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Dossier for UT Students as Technician University Superiors in Chemical Career


Task 1:   LANGUAGE AWARENESS – Topic: Live and Learn

Task 2:   LANGUAGE AND CULTURE - Topic: Taking care of Business

Task 3:   LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES - Topic: Then and Now

Task 4:   LANGUAGE TEACHING - Topic: Decision, Decision.

Task 5:   PLANNING AND EVALUATION - Topic: Let’s eat


Through the grapevine
UTSV      Task 1:

                    LANGUAGE AWARENESS

To revise and practice the present perfect to talk about life experiences

Have you been..? Has he gone ….? Who have gone to….? I haven’t…. that

                       Theme: LIVE AND LEARN

                                                              ENERO 2013

Table of Contents:

     ← Description of the area

     ← Description of class and course

     ← Topic

     ← Aims of the lesson

     ← Personal aims

     ← Procedure

     ← Conclusions

     ← Self evaluation

     ← Lesson plan

     ← Attachments

     1.   Description of the area

This area includes to Analysis of phonology, grammatical and lexical
        structures and use of related basic terminology, to link between linguistic
        competence and communicative competence, to target language description
        and appropriate terminology, language description being understood as a
        system of abstract elements, constructions, and rules, to awareness of
        language systems differences to application of this awareness to teaching and
        learning experience (i.e. analysis of learning materials)

   2.   Description of class and course

        This is a level 5 course. There are seventeen students between the ages of 19
        and 23, 6 male and 11 female. Five of the ladies like to talk and express their
        feelings in English. The other six ladies joined the class but they admitted that
        they do not like English and the male students joined the English course
        saying that they like English as any other of their subjects.

        The group meets on Tuesday mornings between 9:30 and 11:10 a.m. The
        course book is OpenMind 3. The reasons for joining the course were to
        accredited their English class but also communicate with friends abroad, for
        being able to have a normal conversation about their abilities, places, their
        lives in the past and their plan in the near future.

   3.   Topic – Live and Learn
   4.   Aims of the lesson

        1.To revise and practice present perfect.

        2.To revise and practice Yet and Already.

        3.To expand vocabulary relating to life experiences.

        4.To talk about things you have been doing lately.

        5.To ask for more information on a related topic.

        6.To discuss personal action plans.

5. Personal aims

7.To provide an interesting, lively lesson suitable for students.

      8.To balance and mix the grammar and communicative goals.

      9.To motivate and encourage the students to experiment with the language.

      10.To promote learning autonomy.

      11.To motivate and encourage the students to further more in their learning.

      12.To provide an interesting look back to their life experience.

6. Procedure

The topic of this chapter is LIVE AND LEARN (p.7 Unit 1) in which the students talk
about their life experience and past events reflecting on what their life has been so
far and including good and bad things. For the purpose of this lesson students
practice and use the present perfect in order to be able to communicate with each
other. They are given with both contextualize and frame grammar exercises. The
book is part of a variety of other resources used during the lessons. Some other
elements are digital presentations, flash cards and posters. As common agreement,
the professors decided to use equal methodology.

The first activity for the class is an ice breaker in which the teacher show some
pictures to the students attached with some quotes of famous people. Describing
what is life compared to a road or a trip. Then students make teams and talk about
which of the phrases and images best explain what life is after the group work they
have to share their opinion with all the class and at the end come up with one
opinion. After this activity comes the vocabulary. The teacher refers to the book (p.8).
Here Students have to look at some pictures and match some sentences in a box.
The new words are verb and activities so after they finish the teacher ask questions
related to the vocabulary. Students have to stand up and go around the classroom
asking who can do the activities. Then the teacher asks who can do what and close
this part of the vocabulary.

Now is time for a listening. Students go to page 8 from their books where they have
to listen and check the correct options for the ten things you must do before turn 30
but only the ones Tony has done so far students have the opportunity to listen up to
3 times before the teacher starts asking for the right options. After they answer they
have to ask each other from the list of things what they have done so far. After some
minutes the teacher asks some students about the things they have done so far. The
next part of the class is some grammar where students look at a chart with the rules
and examples of present perfect. Students take notes and ask questions. Now they
have to complete a written exercise. All together have to verify the answers and as
the exercise is a dialogue. Students role play the dialogue.

The next part of the class is a pronunciation practice in which students have to listen
between two different sounds and notice the change on every word. After they listen
they have to repeat and practice some sentences using the new sounds learned. The
next part of the class is a reading. The teacher presents some introductory questions
for the students. After they reflect and answer the questions they have to read and
find the main idea of every paragraph. The teacher must take some time to ask and
listen to their opinion about the text.

The next part of the class is a vocabulary practice where students must read a text
and check some works in the text after notice the words. They have to match them
with their correct definition and answer a written exercise. The teacher must move
around the classroom and check if the students have any questions relate to the text.
Once they finish they have to use the new words in sentences they make for this
purpose the teacher can make a “sentence chain” It is a group activity where
students make a circle and try to make a sentence using specific vocabulary. The
previous text talks about a practice and progress in activities so after the exercise
students set in a circle and ask what they can do to progress from an intermediate
level to an advance level. After this the students have to listen to a conversation
between two people who talks about their progress in tennis one is an intermediate
level and the other is an advance level. Students must make a list of the advice the
advance player gives to the other. Students get to listen 3 times the dialogue and
then the teacher checks the answers.

After the listening activity students sit in pair and answer some questions having the
opportunity to express their opinion. The teacher must move around the classroom
and listen to the students.

Finally students must read an email between two friends and tell why Melissa has not
written Sean lately. The text includes some sentences in present perfect mark on
bold. The teacher gives students some minutes to answer and then ask students why
Melissa has not written to Sean lately. After h He/She takes some participation. The
teacher asks them to look at a chart that includes the form of the present perfect.
After check and answer some questions students must complete a written exercise
using present perfect. The teacher must check and correct the exercise.

The homework, another consolidation task, was the home study exercises from
WORKBOOK (see p. 10 of workbook) and students are ask to write about one great
experience they have lived to be talked and presented for the next class. Teacher
encourages them to bring some pictures to have a better presentation.

8. Self Evaluation

I tried to make this lesson interesting and fun, providing material with colors and
images which would appeal to all learner types and promoting learner autonomy
wherever I could. I attempted to encourage the students to use the grammatical

structure as a communicative tool to help them complete the task in hand. However, I
have established that errors continue to be made and I intend to include exercises in
the future to practice this grammatical form.

9. Lesson Plan
T = teacher / S = students

  Phases of                                                                                          Time
                                                             Social    Media/ma        Aim of
  Learning                      Activities                                                           (min
                                                             Form       terials        activity

Icebreaker/     - The class watch some presentation and      --                      Set the         10
Introduction    answer some questions.                       group     Digital       communicat
to theme        - Groups share their opinion about this                presentatio   ive tone of
„What is life   topic and come to a conclusion.                        n             the class.
like“           - All the class share their opinion and
                decide what is the best definition of life
                showed in the presentation.                  -

                -S open their books on p. 8 and complete             -Student        -Present
                the chart with words from a box.             -       book            new
                - T ask students questions about the new     individ                 vocabulary      10
                vocabulary and ask them who can do           ual                     and practice
                what activities from chart.                                          proper
                                                             -                       pronunciatio
                                                             partner                 n

Listening       -S go to p. 8, listen and check the          -       -Student        -Talk about
                activities they have already done before     individ book            the things      5
                turn 30                                      ual     -Speakers       they have
                -S have 3 chances to listen and complete                             done in their
                the exercise                                 -                       life so far.
                -T check their answers with the class        plenar

Focus on       -S. check the chart on page 9 and             -                    - practice
Grammar        complete exercise C                           individ -Student     circumlocuti
               -T check the answers and S practice the       ual     book         on.             5
               dialog.                                       -                    -Study the
                                                             plenar               form of the
                                                             y                    the present
                                                                                  perfect tense
                                                                                  and practice

Focus on      -S. look at 2 phonetic elements. Listen        -                    -S. practice
Pronunciation and repeat.                                    plenar   -board      specific        5
              -T check the correct pronunciation and         y        -speakers   pronunciatio
              correct mistakes                                                    n

Reading        -T presents some introductory questions       -                    -S. practice
               before entering to the reading.               Indivi   -board      reading and
               -S. read and define in the text what is the   dual     -student    serch for       15
               main idea of every paragraph                           book        specific
               -T. ask and listen to their opinion           -                    information

Vocabulary     -S. read a text and match the new words       -       -Student     -drilling
practice       with their definition                         individ book         questions,
               -S. use the text’s vocabulary to talk         ual                  short
               about their experience                        -group               answers         15
                                                             -                    -vocabulary.
                                                             plenar               -reflect on
                                                             y                    and talk
                                                                                  about what
                                                                                  skills and

Conclusion   -T. asks S. write about their life              -       -            -Listen to
and          experience.                                     individ worksheet    specific        20
Evaluation   -S. listen and write a list of specific info.   ual     3            info.
             -S talk about what they can do to become                -student     - Follow up
             better                                          -       book         with a
                                                             plenar               conversation

Homework     -T. asks S. to complete                         -       -workbook    -speak about
task         WORKBOOK(p.10) and students write               individ -note book   personal
             about a great event in their life.              ual                  facts.
             - prepare a presentation for the next class                          -reflect on

10. Attachments

UTSV   Task 2:

                 LANGUAGE AND CULTURE

Topic: Taking care of Business around the world.

                           ←   Have / get something done

      ←   Sensitising students to different business cultural standards

                     ←   Using this/that/these/those adjectives

←   Learning vocabulary of words for evaluating services and products in
                                   different countries

JANUARY 2013                                                       UTSV

Table of Contents:

5. Description of the area

6. Description of class and course

7. Topic

8. Aims of the lesson

9. Personal aims

10. Procedure

11. Conclusions

12. Self evaluation

13. Lesson plan

14. Attachments

1.   Description of the area
This area will awareness of socio-cultural and intercultural aspects of
language use and language learning, dealing sensitively with difficult
classroom situations relating to intercultural differences, understanding
different backgrounds (therefore different study methods) of students, cross-
cultural communication, the students will notice how to get things done by
dealing with importat responsibilities and chores in intercultural situations. e.g.
work-related situations (phases as sorry, I can’t today. I have to take care of
business) and will put an application of this knowledge to the teaching

   2.   Description of class and course
 This is the same group as for the language learning proccess, This, material
 is designed for learners in a level 5 course. Most of the learners are students
 between the ages of 17 and 24, with some age exceptions. There are
 eighteen students between the ages of 19 and 23, 6 male and 12 female. Six
 of the ladies like to talk and express their feelings in English. The other six
 ladies joined the class but they admitted that they do not like English
 language to much and the male students joined the English course saying
 that they don’t dislike English but it’s not their favorite subject.
 This class is going to let students talk about getting things done, talk about
 small businesses, give their opinion about services and products in the
 different countries, regions or professional areas that they have been
 working, they will also talk about problems in their community which are
 similar to another communities in other countries or regions. At the end,
 learners will be able to understand and use the phrases have / get something
 done and they will also be able to evaluate salespeople, services and
 products. The book needed for this class is Open Mind 3 from Macmillan
 editorial; covering the unit 4, page 34-41.
The group meets on Monday mornings between 9:30 and 11:10 a.m. The
course book is OpenMind 3. The reasons for joining the course were to
accredited their English class but also communicate with friends abroad, for
being able to have a normal conversation about how they can get things done
by dealing with important responsibilities and chores and they often use polite
expression to reject some invitation, because they are too busy, and they also
notice the difference between how taking care of business and give their
opinion about service and products when people have different cultures and
As there are no new students this term and all know each other well, the
theme of other countries/other people is a great topic to get everyone talking
about different traditions and cultures.

   3. Topic - Taking care of Business around the world

4.   Aims of the lesson

-   To understand and use the phrases have / get something done in different
    countries or regions.
-   To evaluate slaespeople, services and products in countries which have
    different traditions and cultures.
-   To talk about unusual business people in different countries.
-   To consider cultural standards in different countries, using business
-   To find ways of turning problems into opportunities with different cultural
    standards in other countries.

5.   Personal aims

-   To take into account and incorporate into my teaching the educational
    experiences my students have had previously.
-   To provide for individual learner styles and strategies in my teaching.
-   To encourage my students to become critically aware of different cultural
-   To promote empathy with other cultures.

6.   Procedure
Before the lesson began, you wrote the topic “Develop technology in the
world” on the board and pasted some images with different technology objects
as tablets, smart phones and other objects that they’re used in different
countries. Then the professor walked around the group letting each student
take 1 flashcard, some students will have a card with a flag in it and they will
find the match with a technology development that occurs in that country. This
exercise was intended to awaken the students´ interest in the theme, which it
will do, and they quickly found their partners and sat down in pairs.

The next step was to complete the word wheels with things the groups
associated with their culture cards. They will have to find different technologies
objects that common people use in these countries. As professors we wanted
the students to initially reflect on their own culture and make a comparation
about other countries and Mexico. This is not always easy as we often see
and do things at an unconscious level, but it´s our cultural background,
experiences and values which make us see and do things in a certain way and
get things done by dealing with important responsibilities and chores. It was
interesting to see that all groups mentioned the usual stereotypes associated
with Mexico. Then they present those images to the rest to group and explain
the different technologies that are being developed in Mexico and in the
different countries.

I now spread out a list of chores that a personal maintenance center has to
do(p.39) and the students gathered around. I asked “What are the different
chores or responsabilities that you have to do at home or at your work?” There
were some very interesting observations and the students were reflecting on
similarities and differences to their own culture, using have/get something
done phrases. At this stage, I kept correction of the grammar element to an
absolute minimum, repeating what the student said, in the correct form, as part
of the conversation only where understanding would otherwise be difficult.
Thus the conversation flow continued smoothly and the students were not
inhibited in any way (Attachment 1).

The students returned to their seats and we looked at the grammar structure in
more detail with the help of the transparency (p. 39) I had also copied this for
the students as a grammar sheet, so that they could make notes or comments
as they wished. I tried to keep the rules and terminology simple. I didn´t want
the students confused and overwhelmed by difficult terms they couldn´t grasp
or understand. I also hoped that the use of different colours (have / get) to
demonstrate how the two tenses are formed would help students understand
and remember the rules.

For the next exercise the students worked in pairs, asking each other about
some differences between how things have or get done at home, normal
chores or activities. Here the students recognised the importance of “adapting”
themselves to different cultural or tradition situations. One said he “I am having
my house painted or we had this sculpture done by a local artist, etc” to make
it easier for both sides to communicate. All agreed that it is important to find
out something about the country and people and understand what different
ways to do things, chores or activities. They had all experienced “cultural
otherness” and had compared this experience with matters usually taken for
granted in their own culture at home.

To conclude I asked the students to discuss in groups which of these activities
or chores are “most common done” in their houses and why they had read
different traditions which are not typical for them. Here we determined that
culture is not just something concerned with different countries, but also
different groups of people.

   7.   Conclusions
I believe that this lesson encourage our students to know different cultural
attitudes referring to responsibilities, chores and business, and it also improve
in them patient, tolerance and respect on their own culture. I also like be
spontaneous with my students and why even play a STOP game, where they
need to run and have fun, but they will learn about different countries and their
cultures using the grammar “have/get something done” and they talk about
different way to deal with different countries, they will learn vocabulary about it.

   8.   Self Evaluation

I tried to make this lesson different from the rest. Joining in these activities,
and hearing the students´ comments, made me reflect on my own cultural
attitudes and made me aware of the importance of developing the
competences necessary for intercultural interaction and dialogue.

9.    LESSON PLAN “Culture”
T = teacher / S = students

 Phases of           Activities                                   Social      Media/materia      Aim of activity          Ti
 Learning                                                         Form        ls                                          me
                     -Before lesson begins, T. writes theme                   -board             -engage students in
 Engage              different countries/different cultures on    -group      - sets of cards    topic.
 Students:           board.                                                   with county        - introduce theme.
 Introduction to     - S. divided into groups of 3 or 4 with                  names and flags    -S. reflect on culture   10
 theme:              county cards.                                            - Workbook 4       in own country.
 “different               - Each group flashcard                              - coloured pens,
 countries/differe   - Groups make a search about the                         scissors           -S.use clothing
 nt cultures“.       country on the card and match with their                                    vocabulary,
 (Reflecting on      technology development                       -plenary                       comparatives and
 own culture)        - Discuss results in plenary                                                superlatives to
                                                                                                 describe it.
                                                                                                 -S. reflect on
                     -T. places pictures of other countries on                                   life/people in other
 Pre-teach           central desk.                                                               countries and
 grammar:                  - T. asks S. “how things are                                          acknowledge              10
 (comparing                                                       -plenary                       similarities and
                                done in your house? what
 cultures)                                                                                       differences.
                                did you notice about the
                                country and how people
                                                                              structure (p.      -T. explains grammar
                                done things?
                                                                              39)                structure
                     -S. relate observations.
                                                                              -grammar sheet     -S. revise structure
                                                                                                 and ask questions if
                     -T/S see and comment grammar
                                                                                                 -S. practice and use
                     structure in more detail with the help
                                                                                                 phrases as have/get
                     of the transparency.
 Present                                                                      -student book      something done.          10
 Grammatical                                                      -plenary    (p.39)             -S. talk about
                     -In pairs using have/get something done,
 Structure                                                                                       differences with other
                     S. ask each other questions about a
                     country visited (on holiday, business,
                                                                                                 -S. reflect on and
                     etc.) and a person/people they met there.
                                                                                                 evaluate their
                     -Most interesting discuss in plenary.
 Grammar                                                                                         behaviour and
 Practice                                                                                        response to cultural
 have/get                                                                                        situations and           25
                     -In groups S. discuss if these actions are
 something done                                                                                  encounters.
                     “normal practice” in their culture
                     -S. discuss why they perhaps chores or
 intertercultural                                                 - plenary                      -S. practice have/get
                     tradition which were “not normal” for
 competence)                                                                  - Student’s        something done
                                                                              book (p.39)        -encourage awareness
 Grammar                                                                                         and evaluation of own
 Comparatives                                                                                    culture and other
 and superlatives                                                 -plenary                       cultures.
 Conclusion:                                                                                      -S. develop empathy     20
 (Reflect on                                                                                     with other cultures.
 cultural                                                                                        -develop critical
 differences and                                                  -groups                        cultural awareness,
 similarities)                                                                                   evaluating own and
                                                                  -plenary                       other cultures.


10. Attachments

Task 3                                      January 2013


         To learn used to and too / either, so / neither

                    Theme: Then and Now


Table of Contents:

   1. Description of the area

   2. Description of class and course

   3. Topic

   4. Aims of the lesson

   5. Personal aims

   6. Procedure

   7. Conclusions

   8. Self evaluation

   9. Lesson plan

   10. Attachments

September 2012

1.   Description of the area

This area covers the needs that a learner requires when learning a language. It is
focused on correcting mistakes, and provides a social background where the learner
is able to learn by being autonomous, and using his/her own learning style. Thus,
students are going to be able to create their own learning strategies in order to
improve the learning process.

2.   Description of class and course
This, material is designed for learners in a level 5 course. Most of the learners are
students between the ages of 17 and 24, with some age exceptions.

This class is going to let students understand main ideas in a conversation, and talk
about previous experiences and their present. The main purpose is to make use of
the used to and too / either and so / neither. At the end, learners have to be
proficient to express past ideas and in a present time. The book needed for this
class is Master mind 1 from Macmillan editorial; covering the unit 2, page 17-26.

3.   Topic - Used to

4.   Aims of the lesson
     -   Student can use used to to talk about the past.
     -   Student can use too, either, so and neither to express agreement.
     -   Student can put multiple adjectives in the correct order.
     -   Student can talk about memories connected to the senses.
     -   Student can read and understand a simple academic text.
     -   Student can identify emotion and attitude in people’s voices.
     -   Student can prepare and evaluate a short presentation.

5.   Personal aims

     -   To let learners to be aware of past contexts where they could interact.
     -   To let students establish communication patterns where they could make use
         of the simple past tense.
     -   To motivate and encourage the students to experiment with the language.
     -   To promote learner autonomy.

6.   Procedure
     The utsv is focused on communicative approach development; which is achieved
     through a constant interaction between students. This topic is focused in the unit
     2, “Then and now” (p. 17). In this section learners have to make use of describing
     possession. They also have to talk about childhood memories and simulates with
     other people and giving feedback on a presentation.

     The first exercise is an icebreaker. Encourage the students to think back to when
     they were children: what they liked to do, the friends they had, what they didn’t
     like, etc. Ask to the students to look at the pictures. Give them a moment to study
     the situations. Put the students in pairs and ask them to talk about what the
     children are doing in each of the pictures (attachment) , example, Picture 1, the
     little girl is holding into her mother. Ask to the students to describe the personality
     of the child shown in each picture. Elicit adjectives to describe each one.

     The next activity is in the book (p.18). Here the learners are going to practice and
     complete the conversation with the correct forms of used to. They have to read a
     small text where they have to infer the grammar structure used to. After
     understanding the structure they have to identify in the text this grammar point.
     After they finish, it is necessary a full review of the exercises in the page in order
     to correct mistakes and clarify questions and doubts.

     Once all the doubts are covered, the learners have to get together in pairs. They
     are going to talk about what they used to look like and things you used to do
     when they were 15 years old. By pair can work in a worksheet name “
     Experience scavenger hunt” (Attachments, Worksheet 1), each pair take a chart
     and take turns asking each other questions and having short conversation. Make
     notes of the answers. Tell the rest of your class about your partner’s answers and
     write in your notebook your partner’s answer in complete sentences.

     Students have to learn new vocabulary; they are going to remember some
     activities that they used to do in the past and they will remember their expirences.

They will notice that they lives have changed in a positive way. To finish this
     subject, write in the whiteboard the question “Why did I decided to change my
     life?” and discuss in class and make the student to reflect how their lives have
     changed and how they made those changes possible.

     Finally, there is going to be a quick review about the class and a conclusion
     about the topic.

7.   Conclusions

     Personally, I consider this topic one of the most important because it is
     necessary to understand and make to students to reflect the changes that they
     have had in their lives. I consider that these activities are helpful to let students
     realize about the knowledge and the experience that they posses already, then
     they acquire more knowledge (vocabulary) and notice the positive changes that
     they have made in their personal and professional lives. Finally they have to use
     that new knowledge. In the end, they are going to learn progressively, and they
     are going to notice it.

8.   Self Evaluation

     The main objective of all the lessons is having a communicative approach, for
     this reason it is important that learners interact between them. Activities have to
     be different, interesting, and valuable for the students. Grammar is boring for
     most of the students; so, the grammar activities have to be joyful and related to
     the daily life, otherwise they are going to forget it and dispose the information.
     Interaction with the learners has to be taken into account. No matter the topic, it
     is important to provide confidence to them, so they could feel eager to interact
     and make questions when necessary. Students will take into account and
     incorporate into my teaching the educational experiences that they have had
     previously. As professors will provide for our students individual learner styles
     and strategies in the teaching. We shouldn’t forget to give our students feedback
     on their language competence in an appropriate and helpful way, taking into
     account the state of language development they are as well as the stage aim we
     are trying to achieve in a particular stage of a lesson.

9.   Lesson Plan
T = teacher / S = students

Phases of      Activities                                  Social    Media/ma      Aim of           Ti
Learning                                                   Form      terials       activity         me

Icebreaker/    - S. Think back to when they were           --                      - To introduce   10
remember       children: what they liked to do, the group            -Pictures /   the topic.
expirences     friends they had, what they didn’t                    flashcards    -to elicit
               like, etc.                                                          vocabulary
               - T. Ask to the students to look at                                 already known.
               the pictures.
               - T. Give them a moment to study
               the situations. Put S in pairs and
               ask them to talk about what the
               children are doing in each of the
Extension of
theme          -S. turn to p. 18 of their book.            -         -course       - To identify    40
                    T. explains that S. are going to       individ   book          the structure
                      practice and complete the            ual       -             used to.
                      conversation with the                          attachment    -remember
                      correct forms of used to.                                    their
                                                           -group                  experience in
                     - S. have to read a small text
                                                                                   their past.
                       where they have to infer the                                -reading a
                       grammar structure used to.          -                       paragraph and
                       After understanding the             individ                 learn new
                       structure they have to              ual                     vocabulary.
                       identify in the text this           -
                       grammar point. when they            Group
                       have finished it.                   -Pairs
               -S. compare the information they
               understood, and infer the structure
               requested. T. solves doubts and questions
               and clarifies the information.
               -S. have to complete the rest of the
               activities of the page
               - T. answers S. questions and doubts.

Personalisatio -S. have to work in pairs, S. are going   -group   - None   -Talk about       15
n              to talk about what they used to                             past
               look like and things you used to do                         experiences.
               when they were 15 years old.                                - Provide
               -T. has to provide a conclusion of the                      feedback of the
               class (Feedback)                                            lesson

10. Attachments

Icebreaker pictures



UTSV         Task 2:
                               LANGUAGE TEACHING

                                 Topic: Buying power

Class project make a presentation about how people make money and what is the part
of publicity and advertising in that process. Include your future plans for making money
and mention the importance of finances for you.


Table of Contents:

       1. Description of the area

       2. Description of class and course

       3. Topic

       4. Theme and motivation

       5. Aims of the project

       6. Planning

       7. Procedure

       8. Conclusions

       9. Evaluation of the project and self-evaluation

       10. Lesson plans and attachments

                         Task 4: LANGUAGE TEACHING

1.Description of the area
      This area includes Selection of appropriate methods to suit learning and teaching
      objectives, evaluation, selection and adaptation of teaching and learning
      materials to suit the aims of the lesson, evaluation of language learning tasks,
      use of media, definition of teacher's and learners' role in a learner-centered
      approach, use of target language versus lingua franca for instructions and
      explanations and classroom management

2. Description of class and course

      This course is a B1 course. Where students will be able to talk about advertising
      and ads, ask for help and expressing shopping preferences. This course will help
      to face situations in which they have to make complaints and persuading others.
      The focus on form includes indirect questions and the distinction between the
      use or articles and no articles. Students learn vocabulary about problems and
      solutions with products and online shopping.

3. Topic: Buying power

4. Theme and motivation

      The motivation for this course is self explanatory. We live in a world where
      buying products and being always with the latest advance in technology is a
      priority and every now and then bad products make us go back to the store and
      complain. As much as this situation could look remote it is real and possible.
      Students will be ready to face scenarios like these and use the proper register to
      communicate and convince. This is an advance class so the conversation and
      simulations develop with a certain pace that make the communicative context
      more realistic.

5. Aims of the lesson

     -   Recognize the use of articles and the absence of them
     -   Being able to use indirect questions
     -   Learn specific vocabulary to talk about problems with products
     -   Identify different kinds of advertising
     -   Distinguish between the phonetic differences of a long i sound and a short I
     -   Simulate a shopping online situation.
     -   listen to and understand details in a life story
     -   Increase vocabulary.
     -   Correct issues in the pronunciation.
     -   Developing autonomous learning and self-awareness

6. Personal aims

     13.Provide an interesting, lively lesson students will enjoy.

     14.To motivate students to present and talk about people who they admired.

     15.To explain the structure in simple steps that the students understand and can
         easily employ.
     16.To motivate and encourage the students to experiment with the language.

     17.To promote learner autonomy.

     18.To promote learners to study about important events in their lives.

7. Procedure

Students start the chapter 3 from page 27 of their book. For this chapter students
are required to have some experience on shopping whereas on stores or online if
not they should ask some friends or family to talk about these situations. Most of
the students who get to these levels stick together which brings to the class a
great deal of camaraderie and proper working atmosphere. At this point students
have a lower charge of grammar and they are push to overcome their plateau in
all the other phases.
For the first activity the teacher show some pictures to the students in order to set
the topic on course. For this class the picture is about New York downtown with
its huge buildings and colorful advertisings. Students are asked about the very
first thing they notice on the pictures and the advertisings are quickly remarked.
Now the teacher can ask how important publicity is these days. This part of the
class could be done with real pictures or digital pictures. After they have a
chance to participate they are sit in small groups and talk about their own towns
or city. The teacher must lead the conversation to talk about advertising.
The second part of the class is language in context where students will read a
text form page 28 and find the sentences where articles are needed and the
sentences where they are not needed as well as the information n the text. After
talk about the content in the text students are asked to fill a chart with the rules of
the use of articles. The next exercise is a practice where they have to define if
the sentence needs an article or not.
The next step is clarify the meaning of new vocabulary through the use of
different means and we are able to check our students have understood (p.110)
with this vocabulary we can manage the class effectively in a wide variety of
context taking into consideration the learnes’ needs and level of the language
competence as well as mixed abilities.
The next step of the class is the phonetic practice where the students have to
listen and discriminate two kinds of sound the long I sound and the short I sound.
Students listen to some words and they have to tell which sound is which if they
show some difficulties the teacher can lead them to find out the right answer.
Then they have to practice the pronunciation of every sound.
For the last part of the class students check some sentences of referring to
people complaining on stores about some products. After practicing the
pronunciation and clarifying doubts students perform a role play where one of the
students play the part of a sales person and the other play the part of the
unhappy costumer. The objective of each is to persuade the other and for this
they have to use the previous vocabulary and expressions. Every team performs
and the others listen and take notes to ask or give their opinion. Then the other
groups play the role and so on.

7. Conclusions

I think this lesson encouraged students become more assertive and yet polite
        when they have to complain about something. They are also aware of the
        economic world that lies behind a simple process as a purchase. It is also a good
        exercise for the to express their negative opinion about something with out
        compromising politeness.

        8. Self Evaluation

        I try to do this lesson authentic by using pictures in a language classroom, give
        students difficult classroom situations, encouraging and motivating the students
        to learn and use the language and I also incorporate learning task and activities
        which encourage and facilitate learner autonomy and take into account learners’
        learning styles and cultural expectations.

  Phases of                                                                                          Time
                                                             Social    Media/ma        Aim of
  Learning                      Activities                                                           (min
                                                             Form       terials        activity

Icebreaker/     - The class watch some presentation and      --                      Set the         10
Introduction    answer some questions.                       group     Digital       communicat
to theme        - Groups share their opinion about this                presentatio   ive tone of
„What is life   topic and come to a conclusion.                        n             the class.
like“           - All the class share their opinion and
                decide what is the best definition of life
                showed in the presentation.                  -

                -S open their books on p. 8 and complete             -Student        -Present
                the chart with words from a box.             -       book            new
                - T ask students questions about the new     individ                 vocabulary      10
                vocabulary and ask them who can do           ual                     and practice
                what activities from chart.                                          proper
                                                             -                       pronunciatio
                                                             partner                 n

Listening       -S go to p. 8, listen and check the          -       -Student        -Talk about
                activities they have already done before     individ book            the things      5
                turn 30                                      ual     -Speakers       they have
                -S have 3 chances to listen and complete                             done in their
                the exercise                                 -                       life so far.
                -T check their answers with the class        plenar

Focus on       -S. check the chart on page 9 and             -                    - practice
Grammar        complete exercise C                           individ -Student     circumlocuti
               -T check the answers and S practice the       ual     book         on.             5
               dialog.                                       -                    -Study the
                                                             plenar               form of the
                                                             y                    the present
                                                                                  perfect tense
                                                                                  and practice

Focus on      -S. look at 2 phonetic elements. Listen        -                    -S. practice
Pronunciation and repeat.                                    plenar   -board      specific        5
              -T check the correct pronunciation and         y        -speakers   pronunciatio
              correct mistakes                                                    n

Reading        -T presents some introductory questions       -                    -S. practice
               before entering to the reading.               Indivi   -board      reading and
               -S. read and define in the text what is the   dual     -student    serch for       15
               main idea of every paragraph                           book        specific
               -T. ask and listen to their opinion           -                    information

Vocabulary     -S. read a text and match the new words       -       -Student     -drilling
practice       with their definition                         individ book         questions,
               -S. use the text’s vocabulary to talk         ual                  short
               about their experience                        -group               answers         15
                                                             -                    -vocabulary.
                                                             plenar               -reflect on
                                                             y                    and talk
                                                                                  about what
                                                                                  skills and

Conclusion   -T. asks S. write about their life              -       -            -Listen to
and          experience.                                     individ worksheet    specific        20
Evaluation   -S. listen and write a list of specific info.   ual     3            info.
             -S talk about what they can do to become                -student     - Follow up
             better                                          -       book         with a
                                                             plenar               conversation

Homework     -T. asks S. to complete                         -       -workbook    -speak about
task         WORKBOOK(p.10) and students write               individ -note book   personal
             about a great event in their life.              ual                  facts.
             - prepare a presentation for the next class                          -reflect on


      Second Conditional

        Hope and Wish

  Theme: Decisions, Decisions


Table of Contents:

   1. Description of the area

   2. Description of class and course

   3. Topic

   4. Aims of the lesson

   5. Personal aims

   6. Procedure

   7. Conclusions

   8. Self evaluation

   9. Lesson plan

   10. Attachments


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  • 1. Dossier for UT Students as Technician University Superiors in Chemical Career CONTENTS Task 1: LANGUAGE AWARENESS – Topic: Live and Learn Task 2: LANGUAGE AND CULTURE - Topic: Taking care of Business Task 3: LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES - Topic: Then and Now Task 4: LANGUAGE TEACHING - Topic: Decision, Decision. Task 5: PLANNING AND EVALUATION - Topic: Let’s eat Task 6: Group Project - SELF-ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Through the grapevine
  • 2. UTSV Task 1: LANGUAGE AWARENESS To revise and practice the present perfect to talk about life experiences Have you been..? Has he gone ….? Who have gone to….? I haven’t…. that yet? Theme: LIVE AND LEARN ENERO 2013
  • 3. UT Table of Contents: ← Description of the area ← Description of class and course ← Topic ← Aims of the lesson ← Personal aims ← Procedure ← Conclusions ← Self evaluation ← Lesson plan ← Attachments 1. Description of the area 3/64
  • 4. This area includes to Analysis of phonology, grammatical and lexical structures and use of related basic terminology, to link between linguistic competence and communicative competence, to target language description and appropriate terminology, language description being understood as a system of abstract elements, constructions, and rules, to awareness of language systems differences to application of this awareness to teaching and learning experience (i.e. analysis of learning materials) 2. Description of class and course This is a level 5 course. There are seventeen students between the ages of 19 and 23, 6 male and 11 female. Five of the ladies like to talk and express their feelings in English. The other six ladies joined the class but they admitted that they do not like English and the male students joined the English course saying that they like English as any other of their subjects. The group meets on Tuesday mornings between 9:30 and 11:10 a.m. The course book is OpenMind 3. The reasons for joining the course were to accredited their English class but also communicate with friends abroad, for being able to have a normal conversation about their abilities, places, their lives in the past and their plan in the near future. 3. Topic – Live and Learn 4. Aims of the lesson 1.To revise and practice present perfect. 2.To revise and practice Yet and Already. 3.To expand vocabulary relating to life experiences. 4.To talk about things you have been doing lately. 5.To ask for more information on a related topic. 6.To discuss personal action plans. 5. Personal aims 4/64
  • 5. 7.To provide an interesting, lively lesson suitable for students. 8.To balance and mix the grammar and communicative goals. 9.To motivate and encourage the students to experiment with the language. 10.To promote learning autonomy. 11.To motivate and encourage the students to further more in their learning. 12.To provide an interesting look back to their life experience. 6. Procedure The topic of this chapter is LIVE AND LEARN (p.7 Unit 1) in which the students talk about their life experience and past events reflecting on what their life has been so far and including good and bad things. For the purpose of this lesson students practice and use the present perfect in order to be able to communicate with each other. They are given with both contextualize and frame grammar exercises. The book is part of a variety of other resources used during the lessons. Some other elements are digital presentations, flash cards and posters. As common agreement, the professors decided to use equal methodology. The first activity for the class is an ice breaker in which the teacher show some pictures to the students attached with some quotes of famous people. Describing what is life compared to a road or a trip. Then students make teams and talk about which of the phrases and images best explain what life is after the group work they have to share their opinion with all the class and at the end come up with one opinion. After this activity comes the vocabulary. The teacher refers to the book (p.8). Here Students have to look at some pictures and match some sentences in a box. The new words are verb and activities so after they finish the teacher ask questions related to the vocabulary. Students have to stand up and go around the classroom asking who can do the activities. Then the teacher asks who can do what and close this part of the vocabulary. Now is time for a listening. Students go to page 8 from their books where they have to listen and check the correct options for the ten things you must do before turn 30 but only the ones Tony has done so far students have the opportunity to listen up to 3 times before the teacher starts asking for the right options. After they answer they have to ask each other from the list of things what they have done so far. After some minutes the teacher asks some students about the things they have done so far. The next part of the class is some grammar where students look at a chart with the rules and examples of present perfect. Students take notes and ask questions. Now they have to complete a written exercise. All together have to verify the answers and as the exercise is a dialogue. Students role play the dialogue. 5/64
  • 6. The next part of the class is a pronunciation practice in which students have to listen between two different sounds and notice the change on every word. After they listen they have to repeat and practice some sentences using the new sounds learned. The next part of the class is a reading. The teacher presents some introductory questions for the students. After they reflect and answer the questions they have to read and find the main idea of every paragraph. The teacher must take some time to ask and listen to their opinion about the text. The next part of the class is a vocabulary practice where students must read a text and check some works in the text after notice the words. They have to match them with their correct definition and answer a written exercise. The teacher must move around the classroom and check if the students have any questions relate to the text. Once they finish they have to use the new words in sentences they make for this purpose the teacher can make a “sentence chain” It is a group activity where students make a circle and try to make a sentence using specific vocabulary. The previous text talks about a practice and progress in activities so after the exercise students set in a circle and ask what they can do to progress from an intermediate level to an advance level. After this the students have to listen to a conversation between two people who talks about their progress in tennis one is an intermediate level and the other is an advance level. Students must make a list of the advice the advance player gives to the other. Students get to listen 3 times the dialogue and then the teacher checks the answers. After the listening activity students sit in pair and answer some questions having the opportunity to express their opinion. The teacher must move around the classroom and listen to the students. Finally students must read an email between two friends and tell why Melissa has not written Sean lately. The text includes some sentences in present perfect mark on bold. The teacher gives students some minutes to answer and then ask students why Melissa has not written to Sean lately. After h He/She takes some participation. The teacher asks them to look at a chart that includes the form of the present perfect. After check and answer some questions students must complete a written exercise using present perfect. The teacher must check and correct the exercise. The homework, another consolidation task, was the home study exercises from WORKBOOK (see p. 10 of workbook) and students are ask to write about one great experience they have lived to be talked and presented for the next class. Teacher encourages them to bring some pictures to have a better presentation. 8. Self Evaluation I tried to make this lesson interesting and fun, providing material with colors and images which would appeal to all learner types and promoting learner autonomy wherever I could. I attempted to encourage the students to use the grammatical 6/64
  • 7. structure as a communicative tool to help them complete the task in hand. However, I have established that errors continue to be made and I intend to include exercises in the future to practice this grammatical form. 9. Lesson Plan T = teacher / S = students Phases of Time Social Media/ma Aim of Learning Activities (min Form terials activity s) Icebreaker/ - The class watch some presentation and -- Set the 10 Introduction answer some questions. group Digital communicat to theme - Groups share their opinion about this presentatio ive tone of „What is life topic and come to a conclusion. n the class. like“ - All the class share their opinion and decide what is the best definition of life showed in the presentation. - plenar y Vocabulary -S open their books on p. 8 and complete -Student -Present the chart with words from a box. - book new - T ask students questions about the new individ vocabulary 10 vocabulary and ask them who can do ual and practice what activities from chart. proper - pronunciatio partner n - plenar y Listening -S go to p. 8, listen and check the - -Student -Talk about activities they have already done before individ book the things 5 turn 30 ual -Speakers they have -S have 3 chances to listen and complete done in their the exercise - life so far. -T check their answers with the class plenar y 7/64
  • 8. Focus on -S. check the chart on page 9 and - - practice Grammar complete exercise C individ -Student circumlocuti -T check the answers and S practice the ual book on. 5 dialog. - -Study the plenar form of the y the present perfect tense and practice pronunciatio n. Focus on -S. look at 2 phonetic elements. Listen - -S. practice Pronunciation and repeat. plenar -board specific 5 -T check the correct pronunciation and y -speakers pronunciatio correct mistakes n Reading -T presents some introductory questions - -S. practice before entering to the reading. Indivi -board reading and -S. read and define in the text what is the dual -student serch for 15 main idea of every paragraph book specific -T. ask and listen to their opinion - information plenar y Vocabulary -S. read a text and match the new words - -Student -drilling practice with their definition individ book questions, -S. use the text’s vocabulary to talk ual short about their experience -group answers 15 - -vocabulary. plenar -reflect on y and talk about what abilities, skills and talents. 8/64
  • 9. Conclusion -T. asks S. write about their life - - -Listen to and experience. individ worksheet specific 20 Evaluation -S. listen and write a list of specific info. ual 3 info. -S talk about what they can do to become -student - Follow up better - book with a plenar conversation y Homework -T. asks S. to complete - -workbook -speak about task WORKBOOK(p.10) and students write individ -note book personal about a great event in their life. ual facts. - prepare a presentation for the next class -reflect on vocabulary needed. -encourage active participation . 10. Attachments 9/64
  • 10. 10/64
  • 11. 11/64
  • 12. UTSV Task 2: LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 12/64
  • 13. Topic: Taking care of Business around the world. ← Have / get something done ← Sensitising students to different business cultural standards ← Using this/that/these/those adjectives ← Learning vocabulary of words for evaluating services and products in different countries JANUARY 2013 UTSV Table of Contents: 13/64
  • 14. 5. Description of the area 6. Description of class and course 7. Topic 8. Aims of the lesson 9. Personal aims 10. Procedure 11. Conclusions 12. Self evaluation 13. Lesson plan 14. Attachments 14/64
  • 15. 1. Description of the area This area will awareness of socio-cultural and intercultural aspects of language use and language learning, dealing sensitively with difficult classroom situations relating to intercultural differences, understanding different backgrounds (therefore different study methods) of students, cross- cultural communication, the students will notice how to get things done by dealing with importat responsibilities and chores in intercultural situations. e.g. work-related situations (phases as sorry, I can’t today. I have to take care of business) and will put an application of this knowledge to the teaching situation. 2. Description of class and course This is the same group as for the language learning proccess, This, material is designed for learners in a level 5 course. Most of the learners are students between the ages of 17 and 24, with some age exceptions. There are eighteen students between the ages of 19 and 23, 6 male and 12 female. Six of the ladies like to talk and express their feelings in English. The other six ladies joined the class but they admitted that they do not like English language to much and the male students joined the English course saying that they don’t dislike English but it’s not their favorite subject. This class is going to let students talk about getting things done, talk about small businesses, give their opinion about services and products in the different countries, regions or professional areas that they have been working, they will also talk about problems in their community which are similar to another communities in other countries or regions. At the end, learners will be able to understand and use the phrases have / get something done and they will also be able to evaluate salespeople, services and products. The book needed for this class is Open Mind 3 from Macmillan editorial; covering the unit 4, page 34-41. The group meets on Monday mornings between 9:30 and 11:10 a.m. The course book is OpenMind 3. The reasons for joining the course were to accredited their English class but also communicate with friends abroad, for being able to have a normal conversation about how they can get things done by dealing with important responsibilities and chores and they often use polite expression to reject some invitation, because they are too busy, and they also notice the difference between how taking care of business and give their opinion about service and products when people have different cultures and traditions. As there are no new students this term and all know each other well, the theme of other countries/other people is a great topic to get everyone talking about different traditions and cultures. 3. Topic - Taking care of Business around the world 15/64
  • 16. 4. Aims of the lesson - To understand and use the phrases have / get something done in different countries or regions. - To evaluate slaespeople, services and products in countries which have different traditions and cultures. - To talk about unusual business people in different countries. - To consider cultural standards in different countries, using business vocabulary. - To find ways of turning problems into opportunities with different cultural standards in other countries. 16/64
  • 17. 5. Personal aims - To take into account and incorporate into my teaching the educational experiences my students have had previously. - To provide for individual learner styles and strategies in my teaching. - To encourage my students to become critically aware of different cultural standards. - To promote empathy with other cultures. 17/64
  • 18. 6. Procedure Before the lesson began, you wrote the topic “Develop technology in the world” on the board and pasted some images with different technology objects as tablets, smart phones and other objects that they’re used in different countries. Then the professor walked around the group letting each student take 1 flashcard, some students will have a card with a flag in it and they will find the match with a technology development that occurs in that country. This exercise was intended to awaken the students´ interest in the theme, which it will do, and they quickly found their partners and sat down in pairs. The next step was to complete the word wheels with things the groups associated with their culture cards. They will have to find different technologies objects that common people use in these countries. As professors we wanted the students to initially reflect on their own culture and make a comparation about other countries and Mexico. This is not always easy as we often see and do things at an unconscious level, but it´s our cultural background, experiences and values which make us see and do things in a certain way and get things done by dealing with important responsibilities and chores. It was interesting to see that all groups mentioned the usual stereotypes associated with Mexico. Then they present those images to the rest to group and explain the different technologies that are being developed in Mexico and in the different countries. I now spread out a list of chores that a personal maintenance center has to do(p.39) and the students gathered around. I asked “What are the different chores or responsabilities that you have to do at home or at your work?” There were some very interesting observations and the students were reflecting on similarities and differences to their own culture, using have/get something done phrases. At this stage, I kept correction of the grammar element to an absolute minimum, repeating what the student said, in the correct form, as part of the conversation only where understanding would otherwise be difficult. Thus the conversation flow continued smoothly and the students were not inhibited in any way (Attachment 1). The students returned to their seats and we looked at the grammar structure in more detail with the help of the transparency (p. 39) I had also copied this for the students as a grammar sheet, so that they could make notes or comments as they wished. I tried to keep the rules and terminology simple. I didn´t want the students confused and overwhelmed by difficult terms they couldn´t grasp or understand. I also hoped that the use of different colours (have / get) to demonstrate how the two tenses are formed would help students understand and remember the rules. 18/64
  • 19. For the next exercise the students worked in pairs, asking each other about some differences between how things have or get done at home, normal chores or activities. Here the students recognised the importance of “adapting” themselves to different cultural or tradition situations. One said he “I am having my house painted or we had this sculpture done by a local artist, etc” to make it easier for both sides to communicate. All agreed that it is important to find out something about the country and people and understand what different ways to do things, chores or activities. They had all experienced “cultural otherness” and had compared this experience with matters usually taken for granted in their own culture at home. To conclude I asked the students to discuss in groups which of these activities or chores are “most common done” in their houses and why they had read different traditions which are not typical for them. Here we determined that culture is not just something concerned with different countries, but also different groups of people. 7. Conclusions I believe that this lesson encourage our students to know different cultural attitudes referring to responsibilities, chores and business, and it also improve in them patient, tolerance and respect on their own culture. I also like be spontaneous with my students and why even play a STOP game, where they need to run and have fun, but they will learn about different countries and their cultures using the grammar “have/get something done” and they talk about different way to deal with different countries, they will learn vocabulary about it. 8. Self Evaluation I tried to make this lesson different from the rest. Joining in these activities, and hearing the students´ comments, made me reflect on my own cultural attitudes and made me aware of the importance of developing the competences necessary for intercultural interaction and dialogue. 19/64
  • 20. 9. LESSON PLAN “Culture” T = teacher / S = students Phases of Activities Social Media/materia Aim of activity Ti Learning Form ls me (mi ns) -Before lesson begins, T. writes theme -board -engage students in Engage different countries/different cultures on -group - sets of cards topic. Students: board. with county - introduce theme. Introduction to - S. divided into groups of 3 or 4 with names and flags -S. reflect on culture 10 theme: county cards. - Workbook 4 in own country. “different - Each group flashcard - coloured pens, countries/differe - Groups make a search about the scissors -S.use clothing nt cultures“. country on the card and match with their vocabulary, (Reflecting on technology development -plenary comparatives and own culture) - Discuss results in plenary superlatives to describe it. -S. reflect on -T. places pictures of other countries on life/people in other Pre-teach central desk. countries and grammar: - T. asks S. “how things are acknowledge 10 (comparing -plenary similarities and done in your house? what cultures) differences. did you notice about the -Grammar country and how people structure (p. -T. explains grammar done things? 39) structure -S. relate observations. -grammar sheet -S. revise structure and ask questions if required. -T/S see and comment grammar -S. practice and use structure in more detail with the help phrases as have/get of the transparency. Present -student book something done. 10 Grammatical -plenary (p.39) -S. talk about -In pairs using have/get something done, Structure differences with other S. ask each other questions about a country. country visited (on holiday, business, -S. reflect on and etc.) and a person/people they met there. evaluate their -Most interesting discuss in plenary. Grammar behaviour and Practice response to cultural have/get situations and 25 -In groups S. discuss if these actions are something done encounters. “normal practice” in their culture (Exploring -S. discuss why they perhaps chores or intertercultural - plenary -S. practice have/get tradition which were “not normal” for competence) - Student’s something done them. book (p.39) -encourage awareness Grammar and evaluation of own Comparatives culture and other and superlatives -plenary cultures. Conclusion: -S. develop empathy 20 (Reflect on with other cultures. cultural -develop critical differences and -groups cultural awareness, similarities) evaluating own and -plenary other cultures. 15 20/64
  • 22. 22/64
  • 23. 23/64
  • 24. Task 3 January 2013 UTSV LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES To learn used to and too / either, so / neither Theme: Then and Now 24/64
  • 25. UTSV Table of Contents: 1. Description of the area 2. Description of class and course 3. Topic 4. Aims of the lesson 5. Personal aims 6. Procedure 7. Conclusions 8. Self evaluation 9. Lesson plan 10. Attachments 25/64
  • 26. September 2012 1. Description of the area This area covers the needs that a learner requires when learning a language. It is focused on correcting mistakes, and provides a social background where the learner is able to learn by being autonomous, and using his/her own learning style. Thus, students are going to be able to create their own learning strategies in order to improve the learning process. 2. Description of class and course This, material is designed for learners in a level 5 course. Most of the learners are students between the ages of 17 and 24, with some age exceptions. This class is going to let students understand main ideas in a conversation, and talk about previous experiences and their present. The main purpose is to make use of the used to and too / either and so / neither. At the end, learners have to be proficient to express past ideas and in a present time. The book needed for this class is Master mind 1 from Macmillan editorial; covering the unit 2, page 17-26. 3. Topic - Used to 4. Aims of the lesson - Student can use used to to talk about the past. - Student can use too, either, so and neither to express agreement. - Student can put multiple adjectives in the correct order. - Student can talk about memories connected to the senses. - Student can read and understand a simple academic text. - Student can identify emotion and attitude in people’s voices. - Student can prepare and evaluate a short presentation. - 26/64
  • 27. 5. Personal aims - To let learners to be aware of past contexts where they could interact. - To let students establish communication patterns where they could make use of the simple past tense. - To motivate and encourage the students to experiment with the language. - To promote learner autonomy. 6. Procedure The utsv is focused on communicative approach development; which is achieved through a constant interaction between students. This topic is focused in the unit 2, “Then and now” (p. 17). In this section learners have to make use of describing possession. They also have to talk about childhood memories and simulates with other people and giving feedback on a presentation. The first exercise is an icebreaker. Encourage the students to think back to when they were children: what they liked to do, the friends they had, what they didn’t like, etc. Ask to the students to look at the pictures. Give them a moment to study the situations. Put the students in pairs and ask them to talk about what the children are doing in each of the pictures (attachment) , example, Picture 1, the little girl is holding into her mother. Ask to the students to describe the personality of the child shown in each picture. Elicit adjectives to describe each one. The next activity is in the book (p.18). Here the learners are going to practice and complete the conversation with the correct forms of used to. They have to read a small text where they have to infer the grammar structure used to. After understanding the structure they have to identify in the text this grammar point. After they finish, it is necessary a full review of the exercises in the page in order to correct mistakes and clarify questions and doubts. Once all the doubts are covered, the learners have to get together in pairs. They are going to talk about what they used to look like and things you used to do when they were 15 years old. By pair can work in a worksheet name “ Experience scavenger hunt” (Attachments, Worksheet 1), each pair take a chart and take turns asking each other questions and having short conversation. Make notes of the answers. Tell the rest of your class about your partner’s answers and write in your notebook your partner’s answer in complete sentences. Students have to learn new vocabulary; they are going to remember some activities that they used to do in the past and they will remember their expirences. 27/64
  • 28. They will notice that they lives have changed in a positive way. To finish this subject, write in the whiteboard the question “Why did I decided to change my life?” and discuss in class and make the student to reflect how their lives have changed and how they made those changes possible. Finally, there is going to be a quick review about the class and a conclusion about the topic. 7. Conclusions Personally, I consider this topic one of the most important because it is necessary to understand and make to students to reflect the changes that they have had in their lives. I consider that these activities are helpful to let students realize about the knowledge and the experience that they posses already, then they acquire more knowledge (vocabulary) and notice the positive changes that they have made in their personal and professional lives. Finally they have to use that new knowledge. In the end, they are going to learn progressively, and they are going to notice it. 8. Self Evaluation The main objective of all the lessons is having a communicative approach, for this reason it is important that learners interact between them. Activities have to be different, interesting, and valuable for the students. Grammar is boring for most of the students; so, the grammar activities have to be joyful and related to the daily life, otherwise they are going to forget it and dispose the information. Interaction with the learners has to be taken into account. No matter the topic, it is important to provide confidence to them, so they could feel eager to interact and make questions when necessary. Students will take into account and incorporate into my teaching the educational experiences that they have had previously. As professors will provide for our students individual learner styles and strategies in the teaching. We shouldn’t forget to give our students feedback on their language competence in an appropriate and helpful way, taking into account the state of language development they are as well as the stage aim we are trying to achieve in a particular stage of a lesson. 28/64
  • 29. 9. Lesson Plan T = teacher / S = students Phases of Activities Social Media/ma Aim of Ti Learning Form terials activity me (m ins ) Icebreaker/ - S. Think back to when they were -- - To introduce 10 remember children: what they liked to do, the group -Pictures / the topic. expirences friends they had, what they didn’t flashcards -to elicit like, etc. vocabulary - T. Ask to the students to look at already known. the pictures. - T. Give them a moment to study the situations. Put S in pairs and ask them to talk about what the children are doing in each of the pictures. Extension of theme -S. turn to p. 18 of their book. - -course - To identify 40 T. explains that S. are going to individ book the structure practice and complete the ual - used to. conversation with the attachment -remember correct forms of used to. their -group experience in - S. have to read a small text their past. where they have to infer the -reading a grammar structure used to. - paragraph and After understanding the individ learn new structure they have to ual vocabulary. identify in the text this - grammar point. when they Group have finished it. -Pairs -S. compare the information they understood, and infer the structure requested. T. solves doubts and questions and clarifies the information. -S. have to complete the rest of the activities of the page - T. answers S. questions and doubts. 29/64
  • 30. Personalisatio -S. have to work in pairs, S. are going -group - None -Talk about 15 n to talk about what they used to past look like and things you used to do experiences. when they were 15 years old. - Provide -T. has to provide a conclusion of the feedback of the class (Feedback) lesson 10. Attachments Icebreaker pictures WORKSHEET 1. EXPERIENCE SCAVENGE HUNT 30/64
  • 31. Task 4: LANGUAGE TEACHING UTSV Task 2: LANGUAGE TEACHING Topic: Buying power Class project make a presentation about how people make money and what is the part of publicity and advertising in that process. Include your future plans for making money and mention the importance of finances for you. 31/64
  • 32. Task 4: LANGUAGE TEACHING Table of Contents: 1. Description of the area 2. Description of class and course 3. Topic 4. Theme and motivation 5. Aims of the project 6. Planning 7. Procedure 8. Conclusions 9. Evaluation of the project and self-evaluation 10. Lesson plans and attachments Task 4: LANGUAGE TEACHING 32/64
  • 33. 1.Description of the area This area includes Selection of appropriate methods to suit learning and teaching objectives, evaluation, selection and adaptation of teaching and learning materials to suit the aims of the lesson, evaluation of language learning tasks, use of media, definition of teacher's and learners' role in a learner-centered approach, use of target language versus lingua franca for instructions and explanations and classroom management 2. Description of class and course This course is a B1 course. Where students will be able to talk about advertising and ads, ask for help and expressing shopping preferences. This course will help to face situations in which they have to make complaints and persuading others. The focus on form includes indirect questions and the distinction between the use or articles and no articles. Students learn vocabulary about problems and solutions with products and online shopping. 3. Topic: Buying power 4. Theme and motivation The motivation for this course is self explanatory. We live in a world where buying products and being always with the latest advance in technology is a priority and every now and then bad products make us go back to the store and complain. As much as this situation could look remote it is real and possible. Students will be ready to face scenarios like these and use the proper register to communicate and convince. This is an advance class so the conversation and simulations develop with a certain pace that make the communicative context more realistic. 33/64
  • 34. 5. Aims of the lesson - Recognize the use of articles and the absence of them - Being able to use indirect questions - Learn specific vocabulary to talk about problems with products - Identify different kinds of advertising - Distinguish between the phonetic differences of a long i sound and a short I sound. - Simulate a shopping online situation. - listen to and understand details in a life story - Increase vocabulary. - Correct issues in the pronunciation. - Developing autonomous learning and self-awareness 6. Personal aims 13.Provide an interesting, lively lesson students will enjoy. 14.To motivate students to present and talk about people who they admired. 15.To explain the structure in simple steps that the students understand and can easily employ. 16.To motivate and encourage the students to experiment with the language. 17.To promote learner autonomy. 18.To promote learners to study about important events in their lives. 34/64
  • 35. 7. Procedure Students start the chapter 3 from page 27 of their book. For this chapter students are required to have some experience on shopping whereas on stores or online if not they should ask some friends or family to talk about these situations. Most of the students who get to these levels stick together which brings to the class a great deal of camaraderie and proper working atmosphere. At this point students have a lower charge of grammar and they are push to overcome their plateau in all the other phases. For the first activity the teacher show some pictures to the students in order to set the topic on course. For this class the picture is about New York downtown with its huge buildings and colorful advertisings. Students are asked about the very first thing they notice on the pictures and the advertisings are quickly remarked. Now the teacher can ask how important publicity is these days. This part of the class could be done with real pictures or digital pictures. After they have a chance to participate they are sit in small groups and talk about their own towns or city. The teacher must lead the conversation to talk about advertising. The second part of the class is language in context where students will read a text form page 28 and find the sentences where articles are needed and the sentences where they are not needed as well as the information n the text. After talk about the content in the text students are asked to fill a chart with the rules of the use of articles. The next exercise is a practice where they have to define if the sentence needs an article or not. The next step is clarify the meaning of new vocabulary through the use of different means and we are able to check our students have understood (p.110) with this vocabulary we can manage the class effectively in a wide variety of context taking into consideration the learnes’ needs and level of the language competence as well as mixed abilities. The next step of the class is the phonetic practice where the students have to listen and discriminate two kinds of sound the long I sound and the short I sound. Students listen to some words and they have to tell which sound is which if they show some difficulties the teacher can lead them to find out the right answer. Then they have to practice the pronunciation of every sound. For the last part of the class students check some sentences of referring to people complaining on stores about some products. After practicing the pronunciation and clarifying doubts students perform a role play where one of the students play the part of a sales person and the other play the part of the unhappy costumer. The objective of each is to persuade the other and for this they have to use the previous vocabulary and expressions. Every team performs and the others listen and take notes to ask or give their opinion. Then the other groups play the role and so on. 7. Conclusions 35/64
  • 36. I think this lesson encouraged students become more assertive and yet polite when they have to complain about something. They are also aware of the economic world that lies behind a simple process as a purchase. It is also a good exercise for the to express their negative opinion about something with out compromising politeness. 8. Self Evaluation I try to do this lesson authentic by using pictures in a language classroom, give students difficult classroom situations, encouraging and motivating the students to learn and use the language and I also incorporate learning task and activities which encourage and facilitate learner autonomy and take into account learners’ learning styles and cultural expectations. Phases of Time Social Media/ma Aim of Learning Activities (min Form terials activity s) Icebreaker/ - The class watch some presentation and -- Set the 10 Introduction answer some questions. group Digital communicat to theme - Groups share their opinion about this presentatio ive tone of „What is life topic and come to a conclusion. n the class. like“ - All the class share their opinion and decide what is the best definition of life showed in the presentation. - plenar y Vocabulary -S open their books on p. 8 and complete -Student -Present the chart with words from a box. - book new - T ask students questions about the new individ vocabulary 10 vocabulary and ask them who can do ual and practice what activities from chart. proper - pronunciatio partner n - plenar y Listening -S go to p. 8, listen and check the - -Student -Talk about activities they have already done before individ book the things 5 turn 30 ual -Speakers they have -S have 3 chances to listen and complete done in their the exercise - life so far. -T check their answers with the class plenar y 36/64
  • 37. Focus on -S. check the chart on page 9 and - - practice Grammar complete exercise C individ -Student circumlocuti -T check the answers and S practice the ual book on. 5 dialog. - -Study the plenar form of the y the present perfect tense and practice pronunciatio n. Focus on -S. look at 2 phonetic elements. Listen - -S. practice Pronunciation and repeat. plenar -board specific 5 -T check the correct pronunciation and y -speakers pronunciatio correct mistakes n Reading -T presents some introductory questions - -S. practice before entering to the reading. Indivi -board reading and -S. read and define in the text what is the dual -student serch for 15 main idea of every paragraph book specific -T. ask and listen to their opinion - information plenar y Vocabulary -S. read a text and match the new words - -Student -drilling practice with their definition individ book questions, -S. use the text’s vocabulary to talk ual short about their experience -group answers 15 - -vocabulary. plenar -reflect on y and talk about what abilities, skills and talents. 37/64
  • 38. Conclusion -T. asks S. write about their life - - -Listen to and experience. individ worksheet specific 20 Evaluation -S. listen and write a list of specific info. ual 3 info. -S talk about what they can do to become -student - Follow up better - book with a plenar conversation y Homework -T. asks S. to complete - -workbook -speak about task WORKBOOK(p.10) and students write individ -note book personal about a great event in their life. ual facts. - prepare a presentation for the next class -reflect on vocabulary needed. -encourage active participation . 38/64
  • 39. PLANNING AND EVALUATION Second Conditional Hope and Wish Theme: Decisions, Decisions 39/64
  • 40. UTSV Table of Contents: 1. Description of the area 2. Description of class and course 3. Topic 4. Aims of the lesson 5. Personal aims 6. Procedure 7. Conclusions 8. Self evaluation 9. Lesson plan 10. Attachments 40/64