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Table of Contents
At Home .............................................................................................. 3
At School .............................................................................................. 5
Restaurant Manners ........................................................................ 6
Social Etiquette Celebrations ........................................................ 7
National Anthem .............................................................................. 9
Table Graces ...................................................................................... 9
Familiar Graces ................................................................................ 9
Formal Dining ................................................................................. 10
Seven Course Meals ....................................................................... 14
Host Role…………………………………………………………..15
Tea Party Etiquette........................................................................ 17
Formal Dining ................................................................................. 23
Healthy Eating ................................................................................ 25
How to Eat To Live......................................................................... 26
Fun Food Facts ................................................................................ 28
Telephone Etiquette ....................................................................... 30
Cell Phone Etiquette ...................................................................... 31
Email Etiquette ............................................................................... 32
Your Child’s School ........................................................................ 34
University/College .......................................................................... 36
High Expectations and Enrollment Tips ................................... 36
Fashion Tips for Women ............................................................... 38
Fashion & Accessory Tips ............................................................. 38
Professional Attire .......................................................................... 43
Business Casual Attire for Women............................................. 44
Personal Grooming ......................................................................... 45
Business Attire for Men ................................................................ 46
Business Casual Attire for Men .................................................. 47
Employment ..................................................................................... 50
Resumé Writing Tips ..................................................................... 50
Sample Job Application ................................................................. 52

Personal Check List ....................................................................... 55
Job Interview Tips .......................................................................... 56
Introductions Handshaking/Conversation Tips ...................... 58
What to Talk About ........................................................................ 60
Communication Barriers .............................................................. 61
Choices We Make ............................................................................ 62
Parents/Caregivers ......................................................................... 64
Tough Subjects ................................................................................ 64
Alcohol ~ Drugs ~ Smoking .................................................. 64
Choices and Consequences ........................................................... 65
Achieving Your Goals .................................................................... 66
Your Financial Budget .................................................................. 67
Glossary ............................................................................................ 68

Introduction Character & Life
Skills should be taught from
early childhood through every
level in school. Grandparents
no longer live next door and
parents are working. Years
ago, African American
churches assisted parents in
teaching their children proper
social skills. But, we have
dropped the ball! Let’s pick up
the ball, take it to the
classrooms, and bring it back
into our churches.
I have written and self published several simple but powerful
books for parents and our children. My goal is to prepare students
and parents to live and work in a world that is highly technical
and diverse. They will have learned the Proper Social Skills
needed to interact in our diverse society. Students and their
parents will have learned how to combine social skills with string
educational practice.
The lessons in this guide book are designed to help you fit in
anywhere. After reading this book, you will enhance the social
skills you have already acquired. This book will increase your
social awareness, with very simple instructions. Learning social
skills is the key to being able to express acceptable behavior.
Education is the key to success in life. Etiquette is basically good
manners! The best etiquette is based on ―The Golden Rule,‖ that is,
treat others as you want them to treat you.

etiquette. This creates an insecurity and reluctance to blend with
various societies.
My goal is to teach students a good set of healthy values, respect
for human life, and a respect for education and the ability to excel
in school. I also would like to have an impact on increasing overall
academic achievement; reducing the placement of students in
special education classes; reducing suspensions and expulsions;
reducing dropout rates for students; increasing the graduation rate
and college attendance of students; increasing the rate of class
attendance; increasing parent, family and community involvement
and support; and increasing self-esteem and student achievement.
We all like to think that we have good manners or great social
skills. In reality, very few of us exercise these as a regular habit.
In fact, many of us interact in society without ever having learned
the proper social skills. As we deal with others in our daily lives, it
is not difficult to observe that many of us ignore the most basic
manners of social correctness. In order to be self-motivated and to
increase confidence and self-esteem, you need to be mentally and
emotionally balanced. One way to achieve this balance is by using
good manners and social grace (etiquette), and you will experience
success in all environments. Good manners and behavior define
the caliber of who we are regardless of our income, race, degree of
formal education, or career.
A person with good manners shows the world who he or she is,
including tastes opinions, friends, quality of life, and self-respect.
Drevelyn Matilda Minor, Author

While working for many years in the San Francisco Unified School
District, I found that the majority of students in public and some
Private schools, junior colleges, and universities lack the
understanding, training, and experience of good social skills /

At Home
Early Childhood Development

workers, teachers, peers, strangers,
and virtually everyone you come in
contact with. The greatest attributes
of social acceptance, is the ability to

Character Building
A grandparent might reinforce what
your parents taught you during your
early years to ensure proper behavior
in your daily life.

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Some important words to use in your
daily life are

Thank you!
You’re Welcome
I Apologize
First Teachers – Parents and
Grandparents can assist your parents
with your development of great social
skills. Remember, in most cases they
taught your parents.


Bathe or Shower regularly.

Good morning – Greet family
members, house guests and anyone
you might come in contact with at
church, school, etc.
Apply the same rule to the afternoon
and evening.

Good night -- Before going to bed say
―good night,‖ to family members or
any guest who might be visiting your

Don’t forget to say your prayers before
going to bed.

The Golden Rule

―Do unto others, as you would like
others to do unto you.‖
Everyone is to be treated with respect
and courtesy. This golden rule applies
to all family members, friends, co3
Responsibilities at Home

Sleepwear: Boys
should have pajamas,
a robe and slippers.

Housework: Volunteer to help your
parents around the house willingly
and quickly.

Girls should have
pajamas, nightgowns, a
robe and slippers.

Closing Doors: Hold the door
knob and shut it softly rather than
letting it slam shut.

Daywear: Place your clothing out each

Knock softly and ask permission
before entering other family member’s

night before you go to bed. Arrange
outfits by them together. Do not place
your clothing on the floor.

Yard Work: Help your parents with
yard work and take out the trash
Meal Times: Volunteer on special
occasions to help parents and
grandparents prepare the meals. At
other times, offer to set the table or do
other things that might be needed for
a family meal.

Laundry: Put your dirty
clothes in your laundry
basket or laundry bag.
Wash your dirty laundry
and put away your clean
clothes in drawers or on hangers

If you need extra help with math,
reading, science or any other subject,
ask your teachers for information on
after-school tutorial sites and Saturday

At School
Be On Time for Your Class!

Also, ask about after-school and
tutorial programs at your place of

Classmate Party Invitations
Student Questions in Class

This is the first sign of good classroom

If you have a question,
raise your hand and wait
for the teacher to call your

If you are sick and unable to attend
school, have your parent or guardian
contact the school secretary first thing
in the morning.

Don’t place your feet on
the furniture at school
or at home.

But if you’re late to class, enter the
classroom quietly and gently close the
door. Be considerate of other students
and the teacher.

Home Work Assignments
Do your homework
daily and turn it
in on time. You
can do your homework
during free time at school, on
the bus, in the car or at home.

You must follow the
school’s policy for
extending invitations.
If you pass your
invitations out at
school, it is polite to
invite all of your classmates. (If you
exclude some of your classmates, some
students’ feelings might be hurt.)
If you ONLY want to invite a small
group from your class, (Girls Only ―or‖
Boys Only) give them the invitations
after school, or have your parents mail
an invitation to their home.
You can also contact them by phone to
invite them.

Good Sportsmanship
After playing a sport or a game,
congratulate the other players on their
playing ability and let them know that
you enjoyed playing with them.
Good Sportsmanship is considered
fitting for playing or
watching sports. This
includes observing the
rules of fair play, respect for
others, and being gracious in

Restaurant Manners
Twelve Dining Tips for Parents and

It is never too early to start teaching
good restaurant manners to children.
Poorly behaved children can ruin the

dining experience for other patrons, so
if you bring your child to dine out,
make sure they are behaving properly.
1. Use a fork unless eating finger
2. Do not stuff your mouth full of
food because it doesn’t look good
and because you could choke.
3. Chew with your mouth closed.
No one should see food chewed
up or to have to listen to it being
chewed. This means no talking
with your mouth full.
4. Eat slowly. Wait a few seconds
before getting another fork full.
5. Do not reach over someone’s
plate for any other item on the
table. Ask someone to pass the
item to you.
6. Do not make any rude comments
about any food served in the
restaurant. It will hurt
someone’s feelings.
7. Always say ―Thank You‖ when
served something.
8. For buffet style meals – wait
until everyone is served before
starting to eat.

9. Break off a small piece of your
dinner roll before buttering it.
10. Do not pick anything out of your
teeth at the table. If it bothers
you, excuse yourself and go to
the restroom.
11. Use a napkin to ―dab‖ your
mouth. The napkin should be on
your lap when not in use.
12. Do not wipe or blow your nose
with your napkin.

Public Dining with Friends

Do not send a dish
back unless it is
really inedible--not just because you
changed your mind. When leaving the
table, put your chair under the table.

Do not drum your fingers on the table,
pick your teeth, comb your hair, or
polish your nails.

Social Etiquette


Bar Mitzvah

benediction at a house of worship or at
large gatherings. Whether or not you
believe in God, bow your head and
remain silent for the duration of the
Religious Ceremonies
Parents, attending
religious ceremonies
must understand
that the
ceremonies are an
important and joyful tradition for
families. However, you should find
other activities for children who are too
young to sit comfortably, quietly and
still throughout the services, thus
respecting the house of worship, the
clergy, and the other attendees.

Never chew gum, do not smack, rattle
gum or candy wrappers, or talk loudly
while visiting or sitting next to people
at the theater, at a concert, or in a
house of worship. Be considerate of the
performers and museum guides.

Public Library
Treat books with
the greatest
respect. Never
mark in them
and always
return them on
Public Elevator

Public Manners

House of Worship
A request to bow your head is asked of
you most of the time for a moment of
prayer, for an invocation, or for the

Who gets on or off an elevator
first? The person who reaches
the elevator first or is closest
to the door – regardless of
gender, enters or exits the
elevator first.
Good Neighbors
Welcome new
neighbors to your
Always ask for
before walking or
playing in a
neighbor’s yard
or on your neighbor’s property.

Federal Buildings
Hats or Caps

Men and boys should remove their
hats or caps when entering all federal

Public Transportation

Dallas Texas

Trash the Trash - Keep your city
beautiful by using the
public trash can.
Always place your
trash in a trash can
(not on city streets).

Keep your feet out of the public
passageway, so you will not trip
people. Say, ―Excuse me‖ or ―pardon
me‖ when trying to go passed another
person. Always offer your seat to
elders and people with a disability. If
someone near you drops something,
pick it up and hand it over to him or

Sneezing in Public
When you sneeze or
cough, cover your
nose and mouth with
a soft tissue or handkerchief, using
your left hand. This will leave your
right hand clean for hand shaking,
opening doors, etc.
After sneezing it is polite and
appropriate to excuse yourself, just by
saying, ―Excuse me,‖ to the person next
to you after coughing or sneezing in
both social and professional situations.
When you have a cold
or the flu, you
should also wash
your hands often
or carry a small
bottle of hand sanitizer.

Never spit in public!

Public Market
Do not cheat in line.
If you have 14 items in
your shopping cart, and the
supermarket is packed, you should not
race to the 10 items express lane.
National Anthem
When the National Anthem is played,
you must stand up and sing. Men and
boys should remove their hats.
There are four verses to the anthem,
but it is the first verse that is usually
sung. There are also state songs for
each of the fifty states as well.

The lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner
were written by Francis Scott Key, and
the music by John Stafford Smith. A
Congressional resolution made it the
National Anthem in 1931.

Table Graces
Familiar Graces

National Anthem Lyrics

Oh, say can you
see by the dawn’s early light what so
proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
thru the perilous fight, o’er the
ramparts we watched were so gallantly
streaming? And the rocket’s red glare,
the bombs bursting in air, gave proof
thru the night that our flag was still
there Oh, say does that Star Spangled
Banner yet wave o’er the land of the
free and the home of the brave?

O Lord, we pray thy blessings,
upon this food and upon our souls.
Guide us through life and save us through

Blessing for a Christian Home
In Christian homes the father or mother
usually says grace, although occasionally a
child is asked to say it. Family grace is
said either with everyone standing or with
everyone seated with bowed heads.

Our Father in Heaven, for this meal you
Many households observe the tradition of
pausing before a meal to give thanks for
the food on their table and other good
things in their lives. Grace should be said
first and nothing should be touched on the
table beforehand not even the water
glasses or the napkins.

Simple Guest Grace
O Lord, forgive us our sins and bless these
refreshments in Christ’s name.

have given we want to say thank you from
our hearts. Bless the ones who prepared it
and Lord as we share it will you stay with
us and be our guest of Honor.

Thank you, Lord, for this food which is
set before us. May we use it to nourish our
bodies, and thee to nourish our souls?
Make us ever more mindful of the needs of
others, and the needs of our planet.
Through Christ Our Lord, Amen

Around this happy table may no evil ever
come, let health, peace and happiness
make up our daily sum.

Formal Dining

Children’s Prayers
Children treat grace as an opportunity to
talk about their concerns. It gives us all a
chance to show how we can communicate
with God.
God is great, God is good
Let us thank him for our food
by his hands, we are fed
Let us thank him for our bread

If, after looking over the dinner menu,
there are items you are uncertain
about, ask questions about them. It is
better to find out what is in the dish
before you start placing it on your
plate. It could be something you do not
like or to which you are allergic. Avoid
spending the entire meal picking
tentatively at your food.
First Person Served
The host serves the guest of honor (Female) first and then proceeds counter
clockwise around the table.

Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God, for everything.

Last Person Served
She serves her husband next to last
and herself last.
When should children begin eating?
Children eating alone with their
parents should wait until their parents
begin eating before picking up their
soupspoon or fork.

Catholic Grace

Give us grateful hearts, O Father, for all
thy mercies, and make us mindful of the
needs of others, through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Bless us O Lord, and these Thy gifts,
which we are about to receive from Thy
bounty, through Christ Our Lord.

The Menu

Serving Directions
Serve and remove all dishes from the
Table manners play an important part in
making a favorable impression. Our manners
can speak volumes about us as professionals.

Serve all beverages from the ―RIGHT.‖

Passing Food at the Table
Food should be passed to the right, or
counter clockwise. If you need
something that you cannot reach
easily, politely ask the person closest
to the item you need to pass it to you.
For example, ―After you’ve used them
yourself, would you please pass me the
salt and pepper?‖
Seasoning Your Food

Table Conversation

Engage in table conversation that is
pleasant but entirely free of controversial

Proper Table Posture

Do not season your
food before you have
tasted it! The host /chef will be
offended by your actions – especially if
you have not tasted the dish.
Bread or Rolls

Eat rolls or bread by tearing off small
bite size pieces and buttering only the
piece you are preparing to eat. When
ready for another piece, repeat the
same process.

Hunching - Never HUNCH over your dinner
plate! Proper posture at the table is very
important. Sit up straight, with your arms
held near your body. You should neither lean
on the back of the chair nor bend forward to
place the elbows on the table. Contrary to
popular belief, elbows on the table are
acceptable between courses or after everyone
has finished eating.
It is permissible to lean forward slightly every
now and then and press the elbows very lightly
against the edge of the table, if it is obvious
that you are not using them for support.

Eating Soup
Dip the spoon into the soup, moving it
away from the body, until it
is about two thirds
full. Sip the
liquid from the
side of the spoon.
Do not slurp soup from
a spoon. Spoon the soup away from you
when you take it out of the bowl and
sip it from the side of the spoon. If your
soup is too hot, let it sit until it cools;
do not blow on it.
Chewing Food
Do not chew your food with your
mouth open or make loud noises while
you are eating. Although it is possible
to talk with a small piece of food in
your mouth, do not talk with your
mouth filled with food.
Removing Bad Tasting Food
Never spit a piece of bad food or tough
gristle into your napkin! Remove the
food from your mouth using the same
utensil you used to place it in your
mouth. Place the piece of food on the
edge of your plate. If possible, cover it.

Food Caught Between Teeth
If food is caught between your teeth
and you cannot remove it with your
tongue, leave the table and go to the
restroom where you can remove the
food from your teeth.
Leaving the Table
You should not leave the table during
the meal except in an emergency!
Simply excuse yourself from the table
if you must go to the bathroom or if
you suddenly become sick. Later you
can apologize to the host by saying
that you did not feel well.
Left-Handed Person
If you or someone you are dining with
is left-handed, it is best for the lefthanded person to sit at the left end of
the table or at the head of the table.
This arrangement helps ensure that
everyone has adequate elbow room to
eat comfortably.
Spilling Food off Your Plate
If food spills off your plate, you may
pick it up with a piece of your
silverware and place it on the edge of
your plate.

Drinking Beverages

The salad fork is on your outermost
left, followed by your dinner fork.

Wipe your mouth with
your napkin after eating
off your plate. Do not
take a sip of any beverage
at the table until your mouth is empty
and wiped with your napkin. You need
to keep the rim of your glass or cup
free from food marks.

Your soup spoon is on your outermost
right, followed by your beverage spoon,
salad knife and dinner knife.
Your dessert spoon and fork are above
your plate or brought out with dessert.

Silverware & Napkin

Choosing the correct silverware from
the variety in front of you is not as
difficult as it may first appear.
Remember the rule to work from the
outside in, and you will be fine. Work
your way in, using one utensil for each
course. Starting with the knife, fork, or
spoon that is farthest from your plate,
if you skip the first course, skip the
first fork.

Use a knife and fork to cut and eat
your food. On your plate cut your food
by holding the knife in the right hand
and the fork in the left hand with the
fork tines piercing the food.
Cut a few bite-size pieces of food, and
then lay your knife across the top edge
of your plate with the sharp edge of the
knife blade facing you.
Change your fork from your left to your
right hand to eat, fork tines facing up.
If, you are left-handed, keep your fork
in your left hand, tines facing up
If a piece of your silverware falls onto
the floor, pick it up if you can reach it
and simply and quietly request a clean

If you have to leave the
table temporarily, place your fork over
your knife in an inverted ―V.‖ This will
let the server know you are not quite
finished with your meal.
Once you have used a piece of
silverware, never place it back on the
table. Leave unused silverware on the
table. Do not leave a used spoon in a
cup, either; place it in the saucer. You
can leave a soup spoon in a soup bowl.

Place your napkin on your lap,
completely unfolded.
A large dinner napkin should be folded
in half after opening and before placing
on your lap.
Typically, you want to put your napkin
on your lap soon after sitting down at
the table (but follow your host’s lead).

The napkin remains on your lap
throughout the entire meal and is used
gently to blot your mouth when
If you need to leave the table during
the meal, fold your napkin and place it
back to the left hand side of your plate.
The host will signal the end of the
meal by placing his or her napkin on
the table.
When you leave the table at the end of
the meal place your napkin loosely
next to your plate. (Do not refold your
napkin, but do not wad it up, either.)
Do not leave your napkin on your

Fine Dining
The Host is the Restaurant Greeter
who is in charge of the dining room.

The Wait Staff
The waitperson will serve your meal or
any selections from the menu.

The more you communicate to the
waitperson, the better he or she will be
able to serve you. If you are displeased
with the dining experience in any way,
it is up to you to calmly and politely
articulate that to the waitperson, host
or manager so they can have an
opportunity to fix the problem.
If you do not say anything and just
wait until the end of the meal to leave
a substandard tip, the waitperson
won’t know what went wrong.
Standard Tip:
15-20% of a check
Increase Tip:
Waitperson went to any length to
make you happy
No Tip:
Only in extreme cases should a tip
never be given. Poor Service:
inattentive – forgetful – rude –

Seven Course Meals


If the appetizer is
seafood cocktail, a small fork is placed
to the right of the soup spoon. The
cocktail fork will be the only fork that
will ever be placed to the right of the
dinner plate.
After the appetizer,
comes the soup bowl, which is placed
on a service plate. Once you finish
your soup, the service plate, soup bowl,
soupspoon and sherry glass will be

A large
dinner or entrée plate follows once the
server has removed the fishplate, fish
fork and knife. Normally, red wine is
served with this course.


Fish Entrée
A small plate
replaces the service plate. The outer
utensils are used. The bread plate is to
the left with a butter spreader.

Except for the water and
champagne glass, each place setting is
completely cleared away from the
table. A dessert plate is normally
brought to the table; the dessert spoon
and fork are placed above the main
place setting.
Finger Bowl
Use for washing your fingertips
On the other hand, dessert can be
served with the finger bowl. A finger
bowl comes with an under plate and
doily. The bowl contains warm water
with a lemon slice. Once you have
washed your fingertips, the finger bowl
is placed to the left. The server will
remove the bowl then serve the

In European dining, the salad course is
served last; Americans normally serve
this course after the soup. Both the
salad plate and salad knife and fork
are smaller than the other utensils.

Coffee or Tea
A coffee or tea cup
and saucer is brought to the table and
coffee or tea is served once dessert is


Host Role
Restaurant Dining
Business Meetings
As a host,
you should
clarify your
Choose an
and make
If you are confirming for a breakfast,
you should do so the afternoon before
If you are confirming for a dinner, you
should do so that morning before the
afternoon of the dinner.
Please arrive early and wait by the
door for your guests. If you are seated,
order water or a soft beverage, but
don’t begin eating the bread.
If your guests are over 15-20 minutes
late, you should call and tell them that
you are waiting. Wait five or ten more
minutes and then decide whether you
want to eat alone or leave. If you leave,

you should leave a message with the
restaurant host and tip the waiter.

Hopefully, they will be able to fit you

You can make menu suggestions to
your guests, and if they order an
appetizer or soup, do likewise.

Gentlemen – it is appropriate to hold
the chair and seat the woman on your

You are responsible for initiating
business talk. If it is a breakfast meal,
keep social conversation to a
minimum. If it is a lunch meal, you can
converse until orders are taken, but
then get down to business. If it is a
dinner meal, business may or may not
be discussed. If spouses/partners are
included, never talk business.

Always speak softly when eating out
and never snap your fingers at the

Do not make a big production about
the bill. It is best if you give your
credit card to the waitperson before the
meal so that the bill never comes to the
Always phone in advance for a
reservation and be on time.
If you need to cancel your reservation
try to notify the restaurant within 24
hours of your cancellation.
If you are running late, let the
restaurant know of your late arrival.

When the server is ready to take your
order, and you have not made a
decision about what to order, ask the
server to return in a few minutes.
If, after looking over the menu, there
are items you are uncertain about, ask
your server any questions you may
have. Answering your questions is part
of the server’s job. It is better to find
out before you order what is in a dish.
It could be something you do not like or
to which you are allergic. You don’t
want to spend the entire meal picking
at your food.
In a restaurant, women’s orders are
taken before the men’s.

An employer will generally suggest
that your order be taken first; his or
her order will be taken last.
As a guest, you should not order one of
the most expensive items on the menu
or more than two courses unless your
host indicates that it is all right.
If the host says, ―I’m going to try this
delicious sounding cheesecake; why
don’t you try dessert too,‖ or ―The
prime rib is the specialty here‖ I think
you’d enjoy it, then it is all right to
order the item if you would like it for
your meal.
It is best to order food that can be
eaten with a fork and knife. Finger
foods can be messy and are best left for
informal dining.
It is inappropriate to ask for a doggy
bag when you are a guest. Save the
doggy bag for informal dining.
Do not order alcoholic beverages.
Drinking too much when dining out is
one of the most disliked behaviors.
Do not smoke while dining out.

When leaving the table, always say
excuse me to others at the table, fold
your napkin neatly and place it to the
left of your dinner plate.
Not Finished
If you do not want the
waitperson to remove your plate from
the table, place your knife and fork in
an inverted ―V‖ on your dinner plate.
Place the fork over the knife with the
―Prongs‖ pointing down.
When you finish your meal place the
knife and fork parallel to one another
across your plate with the knife blade
facing inward toward you. Your knife
and fork should be positioned at ten
o’clock to four o’clock.
Social Setting - it is always
appropriate for a male to stand when a
female is leaving the table.
Business Setting – it is not always
necessary for a male to rise whenever
his female coworker(s) leave the table.

Sharing Foods – Yes, it is appropriate
to share when others at the table are
also willing to share. However, always
request additional small plates and
clean utensils for dividing the shared
When entertaining a guest for dinner
or cocktails, the person who extended
the invitation (regardless of gender) is
responsible for the bill.
Sneezing or Blowing Your Nose –
Excuse yourself from the table, and do
not use your napkin as a handkerchief.
Guest Role
Be on time. Call if you will be late.
Allow the host to lead and never fight
over the bill.
Always be courteous and thank the
Keep your briefcase and/or purse off
the table.
Ladies - always go to the bathroom to
apply your make-up or fix your hair.
Never do it at the table.

Turn off your cellular phone during a
business meeting.

Tea Party Etiquette

Never correct others’ manners.
Ten Commandments for Business
I. Thou shall not jump straight into
business talk
II. Thou shall not be late
III. Thou shall not table hop
IV. Thou shall not talk policies, diets,
or about family
V. Thou shall not dominate the
VI. Thou shall not dawdle over
ordering or eating
VII. Thou shall not drink too much
VIII. Thou shall not fight over who
pays the bill.
IX. Thou shall not neglect thy table
X. Thou shall not forget to show

The menu has also changed from
tea, bread, butter and cakes, to
include three particular courses
served specifically in this order:

If the host pours your cup half full with

tea – that is a sign that they wish for
you to stay a while longer. A full cup of
tea poured by the host indicates a wish
for you to leave.
There are three basic types of
Afternoon or Low Tea:
Cream Tea Tea, scones, jam and
Light Tea Tea, scones and
Full Tea
Tea, savories,
scones, sweets and
In England, the traditional time
for tea was 4 or 5 o’clock and no
one stayed after 7 p.m. Most
tearooms today serve tea from 3
to 5 o’clock.


Tiny sandwiches or
served with jam and
Devonshire or
Clotted Cream
Cakes, cookies,
shortbread and

Since it is a tea party, it is okay to eat
with fingers. However, if an item is
particularly messy (has a runny
filling), use a fork.
If all the courses are laid out on the
table, you should eat them in this
Scones or Muffins
Second: Tiny Sandwiches
Sweets – Pastries
Think of it like a meal where you can
start with bread, then have the main
course, but save the dessert for last.
For scones or muffins, break off a bitesize piece, then put a small amount of

jam or butter on it. If Devonshire or
clotted cream is available, a small
amount can be dabbed on after the
jam. This thick cream is for scones,

not for the tea.

Take bites of the tiny sandwiches.
Never stuff the whole thing in your
mouth, even though it is small.
If using sugar, do not dip the sugar
tong or sugar spoon into your teacup.
(I recommend using sugar cubes.)
Stir sugar and/or milk with your
teaspoon, and then place the teaspoon
on your saucer.
When drinking the tea, you can hold
the cup and saucer near your chest
then take the teacup off the saucer and
bring it up to your mouth to drink.
If the tea is hot, do not blow on the tea.
Leave your teacup on the table to cool.
Messy Tea Bags

Hopefully, the tea will be served from
the teapot, rather than having

individual tea bags, which can get very
messy, especially with children.
When using tea bags at a tea party,
always have a small dish at your place
setting on which your guest can place
the used tea bag.

Tea Cup Etiquette

Pick up your cup and saucer together
holding the saucer in one hand and
cup in the other.
Hold the saucer under your cup
while you sip your tea (so you don’t
spill it or dribble).
The best way to hold a teacup is to
slip your index finger through the
handle, up to almost the first
knuckle, then balance and secure the
cup by placing your thumb on the top
of the handle and allowing the
bottom of the handle to rest on your
middle finger.

Pinky – Finger

Do not extend your pinky
out when drinking tea.
Just hold the teacup
Hold the cup lightly, by
the handle - your pinky does not
have to be extended. (Contrary to
popular belief, the ring and pinkie
fingers should not be extended, but
should rest by curving gently back
toward your wrist.)
Stirring Your Tea When stirring
your tea, do not make clinking noises
by the sides of the cup while stirring.
Gently swish the tea back and forth
being careful not to touch the sides of
your cup if possible. Never leave your
spoon in the cup and be sure not to
sip your tea from the spoon. After
stirring, place your spoon quietly on
the saucer, behind the cup, on the
right hand side under the handle.

Milk – Not Cream

Serve milk with tea. Please do not use
cream. Cream is too heavy and masks
the taste of the tea. Although some
people pour their milk into the cup
first, it is probably better to pour the
milk in the tea after it is in the cup in
order to get the correct amount.

Tea Party Menu
Lemon Slices–Not Wedges

When serving lemon with
tea, use lemon slices, not wedges.
Provide a small fork or lemon fork for
your guests or the tea server can
neatly place a slice in the teacup after
the tea has been poured. Be sure never
to add lemon with milk since the
lemon’s citric acid will cause the
proteins in the milk to curdle.

Tea Party Menu


Chicken Curry ~Cucumber Mint
~Carrot-Ginger ~ Cucumber-Goat
Cheese and Watercress ~Putting on
the Ritz Egg Salad ~ Radish Poppy
Seed Tea Sandwiches ~ Spring Radish
Tea Sandwiches
Radish Sandwiches on
Zucchini Basil Muffins

Salmon Sandwich on

Quick Breads & Scones
Muffins ~
Apricot and
Scones ~ Best
Blueberry Muffins ~ Cherry Scones ~
Date Drop Scones ~ Orange Poppy
Seed Bread ~ Scones ~ Mincemeat
Nut Bread ~ Vanilla Bean Loaves ~
Wonderful Scones ~ Zucchini Bread

Spreads & Toppings

Lavender Jelly
Lemon Curd
Mock Devonshire Cream

Cake ~ Pies ~ Cookies ~ Boccone Dolce
(Sweet Mouthful) ~ Cranberry Tartlet
~ English Trifle ~ Fresh Strawberries
Dipped in Chocolate ~ High Tea Lemon
Cookies ~ Lavender Tea Cookies

Finger Foods
To eat it, pull off a leaf, dip it,
scrape the flesh from the base
of the leaf with your top teeth,
and discard the leaf on the plate
provided for that purpose.
Asparagus may be
eaten with the fingers as long as it is
not covered with sauce. It is fine to
use a fork and knife to eat asparagus.
Bread must always be
broken, never cut with a
knife. Tear off a piece that
is no bigger than two bites worth and
eat that before tearing off another. If
butter is provided, then butter the
small piece and eat it.
When bacon is cooked until it is very
crisp, and there is no danger of getting
the fingers wet with grease, it is okay
to pick it up to eat.

It is never necessary
to try to eat the
cookie that comes as a garnish to your
dessert with a spoon. Unless the
cookie has fallen so far into the
chocolate sauce that there is not a
clean corner by which to pick it up.
Corn on the Cob
It is unlikely that it will
be served at a formal
event, but if you encounter corn on the
cob, it may be picked up and eaten.
The approved method of doing so is to
butter one or two rows at a time and to
eat across the cob cleanly.
French Fries, Fried Chicken, Chips,
and Hamburger
These items (also classified as fast
foods will not be served in a formal
setting. Most are eaten with the hands,
although a particularly messy
hamburger could be eaten with a fork
and knife. Also, steak fries (the thickcut, less crispy variety) may be best
eaten with a fork.

Hors d’Oeuvres, Crudités
Almost everything that is served at a
cocktail party or during a pre-meal
cocktail hour is intended to be eaten
with the fingers. Some of these foods
make appearances at regular meals as
well (although not usually in very
formal ones). When they do, it is still
permissible to use the fingers to eat
them. This includes olives, pickles,
nuts, deviled eggs, and chips.

Small Fruits and Berries on

If you are served strawberries with the
hulls, on, cherries with stems or grapes
in a bunch, then it is okay to eat them
with your fingers. Otherwise, as with

all berries, the utensil of choice is a
spoon. In the case of grapes, you may
encounter a special scissors, to cut off a
small cluster from the bunch. If not,
tear a portion from the whole, rather
than plucking off single grapes, which
leaves a cluster of unattractive bare
stems on the serving platter.

Straightforward Sandwiches

The straightforward sandwich is any
sandwich that is not open-faced, not
too tall to fit in the mouth, not
saturated with dripping sauces or
loaded with mushy filling. It is
intended to be picked up and eaten.
Otherwise, use a fork and knife.

Basic Table Setting

Server Plate (will be replaced with a Dinner Plate) is
placed on table allowing about two feet for each person and in
the CENTER of the space
Soup Bowl Placed in the CENTER
Salad Plate to the LEFT of the dinner plate just above
Dinner Roll Plate and Butter Spreader (on top of the
bread plate) – Place just above the DINNER PLATE, a little
to the left
Place napkin to the LEFT side of the SALAD FORK
with the INSIDE FOLD facing the DINNER PLATE
Salad Fork is placed on the LEFT HAND side of the
Dinner Plate

Dinner Fork is placed to the LEFT side of the DINNER
Dinner Knife Placed at the RIGHT of the DINNER
Beverage Spoon Placed on the right hand side to the
Soup Spoon Placed at the RIGHT of the DINNER
SPOON (If serving soup)
Beverage Glasses (Water) Placed to the RIGHT hand
side starting at the TIP of the KNIFE.
Beverage Glasses (Milk or Juice) Placed to the RIGHT
hand side of the WATER GLASS

Formal Dining

fairly easy to master. Your waiter will fill the glasses in the
correct order. When each course is finished, allow the server
to remove the glass for that course as well as the plate.
Beverage Glasses Positions (minimum of five glasses)
Sherry or Aperitif Glass
The glass farthest to the right may be a sherry or aperitif
glass, if one is served to accompany the soup course. This will
be the first glass you use.
White Wine Glass
Next is the white wine glass, which is used during the fish
course or appetizer.
Red Wine Glass
Behind the white wine glass is the red wine glass. This glass
is larger, with a fuller bowl that allows the red wine to

Rules: In a formal place setting, the first two rules to
remember are:
1) Solids are to the LEFT (Yes, your bread plate to the
2) Liquids to the RIGHT
Utensils are placed in the order used. You always work from
the ―outside in‖ as the meal progresses.
Beverage Glasses
Formal meals normally have a minimum of five glasses at the
table. Each glass is slightly different in shape and size. This is

Water Goblet
The largest glass is the water goblet, which sits just above the
dinner knife.
Champagne Glass
Finally, behind and to the right of the water goblet is the
champagne glass, if champagne will accompany dessert.
You may also find a champagne glass in the first position,
perhaps served with oysters as an appetizer.

Formal Dining Table


Server Plate ( Replaced with a Dinner Plate)
Soup Bowl
Salad Plate
Bread & Butter Plate
Fish Fork
Salad Fork
Dinner Fork
Dinner Knife
Fish Knife
Beverage Spoon
Soup Spoon

Small Cocktail Fork- placed to the right of the soup
spoon. (This cocktail fork will be the ONLY fork that will
ever be to the right.)
Dessert Spoon & Fork
Water Goblet
Champagne Glass
Red Wine Goblet
White Wine Goblet
Sherry Glass
Coffee or Tea Setting (Placed on the table at end of
meal, often with the desserts.)

Healthy Eating

2. Exercise Regularly

Physical Fitness

Work up a good
sweat. When
you are
hard and
sweating, it
helps your
heart pump
better, gives you
more energy, and helps you look and
feel your best. Start with a warm-up
that stretches your muscles.

Breakfast Brain
Power (10) Tips
Research has shown that eating a
nutritious breakfast that includes
grain or protein and fruit or juice helps
to improve students’ test scores,
behavior and well-being.
1. Start with Breakfast (Daily)

Breakfast fills your ―empty tank‖ to get
you going after a long night without
food. Eating a good breakfast can help
you do better in school. Easy to
prepare breakfasts include cold cereal
with fruit and low-fat milk, wholewheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt
with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even
last night’s pizza.

Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity,
such as running, jogging or dancing.
Follow-up with activities that help
make you stronger such as push-ups or
lifting weights. Then cool-down with
more stretching.

the escalator or elevator. Try to do
these things for a total of 30 minutes
every day.
4. Snack Smart
Snacks are a great way to refuel.
Choose snacks from different food
groups – have a glass of low-fat milk
and a few celery sticks with peanut
butter and raisins, or some dry cereal.
If you eat smart at other meals,
cookies, chips, and candy are okay for
occasional snacking.
5. Grains, Fruits, and Vegetables.

3. Get Moving!
It is easy to fit
physical activities into
your daily routine.
Try to fit physical
activities into your
daily routine – take
the stairs instead of

Energy Foods –Eating more grains,
fruits and vegetable gives you
carbohydrates for energy plus
vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Besides,
they taste good! Try breads such as
whole-wheat bread, bagels, and pita.
Spaghetti and oatmeal are also in the
grain group.

6. Balance Your Food Choices
Do not eat too much of one thing. You
do not have to give up foods like
hamburgers, French fries, and ice
cream to eat healthfully. Your body
needs protein, carbohydrates, fat, and
many different vitamins and minerals
such as Vitamins C and A, iron, and
calcium from a variety of foods.
7. Healthy Eating Style
A healthy eating style is like a puzzle
with many parts. Each part, or food, is
different. Some foods may have more
fat, sugar or salt, while others may
have more vitamins or fiber. There is a
place for all these foods. What makes a
diet good or bad is how foods fit
Balancing your choices is important.
At dinner choose lower fat foods. Fit in
a higher fat food like a meat pizza in
moderation. If two pieces of pizza fill
you up, do not eat a third.

8. Exercise with Family or Friends
Being active is more
fun with family or
friends. Invite others
to join you and plan
one special physical
activity like a bike ride
or hiking, with a group each week.
9. School Physical Activities
Join in. Whether you take a physical
education class or do other physical
activities at school, such as intramural
sports, structured activities are a sure
way to feel good, look good and stay
physically fit.
10. Fun Physical Activities

How to Eat To Live
Six (6) Nutrient Groups
Group One (1) - Water

Water transports other nutrients to
cells, carries wastes away, aids
digestion and more. It makes up more
than half your bodyweight.
SOURCES: water ~ juices and other
beverages, soups and many ―solid‖
foods (fruits, vegetables, breads, etc.)
Group Two (2) – Minerals
Build bones, teeth, blood, and help the
body use energy. Especially important
to young people:
Group (3) Three - Calcium

Take advantage of physical activities
you and your friends enjoy doing
together. Be adventurous. Try new
sports, games, and other activities as
well as new foods. You will grow
stronger, play longer, and look and feel
better! Set realistic goals – don’t try
changing too much at once.

Calcium is found in milk,
cheese and other dairy products, and
also in some green vegetables.

Group Four (4) Proteins

Group Five (5) - Carbohydrates

Proteins build and
repair cells, fight infection,
and make your blood
strong. Found in meat, poultry and
shellfish, dried beans and peas, dark
green leafy vegetables (spinach, etc.),
and dried fruits.

Provide energy
(calories) for muscles,
nerves, and the brain.
Complex carbohydrate foods provide
calories and other nutrients. (They are
also sources of fiber, essential for
digestion and the prevention of some
diseases.) Simple carbohydrates
provide calories, but not much else.

Fish, meat, chicken, eggs, milk, and

Dried beans, lentils and peas, nuts,
breads, noodles, grains and cereals
VITAMINS help the body use food and
work properly.
Carrots, spinach, broccoli, green
peppers, leaf lettuce, cantaloupe, citrus
fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, whole and
enriched grains, milk products, fish,
meat, and poultry.

These include breads, noodles, grains,
cereals, potatoes, nuts, seeds, dried
beans, lentils and peas, vegetable, and
some fruits.
These include table sugar, powdered
sugar, brown sugar and ―natural‖
sugars in honey, corn, and some fruits
Group Six (6) – Fats
Provide energy and
fatty acids, helps
digestion. Too much
fat can be harmful.
SOURCES: Vegetable
oils, margarine, butter (and food fried

in them), whole milk, cream, most
cheeses, meats, poultry (especially
with skin), eggs, chocolate, avocados,
peanut butter and nuts.

Note: A good source of a vitamin or
mineral contributes at least 10 percent
of its Percent Daily Value per serving.
A good source of dietary fiber
contributes at least 2 grams of dietary
fiber per serving.

Good Sources of Vitamin A
Squash, winter
Sweet potato
Turnip greens

Good Sources of Dietary Fiber

Apple & Pears with skin
Apricot, dried
Dry Beans
Lima Beans
Black-eyed peas
Green Peas
Split Peas
Potato with skin
Winter Squash
Sweet potato

Remember: You have to burn 3500
calories to lose one pound of fat.

Good Sources of Potassium

Apricots, dried
Dry Beans
Black-eyed peas
Grapefruit juice
Honeydew melon
Orange juice
Green Peas
Split Peas
Potato with skin
Prune juice
Cooked Spinach
Winter Squash
Sweet potato

Good Sources of Foliate

Beans, dry
Black-eyed peas
Mustard greens
Orange juice
Green Peas
Split Peas
Turnip greens

Fun Food Facts
Did You Know?
Fast Food Isn’t New!
The remains of fast
foods shops have
been found in
ancient ruins! Even
ancient Greeks enjoyed take-out. The
only thing that is new is the mass
production, standard menus and
recipes of fast-food ―chains.‖ Wow!

Other Interesting Food Facts



The word salary
comes from the
Latin word
salarium. Salt
was used in ancient times to pay for
work done. Today, salt (a form of
sodium) is so prevalent in packaged
foods that it is far too easy to eat too
much salt. Watch your daily sodium
intake and read labels.

Lemons contain more
sugar than strawberries.
In France, people eat approximately
700 million snails per year.
The onion is named after a
Latin word meaning large
pearl of rice. Half of the
world’s population lives
on a diet staple of rice.
First Breakfast
The first mass
breakfast cereal
was corn flakes.
Instant Coffee

Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
frozen fruits
and vegetables
are more
nutritious than
fresh. The
longer that fruits or
vegetables sit around waiting to be
sold or eaten, the more nutrients they
lose. Fruits and vegetables grown for
freezing are usually frozen right after
they are picked, and have less time to
lose their nutrients.

Chop suey

The most
likely of various tales about the origin
of chop suey is that it was created by
Chinese immigrants in California.
Temperature can affect
your appetite. You are more
likely to be hungry if you are cold!
Have A Tomato With
Your Burger! When a
source of Vitamin C
(orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry,
tomato, etc) is eaten with meat or
cooked dry beans, the body
makes better use of the
iron in the protein food.

Instant coffee has been in
existence since the middle
of the 18th century.

Within two (2) hours of
standing in daylight, milk
loses between half and
two-thirds of its vitamin B
Baker’s Dozen
Bakers used to be fined if
their loaves of bread
were under weight, so
they used to add an
extra loaf of bread to
every dozen, just in case
– hence, the expression ―baker’s dozen‖
Fish with Lemon It
has been
traditional to serve
fish with lemon
since the Middle Ages. People believed
that the fruit’s juice from the lemon
would dissolve any bones accidentally

Telephone Etiquette
Home Phone
Be considerate of the
family telephone –
others might wish to
use the phone.
In a friendly voice, answer by saying
hello, good morning, or good afternoon.
If the caller wishes to speak to you,
answer, ―This is he/she‖ or ―This is
James.‖ If the call is for another person
and he/she is nearby, say to the caller,
―One moment please.‖
Your Neighbor’s Phone
If answering the telephone at someone
else’s home, simply say, ―Hello,
Jackson residence.‖
Taking a Message

Listen Carefully
If the person is not home, listen
carefully to what the caller says and
take a message. Keep a pad and
pencils on your desk at all times for
writing down messages.
1. Ask the caller his/her name. If you
do not know the correct spelling of
the caller’s name, ask the caller to
spell his/her name.
2. Ask for their phone number.
3. Write down the message that the
caller would like to leave.
Leaving Voice Messages at Home
In a clear voice repeat your name and
telephone number, and a short
message that is to the point. Repeat
your phone number slowly.
Gum Chewing and Talking
Do not chew or crack your gum when
speaking on the phone or speaking to
others in person
Talking During Mealtime
Never answer the phone or talk to
another person on the phone while

Business Calls

caller for being patient and finish the
business conversation. Call the second
caller promptly after you have
completed the first call, just as you had

Business Messages
Please keep business calls professional
or businesslike.
Receiving Business Calls
Pick up the phone and answer with a
very clear voice. Identify your company
name and yourself. For example:
―Nia’s Enchanted Hair Boutique &
Beauty Spa, Nia speaking; how may I
assist you?‖
If you are talking to a caller and the
second line rings, apologize to the first
caller and ask them if they would
please hold.
Answer the second caller, get the
caller’s name, phone number, and tell
them you are on a call and will call
them back as soon as you finish.
Return to the first caller thanking the

The person who originated/initiated
the call is responsible for calling back
the other party

Keeping Phone Records
Keep a record of all calls that comes
into the office. Use a phone message
pad or phone log that indicates who
called, the caller’s phone number, and
date and time of the call. You can also
log the message in the computer and
save to retrieve when needed.

Cell Phone Etiquette
Business messages always leave your
company’s name, your name, your
company’s phone number and the

Office Answering Machine
If your company uses an answering
machine or voice mail, please check
your messages as soon as you return to
your desk.
Disconnected Calls at Work and Home
– Who Calls Back?

Always use
when using
a cellular
phone in a social environment. It is
best to refrain from placing cell phone
calls during social events. Only answer
incoming calls after excusing yourself
from the immediate area and
remember to speak softly.

Cell Phone Pictures

Standing in line

Never take anyone’s picture with your
cell phone without his or her
permission. Taking someone’s picture
and publishing it without their
permission is violating the law.

Email Etiquette

Talking and Texting While
Driving a Car
Talking and texting on your cell phone
can be hazardous to you, your
passengers and other drivers. As of
2010, a ban on driving while talking on
a hand-held cell phone is in place in 7
states (California, Connecticut, New
Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, and
Washington) and the District of
Columbia). The use of all cell phones
while driving a school bus is prohibited
in 17 states and the District of
Columbia (DC). The use of all cell
phones by novice drivers is restricted
in 21 states and DC.
Text messaging is banned for all
drivers in 19 states and DC. Even if
you use a hands-free headset, you are
still distracted by trying to have a
conversation while driving. Pull off the
road if you have to answer or place a
call. Never TEXT while driving.

Important Email Etiquette Tips:
It is not polite to talk on your cell
phone while standing in line at a place
of business such as in a bank, deli,
department store, airport, restaurant,
and other public places. When you
arrive face to face with the clerk or
associate do not continue talking on
your cell phone. Your actions in most
cases will be upsetting to the others in
line behind you and the staff person
waiting to serve you.

Stay focused on why you are there and
what business you need to complete.

1. Be concise and to the point.
Avoid long sentences.
2. Answer all questions and preempt further questions.
3. Use proper spelling, grammar
& punctuation. (Spell Check)
4. Use templates for frequently
used responses.
5. Answer promptly.
6. Do not attach unnecessary
7. Use proper structure & layout.
8. Do not overuse the high
priority option.
9. Do not write in CAPITAL
LETTERS. It equals shouting.

10. Do not leave out the message
11. Add disclaimers to your
12. Read the email before you send
13. Do not overuse Reply to All
14. Don’t overuse abbreviations
and emoticons.
15. Take care with rich text and
HTML messages.
16. Do not forward chain letters or
Internet hoaxes.
17. Do not copy a message or
attachment without
18. Do not use emails to discuss
confidential information.
19. Use a meaningful subject.
20. Avoid using URGENT and
21. Do not send or forward emails
containing defamatory,
offensive, racist or obscene
22. Do not reply to spam.
23. Use cc: field sparingly.
24. Do not make an email longer
than it needs to be.
25. Don’t assume that no one else
will read the email.

Educational Tips

Why is email etiquette important?
A company needs to implement
etiquette rules for the following three
1) Professionalism: By using
proper email language your
company will convey a
professional image.
2) Efficiency: Emails that get to
the point are much more
effective than poorly worded
3) Protection from liability:
Employee awareness of email
risks will protect your company
from costly lawsuits.

Reading is essential in the educational
process. It is the gateway to the liberal
arts and to seeking knowledge, to
learning about the past, to
understanding the present, to being
able to see what others are writing
about the future.
Mathematics is the gateway to the
sciences. You cannot understand
chemistry, physics, or logic, unless you
have a background in mathematics. In
an increasingly technological world,
the mathematics skills of the Nation’s
workers are a crucial component of
economic competitiveness.

Parent Involvement and School

Music influences young people so listen
to what they listen.

Your Child’s School

Much research supports the view that
involvement by parents, guardians or
other caregivers in a child’s’ education
has a positive impact on student
achievement. Parental involvement is

Begin talking to them at
an early age about going
to college and take them
on college tours when the time comes.

Selection Tips


Make sure
that your
develop basic
skills, so they can become Internet
literate. Support the superintendent
and the board of education in setting
and pursuing high educational

The first step to
higher achievement
is to believe that one
can achieve. Parents
should instill a belief system in their
children that they can achieve at a
higher academic level. Research has
shown that expectations have a
substantial impact on academic
Children should be given a list of nonnegotiable rules. Teach children to
respect others and adhere to the dress
code for school and work. Children
with a strong work ethic and high selfesteem can achieve whatever they
want to achieve. Each person is the
sum total of his/her life experiences.

Computer Skills

The best way
to learn about
schools is to
visit them.

schools do not
accept unscheduled visitors.
Make a list of schools that you might
want to visit. The list will not tell you
which schools are good or bad. It is
just a tool to help you determine your
own priorities and to evaluate whether
a school meets your child’s needs.
Find out which school is your
neighborhood school.
Visit your assigned school no
matter what you have heard
about it. You owe it to yourself
and the school to visit. It has
become commonplace to blame
schools for children who fail.
Many of the ―failing‖ schools are
the places where teachers work
the hardest, against the most
difficult social problems, and
deserve the most respect.

Talk to your friends and
neighbors to get their ideas.
Talk to your child’s current
teacher for ideas.
Research programs and test
scores with independent
materials that compare schools.
Rank your choices
before you tour.
Begin with your
assigned school
and visit
schools in
reverse order of
your priorities, from your least
to most favorite.
After you have toured, go back
over the checklist and identify
any major areas of concern.
Talk with students and their
parents at your top choices to
get their input.
Attend a PTA meeting or
request the name of an active
parent in the school who can
answer your questions.
How are students expected to
learn? Example: Do students
work independently at their own
desk or in groups?
How is the curriculum planned?

Are teachers and parents
included in school-wide planning
about the curriculum?
Is the work challenging?
If the work is over their head,
how do they get extra help and
How are students with greater
abilities challenged in the
Does the content in the class
seem appropriate for the grade
How many students are
receiving college credits?
What advanced placement
courses are offered?
What college guidance is
What exposure to the work
world is provided?
Do student receive help finding
summer jobs or placement
following graduation?
Essential Characteristics
School Principal –
Successful schools
have motivated
principals who have

the necessary personnel and resources,
and have created partnerships.
Principals should visit every teacher’s
classroom. They should walk the halls
a lot and know their school and its

Cultural Factors

Schools are now a blend of many
different cultures. This demands that
today’s teachers be equipped and
confident to teach in a diverse
Classroom Climate

Impressive Teachers

Look for teachers who impress
students in the same way you would
impress a visitor to your home.
Teachers should make them feel
welcome in the classroom. Children are
happy to return to a class that has a
welcoming environment.
Well-Trained Teachers
A well-trained

teacher believes all children can learn.
He/she motivates everyone to set high
standards and continues to strive for
the best from students. Teachers
should provide clear expectations to
students and parents.
Make sure teachers know their subject
matter in depth. Look for teachers who
have knowledge of their content areas.
They will bring high expectations to
the classroom, and make a connection
between home and school.

High Expectations and
Enrollment Tips

Always check out the school’s yearly
report card. You can do this online or
by getting a copy from the school’s

The climate determines behavior of
students in the classroom, for example,
the extent to which teachers and
principals believes that youth can
achieve. The teaching environment
should be exciting, creative, have lots
of bright student artwork displayed. A
warm teaching environment gives
students a sense of safety, security and

Education is a constructive, driving
force for positive change. Without a
good education, the chance for
individuals to do well in society is not
very good. Children who are not
prepared for work or prepared to
attend college, will face very
competitive, difficult and stressful
times. This is the battle for their
ability to live independently. Children
who have been poorly educated will
most likely also be economically poor.

Support Structures
Schools must have support structures
in place to facilitate academic
achievement. The school must provide
a support structure to help students
stay in school (middle and high school).


As parents we must challenge our
children to achieve at a high and
competitive level. We have no choice
but to give the best to our children in

terms of instruction, and, in return, we
must expect the best from them.

Apply to as many schools as possible
that offer the desired major.

change their major three (3) times
before they get it right.

College Selection
Do not select a university or college
based on tuition and fees. Parents and
students often forget that almost all
educational institutions have grants
and scholarships available. Do not
think you cannot go to the university
or college of your desire. Financial aid
is sometimes available.

Admissions Clerk
Never answer your cell phone in
front of the admissions clerk – it could
make a difference in whether you are
accepted to that university or college.

Our children are our most
valuable resource and we must
help them to achieve.

University or College Application

Make friends with your guidance
counselor. The dean and other staff
members will call this person first
for any information on you.
Parent Message
Set high achievement goals for yourself
and your children. Research has shown
that most first-year students will

Choosing Your Style
your fashion skills with these practical
tips to flatter your figure and make
your clothes work for you. The styles
you choose will affect your appearance
and how you’re perceived.

Fashion Tips for
Fashion & Accessory Tips
This style
guide is for
fashion tips
and advice.
Check out the
trends to get
the latest
fashion tips
and tricks for
the newest

Overcoming ―Flaws‖
Every woman has flaws. These ideas
are for those who accept them, but
wish to minimize them.
1. Stand up straight, have good
posture and carry yourself with
grace. Not only will you appear
taller, you will radiate self
2. Know your body and what looks
3. You are logically attracted to
styles and colors that flatter
your figure.
4. Use past experience to your
advantage and trust your
intuition; sometimes fashion and
beauty etiquette comes
5. Feel free to experiment!

Beware of those
―skinny‖ mirrors
in boutiques
and department
stores that are
misleading. If a
style didn’t look
good on you in the past, it won’t now—
unless you’ve made some major
Neutral Colors
Have plenty of neutrals on hand to mix
and match.
Open collar shirts and scoop necks will
lengthen a short neck. Add a long
Know what looks good on you!
Tailored Clothing
Tailored clothes
flatter most women’s

Boutique ―Skinny Mirrors‖

Always clean your clothes
before storing them away.

Purchase Similar Styles
Buy styles similar
to the clothes you
already own that
you think flatter
your figure.
Safety Pin
Always carry a safety pin in
your purse for emergencies.
Shoulder pads: will help you balance
large breasts and wide hips, but keep
them slim.
Shoes: Break in your shoes before
wearing for an entire day or special
Sticky Zippers
Fix sticky zippers by rubbing them
with some wax or a bar of soap.
Clean Clothing

Thrift Stores
If you are losing or gaining weight, go
to your local thrift store and get some
in-between sizes that fit.
Make sure your pantyhose fit correctly.
Tugging on them in public is a no-no.
New Styles
Do not be afraid to try anything new.
Do not bare all.
Leave some mystery to your look.
Loose Buttons
Secure your buttons by dabbing the
backs of them with fingernail polish or
clear glue. This prevents the stitching
from coming loose.
Clingy Clothing
If you are concerned about clingy
clothing, do not buy anything with
more than 5% Lycra.

Static Cling
Use dryer sheets or fabric spray to
reduce static cling.
Leather Clothing
Leather has a tendency to stretch, so
buy your pants one size smaller.
Department Store
If a department
store does not have
your size, ask your
sales associate to
contact another store.
Many stores are set up to call their
other stores to locate and ship the
desired size directly to you.
Designer Fashions
Do not fret if
you see an
outfit in a
magazine that
is too pricey for
your budget.
You can
probably put
together the
same outfit at
stores such as the Macy, Gap , Old

Navy, Chico’s, Dillard and Nordstrom
at a fraction of the price. Just cut out
the picture and take it shopping with
Apply your perfume before
dressing to prevent staining
your clothing. Apply your
perfume lightly.

Men and women
know what a lift a
new hat can give.
But if the hat is
wrong, it can
ruin the whole

outfit. Choose a hat that is suitable for
your outfit
Choose a hat according to your figure.
Do not wear a small hat on your head,
if you are a full figured person. (It will
make you look out of proportion.)
Always match your hat in size
according to your figure, color and
design with your outfit you are
planning to wear. (See the illustration
on the next page.)
Try your hat on in a full-length mirror
with your outfit to see if the entire
ensemble is in balance.

Ladies wearing dressy suits or dresses
should have a more glamorous hat –
such as, velvet, soft satin, flowers, or
feathers, but simple in design.

Your hat style determines the occasion
and the outfit with which it should be
Glamorous Hats

Ladies casual tweed suits look best
with a tailored cloche or simple beret.

On Figure (a), the hat is scaled down in width
and is much higher to give a taller, slimmer
look. It sets higher on the head, which is more
flattering to the short-necked figure.

Right Hat for Your Figure ―Short
Stocky Figure‖ A
A short stocky figure with a short neck and a large bosom
looks even shorter, because, top heavy under a large, wide
hat (a)


Right Hat for Your Outfit ―Hat Sizes &


Hat size
applies to outfit as well as figure. This coat with a large,
high collar has all of the weight at the top of the figure
when a big hat is put over it (b).


The smaller hat, on figure (b) gives a clean,
more balanced look to the coat with the higher

Right Hat for Your Figure ―Slim
Figure‖ C

A too-small hat used with a sleek, slim
dress like this gives a bare, unfinished look to the outfit (b)



The larger hat, worn with the scoop necked

sheath, takes away the bare look of the head
and neck and gives a better balance to the

figure ©.

Purse Tips
Your purses do not have to be expensive to look smart. Choose
a purse suitable to the occasion.
A small woman looks overburdened with a too-large
purse/handbag. A large woman looks out of proportion with a
very small purse/handbag.
Handbags and Currency Organizers
Coin Purse and Billfold – are used to keep your purse from
becoming messy – never open a messy purse in front of others.
It could question your organizational skills.

Dressy – A dressy purse of suede or fabric is out of place with
a sweater and skirt. Usually, a dressy bag is smaller than the
one generally used for every day.
Suitable Accessories -- Colors
Jewelry – Neutral Colors
Neutral black can safely be used for
all accessories.
Other neutral colors that can also be used more freely are
gray, brown, taupe and navy.
Often, two neutrals can be used, with a third color to brighten
the whole outfit. Shades of a bright accessory color can also
be used in the same ensemble without overdoing the color.

Casual and Dressy Attire
Over-the-shoulder purses belong with a casual outfit

Shoes and purses in most cases are of the same color.

Gloves and Hats are of the same color.

Professional Attire

dark grey or blue solids or muted
Skirt-suits are still considered more
appropriate by conservative employers.
Skirt length should be no shorter than
1‖ above knee. Wear the skirt to
practice sitting in it. Does it ride up?
Then buy a longer one!

Shirts should be of cotton, wool,
polyester, cashmere, or silk blends in
conservative colors.
Short or long sleeves with a jewel
(rounded) neckline.
Blouse or shell - Press shirt/blouse
carefully, particularly the collar No

visible cleavage

Tight Skirts

Suit pieces should be same color
Skirt suits or pants suits are
acceptable; 100 % wool or wool blend in

Wear only conservative
outfits in an office or
environment. Do
not wear tight
skirts or tight pants.

Recommended shoe colors are black,
burgundy or brown leather. Pumps or
flats with a 1-2‖ heel; no spikes.

Neutral or skin tone
Bring an extra pair for emergencies.
Tights are not as dressy as sheer

Business Casual Attire
for Women
Jacket & Pants, Skirt or Dress

long sleeve; sweater sets. No visible
Woven Tops of 100% cotton or
cotton/polyester blends. Any muted
conservative solid, stripe, or plaid.
Button-down, straight collar and long
sleeves are best.

Unacceptable Office Attire
However, this attire
maybe very
appropriative for other
job environments.

Tights and Socks
Colored tights or socks are appropriate
for casual wear and should
complement your outfit.
Casual Shoes

Simple Accessories
Watches and Rings should be simple.
Please one ring only.

Black, burgundy or brown leather
Jacket and pants or skirt do not need
to be the same color.

pumps or flats with 1-2‖ heel; no
spikes. Polish and clean shoes (don’t
wear outside, particularly if raining
or snowing)
Final Mirror Check

Knit Tops of cotton,
wool, cashmere or
silk blends; short or

Remember to
do a final
mirror check
before leaving.

For the office, wear simple earrings.
Do not wear long dangle earrings and
only one earring per ear.

Writing Instruments Invest
in a
Mont Blanc pen or any other
handsome writing instrument that you
can afford.
Purchase a nice
leather briefcase if
needed for your job.

Scarves or long necklaces blouses are
generally not recommended attire.

Undergarments should fit properly and
be 100% non-visible

Personal Facial ~ Use a daily facial
cleanser and a
for your face.

Tattoos are not an accessory – Cover
all visible tattoos.
Gum is not an accessory.

Personal Grooming
Brush Teeth

Makeup should be
minimal! Use
muted, conservative
colors. Learn the
correct way to apply
your make up. Visit
a salon or the makeup counter at your
local department store for advice and a
personal demonstration.

Bath or Shower

Eyewear: Make sure that your eyewear
is simple and clean. Select fashionable
eyewear that will complement your

Hair looks best
pulled back from
your face, so as
not to be a
distraction. It is
also best to have
a fresh haircut
combed and
styled, but not over-gelled.

Attire for

A man’s suit should be100% wool or
wool blend and a conservative fit.

Nails ~ Clean and trim fingernails; no
long nails and no color polish! Clear
nail polish is best.

Colognes ~ Do not over use cologne.

Button the jacket when standing;
unbutton when seated.

Make sure you press your shirt
carefully, particularly the collar. Do it
yourself or spend the money on dry
cleaning. Most commonly worn under
the shirt is a plain white crewneck tshirt.

Suit jacket and pants should be the
same color, preferably in dark grey,
blue or black solids or pinstripes.

Cuffs and Cufflinks

Your shirt should be 100% cotton or
cotton/polyester blend. Shirts of
broadcloth or pinpoint oxford are best.
The most common shirt to wear is
white or a conservative color.
Press Shirt

Cuffs should
extend ¼‖ beyond jacket sleeve. Taped
or regular fit (not full-cut)
100% Silk
Most commonly worn
tie width is
approximately the
same as jacket lapels

(2 ¾‖ – 3 ½‖). The tie color should
complement suit. No logo or cartoon
Belts and Shoe Colors

Business Casual Attire
for Men
Jacket and Woven Shirts
A nice pullover shirt can also be worn.
A sweater vest or long sleeve sweater
can be worn over a shirt with a collar.
Shirt: The most
commonly worn
shirts are100%
cotton or a
blend in any
solid, stripe, or plaid. The most popular
shirts worn are button-down or
straight collar with long sleeves.

The belt should match the shoe color.
Best colors are black, burgundy, and
Wear leather, dark colored shoes that
lace up and that complement your suit.
Make sure your shoes are polished and
Knit Shirts
Cotton, wool, polyester or cashmere
blends. Must have collar (no crew
neck), short or long sleeves.
Casual Jacket and Pants
jacket is not necessary for casual
business attire. Jacket and pants do
not need to be same color.

Wear lightweight business socks in
dark colors that complement your suit.
Ties are not necessary for casual dress.
Belt should match shoe color.

Shoes Wear dark leather slip on or
lace-up. Make sure your shoes are
polished and clean.
Socks: Wear dark colored socks that
complement both your pants and

A belt should be worn around the
waist-- no sagging pants.

Secure your belt around your waist
and through the pant loops
Pants: Nice wool blend pressed cotton
pants are okay. Check for proper rise
fit and inseam.

Unacceptable Office Attire

However, this attire maybe very
acceptable for other job environments.

Underwear should fit properly and be
100% non-visible.

Men Accessories
A simple watch is okay. Match your
watch color with belt buckle color. A
tie tack is not necessary.

You should have a nice leather wallet
and never over stuff it. An over-stuffed
wallet will not have a neat appearance
in your suit pants.
Wear your wedding band or one simple
No fat wallets!
Writing Instruments: Invest in a Mont
Blanc pen or any other handsome
writing instrument that you can afford.

Briefcase: Purchase a nice leather
briefcase if needed for the job.
Wallet / Billfold

Earring and Other Rings
The night before an interview,
seriously consider removing any nose
rings or other rings on your body that
are visible.
Cover all visible tattoos.

Coffee and Newspaper

Do not have a cup of
coffee or read a newspaper at your
interview. Remember, this is not a
social occasion.


Gum is not an accessory – please do
not chew gum in public.

Do one final check in the mirror!

Personal Grooming

Consider cutting long hair. it is also
best to have a fresh haircut trimmed
neatly and close to your face. Have it
combed and styled, but not over-gelled.

Facial Hair
No facial hair is best for conservative
companies. At minimum, trim neatly
and close to face.

Cologne and After Shave Lotion

After shave lotion and cologne should
be applied sparingly. Fragrances are
often offensive to business associates
and therefore inappropriate in a
professional venue.

Shampoo Hair
Remember, to shampoo your hair after
a haircut.
Brush and comb your hair in a neat

Hair Cuts

Finger Nails
Clean and trim finger nails.

Be consistent in your use of dates,
numbers, abbreviations, etc.
Check and recheck for errors; look
closely for mistakes in grammar,
punctuation, and spelling.


Have someone else critique and
proofread your résumé.

Resumé Writing Tips

Brush Teeth and Floss

Select quality bond paper for your final
copies. Use white, ivory, cream, beige,
buff, or light grey paper.
Use a letter-quality or laser printer
and black type.
Fold and mail your résumé in a
matching envelope or mail it flat in a
9‖ x 12‖ white or manila envelope.

Shower Daily
Use soap and deodorant

DO . . .

Make certain your resumé is concise,
well spaced and visually attractive.
Use action words to describe your
experiences (see list of power words).
Shoes ~Keep your shoes clean and
polished at all times

Quantify your experiences
wherever possible.

DO N OT . . .
Type the word ―Résumé‖ above your
Use abbreviations or contractions.
Write lengthy prose.
Use multiple fonts, typographic
symbols or other visual elements.

Use personal pronouns (I, we, my).
Include a photograph.
Mention personal data (e.g., height,
weight, health, age or date of birth,
marital status, race, religion, sex, etc.)


Key for Your Resume
Here are a few of power words that you
can include on a resume.




Basic Resumé Format
[Type your name]
[Type Your Phone Number]
[Type Your Address]
[Type Your E-Mail Address]
[Type Your Web Site]

[Type the Objectives]

[Type the Year] – [Type the Degree]
List of Accomplishments

[Type the start date] – [Type the end date] – [Type the job
[Type job responsibilities]

[Type list of skills]

Basic Cover Letter Format
[Your name]
[Street address]
[City, St, Zip Code]

[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street address]
[City, St, Zip Code]

If you have any questions, please call me at (999) 999-9999. I
look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Your name]

Dear [Recipient name]
We spoke on Monday. As promised, I am enclosing a copy of
my resume.
I am also enclosing copies of:


Sample Job Application

Print, then practice filling out this job application form and use it as a
guide when completing applications for employment.


Instructions: Print clearly in black or blue ink. Answer all questions. Sign
and date the form.
Full Name __________________________________________________________
Social Security Number_______________________________________________
Street Address: City, State, Zip Code __________________________________
Phone Numbers: Home ___________Cell ___________ Other ______________
E-mail: _____________________________________________________________

Are you eligible to work in the United States?

Yes ____ No____

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or Last Position:

If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificates?

Employer: ___________________________________________________________

Yes _______ No_______

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Have you been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a felony within the
last five years? Yes_______ No_______

Supervisor: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________

If yes, please explain:
Position Applied For: _________________________________________________

Position Title: _______________________________________________________
From: ____________________________to:________________________________

Days/Hours Available: Monday __ Tuesday __ Wednesday__
Salary: $ ___________________________________________________________
Thursday __ Friday __ Saturday __ Sunday __
Reason for Leaving: __________________________________________________
Hours Available: from _______to _____
What date are you available to start work? _____________________________

Previous Positions
Employer Name: _______________________Address: _____________________


City ____________________________State _______Zip Code _______________

Name and Address of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date

Supervisor: __________________ Phone: ____________________

Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards

Email: ___________________________________________________
Position Title: ____________________________________________
From: _________________________ to: ______________________

Salary: __________________________________________________
Reason for Leaving: ______________________________________
May We Contact Your Present Employer? Yes ___ No ___
Name/Title/Address/Phone Numbers/E-mail address
I certify that information contained in this application is true and
I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or
for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future, if I
am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed
Signature: _________________________________Date________

Personal Check List
for Your Interview
Remember: You only have one chance to make a first
impression. Follow this guideline and you will be sure to
impress the employer. Your first impressions can affect the
rest of the interview.

Choose responses and verbal statements that promote you.
Greet the interviewer with enthusiasm and a firm handshake.
Be personable and prepared to ―make small talk.‖
Be polite to support staff (their input matters.)
Reflect confidence in your voice tone.

Use proper grammar and communicate
in a professional manner. Try to avoid
―UMS‖ and ―YOU KNOW.‖

Wear conservative colors.

Make Eye Contact with the interviewer at all times.

Hair should be well groomed and away from your face.

Ask Questions.

Eye glasses should be cleaned and polished.

Research the position and company prior to the interview.

Wear a belt with pants around your waist.

Prepare yourself by practicing.

No ―pants on the ground.‖

Thank the interviewer for your interview.

Cover tattoos if possible.

Be Positive.

One ring per hand.

Make a good first impression.

One earring per ear.

Arrive 15 minutes early for the interview.

Be ―neutral.‖

Nails should be trimmed and clean.

Okay you are now ready for your interview.

Job Interview Tips
Typical Interviews
Most employers follow a standard
outline during the interview
(The interviewer may give you a
preview of what will occur during
the interview.)

The employer may give you a brief overview of the position or
additional information about the organization.
You respond to questions. (If it is a good interview, this is the
longest segment and you should do most of the talking).
You ask questions of the interviewer. Have at least five or ten
questions prepared beforehand.

Employer Questions
Anticipate questions you will be asked and prepare
responses beforehand.
The following are common questions asked by employers.

What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
Why did you select Texas Women’s University?
Why did you choose the major in fashion and marketing?
Why did you choose your career field?
What are your career goals?
Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
How has your college experience prepared you for your
What qualifications do you have that will make you successful
in this position?
Describe your most rewarding accomplishment.
Describe a challenge you encountered and how you dealt with
Why are you interested in working for our organization?
What do you know about our organization?
Tell me a little bit about yourself.
How would you describe yourself?
What two or three things are most important to you in your
Why should I hire you?

Questions for the Employer
Formulate Questions of
High Quality for the Employer
Do Your Homework
Be prepared beforehand to
ask the interviewer
questions. Research the
organization and your
profession. Your knowledge
of the profession and
information you gather
through research and
networking will help you
formulate questions of high

Questions -you may
ask in an interview.

What is the philosophy of the organization?
What do you consider the organization’s strengths and
What are the organization’s plans and goals?
Describe the work environment.
What attracted you to this organization?
Why do you enjoy working for this organization?
Describe the typical responsibilities of the position.
What are the challenging facets of the position?
Describe the opportunities for training and professional
Employers Advancement Chart Are there opportunities for
advancement within the organization?
Ending The Interview
The interviewer closes the interview and explains the
next steps in the process.
Be sure to thank the interviewer for his or her time and

Other types of interviews include telephone and on-site


Handshaking/Conversation Tips

Small Talk ~ Greeting and small talk
will be use to put you at ease and
break the ice.

Nametag Position

Eye Contact
Nametags should ALWAYS be placed
on the right side, so an individual may
easily look at your name when shaking
your hand.

Look the person in his or her eyes, and
say your first and last name in a clear
Never pat the top of the other person’s

In the United States, usually a person
stands the distance of one arm’s length
from an individual when shaking
Being Introduced
Always stand up when being introduced.
Extend your right hand in an open vertical
flat position for a handshake (using a firm
grip) but not crushing the other person’s

The handshake should last for 2-3
Avoid referring to individuals by their
first name. This assumes a friendly
relationship and often is not
Use the name that was given during
the introduction. ―Steven is Steven,
NOT Steve.‖

Forget Someone’s Name
If you forget someone’s name, take the
embarrassment upon yourself. Say
something like, ―I’m sorry I know that
we have met before, you are...?‖
Close an Introduction
Always remember to close an
introduction by saying something like,
―It was nice to have met you.‖
Never simply walk away.
Rules of Different Conversations
Learn the art of social conversation
and appropriate topics of conversation
for formal and informal occasions.
Social Conversation is very important.
It is important to always be attentive
in the presence of others...
Some basic rules regarding Social

Conversation: Keep it short! It is social
conversation after all.
Emotional Topics
Avoid talking about topics that evoke
opinions or emotions such as religion,
politics and money.

Polite Conversation
Polite conversation is not a long drawn out
one; it is used in greeting people who start
to talk to you at church, grocery stores,
airports, bus stations. Just using a few
sentences are all that is necessary in order
not to be rude.

Real Conversationalist

Watch your speech patterns.
Do not interrupt people when they are
Do you finish other people’s
statements? If so, you are not listening
to the speaker!
It is important not to monopolize the
If you experience rudeness in a social
conversation, simply ignore it. Do not
waste your time and energy thinking
about it. If appropriate and under
extreme circumstances, address it in
private with the individual.

A Real Conversationalist is a selfconfident person. He/she inspires,
simulates and teaches us. Occasionally
that person will flatter and tease us
because of an honest desire to please and a
sense of humor. A successful conversation
requires perceptiveness, education and
cultivation or self-education.
To be a good conversationalist you must be
up to date and current on life in general.

What Makes a Bad Impression
A good vocabulary is one of the most
impressive assets a person can have. No
matter how intelligent you are, if you use
swear words or too much slang in your
conversation, you will make a bad
impression. People will not perceive the
depth of your conversation or its
intelligence; they will hear only its
harshness and vulgarity.

Introductions –
A Common Rule
Deference refers to common courtesy
that is extended to one another. With
regard to introductions, juniors are
always presented to seniors.
A common rule is to introduce the
highest-ranking person first, and then
introduce everyone to him or her.
Deference is based on rank in a
company and not on gender.
Also, remember that a client ALWAYS
outranks someone from within your
company (even your supervisor).

Current events

Entertainment World

What to Talk About

Personal Hobbies

Here are some possible topics of

Line of work



Too Hungry

In life we have many barriers that
might cause us not to effectively
communicate with others such as:

Too Angry

Facial Expression

Too Tired or Too Bored
Attire & Body Language

Respect grandparents and other people
at all time.

Bad Hairdo & Attire

Be Kind to Animals
Pet Owners: Make sure you take your
pet to the veterinarian for regular
check ups.

Racism ~ Do not engage in racism! Be
kind to others (Human beings and

Choices We Make
Good and Bad Behavior

Do not chase cats and dogs. Remember
you would not want a stranger chasing
you. Do not frighten the animals.
Homophobia ~ Understand other
people. Say, ―NO‖ to homophobia!

Personal Safety
On-line Tips
Do not engage in conversation with
strangers on the Internet!

Good Jobs
There are many non-degree jobs
available in your community. Check
out the list of jobs below.
Do not give out your personal
information and place your picture on
the internet!
Keep your personal information
Riding with Strangers
Do not get in cars with strangers! Do
not place yourself in a possible
dangerous position.

Disc Jockey

Pizza Maker

Grocery Checker
Short Order Cook

Theatre Usher

Bank Teller
Suspicious Package If you find a
suspicious package, do not open it.
Please contact your local police
department right away.

While it’s a rare parent who doesn’t
want to say, ―Let me help you sort
things out,‖ we also recognize that our
children’s need for independence grows
as they do. And talking about touchy
subjects can be especially difficult
when teens tend to tune us out.

Bad Jobs

Work for what you
want. Breaking the law will place you
in jail. Do not waste your life behind
bars. Get a real job!

Tough Subjects
Alcohol ~ Drugs ~ Smoking

Boxed - In jail
Do not break the law! Again, work for
want you need or want.

Most parents think they have had
serious discussions with their teens
about drugs and alcohol, but only
about half of teens agree. So, even
though you might stumble and falter,
start talking! The stakes are too high
for you to keep silent.
Back when our children were small,
who could have imagined what life
would hold for them: pressures
surrounding sex, alcohol, drugs, and a
bewildering array of messages, choices,
and consequences.

Create Time to Talk
Driving your teen to a sporting event
or to meet his or her friends at the
mall may seem like just another chore,
unless you recognize it as an
opportunity to talk. Of course, you may
have to get the conversation going. Try
telling your child a little about your
day or inquiring about his or her
friends, before asking her how things
are going. Make sure your family sits
down at the table and has dinner
together weekly or as often as possible
during the week.
Do Your Research Before discussing
topics like sex or drugs with your son
or daughter, first do a little homework.
Often it’s as simple as checking the

phone book for hotlines or asking my
doctor to recommend some pamphlets.
If your son or daughter is not willing to
discuss a touchy subject, you can still
give him or her phone numbers to call
or an article to read. And, of course,
tell them you will always be available
if he or she needs your help.‖
Students’ Private Matters - Talk to
your parents or school counselors
about private matters that may
concern you... Just talk to someone you
Victim of Abusive Behavior
Get help!

No one should hit you with any
harmful items. Please call 911 or tell
your teachers, neighbors or someone
you trust.
Sexual Behavior
Do not engage in unprotected sex or
acts of incest!

Choices and Consequences

More than half of the nation’s 6-12th
graders drink alcoholic beverages.
Don’t let your teen become a statistic.
Help your teens kick this dangerous
habit or better yet, convince them
never to start. Smoking is not
fashionable anymore, and research has
proven that smoking kills people.
Drug Abuse
In the next 24 hours, 15,006 American
teens will use drugs for the first time.
Do not let your teen be one of them!
Take only medications prescribed by a

Street Drugs Slang Words

Do Your Research
―Before I discuss topics like sex or
drugs with my son,‖ one father says, ―I
do a little homework. Often it’s as
simple as checking the phone book for
hotlines or asking my doctor to
recommend some pamphlets. If my son
is not willing to discuss a touchy
subject, I can still give him a number
to call or an article to read. And, of
course, I tell him I’m always available
if he needs my help.‖

C & M – Cocaine and morphine

Listed below are only a few words used
by drugs users and dealers.
C – Cocaine

C Joint – Place where cocaine is sold
Cabbage Head – An individual who
will use or experiment with any kind of
Cabello (Spanish) – Cocaine
Cadillac Express – Methcathinone

Cafeteria Use – Use of various drugs
simultaneously, particularly sedatives
or hypnotics

California Cornflakes – Cocaine

Cafeteria-Style Use – Using a
combination of different club drugs

Cancelled Stick – Marijuana cigarette

Caine – Cocaine; Crack Cocaine
Cakes – Round discs of crack

California sunshine – LSD

Candy – Cocaine; Crack Cocaine;
amphetamine; depressants
Candy Blunt – Blunts dipped in cough

Calbo (Spanish) – Heroin

Achieving Your Goals

Bull – Narcotics agent or police officer

Candy flipping on a string –
Combining or sequencing LSD with
MDMA; mixing LSD, MDMA, and

Challenges to Achieve – Emotion and Physical


My goal is to:


My Goal Positive (+)

Negative (-)


What Are Goals?
Something that somebody wants to achieve

Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011
Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011
Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011
Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011
Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011
Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011

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Drevelyn matilda minor gift to our global children~june 1 2011

  • 1. Table of Contents At Home .............................................................................................. 3 At School .............................................................................................. 5 Restaurant Manners ........................................................................ 6 Social Etiquette Celebrations ........................................................ 7 National Anthem .............................................................................. 9 Table Graces ...................................................................................... 9 Familiar Graces ................................................................................ 9 Formal Dining ................................................................................. 10 Seven Course Meals ....................................................................... 14 Host Role…………………………………………………………..15 Tea Party Etiquette........................................................................ 17 Formal Dining ................................................................................. 23 Healthy Eating ................................................................................ 25 How to Eat To Live......................................................................... 26 Fun Food Facts ................................................................................ 28 Telephone Etiquette ....................................................................... 30 Cell Phone Etiquette ...................................................................... 31 Email Etiquette ............................................................................... 32 Your Child’s School ........................................................................ 34 University/College .......................................................................... 36 High Expectations and Enrollment Tips ................................... 36 Fashion Tips for Women ............................................................... 38 Fashion & Accessory Tips ............................................................. 38 Professional Attire .......................................................................... 43 Business Casual Attire for Women............................................. 44 Personal Grooming ......................................................................... 45 Business Attire for Men ................................................................ 46 Business Casual Attire for Men .................................................. 47 Employment ..................................................................................... 50 Resumé Writing Tips ..................................................................... 50 Sample Job Application ................................................................. 52 Personal Check List ....................................................................... 55 Job Interview Tips .......................................................................... 56 Introductions Handshaking/Conversation Tips ...................... 58 What to Talk About ........................................................................ 60 Communication Barriers .............................................................. 61 Choices We Make ............................................................................ 62 Parents/Caregivers ......................................................................... 64 Tough Subjects ................................................................................ 64 Alcohol ~ Drugs ~ Smoking .................................................. 64 Choices and Consequences ........................................................... 65 Achieving Your Goals .................................................................... 66 Your Financial Budget .................................................................. 67 Glossary ............................................................................................ 68 1
  • 2. BASIC MANNERS Introduction Character & Life Skills should be taught from early childhood through every level in school. Grandparents no longer live next door and parents are working. Years ago, African American churches assisted parents in teaching their children proper social skills. But, we have dropped the ball! Let’s pick up the ball, take it to the classrooms, and bring it back into our churches. I have written and self published several simple but powerful books for parents and our children. My goal is to prepare students and parents to live and work in a world that is highly technical and diverse. They will have learned the Proper Social Skills needed to interact in our diverse society. Students and their parents will have learned how to combine social skills with string educational practice. The lessons in this guide book are designed to help you fit in anywhere. After reading this book, you will enhance the social skills you have already acquired. This book will increase your social awareness, with very simple instructions. Learning social skills is the key to being able to express acceptable behavior. Education is the key to success in life. Etiquette is basically good manners! The best etiquette is based on ―The Golden Rule,‖ that is, treat others as you want them to treat you. etiquette. This creates an insecurity and reluctance to blend with various societies. My goal is to teach students a good set of healthy values, respect for human life, and a respect for education and the ability to excel in school. I also would like to have an impact on increasing overall academic achievement; reducing the placement of students in special education classes; reducing suspensions and expulsions; reducing dropout rates for students; increasing the graduation rate and college attendance of students; increasing the rate of class attendance; increasing parent, family and community involvement and support; and increasing self-esteem and student achievement. We all like to think that we have good manners or great social skills. In reality, very few of us exercise these as a regular habit. In fact, many of us interact in society without ever having learned the proper social skills. As we deal with others in our daily lives, it is not difficult to observe that many of us ignore the most basic manners of social correctness. In order to be self-motivated and to increase confidence and self-esteem, you need to be mentally and emotionally balanced. One way to achieve this balance is by using good manners and social grace (etiquette), and you will experience success in all environments. Good manners and behavior define the caliber of who we are regardless of our income, race, degree of formal education, or career. A person with good manners shows the world who he or she is, including tastes opinions, friends, quality of life, and self-respect. Drevelyn Matilda Minor, Author While working for many years in the San Francisco Unified School District, I found that the majority of students in public and some Private schools, junior colleges, and universities lack the understanding, training, and experience of good social skills / 2
  • 3. At Home Early Childhood Development workers, teachers, peers, strangers, and virtually everyone you come in contact with. The greatest attributes of social acceptance, is the ability to converse. Character Building A grandparent might reinforce what your parents taught you during your early years to ensure proper behavior in your daily life. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day Some important words to use in your daily life are Please Thank you! You’re Welcome I Apologize First Teachers – Parents and Grandparents Grandparents can assist your parents with your development of great social skills. Remember, in most cases they taught your parents. Hygiene Bathe or Shower regularly. Good morning – Greet family members, house guests and anyone you might come in contact with at church, school, etc. Apply the same rule to the afternoon and evening. Good night -- Before going to bed say ―good night,‖ to family members or any guest who might be visiting your home. Don’t forget to say your prayers before going to bed. The Golden Rule ―Do unto others, as you would like others to do unto you.‖ Everyone is to be treated with respect and courtesy. This golden rule applies to all family members, friends, co3
  • 4. Responsibilities at Home Sleepwear: Boys should have pajamas, a robe and slippers. Housework: Volunteer to help your parents around the house willingly and quickly. Girls should have pajamas, nightgowns, a robe and slippers. Closing Doors: Hold the door knob and shut it softly rather than letting it slam shut. Daywear: Place your clothing out each Knock softly and ask permission before entering other family member’s bedrooms. night before you go to bed. Arrange outfits by them together. Do not place your clothing on the floor. Yard Work: Help your parents with yard work and take out the trash daily. Meal Times: Volunteer on special occasions to help parents and grandparents prepare the meals. At other times, offer to set the table or do other things that might be needed for a family meal. Laundry: Put your dirty clothes in your laundry basket or laundry bag. Wash your dirty laundry and put away your clean clothes in drawers or on hangers 4
  • 5. If you need extra help with math, reading, science or any other subject, ask your teachers for information on after-school tutorial sites and Saturday schools. At School Be On Time for Your Class! Also, ask about after-school and tutorial programs at your place of worship. Classmate Party Invitations Student Questions in Class This is the first sign of good classroom manners. If you have a question, raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call your name. If you are sick and unable to attend school, have your parent or guardian contact the school secretary first thing in the morning. Don’t place your feet on the furniture at school or at home. But if you’re late to class, enter the classroom quietly and gently close the door. Be considerate of other students and the teacher. Home Work Assignments Do your homework daily and turn it in on time. You can do your homework during free time at school, on the bus, in the car or at home. You must follow the school’s policy for extending invitations. If you pass your invitations out at school, it is polite to invite all of your classmates. (If you exclude some of your classmates, some students’ feelings might be hurt.) If you ONLY want to invite a small group from your class, (Girls Only ―or‖ Boys Only) give them the invitations after school, or have your parents mail an invitation to their home. You can also contact them by phone to invite them. 5
  • 6. Good Sportsmanship After playing a sport or a game, congratulate the other players on their playing ability and let them know that you enjoyed playing with them. Good Sportsmanship is considered fitting for playing or watching sports. This includes observing the rules of fair play, respect for others, and being gracious in losing. Restaurant Manners Twelve Dining Tips for Parents and Children It is never too early to start teaching good restaurant manners to children. Poorly behaved children can ruin the dining experience for other patrons, so if you bring your child to dine out, make sure they are behaving properly. 1. Use a fork unless eating finger food. 2. Do not stuff your mouth full of food because it doesn’t look good and because you could choke. 3. Chew with your mouth closed. No one should see food chewed up or to have to listen to it being chewed. This means no talking with your mouth full. 4. Eat slowly. Wait a few seconds before getting another fork full. 5. Do not reach over someone’s plate for any other item on the table. Ask someone to pass the item to you. 6. Do not make any rude comments about any food served in the restaurant. It will hurt someone’s feelings. 7. Always say ―Thank You‖ when served something. 8. For buffet style meals – wait until everyone is served before starting to eat. 9. Break off a small piece of your dinner roll before buttering it. 10. Do not pick anything out of your teeth at the table. If it bothers you, excuse yourself and go to the restroom. 11. Use a napkin to ―dab‖ your mouth. The napkin should be on your lap when not in use. 12. Do not wipe or blow your nose with your napkin. Public Dining with Friends Do not send a dish back unless it is really inedible--not just because you changed your mind. When leaving the table, put your chair under the table. Do not drum your fingers on the table, pick your teeth, comb your hair, or polish your nails. 6
  • 7. Social Etiquette Celebrations Birthdays First Communion Bar Mitzvah benediction at a house of worship or at large gatherings. Whether or not you believe in God, bow your head and remain silent for the duration of the prayer. Religious Ceremonies Parents, attending religious ceremonies must understand that the ceremonies are an important and joyful tradition for families. However, you should find other activities for children who are too young to sit comfortably, quietly and still throughout the services, thus respecting the house of worship, the clergy, and the other attendees. Never chew gum, do not smack, rattle gum or candy wrappers, or talk loudly while visiting or sitting next to people at the theater, at a concert, or in a house of worship. Be considerate of the performers and museum guides. Public Library Treat books with the greatest respect. Never mark in them and always return them on time. Public Elevator Public Manners Museum/Theatre/Concert House of Worship A request to bow your head is asked of you most of the time for a moment of prayer, for an invocation, or for the Who gets on or off an elevator first? The person who reaches the elevator first or is closest to the door – regardless of gender, enters or exits the elevator first. 7
  • 8. Good Neighbors Welcome new neighbors to your neighborhood. Always ask for permission before walking or playing in a neighbor’s yard or on your neighbor’s property. Federal Buildings Hats or Caps Men and boys should remove their hats or caps when entering all federal buildings. Public Transportation Dallas Texas Citizenship Trash the Trash - Keep your city beautiful by using the public trash can. Always place your trash in a trash can (not on city streets). Keep your feet out of the public passageway, so you will not trip people. Say, ―Excuse me‖ or ―pardon me‖ when trying to go passed another person. Always offer your seat to elders and people with a disability. If someone near you drops something, pick it up and hand it over to him or her. Sneezing in Public When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose and mouth with a soft tissue or handkerchief, using your left hand. This will leave your right hand clean for hand shaking, opening doors, etc. After sneezing it is polite and appropriate to excuse yourself, just by saying, ―Excuse me,‖ to the person next to you after coughing or sneezing in both social and professional situations. When you have a cold or the flu, you should also wash your hands often or carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Never spit in public! Public Market Do not cheat in line. If you have 14 items in your shopping cart, and the supermarket is packed, you should not race to the 10 items express lane. 8
  • 9. National Anthem When the National Anthem is played, you must stand up and sing. Men and boys should remove their hats. There are four verses to the anthem, but it is the first verse that is usually sung. There are also state songs for each of the fifty states as well. The lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner were written by Francis Scott Key, and the music by John Stafford Smith. A Congressional resolution made it the National Anthem in 1931. Table Graces Familiar Graces National Anthem Lyrics Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, o’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof thru the night that our flag was still there Oh, say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? O Lord, we pray thy blessings, upon this food and upon our souls. Guide us through life and save us through Christ. Amen. Blessing for a Christian Home In Christian homes the father or mother usually says grace, although occasionally a child is asked to say it. Family grace is said either with everyone standing or with everyone seated with bowed heads. Our Father in Heaven, for this meal you Many households observe the tradition of pausing before a meal to give thanks for the food on their table and other good things in their lives. Grace should be said first and nothing should be touched on the table beforehand not even the water glasses or the napkins. Simple Guest Grace O Lord, forgive us our sins and bless these refreshments in Christ’s name. Amen have given we want to say thank you from our hearts. Bless the ones who prepared it and Lord as we share it will you stay with us and be our guest of Honor. Amen. Thank you, Lord, for this food which is set before us. May we use it to nourish our bodies, and thee to nourish our souls? Make us ever more mindful of the needs of others, and the needs of our planet. Through Christ Our Lord, Amen 9
  • 10. Around this happy table may no evil ever come, let health, peace and happiness make up our daily sum. Formal Dining Children’s Prayers Children treat grace as an opportunity to talk about their concerns. It gives us all a chance to show how we can communicate with God. God is great, God is good Let us thank him for our food by his hands, we are fed Let us thank him for our bread Amen. If, after looking over the dinner menu, there are items you are uncertain about, ask questions about them. It is better to find out what is in the dish before you start placing it on your plate. It could be something you do not like or to which you are allergic. Avoid spending the entire meal picking tentatively at your food. First Person Served The host serves the guest of honor (Female) first and then proceeds counter clockwise around the table. Thank you for the world so sweet, Thank you for the food we eat, Thank you for the birds that sing, Thank you, God, for everything. Amen. Last Person Served She serves her husband next to last and herself last. When should children begin eating? Children eating alone with their parents should wait until their parents begin eating before picking up their soupspoon or fork. Catholic Grace Give us grateful hearts, O Father, for all thy mercies, and make us mindful of the needs of others, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Bless us O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ Our Lord. Amen. The Menu Serving Directions Serve and remove all dishes from the ―LEFT.‖ Table manners play an important part in making a favorable impression. Our manners can speak volumes about us as professionals. Serve all beverages from the ―RIGHT.‖ 10
  • 11. Passing Food at the Table Food should be passed to the right, or counter clockwise. If you need something that you cannot reach easily, politely ask the person closest to the item you need to pass it to you. For example, ―After you’ve used them yourself, would you please pass me the salt and pepper?‖ Seasoning Your Food Table Conversation Engage in table conversation that is pleasant but entirely free of controversial subjects. Proper Table Posture Do not season your food before you have tasted it! The host /chef will be offended by your actions – especially if you have not tasted the dish. Bread or Rolls Eat rolls or bread by tearing off small bite size pieces and buttering only the piece you are preparing to eat. When ready for another piece, repeat the same process. Hunching - Never HUNCH over your dinner plate! Proper posture at the table is very important. Sit up straight, with your arms held near your body. You should neither lean on the back of the chair nor bend forward to place the elbows on the table. Contrary to popular belief, elbows on the table are acceptable between courses or after everyone has finished eating. It is permissible to lean forward slightly every now and then and press the elbows very lightly against the edge of the table, if it is obvious that you are not using them for support. Eating Soup Dip the spoon into the soup, moving it away from the body, until it is about two thirds full. Sip the liquid from the side of the spoon. Do not slurp soup from a spoon. Spoon the soup away from you when you take it out of the bowl and sip it from the side of the spoon. If your soup is too hot, let it sit until it cools; do not blow on it. Chewing Food Do not chew your food with your mouth open or make loud noises while you are eating. Although it is possible to talk with a small piece of food in your mouth, do not talk with your mouth filled with food. Removing Bad Tasting Food Never spit a piece of bad food or tough gristle into your napkin! Remove the food from your mouth using the same utensil you used to place it in your mouth. Place the piece of food on the edge of your plate. If possible, cover it. 11
  • 12. Food Caught Between Teeth If food is caught between your teeth and you cannot remove it with your tongue, leave the table and go to the restroom where you can remove the food from your teeth. Leaving the Table You should not leave the table during the meal except in an emergency! Simply excuse yourself from the table if you must go to the bathroom or if you suddenly become sick. Later you can apologize to the host by saying that you did not feel well. Left-Handed Person If you or someone you are dining with is left-handed, it is best for the lefthanded person to sit at the left end of the table or at the head of the table. This arrangement helps ensure that everyone has adequate elbow room to eat comfortably. Spilling Food off Your Plate If food spills off your plate, you may pick it up with a piece of your silverware and place it on the edge of your plate. Drinking Beverages The salad fork is on your outermost left, followed by your dinner fork. Wipe your mouth with your napkin after eating off your plate. Do not take a sip of any beverage at the table until your mouth is empty and wiped with your napkin. You need to keep the rim of your glass or cup free from food marks. Your soup spoon is on your outermost right, followed by your beverage spoon, salad knife and dinner knife. Your dessert spoon and fork are above your plate or brought out with dessert. Silverware & Napkin Etiquette Choosing the correct silverware from the variety in front of you is not as difficult as it may first appear. Remember the rule to work from the outside in, and you will be fine. Work your way in, using one utensil for each course. Starting with the knife, fork, or spoon that is farthest from your plate, if you skip the first course, skip the first fork. Use a knife and fork to cut and eat your food. On your plate cut your food by holding the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left hand with the fork tines piercing the food. Cut a few bite-size pieces of food, and then lay your knife across the top edge of your plate with the sharp edge of the knife blade facing you. Change your fork from your left to your right hand to eat, fork tines facing up. If, you are left-handed, keep your fork in your left hand, tines facing up If a piece of your silverware falls onto the floor, pick it up if you can reach it and simply and quietly request a clean replacement. 12
  • 13. If you have to leave the table temporarily, place your fork over your knife in an inverted ―V.‖ This will let the server know you are not quite finished with your meal. Once you have used a piece of silverware, never place it back on the table. Leave unused silverware on the table. Do not leave a used spoon in a cup, either; place it in the saucer. You can leave a soup spoon in a soup bowl. Napkin Etiquette Place your napkin on your lap, completely unfolded. A large dinner napkin should be folded in half after opening and before placing on your lap. Typically, you want to put your napkin on your lap soon after sitting down at the table (but follow your host’s lead). The napkin remains on your lap throughout the entire meal and is used gently to blot your mouth when needed. If you need to leave the table during the meal, fold your napkin and place it back to the left hand side of your plate. The host will signal the end of the meal by placing his or her napkin on the table. When you leave the table at the end of the meal place your napkin loosely next to your plate. (Do not refold your napkin, but do not wad it up, either.) Do not leave your napkin on your chair. Fine Dining Five Restaurants The Host is the Restaurant Greeter who is in charge of the dining room. The Wait Staff The waitperson will serve your meal or any selections from the menu. Communication The more you communicate to the waitperson, the better he or she will be able to serve you. If you are displeased with the dining experience in any way, it is up to you to calmly and politely articulate that to the waitperson, host or manager so they can have an opportunity to fix the problem. If you do not say anything and just wait until the end of the meal to leave a substandard tip, the waitperson won’t know what went wrong. Tipping Standard Tip: 15-20% of a check Increase Tip: 20-25% Waitperson went to any length to make you happy No Tip: Only in extreme cases should a tip never be given. Poor Service: inattentive – forgetful – rude – careless. 13
  • 14. Seven Course Meals FOURTH COURSE FIRST COURSE Appetizer If the appetizer is seafood cocktail, a small fork is placed to the right of the soup spoon. The cocktail fork will be the only fork that will ever be placed to the right of the dinner plate. SECOND COURSE Soup After the appetizer, comes the soup bowl, which is placed on a service plate. Once you finish your soup, the service plate, soup bowl, soupspoon and sherry glass will be removed. Meat A large dinner or entrée plate follows once the server has removed the fishplate, fish fork and knife. Normally, red wine is served with this course. FIFTH COURSE Salad THIRD COURSE Fish Entrée A small plate replaces the service plate. The outer utensils are used. The bread plate is to the left with a butter spreader. Except for the water and champagne glass, each place setting is completely cleared away from the table. A dessert plate is normally brought to the table; the dessert spoon and fork are placed above the main place setting. Finger Bowl Use for washing your fingertips On the other hand, dessert can be served with the finger bowl. A finger bowl comes with an under plate and doily. The bowl contains warm water with a lemon slice. Once you have washed your fingertips, the finger bowl is placed to the left. The server will remove the bowl then serve the dessert. SEVENTH COURSE In European dining, the salad course is served last; Americans normally serve this course after the soup. Both the salad plate and salad knife and fork are smaller than the other utensils. Coffee or Tea A coffee or tea cup and saucer is brought to the table and coffee or tea is served once dessert is served. SIXTH COURSE Dessert Host Role 14
  • 15. Restaurant Dining Business Meetings As a host, you should clarify your role. Choose an appropriate restaurant and make reservations. If you are confirming for a breakfast, you should do so the afternoon before lunch. If you are confirming for a dinner, you should do so that morning before the afternoon of the dinner. Please arrive early and wait by the door for your guests. If you are seated, order water or a soft beverage, but don’t begin eating the bread. If your guests are over 15-20 minutes late, you should call and tell them that you are waiting. Wait five or ten more minutes and then decide whether you want to eat alone or leave. If you leave, you should leave a message with the restaurant host and tip the waiter. Hopefully, they will be able to fit you in. You can make menu suggestions to your guests, and if they order an appetizer or soup, do likewise. Gentlemen – it is appropriate to hold the chair and seat the woman on your right. You are responsible for initiating business talk. If it is a breakfast meal, keep social conversation to a minimum. If it is a lunch meal, you can converse until orders are taken, but then get down to business. If it is a dinner meal, business may or may not be discussed. If spouses/partners are included, never talk business. Always speak softly when eating out and never snap your fingers at the server! Do not make a big production about the bill. It is best if you give your credit card to the waitperson before the meal so that the bill never comes to the table. Always phone in advance for a reservation and be on time. If you need to cancel your reservation try to notify the restaurant within 24 hours of your cancellation. If you are running late, let the restaurant know of your late arrival. When the server is ready to take your order, and you have not made a decision about what to order, ask the server to return in a few minutes. If, after looking over the menu, there are items you are uncertain about, ask your server any questions you may have. Answering your questions is part of the server’s job. It is better to find out before you order what is in a dish. It could be something you do not like or to which you are allergic. You don’t want to spend the entire meal picking at your food. In a restaurant, women’s orders are taken before the men’s. 15
  • 16. An employer will generally suggest that your order be taken first; his or her order will be taken last. As a guest, you should not order one of the most expensive items on the menu or more than two courses unless your host indicates that it is all right. If the host says, ―I’m going to try this delicious sounding cheesecake; why don’t you try dessert too,‖ or ―The prime rib is the specialty here‖ I think you’d enjoy it, then it is all right to order the item if you would like it for your meal. It is best to order food that can be eaten with a fork and knife. Finger foods can be messy and are best left for informal dining. It is inappropriate to ask for a doggy bag when you are a guest. Save the doggy bag for informal dining. Do not order alcoholic beverages. Drinking too much when dining out is one of the most disliked behaviors. Do not smoke while dining out. When leaving the table, always say excuse me to others at the table, fold your napkin neatly and place it to the left of your dinner plate. Not Finished If you do not want the waitperson to remove your plate from the table, place your knife and fork in an inverted ―V‖ on your dinner plate. Place the fork over the knife with the ―Prongs‖ pointing down. Finish When you finish your meal place the knife and fork parallel to one another across your plate with the knife blade facing inward toward you. Your knife and fork should be positioned at ten o’clock to four o’clock. Social Setting - it is always appropriate for a male to stand when a female is leaving the table. Business Setting – it is not always necessary for a male to rise whenever his female coworker(s) leave the table. Sharing Foods – Yes, it is appropriate to share when others at the table are also willing to share. However, always request additional small plates and clean utensils for dividing the shared food. When entertaining a guest for dinner or cocktails, the person who extended the invitation (regardless of gender) is responsible for the bill. Sneezing or Blowing Your Nose – Excuse yourself from the table, and do not use your napkin as a handkerchief. Guest Role Be on time. Call if you will be late. Allow the host to lead and never fight over the bill. Always be courteous and thank the host. Keep your briefcase and/or purse off the table. Ladies - always go to the bathroom to apply your make-up or fix your hair. Never do it at the table. 16
  • 17. Turn off your cellular phone during a business meeting. Tea Party Etiquette Never correct others’ manners. Ten Commandments for Business Meals I. Thou shall not jump straight into business talk II. Thou shall not be late III. Thou shall not table hop IV. Thou shall not talk policies, diets, or about family V. Thou shall not dominate the conversation VI. Thou shall not dawdle over ordering or eating VII. Thou shall not drink too much alcohol VIII. Thou shall not fight over who pays the bill. IX. Thou shall not neglect thy table manners. X. Thou shall not forget to show appreciation The menu has also changed from tea, bread, butter and cakes, to include three particular courses served specifically in this order: Savories Scones If the host pours your cup half full with tea – that is a sign that they wish for you to stay a while longer. A full cup of tea poured by the host indicates a wish for you to leave. There are three basic types of Afternoon or Low Tea: Cream Tea Tea, scones, jam and cream Light Tea Tea, scones and sweets Full Tea Tea, savories, scones, sweets and dessert In England, the traditional time for tea was 4 or 5 o’clock and no one stayed after 7 p.m. Most tearooms today serve tea from 3 to 5 o’clock. Pastries Tiny sandwiches or appetizers served with jam and Devonshire or Clotted Cream Cakes, cookies, shortbread and sweets Since it is a tea party, it is okay to eat with fingers. However, if an item is particularly messy (has a runny filling), use a fork. If all the courses are laid out on the table, you should eat them in this order: First: Scones or Muffins Second: Tiny Sandwiches Third: Sweets – Pastries Think of it like a meal where you can start with bread, then have the main course, but save the dessert for last. For scones or muffins, break off a bitesize piece, then put a small amount of 17
  • 18. jam or butter on it. If Devonshire or clotted cream is available, a small amount can be dabbed on after the jam. This thick cream is for scones, not for the tea. Take bites of the tiny sandwiches. Never stuff the whole thing in your mouth, even though it is small. If using sugar, do not dip the sugar tong or sugar spoon into your teacup. (I recommend using sugar cubes.) Stir sugar and/or milk with your teaspoon, and then place the teaspoon on your saucer. When drinking the tea, you can hold the cup and saucer near your chest then take the teacup off the saucer and bring it up to your mouth to drink. If the tea is hot, do not blow on the tea. Leave your teacup on the table to cool. Messy Tea Bags Hopefully, the tea will be served from the teapot, rather than having individual tea bags, which can get very messy, especially with children. When using tea bags at a tea party, always have a small dish at your place setting on which your guest can place the used tea bag. Tea Cup Etiquette Pick up your cup and saucer together holding the saucer in one hand and cup in the other. Hold the saucer under your cup while you sip your tea (so you don’t spill it or dribble). The best way to hold a teacup is to slip your index finger through the handle, up to almost the first knuckle, then balance and secure the cup by placing your thumb on the top of the handle and allowing the bottom of the handle to rest on your middle finger. Pinky – Finger Do not extend your pinky out when drinking tea. Just hold the teacup normally. Hold the cup lightly, by the handle - your pinky does not have to be extended. (Contrary to popular belief, the ring and pinkie fingers should not be extended, but should rest by curving gently back toward your wrist.) Stirring Your Tea When stirring your tea, do not make clinking noises by the sides of the cup while stirring. Gently swish the tea back and forth being careful not to touch the sides of your cup if possible. Never leave your spoon in the cup and be sure not to sip your tea from the spoon. After stirring, place your spoon quietly on the saucer, behind the cup, on the right hand side under the handle. 18
  • 19. Milk – Not Cream Serve milk with tea. Please do not use cream. Cream is too heavy and masks the taste of the tea. Although some people pour their milk into the cup first, it is probably better to pour the milk in the tea after it is in the cup in order to get the correct amount. Tea Party Menu Lemon Slices–Not Wedges When serving lemon with tea, use lemon slices, not wedges. Provide a small fork or lemon fork for your guests or the tea server can neatly place a slice in the teacup after the tea has been poured. Be sure never to add lemon with milk since the lemon’s citric acid will cause the proteins in the milk to curdle. Tea Party Menu (TEA SANDWICHES) Chicken Curry ~Cucumber Mint ~Carrot-Ginger ~ Cucumber-Goat Cheese and Watercress ~Putting on the Ritz Egg Salad ~ Radish Poppy Seed Tea Sandwiches ~ Spring Radish Tea Sandwiches Radish Sandwiches on Zucchini Basil Muffins Smoked Salmon Sandwich on Pumpernickel. Quick Breads & Scones Muffins ~ Apricot and White Chocolate Scones ~ Best Blueberry Muffins ~ Cherry Scones ~ Date Drop Scones ~ Orange Poppy Seed Bread ~ Scones ~ Mincemeat Nut Bread ~ Vanilla Bean Loaves ~ Wonderful Scones ~ Zucchini Bread Spreads & Toppings Lavender Jelly Lemon Curd Mock Devonshire Cream Desserts Cake ~ Pies ~ Cookies ~ Boccone Dolce (Sweet Mouthful) ~ Cranberry Tartlet ~ English Trifle ~ Fresh Strawberries Dipped in Chocolate ~ High Tea Lemon Cookies ~ Lavender Tea Cookies 19
  • 20. Finger Foods Artichoke To eat it, pull off a leaf, dip it, scrape the flesh from the base of the leaf with your top teeth, and discard the leaf on the plate provided for that purpose. Asparagus Asparagus may be eaten with the fingers as long as it is not covered with sauce. It is fine to use a fork and knife to eat asparagus. Bread Bread must always be broken, never cut with a knife. Tear off a piece that is no bigger than two bites worth and eat that before tearing off another. If butter is provided, then butter the small piece and eat it. Bacon When bacon is cooked until it is very crisp, and there is no danger of getting the fingers wet with grease, it is okay to pick it up to eat. Cookies It is never necessary to try to eat the cookie that comes as a garnish to your dessert with a spoon. Unless the cookie has fallen so far into the chocolate sauce that there is not a clean corner by which to pick it up. Corn on the Cob It is unlikely that it will be served at a formal event, but if you encounter corn on the cob, it may be picked up and eaten. The approved method of doing so is to butter one or two rows at a time and to eat across the cob cleanly. French Fries, Fried Chicken, Chips, and Hamburger These items (also classified as fast foods will not be served in a formal setting. Most are eaten with the hands, although a particularly messy hamburger could be eaten with a fork and knife. Also, steak fries (the thickcut, less crispy variety) may be best eaten with a fork. Hors d’Oeuvres, Crudités Canapés, Almost everything that is served at a cocktail party or during a pre-meal cocktail hour is intended to be eaten with the fingers. Some of these foods make appearances at regular meals as well (although not usually in very formal ones). When they do, it is still permissible to use the fingers to eat them. This includes olives, pickles, nuts, deviled eggs, and chips. Small Fruits and Berries on Stems If you are served strawberries with the hulls, on, cherries with stems or grapes in a bunch, then it is okay to eat them with your fingers. Otherwise, as with 20
  • 21. all berries, the utensil of choice is a spoon. In the case of grapes, you may encounter a special scissors, to cut off a small cluster from the bunch. If not, tear a portion from the whole, rather than plucking off single grapes, which leaves a cluster of unattractive bare stems on the serving platter. Straightforward Sandwiches The straightforward sandwich is any sandwich that is not open-faced, not too tall to fit in the mouth, not saturated with dripping sauces or loaded with mushy filling. It is intended to be picked up and eaten. Otherwise, use a fork and knife. 21
  • 22. Basic Table Setting 1. Server Plate (will be replaced with a Dinner Plate) is placed on table allowing about two feet for each person and in the CENTER of the space 2. Soup Bowl Placed in the CENTER 3. Salad Plate to the LEFT of the dinner plate just above the NAPKIN and SALAD FORK 4. Dinner Roll Plate and Butter Spreader (on top of the bread plate) – Place just above the DINNER PLATE, a little to the left 5. Place napkin to the LEFT side of the SALAD FORK with the INSIDE FOLD facing the DINNER PLATE 6. Salad Fork is placed on the LEFT HAND side of the Dinner Plate 7. Dinner Fork is placed to the LEFT side of the DINNER PLATE 8. Dinner Knife Placed at the RIGHT of the DINNER PLATE 9. Beverage Spoon Placed on the right hand side to the RIGHT of the DINNER KNIFE 10. Soup Spoon Placed at the RIGHT of the DINNER SPOON (If serving soup) 11. Beverage Glasses (Water) Placed to the RIGHT hand side starting at the TIP of the KNIFE. 12. Beverage Glasses (Milk or Juice) Placed to the RIGHT hand side of the WATER GLASS 22
  • 23. Formal Dining fairly easy to master. Your waiter will fill the glasses in the correct order. When each course is finished, allow the server to remove the glass for that course as well as the plate. Beverage Glasses Positions (minimum of five glasses) Sherry or Aperitif Glass The glass farthest to the right may be a sherry or aperitif glass, if one is served to accompany the soup course. This will be the first glass you use. White Wine Glass Next is the white wine glass, which is used during the fish course or appetizer. Red Wine Glass Behind the white wine glass is the red wine glass. This glass is larger, with a fuller bowl that allows the red wine to ―breathe.‖ Rules: In a formal place setting, the first two rules to remember are: 1) Solids are to the LEFT (Yes, your bread plate to the left) 2) Liquids to the RIGHT Utensils are placed in the order used. You always work from the ―outside in‖ as the meal progresses. Beverage Glasses Formal meals normally have a minimum of five glasses at the table. Each glass is slightly different in shape and size. This is Water Goblet The largest glass is the water goblet, which sits just above the dinner knife. Champagne Glass Finally, behind and to the right of the water goblet is the champagne glass, if champagne will accompany dessert. You may also find a champagne glass in the first position, perhaps served with oysters as an appetizer. 23
  • 24. Formal Dining Table Setting 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Server Plate ( Replaced with a Dinner Plate) Soup Bowl Salad Plate Bread & Butter Plate Napkin Fish Fork Salad Fork Dinner Fork Dinner Knife Fish Knife Beverage Spoon Soup Spoon 13) Small Cocktail Fork- placed to the right of the soup spoon. (This cocktail fork will be the ONLY fork that will ever be to the right.) 14) Dessert Spoon & Fork 15) Water Goblet 16) Champagne Glass 17) Red Wine Goblet 18) White Wine Goblet 19) Sherry Glass 20) Coffee or Tea Setting (Placed on the table at end of meal, often with the desserts.) 24
  • 25. Healthy Eating 2. Exercise Regularly Physical Fitness Work up a good sweat. When you are breathing hard and sweating, it helps your heart pump better, gives you more energy, and helps you look and feel your best. Start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Breakfast Brain Power (10) Tips Research has shown that eating a nutritious breakfast that includes grain or protein and fruit or juice helps to improve students’ test scores, behavior and well-being. 1. Start with Breakfast (Daily) Breakfast fills your ―empty tank‖ to get you going after a long night without food. Eating a good breakfast can help you do better in school. Easy to prepare breakfasts include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, wholewheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night’s pizza. Include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running, jogging or dancing. Follow-up with activities that help make you stronger such as push-ups or lifting weights. Then cool-down with more stretching. the escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30 minutes every day. 4. Snack Smart Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups – have a glass of low-fat milk and a few celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips, and candy are okay for occasional snacking. 5. Grains, Fruits, and Vegetables. 3. Get Moving! It is easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Try to fit physical activities into your daily routine – take the stairs instead of Energy Foods –Eating more grains, fruits and vegetable gives you carbohydrates for energy plus vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Besides, they taste good! Try breads such as whole-wheat bread, bagels, and pita. Spaghetti and oatmeal are also in the grain group. 25
  • 26. 6. Balance Your Food Choices Do not eat too much of one thing. You do not have to give up foods like hamburgers, French fries, and ice cream to eat healthfully. Your body needs protein, carbohydrates, fat, and many different vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins C and A, iron, and calcium from a variety of foods. 7. Healthy Eating Style A healthy eating style is like a puzzle with many parts. Each part, or food, is different. Some foods may have more fat, sugar or salt, while others may have more vitamins or fiber. There is a place for all these foods. What makes a diet good or bad is how foods fit together. Balancing your choices is important. At dinner choose lower fat foods. Fit in a higher fat food like a meat pizza in moderation. If two pieces of pizza fill you up, do not eat a third. 8. Exercise with Family or Friends Being active is more fun with family or friends. Invite others to join you and plan one special physical activity like a bike ride or hiking, with a group each week. 9. School Physical Activities Join in. Whether you take a physical education class or do other physical activities at school, such as intramural sports, structured activities are a sure way to feel good, look good and stay physically fit. 10. Fun Physical Activities How to Eat To Live Six (6) Nutrient Groups Group One (1) - Water Water transports other nutrients to cells, carries wastes away, aids digestion and more. It makes up more than half your bodyweight. SOURCES: water ~ juices and other beverages, soups and many ―solid‖ foods (fruits, vegetables, breads, etc.) Group Two (2) – Minerals Build bones, teeth, blood, and help the body use energy. Especially important to young people: Group (3) Three - Calcium Take advantage of physical activities you and your friends enjoy doing together. Be adventurous. Try new sports, games, and other activities as well as new foods. You will grow stronger, play longer, and look and feel better! Set realistic goals – don’t try changing too much at once. Calcium is found in milk, cheese and other dairy products, and also in some green vegetables. 26
  • 27. Group Four (4) Proteins Group Five (5) - Carbohydrates Proteins build and repair cells, fight infection, and make your blood strong. Found in meat, poultry and shellfish, dried beans and peas, dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, etc.), and dried fruits. Provide energy (calories) for muscles, nerves, and the brain. Complex carbohydrate foods provide calories and other nutrients. (They are also sources of fiber, essential for digestion and the prevention of some diseases.) Simple carbohydrates provide calories, but not much else. COMPLEX PROTEIN SOURCES Fish, meat, chicken, eggs, milk, and soybeans COMPLETE PROTEIN SOURCES Dried beans, lentils and peas, nuts, breads, noodles, grains and cereals VITAMINS help the body use food and work properly. ESPECIALLY GOOD SOURCES: Carrots, spinach, broccoli, green peppers, leaf lettuce, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, whole and enriched grains, milk products, fish, meat, and poultry. COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES: These include breads, noodles, grains, cereals, potatoes, nuts, seeds, dried beans, lentils and peas, vegetable, and some fruits. SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES: These include table sugar, powdered sugar, brown sugar and ―natural‖ sugars in honey, corn, and some fruits Group Six (6) – Fats Provide energy and fatty acids, helps digestion. Too much fat can be harmful. SOURCES: Vegetable oils, margarine, butter (and food fried in them), whole milk, cream, most cheeses, meats, poultry (especially with skin), eggs, chocolate, avocados, peanut butter and nuts. Note: A good source of a vitamin or mineral contributes at least 10 percent of its Percent Daily Value per serving. A good source of dietary fiber contributes at least 2 grams of dietary fiber per serving. Good Sources of Vitamin A Apricots Broccoli Cantaloupe Carrots Collards Eggplant Kale Mango Pumpkin Spinach Squash, winter Sweet potato Tomato Turnip greens Watermelon 27
  • 28. Good Sources of Dietary Fiber Apple & Pears with skin Apricot, dried Banana Dry Beans Lima Beans Black-eyed peas Broccoli Carrots Lentils Orange Green Peas Split Peas Potato with skin Prunes Spinach Winter Squash Strawberries Sweet potato Tomato Remember: You have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat. Good Sources of Potassium Apricots, dried Dry Beans Black-eyed peas Cantaloupe Grapefruit juice Honeydew melon Lentils Orange juice Green Peas Split Peas Plantains Potato Potato with skin Prune juice Cooked Spinach Winter Squash Sweet potato Tomato Banana Good Sources of Foliate Beans, dry Black-eyed peas Lentils Mustard greens Orange Orange juice Green Peas Split Peas Spinach Turnip greens Fun Food Facts Did You Know? Fast Food Isn’t New! The remains of fast foods shops have been found in ancient ruins! Even ancient Greeks enjoyed take-out. The only thing that is new is the mass production, standard menus and recipes of fast-food ―chains.‖ Wow! 28
  • 29. Other Interesting Food Facts Salt Lemons The word salary comes from the Latin word salarium. Salt was used in ancient times to pay for work done. Today, salt (a form of sodium) is so prevalent in packaged foods that it is far too easy to eat too much salt. Watch your daily sodium intake and read labels. Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries. Snails In France, people eat approximately 700 million snails per year. Onion The onion is named after a Latin word meaning large pearl of rice. Half of the world’s population lives on a diet staple of rice. First Breakfast Cereal The first mass produced breakfast cereal was corn flakes. Instant Coffee Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Sometimes frozen fruits and vegetables are more nutritious than fresh. The longer that fruits or vegetables sit around waiting to be sold or eaten, the more nutrients they lose. Fruits and vegetables grown for freezing are usually frozen right after they are picked, and have less time to lose their nutrients. Chop suey The most likely of various tales about the origin of chop suey is that it was created by Chinese immigrants in California. Appetite Temperature can affect your appetite. You are more likely to be hungry if you are cold! Tomato Have A Tomato With Your Burger! When a source of Vitamin C (orange, lemon, grapefruit, strawberry, tomato, etc) is eaten with meat or cooked dry beans, the body makes better use of the iron in the protein food. Instant coffee has been in existence since the middle of the 18th century. 29
  • 30. Milk Within two (2) hours of standing in daylight, milk loses between half and two-thirds of its vitamin B content. Baker’s Dozen Bakers used to be fined if their loaves of bread were under weight, so they used to add an extra loaf of bread to every dozen, just in case – hence, the expression ―baker’s dozen‖ Fish with Lemon It has been traditional to serve fish with lemon since the Middle Ages. People believed that the fruit’s juice from the lemon would dissolve any bones accidentally swallowed. Telephone Etiquette Home Phone Be considerate of the family telephone – others might wish to use the phone. In a friendly voice, answer by saying hello, good morning, or good afternoon. If the caller wishes to speak to you, answer, ―This is he/she‖ or ―This is James.‖ If the call is for another person and he/she is nearby, say to the caller, ―One moment please.‖ Your Neighbor’s Phone If answering the telephone at someone else’s home, simply say, ―Hello, Jackson residence.‖ Taking a Message Listen Carefully If the person is not home, listen carefully to what the caller says and take a message. Keep a pad and pencils on your desk at all times for writing down messages. 1. Ask the caller his/her name. If you do not know the correct spelling of the caller’s name, ask the caller to spell his/her name. 2. Ask for their phone number. 3. Write down the message that the caller would like to leave. Leaving Voice Messages at Home In a clear voice repeat your name and telephone number, and a short message that is to the point. Repeat your phone number slowly. Gum Chewing and Talking Do not chew or crack your gum when speaking on the phone or speaking to others in person Talking During Mealtime Never answer the phone or talk to another person on the phone while eating. 30
  • 31. Business Calls caller for being patient and finish the business conversation. Call the second caller promptly after you have completed the first call, just as you had promised. Business Messages Please keep business calls professional or businesslike. Receiving Business Calls Pick up the phone and answer with a very clear voice. Identify your company name and yourself. For example: ―Nia’s Enchanted Hair Boutique & Beauty Spa, Nia speaking; how may I assist you?‖ If you are talking to a caller and the second line rings, apologize to the first caller and ask them if they would please hold. Answer the second caller, get the caller’s name, phone number, and tell them you are on a call and will call them back as soon as you finish. Return to the first caller thanking the The person who originated/initiated the call is responsible for calling back the other party Keeping Phone Records Keep a record of all calls that comes into the office. Use a phone message pad or phone log that indicates who called, the caller’s phone number, and date and time of the call. You can also log the message in the computer and save to retrieve when needed. Cell Phone Etiquette Business messages always leave your company’s name, your name, your company’s phone number and the message. Office Answering Machine If your company uses an answering machine or voice mail, please check your messages as soon as you return to your desk. Disconnected Calls at Work and Home – Who Calls Back? Social Settings Always use discretion when using a cellular phone in a social environment. It is best to refrain from placing cell phone calls during social events. Only answer incoming calls after excusing yourself from the immediate area and remember to speak softly. 31
  • 32. Cell Phone Pictures Standing in line Never take anyone’s picture with your cell phone without his or her permission. Taking someone’s picture and publishing it without their permission is violating the law. Email Etiquette Talking and Texting While Driving a Car Talking and texting on your cell phone can be hazardous to you, your passengers and other drivers. As of 2010, a ban on driving while talking on a hand-held cell phone is in place in 7 states (California, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington) and the District of Columbia). The use of all cell phones while driving a school bus is prohibited in 17 states and the District of Columbia (DC). The use of all cell phones by novice drivers is restricted in 21 states and DC. Text messaging is banned for all drivers in 19 states and DC. Even if you use a hands-free headset, you are still distracted by trying to have a conversation while driving. Pull off the road if you have to answer or place a call. Never TEXT while driving. Important Email Etiquette Tips: It is not polite to talk on your cell phone while standing in line at a place of business such as in a bank, deli, department store, airport, restaurant, and other public places. When you arrive face to face with the clerk or associate do not continue talking on your cell phone. Your actions in most cases will be upsetting to the others in line behind you and the staff person waiting to serve you. Stay focused on why you are there and what business you need to complete. 1. Be concise and to the point. Avoid long sentences. 2. Answer all questions and preempt further questions. 3. Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation. (Spell Check) 4. Use templates for frequently used responses. 5. Answer promptly. 6. Do not attach unnecessary files. 7. Use proper structure & layout. 8. Do not overuse the high priority option. 9. Do not write in CAPITAL LETTERS. It equals shouting. 32
  • 33. 10. Do not leave out the message thread. 11. Add disclaimers to your emails. 12. Read the email before you send it. 13. Do not overuse Reply to All 14. Don’t overuse abbreviations and emoticons. 15. Take care with rich text and HTML messages. 16. Do not forward chain letters or Internet hoaxes. 17. Do not copy a message or attachment without permission. 18. Do not use emails to discuss confidential information. 19. Use a meaningful subject. 20. Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT. 21. Do not send or forward emails containing defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks. 22. Do not reply to spam. 23. Use cc: field sparingly. 24. Do not make an email longer than it needs to be. 25. Don’t assume that no one else will read the email. Educational Tips Why is email etiquette important? A company needs to implement etiquette rules for the following three reasons: 1) Professionalism: By using proper email language your company will convey a professional image. 2) Efficiency: Emails that get to the point are much more effective than poorly worded emails. 3) Protection from liability: Employee awareness of email risks will protect your company from costly lawsuits. Reading Reading is essential in the educational process. It is the gateway to the liberal arts and to seeking knowledge, to learning about the past, to understanding the present, to being able to see what others are writing about the future. Mathematics Mathematics is the gateway to the sciences. You cannot understand chemistry, physics, or logic, unless you have a background in mathematics. In an increasingly technological world, the mathematics skills of the Nation’s workers are a crucial component of economic competitiveness. 33
  • 34. Parent Involvement and School Partnerships Music influences young people so listen to what they listen. Your Child’s School Much research supports the view that involvement by parents, guardians or other caregivers in a child’s’ education has a positive impact on student achievement. Parental involvement is crucial. Begin talking to them at an early age about going to college and take them on college tours when the time comes. Selection Tips Parents/Guardians/Caregivers Make sure that your children develop basic computer skills, so they can become Internet literate. Support the superintendent and the board of education in setting and pursuing high educational standards. The first step to higher achievement is to believe that one can achieve. Parents should instill a belief system in their children that they can achieve at a higher academic level. Research has shown that expectations have a substantial impact on academic achievement. Children should be given a list of nonnegotiable rules. Teach children to respect others and adhere to the dress code for school and work. Children with a strong work ethic and high selfesteem can achieve whatever they want to achieve. Each person is the sum total of his/her life experiences. Computer Skills The best way to learn about schools is to visit them. remember, schools do not accept unscheduled visitors. Make a list of schools that you might want to visit. The list will not tell you which schools are good or bad. It is just a tool to help you determine your own priorities and to evaluate whether a school meets your child’s needs. Find out which school is your neighborhood school. Visit your assigned school no matter what you have heard about it. You owe it to yourself and the school to visit. It has become commonplace to blame schools for children who fail. Many of the ―failing‖ schools are the places where teachers work the hardest, against the most difficult social problems, and deserve the most respect. 34
  • 35. Talk to your friends and neighbors to get their ideas. Talk to your child’s current teacher for ideas. Research programs and test scores with independent materials that compare schools. Rank your choices before you tour. Begin with your assigned school and visit schools in reverse order of your priorities, from your least to most favorite. After you have toured, go back over the checklist and identify any major areas of concern. Talk with students and their parents at your top choices to get their input. Attend a PTA meeting or request the name of an active parent in the school who can answer your questions. How are students expected to learn? Example: Do students work independently at their own desk or in groups? How is the curriculum planned? Are teachers and parents included in school-wide planning about the curriculum? Is the work challenging? If the work is over their head, how do they get extra help and when? How are students with greater abilities challenged in the classroom? Does the content in the class seem appropriate for the grade level? How many students are receiving college credits? What advanced placement courses are offered? What college guidance is offered? What exposure to the work world is provided? Do student receive help finding summer jobs or placement following graduation? Essential Characteristics School Principal – Successful schools have motivated principals who have the necessary personnel and resources, and have created partnerships. Principals should visit every teacher’s classroom. They should walk the halls a lot and know their school and its students. Cultural Factors Schools are now a blend of many different cultures. This demands that today’s teachers be equipped and confident to teach in a diverse classroom. Classroom Climate 35
  • 36. Impressive Teachers Look for teachers who impress students in the same way you would impress a visitor to your home. Teachers should make them feel welcome in the classroom. Children are happy to return to a class that has a welcoming environment. Well-Trained Teachers A well-trained teacher believes all children can learn. He/she motivates everyone to set high standards and continues to strive for the best from students. Teachers should provide clear expectations to students and parents. Make sure teachers know their subject matter in depth. Look for teachers who have knowledge of their content areas. They will bring high expectations to the classroom, and make a connection between home and school. High Expectations and Enrollment Tips Always check out the school’s yearly report card. You can do this online or by getting a copy from the school’s secretary. The climate determines behavior of students in the classroom, for example, the extent to which teachers and principals believes that youth can achieve. The teaching environment should be exciting, creative, have lots of bright student artwork displayed. A warm teaching environment gives students a sense of safety, security and comfort. Education is a constructive, driving force for positive change. Without a good education, the chance for individuals to do well in society is not very good. Children who are not prepared for work or prepared to attend college, will face very competitive, difficult and stressful times. This is the battle for their ability to live independently. Children who have been poorly educated will most likely also be economically poor. Support Structures Schools must have support structures in place to facilitate academic achievement. The school must provide a support structure to help students stay in school (middle and high school). University/College As parents we must challenge our children to achieve at a high and competitive level. We have no choice but to give the best to our children in 36
  • 37. terms of instruction, and, in return, we must expect the best from them. Apply to as many schools as possible that offer the desired major. change their major three (3) times before they get it right. College Selection Do not select a university or college based on tuition and fees. Parents and students often forget that almost all educational institutions have grants and scholarships available. Do not think you cannot go to the university or college of your desire. Financial aid is sometimes available. Admissions Clerk Never answer your cell phone in front of the admissions clerk – it could make a difference in whether you are accepted to that university or college. Our children are our most valuable resource and we must help them to achieve. University or College Application Counselors Make friends with your guidance counselor. The dean and other staff members will call this person first for any information on you. Parent Message Set high achievement goals for yourself and your children. Research has shown that most first-year students will 37
  • 38. Choosing Your Style Sharpen your fashion skills with these practical tips to flatter your figure and make your clothes work for you. The styles you choose will affect your appearance and how you’re perceived. Fashion Tips for Women Fashion & Accessory Tips This style guide is for general fashion tips and advice. Check out the current trends to get the latest fashion tips and tricks for the newest styles. Overcoming ―Flaws‖ Every woman has flaws. These ideas are for those who accept them, but wish to minimize them. 1. Stand up straight, have good posture and carry yourself with grace. Not only will you appear taller, you will radiate self confidence. 2. Know your body and what looks good. 3. You are logically attracted to styles and colors that flatter your figure. 4. Use past experience to your advantage and trust your intuition; sometimes fashion and beauty etiquette comes naturally. 5. Feel free to experiment! Beware of those ―skinny‖ mirrors in boutiques and department stores that are misleading. If a style didn’t look good on you in the past, it won’t now— unless you’ve made some major changes. Neutral Colors Have plenty of neutrals on hand to mix and match. Open collar shirts and scoop necks will lengthen a short neck. Add a long necklace. Know what looks good on you! Tailored Clothing Tailored clothes flatter most women’s figures. Boutique ―Skinny Mirrors‖ 38
  • 39. Always clean your clothes before storing them away. Purchase Similar Styles Buy styles similar to the clothes you already own that you think flatter your figure. Safety Pin Always carry a safety pin in your purse for emergencies. Shoulder pads: will help you balance large breasts and wide hips, but keep them slim. Shoes: Break in your shoes before wearing for an entire day or special occasion. Sticky Zippers Fix sticky zippers by rubbing them with some wax or a bar of soap. Clean Clothing Thrift Stores If you are losing or gaining weight, go to your local thrift store and get some in-between sizes that fit. Pantyhose Make sure your pantyhose fit correctly. Tugging on them in public is a no-no. New Styles Do not be afraid to try anything new. Do not bare all. Leave some mystery to your look. Loose Buttons Secure your buttons by dabbing the backs of them with fingernail polish or clear glue. This prevents the stitching from coming loose. Clingy Clothing If you are concerned about clingy clothing, do not buy anything with more than 5% Lycra. Static Cling Use dryer sheets or fabric spray to reduce static cling. Leather Clothing Leather has a tendency to stretch, so buy your pants one size smaller. Department Store If a department store does not have your size, ask your sales associate to contact another store. Many stores are set up to call their other stores to locate and ship the desired size directly to you. Designer Fashions Do not fret if you see an outfit in a magazine that is too pricey for your budget. You can probably put together the same outfit at stores such as the Macy, Gap , Old 39
  • 40. Navy, Chico’s, Dillard and Nordstrom at a fraction of the price. Just cut out the picture and take it shopping with you. Perfume Apply your perfume before dressing to prevent staining your clothing. Apply your perfume lightly. Hats Men and women know what a lift a new hat can give. But if the hat is wrong, it can ruin the whole outfit. Choose a hat that is suitable for your outfit Choose a hat according to your figure. Do not wear a small hat on your head, if you are a full figured person. (It will make you look out of proportion.) Always match your hat in size according to your figure, color and design with your outfit you are planning to wear. (See the illustration on the next page.) Try your hat on in a full-length mirror with your outfit to see if the entire ensemble is in balance. Ladies wearing dressy suits or dresses should have a more glamorous hat – such as, velvet, soft satin, flowers, or feathers, but simple in design. Berets Your hat style determines the occasion and the outfit with which it should be worn. Glamorous Hats Ladies casual tweed suits look best with a tailored cloche or simple beret. 40
  • 41. Right On Figure (a), the hat is scaled down in width and is much higher to give a taller, slimmer look. It sets higher on the head, which is more flattering to the short-necked figure. Right Hat for Your Figure ―Short Stocky Figure‖ A A short stocky figure with a short neck and a large bosom looks even shorter, because, top heavy under a large, wide hat (a) Wrong Right Hat for Your Outfit ―Hat Sizes & Outfits‖ B Hat size applies to outfit as well as figure. This coat with a large, high collar has all of the weight at the top of the figure when a big hat is put over it (b). Wrong The smaller hat, on figure (b) gives a clean, more balanced look to the coat with the higher collar. Right Hat for Your Figure ―Slim Figure‖ C A too-small hat used with a sleek, slim dress like this gives a bare, unfinished look to the outfit (b) Wrong Right 41
  • 42. Right The larger hat, worn with the scoop necked sheath, takes away the bare look of the head and neck and gives a better balance to the figure ©. Purse Tips Your purses do not have to be expensive to look smart. Choose a purse suitable to the occasion. A small woman looks overburdened with a too-large purse/handbag. A large woman looks out of proportion with a very small purse/handbag. Handbags and Currency Organizers Coin Purse and Billfold – are used to keep your purse from becoming messy – never open a messy purse in front of others. It could question your organizational skills. Dressy – A dressy purse of suede or fabric is out of place with a sweater and skirt. Usually, a dressy bag is smaller than the one generally used for every day. Suitable Accessories -- Colors Jewelry – Neutral Colors Neutral black can safely be used for all accessories. Other neutral colors that can also be used more freely are gray, brown, taupe and navy. Often, two neutrals can be used, with a third color to brighten the whole outfit. Shades of a bright accessory color can also be used in the same ensemble without overdoing the color. Casual and Dressy Attire Over-the-shoulder purses belong with a casual outfit Shoes: Shoes and purses in most cases are of the same color. 42
  • 43. Gloves and Hats are of the same color. Professional Attire dark grey or blue solids or muted pinstripes. Skirt-suits are still considered more appropriate by conservative employers. Skirt length should be no shorter than 1‖ above knee. Wear the skirt to practice sitting in it. Does it ride up? Then buy a longer one! Shirts should be of cotton, wool, polyester, cashmere, or silk blends in conservative colors. Short or long sleeves with a jewel (rounded) neckline. Blouse or shell - Press shirt/blouse carefully, particularly the collar No visible cleavage Tight Skirts Suits Suit pieces should be same color Skirt suits or pants suits are acceptable; 100 % wool or wool blend in Wear only conservative outfits in an office or religious environment. Do not wear tight skirts or tight pants. Shirts Shoes Recommended shoe colors are black, burgundy or brown leather. Pumps or flats with a 1-2‖ heel; no spikes. 43
  • 44. Hosiery Neutral or skin tone Bring an extra pair for emergencies. Tights are not as dressy as sheer hosiery. Business Casual Attire for Women Jacket & Pants, Skirt or Dress long sleeve; sweater sets. No visible cleavage Woven Tops of 100% cotton or cotton/polyester blends. Any muted conservative solid, stripe, or plaid. Button-down, straight collar and long sleeves are best. Unacceptable Office Attire However, this attire maybe very appropriative for other job environments. Tights and Socks Colored tights or socks are appropriate for casual wear and should complement your outfit. Casual Shoes Simple Accessories Watches and Rings should be simple. Please one ring only. Black, burgundy or brown leather Jacket and pants or skirt do not need to be the same color. pumps or flats with 1-2‖ heel; no spikes. Polish and clean shoes (don’t wear outside, particularly if raining or snowing) Final Mirror Check Knit Tops of cotton, wool, cashmere or silk blends; short or Remember to do a final mirror check before leaving. Earrings For the office, wear simple earrings. Do not wear long dangle earrings and only one earring per ear. 44
  • 45. Writing Instruments Invest in a Mont Blanc pen or any other handsome writing instrument that you can afford. Briefcase: Purchase a nice leather briefcase if needed for your job. Scarves Scarves or long necklaces blouses are generally not recommended attire. Undergarments should fit properly and be 100% non-visible Personal Facial ~ Use a daily facial cleanser and a moisturizer for your face. Tattoos are not an accessory – Cover all visible tattoos. Gum is not an accessory. Personal Grooming Brush Teeth Makeup should be minimal! Use muted, conservative colors. Learn the correct way to apply your make up. Visit a salon or the makeup counter at your local department store for advice and a personal demonstration. Bath or Shower Eyewear: Make sure that your eyewear is simple and clean. Select fashionable eyewear that will complement your face. 45
  • 46. Hair looks best pulled back from your face, so as not to be a distraction. It is also best to have a fresh haircut combed and styled, but not over-gelled. Business Attire for Men A man’s suit should be100% wool or wool blend and a conservative fit. Nails ~ Clean and trim fingernails; no long nails and no color polish! Clear nail polish is best. Colognes ~ Do not over use cologne. Button the jacket when standing; unbutton when seated. Make sure you press your shirt carefully, particularly the collar. Do it yourself or spend the money on dry cleaning. Most commonly worn under the shirt is a plain white crewneck tshirt. Suit jacket and pants should be the same color, preferably in dark grey, blue or black solids or pinstripes. Cuffs and Cufflinks Shirts Your shirt should be 100% cotton or cotton/polyester blend. Shirts of broadcloth or pinpoint oxford are best. The most common shirt to wear is white or a conservative color. Press Shirt Cuffs should extend ¼‖ beyond jacket sleeve. Taped or regular fit (not full-cut) Ties 100% Silk Most commonly worn tie width is approximately the same as jacket lapels 46
  • 47. (2 ¾‖ – 3 ½‖). The tie color should complement suit. No logo or cartoon ties. Belts and Shoe Colors Business Casual Attire for Men Jacket and Woven Shirts A nice pullover shirt can also be worn. A sweater vest or long sleeve sweater can be worn over a shirt with a collar. Shirt: The most commonly worn shirts are100% cotton or a cotton/polyester blend in any muted, conservative solid, stripe, or plaid. The most popular shirts worn are button-down or straight collar with long sleeves. The belt should match the shoe color. Best colors are black, burgundy, and brown. Wear leather, dark colored shoes that lace up and that complement your suit. Make sure your shoes are polished and clean. Knit Shirts Cotton, wool, polyester or cashmere blends. Must have collar (no crew neck), short or long sleeves. Casual Jacket and Pants A jacket is not necessary for casual business attire. Jacket and pants do not need to be same color. Wear lightweight business socks in dark colors that complement your suit. Ties are not necessary for casual dress. Belt should match shoe color. Shoes Wear dark leather slip on or lace-up. Make sure your shoes are polished and clean. Socks: Wear dark colored socks that complement both your pants and shoes. A belt should be worn around the waist-- no sagging pants. Secure your belt around your waist and through the pant loops Pants: Nice wool blend pressed cotton pants are okay. Check for proper rise fit and inseam. 47
  • 48. Unacceptable Office Attire However, this attire maybe very acceptable for other job environments. Underwear should fit properly and be 100% non-visible. Men Accessories Watches A simple watch is okay. Match your watch color with belt buckle color. A tie tack is not necessary. You should have a nice leather wallet and never over stuff it. An over-stuffed wallet will not have a neat appearance in your suit pants. Rings Wear your wedding band or one simple ring No fat wallets! Writing Instruments: Invest in a Mont Blanc pen or any other handsome writing instrument that you can afford. Briefcase: Purchase a nice leather briefcase if needed for the job. Wallet / Billfold Earring and Other Rings The night before an interview, seriously consider removing any nose rings or other rings on your body that are visible. Tattoos Cover all visible tattoos. 48
  • 49. Coffee and Newspaper Do not have a cup of coffee or read a newspaper at your interview. Remember, this is not a social occasion. Mirror Gum is not an accessory – please do not chew gum in public. Do one final check in the mirror! Personal Grooming Consider cutting long hair. it is also best to have a fresh haircut trimmed neatly and close to your face. Have it combed and styled, but not over-gelled. Facial Hair No facial hair is best for conservative companies. At minimum, trim neatly and close to face. Cologne and After Shave Lotion After shave lotion and cologne should be applied sparingly. Fragrances are often offensive to business associates and therefore inappropriate in a professional venue. Shampoo Hair Remember, to shampoo your hair after a haircut. Brush and comb your hair in a neat style. Hair Cuts 49
  • 50. Finger Nails Clean and trim finger nails. Be consistent in your use of dates, numbers, abbreviations, etc. Check and recheck for errors; look closely for mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Employment Have someone else critique and proofread your résumé. Resumé Writing Tips Brush Teeth and Floss Select quality bond paper for your final copies. Use white, ivory, cream, beige, buff, or light grey paper. Use a letter-quality or laser printer and black type. Fold and mail your résumé in a matching envelope or mail it flat in a 9‖ x 12‖ white or manila envelope. Shower Daily Use soap and deodorant DO . . . Make certain your resumé is concise, well spaced and visually attractive. Use action words to describe your experiences (see list of power words). Shoes ~Keep your shoes clean and polished at all times Quantify your experiences wherever possible. DO N OT . . . Type the word ―Résumé‖ above your name. Use abbreviations or contractions. Write lengthy prose. Use multiple fonts, typographic symbols or other visual elements. 50
  • 51. Use personal pronouns (I, we, my). Include a photograph. Mention personal data (e.g., height, weight, health, age or date of birth, marital status, race, religion, sex, etc.) POWER WORDS Key for Your Resume Here are a few of power words that you can include on a resume. Accomplished Achieved Advised Led Managed Persuaded Communicated Conducted Designed Developed Directed Doubled Edited Evaluated Hired Improved Increased Installed Interviewed Planned Recommended Reconciled Reduced Sold Supervised Taught Wrote Basic Resumé Format [Type your name] [Type Your Phone Number] [Type Your Address] [Type Your E-Mail Address] [Type Your Web Site] Objectives [Type the Objectives] Education [Type the Year] – [Type the Degree] List of Accomplishments Experience [Type the start date] – [Type the end date] – [Type the job title] [Type job responsibilities] Skills [Type list of skills] Basic Cover Letter Format [Your name] [Street address] [City, St, Zip Code] [Date] 51
  • 52. [Recipient Name] [Title] [Company Name] [Street address] [City, St, Zip Code] ___________________________________________________ ______________________________ If you have any questions, please call me at (999) 999-9999. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, [Your name] Dear [Recipient name] We spoke on Monday. As promised, I am enclosing a copy of my resume. I am also enclosing copies of: Enclosure Sample Job Application Print, then practice filling out this job application form and use it as a guide when completing applications for employment. Form Instructions: Print clearly in black or blue ink. Answer all questions. Sign and date the form. PERSONAL INFORMATION: Full Name __________________________________________________________ Social Security Number_______________________________________________ Street Address: City, State, Zip Code __________________________________ Phone Numbers: Home ___________Cell ___________ Other ______________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________ 52
  • 53. Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes ____ No____ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Present or Last Position: If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificates? Employer: ___________________________________________________________ Yes _______ No_______ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Have you been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a felony within the last five years? Yes_______ No_______ Supervisor: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________ If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ POSITION/AVAILABILITY: Position Applied For: _________________________________________________ Position Title: _______________________________________________________ From: ____________________________to:________________________________ Responsibilities: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Days/Hours Available: Monday __ Tuesday __ Wednesday__ Salary: $ ___________________________________________________________ Thursday __ Friday __ Saturday __ Sunday __ Reason for Leaving: __________________________________________________ Hours Available: from _______to _____ What date are you available to start work? _____________________________ Previous Positions Employer Name: _______________________Address: _____________________ EDUCATION: City ____________________________State _______Zip Code _______________ Name and Address of School - Degree/Diploma - Graduation Date Supervisor: __________________ Phone: ____________________ Skills and Qualifications: Licenses, Skills, Training, Awards Email: ___________________________________________________ Position Title: ____________________________________________ From: _________________________ to: ______________________ 53
  • 54. Responsibilities: Salary: __________________________________________________ Reason for Leaving: ______________________________________ May We Contact Your Present Employer? Yes ___ No ___ References: Name/Title/Address/Phone Numbers/E-mail address _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ I certify that information contained in this application is true and complete. I understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future, if I am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed above. Signature: _________________________________Date________ 54
  • 55. Personal Check List for Your Interview Remember: You only have one chance to make a first impression. Follow this guideline and you will be sure to impress the employer. Your first impressions can affect the rest of the interview. Choose responses and verbal statements that promote you. Greet the interviewer with enthusiasm and a firm handshake. Be personable and prepared to ―make small talk.‖ Be polite to support staff (their input matters.) Reflect confidence in your voice tone. Use proper grammar and communicate in a professional manner. Try to avoid ―UMS‖ and ―YOU KNOW.‖ Wear conservative colors. Make Eye Contact with the interviewer at all times. Hair should be well groomed and away from your face. Ask Questions. Eye glasses should be cleaned and polished. Research the position and company prior to the interview. Wear a belt with pants around your waist. Prepare yourself by practicing. No ―pants on the ground.‖ Thank the interviewer for your interview. Cover tattoos if possible. Be Positive. One ring per hand. Make a good first impression. One earring per ear. Arrive 15 minutes early for the interview. Be ―neutral.‖ Nails should be trimmed and clean. Okay you are now ready for your interview. 55
  • 56. Job Interview Tips Typical Interviews Most employers follow a standard outline during the interview process. (The interviewer may give you a preview of what will occur during the interview.) The employer may give you a brief overview of the position or additional information about the organization. You respond to questions. (If it is a good interview, this is the longest segment and you should do most of the talking). You ask questions of the interviewer. Have at least five or ten questions prepared beforehand. Employer Questions Anticipate questions you will be asked and prepare responses beforehand. The following are common questions asked by employers. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Why did you select Texas Women’s University? Why did you choose the major in fashion and marketing? Why did you choose your career field? What are your career goals? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years? How has your college experience prepared you for your career? What qualifications do you have that will make you successful in this position? Describe your most rewarding accomplishment. Describe a challenge you encountered and how you dealt with it. Why are you interested in working for our organization? What do you know about our organization? Tell me a little bit about yourself. How would you describe yourself? What two or three things are most important to you in your job? Why should I hire you? 56
  • 57. Questions for the Employer Formulate Questions of High Quality for the Employer Do Your Homework Be prepared beforehand to ask the interviewer questions. Research the organization and your profession. Your knowledge of the profession and information you gather through research and networking will help you formulate questions of high quality. Questions -you may ask in an interview. What is the philosophy of the organization? What do you consider the organization’s strengths and weaknesses? What are the organization’s plans and goals? Describe the work environment. What attracted you to this organization? Why do you enjoy working for this organization? Describe the typical responsibilities of the position. What are the challenging facets of the position? Describe the opportunities for training and professional development. Employers Advancement Chart Are there opportunities for advancement within the organization? Ending The Interview The interviewer closes the interview and explains the next steps in the process. Be sure to thank the interviewer for his or her time and consideration. Other types of interviews include telephone and on-site interviews. Examples: 57
  • 58. Introductions Handshaking/Conversation Tips Small Talk ~ Greeting and small talk will be use to put you at ease and break the ice. Nametag Position Eye Contact Nametags should ALWAYS be placed on the right side, so an individual may easily look at your name when shaking your hand. Look the person in his or her eyes, and say your first and last name in a clear voice. Never pat the top of the other person’s hand. In the United States, usually a person stands the distance of one arm’s length from an individual when shaking hands. Being Introduced Always stand up when being introduced. Extend your right hand in an open vertical flat position for a handshake (using a firm grip) but not crushing the other person’s hand. The handshake should last for 2-3 seconds. Avoid referring to individuals by their first name. This assumes a friendly relationship and often is not appropriate. Use the name that was given during the introduction. ―Steven is Steven, NOT Steve.‖ Forget Someone’s Name If you forget someone’s name, take the embarrassment upon yourself. Say something like, ―I’m sorry I know that we have met before, you are...?‖ Close an Introduction Always remember to close an introduction by saying something like, ―It was nice to have met you.‖ Never simply walk away. Rules of Different Conversations Learn the art of social conversation and appropriate topics of conversation for formal and informal occasions. Social Conversation is very important. It is important to always be attentive in the presence of others... Some basic rules regarding Social 58
  • 59. Conversation: Keep it short! It is social conversation after all. Emotional Topics Avoid talking about topics that evoke opinions or emotions such as religion, politics and money. Polite Conversation Polite conversation is not a long drawn out one; it is used in greeting people who start to talk to you at church, grocery stores, airports, bus stations. Just using a few sentences are all that is necessary in order not to be rude. Real Conversationalist Watch your speech patterns. Do not interrupt people when they are speaking. Do you finish other people’s statements? If so, you are not listening to the speaker! It is important not to monopolize the conversation. If you experience rudeness in a social conversation, simply ignore it. Do not waste your time and energy thinking about it. If appropriate and under extreme circumstances, address it in private with the individual. A Real Conversationalist is a selfconfident person. He/she inspires, simulates and teaches us. Occasionally that person will flatter and tease us because of an honest desire to please and a sense of humor. A successful conversation requires perceptiveness, education and cultivation or self-education. To be a good conversationalist you must be up to date and current on life in general. What Makes a Bad Impression A good vocabulary is one of the most impressive assets a person can have. No matter how intelligent you are, if you use swear words or too much slang in your conversation, you will make a bad impression. People will not perceive the depth of your conversation or its intelligence; they will hear only its harshness and vulgarity. Introductions – Deference A Common Rule Deference refers to common courtesy that is extended to one another. With regard to introductions, juniors are always presented to seniors. A common rule is to introduce the highest-ranking person first, and then introduce everyone to him or her. Deference is based on rank in a company and not on gender. Also, remember that a client ALWAYS outranks someone from within your company (even your supervisor). 59
  • 60. Current events Entertainment World What to Talk About Personal Hobbies Here are some possible topics of conversation: Artist Line of work College 60
  • 61. Fear Travel Too Hungry Communication Barriers In life we have many barriers that might cause us not to effectively communicate with others such as: Sick Too Angry Facial Expression Too Tired or Too Bored Attire & Body Language 61
  • 62. Respect grandparents and other people at all time. Bad Hairdo & Attire Be Kind to Animals Pet Owners: Make sure you take your pet to the veterinarian for regular check ups. Racism ~ Do not engage in racism! Be kind to others (Human beings and animals) Choices We Make Good and Bad Behavior Do not chase cats and dogs. Remember you would not want a stranger chasing you. Do not frighten the animals. Homophobia ~ Understand other people. Say, ―NO‖ to homophobia! Personal Safety On-line Tips Do not engage in conversation with strangers on the Internet! 62
  • 63. Good Jobs There are many non-degree jobs available in your community. Check out the list of jobs below. Do not give out your personal information and place your picture on the internet! Keep your personal information private! Riding with Strangers Do not get in cars with strangers! Do not place yourself in a possible dangerous position. Disc Jockey Pizza Maker Grocery Checker Short Order Cook Theatre Usher Bank Teller Suspicious Package If you find a suspicious package, do not open it. Please contact your local police department right away. 63
  • 64. While it’s a rare parent who doesn’t want to say, ―Let me help you sort things out,‖ we also recognize that our children’s need for independence grows as they do. And talking about touchy subjects can be especially difficult when teens tend to tune us out. Bad Jobs Work for what you want. Breaking the law will place you in jail. Do not waste your life behind bars. Get a real job! Parents/Caregivers Tough Subjects Alcohol ~ Drugs ~ Smoking Boxed - In jail Do not break the law! Again, work for want you need or want. Most parents think they have had serious discussions with their teens about drugs and alcohol, but only about half of teens agree. So, even though you might stumble and falter, start talking! The stakes are too high for you to keep silent. Back when our children were small, who could have imagined what life would hold for them: pressures surrounding sex, alcohol, drugs, and a bewildering array of messages, choices, and consequences. Create Time to Talk Driving your teen to a sporting event or to meet his or her friends at the mall may seem like just another chore, unless you recognize it as an opportunity to talk. Of course, you may have to get the conversation going. Try telling your child a little about your day or inquiring about his or her friends, before asking her how things are going. Make sure your family sits down at the table and has dinner together weekly or as often as possible during the week. Do Your Research Before discussing topics like sex or drugs with your son or daughter, first do a little homework. Often it’s as simple as checking the 64
  • 65. phone book for hotlines or asking my doctor to recommend some pamphlets. If your son or daughter is not willing to discuss a touchy subject, you can still give him or her phone numbers to call or an article to read. And, of course, tell them you will always be available if he or she needs your help.‖ Students’ Private Matters - Talk to your parents or school counselors about private matters that may concern you... Just talk to someone you trust. Victim of Abusive Behavior Get help! No one should hit you with any harmful items. Please call 911 or tell your teachers, neighbors or someone you trust. Sexual Behavior Do not engage in unprotected sex or acts of incest! Choices and Consequences Alcohol More than half of the nation’s 6-12th graders drink alcoholic beverages. Don’t let your teen become a statistic. Smoking Help your teens kick this dangerous habit or better yet, convince them never to start. Smoking is not fashionable anymore, and research has proven that smoking kills people. Drug Abuse In the next 24 hours, 15,006 American teens will use drugs for the first time. Do not let your teen be one of them! Take only medications prescribed by a doctor. Street Drugs Slang Words Glossary Do Your Research ―Before I discuss topics like sex or drugs with my son,‖ one father says, ―I do a little homework. Often it’s as simple as checking the phone book for hotlines or asking my doctor to recommend some pamphlets. If my son is not willing to discuss a touchy subject, I can still give him a number to call or an article to read. And, of course, I tell him I’m always available if he needs my help.‖ C & M – Cocaine and morphine Listed below are only a few words used by drugs users and dealers. C – Cocaine C Joint – Place where cocaine is sold Cabbage Head – An individual who will use or experiment with any kind of drug Cabello (Spanish) – Cocaine Cadillac Express – Methcathinone 65
  • 66. Cafeteria Use – Use of various drugs simultaneously, particularly sedatives or hypnotics California Cornflakes – Cocaine Cafeteria-Style Use – Using a combination of different club drugs Cancelled Stick – Marijuana cigarette Caine – Cocaine; Crack Cocaine Cakes – Round discs of crack California sunshine – LSD Candy – Cocaine; Crack Cocaine; amphetamine; depressants Candy Blunt – Blunts dipped in cough syrup Calbo (Spanish) – Heroin Achieving Your Goals Bull – Narcotics agent or police officer Candy flipping on a string – Combining or sequencing LSD with MDMA; mixing LSD, MDMA, and cocaine _________________________________________________________ Challenges to Achieve – Emotion and Physical _________________________________________________________ My goal is to: _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ My Goal Positive (+) Negative (-) _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What Are Goals? Something that somebody wants to achieve 66