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 Quarterly Newsletter                                             1st Quarter Issue, FY2012
  1 ST Q UARTER I SSUE , FY2012              T EL : (691)370-2044/3017

KAPIT C ONCLUDED I TS W ORK                                     ON   M AJOR R EFOR M M EASURES
Kosrae Adjustment Pro-         commitment to amend Kos-         to revive Reduction-in-Force     and economic condition of the
gram Implementation Team       rae State Constitution with      Program; (iii) enact legisla-    State. The total adjustment re-
(KAPIT) created by Gover-      the following: (i) reduce size   tion to establish non-citizen    quirement is for Kosrae to make
nor Executive Order and        of the legislature from 14       employee registration and        adjustment of over $537,000 by
chaired by Director Steven     members to 10; change reve-      training to citizen work-        FY 2013 and $1.2 million over
L. George submitted all        nue sharing between state        force; (iv) enact legislation    the remaining period of the
nine (9) KAPIT measures        and municipal governments        to increase vehicle registra-    Compact. These adjustments
to Governor Jackson for        from 50/50 to 70/30 with         tion fees; (v) enact legisla-    are necessitated by impact of
review and appropriate         the higher share going to        tion to introduce a General      Compact decrement; the need
actions . Two of the meas-     state.                           Sales Tax; (vi) enact legisla-   for state to service its debt; and
ures which were submitted                                       tion to increase and expand      finally the need to accelerate
                           Seven measures submitted in
earlier were transmitted to                                     seaport and navigation fees;     Infrastructure maintenance pro-
                           February 2012 by KAPIT
legislature for its action.                                     and (vii) enact legislation to   jects.
                           involved the following: (i)
The remaining 7 measures                                        increase airport departure
                           enact new legislation requir-                                     With assistance of Attorney
are now with Governor                                           fee.
                           ing payment of royalty and                                        Harry Seymour, the work of
Jackson to review and make
                           research fees for those in-          It is important to note that KAPIT had been significantly
                           volved in harvesting and             all these recommendations enhanced on the part of re-
Two measures submitted in studying Kosrae s natural             were made by the April search, analysis and drafting.
December 2011 by KAPIT resources and indigenous                 2011 Kosrae Leadership
involved Kosrae leadership culture; (ii) enact legislation      Conference to enhance fiscal

Like other departments of the state     performed his or her duties during
government, the Department of           the year.
Resources and Economic Affairs
                                        Mr. Rolphy Mongkeya, the Livestock
holds an annual social event at the
                                        Supervisor for the Division of Agri-
end of the calendar year every year.
                                        culture and Lands, was recognized by
DREA held its event on Thursday,
                                        many, including his superiors, as an
December 22.
                                        outstanding employee who had done
As it can be understood, the pur-       an exceptional job. As so, Mr. .
poses of such event are many. Aside     Mongkeya was fittingly recognized as
from the obvious reasons of holding     the 2011 DREA Employee of the
such event in celebration of the end    Year. With the presence of Governor
of the calendar year or, as a unified   Jackson - along with other honorable
group, celebrating and sharing the      dignitaries - and DREA employees as
holiday seasons with coworkers and      well as their families Mr. Mongkeya
their families, DREA held the event     accepted a certificate in recognition of Rolphy Mongkeya, 2011 DREA Employee of
also to recognize and honor the         his outstanding work during the year. the Year
model employee that diligently
P A GE 2                                                         D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS

The State recognizes that promotion            products; and generally increased aware-       delegation was promoting were Kosrae
and trade of locally produced Kosrae           ness of the State, the people and the Kos-     peppered salt, sakau, Kosrae hot sauce,
products and of Kosrae itself is a viable      raean culture as designees represented         locally produced chips, and a few oth-
means of strengthening economic activ-         the various departments, agencies, or          ers. The delegation was able to perform
ity for the State of Kosrae. With decent       groups mandated to perform each of the         a traditional Kosraean item that was
exposure to regional as well as the in-        aforementioned tasks. Designees repre-         well received by the event.
ternational arena, the Guam Microne-           sented, in no particular order, DREA
                                                                                         As stated by the delegation in their re-
sian Islands Fair was an ideal opportu-        (Division of Trade & Investment); Kos-
                                                                                         port, the fair provided an opportunity
nity for the State of Kosrae to expand         rae Visitor s Bureau; Kosrae Women s
                                                                                         to prove the potential products Kosrae
on its promotional efforts.                    Association; Kosrae Farmer s Associa-
                                                                                         can export to outside markets. As also
                                               tion; Kosrae Chamber of Commerce;
Kosrae took advantage of the opportu-                                                    logged in their promotional sales re-
                                               Kosrae State Legislature; Land Grant
nity as designees from various state de-                                                 cord, as much as $4,761 worth of prod-
                                               Program, COMFSM, Kosrae; and the
partments, agencies or groups repre-                                                     ucts was sold in just half a day. With
                                               municipal governments. In total, eight-
sented Kosrae in the fair. Kosrae was                                                    Kosrae and locally produced products
                                               een (18) designees represented Kosrae to
able to promote its tourism industry;                                                    effectively promoted and represented in
                                               the GMIF.
advertise its foreign investment oppor-                                                  the GMIF, Kosrae participation in the
tunities; promote locally produced             Among a lengthy list of products that the GMIF can be deemed a success.

The Division of Economic Planning re-          tanker vessel than frequents Kosrae on a       in means of transportation could lead to
cently released its first publication in the   regular basis. As implied by the few           adverse impact on Kosrae s tourism
form of an economic brief. Planning s          aforementioned means of transportation         industry, specifically the number of
first quarter economic brief focuses on        to and out of Kosrae, an existing issue        visitor arrivals to Kosrae, and therefore
the economic implications of transpor-         for Kosrae is the lack of airline flights to   adversely impacting state revenue gen-
tation issues in Kosrae; specifically, the     and from Kosrae, as well as limited cargo      erated through visitor or tourist spend-
limitations in the means of intra and          capacity to facilitate the State s ambition    ing; impeding efforts to strengthen ex-
international transportation.                  for greater economic activities; particu-      port of local products within the region
                                               larly in tourism and the trade of marine       and internationally, while bypassing a
As reported in the publication, limita-
                                               and agricultural products. More specifi-       potential avenue for decreasing the state
tions to intra and international means of
                                               cally, the lack of capacity to facilitate      trade deficit and potential improvement
transportation is an impediment to
                                               potential products going out of Kosrae is      to balance of payments.
growth and as so, identifying and apply-
                                               deserving of attention and timely solu-
ing viable remedies is essential for the                                                    Adverse impact was felt by Kosrae s
economic betterment of the state.                                                           tourism industry as the lone medium of
                                               Based on FY2010 records, Kosrae had air transportation to Kosrae reduced its
Kosrae at present, employs adequate
                                               seventy-nine (79) airline vessel arrivals service by, on average, twenty-seven
transportation infrastructure with an
                                               and eight (8) cargo vessel arrivals on the (27) fewer flights per quarter.
international airport servicing domestic
                                               quarterly average. However, the second
and international flights, and two (2)                                                      Table 1 shown on page 3 shows the
                                               to fourth quarters of FY2011 showed a
seaports servicing cargo liners along                                                       count of international arrivals to Kosrae
                                               decrease in the quarterly average with
with other types of vessels. Improve-                                                       during fiscal years 2008 to 2011. The
                                               fifty-two (52) arrivals a quarter, a differ-
ments to the current transportation                                                         table indicates that during the first quar-
                                               ence of twenty-seven (27) fewer flights
infrastructure, particularly Kosrae s                                                       ter of FY2011, Kosrae had 520 interna-
                                               between the two periods. The decrease
international airport, are in line for the                                                  tional arrivals compared to a 464 quar-
                                               occurred primarily due to the reduction
near future to enhance airline and sea-                                                     terly average for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
                                               in number of flights put in effect starting
port services. Kosrae is presently ser-                                                     quarters of FY2011 subsequent to the
                                               January, 2011.
viced by one commercial passenger air-                                                      reduction in number of flights to Kos-
line, one (1) cargo liner and one (1)          Economic implications of the limitations
                                                                                            Cont d on page 3...
1 ST Q UARTER I SSUE , FY2012                                                                                                P A GE 3

...cont d from page 2: Planning              Substantial effort is being put into           Kosrae. However, given its current
rae. Per the foreign arrival counts indi-    strengthening export of Kosrae products        state, the means of transportation as it is
cated in the Table 1, Kosrae realized        - specifically, marine and agricultural        will continue to be an impediment to
over 10% decrease in foreign arrivals,       products - as well as actively promoting       positive growth. Addressing the current
reflected in FY2011 2nd quarter arri-        Kosrae through various avenues of expo-        state of the means of intra and interna-
vals and those of the ensuing quarters as    sure. Grassroots programs are established      tional transportation would be one step
well.                                        with the intent of strengthening and sus-      in the right direction toward orchestrat-
                                             taining positive growth for the state of       ing an economy of robust growth.
Kosrae has long been under unfavorable
balance of trade with levels of imports      Table 1: Kosrae Arrivals (FY2009 - FY2011)
exceeding the level of export by a sig-
nificant margin. The quantities of prod-                            FY2009              FY2010       FY2011
ucts imported and exported depicts                Period      Arrivals Percent Arrivals Percent Arrivals Percent
Kosrae s trade imbalance. Per import         1st Quarter           436      23.5      433      21.6  520     27.2
and export averages for FY2008 through       2nd Quarter           466      25.1      512      25.6  462     24.2
FY2011, Kosrae imported 584,915              3rd Quarter           393      21.1      534      26.7  456     23.8
pounds of goods as opposed 21,913
pounds of goods exported during the          4th Quarter           564      30.3      524      26.2  475     24.8
same period.                                 Total                   1859       100.0        2003         100.0       1913       100.0

K OSRAE M ICROFINANCE U NION C ONTRIBUTING                                                  TO     K OSRAE E CONOMY
Increasing access, level and flow of de-     under DREA had been spearheading the            loan in FY2011. To date, KMU had
velopment financing goes in support of       effort to increase access, level and flow of    disbursed fifty-two (52) loans with a
DREA s overall mission and in support        development financing, particularly in          total amount of $51,487 disbursed.
toward development of an outward-            business and financing. KMU had taken           Forty (40) KMU funded projects cur-
oriented private sector-led economy.         substantial steps in the positive direction.    rently remains in operation, positively
Microfinance loans were intended to                                                          contributing to the state economy.
                                 KMU had financed a variety of small busi-
combat income poverty in the State by
                                 nesses: piggery projects, ice shops, bak-                   Furthermore, according to KMU Ex-
lending to individuals and/or groups to
                                 ery/baked goods sales, retail shops, sales                  ecutive Manager Kiaru Esahu, nine (9)
invest in and develop their skills to sus-
                                 of curing water, bedding clinic, repair                     applications were received during the
tain a significant flow of income, and
                                 services, small loans, among others. KMU                    first quarter of FY2012 and are awaiting
thus alleviating economic hardships.
                                 had approved twenty (20) microloans av-                     the final approval and screening process.
Kosrae Micro Finance Union (KMU) eraging one thousand dollars ($1,000) per                   Screening and
                                                                                                                 Cont d on page 5...

E XPORT B RINGING N EW M ONEY                                    TO     K OSRAE E CONMY
Export of Kosrae farm produce is             the Marshall Islands. Shipments of crops         the quantity of products exported, a
among the grassroots programs the De-        like cucumber, tangerine, eggplant, sugar        total of $4,654.22 (or an average of
partment of Resources and Economic           cane, watermelon, and a few others are           $1,551.41 per month) of new money
Affairs continues to operate or involve      supplied to various buyers on a weekly ba-       is added to the Kosrae economy.
in. The Division of Trade & Investment       sis.
                                                                                              With ongoing shipments facilitated to
under DREA - and with close collabora-
                                        Seven (7) shipments of Kosrae produce                 buyers in the RMI on a consistent ba-
tion from the Kosrae Farmers Associa-
                                        were made during the first quarter of                 sis, the export effort is anticipated to
tion and the Division of Agriculture &
                                        FY2012 (October, November & Decem-                    be expanded to include shipments to
Lands, among others - facilitates ship-
                                        ber). During the mentioned three months,              potential market for Kosrae products
ments of Kosrae agricultural products
                                        a total of 5,385 pounds of Kosrae products            in Pohnpei. Continued expansion and
on a weekly basis.
                                        supplied by farmers island-wide was ex-               success of the export effort is vital to
A number of buyers were identified and ported to buyers in the RMI at an average              Kosrae s ambition of achieving sustain-
regularly supplied from the Republic of of 1,795 pounds exported per month. With              able growth of per capita income.
P A GE 4                                                        D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS

A FAD system is a concept that is most        as two (2) tons, or two-thousand (2000)       juvenile fish that aggregates around the
likely to be favorable to the fisherfolks     pounds. FADs, acronymic for Fish Ag-          floating object, creating an ideal fishing
on the island. As one of its major activi-    gregating Devices, are to be deployed         area. A network of man-made floating
ties scheduled for FY 2012, the Division      and located at a number of locations          objects functions in a similar fashion. As
of Fisheries and Marine Resources un-         island-wide: Utwe (Mosral to Inokas-          FADs are deployed in selected locations
der DREA is set to establish a FAD sys-       rik), Walung (Sauksa), Tafunsak               island-wide, schools of fish are antici-
tem that would substantially aid fisher-      (Malsu) and a fourth location to be later     pated to be abundant around the FAD
men on the island in their fishing activi-    determined.                                   locations creating ideal fishing spots for
ties.                                                                                       fishermen. As further explained by Fish-
                                              Conceptually, the FAD System works
                                                                                            eries Extension Officers, types of fish
The FAD System is made up of a num-           similarly like floating logs or objects in
                                                                                            expected around these FAD locations
ber of fish aggregating devices. Funded       the ocean. As can be understood, there
                                                                                            range from small fry types to big fish;
by a Japan Grassroot Grant in the             is a natural tendency for fish to aggre-
                                                                                            i.e. Marlin.
amount of $64,311, the FAD project is         gate around floating objects. Floating
designed to include four (4) anchors;         objects provides a seemingly form of          The FAD System is expected to posi-
three concrete anchors and one smaller        protection for juvenile fish against larger   tively impact the fisheries sector. As can
anchor made of an engine block. As            predators in the open sea. As floating        be understood, the FAD System is ex-
explained by one of the Division s Fish-      objects attract schools of juvenile fish,     pected to considerably aid in reducing
eries Extension Officers, each of the         larger fish on the upper echelon of the       the cost of fishing for fishermen. Aside
three concrete anchors weighs as much         food chain are innately attracted to the
                                                                                                                Cont d on page 5...

In support of DREA s mission of achiev-      variety of vegetable crops, some of
ing sustainable growth of per capita         which are new to Kosrae and had never
income and in effort to alleviate the        been produced on a consistent and pro-
economic struggles of the Kosrae popu-       ductive basis. These types of crops in-
lace, the Division of Agriculture & Land     clude cucumber, watermelon, bitter-
had been and still continues to explore      melon, tomato, bell pepper, eggplant,
ways of achieving the stated goal            pulp onion, carrot, among others. From
through agricultural production. With        his experience from the farm project,
the direction of Mr. Katsu Nishikawa, a      Mr. Nishikawa identified carrot and
technical cooperation specialist from the    pulp onion crops as the most challeng-
Japan International Cooperation Agency       ing to plant and produce. At present,
(JICA), the Division of Agriculture and      the pilot project is undergoing its sec- Katsu Nishikawa working on 2nd trial farm plot
Land had been engaged in a trial farm        ond trial with the initial trial completed.
project which plants a variety of vegeta-
                                             According to Mr. Nishikawa, the first
ble crops.
                                             trial of the farm project yielded both
Mr. Katsu Nishikawa, had been spear-         satisfactory and unsatisfactory results.
heading the pilot farm project with the      Some results were deemed satisfactory
assistance of the Agriculture & Land         in that trial vegetable varieties yielded
Crop subdivision staff. With the under-      good produce. On the contrary, as Ni-
standing that agriculture production is      shikawa highlighted, trial project en-
utilized primarily for subsistence pur-      countered a number of challenges that
poses, Mr. Nishikawa states that the         affected the outcome of the first trial.
overall objective of the trial farm pro-     Some challenges Mr. Nishikawa was
ject is to eventually commercialize Kos-     able to identify were the adequacy of
rae agricultural production.                 fertilization, weeding and even adverse
                                             impacts from pests like Giant African
In support of the project objective, Ni-                                               Nishikawa (left) and Marson Jonas (right) working
                                             Snails and mice.
shikawa is planting in his pilot farm a
                                                                  Cont d on page 5... on plowed farm plot
1 ST Q UARTER I SSUE , FY2012                                                                                              P A GE 5

 P LANNING IN DARW W ORKSHOP                                         ...cont d from page 3: Microfinance
                                                                       final approval of proposed Division of Trade & Invest-
The Division of Statistics        drafted and written in more          microloans is vested under ment, respectively.
under SBOC, FSMNG held            relevant language and more           the discretion of the Kosrae
the Data Analysis and Re-         so in perspective easily under-                                    According to KMU Execu-
                                                                       Microfinance Union Board.
port Writing Workshop on          stood by the ordinary census                                       tive Manager Esahu, KMU
September 13 to October 7,        user.                                KMU Board consists of four had disbursed its previous
2011. Reverend Madison                                                 representatives from each fifty-two approved loans in
                                  Participants were able to en-        municipality and two ex- seven batches; approxi-
Nena and Palikkun Kilaf-
                                  hance their data analysis skills     officio members represent- mately seven applicants in
wasru participated in the
                                  with training from DARW              ing the heads of the Division each batch. Furthermore,
workshop on behalf of
                                  Workshop staff in various            of Trade & Investment and KMU Board is scheduled to
                                  methods of analyzing and             its mother department, the meet in the near future to
The DARW Workshop was             interpreting large data sets,        Department of Resources & carry out the final screening
intended to involve respec-       particularly through the use of      Economic Affairs. Board and approval process for the
tive census users in all levels   MS Excel applications. Addi-         officers and members are as eighth (8th) batch where
of government in the process      tionally, participants were          follows: President Morgan Mr. Esahu is hoping for con-
of generating a census re-        also able to expand on their         Jonas, Malem; Vice Presi- sensus approval of microloan
port; particularly, in the        repertois of report writing          dent Weston Luckymis, applicants. Moreover, when
analysis of census data and       skills with the additional           Lelu; Secretary Treasurer asked what types of business
preliminary drafting of the       training on methods of report        Mackenzie Waguk, Utwe; projects can be funded by
census report. Workshop           writing provided by work-            member Jonah Nena, Tafun- KMU, Mr. Esahu responded
participants represented          shop staff. As fellow partici-       sak; ex-officio members by stating that all projects
various departments and           pants of the DARW Work-              Director Steven George and that can generate revenue
agencies from states and the      shop, Mr. Kilafwasru and Mr.         Stanley Raffilman sitting in will be granted considera-
national government. By           Nena acknowledges that such          on behalf of DREA and the tion.
involving census users,           skills obtained from the work-
SBOC anticipated a more           shop is indeed instrumental to      ...cont d from page 4: FAD       of fish is expected to eventu-
relevant census report in         their daily duties and deems        from the obvious reason of       ally decrease. In such event,
that the report would be          the workshop a success.             providing easier catch for       any decrease in price - in this
                                                                      fishermen, as schools of fish    case, price of fish - would
...cont d from page 4: Pilot Farm                                                                      benefit the consumer.
                                                                      are aggregated and concen-
With consideration of first the same crops from the first
                                                                      trated in marked locations,      The mentioned benefits to
trial outcomes, Nishikawa trial.
                                                                      fishermen would be able to       both suppliers and consum-
and his assisting staff under-
                                Additionally, in efforts to           concentrate their fishing        ers of fish could be realized
goes the second trial with a
                                combat the challenges to the          activities within or around      in the near future as the
number of adjustment to the
                                trial farm, Nishikawa ac-             these locations. In such         completion of the FAD Sys-
trial project.
                                knowledges that an improved           event where fishing activities   tem s is expected for as early
The second trial of the pro- plantation schedule (when                are concentrated in a few        as March, 2012. With the
ject includes a substantially and how to plant) would be              locations, as opposed to         assistance of a FAD Systems
reduced number of crop substantially instrumental in                  roaming in open waters in        Specialist from the Secre-
types. Based on the first trial combating the aforemen-               search of the suitable fishing   tariat of the Pacific Commu-
outcomes, it was thought tioned challenges.                           locations, the amount of fuel    nity (SPC), Fisheries staff is
suitable to concentrate the                                           required for a particular        scheduled to compete the
                                Should the pilot farm project
second trial effort on a                                              fishing activity would be        deployment of FAD anchors
                                succeeds, Nishikawa antici-
fewer number of vegetable                                             substantially reduced. Not       on March 4. However, the
                                pates the State to make sub-
crops, in part due to the                                             only the fishing community       FAD System would take up
                                stantial effort to promote the
desire to identify the varie-                                         could benefit from a FAD         to two months to attract
                                crops to the community
ties of vegetable crops most                                          System but consumers in the      schools of fish and be fully
                                where, hopefully, Kosrae
suitable to the farming envi-                                         fish markets could as well.      effective as a means of aggre-
                                farmers would initiate plant-
ronment in Kosrae. As so,                                             As catch becomes easier and      gating fish and becoming a
                                ing of these crops with the
the second trial farm in-                                             the market realizing increas-    tool for fishermen.
                                intend of eventually commer-
cludes different varieties of                                         ing abundance of fish, price
                                cializing their produce.

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DREA 1st Quarter Newsletter

  • 1. D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS Quarterly Newsletter 1st Quarter Issue, FY2012 1 ST Q UARTER I SSUE , FY2012 T EL : (691)370-2044/3017 KAPIT C ONCLUDED I TS W ORK ON M AJOR R EFOR M M EASURES Kosrae Adjustment Pro- commitment to amend Kos- to revive Reduction-in-Force and economic condition of the gram Implementation Team rae State Constitution with Program; (iii) enact legisla- State. The total adjustment re- (KAPIT) created by Gover- the following: (i) reduce size tion to establish non-citizen quirement is for Kosrae to make nor Executive Order and of the legislature from 14 employee registration and adjustment of over $537,000 by chaired by Director Steven members to 10; change reve- training to citizen work- FY 2013 and $1.2 million over L. George submitted all nue sharing between state force; (iv) enact legislation the remaining period of the nine (9) KAPIT measures and municipal governments to increase vehicle registra- Compact. These adjustments to Governor Jackson for from 50/50 to 70/30 with tion fees; (v) enact legisla- are necessitated by impact of review and appropriate the higher share going to tion to introduce a General Compact decrement; the need actions . Two of the meas- state. Sales Tax; (vi) enact legisla- for state to service its debt; and ures which were submitted tion to increase and expand finally the need to accelerate Seven measures submitted in earlier were transmitted to seaport and navigation fees; Infrastructure maintenance pro- February 2012 by KAPIT legislature for its action. and (vii) enact legislation to jects. involved the following: (i) The remaining 7 measures increase airport departure enact new legislation requir- With assistance of Attorney are now with Governor fee. ing payment of royalty and Harry Seymour, the work of Jackson to review and make research fees for those in- It is important to note that KAPIT had been significantly determination. volved in harvesting and all these recommendations enhanced on the part of re- Two measures submitted in studying Kosrae s natural were made by the April search, analysis and drafting. December 2011 by KAPIT resources and indigenous 2011 Kosrae Leadership involved Kosrae leadership culture; (ii) enact legislation Conference to enhance fiscal M R . R OLPHY M ONGKEYA R ECOGNIZED AS 2011 DREA E MPLOYEE OF THE Y EAR Like other departments of the state performed his or her duties during government, the Department of the year. Resources and Economic Affairs Mr. Rolphy Mongkeya, the Livestock holds an annual social event at the Supervisor for the Division of Agri- end of the calendar year every year. culture and Lands, was recognized by DREA held its event on Thursday, many, including his superiors, as an December 22. outstanding employee who had done As it can be understood, the pur- an exceptional job. As so, Mr. . poses of such event are many. Aside Mongkeya was fittingly recognized as from the obvious reasons of holding the 2011 DREA Employee of the such event in celebration of the end Year. With the presence of Governor of the calendar year or, as a unified Jackson - along with other honorable group, celebrating and sharing the dignitaries - and DREA employees as holiday seasons with coworkers and well as their families Mr. Mongkeya their families, DREA held the event accepted a certificate in recognition of Rolphy Mongkeya, 2011 DREA Employee of also to recognize and honor the his outstanding work during the year. the Year model employee that diligently
  • 2. P A GE 2 D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS K OSRAE R EPRESENTED IN G UAM M ICRONESIAN I SLANDS F AIR The State recognizes that promotion products; and generally increased aware- delegation was promoting were Kosrae and trade of locally produced Kosrae ness of the State, the people and the Kos- peppered salt, sakau, Kosrae hot sauce, products and of Kosrae itself is a viable raean culture as designees represented locally produced chips, and a few oth- means of strengthening economic activ- the various departments, agencies, or ers. The delegation was able to perform ity for the State of Kosrae. With decent groups mandated to perform each of the a traditional Kosraean item that was exposure to regional as well as the in- aforementioned tasks. Designees repre- well received by the event. ternational arena, the Guam Microne- sented, in no particular order, DREA As stated by the delegation in their re- sian Islands Fair was an ideal opportu- (Division of Trade & Investment); Kos- port, the fair provided an opportunity nity for the State of Kosrae to expand rae Visitor s Bureau; Kosrae Women s to prove the potential products Kosrae on its promotional efforts. Association; Kosrae Farmer s Associa- can export to outside markets. As also tion; Kosrae Chamber of Commerce; Kosrae took advantage of the opportu- logged in their promotional sales re- Kosrae State Legislature; Land Grant nity as designees from various state de- cord, as much as $4,761 worth of prod- Program, COMFSM, Kosrae; and the partments, agencies or groups repre- ucts was sold in just half a day. With municipal governments. In total, eight- sented Kosrae in the fair. Kosrae was Kosrae and locally produced products een (18) designees represented Kosrae to able to promote its tourism industry; effectively promoted and represented in the GMIF. advertise its foreign investment oppor- the GMIF, Kosrae participation in the tunities; promote locally produced Among a lengthy list of products that the GMIF can be deemed a success. E CONOMIC P LANNING H IGHLIGHTS IMPLICATIONS OF T RANSPORTATION ISSUES IN F IRST P UBLICATION The Division of Economic Planning re- tanker vessel than frequents Kosrae on a in means of transportation could lead to cently released its first publication in the regular basis. As implied by the few adverse impact on Kosrae s tourism form of an economic brief. Planning s aforementioned means of transportation industry, specifically the number of first quarter economic brief focuses on to and out of Kosrae, an existing issue visitor arrivals to Kosrae, and therefore the economic implications of transpor- for Kosrae is the lack of airline flights to adversely impacting state revenue gen- tation issues in Kosrae; specifically, the and from Kosrae, as well as limited cargo erated through visitor or tourist spend- limitations in the means of intra and capacity to facilitate the State s ambition ing; impeding efforts to strengthen ex- international transportation. for greater economic activities; particu- port of local products within the region larly in tourism and the trade of marine and internationally, while bypassing a As reported in the publication, limita- and agricultural products. More specifi- potential avenue for decreasing the state tions to intra and international means of cally, the lack of capacity to facilitate trade deficit and potential improvement transportation is an impediment to potential products going out of Kosrae is to balance of payments. growth and as so, identifying and apply- deserving of attention and timely solu- ing viable remedies is essential for the Adverse impact was felt by Kosrae s tions. economic betterment of the state. tourism industry as the lone medium of Based on FY2010 records, Kosrae had air transportation to Kosrae reduced its Kosrae at present, employs adequate seventy-nine (79) airline vessel arrivals service by, on average, twenty-seven transportation infrastructure with an and eight (8) cargo vessel arrivals on the (27) fewer flights per quarter. international airport servicing domestic quarterly average. However, the second and international flights, and two (2) Table 1 shown on page 3 shows the to fourth quarters of FY2011 showed a seaports servicing cargo liners along count of international arrivals to Kosrae decrease in the quarterly average with with other types of vessels. Improve- during fiscal years 2008 to 2011. The fifty-two (52) arrivals a quarter, a differ- ments to the current transportation table indicates that during the first quar- ence of twenty-seven (27) fewer flights infrastructure, particularly Kosrae s ter of FY2011, Kosrae had 520 interna- between the two periods. The decrease international airport, are in line for the tional arrivals compared to a 464 quar- occurred primarily due to the reduction near future to enhance airline and sea- terly average for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th in number of flights put in effect starting port services. Kosrae is presently ser- quarters of FY2011 subsequent to the January, 2011. viced by one commercial passenger air- reduction in number of flights to Kos- line, one (1) cargo liner and one (1) Economic implications of the limitations Cont d on page 3...
  • 3. 1 ST Q UARTER I SSUE , FY2012 P A GE 3 ...cont d from page 2: Planning Substantial effort is being put into Kosrae. However, given its current rae. Per the foreign arrival counts indi- strengthening export of Kosrae products state, the means of transportation as it is cated in the Table 1, Kosrae realized - specifically, marine and agricultural will continue to be an impediment to over 10% decrease in foreign arrivals, products - as well as actively promoting positive growth. Addressing the current reflected in FY2011 2nd quarter arri- Kosrae through various avenues of expo- state of the means of intra and interna- vals and those of the ensuing quarters as sure. Grassroots programs are established tional transportation would be one step well. with the intent of strengthening and sus- in the right direction toward orchestrat- taining positive growth for the state of ing an economy of robust growth. Kosrae has long been under unfavorable balance of trade with levels of imports Table 1: Kosrae Arrivals (FY2009 - FY2011) exceeding the level of export by a sig- nificant margin. The quantities of prod- FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 ucts imported and exported depicts Period Arrivals Percent Arrivals Percent Arrivals Percent Kosrae s trade imbalance. Per import 1st Quarter 436 23.5 433 21.6 520 27.2 and export averages for FY2008 through 2nd Quarter 466 25.1 512 25.6 462 24.2 FY2011, Kosrae imported 584,915 3rd Quarter 393 21.1 534 26.7 456 23.8 pounds of goods as opposed 21,913 pounds of goods exported during the 4th Quarter 564 30.3 524 26.2 475 24.8 same period. Total 1859 100.0 2003 100.0 1913 100.0 K OSRAE M ICROFINANCE U NION C ONTRIBUTING TO K OSRAE E CONOMY Increasing access, level and flow of de- under DREA had been spearheading the loan in FY2011. To date, KMU had velopment financing goes in support of effort to increase access, level and flow of disbursed fifty-two (52) loans with a DREA s overall mission and in support development financing, particularly in total amount of $51,487 disbursed. toward development of an outward- business and financing. KMU had taken Forty (40) KMU funded projects cur- oriented private sector-led economy. substantial steps in the positive direction. rently remains in operation, positively Microfinance loans were intended to contributing to the state economy. KMU had financed a variety of small busi- combat income poverty in the State by nesses: piggery projects, ice shops, bak- Furthermore, according to KMU Ex- lending to individuals and/or groups to ery/baked goods sales, retail shops, sales ecutive Manager Kiaru Esahu, nine (9) invest in and develop their skills to sus- of curing water, bedding clinic, repair applications were received during the tain a significant flow of income, and services, small loans, among others. KMU first quarter of FY2012 and are awaiting thus alleviating economic hardships. had approved twenty (20) microloans av- the final approval and screening process. Kosrae Micro Finance Union (KMU) eraging one thousand dollars ($1,000) per Screening and Cont d on page 5... E XPORT B RINGING N EW M ONEY TO K OSRAE E CONMY Export of Kosrae farm produce is the Marshall Islands. Shipments of crops the quantity of products exported, a among the grassroots programs the De- like cucumber, tangerine, eggplant, sugar total of $4,654.22 (or an average of partment of Resources and Economic cane, watermelon, and a few others are $1,551.41 per month) of new money Affairs continues to operate or involve supplied to various buyers on a weekly ba- is added to the Kosrae economy. in. The Division of Trade & Investment sis. With ongoing shipments facilitated to under DREA - and with close collabora- Seven (7) shipments of Kosrae produce buyers in the RMI on a consistent ba- tion from the Kosrae Farmers Associa- were made during the first quarter of sis, the export effort is anticipated to tion and the Division of Agriculture & FY2012 (October, November & Decem- be expanded to include shipments to Lands, among others - facilitates ship- ber). During the mentioned three months, potential market for Kosrae products ments of Kosrae agricultural products a total of 5,385 pounds of Kosrae products in Pohnpei. Continued expansion and on a weekly basis. supplied by farmers island-wide was ex- success of the export effort is vital to A number of buyers were identified and ported to buyers in the RMI at an average Kosrae s ambition of achieving sustain- regularly supplied from the Republic of of 1,795 pounds exported per month. With able growth of per capita income.
  • 4. P A GE 4 D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS F ISHERIES & M ARINE R ESOURCES E STABLISHING FAD S YSTEM A FAD system is a concept that is most as two (2) tons, or two-thousand (2000) juvenile fish that aggregates around the likely to be favorable to the fisherfolks pounds. FADs, acronymic for Fish Ag- floating object, creating an ideal fishing on the island. As one of its major activi- gregating Devices, are to be deployed area. A network of man-made floating ties scheduled for FY 2012, the Division and located at a number of locations objects functions in a similar fashion. As of Fisheries and Marine Resources un- island-wide: Utwe (Mosral to Inokas- FADs are deployed in selected locations der DREA is set to establish a FAD sys- rik), Walung (Sauksa), Tafunsak island-wide, schools of fish are antici- tem that would substantially aid fisher- (Malsu) and a fourth location to be later pated to be abundant around the FAD men on the island in their fishing activi- determined. locations creating ideal fishing spots for ties. fishermen. As further explained by Fish- Conceptually, the FAD System works eries Extension Officers, types of fish The FAD System is made up of a num- similarly like floating logs or objects in expected around these FAD locations ber of fish aggregating devices. Funded the ocean. As can be understood, there range from small fry types to big fish; by a Japan Grassroot Grant in the is a natural tendency for fish to aggre- i.e. Marlin. amount of $64,311, the FAD project is gate around floating objects. Floating designed to include four (4) anchors; objects provides a seemingly form of The FAD System is expected to posi- three concrete anchors and one smaller protection for juvenile fish against larger tively impact the fisheries sector. As can anchor made of an engine block. As predators in the open sea. As floating be understood, the FAD System is ex- explained by one of the Division s Fish- objects attract schools of juvenile fish, pected to considerably aid in reducing eries Extension Officers, each of the larger fish on the upper echelon of the the cost of fishing for fishermen. Aside three concrete anchors weighs as much food chain are innately attracted to the Cont d on page 5... P ILOT F ARM P ROJECT U NDERGOES S ECOND T RIAL In support of DREA s mission of achiev- variety of vegetable crops, some of ing sustainable growth of per capita which are new to Kosrae and had never income and in effort to alleviate the been produced on a consistent and pro- economic struggles of the Kosrae popu- ductive basis. These types of crops in- lace, the Division of Agriculture & Land clude cucumber, watermelon, bitter- had been and still continues to explore melon, tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, ways of achieving the stated goal pulp onion, carrot, among others. From through agricultural production. With his experience from the farm project, the direction of Mr. Katsu Nishikawa, a Mr. Nishikawa identified carrot and technical cooperation specialist from the pulp onion crops as the most challeng- Japan International Cooperation Agency ing to plant and produce. At present, (JICA), the Division of Agriculture and the pilot project is undergoing its sec- Katsu Nishikawa working on 2nd trial farm plot Land had been engaged in a trial farm ond trial with the initial trial completed. project which plants a variety of vegeta- According to Mr. Nishikawa, the first ble crops. trial of the farm project yielded both Mr. Katsu Nishikawa, had been spear- satisfactory and unsatisfactory results. heading the pilot farm project with the Some results were deemed satisfactory assistance of the Agriculture & Land in that trial vegetable varieties yielded Crop subdivision staff. With the under- good produce. On the contrary, as Ni- standing that agriculture production is shikawa highlighted, trial project en- utilized primarily for subsistence pur- countered a number of challenges that poses, Mr. Nishikawa states that the affected the outcome of the first trial. overall objective of the trial farm pro- Some challenges Mr. Nishikawa was ject is to eventually commercialize Kos- able to identify were the adequacy of rae agricultural production. fertilization, weeding and even adverse impacts from pests like Giant African In support of the project objective, Ni- Nishikawa (left) and Marson Jonas (right) working Snails and mice. shikawa is planting in his pilot farm a Cont d on page 5... on plowed farm plot
  • 5. 1 ST Q UARTER I SSUE , FY2012 P A GE 5 P LANNING IN DARW W ORKSHOP ...cont d from page 3: Microfinance final approval of proposed Division of Trade & Invest- The Division of Statistics drafted and written in more microloans is vested under ment, respectively. under SBOC, FSMNG held relevant language and more the discretion of the Kosrae the Data Analysis and Re- so in perspective easily under- According to KMU Execu- Microfinance Union Board. port Writing Workshop on stood by the ordinary census tive Manager Esahu, KMU September 13 to October 7, user. KMU Board consists of four had disbursed its previous 2011. Reverend Madison representatives from each fifty-two approved loans in Participants were able to en- municipality and two ex- seven batches; approxi- Nena and Palikkun Kilaf- hance their data analysis skills officio members represent- mately seven applicants in wasru participated in the with training from DARW ing the heads of the Division each batch. Furthermore, workshop on behalf of Workshop staff in various of Trade & Investment and KMU Board is scheduled to DREA. methods of analyzing and its mother department, the meet in the near future to The DARW Workshop was interpreting large data sets, Department of Resources & carry out the final screening intended to involve respec- particularly through the use of Economic Affairs. Board and approval process for the tive census users in all levels MS Excel applications. Addi- officers and members are as eighth (8th) batch where of government in the process tionally, participants were follows: President Morgan Mr. Esahu is hoping for con- of generating a census re- also able to expand on their Jonas, Malem; Vice Presi- sensus approval of microloan port; particularly, in the repertois of report writing dent Weston Luckymis, applicants. Moreover, when analysis of census data and skills with the additional Lelu; Secretary Treasurer asked what types of business preliminary drafting of the training on methods of report Mackenzie Waguk, Utwe; projects can be funded by census report. Workshop writing provided by work- member Jonah Nena, Tafun- KMU, Mr. Esahu responded participants represented shop staff. As fellow partici- sak; ex-officio members by stating that all projects various departments and pants of the DARW Work- Director Steven George and that can generate revenue agencies from states and the shop, Mr. Kilafwasru and Mr. Stanley Raffilman sitting in will be granted considera- national government. By Nena acknowledges that such on behalf of DREA and the tion. involving census users, skills obtained from the work- SBOC anticipated a more shop is indeed instrumental to ...cont d from page 4: FAD of fish is expected to eventu- relevant census report in their daily duties and deems from the obvious reason of ally decrease. In such event, that the report would be the workshop a success. providing easier catch for any decrease in price - in this fishermen, as schools of fish case, price of fish - would ...cont d from page 4: Pilot Farm benefit the consumer. are aggregated and concen- With consideration of first the same crops from the first trated in marked locations, The mentioned benefits to trial outcomes, Nishikawa trial. fishermen would be able to both suppliers and consum- and his assisting staff under- Additionally, in efforts to concentrate their fishing ers of fish could be realized goes the second trial with a combat the challenges to the activities within or around in the near future as the number of adjustment to the trial farm, Nishikawa ac- these locations. In such completion of the FAD Sys- trial project. knowledges that an improved event where fishing activities tem s is expected for as early The second trial of the pro- plantation schedule (when are concentrated in a few as March, 2012. With the ject includes a substantially and how to plant) would be locations, as opposed to assistance of a FAD Systems reduced number of crop substantially instrumental in roaming in open waters in Specialist from the Secre- types. Based on the first trial combating the aforemen- search of the suitable fishing tariat of the Pacific Commu- outcomes, it was thought tioned challenges. locations, the amount of fuel nity (SPC), Fisheries staff is suitable to concentrate the required for a particular scheduled to compete the Should the pilot farm project second trial effort on a fishing activity would be deployment of FAD anchors succeeds, Nishikawa antici- fewer number of vegetable substantially reduced. Not on March 4. However, the pates the State to make sub- crops, in part due to the only the fishing community FAD System would take up stantial effort to promote the desire to identify the varie- could benefit from a FAD to two months to attract crops to the community ties of vegetable crops most System but consumers in the schools of fish and be fully where, hopefully, Kosrae suitable to the farming envi- fish markets could as well. effective as a means of aggre- farmers would initiate plant- ronment in Kosrae. As so, As catch becomes easier and gating fish and becoming a ing of these crops with the the second trial farm in- the market realizing increas- tool for fishermen. intend of eventually commer- cludes different varieties of ing abundance of fish, price cializing their produce.