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English Developmental Continuum P-10
Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing
                                                                                                            © 2007
Developmental Overview
Each table contains the progression points and standards related to the Writing
Dimension and the Indicators of Progress for the focus on Ideas Communicated in

Progressing towards Level 1

Progression Point      0.5
 At 0.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 1 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   understanding that their writing can communicate ideas, feelings and information
   •   use of letters and some words in the writing of brief texts about topics of personal
   •   emergent writing showing concepts about print, including left to right, top to bottom
   •   reading back from their own writing at the time of writing
   •   approximate use of letters for some letter–sound relationships and common words
   •   use of a variety of writing tools, including crayons, pencils and computer software.

                                          Indicators of Progress
Students write about                  They are aware that people             They attempt to write in a
personally significant events         write for various purposes,            range of contexts including
and topics. Their attempts            for example, they can: (1)             on a card, in a note or in an
contain letters, and two or           identify labels, signs and             alphabet book. They discuss
more letters may be used to           captions in their classroom            the purposes for writing in
represent a word. Their               and say what they do; (2)              each case and the ways in
writing is often accompanied          recognise and write at least           which they use writing.
by pictures or scribbles to           part of their name and the
convey their intended                 names of others in their
meaning. The students talk            class; (3) identify written
about what they write and             stories and explain that they
show that they are aware              tell a story; and (4) begin to
that: (1) speech can be               develop a writing
written by being recorded in          vocabulary of high-
symbols; (2) writing is used          frequency words.
to convey ideas, feelings and
information; and (3) writing
a text usually has a
beginning and an end.
                                             Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing, Level 1 to 6 - Page 1 of 31
Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Standard    1.0
At Level 1, students write personal recounts and simple texts about familiar topics to
convey ideas or messages. In their writing, they use conventional letters, groups of letters,
and simple punctuation such as full stops and capital letters. Students are aware of the
sound system and the relationships between letters and sounds in words when spelling.
They form letters correctly, and use a range of writing implements and software.

                                   Indicators of Progress
Students write strings of       Students access words using       Students write a description
words to recount                resources such as books they      of two or three simple
experiences, and simple         have read, personal               sentences, for example,
texts to describe familiar      dictionaries, environmental       about their family or their
topics or to convey ideas or    print and word lists              pets.
                                Students write a simple           Students write a caption for
Students form and express       instruction using an              a picture they have drawn.
simple ideas, reasons, or       informative form/structure
opinions. In their writing      that specifies an action.         Students write some key
they use high-frequency                                           information about
words that are relevant to the Students write a simple list       themselves, where they live,
topic, for example, they use of two or three items.               their phone number
appropriate words for a
scary film they have seen or
a visit to a farm.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Progressing towards Level 2

Progression Point        1.25
 At 1.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 2 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   inclusion of their own experiences when writing for personal purposes and
       audiences such as in lists, letters, cards, posters
   •   inclusion of one or more generally readable sentences
   •   some correct use of capital letters and full stops
   •   drawings that support the intended meaning of their writing
   •   plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words, matching sound–letter relationships
       and using some simple spelling patterns.

                                   Indicators of Progress
Students continue to write      Students’ texts begin to           Students begin to attempt to
about familiar events and       identify a main idea and           write directly for a particular
personal experiences or         subordinate or particular          audience. They write for
feelings but use a greater      ideas. They may write              different purposes: to tell a
range of ideas in a             multiple sentences on a            story, to entertain, to inform,
coordinated way, for            particular topic. Their texts      to reflect, to describe or to
example, they support topic     have a beginning, a body           observe.
with data, and reasons or       and an end. Their texts begin
opinions with simple detail     by defining or describing the
or comments. They extend        topic. They begin to
their use of topic-relevant     sequence ideas, data, reasons
and high-frequency              and opinions.
vocabulary. They combine
their personal writing with
supportive drawings.

Progression Point        1.5
 At 1.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 2 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   experimentation with a range of short text types; for example, recounts, letters, lists,
   •   sequencing of a small number of ideas in short texts for different purposes and
   •   rereading of their own writing, checking that it makes sense
    •  combination of writing with drawings or computer graphics to support meaning
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
  • correct spelling of some high-frequency words and plausible attempts at spelling
     unfamiliar words.

                                  Indicators of Progress
Students write short texts     Students describe or explain      Students made at least four
about personal experiences     events, selected phenomena        ideas in the text and
and familiar ideas that        or processes, and                 sequence the ideas logically
describe, for example, what    instructions or questions. In     in sentences.
happened and how the writer    their writing they begin with
felt or was thinking. They     a simple definition of the        Students use simple analogy
logically and correctly        theme or topic, sequence or       or similes based on their
sequence the sentences in a    prioritise ideas and data and     experiences to express their
story to support the purpose   finish with a simple review.      meaning.
of their text.                 Students writing begins to
                               include basic data and very       Students use more context-
Students express their         simple reasons. They              specific vocabulary, such as
opinions and support them      respond to words that             relevant technical terms.
with reasons or evidence. In   question relationships such
this writing they begin to     as why, how, where by using       Students become aware that
sequence details and           the appropriate terms, for        writing is for different
comments for persuasive        example, they answer when         purposes, for example,
effect, although the links     or how questions by using         writing to instruct or teach
between ideas may not be       terms such as first, then or      uses a different form from
clear. They begin to state     next or respond to why?           writing to tell a story, to
their position in the first    questions by using terms          explain or to describe what
sentence, and use simple       that indicate cause and effect    was observed. They become
conjunctions such as and or    such as because or then.          aware of a greater range of
but to link ideas logically.                                     purposes for writing, for
                               Students show an awareness        example, a list, a learning
                               of audience through the           log or an invitation.
                               specific content and
                               language they use; they
                               begin to take account of
                               whether the reader is
                               familiar with the topic of the
                               writing. They begin to
                               reflect on the specific
                               audience for their writing
                               and describe how they will
                               adjust their text accordingly.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Progressing towards Level 2

Progression Point        1.75
 At 1.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 2 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   inclusion of information and ideas in short texts for known audiences and selected
   •   use of strategies to revise writing; for example, reading aloud, use of feedback from
   •   mostly correct use of capital letters, full stops, and question marks
   •   correct spelling of unfamiliar words, using knowledge of sound–letter patterns.

                                    Indicators of Progress
 Students continue to extend     Experiences or events             The texts continue to use
 the contexts in which they      described in the text may         simple analogy or similes
 write. They write about one     contain two or more               based on readers’
 or two recent experiences,      subordinate ideas. The texts      experiences to express their
 familiar events or imagined     at level 1.75 have more           meaning.
 ideas in: (1) short             detail and the topics are
 narratives; (2) short letters   more differentiated than      The writer continues to
 and cards; (3) messages;        those in level 1.5.           build an awareness of the
 and (4) notes.                                                different purposes for which
                                 The texts continue to use     one writes, for example,
 The texts convey                more context-specific         writing to report an event
 information to a known          vocabulary, such as relevant that was not experienced by
 audience and have the           technical terms.              the reader versus an event
 following characteristics:                                    that the writer wants to
                                 The ideas in the text are     repeat. There is an
The focus of each text is        sequenced logically and the increasing awareness of
relevant to the format and       students begin to use         some of the forms used for
purpose of the text, for         paragraphing to organise and different purposes, for
example, narrative versus a      link the main ideas.          example, a recipe or a funny
letter. The students develop                                   story.
focus in a greater range of      The text may link ideas
contexts and for a wider         using conjunctions and        The writer continues to
variety of topics than those     adverbs that indicate time or identify with and writes for
in level 1.5                     place (for example, using     specific audiences, for
                                 before or there).             example, writing a personal
                                                               letter to an older sibling
                                 The texts show a greater      versus a younger sibling.
                                 attention to the selection of
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
                           vocabulary according to the
                           writer’s purpose and
                           intended audience.

Standard    2.0
At Level 2, students write short sequenced texts that include some related ideas about
familiar topics. They write texts that convey ideas and information to known audiences.
They select content, form and vocabulary depending on the purpose for writing, and
describe the purpose and audience for their own and others’ writing. They use appropriate
structures to achieve some organisation of the subject matter. They link ideas in a variety of
ways using pronouns, conjunctions and adverbial phrases indicating time and place. They
accurately spell frequently used words, and make use of known spelling patterns to make
plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words. They use capital letters, full stops and
question marks correctly. They reread their own writing and use a range of editing resources
to revise and clarify meaning. They write upper- and lower-case letters legibly with
consistent size, slope and spacing.

                                    Indicators of Progress
Students write texts that are clearly   Vocabulary and word choice
organised and integrated around a       is influenced by the writer’s
central theme. The subordinate          beliefs about the likely
ideas in the text are linked with the   readership.
main idea. Across the sequence of
sentences the meanings have
cohesion or ‘flow’.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
Progressing towards Level 3
Progression Point        2.25
 At 2.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 3 demonstrates,
 for example:
   •   composition of short, sequenced factual and imaginative texts in print and electronic
   •   related ideas, linked in sequence, to convey meaning to known audiences
   •   simple, and some compound, sentences joined by appropriate conjunctions
   •   effective vocabulary to convey meaning, including nouns, verbs and adjectives
   •   correct spelling of words with regular spelling patterns and plausible attempts at
       some words with irregular spelling patterns.

                                   Indicators of Progress
Students write examples of      The texts combine a range of  Students show that they are
the texts in both electronic    sentence forms and expanded   beginning to distinguish
and print form. The texts       sentences. Fluency and        between the following text-
vary in length from several     cohesion across sentences in  level ideas, the purpose of
paragraphs for narratives       each paragraph are achieved   each type of text and how
and imaginative texts (such     through the beginning use of  the information will be
as a familiar event, a recent   connective terms.             organised; they can write
experience, a story they                                      narratives in order to tell a
                              Appropriate nouns, adjectives
have heard or a video they                                    story and to entertain,
                              and verbs have been selected
have seen) to typically                                       expository texts to teach and
                              by the writer, for example, to
three to five paragraphs for                                  learn, persuasive texts to
                              say how a horse moves, the
factual, descriptive,                                         convince, personal narrative
                              writer uses gallops, trots,
instructional and persuasive                                  and autobiographical texts to
                              jumps and canters.
texts. The texts contain the                                  record journal entries and
following characteristics:    The text elaborates its main    reviews and summaries to
                              idea or topic in the details it convey a message more
Each paragraph has two or
                              provides. Each paragraph        briefly. They can write in a
three sentences that are
                              deals with an aspect of the     variety of forms with
sequenced in a logical order
                              main idea; the writer begins    awareness for different
to develop its main idea, for
                              to use paragraphs to separate audiences and purposes. As
example, the students write
                              ideas.                          well, they begin to show
two or three sentences that
refer to characters in a      Narrative texts begin to make humour, descriptive
narrative and describe the    explicit reference to the       language and visual
events in an appropriate      features of character, plot and elements to enhance their
sequence.                     setting.                        texts.

Progression Point        2.5
 At 2.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 3 demonstrates,
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
for example:
   •   composition of short texts of more than one paragraph to describe experiences, tell a
       story, express a point of view
   •   appropriate ordering of events and ideas in print and electronic texts
   •   compound sentences linking two ideas or events, with correct use of verb tenses
   •   development of character, setting and plot in short narrative texts
   •   correct use of full stops and question marks, and experimentation with other
       punctuation; for example, commas, quotation. marks

                                    Indicators of Progress
Students write a range of        (3) A text may consist of up      Opinions, explanations and
text types, including            to three paragraphs and           descriptions are supported
narratives, imaginative and      describes a familiar event or     by ideas, data and reasons
informative texts, in both       a sequence of actions. It         that are usually objective.
print and electronic forms,      begins with one main idea         The texts may use analogy,
for various purposes. They       followed by two or three          similes or metaphors to help
begin to take account of the     related ideas that extend or      present their message.
audience for the text and        illustrate the main idea, for
                                 example, the description of a     The texts show some
purposes for which they are
                                 person, a house or a game.        awareness of audience needs
writing, through the content
                                 Ideas are linked in time          and are written for a variety
they include and their choice
                                 relationships using terms         of different audiences and
of language. Examples of
                                 such as first, then or next.      purposes.
the types of text include the
following:                     (4) A text may consist of up        The texts are cohesive.
(1) A text may consist of      to five paragraphs and              The texts can use a variety
paragraphs that describe a     explains a selected                 of structures to convey their
recent experience such as a    phenomenon, occurrence, or          different meanings. Some
story, imaginative text, a     process. It has a main idea         texts may, for example, link
short letter, or a diary entry followed by related                 ideas sequentially, some link
with the events in an          objective ideas, data and/or        them in cause and effect and
appropriate sequence and       reasons that support it. The        others make comparisons
that makes explicit reference ideas answer how and/or              between ideas.
to characters and to the       why questions, and are
                                                                   The texts use transition
setting and includes the       linked using terms for cause
                                                                   words (for example, when,
student’s purpose for writing and effect such as if, then or       while, since, before, after)
it.                            because.
                                                                   and paragraphs to construct
(2) A text may consist of up     The texts typically have the      logical order.
to three paragraphs and          following characteristics:
                                                                   The texts attempt to use
expresses a point of view        The texts present one main        precise, topic-related
about a familiar topic,          idea or topic that is             vocabulary that may include
intended to persuade or          elaborated with details to        adjectives, adverbs, or
convey an opinion. It begins     enhance or support the main       synonyms to convey their
by stating the position of the   idea. The details or              message.
writer, includes supporting      subordinate ideas are
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
reasons or opinions and ends organised with reasonable
with a summary or review.    clarity and logic.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
Progressing towards Level 3
Progression Point        2.75
 At 2.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 3 demonstrates,
 for example:
   •   composition of texts for different purposes; for example, to narrate, inform,
       describe, present a point of view or explain
   •   composition of texts of three or four logically ordered paragraphs
   •   composition of texts that take account of the needs and interests of familiar and
       some unfamiliar audiences
   •   combinations of written and visual elements in print and electronic texts
   •   correct spelling of two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns, and plausible
       attempts at spelling two-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns.

                                   Indicators of Progress
A narrative text may be an         The typical                    A text may use analogy,
imaginary letter or diary          characteristics of the         similes or metaphors to help
entries based on a story they      texts are those specified      present its message.
have heard or a video they         for level 2.5 but are          Awareness of audience needs
have seen. The events are          more established and           is recognised, for example,
sequenced appropriately and        stable in the students’        whether readers are likely to
the text refers explicitly to      writing at level 2.75.         have experienced the event
characters and to the setting.                                    or know as much about the
The evolving plot, the             The main idea and
                                   supporting ideas are           topic as the writer. Students
characters and the setting are                                    do this through the content
clearly discernible.               clearly presented and
                                   organised in a logical         they include and choices of
An informative text could          way in the text.               language they make.
present or explain a point of                                     Texts can be modified to take
view about a familiar topic, for   They convey different
                                   types of meanings for          account of different
example, why you need to                                          audiences and purposes.
wear warm clothes in winter or     different purposes, for
why you should take care of        example, linking ideas         Texts are cohesive, for
pets. The text identifies two or   sequentially to describe       example, a number of
three main ideas and the           an order of actions or         features such as and,
subordinate ideas that relate to   events or linking them in      however, because, and
each of them. It is punctuated     cause and effect to            pronouns are used to make it
correctly and includes the         explain something.             coherent.
purpose for writing it.            Ideas are organised into       Texts use transition words
A text may begin to use            sections such as               and paragraphs to construct
imagery to communicate an          paragraphs, verses or          logical order.
idea, for example, how             bullet points, where each
                                                                  Texts attempt to use precise,
choosing to wear particular        section deals with a set
                                                                  topic-related vocabulary that
socks can affect how others        of related ideas.
                                                                  may include adjectives,
respond to you. The students       Opinions, explanations         adverbs, or synonyms to
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
write poems, songs or jokes   and descriptions are     convey their message.
about a specific event.       supported by one or two
                              pieces of evidence.

Standard    3.0
At Level 3, students write texts containing several logically ordered paragraphs that
express opinions and include ideas and information about familiar topics. They write
narratives which include characters, setting and plot. They order information and
sequence events using some detail or illustrative evidence, and they express a point of
view providing some information and supporting detail. They combine verbal and visual
elements in the texts they produce. They meet the needs of audiences by including
appropriate background information.
They write a variety of simple and compound sentences and use verb tenses correctly.
They use punctuation to support meaning, including exclamation marks and quotation
marks, and accurately use full stops, commas and question marks. They use vocabulary
appropriate to context and spell most one- and two-syllable words with regular spelling
patterns, and frequently used words which have less regular spelling patterns. They use
sound and visual patterns when attempting to spell unfamiliar words.

                                    Indicators of Progress
Students’ texts include     Students’ texts focus on the           Students’ texts begin to use
narratives set in less      specified topic and provide            figurative language.
familiar contexts, for      detail and examples.                   Students’ texts begin to use an
example, the texts          Students’ texts draw on and            explicit introduction.
begin to show some          collate information from a
awareness of being set                                             Students write in a variety of
                            range of sources and                   styles or text types for different
in other cultures or in     combine parts of it.
other historical periods,                                          audiences and purposes.
which include               Students’ texts organise the           Students write about less familiar
characters, setting and     ideas in a logical sequence            topics for a variety of audiences
plot.                       in terms of time, topic and            and purposes; they can tell or
                            details, the issue or problem          recount a topic in a specific
Students’ texts include     and its resolution.
expressions of opinions                                            context, describe a series of
about less familiar         Students’ texts begin to               events or phenomena using a
topics and include          show an awareness of the               descriptive style, explain or
novel information and       need to reference or cite              direct using an expository style
supporting detail.          sources when writing                   and persuade, and argue a point
                            reports or technical                   of view or request using a
Students’ texts show        documents.                             persuasive style.
some awareness of the
means for meeting the       Students’ texts begin to use           Students write in a range of
needs of audiences by       vocabulary appropriate to              forms such as fiction, verse
including appropriate       the context and purpose and            (poetry, song), and transactional
background                  select words strategically to          or factual text
                            convey the precise                     (directions/instructions, letters,
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
information.          intention.                  reports and news articles).

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
Progressing towards Level 4

Progression Point        3.25
 At 3.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 4 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   inclusion of familiar ideas and information for different purposes and audiences in
       print and electronic texts
   •   use of strategies for planning, drafting, proofreading, editing and revising
   •   appropriate vocabulary, punctuation and tense according to context, purpose and
   •   typical features and structures of different texts such as narratives and reports
   •   correct spelling of frequently occurring two- and three-syllable words and use of
       strategies to spell unknown words.

                                   Indicators of Progress
Students’ texts show greater    Students’ texts draw on           Students’ texts use figurative
use of the means for taking     and collate information           language and begin to use
account of the needs of         from a range of sources           similes to express ideas in
audiences by including          and summarise or                  their writing.
appropriate background          synthesise information.
information.                                                      Students’ texts include an
                                Students’ texts use               introduction and a conclusion
Students’ texts focus on the    vocabulary appropriate to         in their writing.
specified topic and provide     the context and purpose,
substantial detail and          for example, writing about        Students’ texts indicate
examples.                       an adventure or a fantasy         clearly their intended purpose
                                set in space and selecting        through their use of an
                                words strategically to            introduction, conclusion and
                                convey the precise                repeated reference.

Progression Point        3.5
 At 3.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 4 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   production of texts for a range of different audiences and purposes in print and
       electronic forms
   •   use of strategies for planning; for example, using models of others’ writing or mind
   •   deletion of unnecessary information or addition of new information when editing
       and revising writing
   •   inclusion of appropriate visual images and information in print and electronic texts.
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                                         Indicators of Progress
Students write about less           2.   Texts are written for         7.    Texts contain language
familiar topics from                     different purposes in               relevant to the specific
perspectives other than their            particular content areas,           topic and content area,
own.                                     for example, narratives to          for example, when
                                         retell, to contextualise a          writing about ideas in
Students continue to write               set of ideas, or to                 history, science or
for the range of purposes.               entertain; expository               technology, for example,
                                         texts to inform others, to          specific vocabulary to
Students write on prescribed             explain ideas or state              convey precisely the
topics, expanding or                     procedures; and                     intended meaning for the
narrowing their topics as                persuasive texts to                 audience and purpose is
appropriate.                             convince, present a point           used.
                                         of view or to request.        8.    Texts experiment with
Students evaluate their first       3.   Texts elaborate the main            using figurative
drafts in terms of the extent            ideas for the topic, for            language, imagery and
of elaboration of the topic              example, by describing              metaphor and language
and key ideas, their                     or by providing reasons             patterns such as
organisation of the ideas,               and selecting relevant              alliteration and rhyming
their choice of vocabulary               information from                    patterns, and depend on
(including subject-specific              multiple sources to do              the text form and show
terms and concepts) and                  this.                               some rhythm and flow of
variations in sentence              4.   Texts show a clear                  language.
structure.                               awareness of the              9.    Texts show fluency in
                                         students’ purpose for               the sentences that are
Students use these
                                         writing and use language            written; the sentence
evaluations to revise and
                                         structures and features             length and structure are
proofread their drafts in
                                         appropriate to that                 varied according to the
terms of the use of
                                         purpose, the audience               sentence ideas they
                                         and the type of text.               intend to convey.
Students write texts that           5.   Texts organise the overall    10.   Texts identify and are
have the following                       focus or orientation of             written for a specific
characteristics in terms of              the text with a clear               audience, for example, a
the ideas they communicate.              introduction and                    student’s friends, their
                                         conclusion.                         teacher, themselves and
1.   Texts are written about        6.   Texts are written in a              they select the form,
     topics that are either self-        logical sequence, for               details, organisation, and
     selected or assigned and            example, they: (1)                  vocabulary to suit the
     have relevant ideas and             arrange the main ideas in           readership.
     content.                            paragraphs in a logical       11.   Texts are written in a
                                         order, such as sequence             variety of forms and
                                         ideas in a relevant time            genres including: essays,
                                         order, use pronouns and             research reports, news
                                         links between sentences             articles, pamphlets,
                                         (such as conjunctions)
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                               appropriately; and (2)      graphs, and tables.
                               specify a problem and
                               then its solution, compare
                               and contrast, analyse,
                               interpret and conclude.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Progressing towards Level 4

Progression Point        3.75
 At 3.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 4 demonstrates,
 for example:
   • use of structures and features appropriate to purpose and audience of print and
       electronic texts
   • appropriate use of topic sentences and organisation of main and subordinate ideas
   • selection of vocabulary, text structures and visual features to effectively
       communicate ideas and information
   • maintenance of plot, characterisation and setting throughout extended narrative texts
   • use of knowledge about spelling patterns, including morphemic knowledge, visual
       and phonic patterns.

                                    Indicators of Progress

Students continue to             Texts include longer               Texts vary the style of
improve their ability to write   imaginative and narrative          sentence forms and
in the styles or text types      texts that: (1) maintain their     organisation to
specified in earlier levels.     plot and setting throughout;       communicate their
They write about less            and (2) through their selective    intended meaning clearly
familiar topics from             use of language, elicit the        and show evidence of
perspectives other than their    intended mood and                  using the conventions
own. They continue to write      characterisation.                  strategically and
for the range of purposes        Texts include informative          selectively. For example,
mentioned in levels 3–3.75.      writing that: (1) shows clear      they use compound
As well, they write on           and appropriate prioritising of    sentences, subordinate and
prescribed topics, expanding     main and subordinate ideas;        embedded clauses, direct-
or narrowing their topics as     and (2) begins to use topic        voice versus indirect-voice
appropriate. They evaluate       sentences to summarise             statements, questions
their first drafts in terms of   paragraphs.                        versus tag questions (that
the extent of elaboration of                                        is, the sentence is more
the topic and key ideas, their   Texts have a style that has        like a statement than a
organisation of the ideas,       been selected to match their       question. For example,
their choice of vocabulary       purpose, for example, a short      “It’s beautiful weather,
(including subject-specific      article, a review, a               isn’t it?”), exclamations
terms and concepts) and the      questionnaire, a summary, a        and commands.
variation in sentence            set of notes, an original story,
                                 a poem or a play.               Texts use paragraphing
structure. Given this                                            techniques to communicate
evaluation, they revise          Texts express and clarify the   and sequence their main
accordingly and proofread        writer’s thoughts, feelings and ideas such as the topic
their drafts for errors in the   values.                         sentence and indexing.
use of conventions.
                                 Texts show multiple
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
In addition to the            interpretations of a topic,   Texts relate ideas in
characteristics described in  where appropriate.            writing in the following
levels 3–3.5, students write Texts begin to use imagery     ways: they define, list,
texts that have the following such as similes and metaphors describe, discuss, explain,
characteristics in terms of   to convey meaning.            apply, analyse, distinguish,
the ideas they communicate.                                 compare, contrast, predict
                                                            and select.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Standard    4.0
At Level 4, students produce, in print and electronic forms, a variety of texts for different
purposes using structures and features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience
and context of the writing. They begin to use simple figurative language and visual
images. They use a range of vocabulary, a variety of sentence structures, and use
punctuation accurately, including apostrophes. They identify and use different parts of
speech, including nouns, pronouns, adverbs, comparative adverbs and adjectives, and use
appropriate prepositions and conjunctions. They use a range of approaches to spelling,
applying morphemic knowledge and an understanding of visual and phonic patterns. They
employ a variety of strategies for writing, including note-making, using models, planning,
editing and proofreading.

                                   Indicators of Progress

In addition to the types of       The texts address a range of      The texts use a variety of
ideas described in levels 3–4,    purposes across topic areas,      forms and types such as
students write texts that: (1)    for example, to explain,          pamphlets, poems,
explain a selected                inform or to question using       memos, graphs, or
phenomenon, occurrence or         an expository text type, to       demographic tables.
process; or (2) convey an         recount, apply or create          The texts use figurative
opinion clearly and logically.    knowledge/ideas/information       language and sound
The texts have the following      using narrative and to debate     patterns in an expanded
characteristics in terms of the   or argue using a persuasive       way.
ideas they communicate.           text type.
                                                                    Their written explanations
The texts have a clear and        The texts discriminate            frequently show the use of
consistent focus on the main      between essential, supporting     relevant and technical
ideas and develop a logical       and irrelevant information.       vocabulary, provide
position or argument. The         The texts develop and use         relevant information and
writing indicates the use of      language relevant to the topic    are objective and focused
analysis, with the ideas          to convey the intended            on the topic. They link
organised in a logical way.       meaning in an appropriate         ideas, data and reasons
The texts provide subordinate     way for the audience.             clearly and logically,
ideas that elaborate to enhance   The texts show an awareness       using connectives such as
or support the main ideas,        of the audience through the       first, then, or next for
using, for example, factual       strategic selection of content,   time-sequenced ideas, and
information or examples.          structure and language            because, if, or you get...
The texts synthesise ideas        choices.                          for cause and effect.
effectively both across           The texts may use analogy,        Students’ persuasive texts
sentences in a paragraph and      simile, or metaphors to           support their position or
between paragraphs, and cite      express the ideas more easily.    the argument with some
information where necessary.                                        objective opinions and
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
They organise the ideas into                              logical detail. Their
paragraphs and usually make                               opinions are organised in a
logical links within and                                  logical way. They use
between paragraphs to achieve                             terms such as however or
a level of coherence.                                     on the other hand to
                                                          compare and contrast

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Progressing towards Level 5

Progression Point        4.25
 At 4.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 5 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   composition of print and electronic texts for a range of purposes, including
       speculative, imaginative, explanatory and persuasive
   •   development of topics in coherent ways according to the purpose, and the needs and
       experience of the intended audience
   •   use of a variety of sentence structures, including combinations of simple and
       compound sentences for particular effects
   •   awareness of grammatical conventions; for example, tense and subject–verb
       agreement, appropriate punctuation
   •   use of a range of planning strategies.

                                    Indicators of Progress
In addition to the types of      Text types include                (3) Texts synthesise ideas
ideas described in level 4,      evaluative and critical texts     within a paragraph and
students write a range of text   in which they review novels       between paragraphs using
types in both print and          and visual presentations          logical links.
electronic form, as follows:     such as films
                                                              (4) Texts relate ideas in
Text types include extended Text types may be                 writing in the following
narratives, imaginative       interpretive essays in which ways in various content
scripts and narrative scripts students present their literary areas, for example, they can
that have more than two       analyses and reviews in a       order, define, recognise,
sub-plots.                    range of topic areas.           label, recall, list, state,
                                                              describe, recognise, discuss,
Text types include            Text types include letter       report, explain, restate,
speculative texts in which    writing texts in which          review, identify, select,
they offer possibilities and  students communicate in a       indicate, translate, apply,
options based both on their   range of ‘letter-type’          choose, schedule, illustrate,
opinions and on objective     contexts, for example, letters interpret, analyse, compare,
data (for example, How        expressing a point of view to contrast, question, criticise,
teenagers could benefit from friends and to officials, or     organise, create, propose,
more pocket money).           business letters requesting     judge, argue, and predict.
Text types include                                            (5) Texts synthesise a range
expository, informative and The texts at this phase show of styles, text types and sub-
factual texts that are        more of the characteristics     plots in the one text, for
intended to explain and to    noted in level 4 than those at example, a particular text
describe phenomena in the     earlier phases. As well, the    may include both
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
range of content areas.      specific types of texts       explanatory and persuasive
                             introduced in this phase      genres, use both first and
Text types may be reports    show the following            third person voice and both
that describe reviews, short characteristics in terms of   literal and imagery-
research papers,             the ideas they communicate. metaphoric reference.
investigations and projects,
for example, a report        (1) Texts identify the main   (6) Texts discriminate
entitled, ‘The future of the ideas and develop a logical   between relevant and
hardwood timber industry in position or argument.          irrelevant information.
                             (2)Texts provide details that (7) Texts develop and use
Text types can be            elaborate to enhance or       language relevant to the
operational texts that       support the main ideas.       topic to convey the intended
describe procedures.                                       meaning in an appropriate
                                                           way for the audience.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Progressing towards Level 5

Progression Point        4.5
 At 4.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 5 demonstrates,
 for example:
   •   composition of print and electronic texts in a wide range of forms, including
       narratives, reports, explanations, procedures and points of view
   •   composition of persuasive texts about contemporary issues, including justification
       of personal points of view with supporting arguments
   •   experimentation with different techniques to influence audiences and achieve the
       intended purpose of their writing
   •   correct spelling, except of unfamiliar words with unusual spelling patterns
   •   use of headings and subheadings in the organisation of information in texts
   •   use of editing and proofreading skills for clarity and cohesion of ideas.

                                       Indicators of Progress
Students write for a range of           The texts at this phase        Texts organise the text
purposes (narrative, expository         show more of the               ideas in a logical
and persuasive) across content          characteristics noted in       sequence with an
areas and in a variety of forms         levels 4–4.25 than those at    introduction, a body and a
and genres (for example,                earlier phases. As well, the   conclusion.
descriptions, reports, procedures,      specific types of texts     Texts develop their
letters, and reflective and             introduced in this phase    themes in coherent ways
evaluative articles). In addition to    show the following          around their intended
the types of ideas described in         characteristics in terms of purpose and have an
levels 4–4.25, students write           the ideas they              explicit, clearly stated
using a range of text types in          communicate.                viewpoint.
both print and electronic form, as      Texts are written for a
follows:                                                            Texts take account of
                                        range of purposes           reader knowledge and
(1) Students write persuasive           including speculating,      background, identify and
texts about contemporary issues         explaining, persuading and are written for specific
that state and justify a personal       reflecting.                 audiences and can present
viewpoint about topics that are         Texts display a particular the same information in
very familiar to teenagers and          focus for a specific        different forms depending
provide one or more arguments.          audience and a purpose for on the purpose and
(2) Students write explanations         a specified topic, and have audience.
or reports that target themes and       topic-relevant information Texts use language that is
issues that are less familiar to the    selected and collated from relevant to the topic,
writers.                                a range of sources.         audience, and purpose,
(3) Students write hypothetical         Texts elaborate or support including specialised
pieces, for example, whether            main ideas with a range of vocabulary relevant to the
Last updated: 14.01.08                 (c) State of Victoria, 2008            Page 22 of 31
Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
having teenagers needing to get subordinate ideas and      topic and possible
bicycle licences would reduce   details such as facts,     figurative language and
accidents.                      dialogue, logical argument sound patterns.
                                and quotations and these
                                are embedded in the text.

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
Progressing towards Level 5
Progression Point        4.75
 At 4.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 5 demonstrates,
 for example:
   • control of writing texts in various forms, including narratives, reports, explanations,
       procedures and persuasive texts
   • composition of imaginative and informative texts presenting challenging ideas and
   • appropriate use of figurative language to achieve particular effects
   • strategic use of headings, subheadings, graphics, photographs and art work to
       support the meaning of the text
   • use of a variety of software packages to plan, organise, revise and present electronic

                                   Indicators of Progress
During this phase, students        Students develop their theme       Students develop their
consolidate and integrate the      in coherent ways around their      themes in coherent ways
expression of the types of         intended purpose and have an       around their intended
ideas developed in levels 4–       explicit, clearly stated           purpose, have an
4.5. The ideas that are            viewpoint. The subordinate         explicit, clearly stated
developed in students’ writing     ideas and details such as facts,   viewpoint and lead to a
at this time are as follows.       dialogue, logical argument         clear resolution, as
Students describe their purpose    and quotations are organised       appropriate for formal
for writing, the questions they    in a logical sequence around       contexts.
intend to answer in the writing,   the main theme. For                Students relate ideas in
and link these purposes with       appropriate types of text, the     writing in the following
one or more types of texts, for    theme or issue is introduced in    ways in various content
example, they link ideas,          an introduction, differentiated    areas, for example, they
explaining with expository         and elaborated through the         can order, define,
text, speculating and reflecting   range of subordinate ideas in      recognise, label, recall,
with several possible text         the body, and drawn together       list, state, relate,
types, such as descriptive text    in a conclusion. The students      describe, recognise,
and figurative text, stating an    describe how they organise         discuss, report, explain,
opinion with persuasive text.      the ideas in each section.         restate, express, review,
Students address, for a            Students use language that is      identify, select, indicate,
specified topic, particular        relevant to the topic, audience,   translate, apply, choose,
audience or readership needs.      and purpose, including             schedule, illustrate,
The students can describe the      specialised vocabulary             interpret, analyse,
decisions they make to do this     relevant to the topic and          discriminate, distinguish,
and how these decisions            possible figurative language       categorise, examine,
influence their writing, for       and words that imitate the         compare, contrast,
example, how they identify         sounds they represent, for         question, criticise,
and take account of reader         example, buzz is the sound an      organise, construct,
knowledge and background.          insect makes when flying.          create, propose, write,
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
                                                            judge, argue, predict,
                                                            assess, choose, select,
                                                            support, and evaluate.

Standard    5.0
At Level 5, students produce, in print and electronic forms, texts for a variety of purposes,
including speculating, hypothesising, persuading and reflecting. They write extended
narratives or scripts with attention to characterisation, consistency of viewpoint and
development of a resolution. They write arguments that state and justify a personal
viewpoint; reports incorporating challenging themes and issues; personal reflections on, or
evaluations of, texts presenting challenging themes and issues. Students improve the
accuracy and readability of their writing, developing confidence in the identification and
use of grammatical conventions and features of language and in their use of figurative
language. They use a range of punctuation accurately to support meaning, including the
use of ellipses, dashes, colons and semi-colons. They control tenses, and subject-verb and
noun-pronoun agreement. They accurately identify and use different parts of speech. They
edit their writing for clarity, coherence and consistency of style, and proofread and correct
spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
                                    Indicators of Progress
Students write extended          Students take account of the      Students present the writer’s
narratives or scripts with       needs of readers through the      position or point of view on
attention to characterisation,   appropriate use of style and      an issue clearly and
consistency of viewpoint         language selections,              consistently. The main ideas
and development of a             including analogy, similes or     or contentions are clearly
resolution.                      metaphors.                        identified and are supported
                                                                   convincingly through
Students write arguments         Students select appropriate       elaboration, evidence and
that state and justify a         vocabulary with increasing        links to other ideas.
personal viewpoint or            control.
convey an opinion, clearly                                  Students use language
and logically.                 Students explain by          effectively and selectively,
                               including relevant details   showing control and intent,
Students write reports         such as data, through        according to their purpose:
incorporating challenging      reasons linked in logical    (1) explanations use a range
themes and issues.             ways and by expressing       of explanatory language
                               relationships precisely. An  features, for example,
Students write personal        explanatory text may include consistent use of verbs to
reflections on, or evaluations more than one explanation,   denote specific actions,
of, texts presenting           with the main explanation    comparisons and the
challenging themes and         linked clearly with a        grammatical forms such as
issues.                        subordinate one.             the passive voice; and (2)
                                                            arguments use various
Students write explanations                                 persuasive language features
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
for selected phenomena,                                 such as emotive words,
occurrences, or processes.                              rhetorical questions,
                                                        imperatives, repetition, the
                                                        passive voice, pronouns
                                                        denoting inclusion, data and
                                                        researched evidence.
Progressing towards Level 6

Progression Point        5.25
 At 5.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 6 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   composition of sustained narratives with some control of main plot and sub-plots
       and consistent character development
   •   use of writing to explore complex issues and points of view
   •   use of a variety of language techniques to present an argument and influence
       audiences to share a point of view
   •   effective use of vocabulary and sentence structures appropriate to the intended
       purpose of the text
   •   effective use of strategies for redrafting, editing for audience appropriateness,
       prioritising and sequencing ideas.

                                    Indicators of Progress
Students write sustained        Students write texts that          Students write texts that
narratives that organise        explore a complex current          communicate their thoughts,
ideas in terms of a main        issue from different               feelings and opinions. In
plot and sub-plots, that use    perspectives or that develop a     these texts, students display
language (vocabulary,           particular point of view. The      the outcomes of thinking
sentence forms, cohesion),      writing shows evidence of          creatively and in terms of
character development and       planning to support a clear        open-ended possibilities.
a consistency of viewpoint,     position and accounts for          Their writing shows clearly
and that show development       alternative opinions and           how their creative thinking
of a resolution appropriate     different perspectives.            derives from an objective,
to this text type.              Students use language              logical base. Examples of
                                techniques to argue and            this writing include poetry,
                                persuade for a particular          letters, imaginative text, and
                                point of view. Their writing       text that expresses emotions
                                shows an objective and             such as humour, anxiety,
                                logical perspective.               frustration, anger or

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

Progression Point        5.5
 At 5.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 6 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   expression of thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas in print and electronic forms
   •   use of writing to explore complex issues and to argue for a particular point of view
   •   integration of complex ideas and multiple perspectives in writing
   •   the written conventions, structures and features appropriate for a range of different
       text types
   •   proofreading and redrafting for accuracy, clarity, coherence and consistency of

                                   Indicators of Progress
The ideas students write at    Texts explore a complex            Texts communicate the
this phase build on those      current issue from different       writer’s creative speculation.
displayed in levels 5–5.25.    perspectives or argue for a        These texts identify
Their written texts at this    particular point of view.          possibilities and multiple
phase show partial use of      The writing shows some             perspectives and evaluate
some of the features           evidence of organising ideas       them, for example, in poetry,
described below. The types     in a way that supports             plays such as comedies or
of texts they write and the    clearly the position,              dramas, figurative text,
ideas in these texts include   alternative opinions on the        letters, imaginative text and
the following:                 issue, being aware of ways         text that expresses emotions
                               to correct the use of              such as guilt or delight. The
Texts have sustained           stereotypes in writing, using      texts show some awareness of
narratives that show a         language effectively to lead       the written conventions of
greater awareness of this      and to persuade (for               each text type and the use of
text type, higher levels of    example, they use emotive          relevant linguistic techniques.
characterisation, a            words, rhetorical questions,       Texts contain explanations
consistent viewpoint, the      repetition of key ideas, the       that use precise and often
development of a               passive voice, and pronouns        technical vocabulary, are
resolution, moderate           that suggest inclusion),           objective and focused on the
cohesion by using              linking ideas either in a time     topic, use a range of
appropriate terms to link      sequence using conjunctions        explanatory language
ideas and an awareness of      such as first or second or by      features, often effectively,
the need for chronology.       comparing and contrasting          such as appropriate use of
                               ideas using terms such as          verbs, verb tense and sentence
                               however or on the other            forms such as the passive
                               hand, supporting their             voice, support the
                               position with objective            explanations with reasons and
                               opinions, logical detail           data that are mostly objective
                               and/or comment and                 and use language connectives
                               observations, and                  effectively to link ideas, for
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
                          prioritising and organising   example, since, because.
                          their opinions, data and
                          reasons in a logical way, for Students at this phase put into
                          example, they state their     effect some of the above
                          position, provide evidence    characteristics in the various
                          and restate their position.   types of texts. The use of the
                                                        characteristics in some texts
                                                        may be immature or
                                                        inappropriate. They may also
                                                        not be used in a coordinated

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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
Progressing towards Level 6

Progression Point        5.75
 At 5.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 6 demonstrates,
 for example:

   •   composition of expressive and sustained narratives with attention to chronology,
       coherence of viewpoint, consistency of plot and character development, and
       development of effective resolution
   •   use of writing to explore, speculate and reflect on complex themes and issues
   •   strong arguments for particular points of view, using effective language to
       persuade readers
   •   evaluation of the extent to which they have been effective in meeting the demands
       of purpose, audience and context in their writing
   •   use of a range of strategies for gathering information, planning, structuring,
       composing, proofreading, revising and editing.

                                   Indicators of Progress
Texts may be sustained          Texts may explore a                Texts may communicate the
narratives that include: (1)    complex current issue from         writer’s creative speculation
two or more sub-plots that      different perspectives or          and show greater awareness
are synthesised within a        argue for a particular point       of the written conventions of
consistent viewpoint; (2)       of view. The writing shows         each text type and of the use
higher levels of                greater evidence of the            of relevant linguistic
characterisation that evolve    features specified in level        techniques other than those
both within each sub-plot       5.5: (1) organising ideas in a     adopted in level 5.5.
and across them; (3)            way that supports the
development of a                position; (2) offering             Texts may give explanations
resolution; (3) a higher        alternative opinions on the        that show a greater use of
level of cohesion by using      issue; (3) being aware of          the features in level 5.5 than
appropriate terms to link       ways to correct the use of         is typical of texts at that
ideas; and (5) an awareness     stereotypes in writing; (4)        phase.
of the need for chronology      using language effectively
and for cultural reference.     to lead and to persuade; (5)
                                linking ideas either in a time
                                sequence or by comparing
                                and contrasting ideas; (6)
                                supporting their position
                                with usually objective
                                opinions, logical detail
                                and/or comment and
                                observations; and (7)
                                prioritising and organising
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview
                          their opinions, data and
                          reasons in a logical way.

 Standard    6.0
 At Level 6, students write sustained and cohesive narratives that experiment with
 different techniques and show attention to chronology, characterisation, consistent point
 of view and development of a resolution. They write persuasive texts dealing with
 complex ideas and issues and control the linguistic structures and features that support
 the presentation of different perspectives on complex themes and issues. They select
 subject matter and begin to use a range of language techniques to try to position readers
 to accept particular views of people, characters, events, ideas and information. They
 compose a range of other texts, such as feature articles, webpages and workplace texts.
 They plan and deliver presentations, sequencing and organising complex ideas. They
 write accurately punctuated, grammatically sound and complex sentences with
 embedded clauses and phrases. They are able to maximise the effects of rhythm and
 tone, and write with developing fluency. They proofread and edit their own writing for
 accuracy, consistency and clarity.
                                 Indicators of Progress
 Each of these types of    Texts use a range of   Texts develop the topic or theme in a
 written texts shows the   resources, when        systematic way; they: (1) provide an
 following features in     appropriate, to        effective introduction that engages the
 their communication of    support the            audience in the topic and that
 ideas in writing.         development of the     indicates the direction or orientation
                           topic.                 of the text; (2) provide a body that
Texts identify clearly                            develops the topic or plot in a
both: (1) the key question Texts develop for      systematic way with the main ideas
they target and their      factual and persuasive sequenced effectively and supporting
intended purpose; and (2) texts a thorough,       details or sub-plots clearly located;
the main ideas they are    balanced, in-depth     and (3) provide a conclusion that
using.                     explanation or         reviews and draws together the topic
                           exploration of the     and reaches a resolution if
Texts use content such as topic and the focus     appropriate.
supporting details and     question, analyse this
examples that are          and develop aspects    Texts express ideas in sentences that
relevant to the topic or   of the explanation or enhance their clarity and meaning by:
theme, the readership or arguments in an          (1) using a range of structures; (2)
audience and the           objective and          varying their beginnings (words
intended purpose of the    reasonable way.        phrases or clauses, prepositions,
text.                                             adverbs, participles) and lengths.
                                                  Ideas are linked within and across
                                                  sentences by coordinating and
                                                  subordinating conjunctions, repetition
                                                  and key phrases.
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Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview

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  • 1. English Developmental Continuum P-10 Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing © 2007 Developmental Overview Each table contains the progression points and standards related to the Writing Dimension and the Indicators of Progress for the focus on Ideas Communicated in Writing. Progressing towards Level 1 Progression Point 0.5 At 0.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 1 demonstrates, for example: • understanding that their writing can communicate ideas, feelings and information • use of letters and some words in the writing of brief texts about topics of personal interest • emergent writing showing concepts about print, including left to right, top to bottom • reading back from their own writing at the time of writing • approximate use of letters for some letter–sound relationships and common words • use of a variety of writing tools, including crayons, pencils and computer software. Indicators of Progress Students write about They are aware that people They attempt to write in a personally significant events write for various purposes, range of contexts including and topics. Their attempts for example, they can: (1) on a card, in a note or in an contain letters, and two or identify labels, signs and alphabet book. They discuss more letters may be used to captions in their classroom the purposes for writing in represent a word. Their and say what they do; (2) each case and the ways in writing is often accompanied recognise and write at least which they use writing. by pictures or scribbles to part of their name and the convey their intended names of others in their meaning. The students talk class; (3) identify written about what they write and stories and explain that they show that they are aware tell a story; and (4) begin to that: (1) speech can be develop a writing written by being recorded in vocabulary of high- symbols; (2) writing is used frequency words. to convey ideas, feelings and information; and (3) writing a text usually has a beginning and an end. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing, Level 1 to 6 - Page 1 of 31
  • 2. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Standard 1.0 At Level 1, students write personal recounts and simple texts about familiar topics to convey ideas or messages. In their writing, they use conventional letters, groups of letters, and simple punctuation such as full stops and capital letters. Students are aware of the sound system and the relationships between letters and sounds in words when spelling. They form letters correctly, and use a range of writing implements and software. Indicators of Progress Students write strings of Students access words using Students write a description words to recount resources such as books they of two or three simple experiences, and simple have read, personal sentences, for example, texts to describe familiar dictionaries, environmental about their family or their topics or to convey ideas or print and word lists pets. messages. Students write a simple Students write a caption for Students form and express instruction using an a picture they have drawn. simple ideas, reasons, or informative form/structure opinions. In their writing that specifies an action. Students write some key they use high-frequency information about words that are relevant to the Students write a simple list themselves, where they live, topic, for example, they use of two or three items. their phone number appropriate words for a scary film they have seen or a visit to a farm. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 2 of 31
  • 3. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 2 Progression Point 1.25 At 1.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 2 demonstrates, for example: • inclusion of their own experiences when writing for personal purposes and audiences such as in lists, letters, cards, posters • inclusion of one or more generally readable sentences • some correct use of capital letters and full stops • drawings that support the intended meaning of their writing • plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words, matching sound–letter relationships and using some simple spelling patterns. Indicators of Progress Students continue to write Students’ texts begin to Students begin to attempt to about familiar events and identify a main idea and write directly for a particular personal experiences or subordinate or particular audience. They write for feelings but use a greater ideas. They may write different purposes: to tell a range of ideas in a multiple sentences on a story, to entertain, to inform, coordinated way, for particular topic. Their texts to reflect, to describe or to example, they support topic have a beginning, a body observe. with data, and reasons or and an end. Their texts begin opinions with simple detail by defining or describing the or comments. They extend topic. They begin to their use of topic-relevant sequence ideas, data, reasons and high-frequency and opinions. vocabulary. They combine their personal writing with supportive drawings. Progression Point 1.5 At 1.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 2 demonstrates, for example: • experimentation with a range of short text types; for example, recounts, letters, lists, procedures • sequencing of a small number of ideas in short texts for different purposes and audiences • rereading of their own writing, checking that it makes sense • combination of writing with drawings or computer graphics to support meaning Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 3 of 31
  • 4. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview • correct spelling of some high-frequency words and plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words. Indicators of Progress Students write short texts Students describe or explain Students made at least four about personal experiences events, selected phenomena ideas in the text and and familiar ideas that or processes, and sequence the ideas logically describe, for example, what instructions or questions. In in sentences. happened and how the writer their writing they begin with felt or was thinking. They a simple definition of the Students use simple analogy logically and correctly theme or topic, sequence or or similes based on their sequence the sentences in a prioritise ideas and data and experiences to express their story to support the purpose finish with a simple review. meaning. of their text. Students writing begins to include basic data and very Students use more context- Students express their simple reasons. They specific vocabulary, such as opinions and support them respond to words that relevant technical terms. with reasons or evidence. In question relationships such this writing they begin to as why, how, where by using Students become aware that sequence details and the appropriate terms, for writing is for different comments for persuasive example, they answer when purposes, for example, effect, although the links or how questions by using writing to instruct or teach between ideas may not be terms such as first, then or uses a different form from clear. They begin to state next or respond to why? writing to tell a story, to their position in the first questions by using terms explain or to describe what sentence, and use simple that indicate cause and effect was observed. They become conjunctions such as and or such as because or then. aware of a greater range of but to link ideas logically. purposes for writing, for Students show an awareness example, a list, a learning of audience through the log or an invitation. specific content and language they use; they begin to take account of whether the reader is familiar with the topic of the writing. They begin to reflect on the specific audience for their writing and describe how they will adjust their text accordingly. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 4 of 31
  • 5. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 2 Progression Point 1.75 At 1.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 2 demonstrates, for example: • inclusion of information and ideas in short texts for known audiences and selected purposes • use of strategies to revise writing; for example, reading aloud, use of feedback from others • mostly correct use of capital letters, full stops, and question marks • correct spelling of unfamiliar words, using knowledge of sound–letter patterns. Indicators of Progress Students continue to extend Experiences or events The texts continue to use the contexts in which they described in the text may simple analogy or similes write. They write about one contain two or more based on readers’ or two recent experiences, subordinate ideas. The texts experiences to express their familiar events or imagined at level 1.75 have more meaning. ideas in: (1) short detail and the topics are narratives; (2) short letters more differentiated than The writer continues to and cards; (3) messages; those in level 1.5. build an awareness of the and (4) notes. different purposes for which The texts continue to use one writes, for example, The texts convey more context-specific writing to report an event information to a known vocabulary, such as relevant that was not experienced by audience and have the technical terms. the reader versus an event following characteristics: that the writer wants to The ideas in the text are repeat. There is an The focus of each text is sequenced logically and the increasing awareness of relevant to the format and students begin to use some of the forms used for purpose of the text, for paragraphing to organise and different purposes, for example, narrative versus a link the main ideas. example, a recipe or a funny letter. The students develop story. focus in a greater range of The text may link ideas contexts and for a wider using conjunctions and The writer continues to variety of topics than those adverbs that indicate time or identify with and writes for in level 1.5 place (for example, using specific audiences, for before or there). example, writing a personal letter to an older sibling The texts show a greater versus a younger sibling. attention to the selection of Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 5 of 31
  • 6. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview vocabulary according to the writer’s purpose and intended audience. Standard 2.0 At Level 2, students write short sequenced texts that include some related ideas about familiar topics. They write texts that convey ideas and information to known audiences. They select content, form and vocabulary depending on the purpose for writing, and describe the purpose and audience for their own and others’ writing. They use appropriate structures to achieve some organisation of the subject matter. They link ideas in a variety of ways using pronouns, conjunctions and adverbial phrases indicating time and place. They accurately spell frequently used words, and make use of known spelling patterns to make plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words. They use capital letters, full stops and question marks correctly. They reread their own writing and use a range of editing resources to revise and clarify meaning. They write upper- and lower-case letters legibly with consistent size, slope and spacing. Indicators of Progress Students write texts that are clearly Vocabulary and word choice organised and integrated around a is influenced by the writer’s central theme. The subordinate beliefs about the likely ideas in the text are linked with the readership. main idea. Across the sequence of sentences the meanings have cohesion or ‘flow’. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 6 of 31
  • 7. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 3 Progression Point 2.25 At 2.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 3 demonstrates, for example: • composition of short, sequenced factual and imaginative texts in print and electronic forms • related ideas, linked in sequence, to convey meaning to known audiences • simple, and some compound, sentences joined by appropriate conjunctions • effective vocabulary to convey meaning, including nouns, verbs and adjectives • correct spelling of words with regular spelling patterns and plausible attempts at some words with irregular spelling patterns. Indicators of Progress Students write examples of The texts combine a range of Students show that they are the texts in both electronic sentence forms and expanded beginning to distinguish and print form. The texts sentences. Fluency and between the following text- vary in length from several cohesion across sentences in level ideas, the purpose of paragraphs for narratives each paragraph are achieved each type of text and how and imaginative texts (such through the beginning use of the information will be as a familiar event, a recent connective terms. organised; they can write experience, a story they narratives in order to tell a Appropriate nouns, adjectives have heard or a video they story and to entertain, and verbs have been selected have seen) to typically expository texts to teach and by the writer, for example, to three to five paragraphs for learn, persuasive texts to say how a horse moves, the factual, descriptive, convince, personal narrative writer uses gallops, trots, instructional and persuasive and autobiographical texts to jumps and canters. texts. The texts contain the record journal entries and following characteristics: The text elaborates its main reviews and summaries to idea or topic in the details it convey a message more Each paragraph has two or provides. Each paragraph briefly. They can write in a three sentences that are deals with an aspect of the variety of forms with sequenced in a logical order main idea; the writer begins awareness for different to develop its main idea, for to use paragraphs to separate audiences and purposes. As example, the students write ideas. well, they begin to show two or three sentences that refer to characters in a Narrative texts begin to make humour, descriptive narrative and describe the explicit reference to the language and visual events in an appropriate features of character, plot and elements to enhance their sequence. setting. texts. Progression Point 2.5 At 2.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 3 demonstrates, Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 7 of 31
  • 8. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview for example: • composition of short texts of more than one paragraph to describe experiences, tell a story, express a point of view • appropriate ordering of events and ideas in print and electronic texts • compound sentences linking two ideas or events, with correct use of verb tenses • development of character, setting and plot in short narrative texts • correct use of full stops and question marks, and experimentation with other punctuation; for example, commas, quotation. marks Indicators of Progress Students write a range of (3) A text may consist of up Opinions, explanations and text types, including to three paragraphs and descriptions are supported narratives, imaginative and describes a familiar event or by ideas, data and reasons informative texts, in both a sequence of actions. It that are usually objective. print and electronic forms, begins with one main idea The texts may use analogy, for various purposes. They followed by two or three similes or metaphors to help begin to take account of the related ideas that extend or present their message. audience for the text and illustrate the main idea, for example, the description of a The texts show some purposes for which they are person, a house or a game. awareness of audience needs writing, through the content Ideas are linked in time and are written for a variety they include and their choice relationships using terms of different audiences and of language. Examples of such as first, then or next. purposes. the types of text include the following: (4) A text may consist of up The texts are cohesive. (1) A text may consist of to five paragraphs and The texts can use a variety paragraphs that describe a explains a selected of structures to convey their recent experience such as a phenomenon, occurrence, or different meanings. Some story, imaginative text, a process. It has a main idea texts may, for example, link short letter, or a diary entry followed by related ideas sequentially, some link with the events in an objective ideas, data and/or them in cause and effect and appropriate sequence and reasons that support it. The others make comparisons that makes explicit reference ideas answer how and/or between ideas. to characters and to the why questions, and are The texts use transition setting and includes the linked using terms for cause words (for example, when, student’s purpose for writing and effect such as if, then or while, since, before, after) it. because. and paragraphs to construct (2) A text may consist of up The texts typically have the logical order. to three paragraphs and following characteristics: The texts attempt to use expresses a point of view The texts present one main precise, topic-related about a familiar topic, idea or topic that is vocabulary that may include intended to persuade or elaborated with details to adjectives, adverbs, or convey an opinion. It begins enhance or support the main synonyms to convey their by stating the position of the idea. The details or message. writer, includes supporting subordinate ideas are Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 8 of 31
  • 9. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview reasons or opinions and ends organised with reasonable with a summary or review. clarity and logic. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 9 of 31
  • 10. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 3 Progression Point 2.75 At 2.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 3 demonstrates, for example: • composition of texts for different purposes; for example, to narrate, inform, describe, present a point of view or explain • composition of texts of three or four logically ordered paragraphs • composition of texts that take account of the needs and interests of familiar and some unfamiliar audiences • combinations of written and visual elements in print and electronic texts • correct spelling of two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns, and plausible attempts at spelling two-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns. Indicators of Progress A narrative text may be an The typical A text may use analogy, imaginary letter or diary characteristics of the similes or metaphors to help entries based on a story they texts are those specified present its message. have heard or a video they for level 2.5 but are Awareness of audience needs have seen. The events are more established and is recognised, for example, sequenced appropriately and stable in the students’ whether readers are likely to the text refers explicitly to writing at level 2.75. have experienced the event characters and to the setting. or know as much about the The evolving plot, the The main idea and supporting ideas are topic as the writer. Students characters and the setting are do this through the content clearly discernible. clearly presented and organised in a logical they include and choices of An informative text could way in the text. language they make. present or explain a point of Texts can be modified to take view about a familiar topic, for They convey different types of meanings for account of different example, why you need to audiences and purposes. wear warm clothes in winter or different purposes, for why you should take care of example, linking ideas Texts are cohesive, for pets. The text identifies two or sequentially to describe example, a number of three main ideas and the an order of actions or features such as and, subordinate ideas that relate to events or linking them in however, because, and each of them. It is punctuated cause and effect to pronouns are used to make it correctly and includes the explain something. coherent. purpose for writing it. Ideas are organised into Texts use transition words A text may begin to use sections such as and paragraphs to construct imagery to communicate an paragraphs, verses or logical order. idea, for example, how bullet points, where each Texts attempt to use precise, choosing to wear particular section deals with a set topic-related vocabulary that socks can affect how others of related ideas. may include adjectives, respond to you. The students Opinions, explanations adverbs, or synonyms to Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 10 of 31
  • 11. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview write poems, songs or jokes and descriptions are convey their message. about a specific event. supported by one or two pieces of evidence. Standard 3.0 At Level 3, students write texts containing several logically ordered paragraphs that express opinions and include ideas and information about familiar topics. They write narratives which include characters, setting and plot. They order information and sequence events using some detail or illustrative evidence, and they express a point of view providing some information and supporting detail. They combine verbal and visual elements in the texts they produce. They meet the needs of audiences by including appropriate background information. They write a variety of simple and compound sentences and use verb tenses correctly. They use punctuation to support meaning, including exclamation marks and quotation marks, and accurately use full stops, commas and question marks. They use vocabulary appropriate to context and spell most one- and two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns, and frequently used words which have less regular spelling patterns. They use sound and visual patterns when attempting to spell unfamiliar words. Indicators of Progress Students’ texts include Students’ texts focus on the Students’ texts begin to use narratives set in less specified topic and provide figurative language. familiar contexts, for detail and examples. Students’ texts begin to use an example, the texts Students’ texts draw on and explicit introduction. begin to show some collate information from a awareness of being set Students write in a variety of range of sources and styles or text types for different in other cultures or in combine parts of it. other historical periods, audiences and purposes. which include Students’ texts organise the Students write about less familiar characters, setting and ideas in a logical sequence topics for a variety of audiences plot. in terms of time, topic and and purposes; they can tell or details, the issue or problem recount a topic in a specific Students’ texts include and its resolution. expressions of opinions context, describe a series of about less familiar Students’ texts begin to events or phenomena using a topics and include show an awareness of the descriptive style, explain or novel information and need to reference or cite direct using an expository style supporting detail. sources when writing and persuade, and argue a point reports or technical of view or request using a Students’ texts show documents. persuasive style. some awareness of the means for meeting the Students’ texts begin to use Students write in a range of needs of audiences by vocabulary appropriate to forms such as fiction, verse including appropriate the context and purpose and (poetry, song), and transactional background select words strategically to or factual text convey the precise (directions/instructions, letters, Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 11 of 31
  • 12. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview information. intention. reports and news articles). Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 12 of 31
  • 13. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 4 Progression Point 3.25 At 3.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 4 demonstrates, for example: • inclusion of familiar ideas and information for different purposes and audiences in print and electronic texts • use of strategies for planning, drafting, proofreading, editing and revising • appropriate vocabulary, punctuation and tense according to context, purpose and audience • typical features and structures of different texts such as narratives and reports • correct spelling of frequently occurring two- and three-syllable words and use of strategies to spell unknown words. Indicators of Progress Students’ texts show greater Students’ texts draw on Students’ texts use figurative use of the means for taking and collate information language and begin to use account of the needs of from a range of sources similes to express ideas in audiences by including and summarise or their writing. appropriate background synthesise information. information. Students’ texts include an Students’ texts use introduction and a conclusion Students’ texts focus on the vocabulary appropriate to in their writing. specified topic and provide the context and purpose, substantial detail and for example, writing about Students’ texts indicate examples. an adventure or a fantasy clearly their intended purpose set in space and selecting through their use of an words strategically to introduction, conclusion and convey the precise repeated reference. intention. Progression Point 3.5 At 3.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 4 demonstrates, for example: • production of texts for a range of different audiences and purposes in print and electronic forms • use of strategies for planning; for example, using models of others’ writing or mind mapping • deletion of unnecessary information or addition of new information when editing and revising writing • inclusion of appropriate visual images and information in print and electronic texts. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 13 of 31
  • 14. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Indicators of Progress Students write about less 2. Texts are written for 7. Texts contain language familiar topics from different purposes in relevant to the specific perspectives other than their particular content areas, topic and content area, own. for example, narratives to for example, when retell, to contextualise a writing about ideas in Students continue to write set of ideas, or to history, science or for the range of purposes. entertain; expository technology, for example, texts to inform others, to specific vocabulary to Students write on prescribed explain ideas or state convey precisely the topics, expanding or procedures; and intended meaning for the narrowing their topics as persuasive texts to audience and purpose is appropriate. convince, present a point used. of view or to request. 8. Texts experiment with Students evaluate their first 3. Texts elaborate the main using figurative drafts in terms of the extent ideas for the topic, for language, imagery and of elaboration of the topic example, by describing metaphor and language and key ideas, their or by providing reasons patterns such as organisation of the ideas, and selecting relevant alliteration and rhyming their choice of vocabulary information from patterns, and depend on (including subject-specific multiple sources to do the text form and show terms and concepts) and this. some rhythm and flow of variations in sentence 4. Texts show a clear language. structure. awareness of the 9. Texts show fluency in students’ purpose for the sentences that are Students use these writing and use language written; the sentence evaluations to revise and structures and features length and structure are proofread their drafts in appropriate to that varied according to the terms of the use of purpose, the audience sentence ideas they conventions. and the type of text. intend to convey. Students write texts that 5. Texts organise the overall 10. Texts identify and are have the following focus or orientation of written for a specific characteristics in terms of the text with a clear audience, for example, a the ideas they communicate. introduction and student’s friends, their conclusion. teacher, themselves and 1. Texts are written about 6. Texts are written in a they select the form, topics that are either self- logical sequence, for details, organisation, and selected or assigned and example, they: (1) vocabulary to suit the have relevant ideas and arrange the main ideas in readership. content. paragraphs in a logical 11. Texts are written in a order, such as sequence variety of forms and ideas in a relevant time genres including: essays, order, use pronouns and research reports, news links between sentences articles, pamphlets, (such as conjunctions) Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 14 of 31
  • 15. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview appropriately; and (2) graphs, and tables. specify a problem and then its solution, compare and contrast, analyse, interpret and conclude. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 15 of 31
  • 16. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 4 Progression Point 3.75 At 3.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 4 demonstrates, for example: • use of structures and features appropriate to purpose and audience of print and electronic texts • appropriate use of topic sentences and organisation of main and subordinate ideas • selection of vocabulary, text structures and visual features to effectively communicate ideas and information • maintenance of plot, characterisation and setting throughout extended narrative texts • use of knowledge about spelling patterns, including morphemic knowledge, visual and phonic patterns. Indicators of Progress Students continue to Texts include longer Texts vary the style of improve their ability to write imaginative and narrative sentence forms and in the styles or text types texts that: (1) maintain their organisation to specified in earlier levels. plot and setting throughout; communicate their They write about less and (2) through their selective intended meaning clearly familiar topics from use of language, elicit the and show evidence of perspectives other than their intended mood and using the conventions own. They continue to write characterisation. strategically and for the range of purposes Texts include informative selectively. For example, mentioned in levels 3–3.75. writing that: (1) shows clear they use compound As well, they write on and appropriate prioritising of sentences, subordinate and prescribed topics, expanding main and subordinate ideas; embedded clauses, direct- or narrowing their topics as and (2) begins to use topic voice versus indirect-voice appropriate. They evaluate sentences to summarise statements, questions their first drafts in terms of paragraphs. versus tag questions (that the extent of elaboration of is, the sentence is more the topic and key ideas, their Texts have a style that has like a statement than a organisation of the ideas, been selected to match their question. For example, their choice of vocabulary purpose, for example, a short “It’s beautiful weather, (including subject-specific article, a review, a isn’t it?”), exclamations terms and concepts) and the questionnaire, a summary, a and commands. variation in sentence set of notes, an original story, a poem or a play. Texts use paragraphing structure. Given this techniques to communicate evaluation, they revise Texts express and clarify the and sequence their main accordingly and proofread writer’s thoughts, feelings and ideas such as the topic their drafts for errors in the values. sentence and indexing. use of conventions. Texts show multiple Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 16 of 31
  • 17. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview In addition to the interpretations of a topic, Texts relate ideas in characteristics described in where appropriate. writing in the following levels 3–3.5, students write Texts begin to use imagery ways: they define, list, texts that have the following such as similes and metaphors describe, discuss, explain, characteristics in terms of to convey meaning. apply, analyse, distinguish, the ideas they communicate. compare, contrast, predict and select. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 17 of 31
  • 18. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Standard 4.0 At Level 4, students produce, in print and electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures and features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience and context of the writing. They begin to use simple figurative language and visual images. They use a range of vocabulary, a variety of sentence structures, and use punctuation accurately, including apostrophes. They identify and use different parts of speech, including nouns, pronouns, adverbs, comparative adverbs and adjectives, and use appropriate prepositions and conjunctions. They use a range of approaches to spelling, applying morphemic knowledge and an understanding of visual and phonic patterns. They employ a variety of strategies for writing, including note-making, using models, planning, editing and proofreading. Indicators of Progress In addition to the types of The texts address a range of The texts use a variety of ideas described in levels 3–4, purposes across topic areas, forms and types such as students write texts that: (1) for example, to explain, pamphlets, poems, explain a selected inform or to question using memos, graphs, or phenomenon, occurrence or an expository text type, to demographic tables. process; or (2) convey an recount, apply or create The texts use figurative opinion clearly and logically. knowledge/ideas/information language and sound The texts have the following using narrative and to debate patterns in an expanded characteristics in terms of the or argue using a persuasive way. ideas they communicate. text type. Their written explanations The texts have a clear and The texts discriminate frequently show the use of consistent focus on the main between essential, supporting relevant and technical ideas and develop a logical and irrelevant information. vocabulary, provide position or argument. The The texts develop and use relevant information and writing indicates the use of language relevant to the topic are objective and focused analysis, with the ideas to convey the intended on the topic. They link organised in a logical way. meaning in an appropriate ideas, data and reasons The texts provide subordinate way for the audience. clearly and logically, ideas that elaborate to enhance The texts show an awareness using connectives such as or support the main ideas, of the audience through the first, then, or next for using, for example, factual strategic selection of content, time-sequenced ideas, and information or examples. structure and language because, if, or you get... The texts synthesise ideas choices. for cause and effect. effectively both across The texts may use analogy, Students’ persuasive texts sentences in a paragraph and simile, or metaphors to support their position or between paragraphs, and cite express the ideas more easily. the argument with some information where necessary. objective opinions and Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 18 of 31
  • 19. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview They organise the ideas into logical detail. Their paragraphs and usually make opinions are organised in a logical links within and logical way. They use between paragraphs to achieve terms such as however or a level of coherence. on the other hand to compare and contrast ideas. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 19 of 31
  • 20. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 5 Progression Point 4.25 At 4.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 5 demonstrates, for example: • composition of print and electronic texts for a range of purposes, including speculative, imaginative, explanatory and persuasive • development of topics in coherent ways according to the purpose, and the needs and experience of the intended audience • use of a variety of sentence structures, including combinations of simple and compound sentences for particular effects • awareness of grammatical conventions; for example, tense and subject–verb agreement, appropriate punctuation • use of a range of planning strategies. Indicators of Progress In addition to the types of Text types include (3) Texts synthesise ideas ideas described in level 4, evaluative and critical texts within a paragraph and students write a range of text in which they review novels between paragraphs using types in both print and and visual presentations logical links. electronic form, as follows: such as films (4) Texts relate ideas in Text types include extended Text types may be writing in the following narratives, imaginative interpretive essays in which ways in various content scripts and narrative scripts students present their literary areas, for example, they can that have more than two analyses and reviews in a order, define, recognise, sub-plots. range of topic areas. label, recall, list, state, describe, recognise, discuss, Text types include Text types include letter report, explain, restate, speculative texts in which writing texts in which review, identify, select, they offer possibilities and students communicate in a indicate, translate, apply, options based both on their range of ‘letter-type’ choose, schedule, illustrate, opinions and on objective contexts, for example, letters interpret, analyse, compare, data (for example, How expressing a point of view to contrast, question, criticise, teenagers could benefit from friends and to officials, or organise, create, propose, more pocket money). business letters requesting judge, argue, and predict. information. Text types include (5) Texts synthesise a range expository, informative and The texts at this phase show of styles, text types and sub- factual texts that are more of the characteristics plots in the one text, for intended to explain and to noted in level 4 than those at example, a particular text describe phenomena in the earlier phases. As well, the may include both Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 20 of 31
  • 21. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview range of content areas. specific types of texts explanatory and persuasive introduced in this phase genres, use both first and Text types may be reports show the following third person voice and both that describe reviews, short characteristics in terms of literal and imagery- research papers, the ideas they communicate. metaphoric reference. investigations and projects, for example, a report (1) Texts identify the main (6) Texts discriminate entitled, ‘The future of the ideas and develop a logical between relevant and hardwood timber industry in position or argument. irrelevant information. Australia’. (2)Texts provide details that (7) Texts develop and use Text types can be elaborate to enhance or language relevant to the operational texts that support the main ideas. topic to convey the intended describe procedures. meaning in an appropriate way for the audience. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 21 of 31
  • 22. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 5 Progression Point 4.5 At 4.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 5 demonstrates, for example: • composition of print and electronic texts in a wide range of forms, including narratives, reports, explanations, procedures and points of view • composition of persuasive texts about contemporary issues, including justification of personal points of view with supporting arguments • experimentation with different techniques to influence audiences and achieve the intended purpose of their writing • correct spelling, except of unfamiliar words with unusual spelling patterns • use of headings and subheadings in the organisation of information in texts • use of editing and proofreading skills for clarity and cohesion of ideas. Indicators of Progress Students write for a range of The texts at this phase Texts organise the text purposes (narrative, expository show more of the ideas in a logical and persuasive) across content characteristics noted in sequence with an areas and in a variety of forms levels 4–4.25 than those at introduction, a body and a and genres (for example, earlier phases. As well, the conclusion. descriptions, reports, procedures, specific types of texts Texts develop their letters, and reflective and introduced in this phase themes in coherent ways evaluative articles). In addition to show the following around their intended the types of ideas described in characteristics in terms of purpose and have an levels 4–4.25, students write the ideas they explicit, clearly stated using a range of text types in communicate. viewpoint. both print and electronic form, as Texts are written for a follows: Texts take account of range of purposes reader knowledge and (1) Students write persuasive including speculating, background, identify and texts about contemporary issues explaining, persuading and are written for specific that state and justify a personal reflecting. audiences and can present viewpoint about topics that are Texts display a particular the same information in very familiar to teenagers and focus for a specific different forms depending provide one or more arguments. audience and a purpose for on the purpose and (2) Students write explanations a specified topic, and have audience. or reports that target themes and topic-relevant information Texts use language that is issues that are less familiar to the selected and collated from relevant to the topic, writers. a range of sources. audience, and purpose, (3) Students write hypothetical Texts elaborate or support including specialised pieces, for example, whether main ideas with a range of vocabulary relevant to the Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 22 of 31
  • 23. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview having teenagers needing to get subordinate ideas and topic and possible bicycle licences would reduce details such as facts, figurative language and accidents. dialogue, logical argument sound patterns. and quotations and these are embedded in the text. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 23 of 31
  • 24. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 5 Progression Point 4.75 At 4.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 5 demonstrates, for example: • control of writing texts in various forms, including narratives, reports, explanations, procedures and persuasive texts • composition of imaginative and informative texts presenting challenging ideas and issues • appropriate use of figurative language to achieve particular effects • strategic use of headings, subheadings, graphics, photographs and art work to support the meaning of the text • use of a variety of software packages to plan, organise, revise and present electronic texts. Indicators of Progress During this phase, students Students develop their theme Students develop their consolidate and integrate the in coherent ways around their themes in coherent ways expression of the types of intended purpose and have an around their intended ideas developed in levels 4– explicit, clearly stated purpose, have an 4.5. The ideas that are viewpoint. The subordinate explicit, clearly stated developed in students’ writing ideas and details such as facts, viewpoint and lead to a at this time are as follows. dialogue, logical argument clear resolution, as Students describe their purpose and quotations are organised appropriate for formal for writing, the questions they in a logical sequence around contexts. intend to answer in the writing, the main theme. For Students relate ideas in and link these purposes with appropriate types of text, the writing in the following one or more types of texts, for theme or issue is introduced in ways in various content example, they link ideas, an introduction, differentiated areas, for example, they explaining with expository and elaborated through the can order, define, text, speculating and reflecting range of subordinate ideas in recognise, label, recall, with several possible text the body, and drawn together list, state, relate, types, such as descriptive text in a conclusion. The students describe, recognise, and figurative text, stating an describe how they organise discuss, report, explain, opinion with persuasive text. the ideas in each section. restate, express, review, Students address, for a Students use language that is identify, select, indicate, specified topic, particular relevant to the topic, audience, translate, apply, choose, audience or readership needs. and purpose, including schedule, illustrate, The students can describe the specialised vocabulary interpret, analyse, decisions they make to do this relevant to the topic and discriminate, distinguish, and how these decisions possible figurative language categorise, examine, influence their writing, for and words that imitate the compare, contrast, example, how they identify sounds they represent, for question, criticise, and take account of reader example, buzz is the sound an organise, construct, knowledge and background. insect makes when flying. create, propose, write, Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 24 of 31
  • 25. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview judge, argue, predict, assess, choose, select, support, and evaluate. Standard 5.0 At Level 5, students produce, in print and electronic forms, texts for a variety of purposes, including speculating, hypothesising, persuading and reflecting. They write extended narratives or scripts with attention to characterisation, consistency of viewpoint and development of a resolution. They write arguments that state and justify a personal viewpoint; reports incorporating challenging themes and issues; personal reflections on, or evaluations of, texts presenting challenging themes and issues. Students improve the accuracy and readability of their writing, developing confidence in the identification and use of grammatical conventions and features of language and in their use of figurative language. They use a range of punctuation accurately to support meaning, including the use of ellipses, dashes, colons and semi-colons. They control tenses, and subject-verb and noun-pronoun agreement. They accurately identify and use different parts of speech. They edit their writing for clarity, coherence and consistency of style, and proofread and correct spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Indicators of Progress Students write extended Students take account of the Students present the writer’s narratives or scripts with needs of readers through the position or point of view on attention to characterisation, appropriate use of style and an issue clearly and consistency of viewpoint language selections, consistently. The main ideas and development of a including analogy, similes or or contentions are clearly resolution. metaphors. identified and are supported convincingly through Students write arguments Students select appropriate elaboration, evidence and that state and justify a vocabulary with increasing links to other ideas. personal viewpoint or control. convey an opinion, clearly Students use language and logically. Students explain by effectively and selectively, including relevant details showing control and intent, Students write reports such as data, through according to their purpose: incorporating challenging reasons linked in logical (1) explanations use a range themes and issues. ways and by expressing of explanatory language relationships precisely. An features, for example, Students write personal explanatory text may include consistent use of verbs to reflections on, or evaluations more than one explanation, denote specific actions, of, texts presenting with the main explanation comparisons and the challenging themes and linked clearly with a grammatical forms such as issues. subordinate one. the passive voice; and (2) arguments use various Students write explanations persuasive language features Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 25 of 31
  • 26. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview for selected phenomena, such as emotive words, occurrences, or processes. rhetorical questions, imperatives, repetition, the passive voice, pronouns denoting inclusion, data and researched evidence. Progressing towards Level 6 Progression Point 5.25 At 5.25, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 6 demonstrates, for example: • composition of sustained narratives with some control of main plot and sub-plots and consistent character development • use of writing to explore complex issues and points of view • use of a variety of language techniques to present an argument and influence audiences to share a point of view • effective use of vocabulary and sentence structures appropriate to the intended purpose of the text • effective use of strategies for redrafting, editing for audience appropriateness, prioritising and sequencing ideas. Indicators of Progress Students write sustained Students write texts that Students write texts that narratives that organise explore a complex current communicate their thoughts, ideas in terms of a main issue from different feelings and opinions. In plot and sub-plots, that use perspectives or that develop a these texts, students display language (vocabulary, particular point of view. The the outcomes of thinking sentence forms, cohesion), writing shows evidence of creatively and in terms of character development and planning to support a clear open-ended possibilities. a consistency of viewpoint, position and accounts for Their writing shows clearly and that show development alternative opinions and how their creative thinking of a resolution appropriate different perspectives. derives from an objective, to this text type. Students use language logical base. Examples of techniques to argue and this writing include poetry, persuade for a particular letters, imaginative text, and point of view. Their writing text that expresses emotions shows an objective and such as humour, anxiety, logical perspective. frustration, anger or desperation. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 26 of 31
  • 27. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progression Point 5.5 At 5.5, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 6 demonstrates, for example: • expression of thoughts, feelings, opinions and ideas in print and electronic forms • use of writing to explore complex issues and to argue for a particular point of view • integration of complex ideas and multiple perspectives in writing • the written conventions, structures and features appropriate for a range of different text types • proofreading and redrafting for accuracy, clarity, coherence and consistency of style. Indicators of Progress The ideas students write at Texts explore a complex Texts communicate the this phase build on those current issue from different writer’s creative speculation. displayed in levels 5–5.25. perspectives or argue for a These texts identify Their written texts at this particular point of view. possibilities and multiple phase show partial use of The writing shows some perspectives and evaluate some of the features evidence of organising ideas them, for example, in poetry, described below. The types in a way that supports plays such as comedies or of texts they write and the clearly the position, dramas, figurative text, ideas in these texts include alternative opinions on the letters, imaginative text and the following: issue, being aware of ways text that expresses emotions to correct the use of such as guilt or delight. The Texts have sustained stereotypes in writing, using texts show some awareness of narratives that show a language effectively to lead the written conventions of greater awareness of this and to persuade (for each text type and the use of text type, higher levels of example, they use emotive relevant linguistic techniques. characterisation, a words, rhetorical questions, Texts contain explanations consistent viewpoint, the repetition of key ideas, the that use precise and often development of a passive voice, and pronouns technical vocabulary, are resolution, moderate that suggest inclusion), objective and focused on the cohesion by using linking ideas either in a time topic, use a range of appropriate terms to link sequence using conjunctions explanatory language ideas and an awareness of such as first or second or by features, often effectively, the need for chronology. comparing and contrasting such as appropriate use of ideas using terms such as verbs, verb tense and sentence however or on the other forms such as the passive hand, supporting their voice, support the position with objective explanations with reasons and opinions, logical detail data that are mostly objective and/or comment and and use language connectives observations, and effectively to link ideas, for Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 27 of 31
  • 28. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview prioritising and organising example, since, because. their opinions, data and reasons in a logical way, for Students at this phase put into example, they state their effect some of the above position, provide evidence characteristics in the various and restate their position. types of texts. The use of the characteristics in some texts may be immature or inappropriate. They may also not be used in a coordinated way. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 28 of 31
  • 29. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Progressing towards Level 6 Progression Point 5.75 At 5.75, the work of a student progressing towards the standard at Level 6 demonstrates, for example: • composition of expressive and sustained narratives with attention to chronology, coherence of viewpoint, consistency of plot and character development, and development of effective resolution • use of writing to explore, speculate and reflect on complex themes and issues • strong arguments for particular points of view, using effective language to persuade readers • evaluation of the extent to which they have been effective in meeting the demands of purpose, audience and context in their writing • use of a range of strategies for gathering information, planning, structuring, composing, proofreading, revising and editing. Indicators of Progress Texts may be sustained Texts may explore a Texts may communicate the narratives that include: (1) complex current issue from writer’s creative speculation two or more sub-plots that different perspectives or and show greater awareness are synthesised within a argue for a particular point of the written conventions of consistent viewpoint; (2) of view. The writing shows each text type and of the use higher levels of greater evidence of the of relevant linguistic characterisation that evolve features specified in level techniques other than those both within each sub-plot 5.5: (1) organising ideas in a adopted in level 5.5. and across them; (3) way that supports the development of a position; (2) offering Texts may give explanations resolution; (3) a higher alternative opinions on the that show a greater use of level of cohesion by using issue; (3) being aware of the features in level 5.5 than appropriate terms to link ways to correct the use of is typical of texts at that ideas; and (5) an awareness stereotypes in writing; (4) phase. of the need for chronology using language effectively and for cultural reference. to lead and to persuade; (5) linking ideas either in a time sequence or by comparing and contrasting ideas; (6) supporting their position with usually objective opinions, logical detail and/or comment and observations; and (7) prioritising and organising Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 29 of 31
  • 30. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview their opinions, data and reasons in a logical way. Standard 6.0 At Level 6, students write sustained and cohesive narratives that experiment with different techniques and show attention to chronology, characterisation, consistent point of view and development of a resolution. They write persuasive texts dealing with complex ideas and issues and control the linguistic structures and features that support the presentation of different perspectives on complex themes and issues. They select subject matter and begin to use a range of language techniques to try to position readers to accept particular views of people, characters, events, ideas and information. They compose a range of other texts, such as feature articles, webpages and workplace texts. They plan and deliver presentations, sequencing and organising complex ideas. They write accurately punctuated, grammatically sound and complex sentences with embedded clauses and phrases. They are able to maximise the effects of rhythm and tone, and write with developing fluency. They proofread and edit their own writing for accuracy, consistency and clarity. Indicators of Progress Each of these types of Texts use a range of Texts develop the topic or theme in a written texts shows the resources, when systematic way; they: (1) provide an following features in appropriate, to effective introduction that engages the their communication of support the audience in the topic and that ideas in writing. development of the indicates the direction or orientation topic. of the text; (2) provide a body that Texts identify clearly develops the topic or plot in a both: (1) the key question Texts develop for systematic way with the main ideas they target and their factual and persuasive sequenced effectively and supporting intended purpose; and (2) texts a thorough, details or sub-plots clearly located; the main ideas they are balanced, in-depth and (3) provide a conclusion that using. explanation or reviews and draws together the topic exploration of the and reaches a resolution if Texts use content such as topic and the focus appropriate. supporting details and question, analyse this examples that are and develop aspects Texts express ideas in sentences that relevant to the topic or of the explanation or enhance their clarity and meaning by: theme, the readership or arguments in an (1) using a range of structures; (2) audience and the objective and varying their beginnings (words intended purpose of the reasonable way. phrases or clauses, prepositions, text. adverbs, participles) and lengths. Ideas are linked within and across sentences by coordinating and subordinating conjunctions, repetition and key phrases. Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 30 of 31
  • 31. Writing – Ideas Communicated in Writing- Developmental Overview Last updated: 14.01.08 (c) State of Victoria, 2008 Page 31 of 31