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       take part in this interactive online multimedia journal
By Sara Armstrong, PhD
                                                                      21ST CENTURY SKILLS
There are heroes all around us. Using valuable class time to          While academic subjects such as reading, writing, math, sci-
research and discover positive role models in your students’          ence, and social studies are vital in education, other skills such
lives, and in their world, can be a transforming experience.          as collaboration, communication, problem-solving, critical
Illuminating heroic acts and deeds with essays, art, and multi-       thinking, information literacy, and creativity are equally as
media helps students articulate and understand what is good           important. Beleaguered educators protest that they cannot
in the world, and how simple—and epic—acts can make a dif-            add one more thing to all the subjects they are expected to
ference in who we are, how we relate to others, and how we            teach for students to do well on standardized tests. I suggest
think about ourselves and our places in the world.                    that academic standards, skills needed to thrive in today’s
                                                                      world that have been identified by such organizations as the
For many years I have had the opportunity to present The MY           Partnership for 21st Century Skills (,
HERO Project to teachers at educational technology confer-            can be addressed when students express their understanding
ences across the country. When I talk in my sessions about the        of academic concepts through identifying inspiring people
ease with which students and teachers can participate in the          and then writing, creating short films, or developing art
project, I always get enthusiastic responses, and excitement          about them.
about going back to school and diving in. The positive feed-
back I have received from teachers reinforces my belief that the      Not only does the Partnership for 21st Century Skills recognize
project successfully teaches and fosters key standards-based          technology literacy and creativity as important parts of learn-
themes and strands, including strengthening 21st Century              ing and expression of understanding, but the International
technology skills, building cross-cultural relationships, and         Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)’s National
addressing social and emotional learning.                             Technology Standards (NETS) Project includes these
                                                                      practices in their updated NETS for Students
This educator’s guide was designed to help you and your stu-          (
dents take part in this interactive online multimedia journal, to     Allowing students to use current technology to express their
create essays, art, and short films to honor heroes and hero-         understanding and knowledge of academic subjects affords
ism. You will discover how easy it is to integrate MY HERO into       them practice with important tools and fosters effective com-
your curriculum, while deepening student understanding of             munication through these media.
concepts and content in social studies, English/language arts,
art—even math and science—depending on the hero and                   CONTENT STANDARDS
medium you choose. Take a look at the website; think about            National and state standards in reading and writing can be
your own heroes; and then encourage your students to cele-            addressed through composing stories about heroes modeled
brate theirs and share their ideas with the world.                    after those at the MY HERO website in the Directory of
                                                                      Heroes. Communication and technology standards, as well as
Sara Armstrong, PhD, is a long-time educator who has promoted         writing and researching, are accounted for as students create
project-based learning for many years. She is a member of the         short films on their topics. And art standards, as well as com-
Buck Institute for Education’s National Faculty, and is working on    munication, writing, and other skills are encompassed in cre-
a book for the Buck Institute on project-based learning in elemen-    ating art works and developing the narratives about the pieces.
tary classrooms. She conducts workshops and conference presenta-      Students complete work for an authentic audience, and are
tions, as well as year-long coaching, on developing and imple-        motivated by the feedback they receive from their peers and
menting effective projects, including appropriate technology use.     adults around the world who come across their work at the MY
She also serves as editor of OnCUE, California Computer-Using         HERO website.
Educators’ journal, and is an associate of the Thornburg Center for
Professional Development.
There are three main ways for you and your students to share hero stories: essay, art,
 or a short film. The following information will help you get started:

                         ESSAYS & WRITTEN STORIES (CREATE)                                                                         
                         Through the Create program, students are invited to build
                         webpages about their heroes using text, images and links.

     Watch a short film demonstrating how to create a webpage                                   MY HERO Activity Guide

     Teacher’s Guide to Using the MY HERO Create Program                                        How Should We Choose Our Heroes by Charles Harper –
                                                                                                This essay and an online forum help students explore the
                                                                                                difference between celebrities and heroes.

                         ART: VISUALIZE HEROISM (GALLERY)                                                                          
                         In the Gallery, students are invited to upload their original art and
                         digital images about their heroes, or the concept of heroism.

     Watch a short film about the Gallery                                                       Teacher’s Guide to Using the MY HERO Virtual Art Gallery

     Step through a tutorial entitled, How To Create/Upload                                     Creating Hero Art and Engaging Students to Select Role
     Your Original Art To The MY HERO Virtual Art Gallery                                       Models with Life Forming Values

                                                                   Family Hero : Joneice illustration
                                                                   for story by Doug Miller
                                          Happy Mother
Chief Joseph                              Mother brings joy and security in the family.                 No War Zone                            My Hero Begins
Robert Shetterly (Professional),          When she is happy all the family is happy.                    By Tormusa Koroma (Middle School),     by St. George Thompson from Laguna
Americans Who Tell the Truth              When she is not the family is miserable.                      Sierra Leone                           College of Art & Design
                                          By Assiatou Ngom (Middle School) Senegal
SHORT FILMS                                                                                               
                Students, teachers, and other artists are invited to view and submit
                documentary, experimental, animated, or narrative short films, 10
                minutes and under, about those making a positive difference in our world.

Media Arts Resources to Get You Started                                                                             Please note that short films must be mailed
Includes production, cinematography, working with images and sound, and                                             on DVD to the MY HERO office. For details,
post production lesson plans, toolkits, guides, reading lists, and more                                             contact

                                                                                                                                                       OKC Abrasevic Produced
                                                                                                                                and Nicholas Franczyk,
                                                                                                     Produced by Seth Warren           h Produced by Fatou Jup
                                                                                                                                                              iter Toure and Aicha
                                                                      by Rahul Brown, Oil and Water                                Trut
                                              : Law of Love Produced                                      ne, Awadi: Messenger of                            and Sarah Noone
                 Left to right, top to bottom                                     Jose, Guillermo and Arle                             duced by Oscar Loreto
                                                          Produced by Katherine,                              Heroes of the Season Pro
                 Katie Ham   pton and Anina Sator, Sam               , Gone Fishing Produced by Chris Jones,
                                           Produced by Soo Hee Han
                 Thiam, First Memories,

Elementary, middle, and high school classrooms around
the world collaborate on the subject of heroism.

The MY HERO Learning Circles program is a joint venture
between the International Education Resource Network
( and The MY HERO Project. The MY HERO Learning
Circles provide a unique forum for students and teachers who
are interested in collaborating with other schools from around
the world on the topic of heroes and heroism through writing,
creating digital art, and filmmaking. Elementary, middle and
secondary schools from across the USA, Pakistan, Israel, Russia,
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Peru and more share their essays, art, and short
films in the MY HERO Learning Circles.

A Learning Circle is created when a team of 6 – 8 teachers and
their classes join together in the virtual space of an electronic
classroom. The groups remain together over a 3 – 4 month period,
                                                                                              Bertha Kennedy
working on projects drawn from the curriculum of each of the                                  Community School
classrooms organized around a selected theme. At the end of                                   student from Alberta,
the term the group collects and publishes its work. Then, just as
any class of students does, the Learning Circle comes to an end.
Each session begins with new groupings of classes into new
Learning Circles.

iEARN is the world’s largest non-profit global network that
enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other tech-
nologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and
                                                                      T SHIRT prize winners
make a difference in the world. Membership in iEARN is                Maddy, Kyle & Matthew
required to take part in the Learning Circles. To join, click here.
Once you become a member, complete the placement form to be
placed in a circle for the next session.

   How to Become a Participant

   Learning Circle Lesson Plan
   A semester timeline for this collaborative project

   Learning Circle Teacher Debbie Senger’s Class

   Watch Teacher Debbie Senger's Class
   Project on GLOBAL TV
                                                   ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT AUTHORS:
                                                   Angel Hero: Sadako Sasaki by Amanda E.

                                                   Peacemaker Hero: Martin Luther King, Jr. by Nick Campbell

                                                   Writer Hero: Elizabeth Jane Cochrane by Penelope

                                                   MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT AUTHORS:
                                                   AIDS Hero: Austin Gutwein by Lindsey

                                                   Earthkeeper Hero: Jean-Michel Cousteau by Slater

                                                   Peacemaker Hero: Peace Pilgrim by Shiloh

                                                   HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT AUTHORS:
                   Rachel Carson as a Young Girl   Artist Hero: Jim Henson by Joe
                             by Maia Desjardins

                                                   Child Hero: Ruby Nell Bridges by Madison

                                                   Freedom Hero: Iqbal Masih by Kelly Frost

                                                   UNIVERSITY STUDENT AUTHORS:
                                                   Peacemaker Hero: The 14th Dalai Lama by Catherine

                                                   Family Hero: Dick Hoyt by Jay

                                                   Faith Hero: Immaculee Ilibagiza by Molly

                                                   TEACHER AUTHORS:
                                                   Literary Hero: Charlotte A. Cavatica by Amy Mack

                                                   Artist Hero: Mamadou Tall Diedhiou by Cheikh Darou Seck

                                                   PROFESSIONAL FREELANCE WRITERS:
                                                   Lifesaver Hero: Ryan Hreljac by Wendy Jewell

                                                   Artist Hero: Rembrandt Van Rijn by Rebecca Miller

                                                   Freedom Hero: Chief Joseph by Jennifer Beck

                                                   Student Reporter and Mentor: Slater Jewell-Kemker
Global Exchange Artistic Director Skip Blumberg
and teacher Cheikh Seck from Senegal
                                                   MY HERO provides an interactive and dynamic program
                                                   to nurture aspiring young writers, artists and filmmakers.
The MY HERO Project has developed the following guidelines to promote thoughtful communication, fairness, and concern
for each other. We believe that the world is a better place when everyone can feel safe, respected, and honored for who they are.
Your guidance is essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding online experience.

NO HATRED, VIOLENCE OR PREJUDICE – we are looking for heroes who
inspire us with the best in humanity.

NO PLAGIARISM OR COPYING – work must be written in the student’s
own words, not copied or copy/pasted.
Artwork should be original.

       All sources must be credited and cited fully. Text from other sources should appear
       within quotation marks and include a reference to the original source. All online sources
       for information should be cited and linked. Resources such as the Citation Machine
       ( make it easy for students to give credit where credit is due.

              Olaf, Michael. “The Montessori Method.” 01 May 2009.
              Michael Olaf Montessori. 11 May 2009

              The My Hero Project, My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them.
              New York: Free Press, 2005. Print.

       Be very specific. Do not credit a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. Cite the particular source that was used.

       Include all online educational resources used to research the essay, artwork, or short film. Sources should be included
       as live links within the MY HERO Related Links template. Example: The Library of Congress

Dakar Hero Fest 2008                                          Media arts educator Wendy Milette with students
We highly recommend the Lesson Plans and Resources tabs in our TEACHER’S ROOM. Teachers who have successfully
integrated MY HERO into their classrooms have contributed lesson plans to this growing online resource. Please consider
adding your lesson plans to this area of the website.

  Lesson Plans, activity guides, handouts                Resources: Downloadable PDF flyers, DVDs, current newsletter                       


   ?          The FAQs tab gives quick answers to questions you may have about the MY HERO Project,
              and how to use it in your classroom.

THE DAILY CALENDAR lists the birthdays of many heroes, some with links to stories in the MY HERO database, and some
whose stories need to be told by your students!

THE THEMATIC CALENDAR can be helpful for developing lessons about global and multicultural events throughout the year.


                                                                                                                      EARTH DAY HEROES

                                                            SPACE EXPLORATION HEROES

                                    (EDUTOPIA.ORG ON MY HERO)
                                    NECC HIGHLIGHTS: TOP WEB RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS
                                    By Peggy Benton

                                    If you want a standards-aligned project-based-learning community that uses technology and
                                    writing, you will like The My Hero Project. It offers lessons in creating your own hero essay,
                                    including images about a person who has been a hero to you. These become a Web page. You
                                    can also submit a short video about your hero to the film festival and have the opportunity to
                                    read stories of remarkable individuals submitted by others in the library, or view images in the
                                    gallery. A great site for social awareness and character education, too.
Above: The toolbar
        The MY HERO


             Creating your                Please note: When students log on to use MY
                                          HERO web authoring programs, i.e. Create or
                                          Gallery- their registration form will ask for the
                                          name of school or organization and teacher.
                                          When using the ORGANIZER, these details will
                                          help you search MY HERO’s vast database for
 Log in                                   your students’ completed MY HERO work.


    At the bottom of the page.
(Remember changes can be made later by
selecting Page Details on the toolbar

                                             Example: classroom photo, school logo, or
                                         an image that represents your theme






                                                                                                                          MY HERO GUESTBOOK
 GUESTBOOK                                                                                                                            Who is your hero?

                                                                                                          MAINZA LIBELEKI from GABORONE, AFRICA BOTSWANA writes:

 Sign in to honor and celebrate heroes from all                                                           My hero is Ben of the best doctors in the world. From
                                                                                                          the bottom of the class to the best. He brings hope to kids who
 walks of life in this online journal.                                                                    believe there is no hope.


 Exchange opinions and ideas with peers
 around the world on a variety of topics
 on this Forum.


 View a reading list of biographies about
 heroes featured on the website.


 Bring current events into the classroom with
                                                            AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam

 a focus on ordinary people who have made
 an extraordinary difference.

                                                                                                                                         AP Photo/John Parkin/file

                                                                                         Children from the Andile School choir sing                                                                             during World AIDS Day, in Cape Town,
                                                                                         South Africa, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008
 Read and submit stories in Spanish about
 heroes around the world on the Spanish
 version of MY HERO.                                                                                                                                                 In this Feb. 26, 1990 file photo veteran
                                                                                                                                                                     anti-apartheid activist Helen Suzman,
                                                                                                                                                                     left, holds hands with Nelson Mandela.

 1. Students register, log in, build, save, and/or submit                                       3. Teachers can organize activated classroom essays, art,
    essays (Create) and art (Gallery),                                                             and short films on one index page by accessing
 2. Mail copies of short films on DVD to MY HERO:                                        

    The MY HERO Project                                                                         We look forward to viewing your students’ artwork and short
    1278 Glenneyre #286                                                                         films, and reading their stories about their heroes!
    Laguna Beach, CA 92651
    USA                                                                                         For questions, please contact:
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wangari
Maathai has been celebrated on MY
HERO in stories, art and films.
Below are selected works that can be used as a model
for using MY HERO multi-media in the classroom
by Wangari Maathai
From My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them

           MY HERO Short Film Festival 1st Place Student Winner
           WANGARI MAATHAI by Will Levitt (age 15) 2006

                                                                                            Wangari Maathai
           VIDEO (part 1)                            VIDEO (part 2)

“We can work together for a better world with men and women of goodwill,
 those who radiate the intrinsic goodness of humankind.”                                                                             –WANGARI MAATHAI

                                HERO’S HERO: WANGARI MAATHAI
                                by Frances Moore Lappe
                                From My Hero: Extraordinary People
                                on the Heroes Who Inspire Them

                                Frances Moore Lappe cares deeply about the “roots of suffering in the world.”
                                A pioneering woman, she has dedicated her life to the causes she cares most
                                about — hunger and poverty, and social and democratic reform. She believes,
                                “Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food, but by a scarcity of democracy.”
Convinced that the problem of hunger will not be solved from the top down, with governments shipping
food to those countries in need, Frances advocates starting from the ground up by giving people a base
to create their own ways of nourishing themselves. At a crossroads in her life, Frances Moore Lappe, like
Wangari Maathai, chose to follow the pounding beat of her heart to create a healthier planet for us all.

For more information about this courageous and tireless activist and author, visit

                                                   Art Miles Mural, Tribute to a Hero - Wangari Maathai - Kenya by Linda Gallagher
The MY HERO Project is a not-for-profit project.
 Gifts to this 501c3 organization are tax deductible. Donations from
individuals, foundations, and organizations keep this award-winning,
   nonprofit, educational project freely accessible to students and
          individuals of all ages.

           Thanks so much for being part of
               The MY HERO Project.

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  • 1.
  • 2. A RESOURCE designed to help YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS take part in this interactive online multimedia journal to CELEBRATE THE BEST OF HUMANITY.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION By Sara Armstrong, PhD 21ST CENTURY SKILLS There are heroes all around us. Using valuable class time to While academic subjects such as reading, writing, math, sci- research and discover positive role models in your students’ ence, and social studies are vital in education, other skills such lives, and in their world, can be a transforming experience. as collaboration, communication, problem-solving, critical Illuminating heroic acts and deeds with essays, art, and multi- thinking, information literacy, and creativity are equally as media helps students articulate and understand what is good important. Beleaguered educators protest that they cannot in the world, and how simple—and epic—acts can make a dif- add one more thing to all the subjects they are expected to ference in who we are, how we relate to others, and how we teach for students to do well on standardized tests. I suggest think about ourselves and our places in the world. that academic standards, skills needed to thrive in today’s world that have been identified by such organizations as the For many years I have had the opportunity to present The MY Partnership for 21st Century Skills (, HERO Project to teachers at educational technology confer- can be addressed when students express their understanding ences across the country. When I talk in my sessions about the of academic concepts through identifying inspiring people ease with which students and teachers can participate in the and then writing, creating short films, or developing art project, I always get enthusiastic responses, and excitement about them. about going back to school and diving in. The positive feed- back I have received from teachers reinforces my belief that the Not only does the Partnership for 21st Century Skills recognize project successfully teaches and fosters key standards-based technology literacy and creativity as important parts of learn- themes and strands, including strengthening 21st Century ing and expression of understanding, but the International technology skills, building cross-cultural relationships, and Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)’s National addressing social and emotional learning. Technology Standards (NETS) Project includes these practices in their updated NETS for Students This educator’s guide was designed to help you and your stu- ( dents take part in this interactive online multimedia journal, to Allowing students to use current technology to express their create essays, art, and short films to honor heroes and hero- understanding and knowledge of academic subjects affords ism. You will discover how easy it is to integrate MY HERO into them practice with important tools and fosters effective com- your curriculum, while deepening student understanding of munication through these media. concepts and content in social studies, English/language arts, art—even math and science—depending on the hero and CONTENT STANDARDS medium you choose. Take a look at the website; think about National and state standards in reading and writing can be your own heroes; and then encourage your students to cele- addressed through composing stories about heroes modeled brate theirs and share their ideas with the world. after those at the MY HERO website in the Directory of Heroes. Communication and technology standards, as well as Sara Armstrong, PhD, is a long-time educator who has promoted writing and researching, are accounted for as students create project-based learning for many years. She is a member of the short films on their topics. And art standards, as well as com- Buck Institute for Education’s National Faculty, and is working on munication, writing, and other skills are encompassed in cre- a book for the Buck Institute on project-based learning in elemen- ating art works and developing the narratives about the pieces. tary classrooms. She conducts workshops and conference presenta- Students complete work for an authentic audience, and are tions, as well as year-long coaching, on developing and imple- motivated by the feedback they receive from their peers and menting effective projects, including appropriate technology use. adults around the world who come across their work at the MY She also serves as editor of OnCUE, California Computer-Using HERO website. Educators’ journal, and is an associate of the Thornburg Center for Professional Development.
  • 4. HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MY HERO PROJECT There are three main ways for you and your students to share hero stories: essay, art, or a short film. The following information will help you get started: ESSAYS & WRITTEN STORIES (CREATE) Through the Create program, students are invited to build webpages about their heroes using text, images and links. Watch a short film demonstrating how to create a webpage MY HERO Activity Guide Teacher’s Guide to Using the MY HERO Create Program How Should We Choose Our Heroes by Charles Harper – This essay and an online forum help students explore the difference between celebrities and heroes. ART: VISUALIZE HEROISM (GALLERY) In the Gallery, students are invited to upload their original art and digital images about their heroes, or the concept of heroism. Watch a short film about the Gallery Teacher’s Guide to Using the MY HERO Virtual Art Gallery Step through a tutorial entitled, How To Create/Upload Creating Hero Art and Engaging Students to Select Role Your Original Art To The MY HERO Virtual Art Gallery Models with Life Forming Values Family Hero : Joneice illustration for story by Doug Miller (Professional) Happy Mother Chief Joseph Mother brings joy and security in the family. No War Zone My Hero Begins Robert Shetterly (Professional), When she is happy all the family is happy. By Tormusa Koroma (Middle School), by St. George Thompson from Laguna Americans Who Tell the Truth When she is not the family is miserable. Sierra Leone College of Art & Design By Assiatou Ngom (Middle School) Senegal
  • 5. SHORT FILMS Students, teachers, and other artists are invited to view and submit documentary, experimental, animated, or narrative short films, 10 minutes and under, about those making a positive difference in our world. Media Arts Resources to Get You Started Please note that short films must be mailed Includes production, cinematography, working with images and sound, and on DVD to the MY HERO office. For details, post production lesson plans, toolkits, guides, reading lists, and more contact by OKC Abrasevic Produced and Nicholas Franczyk, Produced by Seth Warren h Produced by Fatou Jup iter Toure and Aicha by Rahul Brown, Oil and Water Trut : Law of Love Produced ne, Awadi: Messenger of and Sarah Noone Left to right, top to bottom Jose, Guillermo and Arle duced by Oscar Loreto Produced by Katherine, Heroes of the Season Pro Katie Ham pton and Anina Sator, Sam , Gone Fishing Produced by Chris Jones, Produced by Soo Hee Han Thiam, First Memories,
  • 6. JOIN AN IEARN/ MY HERO LEARNING CIRCLE Elementary, middle, and high school classrooms around the world collaborate on the subject of heroism. The MY HERO Learning Circles program is a joint venture between the International Education Resource Network ( and The MY HERO Project. The MY HERO Learning Circles provide a unique forum for students and teachers who are interested in collaborating with other schools from around the world on the topic of heroes and heroism through writing, creating digital art, and filmmaking. Elementary, middle and secondary schools from across the USA, Pakistan, Israel, Russia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Peru and more share their essays, art, and short films in the MY HERO Learning Circles. A Learning Circle is created when a team of 6 – 8 teachers and their classes join together in the virtual space of an electronic classroom. The groups remain together over a 3 – 4 month period, Bertha Kennedy working on projects drawn from the curriculum of each of the Community School classrooms organized around a selected theme. At the end of student from Alberta, Canada the term the group collects and publishes its work. Then, just as any class of students does, the Learning Circle comes to an end. Each session begins with new groupings of classes into new Learning Circles. iEARN is the world’s largest non-profit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other tech- nologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and T SHIRT prize winners make a difference in the world. Membership in iEARN is Maddy, Kyle & Matthew required to take part in the Learning Circles. To join, click here. Once you become a member, complete the placement form to be placed in a circle for the next session. How to Become a Participant Learning Circle Lesson Plan A semester timeline for this collaborative project Learning Circle Teacher Debbie Senger’s Class CLASSROOM WEBPAGE Watch Teacher Debbie Senger's Class Project on GLOBAL TV
  • 7. SELECTED STORIES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT AUTHORS: Angel Hero: Sadako Sasaki by Amanda E. Peacemaker Hero: Martin Luther King, Jr. by Nick Campbell Writer Hero: Elizabeth Jane Cochrane by Penelope MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT AUTHORS: AIDS Hero: Austin Gutwein by Lindsey Earthkeeper Hero: Jean-Michel Cousteau by Slater Peacemaker Hero: Peace Pilgrim by Shiloh HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT AUTHORS: Rachel Carson as a Young Girl Artist Hero: Jim Henson by Joe by Maia Desjardins Child Hero: Ruby Nell Bridges by Madison Freedom Hero: Iqbal Masih by Kelly Frost UNIVERSITY STUDENT AUTHORS: Peacemaker Hero: The 14th Dalai Lama by Catherine Family Hero: Dick Hoyt by Jay Faith Hero: Immaculee Ilibagiza by Molly TEACHER AUTHORS: Literary Hero: Charlotte A. Cavatica by Amy Mack Artist Hero: Mamadou Tall Diedhiou by Cheikh Darou Seck PROFESSIONAL FREELANCE WRITERS: Lifesaver Hero: Ryan Hreljac by Wendy Jewell Artist Hero: Rembrandt Van Rijn by Rebecca Miller myhero.comRembrandt Freedom Hero: Chief Joseph by Jennifer Beck Student Reporter and Mentor: Slater Jewell-Kemker Global Exchange Artistic Director Skip Blumberg and teacher Cheikh Seck from Senegal MY HERO provides an interactive and dynamic program to nurture aspiring young writers, artists and filmmakers.
  • 8. GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPATION The MY HERO Project has developed the following guidelines to promote thoughtful communication, fairness, and concern for each other. We believe that the world is a better place when everyone can feel safe, respected, and honored for who they are. Your guidance is essential to help ensure that children have a safe and rewarding online experience. NO HATRED, VIOLENCE OR PREJUDICE – we are looking for heroes who inspire us with the best in humanity. NO PLAGIARISM OR COPYING – work must be written in the student’s own words, not copied or copy/pasted. Artwork should be original. All sources must be credited and cited fully. Text from other sources should appear within quotation marks and include a reference to the original source. All online sources for information should be cited and linked. Resources such as the Citation Machine ( make it easy for students to give credit where credit is due. Examples: Olaf, Michael. “The Montessori Method.” 01 May 2009. Michael Olaf Montessori. 11 May 2009 The My Hero Project, My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them. New York: Free Press, 2005. Print. Be very specific. Do not credit a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. Cite the particular source that was used. Include all online educational resources used to research the essay, artwork, or short film. Sources should be included as live links within the MY HERO Related Links template. Example: The Library of Congress Dakar Hero Fest 2008 Media arts educator Wendy Milette with students
  • 9. TEACHER’S ROOM RESOURCES We highly recommend the Lesson Plans and Resources tabs in our TEACHER’S ROOM. Teachers who have successfully integrated MY HERO into their classrooms have contributed lesson plans to this growing online resource. Please consider adding your lesson plans to this area of the website. Lesson Plans, activity guides, handouts Resources: Downloadable PDF flyers, DVDs, current newsletter MY HERO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) ? The FAQs tab gives quick answers to questions you may have about the MY HERO Project, and how to use it in your classroom. THE DAILY CALENDAR lists the birthdays of many heroes, some with links to stories in the MY HERO database, and some whose stories need to be told by your students! THE THEMATIC CALENDAR can be helpful for developing lessons about global and multicultural events throughout the year. HUMAN RIGHTS HEROES EARTH DAY HEROES SPACE EXPLORATION HEROES (EDUTOPIA.ORG ON MY HERO) NECC HIGHLIGHTS: TOP WEB RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS By Peggy Benton 7/12/06 If you want a standards-aligned project-based-learning community that uses technology and writing, you will like The My Hero Project. It offers lessons in creating your own hero essay, including images about a person who has been a hero to you. These become a Web page. You can also submit a short video about your hero to the film festival and have the opportunity to read stories of remarkable individuals submitted by others in the library, or view images in the gallery. A great site for social awareness and character education, too.
  • 10.
  • 11. Above: The toolbar The MY HERO Creating your Please note: When students log on to use MY HERO web authoring programs, i.e. Create or Gallery- their registration form will ask for the name of school or organization and teacher. When using the ORGANIZER, these details will help you search MY HERO’s vast database for Log in your students’ completed MY HERO work. Artwork: Film: At the bottom of the page. (Remember changes can be made later by Text: selecting Page Details on the toolbar Title: Example: classroom photo, school logo, or an image that represents your theme Divider: Caption Show, Add Submit! Story: Link:
  • 12. MORE WAYS TO CONNECT WITH MY HERO MY HERO GUESTBOOK GUESTBOOK Who is your hero? MAINZA LIBELEKI from GABORONE, AFRICA BOTSWANA writes: Sign in to honor and celebrate heroes from all My hero is Ben of the best doctors in the world. From the bottom of the class to the best. He brings hope to kids who walks of life in this online journal. believe there is no hope. FORUM Exchange opinions and ideas with peers around the world on a variety of topics on this Forum. LIBRARY View a reading list of biographies about heroes featured on the website. HEROES IN THE NEWS Bring current events into the classroom with AP Photo/Schalk van Zuydam a focus on ordinary people who have made an extraordinary difference. AP Photo/John Parkin/file MI HEROE Children from the Andile School choir sing during World AIDS Day, in Cape Town, South Africa, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008 Read and submit stories in Spanish about heroes around the world on the Spanish version of MY HERO. In this Feb. 26, 1990 file photo veteran anti-apartheid activist Helen Suzman, left, holds hands with Nelson Mandela. REMINDERS 1. Students register, log in, build, save, and/or submit 3. Teachers can organize activated classroom essays, art, essays (Create) and art (Gallery), and short films on one index page by accessing 2. Mail copies of short films on DVD to MY HERO: The MY HERO Project We look forward to viewing your students’ artwork and short 1278 Glenneyre #286 films, and reading their stories about their heroes! Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA For questions, please contact:
  • 13. Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wangari Maathai has been celebrated on MY HERO in stories, art and films. Below are selected works that can be used as a model for using MY HERO multi-media in the classroom HERO’S HERO: HEROIC WOMEN by Wangari Maathai From My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them MY HERO Short Film Festival 1st Place Student Winner WANGARI MAATHAI by Will Levitt (age 15) 2006 Wangari Maathai VIDEO (part 1) VIDEO (part 2) “We can work together for a better world with men and women of goodwill, those who radiate the intrinsic goodness of humankind.” –WANGARI MAATHAI HERO’S HERO: WANGARI MAATHAI by Frances Moore Lappe From My Hero: Extraordinary People on the Heroes Who Inspire Them Frances Moore Lappe cares deeply about the “roots of suffering in the world.” A pioneering woman, she has dedicated her life to the causes she cares most about — hunger and poverty, and social and democratic reform. She believes, “Hunger is not caused by a scarcity of food, but by a scarcity of democracy.” Convinced that the problem of hunger will not be solved from the top down, with governments shipping food to those countries in need, Frances advocates starting from the ground up by giving people a base to create their own ways of nourishing themselves. At a crossroads in her life, Frances Moore Lappe, like Wangari Maathai, chose to follow the pounding beat of her heart to create a healthier planet for us all. For more information about this courageous and tireless activist and author, visit Art Miles Mural, Tribute to a Hero - Wangari Maathai - Kenya by Linda Gallagher
  • 14. The MY HERO Project is a not-for-profit project. Gifts to this 501c3 organization are tax deductible. Donations from individuals, foundations, and organizations keep this award-winning, nonprofit, educational project freely accessible to students and individuals of all ages. Thanks so much for being part of The MY HERO Project.