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Report on Employee Retention
Why do employees stay with a company?
Prepared for Professor J. Vogel
St. Joseph’s College
Patchogue, New York
Prepared by John F. Rossi
Table of Contents
Summary 1
Introduction 3
Methods Used 6
Analysis 8
Limitations of Study 11
Conclusions and Recommendations 14
Appendix A - Employee Retention Survey and Response Percentiles 19
Appendix B - Summary of Collected Data 22
Appendix C - Scoring Profiles 26
Appendix D - Weighted index of scores by all respondents for all statements 32
Appendix E - Top Responses for Each Analysis Group 33
Rossi 1
John F. Rossi
Professor Vogel
Business 471 - Research Seminar in Organizational Management
April 1, 2000
Employee Retention: Why do employees stay with a company?
During the Spring of 2000, a study was undertaken to determine the reasons
why workers desire to remain employed by an organization. Without regard to sex,
race, education or economic status, the researcher endeavored to discover those
other types of satisfaction that are most often sought by employees. If people seek
more than pure economic reward from the working environment, it might then be
possible to create a profile that could be used to reduce or eliminate undesired
employee turnover.
To accomplish this research, a one page survey was distributed to capture the
feelings of workers concerning twenty dimensions of their work environment. Some of
these dimensions being under the total or partial control of the employee. Still others
would find the employee having little or no control. Next, each individual responding
to the survey would be asked whether they expected to be employed by their
current organization in three years. Finally, each respondent is asked to clarify how
long they had already served with the organization, whether it had been profitable
in the prior year, how many people are employed by the organization and if they
managed or supervised other employees.
Rossi 2
Responses were collected from individuals in various settings. To broaden the
scope of responses the researcher developed the survey in both paper and
electronic formats. Using traditional collection methods and the Internet, one hundred
and fourteen surveys were assembled and analyzed.
Indeed the results of this analysis reveal support for the theory of profiling as a
method of lowering undesired employee attrition. With continued study, this theory
could become a beneficial reality in the workplace.
Rossi 3
As the ‘Bull Market’ of the 1990’s continues to rage into the next millennium,
employers across the United States are finding it increasingly difficult to attract the
qualified employees necessary to occupy the plentiful positions available in their
individual corporations. To cope with this shortage, some employers have developed
creative employment incentive programs. Others have cultivated labor in new and
sometimes foreign markets. Many have resorted to the use of technology as a means
of diminishing the severity of the shortage on their individual organization.
Perhaps the best method of filling important vacancies is to insure that current
qualified employees remain a part of the corporation. After all, current employees
are a known factor. They a familiar with the internal workings of the organization.
They have been previously trained in the use of the many methods and systems
used by the organization and they have established the formal and informal
networks that are required to help them remain productive within the context of the
organization. Further, there are no recruitment costs associated with retaining a
current employee.
The research conducted for this report endeavors to discover those personal
internal factors that motivate the employee to remain with an organization. A
customized survey was created to accomplish this research. Each person taking the
survey was asked to rank how true certain statements where in their individual
circumstance. The survey then made specific queries concerning the number of
employees in the respondents company, the number of years that the respondent
Rossi 4
was employed by the company, the profitability of the company during the previous
year and whether the respondent functioned in a managerial or supervisory
capacity. The answers provided by the many respondents where then analyzed in
an attempt to develop a motivational profile which could be adapted to assist a
corporation in determining which employees are at risk for departure within the
following three years.
There were a total of twenty-one statements listed on the survey. These
included seventeen affirmative statements, such as, ‘I work for a great company’
and ‘There is room to grow’. Three non-affirmative statements that are intermingled
with the affirmative statements, so as to maintain a more even tone in the total
survey. Finally, the respondent must react to the statement, ‘I will be with this
company in three years’. An analysis of the percentile responses to this survey are
presented in Appendix A of this report.
The individual completing the survey is at first instructed to consider why they
stay with a company. They are then asked to rank each statement on a scale of 1
to 5. Where 1 means that the statement is less true in their case and 5 indicates
that the statement is more true. Together the statements listed on the survey are
intended to capture the respondents reaction to different dimensions of their
individual working environment. These dimensions include items over which the
respondent will exercise most, some or little control.
A job dimension for which a respondent is likely to have the most control is
found in the statement, ‘The commute is easy’. In this instance a respondent faced
with an undesirable commute can choose to cope with the commute, relocate,
Rossi 5
change the method of commuting or perhaps find a different job closer to home.
Consider the statement, ‘My job matches what I do best’. Here the company and
the respondent must interact to determine how this person can use their natural
strengths to be most productive within the current context of the organization. A job
dimension over which the majority of respondents will normally have little control is
noted in the statement, ‘This company has a clear mission and positive values’.
The dimensions viewed by the survey touch upon many aspects of the
employment environment. When classed together they group into the larger
categories of compensation and benefits, interpersonal relationships, personal growth
and external factors. While each individual will have a customized mix among the
dimensions, individuals having like intentions to stay with or leave the corporation,
would be expected to exhibit similar behaviors in their individual responses to the
If this is true, an organization would have the ability to positively intervene
with those essential employees exhibiting behaviors that tend to indicate that they
are contemplating a jobs change. It may also be possible to determine those
employees who are too far gone to retain. In these cases, the organization might
determine to minimize any negative impact these individuals are having on other
employees in the organization.
Rossi 6
Methods Used
This study relies entirely on primary data collected in the form of a single page
self directed survey distributed using traditional collection methods as well as being
collected via the Internet in an electronic format. It is a cross-sectional study,
attempting to capture responses from several demographic groups of employed
American workers.
All survey responses were tabulated and entered separately into spreadsheet
and database programs. These entries were cross referenced to capture and
eliminate systematic recording errors. After having been cross referenced all entries
were then again audited to ensure the accurate recording of the collected data
and to eliminate the possibility of analysis errors resulting from this type of system
It is important to note that due to time and budget constraints, random
sampling techniques could not be utilized. For the same reasons, non-respondents
have not been accounted for in this study.
The survey itself is designed to be highly structured and self directed. This was
considered to be the best method of obtaining and recording the honest
perceptions of respondents. Additionally, statements appearing on the survey were
designed to take an extreme position to which the respondent would react. The
researcher aspired to mitigate the effect of respondents who might otherwise
Rossi 7
themselves take the extreme position and skew the scoring of their individual
perceptions relative to one another.
All responses were collected with the intention of providing absolute anonymity
for the respondents. This was a simple manner when using the paper form of the
survey. However, the electronic form of the survey relied on e-mail to deliver
responses to the researcher. To maintain the anonymous nature of the study for these
individuals, electronic responses were recorded onto paper forms. The transcription of
responses was verified for accuracy. The original e-mail was then deleted to protect
the privacy of the respondent.
Rossi 8
In analyzing the results of the survey, the researcher first grouped all surveys
based on how each respondent reacted to the statement, “I will be with this
company in three years”. Respondents scoring either 4 or 5, More True, became one
group (4/5 Group). Those scoring 1 or 2, Less True, became a second (1/2 Group).
Finally surveys scoring 3 were assembled into a third analysis group (3 Group). A
summary of the collected data for the three analysis groups appears in Appendix B.
Each survey statement was analyzed and response percentiles were calculated
for each analysis group. The five statements answered most often as being either
more true or less true in each group were separated from the total responses. These
statements are listed for each group in Tables 1 through 6 of Appendix E. Surprisingly
three statements consistently appear among the top five, More True, responses for all
three groups. These statements are:
• (S4) I need the benefits
• (S6) I control how my work is accomplished, and,
• (S14) What I do is important to the company.
Of the 54 respondents in the 4/5 group, 49 (90%) also scored at least two of
these three statements as a 4 or 5. In the 3 group 19 of the 23 (82.6%) scored in
this manner. Among the 1/2 group only 40% of the 37 respondents scored at least
two of these three statements at the 4 or 5 level.
Among all three groups two statements appear consistently in the top five
responses for statements ranked as, Less True, by respondents. These include:
• (S18) I cannot earn this much elsewhere, and,
Rossi 9
• (S20) The atmosphere is relaxed.
As there seemed to be minimal like patterning among all response scoring in
each analysis group, it was decided to analyze the number of times that each
respondent scored 1,2,3,4 or 5 for each statement on the survey form. When the
survey responses are analyzed in this manner, it is discovered that individual
respondents in each group tended to have similar response patterns.
Individuals in the 4/5 Group tended to respond to more statements with a 4
or 5 and less with a 1,2 or 3. Among the 3 Group, these individuals tended to have
a relatively equal number of statements scored as 3,4 or 5 and fewer scored 1 or 2.
Within the 1/2 group, more statements were scored as 1 or 2 and less were scored
as 3, 4 or 5. Scoring Profiles based on the respondents scoring of statement 21, have
been graphed and appear in Appendix C.
A combined weighted analysis of scoring for all survey statements appears in
Appendix D. Weighting of responses was desired to ascertain the relative importance
of each statement across all responses.
Having completed the rudimentary analysis of the survey statements, attention
was next given to the questions appearing on the survey. The questions,
“Approximately how many people work for this company?” and “Was the company
profitable last year?” , did not appear to affect how the respondent reacted to the
statement, “I will be with this company in three years”. In the case of the question,
“How many years have you worked for this company?”, there appears a correlation
between time with a company and appearance in any of the three analysis groups.
The greater the number of years with a company, the more likely that a respondent
Rossi 10
would be in the 4/5 group. Indeed respondents in the 1/2 group tended to have
the least time with the organization.
The population in the 4/5 and 3 analysis groups tended to be evenly split on
the question, “Do you manage or supervise others?” However in the 1/2 group, 70.3%
of the respondents answered “Yes”.
Approximate #
of employees
# of years with
this company
Profitable last
Manage or
Supervise others
4/5 10659 (Average)
300 (Mode)
400 (Median)
8.7 (Average)
5.0 (Mode)
8.0 (Median)
68.5% (Yes)
13.0% (No)
18.5% (N/A)
53.7% (Yes)
46.3% (No)
3 8519 (Average)
3000 (Mode)
500 (Median)
7.8 (Average)
3.0 (Mode)
4.0 (Median)
78.3% (Yes)
13.0% (No)
8.7% (N/A)
52.2% (Yes)
47.8% (No)
½ 11428 (Average)
300 (Mode)
350 (Median)
5.7 (Average)
1.0 (Mode)
3.0 (Median)
83.8% (Yes)
16.2% (No)
0.0% (N/A)
70.3% (Yes)
29.7% (No)
Table 1 - Question responses for each analysis group
Rossi 11
Limitations of Study
While every attempt has been made to compile and validate the collected
data, certain limitations exist which must now be examined.
The single greatest limitation placed on this project has been the restricted
period available for data collection and continued study. For this reason only 114
completed surveys have been collected for this project. This constitutes a limited
sample size from which to perform analysis.
The surveys themselves were collected from three sources. These include:
• Students of the St. Joseph's College New York Accelerated Weekend
Bachelors of Organizational Management program. These students tend to
be more career oriented and are likely more motivated than would be
members of the general population. A large percentage of individuals in this
group manage or supervise others. This group accounts for 60 of the 114
(~55.26%) responses collected.
• Internet based employment bulletin boards and randomly selected e-mail
addresses. Typical internet users tend to be from middle & upper economic
groups. They are also more often from White(non-Hispanic) segments of the
general population. The bulletin boards available on the internet site,
‘’ were used to solicit responses for this project. This site is
designed to attract mostly women. Also, one of the bulletin board forums
on this site was selected precisely because it catered to Black Females. 33
(~28.94%) responses where generated by individuals in these groups. The
Rossi 12
geographic region of the these respondents is unknown. It is taken for
granted that at least some of these responses arrived from geographic areas
other than New York and the Northeast U.S. but this cannot be verified.
• A sampling of residents of the town of Central Islip, New York. This town has
a population that is predominantly upper lower and lower middle economic
blue and white collar workers. However only 18 (~15.78%) responses were
received from this group.
• A minimum of 78 (68.42%) of the 114 responses were generated in the Long
Island, New York area. Long Island is a generally affluent suburb of New York
City in the Northeast of the United States.
• There is a high probability that the majority of responses are from individuals
having a middle class and white collar status.
The survey used for this project made no attempt to distinguish the age, sex,
education, location, or economic status of any of the respondents. It is possible that
the sample may not be reflective of the demographics of the general U.S.
Due to the limited time, scope and budget of this research effort, it will not
be possible to track respondents over the next several years. As this is the case, the
researcher will have no opportunity to determine whether respondents have remained
with or departed from their current company during the next three years.
Finally, the unusual state of the U.S. economy may have a euphoric effect on
answers provided by respondents. As the unemployment rate in the United States is
Rossi 13
at historic lows, many people may for the first time have the opportunity to be less
concerned with the pure economics of working. Therefore, their responses might be
atypical during less advantaged economic periods. Without the ability to survey
similar groups during other economic cycles, it will not be possible to determine if the
current conditions are stimulating respondents higher order needs and desires.
Rossi 14
Conclusions and Recommendations
The research performed for this report indicates that factors beyond mere
economic reward, do indeed influence the decision of an employee to remain with
an organization. There is also evidence to support the theory of profiling as a
practical device in determining which employees are at risk for departure from the
In reviewing the responses of those who participated in the survey, several
themes were consistent among the various analysis groups. Many respondents
believed that they could earn more by joining other organizations. Despite this, they
still responded favorably to the notion that they would remain with their current
There seemed a strong need in all analysis groups to feel that what they did
at work was important to the organization. Also, personal autonomy in accomplishing
tasks was very significant. In a practical sense, properly training managers to promote
these beliefs, should have a significant impact on the psyche of every employee.
A considerable number of respondents felt that the workplace was not relaxed.
Maybe this meant that the pace was too furious, or that the work space was
somehow lacking. Perhaps they had an overbearing co-worker or supervisor.
Considering the number of hours most people spend in the workplace, it seems
obvious that this would be an important dimension for many, if not, most people.
From a practical standpoint, every company can take simple steps to create an
environment that is more favorable to the employees ability to perform well.
Rossi 15
Most surprising in this study, was the fact that the majority of those indicating
the strongest desire to leave the organization were individuals who manage or
supervise others? Respondents in this group were least likely to think that they work
for a great company. Many indicated that their company was less likely to have a
clear mission and positive values. These are factors over which the organization
exercises significant control. Most respondents in this group felt they could earn more
elsewhere. They also felt it less true that there was room for them to grow in the
organization. A person in this group was the least likely to feel that their work
matched their best abilities. In viewing these responses, it seems more obvious why
people fall into this analysis group. Most of those in this group seem fixated on
fulfilling their personal higher order needs. This group clearly had the most muted
unenthusiastic responses.
This study confirms that the longer a person is with an organization, the more
likely they are to want to stay with that organization. The number of years with the
company dropped in order from the highest scoring analysis group to the lowest. This
characteristic of each group may explain why respondents desire to remain with an
organization over the long term. It stands to reason that the longer someone is with
a company the more competent they are likely to be in their position. This alone
could permit individuals to focus on more personal than economic needs. Driving
down the time required for an individual to feel most competent in their job would
seem to be in the best interests of both employee and employer.
The researcher found it most alarming that nearly 3/4 of respondents felt that
they needed the benefits supplied to them by their organization. There was an
Rossi 16
almost manic reaction by respondents to this statement. Only about twenty percent
of the individuals indicated that this was less true for them. Why this particular
perception exists, should be thoroughly studied. This is particularly the case in the
small business setting where an organization may not have the resources required to
present a robust benefit package to current or prospective employee. This is also very
troubling as it speaks to the dependence individuals feel with regard to benefits. It
would seem from these responses that benefits such as medical insurance, are well
beyond the reach of most workers. This has great potential to harm employers,
because the group scoring highest on the statement "I need the benefits" was also
the group most likely to indicate a desire to stay with the organization. It is possible
that a change or reduction in benefits could have a tremendous effect on the
perceptions of these employees. The cost implications of this are disturbing.
When considering the twenty dimensions of the workplace examined in this
research study, it is safe to conclude that altering even a few of an employees
perceptions can help increase the desire to stay with the organization. The proper
training of managers and supervisors to recognize the profile of each individual,
coupled with training in how to turn around perceptions that the organization
controls can considerably improve retention efforts.
It is very unlikely that a current employee would honestly complete the survey
used for this report for their current employer. However, understanding the dimensions
which motivate retention, it is possible for an organization to create mechanisms to
help each manager capture this important information while there is still time to
positively intervene.
Rossi 17
Rossi 18
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Appendix A - Employee Retention Survey and Response Percentiles
Please take a moment to consider why you stay with a company. Next, read each
statement and indicate how true the statement is in your case. Place an XX in the box to
the right of the statement which best describes how the statement applies to you.
All survey responses will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Statement Less True
More True
(S1) I work for a great company. 6.1% 14.9% 32.5% 30.7% 15.8%
(S2) This company has a clear mission and positive
7.0% 14.0% 25.4% 32.5% 21.1%
(S3) My job is exciting. 10.5% 14.9% 32.5% 27.2% 14.9%
(S4) I need the benefits. 13.3% 8.0% 13.3% 22.1% 43.4%
(S5) My effort is appreciated. 11.4% 8.8% 27.2% 30.7% 21.9%
(S6) I control how my work is accomplished. 4.4% 7.0% 18.4% 36.0% 34.2%
(S7) Work life and home life are easily balanced. 11.4% 15.8% 34.2% 23.7% 14.9%
(S8) My job matches what I do best. 11.4% 19.3% 21.1% 25.4% 22.8%
(S9) The people I work with are very professional. 8.8% 23.0% 29.2% 24.8% 14.2%
(S10) My coworkers are wonderful. 4.4% 13.2% 34.2% 31.6% 16.7%
(S11) I really like my boss. 14.9% 12.3% 25.4% 36.0% 11.4%
(S12) I live paycheck to paycheck. 17.5% 24.6% 20.2% 14.9% 22.8%
(S13) There is room to grow. 19.3% 21.1% 12.3% 28.1% 19.3%
(S14) What I do is important to the company. 3.5% 5.3% 19.3% 38.6% 33.3%
(S15) The commute is easy. 13.2% 8.8% 17.5% 22.8% 37.7%
(S16) My compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. 16.7% 15.8% 27.2% 28.9% 11.4%
(S17) The fringe benefits are more than adequate. 11.5% 18.6% 31.9% 21.2% 16.8%
(S18) I can not earn this much elsewhere. 27.2% 23.7% 22.8% 16.7% 9.6%
(S19) My job is secure. 7.9% 14.0% 27.2% 31.6% 19.3%
(S20) The atmosphere is relaxed. 15.8% 22.8% 26.3% 20.2% 14.9%
(S21) I will be with this company in three years. 21.1% 12.3% 19.3% 23.7% 23.7%
Approximately how many people work for this company? Average=10641 Median=400 Mode=300
How many years have you worked for this company? Average=8.36 Median=5 Mode=1
Was this company profitable last year ? (Y or N) Yes=75.44% No=13.16% N/A=11.4%
Do you manage or supervise others? (Y or N) Yes=58.77% No=39.47% N/A=1.75%
Rossi 20
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21
Percentage responses to each statement based on the score provided
5's 4's 3's 2's 1's
Rossi 21
Average, Standard Deviation, Median and Mode for Statements 1 to 21
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21
Average Standard Deviation Median Mode
Rossi 22
Appendix B - Summary of Collected Data
Table 1: Indicated below are the percentage of responses for each statement when the respondent
answered either 4 or 5 to the statement ‘I will be with this company in three years’.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Size Years Profit Mgmt
Less True
(1 or 2)
5.6 9.3 16.7 16.7 9.3 3.7 18.5 22.2 22.2 14.8 14.8 44.4 29.6 5.6 18.5 20.4 20.4 37.0 5.6 25.9 0 10659 8.7 68.5 53.7 % Yes or AVG
3 22.2 27.8 20.4 5.6 24.1 9.3 35.2 16.7 27.8 33.3 22.2 20.4 5.6 13.0 11.1 24.1 29.6 33.3 27.8 25.9 0 300 5.0 13.0 46.3 % No or MODE
True (4
or 5)
72.2 63.0 63.0 77.8 66.7 87.0 46.3 61.1 50.0 51.9 63.0 35.2 64.8 81.5 70.4 55.6 50.0 29.6 66.7 48.1 100 400 8.0 18.5 0.0 % N/A or
Table 1
Table 2: Indicated below are the percentage of responses for each statement when the respondent
answered 3 to the statement ‘I will be with this company in three years’.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Size Years Profit Mgmt
Less True
(1 or 2)
21.7 13.0 26.1 30.4 26.1 8.7 21.7 26.1 34.8 17.4 30.4 39.1 30.4 4.3 13.0 34.8 21.7 56.5 21.7 47.8 0 8519 7.8 78.3 52.2 % Yes or AVG
3 43.5 21.7 39.1 13.0 30.4 21.7 26.1 17.4 21.7 34.8 26.1 13.0 17.4 17.4 34.8 30.4 39.1 13.0 26.1 26.1 100 3000 3 13.0 47.8 % No or MODE
True (4
or 5)
34.8 65.2 34.8 56.5 43.5 69.6 52.2 56.5 43.5 47.8 43.5 47.8 52.2 78.3 52.2 34.8 39.1 30.4 52.2 26.1 0 500 4 8.7 0.0 % N/A or
Table 2
Table 3: Indicated below are the percentage of responses for each statement when the respondent
answered 1 or 2 to the statement ‘I will be with this company in three years’.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Size Years Profit Mgmt
Less True
(1 or 2)
43.2 43.2 35.1 24.3 32.4 24.3 43.2 45.9 45.9 21.6 40.5 40.5 62.2 16.2 32.4 48.6 48.6 64.9 43.2 51.4 100 11428 5.7 83.8 70.3 % Yes or
3 40.5 24.3 48.6 24.3 29.7 29.7 37.8 29.7 35.1 35.1 32.4 24.3 18.9 29.7 18.9 32.4 32.4 16.2 29.7 27.0 0 300 1 16.2 29.7 % No or MODE
True (4
or 5)
16.2 32.4 16.2 51.4 37.8 45.9 18.9 24.3 18.9 43.2 27.0 35.1 18.9 54.1 48.6 18.9 18.9 18.9 27.0 21.6 0 350 3 0.0 0.0 % N/A or
Table 3
Rossi 23
Percentage responses for all statements when the respondent scored
either 1 or 2 to statement 21
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21
Less True (1 or 2) 3 More True (4 or 5)
Rossi 24
Percentage responses for all statements when the respondent scored
3 to statement 21
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21
Less True (1 or 2) 3 More True (4 or 5)
Rossi 25
Percentage responses for all statements when the respondent scored
either 4 or 5 for statement 21
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21
Less True (1 or 2) 3 More True (4 or 5)
Rossi 26
Appendix C -Scoring Profiles
Average number of responses at each scoring level by score for the statement,
"I will be with this company in three years
# of 5's # of 4's # of 3's # of 2's # of 1's
Level of statement responses
S21=5 S21=4 S21=3 S21=2 S21=1
Rossi 27
Scoring profile when the respondent scored 5 to the statement,
'I will be with this company in three years".
# of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
Rossi 28
Scoring profile when the respondent scored 4 to the statement,
'I will be with this company in three years".
# of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
Rossi 29
Scoring profile when the respondent scored 3 to the statement,
'I will be with this company in three years".
# of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
Rossi 30
Scoring profile when the respondent scored 2 to the statement,
'I will be with this company in three years".
# of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
Rossi 31
Scoring profile when the respondent scored 1 to the statement,
'I will be with this company in three years".
# of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
Rossi 32
Appendix D
Weighted index of scores by all respondents for all statements
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
(S1) I work for a great company.
(S2) This company has a clear mission and positive values.
(S3) My job is exciting.
(S4) I need the benefits.
(S5) My effort is appreciated.
(S6) I control how my work is accomplished.
(S7) Work life and home life are easily balanced.
(S8) My job matches what I do best.
(S9) The people I work with are very professional.
(S10) My coworkers are wonderful.
(S11) I really like my boss.
(S12) I live paycheck to paycheck.
(S13) There is room to grow.
(S14) What I do is important to the company.
(S15) The commute is easy.
(S16) My compensation is fair and reflects my efforts.
(S17) The fringe benefits are more than adequate.
(S18) I can not earn this much elsewhere.
(S19) My job is secure.
(S20) The atmosphere is relaxed.
Rossi 33
Appendix E - Top responses for each analysis group
S6 I Control how my work is accomplished. 87.0%
S14 What I do is important to the company. 81.5%
S4 I need the benefits. 77.8%
S1 I work for a great company. 72.2%
S15 The commute is easy. 70.4%
Table 1 - Statements answered most often as Most True among those scoring 4 or 5 to statement 21,
"I will be with this company in three years.
S12 I live paycheck to paycheck. 44.4%
S18 I cannot earn this much elsewhere. 37.0%
S13 There is room to grow. 29.6%
S20 The atmosphere is relaxed. 25.9%
My job matches what I do best.
The people I work with are very professional.
Table 2 - Statements answered most often as Less True among those scoring 4 or 5 to statement 21, "I
will be with this company in three years.
S14 What I do is important to the company. 78.3%
S6 I Control how my work is accomplished. 69.6%
S2 The company has a clear mission and positive values. 65.2%
S8 My job matches what I do best. 56.5%
S4 I need the benefits. 56.5%
Table 3 - Statements answered most often as Most True among those scoring 3 to statement 21, "I will
be with this company in three years.
Rossi 34
S18 I cannot earn this much elsewhere. 56.5%
S20 The atmosphere is relaxed. 47.8%
S12 I live paycheck to paycheck. 39.1%
S16 My compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. 34.8%
S9 The people I work with are very professional. 34.8%
Table 4 - Statements answered most often as Less True among those scoring 3 to statement 21, "I will
be with this company in three years.
S4 I need the benefits. 51.4%
S14 What I do is important to the company. 54.1%
S6 I Control how my work is accomplished. 45.9%
S10 My coworkers are wonderful. 43.2%
S5 My effort is appreciated. 37.8%
Table 5 - Statements answered most often as Most True among those scoring 1 or 2 to statement 21,
"I will be with this company in three years.
S18 I cannot earn this much elsewhere. 64.9%
S13 There is room to grow. 62.2%
S20 The atmosphere is relaxed. 51.4%
S17 The fringe benefits are more than adequate. 48.6%
S16 My Compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. 48.6%
Table 6 - Statements answered most often as Less True among those scoring 1 or 2 to statement 21, "I
will be with this company in three years.

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Employee retention

  • 1. Report on Employee Retention Why do employees stay with a company? Prepared for Professor J. Vogel St. Joseph’s College Patchogue, New York Prepared by John F. Rossi
  • 2. Table of Contents Summary 1 Introduction 3 Methods Used 6 Analysis 8 Limitations of Study 11 Conclusions and Recommendations 14 Appendix A - Employee Retention Survey and Response Percentiles 19 Appendix B - Summary of Collected Data 22 Appendix C - Scoring Profiles 26 Appendix D - Weighted index of scores by all respondents for all statements 32 Appendix E - Top Responses for Each Analysis Group 33 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR. NO PORTION OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE REPRODUCED, COPIED OR CONVEYED IN ANY FORM OR MEDIA TYPE; KNOWN OR UNKNOWN WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF JOHN F. ROSSI. COPYRIGHT 2000 - JOHN F. ROSSI THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS NOT INTENDED FOR GENERAL RELEASE.
  • 3. Rossi 1 John F. Rossi Professor Vogel Business 471 - Research Seminar in Organizational Management April 1, 2000 Employee Retention: Why do employees stay with a company? Summary During the Spring of 2000, a study was undertaken to determine the reasons why workers desire to remain employed by an organization. Without regard to sex, race, education or economic status, the researcher endeavored to discover those other types of satisfaction that are most often sought by employees. If people seek more than pure economic reward from the working environment, it might then be possible to create a profile that could be used to reduce or eliminate undesired employee turnover. To accomplish this research, a one page survey was distributed to capture the feelings of workers concerning twenty dimensions of their work environment. Some of these dimensions being under the total or partial control of the employee. Still others would find the employee having little or no control. Next, each individual responding to the survey would be asked whether they expected to be employed by their current organization in three years. Finally, each respondent is asked to clarify how long they had already served with the organization, whether it had been profitable in the prior year, how many people are employed by the organization and if they managed or supervised other employees.
  • 4. Rossi 2 Responses were collected from individuals in various settings. To broaden the scope of responses the researcher developed the survey in both paper and electronic formats. Using traditional collection methods and the Internet, one hundred and fourteen surveys were assembled and analyzed. Indeed the results of this analysis reveal support for the theory of profiling as a method of lowering undesired employee attrition. With continued study, this theory could become a beneficial reality in the workplace.
  • 5. Rossi 3 Introduction As the ‘Bull Market’ of the 1990’s continues to rage into the next millennium, employers across the United States are finding it increasingly difficult to attract the qualified employees necessary to occupy the plentiful positions available in their individual corporations. To cope with this shortage, some employers have developed creative employment incentive programs. Others have cultivated labor in new and sometimes foreign markets. Many have resorted to the use of technology as a means of diminishing the severity of the shortage on their individual organization. Perhaps the best method of filling important vacancies is to insure that current qualified employees remain a part of the corporation. After all, current employees are a known factor. They a familiar with the internal workings of the organization. They have been previously trained in the use of the many methods and systems used by the organization and they have established the formal and informal networks that are required to help them remain productive within the context of the organization. Further, there are no recruitment costs associated with retaining a current employee. The research conducted for this report endeavors to discover those personal internal factors that motivate the employee to remain with an organization. A customized survey was created to accomplish this research. Each person taking the survey was asked to rank how true certain statements where in their individual circumstance. The survey then made specific queries concerning the number of employees in the respondents company, the number of years that the respondent
  • 6. Rossi 4 was employed by the company, the profitability of the company during the previous year and whether the respondent functioned in a managerial or supervisory capacity. The answers provided by the many respondents where then analyzed in an attempt to develop a motivational profile which could be adapted to assist a corporation in determining which employees are at risk for departure within the following three years. There were a total of twenty-one statements listed on the survey. These included seventeen affirmative statements, such as, ‘I work for a great company’ and ‘There is room to grow’. Three non-affirmative statements that are intermingled with the affirmative statements, so as to maintain a more even tone in the total survey. Finally, the respondent must react to the statement, ‘I will be with this company in three years’. An analysis of the percentile responses to this survey are presented in Appendix A of this report. The individual completing the survey is at first instructed to consider why they stay with a company. They are then asked to rank each statement on a scale of 1 to 5. Where 1 means that the statement is less true in their case and 5 indicates that the statement is more true. Together the statements listed on the survey are intended to capture the respondents reaction to different dimensions of their individual working environment. These dimensions include items over which the respondent will exercise most, some or little control. A job dimension for which a respondent is likely to have the most control is found in the statement, ‘The commute is easy’. In this instance a respondent faced with an undesirable commute can choose to cope with the commute, relocate,
  • 7. Rossi 5 change the method of commuting or perhaps find a different job closer to home. Consider the statement, ‘My job matches what I do best’. Here the company and the respondent must interact to determine how this person can use their natural strengths to be most productive within the current context of the organization. A job dimension over which the majority of respondents will normally have little control is noted in the statement, ‘This company has a clear mission and positive values’. The dimensions viewed by the survey touch upon many aspects of the employment environment. When classed together they group into the larger categories of compensation and benefits, interpersonal relationships, personal growth and external factors. While each individual will have a customized mix among the dimensions, individuals having like intentions to stay with or leave the corporation, would be expected to exhibit similar behaviors in their individual responses to the survey. If this is true, an organization would have the ability to positively intervene with those essential employees exhibiting behaviors that tend to indicate that they are contemplating a jobs change. It may also be possible to determine those employees who are too far gone to retain. In these cases, the organization might determine to minimize any negative impact these individuals are having on other employees in the organization.
  • 8. Rossi 6 Methods Used This study relies entirely on primary data collected in the form of a single page self directed survey distributed using traditional collection methods as well as being collected via the Internet in an electronic format. It is a cross-sectional study, attempting to capture responses from several demographic groups of employed American workers. All survey responses were tabulated and entered separately into spreadsheet and database programs. These entries were cross referenced to capture and eliminate systematic recording errors. After having been cross referenced all entries were then again audited to ensure the accurate recording of the collected data and to eliminate the possibility of analysis errors resulting from this type of system fault. It is important to note that due to time and budget constraints, random sampling techniques could not be utilized. For the same reasons, non-respondents have not been accounted for in this study. The survey itself is designed to be highly structured and self directed. This was considered to be the best method of obtaining and recording the honest perceptions of respondents. Additionally, statements appearing on the survey were designed to take an extreme position to which the respondent would react. The researcher aspired to mitigate the effect of respondents who might otherwise
  • 9. Rossi 7 themselves take the extreme position and skew the scoring of their individual perceptions relative to one another. All responses were collected with the intention of providing absolute anonymity for the respondents. This was a simple manner when using the paper form of the survey. However, the electronic form of the survey relied on e-mail to deliver responses to the researcher. To maintain the anonymous nature of the study for these individuals, electronic responses were recorded onto paper forms. The transcription of responses was verified for accuracy. The original e-mail was then deleted to protect the privacy of the respondent.
  • 10. Rossi 8 Analysis In analyzing the results of the survey, the researcher first grouped all surveys based on how each respondent reacted to the statement, “I will be with this company in three years”. Respondents scoring either 4 or 5, More True, became one group (4/5 Group). Those scoring 1 or 2, Less True, became a second (1/2 Group). Finally surveys scoring 3 were assembled into a third analysis group (3 Group). A summary of the collected data for the three analysis groups appears in Appendix B. Each survey statement was analyzed and response percentiles were calculated for each analysis group. The five statements answered most often as being either more true or less true in each group were separated from the total responses. These statements are listed for each group in Tables 1 through 6 of Appendix E. Surprisingly three statements consistently appear among the top five, More True, responses for all three groups. These statements are: • (S4) I need the benefits • (S6) I control how my work is accomplished, and, • (S14) What I do is important to the company. Of the 54 respondents in the 4/5 group, 49 (90%) also scored at least two of these three statements as a 4 or 5. In the 3 group 19 of the 23 (82.6%) scored in this manner. Among the 1/2 group only 40% of the 37 respondents scored at least two of these three statements at the 4 or 5 level. Among all three groups two statements appear consistently in the top five responses for statements ranked as, Less True, by respondents. These include: • (S18) I cannot earn this much elsewhere, and,
  • 11. Rossi 9 • (S20) The atmosphere is relaxed. As there seemed to be minimal like patterning among all response scoring in each analysis group, it was decided to analyze the number of times that each respondent scored 1,2,3,4 or 5 for each statement on the survey form. When the survey responses are analyzed in this manner, it is discovered that individual respondents in each group tended to have similar response patterns. Individuals in the 4/5 Group tended to respond to more statements with a 4 or 5 and less with a 1,2 or 3. Among the 3 Group, these individuals tended to have a relatively equal number of statements scored as 3,4 or 5 and fewer scored 1 or 2. Within the 1/2 group, more statements were scored as 1 or 2 and less were scored as 3, 4 or 5. Scoring Profiles based on the respondents scoring of statement 21, have been graphed and appear in Appendix C. A combined weighted analysis of scoring for all survey statements appears in Appendix D. Weighting of responses was desired to ascertain the relative importance of each statement across all responses. Having completed the rudimentary analysis of the survey statements, attention was next given to the questions appearing on the survey. The questions, “Approximately how many people work for this company?” and “Was the company profitable last year?” , did not appear to affect how the respondent reacted to the statement, “I will be with this company in three years”. In the case of the question, “How many years have you worked for this company?”, there appears a correlation between time with a company and appearance in any of the three analysis groups. The greater the number of years with a company, the more likely that a respondent
  • 12. Rossi 10 would be in the 4/5 group. Indeed respondents in the 1/2 group tended to have the least time with the organization. The population in the 4/5 and 3 analysis groups tended to be evenly split on the question, “Do you manage or supervise others?” However in the 1/2 group, 70.3% of the respondents answered “Yes”. Analysis Group Approximate # of employees # of years with this company Profitable last year Manage or Supervise others 4/5 10659 (Average) 300 (Mode) 400 (Median) 8.7 (Average) 5.0 (Mode) 8.0 (Median) 68.5% (Yes) 13.0% (No) 18.5% (N/A) 53.7% (Yes) 46.3% (No) 3 8519 (Average) 3000 (Mode) 500 (Median) 7.8 (Average) 3.0 (Mode) 4.0 (Median) 78.3% (Yes) 13.0% (No) 8.7% (N/A) 52.2% (Yes) 47.8% (No) ½ 11428 (Average) 300 (Mode) 350 (Median) 5.7 (Average) 1.0 (Mode) 3.0 (Median) 83.8% (Yes) 16.2% (No) 0.0% (N/A) 70.3% (Yes) 29.7% (No) Table 1 - Question responses for each analysis group
  • 13. Rossi 11 Limitations of Study While every attempt has been made to compile and validate the collected data, certain limitations exist which must now be examined. The single greatest limitation placed on this project has been the restricted period available for data collection and continued study. For this reason only 114 completed surveys have been collected for this project. This constitutes a limited sample size from which to perform analysis. The surveys themselves were collected from three sources. These include: • Students of the St. Joseph's College New York Accelerated Weekend Bachelors of Organizational Management program. These students tend to be more career oriented and are likely more motivated than would be members of the general population. A large percentage of individuals in this group manage or supervise others. This group accounts for 60 of the 114 (~55.26%) responses collected. • Internet based employment bulletin boards and randomly selected e-mail addresses. Typical internet users tend to be from middle & upper economic groups. They are also more often from White(non-Hispanic) segments of the general population. The bulletin boards available on the internet site, ‘’ were used to solicit responses for this project. This site is designed to attract mostly women. Also, one of the bulletin board forums on this site was selected precisely because it catered to Black Females. 33 (~28.94%) responses where generated by individuals in these groups. The
  • 14. Rossi 12 geographic region of the these respondents is unknown. It is taken for granted that at least some of these responses arrived from geographic areas other than New York and the Northeast U.S. but this cannot be verified. • A sampling of residents of the town of Central Islip, New York. This town has a population that is predominantly upper lower and lower middle economic blue and white collar workers. However only 18 (~15.78%) responses were received from this group. • A minimum of 78 (68.42%) of the 114 responses were generated in the Long Island, New York area. Long Island is a generally affluent suburb of New York City in the Northeast of the United States. • There is a high probability that the majority of responses are from individuals having a middle class and white collar status. The survey used for this project made no attempt to distinguish the age, sex, education, location, or economic status of any of the respondents. It is possible that the sample may not be reflective of the demographics of the general U.S. population. Due to the limited time, scope and budget of this research effort, it will not be possible to track respondents over the next several years. As this is the case, the researcher will have no opportunity to determine whether respondents have remained with or departed from their current company during the next three years. Finally, the unusual state of the U.S. economy may have a euphoric effect on answers provided by respondents. As the unemployment rate in the United States is
  • 15. Rossi 13 at historic lows, many people may for the first time have the opportunity to be less concerned with the pure economics of working. Therefore, their responses might be atypical during less advantaged economic periods. Without the ability to survey similar groups during other economic cycles, it will not be possible to determine if the current conditions are stimulating respondents higher order needs and desires.
  • 16. Rossi 14 Conclusions and Recommendations The research performed for this report indicates that factors beyond mere economic reward, do indeed influence the decision of an employee to remain with an organization. There is also evidence to support the theory of profiling as a practical device in determining which employees are at risk for departure from the organization. In reviewing the responses of those who participated in the survey, several themes were consistent among the various analysis groups. Many respondents believed that they could earn more by joining other organizations. Despite this, they still responded favorably to the notion that they would remain with their current employer. There seemed a strong need in all analysis groups to feel that what they did at work was important to the organization. Also, personal autonomy in accomplishing tasks was very significant. In a practical sense, properly training managers to promote these beliefs, should have a significant impact on the psyche of every employee. A considerable number of respondents felt that the workplace was not relaxed. Maybe this meant that the pace was too furious, or that the work space was somehow lacking. Perhaps they had an overbearing co-worker or supervisor. Considering the number of hours most people spend in the workplace, it seems obvious that this would be an important dimension for many, if not, most people. From a practical standpoint, every company can take simple steps to create an environment that is more favorable to the employees ability to perform well.
  • 17. Rossi 15 Most surprising in this study, was the fact that the majority of those indicating the strongest desire to leave the organization were individuals who manage or supervise others? Respondents in this group were least likely to think that they work for a great company. Many indicated that their company was less likely to have a clear mission and positive values. These are factors over which the organization exercises significant control. Most respondents in this group felt they could earn more elsewhere. They also felt it less true that there was room for them to grow in the organization. A person in this group was the least likely to feel that their work matched their best abilities. In viewing these responses, it seems more obvious why people fall into this analysis group. Most of those in this group seem fixated on fulfilling their personal higher order needs. This group clearly had the most muted unenthusiastic responses. This study confirms that the longer a person is with an organization, the more likely they are to want to stay with that organization. The number of years with the company dropped in order from the highest scoring analysis group to the lowest. This characteristic of each group may explain why respondents desire to remain with an organization over the long term. It stands to reason that the longer someone is with a company the more competent they are likely to be in their position. This alone could permit individuals to focus on more personal than economic needs. Driving down the time required for an individual to feel most competent in their job would seem to be in the best interests of both employee and employer. The researcher found it most alarming that nearly 3/4 of respondents felt that they needed the benefits supplied to them by their organization. There was an
  • 18. Rossi 16 almost manic reaction by respondents to this statement. Only about twenty percent of the individuals indicated that this was less true for them. Why this particular perception exists, should be thoroughly studied. This is particularly the case in the small business setting where an organization may not have the resources required to present a robust benefit package to current or prospective employee. This is also very troubling as it speaks to the dependence individuals feel with regard to benefits. It would seem from these responses that benefits such as medical insurance, are well beyond the reach of most workers. This has great potential to harm employers, because the group scoring highest on the statement "I need the benefits" was also the group most likely to indicate a desire to stay with the organization. It is possible that a change or reduction in benefits could have a tremendous effect on the perceptions of these employees. The cost implications of this are disturbing. When considering the twenty dimensions of the workplace examined in this research study, it is safe to conclude that altering even a few of an employees perceptions can help increase the desire to stay with the organization. The proper training of managers and supervisors to recognize the profile of each individual, coupled with training in how to turn around perceptions that the organization controls can considerably improve retention efforts. It is very unlikely that a current employee would honestly complete the survey used for this report for their current employer. However, understanding the dimensions which motivate retention, it is possible for an organization to create mechanisms to help each manager capture this important information while there is still time to positively intervene.
  • 21. Rossi 19 Appendix A - Employee Retention Survey and Response Percentiles Please take a moment to consider why you stay with a company. Next, read each statement and indicate how true the statement is in your case. Place an XX in the box to the right of the statement which best describes how the statement applies to you. All survey responses will be kept in the strictest confidence. Statement Less True <<< More True >>> (S1) I work for a great company. 6.1% 14.9% 32.5% 30.7% 15.8% (S2) This company has a clear mission and positive values. 7.0% 14.0% 25.4% 32.5% 21.1% (S3) My job is exciting. 10.5% 14.9% 32.5% 27.2% 14.9% (S4) I need the benefits. 13.3% 8.0% 13.3% 22.1% 43.4% (S5) My effort is appreciated. 11.4% 8.8% 27.2% 30.7% 21.9% (S6) I control how my work is accomplished. 4.4% 7.0% 18.4% 36.0% 34.2% (S7) Work life and home life are easily balanced. 11.4% 15.8% 34.2% 23.7% 14.9% (S8) My job matches what I do best. 11.4% 19.3% 21.1% 25.4% 22.8% (S9) The people I work with are very professional. 8.8% 23.0% 29.2% 24.8% 14.2% (S10) My coworkers are wonderful. 4.4% 13.2% 34.2% 31.6% 16.7% (S11) I really like my boss. 14.9% 12.3% 25.4% 36.0% 11.4% (S12) I live paycheck to paycheck. 17.5% 24.6% 20.2% 14.9% 22.8% (S13) There is room to grow. 19.3% 21.1% 12.3% 28.1% 19.3% (S14) What I do is important to the company. 3.5% 5.3% 19.3% 38.6% 33.3% (S15) The commute is easy. 13.2% 8.8% 17.5% 22.8% 37.7% (S16) My compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. 16.7% 15.8% 27.2% 28.9% 11.4% (S17) The fringe benefits are more than adequate. 11.5% 18.6% 31.9% 21.2% 16.8% (S18) I can not earn this much elsewhere. 27.2% 23.7% 22.8% 16.7% 9.6% (S19) My job is secure. 7.9% 14.0% 27.2% 31.6% 19.3% (S20) The atmosphere is relaxed. 15.8% 22.8% 26.3% 20.2% 14.9% (S21) I will be with this company in three years. 21.1% 12.3% 19.3% 23.7% 23.7% Approximately how many people work for this company? Average=10641 Median=400 Mode=300 How many years have you worked for this company? Average=8.36 Median=5 Mode=1 Was this company profitable last year ? (Y or N) Yes=75.44% No=13.16% N/A=11.4% Do you manage or supervise others? (Y or N) Yes=58.77% No=39.47% N/A=1.75%
  • 22. Rossi 20 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentagethisresponse S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Statement Percentage responses to each statement based on the score provided 5's 4's 3's 2's 1's
  • 23. Rossi 21 Average, Standard Deviation, Median and Mode for Statements 1 to 21 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Statement Value Average Standard Deviation Median Mode
  • 24. Rossi 22 Appendix B - Summary of Collected Data Table 1: Indicated below are the percentage of responses for each statement when the respondent answered either 4 or 5 to the statement ‘I will be with this company in three years’. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Size Years Profit Mgmt Less True (1 or 2) 5.6 9.3 16.7 16.7 9.3 3.7 18.5 22.2 22.2 14.8 14.8 44.4 29.6 5.6 18.5 20.4 20.4 37.0 5.6 25.9 0 10659 8.7 68.5 53.7 % Yes or AVG 3 22.2 27.8 20.4 5.6 24.1 9.3 35.2 16.7 27.8 33.3 22.2 20.4 5.6 13.0 11.1 24.1 29.6 33.3 27.8 25.9 0 300 5.0 13.0 46.3 % No or MODE More True (4 or 5) 72.2 63.0 63.0 77.8 66.7 87.0 46.3 61.1 50.0 51.9 63.0 35.2 64.8 81.5 70.4 55.6 50.0 29.6 66.7 48.1 100 400 8.0 18.5 0.0 % N/A or MEDIAN Table 1 Table 2: Indicated below are the percentage of responses for each statement when the respondent answered 3 to the statement ‘I will be with this company in three years’. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Size Years Profit Mgmt Less True (1 or 2) 21.7 13.0 26.1 30.4 26.1 8.7 21.7 26.1 34.8 17.4 30.4 39.1 30.4 4.3 13.0 34.8 21.7 56.5 21.7 47.8 0 8519 7.8 78.3 52.2 % Yes or AVG 3 43.5 21.7 39.1 13.0 30.4 21.7 26.1 17.4 21.7 34.8 26.1 13.0 17.4 17.4 34.8 30.4 39.1 13.0 26.1 26.1 100 3000 3 13.0 47.8 % No or MODE More True (4 or 5) 34.8 65.2 34.8 56.5 43.5 69.6 52.2 56.5 43.5 47.8 43.5 47.8 52.2 78.3 52.2 34.8 39.1 30.4 52.2 26.1 0 500 4 8.7 0.0 % N/A or MEDIAN Table 2 Table 3: Indicated below are the percentage of responses for each statement when the respondent answered 1 or 2 to the statement ‘I will be with this company in three years’. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Size Years Profit Mgmt Less True (1 or 2) 43.2 43.2 35.1 24.3 32.4 24.3 43.2 45.9 45.9 21.6 40.5 40.5 62.2 16.2 32.4 48.6 48.6 64.9 43.2 51.4 100 11428 5.7 83.8 70.3 % Yes or AVG 3 40.5 24.3 48.6 24.3 29.7 29.7 37.8 29.7 35.1 35.1 32.4 24.3 18.9 29.7 18.9 32.4 32.4 16.2 29.7 27.0 0 300 1 16.2 29.7 % No or MODE More True (4 or 5) 16.2 32.4 16.2 51.4 37.8 45.9 18.9 24.3 18.9 43.2 27.0 35.1 18.9 54.1 48.6 18.9 18.9 18.9 27.0 21.6 0 350 3 0.0 0.0 % N/A or MEDIAN Table 3
  • 25. Rossi 23 Percentage responses for all statements when the respondent scored either 1 or 2 to statement 21 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Statement percentage Less True (1 or 2) 3 More True (4 or 5)
  • 26. Rossi 24 Percentage responses for all statements when the respondent scored 3 to statement 21 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Statement Percentage Less True (1 or 2) 3 More True (4 or 5)
  • 27. Rossi 25 Percentage responses for all statements when the respondent scored either 4 or 5 for statement 21 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Statement Percentage Less True (1 or 2) 3 More True (4 or 5)
  • 28. Rossi 26 Appendix C -Scoring Profiles Average number of responses at each scoring level by score for the statement, "I will be with this company in three years 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 # of 5's # of 4's # of 3's # of 2's # of 1's Level of statement responses Numberofstatementresponses S21=5 S21=4 S21=3 S21=2 S21=1
  • 29. Rossi 27 Scoring profile when the respondent scored 5 to the statement, 'I will be with this company in three years". 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 # of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
  • 30. Rossi 28 Scoring profile when the respondent scored 4 to the statement, 'I will be with this company in three years". 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 # of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
  • 31. Rossi 29 Scoring profile when the respondent scored 3 to the statement, 'I will be with this company in three years". 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 # of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
  • 32. Rossi 30 Scoring profile when the respondent scored 2 to the statement, 'I will be with this company in three years". 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 # of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
  • 33. Rossi 31 Scoring profile when the respondent scored 1 to the statement, 'I will be with this company in three years". 0 5 10 15 20 25 # of 5 responses # of 4 responses # of 3 responses # of 2 responses # of 1 responses
  • 34. Rossi 32 Appendix D Weighted index of scores by all respondents for all statements 4.9 5.0 4.6 5.4 5.0 5.6 4.6 4.8 4.5 5.0 4.6 4.4 4.4 5.7 5.3 4.4 4.5 3.7 4.9 4.3 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 (S1) I work for a great company. (S2) This company has a clear mission and positive values. (S3) My job is exciting. (S4) I need the benefits. (S5) My effort is appreciated. (S6) I control how my work is accomplished. (S7) Work life and home life are easily balanced. (S8) My job matches what I do best. (S9) The people I work with are very professional. (S10) My coworkers are wonderful. (S11) I really like my boss. (S12) I live paycheck to paycheck. (S13) There is room to grow. (S14) What I do is important to the company. (S15) The commute is easy. (S16) My compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. (S17) The fringe benefits are more than adequate. (S18) I can not earn this much elsewhere. (S19) My job is secure. (S20) The atmosphere is relaxed. Question Score
  • 35. Rossi 33 Appendix E - Top responses for each analysis group S6 I Control how my work is accomplished. 87.0% S14 What I do is important to the company. 81.5% S4 I need the benefits. 77.8% S1 I work for a great company. 72.2% S15 The commute is easy. 70.4% Table 1 - Statements answered most often as Most True among those scoring 4 or 5 to statement 21, "I will be with this company in three years. S12 I live paycheck to paycheck. 44.4% S18 I cannot earn this much elsewhere. 37.0% S13 There is room to grow. 29.6% S20 The atmosphere is relaxed. 25.9% S8/ S9 My job matches what I do best. The people I work with are very professional. 22.2% Table 2 - Statements answered most often as Less True among those scoring 4 or 5 to statement 21, "I will be with this company in three years. S14 What I do is important to the company. 78.3% S6 I Control how my work is accomplished. 69.6% S2 The company has a clear mission and positive values. 65.2% S8 My job matches what I do best. 56.5% S4 I need the benefits. 56.5% Table 3 - Statements answered most often as Most True among those scoring 3 to statement 21, "I will be with this company in three years.
  • 36. Rossi 34 S18 I cannot earn this much elsewhere. 56.5% S20 The atmosphere is relaxed. 47.8% S12 I live paycheck to paycheck. 39.1% S16 My compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. 34.8% S9 The people I work with are very professional. 34.8% Table 4 - Statements answered most often as Less True among those scoring 3 to statement 21, "I will be with this company in three years. S4 I need the benefits. 51.4% S14 What I do is important to the company. 54.1% S6 I Control how my work is accomplished. 45.9% S10 My coworkers are wonderful. 43.2% S5 My effort is appreciated. 37.8% Table 5 - Statements answered most often as Most True among those scoring 1 or 2 to statement 21, "I will be with this company in three years. S18 I cannot earn this much elsewhere. 64.9% S13 There is room to grow. 62.2% S20 The atmosphere is relaxed. 51.4% S17 The fringe benefits are more than adequate. 48.6% S16 My Compensation is fair and reflects my efforts. 48.6% Table 6 - Statements answered most often as Less True among those scoring 1 or 2 to statement 21, "I will be with this company in three years.