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Effects Of Sports Essay
If you chose to play sports, is it really worth it? Playing sports, in my opinion, is worth it. A teenager plays to have fun, even try to get a scholarship to
go to college for the sport they love, also playing teaches qualities you'll need for the rest of your life, playing sports can improve your way of life by
making a positive impact on your health such as weight, cardiorespiratory health, muscle and bones, and reduced risk of cancer. If you're involved
in a sport, does it have a positive or negative effect on you? Sports can leave a harmful effect on your body depending on what sport you play.
Injuries during sports can be damaging to your life whenever you're an adult or even when you're a child. Some sports like football, soccer, more
You become successful that way in anything you do, whether it be playing a sport, or when you are working at a job. The biggest thing is teamwork.
You learn how to work with someone, whether you like that person or not because it doesn't matter since you're on a team together. This can help you
when you get a job. This is what is taught during a sport.
Cost is a big factor for kids not playing sports or why playing a sport is not worth it. If you are not trying to play sports at a collegiate level, then not
playing a sport is not a hard decision. By not playing you can save money for when you do go to college. The Consumer Health News says, "The
survey involved 666 American parents with at least one child in middle or high school. Responses revealed that one in four students from poor
families did not participate in school programs in the 2015–2016 school year" (Consumer Health News, 3). This quote says lower income families
usually do not participate in school sports. This is not a bad thing because they are able to say money for stuff they truly need. By not playing sports
you and your family can save money for other things that are important.
However, playing a sport can help a child succeed to the next level. College is expensive, with that being said, playing sports can get you a
scholarship. It doesn't matter if it is a full ride or partial scholarship, any amount of money can help a person. Playing
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Competitive Sports Essay
Did you know that sports and regular exercise provide physical and mental stress relief, which can help certain mental health disorders like
depression and anxiety. There has been a long disagreement about whether kids should be able to play sports or not. I believe that they should be able
to. I do know that sports can cause problems, but I believe the benefits overweigh these problems. Competitive sports can help deal with varieties of
these discomforts including physical, social, and mental health. In sports you can gain social skills, and make friends, while staying fit. Sports can
boost self–confidence. Also, sports keep kids healthy. I will be arguing that kids should be able to play competitive sports.
My first reason is more content...
Take it from me, I used to and sometimes still do stress for gymnastics competitions. When I get on the floor and am ready to compete, I just think "I
have been doing this for months. There is no reason to be nervous. I just have to do my best and I will be happy." As a result, you will be less
stressed out, and can enjoy the sport you are passionate about.
My third reason is that sports keep kids healthy. Sports are a major benefit when it comes to physical health. If you are looking to exercise more, but
don't want to compete, there are other opportunities for you to choose such as martial arts, or yoga. Kids need physical activity everyday and
playing sports will fill that need. "Exercising everyday will increase their chance of being a healthy adult." (Mary L. Gavin, 2017) Although
injuries can happen while playing sports, I think the benefits such as life skills, are much more worth it when it comes to later life. On the other
hand, kids who play sports tend to stay more fit. Most kids don't have the motivation to work out themselves, and joining a sports team will keep
them working out. According to CNN's article "Team sports help keep teens fit", a study found that the kids who played on three or more sports
teams in a year, were 27% less likely to be overweight, and 39% less likely to be obese than those teens who did not play team sports. (Val
Wadas–Willingham, 2012) This is saying that kids who play sports fill the need of
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Sports Agents Essay
Sports Agents
People have been entertained by sport since before the gladiators in the Roman Coliseum. In the 20th century, the publics' passion for sport consumes
more and more of their free time. As sports figures became internationally recognized, athletes began to realize their need for professional
representation. Thus, sports agents were born. The field of sports agents has grown since then into an enormous field. Agents now deal with every
aspect of an athlete's life. Agents can be considered professional mangers who find the best place for their client's talent.
Sports Agents have not been around for a long time. "Until the 1970's, very few players had agents because teams would not deal with agents
(Masteralexis, 244)." more content...
This system bound players to teams and allowed owners to depress salaries of players.
The second factor was the development of competing leagues. "Competing leagues such as the American Football League, the American Baseball
Association, the World Hockey Association, and the United States Football League offered an alternative to athletes (Masteralexis, 246)." These
leagues offered higher salaries to induce players to move from their original teams. When players left a team to for more money, it also increased the
salaries of players who stayed on the team. Agents played a crucial role in determining what was best for athletes, and which league they should choose.
The third reason for the growth of Sports Agency is the evolution of players associations. "The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA)
led the move away from informal, powerless associations to true labor organizations that took part in collective bargaining (Masteralexis, 246)." This
organized a central association to bargain for players' income, post career income, tax breaks, and others. The union also made it possible for players
to fight, or even strike to get what they wanted. One of the largest accomplishments of the MLBPA was establishing free agency. This was able to
happen when Major League Baseball and the MLBPA went through negotiations and the MLBPA won the right to labor grievance arbitration. Under
this arbitration the MLBPA achieved free agency. The
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Sports And Sports Essay
Have you ever thought of how the media portrays sports to the general public?Well the media talks about sports a good amount of times, showing that
they have an interest talking about the overall topics of sports. Sports is arguably one of the most entertaining and hyped up activities in the whole
world for it creates action packed thrills, sad moments, and insane tricks that provides quality entertainment and fun times with friends and family. If
there was 2 people feeling lonely and bored in their house with absolutely nothing to do and are willing to do something proactive with friends and
family, sports would be something amazing to do instead of being inactive and lousy.Media portrayed sports as a fun and entertaining activity to watch
and make conversation about.This in fact is true because sports creates drama and intensity to the people who watch it, helps provide something to
look forward to in the near future, and brings friends and family together. Media shows us that Sports is generally one of the most entertaining things
to watch in the world for the fact that it creates intensity and drama for the people who are gonna watch a game or to the viewers' watching the game.
Whether if it's soccer,basketball, or football people tend to love watching other people running around competing against each other for bragging rights
(Urban). For example, let's say the super bowl is playing on national television, 2 teams are playing to compete for the championship ring
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Sport and the Media Essay examples
Sport and the Media
The growth of television as a significant cultural form during the 1960s put the relationship between sport and the media on the public agenda. In late
1969, the US magazine Sports Illustrated drew attention to the ways in which television was transforming sport. In effect, sport in the television age
was a 'whole new game'. The growing economic and cultural significance of television for sport gradually became a pertinent issue in countries
around the world.Clearly sport and television had developed a degree of interdependence. They belonged together 'like ham and eggs'. In the view of
some, television had 'made' sport
Newsweek expressed concern, in 1967, over the more content...
Media organizations exist within legal frameworks that determine their scope. In the United Kingdom, the BBC is a public corporation, and the ITV
system is overseen by a public body, the Independent Television Commission. Both are charged with a statutory responsibility to provide a broad
range of material, which includes sport coverage. The introduction of Channel 4 in 1982, with its statutory obligation to be alternative and innovative,
had an impact on the range of sports covered In the USA free market forces are not subject to as much restriction, but there are still laws, rules and
regulations that impact upon sport coverage
The press in both countries are subject to less restriction from government. Sport coverage in the British tabloid press is dominated by a very small
range of sports, with football typically providing more than half of the content. While some sport events, such as the Olympic games and the soccer
World Cup, win huge audiences, the audience for much television sport is not, by television's standards, large. Part of the appeal of sport for television
producers is its cheapness. It can fill hours of the schedule at relatively low cost. A substantial amount of television sport, lacking major audience
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What Makes a Sport a Sport? Essay
Sports are played worldwide and are reflective of that particular areas cultural view. This has led to a wide variety of sports that are played. Due to
this high level of diversity it has become extremely challenging to define what activities are considered a sport verse a recitation activity. Specialists
in this field frequently debate this issue, discussing the criteria that should exist when evaluating a sport. The main goal is to make a list concise
enough yet, at the same time detailed so it can be used in every sporting model.
Scholars have identified six separate components that must be present within a sport in order to be considered as a true sport. One of the first
requirements on this list is that the sport must include more content...
One of the activities on the list that I thought was the furthest thing from a sport was Pigeon Racing. Even though I believed Pigeon racing to have
incorporated many of the key components of a sport such as competition, a governing bodies, benefits, and strategy; it fails to meet the other
requirements. One requirement that is not met is maintaining a certain level of physical and mental activity. In this particular sport the performer is
completely dependent upon the pigeon to compete. By doing so this completely removes an athlete from the sport and eliminates any human chance in
affecting the overall outcome. Instead of a sport I would categorize this as a recreational activity that is fun to watch and be involved in. I believe that
an activity that relies solely on an animal performance cannot be considered to be a true sport.
Going along the idea about animal involvement this brings me to another sport on the list I questioned, noodling. This particular activity would in a
sense be considered hunting but however, the means at which the animal is captured is vastly different. This type of hunting is focused on capturing
catfish in a very peculiar fashion. The athlete essentially coats his arm in chum then sticks it underwater waiting for a nibble. The catfish generally
come and engulf the person's entire arm thus successfully capturing a catfish. One of the main reasons why I would not classify this as a sport is
because it is a very unskilled form
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My Experience In Sports
Have you been interested in sports? Have you ever had injuries that you had playing that sport? I have been an athlete since I was four years old. I
have been in three different sports such as gymnastics, softball and volleyball. With the time and years I have spent with these three sports I have
had two major injuries. Gymnastics was the very first sport I have ever done. I was a gymnast for eight years. I started when I was four years old
and as I got older I started competitive gymnastics. On January 21, 2011 I was In Indianapolis at the Convention Center competing at Circle Of
Stars. I was competing on floor and just ended my first tumbling pass and I landed wrong, I sat there on the floor for a couple minutes crying in
pain and then got up and finished my floor routine. When I ended I carried myself halfway off the floor until my coach came and carried me off the
rest of the way. I went to the trainer who was at the meet and she said it was just sprained by looking at it. So my mom took me to the hospital and I
got some x–rays and they said it was massive sprain too so they put a small cast on my foot to let the sprain heal. After I got better I continued to do
gymnastics. A couple years passed and I was still having problems with it so my mom took me to the Orthopedic and he looked at my x–rays. My
ankle was actually broken in the growth plate and it healed wrong so now everytime I bend my ankle it rubs on one of my other bones causing and
groove in my bone. The
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Sports And Recreation Essay
Sport and Recreation To what extent sport and recreation added value to our Life? Sports and recreation has become the vital aspect of one life,
be it Children, Adult and old age, Due to rapid change in work Atmosphere , sleeping & Eating habits , weather conditions , Electronics gadgets ,
Pressure at Work , Competition at work place & , Business place , Personal issues etc. , This has made a dramatic change in one life , Therefore
Sports and recreation take out stress and make your body and soul to take pragmatic approach towards one's life , Hence the awareness is growing
globally ,which is resulting positive results in all age groups . Sports and recreation helps you to be healthier, Stronger, Happier and also creates
character. Global Perspectives United Kingdom (England ) England has more content...
Personal Perspective: Since I am a chip of old block, my great grandfather was the Sports enthusiast and represented India in Tennis ( Wimbledon &
Davis Cup Y1926 ) and Cricket ( Tour of England Y1936 ) and My Grand Father again being a sports man represent Hyderabad State in Field
Hockey , Swimming and Horse Polo , My father has represented U.A.E National Crocket team for 6 years Y1994 to Y2000. Therefore sports is an
integral part of my life , Hence Iam very keen towards Cricket and Horse riding , I have participated in 40km International Endurance Horse Race
held in Abu Dhabi in Y2013 . The sports culture is U.A.E is very unique as there are massive facilities and the government encourage such activities.
Hence I closely watch the sports activities held internationally and
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Dance Is A Sport Essay
Why dance is a sport
Many people would consider dance to be a part of the arts and not so much a sport. They do not really look clearly into all the similarities dance has
with any other existing sport. Dance incorporates all the factors that are included in every other sport, such as you are physically active while doing
it, it is competitive and you learn skills as well as having routines that you practice and work on. Asport is an activity involving physical exertion and
skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.
Physical activity is no joke when it comes to dance. Full time dancers get at least 8 hours of physical activity a week. Tons of cardio is included to
build up their stamina for their routines to have lots of energy going up against their competitor. You are always physically active while dancing.
Dancers also do workout classes or workout on their more content...
While there are still dance schools who choose not to compete, many still do and training for it is tedious. There's a few reasons why people
compete in dance, one being for entertainment for the people watching, the judges and themselves. Another being to win and go against other
dancers to see new styles as well as see how other people dance other than the dancers from their studio. On the other hand there is dance schools
who choose to compete and attend competitions as a team bonding experience and to simply experience what competing is like. Many people
probably do not realize that competing in dance is much different than in any other sport. Sports like basketball, baseball, soccer and football declare
a winner by whichever team scored the most points. Where in dance there is still points but it is all based on which dance the judges liked better. All
the months of rehearsing night and day might just be for nothing as the judges may not like the style of dance you bring to the
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Explain How Sports Reflect Who You Are
Explain how sports reflect who you are.
I really really love sports, I really like to play and watch a lot of them. My 3 main ones are Soccer, my favorite sport, basketball, and baseball. I love to
follow all of them and play all of them. Soccer is my favorite sport. I love to play soccer, I have played for 10 years and 2 seasons each year, so for 20
seasons. I like to play left Forward, that is my favorite. I play in El Paso and so does Charlie and Wes. We all get along really well and it is fun to not
be the only Eureka kid there. I have known El Paso/Gridley kids for a long time but it is fun to have a few other Eureka kids there too. Charlie and
Wes each play midfield and they usually pass it up to me and then I cross it to Joey or Logan or Cole and Goal! (Or vise versa.) But me and Charlie
and Wes have became really really close friends along with all the kids on our team. I also love to watch soccer sometimes too. My favorite team is
Chelsea and then in the FIFA World CupI am usually for Brazil or America. Me and sometimes Caden and sometimes Dad will watch and I will be like
"WOW, what a beautiful touch," and they will be like, "Umm, ok." So, we do like to watch but mostly me. Basketball is my second favorite sport.
Me and our old neighbours and Caden used to love to go outside at our house and shoot, but then they moved away and we have no other kids to play
with. But a lot of times I will go over to Connell's house and we will have like a 1 on 1 game pretending
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Sports In Sports
The primary object of sports is, of course, exercise, but sports have a far greater impact on the wellbeing of many besides physical health. Introducing
new opportunities for youth, sports create unbreakable bonds, build athletes' characters, unite communities, and promote teamwork. Undoubtedly,
sports can positively impact many children of all ages. As children grow older and become more athletic, parents and athletes may consider
specializing in one sport to maximize the athlete's chance of earning a scholarship for college; furthermore, almost every youth athlete, myself
included, dreams of becoming a professional athlete one day, so they will do anything to achieve that goal. On the contrary, specializing in one sport
may have the opposite effect. Depriving themselves from diverse environments, specialized athletes are excluded from valuable lessons that are
beneficial for sports and life. Specializing in one sport today is not merely playing one season of a sport, but specialization is intensely concentrating
on one sport year–round. For this reason, athletes should play multiple sports because focusing on one sport all year does not produce the same
benefits as playing multiple sports throughout the year. Most athletes, including myself, would probably agree that they love more than one sport, and
if this is the case, then athletes should participate in every sport they love. After all, the purpose of sports is not to earn money or to become famous
but to
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Sports In Sports
Sports influence many people to come together, it has been a crucial piece to unifying people of different religions for decades. A purpose for sports is
to reconcile cultures and it's important to communicate and understand their differences, even addressing their social issues. In a world with so much
violence and hatred, sports have been that sanctuary for those to find equality, but most importantly, peace. Throughout the years, sports have been
utilized to bring people together. Just because we may eat different foods, dress differently or speak a different language, doesn't mean one is not
welcomed in to the sports community. Being active in sports, either as a player or a fan, has showed positive affects to communities. Three students
from Gomal University in Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan conducted a survey with their piers that 200 completed. Based on their findings, they concluded
"that active participation in sports activities help in developing the social qualities such as peace, equality, justice, fraternity and brotherhood among
the participants" (Khan). Participating in sports takes that extra time away and it is used in a valuable way. According to 96% of the focus group, they
agreed that "sports help in controlling the deviant acts and develop peace, equality and brother–hood among the students" (Khan). Sports have always
served as that escape from what's going on outside, as a mask to reality. Athletics is a place of positivity for everyone to come together, win
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Sports And Its Impact On Society Essay
Sports today are very popular not only in the United States, but also throughout the rest of the world. Due to the fact that sports have such a big
impact on the world around us, it is common to see their effects on us as a society. Personality is who you are or in other words is defined as the
sum of all physical, mental and sociable characteristics. It is important to understand the positive and negative side effects of being heavily involved
in sports. What I have experienced from being involved in sports throughout my childhood and into my teenage years was that my personality was
developed through sports and made me who I am. The results I came across while writing this paper have only increased my bias to the topic although
it still had to be proven with facts. Sports have a positive effect on a person, much like it did on me mentally, socially, and physically. I came to my
topic when I was trying to figure out what I was passionate enough to write about. Sports have always played a big role in my life and I had the
opportunity to show how it affects people's day to day lives.
Literature Review The question is does involvement in sports affect the overall personality or the well–roundedness of a person. Diving deeper in this
relation, I see that there are five main personality dimensions. Extraversion (quantity and intensity of interpersonal reactions), openness (individual
tendency to seek out new experiences), Neuroticism (individual prone to emotional instability),
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Benefits Of Doing Sports Essay
There are a lot of people doing sport these days. What exactly sport is? Sport is an activity of physical body and skill, done by team or individual. In
general, there are two types of people who doing sport. Some people just want to live healthier and there are also type people who seriously doing
sport to win a sport game or even Olympic championship like SEA Games (South East Asian Games) for example. But there also a lot of people
who do not do sport because they think doing sport is not benefit to their life. So what is the benefit of doing sport? Or is it a burden?
First, people like doing sport because it is a fun thing to do. As we mention on the first paragraph, sport is not only for individual, but sport also can
be done by a group / team or even doing sport with our friends. So, sport is actually benefit to our social life, because we can get a new friend through
sport and we got to know each other' more content...
We can make a lot of money from being one of it. But being an athlete is not easy, because weneed extra effort to train physical body to improve
The most important of think doing sport is make us healthier, this is the main reason why people these days doing sport. People want to keep their body
in good condition to support their daily activity during the day. Doing sport in routine is also good to increase our stamina, that is mean we are not
easily tired when we do our activity. Imagine we can do a lot of thing without getting tired, It is amazing isn't?
Doing sport has a lot of benefit, but in the other hand there is a disadvantage of doing it. First disadvantage of doing sport is we need to do it
carefully, because if it is not done carefully we may getting risk of hurting ourselves or getting injured. If we get injured we need to go to the hospital
or even bother our daily activity. That is mean that we need to put more effort to our
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Role Of Sports In Society
Role of Sport in Society For many years, sports have played a huge role in many of our lives. They have been used for entertainment and many others
would love to argue that fact and say that is their only use and have no other valuable lessons. Sports provide many things to us like Competition that
sports like football, baseball, basketball, etc. require. They also teach many life lessons and values to younger generations who play sports. Participating
in sports can teach kids Leadership, Goal setting, Discipline, and Sportsmanship. Without sportsmanship we not only want to enjoy the sport we are
playing, but we want everyone to share that feeling. That's what makes sports fun for most people. Sports can help kids with Leadership
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Sports can also teach kids important qualities in ways that a classroom doesn't offer.
In spite of people believing that sports bring bad behavior from the athlete, it can be argued that sports bring about a bad behavior from the adults
instead. Special treatment among athletes have been known as the downside to kids playing sports, along with coaches pressuring teachers to give
better grades to their athletes. However, special treatment and grade pressure is not the behavior of the athlete themselves. This behavior comes from
the adults that should know better therefore the athlete cannot be held accountable for their coach, teachers, or principles behavior which goes back
to adults putting too much emotion in sport. There are a lot of people who don't realize how much playing a sport can truly offer a kid. The two
normalities for athletes are sacrifice for the game and accepting the risks and playing through the pain. Most kids are still growing in high school so
these norms raise the argument that sports are too dangerous. Despite the fact that sports can be harmful and even play a hand in stunting growth,
however some of the worst injuries often come from college sports rather than high school sports.
Development of
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My Passion For The Sport Essay
There is always that one nagging problem in your life that always goes undervalued in the minds of others. The institution of going outside your
boundaries, also known as high school, is where free time, which previously went to studying, is now coexisting with athletic activities. In high school,
I was informally recruited to the basketball team by an upperclassman and that is where my passion for the sport began. The sport manifested itself
into my life from television to practice, then to finding any opportunity to go out and play. Optimism for my new found passion and the school year
increased, but that does not stop getting hurt in the process. Weakness in my wrist permeated my life and attacked both my education and basketball
season. Experiencing injuries is a common occurrence to players and provides a time of reflection during rehabilitation. Any sort of injury is never
predetermined by your personal diagnosis and should be observed by a professional. High school had just begun and the basketball players waited
patiently for the upcoming season. In the catacombs, I gravitated towards the table of my teammates. The chatter was filled with potential starting
line–ups, new things they worked on over the summer, point per game projections, and the occasional supportive trash talk. Talks occurred that
simultaneously became plans to play in the local park. Day after day going to play wore my body down, but the mind knows the goal of the training:
to play with teammates
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Soccer As A Sport Essay
The most watched and played sport in the world. If you haven't heard of this popular and fun sport you've probably been living under a rock. This
fun and exciting sport involve skill the love for what you do and much more. If you haven't guessed it yet its soccer, obviously! Soccer doesn't just
come with the sport and game but with rivalries too between countries, states, teams, and even players. Not much is know about the origins of
soccer early evidence of soccer being played as a sport finds occurrence in China during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. In China, it was during the
Han dynasty that people dribbled leather balls by kicking it into a small net. The first recorded soccer match was played on Barnes common at
Mortlake, London on December 19, 1863, between more content...–United_States_soccer_rivalry. The first match was played on May 24, 1934, in Rome, Italy with the Untied
States beating Mexico 4–2 but now thanks to the new star players Mexico has been beating The Untied States quite often. To go even deeper into
rivalries one most common rivalry is between these two–star players named Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro who plays oforReal Madrid and
Portugal and Lionel Andres Messi who plays or Barcelona and Argentina. This rivalry started when they were both up against for the FIFA Ballon d'Or
for the year 2007 (a soccer award regarding the best player in the world) both Messi and Ronaldo are said to be the best player of the world in this
generation. In my opinion, I fairly disagree that Messi should have won this year FIFA Ballon d'Or. I was a Cr7 supporter since I was four and always
will be a Cr7 supporter Hala Madrid (a quote used for the famous soccer team that Cristiano plays on Real
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Why Soccer Is the Best Sport Essay
L.A. essay Why soccer is the best sport By: Omar Soccer is the most played sport worldwide, many people love it and I'm one of them, it is my
favorite sport because you can improve your skills with your feet, and get a lot of exercise. By writing this essay, I hope that I can provide more
information about the sport and maybe convert the people who dislike the sport into fans. I have heard from some people that soccer is a boring
sport, but the truth is, it's a very interesting sport with a lot of excitement in it. When playing soccer, ball control is critical, you need possession of
the ball in order to keep it away from the other team players, and at times, it can be fun because if you have possession of the ball most of the game, more content...
If you play soccer, you have to practice in order to win, just like any other sport. When playing a game, you need to do moves that you have
practiced, to get past the other teams defense and score a goal, and you also have to teach yourself mentally to think before you react. If you have
the ball, you can't just kick it randomly and hope to score, you have to think of your other teammates and work with them to get the ball up the
field. Another part of soccer that is very critical is passing. You have to pass the ball and develop new techniques and ways to control how the game is
played. The last part is that you need to be fit in order to play soccer, because you are constantly on the field, and you don't get a lot of breaks, because
the game never really stops except for halftime and when a foul is called or if you are waiting for the ball to come. When you're on defense, and
playing a good team, you can be running around a ton, and you get tired really easily, especially when someone is on a breakaway, you will have to
sprint down the field to try to stop them. If you play soccer a lot over a long time, you will develop good leg strength. Exercise is critical to the
human body, and you will get a whole bunch of it by playing soccer. I hope this essay encourages parents to in–role their kids to play soccer because
it's an amazing
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My Passion In Sports
My passion is playing sports. I have always been athletic as I grew up playing all different types of sports. I did gymnastics, basketball, and I
continue to play on multiple soccer teams. However ,I have become a lot more passionate about track and field. Track and field is more of a laid
back sport compared to others as it goes on in an order of events. The events I participate in are various sprinting events and the pole vault. Pole
vault is my favorite of the two events because there are not many people who compete and it is like a little family amongst competitors. My
teammates and I have a lot of fun hanging out and cheering each other on. Along with the people I also enjoy the competition and the thrill of beating
your personal record whether it is in a race or in pole vault.
I pole vaulted for the first time when I was ten years old. My neighbor, who coincidently is the pole vault at the high school, invited my brother, my
neighbors and I to try it one day during the summer. I ended up not being horrible at it so when I got to high school I figured I would try it again
and see how it went. It went very well. My neighbor who is the pole vault coach is now very old so he is not able to make it to practice very often.
The pole vaulters and I do have the head coach of the whole track team assist us from time to time but mostly we all, the four of us that is, critique and
help each other reach new heights, literally, when we vault. My teammates are my most constant
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Effects Of Sports Essay

  • 1. Effects Of Sports Essay If you chose to play sports, is it really worth it? Playing sports, in my opinion, is worth it. A teenager plays to have fun, even try to get a scholarship to go to college for the sport they love, also playing teaches qualities you'll need for the rest of your life, playing sports can improve your way of life by making a positive impact on your health such as weight, cardiorespiratory health, muscle and bones, and reduced risk of cancer. If you're involved in a sport, does it have a positive or negative effect on you? Sports can leave a harmful effect on your body depending on what sport you play. Injuries during sports can be damaging to your life whenever you're an adult or even when you're a child. Some sports like football, soccer, more content... You become successful that way in anything you do, whether it be playing a sport, or when you are working at a job. The biggest thing is teamwork. You learn how to work with someone, whether you like that person or not because it doesn't matter since you're on a team together. This can help you when you get a job. This is what is taught during a sport. Cost is a big factor for kids not playing sports or why playing a sport is not worth it. If you are not trying to play sports at a collegiate level, then not playing a sport is not a hard decision. By not playing you can save money for when you do go to college. The Consumer Health News says, "The survey involved 666 American parents with at least one child in middle or high school. Responses revealed that one in four students from poor families did not participate in school programs in the 2015–2016 school year" (Consumer Health News, 3). This quote says lower income families usually do not participate in school sports. This is not a bad thing because they are able to say money for stuff they truly need. By not playing sports you and your family can save money for other things that are important. However, playing a sport can help a child succeed to the next level. College is expensive, with that being said, playing sports can get you a scholarship. It doesn't matter if it is a full ride or partial scholarship, any amount of money can help a person. Playing Get more content on
  • 2. Competitive Sports Essay Did you know that sports and regular exercise provide physical and mental stress relief, which can help certain mental health disorders like depression and anxiety. There has been a long disagreement about whether kids should be able to play sports or not. I believe that they should be able to. I do know that sports can cause problems, but I believe the benefits overweigh these problems. Competitive sports can help deal with varieties of these discomforts including physical, social, and mental health. In sports you can gain social skills, and make friends, while staying fit. Sports can boost self–confidence. Also, sports keep kids healthy. I will be arguing that kids should be able to play competitive sports. My first reason is more content... Take it from me, I used to and sometimes still do stress for gymnastics competitions. When I get on the floor and am ready to compete, I just think "I have been doing this for months. There is no reason to be nervous. I just have to do my best and I will be happy." As a result, you will be less stressed out, and can enjoy the sport you are passionate about. My third reason is that sports keep kids healthy. Sports are a major benefit when it comes to physical health. If you are looking to exercise more, but don't want to compete, there are other opportunities for you to choose such as martial arts, or yoga. Kids need physical activity everyday and playing sports will fill that need. "Exercising everyday will increase their chance of being a healthy adult." (Mary L. Gavin, 2017) Although injuries can happen while playing sports, I think the benefits such as life skills, are much more worth it when it comes to later life. On the other hand, kids who play sports tend to stay more fit. Most kids don't have the motivation to work out themselves, and joining a sports team will keep them working out. According to CNN's article "Team sports help keep teens fit", a study found that the kids who played on three or more sports teams in a year, were 27% less likely to be overweight, and 39% less likely to be obese than those teens who did not play team sports. (Val Wadas–Willingham, 2012) This is saying that kids who play sports fill the need of Get more content on
  • 3. Sports Agents Essay Sports Agents People have been entertained by sport since before the gladiators in the Roman Coliseum. In the 20th century, the publics' passion for sport consumes more and more of their free time. As sports figures became internationally recognized, athletes began to realize their need for professional representation. Thus, sports agents were born. The field of sports agents has grown since then into an enormous field. Agents now deal with every aspect of an athlete's life. Agents can be considered professional mangers who find the best place for their client's talent. Sports Agents have not been around for a long time. "Until the 1970's, very few players had agents because teams would not deal with agents (Masteralexis, 244)." more content... This system bound players to teams and allowed owners to depress salaries of players. The second factor was the development of competing leagues. "Competing leagues such as the American Football League, the American Baseball Association, the World Hockey Association, and the United States Football League offered an alternative to athletes (Masteralexis, 246)." These leagues offered higher salaries to induce players to move from their original teams. When players left a team to for more money, it also increased the salaries of players who stayed on the team. Agents played a crucial role in determining what was best for athletes, and which league they should choose. The third reason for the growth of Sports Agency is the evolution of players associations. "The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) led the move away from informal, powerless associations to true labor organizations that took part in collective bargaining (Masteralexis, 246)." This organized a central association to bargain for players' income, post career income, tax breaks, and others. The union also made it possible for players to fight, or even strike to get what they wanted. One of the largest accomplishments of the MLBPA was establishing free agency. This was able to happen when Major League Baseball and the MLBPA went through negotiations and the MLBPA won the right to labor grievance arbitration. Under this arbitration the MLBPA achieved free agency. The Get more content on
  • 4. Sports And Sports Essay Have you ever thought of how the media portrays sports to the general public?Well the media talks about sports a good amount of times, showing that they have an interest talking about the overall topics of sports. Sports is arguably one of the most entertaining and hyped up activities in the whole world for it creates action packed thrills, sad moments, and insane tricks that provides quality entertainment and fun times with friends and family. If there was 2 people feeling lonely and bored in their house with absolutely nothing to do and are willing to do something proactive with friends and family, sports would be something amazing to do instead of being inactive and lousy.Media portrayed sports as a fun and entertaining activity to watch and make conversation about.This in fact is true because sports creates drama and intensity to the people who watch it, helps provide something to look forward to in the near future, and brings friends and family together. Media shows us that Sports is generally one of the most entertaining things to watch in the world for the fact that it creates intensity and drama for the people who are gonna watch a game or to the viewers' watching the game. Whether if it's soccer,basketball, or football people tend to love watching other people running around competing against each other for bragging rights (Urban). For example, let's say the super bowl is playing on national television, 2 teams are playing to compete for the championship ring Get more content on
  • 5. Sport and the Media Essay examples Sport and the Media The growth of television as a significant cultural form during the 1960s put the relationship between sport and the media on the public agenda. In late 1969, the US magazine Sports Illustrated drew attention to the ways in which television was transforming sport. In effect, sport in the television age was a 'whole new game'. The growing economic and cultural significance of television for sport gradually became a pertinent issue in countries around the world.Clearly sport and television had developed a degree of interdependence. They belonged together 'like ham and eggs'. In the view of some, television had 'made' sport Newsweek expressed concern, in 1967, over the more content... Media organizations exist within legal frameworks that determine their scope. In the United Kingdom, the BBC is a public corporation, and the ITV system is overseen by a public body, the Independent Television Commission. Both are charged with a statutory responsibility to provide a broad range of material, which includes sport coverage. The introduction of Channel 4 in 1982, with its statutory obligation to be alternative and innovative, had an impact on the range of sports covered In the USA free market forces are not subject to as much restriction, but there are still laws, rules and regulations that impact upon sport coverage The press in both countries are subject to less restriction from government. Sport coverage in the British tabloid press is dominated by a very small range of sports, with football typically providing more than half of the content. While some sport events, such as the Olympic games and the soccer World Cup, win huge audiences, the audience for much television sport is not, by television's standards, large. Part of the appeal of sport for television producers is its cheapness. It can fill hours of the schedule at relatively low cost. A substantial amount of television sport, lacking major audience Get more content on
  • 6. What Makes a Sport a Sport? Essay Sports are played worldwide and are reflective of that particular areas cultural view. This has led to a wide variety of sports that are played. Due to this high level of diversity it has become extremely challenging to define what activities are considered a sport verse a recitation activity. Specialists in this field frequently debate this issue, discussing the criteria that should exist when evaluating a sport. The main goal is to make a list concise enough yet, at the same time detailed so it can be used in every sporting model. Scholars have identified six separate components that must be present within a sport in order to be considered as a true sport. One of the first requirements on this list is that the sport must include more content... One of the activities on the list that I thought was the furthest thing from a sport was Pigeon Racing. Even though I believed Pigeon racing to have incorporated many of the key components of a sport such as competition, a governing bodies, benefits, and strategy; it fails to meet the other requirements. One requirement that is not met is maintaining a certain level of physical and mental activity. In this particular sport the performer is completely dependent upon the pigeon to compete. By doing so this completely removes an athlete from the sport and eliminates any human chance in affecting the overall outcome. Instead of a sport I would categorize this as a recreational activity that is fun to watch and be involved in. I believe that an activity that relies solely on an animal performance cannot be considered to be a true sport. Going along the idea about animal involvement this brings me to another sport on the list I questioned, noodling. This particular activity would in a sense be considered hunting but however, the means at which the animal is captured is vastly different. This type of hunting is focused on capturing catfish in a very peculiar fashion. The athlete essentially coats his arm in chum then sticks it underwater waiting for a nibble. The catfish generally come and engulf the person's entire arm thus successfully capturing a catfish. One of the main reasons why I would not classify this as a sport is because it is a very unskilled form Get more content on
  • 7. My Experience In Sports Have you been interested in sports? Have you ever had injuries that you had playing that sport? I have been an athlete since I was four years old. I have been in three different sports such as gymnastics, softball and volleyball. With the time and years I have spent with these three sports I have had two major injuries. Gymnastics was the very first sport I have ever done. I was a gymnast for eight years. I started when I was four years old and as I got older I started competitive gymnastics. On January 21, 2011 I was In Indianapolis at the Convention Center competing at Circle Of Stars. I was competing on floor and just ended my first tumbling pass and I landed wrong, I sat there on the floor for a couple minutes crying in pain and then got up and finished my floor routine. When I ended I carried myself halfway off the floor until my coach came and carried me off the rest of the way. I went to the trainer who was at the meet and she said it was just sprained by looking at it. So my mom took me to the hospital and I got some x–rays and they said it was massive sprain too so they put a small cast on my foot to let the sprain heal. After I got better I continued to do gymnastics. A couple years passed and I was still having problems with it so my mom took me to the Orthopedic and he looked at my x–rays. My ankle was actually broken in the growth plate and it healed wrong so now everytime I bend my ankle it rubs on one of my other bones causing and groove in my bone. The Get more content on
  • 8. Sports And Recreation Essay Sport and Recreation To what extent sport and recreation added value to our Life? Sports and recreation has become the vital aspect of one life, be it Children, Adult and old age, Due to rapid change in work Atmosphere , sleeping & Eating habits , weather conditions , Electronics gadgets , Pressure at Work , Competition at work place & , Business place , Personal issues etc. , This has made a dramatic change in one life , Therefore Sports and recreation take out stress and make your body and soul to take pragmatic approach towards one's life , Hence the awareness is growing globally ,which is resulting positive results in all age groups . Sports and recreation helps you to be healthier, Stronger, Happier and also creates character. Global Perspectives United Kingdom (England ) England has more content... Personal Perspective: Since I am a chip of old block, my great grandfather was the Sports enthusiast and represented India in Tennis ( Wimbledon & Davis Cup Y1926 ) and Cricket ( Tour of England Y1936 ) and My Grand Father again being a sports man represent Hyderabad State in Field Hockey , Swimming and Horse Polo , My father has represented U.A.E National Crocket team for 6 years Y1994 to Y2000. Therefore sports is an integral part of my life , Hence Iam very keen towards Cricket and Horse riding , I have participated in 40km International Endurance Horse Race held in Abu Dhabi in Y2013 . The sports culture is U.A.E is very unique as there are massive facilities and the government encourage such activities. Hence I closely watch the sports activities held internationally and Get more content on
  • 9. Dance Is A Sport Essay Why dance is a sport Many people would consider dance to be a part of the arts and not so much a sport. They do not really look clearly into all the similarities dance has with any other existing sport. Dance incorporates all the factors that are included in every other sport, such as you are physically active while doing it, it is competitive and you learn skills as well as having routines that you practice and work on. Asport is an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Physical activity is no joke when it comes to dance. Full time dancers get at least 8 hours of physical activity a week. Tons of cardio is included to build up their stamina for their routines to have lots of energy going up against their competitor. You are always physically active while dancing. Dancers also do workout classes or workout on their more content... While there are still dance schools who choose not to compete, many still do and training for it is tedious. There's a few reasons why people compete in dance, one being for entertainment for the people watching, the judges and themselves. Another being to win and go against other dancers to see new styles as well as see how other people dance other than the dancers from their studio. On the other hand there is dance schools who choose to compete and attend competitions as a team bonding experience and to simply experience what competing is like. Many people probably do not realize that competing in dance is much different than in any other sport. Sports like basketball, baseball, soccer and football declare a winner by whichever team scored the most points. Where in dance there is still points but it is all based on which dance the judges liked better. All the months of rehearsing night and day might just be for nothing as the judges may not like the style of dance you bring to the Get more content on
  • 10. Explain How Sports Reflect Who You Are Explain how sports reflect who you are. I really really love sports, I really like to play and watch a lot of them. My 3 main ones are Soccer, my favorite sport, basketball, and baseball. I love to follow all of them and play all of them. Soccer is my favorite sport. I love to play soccer, I have played for 10 years and 2 seasons each year, so for 20 seasons. I like to play left Forward, that is my favorite. I play in El Paso and so does Charlie and Wes. We all get along really well and it is fun to not be the only Eureka kid there. I have known El Paso/Gridley kids for a long time but it is fun to have a few other Eureka kids there too. Charlie and Wes each play midfield and they usually pass it up to me and then I cross it to Joey or Logan or Cole and Goal! (Or vise versa.) But me and Charlie and Wes have became really really close friends along with all the kids on our team. I also love to watch soccer sometimes too. My favorite team is Chelsea and then in the FIFA World CupI am usually for Brazil or America. Me and sometimes Caden and sometimes Dad will watch and I will be like "WOW, what a beautiful touch," and they will be like, "Umm, ok." So, we do like to watch but mostly me. Basketball is my second favorite sport. Me and our old neighbours and Caden used to love to go outside at our house and shoot, but then they moved away and we have no other kids to play with. But a lot of times I will go over to Connell's house and we will have like a 1 on 1 game pretending Get more content on
  • 11. Sports In Sports Introduction The primary object of sports is, of course, exercise, but sports have a far greater impact on the wellbeing of many besides physical health. Introducing new opportunities for youth, sports create unbreakable bonds, build athletes' characters, unite communities, and promote teamwork. Undoubtedly, sports can positively impact many children of all ages. As children grow older and become more athletic, parents and athletes may consider specializing in one sport to maximize the athlete's chance of earning a scholarship for college; furthermore, almost every youth athlete, myself included, dreams of becoming a professional athlete one day, so they will do anything to achieve that goal. On the contrary, specializing in one sport may have the opposite effect. Depriving themselves from diverse environments, specialized athletes are excluded from valuable lessons that are beneficial for sports and life. Specializing in one sport today is not merely playing one season of a sport, but specialization is intensely concentrating on one sport year–round. For this reason, athletes should play multiple sports because focusing on one sport all year does not produce the same benefits as playing multiple sports throughout the year. Most athletes, including myself, would probably agree that they love more than one sport, and if this is the case, then athletes should participate in every sport they love. After all, the purpose of sports is not to earn money or to become famous but to Get more content on
  • 12. Sports In Sports Sports influence many people to come together, it has been a crucial piece to unifying people of different religions for decades. A purpose for sports is to reconcile cultures and it's important to communicate and understand their differences, even addressing their social issues. In a world with so much violence and hatred, sports have been that sanctuary for those to find equality, but most importantly, peace. Throughout the years, sports have been utilized to bring people together. Just because we may eat different foods, dress differently or speak a different language, doesn't mean one is not welcomed in to the sports community. Being active in sports, either as a player or a fan, has showed positive affects to communities. Three students from Gomal University in Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan conducted a survey with their piers that 200 completed. Based on their findings, they concluded "that active participation in sports activities help in developing the social qualities such as peace, equality, justice, fraternity and brotherhood among the participants" (Khan). Participating in sports takes that extra time away and it is used in a valuable way. According to 96% of the focus group, they agreed that "sports help in controlling the deviant acts and develop peace, equality and brother–hood among the students" (Khan). Sports have always served as that escape from what's going on outside, as a mask to reality. Athletics is a place of positivity for everyone to come together, win Get more content on
  • 13. Sports And Its Impact On Society Essay Sports today are very popular not only in the United States, but also throughout the rest of the world. Due to the fact that sports have such a big impact on the world around us, it is common to see their effects on us as a society. Personality is who you are or in other words is defined as the sum of all physical, mental and sociable characteristics. It is important to understand the positive and negative side effects of being heavily involved in sports. What I have experienced from being involved in sports throughout my childhood and into my teenage years was that my personality was developed through sports and made me who I am. The results I came across while writing this paper have only increased my bias to the topic although it still had to be proven with facts. Sports have a positive effect on a person, much like it did on me mentally, socially, and physically. I came to my topic when I was trying to figure out what I was passionate enough to write about. Sports have always played a big role in my life and I had the opportunity to show how it affects people's day to day lives. Literature Review The question is does involvement in sports affect the overall personality or the well–roundedness of a person. Diving deeper in this relation, I see that there are five main personality dimensions. Extraversion (quantity and intensity of interpersonal reactions), openness (individual tendency to seek out new experiences), Neuroticism (individual prone to emotional instability), Get more content on
  • 14. Benefits Of Doing Sports Essay There are a lot of people doing sport these days. What exactly sport is? Sport is an activity of physical body and skill, done by team or individual. In general, there are two types of people who doing sport. Some people just want to live healthier and there are also type people who seriously doing sport to win a sport game or even Olympic championship like SEA Games (South East Asian Games) for example. But there also a lot of people who do not do sport because they think doing sport is not benefit to their life. So what is the benefit of doing sport? Or is it a burden? First, people like doing sport because it is a fun thing to do. As we mention on the first paragraph, sport is not only for individual, but sport also can be done by a group / team or even doing sport with our friends. So, sport is actually benefit to our social life, because we can get a new friend through sport and we got to know each other' more content... We can make a lot of money from being one of it. But being an athlete is not easy, because weneed extra effort to train physical body to improve ourselves. The most important of think doing sport is make us healthier, this is the main reason why people these days doing sport. People want to keep their body in good condition to support their daily activity during the day. Doing sport in routine is also good to increase our stamina, that is mean we are not easily tired when we do our activity. Imagine we can do a lot of thing without getting tired, It is amazing isn't? Doing sport has a lot of benefit, but in the other hand there is a disadvantage of doing it. First disadvantage of doing sport is we need to do it carefully, because if it is not done carefully we may getting risk of hurting ourselves or getting injured. If we get injured we need to go to the hospital or even bother our daily activity. That is mean that we need to put more effort to our Get more content on
  • 15. Role Of Sports In Society Role of Sport in Society For many years, sports have played a huge role in many of our lives. They have been used for entertainment and many others would love to argue that fact and say that is their only use and have no other valuable lessons. Sports provide many things to us like Competition that sports like football, baseball, basketball, etc. require. They also teach many life lessons and values to younger generations who play sports. Participating in sports can teach kids Leadership, Goal setting, Discipline, and Sportsmanship. Without sportsmanship we not only want to enjoy the sport we are playing, but we want everyone to share that feeling. That's what makes sports fun for most people. Sports can help kids with Leadership more content... Sports can also teach kids important qualities in ways that a classroom doesn't offer. In spite of people believing that sports bring bad behavior from the athlete, it can be argued that sports bring about a bad behavior from the adults instead. Special treatment among athletes have been known as the downside to kids playing sports, along with coaches pressuring teachers to give better grades to their athletes. However, special treatment and grade pressure is not the behavior of the athlete themselves. This behavior comes from the adults that should know better therefore the athlete cannot be held accountable for their coach, teachers, or principles behavior which goes back to adults putting too much emotion in sport. There are a lot of people who don't realize how much playing a sport can truly offer a kid. The two normalities for athletes are sacrifice for the game and accepting the risks and playing through the pain. Most kids are still growing in high school so these norms raise the argument that sports are too dangerous. Despite the fact that sports can be harmful and even play a hand in stunting growth, however some of the worst injuries often come from college sports rather than high school sports. Development of Get more content on
  • 16. My Passion For The Sport Essay There is always that one nagging problem in your life that always goes undervalued in the minds of others. The institution of going outside your boundaries, also known as high school, is where free time, which previously went to studying, is now coexisting with athletic activities. In high school, I was informally recruited to the basketball team by an upperclassman and that is where my passion for the sport began. The sport manifested itself into my life from television to practice, then to finding any opportunity to go out and play. Optimism for my new found passion and the school year increased, but that does not stop getting hurt in the process. Weakness in my wrist permeated my life and attacked both my education and basketball season. Experiencing injuries is a common occurrence to players and provides a time of reflection during rehabilitation. Any sort of injury is never predetermined by your personal diagnosis and should be observed by a professional. High school had just begun and the basketball players waited patiently for the upcoming season. In the catacombs, I gravitated towards the table of my teammates. The chatter was filled with potential starting line–ups, new things they worked on over the summer, point per game projections, and the occasional supportive trash talk. Talks occurred that simultaneously became plans to play in the local park. Day after day going to play wore my body down, but the mind knows the goal of the training: to play with teammates Get more content on
  • 17. Soccer As A Sport Essay The most watched and played sport in the world. If you haven't heard of this popular and fun sport you've probably been living under a rock. This fun and exciting sport involve skill the love for what you do and much more. If you haven't guessed it yet its soccer, obviously! Soccer doesn't just come with the sport and game but with rivalries too between countries, states, teams, and even players. Not much is know about the origins of soccer early evidence of soccer being played as a sport finds occurrence in China during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. In China, it was during the Han dynasty that people dribbled leather balls by kicking it into a small net. The first recorded soccer match was played on Barnes common at Mortlake, London on December 19, 1863, between more content...–United_States_soccer_rivalry. The first match was played on May 24, 1934, in Rome, Italy with the Untied States beating Mexico 4–2 but now thanks to the new star players Mexico has been beating The Untied States quite often. To go even deeper into rivalries one most common rivalry is between these two–star players named Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro who plays oforReal Madrid and Portugal and Lionel Andres Messi who plays or Barcelona and Argentina. This rivalry started when they were both up against for the FIFA Ballon d'Or for the year 2007 (a soccer award regarding the best player in the world) both Messi and Ronaldo are said to be the best player of the world in this generation. In my opinion, I fairly disagree that Messi should have won this year FIFA Ballon d'Or. I was a Cr7 supporter since I was four and always will be a Cr7 supporter Hala Madrid (a quote used for the famous soccer team that Cristiano plays on Real Get more content on
  • 18. Why Soccer Is the Best Sport Essay L.A. essay Why soccer is the best sport By: Omar Soccer is the most played sport worldwide, many people love it and I'm one of them, it is my favorite sport because you can improve your skills with your feet, and get a lot of exercise. By writing this essay, I hope that I can provide more information about the sport and maybe convert the people who dislike the sport into fans. I have heard from some people that soccer is a boring sport, but the truth is, it's a very interesting sport with a lot of excitement in it. When playing soccer, ball control is critical, you need possession of the ball in order to keep it away from the other team players, and at times, it can be fun because if you have possession of the ball most of the game, more content... If you play soccer, you have to practice in order to win, just like any other sport. When playing a game, you need to do moves that you have practiced, to get past the other teams defense and score a goal, and you also have to teach yourself mentally to think before you react. If you have the ball, you can't just kick it randomly and hope to score, you have to think of your other teammates and work with them to get the ball up the field. Another part of soccer that is very critical is passing. You have to pass the ball and develop new techniques and ways to control how the game is played. The last part is that you need to be fit in order to play soccer, because you are constantly on the field, and you don't get a lot of breaks, because the game never really stops except for halftime and when a foul is called or if you are waiting for the ball to come. When you're on defense, and playing a good team, you can be running around a ton, and you get tired really easily, especially when someone is on a breakaway, you will have to sprint down the field to try to stop them. If you play soccer a lot over a long time, you will develop good leg strength. Exercise is critical to the human body, and you will get a whole bunch of it by playing soccer. I hope this essay encourages parents to in–role their kids to play soccer because it's an amazing Get more content on
  • 19. My Passion In Sports My passion is playing sports. I have always been athletic as I grew up playing all different types of sports. I did gymnastics, basketball, and I continue to play on multiple soccer teams. However ,I have become a lot more passionate about track and field. Track and field is more of a laid back sport compared to others as it goes on in an order of events. The events I participate in are various sprinting events and the pole vault. Pole vault is my favorite of the two events because there are not many people who compete and it is like a little family amongst competitors. My teammates and I have a lot of fun hanging out and cheering each other on. Along with the people I also enjoy the competition and the thrill of beating your personal record whether it is in a race or in pole vault. I pole vaulted for the first time when I was ten years old. My neighbor, who coincidently is the pole vault at the high school, invited my brother, my neighbors and I to try it one day during the summer. I ended up not being horrible at it so when I got to high school I figured I would try it again and see how it went. It went very well. My neighbor who is the pole vault coach is now very old so he is not able to make it to practice very often. The pole vaulters and I do have the head coach of the whole track team assist us from time to time but mostly we all, the four of us that is, critique and help each other reach new heights, literally, when we vault. My teammates are my most constant Get more content on