evolutionary Programming and Evolutionary Strategies. Genetic Algorithms: Biological Background, Genetic Algorithm Design, Chromosome Representa- tion, Selection Operator, Crossover Operator, Mutation Operator and Parameters of a Genetic Algo- rithm. Theoretic Foundation of Genetic Algorithms. Parallel Applications of Genetic Algorithms, Parallel Genetic Algorithms. Description of the Operation of a Simple Genetic Algorithm: Applica- tion to an Optimization Problem. Applications of Genetic Algorithms. Application of Genetic Algo- rithms to Real World Problems. Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Knapsack Problem.
  • 49. 49 Local Course Code : (590) Title : Social and Legal Aspects of Technology (elective course) Lecturer : G. Papakonstantinou Type : lectures (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 2 Content: Personal data protection, e-governance, IPR protection of software systems (databases and open source), special issues of e-trade. Issues related to practical issues such as commercial contracts for SW development and support. The relation of the above issues with respect the national and Euro- pean regulatory framework. Local Course Code : (556) Title : Human-Computer Interaction (elective course) Lecturer : S. Sirmakessis, G. Tzimas Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: In this course students learn the fundamental concepts of human-computer interaction and user- centered design, through lectures, readings, and discussions. They learn to evaluate and design us- able and appropriate software based on psychological, social, and technical analysis. They become familiar with the variety of design and evaluation methods used in interaction design, and get ex- perience with these methods. Programming experience is a prerequisite for this course. Topics in- clude usability fundamentals, usability evaluation, direct manipulation, design methods, user con- ceptual models and interface metaphors, icon design, web design, design languages and genres, hu- man cognitive models, physical ergonomics, information and interactivity structures, and design tools and environments. Local Course Code : (581) Title : Computer Science and Engi-neering Education Ι (elective course) Lecturer : M. Kordaki Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Integrating Information and Communication Technologies in Education. Computer Science curric- ula in Primary and Secondary levels of Education. Traditional and modern social and constructivist learning theories, and their impact on the entire learning context including; teachers, learners, learn- ing media and learning activities. Critical thinking and Computer Science and Engineering Educa- tion. The diversity of methods used for instructional design in Computer Science and Engineering educa- tion; design based learning, project-based learning, concept-mapping, role playing, collaborative learning, media-based learning, web-based learning. Effective communication and management in the classroom and in the laboratory. Design implementation and evaluation of a lesson. Ethical is- sues.
  • 50. 50 Local Course Code : (507) Title : Algorithm Engineering (elective course) Lecturer : C. Zaroliagis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: It aims at introducing the students to: (i) the efficient implementation and experimental evaluation of both fundamental and advanced algorithms & data structures; (ii) construction of software reposi- tories and platforms that facilitate the implementation and experimental testing of algorithms; (iii) methodological issues involved in the empirical research on algorithms & data structures, as well as on the process of converting user requirements into efficient algorithmic solutions and implementa- tions. Local Course Code : (558) Title : Problem Solving Environments Lecturer : S. Gallopoulos, Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), laboratories (3/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Technologies and Applications in meta-calculations. Problem solving environments (PSE) for cer- tain applications. PSE Architectures, Technologies (methodologies, infrastructure software, user communication environments), Bases of knowledge, Calculations systems with agents of software, Tools for the growth and use pf PSE systems. PSE examples: for scientific calculations, for simula- tion of money-markets, for e-trading companies planning, for energy networks management, for cri- sis management, for distant learning and for political systems simulation Local Course Code : (584) Title : E-business (elective course) Lecturer : A. Tsakalidis, Professor, S. Sirmakessis, M. Rigou Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to e-Business and e-Commerce (background to the field, classification of e-business applications, advantages and limitations), Functional Requirements and Design Guidelines (in terms of the user interface, order submission, payment, distribution and after-sales support, security re- quirements, and legal issues), Personalization Technology (personalization functions, data collec- tion and preprocessing, pattern discovery from web usage data, knowledge post-processing, user profiling), e-Commerce Assessment Metrics (customer life cycle, best customer metrics, marketing metrics, sales cycle pipeline, customer behavior metrics), and Implementation Options (technolo- gies, languages, tools, platforms).
  • 51. 51 Local Course Code : (552) Title : Intelligent Programming (elective course) Lecturer : I. Hatzilygeroudis, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), laboratories (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: Introduction to Functional Programming, LISP Language (Symbolic Expressions, Basic Predicates, Defining a Function, Assignment-Let, Flow Contrlo-if, cond, dolist, do, dotimes, Recursion, Struc- tures, Input-Output. AI application in LISP. Rule-Based Programming, Rule-Based Systems, Devel- opment of Intelligent Systems-Methodologies, Tools. CLIPS Tool: Structure, Facts and Rules, Templates, Functions, Conflict Resolution Strategies. JESS Tool. Applications in CLIPS and JESS. Local Course Code : (588) Title : Embedded computer systems (elective course) Lecturer : D. Lioupis, Associate Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: This course addresses the hardware/software co-design and ubiquitous computing. It focuses on sys- tems-on-chip and internet enabled controllers. The topics are: Architecture of modern microcontrol- lers, systems-on-chip, sensors, sense & control, mechatronics, control networks, low power systems. It also deals with the software peculiarities for embedded systems, how instructions dissipate power, description of control in software, real time systems, real time operating systems and finally ex- plains a novel idea developed at Univ. of Patras named software peripherals. Local Course Code : (574) Title : Optical Communication Net-works Lecturer : K. Vlachos, Assistant Professor Type : lectures (2/w), seminars (1/w), lab (2/w) Period : spring semester ECTS credits : 3 Content: High speed Network Architectures and Technologies, Switch Architectures, Optical WDM net- works, Broadband packet switching, Routing and Signalling protocols, Optical Component, Optical Burst switching, Photonic Technology, Opto-electronics Systems.