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GRADES 1 to 12
School: Grade Level: 6
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND
A. Content Standards
Demonstrates the concept of
melody by using intervals in
major scales and in the
minor scales
Demonstrates understanding
of shapes, space, colors, and
the principles of emphasis,
harmony and contrast in
digital painting and poster
design using new
understanding of
participation in and
assessment of
physical activities
and physical fitness
Understands the importance
of keeping the school and
community environments
B. Performance Standards
Applies learned concepts of
and other elements to
and performance
Applies concepts on
the use of software in
creating digital
paintings and graphic
Participates and
assesses performance
in physical activities.
assesses physical
Demonstrates practices
for building and
maintaining healthy
school and community
C. Learning Competencies /
Write the LC code for each
Sings or plays instruments in
solo or with group,
melodies/songs in C Major, G
Major, and F Major
Creates a digital painting
similar with the Masters’ (e.g.,
Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in
terms of style, theme, etc
observe safety
demonstrates ways to build
and keep school and
community environments
Pre-assessment Test/
Diagnostic Test Files
Understanding Melody
Creates a digital painting
similar with the Masters’ (e.g.,
Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in
terms of style, theme, etc.
Invasion Game for Physical
A. References K to 12 MELC
1.Teacher’s Guide pages MODULE 4, ADM MODULE 4, ADM MODULE 4, PIVOT4A MODULE 4, CO module 4
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
Real piano, sheet notes PICTURE, COMPUTER P.E UNIFORM Pictures, slogan
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the new
Identify the pitch name on
the staff using C major
Below are the advantages of
digital painting. Complete the
statement by supplying
the missing words. Choose your
answers from the box.
1. Errors in digital painting can
be ______________ quickly.
2. No __________ work
3. The colors do not
__________ and the brushes
used are free from
4. The artwork is possible to
______, filed and quickly
5. The artwork can be
transferred or __________ to
any __________.
6. The artwork can easily be
_______ or sent to anyone who
might be interested via ____.
Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson.
B. Establishing a
purpose for the lesson
Checking of Attendance
Checking of Attendance
Checking of Attendance
Study the picture above.
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new
Sing the song “ Bahay
Apply your knowledge in digital
painting by creating your own
masterpiece. Read the criteria
on the Rubrics as your guide.
Do the following:
A. Create a scenery of your
choice but not limited to:
The pictures below are
examples of invasion games.
Name these games using the
words in
the box..
1. What people do in the
2. Why they are cleaning the
1. What is the time
signature of the song?
2. How about the key
signature of the song?
3. What is the first note of
the song?
o Sunrise or sunset over the
o A village
o A school community
o A farmland
o A forest with living animals
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #1
Review the major scales.
You may also sing the so-fa
C Major Scale
F Major Scale
Digital Art is an artistic work or
practice that uses digital
technology as
part of the creative or
presentation process. The
impact of digital technology
has transformed activities such
as painting, drawing, sculpture
and sound
Below are examples of digital
art drawn in MS Paint App.
Sungka is one of the most
famous games in the Philippine
archipelago, played by
both old and young Filipinos.
Throughout the ages, this
traditional game has become a
pastime with friends families,
although it originally began as a
fun game for women.
Nature and Background of
the Game:
Sungka is a Filipino ancient
game. It is possible to trace its
history back to the 17th
century. The Jesuit priest,
Father Jose Sanchez, first
mentioned the game in his
1692 Visayan
(Cebuano) language dictionary.
He also said that the game was
played on a wooden boat-like
board with "seashells."
The board game may have
originated from Egypt. It was
used for accounting and stock-
taking. In ancient Sumeria,
evidence of the game was also
found. Historian also found
of an identical game in
Having a healthy home and
community environment is not
only about proper waste
management but also includes
proper implementation of laws
towards crimes, drugs,
bullying, and other related
problems in the community.
In this module you will learn
more on how to demonstrate
the ways in maintaining and
keeping the school and
community healthy.
Parts of the Software used in
Digital art:
1. Menu bar – a horizontal bar,
typically located at the top of
the screen
below the title bar, containing
drop-down menus.
2. Tool bar – a graphical control
element on which on- screen
icons, menus, or other input or
output elements are placed.
This are seen
in many types of software such
as office suites, graphics
editors and web
3. Tool Control bar – this
contains the basic set of
drawing utilities,
particularly those for creating
and editing shapes.
4. Command bar- this provides
easy access to almost every
setting and
feature in the browser.
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
Here are sample of songs
in the given scale. You may
sing the song if you already
know it.
C Major Scale
G Major Scale
The feature programs in the tool
bar or tool box :
1.Burn tool – this tool darkens
an image. To use this tool,just
drag it over the image.
2. Crop tool – this tool changes
the size of the images. To use,
select the area you want to crop
and then press enter.
3. Dodge tool- this tool lightens
an image. To use, drag the icon
over the image you want to
4. Eraser tool – this can erase
part of the image in a certain
layer. To erase
everything in certain area,
flatten the image or go through
every layer to delete that part.
The picture below shows a
Sungka Game.
* It is a game played by two
players using a solid carved
wood called “house” (bahay)
with two rows of seven circular
holes and two wide holes at
both ends called “head” (ulo).
* Each player controls the
seven holes on his side of the
board and owns the “head” to
his right.
These are the ways to keep
your home and community
environment healthy:
1. Proper waste
Ways of segregating wastes:
wastes that can decompose
or destroy by itself.
are those that cannot be
destroyed by
anymeans even if they
are burned.
c. Hazardous wastes are
dangerous wastes that are
harmful to people, plants
and animals.
Here are some examples:
5. Hand tool – this tool moves
around an image within an
object. Use the zoom tool, when
you want to adjust the section
of picture you want to look at.
6. Lasso tool- this tool can
select areas within a layer that
cannot be reached
with the Marquee tool.
7. Marquee tool – this is a
group of tools that allows you to
select rectangles,
ellipses, circles, squares.
8. Move tool – this tool moves
around all objects within a layer.
To move an
entire image, flatten the layers
by selecting All layers at the top
of the window.
9. Paint Bucket tool – this tool
makes an area one color. To
edit all layer at one time, click
on All Layer at the top of the
10. Pen tool – this tool makes
lines and can be used with
shape tools to create different
shapes. To create lines, use the
pen tool to create anchors and
change the shape of the line by
moving around the anchors.
11.Pencil tool or Brush tool –
these tools draw or paint a line.
Change the color
of the paint brush by clicking on
the color picker.
12. Sponge tool – this tool
soaks color out of the image.
Drag the tool over the section of
the image you want to change.
13.Type tool – It puts text in a
picture. Click on the picture with
the type tool
and select a box the size of the
area you want to add.
14.Zoom tool – zoom in on part
The goal of this game is to
accumulate as many pieces in
your own “head”.
Different Skills Involved in
the Sungka Game
1. Playing Sungka improves
mathematical thinking and
develops analytical skills.
2. It requires good and eye-
hand coordination.
3. It teaches the spirit of
4. It also teaches patience and
observation skills.
How to Play a Sungka Game
1. To begin a new game, you
must place Sungka board
horizontally between the two
players so that each player has
seven houses infront of him and
the heads should be at the far
ends to the left and right.
2. The game begins with 49
game pieces (ex. shells,
marbles or pebbles) equally
distributed to alternate holes,
seven pieces of shells in every
other hole except “heads”
which remains empty.
3. Each player, he may decide
which of the seven houses in
front of him he wishes to
begin. He picks up all pieces of
shells from his chosen hole and
move his hand around
the board in a clockwise
direction, dropping one piece of
shell in each hole or head he
passes over, including all the
holes of the board and the
player’s head, except the
opponent’s head.
d. Be informed with the
updated news from TV,
radios and onlineregarding
COVID 19, health problems,
crimes, drugs and some
e. Volunteer your time and
share your talent in
your barangay for clean up
drive, gulayan,
or giving relief goods to less
fortunate families.
f. Be an advocate by
becoming an active
member who will make a
promoting health and safety
in your community.
of the picture for closer editing.
15.Gradient tool – this is use
to highlight a color and make it
fade from dark to light.
16. Airbrush tool – this is use
to create a soft spray and
clouding effect.
17. Blur tool – this is use to
soften sharp edges.
18. Measure tool – this tool
looks like a ruler.
19. Rubber stamp tool – this is
use to replicate the same
pattern or image.
What Is It
The picture below shows a
Sungka Game.
4. If the move ends by dropping
the last shell into one of your
hole you captured the shells
in the opponent’s hole. The
captured shells are deposited in
your store. However the
opponent’s hole is empty,
nothing is captured.
5. The first move is played
simultaneously. After the
players take turns alternately.
The first
player to finish the first move,
may start the second move.
6. You must move if you can. If
you can’t a player must pass
until he can move again.
7. The game ends when no
pieces of shells are left in the
8. The player who captures
most pieces of shells wins the
F.Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
Using pitch or letter names
of C major scale, answer
Musical Spelling on a sheet
of paper.
Choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write your answer on
your notebook.
1. __________ is an artistic
work or practice that uses
digital technology as part of
the creative or presentation
A. Digital tool C. Digital image
B. Digital design D. Digital Art
2. This is a graphical control
element on which on-screen
buttons, icons, menus,
or other input or output element
are placed.
Directions: Write True if the
statement is correct. Write
False if the statement is wrong.
________1. Playing sungka
practices your mathematical
and analytical skills.
________2. The game is
played by four players.
________3. The players played
________4. There are ten
houses of each player.
________5.. The game requires
good eye-hand coordination.
________6. There are 49 shells
Directions: List three
examples in each column.
A. Tool bar C. Tool control bar
B. Menu bar D. Command bar
3. This provides easy access to
almost every setting and feature
in the browser.
A. Tool bar C. Tool control bar
B. Menu bar D. Command bar
4. It contains the basic set of
drawing utilities, particularly
those for creating
and editing shapes.
A. Tool bar C. Tool control bar
B. Menu bar D. Command bar
5. A tool used to draw or paint a
A. Pencil or Brush tool
C. Pen tool
B. Type tool
D. Hand tool
used in counter playing sungka.
________7. The game
develops a spirit of
________8. A player may only
start with a house on any side
of the board.
________9. The game needs
patience and observation skills.
________10. Sungka board is
placed horizontally.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
Identify the major scale of a
given song. Write C Major
Scale, G Major Scale or F
Major Scale on your
Complete the paragraph with
the appropriate words. Do this
on your answer
______________ is an artistic
work or practice that uses
_______________ apart of the
___________ or presentation
Do you know how to play
Write three (3) observations
regarding health problems in
your family or in your
H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about the
In playing melodies/songs
in C Major, F Major, and G
Major, just press
the given letter names in
the keyboard as your guide.
Use your right finger.
(Note: if keyboard is not
available, simply use and
press the keyboard below.
You can also install or
download Piano Apps in
your cellular phone if you
The ability to _________ is only
one part of being a good digital
Being able to prepare
everything else needed to get
across your ideas with your
brush and to add the details
that make your painting stand
out equally
important. There are variety of
digital art _____________ that
artists can choose
from to make their art. The
* It is a game played by two
players using a solid carved
wood called “house” (bahay)
with two rows of seven circular
holes and two wide holes at
both ends called “head” (ulo).
As an important member of
the family in the society, you
too can do your share
toward building and
maintaining a healthy school
and community environment.
I observed in our barangay
some common problems on
health and in home
environment like the
1. Proper segregation of
popularity of _____________
can be noticed
everywhere in the Internet.
digital art
waste/ garbage.
2. Water supply
I. Evaluating learning Be ready with your
performance. Let them
watch as you sing the song
“ Santa Clara”. You may
any available instrument or
improvised instrument as
accompaniment. Please be
guided with the rubrics
Draw a picture of your
surrounding on a paper without
coloring it. You may ink it using
a sign pen so the lines will be
darker and
clearer. Do this on your answer
Direction: Play Sungka by
following the rules and
mechanics of the game. In case
Sungkaan is unavailable, make
an improvised sungkaan
following the steps below.
1. Using a table or a floor. Get a
marker like chalk or crayons.
2. Draw two rows of seven
small circles and two large
circles at both ends called
3. Use any 49 small pieces of
shells, seeds, stones or pebbles
for playing the game.
4. Start to play and follow the
rules and mechanics of the
After playing the game answer
the following questions.
1. Did you enjoy playing the
2. What skills involved in the
game that you have developed?
3. How is the value of
sportsmanship displayed in
playing the game?
create a poster that will
promote safety and health in
community. (20pts)
J.Additional activities for
application or remediation
Present the slogan in a creative
art. Do this on your answer
“Welcome to the New Normal,
Keep Safe Everyone”
Directions: Fill in the blanks with
the correct answers.
1. ______________it is a game
played by two players using a
solid carved wood.
2. The goal of this game is to
Answer each question in 2 -
3 sentences.
1. What will you do if your
neighbor has symptoms of
cough, colds and fever?
2. What are the activities in
________________ as many
pieces in your own “head”.
3. Sungka board is placed
__________________ between
the two players.
4. Each ___________ controls
the seven holes in his side of
the board and own the
head to his right.
5. The captured pieces of shells
are ________________ in your
6. The first move of the players
7. The game ends when no
pieces of shells
______________ in the hole.
8. The player who captures
most pieces of shells
___________ the game.
9. Sungka game teaches the
spirit of
10. Playing Sungka improves
________________ thinking.
your home that will develop
in maintaining safety and
3. As a Filipino child, are
you proud in promoting
cleanliness at home,
community and in school?
Support your answer.
A. No. of learners who
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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  • 1. GRADES 1 to 12 DAILY LESSON LOG School: Grade Level: 6 Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH Teaching Dates and Time: (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER A. Content Standards Demonstrates the concept of melody by using intervals in major scales and in the minor scales Demonstrates understanding of shapes, space, colors, and the principles of emphasis, harmony and contrast in digital painting and poster design using new technologies Demonstrates understanding of participation in and assessment of physical activities and physical fitness Understands the importance of keeping the school and community environments healthy. B. Performance Standards Applies learned concepts of melody and other elements to composition and performance Applies concepts on the use of software in creating digital paintings and graphic designs. Participates and assesses performance in physical activities. assesses physical fitness Demonstrates practices for building and maintaining healthy school and community environments C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Write the LC code for each Sings or plays instruments in solo or with group, melodies/songs in C Major, G Major, and F Major MU6ME-IIa-3 Creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc A6PR-IIc observe safety precautions PE6GS-IIb-h-3 demonstrates ways to build and keep school and community environments healthy H6CMH-IIc-d3 Pre-assessment Test/ Diagnostic Test Files I. CONTENT Understanding Melody Creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc. Invasion Game for Physical Fitness: Sungka DEMONSTRATING WAYS TO BUILD AND KEEP SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT HEALTHY SUMMATIVE TEST II. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References K to 12 MELC 1.Teacher’s Guide pages MODULE 4, ADM MODULE 4, ADM MODULE 4, PIVOT4A MODULE 4, CO module 4 2.Learner’s Materials pages 3.Textbook pages 4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)portal Real piano, sheet notes PICTURE, COMPUTER P.E UNIFORM Pictures, slogan B. Other Learning Resources MONDAY (MUSIC) TUESDAY( ARTS) WEDNESDAY( PE) THURSDAY( HEALTH) FRIDAY I. OBJECTIVES
  • 2. III. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Identify the pitch name on the staff using C major scale. Below are the advantages of digital painting. Complete the statement by supplying the missing words. Choose your answers from the box. 1. Errors in digital painting can be ______________ quickly. 2. No __________ work environment. 3. The colors do not __________ and the brushes used are free from ___________. 4. The artwork is possible to ______, filed and quickly ________. 5. The artwork can be transferred or __________ to any __________. 6. The artwork can easily be _______ or sent to anyone who might be interested via ____. Recall past lesson. Recall past lesson. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Prayer Checking of Attendance Prayer Checking of Attendance Prayer Checking of Attendance Study the picture above. C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson Sing the song “ Bahay Kubo” Apply your knowledge in digital painting by creating your own masterpiece. Read the criteria on the Rubrics as your guide. Do the following: A. Create a scenery of your choice but not limited to: The pictures below are examples of invasion games. Name these games using the words in the box.. 1. What people do in the picture? 2. Why they are cleaning the streets?
  • 3. 1. What is the time signature of the song? 2. How about the key signature of the song? 3. What is the first note of the song? o Sunrise or sunset over the hills o A village o A school community o A farmland o A forest with living animals
  • 4. 5.________________________ ___________________ D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Review the major scales. You may also sing the so-fa syllables. C Major Scale F Major Scale Digital Art is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. The impact of digital technology has transformed activities such as painting, drawing, sculpture and sound art. Below are examples of digital art drawn in MS Paint App. Sungka is one of the most famous games in the Philippine archipelago, played by both old and young Filipinos. Throughout the ages, this traditional game has become a pastime with friends families, although it originally began as a fun game for women. Nature and Background of the Game: Sungka is a Filipino ancient game. It is possible to trace its history back to the 17th century. The Jesuit priest, Father Jose Sanchez, first mentioned the game in his 1692 Visayan (Cebuano) language dictionary. He also said that the game was played on a wooden boat-like board with "seashells." The board game may have originated from Egypt. It was used for accounting and stock- taking. In ancient Sumeria, evidence of the game was also found. Historian also found relics of an identical game in Indonesia. Having a healthy home and community environment is not only about proper waste management but also includes proper implementation of laws towards crimes, drugs, bullying, and other related problems in the community. In this module you will learn more on how to demonstrate the ways in maintaining and keeping the school and community healthy.
  • 5. Parts of the Software used in Digital art: 1. Menu bar – a horizontal bar, typically located at the top of the screen below the title bar, containing drop-down menus. 2. Tool bar – a graphical control element on which on- screen buttons, icons, menus, or other input or output elements are placed. This are seen in many types of software such as office suites, graphics editors and web browsers. 3. Tool Control bar – this contains the basic set of drawing utilities, particularly those for creating and editing shapes. 4. Command bar- this provides easy access to almost every setting and feature in the browser. E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#2 Here are sample of songs in the given scale. You may sing the song if you already know it. C Major Scale G Major Scale The feature programs in the tool bar or tool box : 1.Burn tool – this tool darkens an image. To use this tool,just drag it over the image. 2. Crop tool – this tool changes the size of the images. To use, select the area you want to crop and then press enter. 3. Dodge tool- this tool lightens an image. To use, drag the icon over the image you want to lighten. 4. Eraser tool – this can erase part of the image in a certain layer. To erase everything in certain area, flatten the image or go through every layer to delete that part. The picture below shows a Sungka Game. Sungka * It is a game played by two players using a solid carved wood called “house” (bahay) with two rows of seven circular holes and two wide holes at both ends called “head” (ulo). * Each player controls the seven holes on his side of the board and owns the “head” to his right. These are the ways to keep your home and community environment healthy: 1. Proper waste management Ways of segregating wastes: a. BIODEGRADABLEare wastes that can decompose or destroy by itself. b. NON-BIODEGRADABLE - are those that cannot be destroyed by anymeans even if they are burned. c. Hazardous wastes are dangerous wastes that are harmful to people, plants and animals. Here are some examples:
  • 6. 5. Hand tool – this tool moves around an image within an object. Use the zoom tool, when you want to adjust the section of picture you want to look at. 6. Lasso tool- this tool can select areas within a layer that cannot be reached with the Marquee tool. 7. Marquee tool – this is a group of tools that allows you to select rectangles, ellipses, circles, squares. 8. Move tool – this tool moves around all objects within a layer. To move an entire image, flatten the layers by selecting All layers at the top of the window. 9. Paint Bucket tool – this tool makes an area one color. To edit all layer at one time, click on All Layer at the top of the window. 10. Pen tool – this tool makes lines and can be used with shape tools to create different shapes. To create lines, use the pen tool to create anchors and change the shape of the line by moving around the anchors. 11.Pencil tool or Brush tool – these tools draw or paint a line. Change the color of the paint brush by clicking on the color picker. 12. Sponge tool – this tool soaks color out of the image. Drag the tool over the section of the image you want to change. 13.Type tool – It puts text in a picture. Click on the picture with the type tool and select a box the size of the area you want to add. 14.Zoom tool – zoom in on part The goal of this game is to accumulate as many pieces in your own “head”. Different Skills Involved in the Sungka Game 1. Playing Sungka improves mathematical thinking and develops analytical skills. 2. It requires good and eye- hand coordination. 3. It teaches the spirit of sportsmanship. 4. It also teaches patience and observation skills. How to Play a Sungka Game 1. To begin a new game, you must place Sungka board horizontally between the two players so that each player has seven houses infront of him and the heads should be at the far ends to the left and right. 2. The game begins with 49 game pieces (ex. shells, marbles or pebbles) equally distributed to alternate holes, seven pieces of shells in every other hole except “heads” which remains empty. 3. Each player, he may decide which of the seven houses in front of him he wishes to begin. He picks up all pieces of shells from his chosen hole and move his hand around the board in a clockwise direction, dropping one piece of shell in each hole or head he passes over, including all the holes of the board and the player’s head, except the opponent’s head. d. Be informed with the updated news from TV, radios and onlineregarding COVID 19, health problems, crimes, drugs and some accidents. e. Volunteer your time and share your talent in your barangay for clean up drive, gulayan, or giving relief goods to less fortunate families. f. Be an advocate by becoming an active member who will make a change promoting health and safety in your community.
  • 7. of the picture for closer editing. 15.Gradient tool – this is use to highlight a color and make it fade from dark to light. 16. Airbrush tool – this is use to create a soft spray and clouding effect. 17. Blur tool – this is use to soften sharp edges. 18. Measure tool – this tool looks like a ruler. 19. Rubber stamp tool – this is use to replicate the same pattern or image. What Is It The picture below shows a Sungka Game. 4. If the move ends by dropping the last shell into one of your hole you captured the shells in the opponent’s hole. The captured shells are deposited in your store. However the opponent’s hole is empty, nothing is captured. 5. The first move is played simultaneously. After the players take turns alternately. The first player to finish the first move, may start the second move. 6. You must move if you can. If you can’t a player must pass until he can move again. 7. The game ends when no pieces of shells are left in the holes. 8. The player who captures most pieces of shells wins the game. F.Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Using pitch or letter names of C major scale, answer the Musical Spelling on a sheet of paper. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your notebook. 1. __________ is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. A. Digital tool C. Digital image B. Digital design D. Digital Art 2. This is a graphical control element on which on-screen buttons, icons, menus, or other input or output element are placed. Directions: Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is wrong. ________1. Playing sungka practices your mathematical and analytical skills. ________2. The game is played by four players. ________3. The players played simultaneously. ________4. There are ten houses of each player. ________5.. The game requires good eye-hand coordination. ________6. There are 49 shells Directions: List three examples in each column.
  • 8. A. Tool bar C. Tool control bar B. Menu bar D. Command bar 3. This provides easy access to almost every setting and feature in the browser. A. Tool bar C. Tool control bar B. Menu bar D. Command bar 4. It contains the basic set of drawing utilities, particularly those for creating and editing shapes. A. Tool bar C. Tool control bar B. Menu bar D. Command bar 5. A tool used to draw or paint a image. A. Pencil or Brush tool C. Pen tool B. Type tool D. Hand tool used in counter playing sungka. ________7. The game develops a spirit of sportsmanship. ________8. A player may only start with a house on any side of the board. ________9. The game needs patience and observation skills. ________10. Sungka board is placed horizontally. G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Identify the major scale of a given song. Write C Major Scale, G Major Scale or F Major Scale on your notebook. Complete the paragraph with the appropriate words. Do this on your answer sheet. ______________ is an artistic work or practice that uses digital _______________ apart of the ___________ or presentation process. Do you know how to play Sungka? Write three (3) observations regarding health problems in your family or in your barangay. 1.______________________ _______________________ ___________ 2.______________________ _______________________ ___________ H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson In playing melodies/songs in C Major, F Major, and G Major, just press the given letter names in the keyboard as your guide. Use your right finger. (Note: if keyboard is not available, simply use and press the keyboard below. You can also install or download Piano Apps in your cellular phone if you have.) The ability to _________ is only one part of being a good digital painter. Being able to prepare everything else needed to get across your ideas with your brush and to add the details that make your painting stand out equally important. There are variety of digital art _____________ that artists can choose from to make their art. The Sungka * It is a game played by two players using a solid carved wood called “house” (bahay) with two rows of seven circular holes and two wide holes at both ends called “head” (ulo). As an important member of the family in the society, you too can do your share toward building and maintaining a healthy school and community environment. I observed in our barangay some common problems on health and in home environment like the following: 1. Proper segregation of
  • 9. popularity of _____________ can be noticed everywhere in the Internet. software digital art draw waste/ garbage. 2. Water supply I. Evaluating learning Be ready with your performance. Let them watch as you sing the song “ Santa Clara”. You may use any available instrument or improvised instrument as your accompaniment. Please be guided with the rubrics below. Draw a picture of your surrounding on a paper without coloring it. You may ink it using a sign pen so the lines will be darker and clearer. Do this on your answer sheet. Direction: Play Sungka by following the rules and mechanics of the game. In case Sungkaan is unavailable, make an improvised sungkaan following the steps below. 1. Using a table or a floor. Get a marker like chalk or crayons. 2. Draw two rows of seven small circles and two large circles at both ends called house. 3. Use any 49 small pieces of shells, seeds, stones or pebbles for playing the game. 4. Start to play and follow the rules and mechanics of the game. After playing the game answer the following questions. 1. Did you enjoy playing the game? 2. What skills involved in the game that you have developed? 3. How is the value of sportsmanship displayed in playing the game? create a poster that will promote safety and health in your community. (20pts) J.Additional activities for application or remediation Present the slogan in a creative art. Do this on your answer sheet. “Welcome to the New Normal, Keep Safe Everyone” Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. 1. ______________it is a game played by two players using a solid carved wood. 2. The goal of this game is to Answer each question in 2 - 3 sentences. 1. What will you do if your neighbor has symptoms of cough, colds and fever? 2. What are the activities in
  • 10. ________________ as many pieces in your own “head”. 3. Sungka board is placed __________________ between the two players. 4. Each ___________ controls the seven holes in his side of the board and own the head to his right. 5. The captured pieces of shells are ________________ in your store. 6. The first move of the players played ____________________. 7. The game ends when no pieces of shells ______________ in the hole. 8. The player who captures most pieces of shells ___________ the game. 9. Sungka game teaches the spirit of ___________________. 10. Playing Sungka improves ________________ thinking. your home that will develop in maintaining safety and cleanliness? 3. As a Filipino child, are you proud in promoting cleanliness at home, community and in school? Support your answer. IV.REMARKS V. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned80%onthe formative assessment B. No.of learners who require additional activities for remediation. C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
  • 11. F.What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?