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Program Summary 2017
Building Safer Communities
A Word from the CEO
It is my great privilege to begin my eighth year as the head of El HaLev. Through the vital work done at El HaLev in 2017, we took
a step towards a safer world.
In recent years and especially in the past few months, sexual a�acks, sexual harassment, the viola�on of personal boundaries, and
exploita�on of power have been the focus of public discussion. The #metoo movement uncovered a global problem which transcends
borders. As in every year, in 2017 we addressed violence against women, youth, girls, boys, and persons with special needs by
developing and implemen�ng a comprehensive variety of empowerment self-defense programs. We did so while emphasizing the
importance of alloca�ng resources for the preven�on of violence, and not only for rehabilita�on once damage is done.
With all my heart, I believe that violence preven�on programs can transform society and create a safer community for ourselves
and our children, and it is our duty as a society is to provide the tools to meet the challenges of life. Just as the educa�on system
teaches children to cross the street with cau�on, we believe that teaching empowerment self-defense to every boy and girl is an
essen�al and inseparable part of our children’s educa�on.
This vision could be fulfilled by implemen�ng our programs in all schools, offering informa�ve ac�vi�es, conduc�ng research,
establishing connec�ons with the government, changing public policy, and building an interna�onal and accessible body of
Undoubtedly, we have a long way to go before we fulfill the vision of El HaLev to create a safer world. In the mean�me, our
incredible progress fills me with pride. As 2017 comes to an end, I am pleased to share the outstanding achievements of El HaLev,
made possible thanks to our devoted office staff and instructors, who work relentlessly to advance our vision of sustainable social
change, and to our loyal donors, without whom we would not be able to do nearly as much as we do.
May we have a successful year.
Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman
"We teach our
children to swim
so they stay safe
around water.
Why aren't we
teaching them
self-defense so
they stay safe
around people?”
Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman
CEO and Founder of El Halev
Who are we?
Founded in 2003, El HaLev was created to empower girls and women who wish to engage in the
mar�al arts, and to remove the obstacles they encounter, with the goal of crea�ng a social
environment of equal opportunity. The effort to make training accessible to women created a
demand for self-defense classes for women and girls. This led to an expansion of El HaLev’s
original goals to include a na�on-wide project for minimizing physical, sexual, emo�onal, and
financial violence towards children, youth, women, people with disabili�es, and the elderly.
Today, El HaLev works with hundreds of organiza�ons, municipali�es, firms, founda�ons, and
educa�onal, health, and welfare ins�tu�ons, seeking to play a part in the crea�on of a society
that respects the right of every person to live with freedom and safety.
1500 sqm of female strength and empowerment for girls, teenagers and women pursuing
mar�al arts and self-defense!
Beit El HaLev is the largest and most innova�ve visitor’s center of its kind in the realm of
violence preven�on, used by El HaLev to fulfill its vision of building safe communi�es.
This healing, strengthening, and empowering safe zone host individuals and local groups as
well as groups from all over Israel and abroad for seminars, workshops, team-building,
professional development, and classes.
The special atmosphere at Beit El HaLev touches the hearts of those who visit and the
greatest reward is to see women who have stepped into their power.
El HaLev Center
Unfortunately, violence is a problem we can no longer ignore...
1 of 5 children is sexually assaulted 1 of 3 women is sexually assaulted
Every woman is sexually harassed1 of 6 women is raped
of rape a�empts fail
because the vic�m
flees, yells, or physically
defends herself.
Preven�ng sexual, emo�onal, and physical violence through educa�onal programs for empowerment
self-defense and mar�al arts, which provide tools for improving self-confidence, discovering personal
strength, making choices, managing conflicts and addressing a variety of dangerous situa�ons.
The Response
Educa�onal programs
in partnership with
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs,
and team-training
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classesAcademy for instructor
training and con�nuing
Leading the
global movement for
empowerment self-defense
Our Services
‫ספר‬ ‫ובתי‬ ‫במוסדות‬
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Educa�onal Programs in Partnership with Ins�tu�ons
and Schools
El HaLev has constructed programs for self-defense and life skills from an educa�onal point of view,
based on the belief that every society must provide its children with one of the most essen�al tools of all:
the skill to prevent violent situa�ons, sexual assault, bullying, and manage social pressure.
The programs have been approved by the Ministry of Educa�on and are suitable for the school
framework. Teaching these skills is a lengthy process that should be an inseparable part of our children’s
educa�onal curriculum.
The ultra-orthodox branch
El HaLev established the branch in the beginning of 2017 to meet the needs of the ultra-orthodox
sector accurately. Ultra-orthodox themselves, the instructors of this branch are fluent in the language and
the culture of their students and are carefully guided and trained to provide high-quality professional
content and respect the ultra-orthodox way of life, without compromising the nature of their message.
The branch collaborated successfully with the Jerusalem Municipality Division for Sports for the
ultra-orthodox sector, corresponding branches of the municipal community centers, and the Jerusalem
Associa�on for the Preven�on of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse. Through these collabora�ons, El HaLev
provided classes for young women at risk, as well as adolescents, women, and children in ultra-orthodox
neighborhoods. Classes were also given to female seminar students outside Jerusalem, in Modiin Ilit and
to Habad female high school students in Rehovot. In 2017, 370 children, youth, and women par�cipated
in the programs of our ultra-orthodox branch.
Personal safety for children from preschool up to 5th grade
The Lioness Club – leadership for young women who prac�ce mar�al arts
Safe Passages – for 6th to 8th graders
The Freedom to Choose – for 9th to 11th graders
The Next Step – for 12th graders
Self defense workshops for the religious and ultra-orthodox
Workshops and training for educational teams
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Seminars, Con�nuing Educa�on Programs, and Team-training
New programs were created, geared specifically toward therapists on the staff of educa�onal ins�tu�ons,
with the goal of giving them new and groundbreaking tools to use in the context of their every-day work.
Collabora�on with educa�onal therapists is taking place in two areas:
Workshops which are designed to strengthen the self-confidence of the therapists and provide them
with an array of simple and effec�ve tools for dealing with professional challenges that can arise with
pa�ents: threats, boundary crossing, and verbal or physical violence.
Collabora�on with the educa�onal psychologist staff of groups of students who take part in similar
workshops, to fit the content of the workshop to the unique needs of the group. The deep knowledge
that these staff members have of the group, as well as their exis�ng ability to help the group process
and internalize new things, lends greatly to the efficiency of the workshop.
The Educa�onal Con�nuum
We believe that learning self-defense skills is an ongoing process that accompanies us and our children un�l they become
adults. The programs are tailored to each age and its unique a�ributes, and designed in layers, so that every program adds
knowledge and tools to the previous one, to achieve the best results!
bat mitzvah
girls and
their mothers
soldiers and
sherut leumi
Ages 11-17
Ages 5-10
Ages 11-13
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Empowerment Programs for At-risk Groups
A substan�al por�on of our resources is invested in at-risk groups: children and adolescents, vic�ms
of domes�c violence, physically and mentally disabled persons, people with emo�onal and behavior
disorders, and others.
In many cases, El HaLev programs provide a significant breakthrough in the therapeu�c process of
at-risk groups, since they allow them to experience their body as a source of power, health, and vitality
once again. They also acknowledge every person’s right to maintain his or her boundaries and safety.
These workshops aim to help the par�cipants retrieve control over their personal space and give them
tools to make beneficial decisions.
The programs are based on decades of research and development, conducted in the USA and Europe
and tailored to Israeli society and to the specific needs of each group.
At-risk Teens
Survivors of Violence
People with Special Needs
From our
thank you
“The instructor led the workshop just wonderfully, with sensitivity, humor, charisma, and plenty
of experience and knowledge, and managed to get the young women to cooperate. The
workshop is very important since these young women face distressing, at-risk situations
and, very conspicuously, they lack confidence and a sense of self-worth. Thanks to the
workshop, the young women found their physical strength, and most importantly, their
mental strength to take care of themselves, set boundaries, and mainly reinforce their
Social Worker Dalit Magen,
The Loving Home for Girls, Nazareth Illit.
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Ac�vi�es for Organiza�ons, Groups, and Companies
El HaLev provides group ac�vi�es for enrichment days, team-building days, and fun-filled days for
employees and teams.
The ac�vi�es take place in a fun and empowering atmosphere. They contribute to team-building and
strengthen all personnel by crea�ng a safe and suppor�ve work environment.
The ac�vi�es take place at El HaLev in Jerusalem or anywhere you invite us.
Whenever you schedule an El HaLev ac�vity in your vicinity, you are making a social investment. This is
a direct contribu�on towards strengthening weakened popula�ons in every sector of Israeli society and
towards the occupa�onal empowerment of female staff of instructors. Together, we work toward achieving
equal opportuni�es for all genders.
“Thank you for a meaningful, memorable, interesting and educational day! The vision
of the Association, the pleasant atmosphere of its home, the professionalism of the
instructors and the organization, and the entire execution combined to create a
special and moving day.”
From our
thank you
Aya Ben Porat,
Gender Equality Supervisor at the Ministry of Communications
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Classes and Workshops for Women, Teens, and
Children – for the General Public
You could liken the tools that we provide in our workshops to those provided in first aid classes:
they may be basic, but they save lives! The empowerment self-defense programs of El HaLev give every
person an opportunity to discover his or her internal power and abili�es by using simple and effec�ve
In 2017, we focused on community ini�a�ves that took place throughout the country. Our
instructors a�ended every group, near or far. We encourage such ini�a�ves and are happy to help improve
the safety of all our communi�es.
Our introduc�on workshops are par�cularly fi�ng for birthdays, bat mitzvas, and special events,
and provide a unique experience of female empowerment, with added value.
Personal safety for children in preschool up to 5th
Safe Passages – for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers
The Freedom to Choose – for young women and women
Impact – for young women and women
The Next Step – a pre-military summer program
Summer camps, camps, and special programs during school breaks
Birthdays and special events – with added value
From our
thank you
“I am pleased to write that the workshop was everything I expected, and more! At first, the girls felt
very awkward, but they immediately found they have great chemistry with the instructor. They
opened up and shared their personal experiences and their instructor was like a juggler on a
high rope, balancing real life stories on the one hand, without letting fear in, on the other.
She was patient and allowed the girls to express themselves and address their anxiety and
internal debates. The girls left the workshop happy. Later, in our conversations, I heard
that they really internalized the messages.
The discourse made them aware of the subject and what they had experienced opened their
eyes. In this brief time, I already heard their language changing. I have no doubt that the
workshop gave them a full, diverse, and accessible toolbox. This workshop is a must!”
Noa Tal, Tel Aviv
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Mar�al Arts Classes
El HaLev was originally founded for women who wanted to prac�ce mar�al arts professionally, as
trainees and instructors. This percep�on expanded in the last 15 years, and today El HaLev offers various
mar�al arts classes for girls and women.
As part of our gender-educa�on vision, we believe it is important that girls experience the beneficial
influence of mar�al arts on their daily life: mutual respect, striving for excellence, a healthy connec�on to
their bodies, and the ability to persevere and overcome challenges. They learn how to find their inner
powers and increase their awareness, sensi�vity, and ability to listen to themselves and to others. Mar�al
arts training especially influences young women, since it promotes a posi�ve body image, self-confidence,
and a sense of capability. Women who train in mar�al arts discover internal and external power, a link
between their bodies and souls, and the benefits of maintaining a healthy mental and physical lifestyle.
All our instructors are female – all professional, experienced, and dedicated, and the par�cipants need
no prior experience or special physical fitness. The classes are accessible to persons with special needs,
whether physical or mental, because we strive to treat the disabled as equals, faithful to the spirit of
mar�al arts where all are welcome.
The Lioness Club
A na�onal leadership program for girls and young women, which includes mar�al arts classes and
learning self-defense skills and leadership qualifica�ons, mutual respect, and social responsibility. The
Lioness Club members meet several �mes a year for shared training and enrichment ac�vi�es. The
Associa�on invests many resources in educa�ng and raising the future genera�on of female mar�al arts
and self-defense prac��oners. Today, there are 22 ac�ve Lioness Clubs!
18 Mar�al Arts classes take place weekly at El HaLev!
In 2017, there were 22 ac�ve Lioness Clubs!
In 2017, a Karate group for women was established in Lod for the first �me
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
Instructor’s Training Academy
In September of 2012 El HaLev was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sport as an authorized
school for training mar�al arts instructors, with the power to cer�fy its students to teach self-defense.
The school has iden�fied increasing occupa�onal empowerment for women as one of its main goals, and
is characterized by its flexibility and the accommoda�ons it makes for women’s needs, par�cularly
mothers. We are in the midst of a mul�-phase project, which includes recrui�ng and training women
from all over the country who prac�ce the mar�al arts, with a special subsidy for women from
disadvantaged areas. This is the only program of its type in Israel; par�cipants are trained to become
empowerment self-defense instructors while comple�ng a journey of personal and professional growth.
Par�cipants develop crucial skills such as lesson planning, interpersonal communica�on, mo�va�on,
working with different audiences, leadership skills, etc.
We are currently running a training program with sixteen commi�ed women from all across the
country are taking part, many of them with the help of subsidies and/or funds from the army or sherut
leumi. Once they have completed the course, the woman will join the El HaLev instruc�onal staff and
teach empowerment self-defense to women, children, and those with special needs.
Presently, El HaLev employs 38 female instructors making us
the largest single employer of women marital ar�sts worldwide
Each instructor gets approximately 300 hours of teacher training.
In 2017, El HaLev provided 86 hours of con�nuing educa�on
for our teaching staff.
Educa�onal programs:
ins�tu�ons and schools
Seminars, con�nuing
educa�on programs, and
Empowerment programs
for at-risk groups
Classes and workshops
for women, teen girls
and children
Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons,
groups, and companies
Mar�al Arts classes
Instructor’s Training
The global movement for
empowering self-defense
The Global Movement for Empowerment Self-Defense
Headed by Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman, the CEO of the Associa�on, El HaLev leads the global movement
for empowerment self-defense. Thanks to the accumulated knowledge of the Associa�on and its vast
experience, and based on its commitment to the concept of “�kun olam”, it established ESD GLOBAL: a
global organiza�on for empowerment self-defense. The goal of this organiza�on is to offer interna�onal
training courses that focus on subjects and skills that were developed in Israel, and to distribute life-saving
tools of empowerment self-defense to vulnerable popula�ons all over the world, including in developing
In the summer of 2017, the Associa�on ini�ated and led an interna�onal camp, conducted by Israelis,
to train empowerment self-defense instructors. Many women par�cipated, coming from Chile, Canada,
The Netherlands, Belize, England, The Dominican Republic and from several US states including New York,
Washington, Utah, Virginia, California, Ohio, Chicago, Rhode Island and North Dakota. In 2018, the
number of the par�cipants is expected to double and include women from all con�nents. Moreover, these
days, the Associa�on is crea�ng a ground-breaking project: the first online library to contain all the
informa�on that El HaLev has accumulated in its 15 years of existence. Addi�onal interna�onal endeavors
are in mo�on to collect other relevant materials, which will be translated into various languages and assist
the worldwide movement of empowerment self-defense.
In 2017, 57,845 people visited the El HaLev website.
The English website was visited by 3036 people.
75% of these were new visitors!
Educa�on and Informa�on
Providing informa�on about violence preven�on through self-defense is an important part of the ac�vi�es of El
HaLev. It distributes the informa�on through lectures, informa�on booths, par�cipa�on in various conferences, social
media, and the El HaLev website. Not only is the website a source of knowledge about the classes and the way to enroll, it
also serves as a rich and wide-ranging informa�on center. It offers an array of valuable resources, updated research,
posi�on papers, and informa�on which dismantles s�gmas and provide answers to frequently asked ques�ons. In 2017, El
HaLev proudly launched its English website.
El HaLev also has ac�ve and dynamic Facebook pages and groups, among them: women se�ng healthy
boundaries, El HaLev ‫הלב‬ ‫אל‬; a YouTube channel yehudit zicklin-sidikman and an Instagram account elhalev, which are
other ways of providing informa�on and nurturing our connec�on with our supporters and followers.
Ac�vity in the Public Realm
El HaLev ini�ates an array of collabora�ons and projects with the state and various municipali�es to advance social
awareness and policy-change, regarding the eradica�on and the preven�on of violence towards vulnerable popula�ons in
We do this by ac�vely par�cipa�ng in Knesset commi�ees, and especially in the Commi�ee on the Status of
Women and Gender Equality and the Special Commi�ee for the Rights of the Child, and by submi�ng posi�on papers,
enhancing the discourse in the commi�ees, and cul�va�ng our �es with policy-makers.
We also have a frui�ul collabora�on with the Municipality, and we work jointly with the City without Violence
Ini�a�ve and the advisors for the advancement of the status of women and gender equality, who support our ac�vi�es.
This creates a systemic basis for a broad array of programs for children, young women, and women.
We believe that our ac�vity in the public sphere, combined with our ac�vity in communi�es, will help us realize
our wish for social change.
Yehudit Sidikman, CEO of El-HaLev, at a special event at the Kenesset,
about gender violence preven�on
Ms. Barbra Susenik, Slovenia ambassador in Israel,
visi�ng at El-HaLev
2017: Our Numbers
8979 Par�cipants
Children and ParentsElementary School Students
(including boys)
High School Students
(including boys)
Bat Mitzvah Girls
and their Mothers
WomenMechina, Soldiers
and Sherut Leumi
StaffPeople with Special
Needs and Seniors
1124 1845 1038 959
2017: Our Numbers
4452 people visited El HaLev through dozens of ac�vi�es!
We held 80 self-defense courses
54 mar�al arts classes and special training events
21 informa�onal events
15 summer and other camps
10 con�nuing educa�on programs and training for the team of instructors
10 Birthdays and Bat Mitzvas
Funding Sources
educa�on and
social service
research and
Making the world a safer place -
This is how your dona�ons were used in 2017
265,413 ILS
(Approx. $75,000)
from Hatmara Founda�on
for Educa�on
and Social
Service Organiza�ons
They provided funds to 142
organiza�ons in 2017
98,465 ILS
(Approx. $28,000)
El HaLev is the
recipient of the Midot
Seal of Effec�veness
for non-profit
organiza�ons. This
award is a testament
to our success in
making significant
social change while
using our resources in
the most effec�ve
from the Pnina Dror z”l
Founda�on, used to
subsidize programs for
individuals and families
This dona�on enabled
240 women, young
women, and children to
par�cipate in our
programs in 2017
2017: Our Numbers
Building Safer Communi�es
We have given 550 classes,
workshops, and ac�vi�es
We provided 3458
hours of instruc�on
We have reached
65 ci�es in Israel
We have established �es
with 671 organiza�ons
We have worked with
513 par�cipants in
community ini�a�ves

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El HaLev year end summary 2017

  • 1. Program Summary 2017 Building Safer Communities
  • 2. A Word from the CEO Gree�ngs, It is my great privilege to begin my eighth year as the head of El HaLev. Through the vital work done at El HaLev in 2017, we took a step towards a safer world. In recent years and especially in the past few months, sexual a�acks, sexual harassment, the viola�on of personal boundaries, and exploita�on of power have been the focus of public discussion. The #metoo movement uncovered a global problem which transcends borders. As in every year, in 2017 we addressed violence against women, youth, girls, boys, and persons with special needs by developing and implemen�ng a comprehensive variety of empowerment self-defense programs. We did so while emphasizing the importance of alloca�ng resources for the preven�on of violence, and not only for rehabilita�on once damage is done. With all my heart, I believe that violence preven�on programs can transform society and create a safer community for ourselves and our children, and it is our duty as a society is to provide the tools to meet the challenges of life. Just as the educa�on system teaches children to cross the street with cau�on, we believe that teaching empowerment self-defense to every boy and girl is an essen�al and inseparable part of our children’s educa�on. This vision could be fulfilled by implemen�ng our programs in all schools, offering informa�ve ac�vi�es, conduc�ng research, establishing connec�ons with the government, changing public policy, and building an interna�onal and accessible body of knowledge. Undoubtedly, we have a long way to go before we fulfill the vision of El HaLev to create a safer world. In the mean�me, our incredible progress fills me with pride. As 2017 comes to an end, I am pleased to share the outstanding achievements of El HaLev, made possible thanks to our devoted office staff and instructors, who work relentlessly to advance our vision of sustainable social change, and to our loyal donors, without whom we would not be able to do nearly as much as we do. May we have a successful year. Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman
  • 3. "We teach our children to swim so they stay safe around water. Why aren't we teaching them empowerment self-defense so they stay safe around people?” Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman CEO and Founder of El Halev
  • 4. Who are we? Founded in 2003, El HaLev was created to empower girls and women who wish to engage in the mar�al arts, and to remove the obstacles they encounter, with the goal of crea�ng a social environment of equal opportunity. The effort to make training accessible to women created a demand for self-defense classes for women and girls. This led to an expansion of El HaLev’s original goals to include a na�on-wide project for minimizing physical, sexual, emo�onal, and financial violence towards children, youth, women, people with disabili�es, and the elderly. Today, El HaLev works with hundreds of organiza�ons, municipali�es, firms, founda�ons, and educa�onal, health, and welfare ins�tu�ons, seeking to play a part in the crea�on of a society that respects the right of every person to live with freedom and safety.
  • 5. 1500 sqm of female strength and empowerment for girls, teenagers and women pursuing mar�al arts and self-defense! Beit El HaLev is the largest and most innova�ve visitor’s center of its kind in the realm of violence preven�on, used by El HaLev to fulfill its vision of building safe communi�es. This healing, strengthening, and empowering safe zone host individuals and local groups as well as groups from all over Israel and abroad for seminars, workshops, team-building, professional development, and classes. The special atmosphere at Beit El HaLev touches the hearts of those who visit and the greatest reward is to see women who have stepped into their power. El HaLev Center
  • 6. Unfortunately, violence is a problem we can no longer ignore... 1 of 5 children is sexually assaulted 1 of 3 women is sexually assaulted Every woman is sexually harassed1 of 6 women is raped
  • 7. . of rape a�empts fail because the vic�m flees, yells, or physically defends herself. 75% Preven�ng sexual, emo�onal, and physical violence through educa�onal programs for empowerment self-defense and mar�al arts, which provide tools for improving self-confidence, discovering personal strength, making choices, managing conflicts and addressing a variety of dangerous situa�ons. The Response
  • 8. Educa�onal programs in partnership with ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classesAcademy for instructor training and con�nuing educa�on Leading the global movement for empowerment self-defense Our Services
  • 9. . . ‫ספר‬ ‫ובתי‬ ‫במוסדות‬ Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Educa�onal Programs in Partnership with Ins�tu�ons and Schools El HaLev has constructed programs for self-defense and life skills from an educa�onal point of view, based on the belief that every society must provide its children with one of the most essen�al tools of all: the skill to prevent violent situa�ons, sexual assault, bullying, and manage social pressure. The programs have been approved by the Ministry of Educa�on and are suitable for the school framework. Teaching these skills is a lengthy process that should be an inseparable part of our children’s educa�onal curriculum. The ultra-orthodox branch El HaLev established the branch in the beginning of 2017 to meet the needs of the ultra-orthodox sector accurately. Ultra-orthodox themselves, the instructors of this branch are fluent in the language and the culture of their students and are carefully guided and trained to provide high-quality professional content and respect the ultra-orthodox way of life, without compromising the nature of their message. The branch collaborated successfully with the Jerusalem Municipality Division for Sports for the ultra-orthodox sector, corresponding branches of the municipal community centers, and the Jerusalem Associa�on for the Preven�on of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse. Through these collabora�ons, El HaLev provided classes for young women at risk, as well as adolescents, women, and children in ultra-orthodox neighborhoods. Classes were also given to female seminar students outside Jerusalem, in Modiin Ilit and to Habad female high school students in Rehovot. In 2017, 370 children, youth, and women par�cipated in the programs of our ultra-orthodox branch. Personal safety for children from preschool up to 5th grade The Lioness Club – leadership for young women who prac�ce mar�al arts Safe Passages – for 6th to 8th graders The Freedom to Choose – for 9th to 11th graders The Next Step – for 12th graders Self defense workshops for the religious and ultra-orthodox Workshops and training for educational teams
  • 10. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Seminars, Con�nuing Educa�on Programs, and Team-training New programs were created, geared specifically toward therapists on the staff of educa�onal ins�tu�ons, with the goal of giving them new and groundbreaking tools to use in the context of their every-day work. Collabora�on with educa�onal therapists is taking place in two areas: Workshops which are designed to strengthen the self-confidence of the therapists and provide them with an array of simple and effec�ve tools for dealing with professional challenges that can arise with pa�ents: threats, boundary crossing, and verbal or physical violence. Collabora�on with the educa�onal psychologist staff of groups of students who take part in similar workshops, to fit the content of the workshop to the unique needs of the group. The deep knowledge that these staff members have of the group, as well as their exis�ng ability to help the group process and internalize new things, lends greatly to the efficiency of the workshop.
  • 11. The Educa�onal Con�nuum We believe that learning self-defense skills is an ongoing process that accompanies us and our children un�l they become adults. The programs are tailored to each age and its unique a�ributes, and designed in layers, so that every program adds knowledge and tools to the previous one, to achieve the best results! children bat mitzvah girls and their mothers educators and caregivers mechina, soldiers and sherut leumi teenagers Ages 11-17 Ages 5-10 Ages 11-13
  • 12. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Empowerment Programs for At-risk Groups A substan�al por�on of our resources is invested in at-risk groups: children and adolescents, vic�ms of domes�c violence, physically and mentally disabled persons, people with emo�onal and behavior disorders, and others. In many cases, El HaLev programs provide a significant breakthrough in the therapeu�c process of at-risk groups, since they allow them to experience their body as a source of power, health, and vitality once again. They also acknowledge every person’s right to maintain his or her boundaries and safety. These workshops aim to help the par�cipants retrieve control over their personal space and give them tools to make beneficial decisions. The programs are based on decades of research and development, conducted in the USA and Europe and tailored to Israeli society and to the specific needs of each group. At-risk Teens Survivors of Violence People with Special Needs LGBTQ Seniors From our thank you le�ers: “The instructor led the workshop just wonderfully, with sensitivity, humor, charisma, and plenty of experience and knowledge, and managed to get the young women to cooperate. The workshop is very important since these young women face distressing, at-risk situations and, very conspicuously, they lack confidence and a sense of self-worth. Thanks to the workshop, the young women found their physical strength, and most importantly, their mental strength to take care of themselves, set boundaries, and mainly reinforce their self-confidence.” Social Worker Dalit Magen, The Loving Home for Girls, Nazareth Illit.
  • 13. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Ac�vi�es for Organiza�ons, Groups, and Companies El HaLev provides group ac�vi�es for enrichment days, team-building days, and fun-filled days for employees and teams. The ac�vi�es take place in a fun and empowering atmosphere. They contribute to team-building and strengthen all personnel by crea�ng a safe and suppor�ve work environment. The ac�vi�es take place at El HaLev in Jerusalem or anywhere you invite us. Whenever you schedule an El HaLev ac�vity in your vicinity, you are making a social investment. This is a direct contribu�on towards strengthening weakened popula�ons in every sector of Israeli society and towards the occupa�onal empowerment of female staff of instructors. Together, we work toward achieving equal opportuni�es for all genders. “Thank you for a meaningful, memorable, interesting and educational day! The vision of the Association, the pleasant atmosphere of its home, the professionalism of the instructors and the organization, and the entire execution combined to create a special and moving day.” From our thank you le�ers: Aya Ben Porat, Gender Equality Supervisor at the Ministry of Communications
  • 14. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Classes and Workshops for Women, Teens, and Children – for the General Public You could liken the tools that we provide in our workshops to those provided in first aid classes: they may be basic, but they save lives! The empowerment self-defense programs of El HaLev give every person an opportunity to discover his or her internal power and abili�es by using simple and effec�ve tools. In 2017, we focused on community ini�a�ves that took place throughout the country. Our instructors a�ended every group, near or far. We encourage such ini�a�ves and are happy to help improve the safety of all our communi�es. Our introduc�on workshops are par�cularly fi�ng for birthdays, bat mitzvas, and special events, and provide a unique experience of female empowerment, with added value. Personal safety for children in preschool up to 5th grade Safe Passages – for Bat Mitzvah girls and their mothers The Freedom to Choose – for young women and women Impact – for young women and women The Next Step – a pre-military summer program Summer camps, camps, and special programs during school breaks Birthdays and special events – with added value From our thank you le�ers: “I am pleased to write that the workshop was everything I expected, and more! At first, the girls felt very awkward, but they immediately found they have great chemistry with the instructor. They opened up and shared their personal experiences and their instructor was like a juggler on a high rope, balancing real life stories on the one hand, without letting fear in, on the other. She was patient and allowed the girls to express themselves and address their anxiety and internal debates. The girls left the workshop happy. Later, in our conversations, I heard that they really internalized the messages. The discourse made them aware of the subject and what they had experienced opened their eyes. In this brief time, I already heard their language changing. I have no doubt that the workshop gave them a full, diverse, and accessible toolbox. This workshop is a must!” Noa Tal, Tel Aviv
  • 15. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Mar�al Arts Classes El HaLev was originally founded for women who wanted to prac�ce mar�al arts professionally, as trainees and instructors. This percep�on expanded in the last 15 years, and today El HaLev offers various mar�al arts classes for girls and women. As part of our gender-educa�on vision, we believe it is important that girls experience the beneficial influence of mar�al arts on their daily life: mutual respect, striving for excellence, a healthy connec�on to their bodies, and the ability to persevere and overcome challenges. They learn how to find their inner powers and increase their awareness, sensi�vity, and ability to listen to themselves and to others. Mar�al arts training especially influences young women, since it promotes a posi�ve body image, self-confidence, and a sense of capability. Women who train in mar�al arts discover internal and external power, a link between their bodies and souls, and the benefits of maintaining a healthy mental and physical lifestyle. All our instructors are female – all professional, experienced, and dedicated, and the par�cipants need no prior experience or special physical fitness. The classes are accessible to persons with special needs, whether physical or mental, because we strive to treat the disabled as equals, faithful to the spirit of mar�al arts where all are welcome. The Lioness Club A na�onal leadership program for girls and young women, which includes mar�al arts classes and learning self-defense skills and leadership qualifica�ons, mutual respect, and social responsibility. The Lioness Club members meet several �mes a year for shared training and enrichment ac�vi�es. The Associa�on invests many resources in educa�ng and raising the future genera�on of female mar�al arts and self-defense prac��oners. Today, there are 22 ac�ve Lioness Clubs! 18 Mar�al Arts classes take place weekly at El HaLev! In 2017, there were 22 ac�ve Lioness Clubs! In 2017, a Karate group for women was established in Lod for the first �me
  • 16. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense Instructor’s Training Academy In September of 2012 El HaLev was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Sport as an authorized school for training mar�al arts instructors, with the power to cer�fy its students to teach self-defense. The school has iden�fied increasing occupa�onal empowerment for women as one of its main goals, and is characterized by its flexibility and the accommoda�ons it makes for women’s needs, par�cularly mothers. We are in the midst of a mul�-phase project, which includes recrui�ng and training women from all over the country who prac�ce the mar�al arts, with a special subsidy for women from disadvantaged areas. This is the only program of its type in Israel; par�cipants are trained to become empowerment self-defense instructors while comple�ng a journey of personal and professional growth. Par�cipants develop crucial skills such as lesson planning, interpersonal communica�on, mo�va�on, working with different audiences, leadership skills, etc. We are currently running a training program with sixteen commi�ed women from all across the country are taking part, many of them with the help of subsidies and/or funds from the army or sherut leumi. Once they have completed the course, the woman will join the El HaLev instruc�onal staff and teach empowerment self-defense to women, children, and those with special needs. Presently, El HaLev employs 38 female instructors making us the largest single employer of women marital ar�sts worldwide Each instructor gets approximately 300 hours of teacher training. In 2017, El HaLev provided 86 hours of con�nuing educa�on for our teaching staff.
  • 17. Educa�onal programs: ins�tu�ons and schools Seminars, con�nuing educa�on programs, and team-training Empowerment programs for at-risk groups Classes and workshops for women, teen girls and children Ac�vi�es for organiza�ons, groups, and companies Mar�al Arts classes Instructor’s Training Academy The global movement for empowering self-defense The Global Movement for Empowerment Self-Defense Headed by Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman, the CEO of the Associa�on, El HaLev leads the global movement for empowerment self-defense. Thanks to the accumulated knowledge of the Associa�on and its vast experience, and based on its commitment to the concept of “�kun olam”, it established ESD GLOBAL: a global organiza�on for empowerment self-defense. The goal of this organiza�on is to offer interna�onal training courses that focus on subjects and skills that were developed in Israel, and to distribute life-saving tools of empowerment self-defense to vulnerable popula�ons all over the world, including in developing countries. In the summer of 2017, the Associa�on ini�ated and led an interna�onal camp, conducted by Israelis, to train empowerment self-defense instructors. Many women par�cipated, coming from Chile, Canada, The Netherlands, Belize, England, The Dominican Republic and from several US states including New York, Washington, Utah, Virginia, California, Ohio, Chicago, Rhode Island and North Dakota. In 2018, the number of the par�cipants is expected to double and include women from all con�nents. Moreover, these days, the Associa�on is crea�ng a ground-breaking project: the first online library to contain all the informa�on that El HaLev has accumulated in its 15 years of existence. Addi�onal interna�onal endeavors are in mo�on to collect other relevant materials, which will be translated into various languages and assist the worldwide movement of empowerment self-defense.
  • 18. In 2017, 57,845 people visited the El HaLev website. The English website was visited by 3036 people. 75% of these were new visitors! Educa�on and Informa�on Providing informa�on about violence preven�on through self-defense is an important part of the ac�vi�es of El HaLev. It distributes the informa�on through lectures, informa�on booths, par�cipa�on in various conferences, social media, and the El HaLev website. Not only is the website a source of knowledge about the classes and the way to enroll, it also serves as a rich and wide-ranging informa�on center. It offers an array of valuable resources, updated research, posi�on papers, and informa�on which dismantles s�gmas and provide answers to frequently asked ques�ons. In 2017, El HaLev proudly launched its English website. El HaLev also has ac�ve and dynamic Facebook pages and groups, among them: women se�ng healthy boundaries, El HaLev ‫הלב‬ ‫אל‬; a YouTube channel yehudit zicklin-sidikman and an Instagram account elhalev, which are other ways of providing informa�on and nurturing our connec�on with our supporters and followers.
  • 19. Ac�vity in the Public Realm El HaLev ini�ates an array of collabora�ons and projects with the state and various municipali�es to advance social awareness and policy-change, regarding the eradica�on and the preven�on of violence towards vulnerable popula�ons in society. We do this by ac�vely par�cipa�ng in Knesset commi�ees, and especially in the Commi�ee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality and the Special Commi�ee for the Rights of the Child, and by submi�ng posi�on papers, enhancing the discourse in the commi�ees, and cul�va�ng our �es with policy-makers. We also have a frui�ul collabora�on with the Municipality, and we work jointly with the City without Violence Ini�a�ve and the advisors for the advancement of the status of women and gender equality, who support our ac�vi�es. This creates a systemic basis for a broad array of programs for children, young women, and women. We believe that our ac�vity in the public sphere, combined with our ac�vity in communi�es, will help us realize our wish for social change. Yehudit Sidikman, CEO of El-HaLev, at a special event at the Kenesset, about gender violence preven�on Ms. Barbra Susenik, Slovenia ambassador in Israel, visi�ng at El-HaLev
  • 20. 2017: Our Numbers 8979 Par�cipants Children and ParentsElementary School Students (including boys) High School Students (including boys) Bat Mitzvah Girls and their Mothers WomenMechina, Soldiers and Sherut Leumi StaffPeople with Special Needs and Seniors 1124 1845 1038 959 17861392683152
  • 21. 2017: Our Numbers 4452 people visited El HaLev through dozens of ac�vi�es! We held 80 self-defense courses 54 mar�al arts classes and special training events 21 informa�onal events 15 summer and other camps 10 con�nuing educa�on programs and training for the team of instructors 10 Birthdays and Bat Mitzvas
  • 22. Funding Sources Expenses 55.6% program income 0.4% government funding 75% educa�on and social service programs 9.8% research and community engagement 14.9% general administra�ve costs 44% dona�ons
  • 23. Making the world a safer place - Together! This is how your dona�ons were used in 2017 265,413 ILS (Approx. $75,000) from Hatmara Founda�on for Educa�on and Social Service Organiza�ons They provided funds to 142 organiza�ons in 2017 98,465 ILS (Approx. $28,000) El HaLev is the recipient of the Midot Seal of Effec�veness for non-profit organiza�ons. This award is a testament to our success in making significant social change while using our resources in the most effec�ve manner. from the Pnina Dror z”l Founda�on, used to subsidize programs for individuals and families This dona�on enabled 240 women, young women, and children to par�cipate in our programs in 2017
  • 24. 2017: Our Numbers Building Safer Communi�es We have given 550 classes, workshops, and ac�vi�es We provided 3458 hours of instruc�on We have reached 65 ci�es in Israel We have established �es with 671 organiza�ons We have worked with 513 par�cipants in community ini�a�ves