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Why we like Emerging Market currencies

                   Marshall Gittler
            Chief Strategist, International
            Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA
                    22 June, 2010

              Tel: +41(0)22 739 0463
Why we like Emerging Market (EM) currencies on all time horizons
  Short-term: China has started to allow its currency to appreciate.
    That should allow other Asian countries to let their currencies rise as well
    without losing relative competitiveness.
    It may also spur speculation about upward pressure on EM currencies in
  Medium-term: We expect EM countries to raise rates & let their currencies
  appreciate to restrain inflation.
    One reason inflation is rising in EM countries is because of FX intervention.
    Raising interest rates is one way to deal with inflationary pressures. Rising
    interest rates should cause currencies to appreciate.
    Allowing FX appreciation should also dampen inflationary pressures as well
    as alleviating problems arising from intervention.
  Long-term: Currencies tend to appreciate as countries grow richer.
    Rising wealth in the developing world is likely to be one of the major global
    trends over the next decade.
Global Investment Solutions             Page 2
Why we like EM currencies
CNY appreciation, halted last year, has resumed

 CNY was on an appreciating trend until the
 global financial crisis hit in mid-2008 and the     CNY has room to appreciate
 government called a halt. Had they let it           8.00
                                                                     USD/CNY: actual* vs previous trend
 continue on the same path, it would currently
 be around 26% stronger vis-à-vis the USD.           7.50
 The government announced that it would
 "further reform the exchange rate regime and        7.00
 enhance the exchange rate flexibility" by
 resuming the previously announced daily
 trading bands (±0.5%) around the daily fixing
                                                                                                                             = 26%
 rate announced by the Chinese government.                             USD/CNY                                             appreciation
 The currency appreciated by 0.45% on June                             May '07~Jul '08 trend
 21st, the first day of trading after the news.
 The market was forecasting the currency             5.50

 would rise 2.3% over the next 12 months, vs                     *until Friday, June 18th
 1.8% on the previous trading day.                   5.00
                                                        Jan-07     Jul-07    Jan-08     Jul-08     Jan-09       Jul-09   Jan-10

                                                   Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                           Page 3
Why we like EM currencies
US-China trade tension pushed China to revalue

 Tensions between the US and China
 have been increasing as the US                  US trade deficit with China starting to widen again
 Congress looks for an issue that
 everyone can agree on, while China                                             US trade with China
                                                                                    12m moving sum                          $bn
 becomes more assertive in the world                    $bn
                                                 400                                                                              0
 political arena.
 Against this hostile background, Treasury                                                                                        -50
 Secretary Geithner delayed the annual           300
 Treasury report on currencies, which            250
 would probably have branded China a                            Balance (R)
 “currency manipulator” and forced the US        200            Imports from China (L)                                            -150
                                                                Exports to China (L)
 to take retaliatory measures. He probably       150
 did this to give China time to allow the                                                                                         -200
 CNY to appreciate without seeming to            100

 give in to foreign pressure. (Apparently, it                                                                                     -250
                                                    0                                                                             -300
                                                        00    01      02      03     04      05      06      07   08   09   10

                                                Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                              Page 4
Why we like EM currencies
G20 meeting was the last straw

 Pressure was building on China not only
 from the US, but also from other              CNY has been stable to lower since 2009
 countries, including some other EM
                                                       1 Jan 2008        Recent movement of the Renminbi
 countries. Brazil and India have publicly                = 100             against various currencies
 criticized China’s FX policy.                  150
 That put China in a bind ahead of the                       EUR
 June 26/27 G20 meeting, where China                         JPY
 should be playing a leading role among         130

 the developing nations. It was looking as                   MXN
 if the CNY would be a major topic of           120
 discussion this weekend.
 By allowing the CNY to appreciate again,
 China has defused this issue for now.          100
 The move does not satisfy those who
 were looking for a large one-off                90

 revaluation, and there are still questions
 about how rapidly the government will            2008                                2009                 2010
 allow the currency to appreciate.
                                              Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                              Page 5
Why we like EM currencies
Domestic pressures another incentive for China to revalue

  Inflation continues to rise, led by food                                     Real estate prices are rising again
                                                                                      % yoy
  25    % yoy                    China inflation                              14                       China house prices vs money supply      % yoy

  20                                                                          12                                                                       25
                                                                                              House prices (L)
                                                                              10              M2 Money supply (R)
  15             CPI - general                                                                                                                         23
                 CPI - food                                                    8
  10                                                                           6
   5                                                                           4
                                                                               0                                                                       15

  -5                                                                          -2                                                                       13
    2005         2006         2007         2008        2009   2010                 2006             2007            2008        2009        2010

Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

       Domestic pressures also are forcing China to revalue. The main problem is that inflation is heating
       up again, led by food. This is a lagging indicator of last year’s expansive monetary policy.
       Food prices are not that responsive to monetary policy, but housing prices may be.

 Global Investment Solutions                                         Page 6
Why we like EM currencies
FX reserve accumulation fuelling money supply growth

 One of the reason why monetary              Money supply grows along with FX reserves
 growth in China is so high is that the
                                           45          $bn                                                            % yoy      40
                                                                         China FX reserve accumulation vs
 government intervenes heavily in                                                  money supply
 the FX market to prevent the CNY
                                                             12m increase in China
 from appreciating. It creates and                           FX reserves (L)                                                     30
 sells CNY and buys dollars.                                 M1 (R)                                                              25
 If officials want to slow the pace of     20                                                                                    20
 monetary growth to cool the               15
 economy, they will have to slow the       10
 pace of reserve accumulation.              5

                                            0                                                                                    5
                                                2002     2003         2004   2005      2006      2007   2008   2009       2010

                                          Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                            Page 7
Why we like EM currencies
The “Impossible trinity:” Countries can’t control everything at once

      The problem for China (and other EM                     The impossible trinity
      countries) is called the “Impossible
      Trinity:” a country cannot control its                 Fixed exchange rate
      exchange rate and maintain an
      independent monetary policy while still
      being integrated into the world
      financial system through free capital
      flows. It can only control two and must
      let the market control the third.
                                                                  Only 2 are
                                                                  possible at
                                                                   one time

                                                   Free capital             Independent
                                                      flows                monetary policy

Global Investment Solutions                     Page 8
Why we like EM currencies
Rising intervention fuels money supply growth, inflation

  Rising money supply growth fuels inflation                                                            Asian countries reducing intervention
   24                                                                                      8
        % yoy                   Asia: money supply vs inflation                                                 % yoy          Change in FX reserves in AxJ
                            Asia ex-Japan countries weighted by PPP
   22                                                                                      7             50%

   20           Nominal broad money                                                        6             40%
                supply growth (L)
   18           Inflation (R)                                                              5

   16                                                                                      4             10%

   14                                                                                      3
                                                                                                                         Six months previous
                                                                                                                         Latest month
   12                                                                                      2






   10                                                                                      1








     2001   2002       2003       2004    2005    2006     2007       2008   2009   2010





Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

    Many EM countries have chosen to control their exchange rates, but by doing so they lost control of
    their monetary policy as they sold their currency and thereby increased the money supply.
    This trend has been especially strong in Asia, where rising monetary growth has fuelled inflationary
    pressures and given rise to fears of a financial bubble.
    This may be one reason why several Asian countries have slowed their pace of reserve
    accumulation recently despite the rising dollar. Money supply growth is slowing as a result.
 Global Investment Solutions                                                                   Page 9
Why we like EM currencies
India, Malaysia start tightening cycles as inflation rises; FX appreciating

     %                   India policy rate, inflation & FX                                9      %                     Malaysia policy rate, inflation & FX                             3.1
                                                                                  40                                                                                                    3.2
14                                                                                        7

                                                                                  42                                                                                                    3.3
                                                                                          3                                                                                             3.5
 6                                                                                48

 4                                                                                50      -1

 2                                                                                52      -3                                                                                            3.9
  2005       2006           2007           2008          2009          2010                 2005             2006            2007          2008            2009        2010
            RBI Reverse repo yield (L)   India CPI (L)    USD/INR (R, inverted)                      Malaysia overnight policy rate (L)   Malaysia CPI (L)      USD/MYR (R, inverted)

Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

     India and Malaysia have already started down this path. They have let their currencies appreciate
     since the beginning of 2009, while the central banks of both countries recently started a tightening

 Global Investment Solutions                                                           Page 10
Why we like EM currencies
India, Malaysia, now Singapore; others to follow?
     The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
     surprised the market on 14 April by a                      Singapore NEER already outside its band
     combined "recentering of the policy band at                                   Estimated Singapore NEER
     the prevailing level of the SGD NEER"                104                         with upper and lower bands

     (nominal effective exchange rate) and a shift
     in the policy band’s slope to "modest and
     gradual appreciation". This was the first time       102
     MAS has adjusted both simultaneously and
     thus was an aggressive tightening, in our            101


     MAS explained that Singapore’s recovery
     “has been stronger than expected, and more            99

     entrenched.” It said it expects the economy to
     continue to improve and inflation to continue          Jan-09      Apr-09      Jul-09        Oct-09           Jan-10   Apr-10

     to rise for the rest of the year.
                                                       Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, Goldman Sachs, DB Private Wealth Management
     We expect that other Asian countries are
     thinking the same way but have been waiting
     for China to move first before they too allow
     further FX appreciation.

Global Investment Solutions                           Page 11
Why we like EM currencies
As short rates rise, FX should appreciate as well
     We have seen how several Asian central
     banks have begun to tighten policy to deal                   AxJ-USD 3m spreads is generally widening
     with the inflationary threat. As a result, their
                                                            11                 Spread of AxJ 3m rates vs USD 3m
     short-term interest rates have been rising.            10

     In the US however there is currently little fear        8
     of higher inflation and the Fed has stated that         7                                                         India
     short rates are likely to remain low “for an            6                                                         Indonesia
                                                             5                                                         Korea
     extended period of time.”                               4                                                          Malaysia
                                                             3                                                         Philippines
     The spread between short-term Asian                     2                                                         Singapore
     interest rates and USD rates is rising as a             1
     result. This widening interest rate differential       -1
     is likely to support Asian currencies going            -2
     forward – and other EM currencies as well.             -3
                                                              2007             2008             2009            2010

                                                          Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                             Page 12
Why we like EM currencies
How did other Asian currencies react when CNY was floated in 2005?

 Most Asian currencies underperformed the
 CNY in the days after the USD peg was          Other currencies outpaced CNY after 2005 unpegging
 dropped in 2005.                                                      Movement of Asian currencies vs USD
                                              120    22 July 2005
 However, after a few months, the                        = 100

 currencies generally appreciated more than   115
                                                               CNY       KRW         IDR
 the CNY (except for INR).
                                                               INR       SGD         THB
 The Chinese Yuan did not move during the     110

 2008 crisis (as seen on pgs. 3 and 5).



                                                Jul-05        Oct-05        Jan-06         Apr-06          Jul-06   Oct-06

                                              Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                     Page 13
Why we like EM currencies
Other EM countries also feeling inflationary pressure
      Inflation is turning up in Latin
                                                Inflation turning up in Latam, Asia; slowing in EMEA
      America. The high level of inflation
      in Eastern Europe and the Middle                   %                          CPI inflation rates
                                                                                   weighted by GDP at PPP
      East (EMEA) has been coming               10

      down recently, but it remains
      relatively high.
      Rising interest rates (which should
      help EM currencies to appreciate)          4

      and rising currencies are two of the
      ways that we expect EM central
      banks to deal with the inflationary        0
                                                             G3 (inc UK)                          East Asia (ex Japan)
      danger.                                                Latam                                EMEA
                                                  2004         2005         2006           2007           2008     2009   2010

                                             Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                     Page 14
Why we like EM currencies
Capital controls are not likely to be a long-term solution
       Some countries have tried capital
                                                             Capital controls didn’t work for THB or BRL
       controls as another way of dealing
       with the “impossible trinity,” that is,    115
                                                             4m before date of
       keeping hold of FX and monetary                        imposition = 100

       policy by restraining capital flows.                                       Week when controls                    BRL

                                                  110                                were imposed
       Previous attempts at controlling FX                                        (19 Dec '06 for THB)
       rates through capital controls have
       generally proved ineffective. Brazil       105
       tried something similar back in
                                                                                                                 THB (9/06
       2008, but it had only a temporary                                                                          to 4/07
       effect. Thailand also tried to             100
       restrict inflows in 2006, but this too
       caused only a short-term plateau
       in the upward trend.                        95
                                                    Dec-07               Feb-08             Apr-08            Jun-08
       We see this as a way of slowing
       the trend, but not defeating it.          Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management

 Global Investment Solutions                      Page 15
Why we like EM currencies
EM currencies likely to appreciate as EM countries get wealthier
      As countries become more
                                                                                                                          Richer countries tend to have richer currencies
      developed, their export sectors
      become more efficient & more                                                                                                                   Currency valuation vs GDP
      competitive and labor costs start to
                                                                                                                                                             Brazil                             Hungary
      rise. Other sectors have to raise their                                                                             10%                                               Turkey
      wages too in order to keep pace. As a

                                                      Currency over/undervaluation
                                                                                     based on Economists' Big Mac index
      result, wages – and price levels –                                                                                                          Colombia
      tend to rise1.                                                                                               -10%

      If wages and price levels rise                                                                               -20%                                                                            Poland
      simultaneously, it means that the                                                                            -30%
                                                                                                                                     Indonesia               South Africa                Russia
      purchasing power of the currency
      rises relative to that of other countries.                                                                                                             Thailand                Malaysia
      We expect rising prosperity in EM to                                                                                                         China

      be one of the major economic themes                                                                          -60%
                                                                                                                                0            5,000             10,000             15,000            20,000   25,000
      of the next decade. Rising FX rates
                                                                                                                                                              GDP/capita (based on PPP)
      should accompany this trend.
  1This is known as the “Balassa-Samuelson effect”   Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, IMF, DB Private Wealth Management

Global Investment Solutions                           Page 16
Why we like EM currencies
Other reasons for EM currencies to appreciate

       Growth gap: Growth potential in the G7
       countries has been further reduced by the crisis
       but also by structural factors. The already              EM countries forecast to grow faster than DM
       strong growth lead of the EMs, especially in             14%                          Annual growth rate
       Asia, should therefore continue to widen.                12%
                                                                                                  at PPP                       Forecast

       Relative importance of exports is declining.             10%

       In some countries domestic consumption is                8%
       becoming increasingly powerful driver of                 6%
       economic growth. This means that the
       importance of a weak exchange rate for exports
       is declining.
       Solid fundamentals (this applies above all to
       EM Asia and Latin America).                                    1980   1985     1990        1995      2000      2005       2010

       Capital inflows: Privatisations are in the                               Advanced economies       Emerging and developing economies

       pipeline in several countries (India, Malaysia),
       as well as the largest share offers ever (Brazil,   Source: IMF World Economic Outlook

       China). Huge infrastructure projects (India,
       China) should also attract foreign capital.

Global Investment Solutions                           Page 17
Why we like EM currencies
 Reasons to invest in EM currencies through EM bonds: improved risk profile
     EM debt burden is falling                                                                               EM demographics still improving
   110                                                                                                                                       Dependency ratios
                                                 Public debt
                                                                                                             90            # of children and elderly as a % of working-age population
                                                  as % of GDP

    90                       Advanced economies
                                                                                      Forecast                                                                               Forecast
                             Emerging and developing economies
    80                                                                                                       70




    40                                                                                                       40
                                                                                                                  1950   1960    1970    1980   1990    2000    2010     2020    2030   2040   2050
         1990       1992   1994   1996   1998   2000   2002   2004   2006   2008   2010   2012   2014                           Developed countries      Developing countries (ex least developed)

                EM debt levels are likely to fall as a percent of GDP over the next five years while DM debt levels
                soar, according to the IMF. Yet the pension burden that DM countries face is still far away. In fact, EM
                countries could even afford higher debt levels, thanks to their higher growth potential. Productivity
                increases, positive demographics, liberalization and deregulation give EM better long-term growth
                potential than in DM. The combination of higher growth, and thus greater sources of revenue for debt
                servicing, and much lower debt levels should further reduce the historical spreads paid on emerging
                market debt.
   Global Investment Solutions                                                                     Page 18
Source: IMF World Economic Outlook                                                                      Source: United Nations World Population Prospects 2008 Revision, DB PWM
Why we like EM currencies
Reasons to invest in EM currencies through EM bonds: higher return potential

        Yields are generally higher in EM
        bond markets than in DM bond                   EM bond yields are generally higher than DM
        markets. That not only means greater          14     %                 EM vs DM 10yr bond yields
        income, but also more room for price          12

        appreciation if yields decline and            10
                                                                                                            EM countries
        greater cushion if interest rates move         8                                                    DM countries

        up.                                            6

        Yet some EM countries have a lower
        risk of being downgraded (or looked at
        another way, a greater possibility of


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        countries that offer lower yields.
        These include Brazil, South Africa,          Data as of 22 June 2010
        India, Colombia, Mexico and Russia,          Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, IMF, DB Private Wealth Management

        among others.

Global Investment Solutions                      Page 19
Why we like EM currencies
Reasons to invest in EM currencies through EM bonds: liquidity, diversification

   Rapid development, growing size, importance and liquidity of these markets
       Local Currency bonds have overtaken hard currency bonds in importance. Over the
       past five years the local market has grown by 18.8% p.a. compared to 8% p.a. for hard
       currency bonds. In addition to fixed coupon bonds, there is also an increasing supply of
       inflation linkers.

   Positive diversification
       Local bond markets are driven above all by domestic factors, such as the fiscal
       situation, inflation, external balances, etc., rather than US or ECB monetary policy,
       which affect many other asset classes globally.

Global Investment Solutions                  Page 20
Why we like EM currencies
  The new world will be more like the old world

                      India and China are reclaiming their historical role in the world economy

                                                     Share of World GDP
                                                    Rest of world

                         60%                                           Europe & N. America
                         40%                               India

                                  0          500             1000             1500            2000

                       The emergence of the EM countries is more of re-emergence. For most of history,
                       China and India have been the major forces in the global economy.
   Global Investment Solutions                             Page 21
Source: Angus Maddison, The World Economy
Why we like EM currencies
  Which ship would you rather be on?

    The ship used by
    Chinese Admiral Zheng
    He in 1405 compared to
    Columbus’. The Ming
    Dynasty's fleet of giant
    ships predates the
    Columbus expedition
    across the Atlantic by
    some 85 years.

    Global Investment Solutions                                                            Page 22
Photograph of the display in the China Court of the Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai. Source: Wikipedia
Why we like EM currencies
Strategy recommendations
  Pure FX
      Carry trades that involve borrowing in developed-country currencies and investing
      the funds in EM currencies.
      FX indices to take advantage of FX appreciation.
      We expect higher short-term rates in EM countries. Shorter-maturity bonds should
      hold up better than the long end during a tightening cycle. Later in the cycle, switch
      into longer-maturity bonds after rate hikes dampens inflation expectations.
      Index-linked bonds would benefit from currency appreciation plus growth rates (and
      hence inflation rates) that are likely to be higher than in the developed countries.
  Real assets
      Real assets, such as property, or claims on real assets, such as stocks, can be
      bought now in currencies that we believe are likely to appreciate in the future.

Global Investment Solutions                   Page 23
Important notes
Private Wealth Management offers wealth management solutions for wealthy individuals, their families and select institutions worldwide. Deutsche Bank
Private Wealth Management, through Deutsche Bank AG, its affiliated companies and its officers and employees (collectively “Deutsche Bank”) have
published this document in good faith and on the following basis.
This document has been prepared without consideration of the investment needs, objectives or financial circumstances of any investor. Before making an
investment decision, investors need to consider, with or without the assistance of an investment adviser, whether the investments and strategies
described or provided by Deutsche Bank, are appropriate, in light of their particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances.
Furthermore, this document is for information/discussion purposes only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to conclude a
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Deutsche Bank does not give tax or legal advice. Investors should seek advice from their own tax experts and lawyers, in considering investments and
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not guaranteed by or obligations of Deutsche Bank AG or its affiliates.
Although information in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness or
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Investments are subject to investment risk, including market fluctuations, regulatory change, possible delays in repayment and loss of income and
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This publication contains forward looking statements. Forward looking statements include, but are not limited to assumptions, estimates, projections,
opinions, models and hypothetical performance analysis. The forward looking statements expressed constitute the author’s judgement as of the date of
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Past performance is no guarantee of future results; nothing contained herein shall constitute any representation or warranty as to future performance.
Further information is available upon investor's request.

  Global Investment Solutions                                              Page 24

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Em Currencies 0610

  • 1. Why we like Emerging Market currencies Marshall Gittler Chief Strategist, International Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA 22 June, 2010 Tel: +41(0)22 739 0463 e-mail:
  • 2. Why we like Emerging Market (EM) currencies on all time horizons Short-term: China has started to allow its currency to appreciate. That should allow other Asian countries to let their currencies rise as well without losing relative competitiveness. It may also spur speculation about upward pressure on EM currencies in general. Medium-term: We expect EM countries to raise rates & let their currencies appreciate to restrain inflation. One reason inflation is rising in EM countries is because of FX intervention. Raising interest rates is one way to deal with inflationary pressures. Rising interest rates should cause currencies to appreciate. Allowing FX appreciation should also dampen inflationary pressures as well as alleviating problems arising from intervention. Long-term: Currencies tend to appreciate as countries grow richer. Rising wealth in the developing world is likely to be one of the major global trends over the next decade. Global Investment Solutions Page 2
  • 3. Why we like EM currencies CNY appreciation, halted last year, has resumed CNY was on an appreciating trend until the global financial crisis hit in mid-2008 and the CNY has room to appreciate government called a halt. Had they let it 8.00 USD/CNY: actual* vs previous trend continue on the same path, it would currently be around 26% stronger vis-à-vis the USD. 7.50 The government announced that it would "further reform the exchange rate regime and 7.00 enhance the exchange rate flexibility" by resuming the previously announced daily 6.50 trading bands (±0.5%) around the daily fixing = 26% rate announced by the Chinese government. USD/CNY appreciation 6.00 The currency appreciated by 0.45% on June May '07~Jul '08 trend 21st, the first day of trading after the news. The market was forecasting the currency 5.50 would rise 2.3% over the next 12 months, vs *until Friday, June 18th 1.8% on the previous trading day. 5.00 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 3
  • 4. Why we like EM currencies US-China trade tension pushed China to revalue Tensions between the US and China have been increasing as the US US trade deficit with China starting to widen again Congress looks for an issue that everyone can agree on, while China US trade with China 12m moving sum $bn becomes more assertive in the world $bn 400 0 political arena. 350 Against this hostile background, Treasury -50 Secretary Geithner delayed the annual 300 Treasury report on currencies, which 250 -100 would probably have branded China a Balance (R) “currency manipulator” and forced the US 200 Imports from China (L) -150 Exports to China (L) to take retaliatory measures. He probably 150 did this to give China time to allow the -200 CNY to appreciate without seeming to 100 give in to foreign pressure. (Apparently, it -250 50 worked.) 0 -300 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 4
  • 5. Why we like EM currencies G20 meeting was the last straw Pressure was building on China not only from the US, but also from other CNY has been stable to lower since 2009 countries, including some other EM 1 Jan 2008 Recent movement of the Renminbi countries. Brazil and India have publicly = 100 against various currencies criticized China’s FX policy. 150 USD That put China in a bind ahead of the EUR 140 June 26/27 G20 meeting, where China JPY should be playing a leading role among 130 BRL the developing nations. It was looking as MXN INR if the CNY would be a major topic of 120 discussion this weekend. 110 By allowing the CNY to appreciate again, China has defused this issue for now. 100 The move does not satisfy those who were looking for a large one-off 90 revaluation, and there are still questions 80 about how rapidly the government will 2008 2009 2010 allow the currency to appreciate. Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 5
  • 6. Why we like EM currencies Domestic pressures another incentive for China to revalue Inflation continues to rise, led by food Real estate prices are rising again % yoy 25 % yoy China inflation 14 China house prices vs money supply % yoy 27 20 12 25 House prices (L) 10 M2 Money supply (R) 15 CPI - general 23 CPI - food 8 21 10 6 19 5 4 17 2 0 0 15 -5 -2 13 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Domestic pressures also are forcing China to revalue. The main problem is that inflation is heating up again, led by food. This is a lagging indicator of last year’s expansive monetary policy. Food prices are not that responsive to monetary policy, but housing prices may be. Global Investment Solutions Page 6
  • 7. Why we like EM currencies FX reserve accumulation fuelling money supply growth One of the reason why monetary Money supply grows along with FX reserves growth in China is so high is that the 45 $bn % yoy 40 China FX reserve accumulation vs government intervenes heavily in money supply 40 35 the FX market to prevent the CNY 35 12m increase in China from appreciating. It creates and FX reserves (L) 30 30 sells CNY and buys dollars. M1 (R) 25 25 If officials want to slow the pace of 20 20 monetary growth to cool the 15 15 economy, they will have to slow the 10 pace of reserve accumulation. 5 10 0 5 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 7
  • 8. Why we like EM currencies The “Impossible trinity:” Countries can’t control everything at once The problem for China (and other EM The impossible trinity countries) is called the “Impossible Trinity:” a country cannot control its Fixed exchange rate exchange rate and maintain an independent monetary policy while still being integrated into the world financial system through free capital flows. It can only control two and must let the market control the third. Only 2 are possible at one time Free capital Independent flows monetary policy Global Investment Solutions Page 8
  • 9. Why we like EM currencies Rising intervention fuels money supply growth, inflation Rising money supply growth fuels inflation Asian countries reducing intervention 24 8 % yoy Asia: money supply vs inflation % yoy Change in FX reserves in AxJ 60% Asia ex-Japan countries weighted by PPP 22 7 50% 20 Nominal broad money 6 40% supply growth (L) 30% 18 Inflation (R) 5 20% 16 4 10% 0% 14 3 Six months previous -10% Latest month 12 2 -20% a s an a d na a e K 10 1 ne si re n di r H po iw hi la ay In Ko pi ai C 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 S' Ta al ilip Th S. M Ph Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Many EM countries have chosen to control their exchange rates, but by doing so they lost control of their monetary policy as they sold their currency and thereby increased the money supply. This trend has been especially strong in Asia, where rising monetary growth has fuelled inflationary pressures and given rise to fears of a financial bubble. This may be one reason why several Asian countries have slowed their pace of reserve accumulation recently despite the rising dollar. Money supply growth is slowing as a result. Global Investment Solutions Page 9
  • 10. Why we like EM currencies India, Malaysia start tightening cycles as inflation rises; FX appreciating 38 % India policy rate, inflation & FX 9 % Malaysia policy rate, inflation & FX 3.1 16 40 3.2 14 7 42 3.3 12 5 3.4 44 10 3 3.5 46 8 3.6 1 6 48 3.7 4 50 -1 3.8 2 52 -3 3.9 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 RBI Reverse repo yield (L) India CPI (L) USD/INR (R, inverted) Malaysia overnight policy rate (L) Malaysia CPI (L) USD/MYR (R, inverted) Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management India and Malaysia have already started down this path. They have let their currencies appreciate since the beginning of 2009, while the central banks of both countries recently started a tightening cycle. Global Investment Solutions Page 10
  • 11. Why we like EM currencies India, Malaysia, now Singapore; others to follow? The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) surprised the market on 14 April by a Singapore NEER already outside its band combined "recentering of the policy band at Estimated Singapore NEER the prevailing level of the SGD NEER" 104 with upper and lower bands (nominal effective exchange rate) and a shift 103 in the policy band’s slope to "modest and gradual appreciation". This was the first time 102 MAS has adjusted both simultaneously and thus was an aggressive tightening, in our 101 view. 100 MAS explained that Singapore’s recovery “has been stronger than expected, and more 99 entrenched.” It said it expects the economy to 98 continue to improve and inflation to continue Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10 to rise for the rest of the year. Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, Goldman Sachs, DB Private Wealth Management We expect that other Asian countries are thinking the same way but have been waiting for China to move first before they too allow further FX appreciation. Global Investment Solutions Page 11
  • 12. Why we like EM currencies As short rates rise, FX should appreciate as well We have seen how several Asian central banks have begun to tighten policy to deal AxJ-USD 3m spreads is generally widening with the inflationary threat. As a result, their 11 Spread of AxJ 3m rates vs USD 3m short-term interest rates have been rising. 10 % 9 In the US however there is currently little fear 8 of higher inflation and the Fed has stated that 7 India short rates are likely to remain low “for an 6 Indonesia 5 Korea extended period of time.” 4 Malaysia 3 Philippines The spread between short-term Asian 2 Singapore interest rates and USD rates is rising as a 1 Taiwan 0 result. This widening interest rate differential -1 Thailand is likely to support Asian currencies going -2 forward – and other EM currencies as well. -3 -4 -5 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 12
  • 13. Why we like EM currencies How did other Asian currencies react when CNY was floated in 2005? Most Asian currencies underperformed the CNY in the days after the USD peg was Other currencies outpaced CNY after 2005 unpegging dropped in 2005. Movement of Asian currencies vs USD 120 22 July 2005 However, after a few months, the = 100 currencies generally appreciated more than 115 CNY KRW IDR the CNY (except for INR). INR SGD THB The Chinese Yuan did not move during the 110 2008 crisis (as seen on pgs. 3 and 5). 105 100 95 90 Jul-05 Oct-05 Jan-06 Apr-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 13
  • 14. Why we like EM currencies Other EM countries also feeling inflationary pressure Inflation is turning up in Latin Inflation turning up in Latam, Asia; slowing in EMEA America. The high level of inflation 12 in Eastern Europe and the Middle % CPI inflation rates weighted by GDP at PPP East (EMEA) has been coming 10 down recently, but it remains 8 relatively high. 6 Rising interest rates (which should help EM currencies to appreciate) 4 and rising currencies are two of the 2 ways that we expect EM central banks to deal with the inflationary 0 G3 (inc UK) East Asia (ex Japan) danger. Latam EMEA -2 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 14
  • 15. Why we like EM currencies Capital controls are not likely to be a long-term solution Some countries have tried capital Capital controls didn’t work for THB or BRL controls as another way of dealing with the “impossible trinity,” that is, 115 4m before date of keeping hold of FX and monetary imposition = 100 policy by restraining capital flows. Week when controls BRL 110 were imposed Previous attempts at controlling FX (19 Dec '06 for THB) rates through capital controls have generally proved ineffective. Brazil 105 tried something similar back in THB (9/06 2008, but it had only a temporary to 4/07 effect. Thailand also tried to 100 restrict inflows in 2006, but this too caused only a short-term plateau in the upward trend. 95 Dec-07 Feb-08 Apr-08 Jun-08 We see this as a way of slowing the trend, but not defeating it. Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 15
  • 16. Why we like EM currencies EM currencies likely to appreciate as EM countries get wealthier As countries become more Richer countries tend to have richer currencies developed, their export sectors become more efficient & more Currency valuation vs GDP 20% competitive and labor costs start to Brazil Hungary rise. Other sectors have to raise their 10% Turkey Czech wages too in order to keep pace. As a Currency over/undervaluation based on Economists' Big Mac index 0% result, wages – and price levels – Colombia Chile tend to rise1. -10% Argentina If wages and price levels rise -20% Poland Mexico simultaneously, it means that the -30% Indonesia South Africa Russia purchasing power of the currency -40% rises relative to that of other countries. Thailand Malaysia Philippines -50% We expect rising prosperity in EM to China be one of the major economic themes -60% 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 of the next decade. Rising FX rates GDP/capita (based on PPP) should accompany this trend. 1This is known as the “Balassa-Samuelson effect” Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, IMF, DB Private Wealth Management Global Investment Solutions Page 16
  • 17. Why we like EM currencies Other reasons for EM currencies to appreciate Growth gap: Growth potential in the G7 countries has been further reduced by the crisis but also by structural factors. The already EM countries forecast to grow faster than DM strong growth lead of the EMs, especially in 14% Annual growth rate Asia, should therefore continue to widen. 12% at PPP Forecast Relative importance of exports is declining. 10% In some countries domestic consumption is 8% becoming increasingly powerful driver of 6% economic growth. This means that the 4% importance of a weak exchange rate for exports 2% is declining. 0% Solid fundamentals (this applies above all to -2% EM Asia and Latin America). 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Capital inflows: Privatisations are in the Advanced economies Emerging and developing economies pipeline in several countries (India, Malaysia), as well as the largest share offers ever (Brazil, Source: IMF World Economic Outlook China). Huge infrastructure projects (India, China) should also attract foreign capital. Global Investment Solutions Page 17
  • 18. Why we like EM currencies Reasons to invest in EM currencies through EM bonds: improved risk profile EM debt burden is falling EM demographics still improving 110 Dependency ratios % Public debt 90 # of children and elderly as a % of working-age population as % of GDP 100 80 90 Advanced economies Forecast Forecast Emerging and developing economies 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 30 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Developed countries Developing countries (ex least developed) EM debt levels are likely to fall as a percent of GDP over the next five years while DM debt levels soar, according to the IMF. Yet the pension burden that DM countries face is still far away. In fact, EM countries could even afford higher debt levels, thanks to their higher growth potential. Productivity increases, positive demographics, liberalization and deregulation give EM better long-term growth potential than in DM. The combination of higher growth, and thus greater sources of revenue for debt servicing, and much lower debt levels should further reduce the historical spreads paid on emerging market debt. Global Investment Solutions Page 18 Source: IMF World Economic Outlook Source: United Nations World Population Prospects 2008 Revision, DB PWM
  • 19. Why we like EM currencies Reasons to invest in EM currencies through EM bonds: higher return potential Yields are generally higher in EM bond markets than in DM bond EM bond yields are generally higher than DM markets. That not only means greater 14 % EM vs DM 10yr bond yields income, but also more room for price 12 appreciation if yields decline and 10 EM countries greater cushion if interest rates move 8 DM countries up. 6 4 Yet some EM countries have a lower 2 risk of being downgraded (or looked at 0 another way, a greater possibility of K G US A l a M ry y o Po u C na a un a R d M sia n do a a a i ut az an si r ic di C e si n pa bi In fric ad U ga Pe being upgraded) than the developed la hi ay ex us In om So Br m Ja an n C al er ol h H countries that offer lower yields. These include Brazil, South Africa, Data as of 22 June 2010 India, Colombia, Mexico and Russia, Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, IMF, DB Private Wealth Management among others. Global Investment Solutions Page 19
  • 20. Why we like EM currencies Reasons to invest in EM currencies through EM bonds: liquidity, diversification Rapid development, growing size, importance and liquidity of these markets Local Currency bonds have overtaken hard currency bonds in importance. Over the past five years the local market has grown by 18.8% p.a. compared to 8% p.a. for hard currency bonds. In addition to fixed coupon bonds, there is also an increasing supply of inflation linkers. Positive diversification Local bond markets are driven above all by domestic factors, such as the fiscal situation, inflation, external balances, etc., rather than US or ECB monetary policy, which affect many other asset classes globally. Global Investment Solutions Page 20
  • 21. Why we like EM currencies The new world will be more like the old world India and China are reclaiming their historical role in the world economy Share of World GDP 100% Rest of world 80% 60% Europe & N. America Japan 40% India 20% China 0% 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Year The emergence of the EM countries is more of re-emergence. For most of history, China and India have been the major forces in the global economy. Global Investment Solutions Page 21 Source: Angus Maddison, The World Economy
  • 22. Why we like EM currencies Which ship would you rather be on? The ship used by Chinese Admiral Zheng He in 1405 compared to Columbus’. The Ming Dynasty's fleet of giant ships predates the Columbus expedition across the Atlantic by some 85 years. Global Investment Solutions Page 22 Photograph of the display in the China Court of the Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai. Source: Wikipedia
  • 23. Why we like EM currencies Strategy recommendations Pure FX Carry trades that involve borrowing in developed-country currencies and investing the funds in EM currencies. FX indices to take advantage of FX appreciation. Bonds We expect higher short-term rates in EM countries. Shorter-maturity bonds should hold up better than the long end during a tightening cycle. Later in the cycle, switch into longer-maturity bonds after rate hikes dampens inflation expectations. Index-linked bonds would benefit from currency appreciation plus growth rates (and hence inflation rates) that are likely to be higher than in the developed countries. Real assets Real assets, such as property, or claims on real assets, such as stocks, can be bought now in currencies that we believe are likely to appreciate in the future. Global Investment Solutions Page 23
  • 24. Important notes Private Wealth Management offers wealth management solutions for wealthy individuals, their families and select institutions worldwide. Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management, through Deutsche Bank AG, its affiliated companies and its officers and employees (collectively “Deutsche Bank”) have published this document in good faith and on the following basis. This document has been prepared without consideration of the investment needs, objectives or financial circumstances of any investor. Before making an investment decision, investors need to consider, with or without the assistance of an investment adviser, whether the investments and strategies described or provided by Deutsche Bank, are appropriate, in light of their particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances. Furthermore, this document is for information/discussion purposes only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to conclude a transaction and should not be treated as giving investment advice. Deutsche Bank does not give tax or legal advice. Investors should seek advice from their own tax experts and lawyers, in considering investments and strategies suggested by Deutsche Bank. Investments with Deutsche Bank are not guaranteed, unless specified. Unless notified to the contrary in a particular case, investment instruments are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") or any other governmental entity, and are not guaranteed by or obligations of Deutsche Bank AG or its affiliates. Although information in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness or fairness, and it should not be relied upon as such. All opinions and estimates herein, including forecast returns, reflect our judgment on the date of this report and are subject to change without notice and involve a number of assumptions which may not prove valid. Investments are subject to investment risk, including market fluctuations, regulatory change, possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you might not get back the amount originally invested at any point in time. This publication contains forward looking statements. Forward looking statements include, but are not limited to assumptions, estimates, projections, opinions, models and hypothetical performance analysis. The forward looking statements expressed constitute the author’s judgement as of the date of this material. Forward looking statements involve significant elements of subjective judgements and analyses and changes thereto and/or consideration of different or additional factors could have a material impact on the results indicated. Therefore, actual results may vary, perhaps materially, from the results contained herein. No representation or warranty is made by Deutsche Bank as to the reasonableness or completeness of such forward looking statements or to any other financial information contained herein. The terms of any investment will be exclusively subject to the detailed provisions, including risk considerations, contained in the Offering Documents. When making an investment decision, you should rely solely on the final documentation relating to the transaction and not the summary contained herein. This document may not be reproduced or circulated without our written authority. The manner of circulation and distribution of this document may be restricted by law or regulation in certain countries, including the United States. This document is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction, including the United States, where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject Deutsche Bank to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction not currently met within such jurisdiction. Persons into whose possession this document may come are required to inform themselves of, and to observe, such restrictions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results; nothing contained herein shall constitute any representation or warranty as to future performance. Further information is available upon investor's request. Global Investment Solutions Page 24