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Effects Of Youth Violence
Abstract There are many health issues which affect the population, youth violence is one of many issues. Youth violence is a behavior in which serious
consequences and is now one of the primary public health issues of our period. Youth violence has affected not just the offenders but also their families
and the community. Absence of positive role models,violence in families, victims due to violence, poverty and living in a community where crime is
committed all contribute to youth violence.
Youth Violence Youth violence refers to harmful behaviors that can start early and continue into young adulthood. The young person can be a victim,
an offender, or a witness to the violence (CDC,2017). Youth violence affects adolescents, children more content...
The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) oversees the funding for local health departments and state departments, community based
organizations and academic establishments towards research and public health programs. CDC partners with partners around the world to identify and
study health problems. This also includes the development and advocate sound public health policies, put into effect strategies, provide leadership and
training and with the detection and investigation of health problems while monitoring their health as well. Public health assessment is essential to
activities which may affect individual's health, by recognizing and both the negative and positive of health controls of any new activity during the
development stages and provide decision makers with information about how this activity will affect the people's health. The Health Impact
Assessment (HIA), are able to provide a better suited proposal in the early planning stages which will enrich the benefits for health and reduce any
risks to health. The output of HIA is to set evidence bases recommendations and their impact is the improvement of a proposal which is improved and
will not affect well–being. Unfortunately, there are disadvantages with the benefits of public health assessments. One problem is this: if these
interventions are designed to target specific risk factors, evaluations of effectiveness tend to focus on measuring change in
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Youth Violence Essay
Youth Violence
Ever since the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School, there has been a numerous list of recent school shootings in America. Youth violence is a
major issue in today's society. Many people dread what causes adolescents to be so violent, committing horrible crimes.
There are many wonders that go around about why young adolescents commit such violent crimes. These questions vary from why kids take guns to
school, or how do we know if they are putting others in danger, what signs are there, what should be looked at, and what can be done to stop these acts
of violence. I remember watching the MTV special "Warning Signs"; it more content...
(Chapter 16 factors of agression)
Lifestyles also play an important part in youth violence. Growing up in a divorced family as well as the way your parents raised you are major
aspects that effect youth today. When children go through a divorce they experience tremendous pain and go through a lot of changes in their
life.(chapter 9 impact of divorce) They experience behavioral problems, and less academic achievements. Adolescents in this stage can also experience
aggression toward their parents as well as their friends and other family members due to the divorce. Every parent had there own parenting styles of
raising their kids, however, some ways can lead to corrupt behavior. There are the authoritative parents whose children tend to be moody, aggressive,
and have poor communication skills. Then there are the permissive and authoritative parents who are generally caring and sensitive towards their
children.(chapter 9 parenting styles) Studies have shown that if you grow up in a family that shows aggression towards one another, then it is more
likely that you as a young adult will be aggressive as well. However in recent studies,
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The Effects Of Violence On Youth Violence Essay
Introduction: Violence is everywhere and due to this notion people find ways to accept it. Violence is part of the national mythology. Meaning
violence is a social construction. Violent acts cannot be wholly understood unless we examine them as but one "one link in the chain of a long process
of events" (Schmidt & Schröder 2001, 7). Violence and the responses to it are socially constructed, they are phenomena viewed and interpreted in
many different ways. For example, individuals become a product of their environment. The lack of parental support, inflected by peers and their
community causes youth to act out violently. Every violent experience are molded and locked into the memory of mind. Therefore the social
construction of violence and the idea of memory, of recollections of violence in someone life, is crucial to creating youth violence.
Violence is corrupting the minds of today's youth and destroying the future. Violence among young people is the most common act of deviance seen
today. Youth violence is framed as an epidemic causing a moral panic. Youth violence is examined and labeled in order to construct responses. It shows
how the structure of the deviant act is constructed based on the normless and normal behavior in society. Youth violence is socially constructed by the
interpretation of social interactions each adolescents faces. The youth generation is setting an example for the rest of America to show how crisis
situation arise and folds to tragic deaths.
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Youth Violence Sociology
The research in the journal entitled "Youth Violence: What We Know and What We Need to Know" was done by 12 American Psychologists from
different universities. The research population consisted of youth violence. Some ideas that led to this research was Newtown, Connecticut, shooting,
in which a 20–year old man first killed his mother and then went to a nearby elementary school in Newtown and killed 20 children and six staff
members before killing himself.
Some concepts that was researched was why Neurobiological Factors, Academic Achievement, Personality Traits and Individual Differences, Exposure
to Media Violence, even Access to Guns. The types of violence including Street Shootings, Rampage Shootings, Alcohol and Substance Abuse in youth
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Youth Violence Essay
Youth Violence
Violence is a learned behavior. Children often experience violence for the first time in their lives in their homes or in the community. This first taste
of violence may include their parents, family members or their friends. Studies have shown that children who witness violent acts, either as a victim or
as a victimizer, are more likely to grow up to become involved in violence. During our second weekend class, we talked specifically about violence
and youth. For many young people who have already developed a pattern of violent behavior, the probability that this way of life will endure into their
adult lives is very likely. I believe that aggression is often learned very early in a child's life. For the more content...
Parents or other adult peers who present themselves as positive role models, may lay the foundation that is needed to enable the child to begin to
build the cornerstones of his conscience and strong moral development. This will hopefully be the basis for a child's ability to learn and use
nonaggressive and more appropriate ways to solve problems. Children have minds of their own. As they begin to mature, their newfound
independence will sometimes lead them to misbehave in various ways. A parent's patience(or lack of) as they interact daily with their children is
crucial. Hitting, slapping or spanking a child as punishment often sends the message that it is okay to hit others to solve problems. A more productive
approach may be to help the child figure out what they did wrong and show them how to learn from their mistakes. Kids need to understand the
reasoning behind our rules and they need to feel that they can correct these mistakes if they do make them. No matter what the child has done, he
needs to know that your love for him/her is unconditional. It is vitally important for your children to witness the display of appropriate behaviors in
the way you act, as well as other adults that are prominent in their lives. Children most often learn by example. They need structure in their lives
including clear expectations for behaviors–theirs as well as others. It is important for parents to make rules and to stick to them. This
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Causes Of Youth Violence Essay
Youth violence is one of the major concerns all over the world today. Youth violence is an unavoidable consequence in the 21st century and it cannot
be stopped but it can be reduced. Youth violence involves young people hurting other young people. Youth violence typically includes teens between
the ages of 10 to 24, but it can also begin in early childhood age. Most common youth violence are Bullying in schools, School Shootings, Childhood
abuse, Suicide, Poor parenting, Pressure, Violent Tv shows, Media, the internet, social media, Violent games and much more. Youth violence can be
found at schools, home, our neighborhoods and all over the places. Teen violence has made an impact causing many devastating incidents in our world
today. Teens act on violence and no one answer to why and what causes teen violence.
Firstly, Poor parenting at homes can also lead children to violence. Parents attitude, language, and carelessness can also lead children to violence.
Children learn from what they often see and listen and they don't know what is right and wrong, it is the parent's responsibility to teach them to their
children. Parents attitudes can influence children to act on violence. Some parents are not aware that when they fight or use bad words in front of their
children that their child is also learning and adapting what transpires around them. Also, poor parents cannot offer their children what they want. To get
what they want some children begins to steal someone else's
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Youth And Gun Violence Essay
Chapter One The issue of youth and gun violence is a major topic within the academic discipline of psychology. Today, young people are frequently
dealing with the consequences of exposure to gun violence. Because this is a broad topic, this research will focus two methods of exposure,
observation and engagement. The psychological impacts that you are left to cope with are wide–ranging. Bushman, Newman, Calvert, Downey,
Dredze, Gottfredson, Jablonski, Masten, Morrill, Neill, Romer, and Webster (2016) define the term "psychological impact" as "referring to feelings or
emotions experienced by youth that impact their ability to function normally." These feelings or emotions can range from anger and/or aggressive
behavior to withdrawal and/ more content...
Armed conflict: See War
Child soldiers: individuals under the age of 18 associated with armed forces (Hermenau, Hecker, Maedl, Schauer, & Elbert, 2013).
Community violence: acts of commission that cause physical or psychological harm deriving from outside the family – in neighborhoods, schools, or
other local settings in which children and youths typically socialize (Guterman & Cameron, 1997).
Gang: a group of young people who do illegal things together and who often fight against other gangs (Webster, 1953).
Maladaptive behavior: maladaptive behavior is defined as behavior that interferes with an individual's activities of daily living or ability to adjust to
and participate in particular settings (Volkmar, 2013).
Posttrauamtic stress disorder (PTSD): an anxiety disorder characterized by the persistent re–experience of traumatic events through distressing
recollections, dreams, hallucinations, or dissociative flashbacks; develops in response to rapes, life–threatening events, severe injuries, and natural
disasters (American Psychological Association,
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Youth Violence Essay
Youth Violence
Youth violence is an escalating problem in American society today. There are many different factors that can be blamed for this problem. During the
last decade of the twentieth century people began searching for answers to this dilemma which is haunting America. Many tragic school shootings
have taken place within the last decade that have gained the attention of the public. As of now, no one can give the right answer to the problem or the
reason that it happens because there is no right answer yet and nobody can be sure that they know the cause. All we have to go by are the opinions of
different people. The most popular cause of the problem of youth violence is the media. In "The Erosion of Empathy," more content...
Suicide and murder rates among white teenagers resemble those of white adults, and suicide and murder rates of black teens track those of black
adults. (Males 258)
This statement brings up another opinion, the opinion that children's behavior stems from their parents' or elders' behaviors. A young male, who is
brought up in a violent household, is more likely to be violent outside of the home. This idea brings us back to the saying monkey see, monkey do;
what children see is what they will do. Among our many solutions to youth violence is the idea that too many guns are not the problem, but too few
guns is the problem. "The Colorado Legislature is currently debating a bill to further enhance the state's conceal–carry statute. Those backing the
measure say that a teacher or administrator with a concealed gun could have stopped, or greatly minimized, the Littleton tragedy." (Lee 255) Lee says,
"Blaming guns for such ludicrous." His solution to our rising problem of youth violence is not censoring the media, but is bringing more
guns in the mainstream. This does not mean children walking around school armed. It means putting more guns into the right hands. At first glance this
proposals sounds pretty good. When one puts some thought into it, it somewhat changes their perspective on the issue. Does this solution seem ethical;
giving guns
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Essay on Youth and Gun Violence
Youth and Guns
Imagine being able to get your hands on a gun in your community with ease when you were younger. Sounds cool right? Well, to some it might and
that's how young children are living in our communities now–a–days. Kids are able to get guns as long as they have parents with guns or the money to
buy one. There aren't enough restrictions on guns & who can get a hold of them on the streets and parents aren't doing a well enough job of hiding
their guns from their children. Something needs to be done. Too many children and young adults are being injured and murdered by something that is
supposed to protect them. The ease in which youths are able to possess guns needs to be stopped. The harder it is for kids to get guns, the
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Do you own a firearm in your home? Do you have children? If you answered yes to both of those questions, are u confident the gun is out of reach
of your children? A quarter of youths in the U.S. said they have easy access to a firearm in their home. Dalton Taylor, a 10 year old fourth grader was
shot and killed by a 12–gauge shotgun found in his house by him and friends. 82% of firearm suicides are committed by gun owned by a family
member, usually parents. It's not the parents or family members fault that these children committed suicide but if the guns were put away
somewhere safe where only the parent or family member could access it, there's a chance that they might still be here. It's all a ripple effect. If you
don't conceal your firearms right, your child can get ahold of it. If your child gets ahold of the firearm, they could shoot or worse, kill themselves or
someone else. Properly hide your firearms and there will be no gun for your child to shoot or kill anyone.
Studies show some parents underestimate their children's experience handling firearms. That's the biggest mistake a parent can make, especially in this
generations time and day. There are so many ways for a young child to learn about guns; how to use them, where to get them, how much they cost,
pretty much anything. Never underestimate what your child knows about anything. They'll surprise you. They may not know about it because they
wanted to know.
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Youth Violence Essay
Fear of youth violence is a constant concern by millions of people all over the world. Kids seem to take up more and more space of crimes that are
usually committed by adults over the age of 18. "Statistics confirm that more horrendous crimes are being committed by increasingly younger children"
(Levine 27). These crimes committed by youth's are caused by many different reasons: Poverty, neighborhoods, schools, parents, and TV, are the main
concerns. But what is in most people's minds is what we can do to help prevent this violence. Although there are many different methods for reducing
youth violence such as administering harsher punishments and steering kids away from gang influences, the most effective is training in conflict more content...
Your friends are also a great influence on what you become or what you do with your future. If you are in contact with peers who use drugs, or those
who are delinquents, there is a big percentile that you would become a criminal. "The strongest and most immediate cause of the actual onset of serious
violent behavior is involvement with a delinquent peer group"(Elliot 72). This is where violence, crime, and delinquent behavior are encouraged. One
of the easiest ways to access violent scenes is through television programs. Every time you get home, and turn on the TV a violent scene usually
comes on. This is very sad, because many people around the world are concerned with all the violent acts that occur everyday. Kids feel that
Robocop and Hulk are great models, but these characters are a bad influence on children. Growing up to be a violent person isn't the right road to take.
At school, the fight for status and status related confrontations cause violence. Academically poor students are usually those who are aggressive
troublemakers, in or out of class. In addition to all these factors, your individual factors also encourage youth to violence. Low intelligence,
hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder are all connected to violence. Your moral values also have a great impact on the delinquents. "Our
poverty–one which makes us particularly susceptible to the crime contagion–is poverty of values"(Feder 76). Gangs are usually made up of kids of
different ages.
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Youth Violence Essay
Violence among youth has become a serious problem worldwide. In 2016, the United States ranked homicide as the third leading cause of death for
people ages ten to twenty–four years old. Homicide is ranked as the fourth leading cause of death for this age group worldwide. A juvenile is defined
as a person who is under the age of eighteen. Six hundred and five juveniles were arrested in 2015 for murder, two thousand seven hundred and
forty–five for forcible rape, and twenty–one thousand nine hundred and nine–three for aggravated assault. These acts of violence make the communities
in which citizens live more dangerous. As these crime rates rise, the values of the homes and business begin to go down as well. This has become an
issue for concern because more and more youth are being convicted of serious crimes. In 2010, juveniles made up 13.7% of those who were arrested
from violent crimes. While youth violence has always been present in society, it is becoming present through technology too. In earlier times in order
to hurt someone they had to be physically present. Now a days, it has become easier to bully someone from his or her home through the Internet.
15.5% of students admit to being bullied through electronics in 2015. Youth violence is a cause for concern in Family and Consumer Science related
fields because those who are working with juveniles should be aware of the problems they are facing.
Shreveport's Defeating Violence House will be a place where anyone of school
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Youth Violence Research Paper
6. Heller, S. B. (2014). Summer jobs reduce violence among disadvantaged youth. Science, 346(6214), 1219–1223.
/content/346/6214/1219 In the article, it states that more than 6,000 people are injured because of violence every day. Many who have disadvantages
in this world are the ones who cause violence. They researched whether summer jobs, which shift focus from remediation to prevention, can reduce
crime. 1,634 random disadvantage Chicago high school students were assigned to a summer jobs program, and research shows that there was decrease
violence by 43% in just 16 months. The disadvantaged youth had 25 hours per week of summer employment, and these youths committed fewer
violent crimes at least a year more content...
Homicide is the 3rd largest leading death in youths. Homicide has been the leading death for African American males and females for decades. I hate
to hear that this is what happens to our youth and how they died because of youth violence. Just in 2013, over 1500 youth 10–24 years of age have
been treated in hospital emergency departments each day as a result of injuries associated with assaults. There are 10 ways you can prevent youth
violence in this article. Youth violence has been going on for many years because of being in the wrong crowd and not having a stable family
condition. By places providing a safe place for youth is one way to stop youth violence and so many other things as
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Violence in Youth
Introduction Youth violence is defined as violent behaviour that begins early in life and continues throughout subsequent stages of life. Youth violence
may include physical and emotional harm, and minor crimes, escalating to murder (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Youth are
recognized as being between the ages of twelve and twenty–four however, teens are the most affected by violence than any other group of youths as
they are habitually perceived as the most violent age group (Goodwin, 1998, pg. 7). Youth violence has a past that aids in explaining acts of youth
violence today. There are also numerous risk factors that may result in violent adolescents and additionally, there are several effects that violent youth
have on societies. Youth violence is preventable. There are many methods to help prevent youth violence and its effects. There are also many facts and
actions involving youth violence that may be a source of conflicting opinions on the matter. Youth violence is not merely a stage in one's life, it
continues on to distress other fragments of society.
History/ Background Canada's history of violence has influenced the actions of youth we see today. The first Canadian youth gang documented in
history was discovered prior to World War II. However, gangs observed in the past lacked a criminal component, contrasting what is seen in current
youth gangs (Tunstall, 2009, pg 1). Youth violence in the United States was more noticeable and violent than
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Youth Gangs, Drugs, & Violence Essay
Gang involvement and its associated violent crime have become a rapidly growing problem for the United States. Generally, gangs consist of young
people of the same ethnic, racial, and economic background. Usually of a low socio–economic status, these gangs engage in illegal money making
activities and intimidate their neighborhoods and rival gangs with violent crimes and victimization. Gang members exemplify a high value for group
loyalty and sacrifice. Gangs often target youth when recruiting new members, with the average age of initiation being 13 years old (Omizo, Omizo,
and Honda). A personal interview with police gang specialist, Rob Geis, revealed that the rapid growth of gangs is resulting in recruitment at
shockingly more content...
Power seekers are also drawn to gang life, which tend to commit crimes that victimize others. One ex–gang member, Lupita explains that she "liked
belonging to a gang because people recognized her power and they respected her" (Bazan, Harris, and Lorentzen 380). Gang members use deceptive
tactics to prey on the youth by promising protection, acceptance, power, and material wealth. Joining a gang seems to be the best option for
disadvantaged youth because it gives them what they are longing for. However, this comes at a price. Gang involvement negatively affects the quality
of life of the involved youth and surrounding communities. The criminal activities and violence surrounding gang membership often lead to
imprisonment and/or death. Gang involvement discourages personal upward mobility through the avenue of education; instead, placing importance on
group success. Although non–gang members may also participate in risky activities like binge drinking, marijuana use, and drug selling, gang
affiliation greatly increases exposure and likelihood to partake in these activities. Studies show that "early alcohol use and early marijuana use are
both identified risk factors for joining a gang among adolescents" (Swahn et. al 354). Youth gang members are also exposed to hard drugs because of
gang involvement in the illegal drug market. Many youth gang members in these
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Causes Of Youth Violence Essay
There are many different types of violence in the world. One of the biggest types of violence is youth violence. According to, "Youth violence
is a significant public health problem that affects thousands of young people each day, and in turn, their families, schools, and communities. Youth
violence typically involves young people hurting other peers who are unrelated to them and who they may or may not know well. Youthviolence can
take different forms. Examples include fights, bullying, threats with weapons, and gang–related violence. A young person can be involved with youth
violence as a victim, offender, or witness." The facts about youth violence are very disturbing. Some of the facts about youth violence, according to are, "Worldwide some 200 000 homicides occur among youth 10–29 years of age each year, which is 43% of the total number of homicides
globally each year. Homicide is the fourth leading cause of death in people aged 10–29 years, and 83% of these homicides involve male victims. For
each young person killed, many more sustain injuries requiring hospital treatment. When it is not fatal, youth violence has a serious, often lifelong,
impact on a person's physical, psychological and social functioning. Youth violence greatly increases the costs of health, welfare and criminal justice
services; reduces productivity; and decreases the value of property."
In this essay, I will talk about how youth violence has affected my life, what the causes of
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Youth Violence Papers
Youth violence played an important role in my life as it contributed to the person I am today. I've never experienced youth violence or any of its
factors from kindergarten to 1st grade. However, it first occurred when I transferred to Kit Carson Elementary School for 2nd grade. It came as a
huge shock as most of the people there were violent, and weren't disciplined. This quickly took a toll on me since I didn't know how, and couldn't
handle the pressure. One of the very first lessons I've learned is to learn your place or you'll soon be quickly disliked or even beaten. I didn't really
have any friends at that time, so I was desperate, and joined a bad crowd. A few months later during recess a huge fight broke out between most of
the boys in two 2nd grade classes. Staying out, and witnessing the fight far away was a weird sensation as for some reason I felt that I belonged to
this particular group, but it was a scary at the same time since most of the boys had bruises all over their bodies, and black eyes. Personally, I think
this fight was probably the reason why I was influenced to involve myself in such similar situations that'd later result in my 4+ RPCs over the course
of a few more content...
Factors like these usually resulted in low educational achievement, history of aggressive behavior, and lack of control of their behavior. Friends, and
other classmates would admit, and tell me that they experienced parental conflict, and their parents had divorced. Most of their answers were similar,
as all of them has been deeply affected by these factors. They didn't really have any intent to harm other people, and they don't really realize how
aggressive they were to
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Youth Violence
Column: Dana
The Edson RCMP, and the community, are concerned about violence between groups of youth after police broke up two fights involving weapons.
Both incidents occurred in Edson within the last month.
Police attended the scene of a fight that was going to take place in Edson among youth from two schools. Police seized an imitation firearm and fake
brass knuckles. Charges of possession of a weapon dangerous to the public, and uttering threats were laid.
In the other incident, a large group of youth gathered after posts on social media led to an organized confrontation in Edson. Police located and seized
a knife.
Thankfully, with the RCMP's timely response, no one was harmed in either incident.
The community has struggled over the past year with how to best more content...
Their goal is to protect school and community by proactively sharing information that assists in the prevention of a potential traumatic event.
In reality, the causes of youth violence are as varied and complex as there are youth in the communities.
Although it's far too simple an answer on its own, the entertainment culture of violence is proven to have a significant negative impact on youth. The
current crop of video games, movies, and songs continue to glamorize gang culture and violence. And vigilante justice is the romanticized motif of
most new TV series. The misuse of social media with its detached nature, can also inflame people to say and act in ways they normally wouldn't.
As much as community leaders and agencies do help and offer resources –it really goes back to the home.
A proactive approach to get kids involved in positive activities in the community reduces at–risk behaviours significantly. Even better is when parents
get involved by encouraging, supporting, and watching their
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Youth Violence In The Youth
Violence is not something commonly associated with the youth. However, today, the term 'youth violence' is becoming more common. Youth violence
is the third leading cause of death in children and teens. Additionally, those alive who have encountered youth violence often face resulting emotional
conflicts. Teens have a higher risk of showing violence if they are: under the influence of drugs and alcohol, have poor grades, and have been
introduced to violence before. The word 'violence' is often seen as physical harm rather than harm caused by words, or a lack thereof. However, youth
violence may also be bullying via social media, rumors, or simply being a bystander and indirectly assisting the spread of youth violence. Anything
done by a teen to hurt another, either emotionally or physically is classified as youth violence.
However despite the growing epidemic of violence in youths, many schools have yet to take preventive measures against this threat. Teen suicide is
increasing due to bullying in schools. Bullying in schools in increasing due to violent video games, negative home lives, and negativity in school.
Youths have begun to believe that whoever throws the strongest punch or says the meanest insults is more influential. However, few measures are
being seriously instated in schools. If this violence is not prevented and eliminated, youths will learn that acting in a negative way receives a positive
outcome, and more teens will resort to use of youth violence.
One way
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How Youth Violence Affected My Life
Youth violence occurs all of the world. Some cases are more serious than others. I have encountered youth violence many times. One time I
encountered youth violence was a couple years ago when a cop held his family hostage. Later he came out with a gun and threatened to shoot at the
police, who were on the soon to become crime scene. The cop then proceeded to go inside and murder his six–year–old son and his wife. After this
occurred, he set his house into flames and committed suicide. This act of violence has affected my life, made me think about what I can do about
youth violence, and causes of youth violence.
Why did this cop kill himself, his family, and his house? What could have caused this man to do such a thing? There are many different causes and
reasons behind those causes to why people commit youth violence. Some causes are drugs and alcohol, substance abuse, gangs, accessibility to
weapons, lack of education, a bad home life, peer pressure, violence in video games or television shows, unemployment, social media, bad influences,
poverty, bad or no moral support, or any type of bullying such as cyberbullying. There are many reasons and causes why youth violence
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Youth violence has affected my life in many ways. One way it affected my life is the worrying of my parents when I go to the park or somewhere
with friends, causing them to be more protective. Another way this has affected my life is becoming more fearful of being outside. I do not like to be
alone outside, especially at night. Lastly, youth violence has affected my life by me realizing what getting into the wrong things can get you into and
how dangerous it can be. My parents limit me on time I have to be outside of the house during the night, worried I might get jumped or other violence.
Youth violence may not only affect you, but many other around
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Effects Of Youth Violence

  • 1. Effects Of Youth Violence Abstract There are many health issues which affect the population, youth violence is one of many issues. Youth violence is a behavior in which serious consequences and is now one of the primary public health issues of our period. Youth violence has affected not just the offenders but also their families and the community. Absence of positive role models,violence in families, victims due to violence, poverty and living in a community where crime is committed all contribute to youth violence. Youth Violence Youth violence refers to harmful behaviors that can start early and continue into young adulthood. The young person can be a victim, an offender, or a witness to the violence (CDC,2017). Youth violence affects adolescents, children more content... The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions (CDC) oversees the funding for local health departments and state departments, community based organizations and academic establishments towards research and public health programs. CDC partners with partners around the world to identify and study health problems. This also includes the development and advocate sound public health policies, put into effect strategies, provide leadership and training and with the detection and investigation of health problems while monitoring their health as well. Public health assessment is essential to activities which may affect individual's health, by recognizing and both the negative and positive of health controls of any new activity during the development stages and provide decision makers with information about how this activity will affect the people's health. The Health Impact Assessment (HIA), are able to provide a better suited proposal in the early planning stages which will enrich the benefits for health and reduce any risks to health. The output of HIA is to set evidence bases recommendations and their impact is the improvement of a proposal which is improved and will not affect well–being. Unfortunately, there are disadvantages with the benefits of public health assessments. One problem is this: if these interventions are designed to target specific risk factors, evaluations of effectiveness tend to focus on measuring change in Get more content on
  • 2. Youth Violence Essay Youth Violence Ever since the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School, there has been a numerous list of recent school shootings in America. Youth violence is a major issue in today's society. Many people dread what causes adolescents to be so violent, committing horrible crimes. There are many wonders that go around about why young adolescents commit such violent crimes. These questions vary from why kids take guns to school, or how do we know if they are putting others in danger, what signs are there, what should be looked at, and what can be done to stop these acts of violence. I remember watching the MTV special "Warning Signs"; it more content... (Chapter 16 factors of agression) Lifestyles also play an important part in youth violence. Growing up in a divorced family as well as the way your parents raised you are major aspects that effect youth today. When children go through a divorce they experience tremendous pain and go through a lot of changes in their life.(chapter 9 impact of divorce) They experience behavioral problems, and less academic achievements. Adolescents in this stage can also experience aggression toward their parents as well as their friends and other family members due to the divorce. Every parent had there own parenting styles of raising their kids, however, some ways can lead to corrupt behavior. There are the authoritative parents whose children tend to be moody, aggressive, and have poor communication skills. Then there are the permissive and authoritative parents who are generally caring and sensitive towards their children.(chapter 9 parenting styles) Studies have shown that if you grow up in a family that shows aggression towards one another, then it is more likely that you as a young adult will be aggressive as well. However in recent studies, Get more content on
  • 3. The Effects Of Violence On Youth Violence Essay Introduction: Violence is everywhere and due to this notion people find ways to accept it. Violence is part of the national mythology. Meaning violence is a social construction. Violent acts cannot be wholly understood unless we examine them as but one "one link in the chain of a long process of events" (Schmidt & SchrГ¶der 2001, 7). Violence and the responses to it are socially constructed, they are phenomena viewed and interpreted in many different ways. For example, individuals become a product of their environment. The lack of parental support, inflected by peers and their community causes youth to act out violently. Every violent experience are molded and locked into the memory of mind. Therefore the social construction of violence and the idea of memory, of recollections of violence in someone life, is crucial to creating youth violence. Violence is corrupting the minds of today's youth and destroying the future. Violence among young people is the most common act of deviance seen today. Youth violence is framed as an epidemic causing a moral panic. Youth violence is examined and labeled in order to construct responses. It shows how the structure of the deviant act is constructed based on the normless and normal behavior in society. Youth violence is socially constructed by the interpretation of social interactions each adolescents faces. The youth generation is setting an example for the rest of America to show how crisis situation arise and folds to tragic deaths. Get more content on
  • 4. Youth Violence Sociology The research in the journal entitled "Youth Violence: What We Know and What We Need to Know" was done by 12 American Psychologists from different universities. The research population consisted of youth violence. Some ideas that led to this research was Newtown, Connecticut, shooting, in which a 20–year old man first killed his mother and then went to a nearby elementary school in Newtown and killed 20 children and six staff members before killing himself. Some concepts that was researched was why Neurobiological Factors, Academic Achievement, Personality Traits and Individual Differences, Exposure to Media Violence, even Access to Guns. The types of violence including Street Shootings, Rampage Shootings, Alcohol and Substance Abuse in youth Get more content on
  • 5. Youth Violence Essay Youth Violence Violence is a learned behavior. Children often experience violence for the first time in their lives in their homes or in the community. This first taste of violence may include their parents, family members or their friends. Studies have shown that children who witness violent acts, either as a victim or as a victimizer, are more likely to grow up to become involved in violence. During our second weekend class, we talked specifically about violence and youth. For many young people who have already developed a pattern of violent behavior, the probability that this way of life will endure into their adult lives is very likely. I believe that aggression is often learned very early in a child's life. For the more content... Parents or other adult peers who present themselves as positive role models, may lay the foundation that is needed to enable the child to begin to build the cornerstones of his conscience and strong moral development. This will hopefully be the basis for a child's ability to learn and use nonaggressive and more appropriate ways to solve problems. Children have minds of their own. As they begin to mature, their newfound independence will sometimes lead them to misbehave in various ways. A parent's patience(or lack of) as they interact daily with their children is crucial. Hitting, slapping or spanking a child as punishment often sends the message that it is okay to hit others to solve problems. A more productive approach may be to help the child figure out what they did wrong and show them how to learn from their mistakes. Kids need to understand the reasoning behind our rules and they need to feel that they can correct these mistakes if they do make them. No matter what the child has done, he needs to know that your love for him/her is unconditional. It is vitally important for your children to witness the display of appropriate behaviors in the way you act, as well as other adults that are prominent in their lives. Children most often learn by example. They need structure in their lives including clear expectations for behaviors–theirs as well as others. It is important for parents to make rules and to stick to them. This Get more content on
  • 6. Causes Of Youth Violence Essay Youth violence is one of the major concerns all over the world today. Youth violence is an unavoidable consequence in the 21st century and it cannot be stopped but it can be reduced. Youth violence involves young people hurting other young people. Youth violence typically includes teens between the ages of 10 to 24, but it can also begin in early childhood age. Most common youth violence are Bullying in schools, School Shootings, Childhood abuse, Suicide, Poor parenting, Pressure, Violent Tv shows, Media, the internet, social media, Violent games and much more. Youth violence can be found at schools, home, our neighborhoods and all over the places. Teen violence has made an impact causing many devastating incidents in our world today. Teens act on violence and no one answer to why and what causes teen violence. Firstly, Poor parenting at homes can also lead children to violence. Parents attitude, language, and carelessness can also lead children to violence. Children learn from what they often see and listen and they don't know what is right and wrong, it is the parent's responsibility to teach them to their children. Parents attitudes can influence children to act on violence. Some parents are not aware that when they fight or use bad words in front of their children that their child is also learning and adapting what transpires around them. Also, poor parents cannot offer their children what they want. To get what they want some children begins to steal someone else's Get more content on
  • 7. Youth And Gun Violence Essay Chapter One The issue of youth and gun violence is a major topic within the academic discipline of psychology. Today, young people are frequently dealing with the consequences of exposure to gun violence. Because this is a broad topic, this research will focus two methods of exposure, observation and engagement. The psychological impacts that you are left to cope with are wide–ranging. Bushman, Newman, Calvert, Downey, Dredze, Gottfredson, Jablonski, Masten, Morrill, Neill, Romer, and Webster (2016) define the term "psychological impact" as "referring to feelings or emotions experienced by youth that impact their ability to function normally." These feelings or emotions can range from anger and/or aggressive behavior to withdrawal and/ more content... Armed conflict: See War Child soldiers: individuals under the age of 18 associated with armed forces (Hermenau, Hecker, Maedl, Schauer, & Elbert, 2013). Community violence: acts of commission that cause physical or psychological harm deriving from outside the family – in neighborhoods, schools, or other local settings in which children and youths typically socialize (Guterman & Cameron, 1997). Gang: a group of young people who do illegal things together and who often fight against other gangs (Webster, 1953). Maladaptive behavior: maladaptive behavior is defined as behavior that interferes with an individual's activities of daily living or ability to adjust to and participate in particular settings (Volkmar, 2013). Posttrauamtic stress disorder (PTSD): an anxiety disorder characterized by the persistent re–experience of traumatic events through distressing recollections, dreams, hallucinations, or dissociative flashbacks; develops in response to rapes, life–threatening events, severe injuries, and natural disasters (American Psychological Association, Get more content on
  • 8. Youth Violence Essay Youth Violence Youth violence is an escalating problem in American society today. There are many different factors that can be blamed for this problem. During the last decade of the twentieth century people began searching for answers to this dilemma which is haunting America. Many tragic school shootings have taken place within the last decade that have gained the attention of the public. As of now, no one can give the right answer to the problem or the reason that it happens because there is no right answer yet and nobody can be sure that they know the cause. All we have to go by are the opinions of different people. The most popular cause of the problem of youth violence is the media. In "The Erosion of Empathy," more content... Suicide and murder rates among white teenagers resemble those of white adults, and suicide and murder rates of black teens track those of black adults. (Males 258) 3 This statement brings up another opinion, the opinion that children's behavior stems from their parents' or elders' behaviors. A young male, who is brought up in a violent household, is more likely to be violent outside of the home. This idea brings us back to the saying monkey see, monkey do; what children see is what they will do. Among our many solutions to youth violence is the idea that too many guns are not the problem, but too few guns is the problem. "The Colorado Legislature is currently debating a bill to further enhance the state's conceal–carry statute. Those backing the measure say that a teacher or administrator with a concealed gun could have stopped, or greatly minimized, the Littleton tragedy." (Lee 255) Lee says, "Blaming guns for such ludicrous." His solution to our rising problem of youth violence is not censoring the media, but is bringing more guns in the mainstream. This does not mean children walking around school armed. It means putting more guns into the right hands. At first glance this proposals sounds pretty good. When one puts some thought into it, it somewhat changes their perspective on the issue. Does this solution seem ethical; giving guns Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Youth and Gun Violence Youth and Guns Imagine being able to get your hands on a gun in your community with ease when you were younger. Sounds cool right? Well, to some it might and that's how young children are living in our communities now–a–days. Kids are able to get guns as long as they have parents with guns or the money to buy one. There aren't enough restrictions on guns & who can get a hold of them on the streets and parents aren't doing a well enough job of hiding their guns from their children. Something needs to be done. Too many children and young adults are being injured and murdered by something that is supposed to protect them. The ease in which youths are able to possess guns needs to be stopped. The harder it is for kids to get guns, the more content... Do you own a firearm in your home? Do you have children? If you answered yes to both of those questions, are u confident the gun is out of reach of your children? A quarter of youths in the U.S. said they have easy access to a firearm in their home. Dalton Taylor, a 10 year old fourth grader was shot and killed by a 12–gauge shotgun found in his house by him and friends. 82% of firearm suicides are committed by gun owned by a family member, usually parents. It's not the parents or family members fault that these children committed suicide but if the guns were put away somewhere safe where only the parent or family member could access it, there's a chance that they might still be here. It's all a ripple effect. If you don't conceal your firearms right, your child can get ahold of it. If your child gets ahold of the firearm, they could shoot or worse, kill themselves or someone else. Properly hide your firearms and there will be no gun for your child to shoot or kill anyone. Studies show some parents underestimate their children's experience handling firearms. That's the biggest mistake a parent can make, especially in this generations time and day. There are so many ways for a young child to learn about guns; how to use them, where to get them, how much they cost, pretty much anything. Never underestimate what your child knows about anything. They'll surprise you. They may not know about it because they wanted to know. Get more content on
  • 10. Youth Violence Essay Fear of youth violence is a constant concern by millions of people all over the world. Kids seem to take up more and more space of crimes that are usually committed by adults over the age of 18. "Statistics confirm that more horrendous crimes are being committed by increasingly younger children" (Levine 27). These crimes committed by youth's are caused by many different reasons: Poverty, neighborhoods, schools, parents, and TV, are the main concerns. But what is in most people's minds is what we can do to help prevent this violence. Although there are many different methods for reducing youth violence such as administering harsher punishments and steering kids away from gang influences, the most effective is training in conflict more content... Your friends are also a great influence on what you become or what you do with your future. If you are in contact with peers who use drugs, or those who are delinquents, there is a big percentile that you would become a criminal. "The strongest and most immediate cause of the actual onset of serious violent behavior is involvement with a delinquent peer group"(Elliot 72). This is where violence, crime, and delinquent behavior are encouraged. One of the easiest ways to access violent scenes is through television programs. Every time you get home, and turn on the TV a violent scene usually comes on. This is very sad, because many people around the world are concerned with all the violent acts that occur everyday. Kids feel that Robocop and Hulk are great models, but these characters are a bad influence on children. Growing up to be a violent person isn't the right road to take. At school, the fight for status and status related confrontations cause violence. Academically poor students are usually those who are aggressive troublemakers, in or out of class. In addition to all these factors, your individual factors also encourage youth to violence. Low intelligence, hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorder are all connected to violence. Your moral values also have a great impact on the delinquents. "Our poverty–one which makes us particularly susceptible to the crime contagion–is poverty of values"(Feder 76). Gangs are usually made up of kids of different ages. Get more content on
  • 11. Youth Violence Essay Violence among youth has become a serious problem worldwide. In 2016, the United States ranked homicide as the third leading cause of death for people ages ten to twenty–four years old. Homicide is ranked as the fourth leading cause of death for this age group worldwide. A juvenile is defined as a person who is under the age of eighteen. Six hundred and five juveniles were arrested in 2015 for murder, two thousand seven hundred and forty–five for forcible rape, and twenty–one thousand nine hundred and nine–three for aggravated assault. These acts of violence make the communities in which citizens live more dangerous. As these crime rates rise, the values of the homes and business begin to go down as well. This has become an issue for concern because more and more youth are being convicted of serious crimes. In 2010, juveniles made up 13.7% of those who were arrested from violent crimes. While youth violence has always been present in society, it is becoming present through technology too. In earlier times in order to hurt someone they had to be physically present. Now a days, it has become easier to bully someone from his or her home through the Internet. 15.5% of students admit to being bullied through electronics in 2015. Youth violence is a cause for concern in Family and Consumer Science related fields because those who are working with juveniles should be aware of the problems they are facing. Shreveport's Defeating Violence House will be a place where anyone of school Get more content on
  • 12. Youth Violence Research Paper 6. Heller, S. B. (2014). Summer jobs reduce violence among disadvantaged youth. Science, 346(6214), 1219–1223. /content/346/6214/1219 In the article, it states that more than 6,000 people are injured because of violence every day. Many who have disadvantages in this world are the ones who cause violence. They researched whether summer jobs, which shift focus from remediation to prevention, can reduce crime. 1,634 random disadvantage Chicago high school students were assigned to a summer jobs program, and research shows that there was decrease violence by 43% in just 16 months. The disadvantaged youth had 25 hours per week of summer employment, and these youths committed fewer violent crimes at least a year more content... Homicide is the 3rd largest leading death in youths. Homicide has been the leading death for African American males and females for decades. I hate to hear that this is what happens to our youth and how they died because of youth violence. Just in 2013, over 1500 youth 10–24 years of age have been treated in hospital emergency departments each day as a result of injuries associated with assaults. There are 10 ways you can prevent youth violence in this article. Youth violence has been going on for many years because of being in the wrong crowd and not having a stable family condition. By places providing a safe place for youth is one way to stop youth violence and so many other things as Get more content on
  • 13. Violence in Youth Introduction Youth violence is defined as violent behaviour that begins early in life and continues throughout subsequent stages of life. Youth violence may include physical and emotional harm, and minor crimes, escalating to murder (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Youth are recognized as being between the ages of twelve and twenty–four however, teens are the most affected by violence than any other group of youths as they are habitually perceived as the most violent age group (Goodwin, 1998, pg. 7). Youth violence has a past that aids in explaining acts of youth violence today. There are also numerous risk factors that may result in violent adolescents and additionally, there are several effects that violent youth have on societies. Youth violence is preventable. There are many methods to help prevent youth violence and its effects. There are also many facts and actions involving youth violence that may be a source of conflicting opinions on the matter. Youth violence is not merely a stage in one's life, it continues on to distress other fragments of society. History/ Background Canada's history of violence has influenced the actions of youth we see today. The first Canadian youth gang documented in history was discovered prior to World War II. However, gangs observed in the past lacked a criminal component, contrasting what is seen in current youth gangs (Tunstall, 2009, pg 1). Youth violence in the United States was more noticeable and violent than Get more content on
  • 14. Youth Gangs, Drugs, & Violence Essay Gang involvement and its associated violent crime have become a rapidly growing problem for the United States. Generally, gangs consist of young people of the same ethnic, racial, and economic background. Usually of a low socio–economic status, these gangs engage in illegal money making activities and intimidate their neighborhoods and rival gangs with violent crimes and victimization. Gang members exemplify a high value for group loyalty and sacrifice. Gangs often target youth when recruiting new members, with the average age of initiation being 13 years old (Omizo, Omizo, and Honda). A personal interview with police gang specialist, Rob Geis, revealed that the rapid growth of gangs is resulting in recruitment at shockingly more content... Power seekers are also drawn to gang life, which tend to commit crimes that victimize others. One ex–gang member, Lupita explains that she "liked belonging to a gang because people recognized her power and they respected her" (Bazan, Harris, and Lorentzen 380). Gang members use deceptive tactics to prey on the youth by promising protection, acceptance, power, and material wealth. Joining a gang seems to be the best option for disadvantaged youth because it gives them what they are longing for. However, this comes at a price. Gang involvement negatively affects the quality of life of the involved youth and surrounding communities. The criminal activities and violence surrounding gang membership often lead to imprisonment and/or death. Gang involvement discourages personal upward mobility through the avenue of education; instead, placing importance on group success. Although non–gang members may also participate in risky activities like binge drinking, marijuana use, and drug selling, gang affiliation greatly increases exposure and likelihood to partake in these activities. Studies show that "early alcohol use and early marijuana use are both identified risk factors for joining a gang among adolescents" (Swahn et. al 354). Youth gang members are also exposed to hard drugs because of gang involvement in the illegal drug market. Many youth gang members in these Get more content on
  • 15. Causes Of Youth Violence Essay There are many different types of violence in the world. One of the biggest types of violence is youth violence. According to, "Youth violence is a significant public health problem that affects thousands of young people each day, and in turn, their families, schools, and communities. Youth violence typically involves young people hurting other peers who are unrelated to them and who they may or may not know well. Youthviolence can take different forms. Examples include fights, bullying, threats with weapons, and gang–related violence. A young person can be involved with youth violence as a victim, offender, or witness." The facts about youth violence are very disturbing. Some of the facts about youth violence, according to are, "Worldwide some 200 000 homicides occur among youth 10–29 years of age each year, which is 43% of the total number of homicides globally each year. Homicide is the fourth leading cause of death in people aged 10–29 years, and 83% of these homicides involve male victims. For each young person killed, many more sustain injuries requiring hospital treatment. When it is not fatal, youth violence has a serious, often lifelong, impact on a person's physical, psychological and social functioning. Youth violence greatly increases the costs of health, welfare and criminal justice services; reduces productivity; and decreases the value of property." In this essay, I will talk about how youth violence has affected my life, what the causes of Get more content on
  • 16. Youth Violence Papers Youth violence played an important role in my life as it contributed to the person I am today. I've never experienced youth violence or any of its factors from kindergarten to 1st grade. However, it first occurred when I transferred to Kit Carson Elementary School for 2nd grade. It came as a huge shock as most of the people there were violent, and weren't disciplined. This quickly took a toll on me since I didn't know how, and couldn't handle the pressure. One of the very first lessons I've learned is to learn your place or you'll soon be quickly disliked or even beaten. I didn't really have any friends at that time, so I was desperate, and joined a bad crowd. A few months later during recess a huge fight broke out between most of the boys in two 2nd grade classes. Staying out, and witnessing the fight far away was a weird sensation as for some reason I felt that I belonged to this particular group, but it was a scary at the same time since most of the boys had bruises all over their bodies, and black eyes. Personally, I think this fight was probably the reason why I was influenced to involve myself in such similar situations that'd later result in my 4+ RPCs over the course of a few more content... Factors like these usually resulted in low educational achievement, history of aggressive behavior, and lack of control of their behavior. Friends, and other classmates would admit, and tell me that they experienced parental conflict, and their parents had divorced. Most of their answers were similar, as all of them has been deeply affected by these factors. They didn't really have any intent to harm other people, and they don't really realize how aggressive they were to Get more content on
  • 17. Youth Violence Column: Dana The Edson RCMP, and the community, are concerned about violence between groups of youth after police broke up two fights involving weapons. Both incidents occurred in Edson within the last month. Police attended the scene of a fight that was going to take place in Edson among youth from two schools. Police seized an imitation firearm and fake brass knuckles. Charges of possession of a weapon dangerous to the public, and uttering threats were laid. In the other incident, a large group of youth gathered after posts on social media led to an organized confrontation in Edson. Police located and seized a knife. Thankfully, with the RCMP's timely response, no one was harmed in either incident. The community has struggled over the past year with how to best more content... Their goal is to protect school and community by proactively sharing information that assists in the prevention of a potential traumatic event. In reality, the causes of youth violence are as varied and complex as there are youth in the communities. Although it's far too simple an answer on its own, the entertainment culture of violence is proven to have a significant negative impact on youth. The current crop of video games, movies, and songs continue to glamorize gang culture and violence. And vigilante justice is the romanticized motif of most new TV series. The misuse of social media with its detached nature, can also inflame people to say and act in ways they normally wouldn't. As much as community leaders and agencies do help and offer resources –it really goes back to the home. A proactive approach to get kids involved in positive activities in the community reduces at–risk behaviours significantly. Even better is when parents get involved by encouraging, supporting, and watching their Get more content on
  • 18. Youth Violence In The Youth Violence is not something commonly associated with the youth. However, today, the term 'youth violence' is becoming more common. Youth violence is the third leading cause of death in children and teens. Additionally, those alive who have encountered youth violence often face resulting emotional conflicts. Teens have a higher risk of showing violence if they are: under the influence of drugs and alcohol, have poor grades, and have been introduced to violence before. The word 'violence' is often seen as physical harm rather than harm caused by words, or a lack thereof. However, youth violence may also be bullying via social media, rumors, or simply being a bystander and indirectly assisting the spread of youth violence. Anything done by a teen to hurt another, either emotionally or physically is classified as youth violence. However despite the growing epidemic of violence in youths, many schools have yet to take preventive measures against this threat. Teen suicide is increasing due to bullying in schools. Bullying in schools in increasing due to violent video games, negative home lives, and negativity in school. Youths have begun to believe that whoever throws the strongest punch or says the meanest insults is more influential. However, few measures are being seriously instated in schools. If this violence is not prevented and eliminated, youths will learn that acting in a negative way receives a positive outcome, and more teens will resort to use of youth violence. One way Get more content on
  • 19. How Youth Violence Affected My Life Youth violence occurs all of the world. Some cases are more serious than others. I have encountered youth violence many times. One time I encountered youth violence was a couple years ago when a cop held his family hostage. Later he came out with a gun and threatened to shoot at the police, who were on the soon to become crime scene. The cop then proceeded to go inside and murder his six–year–old son and his wife. After this occurred, he set his house into flames and committed suicide. This act of violence has affected my life, made me think about what I can do about youth violence, and causes of youth violence. Why did this cop kill himself, his family, and his house? What could have caused this man to do such a thing? There are many different causes and reasons behind those causes to why people commit youth violence. Some causes are drugs and alcohol, substance abuse, gangs, accessibility to weapons, lack of education, a bad home life, peer pressure, violence in video games or television shows, unemployment, social media, bad influences, poverty, bad or no moral support, or any type of bullying such as cyberbullying. There are many reasons and causes why youth violence more content... Youth violence has affected my life in many ways. One way it affected my life is the worrying of my parents when I go to the park or somewhere with friends, causing them to be more protective. Another way this has affected my life is becoming more fearful of being outside. I do not like to be alone outside, especially at night. Lastly, youth violence has affected my life by me realizing what getting into the wrong things can get you into and how dangerous it can be. My parents limit me on time I have to be outside of the house during the night, worried I might get jumped or other violence. Youth violence may not only affect you, but many other around Get more content on