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DRH Norway – International School for Cooperation and Development
Program offer

DRH Norway offers grown-ups an environment in which to study this world of ours, and by
transformational practices to gain experiences to an extent that the participants when leaving
the DRH will find her or himself in a better position to take a solid stand to life.

DRH Norway has chosen as its topics the social conditions in the developing countries and in
Europe, people’s living conditions and the results of former, and the expectations for the
future development of our world. This is the content of the school’s program.

We are all part of and stand in a personal relationship to these questions. This makes the
school’s program a very important matter for both participants and teachers. The school has
chosen Humana People to People as its main partner in the endeavour to practically influence
on a better development for people in our world.

DRH Norway offers 14 months programs
• The first period: 6 months intensive training and studies in Norway.
• The second period: 6 months project period as a Development Instructor (DI) at one of
Humana People to People’s projects in India or southern Africa.
• The third period: 2 months conclusions and further actions in the fight against poverty - with
our own school as a base, and Europe as the battle field.

The First Period
6 months training and study period

The first period consists of some main elements which are studies, courses, experiences,
external actions, duties and internal projects and fundraising activities. The training is giving
the participants a program and an environment in which they are challenged theoretically,
practically and socially to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes towards being creative,
finding solutions for problems, not giving up when it’s difficult. They are also trained to
understand that all development work starts with the individual, first and foremost with

Concrete topics on the study agenda are e.g. related to Humanism; culture and religion; the
Gaia theory and environmental challenges; the world’s history; international political
economy and international relations; the fight against poverty; contradictions in our world
today; the HIV/Aids pandemic; tropical diseases and various practical project skills.

All participants, as part of the first period, participate in arranging one of the following big
cultural events; - the New Year Concert, the Summer Theatre, the Development Conference
or the Summer Olympics, together with other DRH schools in Europe.

Some main, concrete goals for the training are:
• Understand the world’s history and the current situation facing us as contemporary human
• Be able to work practically, to take action and to plan and carry out projects with others.
• Learn to live and work in a team and to take responsibility for own learning and own and
other’s well being.

• Get ready for courageous work as a Development Instructor at one of Humana People to
People’s development projects in Africa or India, - with a solidary humanistic attitude.

Through fundraising activities and responsibility areas the participants learn many practical
skills such as how to promote own views on the situation in the world by selling magazines
in the streets, taking care of a big, second hand clothes collection production, taking part in
running a hotel, learning about nutrition and cooking and how to stay fit and healthy and
learning new languages – all useful skills throughout the program and for the rest of the life.
The meeting between people, who together go through a long and challenging program, is not
going to happen without conflicts. The previous social experiences of participants and
teachers, although individually different, but still broadly speaking relatively equal, also
creates tensions and discussions. The main difficulties are closely connected to our society’s
tendency to individualise each human being’s problem-world to such an extent that to
formulate and solve problems commonly is untrained, yes, even alien for the majority of us. It
is our experience that it helps to take the conflicts, discuss through the reasons and together
find solutions that point forward towards a greater common responsibility.

A method used in our training we call: Determination of modern Methods. DmM is placing
the participants in the centre and as the driving force in the program, dividing the training into
studies, courses, experiences, actions and special points. With help from software and our
database we are gathering and measuring the educational elements and progress. During the 6
months, each participant needs to achieve minimum 850 points in DmM, take care of duties
and responsibilities, have 4 status meetings and complete the teams’ common fundraising goal
to qualify to become a Development Instructor at a Humana People to People’s project in
India or southern Africa.

Fundraising is an essential part of the preparation period. In fact the question of funding is an
essential pillar in all development work. No funding – no development project. For more than
20 years, the participants and the teachers at DRH Norway have raised most of the funds
necessary to run the school and the program in the streets of Scandinavia. The street
fundraising is still a mainstay in the program’s fundraising activities. In recent years we have
put a lot of energy into developing alternative methods for raising funds and develop a
stronger economic foundation for the program. Through an agreement with UFF / Humana in
Norway and Sweden, member organizations of the Federation Humana People to People, the
school has taken upon itself the responsibility to manage a part of these organizations’ second
hand clothes collections. The participants in the program are invited to take part as a
fundraising activity, both in the operation and the expansion. Furthermore, our host at Hornsjø
Høyfjellshotell has expanded its activities in recent years and has invited the school to take
part in some of its hotel operations as a dugnad/fundraising activity, especially during high
seasons. The school strives to keep the clothes collection and hotel work activities within 3
defined weekdays. In the Calendar it is allocated as the Practical Days where we also do
maintenance, work with responsibility areas and so on. The other days are for the studies,
actions and other preparations.

The Second Period
6 months Project Period
The participants work closely together with Humana People to People project leadership and
staff as Development Instructors. The DIs get first hand fieldwork experience and are given
opportunities to take part in developing the project with own efforts, skills and ideas, - with

the intention of creating a long and good experience-period, performing transformational
practices – and creating development and constructive changes. The DI positions are mostly
given within the field of education such as;
• Street children schools, preschools or teacher training,
• HIV/AIDS prevention programs,
• Child Aid and community development projects,
• Various kinds of fundraising and environmental projects.
The participants go to the projects where they are needed the most. Early in the training
period, each participant gets to know which project line they concretely can prepare for, and
they learn more about the actual tasks there. During the last 3 months of the preparation, each
person gets to know for which specific project they will work. This can still change during the
final part of the preparation time, so it is important to be flexible and open for changes all the
way. It is important to bear in mind that: - “Where there is a will there is a way”, which means
that all kinds of technical preparations are not enough. It is our experience that the
Development Instructors to a large extent, also need to use all of their best human qualities
and fully understand Humana’s Solidary Humanism to make a successful project period. For
you to better understand the work of Humana People to People you should study their Charter
which you can find in full at:

Here a short excerpt:
From Humana People to People’s Charter
• It is about fostering new generations with golden hearts and heads and hands, well-educated
and with a personal ethic of such proportions, that humanized relationships of all sizes can
serve as substitutes for all sorts of dehumanized phenomena.
• It is about improving democracy, advancing productions, building up trade relations,
generating services and it is about scanning all brains to create new portions of know-how.
• It is about concentrating on the important task of transferring the results of efforts from
places where development is well ahead to places where it is dawning or even absent.
• It is about establishing capable institutions for education and health.
• It is about improving human relationships on a contemporary basis and to modern standards.
It is about the emancipation of every single human being on the level of personal happiness,
and, at the same time, making each human responsible for the happiness of his neighbours
through practical methods.
And as always in the question of development is it about promoting and preventing.
Preventing the dehumanizing of society, of institutions and of you and me. Promoting the
humanization of mankind, the only art form that contains the seeds to the flowers of happiness
for all. From black-white to all colours at random. From the struggle for liberation to the
struggle for development.
HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE yearns for a humanizing influence on this development.
The influence of The Solidary Humanism.

The Third Period
2 months further actions and conclusions
After returning from the different corners of the world, the team celebrates being together
again. As individuals, and also as a group, everyone has gained much knowledge and
experience. Through discussions and meetings, sharing and using each others experiences, the
previous months are concluded upon, before plans for the last period of the program are
finalised. It is our experience that you learn twice by teaching what you have learned to
others. So after deliberations and discussions in the group and with the teachers, presentations

are held for the whole school as well as for people outside the school. One of the aims of
holding these presentations is to show how we all can contribute to a better world, - from
where and who we are. Each student - alone or in groups - also makes lasting products, useful
and informative, from the project period. These are booklets, photo exhibitions, DVDs with
materials, courses and photos, theatre plays and more. Finally follows a 5-6 weeks period
where the participants, - alone or in groups - take further action under the headline: “Take
action and fight Poverty”. The arena is Europe - using all the previous experiences in the
fight. Many of these short projects will be carried out in co-operation with Humana People to
People or other DRH schools in Europe.

Examples of projects are:
• People to People relations: establishing partnership between projects in Africa/India and
people in Europe.
• Information materials: making bigger films or educational materials about the projects and
the DIs’ role in the work, social conditions in the countries, examples of development
achieved to be shown at many places and used for promotion purposes, to promote the
program and the projects.
• Teaching: being co-teachers and action leaders at the DRH schools and mobilise other
students in actions and training, teaching at other schools, institutions and organisations to
promote Solidary Humanism.
• Promotion activities: work to mobilise new participants to follow in their footsteps by
joining the program.

At the end of the 14 months program the teachers and participants evaluate and discuss the
final outcome of the whole program, from where we expect each participant to be in a good
position to take a solid stand to life.

Throughout all three periods of the program we follow:
The Pedagogical Principles
1. You have to go exploring to acquire new ideas - and to explore further to form better ideas.
2. You have to get close to the thing you want to learn about. The closer you get, the more
you learn.
3. Together with your fellow students you must be the driving force in the work in order to
learn much. Teachers’ tricks won’t do to put you on your toes. Life is too important for that.
4. You should be forewarned: Once you get into your stride, you’ll want to do more and more.
The deeper you go into a question, the more you’ll want to know. There is much work in this
- but in return you’ll avoid being superficial and half-awake.
5. There isn’t time to learn everything at school. Like an iceberg perhaps only one tenth of
what you’d like to be able to do and know. The rest comes later.
6. Only Adam, at first, was alone in the world. All the rest of us are here together.
7. The things you learn should be put to use... Now, if possible - so that others may learn from
you. Possibly later, as the occasion arises. What you have learned you learn twice as well by
teaching it to others.
8. You have to be mobile, and then you will encounter many things. Otherwise, things come
to a stop - even though your eyes are starting out of your head. From just one place you can’t
see far.
9. All this applies to teachers, too.
Read more about our PP’s on our website:

The Countries where you will practice

The country is huge as a continent, often called the world’s biggest democracy and fast
growing with over 1.1 billion people. India always surprises with its colours and beauty,
glamour, poverty, size and smells. India is intense and never predictable, so expect the
unexpected. Humana People to People projects in India are currently operating in Haryana
east of the capital Delhi, in Tamil Nadu in the south - and in Rajasthan in the east where most
of our participants go. For more info about HPPI, their website is:

The country is situated on the southeast African coast and is one of the poorest countries in
the world. Until 1975 a Portuguese colony, followed by 17 years of war and civil conflicts.
Today, Mozambique is still facing multiple social and economic problems related to poverty,
including unemployment, low agricultural production, and limited infrastructure and social
services. Mozambique has for many years in a row had a yearly economic growth but there is
still very much to be done. ADPP-Mozambique (Humana) initiated its work in Mozambique
in 1982 and has implemented 40 development projects. The projects are situated all over
Mozambique. Read more on:

Zambia is a landlocked country in the Southern Africa. The country shares its borders with 9
countries. Zambia gained its independence from British colonial rule in 1964 and was for the
next 27 years under one party rule. Multi party democratic elections were held in 1991.
Mining has been the core of the economy of Zambia. The decline in the price of copper on the
world market and rising oil prices have had a devastating effect on the economy of the
country. Development Aid from People to People in Zambia (Humana) runs 13 development
projects. DAPP started the development activities in Zambia in 1986. Inform yourself more
on their website:

The school's background
and present Training Facilities
The first DRH School started in Denmark in 1970 and today there are 13 DRH schools in
operation in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, all with their own concept and character.
DRH Norway started in 1978 and is the oldest DRH School, still operating today. When the
school first started, we invited for 9 months programs centred on a 4 months study and
investigation period to Asia, Africa or America - to learn about people’s life conditions, their
history and their expectations for the future. By travelling in busses, ships or airplanes we met
people on their own doorsteps in all corners of the world. Today the programs are focusing
more on the practical development work based on Solidary Humanism as quoted from
Humana People to People’s Charter: “The dehumanised human being, the dehumanised
society must meet the Solidary Humanism. Man standing shoulder to shoulder with all
mankind.” So the aims and intentions with our programs still remain the same, although many
things have changed. The school is situated in Norway, in facilities rented by Hornsjø
Høyfjellshotell, 883 metres abs, 36 km north-east of Lillehammer. The hotel dates back to the
19th century and the school rents facilities in some parts of the buildings, with classrooms,
offices, living, dining and spear time facilities. The hotel has a swim hall which we can use
most of the year. The nature around Hornsjø invites for unique experiences like canoeing,
biking, skiing and hiking, sleeping outside under open sky in the summer and in snow caves

during the winter. The opportunities for experiences the nature offers provide important
elements for the program. Other useful links to give you a broader understanding of our
School’s website:
The Federation of Humana People to People:
UFF Norway:
Humana Sweden:
Sister schools:

Practical Information
The school starts 14 months programs 4 times a year:
February team – Mozambique and India
May team – Zambia, Mozambique and India
August team – Mozambique and India
November team – Zambia, Mozambique and India

The economy consists of 3 parts:
The non-refundable enrolment fee of 3.000 NOK, the school fee of 30.000 NOK and the goal
for fundraising during the first period, which is 40.000 NOK. All the fees and fundraising go
to cover the school’s expenses, to run the first period including your boarding expenses, to
pay the travel expenses and insurance for the second period, and the third period program.
The school would not want to see the economy preventing someone from joining the program
and have over the years developed different economical solutions and are innovative in
keeping costs at a minimum. We are able to help you work out a plan for how you can raise
money to cover school fee costs, if that is a problem, so do not hesitate to take contact in these

Info and Preparatory Meetings
Before the start of a program we invite all DIs for a meeting, preferably at the school in
Hornsjø. If that is not possible for you, there are info meetings at places closer to your home.
Here a school representative presents its offer and explains what is expected from you as a
participant. On that background you will decide whether this is a good program for you, and
we can start discussions of practical and preparatory character. During the meeting we want
you as participants to formulate yourselves to each other and to the school, your different
reasons for joining the program, as an initial start on building common ground for planning
and organising your participation. After enrolment you will have contact with the school’s
teachers and participants, until team starts. Qualifications needed: The program is open to
anyone, who has passed 17, 5 years of age, willing and prepared to take the challenge. There
are no specific academic requirements.

The school has two rules:
No drugs and no alcohol.
No drugs or euphoric substances during the entire 14 months program. You will have to be
free of heavy drugs min.12 months before starting at any program at the school. No alcohol,
except for holidays or open weekends when you are away from the school or the school’s
program in first and third period, and no alcohol during the 6 months project period.

Good reasons for joining our program:
• You are against racism and actively want to build good relations between people
• You like to be one who has a good influence on the development in the world
• You like to do something that is different or unique, but not necessary the mainstream
• You are in for taking action to fight poverty - shoulder to shoulder with the poor
• You would like to share your daily life and work closer together with others, in an organized
• You like to learn about the world, travel and experience other cultures and societies
• You would like to live in a drug and alcohol free environment
• You would like to broaden your personal fundament and challenge your own limits
• You would like to learn to take practical action to bring about changes
• You like to learn how to lead others
• You feel that the de-humanizing of mankind must be met by the influence of solidary

Interested in the program:
1. Give us a call on +47-61264444 or email:
2. Accept an invitation to come for an information meeting in your area or a preparatory
meeting at our school. Here you will learn about the school’s offer, and if needed get help to
solve financial obstacles
3. Enrol yourself
4. Start

Den reisende Høgskole
Hornsjø, P.b. 47, 2636 Øyer, Norway
Phone: (+47) 61264444 (Promo)
Org. No. 971 520 957


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Drh norway offer

  • 1. DRH Norway – International School for Cooperation and Development Program offer DRH Norway offers grown-ups an environment in which to study this world of ours, and by transformational practices to gain experiences to an extent that the participants when leaving the DRH will find her or himself in a better position to take a solid stand to life. DRH Norway has chosen as its topics the social conditions in the developing countries and in Europe, people’s living conditions and the results of former, and the expectations for the future development of our world. This is the content of the school’s program. We are all part of and stand in a personal relationship to these questions. This makes the school’s program a very important matter for both participants and teachers. The school has chosen Humana People to People as its main partner in the endeavour to practically influence on a better development for people in our world. DRH Norway offers 14 months programs • The first period: 6 months intensive training and studies in Norway. • The second period: 6 months project period as a Development Instructor (DI) at one of Humana People to People’s projects in India or southern Africa. • The third period: 2 months conclusions and further actions in the fight against poverty - with our own school as a base, and Europe as the battle field. The First Period 6 months training and study period The first period consists of some main elements which are studies, courses, experiences, external actions, duties and internal projects and fundraising activities. The training is giving the participants a program and an environment in which they are challenged theoretically, practically and socially to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes towards being creative, finding solutions for problems, not giving up when it’s difficult. They are also trained to understand that all development work starts with the individual, first and foremost with ourselves. Concrete topics on the study agenda are e.g. related to Humanism; culture and religion; the Gaia theory and environmental challenges; the world’s history; international political economy and international relations; the fight against poverty; contradictions in our world today; the HIV/Aids pandemic; tropical diseases and various practical project skills. All participants, as part of the first period, participate in arranging one of the following big cultural events; - the New Year Concert, the Summer Theatre, the Development Conference or the Summer Olympics, together with other DRH schools in Europe. Some main, concrete goals for the training are: • Understand the world’s history and the current situation facing us as contemporary human beings • Be able to work practically, to take action and to plan and carry out projects with others. • Learn to live and work in a team and to take responsibility for own learning and own and other’s well being. 1
  • 2. • Get ready for courageous work as a Development Instructor at one of Humana People to People’s development projects in Africa or India, - with a solidary humanistic attitude. Through fundraising activities and responsibility areas the participants learn many practical skills such as how to promote own views on the situation in the world by selling magazines in the streets, taking care of a big, second hand clothes collection production, taking part in running a hotel, learning about nutrition and cooking and how to stay fit and healthy and learning new languages – all useful skills throughout the program and for the rest of the life. The meeting between people, who together go through a long and challenging program, is not going to happen without conflicts. The previous social experiences of participants and teachers, although individually different, but still broadly speaking relatively equal, also creates tensions and discussions. The main difficulties are closely connected to our society’s tendency to individualise each human being’s problem-world to such an extent that to formulate and solve problems commonly is untrained, yes, even alien for the majority of us. It is our experience that it helps to take the conflicts, discuss through the reasons and together find solutions that point forward towards a greater common responsibility. A method used in our training we call: Determination of modern Methods. DmM is placing the participants in the centre and as the driving force in the program, dividing the training into studies, courses, experiences, actions and special points. With help from software and our database we are gathering and measuring the educational elements and progress. During the 6 months, each participant needs to achieve minimum 850 points in DmM, take care of duties and responsibilities, have 4 status meetings and complete the teams’ common fundraising goal to qualify to become a Development Instructor at a Humana People to People’s project in India or southern Africa. Fundraising Fundraising is an essential part of the preparation period. In fact the question of funding is an essential pillar in all development work. No funding – no development project. For more than 20 years, the participants and the teachers at DRH Norway have raised most of the funds necessary to run the school and the program in the streets of Scandinavia. The street fundraising is still a mainstay in the program’s fundraising activities. In recent years we have put a lot of energy into developing alternative methods for raising funds and develop a stronger economic foundation for the program. Through an agreement with UFF / Humana in Norway and Sweden, member organizations of the Federation Humana People to People, the school has taken upon itself the responsibility to manage a part of these organizations’ second hand clothes collections. The participants in the program are invited to take part as a fundraising activity, both in the operation and the expansion. Furthermore, our host at Hornsjø Høyfjellshotell has expanded its activities in recent years and has invited the school to take part in some of its hotel operations as a dugnad/fundraising activity, especially during high seasons. The school strives to keep the clothes collection and hotel work activities within 3 defined weekdays. In the Calendar it is allocated as the Practical Days where we also do maintenance, work with responsibility areas and so on. The other days are for the studies, actions and other preparations. The Second Period 6 months Project Period The participants work closely together with Humana People to People project leadership and staff as Development Instructors. The DIs get first hand fieldwork experience and are given opportunities to take part in developing the project with own efforts, skills and ideas, - with 2
  • 3. the intention of creating a long and good experience-period, performing transformational practices – and creating development and constructive changes. The DI positions are mostly given within the field of education such as; • Street children schools, preschools or teacher training, • HIV/AIDS prevention programs, • Child Aid and community development projects, • Various kinds of fundraising and environmental projects. The participants go to the projects where they are needed the most. Early in the training period, each participant gets to know which project line they concretely can prepare for, and they learn more about the actual tasks there. During the last 3 months of the preparation, each person gets to know for which specific project they will work. This can still change during the final part of the preparation time, so it is important to be flexible and open for changes all the way. It is important to bear in mind that: - “Where there is a will there is a way”, which means that all kinds of technical preparations are not enough. It is our experience that the Development Instructors to a large extent, also need to use all of their best human qualities and fully understand Humana’s Solidary Humanism to make a successful project period. For you to better understand the work of Humana People to People you should study their Charter which you can find in full at: Here a short excerpt: From Humana People to People’s Charter Development • It is about fostering new generations with golden hearts and heads and hands, well-educated and with a personal ethic of such proportions, that humanized relationships of all sizes can serve as substitutes for all sorts of dehumanized phenomena. • It is about improving democracy, advancing productions, building up trade relations, generating services and it is about scanning all brains to create new portions of know-how. • It is about concentrating on the important task of transferring the results of efforts from places where development is well ahead to places where it is dawning or even absent. • It is about establishing capable institutions for education and health. • It is about improving human relationships on a contemporary basis and to modern standards. It is about the emancipation of every single human being on the level of personal happiness, and, at the same time, making each human responsible for the happiness of his neighbours through practical methods. And as always in the question of development is it about promoting and preventing. Preventing the dehumanizing of society, of institutions and of you and me. Promoting the humanization of mankind, the only art form that contains the seeds to the flowers of happiness for all. From black-white to all colours at random. From the struggle for liberation to the struggle for development. HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE yearns for a humanizing influence on this development. The influence of The Solidary Humanism. The Third Period 2 months further actions and conclusions After returning from the different corners of the world, the team celebrates being together again. As individuals, and also as a group, everyone has gained much knowledge and experience. Through discussions and meetings, sharing and using each others experiences, the previous months are concluded upon, before plans for the last period of the program are finalised. It is our experience that you learn twice by teaching what you have learned to others. So after deliberations and discussions in the group and with the teachers, presentations 3
  • 4. are held for the whole school as well as for people outside the school. One of the aims of holding these presentations is to show how we all can contribute to a better world, - from where and who we are. Each student - alone or in groups - also makes lasting products, useful and informative, from the project period. These are booklets, photo exhibitions, DVDs with materials, courses and photos, theatre plays and more. Finally follows a 5-6 weeks period where the participants, - alone or in groups - take further action under the headline: “Take action and fight Poverty”. The arena is Europe - using all the previous experiences in the fight. Many of these short projects will be carried out in co-operation with Humana People to People or other DRH schools in Europe. Examples of projects are: • People to People relations: establishing partnership between projects in Africa/India and people in Europe. • Information materials: making bigger films or educational materials about the projects and the DIs’ role in the work, social conditions in the countries, examples of development achieved to be shown at many places and used for promotion purposes, to promote the program and the projects. • Teaching: being co-teachers and action leaders at the DRH schools and mobilise other students in actions and training, teaching at other schools, institutions and organisations to promote Solidary Humanism. • Promotion activities: work to mobilise new participants to follow in their footsteps by joining the program. At the end of the 14 months program the teachers and participants evaluate and discuss the final outcome of the whole program, from where we expect each participant to be in a good position to take a solid stand to life. Throughout all three periods of the program we follow: The Pedagogical Principles 1. You have to go exploring to acquire new ideas - and to explore further to form better ideas. 2. You have to get close to the thing you want to learn about. The closer you get, the more you learn. 3. Together with your fellow students you must be the driving force in the work in order to learn much. Teachers’ tricks won’t do to put you on your toes. Life is too important for that. 4. You should be forewarned: Once you get into your stride, you’ll want to do more and more. The deeper you go into a question, the more you’ll want to know. There is much work in this - but in return you’ll avoid being superficial and half-awake. 5. There isn’t time to learn everything at school. Like an iceberg perhaps only one tenth of what you’d like to be able to do and know. The rest comes later. 6. Only Adam, at first, was alone in the world. All the rest of us are here together. 7. The things you learn should be put to use... Now, if possible - so that others may learn from you. Possibly later, as the occasion arises. What you have learned you learn twice as well by teaching it to others. 8. You have to be mobile, and then you will encounter many things. Otherwise, things come to a stop - even though your eyes are starting out of your head. From just one place you can’t see far. 9. All this applies to teachers, too. Read more about our PP’s on our website: 4
  • 5. The Countries where you will practice India The country is huge as a continent, often called the world’s biggest democracy and fast growing with over 1.1 billion people. India always surprises with its colours and beauty, glamour, poverty, size and smells. India is intense and never predictable, so expect the unexpected. Humana People to People projects in India are currently operating in Haryana east of the capital Delhi, in Tamil Nadu in the south - and in Rajasthan in the east where most of our participants go. For more info about HPPI, their website is: Mozambique The country is situated on the southeast African coast and is one of the poorest countries in the world. Until 1975 a Portuguese colony, followed by 17 years of war and civil conflicts. Today, Mozambique is still facing multiple social and economic problems related to poverty, including unemployment, low agricultural production, and limited infrastructure and social services. Mozambique has for many years in a row had a yearly economic growth but there is still very much to be done. ADPP-Mozambique (Humana) initiated its work in Mozambique in 1982 and has implemented 40 development projects. The projects are situated all over Mozambique. Read more on: Zambia Zambia is a landlocked country in the Southern Africa. The country shares its borders with 9 countries. Zambia gained its independence from British colonial rule in 1964 and was for the next 27 years under one party rule. Multi party democratic elections were held in 1991. Mining has been the core of the economy of Zambia. The decline in the price of copper on the world market and rising oil prices have had a devastating effect on the economy of the country. Development Aid from People to People in Zambia (Humana) runs 13 development projects. DAPP started the development activities in Zambia in 1986. Inform yourself more on their website: The school's background and present Training Facilities The first DRH School started in Denmark in 1970 and today there are 13 DRH schools in operation in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, all with their own concept and character. DRH Norway started in 1978 and is the oldest DRH School, still operating today. When the school first started, we invited for 9 months programs centred on a 4 months study and investigation period to Asia, Africa or America - to learn about people’s life conditions, their history and their expectations for the future. By travelling in busses, ships or airplanes we met people on their own doorsteps in all corners of the world. Today the programs are focusing more on the practical development work based on Solidary Humanism as quoted from Humana People to People’s Charter: “The dehumanised human being, the dehumanised society must meet the Solidary Humanism. Man standing shoulder to shoulder with all mankind.” So the aims and intentions with our programs still remain the same, although many things have changed. The school is situated in Norway, in facilities rented by Hornsjø Høyfjellshotell, 883 metres abs, 36 km north-east of Lillehammer. The hotel dates back to the 19th century and the school rents facilities in some parts of the buildings, with classrooms, offices, living, dining and spear time facilities. The hotel has a swim hall which we can use most of the year. The nature around Hornsjø invites for unique experiences like canoeing, biking, skiing and hiking, sleeping outside under open sky in the summer and in snow caves 5
  • 6. during the winter. The opportunities for experiences the nature offers provide important elements for the program. Other useful links to give you a broader understanding of our programs: School’s website: The Federation of Humana People to People: UFF Norway: Humana Sweden: Sister schools: Practical Information The school starts 14 months programs 4 times a year: February team – Mozambique and India May team – Zambia, Mozambique and India August team – Mozambique and India November team – Zambia, Mozambique and India Economy The economy consists of 3 parts: The non-refundable enrolment fee of 3.000 NOK, the school fee of 30.000 NOK and the goal for fundraising during the first period, which is 40.000 NOK. All the fees and fundraising go to cover the school’s expenses, to run the first period including your boarding expenses, to pay the travel expenses and insurance for the second period, and the third period program. The school would not want to see the economy preventing someone from joining the program and have over the years developed different economical solutions and are innovative in keeping costs at a minimum. We are able to help you work out a plan for how you can raise money to cover school fee costs, if that is a problem, so do not hesitate to take contact in these matters. Info and Preparatory Meetings Before the start of a program we invite all DIs for a meeting, preferably at the school in Hornsjø. If that is not possible for you, there are info meetings at places closer to your home. Here a school representative presents its offer and explains what is expected from you as a participant. On that background you will decide whether this is a good program for you, and we can start discussions of practical and preparatory character. During the meeting we want you as participants to formulate yourselves to each other and to the school, your different reasons for joining the program, as an initial start on building common ground for planning and organising your participation. After enrolment you will have contact with the school’s teachers and participants, until team starts. Qualifications needed: The program is open to anyone, who has passed 17, 5 years of age, willing and prepared to take the challenge. There are no specific academic requirements. The school has two rules: No drugs and no alcohol. No drugs or euphoric substances during the entire 14 months program. You will have to be free of heavy drugs min.12 months before starting at any program at the school. No alcohol, except for holidays or open weekends when you are away from the school or the school’s program in first and third period, and no alcohol during the 6 months project period. 6
  • 7. Good reasons for joining our program: • You are against racism and actively want to build good relations between people • You like to be one who has a good influence on the development in the world • You like to do something that is different or unique, but not necessary the mainstream • You are in for taking action to fight poverty - shoulder to shoulder with the poor • You would like to share your daily life and work closer together with others, in an organized way • You like to learn about the world, travel and experience other cultures and societies • You would like to live in a drug and alcohol free environment • You would like to broaden your personal fundament and challenge your own limits • You would like to learn to take practical action to bring about changes • You like to learn how to lead others • You feel that the de-humanizing of mankind must be met by the influence of solidary humanism Interested in the program: 1. Give us a call on +47-61264444 or email: 2. Accept an invitation to come for an information meeting in your area or a preparatory meeting at our school. Here you will learn about the school’s offer, and if needed get help to solve financial obstacles 3. Enrol yourself 4. Start Den reisende Høgskole Hornsjø, P.b. 47, 2636 Øyer, Norway Phone: (+47) 61264444 (Promo) Org. No. 971 520 957 Website: 7