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Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric
                                Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric
   All Exemplary and Exceptional programs will meet or exceed the definitions below for Basic, Proficient, and Exemplary
   programs. All Exemplary and Exceptional programs will have achieved the requirements set out in state education laws, state
   board policies, state guidelines, and selected National Standards.

      Target Indicators                                                                   Levels of Proficiency
       And Categories
Category 1 - Student
Achievement and Instruction                          Basic                               Proficient                                       Exemplary

1. Information Literacy Standards, as    Information Literacy Skills        Information literacy skills are            The library media program fosters critical thinking
defined in QCC Standards, are            curriculum is comprised of         integrated into the curriculum             skills and independent inquiry so students can
integrated into content instruction      basic library media orientation    through the collaborative efforts of       learn to choose reliable information and become
(Information Power; Principle 2; Pg.     skills and instruction on how to   the library media specialist and           proactive and thoughtful users of information
58)                                      find information.                  teachers.                                  and resources.

2. Collaborative planning includes       Library media specialist           Library media specialist encourages        Library media specialist actively plans with and
library media specialists and teachers   participates in collaborative      collaborative planning among teachers      encourages every teacher to participate in the
to ensure use of library media center    planning when initiated by the     who are teaching units of similar          design of instruction. Learning strategies and
resources that support on-going          teacher.                           content. The library media specialist is   activities for all students are designed with all
classroom instruction and                                                   familiar with the Georgia    teachers who are willing to plan collaboratively.
implementation of state curriculum                                          (         All students with diverse learning styles, abilities,
(IFBD 160-4-4-.01)                                                          web site and encourages teachers to use    and needs are included in collaborative plans.
                                                                            the resources available on GSO.            The
                                                                                                                       library media specialist is knowledgeable about
                                                                                                                       the Georgia Performance Standards and can assist
                                                                                                                       both teachers and students in order to enhance and
                                                                                                                       support teaching and learning

                                                               Georgia Department of Education
                                                           Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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3. Professional library media staff is   The library media specialist       The library media specialist              The library media specialist uses a variety of
engaged in active teaching role/s.       makes recommendations to           and                                       teaching styles to meet the diverse needs of
(Information Power;                      students for class projects and    teachers      plan     and    teach       students. Collaborative planning determines
Principle 4, p. 58)                      pleasure reading. The library      collaboratively so that the library       where and how student assessment takes place,
                                         media specialist provides basic    media program is an extension of          and whether the teacher, the library media
                                         orientation and instruction on     classroom instruction.                    specialist or both does the assessment.
                                         information location skills.

4. The library media center resources    Bulletin boards and displays of    The library media center offers           The library media center is a critical element in
encourage and support reading,           books and reading materials        events and activities that appeal to a    the school’s reading program. The library media
viewing, and listening.                  reflect different aspects of the   wide                                      program meets the needs of both the curriculum
(Information Power;                      curriculum, holidays, and          range of interests. Attendance and        and recreational reading.
Principle 6, p. 58)                      community interests to support     circulation statistics verify
                                         recreational reading.              students’
5. Services are provided to students     The library media center           use. library media staff selects
                                                                            The                                       The library media specialist and teachers
who have diverse learning abilities,     resources reflect diverse          resources and informs teachers of         collect and use student data to design activities
styles, and needs.                       learning abilities, styles, and    these                                     that will
(Information Power; Principle 7,         needs.                             resources with recommendations            lead to student achievement. The library
 p. 58)                                                                     to support students’ diverse              media program supports instructional
                                                                            learning                                  strategies and
                                                                            abilities and styles. The library media   learning activities that meet individual needs. The
                                                                            specialist is familiar with the           library media specialist is knowledgeable about the
                                                                            Lexile framework.                         Lexile framework.

6. Student achievement is routinely      The classroom teacher is           Together the teacher and library media    The teacher and library media specialist use
assessed.                                responsible for assessing          specialist develop a rubric(s) or         a variety of collaboratively designed tools
(A Planning Guide for Information        student achievement.               another                                   for
Power; p. 36)                                                               effective means for assessing             assessing student achievement, e.g., rubrics,
                                                                            student achievement.                      student self-evaluations, and student presentations
                                                                                                                      to peers
                                                                                                                      and/or adult professionals in a field of study.
Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric

            Target Indicators

Category 2 - Staffing                                 Basic                              Proficient                                    Exemplary
7. If less than base size:                In compliance with state board    Full-time library media specialist is   Full-time certified library media specialist is
A school system shall provide no less     rule. Adult supervision may be    employed and is not shared at any       employed Adult supervision by certified
than half-time services of a library      parent/peer volunteers.           other time with other areas in the      personnel is available for the entire day.
media specialist for each school less                                       school nor does he/she provide
than base size and shall provide adult                                      services outside
supervision in the library media center                                     the library media center.
for the entire instructional day.
(Base size defined by unweighted
FTE: K-5, 450; 6-8, 624; 9-12, 970)
(CGB, 160-5-1-.22)

7. If base size or larger:                In compliance with state board    Library media specialist is not         The following criteria that exceed state rules are in
A school system shall employ a full-      rule, but the library media       required to perform other duties on a   place: Additional support personnel are employed
time library media specialist for each    specialist may be required to     daily or frequent basis. A part-time    in areas of the library media program. Library
base size school or larger.               perform other duties on a daily   library media paraprofessional is       media staff is always available throughout the
(Base size defined by unweighted          or frequent basis.                employed.                               instructional day to assist teachers and students.
FTE: K-5, 450; 6-8, 624; 9-12, 970)                                                                                 Support staff is not shared in other areas of the
(CGB, 160-5-1-.22)                                                                                                  school. A full-time paraprofessional person
                                                                                                                    (clerk) is on staff in the library media center.

                                                                Georgia Department of Education
                                                            Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
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Target Indicators

Category 3 - Facilities, Access,                          Basic                               Proficient                                     Exemplary
and Resources

8. There shall be a plan for flexibly        Flexible scheduling makes           Flexible scheduling and library media     Flexible scheduling is maintained allowing full
scheduled library media center access        resources and assistance            staff are available throughout the day    participation of teachers and the library media
for students and teachers in groups or       available at the time of learning   to assist teachers and students           specialist in collaborative planning and allowing
as individuals simultaneously                need. Library media staff is        regardless                                students to come to the library media center at
throughout each instructional day.           available to teachers and           of ability or disability. The library     any time. The library media center is available
Accessibility shall refer to the facility,   students for most of the school     media center is available either          both before and after school. Some evening
the staff, and the resources and shall       day.                                before or after school.                   hours may be scheduled for instructional needs of
be based on instructional need.                                                                                            students and families.
(IFBD 160-4-4-.01)

9. School library media center square Based on FTE, the library                  Based on FTE, the library media           Based on FTE, the library media center exceeds
footage requirements based on FTE.     media center meets minimum                center exceeds minimum square             minimum square footage requirements and is
(Square Footage Requirements for       square footage requirements.              footage requirements and is large         large enough to accommodate large and small
Use in Developing the Local Facilities                                           enough to accommodate large and           groups
Plans)                                                                           small groups and individuals working      and individuals working simultaneously.
                                                                                 simultaneously. Shelving, storage         Shelving, storage areas, and wiring meet the needs
                                                                                 areas, and wiring meet the needs of the   of the collection. In addition, production and
                                                                                 collection.                               presentation space is available.
10. Central electronic media           School is not new; this                   By the end of 2007-2008 school            Electronic distribution system meets
distribution system for television and requirement is in the facilities          year, the electronic distribution         state requirements.
radio programs is available.           plan for future capital                   system will be complete.
(Square Footage Requirements for       expenditures.
Use in Developing the Local Facilities

                                                                    Georgia Department of Education
                                                                Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                                         10/29/2007 Page of 10
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Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric
11. Print and non-print resources and        Print and non-print library             Print and non-print resources,              Print and non-print resources, including
access to online information are basic       media center resources are          including subscription databases and         subscription databases, access to the Internet,
to a library media program. A school        adequate to support the core       other library media center resources are        and other library media center resources are
  network is effective for delivering        curriculum. Two or three           available online to multiple networked          available on a LAN throughout the school.
media resources to the classroom and      computers for student access to         computers within the library media             Some library media center resources are
   beyond. Multiple computers are         online resources are available in        center only. A LAN (Local Area           accessible via Internet access outside the school.
 available for student access to online       the library media center.         Network) is fully functional. Network         Students use library media center technology
  resources that enhance instruction.                                          services are delivered to all classrooms.         independently for extended projects and
 (FY02 Computers in the Classroom                                               There is a minimum of ten (10) books         information retrieval. The library media center
   Technology Project - A Georgia                                                   per student. Nonprint materials            has in excess of ten (10) books per student.
             Lottery Grant)                                                           average two (2) per student.           There are three (3) nonprint items per student.

12. All library media resources are       Management and circulation           The OPAC is electronically networked        The OPAC is available on a LAN throughout the
managed for maximum efficient use.        workstations and at least one        to several computers within the library     school. All resources are recorded in MARC
The library media center has an           online catalog access (OPAC)         media center. MARC format is used.          format so that access is available on the LAN
electronic online public access catalog   exist in the library media center.   New acquisitions are added based on         and weeding of out-of-date materials can be
(OPAC). Funds for acquisition of          MARC format is used.                 reliable review sources, state and          timely. New acquisitions are added based on
computers are utilized to implement                                            national award books, and curriculum        reliable review sources, state and national award
the goals/objectives set forth in the                                          needs. Weeding is an ongoing                books, and curriculum needs. The OPAC is up-
System Three-Year Technology Plan                                              practice. A network distribution of         to-date and reflects the library media center
or in the System Comprehensive                                                 resources beyond the library media          holdings.
School Improvement Plan.                                                       center is not available.                    Some library media center resources are
(FY02 Computers in the                                                                                                     accessible via Internet access outside of the school
Classroom Technology Project - A                                                                                           building.
Georgia Lottery Grant)

                                                                 Georgia Department of Education
                                                             Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                                      10/29/2007 Page of 10
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13. One of the national educational      Number of GALILEO searches       Number of GALILEO searches by          Instruction and promotion of GALILEO will be
technology goals states: “Effective      by students and staff in your    students and staff will be more than   in an organized manner. Searches will be
and engaging software and on-line        system will be the same as the   the previous year. Information about   conducted in such a way that maximize efficiency
resources will be an integral part of    previous year. Information       the number of searches can be          and result in a high quality product Best
every school’s curriculum.” The          about the number of searches     obtained on a system level through     Practices and Learning Models that encourage
GALILEO on-line service provides         can be obtained on a system      GALILEO statistics.                    and endorse GALILEO will be produced, taught,
Georgia students and teachers access     level through GALILEO                                                   and shared with other library media specialists
to exceptional on-line resources at no   statistics.                                                             throughout the state. Professional Development
cost to the local school district. .                                                                             courses with the staff and faculty will be
Searches performed in GALILEO                                                                                    conducted.
databases will exceed one million
annually and the number of full-
content items viewed will exceed one
million annually.
State of Georgia Technology Plan

                                                              Georgia Department of Education
                                                          Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                                   10/29/2007 Page of 10
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Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric
      Target Indicators
Category 4 - Administrative
Support                                              Basic                               Proficient                                    Exemplary

14. The local system superintendent      A system media contact person     The SMCP coordinates                     The SMCP maintains communication among
shall appoint a system media contact     (SMCP) is appointed and           communication among all library          library media specialists in the district. District
person (SMCP) to serve as a liaison to   communication from the SMCP       media specialists in the district, and   level administrators facilitate the communication
the department.                          is received and posted for all    disseminates messages from DOE,          among the SMCP, library media specialists, and
(IFBD, 160-4-4.-.01 )                    library media specialists and     GALILEO, and other entities.             themselves. The SMCP understands the role of
                                         staff. The media coordinator or                                            the library media specialist and encourages
                                         curriculum coordinator may                                                 opportunities for library media specialists to meet
                                         serve as the SMCP to facilitate                                            regularly. The district encourages links on school
                                         communication to and from                                                  and district websites for library media center
                                         DOE.                                                                       announcements and services.
15. Administrative staff support at      The school principal provides     The school principal and district        The school principal and district administrators
both the school and district levels is   support to the library media      administrators take an active role in    take a leadership role in encouraging teachers to
essential for the development of a       program and makes time to         encouraging teachers to integrate        integrate library media resources into the
strong library media program.            meet with the library media       library media resources into the         curriculum, fostering a climate of collaboration and
(Information Power; Principle 4, p.      specialist occasionally.          curriculum. School, department,          inquiry, encouraging the library media specialist to
100)                                                                       and district level administrators        be knowledgeable about current educational trends,
                                                                           meet regularly with the library          promoting occasional visits to exemplary
                                                                           media specialist.                        programs, and providing budgetary support.

                                                               Georgia Department of Education
                                                           Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                                    10/29/2007 Page of 10
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school. A library media committee makes recommendations and decisions relating to planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of th

 or twice a year. (This committee may be the same as the technology committee in some local schools.)
 (This committee may be the same as the technology committee in some schools.)
ration of materials. This policy, which may be the media/technology plan in some schools, is the basis of operation for actions of the advisory

or update consideration and subsequent local board a

                                                          Georgia Department of Education
                                                      Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                               10/29/2007 Page of 10
                                                                 All Rights Reserved
Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric
       Target Indicators
Category 5 - Staff                                   Basic                               Proficient                                      Exemplary
19. Staff development opportunities      Library media specialist          Library media specialist seeks to          Library media specialist continually seeks to
are available both for the library       participates in staff             enhance his/her professional skills,       enhance his/her professional, particularly
media staff to enhance their own         development options and           particularly technology skills, beyond     technology, skills. The library media specialist,
professional knowledge and for the       provides informal staff           those required for recertification or by   when funding permits, also participates annually
library media staff to provide           development instruction during    the school district. Library media         in state or national conferences. The library
information and technology literacy      collaborative planning with       specialist provides occasional formal      media specialist is included in planning the staff
skills to other teachers and             teachers. Current professional    staff development instruction and          development program for the school staff and
administrative staff. Professional       resources are maintained in the   informal instruction during                assists in teaching and organizing sessions. The
resources and services for all faculty   library media center if the       collaborative planning with teachers.      library media specialist is recognized as a master
members are provided in the library      district does not provide a       The school system makes staff              teacher and provides staff development options
media center for the “learning           centralized professional          development options available for          beyond routine planning. The library media
community“.                              resource center.                  library media support staff. The           specialist draws on professional resources both at
(Information Power; Principle 8, p.                                        library media specialist is                the local and district levels and online to provide
100)                                                                       knowledgeable of                           individual assistance to teachers using technology
                                                                           the district professional                  and designing curriculum. The library media
                                                                           development services.                      specialist may also assist the teacher in his/her
                                                                                                                      graduate research and secure professional
                                                                                                                      resources for them through interlibrary loan.

Category 6 — Other

(Write an additional indicator here)

                                                               Georgia Department of Education
                                                           Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                                    10/29/2007 Page of 10
                                                                      All Rights Reserved
List of citations used in this rubric:

  Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning.
      American Association of School Librarians [and] Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Chicago:
      American Library Association, 1998. ISBN 0-8389-3470-6

  Official Code of Georgia: O.C.G.A. 20-2-167, 12/03/01 and O.C.G.A 20-2-184,

  A Planning Guide for Information Power. .American Association of School Librarians a division of the American Library Association,
  Chicago, 1999, ISBN # 0-8389-8073-2

  State Board Rule: IDA (1), 160-4-2-.01The Quality Core Curriculum and Student Competencies

  State Board Rule: IFBD, 160-4-4.-.01 Media Programs

  State Board Rule: CGB, 160-5-1-.22 Personnel Required

  State Lottery Guidelines: FY02 Computers in the Classroom Technology Project - A Georgia Lottery Grant

  State Facilities Guidelines: Square Footage Requirements for Use in Developing the Local Facilities Plans;

  The State of Georgia K-12 Technology Plan: 2003-2006. Georgia Department of Education.
      21 Century Library Learning Standards: 2007. American Association of School Librarians (AASL).

                                                 Georgia Department of Education
                                             Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
                                                      10/29/2007 Page of 10
                                                        All Rights Reserved

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Doe rubric1

  • 1. Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric All Exemplary and Exceptional programs will meet or exceed the definitions below for Basic, Proficient, and Exemplary programs. All Exemplary and Exceptional programs will have achieved the requirements set out in state education laws, state board policies, state guidelines, and selected National Standards. Target Indicators Levels of Proficiency And Categories Category 1 - Student Achievement and Instruction Basic Proficient Exemplary 1. Information Literacy Standards, as Information Literacy Skills Information literacy skills are The library media program fosters critical thinking defined in QCC Standards, are curriculum is comprised of integrated into the curriculum skills and independent inquiry so students can integrated into content instruction basic library media orientation through the collaborative efforts of learn to choose reliable information and become (Information Power; Principle 2; Pg. skills and instruction on how to the library media specialist and proactive and thoughtful users of information 58) find information. teachers. and resources. 2. Collaborative planning includes Library media specialist Library media specialist encourages Library media specialist actively plans with and library media specialists and teachers participates in collaborative collaborative planning among teachers encourages every teacher to participate in the to ensure use of library media center planning when initiated by the who are teaching units of similar design of instruction. Learning strategies and resources that support on-going teacher. content. The library media specialist is activities for all students are designed with all classroom instruction and familiar with the Georgia teachers who are willing to plan collaboratively. implementation of state curriculum ( All students with diverse learning styles, abilities, (IFBD 160-4-4-.01) web site and encourages teachers to use and needs are included in collaborative plans. the resources available on GSO. The library media specialist is knowledgeable about the Georgia Performance Standards and can assist both teachers and students in order to enhance and support teaching and learning Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 2. 3. Professional library media staff is The library media specialist The library media specialist The library media specialist uses a variety of engaged in active teaching role/s. makes recommendations to and teaching styles to meet the diverse needs of (Information Power; students for class projects and teachers plan and teach students. Collaborative planning determines Principle 4, p. 58) pleasure reading. The library collaboratively so that the library where and how student assessment takes place, media specialist provides basic media program is an extension of and whether the teacher, the library media orientation and instruction on classroom instruction. specialist or both does the assessment. information location skills. 4. The library media center resources Bulletin boards and displays of The library media center offers The library media center is a critical element in encourage and support reading, books and reading materials events and activities that appeal to a the school’s reading program. The library media viewing, and listening. reflect different aspects of the wide program meets the needs of both the curriculum (Information Power; curriculum, holidays, and range of interests. Attendance and and recreational reading. Principle 6, p. 58) community interests to support circulation statistics verify recreational reading. students’ 5. Services are provided to students The library media center use. library media staff selects The The library media specialist and teachers who have diverse learning abilities, resources reflect diverse resources and informs teachers of collect and use student data to design activities styles, and needs. learning abilities, styles, and these that will (Information Power; Principle 7, needs. resources with recommendations lead to student achievement. The library p. 58) to support students’ diverse media program supports instructional learning strategies and abilities and styles. The library media learning activities that meet individual needs. The specialist is familiar with the library media specialist is knowledgeable about the Lexile framework. Lexile framework. 6. Student achievement is routinely The classroom teacher is Together the teacher and library media The teacher and library media specialist use assessed. responsible for assessing specialist develop a rubric(s) or a variety of collaboratively designed tools (A Planning Guide for Information student achievement. another for Power; p. 36) effective means for assessing assessing student achievement, e.g., rubrics, student achievement. student self-evaluations, and student presentations to peers and/or adult professionals in a field of study.
  • 3. Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric Target Indicators Category 2 - Staffing Basic Proficient Exemplary 7. If less than base size: In compliance with state board Full-time library media specialist is Full-time certified library media specialist is A school system shall provide no less rule. Adult supervision may be employed and is not shared at any employed Adult supervision by certified than half-time services of a library parent/peer volunteers. other time with other areas in the personnel is available for the entire day. media specialist for each school less school nor does he/she provide than base size and shall provide adult services outside supervision in the library media center the library media center. for the entire instructional day. (Base size defined by unweighted FTE: K-5, 450; 6-8, 624; 9-12, 970) (CGB, 160-5-1-.22) 7. If base size or larger: In compliance with state board Library media specialist is not The following criteria that exceed state rules are in A school system shall employ a full- rule, but the library media required to perform other duties on a place: Additional support personnel are employed time library media specialist for each specialist may be required to daily or frequent basis. A part-time in areas of the library media program. Library base size school or larger. perform other duties on a daily library media paraprofessional is media staff is always available throughout the (Base size defined by unweighted or frequent basis. employed. instructional day to assist teachers and students. FTE: K-5, 450; 6-8, 624; 9-12, 970) Support staff is not shared in other areas of the (CGB, 160-5-1-.22) school. A full-time paraprofessional person (clerk) is on staff in the library media center. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Target Indicators Category 3 - Facilities, Access, Basic Proficient Exemplary and Resources 8. There shall be a plan for flexibly Flexible scheduling makes Flexible scheduling and library media Flexible scheduling is maintained allowing full scheduled library media center access resources and assistance staff are available throughout the day participation of teachers and the library media for students and teachers in groups or available at the time of learning to assist teachers and students specialist in collaborative planning and allowing as individuals simultaneously need. Library media staff is regardless students to come to the library media center at throughout each instructional day. available to teachers and of ability or disability. The library any time. The library media center is available Accessibility shall refer to the facility, students for most of the school media center is available either both before and after school. Some evening the staff, and the resources and shall day. before or after school. hours may be scheduled for instructional needs of be based on instructional need. students and families. (IFBD 160-4-4-.01) 9. School library media center square Based on FTE, the library Based on FTE, the library media Based on FTE, the library media center exceeds footage requirements based on FTE. media center meets minimum center exceeds minimum square minimum square footage requirements and is (Square Footage Requirements for square footage requirements. footage requirements and is large large enough to accommodate large and small Use in Developing the Local Facilities enough to accommodate large and groups Plans) small groups and individuals working and individuals working simultaneously. simultaneously. Shelving, storage Shelving, storage areas, and wiring meet the needs areas, and wiring meet the needs of the of the collection. In addition, production and collection. presentation space is available. 10. Central electronic media School is not new; this By the end of 2007-2008 school Electronic distribution system meets distribution system for television and requirement is in the facilities year, the electronic distribution state requirements. radio programs is available. plan for future capital system will be complete. (Square Footage Requirements for expenditures. Use in Developing the Local Facilities Plans) Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric 11. Print and non-print resources and Print and non-print library Print and non-print resources, Print and non-print resources, including access to online information are basic media center resources are including subscription databases and subscription databases, access to the Internet, to a library media program. A school adequate to support the core other library media center resources are and other library media center resources are network is effective for delivering curriculum. Two or three available online to multiple networked available on a LAN throughout the school. media resources to the classroom and computers for student access to computers within the library media Some library media center resources are beyond. Multiple computers are online resources are available in center only. A LAN (Local Area accessible via Internet access outside the school. available for student access to online the library media center. Network) is fully functional. Network Students use library media center technology resources that enhance instruction. services are delivered to all classrooms. independently for extended projects and (FY02 Computers in the Classroom There is a minimum of ten (10) books information retrieval. The library media center Technology Project - A Georgia per student. Nonprint materials has in excess of ten (10) books per student. Lottery Grant) average two (2) per student. There are three (3) nonprint items per student. 12. All library media resources are Management and circulation The OPAC is electronically networked The OPAC is available on a LAN throughout the managed for maximum efficient use. workstations and at least one to several computers within the library school. All resources are recorded in MARC The library media center has an online catalog access (OPAC) media center. MARC format is used. format so that access is available on the LAN electronic online public access catalog exist in the library media center. New acquisitions are added based on and weeding of out-of-date materials can be (OPAC). Funds for acquisition of MARC format is used. reliable review sources, state and timely. New acquisitions are added based on computers are utilized to implement national award books, and curriculum reliable review sources, state and national award the goals/objectives set forth in the needs. Weeding is an ongoing books, and curriculum needs. The OPAC is up- System Three-Year Technology Plan practice. A network distribution of to-date and reflects the library media center or in the System Comprehensive resources beyond the library media holdings. School Improvement Plan. center is not available. Some library media center resources are (FY02 Computers in the accessible via Internet access outside of the school Classroom Technology Project - A building. Georgia Lottery Grant) Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 6. 13. One of the national educational Number of GALILEO searches Number of GALILEO searches by Instruction and promotion of GALILEO will be technology goals states: “Effective by students and staff in your students and staff will be more than in an organized manner. Searches will be and engaging software and on-line system will be the same as the the previous year. Information about conducted in such a way that maximize efficiency resources will be an integral part of previous year. Information the number of searches can be and result in a high quality product Best every school’s curriculum.” The about the number of searches obtained on a system level through Practices and Learning Models that encourage GALILEO on-line service provides can be obtained on a system GALILEO statistics. and endorse GALILEO will be produced, taught, Georgia students and teachers access level through GALILEO and shared with other library media specialists to exceptional on-line resources at no statistics. throughout the state. Professional Development cost to the local school district. . courses with the staff and faculty will be Searches performed in GALILEO conducted. databases will exceed one million annually and the number of full- content items viewed will exceed one million annually. State of Georgia Technology Plan 2003-2006. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 7. Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric Target Indicators Category 4 - Administrative Support Basic Proficient Exemplary 14. The local system superintendent A system media contact person The SMCP coordinates The SMCP maintains communication among shall appoint a system media contact (SMCP) is appointed and communication among all library library media specialists in the district. District person (SMCP) to serve as a liaison to communication from the SMCP media specialists in the district, and level administrators facilitate the communication the department. is received and posted for all disseminates messages from DOE, among the SMCP, library media specialists, and (IFBD, 160-4-4.-.01 ) library media specialists and GALILEO, and other entities. themselves. The SMCP understands the role of staff. The media coordinator or the library media specialist and encourages curriculum coordinator may opportunities for library media specialists to meet serve as the SMCP to facilitate regularly. The district encourages links on school communication to and from and district websites for library media center DOE. announcements and services. 15. Administrative staff support at The school principal provides The school principal and district The school principal and district administrators both the school and district levels is support to the library media administrators take an active role in take a leadership role in encouraging teachers to essential for the development of a program and makes time to encouraging teachers to integrate integrate library media resources into the strong library media program. meet with the library media library media resources into the curriculum, fostering a climate of collaboration and (Information Power; Principle 4, p. specialist occasionally. curriculum. School, department, inquiry, encouraging the library media specialist to 100) and district level administrators be knowledgeable about current educational trends, meet regularly with the library promoting occasional visits to exemplary media specialist. programs, and providing budgetary support. Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 8. school. A library media committee makes recommendations and decisions relating to planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of th or twice a year. (This committee may be the same as the technology committee in some local schools.) (This committee may be the same as the technology committee in some schools.) ration of materials. This policy, which may be the media/technology plan in some schools, is the basis of operation for actions of the advisory or update consideration and subsequent local board a Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 9. Georgia DOE 2008 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric Target Indicators Category 5 - Staff Basic Proficient Exemplary Development 19. Staff development opportunities Library media specialist Library media specialist seeks to Library media specialist continually seeks to are available both for the library participates in staff enhance his/her professional skills, enhance his/her professional, particularly media staff to enhance their own development options and particularly technology skills, beyond technology, skills. The library media specialist, professional knowledge and for the provides informal staff those required for recertification or by when funding permits, also participates annually library media staff to provide development instruction during the school district. Library media in state or national conferences. The library information and technology literacy collaborative planning with specialist provides occasional formal media specialist is included in planning the staff skills to other teachers and teachers. Current professional staff development instruction and development program for the school staff and administrative staff. Professional resources are maintained in the informal instruction during assists in teaching and organizing sessions. The resources and services for all faculty library media center if the collaborative planning with teachers. library media specialist is recognized as a master members are provided in the library district does not provide a The school system makes staff teacher and provides staff development options media center for the “learning centralized professional development options available for beyond routine planning. The library media community“. resource center. library media support staff. The specialist draws on professional resources both at (Information Power; Principle 8, p. library media specialist is the local and district levels and online to provide 100) knowledgeable of individual assistance to teachers using technology the district professional and designing curriculum. The library media development services. specialist may also assist the teacher in his/her graduate research and secure professional resources for them through interlibrary loan. Category 6 — Other (Write an additional indicator here) Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved
  • 10. List of citations used in this rubric: Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. American Association of School Librarians [and] Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. ISBN 0-8389-3470-6 Official Code of Georgia: O.C.G.A. 20-2-167, 12/03/01 and O.C.G.A 20-2-184, bin/ A Planning Guide for Information Power. .American Association of School Librarians a division of the American Library Association, Chicago, 1999, ISBN # 0-8389-8073-2 State Board Rule: IDA (1), 160-4-2-.01The Quality Core Curriculum and Student Competencies State Board Rule: IFBD, 160-4-4.-.01 Media Programs State Board Rule: CGB, 160-5-1-.22 Personnel Required State Lottery Guidelines: FY02 Computers in the Classroom Technology Project - A Georgia Lottery Grant State Facilities Guidelines: Square Footage Requirements for Use in Developing the Local Facilities Plans; The State of Georgia K-12 Technology Plan: 2003-2006. Georgia Department of Education. st 21 Century Library Learning Standards: 2007. American Association of School Librarians (AASL). Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools 10/29/2007 Page of 10 All Rights Reserved