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Freshly Baked (Fresher’s Quiz)
Ashlesh Mangrulkar
Ashwin Kumar KS
Parminder Singh
Aditya Ganesh
Apoorv Kumar
Ritwik Ghosh
Dehit Garaga
Sonu Anand
By Ashlesh
Q1. Beelzebub is a name derived from a Philistine god, and later adopted by
Abrahamic religions as a major demon.
In Christian sources, Beelzebub is sometimes another name for the Devil, similar
to Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of hell.
However, he is most famously known by a name/title which he shares with a
1954 novel. Which novel?
Q2. In the early 20th century, in an effort to make reading about seeds interesting, the publishers
of mail order seed catalogues mixed in cartoons, jokes, and riddles throughout the crop and garden
These inserts were of desperately low quality and were known as ____ catalog jokes, and were
eventually simply called _____, which came to mean any failed attempt at entertainment. FITB
(either blank will do)
Q3.Silent Spring is a 1962 book by Rachel Carson, documenting the
adverse environmental effects caused by the indiscriminate use of
Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and
public officials of accepting the industry’s marketing claims
It directly led to a ban on a chemical compound, increased government
oversight of pesticides, and heightened public awareness of mankind’s
ability to damage the environment.
Which chemical compound?
Q4.The plot of the novel is derived from the outbreak of drought that occurs in a
village by the banks of Kaveri. The novel describes the transformation of the
protagonist, Raju, from a crook to one of the greatest holy men of India.
In extreme desperation, the municipal council decided to resort to rituals and prayer.
After fasting for several days, he goes to the riverside one morning as part of his daily
ritual, where his legs sag down as he feels that the rain is falling in the hills. The
ending of the novel leaves unanswered the question of whether he died, and
whether the drought ended.
Which novel, which is also the basis for a movie that was India’s entry to the Oscars?
Q5.During Caesar's occupation of the city in 48 BCE, he found himself in the Royal Palace,
hemmed in by the Egyptian fleet in the harbour. His soldiers set fire to his own ships while
trying to clear the wharves to block the fleet belonging to Cleopatra's brother Ptolemy XIV.
In 640 AD the Moslems took the city. The conquering general supposedly asked Caliph Omar
for instructions. The Caliph has been quoted as saying of the _____ holdings, "they will
either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they
are superfluous." So, allegedly, all the holdings were destroyed by using them as tinder for
the bathhouses of the city.
Library of Alexandria
Q6. The X were a group of English poets who all lived in the area shown in the image, in
the first half of the nineteenth century. As a group, they followed no single "school" of
thought or literary practice then known. They were named, only to be uniformly
disparaged, by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the Romantic
Answer : Lake Poets, From L-R William
Wordsworth, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor
Dracula Freshers’ Quiz 2019
By Ashwin Kumar K S and Apoorv Kumar
1. X, in an interview with Anurag Kashyap said that he was inspired by
Kamal Haasan’s 2001 film Aalavandhan. X reportedly said, ‘Yes, I saw
this Indian serial-killer film which showed violence as animated.’
Kamal Haasan commented on the interview saying: “When I did the
animation action sequence 12 years ago it was seen as self-indulgent
and odd by a lot of people. Now that it has been endorsed by a
filmmaker of such brilliance, critics will be kinder to some of the things
I attempt in my films.”
Who is X? And which film of X is being talked about here? [0.5+0.5]
• Answer follows…..
X – Quentin Tarantino; Film – Kill Bill
2. Housed across two buildings on the Films Division estate on Pedder
Road, Mumbai, the National Museum of Indian Cinema (NMIC) traces
the origins and development of moving images and cinema in India
from the early 19th century.
The museum has a gallery known as “Gandhi & Cinema” which houses
a statue of a seated Mahatma Gandhi intently watching clips from Vijay
Bhatt’s film Ram Rajya (1943).
For what reason was this specific film chosen for the statue by the
• Answer follows…..
Ram Rajya is the only film watched by Gandhi during his lifetime
3. The second most successful foreign film ever released in the Soviet
Union was the 1971 Mexican film Yesenia. Which 1951 film tops the list
with 100 million tickets sold?
• Answer follows…..
Q4. Doing this at Miramar Air Naval Station will get you fined $5. What
is the 'heinous' action I am talking about?
Ans. Referencing the movie "Top Gun"
Q5. This sequel film was released on file sharing sites by the director,
who states at the beginning of the movie, "In order to make sure that
every single person in the world who wants to see the movie has
access to stream or download it, we are uploading it ourselves to the
filesharing community." This film was uploaded to The Pirate Bay on
January 16, 2018, by the creators themselves for completely legal
download.Name this under-rated masterpiece.
Ans. The Man from Earth : Holocene (sequel)
Q6. Excerpts from a top IMDb review of this still 7.4 rated movie
X:"Two words to describe it.. awesome and hearth robbing. This movie
led to the development of Y Fan Club at IIT Kharagpur. What brilliant
action and tremendous screenplay !!(including random but dazzling
background change). This is sure to lure out the best of Newtonian
scientists out from their grave to reanalyze the natural laws which they
had flawed. This movie depicts how common men can reach heights of
wealth (like Y, who is a common dock worker, and his sister wearing
fancy micro-skirts and mini tops to a college located in the
mountainous terrains and Jungles) ...."Lore has it that a task during
ragging at IIT Kharagpur would be to watch and review the movie, and
mandatorily rate it 10 on IMDB. 69.4% ratings as on date still rate it 10,
which is also its median rating.Identify this 'cult' classic.
Ans. X - Gunda, Y - Mithunda
Q7. X lost the Oscar for Best Director to Sir Y, when X' A lost to Y's B in
1982, also for the Best Picture. In this movie C, X got to direct Y though.
However for that same year's Acacemy Awards it wasn't C, but X's
movie D won him the Academy Award for the Best Picture, as well as
the Best Director.Id A, B, C, D (movies) and X, Y (people).
Ans.A - E.T.B - GandhiC - Jurassic ParkD -
Schindler's ListX - Steven Spielberg Y - Richard
8. Warning by Y on this movie X's DVD pack:"If you are reading this
then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this is useless fine
print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do?
Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to
spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that
you give respect and credence to all who claim it? Do you read
everything you're supposed to read? Do you think everything you're
supposed to think? Buy what you're told you should want? Get out of
your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the
excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove
you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a
statistic. You have been warned... Y".Id X, Y.
Ans. X - Fight Club, Y - Tyler Durden
Anime/TV Series
By Aditya Ganesh
1. What is this in reference to?
X & Y are brothers from the Naruto universe. Their names come directly
from two constantly conflicting characters from Indian mythology.
However, these characters’ traits have been swapped with their
In Naruto, unlike in Indian mythology, X the older brother is naturally
talented but power hungry and ready to kill even comrades to become
more powerful. Whereas Y struggles and works hard to overcome his
limitations & become strong and wins the trust of people around him.
In our mythology, X refers to a specific person, while Y refers to a
collective term used for ‘beings’ of a certain kind.
2. ID X & Y
3. Identify the ‘Original’ Martial Art
4. Id the Band
‘Euphoria’ an American Teen drama stirred controversy after airing the
following scene, a figment of one of the character’s imagination
One Direction
5. What’s the phrase
____ ____ (both blanks are same) is defined by Merriam Webster:
boring or empty talk; often used interjectionally especially in recounting
words regarded as too dull or predictable to be worth repeating
Though this phrase had been in usage in the early 90’s, the 1997
Seinfeld episode titled the same brought this into very popular usage
through the 2000’s.
6. Name the Move
Variations of this move can be seen in many one on one knife battles;
For instance,
• Rey does it in the battle in Snokes Room in The Last Jedi
• Bucky uses it against the Cap in The Winter Soldier
But we all know this move from when Arya used it in one of the most
critical/iconic scenes from the 8th Season.
Hint: It’s an alliteration
Dagger Drop
7. ID X and Y
X is defined as a small human like creature, created artificially without the
involvement of a fetus.
The painting below depicts the creation of X,
which connects to a famous anime Y.
X- Homunculus Y- Full Metal Alchemist
Dracula Freshers’ Quiz 2019
By Sonu Anand
In 1963, Richard J. Daley Center architects tried to entice Pablo Picasso to create a
sculpture for the plaza in front of their proposed building. They wrote him a poem,
calling Chicago ‘a place waiting for a spirit, the spirit in a sculpture,’ and ending with the
question ‘will you do it?’ Armed with a scrapbook packed with Chicago photographs
and quotations about the city, they flew to France to appeal to Picasso in person. Their
efforts paid off. Picasso accepted, refusing the $100,000 he was offered, and assured
Chicago that his sculpture was a gift. Today, it is undoubtedly the most controversial
and famous public statues of Chicago.
What’s the title of the sculpture?
Robert Rauschenberg produced a 1953 work by using rubber erasers to rub out a
drawing that artist Willem de Kooning had given him for that purpose. What is the title
of this work?
Hint: The answer lies in the question
Frida Kahlo’s historic house museum and art museum located in Mexico is also
known as?
Hint: The picture
This painting by Marcel Duchamp inspired by an artistic movement in modern art. Its purpose was to
ridicule the meaninglessness of the modern world and was started as a reaction to the brutality of
World War I. Aiming to be irrational, nonsensical, and radical, this art form included everything from
collage to cut-up writing to poems made entirely of sounds. It influenced surrealism, pop art, and
punk rock. Which art form or art movement is this?
The famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci was based on a story from Greek mythology
about the lady named X, who was seduced by Zeus disguised as swan. As a result of this
‘romance’ she eventually gave birth to Helen (yes, that Helen, the cause of the Trojan War).
The painting is called ‘X and the swan’. What is X?
In October 1502, an extraordinary meeting of two Renaissance geniuses took place in
the fortress of Imola, in the province of Bologna. One was Leonardo D Vinci and other
was Niccolo Machiavelli. The meeting of Machiavelli and Leonardo was one of the most
fateful – and most enigmatic – events in Europe’s intellectual history. Neither man
spoke about in his notebooks, letters or diaries. But out of the brainstorming at Imola
emerged a project which was as momentous as it was daring: In order to vanquish the
rebellious Pisans, Leonardo was to design a plan of ______________ and thus deprive Pisa
of its life-giving source.
Name the soup brand and the artist whose iconic work is based on
An A-biz-mal Set
By Dehit
1. This elderly woman featured on this currency note was heiress to one of the
biggest brands in its category and the biggest stakeholder until her death in
2017. As of 2016, she was also the richest woman in the world. The brand was
founded when this Chemist called Eugene Schueller invented a hair colorant
formula in 1909. Which brand?
Ans. L’oreal
2. ‘Pisner’ was a new brand of beer made by a Denmark
Brewery in their attempt to make a recyclable beer.
What was unique about this beer?
Ans. Made of human urine (Pissssner)
3. Kanpur has become to be known as a hub to a
certain industry. Noga Einat from Israel tied up
with Rahman Industries of Kanpur. Today, Noga
Einat, is the oldest manufacturer and Rahman is
the largest exporter of which specialty products to
be used by people of what profession?
Ans. Defence Products for Army
4. Yaroslav Goncharov is the CEO OF X. What he developed
with a staff of 12 in a small office has made him a millionaire
overnight recently. X was acquired by Russia’s Google, Yandex
in a 38 million dollar deal.
What is X?
Ans. FaceApp
5. To which American artist who led an art movement
in his time is this quote attributed?
“What's great about this country is that America started
the tradition where the richest consumers buy
essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be
watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that
the President drinks Coke. Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and
just think, you can drink Coke, too.”
Ans. Andy Warhol
6. On 4 May 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then the MD of a
brewery, went on a shooting party in North Slob, Ireland. He
became involved in an argument over which was the fastest
game bird in Europe. That evening at Castlebridge House, he
realized that it was impossible to confirm from any reference
book. This incident led to the development of what? The
brewery’s storehouse is Dublin’s most popular tourist
Ans. Guinness Book of records
7. Muji is Japanese retail company that sells a wide variety of
household and consumer goods. It is distinguished by it’s design
minimalism, emphasis on recycling, avoidance of waste in production.
They also spend very less on advertising. What is unconventional
about these products which the company says it does for aesthetic
Ans. No logo; No branding
Music Round
By: Parminder Singh
• Marsha Hunt met Mick Jagger when The Rolling Stones asked her to pose
for an ad for "Honky Tonk Women", which she refused to do because in
her own words
"[she] didn't want to look like [she'd] just been had by all the Rolling
Jagger called her later, and their nine or ten-month affair began, but their
relationship was conducted mostly in private because their social scenes
were very different. This relationship inspired an iconic song which was
included in the Rolling Stones list of 500 greatest Rock songs of all time,
which song am I talking about?
• A’s manager, Giorgio Gomelsky, gave A the nickname “X” in early 1964. X
writes in his autobiography published in 2007:
• "On my guitar I used light-gauge guitar strings, with a very thin first
string, which made it easier to bend the notes, and it was not uncommon
during the most frenetic bits of playing for me to break at least one string.
During the pause while I was changing my string, the frenzied audience
would often _____
So, what was it that the audiences used to do which inspired this Legend’s
nickname X?
• Originally titled "Hitchhiker" and later "Cracker," this song dates back to at least 1988. It was written about an
incident in Tacoma, Washington involving the abduction and rape of a 14-year-old girl in August 1987. Gerald
Arthur Friend kidnapped the girl while she was leaving a rock concert, suspended her upside down from a pulley
in his mobile home and raped and tortured her with a blow torch. She managed to escape by jumping from his
truck at a gas station, attracting attention from surrounding people. Friend was later arrested and convicted for
his crimes. The addition made in the song was to have the victim fool the kidnapper into thinking she was
enjoying what he was doing to her, causing him to let his guard down long enough for her to escape. The song's
lyrics are written in first-person perspective.
• As the writer/singer himself explained
• "I don't feel bad about being a man at all. There are all kinds of men that are on the side of the woman and
support them and help influence other men. In fact, a man using himself as an example toward other men can
probably make more impact than a woman can."
• After an incident in 1992, he wrote in his album’s liner notes
• "last year, a girl was raped by two wastes of sperm and eggs while they sang the lyrics to our song X. I have a
hard time carrying on knowing there are plankton like that in our audience. Sorry to be so anally P.C. but that's
the way I feel."
• Which song am I talking about?
Answer4: Polly(Nirvana)
• This 44-year-old Swede turned Southern
Californian has been a major power behind the
throne to pop royalty, a record-business
Rasputin. He’s penned more No. 1 songs than
anyone besides the Beatles’ Paul McCartney
(32) and John Lennon (26). But despite
numerous awards, including a producing
Grammy, he’s stayed mostly out of the
limelight, his huge influence buried in liner
credits that the average fan rarely reads.
Having written/co-written 22 Billboard Hot
100 number-one singles(Mentioned in the
image) who is this enigmatic Music Producer?
Answer 4: Max Martin
• Name-dropping X dates back to the 1980s. Before 1981, ads of X were only in print magazines
such as Food & Wine and Cosmopolitan. But in 1981, The brand owner Heublein decided to reach
out to a new audience; they published a TV commercial in which one seemingly wealthy man asks
the other, “Pardon me, would you have any X?” “From then on, X became the condiment of choice
for rappers who wanted an easy rhyme that also illustrated the idea of status, luxury, and class.
Which is this two-word brand name that has appeared in songs such as
• "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar (2017)
• "Facts (Charlie Heat Version)" by Kanye West (2016)
• "Dance Off" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (2016)
• Hello" by Iggy Azalea (2011)
• "Funkin' Around" by Outkast (2002)
• "We Could Take It Outside" by Busta Rhymes featuring Flipmode Squad (1997)
• "Assassination Day" by Ghostface Killah (1996)
• "Eat the Rich" by Aerosmith (1994)
• "East Coast" by Das EFX (1992)
Answer 5: Grey Poupon
• It all went down on Feb. 28, 1970, when the band's scheduled
Copenhagen show hit a snag courtesy of X, who'd first clashed with them
the year before, when they had visited a Danish television show to tape a
performance. Already unhappy that someone else was making money off
her family name, X criticized the group for sounding like "shrieking
• Apparently she saw the LP cover of a/an ------- in flames and she
• With the threat of a looming lawsuit the band improvised and became the
Nobs for one night.
• Which legendary British band am I talking about?
• X made her musical debut recently on a single by the 1975. On a track called The 1975, a
version of which traditionally opens each of the British band’s albums.
• Over the 1975’s minimal orchestral backing, X says:
• “We have to acknowledge that the older generations have failed. All political movements
in their present form have failed. But homo sapiens have not yet failed. Yes, we are
failing, but there is still time to turn everything around.”
• She continues: “We are facing a disaster of unspoken sufferings for enormous amounts of
people. And now is not the time for speaking politely or focusing on what we can or
cannot say. Now is the time to speak clearly.”
• She concludes: “So, everyone out there, it is now time for civil disobedience. It is time to
• The proceeds from the track will go to Extinction Rebellion at X’s request.
• Id X.
Answer7: Greta Thunberg
• X is an American composer, conductor, and pianist. Widely regarded as one of the greatest American
composers of all time, he has composed some of the most popular, recognizable, and critically
acclaimed film scores in cinematic history in a career spanning over six decades. X has won 24 Grammy
Awards, seven British Academy Film Awards, five Academy Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards. With
51 Academy Award nominations, he is the second most-nominated individual, after Walt Disney.
• X has composed for many critically acclaimed and popular movies, including Jaws, Close Encounters of the
Third Kind, Superman, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Indiana Jones series, the first two Home
Alone films, Hook, the first two Jurassic Park films, Schindler's List, and the first three Harry Potter films.
He has also composed music for 4 Olympic games:
• 1984, Summer Olympics, Los Angeles
• 1988 Summer Olympics, Seoul
• 1996 Summer Olympics, Atlanta, Georgia
• 2002 Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City, Utah
• Who is this Legend?
• (Images on next slide)
Answer8: John Williams
By: Ritwik Ghosh
• Indian teenager Prithu Gupta recently became the 64th entry in a
particular list for India, which incited India’s 1st entry in the list to
tweet in exclamation that the set was now complete!
• What list? Who was the first entrant?
• India’s 64th GM – thus completing the chess board
• 1st GM – Viswanathan Anand
• Which temperamental cricketer is the only player to have won 2
world cups, with a gap of 2 world cups in between? As in he appeared
4 tournaments and won the 1st and the last ones he played in.
• This is a staggering record considering he played 4 world cups but
played only 76 ODIs over his international career, always being in and
out of his country’s ODI squad, before going on to coach yet another
team to the World Cup final, but faltering at the summit.
• Tom Moody
• Wins as Player – 1987, 1999
• Runner up as Coach - 2007
• On 22nd May, 2013, a certain memorabilia associated with a person
who retired just 3 days before that day, was sold on eBay for a
whopping £390,000 with all the proceeds going to charity.
• According to reports in the UK media, the said memorabilia was
somehow retrieved from The Hawthorns after being “disposed off”
following his final game before retirement against West Brom.
• Who is being referred to? And what memorabilia was auctioned off?
• Alex Bellos, math buff creat Loop, a Pool variant with whacky tables
and rules.
• Angles he says is important in this variant akin to the usual Pool game
but says that another important concept of math would help in
players potting frequency to increase in his variant of the game.
• Using the images that follow,
a) What is the use of the black dot on the table?
b) What is the specific shape that Alex Bellos has designed the table
• Ellipse
• Foci
• Some of the 17 odd disallowed naming conventions include:
1. Names consisting of more than 18 letters; spaces and punctuation marks count as
2. Names consisting entirely of initials. Ineligible example: F.B.I.
3. Names consisting entirely of numbers. Numbers above thirty may be used if they are
spelled out.
4. Names ending with a numerical designation such as "2nd" or "3rd," whether or not
such a designation is spelled out.
5. Names clearly having commercial, artistic or creative significance.
6. Names that are suggestive or have a vulgar or obscene meaning; names considered
in poor taste; or names that may be offensive to religious, political, or ethnic groups.
7. Names that appear to be designed to harass, humiliate or disparage a specific
individual, group of individuals, or entity.
• Naming of what in the world of sports?
• Jockey Club regulations for naming of Derby horses
• Town planning was an event in the early days of the Modern
Olympics. Of the four Games it was a part of, the only American to
medal was Charles Downing Lay for the redesign of the Marine Park in
• He was beaten to it by the March brothers and he didn’t expect to
win the silver at all, (in fact his model wasn’t even chosen by the
Brooklyn Parks Dept) until he was at the Reich Sports Field, Berlin for
the ceremony.
• For what did the March brothers win the Gold?
• Olympiastadion, Berlin, 1936.
• Murlikant Petkar was a private-jawan of the craftsman rank in the
Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) in the Indian
Army. He was disabled during the 1965 War against Pakistan,
sustaining severe bullet wounds, subsequently losing an arm.
• If a particular record/feat would be phrased in the proper way, Petkar
would be the person to hold the record and not a certain alumni of
the University of Colorado whose company is the sole proprietor of
Walther arms in India.
• What am I talking about?
• 1972, Paralympics, 50m freestyle Gold + WR
• For 16 years, the Rev. Brian Sietsema sat quietly next to Jacques Bailly,
just in case the indefatigable Bailly was somehow unable to fulfill his
• Due to the event’s new wild card program, the total number of
participants nearly doubled and hence Sietsema’s orthoepic skills
were brought to the fore as Bailly needed time to cool off.
• What is orthoepy?
• What was Brian Sietsema’s annual job for the past 15 years apart
from his vocational duties?
A8 – Scripps National Spelling Bee

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Dracula Freshers Quiz 2019-Finals

  • 1. Freshly Baked (Fresher’s Quiz) QMs: Ashlesh Mangrulkar Ashwin Kumar KS Parminder Singh Aditya Ganesh Apoorv Kumar Ritwik Ghosh Dehit Garaga Sonu Anand
  • 3. A LIT Set By Ashlesh
  • 4. Q1. Beelzebub is a name derived from a Philistine god, and later adopted by Abrahamic religions as a major demon. In Christian sources, Beelzebub is sometimes another name for the Devil, similar to Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven princes of hell. However, he is most famously known by a name/title which he shares with a 1954 novel. Which novel?
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Q2. In the early 20th century, in an effort to make reading about seeds interesting, the publishers of mail order seed catalogues mixed in cartoons, jokes, and riddles throughout the crop and garden book. These inserts were of desperately low quality and were known as ____ catalog jokes, and were eventually simply called _____, which came to mean any failed attempt at entertainment. FITB (either blank will do)
  • 8.
  • 10. Q3.Silent Spring is a 1962 book by Rachel Carson, documenting the adverse environmental effects caused by the indiscriminate use of pesticides. Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and public officials of accepting the industry’s marketing claims unquestioningly. It directly led to a ban on a chemical compound, increased government oversight of pesticides, and heightened public awareness of mankind’s ability to damage the environment. Which chemical compound?
  • 11.
  • 12. DDT
  • 13. Q4.The plot of the novel is derived from the outbreak of drought that occurs in a village by the banks of Kaveri. The novel describes the transformation of the protagonist, Raju, from a crook to one of the greatest holy men of India. In extreme desperation, the municipal council decided to resort to rituals and prayer. After fasting for several days, he goes to the riverside one morning as part of his daily ritual, where his legs sag down as he feels that the rain is falling in the hills. The ending of the novel leaves unanswered the question of whether he died, and whether the drought ended. Which novel, which is also the basis for a movie that was India’s entry to the Oscars?
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16. Q5.During Caesar's occupation of the city in 48 BCE, he found himself in the Royal Palace, hemmed in by the Egyptian fleet in the harbour. His soldiers set fire to his own ships while trying to clear the wharves to block the fleet belonging to Cleopatra's brother Ptolemy XIV. In 640 AD the Moslems took the city. The conquering general supposedly asked Caliph Omar for instructions. The Caliph has been quoted as saying of the _____ holdings, "they will either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous." So, allegedly, all the holdings were destroyed by using them as tinder for the bathhouses of the city.
  • 17.
  • 19. Q6. The X were a group of English poets who all lived in the area shown in the image, in the first half of the nineteenth century. As a group, they followed no single "school" of thought or literary practice then known. They were named, only to be uniformly disparaged, by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the Romantic Movement.
  • 20.
  • 21. Answer : Lake Poets, From L-R William Wordsworth, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
  • 22. Dracula Freshers’ Quiz 2019 By Ashwin Kumar K S and Apoorv Kumar
  • 23.
  • 24. 1. X, in an interview with Anurag Kashyap said that he was inspired by Kamal Haasan’s 2001 film Aalavandhan. X reportedly said, ‘Yes, I saw this Indian serial-killer film which showed violence as animated.’ Kamal Haasan commented on the interview saying: “When I did the animation action sequence 12 years ago it was seen as self-indulgent and odd by a lot of people. Now that it has been endorsed by a filmmaker of such brilliance, critics will be kinder to some of the things I attempt in my films.” Who is X? And which film of X is being talked about here? [0.5+0.5]
  • 26. X – Quentin Tarantino; Film – Kill Bill
  • 27. 2. Housed across two buildings on the Films Division estate on Pedder Road, Mumbai, the National Museum of Indian Cinema (NMIC) traces the origins and development of moving images and cinema in India from the early 19th century. The museum has a gallery known as “Gandhi & Cinema” which houses a statue of a seated Mahatma Gandhi intently watching clips from Vijay Bhatt’s film Ram Rajya (1943). For what reason was this specific film chosen for the statue by the curators?
  • 29. Ram Rajya is the only film watched by Gandhi during his lifetime
  • 30. 3. The second most successful foreign film ever released in the Soviet Union was the 1971 Mexican film Yesenia. Which 1951 film tops the list with 100 million tickets sold?
  • 32. Awara
  • 33. Q4. Doing this at Miramar Air Naval Station will get you fined $5. What is the 'heinous' action I am talking about?
  • 34.
  • 35. Ans. Referencing the movie "Top Gun"
  • 36. Q5. This sequel film was released on file sharing sites by the director, who states at the beginning of the movie, "In order to make sure that every single person in the world who wants to see the movie has access to stream or download it, we are uploading it ourselves to the filesharing community." This film was uploaded to The Pirate Bay on January 16, 2018, by the creators themselves for completely legal download.Name this under-rated masterpiece.
  • 37.
  • 38. Ans. The Man from Earth : Holocene (sequel)
  • 39. Q6. Excerpts from a top IMDb review of this still 7.4 rated movie X:"Two words to describe it.. awesome and hearth robbing. This movie led to the development of Y Fan Club at IIT Kharagpur. What brilliant action and tremendous screenplay !!(including random but dazzling background change). This is sure to lure out the best of Newtonian scientists out from their grave to reanalyze the natural laws which they had flawed. This movie depicts how common men can reach heights of wealth (like Y, who is a common dock worker, and his sister wearing fancy micro-skirts and mini tops to a college located in the mountainous terrains and Jungles) ...."Lore has it that a task during ragging at IIT Kharagpur would be to watch and review the movie, and mandatorily rate it 10 on IMDB. 69.4% ratings as on date still rate it 10, which is also its median rating.Identify this 'cult' classic.
  • 40.
  • 41. Ans. X - Gunda, Y - Mithunda
  • 42. Q7. X lost the Oscar for Best Director to Sir Y, when X' A lost to Y's B in 1982, also for the Best Picture. In this movie C, X got to direct Y though. However for that same year's Acacemy Awards it wasn't C, but X's movie D won him the Academy Award for the Best Picture, as well as the Best Director.Id A, B, C, D (movies) and X, Y (people).
  • 43.
  • 44. Ans.A - E.T.B - GandhiC - Jurassic ParkD - Schindler's ListX - Steven Spielberg Y - Richard Attenborough
  • 45. 8. Warning by Y on this movie X's DVD pack:"If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this is useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all who claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think everything you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told you should want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned... Y".Id X, Y.
  • 46.
  • 47. Ans. X - Fight Club, Y - Tyler Durden
  • 49. 1. What is this in reference to?
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52. X & Y are brothers from the Naruto universe. Their names come directly from two constantly conflicting characters from Indian mythology. However, these characters’ traits have been swapped with their namesakes. In Naruto, unlike in Indian mythology, X the older brother is naturally talented but power hungry and ready to kill even comrades to become more powerful. Whereas Y struggles and works hard to overcome his limitations & become strong and wins the trust of people around him. In our mythology, X refers to a specific person, while Y refers to a collective term used for ‘beings’ of a certain kind. 2. ID X & Y
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. 3. Identify the ‘Original’ Martial Art
  • 56.
  • 58. 4. Id the Band ‘Euphoria’ an American Teen drama stirred controversy after airing the following scene, a figment of one of the character’s imagination
  • 59.
  • 60.
  • 62. 5. What’s the phrase ____ ____ (both blanks are same) is defined by Merriam Webster: boring or empty talk; often used interjectionally especially in recounting words regarded as too dull or predictable to be worth repeating Though this phrase had been in usage in the early 90’s, the 1997 Seinfeld episode titled the same brought this into very popular usage through the 2000’s.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65. 6. Name the Move Variations of this move can be seen in many one on one knife battles; For instance, • Rey does it in the battle in Snokes Room in The Last Jedi • Bucky uses it against the Cap in The Winter Soldier But we all know this move from when Arya used it in one of the most critical/iconic scenes from the 8th Season. Hint: It’s an alliteration
  • 66.
  • 68. 7. ID X and Y X is defined as a small human like creature, created artificially without the involvement of a fetus. The painting below depicts the creation of X, which connects to a famous anime Y.
  • 69.
  • 70. X- Homunculus Y- Full Metal Alchemist
  • 71. ART Dracula Freshers’ Quiz 2019 By Sonu Anand
  • 72. Q.1 In 1963, Richard J. Daley Center architects tried to entice Pablo Picasso to create a sculpture for the plaza in front of their proposed building. They wrote him a poem, calling Chicago ‘a place waiting for a spirit, the spirit in a sculpture,’ and ending with the question ‘will you do it?’ Armed with a scrapbook packed with Chicago photographs and quotations about the city, they flew to France to appeal to Picasso in person. Their efforts paid off. Picasso accepted, refusing the $100,000 he was offered, and assured Chicago that his sculpture was a gift. Today, it is undoubtedly the most controversial and famous public statues of Chicago. What’s the title of the sculpture?
  • 73.
  • 75. Q.2 Robert Rauschenberg produced a 1953 work by using rubber erasers to rub out a drawing that artist Willem de Kooning had given him for that purpose. What is the title of this work? Hint: The answer lies in the question
  • 76.
  • 78. Q.3 Frida Kahlo’s historic house museum and art museum located in Mexico is also known as? Hint: The picture
  • 79.
  • 81. Q.4 This painting by Marcel Duchamp inspired by an artistic movement in modern art. Its purpose was to ridicule the meaninglessness of the modern world and was started as a reaction to the brutality of World War I. Aiming to be irrational, nonsensical, and radical, this art form included everything from collage to cut-up writing to poems made entirely of sounds. It influenced surrealism, pop art, and punk rock. Which art form or art movement is this?
  • 82.
  • 84. Q.5 The famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci was based on a story from Greek mythology about the lady named X, who was seduced by Zeus disguised as swan. As a result of this ‘romance’ she eventually gave birth to Helen (yes, that Helen, the cause of the Trojan War). The painting is called ‘X and the swan’. What is X?
  • 85.
  • 86. LEDA
  • 87. Q.6 In October 1502, an extraordinary meeting of two Renaissance geniuses took place in the fortress of Imola, in the province of Bologna. One was Leonardo D Vinci and other was Niccolo Machiavelli. The meeting of Machiavelli and Leonardo was one of the most fateful – and most enigmatic – events in Europe’s intellectual history. Neither man spoke about in his notebooks, letters or diaries. But out of the brainstorming at Imola emerged a project which was as momentous as it was daring: In order to vanquish the rebellious Pisans, Leonardo was to design a plan of ______________ and thus deprive Pisa of its life-giving source.
  • 88.
  • 90. Q.7 Name the soup brand and the artist whose iconic work is based on these.
  • 91.
  • 94. 1. This elderly woman featured on this currency note was heiress to one of the biggest brands in its category and the biggest stakeholder until her death in 2017. As of 2016, she was also the richest woman in the world. The brand was founded when this Chemist called Eugene Schueller invented a hair colorant formula in 1909. Which brand?
  • 95.
  • 97. 2. ‘Pisner’ was a new brand of beer made by a Denmark Brewery in their attempt to make a recyclable beer. What was unique about this beer?
  • 98.
  • 99. Ans. Made of human urine (Pissssner)
  • 100. 3. Kanpur has become to be known as a hub to a certain industry. Noga Einat from Israel tied up with Rahman Industries of Kanpur. Today, Noga Einat, is the oldest manufacturer and Rahman is the largest exporter of which specialty products to be used by people of what profession?
  • 101.
  • 103. 4. Yaroslav Goncharov is the CEO OF X. What he developed with a staff of 12 in a small office has made him a millionaire overnight recently. X was acquired by Russia’s Google, Yandex in a 38 million dollar deal. What is X?
  • 104.
  • 106. 5. To which American artist who led an art movement in his time is this quote attributed? “What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you can know that the President drinks Coke. Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too.”
  • 107.
  • 109. 6. On 4 May 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, then the MD of a brewery, went on a shooting party in North Slob, Ireland. He became involved in an argument over which was the fastest game bird in Europe. That evening at Castlebridge House, he realized that it was impossible to confirm from any reference book. This incident led to the development of what? The brewery’s storehouse is Dublin’s most popular tourist attraction.
  • 110.
  • 111. Ans. Guinness Book of records
  • 112. 7. Muji is Japanese retail company that sells a wide variety of household and consumer goods. It is distinguished by it’s design minimalism, emphasis on recycling, avoidance of waste in production. They also spend very less on advertising. What is unconventional about these products which the company says it does for aesthetic reasons.
  • 113.
  • 114. Ans. No logo; No branding
  • 116. Q1: • Marsha Hunt met Mick Jagger when The Rolling Stones asked her to pose for an ad for "Honky Tonk Women", which she refused to do because in her own words "[she] didn't want to look like [she'd] just been had by all the Rolling Stones." Jagger called her later, and their nine or ten-month affair began, but their relationship was conducted mostly in private because their social scenes were very different. This relationship inspired an iconic song which was included in the Rolling Stones list of 500 greatest Rock songs of all time, which song am I talking about?
  • 117.
  • 119. Q2: • A’s manager, Giorgio Gomelsky, gave A the nickname “X” in early 1964. X writes in his autobiography published in 2007: • "On my guitar I used light-gauge guitar strings, with a very thin first string, which made it easier to bend the notes, and it was not uncommon during the most frenetic bits of playing for me to break at least one string. During the pause while I was changing my string, the frenzied audience would often _____ So, what was it that the audiences used to do which inspired this Legend’s nickname X?
  • 120.
  • 122. Q3: • Originally titled "Hitchhiker" and later "Cracker," this song dates back to at least 1988. It was written about an incident in Tacoma, Washington involving the abduction and rape of a 14-year-old girl in August 1987. Gerald Arthur Friend kidnapped the girl while she was leaving a rock concert, suspended her upside down from a pulley in his mobile home and raped and tortured her with a blow torch. She managed to escape by jumping from his truck at a gas station, attracting attention from surrounding people. Friend was later arrested and convicted for his crimes. The addition made in the song was to have the victim fool the kidnapper into thinking she was enjoying what he was doing to her, causing him to let his guard down long enough for her to escape. The song's lyrics are written in first-person perspective. • As the writer/singer himself explained • "I don't feel bad about being a man at all. There are all kinds of men that are on the side of the woman and support them and help influence other men. In fact, a man using himself as an example toward other men can probably make more impact than a woman can." • After an incident in 1992, he wrote in his album’s liner notes • "last year, a girl was raped by two wastes of sperm and eggs while they sang the lyrics to our song X. I have a hard time carrying on knowing there are plankton like that in our audience. Sorry to be so anally P.C. but that's the way I feel." • Which song am I talking about?
  • 123.
  • 125. Q4: • This 44-year-old Swede turned Southern Californian has been a major power behind the throne to pop royalty, a record-business Rasputin. He’s penned more No. 1 songs than anyone besides the Beatles’ Paul McCartney (32) and John Lennon (26). But despite numerous awards, including a producing Grammy, he’s stayed mostly out of the limelight, his huge influence buried in liner credits that the average fan rarely reads. Having written/co-written 22 Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles(Mentioned in the image) who is this enigmatic Music Producer?
  • 126.
  • 127. Answer 4: Max Martin
  • 128. Q5: • Name-dropping X dates back to the 1980s. Before 1981, ads of X were only in print magazines such as Food & Wine and Cosmopolitan. But in 1981, The brand owner Heublein decided to reach out to a new audience; they published a TV commercial in which one seemingly wealthy man asks the other, “Pardon me, would you have any X?” “From then on, X became the condiment of choice for rappers who wanted an easy rhyme that also illustrated the idea of status, luxury, and class. Which is this two-word brand name that has appeared in songs such as • "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar (2017) • "Facts (Charlie Heat Version)" by Kanye West (2016) • "Dance Off" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (2016) • Hello" by Iggy Azalea (2011) • "Funkin' Around" by Outkast (2002) • "We Could Take It Outside" by Busta Rhymes featuring Flipmode Squad (1997) • "Assassination Day" by Ghostface Killah (1996) • "Eat the Rich" by Aerosmith (1994) • "East Coast" by Das EFX (1992)
  • 129.
  • 130. Answer 5: Grey Poupon
  • 131. Q6: • It all went down on Feb. 28, 1970, when the band's scheduled Copenhagen show hit a snag courtesy of X, who'd first clashed with them the year before, when they had visited a Danish television show to tape a performance. Already unhappy that someone else was making money off her family name, X criticized the group for sounding like "shrieking monkeys." • Apparently she saw the LP cover of a/an ------- in flames and she exploded! • With the threat of a looming lawsuit the band improvised and became the Nobs for one night. • Which legendary British band am I talking about?
  • 132.
  • 134. Q7: • X made her musical debut recently on a single by the 1975. On a track called The 1975, a version of which traditionally opens each of the British band’s albums. • Over the 1975’s minimal orchestral backing, X says: • “We have to acknowledge that the older generations have failed. All political movements in their present form have failed. But homo sapiens have not yet failed. Yes, we are failing, but there is still time to turn everything around.” • She continues: “We are facing a disaster of unspoken sufferings for enormous amounts of people. And now is not the time for speaking politely or focusing on what we can or cannot say. Now is the time to speak clearly.” • She concludes: “So, everyone out there, it is now time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel.” • The proceeds from the track will go to Extinction Rebellion at X’s request. • Id X.
  • 135.
  • 137. Q8: • X is an American composer, conductor, and pianist. Widely regarded as one of the greatest American composers of all time, he has composed some of the most popular, recognizable, and critically acclaimed film scores in cinematic history in a career spanning over six decades. X has won 24 Grammy Awards, seven British Academy Film Awards, five Academy Awards, and four Golden Globe Awards. With 51 Academy Award nominations, he is the second most-nominated individual, after Walt Disney. • X has composed for many critically acclaimed and popular movies, including Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Superman, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, the Indiana Jones series, the first two Home Alone films, Hook, the first two Jurassic Park films, Schindler's List, and the first three Harry Potter films. He has also composed music for 4 Olympic games: • 1984, Summer Olympics, Los Angeles • 1988 Summer Olympics, Seoul • 1996 Summer Olympics, Atlanta, Georgia • 2002 Winter Olympics, Salt Lake City, Utah • Who is this Legend? • (Images on next slide)
  • 138.
  • 139.
  • 142. Q1 • Indian teenager Prithu Gupta recently became the 64th entry in a particular list for India, which incited India’s 1st entry in the list to tweet in exclamation that the set was now complete! • What list? Who was the first entrant? •
  • 143.
  • 144.
  • 145.
  • 146. A1 • India’s 64th GM – thus completing the chess board • 1st GM – Viswanathan Anand
  • 147. Q2 • Which temperamental cricketer is the only player to have won 2 world cups, with a gap of 2 world cups in between? As in he appeared 4 tournaments and won the 1st and the last ones he played in. • This is a staggering record considering he played 4 world cups but played only 76 ODIs over his international career, always being in and out of his country’s ODI squad, before going on to coach yet another team to the World Cup final, but faltering at the summit.
  • 148.
  • 149. A2 • Tom Moody • Wins as Player – 1987, 1999 • Runner up as Coach - 2007
  • 150. Q3 • On 22nd May, 2013, a certain memorabilia associated with a person who retired just 3 days before that day, was sold on eBay for a whopping £390,000 with all the proceeds going to charity. • According to reports in the UK media, the said memorabilia was somehow retrieved from The Hawthorns after being “disposed off” following his final game before retirement against West Brom. • Who is being referred to? And what memorabilia was auctioned off?
  • 151.
  • 152. A3
  • 153. Q4 • Alex Bellos, math buff creat Loop, a Pool variant with whacky tables and rules. • Angles he says is important in this variant akin to the usual Pool game but says that another important concept of math would help in players potting frequency to increase in his variant of the game. • Using the images that follow, a) What is the use of the black dot on the table? b) What is the specific shape that Alex Bellos has designed the table on?
  • 154.
  • 155.
  • 157. Q5 • Some of the 17 odd disallowed naming conventions include: 1. Names consisting of more than 18 letters; spaces and punctuation marks count as letters. 2. Names consisting entirely of initials. Ineligible example: F.B.I. 3. Names consisting entirely of numbers. Numbers above thirty may be used if they are spelled out. 4. Names ending with a numerical designation such as "2nd" or "3rd," whether or not such a designation is spelled out. 5. Names clearly having commercial, artistic or creative significance. 6. Names that are suggestive or have a vulgar or obscene meaning; names considered in poor taste; or names that may be offensive to religious, political, or ethnic groups. 7. Names that appear to be designed to harass, humiliate or disparage a specific individual, group of individuals, or entity. • Naming of what in the world of sports?
  • 158.
  • 159. A5 • Jockey Club regulations for naming of Derby horses
  • 160. Q6 • Town planning was an event in the early days of the Modern Olympics. Of the four Games it was a part of, the only American to medal was Charles Downing Lay for the redesign of the Marine Park in Brooklyn. • He was beaten to it by the March brothers and he didn’t expect to win the silver at all, (in fact his model wasn’t even chosen by the Brooklyn Parks Dept) until he was at the Reich Sports Field, Berlin for the ceremony. • For what did the March brothers win the Gold?
  • 161.
  • 163. Q7 • Murlikant Petkar was a private-jawan of the craftsman rank in the Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers (EME) in the Indian Army. He was disabled during the 1965 War against Pakistan, sustaining severe bullet wounds, subsequently losing an arm. • If a particular record/feat would be phrased in the proper way, Petkar would be the person to hold the record and not a certain alumni of the University of Colorado whose company is the sole proprietor of Walther arms in India. • What am I talking about?
  • 164.
  • 165. A7 • 1972, Paralympics, 50m freestyle Gold + WR
  • 166. 166 Q8 • For 16 years, the Rev. Brian Sietsema sat quietly next to Jacques Bailly, just in case the indefatigable Bailly was somehow unable to fulfill his duties. • Due to the event’s new wild card program, the total number of participants nearly doubled and hence Sietsema’s orthoepic skills were brought to the fore as Bailly needed time to cool off. • What is orthoepy? • What was Brian Sietsema’s annual job for the past 15 years apart from his vocational duties?
  • 167. 167
  • 168.
  • 169.
  • 170.
  • 171. A8 – Scripps National Spelling Bee