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                                    Pablo Díez

                             Symfony Live 2011 - Paris

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Pablo Díez
             Creator of Mondongo
                 ODM for MongoDB and PHP
        (in English :)
             Creator of Mondator
                 Class generator for PHP
             Creator of Doctrator


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
What is Doctrator?

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Doctrator = Doctrine2 + Mondator

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Agile Development

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Agile Development


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Agile Development

                               ActiveRecord      optional

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Agile Development

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Agile Development

         Doctrator saves you a lot of time! ;)

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
How does Doctrine2 work?

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
How does Doctrine2 work?

          “Doctrine2 provides transparent persistence for PHP objects.”


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
That is, persist PHP objects without restrictions of a base class,
                                properties, methods.

                                 namespace Model;

                                 class User
                                     public $id;
                                     public $username;
                                     public $email;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist.

                             With Docblock Annotations

                                 * @Entity
                               class User
                                     * @Id
                                     * @Column(type="integer")
                                    public $id;

                                    * @Column(length=50)
                                   public $username;

                                    * @Column(length=100)
                                   public $email;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist.

                                             With YAML

                                 type: entity
                                     id:       { type: integer, id: true }
                                     username: { type: string(50) }
                                     email:    { type: string(50) }

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist.

                                                           With XML

                  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                  <doctrine-mapping xmlns=""

                        <entity name="ModelUser" table="user">

                             <id name="id" type="integer" column="id">
                                 <generator strategy="AUTO"/>

                             <field name="username" type="string" length="50" />
                             <field name="email" type="string" length="100" />



viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist.

                                      With PHP

                                 'id' => true,
                                 'fieldName' => 'id',
                                 'type' => 'integer'

                                 'fieldName' => 'username',
                                 'type' => 'string'

                                'fieldName' => 'email',
                                'type' => 'string'

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist.

                       Then you are able to persist those objects.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Then you are able to persist those objects.

                                $user = new User();
                                $user->username = 'pablodip';
                                $user->password = 'pa$$word';
                                $user->email = '';


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
A Doctrine2 good practice is to use non public
                           properties in the entities.

                               class User
                                   protected   $id;
                                   protected   $username;
                                   protected   $password;
                                   protected   $email;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You have to create methods to access to the properties.

                                  Setters & Getters

                             public function setId($id)
                                 $this->id = $id;

                             public function getId()
                                 return $this->id;

                             public function setUsername($username)
                                 $this->username = $username;

                             public function getUsername()
                                 return $this->username;

                             public function setPassword($password)
                                 $this->password = $password;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
What do you need to work with this simple table?

                                id           integer
                             username        string
                             password        string
                              email          string

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

                                class User


                                id             integer
                             username           string
                             password           string
                              email             string

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

       protected        $id;            class User
       protected        $username;      {
       protected        $password;      }
       protected        $email;

                                        id             integer
                                     username           string
                                     password           string
                                      email             string

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

       protected        $id;                            class User
       protected        $username;                      {
       protected        $password;                      }
       protected        $email;

                                                        id             integer
                                                   username             string
    public function setId($id)

        $this->id = $id;
                                                   password             string
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;
                                                      email             string

    public function setUsername($username)
        $this->username = $username;         Setters/Getters

    public function getUsername()
        return $this->username;

    public function setPassword($password)
        $this->password = $password;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

       protected        $id;                            class User
       protected        $username;                      {
       protected        $password;                      }
       protected        $email;

                                                        id             integer
                                                                                  * @Entity
                                                   username             string    */
    public function setId($id)
    {                                                                                /**

        $this->id = $id;
                                                   password             string        * @Id
                                                                                      * @Column(type="integer")
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;
                                                      email             string       /**
                                                                                      * @Column(length=50)
    public function setUsername($username)
        $this->username = $username;         Setters/Getters                         /**
                                                                                      * @Column(length=100)
    }                                                                                 */

    public function getUsername()
        return $this->username;

    public function setPassword($password)
        $this->password = $password;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

                                   * @Entity
                                 class User
                                       * @Id
                                       * @Column(type="integer")
                                      protected $id;

                                      * @Column(length="50")
                                     protected $username;

                                      * @Column(length="40")
                                     protected $password;

                user                  * @Column(length="100")
                                     protected $email;

          id           integer       public function setId($id)
                                         $this->id = $id;
    username            string       public function getId()
                                         return $this->id;
    password            string       }

                                     public function setUsername($username)
       email            string       }
                                         $this->username = $username;

                                     public function getUsername()
                                         return $this->username;

                                     public function setPassword($password)
                                         $this->password = $password;

                                     public function getPassword()
                                         return $this->password;

                                     public function setEmail($email)
                                         $this->email = $email;

                                     public function getEmail()
                                         return $this->email;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

                                   * @Entity
                                 class User
                                       * @Id
                                       * @Column(type="integer")
                                      protected $id;

                                      * @Column(length="50")
                                     protected $username;

                                      * @Column(length="40")
                                     protected $password;

                user                  * @Column(length="100")
                                     protected $email;

          id           integer       public function setId($id)
                                         $this->id = $id;

    username            string       public function getId()
                                         return $this->id;
    password            string       }

                                     public function setUsername($username)
       email            string       }
                                         $this->username = $username;

                                     public function getUsername()
                                         return $this->username;

                                     public function setPassword($password)
                                         $this->password = $password;

                                     public function getPassword()
                                         return $this->password;

                                     public function setEmail($email)
                                         $this->email = $email;

                                     public function getEmail()
                                         return $this->email;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Lines Of Repetitive Code

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                             Lines Of Repetitive Code

                   ... and we still don’t have any features! :)

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
How many LORC do we need in a real database?

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
How many LORC do we need in a real database?


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
What does Doctrator do?

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
What does Doctrator do?

       Doctrator generates classes and maps them with Doctrine2

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Doctrator generates classes and maps them with Doctrine2

                   You only have to tell it the configuration of the classes.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                                 'ModelUser' => array(
                                     'columns' => array(
                                         'id'       => array('id' => 'auto', 'type' => 'integer'),
                                         'username' => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 50),
                                         'password' => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 40),
                                         'email'    => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 100),

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                                     id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                                     username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                                     password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                                     email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                                                                  id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                                                                  username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                                                                  password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                                                                  email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

       This generates your object.                                                            This maps your object.
                       class User

                             protected $id;

                             protected $username;
                             protected $password;
                                                                                                     * @Entity
                             protected $email;
                             public function setId($id)
                                 $this->id = $id;
                             }                                                                          /**
                             public function getId()                                                     * @Id
                                 return $this->id;                                                       * @Column(type="integer")
                             public function setUsername($username)
                                 $this->username = $username;
                             }                                                                          /**
                             public function getUsername()                                               * @Column(length=50)
                                 return $this->username;

                             public function setPassword($password)
                                 $this->password = $password;                                            * @Column(length=100)
                             public function getPassword()
                                 return $this->password;

                             public function setEmail($email)

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                                     id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                                     username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                                     password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                                     email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

                                   You can start to work.

                             $user = new ModelUser();


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
How does Doctrator work?

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
How does Doctrator work?

          Doctrator uses Mondator to generate the classes for you.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Mondator defines PHP classes.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

           class User
               protected $username;

                        public function setUsername($username)
                            $this->username = $username;

                        public function getUsername()
                            return $this->username;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;                   Definition

           class User
           {                                              Properties
               protected $username;

                        public function setUsername($username)
                            $this->username = $username;

                        public function getUsername()
                            return $this->username;
viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
use MondongoMondatorDefinitionDefinition;
       use MondongoMondatorDefinitionProperty;
       use MondongoMondatorDefinitionMethod;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
namespace Model;

       class User
                                     Full Class Name

       $definition = new Definition('ModelUser');

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
protected $username;

                                   Visibility   Name

       $property = new Property('protected', 'username');

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
public function setUsername($username)
           $this->username = $username;

                             Visibility   Name         Arguments     Code

       $method = new Method('public', 'setUsername', '$username', <<<EOF
               $this->username = $username;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You can define any PHP class.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Parent class



viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Default value


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Even with comments.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
        * User Class.

            * Set the username.
            * @param string $username The username.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Then you can export them with the Dumper.

                             use MondongoMondatorDumper;

                             $dumper = new Dumper($definition);
                             $classCode = $dumper->dump();

                             echo $classCode;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                * User entity.
              class User
                   protected $username;

                        * Set the username.
                        * @param string $username The username.
                      public function setUsername($username)
                           $this->username = $username;

                        * Returns the username.
                        * @return string The username.
                      public function getUsername()
                           return $this->username;
viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
And save them in files.

                             file_put_contents($file, $codeClass);

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Mondator Extensions

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Mondator Extensions

        Mondator uses extensions to generate similar classes
                  in a powerful and flexible way.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
The Mondator Extensions process the config classes
               to define what classes will be generated.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                                      id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                                      username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                                      password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                                      email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

          The Mondator Extensions process the config classes
               to define what classes will be generated.


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                               id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                               username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                               password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                               email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

         use MondongoMondatorExtension;

         class Doctrator extends Extension
             protected function doClassProcess()


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                               id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                               username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                               password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                               email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

         use MondongoMondatorExtension;

         class Doctrator extends Extension
             protected function doClassProcess()


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                               id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                               username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                               password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                               email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

         use MondongoMondatorExtension;

         class Doctrator extends Extension
             protected function doClassProcess()


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                               id:         {   id: auto, type: integer }
                               username:   {   type: string, length: 50 }
                               password:   {   type: string, length: 40 }
                               email:      {   type: string, length: 100 }

         use MondongoMondatorExtension;

         class Doctrator extends Extension
             protected function doClassProcess()

         }                                                      Definitions to generate

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
An extension can generate any definition.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
use MondongoMondatorExtension;
             use MondongoMondatorDefinitionDefinition;

             class Doctrator extends Extension
                 protected function doClassProcess()
                     $definition = new Definition($this->class);
                     $this->definitions['entity'] = $definition;

                             $definition = new Definition($this->class.'Repository');
                             $this->definitions['repository'] = $definition;

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
foreach ($this->configClass['columns'] as $name => $column) {

                $property = new Property('protected', $name);



viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
foreach ($this->configClass['columns'] as $name => $column) {

              $setterName = 'set'.Inflector::camelize($name);
              $setter = new Method('public', $setterName, '$value', <<<EOF
                  $this->$name = $value;


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Different extensions can modify the same definition.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
class Doctrator extends Extension
          protected function doClassProcess()
              $definition = new Definition($this->class);
              $this->definitions['entity'] = $defintion;


      class ArrayAccess extends Extension
          protected function doClassProcess()

                        $method = new Method('public', 'offsetGet', '$name', $code);

                        // ...

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
An extension can have options.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
class Doctrator extends Extension
           protected function setUp()
                   'columns'      => true,
                   'array_access' => true,

                 protected function doClassProcess()
                     if ($this->getOption('columns')) {

                             if ($this->getOption('array_access')) {

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You can process the extensions that you want.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$mondator = new MondongoMondatorMondator();
              new DoctratorExtensionCore($options),
              new DoctratorExtensionArrayAccess(),

          $article['title'] = 'Doctrator';
          echo $article['title']; // Doctrator

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$mondator = new MondongoMondatorMondator();
              new DoctratorExtensionCore($options),
              //new DoctratorExtensionArrayAccess(),

          $article['title'] = 'Doctrator';
          echo $article['title']; // Doctrator

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
An extension can change the config class to extend
                          another extension.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
class Doctrator extends Extension
          protected function doClassProcess()
              foreach ($this->configClass['columns'] as $name => $column) {
                  // ...

      class DateColumn extends Extension
          protected function doConfigClassProcess()
              $this->configClass['columns']['date'] = array(
                  'type' => 'date',

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
You can even use extensions in the config classes.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                    id:     { id: auto, type: integer }
                    title: { type: string, length: 100 }
                         class: DoctratorBehaviorTimestampable
                         options: { }

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
And you can combine all these things to do what you

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Generated code is not necessarily magic code.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Doctrator Extensions

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Doctrator Extensions


              ArrayAccess      PropertyOverloading   ActiveRecord   Behaviors

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                     Generates and maps objects with Doctrine2.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Doctrator uses base classes to separate generated
                         code from your code.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
              namespace Model;

              class User extends ModelBaseUser
                  // your code

              namespace ModelBase;

              class User
                  // generated code

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
     table_name: articles
         id:        { id: auto, type: integer }
         title:     { type: string, length: 100 }
         slug:      { type: string, length: 100 }
         content:   { type: string }
         is_active: { type: boolean, default: true }
         date:      { type: date }
         category: { class: ModelCategory, inversed: articles }
         slug: { columns: ['slug'], unique: true }
         date: { columns: ['is_active', 'date'] }
         preUpdate: ['updateDate']

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
     table_name: articles     one_to_one
         id:      { id: auto,many_to_many
                              type: integer }
         title:   { type: string, length: 100 }
         slug:    { type: string, length: 100 }
         content: { type: string class
         is_active: { type: boolean, default: true }
         date:    { type: date }inversed
         category: { class: ModelCategory, inversed: articles }
         slug: { columns: ['slug'], unique: true }
         date: { columns: ['is_active', 'date'] }
         preUpdate: ['updateDate']

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
ModelArticle:               Events
     table_name: articles
     columns:                  prePersist
         id:      { id: auto, type: integer }
         title:   { type: string, length: 100 }
         slug:                postUpdate
                  { type: string, length: 100 }
         content: { type: string }
         is_active: { type: boolean, default: true }
         date:    { type: date }
         category: { class: ModelCategory, inversed: articles }
         slug: { columns: ['slug'], unique: true }
         date: { columns: ['is_active', 'date'] }
         preUpdate: ['updateDate']

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$category = new ModelCategory();
       $category->setName('Class Generator');

       $article = new ModelArticle();
       $article->setDate(new DateTime('now'));


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Useful methods.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Set & Get by string

            $article->set('title', 'Doctrator');

            echo $article->get('title'); // Doctrator

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
fromArray & toArray

                'title' => 'Doctrator',
                'date' => new DateTime('now')

            $array = $article->toArray();

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

          Implements the ArrayAccess interface in the entities.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();
         $article['title'] = 'Doctrator';
         echo $article['title']; // Doctrator

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                Allows you access to entity data like properties.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();
         $article->title = 'Doctrator';
         echo $article->title; // Doctrator

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

        Implements the ActiveRecord pattern in your entities.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();



viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

         ModelArticle Object
             [id:protected] => 1
             [title:protected] => Doctrator
             [content:protected] => Rocks!

     Doctrator entities are clean even with ActiveRecord!

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$em = ModelArticle::entityManager();
         $articleRepository = ModelArticle::repository();
         $queryBuilder = ModelArticle::queryBuilder();

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$articles = $entityManager->getRepository('Model
               $article = $entityManager->getRepository('Model

               $articles = ModelArticle::repository()->findAll();
               $article = ModelArticle::repository()->find($id);

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Reuse features.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
A behavior is simply a Mondator extension.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
A behavior can

         Have options
         Change config classes:
             •     Columns
             •     Associations
             •     Indexes
             •     Events
             •     ...
         Add new generated classes
         Add properties and methods
             • Entities
             • Repositories
             • ...

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Saves the created and updated date.
                                             created TRUE
                                     created_column created_at
                                            updated TRUE
                                    updated_column updated_at

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                 id:    { id: auto, type: integer }
                 title: { type: name, length: 100 }
                 - DoctratorBehaviorTimestampable

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();

         echo $article->getCreatedAt(); // now
         echo $article->getUpdatedAt(); // null


         echo $article->getCreatedAt(); // before
         echo $article->getUpdatedAt(); // now

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Saves the created and updated ip.
                                           created TRUE
                                   created_column created_from
                                          updated TRUE
                                   updated_column updated_from

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Saves a unique hash in each entity.
                                         column hash

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                 id:    { id: auto, type: integer }
                 title: { type: name, length: 100 }
                 - DoctratorBehaviorHashable

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new Article();


         echo $article->getHash();
         // da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Saves a slug from a field.
                                 from_column *
                                 slug_column slug
                                      unique TRUE
                                      update FALSE

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                 id:     { id: auto, type: integer }
                 title: { type: name, length: 100 }
                      class: DoctratorBehaviorSluggable
                      options: { from_column: title }

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();
         $article->setTitle('Doctrator Rocks!');

         echo $article->getSlug(); // doctrator-rocks

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Allows you to sort your entities.
                                          column position
                                     new_position bottom

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$articles = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
             $articles[$i] = $a = new ModelArticle();
             $a->setTitle('Article '.$i);

         echo $articles[3]->getPosition(); // 3
         echo $articles[6]->getPosition(); // 6

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
// some methods

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                             Allows you to save tags in the entities.

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();
         $article->setTitle('My Title');

         // methods
         $article->addTags('foobar, barfoo');
         $article->removeAllTags(); // saved and not saved
         $article->getTags(); // saved and not saved
         $article->setTags(array('foo', 'bar'));


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                             Allows you to translate entity columns.
                                           columns *

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                 id:       { id: auto, type: integer }
                 title:    { type: string, length: 100 }
                 content: { type: string }
                 date:     { type: date }
                      class: DoctratorBehaviorTranslatable
                      options: { columns: ['title', 'content'] }

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
$article = new ModelArticle();
         $article->setDate(new DateTime());

         // en
         $article->translation('en')->setTitle('My Title');
         $article->translation('en')->setContent('My Content');

         // es
         $article->translation('es')->setTitle('Mi Título');
         $article->translation('es')->setContent('Mi Contenido');


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Doctrator in Symfony2

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                 array_access:             false
                 property_overloading:     false
                 active_record:            true
                 behaviors:                true

                             validation:   true

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
                 array_access:                  false
                 property_overloading:          false
                 active_record:                 true
                 behaviors:                     true

                             validation:        true

                             my_extension_id:   true

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Config Classes


viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
Standard Namespace

              id:      { id: auto, type: integer }
              title:   { type: string, length: 100 }
              content: { type: string }

              id:       { id: auto, type: integer }
              username: { type: string, length: 20 }

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
              - MyArticleClassValidator: ~
              id:      { id: auto, type: integer }
              title:   { type: string, length: 100 }
              content: { type: string, validation: [MaxLength: 2000] }

                              Validation integrated

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
php app/console doctrator:generate

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

                    (English :)

            You can contact me for Mondongo, Doctrator, consulting, development

viernes 4 de marzo de 2011

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Doctrator Symfony Live 2011 Paris

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  • 2. Pablo Díez Creator of Mondongo ODM for MongoDB and PHP (in English :) Creator of Mondator Class generator for PHP Creator of Doctrator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 3. What is Doctrator? viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 4. Doctrator = Doctrine2 + Mondator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 5. Agile Development viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 6. Agile Development ActiveRecord viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 7. Agile Development ActiveRecord optional viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 8. Agile Development ActiveRecord Behaviors viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 9. Agile Development ActiveRecord Behaviors Doctrator saves you a lot of time! ;) viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 10. How does Doctrine2 work? viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 11. How does Doctrine2 work? “Doctrine2 provides transparent persistence for PHP objects.” viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 12. That is, persist PHP objects without restrictions of a base class, properties, methods. namespace Model; class User { public $id; public $username; public $email; } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 13. You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 14. You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist. With Docblock Annotations /** * @Entity */ class User { /** * @Id * @Column(type="integer") */ public $id; /** * @Column(length=50) */ public $username; /** * @Column(length=100) */ public $email; } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 15. You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist. With YAML EntitiesUser: type: entity fields: id: { type: integer, id: true } username: { type: string(50) } email: { type: string(50) } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 16. You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist. With XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <doctrine-mapping xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <entity name="ModelUser" table="user"> <id name="id" type="integer" column="id"> <generator strategy="AUTO"/> </id> <field name="username" type="string" length="50" /> <field name="email" type="string" length="100" /> </entity> </doctrine-mapping> viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 17. You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist. With PHP $metadata->mapField(array( 'id' => true, 'fieldName' => 'id', 'type' => 'integer' )); $metadata->mapField(array( 'fieldName' => 'username', 'type' => 'string' )); $metadata->mapField(array( 'fieldName' => 'email', 'type' => 'string' )); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 18. You only have to tell Doctrine2 (map) what you want to persist. Then you are able to persist those objects. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 19. Then you are able to persist those objects. $user = new User(); $user->username = 'pablodip'; $user->password = 'pa$$word'; $user->email = ''; $entityManager->persist($user); $entityManager->flush(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 20. A Doctrine2 good practice is to use non public properties in the entities. class User { protected $id; protected $username; protected $password; protected $email; } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 21. You have to create methods to access to the properties. Setters & Getters public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 22. What do you need to work with this simple table? user id integer username string password string email string viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 23. namespace Model; class User { } Class user id integer username string password string email string viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 24. namespace Model; protected $id; class User protected $username; { protected $password; } protected $email; Class Properties user id integer username string password string email string viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 25. namespace Model; protected $id; class User protected $username; { protected $password; } protected $email; Class Properties user id integer username string public function setId($id) { } $this->id = $id; password string public function getId() { return $this->id; email string } public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; Setters/Getters } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 26. namespace Model; protected $id; class User protected $username; { protected $password; } protected $email; Class Mapping Properties user id integer /** * @Entity username string */ public function setId($id) { /** } $this->id = $id; password string * @Id * @Column(type="integer") */ public function getId() { return $this->id; email string /** * @Column(length=50) } */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; Setters/Getters /** * @Column(length=100) } */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 27. namespace Model; /** * @Entity */ class User { /** * @Id * @Column(type="integer") */ protected $id; /** * @Column(length="50") */ protected $username; /** * @Column(length="40") */ protected $password; /** user * @Column(length="100") */ protected $email; id integer public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } username string public function getId() { return $this->id; password string } public function setUsername($username) { email string } $this->username = $username; public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; } public function getPassword() { return $this->password; } public function setEmail($email) { $this->email = $email; } public function getEmail() { return $this->email; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 28. namespace Model; /** * @Entity */ class User { /** * @Id * @Column(type="integer") */ protected $id; /** * @Column(length="50") */ protected $username; /** * @Column(length="40") */ protected $password; /** user * @Column(length="100") */ protected $email; id integer public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; LORC } username string public function getId() { return $this->id; password string } public function setUsername($username) { email string } $this->username = $username; public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } public function setPassword($password) { $this->password = $password; } public function getPassword() { return $this->password; } public function setEmail($email) { $this->email = $email; } public function getEmail() { return $this->email; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 29. LORC Lines Of Repetitive Code viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 30. LORC Lines Of Repetitive Code ... and we still don’t have any features! :) viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 31. How many LORC do we need in a real database? viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 32. How many LORC do we need in a real database? ... viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 33. What does Doctrator do? viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 34. What does Doctrator do? Doctrator generates classes and maps them with Doctrine2 viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 35. Doctrator generates classes and maps them with Doctrine2 You only have to tell it the configuration of the classes. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 36. In PHP array( 'ModelUser' => array( 'columns' => array( 'id' => array('id' => 'auto', 'type' => 'integer'), 'username' => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 50), 'password' => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 40), 'email' => array('type' => 'string', 'length' => 100), ), ), ); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 37. In YAML ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 38. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } This generates your object. This maps your object. class User { protected $id; protected $username; /** protected $password; * @Entity protected $email; */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** public function getId() * @Id { return $this->id; * @Column(type="integer") } */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** public function getUsername() * @Column(length=50) { return $this->username; */ } public function setPassword($password) { /** } $this->password = $password; * @Column(length=100) public function getPassword() */ { return $this->password; } public function setEmail($email) viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 39. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } You can start to work. $user = new ModelUser(); $user->setUsername('pagafantas'); $user->setEmail(''); $entityManager->persist($user); $entityManager->flush(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 40. How does Doctrator work? viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 41. How does Doctrator work? Doctrator uses Mondator to generate the classes for you. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 42. Mondator defines PHP classes. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 43. namespace Model; class User { protected $username; public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 44. namespace Model; Definition class User { Properties protected $username; public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } Methods viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 45. use MondongoMondatorDefinitionDefinition; use MondongoMondatorDefinitionProperty; use MondongoMondatorDefinitionMethod; viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 46. namespace Model; class User { } Full Class Name $definition = new Definition('ModelUser'); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 47. protected $username; Visibility Name $property = new Property('protected', 'username'); $definition->addProperty($property); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 48. public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } Visibility Name Arguments Code $method = new Method('public', 'setUsername', '$username', <<<EOF $this->username = $username; EOF ); $definition->addMethod($method); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 49. You can define any PHP class. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 50. Parent class $definition->setParentClass('ModelBaseUser'); Interfaces $definition->addInterface('ArrayAccess'); Abstract $definition->setIsAbstract(true); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 51. Default value $property->setValue($defaultValue); Static $property->setIsStatic(true); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 52. Abstract $method->setIsAbstract(true); Static $method->setIsStatic(true); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 53. Even with comments. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 54. $definition->setDocComment(<<<EOF /** * User Class. */ EOF ); $method->setDocComment(<<<EOF /** * Set the username. * * @param string $username The username. */ EOF ); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 55. Then you can export them with the Dumper. use MondongoMondatorDumper; $dumper = new Dumper($definition); $classCode = $dumper->dump(); echo $classCode; viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 56. /** * User entity. */ class User { protected $username; /** * Set the username. * * @param string $username The username. */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; } /** * Returns the username. * * @return string The username. */ public function getUsername() { return $this->username; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 57. And save them in files. file_put_contents($file, $codeClass); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 58. Mondator Extensions viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 59. Mondator Extensions Mondator uses extensions to generate similar classes in a powerful and flexible way. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 60. The Mondator Extensions process the config classes to define what classes will be generated. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 61. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } The Mondator Extensions process the config classes to define what classes will be generated. MondongoMondatorDefinitionDefinition viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 62. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } use MondongoMondatorExtension; class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $this->class; $this->configClass; $this->definitions; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 63. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } use MondongoMondatorExtension; class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $this->class; $this->configClass; $this->definitions; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 64. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } use MondongoMondatorExtension; class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $this->class; $this->configClass; $this->definitions; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 65. ModelUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 50 } password: { type: string, length: 40 } email: { type: string, length: 100 } use MondongoMondatorExtension; class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $this->class; $this->configClass; $this->definitions; } } Definitions to generate viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 66. An extension can generate any definition. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 67. use MondongoMondatorExtension; use MondongoMondatorDefinitionDefinition; class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $definition = new Definition($this->class); $this->definitions['entity'] = $definition; $definition = new Definition($this->class.'Repository'); $this->definitions['repository'] = $definition; } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 68. foreach ($this->configClass['columns'] as $name => $column) { $property = new Property('protected', $name); $this->definitions['entity']->addProperty($property); } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 69. foreach ($this->configClass['columns'] as $name => $column) { $setterName = 'set'.Inflector::camelize($name); $setter = new Method('public', $setterName, '$value', <<<EOF $this->$name = $value; EOF ); $this->definitions['entity']->addMethod($setter); } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 70. Different extensions can modify the same definition. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 71. class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $definition = new Definition($this->class); $this->definitions['entity'] = $defintion; $this->processColumns(); } } class ArrayAccess extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { $this->definitions['entity']->addInterface('ArrayAccess'); $method = new Method('public', 'offsetGet', '$name', $code); $this->definitions['entity']->addMethod($method); // ... } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 72. An extension can have options. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 73. class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function setUp() { $this->addOptions(array( 'columns' => true, 'array_access' => true, )); } protected function doClassProcess() { if ($this->getOption('columns')) { $this->processColumns(); } if ($this->getOption('array_access')) { $this->processArrayAccess(); } } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 74. You can process the extensions that you want. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 75. $mondator = new MondongoMondatorMondator(); $mondator->setConfigClasses($configClasses); $mondator->setExtensions(array( new DoctratorExtensionCore($options), new DoctratorExtensionArrayAccess(), )); $mondator->process(); $article['title'] = 'Doctrator'; echo $article['title']; // Doctrator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 76. $mondator = new MondongoMondatorMondator(); $mondator->setConfigClasses($configClasses); $mondator->setExtensions(array( new DoctratorExtensionCore($options), //new DoctratorExtensionArrayAccess(), )); $mondator->process(); $article['title'] = 'Doctrator'; echo $article['title']; // Doctrator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 77. An extension can change the config class to extend another extension. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 78. class Doctrator extends Extension { protected function doClassProcess() { foreach ($this->configClass['columns'] as $name => $column) { // ... } } } class DateColumn extends Extension { protected function doConfigClassProcess() { $this->configClass['columns']['date'] = array( 'type' => 'date', ) } } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 79. You can even use extensions in the config classes. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 80. ModelArticle: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: string, length: 100 } behaviors: - class: DoctratorBehaviorTimestampable options: { } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 81. And you can combine all these things to do what you want. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 82. Generated code is not necessarily magic code. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 83. Doctrator Extensions viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 84. Doctrator Extensions Core ArrayAccess PropertyOverloading ActiveRecord Behaviors viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 85. Core Generates and maps objects with Doctrine2. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 86. Doctrator uses base classes to separate generated code from your code. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 87. ModelUser namespace Model; class User extends ModelBaseUser { // your code } namespace ModelBase; class User { // generated code } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 88. ModelArticle: table_name: articles columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: string, length: 100 } slug: { type: string, length: 100 } content: { type: string } is_active: { type: boolean, default: true } date: { type: date } many_to_one: category: { class: ModelCategory, inversed: articles } indexes: slug: { columns: ['slug'], unique: true } date: { columns: ['is_active', 'date'] } events: preUpdate: ['updateDate'] viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 89. Associations ModelArticle: table_name: articles one_to_one one_to_many columns: many_to_one id: { id: auto,many_to_many type: integer } title: { type: string, length: 100 } slug: { type: string, length: 100 } name content: { type: string class } mapped is_active: { type: boolean, default: true } date: { type: date }inversed many_to_one: category: { class: ModelCategory, inversed: articles } indexes: slug: { columns: ['slug'], unique: true } date: { columns: ['is_active', 'date'] } events: preUpdate: ['updateDate'] viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 90. ModelArticle: Events table_name: articles columns: prePersist id: { id: auto, type: integer } postPersist title: { type: string, length: 100 } preUpdate slug: postUpdate { type: string, length: 100 } preRemove content: { type: string } postRemove is_active: { type: boolean, default: true } postLoad date: { type: date } many_to_one: category: { class: ModelCategory, inversed: articles } indexes: slug: { columns: ['slug'], unique: true } date: { columns: ['is_active', 'date'] } events: preUpdate: ['updateDate'] viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 91. $category = new ModelCategory(); $category->setName('Class Generator'); $entityManager->persist($category); $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->setTitle('Doctrator'); $article->setDate(new DateTime('now')); $article->setCategory($category); $entityManager->persist($article); $entityManager->flush(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 92. Core Useful methods. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 93. Set & Get by string $article->set('title', 'Doctrator'); echo $article->get('title'); // Doctrator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 94. fromArray & toArray $article->fromArray(array( 'title' => 'Doctrator', 'date' => new DateTime('now') )); $array = $article->toArray(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 95. ArrayAccess Implements the ArrayAccess interface in the entities. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 96. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article['title'] = 'Doctrator'; echo $article['title']; // Doctrator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 97. PropertyOverloading Allows you access to entity data like properties. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 98. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->title = 'Doctrator'; echo $article->title; // Doctrator viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 99. ActiveRecord Implements the ActiveRecord pattern in your entities. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 100. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->setTitle('Doctrator'); $article->save(); $article->refresh(); $article->delete(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 102. print_r($article); ModelArticle Object ( [id:protected] => 1 [title:protected] => Doctrator [content:protected] => Rocks! ) Doctrator entities are clean even with ActiveRecord! viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 103. $em = ModelArticle::entityManager(); $articleRepository = ModelArticle::repository(); $queryBuilder = ModelArticle::queryBuilder(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 104. $articles = $entityManager->getRepository('Model Article')->findAll(); $article = $entityManager->getRepository('Model Article')->find($id); $articles = ModelArticle::repository()->findAll(); $article = ModelArticle::repository()->find($id); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 105. Behaviors viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 106. Behaviors Reuse features. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 107. A behavior is simply a Mondator extension. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 108. A behavior can Have options Change config classes: • Columns • Associations • Indexes • Events • ... Add new generated classes Add properties and methods • Entities • Repositories • ... viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 109. Timestampable Saves the created and updated date. created TRUE created_column created_at updated TRUE updated_column updated_at viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 110. ModelArticle: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: name, length: 100 } behaviors: - DoctratorBehaviorTimestampable viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 111. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->setTitle('Doctrator'); $article->save(); echo $article->getCreatedAt(); // now echo $article->getUpdatedAt(); // null $article->setContent('Rocks!'); $article->save(); echo $article->getCreatedAt(); // before echo $article->getUpdatedAt(); // now viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 112. Ipable Saves the created and updated ip. created TRUE created_column created_from updated TRUE updated_column updated_from viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 113. Hashable Ipable Saves a unique hash in each entity. column hash viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 114. ModelArticle: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: name, length: 100 } behaviors: - DoctratorBehaviorHashable viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 115. $article = new Article(); $article->setTitle('Doctrator'); $entityManager->persist(); $entityManager->flush(); echo $article->getHash(); // da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 116. Timestampable Sluggable Saves a slug from a field. from_column * slug_column slug unique TRUE update FALSE viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 117. ModelArticle: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: name, length: 100 } behaviors: - class: DoctratorBehaviorSluggable options: { from_column: title } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 118. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->setTitle('Doctrator Rocks!'); $article->save(); echo $article->getSlug(); // doctrator-rocks viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 119. Sortable Allows you to sort your entities. column position new_position bottom viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 120. $articles = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) { $articles[$i] = $a = new ModelArticle(); $a->setTitle('Article '.$i); $a->save(); } echo $articles[3]->getPosition(); // 3 echo $articles[6]->getPosition(); // 6 viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 121. // some methods $articles[1]->isFirst(); $articles[1]->isLast(); $articles[1]->getNext(); $articles[1]->getPrevious(); $articles[1]->swapWith($articles[2]); $articles[1]->moveUp(); $articles[1]->moveDown();   $repository->getMinPosition(); $repository->getMaxPosition(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 122. Taggable Sortable Allows you to save tags in the entities. viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 123. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->setTitle('My Title'); $article->save(); // methods $article->addTags('foobar, barfoo'); $article->removeTags('foobar'); $article->removeAllTags(); // saved and not saved $article->getSavedTags(); $article->getTags(); // saved and not saved $article->setTags(array('foo', 'bar')); $article->saveTags(); $repository->getTags(); $repository->getTagsWithCount(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 124. Translatable Taggable Sortable Allows you to translate entity columns. columns * viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 125. ModelArticle: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: string, length: 100 } content: { type: string } date: { type: date } behaviors: - class: DoctratorBehaviorTranslatable options: { columns: ['title', 'content'] } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 126. $article = new ModelArticle(); $article->setDate(new DateTime()); // en $article->translation('en')->setTitle('My Title'); $article->translation('en')->setContent('My Content'); // es $article->translation('es')->setTitle('Mi Título'); $article->translation('es')->setContent('Mi Contenido'); $article->save(); viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 127. Doctrator in Symfony2 viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 129. doctrator.config: extensions: array_access: false property_overloading: false active_record: true behaviors: true validation: true viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 130. doctrator.config: extensions: array_access: false property_overloading: false active_record: true behaviors: true validation: true my_extension_id: true viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 131. Config Classes app/config/doctrator/*.yml *Bundle/Resources/doctrator/*.yml viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 132. Standard Namespace ModelArticle: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: string, length: 100 } content: { type: string } ModelDoctratorUserBundleUser: columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } username: { type: string, length: 20 } viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 133. ModelArticle: validation: - MyArticleClassValidator: ~ columns: id: { id: auto, type: integer } title: { type: string, length: 100 } content: { type: string, validation: [MaxLength: 2000] } Validation integrated viernes 4 de marzo de 2011
  • 135. Questions? (English :) You can contact me for Mondongo, Doctrator, consulting, development viernes 4 de marzo de 2011