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Driving Design through Examples
Ciaran McNulty at PHPNW 2015
Modelling by
Combining BDD and DDD
BDD is the art of using
examples in
conversations to
illustrate behaviour
— Liz Keogh
Requirements as Rules
We are starting a new budget airline flying between
London and Manchester
→ Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they
spend on flights
→ 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future
→ Flights are taxed at 20%
Rules are
→ When redeeming points do I still earn points?
→ Can I redeem more than 100 points on one flight?
→ Does tax apply to the discounted fare or the full
Examples are
If a flight from London to Manchester costs £50:
→ If you pay cash it will cost £50 + £10 tax, and you
will earn 50 new points
→ If you pay entirely with points it will cost 500
points + £10 tax and you will earn 0 new points
→ If you pay with 100 points it will cost 100 points +
£40 + £10 tax and you will earn 0 new points
Examples are
A formal language for
Feature: Earning and spending points on flights
- Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights
- 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight
Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
Given ...
Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight
Given ...
Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points
Given ...
Gherkin steps
→ Given sets up context for a behaviour
→ When specifies some action
→ Then specifies some outcome
Action + Outcome = Behaviour
Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
Given a flight costs £50
When I pay with cash
Then I should pay £50 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should get 50 points
Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight
Given a flight costs £50
When I pay with cash plus 100 points
Then I should pay £40 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should pay 100 points
Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points
Given a flight costs £50
When I pay with points only
Then I should pay £0 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should pay 500 points
Who writes examples?
Business expert
Testing expert
Development expert
All discussing the feature together
When to write scenarios
→ Before you start work on the feature
→ Not too long before!
→ Whenever you have access to the right people
Refining scenarios
→ When would this outcome not be true?
→ What other outcomes are there?
→ But what would happen if...?
→ Does this implementation detail matter?
Scenarios are
not Contracts
→ Create a shared understanding of a feature
→ Give a starting definition of done
→ Provide an objective indication of how to test a
Driven Design
DDD tackles complexity
by focusing the team's
attention on knowledge
of the domain
— Eric Evans
Invest time in
the business
Ubiquitous Language
→ A shared way of speaking about domain concepts
→ Reduces the cost of translation when business
and development communicate
→ Try to establish and use terms the business will
Modelling by
By embedding Ubiquitous
Language in your
scenarios, your scenarios
naturally become your
domain model
— Konstantin Kudryashov (@everzet)
→ The best way to understand the domain is by
discussing examples
→ Write scenarios that capture ubiquitous language
→ Write scenarios that illustrate real situations
→ Directly drive the code model from those
driving code
with Behat?
Layered architecture
UI testing with Behat
UI tests
→ Slow to execute
→ Brittle
→ Don't let you think about the code
Test the domain first
Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
Given a flight costs £50
When I pay with cash
Then I should pay £50 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should get 50 points
Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight
Given a flight costs £50
When I pay with cash plus 100 points
Then I should pay £40 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should pay 100 points
Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points
Given a flight costs £50
When I pay with points only
Then I should pay £0 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should pay 500 points
Add realistic
Given a flight from "London" to "Manchester" costs £50
Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
When I fly from "London" to "Manchester"
And I pay with cash
Then I should pay £50 for the flight
And I should pay £10 tax
And I should get 50 points
Actively seek
terms from
the domain
→ What words do you use to talk about these
→ Points? Paying? Cash Fly?
→ Is the cost really attached to a flight?
→ Do you call this thing "tax"?
→ How do you think about these things?
Given a flight "XX-100" flies the "LHR" to "MAN" route
And the current listed fare for the "LHR" to "MAN" route is £50
Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
When I am issued a ticket on flight "XX-100"
And I pay £50 cash for the ticket
Then the ticket should be completely paid
And the ticket should be worth 50 loyalty points
Lessons from the conversation
→ Price belongs to a Fare for a specific Route
→ Flight is independently assigned to a Route
→ Some sort of fare listing system controls Fares
→ I get quoted a cost at the point I purchase a ticket
This is really useful to know!
Driving the
domain model
with Behat
Configure a Behat suite
contexts: [ FlightsContext ]
Create a context
class FlightsContext implements Context
* @Given a flight :arg1 flies the :arg2 to :arg3 route
public function aFlightGoesFromTo($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)
throw new PendingException();
// ...
Run Behat
Model values
as Value
class FlightsContext implements Context
* @Given a flight :flightnumber flies the :origin to :destination route
public function aFlightGoesFromTo($flightnumber, $origin, $destination)
$this->flight = new Flight(
// ...
* @Transform :flightnumber
public function transformFlightNumber($number)
return FlightNumber::fromString($number);
* @Transform :origin
* @Transform :destination
public function transformAirport($code)
return Airport::fromCode($code);
* @Given a flight :flightnumber flies the :origin to :destination route
public function aFlightGoesFromTo(
FlightNumber $flightnumber,
Airport $origin,
Airport $destination
$this->flight = new Flight(
$flightnumber, Route::fromTo($origin, $destination)
> vendor/bin/behat
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Flight' not found
objects with
class AirportSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_can_be_represented_as_a_string()
function it_cannot_be_created_with_invalid_code()
class Airport
private $code;
private function __construct($code)
if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]{3}$/', $code)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Code is not valid');
$this->code = $code;
public static function fromCode($code)
return new Airport($code);
public function asCode()
return $this->code;
* @Given the current listed fare for the :arg1 to :arg2 route is £:arg3
public function theCurrentListedFareForTheToRouteIsPs($arg1, $arg2, $arg3)
throw new PendingException();
Model boundaries
with Interfaces
interface FareList
public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare);
Create in-memory versions for testing
namespace Fake;
class FareList implements FareList
private $fares = [];
public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare)
$this->fares[$route->asString()] = $fare;
* @Given the current listed fare for the :origin to :destination route is £:fare
public function theCurrentListedFareForTheToRouteIsPs(
Airport $origin,
Airport $destination,
Fare $fare
$this->fareList = new FakeFareList();
Run Behat
* @When Iam issued a ticket on flight :arg1
public function iAmIssuedATicketOnFlight($arg1)
throw new PendingException();
* @When I am issued a ticket on flight :flight
public function iAmIssuedATicketOnFlight()
$ticketIssuer = new TicketIssuer($this->fareList);
$this->ticket = $ticketIssuer->issueOn($this->flight);
> vendor/bin/behat
PHP Fatal error: Class 'TicketIssuer' not found
class TicketIssuerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_can_issue_a_ticket_for_a_flight(Flight $flight)
class TicketIssuer
public function issueOn(Flight $flight)
return Ticket::costing(Fare::fromString('10000.00'));
Run Behat
* @When I pay £:fare cash for the ticket
public function iPayPsCashForTheTicket(Fare $fare)
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Ticket::pay()
class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_can_be_paid()
class Ticket
public function pay(Fare $fare)
Run Behat
The model will be
anaemicUntil you get to Then
* @Then the ticket should be completely paid
public function theTicketShouldBeCompletelyPaid()
throw new PendingException();
* @Then the ticket should be completely paid
public function theTicketShouldBeCompletelyPaid()
assert($this->ticket->isCompletelyPaid() == true);
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Ticket::isCompletelyPaid()
class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let()
function it_is_not_completely_paid_initially()
function it_can_be_paid_completely()
class Ticket
private $fare;
// ...
public function pay(Fare $fare)
$this->fare = $fare->deduct($fare);
public function isCompletelyPaid()
return $this->fare->isZero();
class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let()
function it_can_deduct_an_amount()
class Fare
private $pence;
private function __construct($pence)
$this->pence = $pence;
// ...
public function deduct(Fare $amount)
return new self($this->pence - $amount->pence);
class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior
// ...
function it_knows_when_it_is_zero()
function it_is_not_zero_when_it_has_a_value()
class Fare
private $pence;
private function __construct($pence)
$this->pence = $pence;
// ...
public function isZero()
return $this->pence == 0;
Run Behat
class TicketIssuerSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function it_issues_a_ticket_with_the_correct_fare(FareList $fareList)
$route = Route::fromTo(Airport::fromCode('LHR'), Airport::fromCode('MAN'));
$flight = new Flight(FlightNumber::fromString('XX001'), $route);
class TicketIssuer
private $fareList;
public function __construct(FareList $fareList)
$this->fareList = $fareList;
public function issueOn(Flight $flight)
return Ticket::costing($this->fareList->findFareFor($flight->getRoute()));
interface FareList
public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare);
public function findFareFor(Route $route);
class FareList implements FareList
private $fares = [];
public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare)
$this->fares[$route->asString()] = $fare;
public function findFareFor(Route $route)
return $this->fares[$route->asString()];
Run Behat
* @Then I the ticket should be worth :points loyalty points
public function iTheTicketShouldBeWorthLoyaltyPoints(Points $points)
assert($this->ticket->getPoints() == $points);
class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let()
// ...
function it_calculates_points()
class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior
function let()
// ...
function it_gets_points_from_original_fare()
class Ticket
private $revenueFare;
private $fare;
private function __construct(Fare $fare)
$this->revenueFare = $fare;
$this->fare = $fare;
// ...
public function getPoints()
return $this->revenueFare->getPoints();
Run Behat
Where is our
Feature: Earning and spending points on flights
- Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights
- 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight
Given a flight "XX-100" flies the "LHR" to "MAN" route
And the current listed fare for the "LHR" to "MAN" route is £50
Scenario: Earning points when paying cash
When I am issued a ticket on flight "XX-100"
And I pay £50 cash for the ticket
Then the ticket should be completely paid
And I the ticket should be worth 50 loyalty points
> bin/phpspec run -f pretty
10 ✔ can be represented as a string
16 ✔ cannot be created with invalid code
15 ✔ can deduct an amount
20 ✔ knows when it is zero
26 ✔ is not zero when it has a value
31 ✔ calculates points
10 ✔ can be represented as a string
13 ✔ exposes route
10 ✔ is constructed from string
12 ✔ has a string representation
16 ✔ issues a ticket with the correct fare
15 ✔ is not completely paid initially
20 ✔ is not paid completely if it is partly paid
27 ✔ can be paid completely
34 ✔ gets points from original fare
UI Testing
contexts: [ FlightsContext ]
contexts: [ WebFlightsContext ]
filters: { tags: @ui }
With the domain already modelled
→ UI tests do not have to be comprehensive
→ Can focus on intractions and UX
→ Actual UI code is easier to write!
Modelling by Example
→ Focuses attention on use cases
→ Helps developers understand core business
→ Encourages layered architecture
→ Speeds up test suites
Use it when
→ Project is core to your business
→ You are likely to support business changes in
→ You can have conversations with stakeholders
Do not use when...
→ Not core to the business
→ Prototype or short-term project
→ It can be thrown away when the business
→ You have no access to business experts (but try
and change this)
Thank you!
→ @ciaranmcnulty
→ Lead Maintainer of PhpSpec
→ Senior Trainer at:
Inviqa / Sensio Labs UK / Session Digital / iKOS

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Driving Design through Examples

  • 1. Driving Design through Examples Ciaran McNulty at PHPNW 2015
  • 4. BDD is the art of using examples in conversations to illustrate behaviour — Liz Keogh
  • 6. Requirements as Rules We are starting a new budget airline flying between London and Manchester → Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights → 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight → Flights are taxed at 20%
  • 8. Ambiguity → When redeeming points do I still earn points? → Can I redeem more than 100 points on one flight? → Does tax apply to the discounted fare or the full fare?
  • 10. Examples If a flight from London to Manchester costs £50: → If you pay cash it will cost £50 + £10 tax, and you will earn 50 new points → If you pay entirely with points it will cost 500 points + £10 tax and you will earn 0 new points → If you pay with 100 points it will cost 100 points + £40 + £10 tax and you will earn 0 new points
  • 13. Feature: Earning and spending points on flights Rules: - Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights - 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight Scenario: Earning points when paying cash Given ... Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight Given ... Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points Given ...
  • 14. Gherkin steps → Given sets up context for a behaviour → When specifies some action → Then specifies some outcome Action + Outcome = Behaviour
  • 15. Scenario: Earning points when paying cash Given a flight costs £50 When I pay with cash Then I should pay £50 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should get 50 points Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight Given a flight costs £50 When I pay with cash plus 100 points Then I should pay £40 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should pay 100 points Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points Given a flight costs £50 When I pay with points only Then I should pay £0 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should pay 500 points
  • 16. Who writes examples? Business expert Testing expert Development expert All discussing the feature together
  • 17. When to write scenarios → Before you start work on the feature → Not too long before! → Whenever you have access to the right people
  • 18. Refining scenarios → When would this outcome not be true? → What other outcomes are there? → But what would happen if...? → Does this implementation detail matter?
  • 20. Scenarios → Create a shared understanding of a feature → Give a starting definition of done → Provide an objective indication of how to test a feature
  • 22. DDD tackles complexity by focusing the team's attention on knowledge of the domain — Eric Evans
  • 24. Ubiquitous Language → A shared way of speaking about domain concepts → Reduces the cost of translation when business and development communicate → Try to establish and use terms the business will understand
  • 26. By embedding Ubiquitous Language in your scenarios, your scenarios naturally become your domain model — Konstantin Kudryashov (@everzet)
  • 27. Principles → The best way to understand the domain is by discussing examples → Write scenarios that capture ubiquitous language → Write scenarios that illustrate real situations → Directly drive the code model from those examples
  • 31. UI tests → Slow to execute → Brittle → Don't let you think about the code
  • 32. Test the domain first
  • 33. Scenario: Earning points when paying cash Given a flight costs £50 When I pay with cash Then I should pay £50 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should get 50 points Scenario: Redeeming points for a discount on a flight Given a flight costs £50 When I pay with cash plus 100 points Then I should pay £40 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should pay 100 points Scenario: Paying for a flight entirely using points Given a flight costs £50 When I pay with points only Then I should pay £0 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should pay 500 points
  • 35. Background: Given a flight from "London" to "Manchester" costs £50 Scenario: Earning points when paying cash When I fly from "London" to "Manchester" And I pay with cash Then I should pay £50 for the flight And I should pay £10 tax And I should get 50 points
  • 37. → What words do you use to talk about these things? → Points? Paying? Cash Fly? → Is the cost really attached to a flight? → Do you call this thing "tax"? → How do you think about these things?
  • 38. Background: Given a flight "XX-100" flies the "LHR" to "MAN" route And the current listed fare for the "LHR" to "MAN" route is £50 Scenario: Earning points when paying cash When I am issued a ticket on flight "XX-100" And I pay £50 cash for the ticket Then the ticket should be completely paid And the ticket should be worth 50 loyalty points
  • 39. Lessons from the conversation → Price belongs to a Fare for a specific Route → Flight is independently assigned to a Route → Some sort of fare listing system controls Fares → I get quoted a cost at the point I purchase a ticket This is really useful to know!
  • 41. Configure a Behat suite default: suites: core: contexts: [ FlightsContext ]
  • 42. Create a context class FlightsContext implements Context { /** * @Given a flight :arg1 flies the :arg2 to :arg3 route */ public function aFlightGoesFromTo($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) { throw new PendingException(); } // ... }
  • 45. class FlightsContext implements Context { /** * @Given a flight :flightnumber flies the :origin to :destination route */ public function aFlightGoesFromTo($flightnumber, $origin, $destination) { $this->flight = new Flight( FlightNumber::fromString($flightnumber), Route::between( Airport::fromCode($origin), Airport::fromCode($destination) ) ); } // ... }
  • 46. Transformations /** * @Transform :flightnumber */ public function transformFlightNumber($number) { return FlightNumber::fromString($number); } /** * @Transform :origin * @Transform :destination */ public function transformAirport($code) { return Airport::fromCode($code); }
  • 47. /** * @Given a flight :flightnumber flies the :origin to :destination route */ public function aFlightGoesFromTo( FlightNumber $flightnumber, Airport $origin, Airport $destination ) { $this->flight = new Flight( $flightnumber, Route::fromTo($origin, $destination) ); }
  • 48. > vendor/bin/behat PHP Fatal error: Class 'Flight' not found
  • 50. class AirportSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function it_can_be_represented_as_a_string() { $this->beConstructedFromCode('LHR'); $this->asCode()->shouldReturn('LHR'); } function it_cannot_be_created_with_invalid_code() { $this->beConstructedFromCode('1234566XXX'); $this->shouldThrow(Exception::class)->duringInstantiation(); } }
  • 51. class Airport { private $code; private function __construct($code) { if (!preg_match('/^[A-Z]{3}$/', $code)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Code is not valid'); } $this->code = $code; } public static function fromCode($code) { return new Airport($code); } public function asCode() { return $this->code; } }
  • 52.
  • 53. /** * @Given the current listed fare for the :arg1 to :arg2 route is £:arg3 */ public function theCurrentListedFareForTheToRouteIsPs($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) { throw new PendingException(); }
  • 55. interface FareList { public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare); }
  • 56. Create in-memory versions for testing namespace Fake; class FareList implements FareList { private $fares = []; public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare) { $this->fares[$route->asString()] = $fare; } }
  • 57. /** * @Given the current listed fare for the :origin to :destination route is £:fare */ public function theCurrentListedFareForTheToRouteIsPs( Airport $origin, Airport $destination, Fare $fare ) { $this->fareList = new FakeFareList(); $this->fareList->listFare( Route::fromTo($origin,$destination), Fare::fromString($fare) ); }
  • 59. /** * @When Iam issued a ticket on flight :arg1 */ public function iAmIssuedATicketOnFlight($arg1) { throw new PendingException(); }
  • 60. /** * @When I am issued a ticket on flight :flight */ public function iAmIssuedATicketOnFlight() { $ticketIssuer = new TicketIssuer($this->fareList); $this->ticket = $ticketIssuer->issueOn($this->flight); }
  • 61. > vendor/bin/behat PHP Fatal error: Class 'TicketIssuer' not found
  • 62. class TicketIssuerSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function it_can_issue_a_ticket_for_a_flight(Flight $flight) { $this->issueOn($flight)->shouldHaveType(Ticket::class); } }
  • 63. class TicketIssuer { public function issueOn(Flight $flight) { return Ticket::costing(Fare::fromString('10000.00')); } }
  • 65. /** * @When I pay £:fare cash for the ticket */ public function iPayPsCashForTheTicket(Fare $fare) { $this->ticket->pay($fare); }
  • 66. PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Ticket::pay()
  • 67. class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function it_can_be_paid() { $this->pay(Fare::fromString("10.00")); } }
  • 68. class Ticket { public function pay(Fare $fare) { } }
  • 70. The model will be anaemicUntil you get to Then
  • 71. /** * @Then the ticket should be completely paid */ public function theTicketShouldBeCompletelyPaid() { throw new PendingException(); }
  • 72. /** * @Then the ticket should be completely paid */ public function theTicketShouldBeCompletelyPaid() { assert($this->ticket->isCompletelyPaid() == true); }
  • 73. PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Ticket::isCompletelyPaid()
  • 74. class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function let() { $this->beConstructedCosting(Fare::fromString("50.00")); } function it_is_not_completely_paid_initially() { $this->shouldNotBeCompletelyPaid(); } function it_can_be_paid_completely() { $this->pay(Fare::fromString("50.00")); $this->shouldBeCompletelyPaid(); } }
  • 75. class Ticket { private $fare; // ... public function pay(Fare $fare) { $this->fare = $fare->deduct($fare); } public function isCompletelyPaid() { return $this->fare->isZero(); } }
  • 76. class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function let() { $this->beConstructedFromString('100.00'); } function it_can_deduct_an_amount() { $this->deduct(Fare::fromString('10'))->shouldBeLike(Fare::fromString('90.00')); } }
  • 77. class Fare { private $pence; private function __construct($pence) { $this->pence = $pence; } // ... public function deduct(Fare $amount) { return new self($this->pence - $amount->pence); } }
  • 78. class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior { // ... function it_knows_when_it_is_zero() { $this->beConstructedFromString('0.00'); $this->isZero()->shouldReturn(true); } function it_is_not_zero_when_it_has_a_value() { $this->beConstructedFromString('10.00'); $this->isZero()->shouldReturn(false); } }
  • 79. class Fare { private $pence; private function __construct($pence) { $this->pence = $pence; } // ... public function isZero() { return $this->pence == 0; } }
  • 81. class TicketIssuerSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function it_issues_a_ticket_with_the_correct_fare(FareList $fareList) { $route = Route::fromTo(Airport::fromCode('LHR'), Airport::fromCode('MAN')); $flight = new Flight(FlightNumber::fromString('XX001'), $route); $fareList->findFareFor($route)->willReturn(Fare::fromString('50')); $this->beConstructedWith($fareList); $this->issueOn($flight)->shouldBeLike(Ticket::costing(Fare::fromString('50'))); } }
  • 82. class TicketIssuer { private $fareList; public function __construct(FareList $fareList) { $this->fareList = $fareList; } public function issueOn(Flight $flight) { return Ticket::costing($this->fareList->findFareFor($flight->getRoute())); } }
  • 83. interface FareList { public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare); public function findFareFor(Route $route); }
  • 84. class FareList implements FareList { private $fares = []; public function listFare(Route $route, Fare $fare) { $this->fares[$route->asString()] = $fare; } public function findFareFor(Route $route) { return $this->fares[$route->asString()]; } }
  • 86. /** * @Then I the ticket should be worth :points loyalty points */ public function iTheTicketShouldBeWorthLoyaltyPoints(Points $points) { assert($this->ticket->getPoints() == $points); }
  • 87. class FareSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function let() { $this->beConstructedFromString('100.00'); } // ... function it_calculates_points() { $this->getPoints()->shouldBeLike(Points::fromString('100')); } }
  • 88. class TicketSpec extends ObjectBehavior { function let() { $this->beConstructedCosting(Fare::fromString("100.00")); } // ... function it_gets_points_from_original_fare() { $this->pay(Fare::fromString("50")); $this->getPoints()->shouldBeLike(Points::fromString('100')); } }
  • 89. <?php class Ticket { private $revenueFare; private $fare; private function __construct(Fare $fare) { $this->revenueFare = $fare; $this->fare = $fare; } // ... public function getPoints() { return $this->revenueFare->getPoints(); } }
  • 92. Feature: Earning and spending points on flights Rules: - Travellers can collect 1 point for every £1 they spend on flights - 100 points can be redeemed for £10 off a future flight Background: Given a flight "XX-100" flies the "LHR" to "MAN" route And the current listed fare for the "LHR" to "MAN" route is £50 Scenario: Earning points when paying cash When I am issued a ticket on flight "XX-100" And I pay £50 cash for the ticket Then the ticket should be completely paid And I the ticket should be worth 50 loyalty points
  • 93. > bin/phpspec run -f pretty Airport 10 ✔ can be represented as a string 16 ✔ cannot be created with invalid code Fare 15 ✔ can deduct an amount 20 ✔ knows when it is zero 26 ✔ is not zero when it has a value 31 ✔ calculates points FlightNumber 10 ✔ can be represented as a string Flight 13 ✔ exposes route Points 10 ✔ is constructed from string Route 12 ✔ has a string representation TicketIssuer 16 ✔ issues a ticket with the correct fare Ticket 15 ✔ is not completely paid initially 20 ✔ is not paid completely if it is partly paid 27 ✔ can be paid completely 34 ✔ gets points from original fare
  • 95. default: suites: core: contexts: [ FlightsContext ] web: contexts: [ WebFlightsContext ] filters: { tags: @ui }
  • 96. With the domain already modelled → UI tests do not have to be comprehensive → Can focus on intractions and UX → Actual UI code is easier to write!
  • 97. Modelling by Example → Focuses attention on use cases → Helps developers understand core business domains → Encourages layered architecture → Speeds up test suites
  • 98. Use it when → Project is core to your business → You are likely to support business changes in future → You can have conversations with stakeholders
  • 99. Do not use when... → Not core to the business → Prototype or short-term project → It can be thrown away when the business changes → You have no access to business experts (but try and change this)
  • 100. Thank you! → @ciaranmcnulty → Lead Maintainer of PhpSpec → Senior Trainer at: Inviqa / Sensio Labs UK / Session Digital / iKOS → Questions?