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                                  Quarterly Newsletter
I SSUE 2: 2 ND Q UARTER , FY2012               Phone: 370-2044/3017             Email:

As reported in the previous issue of      pleted the deployment of the three FAD
DREA newsletter, DREA under-              anchors on March 8, 2012. Fisheries staff
went the process of establishing a        are currently monitoring the three anchors
Fish Aggregating Device System            to determine if FAD system is ready to sup-
during the latter part of 1st and early   port fishing activities.
2nd Quarters, FY2012, with the as-        Photos:
sistance of FAD Specialist from the       Top Right: On deployment, Josia Talley , Freddy
Secretariat of the Pacific Community      Nena & William loading FAD anchor onto “Sinlaku”
(SPC), Mr. William Sokimi.                Bottom Left: William Sokimi directing loading of
                                          FAD equipments        Bottom Right: Anchor
Funded by a Japan Grassroots Grant,       dropped off at anchor location.
the FAD system consists of three
anchor blocks deployed to three
locations island-wide: 1) Okat Bay,
2) Sauksa, and 3) Utwe Bay. The
FAD system would substantially cut
fishing costs. With the assistance of
Mr. Sokimi, staff from the Division
of Fisheries and Marine Resources
(FMR), DREA successfully com-

                                                DREA once again welcomed the assis-          Interestingly, as stated by the Adminis-
                                                tance of its good friend, Dr. Eldon          trator for the Division of Trade & In-
                                                Haines. Dr. Haines was in Kosrae for         vestment Mr. Stanley Raffilman, the
                                                about three weeks, from February to          trip was not Dr. Haines’ first to Kosrae.
                                                March 2, 2012.                               More importantly, this was also not the
                                                                                             first time Dr. Haines had helped Kos-
                                                The purpose of Dr. Haines’ trip to Kos-
                                                                                             rae. It came to light that the idea of es-
                                                rae was to provide expertise assistance
                                                                                             tablishing a micro-finance union was
                                                to programs under DREA. Although
                                                                                             derived from Dr. Haines. The idea of
                                                DREA in general reaped benefits from
                                                                                             establishing a micro-finance union came
                                                Dr. Haines services, two programs pre-
                                                                                             to fruition and is what we now know as
L-R: KMU Executive Manager Kiaru Esahu &        dominantly benefited from Dr. Haines’
                                                                                             the Kosrae Microfinance Union (KMU).
Dr. Eldon Haines                                services: Kosrae Home Improvement
                                                                                             During his trip, Dr. Haines was able to
                                                Program (KHIP, or commonly referred
                                                                                             create a financial recording and report-
                                                to as Housing); and the Kosrae Microfi-
                                                nance Union (KMU).                                                Cont’d on page 3...
P A GE 2                                                           D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS

The Department of Resources & Eco-
nomic Affaires held five (5) workshops
for farmers in the second quarter of
FY2012. Initially planned by the Divi-
sion of Agriculture and Land, with
collaboration from the Division of
Trade and Investment, DREA staff
visited and held workshops in the five
(5) respective villages in the State:
Utwe, Malem, Lelu, Tafunsak and
Walung.                                      Tafunsak farmers in workshop                  Remos Livae doing a presentation on Food Security/
                                                                                           Crop Propagation Services
The series of workshops was held for a       cial development of agriculture.
period of five days, spanning over a
week. The series of workshops was            Although more would always be pre-
held from Monday, February 27 to             ferred, DREA saw satisfying and rather
Tuesday, March 6.                            encouraging participant turnout in
                                             each village workshop.
DREA held the workshops in respec-
tive villages with the hope of improv-       Staff from the Division of Agriculture
ing skills of farmers, as well as increas-   & Land as well as the Division of Trade
ing and bettering farmers’ understand-       and Investment presented and led dis-
ing of other essential information rele-     cussion on various topics. Among the
vant to farming and generally commer-                                                      Tafunsak workshop participants
                                                                     Cont’d on page 4...

What is the purpose of Kosrae                Who can apply for the Kosrae                  foreign investment procedures to be
Land Lease Program?                          Land Lease Program?                           permitted to operate business in Kosrae
                                                                                           and lease public lands.
Department of Resources and Eco-             Interested parties are qualified to apply
nomic Affairs, subdivision of Land           for lease of public lands under two cri-      Were there leases already granted
Management, was mandated manage-             teria:                                        in the past?
ment of Kosrae’s Public Land Lease
                                               ·     Homestead/Residential Lease           As of 2nd Quarter FY2012, there is a
Program, as established by Land Lease
                                                                                           total of 20 public land leases, some of
Law 9-57. The Land Lease Program                     Residential lease term may be         which are pending approval. Sixteen
was established with the vision of:                  requested/granted up to 40            (16) leases were granted and are cur-
  ·     Generating revenue for busi-                                                       rently in effect as of 2nd Quarter of
        nesses and the State.                  ·     Business Lease                        FY2012. Additionally, there were 3
   ·     Encourage foreign investment                                                      new leases with one 1 newly proposed
                                                     Business Lease term may be re-        lease submitted. A total of over
        and open opportunities for busi-             quested/granted up to 50 years.
        nesses to expand operations on                                                     167,000 square meters of public land
        government lands.                    Parties interested in leasing public lands    are currently leased out to 16 leasees.
Establishment of a Land Lease Program        for business purposes is generally quali-     Where and how do I apply or ob-
would also be for the interest of the        fied. Both local and foreign-based busi-      tain further information on Kos-
Kosraean people in that the State,           nesses are qualified under this criterion.    rae Land Lease Program?
through revenue generation, would be         Furthermore, there is no citizenship
more able to provide and improve on          requirement for business land lease.          Further information can be acquired
its services to the people of Kosrae.        However, non-citizens must undergo            from the Land Management Subdivi-
                                                                                                              Cont’d on Page 4...
I SSUE 2: 2 ND Q UARTER , FY2012                                                                                        P A GE 3

...Cont’d from Page 3: Land Lease         ...Cont’d from Page 2: Farmers’               ...Cont’d from page 1: Dr. Haines
sion, DREA. Land Management               Workshop                                      ing system for both KMU and KHIP,
Unit can be contacted at telephone        topics presented and/or discussed among       which would substantially improve the
numbers 370-2044 & 370-3017, or           participants included soil quality testing,   services of these programs. In addition,
contact the Land Management Spe-          planting methods (container planting),        Dr. Haines was also able to extend his
cialist, Mr. Lupalik Wesley through       plant pruning, livestock management           generous services to other DREA pro-
email at         methods, and product pricing.                 grams, specifically the staff. Dr.
                                                                                        Haines was able to provide training to
However, interested parties can           Other DREA Divisions were represented
                                                                                        interested DREA staff on essential
apply for public land lease at DREA.      in the village workshops to address con-
                                                                                        computer skills; particularly, Micro-
Application or lease request should       cerns or inquiries relating to their re-
                                                                                        soft applications.
be submitted and addressed to the         spective operations or services. Right-
State Designee through the following      fully so, as much information and knowl-      Prior to his departure, DREA staff held
information:                              edge relayed onto the participant audi-       a farewell lunch featuring tantalizingly
                                          ence, workshop participants also raised       desired Kosraean delicacies in appre-
   Mr. Steven L. George
                                          issues and concerns that were construc-       ciation of Dr. Haines generous ser-
   Director, DREA
                                          tive in nature, which would go to im-         vices, bid him farewell and wish him
   P.O Box 600
                                          prove operations and DREA’s services to       well on his journey back home.
   Tofol, Kosrae FM 96944.
                                          the Kosrae populace.

Among the activities scheduled for        was generated through livestock sales         and Research under the Division of
the Division of Agriculture and Lands     with Malem Municipality generating the        Agriculture and Land, DREA under-
was to conduct a survey of livestock      most with over $24,000 and Walung             went the survey process, going from
and poultry in the State.                 generating the least with $1,600. The         house to house, and successfully com-
                                          2007 resulted with total counts of 4,909      pleted the data collection phase.
A livestock and poultry survey is con-
                                          pigs, 7,700 in poultry, 21 ducks and 13
ducted every five (5) years to account                                                  The results of the recent survey data
                                          goats. The total sales reported in the
for all livestock in the state. Accord-                                                 collection effort have not been pub-
                                          2007 survey was predominantly com-
ing to DREA records, the previous                                                       lished to the public. However, the
                                          posed of pig sales with over $67,000 of
livestock survey was conducted in                                                       survey and the results are currently
                                          the total $69,000 generated through pig
2007. As so, another livestock survey                                                   under the review process and is ex-
must be completed by 2012. Accord-                                                      pected to be published in the near fu-
ing to the 2007 survey, over $69,000      Subdivision of Livestock Management           ture.

The Division of Economic Planning         senting groups from the four Municipali-      other members of his/her group.
held grant writing workshops in effort    ties. Although initial plans hoped to in-
                                                                                        The grant writing workshop was held
to assist Kosrae communities with         clude as many members from interested
                                                                                        in effort to assist participants in the
their ambition and need for particular    groups as possible, groups were re-
                                                                                        write-up of grant applications, and
community projects. The workshop          quested to send a representative to par-
                                                                                        more importantly to further enhance
was held on Wednesday, February 29        ticipate in the workshop on its behalf
                                                                                        and improve grant-writing skills of
at the DREA Conference Room. The          primarily due to limited space at the
                                                                                        workshop participants. MSGP grant
workshop was co-sponsored by the          workshop venue. However, it was be-
                                                                                        format and criteria was used in the
Micronesia Small Grants Program           lieved that limiting the number of partici-
                                                                                        workshop. As such, participants came
(MSGP).                                   pants from interested groups would not
                                                                                        away with specific projects in mind,
                                          be an hindrance to the effectiveness of
The workshop had satisfying turnout                                                     which would eventually be written as a
                                          the workshop as representative would be
with 11 people participating, repre-                                                    MSGP grant proposals.
                                          trained well enough to be able to train
I SSUE 2: 2 ND Q UARTER , FY2012                                                                                          P A GE 4

It is understood that agricultural pro-     1.0, relative to the 1st Quarter of         ers participating in this export effort.
duction, and the export or trade of such    FY2012, an increase of over 1,000 lbs of
                                                                                        As stated by the DREA Export Coordi-
production is a vital component of the      export volume and an increase of over
                                                                                        nator Mr. Hermis Tosie, there is de-
development of the State.                   $2,000 in export value was realized in
                                                                                        mand and market for Kosrae agricul-
                                            the 2nd Quarter of FY2012. In summary,
As previously reported in DREA’s pre-                                                   tural produce. However, there were a
                                            Table 1.0 shows increases in both value
vious newsletter issue, the effort to fa-                                               number of instances where demand for
                                            and volume of DREA facilitated export
cilitate trade of Kosrae agricultural pro-                                              certain produce could not be met. As
                                            for the 2nd Quarter of FY2012. Sustaining
duce is among the programs undertaken                                                   such, DREA encourages individuals to
                                            the trend of increasing export volume
in support of the department mission of                                                 consider actively participating in agri-
                                            and value is essential and would eventu-
achieving sustainable growth of per cap-                                                cultural production and inquire with
                                            ally require increased production from
ita income. As also reported in the pre-                                                DREA on what appropriate produce to
                                            farmers, or increase in number of farm-
vious issue of the DREA newsletter,                                                     cultivate.
trade of Kosrae agricultural produce is
currently conducted to a number of Tabl e 1.0 Vol ume & Va l ue of DREA Coordi na ted Exports
buyers in the Republic of the Marshall          Period           FY2011                       FY2012
Islands. There is, however, ambition                   Volume (lbs)       Value      Vol ume (lbs)   Value
and effort to expand trade operations to
include other potential buyers in the 1st Quarter             --            --                5281 $ 5,001
near future.                               2nd Quarter            2166 $ 3,364                6309 $ 7,149
Table 1.0 shows the volume and value        3rd Quarter                     6881 $       8,773            --                --
of DREA facilitated agricultural exports    4th Quarter                     5671 $       6,743            --                --
during FY2011, as well as the 1st and 2nd   Total                          14719 $ 18,881                      11590 $ 12,150
Quarters of FY2012. As shown in Table       Average                         4906 $       6,294                  5795 $     6,075

NORMA and Kaimaki representatives         timeframe listed. Applicants for NORMA         subject to the candidates passing the
were in Kosrae on separate occasions to   Observer position were evaluated on Sat-       training and further evaluation.
present employment opportunities and      urday February 25th. Applicants who
                                                                                         Additionally, three other applicants
recruit interested Kosraeans.             passed the preliminary NORMA evalua-
                                                                                         from Kosrae also passed the initial se-
                                          tion were interviewed the same night.
As it is the mission of DREA to achieve                                                  lection process held in Kosrae and are
                                          Three applicants were interviewed and
sustainable growth of per capita income,                                                 placed as alternates.
                                          were selected as candidates to undergo
providing assistance to ensure employ-
                                          further training to be held in Pohnpei:        Other individuals also received good
ment for those qualified and interested
                                                                                         news subsequent to the recruitment
goes directly in support of the depart-        1. Osamu Tolenna
                                                                                         sessions. As result of its recruitment
ment mission. As such, the Division of         2. Singkitchy Kephas
                                                                                         process, Kaimaki recruited four (4)
Fisheries and Marine Resources staff           3. Sterling Edmond
have provided assistance to and actively
                                          Selection for the Observer candidates was
coordinated the NORMA and Kaimaki                                                             1. Jeffrey William, Tafunsak
                                          conducted by NORMA & SPC representa-
recruiting processes. Fisheries staff co-                                                     2. Zimbardo Jonas, Malem
                                          tives. The three candidates departed to
ordinated recruitment sessions that                                                           3. Reynard Elley, Lelu
                                          Pohnpei on March 17th to undergo a five-
were held from Saturday to Monday,                                                            4. Joseph E. Joseph, Utwe
                                          week training and evaluation. Final selec-
February 25 to February 27, 2012.
                                          tion and recruitment of candidates is to       DREA congratulates the listed indi-
Recruitment for both NORMA and take place subsequent the to the five-week                viduals and wish them well on their
Kaimaki were held during the same training, where final selection would be               new employment.

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DREA 2nd Quarter News

  • 1. D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS Quarterly Newsletter I SSUE 2: 2 ND Q UARTER , FY2012 Phone: 370-2044/3017 Email: F ISH A GGREGATING D EVICE S YSTEM C OMPLETED , U NDER M ONITORING As reported in the previous issue of pleted the deployment of the three FAD DREA newsletter, DREA under- anchors on March 8, 2012. Fisheries staff went the process of establishing a are currently monitoring the three anchors Fish Aggregating Device System to determine if FAD system is ready to sup- during the latter part of 1st and early port fishing activities. 2nd Quarters, FY2012, with the as- Photos: sistance of FAD Specialist from the Top Right: On deployment, Josia Talley , Freddy Secretariat of the Pacific Community Nena & William loading FAD anchor onto “Sinlaku” (SPC), Mr. William Sokimi. Bottom Left: William Sokimi directing loading of FAD equipments Bottom Right: Anchor Funded by a Japan Grassroots Grant, dropped off at anchor location. the FAD system consists of three anchor blocks deployed to three locations island-wide: 1) Okat Bay, 2) Sauksa, and 3) Utwe Bay. The FAD system would substantially cut fishing costs. With the assistance of Mr. Sokimi, staff from the Division of Fisheries and Marine Resources (FMR), DREA successfully com- D R . E LDON H AINES P ROVIDING A SSISTANCE TO DREA DREA once again welcomed the assis- Interestingly, as stated by the Adminis- tance of its good friend, Dr. Eldon trator for the Division of Trade & In- Haines. Dr. Haines was in Kosrae for vestment Mr. Stanley Raffilman, the about three weeks, from February to trip was not Dr. Haines’ first to Kosrae. March 2, 2012. More importantly, this was also not the first time Dr. Haines had helped Kos- The purpose of Dr. Haines’ trip to Kos- rae. It came to light that the idea of es- rae was to provide expertise assistance tablishing a micro-finance union was to programs under DREA. Although derived from Dr. Haines. The idea of DREA in general reaped benefits from establishing a micro-finance union came Dr. Haines services, two programs pre- to fruition and is what we now know as L-R: KMU Executive Manager Kiaru Esahu & dominantly benefited from Dr. Haines’ the Kosrae Microfinance Union (KMU). Dr. Eldon Haines services: Kosrae Home Improvement During his trip, Dr. Haines was able to Program (KHIP, or commonly referred create a financial recording and report- to as Housing); and the Kosrae Microfi- nance Union (KMU). Cont’d on page 3...
  • 2. P A GE 2 D EPARTMENT OF R ESOURCES & E CONOMIC A FFAIRS W ORKSHOPS FOR F ARMERS H ELD The Department of Resources & Eco- nomic Affaires held five (5) workshops for farmers in the second quarter of FY2012. Initially planned by the Divi- sion of Agriculture and Land, with collaboration from the Division of Trade and Investment, DREA staff visited and held workshops in the five (5) respective villages in the State: Utwe, Malem, Lelu, Tafunsak and Walung. Tafunsak farmers in workshop Remos Livae doing a presentation on Food Security/ Crop Propagation Services The series of workshops was held for a cial development of agriculture. period of five days, spanning over a week. The series of workshops was Although more would always be pre- held from Monday, February 27 to ferred, DREA saw satisfying and rather Tuesday, March 6. encouraging participant turnout in each village workshop. DREA held the workshops in respec- tive villages with the hope of improv- Staff from the Division of Agriculture ing skills of farmers, as well as increas- & Land as well as the Division of Trade ing and bettering farmers’ understand- and Investment presented and led dis- ing of other essential information rele- cussion on various topics. Among the vant to farming and generally commer- Tafunsak workshop participants Cont’d on page 4... K OSRAE L AND L EASE P ROGR AM : Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS What is the purpose of Kosrae Who can apply for the Kosrae foreign investment procedures to be Land Lease Program? Land Lease Program? permitted to operate business in Kosrae and lease public lands. Department of Resources and Eco- Interested parties are qualified to apply nomic Affairs, subdivision of Land for lease of public lands under two cri- Were there leases already granted Management, was mandated manage- teria: in the past? ment of Kosrae’s Public Land Lease · Homestead/Residential Lease As of 2nd Quarter FY2012, there is a Program, as established by Land Lease total of 20 public land leases, some of Law 9-57. The Land Lease Program Residential lease term may be which are pending approval. Sixteen was established with the vision of: requested/granted up to 40 (16) leases were granted and are cur- years. · Generating revenue for busi- rently in effect as of 2nd Quarter of nesses and the State. · Business Lease FY2012. Additionally, there were 3 · Encourage foreign investment new leases with one 1 newly proposed Business Lease term may be re- lease submitted. A total of over and open opportunities for busi- quested/granted up to 50 years. nesses to expand operations on 167,000 square meters of public land government lands. Parties interested in leasing public lands are currently leased out to 16 leasees. Establishment of a Land Lease Program for business purposes is generally quali- Where and how do I apply or ob- would also be for the interest of the fied. Both local and foreign-based busi- tain further information on Kos- Kosraean people in that the State, nesses are qualified under this criterion. rae Land Lease Program? through revenue generation, would be Furthermore, there is no citizenship more able to provide and improve on requirement for business land lease. Further information can be acquired its services to the people of Kosrae. However, non-citizens must undergo from the Land Management Subdivi- Cont’d on Page 4...
  • 3. I SSUE 2: 2 ND Q UARTER , FY2012 P A GE 3 ...Cont’d from Page 3: Land Lease ...Cont’d from Page 2: Farmers’ ...Cont’d from page 1: Dr. Haines sion, DREA. Land Management Workshop ing system for both KMU and KHIP, Unit can be contacted at telephone topics presented and/or discussed among which would substantially improve the numbers 370-2044 & 370-3017, or participants included soil quality testing, services of these programs. In addition, contact the Land Management Spe- planting methods (container planting), Dr. Haines was also able to extend his cialist, Mr. Lupalik Wesley through plant pruning, livestock management generous services to other DREA pro- email at methods, and product pricing. grams, specifically the staff. Dr. Haines was able to provide training to However, interested parties can Other DREA Divisions were represented interested DREA staff on essential apply for public land lease at DREA. in the village workshops to address con- computer skills; particularly, Micro- Application or lease request should cerns or inquiries relating to their re- soft applications. be submitted and addressed to the spective operations or services. Right- State Designee through the following fully so, as much information and knowl- Prior to his departure, DREA staff held information: edge relayed onto the participant audi- a farewell lunch featuring tantalizingly ence, workshop participants also raised desired Kosraean delicacies in appre- Mr. Steven L. George issues and concerns that were construc- ciation of Dr. Haines generous ser- Director, DREA tive in nature, which would go to im- vices, bid him farewell and wish him P.O Box 600 prove operations and DREA’s services to well on his journey back home. Tofol, Kosrae FM 96944. the Kosrae populace. A GRICULTURE & L AND U NDERGO L IVESTOCK S URVEY P ROCESS Among the activities scheduled for was generated through livestock sales and Research under the Division of the Division of Agriculture and Lands with Malem Municipality generating the Agriculture and Land, DREA under- was to conduct a survey of livestock most with over $24,000 and Walung went the survey process, going from and poultry in the State. generating the least with $1,600. The house to house, and successfully com- 2007 resulted with total counts of 4,909 pleted the data collection phase. A livestock and poultry survey is con- pigs, 7,700 in poultry, 21 ducks and 13 ducted every five (5) years to account The results of the recent survey data goats. The total sales reported in the for all livestock in the state. Accord- collection effort have not been pub- 2007 survey was predominantly com- ing to DREA records, the previous lished to the public. However, the posed of pig sales with over $67,000 of livestock survey was conducted in survey and the results are currently the total $69,000 generated through pig 2007. As so, another livestock survey under the review process and is ex- sales. must be completed by 2012. Accord- pected to be published in the near fu- ing to the 2007 survey, over $69,000 Subdivision of Livestock Management ture. E CONOMIC P LANNING H ELD G R ANT W RITING W ORKSHOP The Division of Economic Planning senting groups from the four Municipali- other members of his/her group. held grant writing workshops in effort ties. Although initial plans hoped to in- The grant writing workshop was held to assist Kosrae communities with clude as many members from interested in effort to assist participants in the their ambition and need for particular groups as possible, groups were re- write-up of grant applications, and community projects. The workshop quested to send a representative to par- more importantly to further enhance was held on Wednesday, February 29 ticipate in the workshop on its behalf and improve grant-writing skills of at the DREA Conference Room. The primarily due to limited space at the workshop participants. MSGP grant workshop was co-sponsored by the workshop venue. However, it was be- format and criteria was used in the Micronesia Small Grants Program lieved that limiting the number of partici- workshop. As such, participants came (MSGP). pants from interested groups would not away with specific projects in mind, be an hindrance to the effectiveness of The workshop had satisfying turnout which would eventually be written as a the workshop as representative would be with 11 people participating, repre- MSGP grant proposals. trained well enough to be able to train
  • 4. I SSUE 2: 2 ND Q UARTER , FY2012 P A GE 4 2 ND Q UARTER DREA F ACILITATED E XPORT It is understood that agricultural pro- 1.0, relative to the 1st Quarter of ers participating in this export effort. duction, and the export or trade of such FY2012, an increase of over 1,000 lbs of As stated by the DREA Export Coordi- production is a vital component of the export volume and an increase of over nator Mr. Hermis Tosie, there is de- development of the State. $2,000 in export value was realized in mand and market for Kosrae agricul- the 2nd Quarter of FY2012. In summary, As previously reported in DREA’s pre- tural produce. However, there were a Table 1.0 shows increases in both value vious newsletter issue, the effort to fa- number of instances where demand for and volume of DREA facilitated export cilitate trade of Kosrae agricultural pro- certain produce could not be met. As for the 2nd Quarter of FY2012. Sustaining duce is among the programs undertaken such, DREA encourages individuals to the trend of increasing export volume in support of the department mission of consider actively participating in agri- and value is essential and would eventu- achieving sustainable growth of per cap- cultural production and inquire with ally require increased production from ita income. As also reported in the pre- DREA on what appropriate produce to farmers, or increase in number of farm- vious issue of the DREA newsletter, cultivate. trade of Kosrae agricultural produce is currently conducted to a number of Tabl e 1.0 Vol ume & Va l ue of DREA Coordi na ted Exports buyers in the Republic of the Marshall Period FY2011 FY2012 Islands. There is, however, ambition Volume (lbs) Value Vol ume (lbs) Value and effort to expand trade operations to include other potential buyers in the 1st Quarter -- -- 5281 $ 5,001 near future. 2nd Quarter 2166 $ 3,364 6309 $ 7,149 Table 1.0 shows the volume and value 3rd Quarter 6881 $ 8,773 -- -- of DREA facilitated agricultural exports 4th Quarter 5671 $ 6,743 -- -- during FY2011, as well as the 1st and 2nd Total 14719 $ 18,881 11590 $ 12,150 Quarters of FY2012. As shown in Table Average 4906 $ 6,294 5795 $ 6,075 NORMA O BSERVER AND K AIMAKI E MPLOYMENT O PPORTUNITIES NORMA and Kaimaki representatives timeframe listed. Applicants for NORMA subject to the candidates passing the were in Kosrae on separate occasions to Observer position were evaluated on Sat- training and further evaluation. present employment opportunities and urday February 25th. Applicants who Additionally, three other applicants recruit interested Kosraeans. passed the preliminary NORMA evalua- from Kosrae also passed the initial se- tion were interviewed the same night. As it is the mission of DREA to achieve lection process held in Kosrae and are Three applicants were interviewed and sustainable growth of per capita income, placed as alternates. were selected as candidates to undergo providing assistance to ensure employ- further training to be held in Pohnpei: Other individuals also received good ment for those qualified and interested news subsequent to the recruitment goes directly in support of the depart- 1. Osamu Tolenna sessions. As result of its recruitment ment mission. As such, the Division of 2. Singkitchy Kephas process, Kaimaki recruited four (4) Fisheries and Marine Resources staff 3. Sterling Edmond Kosraeans: have provided assistance to and actively Selection for the Observer candidates was coordinated the NORMA and Kaimaki 1. Jeffrey William, Tafunsak conducted by NORMA & SPC representa- recruiting processes. Fisheries staff co- 2. Zimbardo Jonas, Malem tives. The three candidates departed to ordinated recruitment sessions that 3. Reynard Elley, Lelu Pohnpei on March 17th to undergo a five- were held from Saturday to Monday, 4. Joseph E. Joseph, Utwe week training and evaluation. Final selec- February 25 to February 27, 2012. tion and recruitment of candidates is to DREA congratulates the listed indi- Recruitment for both NORMA and take place subsequent the to the five-week viduals and wish them well on their Kaimaki were held during the same training, where final selection would be new employment.