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Digital Journalism Study 2010
     Blogs, Apps and Paywalls – How the
       Digital World is Changing the Way
         Journalists and Publishers Work

Digital Journalism Study 2010

                   For the past three years, the Oriella PR Network
                                                                        In which way does the actual economical crisis and
                   has carried out a survey of over 350 journalists     the structural chanages of the media landscape
                   across Europe to determine what impact the           (shift to online) affect your media?
                   advent of the Internet and wide availability of
                                                                                                                                                     2009   2010
                   broadband had had on the world of journalism.        Loss of
                   Last year, we found that the combination of the      readers/viewers/listeners
                                                                        (print/tv/radio) up to 10%
                                                                                                             15.65%             26.33%
                   ‘digitisation’ of the media and the recession
                                                                        Loss of readers/viewers/
                   had resulted in fewer publications, longer hours     listeners (print/tv/radio) more 14.63% 14.70%
                                                                        than 10%
                   and increased demands for content. However,
                   the majority of those polled were either happy       Loss of advertising                14.38%          22.03%
                                                                        income up to 10%
                   or happier in their roles. In 2010, we wanted to
                   see if journalists have acclimatised further to      Loss of advertising                                     39.59%      52.4.%
                                                                        income more than 10%
                   these digital environments and how they have
                   managed their way through the challenges and         source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network

                   threats posed by the economic turbulence of
                   the past two years.
                                                                       Meanwhile, concerns about the viability of
                                                                       journalists’ “traditional” media channels (print,
                   In May and June 2010, the Oriella PR Network
                                                                       radio or television) have intensified. When
                   carried out a survey of over 770 journalists
                                                                       asked about the future of their respective
                   across 15 countries to find out how digital
                                                                       publications, over half of those polled believe
                   media has changed the nature of
                                                                       that these channels may well fold and be
                   news-gathering. The study found that
                                                                       taken off the market (note: no timescales were
                   journalists are gradually acclimatising to the
                                                                       specified in the responses). This is a sharp rise
                   pressures of juggling the demands of web and
                                                                       from last year when only one in three journalists
                   print media and, for the first time, view new
                                                                       surveyed believed this would happen. Nearly
                   media as an asset, not a hindrance, to news-
                                                                       one in six confirm this has already happened to
                   gathering and presentation.
                                                                       their publication.
                   For the first time, the survey includes responses
                                                                       In Sweden, the situation is even graver: nearly
                   from outside Western Europe and includes
                                                                       one in three admits this fate has already
                   journalists from Eastern Europe, the US
                                                                       befallen their traditional publication formats.
                   and Brazil – making the report a genuinely
                                                                       Now, almost one in six publications has made
                   international endeavour.
                                                                       a complete switch from traditional to online, up
                                                                       from one in ten last year.
                   Confidence creeping back?
                                                                       Twelve months ago, we speculated that the
                   In last year’s study, the main impact on
                                                                       robust health of the online advertising sector,
                   journalism was, unsurprisingly, the economic
                                                                       at the expense of print and screen advertising,
                   crisis. Many feared for the survival of their
                                                                       could well boost transition to online-only
                   respective publications and over half believed
                                                                       models. This trend appears to be continuing,
                   that they expected a loss of advertising
                                                                       but the question for the next twelve months
                   income of more than 10%. This year’s take on
                                                                       is whether the recent uplift in traditional
                   advertising has brought a mixed result. 39%
                                                                       advertising will mean the number of transitions
                   of respondents still expect a loss of more than
                                                                       levels out.
                   10%, but this is considerably fewer than last
                   year. The return of optimism to the advertising      In which way does the actual economical crisis and
                   sector is reflected in projections from media        the structural changes of the media landscape (shift
                   giant WPP, and media consultancy Carat, both         to online) affect your media?
                   of which have recently hiked their projections                                                                                    2009   2010
                   for 2010 growth. Meanwhile, online advertising       Print publication, radio or
                                                                        TV channel might be taken
                   has still grown despite the recession. So,           off the market
                                                                                                                       32.40%            52.58%

                   while there is still uncertainty about the state     Print publication, radio or
                   of advertising, there is undoubtedly more hope       TV channel has switched
                                                                        100% to online
                                                                                                           9.76%      14.23%

                   than this time twelve months ago.                    Print publication, radio or
                                                                        TV channel was already              13.40%        17.77%
                                                                        taken off the market

                                                                        source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network
Digital Journalism Study 2010

                   We asked journalists to predict what impact the                                                     Planet of the Apps
                   budgetary restrictions within editorial offices
                   are having. The main conclusion here is that                                                        One of the biggest phenomena to hit
                   confidence is starting to return but there is still                                                 journalism in 2009 was Twitter. Its ability to
                   a great deal of uncertainty. 44% agreed that the                                                    quench the thirst for instant news and views
                   number of printed media will shrink                                                                 of business people and consumers alike
                   dramatically. While this may seem a high                                                            became a very attractive channel and by the
                   proportion, this figure is down from 60% in                                                         time we revealed this study last year, 35%
                   2009. There are both positive and negative                                                          of publications already offered Twitter feeds
                   conclusions to draw from journalists’ opinions                                                      as part of their online offering. This number
                   to this particular question. From a pessimistic                                                     has increased this year, but maybe not as
                   standpoint, 41% and 43% of respondents                                                              dramatically as one might have thought.
                   respectively believe online media are still far                                                     Our study shows a rise of just 6% to 41%.
                   from profitable and the quality of journalism                                                       Considering the widespread use of Twitter and
                   could erode due to lack of editorial resources.                                                     its attempts to monetise its API, it would have
                   However, both these figures are reductions from                                                     been reasonable to assume this number would
                   the previous year where over half believed this                                                     have been higher. It is true that over half of
                   to be the case.                                                                                     publications in the UK, US and Brazil do offer
                                                                                                                       this. The number of those polled who offer
                   The study also yields some more positive                                                            Twitter channels is highest in UK, US and
                   insights. Last year, only a quarter thought the                                                     Brazil.
                   number of media in total would shrink. This
                   figure has diminished further in 2010 with only                                                     The explosion of smartphones over the last
                   14% now adopting this view, highlighting the                                                        18 months has brought the option of an entirely
                   avenue of survival the online world offers                                                          new business model to journalism. Twenty-two
                   today’s media. Additionally, 40% feel the                                                           per cent of those polled say that they are
                   number of emerging “new media”, such as                                                             providing or are looking into the provision of
                   blogs, will create a new media landscape. The                                                       paid content via smartphone apps.
                   optimism was greatest in the UK, Spain, the US,
                   Brazil and Eastern Europe where over half of                                                        According to Gartner, 316.7 million
                   those polled support this view.                                                                     smartphones were sold globally in the first
                                                                                                                       quarter of 2010 alone. The sudden ubiquity
                     Because of the economic restrictions within                                                       of these devices has opened up a whole new
                     editorial offices and the shift to online, we presume                                             area to journalism – the development of apps.
                     the following developments?                                                                       Already, one in five publications has a mobile
                                                                                                         2009   2010
                                                                                                                       app in place for its audience – and this is closer
                    The number of printed                                                                              to one in three in Germany, Italy and the US.
                    media will shrink
                                                                            44.21%              58.88%
                                                                                                                       One could speculate that there is a correlation
                    Online media are still far
                                                                                                                       between the slowing in Twitter use and the
                    from profitable business
                                                                           0%                 52.66%                   increase in app development. Are publications
                    The number of media in
                                                                                                                       more focussed on developing content that they
                    total (online, print, ...) will
                                                          14.55%       25.74%                                          can charge for via apps, rather than publishing
                                                                                                                       work via Twitter, where revenue generation
                    The editorial quality will
                    erode because of lack of                            43.08%                 54.44%                  is less of a certainty? Given the continuing
                                                                                                                       financial pressures faced by the media, it would
                    The dependence on                                33.90%          41.42%                            make sense for media to focus their energies
                    PR-content will increase
                                                                                                                       on producing content for channels that will bring
                    The emerging number of
                    “new media” like blogs will                                                                        revenue.
                    lead to a new media                                 39.97%         46.45%
                    In a landscape of “opinion
                    driven new media”,
                    audiences will return to                       28.95%            42.31%
                    “reliable media brands”

                     source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network
Digital Journalism Study 2010

                     Does your publication offer content via a mobile                Is your publishing group/media using or
                     app?                                                            considering new online business models or tools to
                                                                                     generate new sources of revenue?
                     Belgium                                 8.45%

                                                                                      Content flatrate: paid
                     Brazil                                     14.68%                content offering via                                    24.74%

                                                                                      Pay per document: paid
                     Germany                                              30.26%      content offering via                           15.44%

                     Italy                                                 30.77%     Content especially for
                                                                                      mobile devices such as                             21.93%
                                                                                      smartphone apps

                     Netherlands                                     17.20%
                                                                                      Free access to online                                            29.82%
                                                                                      content for print subscribers
                     Rest of Europe                         7.61%
                                                                                      Membership portals
                     Spain                                               29.17%
                                                                                      Paid content for                                 16.14%
                                                                                      ebook-reader such as iPad
                     Sweden                                    14.63%

                                                                                     source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network

                                                                        38.71%      When one considers that 45% of publications
                                                                                    reveal that 60-100% of their online content
                     source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network     is new, not just repetition of existing offline
                                                                                    content, one can see why these paid models
                   The emergence of the App Economy has                             are increasing in popularity.
                   brought about a new revenue stream for the
                   media and, in the face of very low advertising                    Approximately how much of your online content is
                   rates, this has undoubtedly become an                             new (i.e not repetition of existing offline content)?
                   attractive option. The Financial Times and Wall
                   Street Journal have had a subscription model                                                None          7.38%
                   for their online activity for some years now,
                   but others are starting to follow suit. News                                             0 - 20%                    19.08%
                   International ruffled many feathers this year by
                   announcing that it is to charge £1/$1.50/€1.2 a                                         21 - 40%              13.23%

                   day for access to its online versions of The
                   Times and The Sunday Times. The reasoning                                               41 - 60%           9.75%

                   behind this strategy, according to Rupert
                   Murdoch, was to “to stop people like Google                                             61 - 80%           10.86%

                   or Microsoft or whoever from taking stories
                                                                                                         81 - 100%
                   for nothing”. While this statement appears                                                                       15.32%

                   to completely contradict what a great deal
                                                                                          100% (We only publish
                   of people believe the Internet stands for, Mr                                        online)

                   Murdoch is by no means alone in his desire to
                                                                                                        Don’t know
                   monetise his content.                                                                                    5.85%

                   According to our study, a quarter (25%) are                       source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network

                   using or considering implementing a business
                   model offers content via a paid subscription.                    The knock-on effect
                   30% are offering online access only if you
                   have a print subscription, and nearly a quarter                  While the desire to implement online editorial
                   (22%) are using or looking into paid content via                 content on mobile platforms and charge
                   smartphone apps.                                                 accordingly for it is in the ascendancy, there is
                                                                                    an evident detrimental effect on other areas of
                                                                                    media output. In 2008, one of the main trends
                                                                                    noted was the emergence of video content.
                                                                                    41% offered online TV clips then and this
                                                                                    rose to almost 50% in 2009. When asked this
Digital Journalism Study 2010

                   year however, the number has dipped to only                                                  journalists continue to rely on PR professionals
                   39%. There are a number of reasons why this                                                  to address the basics of news gathering in the
                   could be. Firstly, this year’s survey naturally                                              content they produce. Communicators that
                   polls a much broader base – 774 journalists                                                  overlook this essential need do so at their peril.
                   compared to 361 – across a wider number of
                   countries. Alternatively, cutbacks on video may                                               Assuming the content is high quality and well
                   have been made due to reduced budgets as                                                      targeted, which of the following do you find useful
                                                                                                                 to receive from public relations officers?
                   a consequence of advertising cuts and sheer
                   time pressures to produce news. Other formats                                                                                                                                 2009     2010
                   that have diminished in popularity in the last 12
                                                                                                                 Hard copy press releases            7.62% 9.47%
                   months include public authored blogs (down
                   from 22% to 18%) and community discussion                                                     Emailed press releases                                                 74.79%          94.08%
                   boards (down from 38% to 33%).
                                                                                                                 Social media news                     15.09% 15.65%

                     Which of the following formats do you offer online?
                                                                                                                 Visual images such as                                        51.94%        69.23%
                                                                                                  2009   2010

                            Online TV/ Video clips                   39.58%           47.09%                     Video content - eg. links to                  27.56%       35.21%
                                                                                                                 short films

                      Blogs (journalist authored)                            45.64%      48.55%                  Audio content - eg. links to         14.96%       19.23%
                                                                                                                 recorded interviews etc

                           Blogs (public authored)         18.07%     22.38%                                     Social Media Newsroom               9.17%       17.45%

                                   Audio podcasts           19.26% 20.06%                                        Twitter-Info-Channels               10.36% 16.07%

                                   Video podcasts         17.41% 18.90%                                          Link to a microsite with more
                                                                                                                 information about story                        30.75%             43.20%

                           Community/discussion                  33.64% 37.50%
                                         boards                                                                  source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network

                                  Twitter channels                  34.59%      40.90%

                                                                                                                The impact on the job
                                             Widget          10.82%

                                                                                                                The advent of new media is showing no signs of
                                None of the above               14.12%                                          making the journalist’s job less intense. Nearly
                                                                                                                half (46%) admit they are expected to produce
                     source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network
                                                                                                                more content and nearly one in three (30%)
                                                                                                                feels they are working longer hours. A third
                   A slowing-down in publications’ adoption of                                                  feel exclusives have become more important
                   new online formats is also evidenced in the                                                  and 28% admit they have less time to research
                   content journalists expect to receive from                                                   stories in person.
                   communications professionals. In particular,
                   demand for multi-media content has levelled
                   off or begun to fall. Demand for social media                                                 How would you describe the impact these changes
                                                                                                                 have had on the quality of your organisation’s
                   news releases (SMNRs), chosen by 19% of
                                                                                                                 journalism over the last two years?
                   journalists in 2008’s survey, and 15% in 2009,
                   has levelled at 16% in 2010. Meanwhile,
                   video content has fallen to 27.5% from 35%,                                                   It has got much better                      10.87%

                   and audio / podcasts have fallen to 15% from
                                                                                                                 It has got better                                        35.45%
                   19%. It is possible that these decline are
                   caused by the fact that publications now have                                                 It has stayed the same                                  32.11%
                   the capabilities to produce their own multi-
                   media content whereas previously they were                                                    It has got worse                               18.23%
                   more reliant on content from 3rd parties. By
                   contrast, interest in traditional news content                                                 It has got a lot worse               3.34%
                   remains healthy: 75% like to receive emailed
                   press releases, and 52% want to receive                                                        source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network

                   stills photography. While the communications
                   landscape has become increasingly complex,
Digital Journalism Study 2010

                  However, despite this added pressure, only                              Implications for PR professionals?
                  one in five (21%) feel the overall quality of
                  journalism has decreased and only one in six                            •   This year’s study, our largest to date,
                  (16%) actually enjoy their job less as a result.                            shows the influence of ‘new media’ within
                  It demonstrates that consumers’ appetite for                                news organisations reaching, at least for
                  rapidly evolving technology is reflected just                               now, a plateau. In turn, demand for more
                  as much within the journalist community. The                                ‘traditional’ news content remains strong.
                  various new technologies that the media can                                 Releases and photography continue to be
                  exploit that have emerged over the past year                                key content assets for journalists
                  are seen as an aid rather than another layer of
                  administration. The survey ran just before the                          •   The additional information supplied via
                  availability of the iPad – it will be interesting                           UGC and in Social Media News Releases
                  to see what impact this product has when we                                 needs to be as relevant as the main
                  return to the survey in 2011.                                               release. PR Officers (PROs) need to
                                                                                              react by ensuring the content they send to
                    How would you describe the impact these changes
                                                                                              journalists is concise and easy to translate
                    have had on your job satisfaction over the last two                       into deliverable news
                                                                                          •   Time pressures remain – it is down to
                                                                                              the PR community to facilitate access to
                    I enjoy it much more                     9.97%
                                                                                              relevant stories so they can turn it into a
                    I enjoy it more                                  24.09%
                                                                                              compelling story as efficiently as possible

                    I enjoy it just the same
                                                                                          •   Paid content means the quality of
                                                                                              journalism will have to improve further to
                    I enjoy it less                              13.12%
                                                                                              justify charging. This requires a degree of
                                                                                              selectivity from PROs when considering
                    I enjoy it much less                 3.49%
                                                                                              which stories to send to journalists

                                                                                          •   See all these developments as an
                                                                                              opportunity – content is going to increase,
                    source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network

                                                                                              thanks to the enduring presence of print,
                                                                                              the continued growth of online and the
                                                                                              emergence of smartphones

                     With special thanks to
                     Katja Rodenhäuser, Fink & Fuchs PR
                     Sam Kane, Brands2Life

                     About the Oriella PR Network
                                      The Oriella PR Network is an alliance of 15 communications agencies in 20
                                      countries around the world. Our partnership of independent agencies was built
                                      upon a set of global best practices and close working relationships not offered by
                                      others of its kind. The network was founded by Brands2Life and Horn Group with
                                      the support of agencies around the world with whom they have worked success-
                            fully on client projects - in some cases for many years. Oriella partners exist in major and
                            secondary markets throughout The Americas, Europe, Middle-East and Africa and Asia/

                     The Digital Journalism Study was compiled in May and June 2010, using an online survey of
                     774 journalists from broadcast, national, regional and trade media across Belgium, Brazil,
                     Eastern Europe, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, The UK and The US. NB
                     This year sees the inclusion of journalists from Brazil, Eastern Europe and the US for the first
Digital Journalism Study 2010

                  Contact details

                  UK                                 Italy
                  Brands2Life                        Noesis
                  Giles Fraser                       Giovanna Pandini
                  +44 207 592 1200                   +39 02 8310511

                  US                                 Spain
                  Horn Group                         Canela PR
                  Shannon Latta                      Deborah Gray
                  +1 415 905 4030                    +34 932 690 993

                  Brazil                             Sweden
                  Vianews                            Westmark Information
                  Pedro Cadina                       Mikael Westmark
                  +55 (11) 3865 9990                 +46 8 522 378 00

                  Belgium / The Netherlands
                  LVT PR
                  Charly Lammers van Toorenburg
                  +31 (0) 30 656 5070

                  Rice Communications
                  Sonya Madeira Stamp
                  +65 6221 8729

                  Ballou PR
                  Colette Ballou
                  +33 (0)1 42 22 24 10

                  Clipping TU
                  Jean-Louis Aubert
                  +33 (0)1 44 59 69 00

                  Fink & Fuchs Public Relations AG
                  Katja Rodenhäuser
                  +49 (0) 611 741 3159

                  Alain Blaes
                  +49 (0)895 999 7700

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Djs2010 jornalismo oriella

  • 1. Digital Journalism Study 2010 Blogs, Apps and Paywalls – How the Digital World is Changing the Way Journalists and Publishers Work
  • 2. Digital Journalism Study 2010 For the past three years, the Oriella PR Network In which way does the actual economical crisis and has carried out a survey of over 350 journalists the structural chanages of the media landscape across Europe to determine what impact the (shift to online) affect your media? advent of the Internet and wide availability of 2009 2010 broadband had had on the world of journalism. Loss of Last year, we found that the combination of the readers/viewers/listeners (print/tv/radio) up to 10% 15.65% 26.33% ‘digitisation’ of the media and the recession Loss of readers/viewers/ had resulted in fewer publications, longer hours listeners (print/tv/radio) more 14.63% 14.70% than 10% and increased demands for content. However, the majority of those polled were either happy Loss of advertising 14.38% 22.03% income up to 10% or happier in their roles. In 2010, we wanted to see if journalists have acclimatised further to Loss of advertising 39.59% 52.4.% income more than 10% these digital environments and how they have managed their way through the challenges and source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network threats posed by the economic turbulence of the past two years. Meanwhile, concerns about the viability of journalists’ “traditional” media channels (print, In May and June 2010, the Oriella PR Network radio or television) have intensified. When carried out a survey of over 770 journalists asked about the future of their respective across 15 countries to find out how digital publications, over half of those polled believe media has changed the nature of that these channels may well fold and be news-gathering. The study found that taken off the market (note: no timescales were journalists are gradually acclimatising to the specified in the responses). This is a sharp rise pressures of juggling the demands of web and from last year when only one in three journalists print media and, for the first time, view new surveyed believed this would happen. Nearly media as an asset, not a hindrance, to news- one in six confirm this has already happened to gathering and presentation. their publication. For the first time, the survey includes responses In Sweden, the situation is even graver: nearly from outside Western Europe and includes one in three admits this fate has already journalists from Eastern Europe, the US befallen their traditional publication formats. and Brazil – making the report a genuinely Now, almost one in six publications has made international endeavour. a complete switch from traditional to online, up from one in ten last year. Confidence creeping back? Twelve months ago, we speculated that the In last year’s study, the main impact on robust health of the online advertising sector, journalism was, unsurprisingly, the economic at the expense of print and screen advertising, crisis. Many feared for the survival of their could well boost transition to online-only respective publications and over half believed models. This trend appears to be continuing, that they expected a loss of advertising but the question for the next twelve months income of more than 10%. This year’s take on is whether the recent uplift in traditional advertising has brought a mixed result. 39% advertising will mean the number of transitions of respondents still expect a loss of more than levels out. 10%, but this is considerably fewer than last year. The return of optimism to the advertising In which way does the actual economical crisis and sector is reflected in projections from media the structural changes of the media landscape (shift giant WPP, and media consultancy Carat, both to online) affect your media? of which have recently hiked their projections 2009 2010 for 2010 growth. Meanwhile, online advertising Print publication, radio or TV channel might be taken has still grown despite the recession. So, off the market 32.40% 52.58% while there is still uncertainty about the state Print publication, radio or of advertising, there is undoubtedly more hope TV channel has switched 100% to online 9.76% 14.23% than this time twelve months ago. Print publication, radio or TV channel was already 13.40% 17.77% taken off the market source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network
  • 3. Digital Journalism Study 2010 We asked journalists to predict what impact the Planet of the Apps budgetary restrictions within editorial offices are having. The main conclusion here is that One of the biggest phenomena to hit confidence is starting to return but there is still journalism in 2009 was Twitter. Its ability to a great deal of uncertainty. 44% agreed that the quench the thirst for instant news and views number of printed media will shrink of business people and consumers alike dramatically. While this may seem a high became a very attractive channel and by the proportion, this figure is down from 60% in time we revealed this study last year, 35% 2009. There are both positive and negative of publications already offered Twitter feeds conclusions to draw from journalists’ opinions as part of their online offering. This number to this particular question. From a pessimistic has increased this year, but maybe not as standpoint, 41% and 43% of respondents dramatically as one might have thought. respectively believe online media are still far Our study shows a rise of just 6% to 41%. from profitable and the quality of journalism Considering the widespread use of Twitter and could erode due to lack of editorial resources. its attempts to monetise its API, it would have However, both these figures are reductions from been reasonable to assume this number would the previous year where over half believed this have been higher. It is true that over half of to be the case. publications in the UK, US and Brazil do offer this. The number of those polled who offer The study also yields some more positive Twitter channels is highest in UK, US and insights. Last year, only a quarter thought the Brazil. number of media in total would shrink. This figure has diminished further in 2010 with only The explosion of smartphones over the last 14% now adopting this view, highlighting the 18 months has brought the option of an entirely avenue of survival the online world offers new business model to journalism. Twenty-two today’s media. Additionally, 40% feel the per cent of those polled say that they are number of emerging “new media”, such as providing or are looking into the provision of blogs, will create a new media landscape. The paid content via smartphone apps. optimism was greatest in the UK, Spain, the US, Brazil and Eastern Europe where over half of According to Gartner, 316.7 million those polled support this view. smartphones were sold globally in the first quarter of 2010 alone. The sudden ubiquity Because of the economic restrictions within of these devices has opened up a whole new editorial offices and the shift to online, we presume area to journalism – the development of apps. the following developments? Already, one in five publications has a mobile 2009 2010 app in place for its audience – and this is closer The number of printed to one in three in Germany, Italy and the US. media will shrink dramatically 44.21% 58.88% One could speculate that there is a correlation Online media are still far between the slowing in Twitter use and the from profitable business models 41.1 0% 52.66% increase in app development. Are publications The number of media in more focussed on developing content that they total (online, print, ...) will shrink 14.55% 25.74% can charge for via apps, rather than publishing work via Twitter, where revenue generation The editorial quality will erode because of lack of 43.08% 54.44% is less of a certainty? Given the continuing resources financial pressures faced by the media, it would The dependence on 33.90% 41.42% make sense for media to focus their energies PR-content will increase on producing content for channels that will bring The emerging number of “new media” like blogs will revenue. lead to a new media 39.97% 46.45% landscape In a landscape of “opinion driven new media”, audiences will return to 28.95% 42.31% “reliable media brands” source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network
  • 4. Digital Journalism Study 2010 Does your publication offer content via a mobile Is your publishing group/media using or app? considering new online business models or tools to generate new sources of revenue? Belgium 8.45% Content flatrate: paid Brazil 14.68% content offering via 24.74% subscribtion Pay per document: paid Germany 30.26% content offering via 15.44% micro-payment Italy 30.77% Content especially for mobile devices such as 21.93% smartphone apps Netherlands 17.20% Free access to online 29.82% content for print subscribers Rest of Europe 7.61% 21.58% Membership portals Spain 29.17% Paid content for 16.14% ebook-reader such as iPad Sweden 14.63% source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network UK 26.61% US 38.71% When one considers that 45% of publications reveal that 60-100% of their online content source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network is new, not just repetition of existing offline content, one can see why these paid models The emergence of the App Economy has are increasing in popularity. brought about a new revenue stream for the media and, in the face of very low advertising Approximately how much of your online content is rates, this has undoubtedly become an new (i.e not repetition of existing offline content)? attractive option. The Financial Times and Wall Street Journal have had a subscription model None 7.38% for their online activity for some years now, but others are starting to follow suit. News 0 - 20% 19.08% International ruffled many feathers this year by announcing that it is to charge £1/$1.50/€1.2 a 21 - 40% 13.23% day for access to its online versions of The Times and The Sunday Times. The reasoning 41 - 60% 9.75% behind this strategy, according to Rupert Murdoch, was to “to stop people like Google 61 - 80% 10.86% or Microsoft or whoever from taking stories 81 - 100% for nothing”. While this statement appears 15.32% to completely contradict what a great deal 100% (We only publish of people believe the Internet stands for, Mr online) 18.52% Murdoch is by no means alone in his desire to Don’t know monetise his content. 5.85% According to our study, a quarter (25%) are source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network using or considering implementing a business model offers content via a paid subscription. The knock-on effect 30% are offering online access only if you have a print subscription, and nearly a quarter While the desire to implement online editorial (22%) are using or looking into paid content via content on mobile platforms and charge smartphone apps. accordingly for it is in the ascendancy, there is an evident detrimental effect on other areas of media output. In 2008, one of the main trends noted was the emergence of video content. 41% offered online TV clips then and this rose to almost 50% in 2009. When asked this
  • 5. Digital Journalism Study 2010 year however, the number has dipped to only journalists continue to rely on PR professionals 39%. There are a number of reasons why this to address the basics of news gathering in the could be. Firstly, this year’s survey naturally content they produce. Communicators that polls a much broader base – 774 journalists overlook this essential need do so at their peril. compared to 361 – across a wider number of countries. Alternatively, cutbacks on video may Assuming the content is high quality and well have been made due to reduced budgets as targeted, which of the following do you find useful to receive from public relations officers? a consequence of advertising cuts and sheer time pressures to produce news. Other formats 2009 2010 that have diminished in popularity in the last 12 Hard copy press releases 7.62% 9.47% months include public authored blogs (down from 22% to 18%) and community discussion Emailed press releases 74.79% 94.08% boards (down from 38% to 33%). Social media news 15.09% 15.65% releases Which of the following formats do you offer online? Visual images such as 51.94% 69.23% photographs 2009 2010 Online TV/ Video clips 39.58% 47.09% Video content - eg. links to 27.56% 35.21% short films Blogs (journalist authored) 45.64% 48.55% Audio content - eg. links to 14.96% 19.23% recorded interviews etc Blogs (public authored) 18.07% 22.38% Social Media Newsroom 9.17% 17.45% Audio podcasts 19.26% 20.06% Twitter-Info-Channels 10.36% 16.07% Video podcasts 17.41% 18.90% Link to a microsite with more information about story 30.75% 43.20% Community/discussion 33.64% 37.50% boards source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network Twitter channels 34.59% 40.90% The impact on the job Widget 10.82% The advent of new media is showing no signs of None of the above 14.12% making the journalist’s job less intense. Nearly half (46%) admit they are expected to produce source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network more content and nearly one in three (30%) feels they are working longer hours. A third A slowing-down in publications’ adoption of feel exclusives have become more important new online formats is also evidenced in the and 28% admit they have less time to research content journalists expect to receive from stories in person. communications professionals. In particular, demand for multi-media content has levelled off or begun to fall. Demand for social media How would you describe the impact these changes have had on the quality of your organisation’s news releases (SMNRs), chosen by 19% of journalism over the last two years? journalists in 2008’s survey, and 15% in 2009, has levelled at 16% in 2010. Meanwhile, video content has fallen to 27.5% from 35%, It has got much better 10.87% and audio / podcasts have fallen to 15% from It has got better 35.45% 19%. It is possible that these decline are caused by the fact that publications now have It has stayed the same 32.11% the capabilities to produce their own multi- media content whereas previously they were It has got worse 18.23% more reliant on content from 3rd parties. By contrast, interest in traditional news content It has got a lot worse 3.34% remains healthy: 75% like to receive emailed press releases, and 52% want to receive source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network stills photography. While the communications landscape has become increasingly complex,
  • 6. Digital Journalism Study 2010 However, despite this added pressure, only Implications for PR professionals? one in five (21%) feel the overall quality of journalism has decreased and only one in six • This year’s study, our largest to date, (16%) actually enjoy their job less as a result. shows the influence of ‘new media’ within It demonstrates that consumers’ appetite for news organisations reaching, at least for rapidly evolving technology is reflected just now, a plateau. In turn, demand for more as much within the journalist community. The ‘traditional’ news content remains strong. various new technologies that the media can Releases and photography continue to be exploit that have emerged over the past year key content assets for journalists are seen as an aid rather than another layer of administration. The survey ran just before the • The additional information supplied via availability of the iPad – it will be interesting UGC and in Social Media News Releases to see what impact this product has when we needs to be as relevant as the main return to the survey in 2011. release. PR Officers (PROs) need to react by ensuring the content they send to How would you describe the impact these changes journalists is concise and easy to translate have had on your job satisfaction over the last two into deliverable news years? • Time pressures remain – it is down to the PR community to facilitate access to I enjoy it much more 9.97% relevant stories so they can turn it into a I enjoy it more 24.09% compelling story as efficiently as possible I enjoy it just the same • Paid content means the quality of 49.34% journalism will have to improve further to I enjoy it less 13.12% justify charging. This requires a degree of selectivity from PROs when considering I enjoy it much less 3.49% which stories to send to journalists • See all these developments as an opportunity – content is going to increase, source: Digital Journalism Study 2010 - Oriella PR Network thanks to the enduring presence of print, the continued growth of online and the emergence of smartphones With special thanks to Katja Rodenhäuser, Fink & Fuchs PR Sam Kane, Brands2Life About the Oriella PR Network The Oriella PR Network is an alliance of 15 communications agencies in 20 countries around the world. Our partnership of independent agencies was built upon a set of global best practices and close working relationships not offered by others of its kind. The network was founded by Brands2Life and Horn Group with the support of agencies around the world with whom they have worked success- fully on client projects - in some cases for many years. Oriella partners exist in major and secondary markets throughout The Americas, Europe, Middle-East and Africa and Asia/ Pacific. The Digital Journalism Study was compiled in May and June 2010, using an online survey of 774 journalists from broadcast, national, regional and trade media across Belgium, Brazil, Eastern Europe, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, The UK and The US. NB This year sees the inclusion of journalists from Brazil, Eastern Europe and the US for the first time.
  • 7. Digital Journalism Study 2010 Contact details UK Italy Brands2Life Noesis Giles Fraser Giovanna Pandini +44 207 592 1200 +39 02 8310511 US Spain Horn Group Canela PR Shannon Latta Deborah Gray +1 415 905 4030 +34 932 690 993 Brazil Sweden Vianews Westmark Information Pedro Cadina Mikael Westmark +55 (11) 3865 9990 +46 8 522 378 00 Belgium / The Netherlands LVT PR Charly Lammers van Toorenburg +31 (0) 30 656 5070 China Rice Communications Sonya Madeira Stamp +65 6221 8729 France Ballou PR Colette Ballou +33 (0)1 42 22 24 10 Clipping TU Jean-Louis Aubert +33 (0)1 44 59 69 00 Germany Fink & Fuchs Public Relations AG Katja Rodenhäuser +49 (0) 611 741 3159 PR-Com Alain Blaes +49 (0)895 999 7700