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Time	dilation	against	that	of	F=1/T	
(3	*10^8	M/s)	
Albert	 Einstein,	 defined	 and	 “Stipulated”	 the	 conditions	 of	 (the)	 “Space	 ~	 Time”	
constant;	a	“con-juncture”	that	cannot	exist;	that	of	“Space”,	and	“Time”	being	part	
of	the	same	constant,	given	the	fact	that	a	“constant”	forms	a	singularity	of	one	and	
not	of	one	plus	one,	that	is	an	accumulation	thus	wrong.	
To	 express	 the	 “error”	 of	 Mr.	 E.	 (Bertie	 to	 his	 friends),	 it,	 (the	 error)	 can	 be	
expressed	by	the	construct	of	the	Hydrogen	Atom:		
As	 shown	 above,	 “Hydrogen”	 comprises	 of	 the	 lowest	 possible	 component	
combinations	to	form	one	atomic	structure,	“One”	Nuclei	and	“One”	Electron,	any	
other	combination	would	from	a	“fundamental”	multiple	of	ONE.		
Irrespective	 of	 any	 “postulated	 size”,	 or	 distance	 of	 a	 presumed	 mathematical	
condition,	the	state	of	one	plus	one	is	the	fundamental	overriding	constant;	though	
to	examine	the	singularity	of	this	construct	in	isolation	is	to	ignore	the	sub	elements	
of	that	construct	itself,	that	of	the	nuclei,	that	of	the	electron,	that	of	its	orbital	path,	
that	 of	 the	 velocity	 of	 the	 electron	 on	 its	 orbital	 path,	 and,	 that	 of	 its	 magnetic	
charge,	where	to	isolate	each	of	the	per-cursor	events	liberates	the	following:	That	
of	Hydrogen’s	construction	itself:	
1. One	Nuclei	who’s	nominal	position	in	space	has	to	be	[0,0,0]	of	itself,	and,	
2. One	electron	that	orbits	around	its	nuclei	at	a	give	distance	from	the	origin	of	
[0,0,0]	of	itself.
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3. The	 minimum	 distance	 multiplied	 by	 two,	 forms	 the	 absolute	 minimum	
“space~ial”	distance	where	ANY	[TWO]	atoms	can	co-exist.		
4. The	“orbital”	(path~distance)	of	the	electron	is	exactly	3.14	times	that	of	the	
minimum	distance	of	the	“space~ial”	separation	of	the	nuclei	to	the	electron.		
5. The	electron	has	a	mass	or	density	of	1/1842	part’s	to	that	of	the	nuclei	or	in	
layman’s	terms	(it	has	a	PHYSICAL	weight).	
6. The	 speed	 of	 the	 electron	 has	 been	 pre-determined	 by	 the	 speed	 time	
constant	of	3*10^8	meters	per	second.		
Conditions	 1	 though	 to	 6	 must	 “co-exist”,	 else	 the	 atomic	 structure	 of	 hydrogen	
would	fail;	and,	as	if	by	magic	“one”	of	those	very	clever	people	shout’s	out;	“Only	
half	right,	the	orbital	path	of	an	electron	is	elongated”;	 liberates	 the	 ONLY	 written	
response,	that	of:	
The	 assimilation	 of	 the	 orbital	 path	 to	 that	 of	 an	 ellipsoid	 or	 “elongated	 hyper	
parabolic	quadratic	based	on	a	circle”	results	in	the	condition	of	an	“Error	Path”,	or	
path	of	infinite	correction,	where	the	correction	cannot	occur	at	the	same	time	as	
the	error	itself	and,	the	correction	must	therefore	occur	“next	time	around”,	or	next	
step	or	iterative	correction	as	shown	below:	
Examining	the	above	condition,	that	of	ellipsoid	paths	and	infinite	correction	would	
still	produce	a	point	in	space	of	the	absolute	minimum	distance	from	the	nuclei	to	
the	 electron,	 though	 in	 this	 condition	 the	 speed	 time	 constant	 fails	 itself;	 that	 of
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3*10^8	M/s	being	the	speed	of	an	electron	in	a	given	direction,	and	it	can	be	seen	
that	for	this	condition	to	exist	in	the	above	image,	(an	ellipsoid),	would	suggest	that	
there	must	be	a	speed	variation	between	the	x	and	the	y	axis’s	or	to	express	as	a	
time	difference	up	and	down	verse	the	time	take	to	go	from	left	to	right,	(Horizontal	
Vs.	Vertical).	Thus	an	ellipsoid	defies	the	speed	time	constant,	thus	must	be	centroid	
and	not	ellipsoid.	To	remain	in	an	ellipsoid	state	would	cause	the	atomic	structure	to	
“wobble”	 about	 its	 own	 axis,	 thus	 UNSTABLE;	 where,	 to	 attempt	 “correct”	 the	
condition	 by	 re-representing	 the	 same	 image	 in	 an	 alternate	 plane	 only	 leads	 to	
further	confirmation	of	time	dilation	of	an	ellipsoid	condition,	as	now	shown:	
The	 “conditions”	 of	 the	 “atomic	 structure”	 of	 Hydrogen,	 ply	 (the)	 metric	 of	 “one	
unit”,	 else	 Hydrogen	 would	 not	 exist,	 and	 an	 ellipsoid	 path	 of	 infinite	 correction	
would	result	in	a	“wobble”	or	time	dilation	error	of	the	orbital	path,	hence	“next	
pass	correction”,	a	state	of	infinitive	and	iterative	correction;	where	to	continue	to	
accept	the	postulated	speed	differential	equation	resulting	in	“An	Electron	being	at	
all	points	in	space	at	the	same	time	(3*10^8	M/s)”	produces	the	condition	of	a	super	
imposed	 spheroidal	 projection	 of	 an	 infinite	 path	 of	 correction	 to	 an	 ellipsoid	
condition	 of	 the	 elongation	 of	 the	 path	 of	 propagation	 of	 the	 orbital	 path	 of	 the	
electron,	 and	 viewed	 in	 its	 populated	 condition	 produces	 a	 greater	 error	 of	
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The	 minimum	 distance	 is	 now	 established	 as	 the	 “iterative	 accumulated	 path	 of	
correction”,	and	the	(nuclei	and	electron)	are	also	now	constrained	by	it	absolute	
maximum	condition	for	the	ellipsoid	condition	of	a	path	of	infinite	correction	by	
elongation;	where	the	“wobble”	can	been	seen	and	is	represented	as	TWO	PARTS	of	
“Pi”	or	2.09	units	of	the	constant	defined	as	the	absolute	minimum	distance	within	
the	 space~ial	 representation	 of	 the	 atomic	 nuclei	 and	 the	 charged	 electron;	 thus,	
(the)	2.09	units	of	“differential	space”,	is	also	directly	proportional	to	the	minimum	
free	 space	 between	 two	 atoms	 to	 avoid	 atomic	 collision,	 or	 invading	 the	 atomic	
neutral	zone	of	ionic	electron	discharge	resulting	in	(a	spark);	a	natural	conditional	
state	of	one	over	one	or	1/1	(That	of	the	atomic	condition	of	Hydrogen);		
Given	that	the	electron	holds	a	“magneto	charge”	that	of	a	positive	condition	or	to	
re-represent	so	that	the	“clever”	one’s	can	understand,	it	would	be	a	“North”	charge	
(non-conditional).	 Thus	 to	 “constrict”	 or	 to	 “squash”	 the	 orbital	 conditions	 would	
result	 is	 further	 amplification	 of	 the	 time	 dilation	 of	 the	 free	 space	 condition	 as	
shown	below:
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The	 above	 represents	 and	 utilizes	 an	 EMI	 device	 to	 “Magnetically	 Intensify	 the	
electrons”	by	forcing	a	conditional	state	of	opposition	through	a	spherical	projection	
resulting	in	the	elongation	of	the	elongated	ellipsoid	path	of	the	electron.			
Given	the	“view	point”	in	time	is	the	point	of	origin	based	around	a	[0,0,0]	condition,	
a	 point	 or	 location	 that	 is	 neither	 positive	 nor	 negative	 in	 any	 axis	 of	 itself,	 a	
stationary	 reference	 of	 ZERO;	 where	 to	 extend	 the	 condition	 of	 the	 known	 to	 a	
secondary	postulated	condition	that	of	“Schrodinger’s	cat”	(a	state	it	is	or	it	is	not),	
would	lead	to	time	dilation	being	represented	as	the	conditional	state,	that	of	the	
existence	a	hydrogen	atom	at	a	nominal	point	of	[0,0,0]	where	the	“TIME”	of	the	
atomic	structure	remains	ZERO,	and	movement	FORWARD	from	[0,0,0]	would	be	an	
INCREASE	in	the	TIME	position	relative	to	zero	represented	as	[1,0,0]	or	[0,1,0]	or	
[0,0,1]	or	any	other	condition	that	results	in	a	positive	expression	of	the	positional	
data	of	the	zero	location	of	one	as	show	below:
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The	 “electron”	 of	 the	 hydrogen	 atom	 is	 forced	 in	 to	 a	 conditional	 state	 that	 is	
opposed	to	the	conditional	state	of	the	natural	position	of	the	electron	bound	by	the	
absolute	minimum	distance	between	the	nuclei	and	the	electron;	the	compression	
causes	a	line	of	compression	along	the	horizontal	axis	of	time.		Thus	at	the	nominal	
point	of	time,	that	of	[0,0,0]	(the	center),	an	elongated	ellipsoidal	condition	occurs	
resulting	in	the	fact	that	the	electron	is	now	forced	into	a	condition	of	time	dilation,	
the	time	to	the	left	of	the	center	point	has	not	yet	occurred	and	the	time	to	the	right	
has	 occurred	 before	 the	 event	 at	 the	 center;	 the	 TWO	 values	 exist	 due	 to	 the	
stipulated	and	postulate	claims	of	a	speed	~	time	constant.	Thus	speed	(3*10^8)	can	
not	be	constant	due	to	ellipsoid	movement	about	a	common	axis,	and	time	cannot	
remain	constant	due	to	the	forced	elongation	of	the	time	differential	it	self.
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An	EMI	device	utilizes	the	opposed	condition	of	forced	electron	migration	about	a	
common	axis	of	zero	resulting	in	the	forced	elongation	of	the	ellipsoidal	condition	of	
the	 neutrality	 of	 the	 hydrogen	 electron	 where	 the	 resultant	 condition	 is	 a	
“space~ial”	change,	a	change	in	the	definition	of	space	as	a	conditional	component	
of	Mr.	Bertie’s	differential	for	space~ial	relativity	and	the	former	declared	“space-
time”	constant.	Thus,	as	so	CLEARLY	represented	above,	space	is	now	a	differential,	
a	conditional	state	and	not	a	constant,	thus	space	becomes	the	MOVING	part	of	the	
relativity	 equation	 and	 time	 becomes	 totally	 irrelevant	 to	 the	 position	 of	 the	
electron.	Thus	the	collapse	of	the	time	differential	of	the	space	time	constant.		
Extending	 the	 above	 geometry	 to	 a	 size	 that	 would	 “accommodate”	 something	
larger,	a	“human”,	and,	as	the	EMI	does	not	“physically”	touch	or	interact	with	the	
contents	at	the	center	of	the	EMI	results	in	a	condition	that	if	a	human	were	to	stand	
in	the	middle	of	an	EMI	device	the	human	would	be	in	the	past,	the	present	and	the	
future;	all	at	the	same	time.	Thus	to	magnetically	constrain	the	possibility	of	the	past	
and	 force	 the	 past	 to	 become	 a	 magnetic	 part	 of	 the	 future	 results	 in	 the	 human	
condition	 of	 present	 and	 “future	 past”;	 to	 quantify	 the	 “amount”	 of	 “future~past”	
that	 is	 available	 for	 the	 viewing	 of	 the	 human	 is	 determined	 by	 several	 ancillary	
conditions.	The	amount	of	magneto	compression,	the	intensity	achieved,	the	cone	of	
elongation	 and	 when	 a	 secondary	 EMI	 is	 used	 and	 configured	 as	 a	 reversal	 field,	
time	can	be	seduced	to	the	secondary	device.	This	condition	remains	constant	at	a
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steady	state	as	long	as	the	MSSR	is	not	breached,	(the	MSSR	is	the	Minimum	Self	
Seduction	 Range),	 a	 point	 between	 two	 cones	 of	 constriction,	 one	 from	 each	 EMI	
Having	established:	
(1).	The	minimum	possible	distance	for	the	electron	orbit;		
(2).	The	maximum	possible	space~ial	differential	for	the	electron	orbit;	
(3).	The	“tipping	point”	of	2.09:1	of	the	positional	condition	of	the	time	differential	
of	atomic	structure	of	Hydrogen;	
(4).	The	existence	of	“future	past”;	
(5).	That	“space”	is	the	moving	part	of	“space	time”	relativity	and	not	a	constant	
(6).	That	an	EMI	draws	its	power	from	the	magneto	polar	condition’s	of	the	Earth	
which	in	turn	draws	its	power	for	the	solar	and	cosmic	conditions	of	Dark	Matter	
and	Dark	Energy;	
(7).	 “Universal	 polar	 magneto	 displacement”	 results	 in	 a	 condition	 that	 an	 EMI	
device	when	correctly	configured	will	be	positioned	at	a	point	in	space	of	[0,0,0]	to	
ALL	space	and	to	ALL	of	time	in	relation	to	itself,	an	absolute	of	centrality;		
(8).	 That	 the	 speed	 constant	 of	 “3*10^8”	 cannot	 be	 constant	 due	 to	 ellipsoidal	
(9).	That	time	is	now	totally	irrelevant	to	the	position	and	space	allocation	to	the	
atomic	structure	of	Hydrogen,	thus	forms	the	non	conditional	state	that	if	hydrogen	
exists	 in	 a	 fundamental	 state	 then	 all	 other	 atomic	 structures	 exists	 in	 the	 same	
(10).	The	combined	result	of	1	to	9	breaches	each	and	every	condition	of	“Space-
time”	Relativity.	
	When	examining	the	“deconstruction”	of	the	relativity	constant	referred	to	as	the	
“Space	 Time”	 constant,	 if	 can	 be	 seen	 from	 this	 very	 simple	 document	 and	 its	
“simplified”	view,	(though	simplified	to	an	enormous	extent	for	“clever”	people	to	
understand),	not	only	show’s,	but	also	represents	a	more	“accurate”	representation	
of	 the	 definition	 of	 a	 unit	 in	 space,	 and	 the	 function	 of	 a	 time	 differential	 that	 is	
visible	in	more	than	one	state,	that	of	the	present	state	of	non	condition	time	and	its	
fluctuation	of	“zero”	placed	in	time	at	an	axis	of	[0,0,0]	about	itself;	thus	creating	
multiple	sub	conditions	and	many	“absolute”	conditions	that	MUST	exists	in	order	
for	the	most	fundamental	of	atomic	structures	to	exits,	that	of	Hydrogen;	Ergo	“If	
Hydrogen	 (as	 is)	 were	 to	 be	 bound	 to	 the	 speed	 time	 constant	 as	 related	 to	 the	
Relativity	 Speed	 Time	 constant,	 Hydrogen	 would	 rip	 itself	 apart,	 but	 as	 it	 can	 be	
seen,	Hydrogen	exits	now,	it	existed	then	and	will	exist	tomorrow	(the	future);	thus	
the	very	existence	of	Hydrogen	confirms	each	line	of	this	document,	(including)	each	
of	 the	 designated	 function’s,	 and	 the	 common	 constant	 of	 the	 GPU	 (Grand	 Prime	
Unit)	 that	 of	 the	 construction	 limitations,	 bounds	 of	 confinement	 and	 esoteric	
“Nucleioidal”	conditions	of	One	Nuclei	and	ONE	Electron.
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Though	to	now	extend	the	above	to	the	condition	of	the	“conditional”	state	of	the	
opposed	fields	of	ultra	high	resolutions	that	occur	within	an	EMI,	that	of	a	infinite	
input	stream	of	positive	ions	which	are	then	compressed	within	their	free	space	to	
their	absolute	“electro	magneto	state”,	that	of	the	GPU	space	tolerance	of	itself,	that	
of	“AIR”	(a	combination	of	gases	of	which	the	majority	is	Nitrogen);	the	ion	stream	is	
then	“condensed”	to	a	focal	point	of	[0,0,0]	about	the	common	axis	of	[0,0,0]	within	
the	core	of	the	EMI	where	the	stream	is	then	focused	forward	overlaying	itself	and	
further	condensing	to	its	absolute	confined	minimum,	the	stream	is	then	pulled	and	
pushed	though	the	EMI	gate	to	a	final	focusing	cone	producing	a	rotation	around	its	
CIRCULAR	 POLARIZATION,	 a	 Magneto	 Laser	 of	 enormous	 proportions,	 an	 infinite	
supply	 of	 EM	 Energy	 sourced	 direct	 from	 the	 Earths	 EM	 field,	 which	 is	 directly	
plugged	in	to	the	cosmos,	(an	infinite	supply	of	pure	clean	energy).		
To	examine	the	time	dilatation	properties	of	an	EMI	it	is	also	necessary	to	examine	
the	 conditional	 state	 of	 the	 source	 medium,	 that	 of	 the	 infinite	 source	 of	 the	 EM	
energy	throughout	the	universe,	all	of	which	is	being	plumbed	directly	to	ONE	side	
of	an	EMI,	thus	at	the	midpoint	of	the	EMI	at	an	axis	of	zero,	that	being	[0,0,0]	of	
itself,	 anything	 and	 everything	 in	 the	 form	 of	 conducted	 EM	 energy	 extended	
thought	all	of	time,	the	EM	stream	is	directly	sourced	from	the	Earth,	and	likewise	
the	Earth	sources	its	EM	energy	directly	from	the	cosmos,	(all	of	it),	going	right	back	
in	 time,	 all	 13.7	 billions	 light	 years	 of	 it,	 all	 of	 time,	 all	 of	 the	 EM	 energy	 is	 now	
directly	plumbed	to	a	human	defined	point	in	time	of	[0,0,0],	though	to	hold	all	of	
time	 to	 the	 left	 of	 a	 common	 axis	 of	 [0,0,0]	 and	 to	 then	 “project”	 the	 said	 same	
through	an	aperture	is	to	“view”	what	comes	next	as	a	stream	of	EM	energy	that	
must	stretch	forward	in	time	to	the	same	amount	of	time	is	the	past	else	the	EM	
fields	 of	 50%	 ~	 50%	 Dark	 Matter	 Vs.	 Dark	 Energy	 would	 be	 imbalanced,	 this	 is	
further	 confirmed	 by	 recent	 actives	 with	 HUBBLE	 that	 of	 the	 now	 known	 electro	
Magnetic	 distance	 of	 the	 cosmological	 background	 noise	 relating	 to	 a	 distance	 of	
13.7	billion	light	years,	(unless	that	condition	is	false	too).		
The	above	alludes	to	many	known	properties	of	common	constructs	that	have	being	
miss	 represented	 or	 deviate	 from	 the	 absolute	 truth,	 though	 investigating	 the	
simplicity	of	Hydrogen	and	plying	the	rudimentary	of	geometry	and	common	logic	
releases	 so	 many	 “brow”	 lifting	 events,	 it	 also	 allows	 for	 the	 release	 of	 the	
fundamental	functions	of	EM	to	be	re-investigated	to	the	full	and	for	mankind	as	a	
whole	to	grasp	with	both	hands	their	future	and	to	move	forward	in	its	existence,	
rather	 than	 to	 “stagnate”	 and	 remain	 bound	 to	 a	 two	 dimensional	 miss	
representation	 of	 a	 three	 dimensional	 condition	 based	 around	 a	 common	 axis	 of	
zero;	thus	proving	time	and	time	gain,	“the	greatest	amount	of	power	can	be	found	
closer	to	one	than	any	other	number”,	Ergo	E=mc^2	ply’s	the	need	to	use	an	finite	
amount	of	energy	to	reach	an	infinite	point,	a	fact	of	an	impossibility,	thus	fails	the	
1/1	GPU	of	Hydrogen;	thus	defines	the	UNIVERSAL	EQUATION:	N1	of	(0.0.0)=1/1	
(everything	else	is	a	derivative)	signifies	“much	more	than	this	meets	the	eye”,	thus
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to	 expand	 the	 conditional	 derivate	 of	 time	 requires	 that	 an	 EMI	 be	 viewed	 as	 a	
Cartesian	surface	with	a	non	Mercator	projection.		
Having	“read”	the	preceding	document		“Construction	of	an	EMI	(interface)”	clearly	
express’s	 the	 construction	 and	 designs	 of	 the	 EMI	 device	 itself,	 curfice	 to	 say	 the	
device	 is	 cylindrical,	 and	 when	 projected	 into	 its	 Cartesian	 format	 the	 cylindrical	
values	are	transferred	to	the	x	and	y	surfaces	of	the	“rectangular”	Cartesian	surface	
resulting	in	0	to	360	degrees	being	displayed	along	the	“x”	axis	or	left	to	right	with	
“0”	 being	 the	 midpoint	 of	 the	 axis	 or	 [0,0,0]	 of	 itself,	 and	 the	 “y”	 axis	 forms	 the	
proportional	 length	 indices	 of	 the	 physical	 dimension	 of	 the	 EMI;	 placing	 the	
“Azimuth,	Angle	incidence	and	the	center	of	the	EMI	at	a	point	located	in	the	middle	
of	the	Cartesian	surface.	
The	 “length”	 and	 of	 physical	 dimension	 of	 the	 EMI	 perform	 the	 calculation	 of	
“F=1/T”	the	speed	time	constant	resulting	in	an	individual	frequency	that	is	directly	
proportional	to	the	physical	length	of	the	EMI	80	mm	or	8	Cm	wave	length,	or	3.7	
GHz	(slap	band	in	the	middle	of	the	Military	block	assignment).
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A	better	view	of	the	“allocation”	of	“GLOBAL”	frequencies	comes	from	the	document	
When	 one	 considers	 the	 Cartesian	 surface	 pictorial	 representation	 of	 a	 3.7	 GHz	
(nominal	Zero)	EM	emission	of	a	circular	polarized	beam	of	EM	lased	energy	that	is	
highly	directional,	versatile	and	transportable,	that	creates	an	EM	pulse	of	immense	
power,	this	power	should	never	be	in	the	hands	of	[ANY]	Military,	nor	should	it	be	
kept	a	“private”	secret	for	the	benefit	of	the	few,	as	was	quoted,	the	needs	of	the	
many	will	always	out	weight	the	needs	of	the	few.		
Though	 its	 power	 output	 is	 phenomenal	 in	 comparison	 to	 anything	 mankind	 has	
known	to	date,	there	arises	a	more	fundamental	condition	that	of	“time”	itself,	as	
expressed	above,	time	resides	at	[0,0,0]	of	the	x/y	condition	of	the	Cartesian	display;	
that	must	exist	else	time	itself	fails	the	speed	time	constant,	though	to	now	consider	
the	EMI	construct	itself	is	a	“tube”,	an	electron	goes	in	(with	a	time)	and	comes	out	
(with	 a	 time)	 where	 the	 tube	 length	 is	 the	 time	 differential	 itself;	 the	 Electron	
travels	 through	 the	 tube	 under	 a	 field	 of	 compression	 of	 infinite	 length	 based	
around	it	own	rotational	axis	(outwards	to	inwards	on	a	secondary	rotational	spin	
of	it	self),	thus	to	re-represent	time	as	the	proportional	state	of	the	length	of	the	
tube	would	create	a	pictorial	display	not	to	dissimilar	to	diagonal	line’s	where	the	
inter	section	of	the	x,y	co-ordinate	relates	to	the	angular	decent	in	time;	thus	time	
CANNOT	remain	constant	at	the	co-ordinate	of	[0,0,0]	but	resides	in	a	proportional	
vectored	 condition	 of	 the	 constraint	 of	 the	 opposed	 compression	 of	 an	 elongated
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ellipsoid	of	the	orbital	path	of	an	electron	that	is	now	“phasing”	in	and	out	to	its	own	
position	 in	 time;	 thus	 confirming	 time	 as	 a	 variable,	 and	 likewise	 space;	 when	
placing	time	as	a	variable,	that	of	one	unit	of	GPU	or	N1	of	1/1	of	Hydrogen	creates	
the	subordinate	condition	that	of	fact	that	time	is	a	compressible	unit	based	on	the	
ellipsoidal	condition	constrained	by	the	EMI;	and	the	now	proved	condition	that	of	
the	fact	of	“space”	being	the	moving	part	of	the	equation	results	in:	“That	time	is	a	
compressible	 “variable”	 now	 residing	 on	 a	 non	 existent	 constant”!	 Thus	 time	 [IS]	
compressible	 to	 an	 infinite	 proportion	 of	 1/1	 or	 N1	 of	 1/1	 where	 time	 resides	 a	
derivative	of	a	condition	of	a	length	of	a	compression	of	an	ellipsoidal	orbital	path	
that	is	residing	within	the	confines	of	an	EMI,	which	is	directly	linked	at	the	atomic	
level	 to	 the	 cosmic	 EM	 field	 a	 conditional	 of	 1	 to	 infinity	 where	 the	 infinitive	
condition	that	resides	at	the	EMI	co-ordinates	of	[0,0,0]	thus	enforcing	and	compels	
mankind	to	investigate	the	truth	of	the	miss	representation	of	the	“Great	Works”	of	
one	Mr.	Albert	Einstein.

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EMI Time Dialtion

  • 1. Page: 1 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 Time dilation against that of F=1/T (3 *10^8 M/s) Albert Einstein, defined and “Stipulated” the conditions of (the) “Space ~ Time” constant; a “con-juncture” that cannot exist; that of “Space”, and “Time” being part of the same constant, given the fact that a “constant” forms a singularity of one and not of one plus one, that is an accumulation thus wrong. To express the “error” of Mr. E. (Bertie to his friends), it, (the error) can be expressed by the construct of the Hydrogen Atom: As shown above, “Hydrogen” comprises of the lowest possible component combinations to form one atomic structure, “One” Nuclei and “One” Electron, any other combination would from a “fundamental” multiple of ONE. Irrespective of any “postulated size”, or distance of a presumed mathematical condition, the state of one plus one is the fundamental overriding constant; though to examine the singularity of this construct in isolation is to ignore the sub elements of that construct itself, that of the nuclei, that of the electron, that of its orbital path, that of the velocity of the electron on its orbital path, and, that of its magnetic charge, where to isolate each of the per-cursor events liberates the following: That of Hydrogen’s construction itself: 1. One Nuclei who’s nominal position in space has to be [0,0,0] of itself, and, 2. One electron that orbits around its nuclei at a give distance from the origin of [0,0,0] of itself.
  • 2. Page: 2 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 3. The minimum distance multiplied by two, forms the absolute minimum “space~ial” distance where ANY [TWO] atoms can co-exist. 4. The “orbital” (path~distance) of the electron is exactly 3.14 times that of the minimum distance of the “space~ial” separation of the nuclei to the electron. 5. The electron has a mass or density of 1/1842 part’s to that of the nuclei or in layman’s terms (it has a PHYSICAL weight). 6. The speed of the electron has been pre-determined by the speed time constant of 3*10^8 meters per second. Conditions 1 though to 6 must “co-exist”, else the atomic structure of hydrogen would fail; and, as if by magic “one” of those very clever people shout’s out; “Only half right, the orbital path of an electron is elongated”; liberates the ONLY written response, that of: The assimilation of the orbital path to that of an ellipsoid or “elongated hyper parabolic quadratic based on a circle” results in the condition of an “Error Path”, or path of infinite correction, where the correction cannot occur at the same time as the error itself and, the correction must therefore occur “next time around”, or next step or iterative correction as shown below: Examining the above condition, that of ellipsoid paths and infinite correction would still produce a point in space of the absolute minimum distance from the nuclei to the electron, though in this condition the speed time constant fails itself; that of
  • 3. Page: 3 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 3*10^8 M/s being the speed of an electron in a given direction, and it can be seen that for this condition to exist in the above image, (an ellipsoid), would suggest that there must be a speed variation between the x and the y axis’s or to express as a time difference up and down verse the time take to go from left to right, (Horizontal Vs. Vertical). Thus an ellipsoid defies the speed time constant, thus must be centroid and not ellipsoid. To remain in an ellipsoid state would cause the atomic structure to “wobble” about its own axis, thus UNSTABLE; where, to attempt “correct” the condition by re-representing the same image in an alternate plane only leads to further confirmation of time dilation of an ellipsoid condition, as now shown: The “conditions” of the “atomic structure” of Hydrogen, ply (the) metric of “one unit”, else Hydrogen would not exist, and an ellipsoid path of infinite correction would result in a “wobble” or time dilation error of the orbital path, hence “next pass correction”, a state of infinitive and iterative correction; where to continue to accept the postulated speed differential equation resulting in “An Electron being at all points in space at the same time (3*10^8 M/s)” produces the condition of a super imposed spheroidal projection of an infinite path of correction to an ellipsoid condition of the elongation of the path of propagation of the orbital path of the electron, and viewed in its populated condition produces a greater error of correction:
  • 4. Page: 4 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 The minimum distance is now established as the “iterative accumulated path of correction”, and the (nuclei and electron) are also now constrained by it absolute maximum condition for the ellipsoid condition of a path of infinite correction by elongation; where the “wobble” can been seen and is represented as TWO PARTS of “Pi” or 2.09 units of the constant defined as the absolute minimum distance within the space~ial representation of the atomic nuclei and the charged electron; thus, (the) 2.09 units of “differential space”, is also directly proportional to the minimum free space between two atoms to avoid atomic collision, or invading the atomic neutral zone of ionic electron discharge resulting in (a spark); a natural conditional state of one over one or 1/1 (That of the atomic condition of Hydrogen); Given that the electron holds a “magneto charge” that of a positive condition or to re-represent so that the “clever” one’s can understand, it would be a “North” charge (non-conditional). Thus to “constrict” or to “squash” the orbital conditions would result is further amplification of the time dilation of the free space condition as shown below:
  • 5. Page: 5 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 The above represents and utilizes an EMI device to “Magnetically Intensify the electrons” by forcing a conditional state of opposition through a spherical projection resulting in the elongation of the elongated ellipsoid path of the electron. Given the “view point” in time is the point of origin based around a [0,0,0] condition, a point or location that is neither positive nor negative in any axis of itself, a stationary reference of ZERO; where to extend the condition of the known to a secondary postulated condition that of “Schrodinger’s cat” (a state it is or it is not), would lead to time dilation being represented as the conditional state, that of the existence a hydrogen atom at a nominal point of [0,0,0] where the “TIME” of the atomic structure remains ZERO, and movement FORWARD from [0,0,0] would be an INCREASE in the TIME position relative to zero represented as [1,0,0] or [0,1,0] or [0,0,1] or any other condition that results in a positive expression of the positional data of the zero location of one as show below:
  • 6. Page: 6 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 The “electron” of the hydrogen atom is forced in to a conditional state that is opposed to the conditional state of the natural position of the electron bound by the absolute minimum distance between the nuclei and the electron; the compression causes a line of compression along the horizontal axis of time. Thus at the nominal point of time, that of [0,0,0] (the center), an elongated ellipsoidal condition occurs resulting in the fact that the electron is now forced into a condition of time dilation, the time to the left of the center point has not yet occurred and the time to the right has occurred before the event at the center; the TWO values exist due to the stipulated and postulate claims of a speed ~ time constant. Thus speed (3*10^8) can not be constant due to ellipsoid movement about a common axis, and time cannot remain constant due to the forced elongation of the time differential it self.
  • 7. Page: 7 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 An EMI device utilizes the opposed condition of forced electron migration about a common axis of zero resulting in the forced elongation of the ellipsoidal condition of the neutrality of the hydrogen electron where the resultant condition is a “space~ial” change, a change in the definition of space as a conditional component of Mr. Bertie’s differential for space~ial relativity and the former declared “space- time” constant. Thus, as so CLEARLY represented above, space is now a differential, a conditional state and not a constant, thus space becomes the MOVING part of the relativity equation and time becomes totally irrelevant to the position of the electron. Thus the collapse of the time differential of the space time constant. Extending the above geometry to a size that would “accommodate” something larger, a “human”, and, as the EMI does not “physically” touch or interact with the contents at the center of the EMI results in a condition that if a human were to stand in the middle of an EMI device the human would be in the past, the present and the future; all at the same time. Thus to magnetically constrain the possibility of the past and force the past to become a magnetic part of the future results in the human condition of present and “future past”; to quantify the “amount” of “future~past” that is available for the viewing of the human is determined by several ancillary conditions. The amount of magneto compression, the intensity achieved, the cone of elongation and when a secondary EMI is used and configured as a reversal field, time can be seduced to the secondary device. This condition remains constant at a
  • 8. Page: 8 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 steady state as long as the MSSR is not breached, (the MSSR is the Minimum Self Seduction Range), a point between two cones of constriction, one from each EMI devices. Having established: (1). The minimum possible distance for the electron orbit; (2). The maximum possible space~ial differential for the electron orbit; (3). The “tipping point” of 2.09:1 of the positional condition of the time differential of atomic structure of Hydrogen; (4). The existence of “future past”; (5). That “space” is the moving part of “space time” relativity and not a constant (6). That an EMI draws its power from the magneto polar condition’s of the Earth which in turn draws its power for the solar and cosmic conditions of Dark Matter and Dark Energy; (7). “Universal polar magneto displacement” results in a condition that an EMI device when correctly configured will be positioned at a point in space of [0,0,0] to ALL space and to ALL of time in relation to itself, an absolute of centrality; (8). That the speed constant of “3*10^8” cannot be constant due to ellipsoidal conditions; (9). That time is now totally irrelevant to the position and space allocation to the atomic structure of Hydrogen, thus forms the non conditional state that if hydrogen exists in a fundamental state then all other atomic structures exists in the same state; (10). The combined result of 1 to 9 breaches each and every condition of “Space- time” Relativity. When examining the “deconstruction” of the relativity constant referred to as the “Space Time” constant, if can be seen from this very simple document and its “simplified” view, (though simplified to an enormous extent for “clever” people to understand), not only show’s, but also represents a more “accurate” representation of the definition of a unit in space, and the function of a time differential that is visible in more than one state, that of the present state of non condition time and its fluctuation of “zero” placed in time at an axis of [0,0,0] about itself; thus creating multiple sub conditions and many “absolute” conditions that MUST exists in order for the most fundamental of atomic structures to exits, that of Hydrogen; Ergo “If Hydrogen (as is) were to be bound to the speed time constant as related to the Relativity Speed Time constant, Hydrogen would rip itself apart, but as it can be seen, Hydrogen exits now, it existed then and will exist tomorrow (the future); thus the very existence of Hydrogen confirms each line of this document, (including) each of the designated function’s, and the common constant of the GPU (Grand Prime Unit) that of the construction limitations, bounds of confinement and esoteric “Nucleioidal” conditions of One Nuclei and ONE Electron.
  • 9. Page: 9 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 Though to now extend the above to the condition of the “conditional” state of the opposed fields of ultra high resolutions that occur within an EMI, that of a infinite input stream of positive ions which are then compressed within their free space to their absolute “electro magneto state”, that of the GPU space tolerance of itself, that of “AIR” (a combination of gases of which the majority is Nitrogen); the ion stream is then “condensed” to a focal point of [0,0,0] about the common axis of [0,0,0] within the core of the EMI where the stream is then focused forward overlaying itself and further condensing to its absolute confined minimum, the stream is then pulled and pushed though the EMI gate to a final focusing cone producing a rotation around its own common axis creating a HIGHLY CHARGED STREAM OF CONDENCED IONS OF CIRCULAR POLARIZATION, a Magneto Laser of enormous proportions, an infinite supply of EM Energy sourced direct from the Earths EM field, which is directly plugged in to the cosmos, (an infinite supply of pure clean energy). To examine the time dilatation properties of an EMI it is also necessary to examine the conditional state of the source medium, that of the infinite source of the EM energy throughout the universe, all of which is being plumbed directly to ONE side of an EMI, thus at the midpoint of the EMI at an axis of zero, that being [0,0,0] of itself, anything and everything in the form of conducted EM energy extended thought all of time, the EM stream is directly sourced from the Earth, and likewise the Earth sources its EM energy directly from the cosmos, (all of it), going right back in time, all 13.7 billions light years of it, all of time, all of the EM energy is now directly plumbed to a human defined point in time of [0,0,0], though to hold all of time to the left of a common axis of [0,0,0] and to then “project” the said same through an aperture is to “view” what comes next as a stream of EM energy that must stretch forward in time to the same amount of time is the past else the EM fields of 50% ~ 50% Dark Matter Vs. Dark Energy would be imbalanced, this is further confirmed by recent actives with HUBBLE that of the now known electro Magnetic distance of the cosmological background noise relating to a distance of 13.7 billion light years, (unless that condition is false too). The above alludes to many known properties of common constructs that have being miss represented or deviate from the absolute truth, though investigating the simplicity of Hydrogen and plying the rudimentary of geometry and common logic releases so many “brow” lifting events, it also allows for the release of the fundamental functions of EM to be re-investigated to the full and for mankind as a whole to grasp with both hands their future and to move forward in its existence, rather than to “stagnate” and remain bound to a two dimensional miss representation of a three dimensional condition based around a common axis of zero; thus proving time and time gain, “the greatest amount of power can be found closer to one than any other number”, Ergo E=mc^2 ply’s the need to use an finite amount of energy to reach an infinite point, a fact of an impossibility, thus fails the 1/1 GPU of Hydrogen; thus defines the UNIVERSAL EQUATION: N1 of (0.0.0)=1/1 (everything else is a derivative) signifies “much more than this meets the eye”, thus
  • 10. Page: 10 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 to expand the conditional derivate of time requires that an EMI be viewed as a Cartesian surface with a non Mercator projection. Having “read” the preceding document “Construction of an EMI (interface)” clearly express’s the construction and designs of the EMI device itself, curfice to say the device is cylindrical, and when projected into its Cartesian format the cylindrical values are transferred to the x and y surfaces of the “rectangular” Cartesian surface resulting in 0 to 360 degrees being displayed along the “x” axis or left to right with “0” being the midpoint of the axis or [0,0,0] of itself, and the “y” axis forms the proportional length indices of the physical dimension of the EMI; placing the “Azimuth, Angle incidence and the center of the EMI at a point located in the middle of the Cartesian surface. The “length” and of physical dimension of the EMI perform the calculation of “F=1/T” the speed time constant resulting in an individual frequency that is directly proportional to the physical length of the EMI 80 mm or 8 Cm wave length, or 3.7 GHz (slap band in the middle of the Military block assignment).
  • 11. Page: 11 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 A better view of the “allocation” of “GLOBAL” frequencies comes from the document below: When one considers the Cartesian surface pictorial representation of a 3.7 GHz (nominal Zero) EM emission of a circular polarized beam of EM lased energy that is highly directional, versatile and transportable, that creates an EM pulse of immense power, this power should never be in the hands of [ANY] Military, nor should it be kept a “private” secret for the benefit of the few, as was quoted, the needs of the many will always out weight the needs of the few. Though its power output is phenomenal in comparison to anything mankind has known to date, there arises a more fundamental condition that of “time” itself, as expressed above, time resides at [0,0,0] of the x/y condition of the Cartesian display; that must exist else time itself fails the speed time constant, though to now consider the EMI construct itself is a “tube”, an electron goes in (with a time) and comes out (with a time) where the tube length is the time differential itself; the Electron travels through the tube under a field of compression of infinite length based around it own rotational axis (outwards to inwards on a secondary rotational spin of it self), thus to re-represent time as the proportional state of the length of the tube would create a pictorial display not to dissimilar to diagonal line’s where the inter section of the x,y co-ordinate relates to the angular decent in time; thus time CANNOT remain constant at the co-ordinate of [0,0,0] but resides in a proportional vectored condition of the constraint of the opposed compression of an elongated
  • 12. Page: 12 Copy created on 11/24/15 OIB 54055150905 ellipsoid of the orbital path of an electron that is now “phasing” in and out to its own position in time; thus confirming time as a variable, and likewise space; when placing time as a variable, that of one unit of GPU or N1 of 1/1 of Hydrogen creates the subordinate condition that of fact that time is a compressible unit based on the ellipsoidal condition constrained by the EMI; and the now proved condition that of the fact of “space” being the moving part of the equation results in: “That time is a compressible “variable” now residing on a non existent constant”! Thus time [IS] compressible to an infinite proportion of 1/1 or N1 of 1/1 where time resides a derivative of a condition of a length of a compression of an ellipsoidal orbital path that is residing within the confines of an EMI, which is directly linked at the atomic level to the cosmic EM field a conditional of 1 to infinity where the infinitive condition that resides at the EMI co-ordinates of [0,0,0] thus enforcing and compels mankind to investigate the truth of the miss representation of the “Great Works” of one Mr. Albert Einstein.