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A Chronological History of the Discovery of the Law of Creation of Energy,
the 3 Laws of Electrodynamic Motion, Infinite Efficiency Electric Generator
and Motor Operation and a Redefining of the Structure of the Universe
This document introduces the history of the 1820 discovery of the the of Law of Creation of Energy,
the 3 Laws of Electromagnetic Motion that followed from this original discovery and how
Electromagnetic Field Energy is created at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level inside every
Current Bearing Wire. How all electric generators and all electric motors harness this created energy
in order to operate at Infinite Efficiency and why they all violate Newton's 1st
and 3rd
Laws of Motion.
Newton's 3 Laws of Motion are adequate in order to explain the motion of Physical Bodies within a
Physical Realm, and they all require the Law of Conservation of Energy to be fully explained and
understood but they are completely incapable of explaining Electrodynamic (Electromagnetic) Motion.
The 3 Laws of Electromagnetic Motion explain the motion of physical Magnetic and Electromagnetic
bodies within a Magnetic medium and they require the application of both the Law of Conservation of
Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy to be completely explained and fully understood. If either
law is omitted, full comprehension is compromised as it has been ever since 1820.
The original discovery and investigation of Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics was done in the
early 1800's using the very limited perspective of Newtonian Mechanics while simultaneously and
universally omitting and ignoring the very foundation upon which Newtonian Mechanics was built, I.E.
the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Work-Energy Principle.
When the Work-Energy Principle is correctly applied in Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics it
provides a complete, accurate and correct perspective while simultaneously exposing the limitations of
Newtonian Mechanics which have never applied in the field of Electricity and Magnetism – and it
demonstrates why Newton's 1st
and 3rd
Laws of Motion are violated.
Violating Newton's 1st
Law in 1820
In 1820 a Dutch physicist named Hans Christian Oersted employed created Electromagnetic Field
Energy around a current bearing wire to perform Paranormal Positive Work and change (increase) the
Kinetic Energy of a compass needle.
To Oersted and early observers it would have
appeared as if some magic and invisible “Force
Field” was reaching out like a ghost or poltergeist
and causing the compass needle to rotate.
Newton's 1st
Law of Motion, the Work-Energy Principle
and the Law of Conservation of Energy could have
been used to explain the paranormal phenomenon IF
Heat Energy or Wind Energy was performing the Work
(AKA the conversion of Electrical Input Energy to Heat
Energy Output) but that was not the case. Something
other than Heat Energy was causing the compass needle to move.
Unbeknownst to Oersted he was violating Newton's 1st
Law of Motion while he simultaneously
discovered the Law of Creation of Energy. The Energy required to create the Force in order to perform
the Positive Work and move the compass needle was Energy that was being created internally at the
Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level inside the Current Bearing Wires and is currently referred to as
Electromagnetic Field Energy.
Newton's 1st
Law of Motion requires that a Force that changes the Inertia of a body or system be
externally applied rather than internally created.
Since 1820 there has been a universal misconception in the physics and engineering communities
that, “energy is required to be transferred in order to create the Electromagnetic Field around a
Current Bearing Wire in order to perform Work.”
According to the Work-Energy Principle the truth is that, “energy is NOT required in order to create the
Electromagnetic Field around a Current Bearing Wire.”
Energy IS required to perform the Thermal Work or Joule Heating of the wire and the area surrounding
the wire but Energy it is NOT required in the creation of the Electromagnetic Field Energy around the
The Law of Creation of Energy; the creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy around a Current
Bearing Wire is a consequence of normal and well known Electron Action at the Sub-Atomic Quantum
level. NO energy is required in the creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy nor is there any Energy
Transfer when Positive or Negative Work is performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy in
electric motors or generators.
The Law of Conservation of Electromagnetic Field Energy states that,
“Electromagnetic Field Energy is always conserved when interactions occur with other
Magnetic Fields because Magnetic Field lines cannot cross, penetrate or influence each other.”
Diligent, authentic and correct application of the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation
of Energy within the subject of Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics exposes the Law of Creation of
Energy and its effects.
Table of Contents
PART 1, 1820 Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion:
In 1820 Hans Christian Oersted violates Newtons 1st
Law of Motion,
discovers the Law of Creation of Energy, Infinite Efficiency (Positive)
Work performance and formulates Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic
PART 2, 1822 Faraday confirms Oersted's 1st
Law of
Electromagnetic Motion:
In 1822 Michael Faraday confirms Oersted's Law of Creation of Energy and
Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion discoveries and creates the
world's first Electric Motor that performs Positive Work and operates at
Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic Field Energy.
PART 3, 1834 Faraday's 2nd
Law of Electromagnetic
In 1834 Michael Faraday formulates Faraday's 2nd
Law of
Electromagnetic Motion and creates the world's first
Electric Generator that simultaneously also operates as
an Electric Motor performs Negative Work at Infinite
Efficiency with created Electromagnetic Field Energy.
PART 4, 2007 Heins' 3rd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion:
In 2007 Thane Heins formulates Heins' 3rd
Law of Electromagnetic
Motion and creates the world's first Electric Generator that
simultaneously also operates as an Electric Motor performs Positive
Work at Infinite Efficiency with created and Time Delayed
Electromagnetic Field Energy.
PART 5, How Electromagnetic Field Energy is Created at the
Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron Level in every Current Bearing Wire:
Newtonian Mechanics and the Law of Conservation of Energy can explain
how Thermal Work/Heat Energy conversion occurs in all Current Bearing
Wires but they cannot explain how Electromagnetic Field Energy is created.
The Law of Creation of Energy explains how Electromagnetic Energy is
created and how Electrodynamic Work is performed at Infinite Efficiency.
Explanation and Introduction of Indispensable Reference Truths
“Ignorance is not bliss - what you don't know can and will be used against you...”
1) Newton's 1st
Law of Motion: (Inertia)
Newton's first law states that, “every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line
unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external reactive force.”
2) Positive Work:
The Work-Energy Principle defines Positive Work when a Force is applied in a direction that results in
the increase of the Kinetic Energy of a body or system (accelerates it).
3) Negative Work:
The Work-Energy Principle defines Negative Work when a Force is applied in a direction that results in
the decreases the Kinetic Energy of a body or system (decelerates it).
Positive Work/Acceleration and or Negative Work/Deceleration is a simple matter of the Direction in
which a Force is Applied.
4) Over-Unity: Over 100% Efficiency
Over-unity refers to the fact that an over-unity device produces more Output Energy than it receives as
Input Energy.
Efficiency % = Output/Input x 100
Overy-Unity cannot exist without the Law of Creation of Energy and the changing of the definition of
the Structure of the Universe from a Closed and Isolated System to an Open System.
For example if the Output Energy magnitude is 1.5 and the Input Energy is 1.0 then the Efficiency is:
1.5 Watts/1.0 Watts x 100 = 150% Efficiency or 150% Over-unity performance.
0.5 Watts of Energy has been created.
Energy Creation can only occur in an Open System and can never occur in a Closed System.
5) Infinite Over-Unity: Infinite % Efficiency
Refers to the fact that an over-unity device produces any amount of Output Energy while it receives
zero Input Energy.
Infinite Overy-Unity cannot exist without the Law of Creation of Energy.
Infinite Efficiency = any magnitude of Output Energy/Zero Input Energy
For example if the Output Energy magnitude is 1.5 and the Input Energy is 0.0 then the Efficiency is
1.5 Watts/0.0 Watts x 100 = Infinite % Efficiency or Infinite Over-unity performance.
1.5 Watts of Energy has been created.
6) Electromagnetic Field Energy:
Electric and Magnetic Fields together are referred to as Electromagnetic Fields. The Electromagnetic
Field Energy created around all Current Bearing Wire is created by Electrons and Photons.
7) Photon:
A photon is a massless elementary particle that that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation and
is a Quantum of the Electromagnetic Field, including Electromagnetic Radiation and the Force Carrier
for the Electromagnetic Force.
A Photon is a type of Elementary Particle which acts as a Carrier of Energy,
8) Electron: (Quantized Fluctuating Probability Wavefunction and Quantum Object)
An Electron is a Negatively Charged Subatomic Particle that can be either Bound to an Atom or Free
(not bound). An Electron is one of the three primary types of Particles within the Atom -- the other two
are Protons and Neutrons.
Electrons are Quantum Objects and have a kind of Probabilistic Existence, kinda like God - meaning
they can be in all possible places in all possible things, at all possible times.
Along with all other Quantum Objects, an Electron is partly a Wave and partly a Particle.
To be more accurate, an Electron is neither literally a traditional Wave nor a traditional Particle, but is
instead a Quantized Fluctuating Probability Wavefunction.
9) Quantum Object:
A Quantum Object is the smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon.
For example, a Quantum of Light is a Photon, and a Quantum of Electricity is an Electron.
Quantum comes from Latin, meaning "an amount" or "how much?"
If something is quantifiable, then it can be measured.
Sometimes, Quantum Objects like Electrons, Atoms, and Molecules behave like Particles, and others
times they behave like Waves.
10) Law of Conservation of Energy:
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that, “energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only
converted from one form of energy to another.”
This means that a System always has the same amount of Energy, unless it is created internally and
added from the outside.
The Universe is considered to be a an Isolated System, meaning it cannot exchange matter nor
The Energy in the Universe may change forms, but the Total amount of Energy in an Isolated System
is Constant.
Energy for an Isolated System is always conserved.
As an Isolated System the Universe does not allow energy transfer.
An Isolated System is either:
• a Physical System so far removed from other systems that it does not interact with them.
• a Thermodynamic System enclosed by rigid immovable walls through which neither Mass nor
Energy can pass.
The entire Universe is an Isolated System because it has no surrounding and hence it is a Closed
Energy can, however, be converted from one form to another form in a Closed or Isolated System but
it cannot be created.
Within the Law of Conservation of Energy model, Work is performed by the Conversion of one Form of
Energy into another.
In the Law of Creation of Energy model Work is performed with NO Energy Conversion.
11) Work:
In Physics, Work is the Energy Transferred to or from an Object via the application of Force along a
Displacement. In its simplest form, for a Constant Force aligned with the Direction of Motion, the Work
equals the Product of the Force Strength and the Distance Traveled.
Work = Force x Distance
12) Energy:
Energy is the ability to do Work or cause change. It is different from a Force.
A Force is the Thing that Causes the Change, while Energy can be thought of as the impetus behind
the Force.
It takes Energy in order to apply a Force, and applying a Force to an object often Transfers Energy to
ALL Work in any direction requires Energy.
Energy is the Currency required in order to perform Work.
Work cannot be performed without Energy.
13) Power:
Power is the Rate at which Work is done or the Rate at which Energy is Transferred from one place to
another or Transformed from one type to another.
Power = Work / Time
14) Work-Energy Principle:
The Work-Energy Principle tells us the amount of Work done on an Object or System will Equal the
Change in Kinetic Energy of that Object or System.
According to this theorem, when an object slows down – is Decelerated, its Final Kinetic Energy is
Less than its Initial Kinetic Energy, the Change in its Kinetic Energy is Negative, and so is the Net
Work done on it is also Negative.
If an object speeds up – is Accelerated, the Net Work done on it is Positive.
For example: In order to increase (Accelerate) or decrease (Decelerate) the Kinetic Energy of a body
or system by X Joules, an equivalent amount of Energy (X Joules) must be applied or
transferred to that body or system.
Change in Kinetic Energy of a Body or System (J)
= Net Work Performed on that Body or System (J)
= the Energy applied to that Body or System (J)
15) Law of Creation of Energy:
The Law of Creation of Energy states that, “Electromagnetic Field Energy can be created and or
destroyed – Electromagnetic Field Energy is not converted from one form of energy to another when
performing Positive or Negative Work.”
This means that a system always has more energy, because it is created and added from the inside.
16) Newtonian Mechanics:
Classical Mechanics or Newtonian Mechanics is the Study of the Motion of Bodies (including the
special case in which bodies are at rest) in accordance with the general principles first enunciated by
Sir Isaac Newton in his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), commonly known as the
17) Newton's Third Law of Motion:
states that, “for every Action (Force) in Nature there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction Force.”
18) Lenz's Law of Induction:
“The Electric Current induced in a circuit due to a change in a Magnetic Field according to Faraday's
Law of Induction creates the Electromagnetic Field Energy which is required in order to produce a
Physical Force which actively and physically opposes the change that produced it.”
“I.E. to Create the Energy required in order to exert an Electro-Mechanical Force (a Counter-
Electromagnetic-Torque) which performs Negative Work which opposes the motion of the changing
Magnetic Field and reduces its Kinetic Energy.”
According to the Work-Energy Principle, the reduction in the Kinetic Energy of the Changing Magnetic
Field (J) is equal to the Net Work performed on the Changing Magnetic Field (J).
AND the magnitude of Kinetic Energy reduction (J) is equal to the magnitude of Energy Applied which
is equal to the magnitude of Energy Created (J).
Lenz's Law of Induction violates Newton's 1st
Law of Motion and Newton's 3rd
Law of Motion because
the Force that changes the Inertia of the Changing magnetic Field is NOT an externally applied Force
but rather it is an Internally Created Force.
According to the Work-Energy Principle, the Energy which is required to perform the Negative Work
during all Electricity Generation according to Faraday's Law of Induction and Lenz's Law of Induction
is Electromagnetic Field Energy that is created at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level.
19) Law of Creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy in a Current Bearing Wire
The Law of Creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy in a Current Bearing Wire states that,
“Electromagnetic Field Energy is Created inside all Current Bearing Wires at the Sub-Atomic Quantum
Electron level when Loose Electrons return back down into their lower Energy Levels (Valance Orbits)
around the Nucleuses of their Atoms.
While returning to their Lower Energy Level Valance Orbits the Electrons emit Photons which create
and constitute the Electromagnetic Field Energy around the Current Bearing Wire.
This created Electromagnetic Field Energy has be harnessed to perform either Positive or Negative
Work at Infinite Efficiency in all Electric Motors and Generators since 1820 and 1834 respectively”
ALL Electric Motors since 1820 have be employed in order to perform
Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency
or Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency
with Created Electromagnetic Field Energy depending on the Direction of the Applied Torque.
ALL Electric Generators since 1834 have only ever been able to perform
Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency
VIA a Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created Electromagnetic Field Energy
ALL Electric Generators since 2007 have been able to perform
Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency
VIA a Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque
with Created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy
Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency
VIA a Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque
with Created INSTANTANEOUS Electromagnetic Field Energy
ALL Electric Motors since 2007 have been able to perform
Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency
VIA a Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque
with Created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy
Conventional Electric Generator generating electricity at less than 100% efficiency,
• Performing Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency
via a Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created and INSTANTANEOUSLY
APPLIED Electromagnetic Field Energy.
AND US Patented ReGenX Generator, and ReGen-X Quantum Motor innovations Generating
Electricity and performing Positive Mechanical Work both at Infinite Efficiency,
• Performing Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency via a
Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic
Field Energy.
20) The Law of Creation of Energy as it applies in Lenz's Law of Induction:
The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around all Current Bearing Wires is the Energy Source
which is required in order to perform the Negative Work (Kinetic Energy reduction) at Infinite Efficiency
in all Electricity Generation according to Lenz's Law of Induction, the Work-Energy Principle and the
Law of Creation of Energy.
21) The Law of Creation of Energy as it applies in Heins' Law of Induction:
The created and Tme Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy around all Current Bearing Wires is the
Energy Source which is required in order to perform the Positive Work (Kinetic Energy increase) at
Infinite Efficiency in all Electricity Generation according to Heins' Law of Induction, the Work-Energy
Principle and the Law of Creation of Energy.
22) Heins' Law of Induction:
“The Electric Current induced in a circuit due to a change in a Magnetic Field according to
Faraday's Law of Induction when Delayed sufficiently in the Time Domain
creates the Electromagnetic Field Energy in such a direction that it
produces a Force or Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque
which actively physically assists the changing Magnetic Field that produced it.”
18) Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion 1820:
Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “the created Electromagnetic Field Energy
around a current bearing wire will perform Positive Work on another stationary Magnetic Field and will
increase its Inertia.”
19) Faraday's 2nd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion 1822:
Faraday's 2nd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “the created Electromagnetic Field Energy
around a current bearing wire according to Faraday's Law of Induction will perform Negative Work on
another moving Magnetic Field and will decrease its Kinetic Energy.”
Faraday's 2nd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion and Lenz's Law of Induction are identical identical and
20) Heins' 3rd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion 2007:
Heins' 3rd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “the created Electromagnetic Field Energy
around a current bearing wire according to Faraday's Law of Induction when delayed sufficiently in
the Time Domain will perform Positive Work on another moving Magnetic Field and will increase its
Kinetic Energy.”
Heins' 3rd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion and Heins' Law of Induction are identical and
21) Thermal Work or Joule Heating
Joule Heating is the physical effect by which the passing of Current through an Electrical Conductor
produces Thermal Energy. This Thermal Energy is then evidenced through a rise in the conductor
material temperature, thus the term “Heating”
Joule Heating, also called Joule's Law, in Electricity, the Conversion of Electric Energy into Heat
Energy by the Resistance in an Electrical Circuit.
In Thermodynamics, Work is one of the Principal Processes by which a Thermodynamic System can
interact with its surroundings and Exchange Energy.
An Exchange of Energy is facilitated by a mechanism through which the system can spontaneously
exert Macroscopic Forces on its surroundings, or vice versa.
22) Joule:
Generally, all forms of Energy are measured in terms of Joules in the SI system. Notably, Heat is a
form of Energy, and therefore the SI unit of heat is also Joules (J) which are defined as the amount of
energy needed to raise the temperature of a given mass by one degree.
23) Kinetic Energy: The standard unit of Kinetic Energy is the Joule.
Kinetic Energy (KE) is the Energy of Moving Matter.
Anything that is moving has Kinetic Energy.
The amount of Kinetic Energy in a Moving Object depends directly on its Mass and Velocity.
Kinetic Energy can be calculated with the equation: KE = 1/2 Mass × Velocity^2
24) Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Principle:
The change in the Kinetic Energy of a Body or System is Equal to the Net Work performed on the
Body or System.
25) Kinetic Energy Increase or Decrease ALWAYS REQUIRES ENERGY:
Energy is the capacity for doing Work. You must have Energy in order to perform Work.
Energy is the “Currency” required to perform Work.
In order to perform 100 Joules of Work (system Kinetic Energy increase or decrease) you must
expend 100 Joules of Energy.
1820 Hans Christian Oersted discovers the Law of Creation of Energy and
Formulates the First Law of Electromagnetic Motion
Performs Positive Electro-Mechanical Work via Energy Creation at Infinite Efficiency
and Thermal Heating of his Lab via Energy Conversion at 100% Efficiency
In 1820 Hans Christian Oersted employed Electromagnetic Field Energy CREATION to perform
Positive Work and change (increase) the Kinetic Energy of a compass needle while he also
simultaneously performed Thermal Work when he used Electrical Energy to Heat Energy
CONVERSION to perform Joule Heating of his lab.
Oersted discovered Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion on that day and he violated Newton's
Law of Motion because the change in motion (Inertia) of the compass needle was being performed
at Infinite Efficiency by internally created Electromagnetic Field Energy rather than external forces.
Newton's First Law: Inertia
Newton's First Law states that, “every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight
line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.”
100% of the Joule Heating conversion or Thermal Work performed in the Heating of his lab was
performed via the Law of Conservation of Energy.
100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical movement of the compass
needle was being performed via Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion and the Law of Creation
of Energy.
According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule, Joule's Law and the Work-Energy Principle the
Electrical Energy to Heat Transfer Conversion was being performed at 100% efficiency.
According to Newton's 2nd
Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Kinetic
Energy increase was being performed at infinite efficiency with created Electromagnetic Energy.
Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion & the Law of Creation of Energy
“The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire
will perform Positive Work on another Magnetic Field and will increase its Inertia.”
Oersted's Compass Needle Deflection Experiment of 1820
In Oersted's Compass Needle experiment of 1820, Oersted used created Electromagnetic Field
Energy to perform Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency on the compass needle and to increase its
Kinetic Energy from an Initial Motionless State of zero Joules.
The Positive Work (J) that was performed on the compass needle equaled the magnitude of
Electromagnetic Field Energy Created (J).
Positive Work was being performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy via the Law of Creation
of Energy but no Electromagnetic Field Energy was being transferred, converted or absorbed.
Thermal Work (J) was also being performed at 100% efficiency with Electrical Energy via the Law of
Conservation of Energy where Electrical Energy was being transferred, converted into Heat Energy (J)
and absorbed by Oersted's lab environment.
1822 Michael Faraday Confirms the Law of Creation of Energy
and Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion
Performs Positive Electro-Mechanical Work via Energy Creation at Infinite Efficiency
and Thermal Heating of his Lab VIA Energy Conversion at 100% Efficiency
In 1822 Michael Faraday also confirmed Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion, the Law of
Creation of Energy when he also violated Newton's 1st
Law of Motion.
Faraday employed created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a rigid current bearing wire to
perform Positive Work and change (increase) the Kinetic Energy (Inertia) of the wire suspended in a
Mercury bath with an internally created Energy Force rather than an externally applied inanimate
Faraday also performed Joule Heating; Electrical Energy to Heat Energy Conversion in the Heating of
his lab via the Law of Conservation of Energy.
According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of
Conservation of Energy the Electrical Energy to Heat Transfer (CONVERSION) was being performed
at 100% efficiency.
100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical movement (Rotation) of the
rigid wire around the permanent magnet submerged in the Mercury was performed via Oersted's 1st
Law of Electromagnetic Motion and the Law of Creation of Energy.
According to Newton's 2nd
Law, the Watts Power Rule, the Work-Energy Principle the Electromagnetic
Energy to Kinetic Energy increase conversion was being performed at infinite efficiency.
Oersted's First Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that,
“The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire
will perform Positive Work on another Magnetic Field and will increase its Inertia.”
1822 Michael Faraday builds the worlds first Electric Motor, confirms Oersted's 1st
Law of
Electromagnetic Motion, the Law of Creation of Energy, while violating Newton's 1st
Faraday's Electric Motor Experiment of 1822
In Faraday's Electric Motor experiment of 1822, Faraday used created Electromagnetic Field Energy
to perform Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency on the rigid wire in order to increase its Kinetic Energy
from an Initial Motionless State of zero Joules.
The Positive Work (J) performed on the rigid wire equaled the magnitude of Energy Created (J).
The Positive Work performed was being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic
Field Energy.
Positive Work was being performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy via the Law of Creation
of Energy but no Electromagnetic Field Energy was being transferred, converted or absorbed.
Thermal Work (J) was being performed at 100% efficiency with Electrical Energy via the Law of
Conservation of Energy where Electrical Energy (J) was being transferred, converted into Heat
Energy( (J) and absorbed by Faraday's lab.
1834 Michael Faraday Discovers 2nd
Law of Electromagnetic Motion
Re-confirms the Law of Creation of Energy and Emil Lenz Formulates
Law of Electromagnetic Motion as Lenz's Law of Induction
Performs Negative Electro-Mechanical Work via Energy CREATION at Infinite Efficiency
and Thermal Heating of his Lab via Energy CONVERSION at 100% Efficiency
In 1834 Michael Faraday employed created
Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform
Negative Work on an Electromagnetic Plunger
and change (Decrease) its Kinetic Energy while
simultaneously using converted Electrical Energy
to Heat Energy to perform Thermal Joule Heating
of his lab.
100% of the Joule Heating conversion Thermal
Work performed in the heating of his lab was
performed via the Law of Conservation of Energy.
According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule
and the Work-Energy Principle the Electrical
Energy to Heat Transfer Efficiency was being
performed at 100% efficiency.
100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical Kinetic Energy reduction
(deceleration) of the Electromagnetic Plunger was performed via the Law of Creation of Energy.
According to Newton's 2nd
Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the
Electromagnetic Energy to Kinetic Energy decrease was being performed at infinite efficiency.
Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that,
“The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire
will perform Negative Work on another moving Magnetic Field and will decrease
its Kinetic Energy.”
Michael Faraday's Electric Generator Invention of 1834
Michael Faraday formulates Faraday's Law of Induction and Emil Lenz formulates Lenz's Law of
Induction which is required to explain how created Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Negative
Work (system Kinetic Energy reduction) at Infinite Efficiency during Electricity Generation according to
Faraday's Law of Induction, Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work-Energy Principl, the
Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy.
Faraday's Electric Generator Experiment of 1834
In Faraday's Electric Generator experiment of 1834, Faraday used created Electromagnetic Field
Energy to perform Negative Work at Infinite Efficiency on the Electromagnetic Plunger.
The Negative Work (J) performed on the plunger (Kinetic Energy reduction (J)) equaled the magnitude
of Energy Created (J).
The Negative Work performed was being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic
Field Energy.
Negative Work was being performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy via the Law of
Creation of Energy but no Electromagnetic Field Energy was being transferred, converted or
Thermal Work was being performed at 100% efficiency with Electrical Energy via the Law of
Conservation of Energy where Electrical Energy was being transferred, converted into Heat Energy
and absorbed by Faraday's lab environment according to Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law,
the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Lenz's Law of Induction explains how created Electromagnetic Field Energy has been
performing Negative Work at Infinite Efficiency during all Electricity Generation since 1834
according to Faraday's Law of Induction, Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work-
Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy.
2007 Thane C. Heins confirms the Law of Creation of Energy and Formulates
Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion as Heins' Law of Induction
In 2007 Thane Heins employed created Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform Positive Work on an
electric generator's rotating magnetic field changing (increasing) its Kinetic Energy while
simultaneously using converted Electrical Energy to Heat Energy to perform Thermal Joule heating of
his lab.
The generator's rotating Kinetic Energy increase was being performed by internally created
Electromagnetic Field Energy rather than externally applied energy and Newton's 1st
and 3rd
Laws of
Motion were violated.
100% of the Joule Heating conversion Thermal Work performed in the Heating of his lab was
performed via the Law of Conservation of Energy.
According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Electrical Energy to
Heat Energy Transfer was being performed at 100% efficiency.
100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical Kinetic Energy increase of
the generator's Rotating Magnetic Rotor was performed via the Law of Creation of Energy.
According to Newton's 2nd
Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the
Electromagnetic Energy to Kinetic Energy increase was being performed at infinite efficiency.
Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that,
“The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire
will perform Positive Work on another moving Magnetic Field at Infinite Efficiency and will
increase its Kinetic Energy when delayed sufficiently in the Time Domain.”
US Patented ReGenX Generator Innovation:
Infinite Efficiency Electricity Generation and Motor Operation
Reverses Generator Armature Reaction, EV Regenerative Braking,
Reverses Lenz's Law of Induction with a Load Current Time Delay
Generates Electricity at Infinite Efficiency
Simultaneously Performs Positive Motor Work at Infinite Efficiency
with Created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy:
Sine Wave Comparison of Conventional Electric Generator
and Time Delayed ReGenX Generator/Quantum Motor
Heins' Law of Induction explains how created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field
Energy performs Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency during electricity generation since 2007
according to Faraday's Law of Induction, Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work-
Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy.
PART 5 How Electromagnetic Field Energy is Created at the Sub-Atomic
Quantum Electron Level in every Current Bearing Wire
1) Free Electron Current Flow in a Wire:
When an Electro-Motive Force is Induced in a Current
Bearing Wire according to Faraday's Law of Induction,
Free Electrons are caused to leave their Valence Orbit
and cascade within the wire as Electric Current.
2) Electron Current Flow in a Wire and Joule Heating
via CONSERVATION of Energy
Some of the Electron's Kinetic Energy performs
Thermal Work in the Joule heating of the wire
according to Ohm's Law, Joule's Law, Watt's Power
Rule, the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of
Conservation of Energy.
100% of the Energy Conversion in the wire is Electrical to
Heat Energy Conversion.
3) Electron Current Flow in a Wire and
Electromagnetic Field Energy CREATION
via Photon Energy Release
When the disassociated Free Electrons return back
to their original Lower Energy level Valence Orbit
they emit Photons which create the Electromagnetic
Field Energy around the Current Bearing Wire.
4) A Photon is the Energy Carrier of the Electromagnetic Force
and is the Quantum Form (a discrete quantity of energy proportional
in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents of all
Electromagnetic Radiation.
Electromagnetic Fields (Electromagnetic Waves) are composed of two
types of fields, Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields
Propagation Of Electric and Electromagnetic Energy:
Early scientists and many scientists today including most electrical engineers, still mistakenly believe
that electricity is electrons flowing in a wire, much like water flowing in a hose where the Electromotive
Force (Voltage) is the 'Pressure' that pushes Electrons through the wire against the wire's resistance.
Electrical “Resistance” is NOT Physical Resistance in the Newtonian Mechanics sense but rather is an
Electrical Energy to Heat Energy Conversion Coefficient which is always 100%.
Electricity Propagation is actually Electromagnetic Radiation Propagation which is Electromagnetic
Field Energy moving through Space as a Wave.
Electrical Energy in a Current Bearing Wire is a special case in which the Energy is guided by the
Atomic Composition of the Wire (Electrical Conductor) – or the ample abundance of Loose (Free)
The Electrical Energy is Internal to the Wire and is subject to the Law of Conservation of Energy
(Energy Transfer via Joule Heating), Ohm's Law and the Watt's Power Rule.
The Created Electromagnetic Field Energy which is delivered to the Load is External to the Wire and
is NOT subject to the Law of Conservation of Energy.
When we plug an appliance into the receptacle, the Electric Power delivered to the appliance does
NOT actually "go through the cord", but is External Electromagnetic Field Energy being "guided"
through Free Space by the Electron activity inside the power cord at the Sub-Atomic Quantum
Electron level.
When we “pay” for electricity we are actually paying for the Financial Cost associated with the Joule
Heating of the Wires and the electrical components inside our appliances.
The Electron Activity oscillating back and forth internally inside the Current Bearing Wire and the
constant releasing of Photons creates the External Electromagnetic Field Energy around the Wire and
in turn the Wire serves as a way of Directing the Electromagnetic Field Energy Wave to follow the Wire
toward the desired destination.
The Electron Movement inside the Current Bearing Wire is proportional in its magnitude to the
magnitude of Electromotive Force (Electron-Motive Force or Voltage) being applied across the Wire.
And the magnitude of the Created Electromagnetic Field Energy Wave around the Current bearing
Wire is function of the magnitude of Electric Current (Electrons flowing inside the Wire) where:
1 Amp of Electric Current equals 6,280,000,000,000,000,000 Electrons
moving past a specific point in one second.
The Positive Mechanical Work that is being performed in all Electric Motors since 1822 is being
performed at Infinite Efficiency with created and physically directed Electromagnetic Field Energy.
The Thermal Work (Induction Heating) of every Electric Motor since 1822 is being performed at 100%
Efficiency with physically directed Electron Kinetic Energy.
The Negative Mechanical Work that is being performed in all Electric Generators since 1834 is being
performed at Infinite Efficiency with created and physically directed Electromagnetic Field Energy.
The Thermal Work (Induction Heating) of every Electric Generator since 1834 is being performed at
100% Efficiency with physically directed Electron Kinetic Energy.
The Positive Mechanical Work that is being performed in all ReGenX Electric Generators since 2007
is being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created, physically directed and TIME DELAYED
Electromagnetic Field Energy. The Thermal Work (Induction Heating) of every ReGenX Electric
Generator since 2007 is being performed at 100% Efficiency with physically directed Electron Kinetic
Thane C. Heins
CEO, Potential +/- Difference Inc.
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly.
One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”
~ Nikola Tesla

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DRAFT 2 A Chronological History of the Discovery of the Law of Creation of Energy, the 3 Laws of Electrodynamic Motion, Infinite Efficiency Electric Generator and Motor Operation and a Redefining of the Structure of the Universe.pdf

  • 1. A Chronological History of the Discovery of the Law of Creation of Energy, the 3 Laws of Electrodynamic Motion, Infinite Efficiency Electric Generator and Motor Operation and a Redefining of the Structure of the Universe Preface This document introduces the history of the 1820 discovery of the the of Law of Creation of Energy, the 3 Laws of Electromagnetic Motion that followed from this original discovery and how Electromagnetic Field Energy is created at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level inside every Current Bearing Wire. How all electric generators and all electric motors harness this created energy in order to operate at Infinite Efficiency and why they all violate Newton's 1st and 3rd Laws of Motion. Newton's 3 Laws of Motion are adequate in order to explain the motion of Physical Bodies within a Physical Realm, and they all require the Law of Conservation of Energy to be fully explained and understood but they are completely incapable of explaining Electrodynamic (Electromagnetic) Motion. The 3 Laws of Electromagnetic Motion explain the motion of physical Magnetic and Electromagnetic bodies within a Magnetic medium and they require the application of both the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy to be completely explained and fully understood. If either law is omitted, full comprehension is compromised as it has been ever since 1820. The original discovery and investigation of Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics was done in the early 1800's using the very limited perspective of Newtonian Mechanics while simultaneously and universally omitting and ignoring the very foundation upon which Newtonian Mechanics was built, I.E. the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Work-Energy Principle. When the Work-Energy Principle is correctly applied in Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics it provides a complete, accurate and correct perspective while simultaneously exposing the limitations of Newtonian Mechanics which have never applied in the field of Electricity and Magnetism – and it demonstrates why Newton's 1st and 3rd Laws of Motion are violated.
  • 2. Violating Newton's 1st Law in 1820 In 1820 a Dutch physicist named Hans Christian Oersted employed created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire to perform Paranormal Positive Work and change (increase) the Kinetic Energy of a compass needle. To Oersted and early observers it would have appeared as if some magic and invisible “Force Field” was reaching out like a ghost or poltergeist and causing the compass needle to rotate. Newton's 1st Law of Motion, the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy could have been used to explain the paranormal phenomenon IF Heat Energy or Wind Energy was performing the Work (AKA the conversion of Electrical Input Energy to Heat Energy Output) but that was not the case. Something other than Heat Energy was causing the compass needle to move. Unbeknownst to Oersted he was violating Newton's 1st Law of Motion while he simultaneously discovered the Law of Creation of Energy. The Energy required to create the Force in order to perform the Positive Work and move the compass needle was Energy that was being created internally at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level inside the Current Bearing Wires and is currently referred to as Electromagnetic Field Energy. Newton's 1st Law of Motion requires that a Force that changes the Inertia of a body or system be externally applied rather than internally created. Since 1820 there has been a universal misconception in the physics and engineering communities that, “energy is required to be transferred in order to create the Electromagnetic Field around a Current Bearing Wire in order to perform Work.” According to the Work-Energy Principle the truth is that, “energy is NOT required in order to create the Electromagnetic Field around a Current Bearing Wire.” Energy IS required to perform the Thermal Work or Joule Heating of the wire and the area surrounding the wire but Energy it is NOT required in the creation of the Electromagnetic Field Energy around the wire. The Law of Creation of Energy; the creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy around a Current Bearing Wire is a consequence of normal and well known Electron Action at the Sub-Atomic Quantum level. NO energy is required in the creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy nor is there any Energy Transfer when Positive or Negative Work is performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy in electric motors or generators. The Law of Conservation of Electromagnetic Field Energy states that, “Electromagnetic Field Energy is always conserved when interactions occur with other Magnetic Fields because Magnetic Field lines cannot cross, penetrate or influence each other.” Diligent, authentic and correct application of the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy within the subject of Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics exposes the Law of Creation of Energy and its effects.
  • 3. Table of Contents PART 1, 1820 Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion: In 1820 Hans Christian Oersted violates Newtons 1st Law of Motion, discovers the Law of Creation of Energy, Infinite Efficiency (Positive) Work performance and formulates Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion. PART 2, 1822 Faraday confirms Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion: In 1822 Michael Faraday confirms Oersted's Law of Creation of Energy and Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion discoveries and creates the world's first Electric Motor that performs Positive Work and operates at Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic Field Energy. PART 3, 1834 Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion: In 1834 Michael Faraday formulates Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion and creates the world's first Electric Generator that simultaneously also operates as an Electric Motor performs Negative Work at Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic Field Energy. PART 4, 2007 Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion: In 2007 Thane Heins formulates Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion and creates the world's first Electric Generator that simultaneously also operates as an Electric Motor performs Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency with created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy. PART 5, How Electromagnetic Field Energy is Created at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron Level in every Current Bearing Wire: Newtonian Mechanics and the Law of Conservation of Energy can explain how Thermal Work/Heat Energy conversion occurs in all Current Bearing Wires but they cannot explain how Electromagnetic Field Energy is created. The Law of Creation of Energy explains how Electromagnetic Energy is created and how Electrodynamic Work is performed at Infinite Efficiency.
  • 4. Explanation and Introduction of Indispensable Reference Truths “Ignorance is not bliss - what you don't know can and will be used against you...” 1) Newton's 1st Law of Motion: (Inertia) Newton's first law states that, “every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external reactive force.” 2) Positive Work: The Work-Energy Principle defines Positive Work when a Force is applied in a direction that results in the increase of the Kinetic Energy of a body or system (accelerates it). 3) Negative Work: The Work-Energy Principle defines Negative Work when a Force is applied in a direction that results in the decreases the Kinetic Energy of a body or system (decelerates it). Positive Work/Acceleration and or Negative Work/Deceleration is a simple matter of the Direction in which a Force is Applied. 4) Over-Unity: Over 100% Efficiency Over-unity refers to the fact that an over-unity device produces more Output Energy than it receives as Input Energy. Efficiency % = Output/Input x 100 Overy-Unity cannot exist without the Law of Creation of Energy and the changing of the definition of the Structure of the Universe from a Closed and Isolated System to an Open System. For example if the Output Energy magnitude is 1.5 and the Input Energy is 1.0 then the Efficiency is: 1.5 Watts/1.0 Watts x 100 = 150% Efficiency or 150% Over-unity performance. 0.5 Watts of Energy has been created. Energy Creation can only occur in an Open System and can never occur in a Closed System. 5) Infinite Over-Unity: Infinite % Efficiency Refers to the fact that an over-unity device produces any amount of Output Energy while it receives zero Input Energy. Infinite Overy-Unity cannot exist without the Law of Creation of Energy. Infinite Efficiency = any magnitude of Output Energy/Zero Input Energy For example if the Output Energy magnitude is 1.5 and the Input Energy is 0.0 then the Efficiency is 1.5 Watts/0.0 Watts x 100 = Infinite % Efficiency or Infinite Over-unity performance. 1.5 Watts of Energy has been created.
  • 5. 6) Electromagnetic Field Energy: Electric and Magnetic Fields together are referred to as Electromagnetic Fields. The Electromagnetic Field Energy created around all Current Bearing Wire is created by Electrons and Photons. 7) Photon: A photon is a massless elementary particle that that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation and is a Quantum of the Electromagnetic Field, including Electromagnetic Radiation and the Force Carrier for the Electromagnetic Force. A Photon is a type of Elementary Particle which acts as a Carrier of Energy, 8) Electron: (Quantized Fluctuating Probability Wavefunction and Quantum Object) An Electron is a Negatively Charged Subatomic Particle that can be either Bound to an Atom or Free (not bound). An Electron is one of the three primary types of Particles within the Atom -- the other two are Protons and Neutrons. Electrons are Quantum Objects and have a kind of Probabilistic Existence, kinda like God - meaning they can be in all possible places in all possible things, at all possible times. Along with all other Quantum Objects, an Electron is partly a Wave and partly a Particle. To be more accurate, an Electron is neither literally a traditional Wave nor a traditional Particle, but is instead a Quantized Fluctuating Probability Wavefunction. 9) Quantum Object: A Quantum Object is the smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon. For example, a Quantum of Light is a Photon, and a Quantum of Electricity is an Electron. Quantum comes from Latin, meaning "an amount" or "how much?" If something is quantifiable, then it can be measured. Sometimes, Quantum Objects like Electrons, Atoms, and Molecules behave like Particles, and others times they behave like Waves. 10) Law of Conservation of Energy: The Law of Conservation of Energy states that, “energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another.” This means that a System always has the same amount of Energy, unless it is created internally and added from the outside. The Universe is considered to be a an Isolated System, meaning it cannot exchange matter nor energy. The Energy in the Universe may change forms, but the Total amount of Energy in an Isolated System is Constant.
  • 6. Energy for an Isolated System is always conserved. As an Isolated System the Universe does not allow energy transfer. An Isolated System is either: • a Physical System so far removed from other systems that it does not interact with them. • a Thermodynamic System enclosed by rigid immovable walls through which neither Mass nor Energy can pass. The entire Universe is an Isolated System because it has no surrounding and hence it is a Closed System. Energy can, however, be converted from one form to another form in a Closed or Isolated System but it cannot be created. Within the Law of Conservation of Energy model, Work is performed by the Conversion of one Form of Energy into another. In the Law of Creation of Energy model Work is performed with NO Energy Conversion. 11) Work: In Physics, Work is the Energy Transferred to or from an Object via the application of Force along a Displacement. In its simplest form, for a Constant Force aligned with the Direction of Motion, the Work equals the Product of the Force Strength and the Distance Traveled. Work = Force x Distance 12) Energy: Energy is the ability to do Work or cause change. It is different from a Force. A Force is the Thing that Causes the Change, while Energy can be thought of as the impetus behind the Force. It takes Energy in order to apply a Force, and applying a Force to an object often Transfers Energy to it. ALL Work in any direction requires Energy. Energy is the Currency required in order to perform Work. Work cannot be performed without Energy. 13) Power: Power is the Rate at which Work is done or the Rate at which Energy is Transferred from one place to another or Transformed from one type to another. Power = Work / Time
  • 7. 14) Work-Energy Principle: The Work-Energy Principle tells us the amount of Work done on an Object or System will Equal the Change in Kinetic Energy of that Object or System. According to this theorem, when an object slows down – is Decelerated, its Final Kinetic Energy is Less than its Initial Kinetic Energy, the Change in its Kinetic Energy is Negative, and so is the Net Work done on it is also Negative. If an object speeds up – is Accelerated, the Net Work done on it is Positive. For example: In order to increase (Accelerate) or decrease (Decelerate) the Kinetic Energy of a body or system by X Joules, an equivalent amount of Energy (X Joules) must be applied or transferred to that body or system. Change in Kinetic Energy of a Body or System (J) = Net Work Performed on that Body or System (J) = the Energy applied to that Body or System (J) 15) Law of Creation of Energy: The Law of Creation of Energy states that, “Electromagnetic Field Energy can be created and or destroyed – Electromagnetic Field Energy is not converted from one form of energy to another when performing Positive or Negative Work.” This means that a system always has more energy, because it is created and added from the inside. 16) Newtonian Mechanics: Classical Mechanics or Newtonian Mechanics is the Study of the Motion of Bodies (including the special case in which bodies are at rest) in accordance with the general principles first enunciated by Sir Isaac Newton in his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), commonly known as the Principia. 17) Newton's Third Law of Motion: states that, “for every Action (Force) in Nature there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction Force.” 18) Lenz's Law of Induction: “The Electric Current induced in a circuit due to a change in a Magnetic Field according to Faraday's Law of Induction creates the Electromagnetic Field Energy which is required in order to produce a Physical Force which actively and physically opposes the change that produced it.” “I.E. to Create the Energy required in order to exert an Electro-Mechanical Force (a Counter- Electromagnetic-Torque) which performs Negative Work which opposes the motion of the changing Magnetic Field and reduces its Kinetic Energy.” According to the Work-Energy Principle, the reduction in the Kinetic Energy of the Changing Magnetic Field (J) is equal to the Net Work performed on the Changing Magnetic Field (J).
  • 8. AND the magnitude of Kinetic Energy reduction (J) is equal to the magnitude of Energy Applied which is equal to the magnitude of Energy Created (J). Lenz's Law of Induction violates Newton's 1st Law of Motion and Newton's 3rd Law of Motion because the Force that changes the Inertia of the Changing magnetic Field is NOT an externally applied Force but rather it is an Internally Created Force. According to the Work-Energy Principle, the Energy which is required to perform the Negative Work during all Electricity Generation according to Faraday's Law of Induction and Lenz's Law of Induction is Electromagnetic Field Energy that is created at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level. 19) Law of Creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy in a Current Bearing Wire The Law of Creation of Electromagnetic Field Energy in a Current Bearing Wire states that, “Electromagnetic Field Energy is Created inside all Current Bearing Wires at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level when Loose Electrons return back down into their lower Energy Levels (Valance Orbits) around the Nucleuses of their Atoms. While returning to their Lower Energy Level Valance Orbits the Electrons emit Photons which create and constitute the Electromagnetic Field Energy around the Current Bearing Wire. This created Electromagnetic Field Energy has be harnessed to perform either Positive or Negative Work at Infinite Efficiency in all Electric Motors and Generators since 1820 and 1834 respectively” LAW OF CREATION OF ENERGY USE IN 1820 ALL Electric Motors since 1820 have be employed in order to perform Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency or Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency with Created Electromagnetic Field Energy depending on the Direction of the Applied Torque. LAW OF CREATION OF ENERGY USE IN 1834 ALL Electric Generators since 1834 have only ever been able to perform Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency VIA a Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created Electromagnetic Field Energy LAW OF CREATION OF ENERGY USE IN 2007 ALL Electric Generators since 2007 have been able to perform Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency VIA a Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy AND Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency VIA a Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created INSTANTANEOUS Electromagnetic Field Energy ALL Electric Motors since 2007 have been able to perform Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency VIA a Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy
  • 9. VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Conventional Electric Generator generating electricity at less than 100% efficiency, • Performing Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy decrease) at Infinite Efficiency via a Counter-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created and INSTANTANEOUSLY APPLIED Electromagnetic Field Energy. AND US Patented ReGenX Generator, and ReGen-X Quantum Motor innovations Generating Electricity and performing Positive Mechanical Work both at Infinite Efficiency, • Performing Positive Work (system Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency via a Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque with Created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy. 20) The Law of Creation of Energy as it applies in Lenz's Law of Induction: The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around all Current Bearing Wires is the Energy Source which is required in order to perform the Negative Work (Kinetic Energy reduction) at Infinite Efficiency in all Electricity Generation according to Lenz's Law of Induction, the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Creation of Energy. 21) The Law of Creation of Energy as it applies in Heins' Law of Induction: The created and Tme Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy around all Current Bearing Wires is the Energy Source which is required in order to perform the Positive Work (Kinetic Energy increase) at Infinite Efficiency in all Electricity Generation according to Heins' Law of Induction, the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Creation of Energy.
  • 10. 22) Heins' Law of Induction: “The Electric Current induced in a circuit due to a change in a Magnetic Field according to Faraday's Law of Induction when Delayed sufficiently in the Time Domain creates the Electromagnetic Field Energy in such a direction that it produces a Force or Complementary-Electromagnetic-Torque which actively physically assists the changing Magnetic Field that produced it.” 18) Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion 1820: Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “the created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire will perform Positive Work on another stationary Magnetic Field and will increase its Inertia.” 19) Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion 1822: Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “the created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire according to Faraday's Law of Induction will perform Negative Work on another moving Magnetic Field and will decrease its Kinetic Energy.” Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion and Lenz's Law of Induction are identical identical and interchangeable. 20) Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion 2007: Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “the created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire according to Faraday's Law of Induction when delayed sufficiently in the Time Domain will perform Positive Work on another moving Magnetic Field and will increase its Kinetic Energy.” Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion and Heins' Law of Induction are identical and interchangeable. 21) Thermal Work or Joule Heating Joule Heating is the physical effect by which the passing of Current through an Electrical Conductor produces Thermal Energy. This Thermal Energy is then evidenced through a rise in the conductor material temperature, thus the term “Heating” Joule Heating, also called Joule's Law, in Electricity, the Conversion of Electric Energy into Heat Energy by the Resistance in an Electrical Circuit. In Thermodynamics, Work is one of the Principal Processes by which a Thermodynamic System can interact with its surroundings and Exchange Energy. An Exchange of Energy is facilitated by a mechanism through which the system can spontaneously exert Macroscopic Forces on its surroundings, or vice versa. 22) Joule: Generally, all forms of Energy are measured in terms of Joules in the SI system. Notably, Heat is a form of Energy, and therefore the SI unit of heat is also Joules (J) which are defined as the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a given mass by one degree.
  • 11. 23) Kinetic Energy: The standard unit of Kinetic Energy is the Joule. Kinetic Energy (KE) is the Energy of Moving Matter. Anything that is moving has Kinetic Energy. The amount of Kinetic Energy in a Moving Object depends directly on its Mass and Velocity. Kinetic Energy can be calculated with the equation: KE = 1/2 Mass × Velocity^2 24) Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Principle: The change in the Kinetic Energy of a Body or System is Equal to the Net Work performed on the Body or System. 25) Kinetic Energy Increase or Decrease ALWAYS REQUIRES ENERGY: Energy is the capacity for doing Work. You must have Energy in order to perform Work. Energy is the “Currency” required to perform Work. In order to perform 100 Joules of Work (system Kinetic Energy increase or decrease) you must expend 100 Joules of Energy.
  • 12. PART 1 1820 Hans Christian Oersted discovers the Law of Creation of Energy and Formulates the First Law of Electromagnetic Motion Performs Positive Electro-Mechanical Work via Energy Creation at Infinite Efficiency and Thermal Heating of his Lab via Energy Conversion at 100% Efficiency In 1820 Hans Christian Oersted employed Electromagnetic Field Energy CREATION to perform Positive Work and change (increase) the Kinetic Energy of a compass needle while he also simultaneously performed Thermal Work when he used Electrical Energy to Heat Energy CONVERSION to perform Joule Heating of his lab. Oersted discovered Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion on that day and he violated Newton's 1st Law of Motion because the change in motion (Inertia) of the compass needle was being performed at Infinite Efficiency by internally created Electromagnetic Field Energy rather than external forces. Newton's First Law: Inertia Newton's First Law states that, “every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.” 100% of the Joule Heating conversion or Thermal Work performed in the Heating of his lab was performed via the Law of Conservation of Energy. 100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical movement of the compass needle was being performed via Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion and the Law of Creation of Energy. According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule, Joule's Law and the Work-Energy Principle the Electrical Energy to Heat Transfer Conversion was being performed at 100% efficiency. According to Newton's 2nd Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Kinetic Energy increase was being performed at infinite efficiency with created Electromagnetic Energy. Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion & the Law of Creation of Energy “The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire will perform Positive Work on another Magnetic Field and will increase its Inertia.”
  • 13. Oersted's Compass Needle Deflection Experiment of 1820 In Oersted's Compass Needle experiment of 1820, Oersted used created Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency on the compass needle and to increase its Kinetic Energy from an Initial Motionless State of zero Joules. The Positive Work (J) that was performed on the compass needle equaled the magnitude of Electromagnetic Field Energy Created (J). Positive Work was being performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy via the Law of Creation of Energy but no Electromagnetic Field Energy was being transferred, converted or absorbed. Thermal Work (J) was also being performed at 100% efficiency with Electrical Energy via the Law of Conservation of Energy where Electrical Energy was being transferred, converted into Heat Energy (J) and absorbed by Oersted's lab environment.
  • 14. PART 2 1822 Michael Faraday Confirms the Law of Creation of Energy and Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion Performs Positive Electro-Mechanical Work via Energy Creation at Infinite Efficiency and Thermal Heating of his Lab VIA Energy Conversion at 100% Efficiency In 1822 Michael Faraday also confirmed Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion, the Law of Creation of Energy when he also violated Newton's 1st Law of Motion. Faraday employed created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a rigid current bearing wire to perform Positive Work and change (increase) the Kinetic Energy (Inertia) of the wire suspended in a Mercury bath with an internally created Energy Force rather than an externally applied inanimate Force. Faraday also performed Joule Heating; Electrical Energy to Heat Energy Conversion in the Heating of his lab via the Law of Conservation of Energy. According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy the Electrical Energy to Heat Transfer (CONVERSION) was being performed at 100% efficiency. 100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical movement (Rotation) of the rigid wire around the permanent magnet submerged in the Mercury was performed via Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion and the Law of Creation of Energy. According to Newton's 2nd Law, the Watts Power Rule, the Work-Energy Principle the Electromagnetic Energy to Kinetic Energy increase conversion was being performed at infinite efficiency. Oersted's First Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire will perform Positive Work on another Magnetic Field and will increase its Inertia.” 1822 Michael Faraday builds the worlds first Electric Motor, confirms Oersted's 1st Law of Electromagnetic Motion, the Law of Creation of Energy, while violating Newton's 1st Law
  • 15. Faraday's Electric Motor Experiment of 1822 In Faraday's Electric Motor experiment of 1822, Faraday used created Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency on the rigid wire in order to increase its Kinetic Energy from an Initial Motionless State of zero Joules. The Positive Work (J) performed on the rigid wire equaled the magnitude of Energy Created (J). The Positive Work performed was being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic Field Energy. Positive Work was being performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy via the Law of Creation of Energy but no Electromagnetic Field Energy was being transferred, converted or absorbed. Thermal Work (J) was being performed at 100% efficiency with Electrical Energy via the Law of Conservation of Energy where Electrical Energy (J) was being transferred, converted into Heat Energy( (J) and absorbed by Faraday's lab.
  • 16. PART 3 1834 Michael Faraday Discovers 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion Re-confirms the Law of Creation of Energy and Emil Lenz Formulates 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion as Lenz's Law of Induction Performs Negative Electro-Mechanical Work via Energy CREATION at Infinite Efficiency and Thermal Heating of his Lab via Energy CONVERSION at 100% Efficiency In 1834 Michael Faraday employed created Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform Negative Work on an Electromagnetic Plunger and change (Decrease) its Kinetic Energy while simultaneously using converted Electrical Energy to Heat Energy to perform Thermal Joule Heating of his lab. 100% of the Joule Heating conversion Thermal Work performed in the heating of his lab was performed via the Law of Conservation of Energy. According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Electrical Energy to Heat Transfer Efficiency was being performed at 100% efficiency. 100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical Kinetic Energy reduction (deceleration) of the Electromagnetic Plunger was performed via the Law of Creation of Energy. According to Newton's 2nd Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Electromagnetic Energy to Kinetic Energy decrease was being performed at infinite efficiency. Faraday's 2nd Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire will perform Negative Work on another moving Magnetic Field and will decrease its Kinetic Energy.”
  • 17. Michael Faraday's Electric Generator Invention of 1834 Michael Faraday formulates Faraday's Law of Induction and Emil Lenz formulates Lenz's Law of Induction which is required to explain how created Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Negative Work (system Kinetic Energy reduction) at Infinite Efficiency during Electricity Generation according to Faraday's Law of Induction, Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work-Energy Principl, the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy.
  • 18. Faraday's Electric Generator Experiment of 1834 In Faraday's Electric Generator experiment of 1834, Faraday used created Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform Negative Work at Infinite Efficiency on the Electromagnetic Plunger. The Negative Work (J) performed on the plunger (Kinetic Energy reduction (J)) equaled the magnitude of Energy Created (J). The Negative Work performed was being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created Electromagnetic Field Energy. Negative Work was being performed with created Electromagnetic Field Energy via the Law of Creation of Energy but no Electromagnetic Field Energy was being transferred, converted or absorbed. Thermal Work was being performed at 100% efficiency with Electrical Energy via the Law of Conservation of Energy where Electrical Energy was being transferred, converted into Heat Energy and absorbed by Faraday's lab environment according to Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy.
  • 19. Lenz's Law of Induction explains how created Electromagnetic Field Energy has been performing Negative Work at Infinite Efficiency during all Electricity Generation since 1834 according to Faraday's Law of Induction, Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work- Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy.
  • 20. PART 4 2007 Thane C. Heins confirms the Law of Creation of Energy and Formulates Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion as Heins' Law of Induction In 2007 Thane Heins employed created Electromagnetic Field Energy to perform Positive Work on an electric generator's rotating magnetic field changing (increasing) its Kinetic Energy while simultaneously using converted Electrical Energy to Heat Energy to perform Thermal Joule heating of his lab. The generator's rotating Kinetic Energy increase was being performed by internally created Electromagnetic Field Energy rather than externally applied energy and Newton's 1st and 3rd Laws of Motion were violated. 100% of the Joule Heating conversion Thermal Work performed in the Heating of his lab was performed via the Law of Conservation of Energy. According to Ohm's Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Electrical Energy to Heat Energy Transfer was being performed at 100% efficiency. 100% of the Electro-Mechanical Positive Work performed in the physical Kinetic Energy increase of the generator's Rotating Magnetic Rotor was performed via the Law of Creation of Energy. According to Newton's 2nd Law, the Watts Power Rule and the Work-Energy Principle the Electromagnetic Energy to Kinetic Energy increase was being performed at infinite efficiency. Heins' 3rd Law of Electromagnetic Motion states that, “The created Electromagnetic Field Energy around a current bearing wire will perform Positive Work on another moving Magnetic Field at Infinite Efficiency and will increase its Kinetic Energy when delayed sufficiently in the Time Domain.”
  • 21. US Patented ReGenX Generator Innovation: Infinite Efficiency Electricity Generation and Motor Operation Reverses Generator Armature Reaction, EV Regenerative Braking, Reverses Lenz's Law of Induction with a Load Current Time Delay & Generates Electricity at Infinite Efficiency & Simultaneously Performs Positive Motor Work at Infinite Efficiency with Created and Time Delayed Electromagnetic Field Energy: Sine Wave Comparison of Conventional Electric Generator and Time Delayed ReGenX Generator/Quantum Motor
  • 22. Heins' Law of Induction explains how created and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy performs Positive Work at Infinite Efficiency during electricity generation since 2007 according to Faraday's Law of Induction, Ohm's Law, the Power Rule, Joule's Law, the Work- Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy and the Law of Creation of Energy.
  • 23. PART 5 How Electromagnetic Field Energy is Created at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron Level in every Current Bearing Wire 1) Free Electron Current Flow in a Wire: When an Electro-Motive Force is Induced in a Current Bearing Wire according to Faraday's Law of Induction, Free Electrons are caused to leave their Valence Orbit and cascade within the wire as Electric Current. 2) Electron Current Flow in a Wire and Joule Heating via CONSERVATION of Energy Some of the Electron's Kinetic Energy performs Thermal Work in the Joule heating of the wire according to Ohm's Law, Joule's Law, Watt's Power Rule, the Work-Energy Principle and the Law of Conservation of Energy. 100% of the Energy Conversion in the wire is Electrical to Heat Energy Conversion. 3) Electron Current Flow in a Wire and Electromagnetic Field Energy CREATION via Photon Energy Release When the disassociated Free Electrons return back to their original Lower Energy level Valence Orbit they emit Photons which create the Electromagnetic Field Energy around the Current Bearing Wire. 4) A Photon is the Energy Carrier of the Electromagnetic Force and is the Quantum Form (a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents of all Electromagnetic Radiation. Electromagnetic Fields (Electromagnetic Waves) are composed of two types of fields, Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields
  • 24. Propagation Of Electric and Electromagnetic Energy: Early scientists and many scientists today including most electrical engineers, still mistakenly believe that electricity is electrons flowing in a wire, much like water flowing in a hose where the Electromotive Force (Voltage) is the 'Pressure' that pushes Electrons through the wire against the wire's resistance. Electrical “Resistance” is NOT Physical Resistance in the Newtonian Mechanics sense but rather is an Electrical Energy to Heat Energy Conversion Coefficient which is always 100%. Electricity Propagation is actually Electromagnetic Radiation Propagation which is Electromagnetic Field Energy moving through Space as a Wave. Electrical Energy in a Current Bearing Wire is a special case in which the Energy is guided by the Atomic Composition of the Wire (Electrical Conductor) – or the ample abundance of Loose (Free) Electrons. The Electrical Energy is Internal to the Wire and is subject to the Law of Conservation of Energy (Energy Transfer via Joule Heating), Ohm's Law and the Watt's Power Rule. The Created Electromagnetic Field Energy which is delivered to the Load is External to the Wire and is NOT subject to the Law of Conservation of Energy. When we plug an appliance into the receptacle, the Electric Power delivered to the appliance does NOT actually "go through the cord", but is External Electromagnetic Field Energy being "guided" through Free Space by the Electron activity inside the power cord at the Sub-Atomic Quantum Electron level. When we “pay” for electricity we are actually paying for the Financial Cost associated with the Joule Heating of the Wires and the electrical components inside our appliances. The Electron Activity oscillating back and forth internally inside the Current Bearing Wire and the constant releasing of Photons creates the External Electromagnetic Field Energy around the Wire and in turn the Wire serves as a way of Directing the Electromagnetic Field Energy Wave to follow the Wire toward the desired destination. The Electron Movement inside the Current Bearing Wire is proportional in its magnitude to the magnitude of Electromotive Force (Electron-Motive Force or Voltage) being applied across the Wire. And the magnitude of the Created Electromagnetic Field Energy Wave around the Current bearing Wire is function of the magnitude of Electric Current (Electrons flowing inside the Wire) where: 1 Amp of Electric Current equals 6,280,000,000,000,000,000 Electrons moving past a specific point in one second. The Positive Mechanical Work that is being performed in all Electric Motors since 1822 is being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created and physically directed Electromagnetic Field Energy. The Thermal Work (Induction Heating) of every Electric Motor since 1822 is being performed at 100% Efficiency with physically directed Electron Kinetic Energy. The Negative Mechanical Work that is being performed in all Electric Generators since 1834 is being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created and physically directed Electromagnetic Field Energy. The Thermal Work (Induction Heating) of every Electric Generator since 1834 is being performed at 100% Efficiency with physically directed Electron Kinetic Energy. The Positive Mechanical Work that is being performed in all ReGenX Electric Generators since 2007 is being performed at Infinite Efficiency with created, physically directed and TIME DELAYED Electromagnetic Field Energy. The Thermal Work (Induction Heating) of every ReGenX Electric Generator since 2007 is being performed at 100% Efficiency with physically directed Electron Kinetic Energy.
  • 25. LAW OF CREATION OF ENERGY – HOW ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD ENERGY IS CREATED AT THE SUB-ATOMIC QUANTUM ELECTRON LEVEL IN ALL CURRENT BEARING WIRES . Thane C. Heins CEO, Potential +/- Difference Inc. “The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.” ~ Nikola Tesla