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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ET NOW’s tech
                                                                                                IBM’s Narasimham                                                                                                              evangelist
                                                                            P                   Peri on why
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                                                                                                transformation needs                                                     says business                                        is optimistic
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                                                                                                Consultant’s Corner                    P                                                                                      Technoholik                P                     fiery ginger

                                                                                                                                                                                                  tell days are
                                                                                                                                                                                                 over as the gay
                        July 10, 2009                                                                                                                                                              community
                                                                                                                                                                                                 turns assertive

                                                                                                                                                    GETTY IMAGES
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 But is India Inc
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ready to
                                                                                                                                                                                                re-write the rule
                                                                                                                                                                                                    book, asks

                                                                                                     @ WORK

                                                 LAST THURSDAY, GAY men and women across                      themselves. “This is such a morale booster,” says Sha-        Fifteen years ago, when corporate India offered up no         want to be able to bring their partners to office parties.
                                                 the country were going around their offices with a           hani, who authored the book Gay Bombay: Globalisa-            gay role models, Owais Khan was a pioneer when he             They would definitely want their companies to pro-
      Parmesh Shahani                                   spring in their step and a grin on their faces.       tion, Love and (Be)longing in Contemporary India last         addressed a press conference along with well known            vide them the concrete financial benefits that go to
                                                         They were constantly on the Net and on the           year. “It quite often happens that everyone around            activist Ashok Row Kavi. Khan then worked for                 their heterosexual counterparts, such as being able to
                                                         phone, typing endless messages and talking ex-       you knows you’re gay but they’re just waiting for you         Pertech Computers and recalls, “The papers carried            include their partners in leave travel allowance and
                                                         citedly about parties. Some even parked them-        to come out and tell them. Now the process has be-            my photograph so prominently that even the security           health insurance plans.
                                                         selves in front of the office TV, unabashedly        come easier.”                                                 guards in my office congratulated me, though they                Massive in its scope, the Delhi High judgement has
                                                         switching from business channels covering the           One might say these things are always easier if            probably didn’t know the context.”                            explicitly brought gays within the ambit of anti-dis-
                                                         Economic Survey to channels reporting on the         you’re lucky enough to be working at a                                         Khan’s colleagues at Pertech found           crimination laws, which is likely to have wide ramifi-
                                                         Delhi High Court judgement de-criminalising          fashion magazine, but Shahani actually                                     out about his sexuality through the              cations as it is tested in the courts in the years to come.
                                                            All this surely posed a bit of a dilemma for
                                                                                                              began his corporate career at staid old
                                                                                                              Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) before                         Reality           newspapers, but while being inter-
                                                                                                                                                                                         viewed for his next job at Compaq (now
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Vikram, a 24 year old sales executive at the Taj group
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of hotels, hopes that corporates might now introduce
                                                         their colleagues. Were congratulations in or-
                                                         der or should one just let the whole thing
                                                                                                              Anuradha Mahindra whisked him away
                                                                                                              to Verve. He still holds the post of head, vi-
                                                                                                                                                                      CHECK              Hewlett Packard), he made it a point to
                                                                                                                                                                                         raise the subject at the onset. “I was in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          their own rules to protect their openly gay employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          from discrimination. “There’s a perception that the
                                                         pass? Did one have to be a close friend to con-      sion & opportunities, at the parent com-                                   the media quite often in those days, fea-        glass ceiling that works against us might disappear af-
                                     Harish Iyer         gratulate someone on matters of sexuality?           pany and says, “I’ve been out at M&M since I joined.          turing in every other television programme on gays,           ter this breakthrough judgement,” he says.
                                                       What exactly does one say under such circum-           It’s a very warm, accepting group.”                           so it was important they should know. The HR head                But history shows that when a minority becomes
                                                     stances anyway?                                             While those in the closet ponder the possible              just said they were an American company, so it was            more assertive, there’s a backlash from the majority,
                                                    In some offices, however, there was no dilemma.           process through which they could come out — start             no big deal.”                                                 so discrimination may increase rather than decrease
                                                 When Parmesh Shahani, Editorial Director of Verve            with the boss? Tell colleagues in the immediate team?            Khan has since managed to live the middle class            in the years to come. Sunit Mehra, managing partner
                                                 magazine, entered his office late in the morning, he was     Spill the beans to the office gossip and wait for him or      dream of retiring from corporate life while still in his      of placement consulting firm Hunt Partners has al-
                                                 greeted with a big hurrah. “It was like India had won        her to spread the news? — others are making things            40s and lives with his boyfriend in Bhopal, the city          ready dealt with two cases where high grade candi-
                                                 the World Cup,” he says. “My straight colleagues were        simpler for themselves by declaring their sexuality           where he grew up. His last word on being gay in the           dates were quietly eliminated when the company
                                                 as excited by the judgement as my gay colleagues. It be-     during the recruitment process itself. When Harish            workplace: “Indian companies don’t want to hear               learnt they were gay. Interestingly, the recruiting
                                                 came a way for them to show their support.”                  Iyer, 30, joined Shobiz five years ago, he made it a          about it. They have a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy.         companies were MNCs. “The old timers in Indian
                                                    Never has it been harder to stay in the closet in In-     point to scratch out the marital status options in the        But as the new generation replaces the old, things            companies are not a particularly enlightened lot,” he
                                                 dia. After Facebook, Dostana, pride parades and tele-        event management company’s standard recruitment               may change.”                                                  says. “The senior management quite often consists of
                                                 vision talk shows, the Delhi High Court judgement is         form and write ‘gay.’ “It’s a very important part of who         In the wake of the sweeping changes taking place           Hindutva-types who don’t even like divorcees, let
      Saleem Kidwai                                                              the latest in a recent se-   I am and I wanted my boss to know right from the be-          around the world, gay executives may be less willing          alone gays.”
                                                                                   ries of opportunities      ginning,” he says.                                            to be discreet. They might want to be spared having to
                                                                                     for gay men and                      And then there’s always the option of com-        participate in the usual office banter about attractive
                                                                                       women to declare                    ing out with a bang through the media.           members of the opposite sex and they might possibly              ON PAGE 2: PRIDE & PREJUDICE

                                                                                                                                      are coming together and work con-
                                                                                                                                          structively within that framework.
                                                                                                                                               Secondly, CEOs need to make
                                                                                                                                                   the phrase ‘think global
                                                                                                                                                        and act local’ less of a
                                                                                                                                                            cliché and more a
                                                                                                                                                             part of operating
                                                                                                                                                        strategy. And CEOs
                                                                                                                                                    need to keep an open
                                                                                                                                                mind so they can adapt to a
                                                                                                                                           rapidly changing world. Finally,
                                                                                                                                                                                            Lineage Matters!
                                                                                                                                      they need to bring an abundant dose of
                                                                                                                                     good old emotional intelligence (EI) to
                                                                                                                                     their job.
                                                                                                                                        Though Nooyi’s advice is targeted
                                                                                                                                     primarily at American CEOs, most af-
                                                                                                                                     fected by the recession, it has found
                                                                                                                                     resonance in India as well. Like the
                                                                                                                                     Americans, Indian CEOs too were in
                                                                                                                                     the grip of big time irrational exuber-
                                                                                                                                     ance during the boom and some con-
                                                                                                                                     tinued to stay in denial till the collapse
                                                                                                                                     of Lehman finally shocked them into
                                                                                                                                     seeing things as they were. They had
                                                                                                                                     failed to rise to the most critical chal-
If there was                                                                                                                         lenge a CEO faces: assessing the macro
                                                                                                                                     environment and formulating strate-
ever a time                                                                                                                          gies to minimise the negative impact at
                                                                                                                                     a micro level. “The margin of error has
CEOs needed                                                                                                                          become very thin today,” says Harsh
                                                                                                                                     Goenka, chairman of the RPG Group.
to change their                                                                                                                      “While the role of the CEO continues
                                                                                                                                     to be that of primarily providing a
attitudes and                                                                                                                        comprehensive leadership to the or-
                                                                                                                                     ganisation, it has got far more dimen-
outlook, this is it                                                                                                                  sions now with the level of global
                                                                                                                                     competitiveness we have today.”                        Demat Services- Backed by a lineage of more than
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                                                                                                                               Arun Maira, former chairman of
                                                                                                                             BCG India says that Indian CEOs, like
                                                                                                                                                                                           Demaf Services: Demat Services Online • Dedicated
                                                                                                                             their global counterparts have been un-                       customer care • SMS Alerts Digitall y signe d
                                                                                                                             der pressure to focus on shareholder                          statements & more
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                                                                                                                             — measured over increasingly shorter                          Online Trading: eZ-trade@sbi Equities, Derivatives,

                                                                                                                             periods. “Therefore there is pressure on                      BTST, IPO & Mutual Funds • Place orders 24X7 • Instant
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        Dibeyendu Ganguly                    says the chairperson of Pepsico. “I think which the job description will scrutiny of quarterly results, the inter-                            AAvice • Secure and robust trading platform & more
                                             it’s time to examine what we do once change,” she says. “The whole per- rogation by financial analysts, and their
THERE’S NOTHING BETTER than a                more in the spirit of a criti-                    spective in which compa- attention on the movements of the cor-                              * Most Preferred Bank” Awa rd   CNBC Awaaz Consum er Awa rds 2008                _   ——
downturn to get CEOs thinking philo-         cal friend.”                                      nies are viewed needs to porations’ stock price is creating a chal-
sophically. What, for example, does it
mean to be a CEO? What dharma should
                                                 Addressing a meeting
                                             of CEOs at the Economy              Strat         shift from short to the long lenge for the way they must think and
                                                                                               term, to a focus on shapes, make decisions and the way they or-                              Limite d Period offer!                                                    I   DEMAA
he or she live by? Who is the ideal CEO?
Very few are capable of grappling with
                                             Club in Washington a
                                             few months ago, Nooyi
                                                                                TALK           not just on numbers.”
                                                                                                 So what are the traits of
                                                                                                                             ganise their enterprises.”
                                                                                                                                                                                           Open your account now and get 1St year AMC of Rs. 400/- waived off.                     th1i]I [
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such deep questions, but Indra Nooyi is      was forthright in spelling                        the new CEO? First of all,
one of them. “Aristotle once said that the   out the results of her own examina- Nooyi says that a CEO needs to under-                                                                      To Register: Toll Free:1 800 11 221 1   •   SMS: SBIDEMAT to 58888    . Log on to:
unexamined life is not worth living,”        tion. “There are at least five ways in stand the way public and private sectors ON PAGE 2: ABUNDANT...
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Economic Times (Cover Page: Corporate Dossier) July 10, 2009

  • 1. 2 Systemic Thinking 4 Little Luxuries ET NOW’s tech IBM’s Narasimham evangelist P Peri on why enterprise CEO trainer Joseph O’Connor P Abhimanyu Vikram Doctor is keeping Radhakrishnan monsoon bugs transformation needs says business is optimistic comprehensive leaders aren’t away with about the Unique substantial thinking 3 4 analytics ID project systematically doses of Consultant’s Corner P Technoholik P fiery ginger Don’t-ask-don’t- tell days are over as the gay July 10, 2009 community turns assertive GETTY IMAGES in the workplace. But is India Inc ready to re-write the rule book, asks Dibeyendu Ganguly @ WORK DESIGN: SHUBHRADEY LAST THURSDAY, GAY men and women across themselves. “This is such a morale booster,” says Sha- Fifteen years ago, when corporate India offered up no want to be able to bring their partners to office parties. the country were going around their offices with a hani, who authored the book Gay Bombay: Globalisa- gay role models, Owais Khan was a pioneer when he They would definitely want their companies to pro- Parmesh Shahani spring in their step and a grin on their faces. tion, Love and (Be)longing in Contemporary India last addressed a press conference along with well known vide them the concrete financial benefits that go to They were constantly on the Net and on the year. “It quite often happens that everyone around activist Ashok Row Kavi. Khan then worked for their heterosexual counterparts, such as being able to phone, typing endless messages and talking ex- you knows you’re gay but they’re just waiting for you Pertech Computers and recalls, “The papers carried include their partners in leave travel allowance and citedly about parties. Some even parked them- to come out and tell them. Now the process has be- my photograph so prominently that even the security health insurance plans. selves in front of the office TV, unabashedly come easier.” guards in my office congratulated me, though they Massive in its scope, the Delhi High judgement has switching from business channels covering the One might say these things are always easier if probably didn’t know the context.” explicitly brought gays within the ambit of anti-dis- Economic Survey to channels reporting on the you’re lucky enough to be working at a Khan’s colleagues at Pertech found crimination laws, which is likely to have wide ramifi- Delhi High Court judgement de-criminalising fashion magazine, but Shahani actually out about his sexuality through the cations as it is tested in the courts in the years to come. homosexuality. All this surely posed a bit of a dilemma for began his corporate career at staid old Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) before Reality newspapers, but while being inter- viewed for his next job at Compaq (now Vikram, a 24 year old sales executive at the Taj group of hotels, hopes that corporates might now introduce their colleagues. Were congratulations in or- der or should one just let the whole thing Anuradha Mahindra whisked him away to Verve. He still holds the post of head, vi- CHECK Hewlett Packard), he made it a point to raise the subject at the onset. “I was in their own rules to protect their openly gay employees from discrimination. “There’s a perception that the pass? Did one have to be a close friend to con- sion & opportunities, at the parent com- the media quite often in those days, fea- glass ceiling that works against us might disappear af- Harish Iyer gratulate someone on matters of sexuality? pany and says, “I’ve been out at M&M since I joined. turing in every other television programme on gays, ter this breakthrough judgement,” he says. What exactly does one say under such circum- It’s a very warm, accepting group.” so it was important they should know. The HR head But history shows that when a minority becomes stances anyway? While those in the closet ponder the possible just said they were an American company, so it was more assertive, there’s a backlash from the majority, In some offices, however, there was no dilemma. process through which they could come out — start no big deal.” so discrimination may increase rather than decrease When Parmesh Shahani, Editorial Director of Verve with the boss? Tell colleagues in the immediate team? Khan has since managed to live the middle class in the years to come. Sunit Mehra, managing partner magazine, entered his office late in the morning, he was Spill the beans to the office gossip and wait for him or dream of retiring from corporate life while still in his of placement consulting firm Hunt Partners has al- greeted with a big hurrah. “It was like India had won her to spread the news? — others are making things 40s and lives with his boyfriend in Bhopal, the city ready dealt with two cases where high grade candi- the World Cup,” he says. “My straight colleagues were simpler for themselves by declaring their sexuality where he grew up. His last word on being gay in the dates were quietly eliminated when the company as excited by the judgement as my gay colleagues. It be- during the recruitment process itself. When Harish workplace: “Indian companies don’t want to hear learnt they were gay. Interestingly, the recruiting came a way for them to show their support.” Iyer, 30, joined Shobiz five years ago, he made it a about it. They have a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. companies were MNCs. “The old timers in Indian Never has it been harder to stay in the closet in In- point to scratch out the marital status options in the But as the new generation replaces the old, things companies are not a particularly enlightened lot,” he dia. After Facebook, Dostana, pride parades and tele- event management company’s standard recruitment may change.” says. “The senior management quite often consists of vision talk shows, the Delhi High Court judgement is form and write ‘gay.’ “It’s a very important part of who In the wake of the sweeping changes taking place Hindutva-types who don’t even like divorcees, let Saleem Kidwai the latest in a recent se- I am and I wanted my boss to know right from the be- around the world, gay executives may be less willing alone gays.” ries of opportunities ginning,” he says. to be discreet. They might want to be spared having to for gay men and And then there’s always the option of com- participate in the usual office banter about attractive women to declare ing out with a bang through the media. members of the opposite sex and they might possibly ON PAGE 2: PRIDE & PREJUDICE are coming together and work con- structively within that framework. Secondly, CEOs need to make the phrase ‘think global and act local’ less of a cliché and more a part of operating strategy. And CEOs need to keep an open mind so they can adapt to a rapidly changing world. Finally, Lineage Matters! they need to bring an abundant dose of good old emotional intelligence (EI) to their job. Though Nooyi’s advice is targeted primarily at American CEOs, most af- fected by the recession, it has found resonance in India as well. Like the Americans, Indian CEOs too were in the grip of big time irrational exuber- ance during the boom and some con- tinued to stay in denial till the collapse of Lehman finally shocked them into seeing things as they were. They had failed to rise to the most critical chal- If there was lenge a CEO faces: assessing the macro environment and formulating strate- ever a time gies to minimise the negative impact at a micro level. “The margin of error has CEOs needed become very thin today,” says Harsh Goenka, chairman of the RPG Group. to change their “While the role of the CEO continues to be that of primarily providing a attitudes and comprehensive leadership to the or- ganisation, it has got far more dimen- outlook, this is it sions now with the level of global competitiveness we have today.” Demat Services- Backed by a lineage of more than THINKING LONG TERM 200 years from India ’s biggest and ‘ Most Preferred Bank * . The NOUVEAU CEO Arun Maira, former chairman of BCG India says that Indian CEOs, like Demaf Services: Demat Services Online • Dedicated their global counterparts have been un- customer care • SMS Alerts Digitall y signe d der pressure to focus on shareholder statements & more value as the single proof of performance — measured over increasingly shorter Online Trading: eZ-trade@sbi Equities, Derivatives, - periods. “Therefore there is pressure on BTST, IPO & Mutual Funds • Place orders 24X7 • Instant them to zoom in,” he says. “The intense order/Trade confirmations Outstanding Research S Dibeyendu Ganguly says the chairperson of Pepsico. “I think which the job description will scrutiny of quarterly results, the inter- AAvice • Secure and robust trading platform & more d it’s time to examine what we do once change,” she says. “The whole per- rogation by financial analysts, and their THERE’S NOTHING BETTER than a more in the spirit of a criti- spective in which compa- attention on the movements of the cor- * Most Preferred Bank” Awa rd CNBC Awaaz Consum er Awa rds 2008 _ —— downturn to get CEOs thinking philo- cal friend.” nies are viewed needs to porations’ stock price is creating a chal- sophically. What, for example, does it mean to be a CEO? What dharma should Addressing a meeting of CEOs at the Economy Strat shift from short to the long lenge for the way they must think and term, to a focus on shapes, make decisions and the way they or- Limite d Period offer! I DEMAA T he or she live by? Who is the ideal CEO? Very few are capable of grappling with Club in Washington a few months ago, Nooyi TALK not just on numbers.” So what are the traits of ganise their enterprises.” Open your account now and get 1St year AMC of Rs. 400/- waived off. th1i]I [ •] IuI l I ONLINE TRADING such deep questions, but Indra Nooyi is was forthright in spelling the new CEO? First of all, one of them. “Aristotle once said that the out the results of her own examina- Nooyi says that a CEO needs to under- To Register: Toll Free:1 800 11 221 1 • SMS: SBIDEMAT to 58888 . Log on to: unexamined life is not worth living,” tion. “There are at least five ways in stand the way public and private sectors ON PAGE 2: ABUNDANT... BUY A ASELL A ACHECK STATUS A A24 X X ACCESS A A 7 1500+ BRANCHES