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Electronic Communication Privacy Act 1986
The Electronic Communication Privacy Act is protection against the illegal interception of citizens'
digital communication methods. The act establishes and restricts access to electronic means of
communicating and prohibits the authorization of the government and employers to do so without
given consent. Although the act establishes protection to citizens against illegal interception people
should take into account for what and from whom they send out their information.
There are many problems with the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986, including issues
with the workplace. The United State Constitution and its corresponding Fourth Amendment privacy
protection provide little guidance in email monitoring situations. At the very least,
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Why Privacy Matter
In his October 2014 TEDGlobal speech, "Why Privacy Matter?", Glenn Greenwald argues the
importance of privacy and how people constantly crave for privacy. He references Edward
Snowden's leaked archives as well as two well–known CEOs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg,
to support his argument. The purpose of his speech was to inform and persuade his audience how
privacy still matters and those who say otherwise are lying. Greenwald gave an emotional appeal to
successfully reach out to the audience and persuade them. However, Greenwald's ability to build
credibility and ethos was weak and therefore, impacted his argument.
In his speech, Greenwald first starts by describing an entire section on YouTube where people are
doing things in the privacy of their own home or safe place to realize that they were secretly being
watched. They were caught doing something they would consider embarrassing or shameful if the
public knew about it and he draws a comparison to the worldwide mass surveillance privacy issue
on and offline. This also brings up how people may behave differently in the face of publicity.
Greenwald continues by discussing some of the stances that people around the world take: bad
people only care about their privacy since they are trying to plot ... Show more content on ...
He then goes forth with his speech bringing a common sentiment in the debate that bad people want
privacy because they wish to hide something for whatever reason. Yet, Greenwald explains the
contradiction of this right after it is introduced to help explain the debate of privacy. He follows up
with primary examples such as the former Google C.E.O. Eric Schmidt, and Facebook C.E.O. Mark
Zuckerberg to further strengthens his point. Finally, Greenwald finishes with a more logos focused
ending with privacy being a necessity to people and how they
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Iphone X Persuasive Essay
There is a lot of talk about evil AI these days and Apple isn't making it any better. The company
shocked the world regarding their new facial recognition technology for the upcoming iPhone X.
While most see it as a convenient upgrade to our lives, some see this as the beginning of our
technology–driven slavery.
Apple just updated their security and privacy information regarding their new facial recognition
technology. The upcoming iPhone X replaced the fingerprint sensor with Face ID so users can
unlock their phone. Not all see this as a beneficial upgrade though.
Senator Al Franken wrote a lengthy letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook regarding the new technology.
While he doesn't explicitly come out and say this AI is evil, he poses many questions about the
future of our privacy.
If the iPhone X is stealing our information, then there's no doubt it's an evil technology. Senator Al
Franken agrees that our privacy is a basic and necessary human right. If you think about how much
personal information we keep on our Apple devices, it's scary to think someone can get a hold of
People record ... Show more content on ...
That's where the majority of their sales come from. Unlike other companies that rely on
advertisements or other data, Apple knows their consumers come for premium goods. Hence, this is
why we see technology like Face ID. People trust Apple and they want their information to be as
safe as possible. Face ID might be a scary thing to some conspiracy theorists but to others, it's a
whole lot safer than a four–digit passcode. There is a lot of talk about evil AI these days and Apple
isn't making it any better. The company shocked the world regarding their new facial recognition
technology for the upcoming iPhone X. While most see it as a convenient upgrade to our lives, some
see this as the beginning of our technology–driven
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Big Brother Is Legally Watching: an Insight Into Workplace...
Big Brother Is Legally Watching: An Insight Into Workplace Surveilance
Abstract The paper is a brief insight into electronic surveillance in the workplace. It focuses on what
video surveillance is; and what methods are used, such as monitoring phone usage, video
surveillance, monitoring email, internet usage, GPS surveillance of company vehicles and cell
phones; and why these methods are adopted within the workplace. It also focuses on the legal risk of
electronic surveillance with the concerns of invasion of privacy and its effect on the of workplace
protocol and guidelines.
Big Brother Is Legally Watching: An insight in to Workplace Surveillance
The development of technology has completely changed the manner in which ... Show more content
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Almost fifteen percent of employers admitted to videotaping employee job performance and 35.3
percent to videotaping for security purposes (Barrett, 2008). Wachovia has bought various tools to
monitor and document employee behavior and to spot and evaluate any criminal activity (Wolfe,
2008). Hannaford Bros. and Pathmark are using intelligent systems that interpret video images to
identify employee theft and shoplifting (Garry, 2008). At many major casinos, trained security
professionals are stationed in a video surveillance room closely observing the activity at the high–
stakes gaming tables for hints of fraudulent behavior that would put the casino at risk. Mobile
phones are also frequently used to gather location data. The geographical location of a mobile phone
and the person carrying it can be determined through the GPS located whether it is being used or
not. This is done through a technique known as mutilateration. Mutilateration calculates the
differences in time for a signal to travel from the cell phone to each cell towers near the owner of the
phone (Surveillance: Technology and Law, 2008). Businesses monitor data and traffic on the
internet through computer surveillance. Another form of surveillance that is on the rise is monitoring
social networks through social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter as well as from
traffic analysis
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Enemy Of State: The Invasion Of Privacy
The NSA has been using counterterrorism tactics to protect the United States from terrorism for a
while. However, these methods utilized by the NSA has invaded the privacy of citizens without their
consent. The movie "Enemy of State" focuses on the different ways that the NSA is invading our
privacy. The NSA invades the privacy of citizens through communication methods such as email,
phone, fax and many others. Many of the services that we use today such as Facebook, Google,
Yahoo has aided government surveillance. The movie "Enemy of State" directly applies the fear of
citizens losing their privacy to the government. This movie explains the evolution of how the NSA
has become more sophisticated in terms of technology to spy on its people. ... Show more content on ...
The film "United States of Secrets, Part 2" and the article "The Assassination Complex" have very
similar views to the movie. The movie "Enemy of State" begins with the potential signing of a
policy that would further invade the privacy of citizens. Nevertheless, within the "United States of
Secrets, Part 2", in 2001 the Patriot Act was signed into action by former president George Bush.
The Patriot Act allows the government to use different surveillance techniques implemented on its
citizens for counter terrorism purpose. In addition, the NSA formed a program known as PRISM
that used nine companies to retrieve customer data. These companies were Microsoft, Yahoo,
Google, Facebook, Pal talk, YouTube, Skype, AOL, and Apple. These nine companies would record
email, audio and voice chats. In the article "The Assassination Complex", the U.S. military uses
technology to identify the location of the target and execute them. However, their many
inconstancies with the methods that the U.S. military uses. A civilian may be carrying a suspect's
phone and the drone might kill the person because it is believed that the target is with the phone.
GPS tracking like in the movie is only effective, if the person is in possession of technological
device. The government uses signal intelligence to spot out a target. The process of signals
intelligence is collecting metadata from phones and computer communications
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Essay On Private Or Not To Be Private
To Be Private or not to be Private The misuse of company emails versus using your personal email
for work–related matters is a hot topic in the news. The way people are mismanaging emails
thinking that work emails are just as private as personal emails and there is a choice on what email
account you should use when it is work–related. The misuse now has companies keeping a watchful
eye on the use of emails for a reason like; making sure that policies are followed, making sure that
the integrity of the companies they work for and its employees. The feeling of being watched may
have an employee feeling not trusted or thinking that it is very intrusive to monitor the emails. So,
the question is what kind of expectations should circle emails ... Show more content on ...
A company needs to make sure that the sales team is responding to the customer within a reasonable
time. Responding to the customer's email is a good business practice. A good profitable company
uses this tool to ensure that the team is getting back to the customers and following protocol. And
when it comes to customers, nothing is worse than an unanswered email. When a salesperson has
worked with a customer over the last six months and the district manager is on vacation, and the
customer is ready to make a purchase. The regional manager can see the past communication and
procure the sale.
A responsible company also needs to keep their trade secrets private, and at the same time, they
need to protect their employees' rights The Fourth Amendment, the Electronic Communications
Privacy Act and Patriot Act. The amendment states that employees have "reasonable expectations of
privacy." This expectation is a hard task no matter how well run the company is. Most companies
now have their employees sign a waiver stating that they understand that their emails will be under
severance. Employees need to know that there is so much sensitive information out there that could
harm a good business. The business world is so competitive, and there are so many questions of
people's morals that companies need to protect themselves. There have been issues with
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Personal Narrative: The Right To Privacy
Currently, the United States is in a crisis: a privacy crisis. For several years now, cell phones have
had encryption technology built in to defend phones from having their data breached and stolen by
hackers. Phones have been secure against even the most intelligent criminals, leaving people with a
reassuring sense of protection. Recently, however, the US government and the FBI have challenged
such security in the court and plan to strip it to its bare bones to leave people vulnerable. The FBI
has begun pressuring tech giants such as Apple and Google to create a "backdoor" into phones,
allowing government agencies to achieve access to data on secured phones. This has led to great
indecision over whether or not tech companies should be forced ... Show more content on ...
It's not that these tech giants are supporting criminal activities, though. Wherever possible, while
also maintaining security, these companies legally assist the government with criminal cases.
Google's CEO Sundar Pichai responded to the issue on Twitter, stating that Google,"Gives law
enforcement access to data based on valid legal orders." However, Pichai reaffirms his company's
stance that, while most tech companies–including both Google and Apple–are willing to assist in
criminal cases, it is wholly different than,"Requiring companies to enable hacking of their own
customers' devices & data." The government is crossing the line between asking a company for help
vs. forcing them to change their intellectual
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Government Survecy : The Invasion Of Privacy
In this modern world, privacy seems to be a thing of the past with government surveillance
programs such as PRISM, only becoming more common. These programs closely monitor and
collect private internet communications from at least nine different internet companies to potentially
stop any terrorist attacks; initially, this may seem beneficial, but should we give up our privacy for a
lower crime rate? According to Pew Research Center in the United States, at least half of the
population approves of the usage of these programs, but what they ultimately fail to realize about
government surveillance is that not only do they violate our privacy, and influence our opinions, but
there is also no know record of them stopping any large terror attacks.
A dominating issue with government surveillance is the invasion of privacy. The right of privacy is
granted to every citizen of the United States through the fourth amendment; however, this does not
stop government surveillance programs from violating it. An example of this would–be emails,
which by law are protected from searches without warrants by the fourth amendment, but last year,
according to the article Yahoo helps the government read your emails. Just following orders, they
say. by Margret Sullivan, the author claims that the government was granted access to users' emails
and built a machine that was used to "scan all of its users' incoming emails for specific characters or
words." (par. 4) This means that if you happened to
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EMail Privacy Rights In Business Essay
E–mail Privacy Rights In Business
I. Abstract
How far we have come in such a small time. When you think that the personal computer was
invented in the early 1980's and by the end of the millennium, several households have two PC's, it
is an astonishing growth rate. And, when you consider business, I can look around the office and see
that a lot of the cubicles contain more than one PC. It is astonishing to me that such an item has
taken control over the information technology arena like personal computers. Consider, however, the
items that go along with personal computers: printers; modems; telephone lines for your modem;
scanners; the software; online access; and lets not forget, e–mail addresses.
E–mail, or electronic ... Show more content on ...
Among these dangers is privacy, in particular, what legal rights corporations and employees have in
keeping their communications private. This paper will introduce the current legislation in this area,
the expectation of privacy an employee should have, any court decisions that provide additional
ruling, and what a corporation can do to prevent litigation in these matters.
II. Employees Expectation of Privacy in e–mail
As an e–mail systems manager, I was under the impression that since the company owns the
electronic messaging system, the company could view the contents of any employees e–mail
account at any time. I was only partially right. The explanation of the current law will describe this
in detail, but, the employee does have a certain right to privacy where e–mail is concerned.
Arguably, a company's most valuable asset is it's data. In the age of technological marvels, it is
easier to create more valuable data and, on the other hand, that data is more easily retrievable,
especially by persons not authorized to obtain the data. Employees of companies can expect a
certain right of privacy granted by three main sources: (1) The United States Constitution; (2)
Federal Statutes (The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986); and (3) State Statutes
(many of which have not addressed the issue).
The United States Constitution provides a limited group of employees with privacy safeguards. The
safeguards are based
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Email Privacy Essay
Ethical Management of E–mail Privacy
As I am sitting at my work station in a crowded office building, I hear the wonderful sound of
"You've got mail." In turn I open my E–mail mailbox and find a letter from a nearby employee. This
letter contains the usual funny joke of the day and a short joke ridiculing the boss, as usual. Who
was to know that my supervisor would eventually find this letter, which would lead to both the
termination of my job and my fellow employee? Do you feel this is right?
Does this sound common? This may sound common because the issue of E–mail and privacy is very
common and controversial in our advanced technological world. The determination of what is
ethical or unethical is not simple or ... Show more content on ...
Employees may not realize how easily their bosses and coworkers can access their E–mail. Many
high–tech firms are even able to retrieve messages that the employees think they have permanently
deleted. An article in the magazine, Business First, makes a good point, "Don't put anything in E–
mail that you would not want read over the loud speaker throughout the company" (Miller 2).
Although many computers and company E–mail accounts have passwords, it does not mean that
they are protected. System administrators can access almost anyone's E–mail. According to a web
page on the Internet, "The only way to protect your E–mail would be to regard your E–mail as you
would a postcard." People must realize that unlike other forms of communication, E–mail has little
protection, such as telephone companies do (Learn the Net
1). This provides the employer with the ability to monitor someone's E–mail without them even
The topic of E–mail is so current that it even hit the meeting of the Long Island Direct Marketing
Association (LIDMA) on October 22, 1998. At the meeting privacy issues concerning E–mail in the
workplace were discussed. A local attorney, Martin
Gringer, Esg., explained the need for employees to understand that their e–mail may not be private
and they should look into company policy before sending something which may "later come back to
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How Harmful Is The Government's Invasion Of Privacy?
"Privacy is dead, and social media is holding the smoking gun." – Pete Cashmore
Pete Cashmore, a CEO at mashables, once said that privacy ended when you started a social media
account. Social media shows anyone anything. Your name, birthday, what you look like, where you
are, and even what you are doing. The government watches what you do on social media, and sees
what you do in your life. They want to find out if you are doing something wrong, to protect us, but
at what point do we have to tell them it is an invasion of privacy? The government should be
allowed to see your social media accounts, but when they start to looking into your emails and daily
messages, they need to stop. Some people that work in the government are hired to look at the
normal life of people and to see if we are doing something that sends up a red flag. People have
some very private emails and messages that they send out to family members or friends, and they do
not want anyone else seeing those. Our privacy is invaded daily just because many people in this
world cannot be trusted. ... Show more content on ...
Most people's private information is no longer kept at home, rather on company servers. A law was
passed in 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). This law was supposed to protect
people's privacy, but since this law is so outdated, it did the complete opposite and allowed them the
treasure trove of
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Justin M. Ellsworth's Email Privacy
On 13 November 2004, Marine Lane Corporal Justin M. Ellsworth gave the ultimate sacrifice. He
sacrificed his life for his country while serving in Iraq, receiving several awards for his bravery
including a Bronze Star. After his death, his parents requested all of his belongings, including his
correspondence, in this case his e–mails (Leach, 2006). E–mail privacy has become a serious issue,
as family members of deceased, law enforcement, and even companies performing back ground
check all have asked companies to hand over individuals private emails. The nature of e–mails holds
a cyber ethical value to it, just like other personal affects, emails are private and a user agreement is
established in the creation of an account, establishing ... Show more content on ...
When an email account was originally established between Yahoo and Lane Corporal Ellsworth, a
privacy and right to secure and not disclose information was initiated. The terms of service state in
the company's policies, that the account is non–transferable and any rights to your Yahoo ID or
contents within your account terminate upon your death, upon receipt of a death certificate, your
account may be terminated and all contents will be permanently deleted. When the parents of LCpl
Ellsworth reached out to Yahoo requesting access to the account, Yahoo committed and obligated to
withhold the information. While the companies' condolences went to the family, it was honoring the
terms of agreement. Yahoo has over 1 billion active monthly account users (Smith, 2016), all
holding the same user agreement, regardless of circumstance; they should uphold the trust of the
client – company
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How Technology Can Protect Privacy?
Technology in the twenty–first century is advancing to the point where almost everything is saved
electronically. It's very helpful and convenient to have all of your personal information available to
you all the time and being able to talk to anybody no matter where they are. But being able to do all
these things so easily comes with a price, your privacy. Everything that you save on your computer,
tablet, Ipad, and etc is now available to the government whether you know it or not. Every private
thing that you do electronically can be invaded by the government without your consent. Many of
these private things are saved and stored by the government, where it stays for an unknown amount
of time. Isn't this an invasion of your privacy? Important information such as; bank accounts and
medical information should be protected from the government. You should be allowed to have your
privacy unless the government has hard evidence against you to think that you are a threat. And even
then there should be specific circumstances that should be followed. The government shouldn't have
the right to look at or save information that belongs to you. A man named Edward Snowden also
believed in this and decided to show everyone that are privacy means nothing to the government. He
was the National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower who provided the Guardian –a British
national daily newspaper– with top–secret NSA documents leading to revelations about US
surveillance on phone and
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Privacy In 1984 Essay
In the novel 1984, George Orwell uses imagery and word choice to demonstrate how much people
value their privacy. This is proven when the citizens learn that the Police Patrol and the government
are spying on them in their homes without them knowing. George Orwell states that he knows there
is someone snooping in his windows all the time. Night or day, it does not matter. He knows for a
fact they are watching his every move. This goes to show that the Police Patrol and government
have no boundaries and do not respect their citizens privacy in any way. They are trying to catch
them doing anything they are not supposed to be doing. Everybody should feel safe when they are in
their home. No one wants to always feel like someone is constantly ... Show more content on ...
They are always paranoid they are being listened to or watched, or both. This rings true when
Google and Gmail users found out a very important thing. Google and Gmail do not give much
privacy when it comes to the popular emailing server called Gmail. Google and Gmail have been
reading into your emails for years. From an article I read, the author stated, "that Google's servers
were reading all the emails received and sent by Gmail uses.." (Jacob 3). This statement is showing
how Google and Gmail can access your private and personal information without you even knowing
they are doing it, which is a very scary thing to think about. In addition to the invasion of privacy
and Gmail reading into your emails, have you ever thought about the Police Patrol and government
hiding microphones within your home, school, or work?
The uncertain tone of the novel underlines how much the government listens in to their citizens.
This is true when citizens wonder if they are being watched and also listened to at all times. George
Orwell has always been paranoid of there being microphones where ever he went. He always talks
in a whisper because he thinks the Police Patrol and government are out to get him for something he
is involved in. These thoughts that Orwell are having are scary but true. It also shows that the Police
Patrol and government are trying to catch you
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Can We Trust the Internet?
Internet Privacy Crisis
What is privacy? Many people are aware of the term but do not understand what it means. Warren
and Brandeis defined privacy in 1980 as "the right to be alone". Buchholz and Rosenthal defined
privacy as "the concept of being in control of information that is available about oneself"(2002, Jan).
Whereas most recently Boscheck determined the meaning as "one's ability to isolate oneself from
others and their views. To have no privacy means to be exposed, out of control and possibly open to
coercion" (2011, Oct). The use of privacy term can be related to many other terms such as
confidentiality, isolation, and secrecy.
Due to advance in technology, website are able not only to track users and their records but also to
build a sequence of their online activities. (Dhillon, Mooes, 2001, Dec) In fact, most search engines
such as Google and Yahoo collect information through users search to promote specific
advertisement. Where other companies tracker users activities through cookies, which is stored into
the user web browsers, to gather information and store them into their servers. "In July 2010, the
Wall Street Journal examined the 50 most popular websites in the USA. In total, the 50 sites placed
3,180 tracking files on a test computer used to conduct the study; only the encyclopedia installed none"(Boscheck, 2011, Oct). Therefore the process doesn't request users
permission to collect information, which is considered as invasion to user
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Argumentative Essay: The Invasion Of Privacy
Privacy. We often think of privacy as something necessary in homes, bathrooms, and in changing
rooms. We expect privacy in our most vulnerable state. However, stories of cameras found in
changing rooms at clothing stores without the consent of customers exist and in some cases, the
stories live up to the tale. The shock of possibly finding a camera in a changing room seems like
something out of a horror movie. The feelings of disgust and victimization come to mind about
invasive cameras. The possibility of that happening to anybody seems low...right? No chance that
anybody monitors our every move...right? Does the invasion of privacy only exist in the form of
hidden cameras? The horror movie on invasion transitions to reality in the form of the government
tapping into our conversations, texts, emails, and video recordings. Government surveillance allows
for the invasion of privacy, which is unacceptable.
The Government repeatedly takes information without consent from anybody. Shortly after the
attacks on September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush executed the NSA's domestic spying
program. To this day, the Program remains sealed as classified, even after some information broke
out into the public in the hands of some government officials. Information about the Program rests
on a ... Show more content on ...
To achieve this goal, the government swayed the main telephone companies in the US to hand over
all call records of their clients. The fact that these major phone companies had to be persuaded into
actually giving out personal information shows how invasive the NSA can be. This investigation
contained within the names, personal information, and addresses of customers (Paust). All of this
information was obtained with no warrant or any judicial oversight. The biggest problem revolving
this situation is the fact that the government is doing all of this with absolutely no consent
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Installing A Office Surveillance System
Due to the rapid advancement in technology especially in the security industry, there is a huge surge
in the numbers of company surveillance of the employees and different ways of supervision have
been established. Many companies have installed security cameras in the workplace and have access
to the browsing history and emails of workers. However, there has been an uproar among the
workers lately as they are more exposed to social media and news from different places. More and
more cases of employers overextending their power and control of workers' private lives can be seen
all over the United States. For example, according to the president of Teamsters Local 804, Tim
Sylvester, the metrics–based assault of workers is not anything strange (Bruder, 2015). Indeed, it is
not beneficial to a company to install office surveillance system because it raises privacy concerns
among the workers, causes mistrust between employees and employers, and reduces organizational
commitment. It is argued by some that installing surveillance system in the workplace is
advantageous to the company because the companies need to protect their company assets and trade
secrets. This is because electronic surveillance prevents any intrusion, hacking or negative attempts
to their computer systems. Indeed, Ball (2010) contends that "they want to protect corporate
interests and trade secrets. Email, Internet monitoring and information access control are all
deployed against risks of defamation,
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Pros And Cons Of The Electronics Communications Privacy Act
The electronics communications privacy act is something I find very disturbing and it has affected
me personally in a work situation. At the time the man I was working for was a licensee for a larger
franchise and was going through a legal dispute at the corporate office. I emailed the owner from my
work email when the evidence of my boss's demise was clear in hopes to ensure my future with the
company was in place. When I arrived at work the next morning the licensee holder and my boss
had already read my cry for help and fired me on the spot. It was the first time I was even aware
something like this was possible. I think the situation I've described is just one of many possible
examples of the disadvantages something like this has. Advantages
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The Imperative Compromise For Security
The Imperative Compromise for Security
If people ask a teenager "what is the best description for the reason that you do something that your
parents would disapprove of ", and the service will inform you that 89% of teenagers answered with
"I'm just pursuing my freedom and my ability to do what I want to do"( There are many
of times when kids and teenagers tend to challenge their parents or any other people who expect to
limit or supervise them because their obstinate desire of freedom, and their uncomfortableness of
being inspected. The argument between the supervision of parents to children is always a vivid
metaphor to the supervision of government to citizens. The government monitors its citizens as a
mother monitors ... Show more content on ...
People generally have a lack of awareness about their privacy, and it puts them in dangerous
situations when their personal information is not protected by a third party. Kim Kardashian, a
reality television female celebrity who has almost 50 million followers on twitter, has been robbed
during the Paris Fashion Show at her apartment in Paris. According to the police, the robbers gather
her information from her social media to locate her because Kim Kardashian posts almost
everything about her luxury life online ( The purpose of Kardashian is to share her life
moments with her fans. However, what she does not know is that her followers do not only include
her fans, but also the potential criminals who intend to utilize her personal life to attack her. People
gibe at Kardashian because they believe that she gets what she deserves due to her habit of showing
off, nonetheless, lots of people do similar things with Kim Kardashian every day. When people post
their daily life online, they are exposing their privacy. The enormous internet world will out of
control if the social media platform is unable to monitor people's online activities, which happened
in Kardashian's case that privacy makes her become a target because her lack of awareness about the
potential dangers. Beside the fact that people tend to release their information unconsciously on
social media; privacy is also accessible to the criminals because it is not difficult for them to trick
and deceive people's privacy in various ways. As an identity thief, Aguilar has been taken the
security shortage of the use of QR code to commit their crime, and what they have done just scan
the QR code to purchase items in your name ( According to the interview of some of the
victims, they cannot even imagine that their
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The Pros And Cons Of Government Surveillance
Typhoon, bomb, Mexico, subway, sick, drill, police, cloud. These are just some of the words that
can put you under the government's radar. It only takes one of these words through a text message, a
Facebook post, an Internet search, an email, the list goes on. The government is relentless. Privacy
means nothing to them. It is simply another word in the dictionary. When one finds out that the NSA
is able to view and read every text they have ever sent, it makes them wonder what else they could
be doing. As I decided to read more about what the government does, I found that what they're
doing is actually against the law. According to an article by Edward Snowden, "The United Nations
declared mass surveillance an unambiguous violation ... Show more content on ...
Within a couple of minute you could find everything you need to know about a person. From what
psychological problems they suffer from to who they voted for in the presidential election (Hoback).
In the movie, Terms and Conditions May Apply, Cullen Hoback finds the truth on how much the
government actually has access to. The truth is shocking. Almost as shocking as how much
information we can gather from the book by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy, "The Right to
Privacy." They explain that our information is widespread all over, it just takes time to gather, but
anyone can get to it if they try hard enough. They are always
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Should The Government Invade Right To Privacy
"The government–federal, state, and local–should monitor internet content only to the extent that it
doesn’t invade someone’s right to privacy. The right to privacy was implied in the
Constitution and was established by the Supreme Court in Griswold vs. Connecticut. The right to
privacy is invaded when the government is allowed to monitor every site that is created. The only
time the government can invade this right of privacy is when they have probable cause, when they
believe that someone is committing a crime on the internet. The government should be treating the
internet like they treat crimes in real life, innocent until proven guilty. The only exception to this is
in the case of monitoring for crime, similar to the Patriot Act which ... Show more content on ...
People have been against this because it invades their right to privacy. The feeling of being watched
is not a good one, and if the government were to pass a bill that allows the government to monitor
internet content, anybody who owns a device that connects to the internet will feel this way.
Everyone should have the right to privacy because the government itself established it. It is
important for the government to remember that it must treat the internet the same way it treats
people’s physical property: without probable cause, people have the right to privacy. Instead of
the government writing a bill that would give the government an unconstitutional cause to invade
anyone’s right to privacy, the government should be writing a bill that designates internet
content to be treated the same way a person’s physical property is treated. Without probable
cause, someone’s internet content should not be monitored without their permission.
Monitoring internet content is also in violation of the Sixth Amendment, which states that all
individuals are innocent until proven guilty. When someone is suspected of committing a
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What Is 1984 An Invasion Of Privacy
Ollie Pearson
Mr Funk
English 2 HN
2 October 2017
1984 Research Paper Thomas Jefferson once said that "Everyone has the unalienable rights of life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If the government spied on its citizens, the citizens would
carry the burden of having the government constantly watch every move being made, interfering
with citizens pursuit of happiness. With that being said, if a citizen's privacy was invaded then their
pursuit of happiness would be demolished. The government should not be able to spy on its citizens
because it is a major invasion of privacy, people become fearful of the government, and is a large
violation of the rights citizens are permitted. To begin, the government spying its citizens ... Show
more content on ...
Next, many people become fearful of the government. If people were aware of when the
government was spying on them, their actions would become restrained due to fear. In 1984, Big
Brother uses the fear of the people to control them. The Party uses the threat of torture against its
citizens in order for them to follow to their commands. The people in 1984 fear what Big Brother
will do to them if they do not follow the orders they are given. Those people are continually being
watched therefore they are constantly keeping to themselves and are afraid of making the wrong
decision or saying something that shouldn't be said. For example, in 1984 the citizens are being
monitored by telescreens which allow Big Brother to not only watch the actions of a person, but also
listen to any conversations amongst themselves. Just like in 1984, citizens of this country are fearful
of the government because of the possibility of being harmed. The government might feel threatened
by a specific person because of their recent phone records or emails and use the threat of torture to
prevent dangerous actions from taking place. Eventually, people will begin to change their behavior
or actions because they are fearful the government will not approve of their current choices.
Furthermore, the government spying on its citizens is a huge violation of the rights they are granted.
Privacy is a person's right as a human being, however, privacy is also a privilege. If a
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Privacy Policy: Jelly Email Inc.
Jellymail Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy (the "the policy") describes the personal information that Jelly Email Inc.
("Jellymail", "we", "us" or "our") collects from or about you when you use Jellymail hosted email
platform and related services (the "services"), how we use that information, and to whom we
disclose it. "Personal Information" implies information around a person that is reasonably capable of
identifying the individual, either alone or in blend with other available information.
1. Responsibility and Openness/Compliance
Jellymail is responsible for individual data under our control. We have put in place systems to
effectively protect any personal information submitted to us and to manage complaints and requests.
We are focused on keeping up the exactness, confidentiality, and security of your data. We guarantee
that you have access to information with respect to the policies and procedures that we use in
management of ... Show more content on ...
The safeguards applied will be based on the sensitivity of the information, with the highest level of
security given to the most sensitive personal information. We utilize user IDs, passwords and
encryption innovation, and limit the workers and contractual workers who have access to personal
information to those having a "need to know" and who are bound by confidentiality obligations in
order to guarantee that information is taken care of and stored in a secret and secure way. While
destroying personal information, we delete electronically stored personal information and shred any
physical materials containing personal information, you acknowledge that deleted information may
continue to exist on backup media but will not be used unless permitted by
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Privacy Of The Information Technology Essay
Executive Summary
Privacy of the information is under a threat because of information technology. Different security
tools and security mechanisms are available to protect the privacy, but on the other hand the
advanced technology is helping the intruders to violate the information security policies. Today the
usage of information technology is on the peek and due to this, the people are using different
features of the information technology in their personal life. The sharing of personal data and
information is a routine work on websites and because of this routine, the personal information
could be used for awful purposes. The business organizations are using security agents to monitor
and to protect their data and information. Similarly, advanced technology is providing very advance
security solutions as well to protect the privacy of the information.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
2. Impact of technology on privacy 3
3. What differences has technology made in regards to privacy 4
4. Reasons behind certain organization to "spy" on people 4
5. Possible solutions to stop the technology from invading personal life 5
6. Conclusion and recommendation 6
7. References 7
1. Introduction
Information technology is allowing the people to manage their daily life according to the
requirements. Today, the technology is essential and considered a main communication method for
business management, and transactions and many other fields. The data
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The Importance Of Government On Privacy
Government The security of our personal privacy has been tampered by our government to the point
that it makes the people unsure of what's private and what's undocumented. With the governments
new subtle methods to investigate the citizens of the United States information has led to
controversy in our new technological era. The government surveillance cons outweigh the pros. Not
only do they invade civil liberties, they also tend to lead innocent people into unfair punishment and
ultimately fail to protect with the appropriate measures. The government surveillance invades
privacy. The National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and law enforcement agencies are all invading innocent citizens privacy. They can see
who we call and when we call them and can log "suspicious activity" based on the call logs. This
isn't fair to us as citizens. Some people can't get on a plane, are unable to get into their bank
accounts, are unable to work at certain jobs, etc. This is very unfortunate because the United States
is supposed to be "The Land of The Free". If the US is a place with freedom, why is the government
invading the citizens privacy? Something that has recently been brought to the light is the FBI
agents are able to hack into your computer webcam and watch without triggering the webcam light.
Supposedly the FBI has had this technology for many years. They use this feature and call it "Eye
Spy" which they use in very big criminal
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How the Mobile Paradigm May Affect the Nature and Limits...
With the rapid growth of mobile computing, mobile device become a necessary tool in our daily life.
Without mobile device our life quality, efficiency will totally decrease. Users just need to connect to
network and gather information they want in a few second. Although mobile devices bring us
convenient, mobile devices contain large amount of personal data, including emails, photos, contact
data, financial, and medical information, privacy issue [1] occur due to users unknowingly expose
their privacy through mobile application, camera, network etc. and their use poses a serious threat to
both personal and corporate security. It greatly extending the reach of technology and raising
concerns that prevailing traditions of privacy may be challenged.
In order to examine how the mobile paradigm may affect the nature and limits of privacy, those
natures can be carried out though three views: Accessibility Privacy, Decisional Privacy, and
Informational Privacy.
Accessibility Privacy
This aspect of privacy overlaps with informational privacy in cases where acquisition or attempted
acquisition of information involves gaining access to an individual [2]. However, it also extends to
cases where physical access is at stake.
Nowadays, cameras embedded in mobile devices have become so widespread in whole world. As
the evolution of camera phone technology, the picture quality has increased while the total size of
photo has decreased. Those mobile devices can be used
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Research On Mass Communication Class
Name of institution
Name of professor
Course name
Student's name
Date of submission Introduction
Irrefutably, the recent developments toward improved efficiency, reliability and sky rocketing low–
power sensors, medical monitors of all kinds, recording devices, and usage of cameras pooled with
the capability of collecting, storing, accessing, classifying and sorting enormous data offers a host of
benefits while at the same time, but also menacingly threatening our social liberties and prospect of
individual privacy (Shaw and Jonatha, 38–43).
Scholarly inputs on the power of internet and other media to erode or eliminate personal privacy
Many researchers have exposed many facts concerning privacy breach by the internet and the media
which was unknown to many of us. For instance, the date of birth together, one's five–digit zip code
and place of birth have been recently used to generate explicit identifiers like a person's name, their
Social Security number and address.
Secondly, according to Shaw and Jonatha, 38–43, more alarmingly is the fact that basic information
such as date of birth and hometown demanded in social media like Facebook can be used to define
ones Social Security Number. Social Security Numbers are not given at randomly since they
represent ones' state code and ones' region within the state, information also available in the Social
Security Administration. It is also possible to predict one's SSN from their date of birth and
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Little Brother Is Watching You Summary
The article "Little brother is watching you" by Miriam Schulman is an informative article that
speaks of workplace privacy, specifically the monitoring software "Little Brother". This program
allows employers to access anything that their employees are accessing at work using company
technology. This software allows employers to access intimate, and private information that is
accessed at work. In this day and age, we live in a world where it's impossible to "turn off" your
work life, you are expected to check emails and answer calls whether they are on the clock or not.
Miriam argues the case that if an employee writes a letter to their boyfriend on their lunch break
with a pen and paper that is property of the company, does the employer have the right to open and
read that letter? Miriam implies that it would be wrong to open the letter, and hence wrong to do the
same thing to an email. There is a wide range of assumptions made and both implied and implicit
issues featured within this article. We will be taking a look at some of these issues that Miriam has
identified in his article and seeing if they hold up against the facts. All throughout this article there
are numerous amounts of both implied and implicit messages to do ... Show more content on ...
Miriam cites an article in the Journal of Public Personnel Management, which found that "the
majority of employees being electronically monitored are women in low–paying clerical positions."
A copy of the journal that this quote comes from was not able to be found. However, Miriams
implied view of this is that he believes that it is unfair that the majority of the workers that are being
monitored are minimum wage employees, and not managment or HR emplyoyees who are on large
saleries and that are not covered by the same level of
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Essay On Privacy And Ethical Issues In E-Marketing
It is contended that we are all living in a transitional economy and given the implications of
globalization and information technologies for business and commerce, no economic system
displays stability. The Internet poses fundamental challenges to the issues central to society, namely
free speech, privacy and national sovereignty. With the advent of e–marketing, it brings with it a
host of ethical issues surrounding customer privacy. The topic of protecting individual and corporate
privacy as a major ethical issue has triggered a wave of governmental legislation and has created an
entire segment of Internet industry firms whose mission is to help consumers protect ... Show more
content on ...
However the role of the web goes far beyond business. For a new generation of consumers it's
become a key lifestyle and entertainment channel, with many strong nationally created
entertainments, sport and news sites traceable back to the mid nineties. The strong home–grown
content industry India has had, complemented by a strong IT sectors in Bangalore, Mumbai and
Delhi have fuelled internet development. In terms of international access, there is an additional
pattern of strong use of UK and US websites as well as international sports websites. The internet
advertising industry remains young in India and behaves in a similar way to the Western European
internet advertising industry 5–8 years earlier. It is enjoying fast growth, albeit from a low base. The
sector is dominated by financial services, IT/mobile and recruitment, with consumer package goods
and motoring accounting for only small shares of the national online advertising market. However
Indian consumers have experienced web advertising from the start of their use of the web so there is
greater acceptance than in some of the Western European markets at a similar stage in their growth.
The market is nationally driven with extra campaigns coming from global brands, but most of the
budget confined to national businesses. The internet is a gateway to world knowledge as
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Pros And Cons Of Government Surveillance
Many have argued that government surveillance is safe and provides security towards the United
States. However, government surveillance programs do more harm than good because they invade
civil liberties, plead innocent people to suffer unfair punishments, and ultimately fail to protect the
citizens that they are designed to safeguard. For these reasons, programs operated by the National
Security Agency and other surveillance organizations should be discontinued.
The concern on surveillance is perceived as endogenous due to its antecedents and outcome. These
concerns are critical to the empirical research conducted on privacy information from government
organizations like the NSA. Though research on concerns within privacy breaching have presented
... Show more content on ...
So the usual privacy safeguards compelled by the Constitution do not apply. Under the best of
circumstances, the third–party doctrine raises significant privacy concerns. After all, an individual's
desire to shield from government scrutiny the list of people with whom she exchanges phone calls or
emails does not seem unreasonable. The bulk collection programs multiply these privacy concerns
exponentially. Rather than collecting the metadata of one individual who is relevant to an
investigation, the federal government collected everyone's metadata– all records regarding phone
calls or emails where at least one end of the communication was in the United States. Collecting and
analyzing data in bulk allows the government to glean much more information about our lives than
isolated bits of information would permit. The privacy implications of bulk metadata collection are
therefore profound. Nevertheless, the FISA Court accepted the government's argument that metadata
remains outside the Constitution's protection, regardless of the volume in which it is
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Privacy Or No Privacy Analysis
Privacy or no privacy in the work place? Ms. Nancy Flynn is the founder and executive directive of
the Theepollicy Institute, a training and consulting firm that helps employers limit email and internet
risk. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Flynn's complains that management has the right and
responsibility to observer how employees are using social media on and off work hours. Ms. Flynn
Advocates it is all too easy for employees to use social media to bring unwanted attention to
whatever company hired them. She believes that emails, social networking can lead to dangerous
work conditions and it's not as harmless as other might think. Ms. Flynn points out cases to do with
hospital employees ... Show more content on ...
Sure the internet is a great wat to express our self, but other may misconstrue they see on our social
media sites. I sympathize with Mr. Lewis, because employers shouldn't have the right checkup or
screen employee's social media, which that would be their personal life. An employees shouldn't not
be judged on the lifestyle they life after workhours. Depending on what kind of job you have or
trying to acquire yes it may be required but you will be notified. The American is being so political
correct, that is hard to be our self if you have differences views from the majority of the any group
of people. In my opinion there should be laws dealing with cases when employees get fried do to
something they posted in social media. Billy Graham agrees when she writes, Once you've lost your
privacy, you realize you've lost an extremely valuable thing." Basically, Billy Graham is saying
losing your privacy is one of the worst things you can lose, it's a pieces of yourself that you can free
with no judgment. Many people me may disagree with me, but I stay with my opinion. Ms. Flynn
clam that employers have the right to monitor their employees anything they see fit, rests upon the
questionable assumption that would it be morally right. by doing all this would create a hostile work
environment, I do not agrees on employers having so a say on what can and not say on social media.
Being an American you have freedom speech that being said I truly believe that is a violation of my
civil right and nobody should be about to dictate what can you say or not
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Technology Has Made The Lives Of Many People Much Easier.
Technology has made the lives of many people much easier. The internet especially has been an
invention that many people today do not believe they could live without. It is used daily not only to
do research for papers, but also to look up recipes, book airplane flights and hotels, or even shop
from the privacy of one's own home. Even though it has become much easier to do all of these
things, it has also become much simpler for the government and others to monitor our daily lives.
This not only means our own privacy is compromised, but government officials who are supposed to
be watching out and representing us are doing the opposite both in our own, and other countries.
Should governments be allowed to implement surveillance of its ... Show more content on ...
This is violated when the government infringes and essentially searches through the activity that
people are doing in their own homes. In a way this is very much the same as if the government were
to come in without a search warrant and look through one's belongings. Many people would not
investigate whether surveillance by the government was unconstitutional unless there was a reason
to. Cases have existed in which people have gone to court against the government for invading their
privacy including the Supreme Court case Alderman v. United States 1969. For the general person,
many times people forget the fact that what they are looking at can be seen by others. This has led to
numerous embarrassing and sometimes humiliating things that occur over and over again. In the
case of Alderman v. United States 1969, the question of how far the government is allowed to go
became the question. Even though nothing embarrassing happened to them, it was more
embarrassing for the government. This case took place in Colorado during the period of the Cold
War where Alderman and his accomplices were found guilty of transmitting murderous threats on
behalf of the Soviet Union. Even though the case was held prior to the private use of the internet, the
argument they used could still be considered valid today. It is a proven fact that
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Computers And The Modern Society
Say No to Decryption Smartphones, such as iPhone, Samsung, and Blackberry, have become an
indispensable part of everyone's life. Individuals use the phone to store their private information,
from photos to contacts, conversations, schedules, emails, bank accounts, and heath record, even
where we are going and who we are talking. All this information has to be protected from decryption
and unauthorized use by hackers, cyber criminals, and even the government. Recently, data
decryption becomes a certain issue faced by the technology companies, users, and the government
after two killers attacked at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California on December
2, 2015. The shooting did not only take the life of 14 innocent people but ... Show more content on ...
Building a backdoor to a phone is an unprecedented step that takes everyone's safety at risk because
it empowers government, as well as hackers and cyber criminals, to capture users' private data.
Weakening encryption will cause a series of issues on the security of devices. Sophia Cope, an
attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, claims that "if Apple creates unlocking technology,
its development would be like opening Pandora's Box." It means that not only would the killer's
phone be decrypted, but also all the phones would be at risk to be decrypted. The government is
more likely to ask Apple to craft a master key that could be used to open not only one door but every
door. With this master key, the government could pass through all the devices and access everyone's
message, phone calls, emails, location, social network accounts, bank account, or even camera or
microphone without the subject's consent. In facts, not only the government but also the hackers and
cyber criminals could access this information. They rely on the loophole to crack any devices for
identity theft and various kinds of crime. Compliance with the FBI's order to create a gateway for
one device is putting the risk of millions of people's private data accessible by those who have
technological knowledge, including the government, sophisticated hackers, and cybercriminals.
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Common Law Summary And Analysis
Common Law claims are mostly determined by tort laws. Employees wishing to sue their employer
for workplace privacy may rely on privacy tort theories. Privacy tort is separated into four branches
of action: 1) Intrusion upon seclusion or solitude, or into private affairs, 2) public disclosure of
embarrassing private facts, 3) publicity which places a person in a false light in the public eye and 4)
appropriation of name or likeness. Intrusion of privacy tort is often used in many court cases
between employers and employees in the workplace ( Fazekas,2015).
In the case of Stengart v. Loving Care Agency, Marina Stengart used her company computer to send
personal emails to her lawyer. Her emails were exchanged through her personal email account
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Should Privacy Be Careful Of Who Is Watching Privacy? Essay
Be Careful of who is Watching Privacy
Issues in Employment Monitoring
Employee monitoring has been on the rise since the boost for technology in the business world.
Different Organizations engage in monitoring of employee's to track performance and to avoid legal
liability, protect business secrets and to address other concerns such as security. Certain monitoring
practices are not upheld by employees because of the downfall it has on their satisfaction of privacy.
Employers typically must not show some of their private monitoring duties while in the workplace,
but how much monitoring they can do can become a huge issue when it's invading natural privacy
rights. There is a debate raging on whether it is moral, ethical and legal for employers to monitor the
actions of their employees. Employer's believe that monitoring is a sure thing because it encourages
positive behavior and discourage illicit activity and to limit liability. Although, with this problem of
monitoring of employees, many are experiencing a negative effect on emotional and physical stress
including fatigue and lack of motivation within the workplace. Employers might choose to monitor
employee's activities using surveillance cameras, or may wish to record employee's activities while
using company owned computers or telephones. Courts are finding that disputes between workplace
privacy and freedom are being complicated with the forward move in advance technology as
traditional rules that govern areas of
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The Importance Of Personal Privacy
aimed at protecting their citizenry. The United States has not been left behind in the stampede to
adopt such measures. One of the proposals which have been put forward as far as a means of
safeguarding and protecting Americans is to allow the government, through its various security
agencies, to collect data and have access to the American people's mobile phones, social media
accounts, and even emails.
Unsurprisingly, this proposal has generated a heated debate among the American public. While some
Americans do not feel anything wrong with such government surveillance especially since it is for
public safety, others are nonetheless unconvinced that such an action is right. This latter group views
any form of government surveillance on American people as a violation of their individual privacy.
On a personal level, I believe that my privacy is more important to me and therefore I choose the
side which advocates of individual privacy as opposed to public safety. In the successive paragraphs,
I will therefore provide reasons why I feel that my privacy should take precedence over the
government's need to access personal data.
a) Individual Privacy is protected by the Constitution.
The US Constitution protects the right to individual privacy under Amendment IV by guaranteeing
the right of every person "to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures..." (Redlich, Attanasio, & Goldstein, 2004). I therefore believe
that by
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Ethical Issues Of Privacy In The Workplace
Privacy has remained a concern in the world but there have been numerous cases regarding privacy
in the workforce. Privacy among the work environment brings ethical dilemma of whether
companies have the rights to monitor their employees email, computer and internet usage. When we
think about workforce privacy, one worries about the email and internet information that is gathered
from being monitored being used for good or bad with current issues regarding known companies'
employees and customer's personal information being hacked.
Another concern is whether employees have to the rights to use their work computers from personal
uses, like accessing their personal emails.
In the following case Owen v. Cigna, plaintiff Lois Owen worked for Professional Consultants INC.
until July 2013. After leaving PCI, Owen filed a complaint with Illinois Human Rights Commissions
(IHRC), where she accused her former employers of sexual harassment and created a hostile work
environment. A upon dealing with the complaint case with IHRC Owens discovered that her former
employer and technology coordinator Noah Edmeier accessed her email account without her consent
after she departed from PCI. The claim against defendants Paul Cigna with Professional
Consultants, INC. and Noah Edmeier states that they violated numerous federal laws after ... Show
more content on ...
Cigna is the inferences of the plaintiff be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
searched, and the persons or things to be seized" (U.S. Consitution: Fourth Amendment). The
Defendant Cigna and Edmerier wasn't presented with a warranty of any form to access the Plaintiff
personal email account which contain explicit pictures of pictures of woman that weren't the
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Protecting Your Personal Details On Our Website
Privacy Policy
Protecting your personal details on our website whose registered office is at 90 Sissons Road,Middleton ,West Yorkshire,
Leeds Ls10 4JY, knows that you care how information about you is used and shared and we
appreciate your trust in us to do that carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy
and forms part of our website terms and conditions ("Website Terms").
By accepting our Website Terms or by visiting ("the Website") you are
accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.
The Website is brought to you by Limited. Limited
believes it is important to protect your Personal Data (as ... Show more content on
You may change your mind at any time by emailing us at the address below.
Some of the Personal Data we hold about you may be 'sensitive personal data ' within the meaning
of the Data Protection Act 1998, for example, information about your gender or your date of birth.
1. Collecting Information
We may collect Personal Data about you from a number of sources, including the following:
1.1. From you when you agree to take a service or product from us, in which case this may include
your contact details, date of birth, how you will pay for the product or service and your bank details.
1.2. From you when you contact us with an enquiry or in response to a communication from us, in
which case, this may tell us something about how you use our services.
1.3. From documents that are available to the public, such as the electoral register.
2. Using Your Personal Information
2.1. Personal Data about our customers is an important part of our business and we shall only use
your Personal Data for the following purposes and shall not keep such Personal Data longer than is
necessary to fulfill these purposes:
2.1.1. To help us to identify you when you contact us.
2.1.2. To help us to identify accounts, services and/or products which you could have from us or
selected partners from time to time. We may do this by automatic means using a scoring system,
which uses the Personal Data you have provided and/or any
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Legal And Human Resource Dimensions Of Business Management
Smyth V Pillsbury: When Privacy In The Workplace Is No Longer Private
Katherine Traviglia
Legal and Human Resource Dimensions of Business Management: SPRING15–C–8–HRM515–1
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Professor Eduardo Martinez
June 1, 2015
Smyth V Pillsbury: When Privacy In The Workplace Is No Longer Private
Technology in the workplace has brought about a great deal of change in the workplace. The
increase in our technological advances has not only helped our organizations grow systemically but
individuals have grown as well. The increased use of technology in the workplace has created new
concerns for both employers and employees in the area of privacy. With the extreme changes and
expanses in knowledge
The advances in our technology have allowed communication to happen at the click of a button. The
use of email and the Internet can immensely reduce operating costs through automation of human
tasks, facilitate communication on innumerable levels, clearly increase efficiency in almost all tasks,
allow for geographic and other business expansion that companies require that at one time may have
taken days or hours can occur in mere seconds.
These items can be fantastic for both employer and employee alike. Unfortunately, like anything –
there are also serious drawbacks to technology advances. Employers and employees expect
immediate gratification and answers, communications are tracked and stored and in some situations
a multitude of sins can be uncovered. As
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Electronic Communication Privacy Act 1986

  • 1. Electronic Communication Privacy Act 1986 The Electronic Communication Privacy Act is protection against the illegal interception of citizens' digital communication methods. The act establishes and restricts access to electronic means of communicating and prohibits the authorization of the government and employers to do so without given consent. Although the act establishes protection to citizens against illegal interception people should take into account for what and from whom they send out their information. There are many problems with the Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986, including issues with the workplace. The United State Constitution and its corresponding Fourth Amendment privacy protection provide little guidance in email monitoring situations. At the very least, ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Why Privacy Matter In his October 2014 TEDGlobal speech, "Why Privacy Matter?", Glenn Greenwald argues the importance of privacy and how people constantly crave for privacy. He references Edward Snowden's leaked archives as well as two well–known CEOs, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg, to support his argument. The purpose of his speech was to inform and persuade his audience how privacy still matters and those who say otherwise are lying. Greenwald gave an emotional appeal to successfully reach out to the audience and persuade them. However, Greenwald's ability to build credibility and ethos was weak and therefore, impacted his argument. In his speech, Greenwald first starts by describing an entire section on YouTube where people are doing things in the privacy of their own home or safe place to realize that they were secretly being watched. They were caught doing something they would consider embarrassing or shameful if the public knew about it and he draws a comparison to the worldwide mass surveillance privacy issue on and offline. This also brings up how people may behave differently in the face of publicity. Greenwald continues by discussing some of the stances that people around the world take: bad people only care about their privacy since they are trying to plot ... Show more content on ... He then goes forth with his speech bringing a common sentiment in the debate that bad people want privacy because they wish to hide something for whatever reason. Yet, Greenwald explains the contradiction of this right after it is introduced to help explain the debate of privacy. He follows up with primary examples such as the former Google C.E.O. Eric Schmidt, and Facebook C.E.O. Mark Zuckerberg to further strengthens his point. Finally, Greenwald finishes with a more logos focused ending with privacy being a necessity to people and how they ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Iphone X Persuasive Essay There is a lot of talk about evil AI these days and Apple isn't making it any better. The company shocked the world regarding their new facial recognition technology for the upcoming iPhone X. While most see it as a convenient upgrade to our lives, some see this as the beginning of our technology–driven slavery. SENATOR THINKS IPHONE X AI COULD BE EVIL Apple just updated their security and privacy information regarding their new facial recognition technology. The upcoming iPhone X replaced the fingerprint sensor with Face ID so users can unlock their phone. Not all see this as a beneficial upgrade though. Senator Al Franken wrote a lengthy letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook regarding the new technology. While he doesn't explicitly come out and say this AI is evil, he poses many questions about the future of our privacy. IPHONE X AI IS EVIL AND TAKING OUR PRIVACY If the iPhone X is stealing our information, then there's no doubt it's an evil technology. Senator Al Franken agrees that our privacy is a basic and necessary human right. If you think about how much personal information we keep on our Apple devices, it's scary to think someone can get a hold of that. People record ... Show more content on ... That's where the majority of their sales come from. Unlike other companies that rely on advertisements or other data, Apple knows their consumers come for premium goods. Hence, this is why we see technology like Face ID. People trust Apple and they want their information to be as safe as possible. Face ID might be a scary thing to some conspiracy theorists but to others, it's a whole lot safer than a four–digit passcode. There is a lot of talk about evil AI these days and Apple isn't making it any better. The company shocked the world regarding their new facial recognition technology for the upcoming iPhone X. While most see it as a convenient upgrade to our lives, some see this as the beginning of our technology–driven ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Big Brother Is Legally Watching: an Insight Into Workplace... Big Brother Is Legally Watching: An Insight Into Workplace Surveilance Abstract The paper is a brief insight into electronic surveillance in the workplace. It focuses on what video surveillance is; and what methods are used, such as monitoring phone usage, video surveillance, monitoring email, internet usage, GPS surveillance of company vehicles and cell phones; and why these methods are adopted within the workplace. It also focuses on the legal risk of electronic surveillance with the concerns of invasion of privacy and its effect on the of workplace protocol and guidelines. Big Brother Is Legally Watching: An insight in to Workplace Surveillance The development of technology has completely changed the manner in which ... Show more content on ... Almost fifteen percent of employers admitted to videotaping employee job performance and 35.3 percent to videotaping for security purposes (Barrett, 2008). Wachovia has bought various tools to monitor and document employee behavior and to spot and evaluate any criminal activity (Wolfe, 2008). Hannaford Bros. and Pathmark are using intelligent systems that interpret video images to identify employee theft and shoplifting (Garry, 2008). At many major casinos, trained security professionals are stationed in a video surveillance room closely observing the activity at the high– stakes gaming tables for hints of fraudulent behavior that would put the casino at risk. Mobile phones are also frequently used to gather location data. The geographical location of a mobile phone and the person carrying it can be determined through the GPS located whether it is being used or not. This is done through a technique known as mutilateration. Mutilateration calculates the differences in time for a signal to travel from the cell phone to each cell towers near the owner of the phone (Surveillance: Technology and Law, 2008). Businesses monitor data and traffic on the internet through computer surveillance. Another form of surveillance that is on the rise is monitoring social networks through social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter as well as from traffic analysis ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Enemy Of State: The Invasion Of Privacy The NSA has been using counterterrorism tactics to protect the United States from terrorism for a while. However, these methods utilized by the NSA has invaded the privacy of citizens without their consent. The movie "Enemy of State" focuses on the different ways that the NSA is invading our privacy. The NSA invades the privacy of citizens through communication methods such as email, phone, fax and many others. Many of the services that we use today such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo has aided government surveillance. The movie "Enemy of State" directly applies the fear of citizens losing their privacy to the government. This movie explains the evolution of how the NSA has become more sophisticated in terms of technology to spy on its people. ... Show more content on ... The film "United States of Secrets, Part 2" and the article "The Assassination Complex" have very similar views to the movie. The movie "Enemy of State" begins with the potential signing of a policy that would further invade the privacy of citizens. Nevertheless, within the "United States of Secrets, Part 2", in 2001 the Patriot Act was signed into action by former president George Bush. The Patriot Act allows the government to use different surveillance techniques implemented on its citizens for counter terrorism purpose. In addition, the NSA formed a program known as PRISM that used nine companies to retrieve customer data. These companies were Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Pal talk, YouTube, Skype, AOL, and Apple. These nine companies would record email, audio and voice chats. In the article "The Assassination Complex", the U.S. military uses technology to identify the location of the target and execute them. However, their many inconstancies with the methods that the U.S. military uses. A civilian may be carrying a suspect's phone and the drone might kill the person because it is believed that the target is with the phone. GPS tracking like in the movie is only effective, if the person is in possession of technological device. The government uses signal intelligence to spot out a target. The process of signals intelligence is collecting metadata from phones and computer communications ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Essay On Private Or Not To Be Private To Be Private or not to be Private The misuse of company emails versus using your personal email for work–related matters is a hot topic in the news. The way people are mismanaging emails thinking that work emails are just as private as personal emails and there is a choice on what email account you should use when it is work–related. The misuse now has companies keeping a watchful eye on the use of emails for a reason like; making sure that policies are followed, making sure that the integrity of the companies they work for and its employees. The feeling of being watched may have an employee feeling not trusted or thinking that it is very intrusive to monitor the emails. So, the question is what kind of expectations should circle emails ... Show more content on ... A company needs to make sure that the sales team is responding to the customer within a reasonable time. Responding to the customer's email is a good business practice. A good profitable company uses this tool to ensure that the team is getting back to the customers and following protocol. And when it comes to customers, nothing is worse than an unanswered email. When a salesperson has worked with a customer over the last six months and the district manager is on vacation, and the customer is ready to make a purchase. The regional manager can see the past communication and procure the sale. A responsible company also needs to keep their trade secrets private, and at the same time, they need to protect their employees' rights The Fourth Amendment, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Patriot Act. The amendment states that employees have "reasonable expectations of privacy." This expectation is a hard task no matter how well run the company is. Most companies now have their employees sign a waiver stating that they understand that their emails will be under severance. Employees need to know that there is so much sensitive information out there that could harm a good business. The business world is so competitive, and there are so many questions of people's morals that companies need to protect themselves. There have been issues with ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Personal Narrative: The Right To Privacy Currently, the United States is in a crisis: a privacy crisis. For several years now, cell phones have had encryption technology built in to defend phones from having their data breached and stolen by hackers. Phones have been secure against even the most intelligent criminals, leaving people with a reassuring sense of protection. Recently, however, the US government and the FBI have challenged such security in the court and plan to strip it to its bare bones to leave people vulnerable. The FBI has begun pressuring tech giants such as Apple and Google to create a "backdoor" into phones, allowing government agencies to achieve access to data on secured phones. This has led to great indecision over whether or not tech companies should be forced ... Show more content on ... It's not that these tech giants are supporting criminal activities, though. Wherever possible, while also maintaining security, these companies legally assist the government with criminal cases. Google's CEO Sundar Pichai responded to the issue on Twitter, stating that Google,"Gives law enforcement access to data based on valid legal orders." However, Pichai reaffirms his company's stance that, while most tech companies–including both Google and Apple–are willing to assist in criminal cases, it is wholly different than,"Requiring companies to enable hacking of their own customers' devices & data." The government is crossing the line between asking a company for help vs. forcing them to change their intellectual ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Government Survecy : The Invasion Of Privacy In this modern world, privacy seems to be a thing of the past with government surveillance programs such as PRISM, only becoming more common. These programs closely monitor and collect private internet communications from at least nine different internet companies to potentially stop any terrorist attacks; initially, this may seem beneficial, but should we give up our privacy for a lower crime rate? According to Pew Research Center in the United States, at least half of the population approves of the usage of these programs, but what they ultimately fail to realize about government surveillance is that not only do they violate our privacy, and influence our opinions, but there is also no know record of them stopping any large terror attacks. A dominating issue with government surveillance is the invasion of privacy. The right of privacy is granted to every citizen of the United States through the fourth amendment; however, this does not stop government surveillance programs from violating it. An example of this would–be emails, which by law are protected from searches without warrants by the fourth amendment, but last year, according to the article Yahoo helps the government read your emails. Just following orders, they say. by Margret Sullivan, the author claims that the government was granted access to users' emails and built a machine that was used to "scan all of its users' incoming emails for specific characters or words." (par. 4) This means that if you happened to ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. EMail Privacy Rights In Business Essay E–mail Privacy Rights In Business I. Abstract How far we have come in such a small time. When you think that the personal computer was invented in the early 1980's and by the end of the millennium, several households have two PC's, it is an astonishing growth rate. And, when you consider business, I can look around the office and see that a lot of the cubicles contain more than one PC. It is astonishing to me that such an item has taken control over the information technology arena like personal computers. Consider, however, the items that go along with personal computers: printers; modems; telephone lines for your modem; scanners; the software; online access; and lets not forget, e–mail addresses. E–mail, or electronic ... Show more content on ... Among these dangers is privacy, in particular, what legal rights corporations and employees have in keeping their communications private. This paper will introduce the current legislation in this area, the expectation of privacy an employee should have, any court decisions that provide additional ruling, and what a corporation can do to prevent litigation in these matters. II. Employees Expectation of Privacy in e–mail As an e–mail systems manager, I was under the impression that since the company owns the electronic messaging system, the company could view the contents of any employees e–mail account at any time. I was only partially right. The explanation of the current law will describe this in detail, but, the employee does have a certain right to privacy where e–mail is concerned. Arguably, a company's most valuable asset is it's data. In the age of technological marvels, it is easier to create more valuable data and, on the other hand, that data is more easily retrievable, especially by persons not authorized to obtain the data. Employees of companies can expect a certain right of privacy granted by three main sources: (1) The United States Constitution; (2) Federal Statutes (The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986); and (3) State Statutes (many of which have not addressed the issue). The United States Constitution provides a limited group of employees with privacy safeguards. The safeguards are based
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  • 20. Email Privacy Essay Ethical Management of E–mail Privacy As I am sitting at my work station in a crowded office building, I hear the wonderful sound of "You've got mail." In turn I open my E–mail mailbox and find a letter from a nearby employee. This letter contains the usual funny joke of the day and a short joke ridiculing the boss, as usual. Who was to know that my supervisor would eventually find this letter, which would lead to both the termination of my job and my fellow employee? Do you feel this is right? Does this sound common? This may sound common because the issue of E–mail and privacy is very common and controversial in our advanced technological world. The determination of what is ethical or unethical is not simple or ... Show more content on ... Employees may not realize how easily their bosses and coworkers can access their E–mail. Many high–tech firms are even able to retrieve messages that the employees think they have permanently deleted. An article in the magazine, Business First, makes a good point, "Don't put anything in E– mail that you would not want read over the loud speaker throughout the company" (Miller 2). Although many computers and company E–mail accounts have passwords, it does not mean that they are protected. System administrators can access almost anyone's E–mail. According to a web page on the Internet, "The only way to protect your E–mail would be to regard your E–mail as you would a postcard." People must realize that unlike other forms of communication, E–mail has little protection, such as telephone companies do (Learn the Net 1). This provides the employer with the ability to monitor someone's E–mail without them even knowing. The topic of E–mail is so current that it even hit the meeting of the Long Island Direct Marketing Association (LIDMA) on October 22, 1998. At the meeting privacy issues concerning E–mail in the workplace were discussed. A local attorney, Martin Gringer, Esg., explained the need for employees to understand that their e–mail may not be private and they should look into company policy before sending something which may "later come back to haunt ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. How Harmful Is The Government's Invasion Of Privacy? "Privacy is dead, and social media is holding the smoking gun." – Pete Cashmore Pete Cashmore, a CEO at mashables, once said that privacy ended when you started a social media account. Social media shows anyone anything. Your name, birthday, what you look like, where you are, and even what you are doing. The government watches what you do on social media, and sees what you do in your life. They want to find out if you are doing something wrong, to protect us, but at what point do we have to tell them it is an invasion of privacy? The government should be allowed to see your social media accounts, but when they start to looking into your emails and daily messages, they need to stop. Some people that work in the government are hired to look at the normal life of people and to see if we are doing something that sends up a red flag. People have some very private emails and messages that they send out to family members or friends, and they do not want anyone else seeing those. Our privacy is invaded daily just because many people in this world cannot be trusted. ... Show more content on ... Most people's private information is no longer kept at home, rather on company servers. A law was passed in 1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). This law was supposed to protect people's privacy, but since this law is so outdated, it did the complete opposite and allowed them the treasure trove of ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Justin M. Ellsworth's Email Privacy On 13 November 2004, Marine Lane Corporal Justin M. Ellsworth gave the ultimate sacrifice. He sacrificed his life for his country while serving in Iraq, receiving several awards for his bravery including a Bronze Star. After his death, his parents requested all of his belongings, including his correspondence, in this case his e–mails (Leach, 2006). E–mail privacy has become a serious issue, as family members of deceased, law enforcement, and even companies performing back ground check all have asked companies to hand over individuals private emails. The nature of e–mails holds a cyber ethical value to it, just like other personal affects, emails are private and a user agreement is established in the creation of an account, establishing ... Show more content on ... When an email account was originally established between Yahoo and Lane Corporal Ellsworth, a privacy and right to secure and not disclose information was initiated. The terms of service state in the company's policies, that the account is non–transferable and any rights to your Yahoo ID or contents within your account terminate upon your death, upon receipt of a death certificate, your account may be terminated and all contents will be permanently deleted. When the parents of LCpl Ellsworth reached out to Yahoo requesting access to the account, Yahoo committed and obligated to withhold the information. While the companies' condolences went to the family, it was honoring the terms of agreement. Yahoo has over 1 billion active monthly account users (Smith, 2016), all holding the same user agreement, regardless of circumstance; they should uphold the trust of the client – company ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. How Technology Can Protect Privacy? Technology in the twenty–first century is advancing to the point where almost everything is saved electronically. It's very helpful and convenient to have all of your personal information available to you all the time and being able to talk to anybody no matter where they are. But being able to do all these things so easily comes with a price, your privacy. Everything that you save on your computer, tablet, Ipad, and etc is now available to the government whether you know it or not. Every private thing that you do electronically can be invaded by the government without your consent. Many of these private things are saved and stored by the government, where it stays for an unknown amount of time. Isn't this an invasion of your privacy? Important information such as; bank accounts and medical information should be protected from the government. You should be allowed to have your privacy unless the government has hard evidence against you to think that you are a threat. And even then there should be specific circumstances that should be followed. The government shouldn't have the right to look at or save information that belongs to you. A man named Edward Snowden also believed in this and decided to show everyone that are privacy means nothing to the government. He was the National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower who provided the Guardian –a British national daily newspaper– with top–secret NSA documents leading to revelations about US surveillance on phone and ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Privacy In 1984 Essay In the novel 1984, George Orwell uses imagery and word choice to demonstrate how much people value their privacy. This is proven when the citizens learn that the Police Patrol and the government are spying on them in their homes without them knowing. George Orwell states that he knows there is someone snooping in his windows all the time. Night or day, it does not matter. He knows for a fact they are watching his every move. This goes to show that the Police Patrol and government have no boundaries and do not respect their citizens privacy in any way. They are trying to catch them doing anything they are not supposed to be doing. Everybody should feel safe when they are in their home. No one wants to always feel like someone is constantly ... Show more content on ... They are always paranoid they are being listened to or watched, or both. This rings true when Google and Gmail users found out a very important thing. Google and Gmail do not give much privacy when it comes to the popular emailing server called Gmail. Google and Gmail have been reading into your emails for years. From an article I read, the author stated, "that Google's servers were reading all the emails received and sent by Gmail uses.." (Jacob 3). This statement is showing how Google and Gmail can access your private and personal information without you even knowing they are doing it, which is a very scary thing to think about. In addition to the invasion of privacy and Gmail reading into your emails, have you ever thought about the Police Patrol and government hiding microphones within your home, school, or work? The uncertain tone of the novel underlines how much the government listens in to their citizens. This is true when citizens wonder if they are being watched and also listened to at all times. George Orwell has always been paranoid of there being microphones where ever he went. He always talks in a whisper because he thinks the Police Patrol and government are out to get him for something he is involved in. These thoughts that Orwell are having are scary but true. It also shows that the Police Patrol and government are trying to catch you ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Can We Trust the Internet? Internet Privacy Crisis What is privacy? Many people are aware of the term but do not understand what it means. Warren and Brandeis defined privacy in 1980 as "the right to be alone". Buchholz and Rosenthal defined privacy as "the concept of being in control of information that is available about oneself"(2002, Jan). Whereas most recently Boscheck determined the meaning as "one's ability to isolate oneself from others and their views. To have no privacy means to be exposed, out of control and possibly open to coercion" (2011, Oct). The use of privacy term can be related to many other terms such as confidentiality, isolation, and secrecy. Due to advance in technology, website are able not only to track users and their records but also to build a sequence of their online activities. (Dhillon, Mooes, 2001, Dec) In fact, most search engines such as Google and Yahoo collect information through users search to promote specific advertisement. Where other companies tracker users activities through cookies, which is stored into the user web browsers, to gather information and store them into their servers. "In July 2010, the Wall Street Journal examined the 50 most popular websites in the USA. In total, the 50 sites placed 3,180 tracking files on a test computer used to conduct the study; only the encyclopedia installed none"(Boscheck, 2011, Oct). Therefore the process doesn't request users permission to collect information, which is considered as invasion to user ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Argumentative Essay: The Invasion Of Privacy Privacy. We often think of privacy as something necessary in homes, bathrooms, and in changing rooms. We expect privacy in our most vulnerable state. However, stories of cameras found in changing rooms at clothing stores without the consent of customers exist and in some cases, the stories live up to the tale. The shock of possibly finding a camera in a changing room seems like something out of a horror movie. The feelings of disgust and victimization come to mind about invasive cameras. The possibility of that happening to anybody seems low...right? No chance that anybody monitors our every move...right? Does the invasion of privacy only exist in the form of hidden cameras? The horror movie on invasion transitions to reality in the form of the government tapping into our conversations, texts, emails, and video recordings. Government surveillance allows for the invasion of privacy, which is unacceptable. The Government repeatedly takes information without consent from anybody. Shortly after the attacks on September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush executed the NSA's domestic spying program. To this day, the Program remains sealed as classified, even after some information broke out into the public in the hands of some government officials. Information about the Program rests on a ... Show more content on ... To achieve this goal, the government swayed the main telephone companies in the US to hand over all call records of their clients. The fact that these major phone companies had to be persuaded into actually giving out personal information shows how invasive the NSA can be. This investigation contained within the names, personal information, and addresses of customers (Paust). All of this information was obtained with no warrant or any judicial oversight. The biggest problem revolving this situation is the fact that the government is doing all of this with absolutely no consent ... Get more on ...
  • 33.
  • 34. Installing A Office Surveillance System Due to the rapid advancement in technology especially in the security industry, there is a huge surge in the numbers of company surveillance of the employees and different ways of supervision have been established. Many companies have installed security cameras in the workplace and have access to the browsing history and emails of workers. However, there has been an uproar among the workers lately as they are more exposed to social media and news from different places. More and more cases of employers overextending their power and control of workers' private lives can be seen all over the United States. For example, according to the president of Teamsters Local 804, Tim Sylvester, the metrics–based assault of workers is not anything strange (Bruder, 2015). Indeed, it is not beneficial to a company to install office surveillance system because it raises privacy concerns among the workers, causes mistrust between employees and employers, and reduces organizational commitment. It is argued by some that installing surveillance system in the workplace is advantageous to the company because the companies need to protect their company assets and trade secrets. This is because electronic surveillance prevents any intrusion, hacking or negative attempts to their computer systems. Indeed, Ball (2010) contends that "they want to protect corporate interests and trade secrets. Email, Internet monitoring and information access control are all deployed against risks of defamation, ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Pros And Cons Of The Electronics Communications Privacy Act The electronics communications privacy act is something I find very disturbing and it has affected me personally in a work situation. At the time the man I was working for was a licensee for a larger franchise and was going through a legal dispute at the corporate office. I emailed the owner from my work email when the evidence of my boss's demise was clear in hopes to ensure my future with the company was in place. When I arrived at work the next morning the licensee holder and my boss had already read my cry for help and fired me on the spot. It was the first time I was even aware something like this was possible. I think the situation I've described is just one of many possible examples of the disadvantages something like this has. Advantages ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Imperative Compromise For Security The Imperative Compromise for Security If people ask a teenager "what is the best description for the reason that you do something that your parents would disapprove of ", and the service will inform you that 89% of teenagers answered with "I'm just pursuing my freedom and my ability to do what I want to do"( There are many of times when kids and teenagers tend to challenge their parents or any other people who expect to limit or supervise them because their obstinate desire of freedom, and their uncomfortableness of being inspected. The argument between the supervision of parents to children is always a vivid metaphor to the supervision of government to citizens. The government monitors its citizens as a mother monitors ... Show more content on ... People generally have a lack of awareness about their privacy, and it puts them in dangerous situations when their personal information is not protected by a third party. Kim Kardashian, a reality television female celebrity who has almost 50 million followers on twitter, has been robbed during the Paris Fashion Show at her apartment in Paris. According to the police, the robbers gather her information from her social media to locate her because Kim Kardashian posts almost everything about her luxury life online ( The purpose of Kardashian is to share her life moments with her fans. However, what she does not know is that her followers do not only include her fans, but also the potential criminals who intend to utilize her personal life to attack her. People gibe at Kardashian because they believe that she gets what she deserves due to her habit of showing off, nonetheless, lots of people do similar things with Kim Kardashian every day. When people post their daily life online, they are exposing their privacy. The enormous internet world will out of control if the social media platform is unable to monitor people's online activities, which happened in Kardashian's case that privacy makes her become a target because her lack of awareness about the potential dangers. Beside the fact that people tend to release their information unconsciously on social media; privacy is also accessible to the criminals because it is not difficult for them to trick and deceive people's privacy in various ways. As an identity thief, Aguilar has been taken the security shortage of the use of QR code to commit their crime, and what they have done just scan the QR code to purchase items in your name ( According to the interview of some of the victims, they cannot even imagine that their ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The Pros And Cons Of Government Surveillance Typhoon, bomb, Mexico, subway, sick, drill, police, cloud. These are just some of the words that can put you under the government's radar. It only takes one of these words through a text message, a Facebook post, an Internet search, an email, the list goes on. The government is relentless. Privacy means nothing to them. It is simply another word in the dictionary. When one finds out that the NSA is able to view and read every text they have ever sent, it makes them wonder what else they could be doing. As I decided to read more about what the government does, I found that what they're doing is actually against the law. According to an article by Edward Snowden, "The United Nations declared mass surveillance an unambiguous violation ... Show more content on ... Within a couple of minute you could find everything you need to know about a person. From what psychological problems they suffer from to who they voted for in the presidential election (Hoback). In the movie, Terms and Conditions May Apply, Cullen Hoback finds the truth on how much the government actually has access to. The truth is shocking. Almost as shocking as how much information we can gather from the book by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy, "The Right to Privacy." They explain that our information is widespread all over, it just takes time to gather, but anyone can get to it if they try hard enough. They are always ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Should The Government Invade Right To Privacy "The government–federal, state, and local–should monitor internet content only to the extent that it doesn’t invade someone’s right to privacy. The right to privacy was implied in the Constitution and was established by the Supreme Court in Griswold vs. Connecticut. The right to privacy is invaded when the government is allowed to monitor every site that is created. The only time the government can invade this right of privacy is when they have probable cause, when they believe that someone is committing a crime on the internet. The government should be treating the internet like they treat crimes in real life, innocent until proven guilty. The only exception to this is in the case of monitoring for crime, similar to the Patriot Act which ... Show more content on ... People have been against this because it invades their right to privacy. The feeling of being watched is not a good one, and if the government were to pass a bill that allows the government to monitor internet content, anybody who owns a device that connects to the internet will feel this way. Everyone should have the right to privacy because the government itself established it. It is important for the government to remember that it must treat the internet the same way it treats people’s physical property: without probable cause, people have the right to privacy. Instead of the government writing a bill that would give the government an unconstitutional cause to invade anyone’s right to privacy, the government should be writing a bill that designates internet content to be treated the same way a person’s physical property is treated. Without probable cause, someone’s internet content should not be monitored without their permission. Monitoring internet content is also in violation of the Sixth Amendment, which states that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty. When someone is suspected of committing a ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. What Is 1984 An Invasion Of Privacy Ollie Pearson Mr Funk English 2 HN 2 October 2017 1984 Research Paper Thomas Jefferson once said that "Everyone has the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If the government spied on its citizens, the citizens would carry the burden of having the government constantly watch every move being made, interfering with citizens pursuit of happiness. With that being said, if a citizen's privacy was invaded then their pursuit of happiness would be demolished. The government should not be able to spy on its citizens because it is a major invasion of privacy, people become fearful of the government, and is a large violation of the rights citizens are permitted. To begin, the government spying its citizens ... Show more content on ... Next, many people become fearful of the government. If people were aware of when the government was spying on them, their actions would become restrained due to fear. In 1984, Big Brother uses the fear of the people to control them. The Party uses the threat of torture against its citizens in order for them to follow to their commands. The people in 1984 fear what Big Brother will do to them if they do not follow the orders they are given. Those people are continually being watched therefore they are constantly keeping to themselves and are afraid of making the wrong decision or saying something that shouldn't be said. For example, in 1984 the citizens are being monitored by telescreens which allow Big Brother to not only watch the actions of a person, but also listen to any conversations amongst themselves. Just like in 1984, citizens of this country are fearful of the government because of the possibility of being harmed. The government might feel threatened by a specific person because of their recent phone records or emails and use the threat of torture to prevent dangerous actions from taking place. Eventually, people will begin to change their behavior or actions because they are fearful the government will not approve of their current choices. Furthermore, the government spying on its citizens is a huge violation of the rights they are granted. Privacy is a person's right as a human being, however, privacy is also a privilege. If a ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Privacy Policy: Jelly Email Inc. Jellymail Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy (the "the policy") describes the personal information that Jelly Email Inc. ("Jellymail", "we", "us" or "our") collects from or about you when you use Jellymail hosted email platform and related services (the "services"), how we use that information, and to whom we disclose it. "Personal Information" implies information around a person that is reasonably capable of identifying the individual, either alone or in blend with other available information. 1. Responsibility and Openness/Compliance Jellymail is responsible for individual data under our control. We have put in place systems to effectively protect any personal information submitted to us and to manage complaints and requests. We are focused on keeping up the exactness, confidentiality, and security of your data. We guarantee that you have access to information with respect to the policies and procedures that we use in management of ... Show more content on ... The safeguards applied will be based on the sensitivity of the information, with the highest level of security given to the most sensitive personal information. We utilize user IDs, passwords and encryption innovation, and limit the workers and contractual workers who have access to personal information to those having a "need to know" and who are bound by confidentiality obligations in order to guarantee that information is taken care of and stored in a secret and secure way. While destroying personal information, we delete electronically stored personal information and shred any physical materials containing personal information, you acknowledge that deleted information may continue to exist on backup media but will not be used unless permitted by ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Privacy Of The Information Technology Essay Executive Summary Privacy of the information is under a threat because of information technology. Different security tools and security mechanisms are available to protect the privacy, but on the other hand the advanced technology is helping the intruders to violate the information security policies. Today the usage of information technology is on the peek and due to this, the people are using different features of the information technology in their personal life. The sharing of personal data and information is a routine work on websites and because of this routine, the personal information could be used for awful purposes. The business organizations are using security agents to monitor and to protect their data and information. Similarly, advanced technology is providing very advance security solutions as well to protect the privacy of the information. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Impact of technology on privacy 3 3. What differences has technology made in regards to privacy 4 4. Reasons behind certain organization to "spy" on people 4 5. Possible solutions to stop the technology from invading personal life 5 6. Conclusion and recommendation 6 7. References 7 1. Introduction Information technology is allowing the people to manage their daily life according to the requirements. Today, the technology is essential and considered a main communication method for business management, and transactions and many other fields. The data ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. The Importance Of Government On Privacy Government The security of our personal privacy has been tampered by our government to the point that it makes the people unsure of what's private and what's undocumented. With the governments new subtle methods to investigate the citizens of the United States information has led to controversy in our new technological era. The government surveillance cons outweigh the pros. Not only do they invade civil liberties, they also tend to lead innocent people into unfair punishment and ultimately fail to protect with the appropriate measures. The government surveillance invades privacy. The National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and law enforcement agencies are all invading innocent citizens privacy. They can see who we call and when we call them and can log "suspicious activity" based on the call logs. This isn't fair to us as citizens. Some people can't get on a plane, are unable to get into their bank accounts, are unable to work at certain jobs, etc. This is very unfortunate because the United States is supposed to be "The Land of The Free". If the US is a place with freedom, why is the government invading the citizens privacy? Something that has recently been brought to the light is the FBI agents are able to hack into your computer webcam and watch without triggering the webcam light. Supposedly the FBI has had this technology for many years. They use this feature and call it "Eye Spy" which they use in very big criminal ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. How the Mobile Paradigm May Affect the Nature and Limits... Introduction With the rapid growth of mobile computing, mobile device become a necessary tool in our daily life. Without mobile device our life quality, efficiency will totally decrease. Users just need to connect to network and gather information they want in a few second. Although mobile devices bring us convenient, mobile devices contain large amount of personal data, including emails, photos, contact data, financial, and medical information, privacy issue [1] occur due to users unknowingly expose their privacy through mobile application, camera, network etc. and their use poses a serious threat to both personal and corporate security. It greatly extending the reach of technology and raising concerns that prevailing traditions of privacy may be challenged. In order to examine how the mobile paradigm may affect the nature and limits of privacy, those natures can be carried out though three views: Accessibility Privacy, Decisional Privacy, and Informational Privacy. Accessibility Privacy This aspect of privacy overlaps with informational privacy in cases where acquisition or attempted acquisition of information involves gaining access to an individual [2]. However, it also extends to cases where physical access is at stake. Camera Nowadays, cameras embedded in mobile devices have become so widespread in whole world. As the evolution of camera phone technology, the picture quality has increased while the total size of photo has decreased. Those mobile devices can be used ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Research On Mass Communication Class MASS COMMUNICATION CLASS Name of institution Name of professor Course name Student's name Date of submission Introduction Irrefutably, the recent developments toward improved efficiency, reliability and sky rocketing low– power sensors, medical monitors of all kinds, recording devices, and usage of cameras pooled with the capability of collecting, storing, accessing, classifying and sorting enormous data offers a host of benefits while at the same time, but also menacingly threatening our social liberties and prospect of individual privacy (Shaw and Jonatha, 38–43). Scholarly inputs on the power of internet and other media to erode or eliminate personal privacy Many researchers have exposed many facts concerning privacy breach by the internet and the media which was unknown to many of us. For instance, the date of birth together, one's five–digit zip code and place of birth have been recently used to generate explicit identifiers like a person's name, their Social Security number and address. Secondly, according to Shaw and Jonatha, 38–43, more alarmingly is the fact that basic information such as date of birth and hometown demanded in social media like Facebook can be used to define ones Social Security Number. Social Security Numbers are not given at randomly since they represent ones' state code and ones' region within the state, information also available in the Social Security Administration. It is also possible to predict one's SSN from their date of birth and ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Little Brother Is Watching You Summary The article "Little brother is watching you" by Miriam Schulman is an informative article that speaks of workplace privacy, specifically the monitoring software "Little Brother". This program allows employers to access anything that their employees are accessing at work using company technology. This software allows employers to access intimate, and private information that is accessed at work. In this day and age, we live in a world where it's impossible to "turn off" your work life, you are expected to check emails and answer calls whether they are on the clock or not. Miriam argues the case that if an employee writes a letter to their boyfriend on their lunch break with a pen and paper that is property of the company, does the employer have the right to open and read that letter? Miriam implies that it would be wrong to open the letter, and hence wrong to do the same thing to an email. There is a wide range of assumptions made and both implied and implicit issues featured within this article. We will be taking a look at some of these issues that Miriam has identified in his article and seeing if they hold up against the facts. All throughout this article there are numerous amounts of both implied and implicit messages to do ... Show more content on ... Miriam cites an article in the Journal of Public Personnel Management, which found that "the majority of employees being electronically monitored are women in low–paying clerical positions." A copy of the journal that this quote comes from was not able to be found. However, Miriams implied view of this is that he believes that it is unfair that the majority of the workers that are being monitored are minimum wage employees, and not managment or HR emplyoyees who are on large saleries and that are not covered by the same level of ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Essay On Privacy And Ethical Issues In E-Marketing "PRIVACY AND SPAMMING ETHICAL ISSUE IN E–MARKETING" ABSTRACT It is contended that we are all living in a transitional economy and given the implications of globalization and information technologies for business and commerce, no economic system displays stability. The Internet poses fundamental challenges to the issues central to society, namely free speech, privacy and national sovereignty. With the advent of e–marketing, it brings with it a host of ethical issues surrounding customer privacy. The topic of protecting individual and corporate privacy as a major ethical issue has triggered a wave of governmental legislation and has created an entire segment of Internet industry firms whose mission is to help consumers protect ... Show more content on ... However the role of the web goes far beyond business. For a new generation of consumers it's become a key lifestyle and entertainment channel, with many strong nationally created entertainments, sport and news sites traceable back to the mid nineties. The strong home–grown content industry India has had, complemented by a strong IT sectors in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi have fuelled internet development. In terms of international access, there is an additional pattern of strong use of UK and US websites as well as international sports websites. The internet advertising industry remains young in India and behaves in a similar way to the Western European internet advertising industry 5–8 years earlier. It is enjoying fast growth, albeit from a low base. The sector is dominated by financial services, IT/mobile and recruitment, with consumer package goods and motoring accounting for only small shares of the national online advertising market. However Indian consumers have experienced web advertising from the start of their use of the web so there is greater acceptance than in some of the Western European markets at a similar stage in their growth. The market is nationally driven with extra campaigns coming from global brands, but most of the budget confined to national businesses. The internet is a gateway to world knowledge as ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Pros And Cons Of Government Surveillance Many have argued that government surveillance is safe and provides security towards the United States. However, government surveillance programs do more harm than good because they invade civil liberties, plead innocent people to suffer unfair punishments, and ultimately fail to protect the citizens that they are designed to safeguard. For these reasons, programs operated by the National Security Agency and other surveillance organizations should be discontinued. The concern on surveillance is perceived as endogenous due to its antecedents and outcome. These concerns are critical to the empirical research conducted on privacy information from government organizations like the NSA. Though research on concerns within privacy breaching have presented ... Show more content on ... So the usual privacy safeguards compelled by the Constitution do not apply. Under the best of circumstances, the third–party doctrine raises significant privacy concerns. After all, an individual's desire to shield from government scrutiny the list of people with whom she exchanges phone calls or emails does not seem unreasonable. The bulk collection programs multiply these privacy concerns exponentially. Rather than collecting the metadata of one individual who is relevant to an investigation, the federal government collected everyone's metadata– all records regarding phone calls or emails where at least one end of the communication was in the United States. Collecting and analyzing data in bulk allows the government to glean much more information about our lives than isolated bits of information would permit. The privacy implications of bulk metadata collection are therefore profound. Nevertheless, the FISA Court accepted the government's argument that metadata remains outside the Constitution's protection, regardless of the volume in which it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Privacy Or No Privacy Analysis Privacy or no privacy in the work place? Ms. Nancy Flynn is the founder and executive directive of the Theepollicy Institute, a training and consulting firm that helps employers limit email and internet risk. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Flynn's complains that management has the right and responsibility to observer how employees are using social media on and off work hours. Ms. Flynn Advocates it is all too easy for employees to use social media to bring unwanted attention to whatever company hired them. She believes that emails, social networking can lead to dangerous work conditions and it's not as harmless as other might think. Ms. Flynn points out cases to do with hospital employees ... Show more content on ... Sure the internet is a great wat to express our self, but other may misconstrue they see on our social media sites. I sympathize with Mr. Lewis, because employers shouldn't have the right checkup or screen employee's social media, which that would be their personal life. An employees shouldn't not be judged on the lifestyle they life after workhours. Depending on what kind of job you have or trying to acquire yes it may be required but you will be notified. The American is being so political correct, that is hard to be our self if you have differences views from the majority of the any group of people. In my opinion there should be laws dealing with cases when employees get fried do to something they posted in social media. Billy Graham agrees when she writes, Once you've lost your privacy, you realize you've lost an extremely valuable thing." Basically, Billy Graham is saying losing your privacy is one of the worst things you can lose, it's a pieces of yourself that you can free with no judgment. Many people me may disagree with me, but I stay with my opinion. Ms. Flynn clam that employers have the right to monitor their employees anything they see fit, rests upon the questionable assumption that would it be morally right. by doing all this would create a hostile work environment, I do not agrees on employers having so a say on what can and not say on social media. Being an American you have freedom speech that being said I truly believe that is a violation of my civil right and nobody should be about to dictate what can you say or not ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Technology Has Made The Lives Of Many People Much Easier. Technology has made the lives of many people much easier. The internet especially has been an invention that many people today do not believe they could live without. It is used daily not only to do research for papers, but also to look up recipes, book airplane flights and hotels, or even shop from the privacy of one's own home. Even though it has become much easier to do all of these things, it has also become much simpler for the government and others to monitor our daily lives. This not only means our own privacy is compromised, but government officials who are supposed to be watching out and representing us are doing the opposite both in our own, and other countries. Should governments be allowed to implement surveillance of its ... Show more content on ... This is violated when the government infringes and essentially searches through the activity that people are doing in their own homes. In a way this is very much the same as if the government were to come in without a search warrant and look through one's belongings. Many people would not investigate whether surveillance by the government was unconstitutional unless there was a reason to. Cases have existed in which people have gone to court against the government for invading their privacy including the Supreme Court case Alderman v. United States 1969. For the general person, many times people forget the fact that what they are looking at can be seen by others. This has led to numerous embarrassing and sometimes humiliating things that occur over and over again. In the case of Alderman v. United States 1969, the question of how far the government is allowed to go became the question. Even though nothing embarrassing happened to them, it was more embarrassing for the government. This case took place in Colorado during the period of the Cold War where Alderman and his accomplices were found guilty of transmitting murderous threats on behalf of the Soviet Union. Even though the case was held prior to the private use of the internet, the argument they used could still be considered valid today. It is a proven fact that ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Computers And The Modern Society Say No to Decryption Smartphones, such as iPhone, Samsung, and Blackberry, have become an indispensable part of everyone's life. Individuals use the phone to store their private information, from photos to contacts, conversations, schedules, emails, bank accounts, and heath record, even where we are going and who we are talking. All this information has to be protected from decryption and unauthorized use by hackers, cyber criminals, and even the government. Recently, data decryption becomes a certain issue faced by the technology companies, users, and the government after two killers attacked at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California on December 2, 2015. The shooting did not only take the life of 14 innocent people but ... Show more content on ... Building a backdoor to a phone is an unprecedented step that takes everyone's safety at risk because it empowers government, as well as hackers and cyber criminals, to capture users' private data. Weakening encryption will cause a series of issues on the security of devices. Sophia Cope, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, claims that "if Apple creates unlocking technology, its development would be like opening Pandora's Box." It means that not only would the killer's phone be decrypted, but also all the phones would be at risk to be decrypted. The government is more likely to ask Apple to craft a master key that could be used to open not only one door but every door. With this master key, the government could pass through all the devices and access everyone's message, phone calls, emails, location, social network accounts, bank account, or even camera or microphone without the subject's consent. In facts, not only the government but also the hackers and cyber criminals could access this information. They rely on the loophole to crack any devices for identity theft and various kinds of crime. Compliance with the FBI's order to create a gateway for one device is putting the risk of millions of people's private data accessible by those who have technological knowledge, including the government, sophisticated hackers, and cybercriminals. ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Common Law Summary And Analysis Common Law claims are mostly determined by tort laws. Employees wishing to sue their employer for workplace privacy may rely on privacy tort theories. Privacy tort is separated into four branches of action: 1) Intrusion upon seclusion or solitude, or into private affairs, 2) public disclosure of embarrassing private facts, 3) publicity which places a person in a false light in the public eye and 4) appropriation of name or likeness. Intrusion of privacy tort is often used in many court cases between employers and employees in the workplace ( Fazekas,2015). In the case of Stengart v. Loving Care Agency, Marina Stengart used her company computer to send personal emails to her lawyer. Her emails were exchanged through her personal email account ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Should Privacy Be Careful Of Who Is Watching Privacy? Essay Be Careful of who is Watching Privacy Issues in Employment Monitoring Employee monitoring has been on the rise since the boost for technology in the business world. Different Organizations engage in monitoring of employee's to track performance and to avoid legal liability, protect business secrets and to address other concerns such as security. Certain monitoring practices are not upheld by employees because of the downfall it has on their satisfaction of privacy. Employers typically must not show some of their private monitoring duties while in the workplace, but how much monitoring they can do can become a huge issue when it's invading natural privacy rights. There is a debate raging on whether it is moral, ethical and legal for employers to monitor the actions of their employees. Employer's believe that monitoring is a sure thing because it encourages positive behavior and discourage illicit activity and to limit liability. Although, with this problem of monitoring of employees, many are experiencing a negative effect on emotional and physical stress including fatigue and lack of motivation within the workplace. Employers might choose to monitor employee's activities using surveillance cameras, or may wish to record employee's activities while using company owned computers or telephones. Courts are finding that disputes between workplace privacy and freedom are being complicated with the forward move in advance technology as traditional rules that govern areas of ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Importance Of Personal Privacy aimed at protecting their citizenry. The United States has not been left behind in the stampede to adopt such measures. One of the proposals which have been put forward as far as a means of safeguarding and protecting Americans is to allow the government, through its various security agencies, to collect data and have access to the American people's mobile phones, social media accounts, and even emails. Unsurprisingly, this proposal has generated a heated debate among the American public. While some Americans do not feel anything wrong with such government surveillance especially since it is for public safety, others are nonetheless unconvinced that such an action is right. This latter group views any form of government surveillance on American people as a violation of their individual privacy. On a personal level, I believe that my privacy is more important to me and therefore I choose the side which advocates of individual privacy as opposed to public safety. In the successive paragraphs, I will therefore provide reasons why I feel that my privacy should take precedence over the government's need to access personal data. a) Individual Privacy is protected by the Constitution. The US Constitution protects the right to individual privacy under Amendment IV by guaranteeing the right of every person "to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures..." (Redlich, Attanasio, & Goldstein, 2004). I therefore believe that by ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Ethical Issues Of Privacy In The Workplace Introduction Privacy has remained a concern in the world but there have been numerous cases regarding privacy in the workforce. Privacy among the work environment brings ethical dilemma of whether companies have the rights to monitor their employees email, computer and internet usage. When we think about workforce privacy, one worries about the email and internet information that is gathered from being monitored being used for good or bad with current issues regarding known companies' employees and customer's personal information being hacked. Another concern is whether employees have to the rights to use their work computers from personal uses, like accessing their personal emails. In the following case Owen v. Cigna, plaintiff Lois Owen worked for Professional Consultants INC. until July 2013. After leaving PCI, Owen filed a complaint with Illinois Human Rights Commissions (IHRC), where she accused her former employers of sexual harassment and created a hostile work environment. A upon dealing with the complaint case with IHRC Owens discovered that her former employer and technology coordinator Noah Edmeier accessed her email account without her consent after she departed from PCI. The claim against defendants Paul Cigna with Professional Consultants, INC. and Noah Edmeier states that they violated numerous federal laws after ... Show more content on ... Cigna is the inferences of the plaintiff be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized" (U.S. Consitution: Fourth Amendment). The Defendant Cigna and Edmerier wasn't presented with a warranty of any form to access the Plaintiff personal email account which contain explicit pictures of pictures of woman that weren't the ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Protecting Your Personal Details On Our Website Privacy Policy Protecting your personal details on our website whose registered office is at 90 Sissons Road,Middleton ,West Yorkshire, Leeds Ls10 4JY, knows that you care how information about you is used and shared and we appreciate your trust in us to do that carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy and forms part of our website terms and conditions ("Website Terms"). By accepting our Website Terms or by visiting ("the Website") you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy. The Website is brought to you by Limited. Limited believes it is important to protect your Personal Data (as ... Show more content on ... You may change your mind at any time by emailing us at the address below. Some of the Personal Data we hold about you may be 'sensitive personal data ' within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1998, for example, information about your gender or your date of birth. 1. Collecting Information We may collect Personal Data about you from a number of sources, including the following: 1.1. From you when you agree to take a service or product from us, in which case this may include your contact details, date of birth, how you will pay for the product or service and your bank details. 1.2. From you when you contact us with an enquiry or in response to a communication from us, in which case, this may tell us something about how you use our services. 1.3. From documents that are available to the public, such as the electoral register. 2. Using Your Personal Information 2.1. Personal Data about our customers is an important part of our business and we shall only use
  • 77. your Personal Data for the following purposes and shall not keep such Personal Data longer than is necessary to fulfill these purposes: 2.1.1. To help us to identify you when you contact us. 2.1.2. To help us to identify accounts, services and/or products which you could have from us or selected partners from time to time. We may do this by automatic means using a scoring system, which uses the Personal Data you have provided and/or any ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Legal And Human Resource Dimensions Of Business Management Smyth V Pillsbury: When Privacy In The Workplace Is No Longer Private Katherine Traviglia Legal and Human Resource Dimensions of Business Management: SPRING15–C–8–HRM515–1 Colorado State University – Global Campus Professor Eduardo Martinez June 1, 2015 Smyth V Pillsbury: When Privacy In The Workplace Is No Longer Private Technology in the workplace has brought about a great deal of change in the workplace. The increase in our technological advances has not only helped our organizations grow systemically but individuals have grown as well. The increased use of technology in the workplace has created new concerns for both employers and employees in the area of privacy. With the extreme changes and expanses in knowledge The advances in our technology have allowed communication to happen at the click of a button. The use of email and the Internet can immensely reduce operating costs through automation of human tasks, facilitate communication on innumerable levels, clearly increase efficiency in almost all tasks, allow for geographic and other business expansion that companies require that at one time may have taken days or hours can occur in mere seconds. These items can be fantastic for both employer and employee alike. Unfortunately, like anything – there are also serious drawbacks to technology advances. Employers and employees expect immediate gratification and answers, communications are tracked and stored and in some situations a multitude of sins can be uncovered. As ... Get more on ...