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Dude, I Can’t Eat That, I’m a Guy
In _______, Arizona, every year around the same time
hundreds of grasshoppers cover every conceivable structure in
sight. They quite literally take over parts of the city. For
reasons I’m not sure I will ever understand, when I was in
eighth grade a group of boys in my class decided it would be a
fantastic idea to catch some of these grasshoppers, and then
these wonderfully bright individuals proceeded to eat them. Of
course, it all began with a dare, and ended in vomit. Now I
grasp that this type of behavior is often an integral part in the
lives of school children, especially boys, but in eighth grade I
would hope such impulses might be better controlled. I would
have thought that fourteen year olds would know better than to
pick a bug up off the ground, place it in their mouth, and elect
to consume said bug; and yet all it took was a simple challenge
placed by one peer to another, and all logic was ejected from
the premises.
It is a preexisting conception that boys seem to have an
inability to refuse the provocations of other boys, in a need to
protect the perception of their masculinity. I’ve seen boys jump
off roofs, hurt someone they love, purposefully get suspended
from school, and an infinite number of other unintelligent
actions, all in the name of protecting their egos. But the most
common phenomena I’ve witnessed, is men’s seemingly
nonexistent capability to refuse certain food practices in order
to fit in with the other men in their life. In this way, the identity
of masculinity is tied directly to public perception of an
individual, and for the purposes of this ethnographic
investigation that perception is linked to ways in which said
individuals interact with food.
I am female, an arguably unfortunate thing to be on many
occasions in today’s society. There are a plethora of obstacles
that stand in the way of my sex, and despite incredible strides
forward in political and social equality there are still immensely
large hurtles left to be tackled. Many of these issues take place
not on a legal level, but are simply the residue of years of
certain types of thought being imbedded in the minds of our
population. For instance, women are expected to eat less, and
when they do eat it is considered impolite to be indiscrete about
the action. Men however, are almost encouraged to do just the
opposite. For them it has always appeared to me that more is
better, and the more obnoxious they are about the quantity and
way they consume their meals, the more they will be
congratulated by their peers.
Now, I don’t particularly care for the fact that there are certain
expectations placed upon me regarding the most basic action a
human being may perform, and I’ve always found it entirely
unjust that men are seemingly able to eat however and whatever
they wish with no fear of ridicule. I realized however, that
perhaps that is untrue, and men are held to just as many
expectations concerning their eating habits as women are. In the
same way females may be judged for “unfeminine” activity, a
man’s reputation may be tarnished for exactly the opposite. Due
to this realization, I set out to uncover what types of foods men
would or would not eat, based on how it would make them look
in the eyes of others in relation to their masculinity.
I began by searching the internet for blogging sites run
specifically for men, concerning food. I wanted to know what
types of foods were considered “macho”, and which types would
result in ridicule for being too “girly”. I would like to point out
that there is no scholarly backing of these sources, but for
authenticity purposes I decided that these sites might provide a
better insight into the “everyday” person. After dozens of pages
declaring things like “There's nothing worse than coming home
from a long day of punching bears in the steel foundry to
discover a table full of Luna bars, spray-on salad dressing, and
other nonsense that ups your estrogen level just by looking at
it”, I was able to condense my findings into one sentence
(____): ‘Men eat meat, and men who eat anything even remotely
exotic-sounding are not men’. I recognize the generalizations
made in the above statement, and as all studies into groups of
people must admit, there are no blanket terms that can apply to
every individual in a larger population. However, I was
overwhelmed by the waves of disdain for any foods that may be
misconstrued as “feminine”. I decided that perhaps this was
simply an internet singularity, with exaggerations made because
the writers could hide behind the anonymity provided by
computer screens. To accumulate real-world answers I decided
to survey 50 males on campus (University of Arizona), and get
their feedback and opinions on the foods that were so adamantly
disparaged online.
Some foods that men seemed to be most afraid of included kale,
salads, yogurt, anything relating to health or weight loss, as
well as foods with unfamiliar sounding names (i.e. green
tortilla, hummus, quinoa). So, I created a survey in which I
asked 25 men who were alone, and 25 men who were in a group
whether or not they would consume these items. I separated the
subjects this way, because masculinity is a social construct, and
therefore tied to the way society perceives people. I had a hunch
that those who were not accompanied by friends, would have
less to prove, and therefore be more open to “non-masculine”
food items. As it turns out, I was correct. In the chart below the
green foods represent what I deemed to be stereotypically
feminine items based off the blogs I found, while the red items
are masculine. In some cases, I have what might be considered
the same food twice, however in the red form I give it a more
masculine name, whereas in the green form I name it something
more feminine (for example the nature salad vs. the western
ranch chicken salad). It is clear that those I interviewed alone
were far more open to the green foods, while those in groups
were adamantly against them. In some cases, such as with the
quinoa bell peppers, not a single male member of a group would
admit openly to trying such an edible.
When I asked these individuals why they choose what they
choose, one member of the “with a group” section stated “I
can’t eat that [in reference to the veggie burgers], I’m a guy”,
and when I asked him why a guy could not eat veggie burgers,
he could not come up with an answer other than “because I’m
not a girl”. Other such insightful answers were very common in
all the individuals I interviewed, and I found that the tone
accompanying most responses was one of sarcasm, or disdain,
which was amplified should the other group members support
said statement with laughter or other agreeable verbal gestures.
The subjects I talked to who were alone however, seemed
entirely indifferent. When asked why they would or would not
eat a certain food five people word for word answered “why
wouldn’t I?”, and on several occasions even stated they had
tried one of the foods before (for example the kale), and
enjoyed it. It should be noted that during one session however I
was greeted with the same hostility present in the boys in
groups, and the interviewee states he would “never eat that
fa**** food”. So clearly the need to protect masculinity can be
so deep that even when there is no one around to prove anything
to, men may still feel the need to violently vilify concepts they
perceive as feminine.
I believe the research I have done into this subject shows a
fairly solid line between the foods men will not eat, and how
they see themselves as males. I have learned that there is a
subconscious need for approval in the ways that men handle
food topics, and that in some cases to fulfill this need they will
almost become violent, and say hateful things. The pressure to
conform and eat only meaty, hearty, and “substantial” foods is
high, as is the expectation that “girly” foods will be shunned.
However, I believe that due to the feedback discrepancy
between men in groups and men who were alone, that this mind
set is not something most boys actually want to live with. The
hatred for “women’s” food is not something most males truly
believe in, and in private is not something they will conform to.
It is the presence of other men that seems to be the cause for
why such food items are so adamantly loathed.
This was a relatively small insight into the foodways of
masculinity. Only a small group was interviewed, from a single
college campus, and only one age group was included. I can
conclude from this activity that there are definite ties between
the types of foods men eat and their comfortability in their own
masculinity, however I do feel unsatisfied with the extent of the
study. There were several factors at play that make me believe
the results may have been skewed. For example, did the fact
that I (a female) was doing the interviewing have anything to do
with the subjects’ answers? If I interviewed colleges all over
the country what would they say, and what would happen if I
talked to both older and younger men? I feel the most important
unaccounted for variable is that I did not interview any women.
I would like to see if I presented the same questionnaire to
groups of women if their answers might bring some new insight
to the subject. There are also many facets to the identity of men
and the food they eat. I could have also studied professional
cuisine positions, looked into barbeque culture, or tried to
understand why men are not seen as cooks in the home, but are
hired more often as chefs in high end establishments. An
interesting topic to look into would be the stigma attached to
feminine alcoholic beverages, like appletinis. There are many
ways to view masculinity in regard to foodways, and this
ethnography was but a small glimpse into how men uphold their
position as “male” with the foods that they consume in front of
Works Cited
Kryza, Andy. "11 Foods That No Man Should Eat... Ever."
Thrillist. Thrillist, 29 Aug. 2013. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.
"How Did Men Learn Not to Eat Sissy Girly Foods?" Queerty.
Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
"Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology
Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Web. 19 Oct.
DATE: 10/17/2015
Arab cookery remains fascinating due to their distinct nature of
attractive aroma and flavor. The consistency of their food has
made it unique. Of late, I spent some days on a purely culinary
tour through Tempe, Arizona. I used three different competent
chefs, Hassan, Mohammed and Ali. I ate all my way through
one hawker stall to another hawker stall, home-cooked meal
after restaurant. Surely, it was a purely food-focused trip. I had
wonderful cooking classes, market tours and cooking
There is evidence of rich food culture all over the land. These
include spontaneous pops of spattering grease, clouds of
chicken with an inviting scent of satay smoke, the hiss of water
meeting heat, the instantly recognizable aroma of toasting
shrimp paste, lively fires and bright lights which assault every
sense. I saw the unmistakable banana trees that are in most Arab
backyards. Rest stops along the highway sell fresh mango juice.
In an interview with Hassan, Hassan revealed that Arab foods
are one of the proud histories of their nation. As a fact, he told
me that the spices play a major role in that history. In most of
the cities, irrespective of the time of day, the streets will be
filled with street hawkers selling diverse varieties of food
ranging from wok-tossed noodles, squids and the funny thing is
that people will be buying the foods. The country has numerous
restaurants because a lot of dining occurs along the streets,
maybe from the roadside stands or groups of hawker stalls.
Many Arabs do not have a great sense of strict meal times of
breakfast, lunchtime and dinner. There is even no strict division
between breakfast time, and supper. Sometimes, the breakfast is
normally griddled pancakes essentially served with the usual
curry known as congee. It is not strange to see rice porridge or
rice steamed with coconut water.
Mohammed, in an interview, revealed that there are all-time
foods that define the rich Arab culture. Some of the foods he
talked of are the belecan which is a paste of fermented, dried
shrimps which is used in almost every meal. He further added
that some of the shrimps are hardened and sold as solid blocks
which are cut into toasts or slices before cooking or before
using it. Mohammed explained that it is an outstanding food and
is found in almost every kind of stew or curry, making it
sweeter when used in any fruit salad. Not all food is tasty. Some
of the stews are not extremely pungent, just like the belecan.
According to Mohammed, belecan produces the inviting full-
flavored presentation of meals, which can be funky and fishy.
The meals acquire a desirable taste. I must admit that I am
really missing these meals.
According to the Arab culture, food and drinks must always be
accepted and held using the right hand because the left hand is
seen as unclean among the Arabs. It is very vital to obey this
rule when serving food in communal dining events. According
to Ali, the tradition has it that the left hand is normally left
hidden inside the folds of the dining person’s clothes or robes
during meals. All swine products, including food products that
might have come into contact with the pigs, are never allowed
to be eaten. There are also various taboos pertinent with the
consumption and domestication of other animals like the dogs
which are believed to be very unclean and defiling. However,
the Arabs keep pets especially birds, cats and fish.
I wanted to get a bottle of soda with the company of
Mohammed, but he aptly objected drinking. “Arab people will
love to offer tea or coffee. A good guest will surely accept the
gesture. However, good and observant Muslims do not take
alcohol. They neither smoke.” he said. During my field survey,
I discovered that alcohol is not served or rarely available in
most of the Arab restaurants. Since it is commonly unacceptable
in the Arab Community, if it is not served then one should never
place a request for alcohol.
Photography during meals is not only prohibited, but also in the
whole Arab culture. If one has to take a picture of a woman,
then they must request for permission to do so. “It is an insult
to show your feet to people, it is thus important to keep all the
feet flat on the ground and both men and women must dress
modestly.” Hassan said. He further explained that some privy
questions should never be asked to any Muslim person. When
invited for a meal by an Arab brother, you can shake hands with
fellow men but women should wait until the men stretch out the
hands for the handshakes. Dedicated Muslims never allow
handshakes with men not of their families, but they rather put
their hands across their chests to show the sincerity of the
welcoming to the visitor. Decent generosity and the sense of
thoughtfulness are two highly admired and respected acts in the
Arab community and across the whole Middle East. In the event
that you are almost ready for dining and you realize that the
food available is only for one, it is polite enough to just offer
the food to the visiting person, although they can reject it. If
you are in a dining table then a new guest and mostly the older
or a high ranking person enters, it is courteous to stand or even
offer your seat to them. You should remember to greet the
elderly men first. In addition, men should stand if a woman
enters the dining room.
One of my respondents, Mohammed, narrated to me how before
the economic sanctions by the United Nations, the traditional
diet mainly included rice and soup or sauce which was generally
crowned with vegetables and lambs. Nowadays, due to tight
rationing of food, many people eat grains and sauce only since
both vegetables have turned unaffordable. In my survey, I
noticed that the Arab customs demand families eat together
from a common serving dish but in the urban areas people are
served each on their own plates and eat with modern dining
utensils. I also noticed that Arabs sacrifice lambs and goats
during ceremonial occasions, since celebrating holidays is part
of their traditions. However, these celebrations are diminishing
due to economic inflation. Presently, there is a food crisis due
to the sanctions. Oil for food programs were justified where
Arabs export oil in exchange of food. Initially, Arabs were
importing a large proportion of its food, but they have now
turned to growing their own food due to the severity of the
economic situation.
During my field surveys, I learnt that some specific social
situations are considered totally wrong such as smoking by
women and public drinking of alcohol. In addition, when you
dine with the Arabs, they will tend to insist on settling the bill
more so if it is a small number of people involved. If interested,
offer to assist in paying the bill in a courteous manner.
Prolonged staring at people during meals is seen as rude in the
Arab culture. So it is important to avoid it as the plague. If you
take meals as a group, Arab culture appreciates if one caters for
the meals and if need be, the others will be reimbursed later,
since calculating a bill publicly is seen to be totally annoying
and embarrassing to the Arabs. In the event you request for a
second share, then the Arab etiquette expects you to eat
substantially into your second plate. The host will always offer
enough food to their guests as a gesture of good hospitality.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that understanding the Arab`s
food phenomena is very important. It helped me to remember
most of the traditions, customs and beliefs. However, the
adventure was really challenging. I drove long distances and ate
many foods. I did not offend any Arabs since I was aware of
most of the customs. In addition, I had serious accent problems
were it not for my good friends Hassan, Ali and Mohammed,
then my research endeavors would have been futile. I also faced
stormy hostility among a few Arab groups. The research and
survey also made me learn to appreciate and cook many kinds of
food. Other key challenges I encountered include: low will by
the interviewees to share ideas, fragmented evidence and
economic implications of doing my survey.
Grader Feedback:
Notes on your grade
Formatting = 8/10pts
-Work towards text that fills five full pages, not including
headers and title space. Currently your paper is almost four full
-Delete spaces between paragraphs.
Setting/Context = 20/20pts
-really good descriptive writing - nice
Reflexivity = 8/10pts
-misses meals
-accent problems (what do you mean by this?)
-Be explicit about if you do/don't consider yourself a member of
the population you are studying.
Observation = 25/30pts
-Unclear what you actually observed. Cooking classes, market
tours, stalls, home-cooked meals, restaurants? Which? All?
-Tempe, AZ
-interviewed Hassan (who is he? where is he from? where is he
talking about?)
-no strict meal times for Arabs - interesting
-Explain which Arabs (where?) you're talking about.
-interviewed Mohammed (who is he? where?)
-right hand vs. left hand - really interesting
-food taboos
-quotes from interviews - good
-rare alcohol in Arab restaurants (and households?)
-no photography
-handshaking rules
-rationing effects (where?)
-3 main informants
-what was the hostility you faced?
-Explain in more detail exactly what you did for your
observations. What do you mean by your adventure? Your
authority to speak about the subject depends on how and how
much data you collected.
Analysis = 12/20pts
-not all Arab foods have the same (good) taste, some are
acquired tastes
-I can see some themes developing, but try to be more explicit
about themes. Your essay at some points reads like a list of
rules. Try to generalize from this to identify themes among your
diverse data (observations and interviews).
Conclusion = 7/10pts
-You bring up an interesting point about acquired tastes. That
would be a good theme to develop.
-Really anthropologically interesting rules and taboos system
-Author notes some difficulty getting information, fragmented
-Unclear what you mean by economic implications?
-What does your study tell us about humans generally? Try to
connect to anthropology by generalizing even further. What do
your analyses tell us about Homo sapiens? Are there any human
universals that you witnessed here?
Other ideas for improvement
-By Arabs, I think you mean Saudi Arabians/people in Saudi
Arabia? I'm not sure. Make sure you're clear on who you're
talking about, just in case your reader doesn't know.
-Reads sometimes like a list of food-related rules. Needs
-About the writing style - very good! You don't have major
grammatical problems and your writing style flows smoothly.
There are a few words that are sort of strange word choices. But
I understood what you were writing and it was all grammatical.
Keep up the good work!
Dude, I Can’t Eat That, I’m a GuyIn _______, Arizona, every yea.docx

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Dude, I Can’t Eat That, I’m a GuyIn _______, Arizona, every yea.docx

  • 1. Dude, I Can’t Eat That, I’m a Guy In _______, Arizona, every year around the same time hundreds of grasshoppers cover every conceivable structure in sight. They quite literally take over parts of the city. For reasons I’m not sure I will ever understand, when I was in eighth grade a group of boys in my class decided it would be a fantastic idea to catch some of these grasshoppers, and then these wonderfully bright individuals proceeded to eat them. Of course, it all began with a dare, and ended in vomit. Now I grasp that this type of behavior is often an integral part in the lives of school children, especially boys, but in eighth grade I would hope such impulses might be better controlled. I would have thought that fourteen year olds would know better than to pick a bug up off the ground, place it in their mouth, and elect to consume said bug; and yet all it took was a simple challenge placed by one peer to another, and all logic was ejected from the premises. It is a preexisting conception that boys seem to have an inability to refuse the provocations of other boys, in a need to protect the perception of their masculinity. I’ve seen boys jump off roofs, hurt someone they love, purposefully get suspended from school, and an infinite number of other unintelligent actions, all in the name of protecting their egos. But the most common phenomena I’ve witnessed, is men’s seemingly nonexistent capability to refuse certain food practices in order to fit in with the other men in their life. In this way, the identity of masculinity is tied directly to public perception of an individual, and for the purposes of this ethnographic investigation that perception is linked to ways in which said individuals interact with food. I am female, an arguably unfortunate thing to be on many occasions in today’s society. There are a plethora of obstacles that stand in the way of my sex, and despite incredible strides forward in political and social equality there are still immensely
  • 2. large hurtles left to be tackled. Many of these issues take place not on a legal level, but are simply the residue of years of certain types of thought being imbedded in the minds of our population. For instance, women are expected to eat less, and when they do eat it is considered impolite to be indiscrete about the action. Men however, are almost encouraged to do just the opposite. For them it has always appeared to me that more is better, and the more obnoxious they are about the quantity and way they consume their meals, the more they will be congratulated by their peers. Now, I don’t particularly care for the fact that there are certain expectations placed upon me regarding the most basic action a human being may perform, and I’ve always found it entirely unjust that men are seemingly able to eat however and whatever they wish with no fear of ridicule. I realized however, that perhaps that is untrue, and men are held to just as many expectations concerning their eating habits as women are. In the same way females may be judged for “unfeminine” activity, a man’s reputation may be tarnished for exactly the opposite. Due to this realization, I set out to uncover what types of foods men would or would not eat, based on how it would make them look in the eyes of others in relation to their masculinity. I began by searching the internet for blogging sites run specifically for men, concerning food. I wanted to know what types of foods were considered “macho”, and which types would result in ridicule for being too “girly”. I would like to point out that there is no scholarly backing of these sources, but for authenticity purposes I decided that these sites might provide a better insight into the “everyday” person. After dozens of pages declaring things like “There's nothing worse than coming home from a long day of punching bears in the steel foundry to discover a table full of Luna bars, spray-on salad dressing, and other nonsense that ups your estrogen level just by looking at it”, I was able to condense my findings into one sentence (____): ‘Men eat meat, and men who eat anything even remotely exotic-sounding are not men’. I recognize the generalizations
  • 3. made in the above statement, and as all studies into groups of people must admit, there are no blanket terms that can apply to every individual in a larger population. However, I was overwhelmed by the waves of disdain for any foods that may be misconstrued as “feminine”. I decided that perhaps this was simply an internet singularity, with exaggerations made because the writers could hide behind the anonymity provided by computer screens. To accumulate real-world answers I decided to survey 50 males on campus (University of Arizona), and get their feedback and opinions on the foods that were so adamantly disparaged online. Some foods that men seemed to be most afraid of included kale, salads, yogurt, anything relating to health or weight loss, as well as foods with unfamiliar sounding names (i.e. green tortilla, hummus, quinoa). So, I created a survey in which I asked 25 men who were alone, and 25 men who were in a group whether or not they would consume these items. I separated the subjects this way, because masculinity is a social construct, and therefore tied to the way society perceives people. I had a hunch that those who were not accompanied by friends, would have less to prove, and therefore be more open to “non-masculine” food items. As it turns out, I was correct. In the chart below the green foods represent what I deemed to be stereotypically feminine items based off the blogs I found, while the red items are masculine. In some cases, I have what might be considered the same food twice, however in the red form I give it a more masculine name, whereas in the green form I name it something more feminine (for example the nature salad vs. the western ranch chicken salad). It is clear that those I interviewed alone were far more open to the green foods, while those in groups were adamantly against them. In some cases, such as with the quinoa bell peppers, not a single male member of a group would admit openly to trying such an edible. When I asked these individuals why they choose what they choose, one member of the “with a group” section stated “I can’t eat that [in reference to the veggie burgers], I’m a guy”,
  • 4. and when I asked him why a guy could not eat veggie burgers, he could not come up with an answer other than “because I’m not a girl”. Other such insightful answers were very common in all the individuals I interviewed, and I found that the tone accompanying most responses was one of sarcasm, or disdain, which was amplified should the other group members support said statement with laughter or other agreeable verbal gestures. The subjects I talked to who were alone however, seemed entirely indifferent. When asked why they would or would not eat a certain food five people word for word answered “why wouldn’t I?”, and on several occasions even stated they had tried one of the foods before (for example the kale), and enjoyed it. It should be noted that during one session however I was greeted with the same hostility present in the boys in groups, and the interviewee states he would “never eat that fa**** food”. So clearly the need to protect masculinity can be so deep that even when there is no one around to prove anything to, men may still feel the need to violently vilify concepts they perceive as feminine. I believe the research I have done into this subject shows a fairly solid line between the foods men will not eat, and how they see themselves as males. I have learned that there is a subconscious need for approval in the ways that men handle food topics, and that in some cases to fulfill this need they will almost become violent, and say hateful things. The pressure to conform and eat only meaty, hearty, and “substantial” foods is high, as is the expectation that “girly” foods will be shunned. However, I believe that due to the feedback discrepancy between men in groups and men who were alone, that this mind set is not something most boys actually want to live with. The hatred for “women’s” food is not something most males truly believe in, and in private is not something they will conform to. It is the presence of other men that seems to be the cause for why such food items are so adamantly loathed. This was a relatively small insight into the foodways of masculinity. Only a small group was interviewed, from a single
  • 5. college campus, and only one age group was included. I can conclude from this activity that there are definite ties between the types of foods men eat and their comfortability in their own masculinity, however I do feel unsatisfied with the extent of the study. There were several factors at play that make me believe the results may have been skewed. For example, did the fact that I (a female) was doing the interviewing have anything to do with the subjects’ answers? If I interviewed colleges all over the country what would they say, and what would happen if I talked to both older and younger men? I feel the most important unaccounted for variable is that I did not interview any women. I would like to see if I presented the same questionnaire to groups of women if their answers might bring some new insight to the subject. There are also many facets to the identity of men and the food they eat. I could have also studied professional cuisine positions, looked into barbeque culture, or tried to understand why men are not seen as cooks in the home, but are hired more often as chefs in high end establishments. An interesting topic to look into would be the stigma attached to feminine alcoholic beverages, like appletinis. There are many ways to view masculinity in regard to foodways, and this ethnography was but a small glimpse into how men uphold their position as “male” with the foods that they consume in front of others. Works Cited Kryza, Andy. "11 Foods That No Man Should Eat... Ever." Thrillist. Thrillist, 29 Aug. 2013. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.
  • 6. "How Did Men Learn Not to Eat Sissy Girly Foods?" Queerty. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. "Result Filters." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Web. 19 Oct. 2015. 1Running Head: ETHNOGRAPHIC PAPER 6 ETHNOGRAPHIC PAPER DATE: 10/17/2015 IDENTITY OF ARAB Arab cookery remains fascinating due to their distinct nature of attractive aroma and flavor. The consistency of their food has made it unique. Of late, I spent some days on a purely culinary tour through Tempe, Arizona. I used three different competent chefs, Hassan, Mohammed and Ali. I ate all my way through one hawker stall to another hawker stall, home-cooked meal after restaurant. Surely, it was a purely food-focused trip. I had wonderful cooking classes, market tours and cooking adventures. There is evidence of rich food culture all over the land. These include spontaneous pops of spattering grease, clouds of chicken with an inviting scent of satay smoke, the hiss of water meeting heat, the instantly recognizable aroma of toasting shrimp paste, lively fires and bright lights which assault every sense. I saw the unmistakable banana trees that are in most Arab backyards. Rest stops along the highway sell fresh mango juice. In an interview with Hassan, Hassan revealed that Arab foods are one of the proud histories of their nation. As a fact, he told me that the spices play a major role in that history. In most of the cities, irrespective of the time of day, the streets will be filled with street hawkers selling diverse varieties of food ranging from wok-tossed noodles, squids and the funny thing is that people will be buying the foods. The country has numerous
  • 7. restaurants because a lot of dining occurs along the streets, maybe from the roadside stands or groups of hawker stalls. Many Arabs do not have a great sense of strict meal times of breakfast, lunchtime and dinner. There is even no strict division between breakfast time, and supper. Sometimes, the breakfast is normally griddled pancakes essentially served with the usual curry known as congee. It is not strange to see rice porridge or rice steamed with coconut water. Mohammed, in an interview, revealed that there are all-time foods that define the rich Arab culture. Some of the foods he talked of are the belecan which is a paste of fermented, dried shrimps which is used in almost every meal. He further added that some of the shrimps are hardened and sold as solid blocks which are cut into toasts or slices before cooking or before using it. Mohammed explained that it is an outstanding food and is found in almost every kind of stew or curry, making it sweeter when used in any fruit salad. Not all food is tasty. Some of the stews are not extremely pungent, just like the belecan. According to Mohammed, belecan produces the inviting full- flavored presentation of meals, which can be funky and fishy. The meals acquire a desirable taste. I must admit that I am really missing these meals. According to the Arab culture, food and drinks must always be accepted and held using the right hand because the left hand is seen as unclean among the Arabs. It is very vital to obey this rule when serving food in communal dining events. According to Ali, the tradition has it that the left hand is normally left hidden inside the folds of the dining person’s clothes or robes during meals. All swine products, including food products that might have come into contact with the pigs, are never allowed to be eaten. There are also various taboos pertinent with the consumption and domestication of other animals like the dogs which are believed to be very unclean and defiling. However, the Arabs keep pets especially birds, cats and fish. I wanted to get a bottle of soda with the company of Mohammed, but he aptly objected drinking. “Arab people will
  • 8. love to offer tea or coffee. A good guest will surely accept the gesture. However, good and observant Muslims do not take alcohol. They neither smoke.” he said. During my field survey, I discovered that alcohol is not served or rarely available in most of the Arab restaurants. Since it is commonly unacceptable in the Arab Community, if it is not served then one should never place a request for alcohol. Photography during meals is not only prohibited, but also in the whole Arab culture. If one has to take a picture of a woman, then they must request for permission to do so. “It is an insult to show your feet to people, it is thus important to keep all the feet flat on the ground and both men and women must dress modestly.” Hassan said. He further explained that some privy questions should never be asked to any Muslim person. When invited for a meal by an Arab brother, you can shake hands with fellow men but women should wait until the men stretch out the hands for the handshakes. Dedicated Muslims never allow handshakes with men not of their families, but they rather put their hands across their chests to show the sincerity of the welcoming to the visitor. Decent generosity and the sense of thoughtfulness are two highly admired and respected acts in the Arab community and across the whole Middle East. In the event that you are almost ready for dining and you realize that the food available is only for one, it is polite enough to just offer the food to the visiting person, although they can reject it. If you are in a dining table then a new guest and mostly the older or a high ranking person enters, it is courteous to stand or even offer your seat to them. You should remember to greet the elderly men first. In addition, men should stand if a woman enters the dining room. One of my respondents, Mohammed, narrated to me how before the economic sanctions by the United Nations, the traditional diet mainly included rice and soup or sauce which was generally crowned with vegetables and lambs. Nowadays, due to tight rationing of food, many people eat grains and sauce only since both vegetables have turned unaffordable. In my survey, I
  • 9. noticed that the Arab customs demand families eat together from a common serving dish but in the urban areas people are served each on their own plates and eat with modern dining utensils. I also noticed that Arabs sacrifice lambs and goats during ceremonial occasions, since celebrating holidays is part of their traditions. However, these celebrations are diminishing due to economic inflation. Presently, there is a food crisis due to the sanctions. Oil for food programs were justified where Arabs export oil in exchange of food. Initially, Arabs were importing a large proportion of its food, but they have now turned to growing their own food due to the severity of the economic situation. During my field surveys, I learnt that some specific social situations are considered totally wrong such as smoking by women and public drinking of alcohol. In addition, when you dine with the Arabs, they will tend to insist on settling the bill more so if it is a small number of people involved. If interested, offer to assist in paying the bill in a courteous manner. Prolonged staring at people during meals is seen as rude in the Arab culture. So it is important to avoid it as the plague. If you take meals as a group, Arab culture appreciates if one caters for the meals and if need be, the others will be reimbursed later, since calculating a bill publicly is seen to be totally annoying and embarrassing to the Arabs. In the event you request for a second share, then the Arab etiquette expects you to eat substantially into your second plate. The host will always offer enough food to their guests as a gesture of good hospitality. In conclusion, it is worth noting that understanding the Arab`s food phenomena is very important. It helped me to remember most of the traditions, customs and beliefs. However, the adventure was really challenging. I drove long distances and ate many foods. I did not offend any Arabs since I was aware of most of the customs. In addition, I had serious accent problems were it not for my good friends Hassan, Ali and Mohammed, then my research endeavors would have been futile. I also faced stormy hostility among a few Arab groups. The research and
  • 10. survey also made me learn to appreciate and cook many kinds of food. Other key challenges I encountered include: low will by the interviewees to share ideas, fragmented evidence and economic implications of doing my survey. Grader Feedback: Notes on your grade Formatting = 8/10pts -Work towards text that fills five full pages, not including headers and title space. Currently your paper is almost four full pages. -Delete spaces between paragraphs. Setting/Context = 20/20pts -really good descriptive writing - nice Reflexivity = 8/10pts -misses meals -accent problems (what do you mean by this?) -Be explicit about if you do/don't consider yourself a member of the population you are studying. Observation = 25/30pts -Unclear what you actually observed. Cooking classes, market tours, stalls, home-cooked meals, restaurants? Which? All? -Tempe, AZ -interviewed Hassan (who is he? where is he from? where is he talking about?) -no strict meal times for Arabs - interesting -Explain which Arabs (where?) you're talking about. -interviewed Mohammed (who is he? where?) -right hand vs. left hand - really interesting -food taboos -quotes from interviews - good -rare alcohol in Arab restaurants (and households?) -no photography -handshaking rules -rationing effects (where?) -3 main informants
  • 11. -what was the hostility you faced? -Explain in more detail exactly what you did for your observations. What do you mean by your adventure? Your authority to speak about the subject depends on how and how much data you collected. Analysis = 12/20pts -not all Arab foods have the same (good) taste, some are acquired tastes -taboos -I can see some themes developing, but try to be more explicit about themes. Your essay at some points reads like a list of rules. Try to generalize from this to identify themes among your diverse data (observations and interviews). Conclusion = 7/10pts -You bring up an interesting point about acquired tastes. That would be a good theme to develop. -Really anthropologically interesting rules and taboos system -Author notes some difficulty getting information, fragmented evidence -Unclear what you mean by economic implications? -What does your study tell us about humans generally? Try to connect to anthropology by generalizing even further. What do your analyses tell us about Homo sapiens? Are there any human universals that you witnessed here? Other ideas for improvement -By Arabs, I think you mean Saudi Arabians/people in Saudi Arabia? I'm not sure. Make sure you're clear on who you're talking about, just in case your reader doesn't know. -Reads sometimes like a list of food-related rules. Needs organization. -About the writing style - very good! You don't have major grammatical problems and your writing style flows smoothly. There are a few words that are sort of strange word choices. But I understood what you were writing and it was all grammatical. Keep up the good work!