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01 Welcome to Directions 2007
02 Tackling climate change – why us?
     The Rt. Hon. John Gummer, Chairman
     of Sancroft International and Chairman of
     the Quality of Life Policy
06 Turning green consumption into mass consump-
     tion Steve Howard, CEO,
     The Climate Group
10 Carbon neutrality Fiona Harvey, Environment
     Correspondent, The Financial Times

16 Is it all talk? – salterbaxter’s review of company
     responses to climate change

26 Fighting climate change – as well as other chal-
     lenges to sustainable business
     Julia Cleverdon, Chief Executive of Business
     in the Community
30 The panel judges the CR reports from
     the FT UK 100 companies

48 Analysis of the FT UK 100 and
     FT Euro 100 companies

56 About us

                              Welcome to Directions 2007:
                              Cutting through the
                              noise of the climate
                              change debate.
                              Climate change is unavoidable these days: every time
                              you open a newspaper there is a new angle. Blogs,
                              information sites, dinner party opinions and political
                              standpoints abound. And that’s before you count all
                              the supermarkets’ announcements. So the topic for
                              this year’s Directions was really a one horse race.

                              But the knock-on effect of the debate                   of carbon offsetting. The noise around climate
                              about climate change going mainstream has               change also risks stealing the limelight from
                              actually meant that there is a lot of noise and         the broader responsible business agenda. Julia
                              confusion out there – it is hard to see what is         Cleverdon from Business in the Community argues
Nigel Salter, salterbaxter
                              actually going on. So we decided it was time            the case for not getting focused on just one issue.
                              to cut through the noise and try to put into
                              context what effective action looks like.               And to give you your ‘fly on the wall’ fix on
                                                                                      who’s doing what in corporate responsibility
                              This Directions report isn’t doom and gloom,            generally, the panel are back with their thoughts
                              apocalyptic scare stories and chest beating.            on this year’s FT UK 100 CR reports. We’ve also
                              Instead it is a slice of real life action, an insight   reviewed some of those companies’ actions
Lucie Harrild, salterbaxter   into what to do to tackle climate change in the         on climate change and we’ve analysed the
lharrild@sa l
                              way that’s right for you. John Gummer leads a           corporate responsibility activities of the
                              rallying call to take action; Steve Howard from         FT UK 100 and Euro 100.
                              The Climate Group tells us about the practical
                              Together initiative; and Fiona Harvey from The          It’s a bumper crop again so dive in and, if you’d
                              Financial Times guides us through the contentions       like to, let us know what you think!

                                                                                                                       DIRECTIONS 2007
Tackling climate
change – why us?
Al Gore’s film title ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ could not
have summed up the situation better. It is only human
nature to resist what is not seen as convenient.

Rt. Hon. John Gummer
Chairman of Sancroft International and Chairman
of the Quality of Life Policy

Climate change is the biggest physical              only works for the UK, but also the rest of the
threat to mankind and the UK needs to take          world – a one world philosophy. Then decisions
a stand. In actual fact we need to play catch       made based on that system will have the clarity
up with some countries, such as Germany,            to cut through that confusion. Involving global
who are leading in tackling the climate change      politics means the process is slow but
agenda. In order to cut emissions by 80%            cooperation on a global scale is necessary.
in fewer than 50 years there is need for a
universal response.                                 The UK needs to wake up and realise we are
                                                    well placed to lead. Global cooperation has its
Climate change is currently the biggest threat      challenges but has had its successes. We have
– but it is also a symptom of how our society’s     played a key role within the EU – without Europe
systems are set up wrongly. Increases in wealth     there would have been no Kyoto Protocol where
and happiness no longer correlate above quite       responsibilities were shared amongst those
low levels of income. But the key to tackling the   most able. And in 1997, when I was Environment
issue is to not be overwhelmed by the scale of      Secretary, we played a fundamental role in
what needs to be achieved – as in wartime, we       the ‘Convention on climate change’ meetings.
just need to get on with it.
                                                    Business has received a lot of criticism for
It is true that there is a lot of information,      not doing enough to combat climate change.
opinion and noise on climate change out there       However, in some cases businesses are moving
– and some confusion. At Sancroft we have been      faster than governments.
working with a range of businesses and the
Carbon Trust on the need for a user friendly and    Tesco took a leadership role announcing that
universal approach. We need a system that not       they are to publish the carbon footprint of their


products. In the same way BP are driving                feel that it is so daunting a task that they give up.
towards renewable and alternative forms of              Similarly, encouraging consumers to make choices
energy with plans to set up the world’s biggest         and enabling them to do the right thing is the key.
low-carbon power business. Coca-Cola’s approach         At the moment people are not clear and it is not
to refrigeration and the phasing out of HFCs has        made easy enough for them. In the end, they must
meant a wholesale change to the way that sector         choose but we should be giving them a helping
now operates. There is evidence that businesses         hand with information and encouragement.
are more than ca pable of taking a lead in
combating climate change. However, these                It is only human nature to resist what is
are individual examples and a large number of           inconvenient. But consumers can make changes,
companies have not yet engaged. Many do not             helped by the provision of incentives. For
understand their role and have not yet decided          example Tesco have saved one billion plastic
what their position should be.                          bags by incentivising customers with loyalty
                                                        points, encouraging them to reuse. It is also
“ It is only human nature to resist what                important to focus on measures to improve
                                                        energy efficiency in homes, linking council tax
is inconvenient. But consumers can
                                                        with energy consumption. We could offer cuts
make changes, helped by the provision                   in stamp duty to homeowners who make their
of incentives.    ”                                     homes ‘carbon efficient’, the council tax could
                                                        be reduced for people who recycle more. The
Government needs to help them understand what is        key is not to impose on people but offer choices.
expected of them. Then they must be given time to       We should cut the tax on fuel efficient cars
deliver. The key is to keep businesses fully involved   and increase it on gas-guzzlers.
in combating climate change without making them

                                                                                            DIRECTIONS 2007
The Quality of Life Policy Group, set up by David        With these parameters in place business
Cameron, which I chair with Zac Goldsmith as my          and society will see their role and can make
Vice Chairman, outlines the need to be frank and         choices based on clear information, avoiding
to face up to the real issues, however difficult.        the current overload of contradictory
It is simply not possible to attempt to tackle           information and confusion.
climate change unless you address hard issues like
transport. We all like cheap flights and we have all     The problem is that our pa rty political structure,
benefited from them. Nonetheless we also know            with an election every four or five years,
this is the fastest growing source of emissions and,     makes it difficult for the kind of continuous
whatever Michael O’Leary may say, we cannot              improvement that is necessary. That is
exempt air travel if we are to reduce our carbon         why we need a Climate Change Committee,
footprint. Our proposals are designed to deal with       independent from gove r n m e nt, tapping into
the problem in the least damaging way. Nearly a          the scient i fic knowledge of the Royal Society.
quarter of flights from London’s airports go to          They would focus on targets and measurement,
places that could reasonably be reached by train         advising on the best course of action and
in a similar timeframe. We therefore propose that        allowing business to do what they do best –
those flights should be more heavily taxed and           innovate to solve the challenge. The committee
long haul flights should get priority for the slots at   would hold the government accountable and
airports. Doing this will mean that no new runways       each year undertake an independent audit of
will need to be built at Gatwick or Stansted. We also    their progress. Not only would the committee
want to change the Government’s taxation system          keep government and opposition to the task
which penalises full planes to one which encourages      in hand, it would also stop the current
airlines to take the maximum number of passengers.       confusion which lack of expertise
                                                         in gove r n m e nt has created.
If we are to create a way of living that one planet
can sustain, then the approach also needs to
be thought through as a whole. The Quality of
Life Policy Group’s re p o rt emphasises the fact
that combating climate change creates wealth.

“ With these parameters in place
business and society will see their role
and can make choices based on clear
information, avoiding the current
overload of contradictory information
and confusion.      ”
The Green Revolution would be as valuable
today to Britain as the Industrial Revolution
was 200 years ago.

Our green products and services will be needed
throughout the world and we will have first
mover advantage. But we have to move quickly,
particularly since the United States has signaled
its intention to take global warming seriously.
President Bush’s Scientific Advisor publicly
stated that there is no argument about the
science of climate change, the only issue is
about how to counter it.

Our report sets out clearly how it can be done.
First our ‘One nation’ philosophy needs to be
extended to the one world we share. If those less
fo rtu n a te are expected to share the responsibility
to tackle climate change then it is only fair for
them to benefit directly from doing so. Secondly
the Gove r n m e nt needs to lead the way and set
the parameters for business and consumers.

So for us to tackle climate change, and make the truth                    04_05
less inconvenient, there are five things the government
needs to do – and business and consumers will then have
the direction they need to navigate their way through
the confusion and choose their path for meeting
the challenge of climate change:

                                       create policies and systems that can be
                                       delivered globally.

                                       set out the direction and clear parameters
                                       and then the market will deliver. Once public
                                       buildings are specified to deliver energy
                                       savings it opens the way for big contracts,
                                       prices come down and a market is created.
                                       Then businesses know how to react.
                                       And consumers can make their choices.

                                       develop frameworks to prevent distortion
                                       but enable innovation and entrepreneurship.
                                       Builders are the experts in delivering energy
                                       efficiency, they just need to be encouraged
                                       to do so.

                                       new ways of doing things need help at
                                       the beginning.

                                       give business and consumers the information
                                       and the ability to make sense of the issues
                                       and be encouraged to make their choices
                                       – but without over prescriptive regulation
                                       which can end up distorting the results and
                                       the market.

                                                                        DIRECTIONS 2007
Turning green consumption

into mass
Surely with the current attention and noise around
climate change there would be lots of individual
action? Actually, no. Consumers believe that solutions
are inconvenient, isolated and expensive. Business
(and government) needs to address this. That is why
the ‘Together’ partnership was formed.
Steve Howard
CEO, The Climate Group

It won’t have escaped anyone’s notice that
climate change is now big news in the UK.
Not a day goes by without another alarming
story or report hitting our TV screens or the
front pages of our newspapers.

We now have unprecedented levels of awareness
and concern on the climate issue. Research
conducted last year by The Climate Group shows
that an overwhelming 81% of people feel very
strongly about climate change or at the very
least recognise that it is important.

However, as yet, this has not translated into
significant individual action. Our research
also shows that people feel powerless in the
face of such a big problem. They don’t fully
understand the issue and hold the belief the
solutions are inconvenient and expensive.
Above all, consumers don’t want to feel that
they are acting alone. They need help (not more
lecturing) to overcome these barriers. The way
forward was pointed out by a 2006 research
report called ‘I will if you will’ which indicated
that people were willing to change but only
if they were met halfway by government and
business, who they perceive as more able to
effect change than themselves.

This is why, on 23 April of this year, a ground-
breaking new partnership was launched in the
UK aimed at enabling individual consumers to
be more climate friendly.


‘Together’ is a coalition of famous brand             British Gas recently launched Zero Carbon,
name companies and retailers committed to             which goes further than any other green tariff
making it easier for their customers to take          to provide genuine environmental benefits.
up low-carbon solutions.                              Householders signing up to the Zero Carbon
                                                      tariff will: reduce their household energy carbon
Together they aim to help every UK household          emissions to zero through Kyoto compliant
to reduce their emissions by one tonne, a total       offset schemes which will meet the new DEFRA
of around 24 million tonnes over the next three       requirements; help fund a direct increase in
years, more than the combined household               investment in renewable energy generated in
emissions of Scotland and Wales.                      the UK; and contribute to the new British Gas
                                                      green fund, which will invest in developing new
B&Q, Barclaycard, British Gas, Marks & Spencer,       renewable technologies such as wave power, and
02, National Express, MORE TH>N, BSkyB and            oversee a programme to help schools in the UK
Tesco have all united behind the campaign and         reduce their CO2 emissions.
are providing effective ways for people to
reduce their impact.                                  The campaign website ( will
                                                      aggregate the achievements of all the partners
For example, Tesco is committed to selling            into one CO2 figure that will demonstrate in real
10 million energy efficient light bulbs this year     time the power of collective action (50,000
(a five-fold increase on the previous year) and       tonnes of CO2 have been reduced since launch,
is offering them in-store and online at half price.   equivalent to every household in Ipswich saving
Marks & Spencer has launched a campaign               a tonne or to 18,000 family cars off the road for
to persuade their customers to wash at 30°C           a year). Users of the site will be encouraged to
whenever possible, including changing the             undertake certain key actions and show how
labels on the majority of their clothing range.       they can contribute to their one tonne target.

Loft insulation is one of the biggest single          The reasons for bringing ‘Together’ to life at
improvements that people can make to their            this moment in time are compelling – both for
home to reduce emissions and B&Q is making            the planet and for business.
it easy to plan, buy and install insulation
– if everyone insulated their lofts to the            The environmental case is well established, but
recommended level it would save four million          it’s important not to become numb to the facts.
tonnes of CO2 per year – enough to fill the           Atmospheric CO2 concentration, approximately
new Wembley stadium 500 times.                        280 parts per million (ppm) before the Industrial
                                                      Revolution, has increased to around 380 ppm
                                                      today. Each doubling of greenhouse gas
                                                      concentration raises Earth’s equilibrium
                                                      temperature by about 3°C. Greenhouse gas

                      “ The Climatelatent demand forshows strong
                        evidence of
                                    Group’s research
                                                     products, services
                          and brands that would allow people to reflect
                          their climate change concern in their spending.                                              ”

emissions are still rising globally and under          It is against this backdrop that companies are
‘business as usual’ trends the Ea rt h’s temperature   also now starting to ask, in their branding and
is likely to increase by between 2 and 4.5°C by        marketing, what are the equivalent opportunities
2100. A rise of 2°C is widely accepted as the          that will create new revenues at the same time
threshold for unacceptable and unpredictable           as achieving environmental objectives?
change. Latest findings from the leading
international body on climate change, the IPCC,        There is a growing belief, demonstrated by the
suggest that in order to prevent a 2°C rise the        ‘Together’ partner companies, that helping
global growth in emissions would need to peak          consumers to overcome barriers to individual
at around 2015 and decline fairly sharply from         action can unlock a significant market opportunity.
there to reach the 50% cut required by 2050.
                                                       By acting in collaboration there is less risk of
The business case for action is also clear cut.        individual corporate initiatives being seen as ‘one-
Many companies are already reducing emissions          offs’ and greeted with cynicism about greenwash.
in their operations and supply chains because
they are finding opportunities to reduce costs         In fact, the campaign also benefits from help
at the same time as achieving ambitious                and backing from a diverse and growing range
sustainability goals – for example through             of non-commercial organisations – the City
improved energy efficiency. Looking beyond             of London, the Church of England, DEFRA and
operational emissions to the consumer, the             the Energy Saving Trust, for example. Based
Climate Group’s research shows strong evidence         on this message of partnership, ‘Together’ is set
of latent demand for products, services and            to expand globally and reach a mass audience
brands that would allow people to reflect their        running into tens of millions of people already.
climate change concern in their spending.
                                                       Instead of trying to argue that one sector is
                                                       more important than another when it comes
“It is against this backdrop that
                                                       to reducing emissions, it is crucial to understand
companies are also now starting to
                                                       the linkages between government, business and
ask, in their branding and marketing,                  individual action, to avoid a situation where
what are the equivalent opportunities                  each sector passes the buck to another, and
that will create new revenues at the                   to work in collaboration to develop solutions
same time as achieving environmental                   that deliver the win-win outcomes for society.
objectives?   ”                                        We believe that bit by bit, and acting together,
                                                       we can tackle climate change.

                                                                                                              DIRECTIONS 2007
Useful – when treated with caution.

                  There is a new phrase about town: ‘going carbon neutral’.
                  More and more businesses are talking about it, but what
                  does it really entail? Carbon offsetting projects are not
                  always as they seem, and businesses must be diligent
                  to avoid good intentions going wrong.
                  Fiona Harvey
                  Environment Correspondent, The Financial Times

                  Treadle pumps in India might seem an odd            projects that reduce emissions elsewhere.
                  kind of investment for a bank.                      It is a way of making up for the damage that
                                                                      a company’s activities cause – of erasing a
                  The pumps, which are worked by foot, are            company’s carbon footprint.
                  alternatives to diesel-powered pumps for
                  drawing water from underground to irrigate
                  crops. By using treadle pumps instead of hiring
                                                                      “ Being carbon neutral simply means
                                                                      cancelling out the negative effect of
                  expensive diesel pumps, Indian farmers can
                  save money and water. The pumps also cut
                                                                      one’s greenhouse gas emissions on the
                  the amount of fuel farmers use – and that           climate by investing in projects that
                  saves carbon dioxide emissions.                     reduce emissions elsewhere.        ”
                  That is the key reason the Co-operative Bank        For any company seeking to go carbon neutral,
                  invests in the pumps, and the reason several        there is a three stage process. First, companies
                  other companies also contribute to providing        must cut their own emissions as far as possible
                  them. These companies are using the invest m e nt   – it could be as simple as turning off lights
                  in pumps as pa rt of their commitment to            and computers, or as complex as overhauling
                  becoming ‘carbon neutral’.                          processes, like installing new equipment or
                                                                      using less materials.
                  An ever-lengthening list of companies are
                  seeking carbon neutral status, ranging from         Second, companies can look to buy their credits
                  international banks, retailers and media            from ‘green’ sources. A growing number of
                  companies to small enterprises with a handful       companies are investing in their own wind turbines
                  of employees. Among the household names             and solar panels to cut their future energy bills.
                  that have pledged to become carbon neutral          But for companies where this is impossible, buying
                  are HSBC, Marks & Spencer, BSkyB and its            environmentally friendly energy means taking
                  parent company News Corporation. A few              a green tariff from an electricity supplier, with
                  villages in the UK have also decided to go          energy supplied from renewable sources such
                  carbon neutral, and individuals can even            as wind or hydroelectricity.
                  seek carbon neutrality for themselves.
                                                                      However, this is not always possible in the UK
                  Being carbon neutral simply means cancelling        as not enough renewable energy is produced
                  out the negative effect of one’s greenhouse         to satisfy the soaring demand. Most companies
                  gas emissions on the climate by investing in        that do not already have a green supply will find



“ Companiesneed to be wary
             embarking on

 of a few potential problems
 before they set out. Some
 carbon offsetting projects
 are not what they seem.  ”
                      DIRECTIONS 2007
they cannot source one so easily now. But it      It’s not just treadle pumps, either. Companies
should become easier: the Government is aiming    that have already gone carbon neutral have
for 20% of the UK’s electricity to come from      used a huge variety of projects: solar panels in
renewable sources by 2020, so the amount          India, wind farms in China, energy efficient light
of green electricity available is set to grow.    bulbs in Jamaica, hydroelectric power plants
The final stage of carbon neutrality is to        in eastern Europe, more efficient cooking stoves
‘offset’ a company’s remaining greenhouse         in Africa. All of these cut the amount of carbon
gas emissions by funding projects that reduce     produced where they are used.
carbon dioxide elsewhere.
                                                  As more and more companies, and individuals,
This is where the treadle pumps come in.          seek to go carbon neutral, the amount of money
By funding the purchase of treadle pumps for      being raised for projects around the world
poor farmers, companies can contribute to the     through the sale of carbon credits is growing
reduction of emissions in the developing world.   quickly – from zero a few years ago to a
                                                  projected $4bn by 2010.
“ A tonne of carbon saved in the                  Companies embarking on offsetting need
developing world is just as valuable in
                                                  to be wary of a few potential problems before
mitigating climate change as a tonne              they set out. Some carbon offsetting projects
of carbon saved in a rich country.                are not what they seem.
Cutting carbon in poor countries can
also bring additional social benefits,            In a wide-ranging investigation of the market,
such as improving people’s economic               the Financial Times recently found many
                                                  examples of bad practice. For instance,
situation and bringing them technology            offsets were being sold from projects
to which they would not otherwise                 that brought no, or questionable,
have access.  ”                                   environmental benefits.

                                                  Carbon credits were being sold to
                                                  companies for many times their real
                                                  value. The same credits were being
                                                  sold twice over.

                                                  And companies that were already
                                                  profiting from their carbon cutting
                                                  activities were profiting twice over by
                                                  selling carbon credits to others wishing
                                                  to be green.

                                                  These potential problems should not necessarily
                                                  deter companies from offsetting. Businesses,
                                                  after all, have many good and valid reasons
                                                  for going carbon neutral: the desire to be good
                                                  corporate citizens, and the knowledge that
                                                  the Government is increasingly regulating on
                                                  environmental issues, for instance. Companies
                                                  can even cut costs in the process by improving
                                                  their efficiency. And taking on environmental
                                                  goals is a great way of engaging staff and

                                                  But in order to avoid the reputational risk of
                                                  investing in a bad carbon offsetting project, any
                                                  company taking such a step should carry out
                                                  proper due diligence on the project first – just
                                                  as they would for any other investment.


   There are several guides to carbon offsetting
   available to companies wishing to consider the
   option: for instance, the Carbon Trust has one, as
   does F&C Investments. But whichever guide you
   choose, the key points are always the same:

   If you are buying offsets through an            Demand that the carbon credits you buy
   intermediary, ask for detailed information on   are placed in a registry, which guards
   exactly where the credits are coming from.      against the same credits being sold
                                                   several times over to different buyers
   Companies should take care that the             by unscrupulous offset intermediaries.
   credits they buy are additional, which
   means that they come from projects              Consider carefully whether you want
   which would not have happened without           to buy credits from forestry projects.
   the financing provided by carbon credits.       These are numerous, and tend to be the
   This is important because if a project,         cheapest credits, but they are also the
   such as a wind farm, was financially viable     most controversial. Trees, as any schoolchild
   in any case, buying carbon credits from it      knows, absorb carbon dioxide from the air
   simply enriches the owners and the money        as they grow, so forests should be a good
   could have been better spent elsewhere.         way of cutting carbon. But there are
                                                   problems: it is difficult to tell how much
   Do not buy any credits that have not been       carbon a forest absorbs; the trees can take
   verified by an independent third party –        70 years to grow, so it takes decades for
   there are examples where carbon credits         the carbon to be reduced; and it is difficult
   have been sold from non-existent projects,      to ensure that, over such a long period,
   or projects that do not generate the            the trees do not die off or get cut down.
   carbon reductions they claim.                   In addition, there is some evidence that
                                                   forests in northern regions may contribute
                                                   to global warming, absorbing heat that
                                                   would be deflected by snow cover.

“ creditsare examples where carbon
          have been sold from
 non-existent projects, or projects
 that do not generate the carbon
 reductions they claim.                     ”
                                                                                                   DIRECTIONS 2007

        Use the monocle to reveal a selection of notewo rt hy
        responses to climate change.

                                                                DIRECTIONS 2007
Is it all
                     68% of the FT UK 100 talk about climate change to some
                     degree in their corporate communications (73% of the
                     FT Euro 100 do too).*
                     The long-term target set by UK Government is a 60%
                     reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050.
                     55% of senior executives in a KPMG and YouGov survey
                     expect climate change to impact on their companies
                     strategic development plans and the Carbon Disclosure
                     Project has generated its highest ever response rate this
                     year – 77% of the FT 350 responded.
                     But according to DEFRA’s latest figures, CO2 emissions
                     in the UK for 2006 have risen by 1.25%.**

                     Confusing isn’t it?!
                     So we want to get to the stories behind the percentages, and find out the reality
                     of the corporate response to climate change – aside from all the noise of the
                     climate change debate. We believe their response to this issue should be tailored
                     to their operations – and that makes it hard to sum up with quick numbers the
                     effectiveness of UK plc’s strategy to tackle climate change.
                     But don’t worry, we’re not going to throw masses of conflicting information at
                     you to add to the confusion. Instead we are taking a snapshot to review good
                     practice. The companies voted best CR communicators by our independent
                     panel (see page 30) are reviewed here for their response to climate change
                     and we hope you will find some insights that help define your own strategy.

                  ** according to salterbaxter’s analysis this year, see page 48 for details.
                  ** taken from 2006 figures are provisional and expect to be within 1% of the final figure to be published in
                     January 2008. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas accounting for 85% of the ‘basket’ of greenhouse gas emissions in 2006.
                     Methane and nitrous oxide are the other two main greenhouse gases, and their levels are falling.


How we did it                                        Key:
We have reviewed the companies who are
identified as leading communicators by our
independent panel. We’ve looked at the companies’                                               A
communications in the public domain, nothing
else. We decided to do that because only             A = Company is doing well with their efforts
transparent and open communication from a                to tackle climate change.
company on their position and behaviour will
cut through the confusion on this issue. We
figure that if a company is doing something
well in this area they would definitely want                                       B
people to know about it.
                                                     B = Company is working on a response but
We considered the effectiveness of the activities        there is still lots to do.
and communications, and applaud ‘fit for
purpose’ – sophisticated programmes for carbon
intensive companies and smaller considered
programmes for low carbon users.
                                                     C = Company has either not fully engaged in the climate
And to understand the big picture we checked             change debate, or is only just beginning to.
the emissions figures to see if the activities are
delivering real results.

 BAE Systems                                         BAE haven’t really grappled with their position on climate change yet,
                                                     beyond a recognition of the link with energy use, CO2 and greenhouse
 Emissions status                                    gases. But what does count in their favour is a willingness to publicly
                                                     discuss that. So it will be interesting to see what develops.
 Slight drop in CO2 emissions in the UK,
 but rising in the US


                                                     Producers and users of fossil fuel based energy – so high impact,
 BHP Billiton                                        high risk and high opportunity. BHP Billiton have raised their game this
 Emissions status                                    year and revised policy and activities: more partnerships; more R&D;
                                                     increased targets on efficiency. The challenge will be to quantify the
 6% reduction in greenhouse gas intensity
                                                     results. An A rating for the strategy but it’s the performance that is
 over five years.
                                                     the real test now.

                                                                                                               DIRECTIONS 2007
Is it all talk?

 British Airways                                      The airline industry is often at the eye of the storm in the climate
                                                      change debate. BA does communicate about their carbon footprint,
 Emissions status                                     their emissions and include a piece on the debate in their industry.
                                                      But they don’t talk about adaptation and they state they aren’t a big
 CO2 emissions from flights have crept up,
                                                      contributory factor to climate change without adequately acknowledging
 though fuel efficiencies improved
                                                      the airline industry’s reputation. Fuel efficiencies have improved but the
                                                      actual CO2 emissions from fl i ghts have cre pt up. It’s a B rating but a
                                                      B minus really.

 BSkyB                                                Sky are a leading company on this issue. They have programmes to
                                                      manage emissions and communications with all stakeholders including
 Emissions status                                     employees and consumers. Highlights include: a recent TV advert;
                                                      a competition to upload short films about climate change on their
 Overall emissions are up (though due to
                                                      website; events; and roadshows. It will be interesting to see how quickly
 acquisition), core business emissions are down
                                                      they can instil the same ethos into acquisition businesses and continue
                                                      to bring emissions down.


 BT                                                   A clear strategy (or carbon busting plan), which is accessible and
                                                      engaging. There are separate information sites with pledges and
 Emissions status                                     competitions. The tone is straightforward and the commitment to
                                                      awareness raising is definitely high. This extends to employees too,
 CO2 emissions dropped but now stabilised
                                                      a group often overlooked. So an A rating.


 Experian                                             A good example of an approach that is fit for purpose. Experian has
                                                      a clear strategy, convincingly argued, and the CO2 figures are falling.
 Emissions status                                     They aren’t the most carbon intensive business, but they recognise
                                                      their responsibilities and are taking action. A good progression would
 CO2 emissions falling
                                                      be more engagement with the workforce and the supply chain to roll
                                                      the message out to a wider audience.


                                                      GSK have a comprehensive document on the website which covers
 GlaxoSmithKline                                      their understanding of their role in tackling climate change, their
 Emissions status                                     approach and some interesting insights into how they might adapt
                                                      in a world with a changing climate. A statement in the CR report puts
 CO2 and equivalent emissions are down for energy
                                                      climate change into context as one issue amongst many important
 and production but travel is going up
                                                      ones for GSK to tackle, showing a measured approach. However,
                                                      it does seem that GSK is just beginning to tackle this issue following
                                                      stakeholder pressure, so perhaps more is to come.
HSBC                                               HSBC have a high profile on this issue. They were an early adopter
                                                   and their strategy includes (amongst other things) carbon neutrality,
Emissions status                                   a survey on public confidence, engaging Stern as an adviser, a carbon
                                                   management taskforce and the HSBC Climate Partnership. So their
Overall CO2 emissions are going up
                                                   rating is A but they must be careful: all those initiatives must remain
                                                   coordinated so as not to contribute to confusion; and performance
                                                   needs to be addressed.


Imperial Tobacco                                   Imperial recognise climate change as an area for attention and have made
                                                   some progress but it sounds like they are really getting started in tackling
Emissions status                                   it this year. They state they are considering approaches including low
                                                   carbon technology, renewables and offsetting. They have achieved some
CO2 emissions falling
                                                   energy efficiencies though. So a B rating for now but there should be
                                                   significant developments in order to keep that rating.


J Sainsbury                                        Sainsbury’s consumer website takes the reader stra i g ht to the CR re p o rt
                                                   on this subject. Some consumers might find that information a bit
Emissions status                                   confusing as it brings together energy, packaging and waste and does n’t
                                                   talk about what climate change is all about. There are good initiatives
CO2 emissions reported to be dropping but would
                                                   but there isn’t the sense of strategy that ot h e rs get across and this isn’t
be good to see figures over time
                                                   a sector that can shy away from the issue. So the communications feel
                                                   a bit lukewarm.


Johnson Matthey                                    Johnson Matthey’s approach comes across as a measured response to
                                                   climate change in line with business needs. Initiatives are apparently in
Emissions status                                   place and they note that some of their products have the ability to assist
                                                   in a transition to a low carbon economy – but on the other hand they
CO2 is falling for the second year
                                                   haven’t included some parts of the business in the climate change strategy
                                                   (eg transportation and precious metals). And they could engage with
                                                   a wider range of audiences with the information they have to offer.


Legal & General                                    Legal & General don’t articulate a clear policy on climate change,
                                                   although they do monitor and report on greenhouse emissions.
Emissions status                                   Their disclosure on climate change is low, especially as their SRI
                                                   business lists it first on the list of engagement topics. There are
Overall carbon emissions are increasing slightly
                                                   objectives for next year so perhaps improvements are on the way.

                                                                                                                 DIRECTIONS 2007
Is it all talk?

 Man Group                                           Another early adopter of a carbon neutral strategy, but with clear
                                                     energy reductions and thought around offsetting. Though not a carbon
 Emissions status                                    intensive business the strategy is a good example of being thorough
                                                     and fit for purpose. Working with employees is a large part of the
 CO2 emissions down
                                                     approach including workshops, audits, mentors and internal


 Marks & Spencer                                     The doyen of the CR communications world, Marks & Spencer’s ‘Plan A’
                                                     (because there’s no Plan B) programme has climate change at the top.
 Emissions status                                    Marks & Spencer’s commitment to tackling climate change is clear
                                                     and it is being rolled out to customers – labels inform about washing
 CO2 emissions from energy use are down,
                                                     clothing at lower temperatures and carbon from air freight. At the
 but are up from transport
                                                     other end of the value chain they are working with suppliers, and they
                                                     partner with the Women’s Institute for more awareness raising. It is
                                                     definitely an A rating. Continued clear communications are key to avoid
                                               A     being part of the noise of the climate change debate.

 National Grid                                       National Grid have made climate change a focus area and publish a
                                                     clear public position statement. They use the World Resources Institute
 Emissions status                                    greenhouse gas protocol to break down how they monitor and manage
                                                     emissions, which is helpful in explaining what they consider is within
 35% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
                                                     their sphere of control. They also offer smart metering and energy
                                                     efficiency schemes in US and are conducting a Met office study in the
                                                     UK. But being such a significant player in the utilities sector, they
                                                     should engage consumers more.

 Reckitt Benckiser                                   Reckitt Benckiser have a vision to make eight billion products carbon
                                                     neutral in 2006 and 2007. They already tackle lifecycle analysis for
 Emissions status                                    the production and use of their products. So it’s a bold target and
                                                     mitigating climate change is high on their list of sustainability
 Greenhouse gases from manufacturing and
                                                     priorities. They also pledge to tackle carbon footprint issues with
 general energy use falling
                                                     suppliers, employees and customers. However, they could come under
                                                     fire for using only a forestry project to offset their emissions. If they
                                                     deliver on their plans an A rating would follow.

 Rexam                                               Rexam are overlooking climate change, both in terms of articulating
                                                     their responsibilities and in grasping an opportunity. They operate
 Emissions status                                    environmental management systems including resource efficiency,
                                                     eco efficiency and a mention of the use of alternative energy sources.
 CO2 constant over three years, but energy savings
                                                     But this only links to climate change if you know how to read between
 in parts of the business – a bit unclear
                                                     the lines. And it is an opportunity for the business to deliver packaging
                                                     which complements potential customers’ positive product values –
                                                     something missing from the business to business marketing site.
                                                   Embarking on a new three year plan including emissions reductions,
Rio Tinto                                          new technologies and better communication. They have conducted a
Emissions status                                   risk assessment of climate change related losses and operate internal
                                                   knowledge sharing across regions. One of their videos also tackles the
Greenhouse gas equivalent emissions and
                                                   subject, though perhaps over-simplifies. An A rating for the amount
energy use rising
                                                   going on, but performance is a concern.


Royal & Sun Alliance                               Royal & Sun Alliance are running a number of initiatives: becoming
                                                   carbon neutral; eco-insurance pro d u c ts for customers; insurers of
Emissions status                                   renewable energy projects; and part of the ‘Toget h e r’ initiative.
                                                   However, considering they are in insurance and weather-related risks
Emissions going down
                                                   are key to the business you might expect more information on their
                                                   strategic approach, and for them to include information on their site
                                                   aimed at intermediaries. So really a B rating.


SAB Miller                                         SAB Miller do recognise their impact on climate change and how the
                                                   results could affect them – threatening crop and water supply, the raw
Emissions status                                   materials for their business. They have programmes in place and are
                                                   communicating. What isn’t so clear is how effective programmes are
Overall CO2 emissions are going up
                                                   across the global operations. So you are left with the feeling you don’t
                                                   have the complete picture.


                                                   Sage has no information at group level. In the chief executive’s
Sage Group                                         statement, the UK business says it’s tackling climate change backed up
Emissions status                                   with some information about energy saving initiatives. There is also an
                                                   objective to measure carbon footprint but no figures are reported. The
No exact data although some energy
                                                   business is a low carbon emitter but the lack of a coordinated approach
reduction claims
                                                   across the group means a C rating.


Scottish Power                                     Climate change is number four out of 12 material issues and Scottish
                                                   Powe r’s approach seems pragmatic – a significant issue, a challenge,
Emissions status                                   with some positive achieve m e nts as well as difficulties. They use a
                                                   combination of policies and there are signifi cant changes in their energy
A rise in CO2, NOx and SO2 in the last year,
                                                   supply portfolio. But there is something noticeably absent in their
though the trend is downwards
                                                   ‘summary of approach’ docu m e nt: a commitment to engage with
                                                   customers. So still an A rating but room for improvement.

                                                                                                              DIRECTIONS 2007
Is it all talk?

 SEGRO                                                SEGRO recognise the importance of climate change, and have some
                                                      targets in place, but the coverage is low key when you take into account
 Emissions status                                     their sector and impacts. Their risk assessment does put energy use
                                                      and emissions as a material issue and there is a rare mention of
 Incomplete data but CO2 in own offices falling and
                                                      adaptation – interestingly classed as high risk but low influence. As they
 renewable energy rising
                                                      honestly admit that some targets are not met – one of which being
                                                      communications and awareness – and there has been work done on
                                                      carbon footprint calculation and renewable energy use, the rating is B.
                                 B                    But there should be more.

 Shell                                                Interestingly when you first go onto the environment and society pages
                                                      of Shell’s website, there isn’t a main navigation area for climate change.
 Emissions status                                     But then there is significant information in the environment section
                                                      which links to other areas of the site. It is a detailed programme but it
 Greenhouse gas emissions from operations are
                                                      can be hard work to find what you want on the website. An A rating but
 falling but targets give them room to increase
                                                      as Shell have calculated that their products are responsible for 3.1% of
                                                      global CO2 emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels – and there are
                                                      no targets to reduce this – you are left wanting more.

 Unilever                                             Unilever has a working group which is trying to tackle the whole
                                                      range of emissions from product to consumer use. So they give a real
 Emissions status                                     impression of strategically getting to grips with all levels of their
                                                      impacts (though they are yet to communicate on how to adapt to
 CO2 from energy use going down
                                                      changes caused by the climate). Unilever is also the leader in its sector
                                                      in the Carbon Disclosure Project. With such prominent brands and a
                                                      history in bringing corporate responsibility messages to the consumer,
                                                      they could consider engaging more in this area.

 Vodafone                                             Vodafone have an internal communications programme to promote
                                                      energy efficiency. Their CEO statement suggests that they are in a low
 Emissions status                                     carbon sector. But on the other hand they do have a huge customer
                                                      reach which they aren’t working with to raise awareness, and overall
 Emissions are rising
                                                      emissions are rising. They do seem to have been working on the
                                                      network efficiency as their biggest impact. So some positive activity
                                                      but more needed before it could reach an A grade.


Our top 5 tips                                                                                          22_23

for your approach to climate change

In our review, we saw a pattern emerging – so we’ve put
together five things we think companies need to remember
when considering their plans to tackle climate change:

                                              01. Adaptation
                                              Adaptation – it’s become that strange phenomenon, ‘there’s an
                                              elephant in the room’. Companies and communities need to give
                                              consideration to how they will adapt in a changing climate. While
                                              many companies now frankly admit that climate change is a reality,
                                              only a few talk about how they will react to weather change. This
                                              might be identifying how operations will change, or how products
                                              and services can meet new needs. The lack of consideration for
                                              adaptation is both a risk, and a lost opportunity.
02. Awareness raising
Awareness raising – some companies with mainstream

consumers as a major stakeholder group are having some
success. But it’s not widespread and many of the other

stakeholder groups are being overlooked.

                                              03. Plain language
                                              Plain language – there are companies doing a good job of not skirting
                                              around the issue, but others are not clearly articulating their approach,
                                              perhaps because they aren’t clear themselves about what it should
                                              be. We don’t advocate doom and gloom or scaremongering about the
                                              effects of climate change, but companies do need to tell it like it is.

04. Numerous initiatives
Numerous initiatives – some companies have a raft of activities
which can be achieving a lot, but the challenge is to make sure

they don’t end up confusing and just make more noise around

climate change.

                                              05. Relevance
                                              Relevance – the approach to climate change needs to be right for the
                                              company and its sector. It brings together all our top tips: the right
                                              initiatives explained in plain language including plans for adaptation,
                                              whilst raising people’s awareness.

                                                                                                     DIRECTIONS 2007

        Use the monocle to pick out other key CR issues
        that climate change must not eclipse.

                                                          DIRECTIONS 2007

   SECRECY           BRIBERY                  SECRECY               BRIBERY                SECRECY              BRIBERY                SECRECY            BRIBERY

      UNEMPLOYMENT          A C C I D E N ATES
                                         TR         UNEMPLOYMENT          A C C I D E N ATES
                                                                                       TR            UNEMPLOYMENT         A C C I D E N ATES
                                                                                                                                       TR        UNEMPLOYMENT

             SUPPLY CHAIN             CHILD             SUPPLY CHAIN            CHILD          SUPPLY CHAIN             CHILD             SUPPLY CHAIN
              CHALLENGES             LABOUR              CHALLENGES            LABOUR           CHALLENGES             LABOUR              CHALLENGES

                                SOCIAL                   SKILLS                 SOCIAL                 SKILLS                  SOCIAL
                              EXCLUSION                   GAP                 EXCLUSION                 GAP                  EXCLUSION

                                                                                                                                                         ONE WAY


                                                                  TRUST                  REPUTATION                 GROWTH                 LICENCE        CONSUMER
                                                                                                                                         TO OPERATE      CONFIDENCE

Fighting                                                                                                       20_27

     climate change
      – as well as other challenges
      to sustainable business
      Julia Cleverdon
      Chief Executive of Business in the Community

                            With corporate attention focused on climate change, some
CORRUPTION     MISTRUST     are asking whether companies should return to the ‘green’
                            roots of corporate responsibility. Julia Cleverdon argues that
                            companies taking this approach are missing the point.

                             The role of business in tackling climate change   the world’s first set-top box with an automatic
                             has been thrust onto centre stage over the        standby facility. It has also now engaged
        ONE WAY
     COMMUNICATION           past 12 months. Sir Nicholas Stern’s Review of    employees in eco-schools. BT has taken a
                             the Economics of Climate Change highlighted       different angle, working closely with its suppliers
                             the need for businesses to reduce their carbon    to produce products that have a lower carbon
                             dioxide emissions to avoid severe economic        footprint than their predecessors, so emissions
                             consequences, and the UN’s Intergovernmental      savings can be passed on to its customers.
                             Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasised
                             the short time window for action, with            These companies are successfully combining
                             emissions needing to peak and decline within      the reduction of their environmental footprint
                             the next 20 years.                                with business benefits, and continuing to
                                                                               create wealth for the UK. And they should
                             This has not gone unnoticed by the corporate      be commended and used to inspire other
                             world. Out of the 1,000 business leaders that     companies, some of whom are only just
                             attended this year’s Prince of Wales’s May Day    beginning their climate change journey.
                             Business Summit on Climate Change, nearly
                             two thirds saw climate change as a risk for       But to see corporate responsibility
                             their business. What is encouraging, however,     just through the lens of climate change
                             is that 90% also saw the opportunities it
                             offered, whether through cost savings, new
                                                                               would be to miss the rich mix of issues
                             market opportunities or as a driver to engage     on which business has been making
                             and retain employees’ trust.                      an impact.

                             It is those companies that truly understand       Taking a broader approach
                             those opportunities that are making a real        When Business in the Community was formed
                             difference. Take for example BSkyB, winner of     25 years ago in the wake of race riots and social
                             the Man Group International Climate Change        unrest in the UK, the purpose of the group of
                             Award 2007. It recognised the consumer desire     leading businesses was to work collaboratively
                             for affordable green products and introduced      to tackle the key social issues of the day. Since

                                                                                                                  DIRECTIONS 2007
“ For some businesses and sectors
  climate change is an absolute
   priority, but for others there are
   more pressing and immediate issues                                                                   PRIVATE EQUITY
   that they can impact upon.                            ”                                                 MISTRUST

 then, our network of businesses has grown,           A more enterprising and talent
 as has the range of issues that companies are        driven skills base
 expected to address. In our jubilee year, David      The future skills base of the country is critical
 Grayson, Professor of Corporate Responsibility       to our competitiveness as so many of the job
 at Cranfield, has pulled together a commentary       opportunities will increasingly need much higher
 on Business in the Community’s successes and         level qualifications. Upskilling the existing
 failures in doing this along the way, available      workforce, as well as developing a more relevant
 at                                  and enterprising cu r r i culum for 14-19 year
                                                      olds is vital. The roll call of companies who have
 A glance at our Corporate Responsibility Index,      illustrated their impact through Business in
 published in the Sunday Times as ‘Companies          the Community’s excellence awards include
 that Count’ and now in its sixth year, shows         the Oracle learning programme, the Deloitte
 how companies are having an impact across            employability initiative and the Esh Group
 the corporate responsibility spectrum, from          co n struction project for 14-16 year olds. We will
 responsible selling to diversity in the workplace.   all need to step up the quality, impact and scale
                                                      of our business engagement in this area and
 Taking this broader approach allows                  I am delighted that Gordon Brown has asked me
 companies to consider all potential social and       as Chief Executive of Business in the Community
 environmental issues that may impact upon            to lead the review on how business-education
 them and focus on those that are most pressing       partnerships can help to achieve world class
 to them and on which they can make the most          educational excellence in the next 10 years.
 difference. Key to this is realising that every
 business is different. For some businesses and       Winning trust
 sectors climate change is an absolute priority,      Scrutiny of business by the public, media and
 but for others there are more pressing and           shareholders has grown in sophistication.
 immediate issues that they can impact upon.          Companies are no longer taken at face value.
                                                      They have to back up what they are claiming
 Recognising the challenges                           with hard evidence. This is particularly true
 The three main issues that business will need        for the growing number of private equity funds.
 to consider over the coming years are: the need      Business in the Community’s membership
 for improved skills and a greater social cohesion    now covers one in five of the private sector
 to ensure that the UK remains competitive            workforce, and one in five of that same
 in global markets; the need for transparency         workforce is now employed by companies owned
 across business to regain trust in an increasingly   by private equity. With the high stakes and
 questioning environment; and the need to             media coverage involved in the takeovers of
 integrate corporate responsibility into the          these businesses, many questions are being
 heart of their operations.                           asked on what these funds are doing to improve
                                                      the social and environmental impact of their                   BUSINESS
                                                      newly acquired businesses.


The Walker Report on private equity sends a           This is not a large company preserve. Masses
firm message to owners of those businesses            of small to medium sized enterprises also
that the key to improving trust is transparency.      provide inspiration on how to do this. When
Open reporting of impacts and public                  asked ‘Why are you volunteering in your local
benchmarking of performance through tools             community?’ a small engineering company in
such as Business in the Community’s Corporate         the West Midlands replied ‘it is just part of what
Responsibility Index will help business to win        we do’. Smaller businesses have decision takers
over the public, media and investors. That is         closer to community need.
where the bar needs to be set, and is a key
challenge for businesses across sectors.              The challenge now is to spread good
                                                      practice to those companies that
Making corporate responsibility part of
                                                      are just starting on their corporate
how business does business
In this climate of mistrust, it is important that     responsibility journey. Collaboration
corporate responsibility activities are not applied   is key to this.
as ‘lip-gloss’ to core operations. They need to
be at the hea rt of the business. To achieve this,    Whether through the supply chains of leading
companies need clear direction and commitment         companies or business networks such as
from senior management and their approach             Business in the Community and its May Day
to corporate responsibility needs to be fully         group of companies committed to tackling
i ntegrated into their everyday operations.           climate change, using the leaders to inspire
                                                      the laggards will be vital in helping all
Some companies stand out as clear examples            companies address not only climate change,
of this. Marks & Spencer’s ‘Plan A’, named            but the wider pressing issues which affect
because the company believes there is no Plan         our competitiveness and our cohesion.
B, sets out how it will tackle the key issues
facing it as a business. From how it will reduce
waste, to how it will ensure it maintains fair
partnerships with suppliers, the Plan recognises
corporate responsibility as central to the
company’s success.

                                                                                         DIRECTIONS 2007
The reporting
highs and lows
of the top 100 UK companies

                  The panel is on it
                  In last year’s Directions, the panel got under the skin of the top 100 companies
                  in the UK, looking at how effective their corporate responsibility reports were at
                  communicating strategy and activities.
                  Another year has passed and a fresh group of experts are looking at this year’s
                  crop of reports. The attention that climate change has received has really put
                  corporate responsibility in the spotlight. So businesses need to turn up the
                  heat on their communications to withstand the scrutiny. And there is evidence
                  that some are.
                  So this year there are high expectations and the panel are hot on the trail of the
                  companies under analysis. As in previous years the panel were given some basic
                  guidelines but their findings on the good, the bad and the ugly are their own.

                  1. The assessments should be based on information on
                     company websites or in public reports available up to
                     and including 3 August 2007.
                  2. The panellists are encouraged to be forthright!
                  3. The panellist’s decision is final (but please feel free to
                     get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss it).

                  Please note the views expressed are the panellists’ own and not necessarily those of their organisations.
                  Company list taken from the Financial Times, 30 March 2007.

The judging panel                                                                                                                 30_31

         01          02                03             04                     05            06             07           08                09

01 Nancy Turrell                                   College and is responsible for corporate           communications, working with leading
CSR Manager, Nestlé                                responsibility communications work                 international brands writing CSR reports and
Nancy joined Nestlé UK as CSR Manager in           at salterbaxter.                                   websites, and developing social marketing
July 2007. Before joining Nestlé she spent                                                            campaigns. Adam holds an MSc in the Public
five years at Sainsbury’s as CSR Manager.          05 Angela McClowry                                 Understanding of Environmental Change from
Nancy read Business and Italian at                 Environment Analyst, British Energy                UCL. Before working in communications
University College London.                                                                            consultancies, Adam was a pollution
                                                   Angela is an Environment Analyst with a            campaigner for Friends of the Earth.
                                                   particular fo cus on CSR policy for industrial
02 Stuart Poore                                    and commercial electricity supplier, British
Director of CR, Virgin Media                       Energy. Her background is in environmental         08 Stephanie Maier
                                                   management and she worked previously for a         Head of Research, EIRIS
Stu a rt is Director of Corporate Responsibility
at Virgin Media where he leads on the social,      large agribusiness investment management           Stephanie is Head of Research at EIRIS,
enviro n m e ntal and ethical dimensions of the    company in her native Australia.                   a leading global provider of independent
company’s reputation management. Prior to                                                             research into the social, environmental and
joining Virgin Media, Stu a rt looked after CR     06 Andrew Vickerman                                other ethical performance of companies.
at QinetiQ having previously worked in public      Global Head of Communications &                    Stephanie works on developing new
affairs and environmental campaigning at           External Relations, Rio Tinto, London              research products and approaches, recently
WWF-UK.                                                                                               launching the new climate change criteria.
                                                   Andrew has overall responsibility for media,
                                                                                                      She has researched and written on the
                                                   corporate communications, public affairs,
03 Cindy Cahill                                                                                       engagement approach to SRI and was a
                                                   corporate social responsibility and community
Head of CR, Deloitte                                                                                  member of the Indicators Working Group
                                                   relations. He has a BA, MA and PhD from
Cindy is Partner responsible for Corporate                                                            developing the new GRI sustainability
                                                   Cambridge University. Prior to joining Rio
Responsibility and Sustainability Services         Tinto he worked as a deve l o p m e nt economist   reporting guidelines (G3).
at Deloitte UK. In addition to providing CR        and as a consultant for international
services to a number of Deloitte’s largest         organisations, including the World Bank.           09 Stefan Reichenbach
clients, Cindy is also responsible for leading     In his current role Andrew played a leading        Head of Environment Markets, Reuters
Deloitte’s internal CR programme. She is a         role in the Global Mining Initiative, a mining     Stefan is Head of Environmental Markets at
member of the Deloitte Global CR executive         industry exercise focused on addressing the        Reuters. Under Stefan’s leadership, Reuters
and has helped a number of member firms            contribution of the industry to the transition     has emerged as a leading business media
to develop their CR practices.                     to sustainable development.                        company for the environmental finance
                                                                                                      sector. Stefan introduced innovative online
04 Lucie Harrild                                   07 Adam Garfunkel                                  initiatives that inform the global carbon
Head of CR communications, salterbaxter            Independent CSR Communications                     market and bring the market’s buyers
Lucie has a background in corporate                Consultant                                         and sellers together. Stefan holds an MA
and consumer communications, SRI and               Adam is an independent CSR communications          in Economics from Cambridge University
CR consultancy. She holds an MSc in                consultant. He has more than 10 years’             and an MSc in Environmental Change &
Environmental Technology from Imperial             experience in ethical business                     Management from the University of Oxford.

                                                                                                                                DIRECTIONS 2007
The FT UK 100
                    Sectors                                     Page      Sectors                                      Page
                     Aerospace & Defence                           32     Household Goods                                 39
                     Banks                                         33     Life Insurance                                  39
                     Beverages                                     33     Media                                           40
                     Chemicals                                     34     Mining                                          40
                     Construction & General Industries             34     Mobile Comms                                    41
                     Electricity                                   35     Nonlife Insurance                               41
                     Fixed Line Telecoms                           35     Oil & Gas                                       42
                     Food & Drug Retailers                         36     Real Estate                                     42
                     Food Producers                                36     Software & Computer Services                    43
                     Gas, Water & Multi-utilities                  37     Support Services                                43
                     General Financial                             37     Tobacco                                         44
                     General Retailers                             38     Travel & Leisure                                44
                     Health, Pharma & Biotech and
                     Healthcare Equipment & Services               38

                    Environment, health and safety (EHS) have             own performance data and also by using
                    typically been the focus of aerospace and             benchmark data, comparing themselves to more
                    defence reports, primarily due to the heavy           pollution intensive sectors.
                    industrial nature of activities – manufacturing
                    aircraft parts and military equipment.                Comprehensive reporting on the key challenges
                    This year was no exception, with extensive            faced by defence related activities remained a
                    reporting on EHS activities from both                 challenge for re p o rts. Whilst BAE’s was the only
                    Rolls-Royce and Smiths Group.                         report that detailed issues raised by stakeholders
                                                                          throughout the year, it failed to discuss them
Aerospace           Climate change was also a common theme for            in the necessary depth, brushing over issues
& Defence:          reports and was broached through discussions          such as recent Saudi-related accusations.
                    of ‘innovation’. Companies reported on                Future challenges will include reporting more
BAE Systems         technological advancements in avionics systems        transparently and thoroughly on their human
Rolls-Royce Group   and engine design that promise to deliver             rights position, product stewardship, supply
Smiths Group        improved energy efficiency and fuel savings           chain and lobbying activities. So the winner,
                    for aircraft, whilst others reported on the latest    based solely on the limited stakeholder
Panellist:          developments with products such as ‘green’ lead       engagement, is BAE.
Cindy Cahill        free bullets. Some of this may be due to the
Deloitte            demands of buyers such as Boeing and Airbus;
                    meanwhile others have criticised it as being purely               And the winner is:
                    ‘greenwash’. Re p o rts used emissions data to back               BAE Systems
                    up environmental performance, both using their

                         Banks continue to invest significantly in their           agenda. Alliance & Leicester’s ‘Right to Rea d ’
                         CR profiles. The responsibility of helping to             programme and RBS’ ‘Face2Face with Finance’
                         tackle climate change is now a clear priority             deserve special mention in this regard.
                         for the sector with each of the ‘big 5’ jostling
                         for position and differentiation. HSBC remain             Each of the companies reviewed appear to place
                         clear leaders, especially in view of their                a strong emphasis on employee well-being,
                         Climate Partnership with environmental NGOs.              creating a sense that these are very nice places
Banks                                                                              to work. This is backed up with a raft of hard-
                         On the customer side, the issue of responsible            hitting metrics on diversity and opportunity that
Alliance & Leicester     lending takes top billing although one wonders            undoubtedly differentiate this sector as ‘people-
Barclays                 whether these companies are ducking some                  oriented’. Refreshingly, HSBC also give the issue
HBOS                     uncomfortable truths. Beyond pledging to                  of executive remuneration and accusations of
HSBC                     share data on vulnerable borrowers, our big               ‘fat-cattery’ some fairly ‘up-front’ treatment.
                         lending institutions are less than convincing
Lloyds TSB
                         in their claims to be meaningfully addressing
Northern Rock
                         soaring and distressing levels of personal debt.                        And the winner is:
Royal Bank of Scotland
Standard Chartered       E l sewhere, big sums of money are being
                         ploughed into building co m m u n i ty invest m e nt –
Panellist:               HBOS give £8m annually to their Foundation,
Stuart Poore             for example – alongside some impress i ve and
Virgin Media             m eaningful co ntributions to the education

                         The companies in this sector are experienced              SAB Miller and Scottish & Newcastle both
                         reporters. Diageo’s report sets up a clear                use video on their website to articulate their
                         vision of the business reinforcing that sense             approach, a great way to hold the interest of the
                         of confidence from the beginning. And their               viewer/reader. However Scottish & Newcastle’s
                         marketing activities around the responsible               actual report is less engaging, though quite
                         drinking message show they are integrating                proficient. Being an 85 page document, it is
                         CR into other communications – and it will be             on the long side. The winner is SAB Miller, for
Beverages:               interesting to see where they take that in the            good presentation of information online and in
                         future. However the relative achievements                 print, plus using features like video to get the
Diageo                   across global operations are a little harder to           message across. But actually it is very close
SABMiller                get a sense of. Overall the report can be a bit           in this sector.
Scottish & Newcastle     dense to read and breaking information up
                                                                                  * note, due to publication dates SAB Miller’s re p o rt is a more
                         would be helpful.                                          recent version
                         SAB Miller’s* is also a heavyweight report,
Lucie Harrild
                         though not as bad as those 100 page tomes                               And the winner is:
                         of years gone by. Its focus is more towards
                                                                                                 SAB Miller
                         sustainability and it reports on 10 quite specific
                         key issues giving a clear sense of direction. SAB
                         Miller’s web information is straightforward to
                         navigate too, and it gives a fast insight into the
                         business and what it wants to communicate.

                                                                                                                                 DIRECTIONS 2007
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change
Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change

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Directions 2007 - Cutting through the noise of climate change

  • 1.
  • 2. Using the monocle Whenever you see this symbol use the monocle from the front cover, hold it up to your eye and reveal a hidden message. Contents 01 Welcome to Directions 2007 02 Tackling climate change – why us? The Rt. Hon. John Gummer, Chairman of Sancroft International and Chairman of the Quality of Life Policy 06 Turning green consumption into mass consump- tion Steve Howard, CEO, The Climate Group 10 Carbon neutrality Fiona Harvey, Environment Correspondent, The Financial Times 14 IS IT ALL TALK? 16 Is it all talk? – salterbaxter’s review of company responses to climate change 24 BEYOND CLIMATE CHANGE 26 Fighting climate change – as well as other chal- lenges to sustainable business Julia Cleverdon, Chief Executive of Business in the Community 30 The panel judges the CR reports from the FT UK 100 companies 46 ANALYSIS 48 Analysis of the FT UK 100 and FT Euro 100 companies 56 About us
  • 3. 01 Welcome to Directions 2007: Cutting through the noise of the climate change debate. Climate change is unavoidable these days: every time you open a newspaper there is a new angle. Blogs, information sites, dinner party opinions and political standpoints abound. And that’s before you count all the supermarkets’ announcements. So the topic for this year’s Directions was really a one horse race. But the knock-on effect of the debate of carbon offsetting. The noise around climate about climate change going mainstream has change also risks stealing the limelight from actually meant that there is a lot of noise and the broader responsible business agenda. Julia confusion out there – it is hard to see what is Cleverdon from Business in the Community argues Nigel Salter, salterbaxter actually going on. So we decided it was time the case for not getting focused on just one issue. to cut through the noise and try to put into context what effective action looks like. And to give you your ‘fly on the wall’ fix on who’s doing what in corporate responsibility This Directions report isn’t doom and gloom, generally, the panel are back with their thoughts apocalyptic scare stories and chest beating. on this year’s FT UK 100 CR reports. We’ve also Instead it is a slice of real life action, an insight reviewed some of those companies’ actions Lucie Harrild, salterbaxter into what to do to tackle climate change in the on climate change and we’ve analysed the lharrild@sa l way that’s right for you. John Gummer leads a corporate responsibility activities of the rallying call to take action; Steve Howard from FT UK 100 and Euro 100. The Climate Group tells us about the practical Together initiative; and Fiona Harvey from The It’s a bumper crop again so dive in and, if you’d Financial Times guides us through the contentions like to, let us know what you think! DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 4. Tackling climate change – why us? Al Gore’s film title ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ could not have summed up the situation better. It is only human nature to resist what is not seen as convenient. Rt. Hon. John Gummer Chairman of Sancroft International and Chairman of the Quality of Life Policy Climate change is the biggest physical only works for the UK, but also the rest of the threat to mankind and the UK needs to take world – a one world philosophy. Then decisions a stand. In actual fact we need to play catch made based on that system will have the clarity up with some countries, such as Germany, to cut through that confusion. Involving global who are leading in tackling the climate change politics means the process is slow but agenda. In order to cut emissions by 80% cooperation on a global scale is necessary. in fewer than 50 years there is need for a universal response. The UK needs to wake up and realise we are well placed to lead. Global cooperation has its Climate change is currently the biggest threat challenges but has had its successes. We have – but it is also a symptom of how our society’s played a key role within the EU – without Europe systems are set up wrongly. Increases in wealth there would have been no Kyoto Protocol where and happiness no longer correlate above quite responsibilities were shared amongst those low levels of income. But the key to tackling the most able. And in 1997, when I was Environment issue is to not be overwhelmed by the scale of Secretary, we played a fundamental role in what needs to be achieved – as in wartime, we the ‘Convention on climate change’ meetings. just need to get on with it. Business has received a lot of criticism for It is true that there is a lot of information, not doing enough to combat climate change. opinion and noise on climate change out there However, in some cases businesses are moving – and some confusion. At Sancroft we have been faster than governments. working with a range of businesses and the Carbon Trust on the need for a user friendly and Tesco took a leadership role announcing that universal approach. We need a system that not they are to publish the carbon footprint of their DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 5. 02_03 products. In the same way BP are driving feel that it is so daunting a task that they give up. towards renewable and alternative forms of Similarly, encouraging consumers to make choices energy with plans to set up the world’s biggest and enabling them to do the right thing is the key. low-carbon power business. Coca-Cola’s approach At the moment people are not clear and it is not to refrigeration and the phasing out of HFCs has made easy enough for them. In the end, they must meant a wholesale change to the way that sector choose but we should be giving them a helping now operates. There is evidence that businesses hand with information and encouragement. are more than ca pable of taking a lead in combating climate change. However, these It is only human nature to resist what is are individual examples and a large number of inconvenient. But consumers can make changes, companies have not yet engaged. Many do not helped by the provision of incentives. For understand their role and have not yet decided example Tesco have saved one billion plastic what their position should be. bags by incentivising customers with loyalty points, encouraging them to reuse. It is also “ It is only human nature to resist what important to focus on measures to improve energy efficiency in homes, linking council tax is inconvenient. But consumers can with energy consumption. We could offer cuts make changes, helped by the provision in stamp duty to homeowners who make their of incentives. ” homes ‘carbon efficient’, the council tax could be reduced for people who recycle more. The Government needs to help them understand what is key is not to impose on people but offer choices. expected of them. Then they must be given time to We should cut the tax on fuel efficient cars deliver. The key is to keep businesses fully involved and increase it on gas-guzzlers. in combating climate change without making them DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 6. The Quality of Life Policy Group, set up by David With these parameters in place business Cameron, which I chair with Zac Goldsmith as my and society will see their role and can make Vice Chairman, outlines the need to be frank and choices based on clear information, avoiding to face up to the real issues, however difficult. the current overload of contradictory It is simply not possible to attempt to tackle information and confusion. climate change unless you address hard issues like transport. We all like cheap flights and we have all The problem is that our pa rty political structure, benefited from them. Nonetheless we also know with an election every four or five years, this is the fastest growing source of emissions and, makes it difficult for the kind of continuous whatever Michael O’Leary may say, we cannot improvement that is necessary. That is exempt air travel if we are to reduce our carbon why we need a Climate Change Committee, footprint. Our proposals are designed to deal with independent from gove r n m e nt, tapping into the problem in the least damaging way. Nearly a the scient i fic knowledge of the Royal Society. quarter of flights from London’s airports go to They would focus on targets and measurement, places that could reasonably be reached by train advising on the best course of action and in a similar timeframe. We therefore propose that allowing business to do what they do best – those flights should be more heavily taxed and innovate to solve the challenge. The committee long haul flights should get priority for the slots at would hold the government accountable and airports. Doing this will mean that no new runways each year undertake an independent audit of will need to be built at Gatwick or Stansted. We also their progress. Not only would the committee want to change the Government’s taxation system keep government and opposition to the task which penalises full planes to one which encourages in hand, it would also stop the current airlines to take the maximum number of passengers. confusion which lack of expertise in gove r n m e nt has created. If we are to create a way of living that one planet can sustain, then the approach also needs to be thought through as a whole. The Quality of Life Policy Group’s re p o rt emphasises the fact that combating climate change creates wealth. “ With these parameters in place business and society will see their role and can make choices based on clear information, avoiding the current overload of contradictory information and confusion. ” The Green Revolution would be as valuable today to Britain as the Industrial Revolution was 200 years ago. Our green products and services will be needed throughout the world and we will have first mover advantage. But we have to move quickly, particularly since the United States has signaled its intention to take global warming seriously. President Bush’s Scientific Advisor publicly stated that there is no argument about the science of climate change, the only issue is about how to counter it. Our report sets out clearly how it can be done. First our ‘One nation’ philosophy needs to be extended to the one world we share. If those less fo rtu n a te are expected to share the responsibility to tackle climate change then it is only fair for them to benefit directly from doing so. Secondly the Gove r n m e nt needs to lead the way and set the parameters for business and consumers. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 7. So for us to tackle climate change, and make the truth 04_05 less inconvenient, there are five things the government needs to do – and business and consumers will then have the direction they need to navigate their way through the confusion and choose their path for meeting the challenge of climate change: create policies and systems that can be delivered globally. set out the direction and clear parameters and then the market will deliver. Once public buildings are specified to deliver energy savings it opens the way for big contracts, prices come down and a market is created. Then businesses know how to react. And consumers can make their choices. develop frameworks to prevent distortion but enable innovation and entrepreneurship. Builders are the experts in delivering energy efficiency, they just need to be encouraged to do so. new ways of doing things need help at the beginning. give business and consumers the information and the ability to make sense of the issues and be encouraged to make their choices – but without over prescriptive regulation which can end up distorting the results and the market. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 8. Turning green consumption into mass consumption Surely with the current attention and noise around climate change there would be lots of individual action? Actually, no. Consumers believe that solutions are inconvenient, isolated and expensive. Business (and government) needs to address this. That is why the ‘Together’ partnership was formed. Steve Howard CEO, The Climate Group It won’t have escaped anyone’s notice that climate change is now big news in the UK. Not a day goes by without another alarming story or report hitting our TV screens or the front pages of our newspapers. We now have unprecedented levels of awareness and concern on the climate issue. Research conducted last year by The Climate Group shows that an overwhelming 81% of people feel very strongly about climate change or at the very least recognise that it is important. However, as yet, this has not translated into significant individual action. Our research also shows that people feel powerless in the face of such a big problem. They don’t fully understand the issue and hold the belief the solutions are inconvenient and expensive. Above all, consumers don’t want to feel that they are acting alone. They need help (not more lecturing) to overcome these barriers. The way forward was pointed out by a 2006 research report called ‘I will if you will’ which indicated that people were willing to change but only if they were met halfway by government and business, who they perceive as more able to effect change than themselves. This is why, on 23 April of this year, a ground- breaking new partnership was launched in the UK aimed at enabling individual consumers to be more climate friendly. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 10. ‘Together’ is a coalition of famous brand British Gas recently launched Zero Carbon, name companies and retailers committed to which goes further than any other green tariff making it easier for their customers to take to provide genuine environmental benefits. up low-carbon solutions. Householders signing up to the Zero Carbon tariff will: reduce their household energy carbon Together they aim to help every UK household emissions to zero through Kyoto compliant to reduce their emissions by one tonne, a total offset schemes which will meet the new DEFRA of around 24 million tonnes over the next three requirements; help fund a direct increase in years, more than the combined household investment in renewable energy generated in emissions of Scotland and Wales. the UK; and contribute to the new British Gas green fund, which will invest in developing new B&Q, Barclaycard, British Gas, Marks & Spencer, renewable technologies such as wave power, and 02, National Express, MORE TH>N, BSkyB and oversee a programme to help schools in the UK Tesco have all united behind the campaign and reduce their CO2 emissions. are providing effective ways for people to reduce their impact. The campaign website ( will aggregate the achievements of all the partners For example, Tesco is committed to selling into one CO2 figure that will demonstrate in real 10 million energy efficient light bulbs this year time the power of collective action (50,000 (a five-fold increase on the previous year) and tonnes of CO2 have been reduced since launch, is offering them in-store and online at half price. equivalent to every household in Ipswich saving Marks & Spencer has launched a campaign a tonne or to 18,000 family cars off the road for to persuade their customers to wash at 30°C a year). Users of the site will be encouraged to whenever possible, including changing the undertake certain key actions and show how labels on the majority of their clothing range. they can contribute to their one tonne target. Loft insulation is one of the biggest single The reasons for bringing ‘Together’ to life at improvements that people can make to their this moment in time are compelling – both for home to reduce emissions and B&Q is making the planet and for business. it easy to plan, buy and install insulation – if everyone insulated their lofts to the The environmental case is well established, but recommended level it would save four million it’s important not to become numb to the facts. tonnes of CO2 per year – enough to fill the Atmospheric CO2 concentration, approximately new Wembley stadium 500 times. 280 parts per million (ppm) before the Industrial Revolution, has increased to around 380 ppm today. Each doubling of greenhouse gas concentration raises Earth’s equilibrium temperature by about 3°C. Greenhouse gas
  • 11. 08_09 “ The Climatelatent demand forshows strong evidence of Group’s research products, services and brands that would allow people to reflect their climate change concern in their spending. ” emissions are still rising globally and under It is against this backdrop that companies are ‘business as usual’ trends the Ea rt h’s temperature also now starting to ask, in their branding and is likely to increase by between 2 and 4.5°C by marketing, what are the equivalent opportunities 2100. A rise of 2°C is widely accepted as the that will create new revenues at the same time threshold for unacceptable and unpredictable as achieving environmental objectives? change. Latest findings from the leading international body on climate change, the IPCC, There is a growing belief, demonstrated by the suggest that in order to prevent a 2°C rise the ‘Together’ partner companies, that helping global growth in emissions would need to peak consumers to overcome barriers to individual at around 2015 and decline fairly sharply from action can unlock a significant market opportunity. there to reach the 50% cut required by 2050. By acting in collaboration there is less risk of The business case for action is also clear cut. individual corporate initiatives being seen as ‘one- Many companies are already reducing emissions offs’ and greeted with cynicism about greenwash. in their operations and supply chains because they are finding opportunities to reduce costs In fact, the campaign also benefits from help at the same time as achieving ambitious and backing from a diverse and growing range sustainability goals – for example through of non-commercial organisations – the City improved energy efficiency. Looking beyond of London, the Church of England, DEFRA and operational emissions to the consumer, the the Energy Saving Trust, for example. Based Climate Group’s research shows strong evidence on this message of partnership, ‘Together’ is set of latent demand for products, services and to expand globally and reach a mass audience brands that would allow people to reflect their running into tens of millions of people already. climate change concern in their spending. Instead of trying to argue that one sector is more important than another when it comes “It is against this backdrop that to reducing emissions, it is crucial to understand companies are also now starting to the linkages between government, business and ask, in their branding and marketing, individual action, to avoid a situation where what are the equivalent opportunities each sector passes the buck to another, and that will create new revenues at the to work in collaboration to develop solutions same time as achieving environmental that deliver the win-win outcomes for society. objectives? ” We believe that bit by bit, and acting together, we can tackle climate change. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 12. Carbon neutrality Useful – when treated with caution. There is a new phrase about town: ‘going carbon neutral’. More and more businesses are talking about it, but what does it really entail? Carbon offsetting projects are not always as they seem, and businesses must be diligent to avoid good intentions going wrong. Fiona Harvey Environment Correspondent, The Financial Times Treadle pumps in India might seem an odd projects that reduce emissions elsewhere. kind of investment for a bank. It is a way of making up for the damage that a company’s activities cause – of erasing a The pumps, which are worked by foot, are company’s carbon footprint. alternatives to diesel-powered pumps for drawing water from underground to irrigate crops. By using treadle pumps instead of hiring “ Being carbon neutral simply means cancelling out the negative effect of expensive diesel pumps, Indian farmers can save money and water. The pumps also cut one’s greenhouse gas emissions on the the amount of fuel farmers use – and that climate by investing in projects that saves carbon dioxide emissions. reduce emissions elsewhere. ” That is the key reason the Co-operative Bank For any company seeking to go carbon neutral, invests in the pumps, and the reason several there is a three stage process. First, companies other companies also contribute to providing must cut their own emissions as far as possible them. These companies are using the invest m e nt – it could be as simple as turning off lights in pumps as pa rt of their commitment to and computers, or as complex as overhauling becoming ‘carbon neutral’. processes, like installing new equipment or using less materials. An ever-lengthening list of companies are seeking carbon neutral status, ranging from Second, companies can look to buy their credits international banks, retailers and media from ‘green’ sources. A growing number of companies to small enterprises with a handful companies are investing in their own wind turbines of employees. Among the household names and solar panels to cut their future energy bills. that have pledged to become carbon neutral But for companies where this is impossible, buying are HSBC, Marks & Spencer, BSkyB and its environmentally friendly energy means taking parent company News Corporation. A few a green tariff from an electricity supplier, with villages in the UK have also decided to go energy supplied from renewable sources such carbon neutral, and individuals can even as wind or hydroelectricity. seek carbon neutrality for themselves. However, this is not always possible in the UK Being carbon neutral simply means cancelling as not enough renewable energy is produced out the negative effect of one’s greenhouse to satisfy the soaring demand. Most companies gas emissions on the climate by investing in that do not already have a green supply will find DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 13. 10_11 in “ Companiesneed to be wary offsetting embarking on of a few potential problems before they set out. Some carbon offsetting projects are not what they seem. ” DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 14. they cannot source one so easily now. But it It’s not just treadle pumps, either. Companies should become easier: the Government is aiming that have already gone carbon neutral have for 20% of the UK’s electricity to come from used a huge variety of projects: solar panels in renewable sources by 2020, so the amount India, wind farms in China, energy efficient light of green electricity available is set to grow. bulbs in Jamaica, hydroelectric power plants The final stage of carbon neutrality is to in eastern Europe, more efficient cooking stoves ‘offset’ a company’s remaining greenhouse in Africa. All of these cut the amount of carbon gas emissions by funding projects that reduce produced where they are used. carbon dioxide elsewhere. As more and more companies, and individuals, This is where the treadle pumps come in. seek to go carbon neutral, the amount of money By funding the purchase of treadle pumps for being raised for projects around the world poor farmers, companies can contribute to the through the sale of carbon credits is growing reduction of emissions in the developing world. quickly – from zero a few years ago to a projected $4bn by 2010. “ A tonne of carbon saved in the Companies embarking on offsetting need developing world is just as valuable in to be wary of a few potential problems before mitigating climate change as a tonne they set out. Some carbon offsetting projects of carbon saved in a rich country. are not what they seem. Cutting carbon in poor countries can also bring additional social benefits, In a wide-ranging investigation of the market, such as improving people’s economic the Financial Times recently found many examples of bad practice. For instance, situation and bringing them technology offsets were being sold from projects to which they would not otherwise that brought no, or questionable, have access. ” environmental benefits. Carbon credits were being sold to companies for many times their real value. The same credits were being sold twice over. And companies that were already profiting from their carbon cutting activities were profiting twice over by selling carbon credits to others wishing to be green. These potential problems should not necessarily deter companies from offsetting. Businesses, after all, have many good and valid reasons for going carbon neutral: the desire to be good corporate citizens, and the knowledge that the Government is increasingly regulating on environmental issues, for instance. Companies can even cut costs in the process by improving their efficiency. And taking on environmental goals is a great way of engaging staff and customers. But in order to avoid the reputational risk of investing in a bad carbon offsetting project, any company taking such a step should carry out proper due diligence on the project first – just as they would for any other investment. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 15. 12_13 There are several guides to carbon offsetting available to companies wishing to consider the option: for instance, the Carbon Trust has one, as does F&C Investments. But whichever guide you choose, the key points are always the same: If you are buying offsets through an Demand that the carbon credits you buy intermediary, ask for detailed information on are placed in a registry, which guards exactly where the credits are coming from. against the same credits being sold several times over to different buyers Companies should take care that the by unscrupulous offset intermediaries. credits they buy are additional, which means that they come from projects Consider carefully whether you want which would not have happened without to buy credits from forestry projects. the financing provided by carbon credits. These are numerous, and tend to be the This is important because if a project, cheapest credits, but they are also the such as a wind farm, was financially viable most controversial. Trees, as any schoolchild in any case, buying carbon credits from it knows, absorb carbon dioxide from the air simply enriches the owners and the money as they grow, so forests should be a good could have been better spent elsewhere. way of cutting carbon. But there are problems: it is difficult to tell how much Do not buy any credits that have not been carbon a forest absorbs; the trees can take verified by an independent third party – 70 years to grow, so it takes decades for there are examples where carbon credits the carbon to be reduced; and it is difficult have been sold from non-existent projects, to ensure that, over such a long period, or projects that do not generate the the trees do not die off or get cut down. carbon reductions they claim. In addition, there is some evidence that forests in northern regions may contribute to global warming, absorbing heat that would be deflected by snow cover. “ creditsare examples where carbon There have been sold from non-existent projects, or projects that do not generate the carbon reductions they claim. ” DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 18. Is it all talk? 68% of the FT UK 100 talk about climate change to some degree in their corporate communications (73% of the FT Euro 100 do too).* The long-term target set by UK Government is a 60% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050. 55% of senior executives in a KPMG and YouGov survey expect climate change to impact on their companies strategic development plans and the Carbon Disclosure Project has generated its highest ever response rate this year – 77% of the FT 350 responded. But according to DEFRA’s latest figures, CO2 emissions in the UK for 2006 have risen by 1.25%.** Confusing isn’t it?! So we want to get to the stories behind the percentages, and find out the reality of the corporate response to climate change – aside from all the noise of the climate change debate. We believe their response to this issue should be tailored to their operations – and that makes it hard to sum up with quick numbers the effectiveness of UK plc’s strategy to tackle climate change. But don’t worry, we’re not going to throw masses of conflicting information at you to add to the confusion. Instead we are taking a snapshot to review good practice. The companies voted best CR communicators by our independent panel (see page 30) are reviewed here for their response to climate change and we hope you will find some insights that help define your own strategy. ** according to salterbaxter’s analysis this year, see page 48 for details. ** taken from 2006 figures are provisional and expect to be within 1% of the final figure to be published in January 2008. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas accounting for 85% of the ‘basket’ of greenhouse gas emissions in 2006. Methane and nitrous oxide are the other two main greenhouse gases, and their levels are falling. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 19. 16_17 How we did it Key: We have reviewed the companies who are identified as leading communicators by our independent panel. We’ve looked at the companies’ A communications in the public domain, nothing else. We decided to do that because only A = Company is doing well with their efforts transparent and open communication from a to tackle climate change. company on their position and behaviour will cut through the confusion on this issue. We figure that if a company is doing something well in this area they would definitely want B people to know about it. B = Company is working on a response but We considered the effectiveness of the activities there is still lots to do. and communications, and applaud ‘fit for purpose’ – sophisticated programmes for carbon intensive companies and smaller considered programmes for low carbon users. C C = Company has either not fully engaged in the climate And to understand the big picture we checked change debate, or is only just beginning to. the emissions figures to see if the activities are delivering real results. BAE Systems BAE haven’t really grappled with their position on climate change yet, beyond a recognition of the link with energy use, CO2 and greenhouse Emissions status gases. But what does count in their favour is a willingness to publicly discuss that. So it will be interesting to see what develops. Slight drop in CO2 emissions in the UK, but rising in the US C Producers and users of fossil fuel based energy – so high impact, BHP Billiton high risk and high opportunity. BHP Billiton have raised their game this Emissions status year and revised policy and activities: more partnerships; more R&D; increased targets on efficiency. The challenge will be to quantify the 6% reduction in greenhouse gas intensity results. An A rating for the strategy but it’s the performance that is over five years. the real test now. A DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 20. Is it all talk? British Airways The airline industry is often at the eye of the storm in the climate change debate. BA does communicate about their carbon footprint, Emissions status their emissions and include a piece on the debate in their industry. But they don’t talk about adaptation and they state they aren’t a big CO2 emissions from flights have crept up, contributory factor to climate change without adequately acknowledging though fuel efficiencies improved the airline industry’s reputation. Fuel efficiencies have improved but the actual CO2 emissions from fl i ghts have cre pt up. It’s a B rating but a B minus really. B BSkyB Sky are a leading company on this issue. They have programmes to manage emissions and communications with all stakeholders including Emissions status employees and consumers. Highlights include: a recent TV advert; a competition to upload short films about climate change on their Overall emissions are up (though due to website; events; and roadshows. It will be interesting to see how quickly acquisition), core business emissions are down they can instil the same ethos into acquisition businesses and continue to bring emissions down. A BT A clear strategy (or carbon busting plan), which is accessible and engaging. There are separate information sites with pledges and Emissions status competitions. The tone is straightforward and the commitment to awareness raising is definitely high. This extends to employees too, CO2 emissions dropped but now stabilised a group often overlooked. So an A rating. A Experian A good example of an approach that is fit for purpose. Experian has a clear strategy, convincingly argued, and the CO2 figures are falling. Emissions status They aren’t the most carbon intensive business, but they recognise their responsibilities and are taking action. A good progression would CO2 emissions falling be more engagement with the workforce and the supply chain to roll the message out to a wider audience. A GSK have a comprehensive document on the website which covers GlaxoSmithKline their understanding of their role in tackling climate change, their Emissions status approach and some interesting insights into how they might adapt in a world with a changing climate. A statement in the CR report puts CO2 and equivalent emissions are down for energy climate change into context as one issue amongst many important and production but travel is going up ones for GSK to tackle, showing a measured approach. However, it does seem that GSK is just beginning to tackle this issue following stakeholder pressure, so perhaps more is to come. A DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 21. 18_19 HSBC HSBC have a high profile on this issue. They were an early adopter and their strategy includes (amongst other things) carbon neutrality, Emissions status a survey on public confidence, engaging Stern as an adviser, a carbon management taskforce and the HSBC Climate Partnership. So their Overall CO2 emissions are going up rating is A but they must be careful: all those initiatives must remain coordinated so as not to contribute to confusion; and performance needs to be addressed. A Imperial Tobacco Imperial recognise climate change as an area for attention and have made some progress but it sounds like they are really getting started in tackling Emissions status it this year. They state they are considering approaches including low carbon technology, renewables and offsetting. They have achieved some CO2 emissions falling energy efficiencies though. So a B rating for now but there should be significant developments in order to keep that rating. B J Sainsbury Sainsbury’s consumer website takes the reader stra i g ht to the CR re p o rt on this subject. Some consumers might find that information a bit Emissions status confusing as it brings together energy, packaging and waste and does n’t talk about what climate change is all about. There are good initiatives CO2 emissions reported to be dropping but would but there isn’t the sense of strategy that ot h e rs get across and this isn’t be good to see figures over time a sector that can shy away from the issue. So the communications feel a bit lukewarm. B Johnson Matthey Johnson Matthey’s approach comes across as a measured response to climate change in line with business needs. Initiatives are apparently in Emissions status place and they note that some of their products have the ability to assist in a transition to a low carbon economy – but on the other hand they CO2 is falling for the second year haven’t included some parts of the business in the climate change strategy (eg transportation and precious metals). And they could engage with a wider range of audiences with the information they have to offer. B Legal & General Legal & General don’t articulate a clear policy on climate change, although they do monitor and report on greenhouse emissions. Emissions status Their disclosure on climate change is low, especially as their SRI business lists it first on the list of engagement topics. There are Overall carbon emissions are increasing slightly objectives for next year so perhaps improvements are on the way. C DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 22. Is it all talk? Man Group Another early adopter of a carbon neutral strategy, but with clear energy reductions and thought around offsetting. Though not a carbon Emissions status intensive business the strategy is a good example of being thorough and fit for purpose. Working with employees is a large part of the CO2 emissions down approach including workshops, audits, mentors and internal communications. A Marks & Spencer The doyen of the CR communications world, Marks & Spencer’s ‘Plan A’ (because there’s no Plan B) programme has climate change at the top. Emissions status Marks & Spencer’s commitment to tackling climate change is clear and it is being rolled out to customers – labels inform about washing CO2 emissions from energy use are down, clothing at lower temperatures and carbon from air freight. At the but are up from transport other end of the value chain they are working with suppliers, and they partner with the Women’s Institute for more awareness raising. It is definitely an A rating. Continued clear communications are key to avoid A being part of the noise of the climate change debate. National Grid National Grid have made climate change a focus area and publish a clear public position statement. They use the World Resources Institute Emissions status greenhouse gas protocol to break down how they monitor and manage emissions, which is helpful in explaining what they consider is within 35% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions their sphere of control. They also offer smart metering and energy efficiency schemes in US and are conducting a Met office study in the UK. But being such a significant player in the utilities sector, they should engage consumers more. A Reckitt Benckiser Reckitt Benckiser have a vision to make eight billion products carbon neutral in 2006 and 2007. They already tackle lifecycle analysis for Emissions status the production and use of their products. So it’s a bold target and mitigating climate change is high on their list of sustainability Greenhouse gases from manufacturing and priorities. They also pledge to tackle carbon footprint issues with general energy use falling suppliers, employees and customers. However, they could come under fire for using only a forestry project to offset their emissions. If they deliver on their plans an A rating would follow. B Rexam Rexam are overlooking climate change, both in terms of articulating their responsibilities and in grasping an opportunity. They operate Emissions status environmental management systems including resource efficiency, eco efficiency and a mention of the use of alternative energy sources. CO2 constant over three years, but energy savings But this only links to climate change if you know how to read between in parts of the business – a bit unclear the lines. And it is an opportunity for the business to deliver packaging which complements potential customers’ positive product values – something missing from the business to business marketing site. C DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 23. 20_21 Embarking on a new three year plan including emissions reductions, Rio Tinto new technologies and better communication. They have conducted a Emissions status risk assessment of climate change related losses and operate internal knowledge sharing across regions. One of their videos also tackles the Greenhouse gas equivalent emissions and subject, though perhaps over-simplifies. An A rating for the amount energy use rising going on, but performance is a concern. A Royal & Sun Alliance Royal & Sun Alliance are running a number of initiatives: becoming carbon neutral; eco-insurance pro d u c ts for customers; insurers of Emissions status renewable energy projects; and part of the ‘Toget h e r’ initiative. However, considering they are in insurance and weather-related risks Emissions going down are key to the business you might expect more information on their strategic approach, and for them to include information on their site aimed at intermediaries. So really a B rating. B SAB Miller SAB Miller do recognise their impact on climate change and how the results could affect them – threatening crop and water supply, the raw Emissions status materials for their business. They have programmes in place and are communicating. What isn’t so clear is how effective programmes are Overall CO2 emissions are going up across the global operations. So you are left with the feeling you don’t have the complete picture. B Sage has no information at group level. In the chief executive’s Sage Group statement, the UK business says it’s tackling climate change backed up Emissions status with some information about energy saving initiatives. There is also an objective to measure carbon footprint but no figures are reported. The No exact data although some energy business is a low carbon emitter but the lack of a coordinated approach reduction claims across the group means a C rating. C Scottish Power Climate change is number four out of 12 material issues and Scottish Powe r’s approach seems pragmatic – a significant issue, a challenge, Emissions status with some positive achieve m e nts as well as difficulties. They use a combination of policies and there are signifi cant changes in their energy A rise in CO2, NOx and SO2 in the last year, supply portfolio. But there is something noticeably absent in their though the trend is downwards ‘summary of approach’ docu m e nt: a commitment to engage with customers. So still an A rating but room for improvement. A DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 24. Is it all talk? SEGRO SEGRO recognise the importance of climate change, and have some targets in place, but the coverage is low key when you take into account Emissions status their sector and impacts. Their risk assessment does put energy use and emissions as a material issue and there is a rare mention of Incomplete data but CO2 in own offices falling and adaptation – interestingly classed as high risk but low influence. As they renewable energy rising honestly admit that some targets are not met – one of which being communications and awareness – and there has been work done on carbon footprint calculation and renewable energy use, the rating is B. B But there should be more. Shell Interestingly when you first go onto the environment and society pages of Shell’s website, there isn’t a main navigation area for climate change. Emissions status But then there is significant information in the environment section which links to other areas of the site. It is a detailed programme but it Greenhouse gas emissions from operations are can be hard work to find what you want on the website. An A rating but falling but targets give them room to increase as Shell have calculated that their products are responsible for 3.1% of global CO2 emitted from the combustion of fossil fuels – and there are no targets to reduce this – you are left wanting more. A Unilever Unilever has a working group which is trying to tackle the whole range of emissions from product to consumer use. So they give a real Emissions status impression of strategically getting to grips with all levels of their impacts (though they are yet to communicate on how to adapt to CO2 from energy use going down changes caused by the climate). Unilever is also the leader in its sector in the Carbon Disclosure Project. With such prominent brands and a history in bringing corporate responsibility messages to the consumer, they could consider engaging more in this area. A Vodafone Vodafone have an internal communications programme to promote energy efficiency. Their CEO statement suggests that they are in a low Emissions status carbon sector. But on the other hand they do have a huge customer reach which they aren’t working with to raise awareness, and overall Emissions are rising emissions are rising. They do seem to have been working on the network efficiency as their biggest impact. So some positive activity but more needed before it could reach an A grade. B DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 25. Our top 5 tips 22_23 for your approach to climate change In our review, we saw a pattern emerging – so we’ve put together five things we think companies need to remember when considering their plans to tackle climate change: 01. Adaptation 01 Adaptation – it’s become that strange phenomenon, ‘there’s an elephant in the room’. Companies and communities need to give consideration to how they will adapt in a changing climate. While many companies now frankly admit that climate change is a reality, only a few talk about how they will react to weather change. This might be identifying how operations will change, or how products and services can meet new needs. The lack of consideration for adaptation is both a risk, and a lost opportunity. 02. Awareness raising Awareness raising – some companies with mainstream 02 consumers as a major stakeholder group are having some success. But it’s not widespread and many of the other 03 stakeholder groups are being overlooked. 03. Plain language Plain language – there are companies doing a good job of not skirting around the issue, but others are not clearly articulating their approach, perhaps because they aren’t clear themselves about what it should be. We don’t advocate doom and gloom or scaremongering about the effects of climate change, but companies do need to tell it like it is. 04. Numerous initiatives Numerous initiatives – some companies have a raft of activities which can be achieving a lot, but the challenge is to make sure 04 they don’t end up confusing and just make more noise around 05 climate change. 05. Relevance Relevance – the approach to climate change needs to be right for the company and its sector. It brings together all our top tips: the right initiatives explained in plain language including plans for adaptation, whilst raising people’s awareness. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 29. Fighting 20_27 6_27 climate change – as well as other challenges to sustainable business Julia Cleverdon Chief Executive of Business in the Community With corporate attention focused on climate change, some CORRUPTION MISTRUST are asking whether companies should return to the ‘green’ roots of corporate responsibility. Julia Cleverdon argues that companies taking this approach are missing the point. The role of business in tackling climate change the world’s first set-top box with an automatic has been thrust onto centre stage over the standby facility. It has also now engaged ONE WAY COMMUNICATION past 12 months. Sir Nicholas Stern’s Review of employees in eco-schools. BT has taken a the Economics of Climate Change highlighted different angle, working closely with its suppliers the need for businesses to reduce their carbon to produce products that have a lower carbon dioxide emissions to avoid severe economic footprint than their predecessors, so emissions consequences, and the UN’s Intergovernmental savings can be passed on to its customers. Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasised the short time window for action, with These companies are successfully combining emissions needing to peak and decline within the reduction of their environmental footprint the next 20 years. with business benefits, and continuing to create wealth for the UK. And they should This has not gone unnoticed by the corporate be commended and used to inspire other PRIVATE EQUITY MISTRUST world. Out of the 1,000 business leaders that companies, some of whom are only just attended this year’s Prince of Wales’s May Day beginning their climate change journey. Business Summit on Climate Change, nearly two thirds saw climate change as a risk for But to see corporate responsibility their business. What is encouraging, however, just through the lens of climate change is that 90% also saw the opportunities it offered, whether through cost savings, new would be to miss the rich mix of issues market opportunities or as a driver to engage on which business has been making and retain employees’ trust. an impact. It is those companies that truly understand Taking a broader approach those opportunities that are making a real When Business in the Community was formed difference. Take for example BSkyB, winner of 25 years ago in the wake of race riots and social the Man Group International Climate Change unrest in the UK, the purpose of the group of Award 2007. It recognised the consumer desire leading businesses was to work collaboratively for affordable green products and introduced to tackle the key social issues of the day. Since DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 30. “ For some businesses and sectors climate change is an absolute priority, but for others there are more pressing and immediate issues PRIVATE EQUITY that they can impact upon. ” MISTRUST then, our network of businesses has grown, A more enterprising and talent as has the range of issues that companies are driven skills base expected to address. In our jubilee year, David The future skills base of the country is critical Grayson, Professor of Corporate Responsibility to our competitiveness as so many of the job at Cranfield, has pulled together a commentary opportunities will increasingly need much higher on Business in the Community’s successes and level qualifications. Upskilling the existing failures in doing this along the way, available workforce, as well as developing a more relevant at and enterprising cu r r i culum for 14-19 year olds is vital. The roll call of companies who have A glance at our Corporate Responsibility Index, illustrated their impact through Business in published in the Sunday Times as ‘Companies the Community’s excellence awards include that Count’ and now in its sixth year, shows the Oracle learning programme, the Deloitte how companies are having an impact across employability initiative and the Esh Group the corporate responsibility spectrum, from co n struction project for 14-16 year olds. We will responsible selling to diversity in the workplace. all need to step up the quality, impact and scale of our business engagement in this area and Taking this broader approach allows I am delighted that Gordon Brown has asked me companies to consider all potential social and as Chief Executive of Business in the Community environmental issues that may impact upon to lead the review on how business-education them and focus on those that are most pressing partnerships can help to achieve world class to them and on which they can make the most educational excellence in the next 10 years. difference. Key to this is realising that every business is different. For some businesses and Winning trust sectors climate change is an absolute priority, Scrutiny of business by the public, media and but for others there are more pressing and shareholders has grown in sophistication. immediate issues that they can impact upon. Companies are no longer taken at face value. They have to back up what they are claiming Recognising the challenges with hard evidence. This is particularly true The three main issues that business will need for the growing number of private equity funds. to consider over the coming years are: the need Business in the Community’s membership for improved skills and a greater social cohesion now covers one in five of the private sector to ensure that the UK remains competitive workforce, and one in five of that same in global markets; the need for transparency workforce is now employed by companies owned across business to regain trust in an increasingly by private equity. With the high stakes and questioning environment; and the need to media coverage involved in the takeovers of integrate corporate responsibility into the these businesses, many questions are being heart of their operations. asked on what these funds are doing to improve the social and environmental impact of their BUSINESS newly acquired businesses. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 31. 28_29 The Walker Report on private equity sends a This is not a large company preserve. Masses firm message to owners of those businesses of small to medium sized enterprises also that the key to improving trust is transparency. provide inspiration on how to do this. When Open reporting of impacts and public asked ‘Why are you volunteering in your local benchmarking of performance through tools community?’ a small engineering company in such as Business in the Community’s Corporate the West Midlands replied ‘it is just part of what Responsibility Index will help business to win we do’. Smaller businesses have decision takers over the public, media and investors. That is closer to community need. where the bar needs to be set, and is a key challenge for businesses across sectors. The challenge now is to spread good practice to those companies that Making corporate responsibility part of are just starting on their corporate how business does business In this climate of mistrust, it is important that responsibility journey. Collaboration corporate responsibility activities are not applied is key to this. as ‘lip-gloss’ to core operations. They need to be at the hea rt of the business. To achieve this, Whether through the supply chains of leading companies need clear direction and commitment companies or business networks such as from senior management and their approach Business in the Community and its May Day to corporate responsibility needs to be fully group of companies committed to tackling i ntegrated into their everyday operations. climate change, using the leaders to inspire the laggards will be vital in helping all Some companies stand out as clear examples companies address not only climate change, of this. Marks & Spencer’s ‘Plan A’, named but the wider pressing issues which affect because the company believes there is no Plan our competitiveness and our cohesion. B, sets out how it will tackle the key issues facing it as a business. From how it will reduce waste, to how it will ensure it maintains fair partnerships with suppliers, the Plan recognises corporate responsibility as central to the company’s success. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 32. The reporting highs and lows of the top 100 UK companies The panel is on it In last year’s Directions, the panel got under the skin of the top 100 companies in the UK, looking at how effective their corporate responsibility reports were at communicating strategy and activities. Another year has passed and a fresh group of experts are looking at this year’s crop of reports. The attention that climate change has received has really put corporate responsibility in the spotlight. So businesses need to turn up the heat on their communications to withstand the scrutiny. And there is evidence that some are. So this year there are high expectations and the panel are hot on the trail of the companies under analysis. As in previous years the panel were given some basic guidelines but their findings on the good, the bad and the ugly are their own. Rules 1. The assessments should be based on information on company websites or in public reports available up to and including 3 August 2007. 2. The panellists are encouraged to be forthright! 3. The panellist’s decision is final (but please feel free to get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss it). Please note the views expressed are the panellists’ own and not necessarily those of their organisations. Company list taken from the Financial Times, 30 March 2007. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 33. The judging panel 30_31 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 01 Nancy Turrell College and is responsible for corporate communications, working with leading CSR Manager, Nestlé responsibility communications work international brands writing CSR reports and Nancy joined Nestlé UK as CSR Manager in at salterbaxter. websites, and developing social marketing July 2007. Before joining Nestlé she spent campaigns. Adam holds an MSc in the Public five years at Sainsbury’s as CSR Manager. 05 Angela McClowry Understanding of Environmental Change from Nancy read Business and Italian at Environment Analyst, British Energy UCL. Before working in communications University College London. consultancies, Adam was a pollution Angela is an Environment Analyst with a campaigner for Friends of the Earth. particular fo cus on CSR policy for industrial 02 Stuart Poore and commercial electricity supplier, British Director of CR, Virgin Media Energy. Her background is in environmental 08 Stephanie Maier management and she worked previously for a Head of Research, EIRIS Stu a rt is Director of Corporate Responsibility at Virgin Media where he leads on the social, large agribusiness investment management Stephanie is Head of Research at EIRIS, enviro n m e ntal and ethical dimensions of the company in her native Australia. a leading global provider of independent company’s reputation management. Prior to research into the social, environmental and joining Virgin Media, Stu a rt looked after CR 06 Andrew Vickerman other ethical performance of companies. at QinetiQ having previously worked in public Global Head of Communications & Stephanie works on developing new affairs and environmental campaigning at External Relations, Rio Tinto, London research products and approaches, recently WWF-UK. launching the new climate change criteria. Andrew has overall responsibility for media, She has researched and written on the corporate communications, public affairs, 03 Cindy Cahill engagement approach to SRI and was a corporate social responsibility and community Head of CR, Deloitte member of the Indicators Working Group relations. He has a BA, MA and PhD from Cindy is Partner responsible for Corporate developing the new GRI sustainability Cambridge University. Prior to joining Rio Responsibility and Sustainability Services Tinto he worked as a deve l o p m e nt economist reporting guidelines (G3). at Deloitte UK. In addition to providing CR and as a consultant for international services to a number of Deloitte’s largest organisations, including the World Bank. 09 Stefan Reichenbach clients, Cindy is also responsible for leading In his current role Andrew played a leading Head of Environment Markets, Reuters Deloitte’s internal CR programme. She is a role in the Global Mining Initiative, a mining Stefan is Head of Environmental Markets at member of the Deloitte Global CR executive industry exercise focused on addressing the Reuters. Under Stefan’s leadership, Reuters and has helped a number of member firms contribution of the industry to the transition has emerged as a leading business media to develop their CR practices. to sustainable development. company for the environmental finance sector. Stefan introduced innovative online 04 Lucie Harrild 07 Adam Garfunkel initiatives that inform the global carbon Head of CR communications, salterbaxter Independent CSR Communications market and bring the market’s buyers Lucie has a background in corporate Consultant and sellers together. Stefan holds an MA and consumer communications, SRI and Adam is an independent CSR communications in Economics from Cambridge University CR consultancy. She holds an MSc in consultant. He has more than 10 years’ and an MSc in Environmental Change & Environmental Technology from Imperial experience in ethical business Management from the University of Oxford. DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 34. The FT UK 100 sectors Sectors Page Sectors Page Aerospace & Defence 32 Household Goods 39 Banks 33 Life Insurance 39 Beverages 33 Media 40 Chemicals 34 Mining 40 Construction & General Industries 34 Mobile Comms 41 Electricity 35 Nonlife Insurance 41 Fixed Line Telecoms 35 Oil & Gas 42 Food & Drug Retailers 36 Real Estate 42 Food Producers 36 Software & Computer Services 43 Gas, Water & Multi-utilities 37 Support Services 43 General Financial 37 Tobacco 44 General Retailers 38 Travel & Leisure 44 Health, Pharma & Biotech and Healthcare Equipment & Services 38 Environment, health and safety (EHS) have own performance data and also by using typically been the focus of aerospace and benchmark data, comparing themselves to more defence reports, primarily due to the heavy pollution intensive sectors. industrial nature of activities – manufacturing aircraft parts and military equipment. Comprehensive reporting on the key challenges This year was no exception, with extensive faced by defence related activities remained a reporting on EHS activities from both challenge for re p o rts. Whilst BAE’s was the only Rolls-Royce and Smiths Group. report that detailed issues raised by stakeholders throughout the year, it failed to discuss them Aerospace Climate change was also a common theme for in the necessary depth, brushing over issues & Defence: reports and was broached through discussions such as recent Saudi-related accusations. of ‘innovation’. Companies reported on Future challenges will include reporting more BAE Systems technological advancements in avionics systems transparently and thoroughly on their human Rolls-Royce Group and engine design that promise to deliver rights position, product stewardship, supply Smiths Group improved energy efficiency and fuel savings chain and lobbying activities. So the winner, for aircraft, whilst others reported on the latest based solely on the limited stakeholder Panellist: developments with products such as ‘green’ lead engagement, is BAE. Cindy Cahill free bullets. Some of this may be due to the Deloitte demands of buyers such as Boeing and Airbus; meanwhile others have criticised it as being purely And the winner is: ‘greenwash’. Re p o rts used emissions data to back BAE Systems up environmental performance, both using their DIRECTIONS 2007
  • 35. 32_33 Banks continue to invest significantly in their agenda. Alliance & Leicester’s ‘Right to Rea d ’ CR profiles. The responsibility of helping to programme and RBS’ ‘Face2Face with Finance’ tackle climate change is now a clear priority deserve special mention in this regard. for the sector with each of the ‘big 5’ jostling for position and differentiation. HSBC remain Each of the companies reviewed appear to place clear leaders, especially in view of their a strong emphasis on employee well-being, Climate Partnership with environmental NGOs. creating a sense that these are very nice places Banks to work. This is backed up with a raft of hard- On the customer side, the issue of responsible hitting metrics on diversity and opportunity that Alliance & Leicester lending takes top billing although one wonders undoubtedly differentiate this sector as ‘people- Barclays whether these companies are ducking some oriented’. Refreshingly, HSBC also give the issue HBOS uncomfortable truths. Beyond pledging to of executive remuneration and accusations of HSBC share data on vulnerable borrowers, our big ‘fat-cattery’ some fairly ‘up-front’ treatment. lending institutions are less than convincing Lloyds TSB in their claims to be meaningfully addressing Northern Rock soaring and distressing levels of personal debt. And the winner is: Royal Bank of Scotland HSBC Standard Chartered E l sewhere, big sums of money are being ploughed into building co m m u n i ty invest m e nt – Panellist: HBOS give £8m annually to their Foundation, Stuart Poore for example – alongside some impress i ve and Virgin Media m eaningful co ntributions to the education The companies in this sector are experienced SAB Miller and Scottish & Newcastle both reporters. Diageo’s report sets up a clear use video on their website to articulate their vision of the business reinforcing that sense approach, a great way to hold the interest of the of confidence from the beginning. And their viewer/reader. However Scottish & Newcastle’s marketing activities around the responsible actual report is less engaging, though quite drinking message show they are integrating proficient. Being an 85 page document, it is CR into other communications – and it will be on the long side. The winner is SAB Miller, for Beverages: interesting to see where they take that in the good presentation of information online and in future. However the relative achievements print, plus using features like video to get the Diageo across global operations are a little harder to message across. But actually it is very close SABMiller get a sense of. Overall the report can be a bit in this sector. Scottish & Newcastle dense to read and breaking information up * note, due to publication dates SAB Miller’s re p o rt is a more would be helpful. recent version Panellist: SAB Miller’s* is also a heavyweight report, Lucie Harrild though not as bad as those 100 page tomes And the winner is: salterbaxter of years gone by. Its focus is more towards SAB Miller sustainability and it reports on 10 quite specific key issues giving a clear sense of direction. SAB Miller’s web information is straightforward to navigate too, and it gives a fast insight into the business and what it wants to communicate. DIRECTIONS 2007