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                                 IS CORPORATE
                                 IN YOUR COMPANY’S
                                                    Looking for corporate
                                                responsibility behind the label
                                                    by Rowland Hill, M&S

              Welcome to
             Directions 06

                                       Corporate Responsibility:
                                        more than skin deep?

                                         Lisa Walden, internal

                      Embedded Tests
                       The winners

                                                        The panel’s

   18                                                                                                        34
 The panel
                                                                                                         Euro 250 and
                                                                                                       FTSE 100 Analysis

                Euro 250 and
              FTSE 100 Analysis
                  overview                                                              48
                                                                                  About salterbaxter
Directions 06
 Trends in CR reporting
                              Welcome to Directions 06, a
 A report by salterbaxter
                              look at embedding corporate

                              The holy grail of corporate responsibility has been
                              that this approach to doing business becomes an
Nigel Salter, salterbaxter    intrinsic part of a company’s day-to-day operations
                              and decision-making. Much head scratching has
                              been done over the years to work out how to do it.
                              Has anyone had a breakthrough?

Lucie Harrild, salterbaxter

                              This year Directions has decided to put some       Rowland Hill from Marks & Spencer talks about
                              of the UK’s largest companies under the            the challenges M&S has faced in its quest to
                              microscope to see if corporate responsibility      embed corporate responsibility in the business
                              is being embedded in the organisation. Has         and in the brand. Lisa Walden, an internal
                              anyone found the secret to injecting corporate     communications specialist, gives a view on
                              responsibility into the heart of an organisation   communicating corporate responsibility to
                              and seeing it circulate into every fibre?          employees and ensuring the people
                              Do the people get it? If it had happened,          understand the strategy.
                              would we know?
                                                                                 After the success of last year’s judging panel
                              So we have run some tests on a select group        we decided we needed an update on who
                              within the FTSE 100 to see if corporate            is reporting effectively, so the panel is back.
                              responsibility is in their blood – right down      Ten experts have studied the FTSE 100 and
                              to seeing if the switchboard knows what we         their findings start on page 18.
                              are talking about! The tests are not diagnostic
                              – there are many things a company should           And last but not least we’ve researched the
                              be doing in order to have embedded corporate       FTSE 100 and EURO 250 to see what they
                              responsibility and some of the evidence could      have produced this year.
                              be confidential information – but turn to page
                              10 to draw your own conclusions.                   Happy (and healthy) reading!

                              This year we have two contributors who
                              bring us the reality of embedding corporate

                              DIRECTIONS 06                                                                                        01
     for corporate responsibility
     behind the label

     Rowland Hill
     Corporate Social Responsibility/
     Sustainability Manager, Marks & Spencer

     As you’re reading Directions
     ‘06 it’s probably fair to assume
     that you’re someone who ‘gets’
     Corporate Responsibility.

02                                 DIRECTIONS 06
The challenge is that many of the              variety is supportive and well intentioned      M&S CR team has done a lot of hand-
people with whom you work don’t. Some          but in truth only active leadership can         holding during the initial ‘getting to
of your colleagues will be CR-agnostic, a      ‘cut through’ to the organisation’s strategy.   know you’ phase.
minority might even claim to be anti-CR        What I’ve learned is that if the senior team
and worst of all are those obsessives          aren’t in a position to provide leadership      All successful organisations have a clear
who want to use it to pursue their own         on CR then you have to go and find it           business strategy. You know the sort of
CR agenda. How do you keep everyone            elsewhere. Look to the non-executive            thing, to be the fastest, cheapest, best,
aiming in the same direction through           directors or perhaps the leader of an           most reliable, most stylish etc. To my
the good times and bad?                        important business division. What you’re        mind the single most important piece of
                                               looking for is someone who is effective         information a CR practitioner can have is
At Marks & Spencer we clearly start            within the organisation, ‘gets’ CR and          the answer to the question: ‘How does CR
with a huge debt to our heritage in            is respected.                                   support our strategy?’ If you can answer
that we’ve always had the ability to                                                           this with clarity, knowing which parts
attract ethically minded individuals as        Next up is governance and processes.            of the CR agenda really matter to key
customers, employees, suppliers and            Compared to many organisations M&S              stakeholders, along with the organisation’s
shareholders. But over the last decade         places a greater reliance on its people         strengths and weaknesses I really believe
the retail marketplace has undergone           rather than its processes so I won’t dwell      that you’re half way there. If the answer
significant change. Expectations and           here too long. You need to connect the          doesn’t exist within the organisation go
personnel have all moved on and yet            leadership of the business with its CR          out and start building a consensus about
on the whole we’ve managed to keep             performance and ensure stakeholder              what it might be. Constructing simple lists
CR moving forward in the right direction.      engagement with appropriate responses.          of what it does and doesn’t include is a
It hasn’t always been easy and there           It’s always easier to motivate people           really good starting point. At one point we
have been times when we’ve had                 if you can identify positive benefits           even had every part of the business with
to retreat from the odd battle in              rather than the avoidance of risk. We’ve        their own little set of pictures showing the
order to win the war. Having tried             put in a system with a Board level CR           issues that mattered. This kept focus and
most approaches I’ll run through the           Committee supported by a CR Forum of            prevented wasted energy in responding
techniques that worked the best for us.        senior managers and heads of department         to passing fads or distractions.
                                               across the business. That said, what we
                                               achieve still depends hugely on the energy
c Leadership is terribly
important... What you’re
                                               and commitment of our people.                   c Actions speakbehaviour
                                                                                               than words. The

looking for is someone                         The quality of our relationships with           and deeds of an organisation
who is effective within                        stakeholders is also hugely important.
                                               Much of this is about basic courtesy and
                                                                                               have to match up to the
the organisation, ‘gets’                       acknowledging that sometimes the most           rhetoric.    d
CR and is respected.           d               unexpected sources can provide valuable
                                               insights into your business. At its best
Leadership is terribly important. In various   these relationships can help form and
capacities I’ve worked for M&S for nearly      even deliver your future strategies.
a quarter of a century seeing out the old      That said, many people in corporate life
family leadership up to the present day.       can feel very uneasy about face-to-face
During that time we’ve had both passive        meetings with the likes of campaign
and active leadership on CR. The passive       groups and over the last few years the

                                               DIRECTIONS 06                                                                            03
Actions speak louder than words. The         formulated within the CR team over a           and animal welfare groups if we were
behaviour and deeds of an organisation       number of years. The concept is that we        going to mention them or their campaigns.
have to match up to the rhetoric. In         are asking our customers to look beyond        In order to ensure that our employees
the long-term, organisations have to be      the product that they see in the store and     were informed we even launched the
trusted to deliver on their services as      consider all of the CR credentials that        campaign two weeks early behind
well as to act in the wider interests of     we’ve addressed on their behalf. After all,    the scenes in our stores and everyone
society. This needs not only to be visible   even the most sustainable product will look    received a key ring with copies of the
but increasingly to provide the option       much the same as the most polluting and        planned adverts on them.
for stakeholders to feel empowered by        unethical. The difference lies in the way it
participating in something positive. It      has been produced and the level of trust       ‘Look behind the label’ has given us
can be a community project, recycling        in its provider. What made the campaign        an accessible means of talking CR with
or choosing the ethical product.             so effective, however, were the skills in      employees and customers without the
                                             execution provided by our colleagues in        technical jargon getting in the way.
Finally there is what I’ll call the Brand    marketing and communications. Almost
X Factor. We live in a world of almost       nine months before the first adverts           Many of the traditional tools that CR
limitless choice and increasing complexity. appeared the groundwork was being set           practioners use such as governance,
We can’t possibly review all the detail so   by using our customer research combined        management and stakeholder engagement
we use brands to help us make choices.       with our CR Report to identify the overlaps    systems are clearly important. However,
Even within the world of CR reports          of high consumer expectations and good         our recent experiences suggest that the
the format, content, assurance and           M&S performance.                               best outcomes are achieved by the
even choice of assurance providers                                                          CR holy trinity of leadership, strategy
all position our CR brand. Good brand                                                       and marketing. This takes CR beyond
management has to be honest. One of
the reasons that ‘Your M&S’ has been
                                              c    Even the most sustainable
                                             product will look much the
                                                                                            the specialist functions and cedes
                                                                                            ownership to some unorthodox functions
so successful for Marks & Spencer is that same as the most polluting                        such as marketing and communications.
it genuinely reflects the way employees                                                     In itself this is a challenge but perhaps
and customers see the company. At once and unethical. The difference                        is the ultimate test of the oft-quoted
you have a means of brand positioning        lies in the way it has been                    21st century cliché about CR being in
that rings true but also provides direction. produced and the level of                      a company’s DNA.

For us, part of this has also included what
is effectively a CR sub-brand called ‘Look
                                              trust in its provider.       d
behind the label’. The genesis of ‘Look       The drafting process required the
behind the label’ was a result of the clear   co-ordination of many different business
direction provided by our Chief Executive,    functions and we went out and consulted
Stuart Rose, and ideas that had been          with stakeholders such as environmental

04                                            DIRECTIONS 06
Our recent experiences suggest
                that the best outcomes are
                achieved by the CR holy trinity
                of leadership, strategy and
                marketing. This takes CR
                beyond the specialist functions
                and cedes ownership to some
                unorthodox functions such as
                marketing and communications.

DIRECTIONS 06                                     05
Corporate Responsibility:
more than skin deep?
Communicating and embedding a CR strategy internally can
be a bit like using an anti-ageing cream – it takes time for
the results to show and you have to keep rubbing it in.

Lisa Walden
Internal communications consultant,
and ex-Director of Internal
Communications, Prudential

At first, it seemed to go against the     But is this enough for employees?
natural order of things. Getting senior   Employees have a view of the company’s
managers to buy in to a CR strategy       impact on society, the big issues, the
that could challenge the very source      stakeholders’ perspective and even the
of a company’s profitability seemed       measures used to tackle CR. Surely this
unlikely, if not a fool’s errand.         must be positive. But is it enough? No.
Pharmaceutical companies addressing
product safety concerns? Tobacco          The internal communications dilemma
producers focusing on youth smoking       From an internal communications
prevention? But the angst-ridden          perspective, the role CR plays in the
soul-searching battle was won             business strategy is key to how deeply
(in most cases).                          employees are going to absorb the
                                          message. Now we’re into tricky territory.
If that was the public face of the        Declaring “it’s part of our strategy”,
organisation, what lies beneath? The      means people will start looking for
company will have stated somewhere        connectivity – with the brand, product
what is on its conscience and how         development, training, customer
prepared it is to do the right thing.     communications, and HR policy…

06                                        DIRECTIONS 06
                                                                                             Fabulous newsletters may
                                                                                             pave the way to awards,
                                                                                             but once the excitement,
                                                                                             not to mention the post-
                                                                                             event hangover, has faded,
                                                                                             this starlet of internal
                                                                                             communications won’t
                                                                                             get the message under
                                                                                             the skin of employees.

c For internal to be
                                             (as appropriate) and people (employees).
                                             Thirdly, don’t forget the brand in all this –
                                                                                             employees after the CEO has briefed
                                                                                             or at least communicated with all senior
                                             it is essentially the corporate personality     managers in advance.
believable, there has to be a                so there has to be a rationale for how
visible connection – even for                people’s CR behaviours fit with it.             Seeping through
                                                                                             Infrastructure – a set of processes
the cynics – between what’s                  And another thing – there must be an            for communicating specific types of
being said and “how we do                    agreed principle that silence, if there’s       information using specific channels
                                             a crisis, is not an option.                     (face to face briefing, email, voice
things around here”.           d             Rubbing in the message
                                                                                             message, text, print, webcast, intranet)
                                                                                             in a standard and consistent way. It is
To be fair, it’s difficult. But that’s not   Who and what carries the CR message?            the only way to get deep down into
a reason to head straight for the easy       Managers and a robust communications            an organisation.
option of dropping a CR article into the     infrastructure – the very same ones that
company newsletter (we’ll return to this     carry the business messages.                    Why? Because it consistently pumps
point). For internal communications to                                                       through the organisation and restates,
be believable, there has to be a visible     Fabulous newsletters may pave the               over and over again, the same strategy,
connection – even for the cynics –           way to awards, but once the excitement,         the same connections… until consistency
between what’s being said and “how           not to mention the post-event hangover,         instils common beliefs and ultimately…
we do things around here”.                   has faded, this starlet of internal             common behaviours. That’s why managers
                                             communications won’t get the message            are excluded at the organisation’s peril.
Frankly, it’s just not worth pursuing        under the skin of employees.
employees as ambassadors and agents
of CR without absolute clarity about         It wouldn’t be unreasonable to suggest          c a fully functioning
                                                                                                Successful CR depends
three things on where CR fits in the         that the bulk of an employee’s source
bigger picture. Firstly, what has it got     of influence comes from the manager             communications
to do with the business we’re in, the        whether we’re talking about acceptable
products/services we provide and
how does it stack up against our need
                                             behaviours or believable information.
                                                                                             infrastructure.       d
to deliver profit to the shareholder?        So how does an important email straight         The number of employees, sites and
Secondly, how do CR targets or measures      from the CEO to all employees score on          the overall structure of the organisation
fit with the business’ key performance       the believability/impact scale? Lower           will inform how many channels or even
indicators – financial, customer             than the email that goes out to all             function-specific infrastructures are used.

                                             DIRECTIONS 06                                                                              07
The key is it all has to connect, which is     function, business segment, site. This    How deep are businesses
why often, it helps to have a centralised      is essentially a logistics and e-based    prepared to go?
internal communications team if an             exercise (no surprise there aren’t any    Having alert employees is one thing.
organisation is implementing a strategy        awards for this line of work).            Making every employee an ambassador
that requires behavioural change.                                                        and agent of CR is another. It’s probably
                                             3. Three agreements:                        fair to say that most companies are in
So if successful CR depends on a fully       • One with the CEO/business director        the former category rather than the
functioning infrastructure, it’s worth          (the ultimate in charge): to support     latter. However, the CR strategy sits with
checking to see if the following three          the infrastructure and not give any      the company’s core business strategy and
foundations are in place:                       senior managers permission to ‘opt       employees have to see and understand
                                                out’ (potentially tricky issue).         the clear links between the two.
1. Straight-talking performance              • One with the Finance Director and
   updates:                                     sponsor of transformation programmes:    A final thought. It takes months of
• Monthly and quarterly processes to            to provide the performance data and      constant attention and collaboration
   communicate clear tangible progress          commentary on time.                      with senior managers for internal
   against objectives/targets.               • One with the PR/Marketing/Marcomms        communications to effectively carry
• Details on where progress has not             Director (the ultimate owners of all     a business strategy through an
   been made and what’s being done              external communications): to guarantee   organisation. Adding the complexities
   about it.                                    any material or comment going to the     of CR to the mix makes it tougher,
• Briefings face to face (or voice) using       media and any customer or stakeholder    but if the CR strategy is well thought
   a handy ‘pincer movement’ (i.e. tell         communications is copied/briefed in to   through, the infrastructure can bring
   all employees their manager has the          internal communications before           it to life. Without it, the face the
   information to brief them in the next        it’s released.                           company projects will be no more
   10 days).                                                                             than a mask.

2.Cascade processes:
• Detailed (specific names in boxes)
  processes for how time critical/non
                                               cone thing. Making
                                                  Having alert employees

  time critical announcements are              every employee an
  briefed in to the organisation (e.g
  Stock Exchange announcements,                ambassador and agent
  redundancies, product recall) – by           of CR is another.       d

08                                           DIRECTIONS 06
It can take months of
constant attention and
                                        A few live scenarios to consider:
                                        BP – probably the most impressive corporate citizen, provides
                                        a dramatic illustration. The company has made a huge
collaboration with senior               investment to address safety concerns and minimise
managers for internal                   environmental impact, but as the partial closure of the Prudhoe
communications to                       Bay field in Alaska has proved, being a responsible corporate
                                        citizen has not gone deep enough into the organisation.
effectively carry a business
strategy through an                     Richard Branson has recently announced a move into
organisation. Adding the                environmental businesses, known as the ‘Gaia Capitalism
                                        Project’, starting with a company called Cilion that will make
complexities of CR to the               environmentally friendly fuel. The question is, will he expect
mix makes it tougher.
c                                       all employees in the Virgin empire to operate and think in a way
                                        that is aligned to this part of his business strategy – such as
                                        environmentally friendly office systems and practices?
                                        Or will environmental conscientiousness be kept within the
                                        confines of project businesses?

                                        Following its acquisition of Green & Black’s, is Cadbury
                                        Schweppes shifting its brand values to align with those of Green
                                        & Blacks and is anyone telling employees whether they are
                                        expected to behave differently as a result?

                                        To what degree will L’Oréal adopt The Body Shop’s product
                                        development principles or will this business and its beliefs be
                                        ring-fenced from the rest of the organisation? How will Body
                                        Shop people feel about that – especially if the reason they come
                                        to work is because they perceive their employer is aligned with
                                        their own ethical values?

                               DIRECTIONS 06                                                               09
Embedded                       Is corporate responsibility
Methodology                    in your blood?
                               If it really is running through your organisation’s
                               veins the symptoms should be recognisable!
                               We decided to run a few tests on a selection of companies
                               from the FTSE 100 to see how they are embedding CR. Our
                               panel of judges picked out the most effective reporters in
                               their sectors (see page 18) and we have used some of those
                               as our test group. This isn’t, of course, the definitive guide
                               to embedding CR but we hope it provides you with an
                               interesting insight into progress.

                               If you would like to talk to us about embedding CR please
                               get in touch!

                               So the white mice are:

                               Aerospace & Defence – BAE Systems                 Healthcare Equipment & Services and Health,
                                                                                 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech – Smith & Nephew
        Lucie Harrild          Banks – HSBC
 Head of CR Communications                                                       Household Goods – Reckitt Benckiser
                               Beverages – Diageo
                                                                                 Media – ITV and BSkyB
                               Chemicals – Johnson Matthey
                                                                                 Mining – Rio Tinto and Anglo American
                               Electricity – Scottish Power
                                                                                 Non-life Insurance and Life Insurance –
                               Fixed Line Telecommunications and
                               Mobile Telecommunications – BT
 Lucie Harrild, salterbaxter                                                     Oil & Gas – Shell
                               Food & Drug Retailers – Tesco                                                      Real Estate – Land Securities
                               Food Producers – Unilever
                                                                                 Support Services – Wolseley
                               Gas, Water & Multi-utilities – United Utilities
                                                                                 Tobacco – British American Tobacco
                               General Financial – Man Group
                                                                                 Travel & Leisure – British Airways
                               General Retailers – Marks & Spencer

                               We tested the companies using the questions opposite, focusing on three areas
                               where an organisation might try to embed CR: strategy and management, brand
                               and product, and people. First of all we used publicly disclosed information to make
                               assessments. Then we spoke with the relevant person responsible for CR.

                               We wanted to see if CR was getting to the heart of the workforce, so decided to
                               check with the switchboard to gauge whether they had heard of CR (or sustainable
                               development). So to test the switchboard, we rang the switchboard!

10                             DIRECTIONS 06
Testing for
embedded Corporate

                     DIRECTIONS 06   11
The results


                         = High Embeddedness        = Medium Embeddedness         = Low Embeddedness

        BAE Systems       Test Results:

            Medium        Strategy & Management: High             BAE systems have implemented the strategic
                                                                  and management side of things. It is probably
                          Brand & Product: Medium                 unsurprising that CR doesn’t feature in
                          People: Medium                          marketing messages but it does in product
                                                                  development – and defence export legislation
                          Overall: Medium                         requires it. Switchboard is run by an external
                                                                  company and they give a seminar to
                                                                  employees on CR.

           HSBC           Test Results:

            Medium        Strategy & Management: High             HSBC’s strategy and management of CR
                                                                  is constantly improving and has gradually
                          Brand & Product: Medium                 brought in more areas of the business and
                          People: Medium                          its functions in order to embed CR. Training
                                                                  is increasing with programmes for new
                          Overall: Medium                         employees, graduates and very senior
                                                                  management. But the switchboard didn’t
                                                                  understand us.

           Diageo         Test Results:

             High         Strategy & Management: High             High scores for strategy and management
                                                                  as well as brand and product – not surprising
                          Brand & Product: High                   given the focus on responsible drinking and
                          People: Medium                          alcohol in society. There is broad representation
                                                                  of divisions, functions and geographical areas
                          Overall: High                           of the business on its corporate citizenship
                                                                  committee. Unfortunately the switchboard
                                                                  wasn’t up to speed.

       Johnson Matthey    Test Results:

            Medium        Strategy & Management: High             Johnson Matthey seem to be more successful
                                                                  with embedding CR in the senior parts of the
                          Brand & Product: Medium                 company with considered CR management
                          People: Low                             and senior staff trained in policy. However
                                                                  other employees are less aware. But there
                          Overall: Medium                         are positive changes happening in the product
                                                                  development area.

12                        DIRECTIONS 06
Scottish Power      Test Results:

      High          Strategy & Management: High   Scottish Power’s activities in the renewables
                                                  market give it a lead in the brand and product
                    Brand & Product: High         area with periodic marketing to support it. And
                    People: Medium                as you might expect it has strong CR strategy
                                                  and management but the employee awareness
                    Overall: High                 programmes aren’t sufficiently powerful.

      BT            Test Results:

     Medium         Strategy & Management: High   Whilst BT run internal communications
                                                  programmes for CR, the switchboard weren’t
                    Brand & Product: Low          connected. But the strategy side of things is
                    People: Medium                well integrated. An ad-hoc approach has been
                                                  applied to products being developed with CR
                    Overall: Medium               issues in mind. But this might change soon.

    Tesco           Test Results:

      High          Strategy & Management: High   Tesco have some impressive employee
                                                  communications activities across the
                    Brand & Product: High         organisation, which have paid off – and the
                    People: High                  switchboard knew exactly what we were
                                                  talking about. Product developments and a
                    Overall: High                 range of external and internal communications
                                                  back up the CR strategy and management.

   Unilever         Test Results:

      High          Strategy & Management: High   Unilever has committed to significant
                                                  strategic leadership on CR. It is incorporated
                    Brand & Product: High         into product development and features in
                    People: Medium                advertising and marketing – “we don’t play
                                                  with your food”. Internal communications
                    Overall: High                 play their part too, but it hasn’t reached the
                                                  switchboard yet.

United Utilities    Test Results:

     Medium         Strategy & Management: High   Strong strategy and management plus
                                                  activities in renewable energy are positive
                    Brand & Product: Medium       for United Utilities. Advertising and sales
                    People: Low                   messages are given a light touch in terms
                                                  of CR as is employee communications and
                    Overall: Medium               it hasn’t reached the switchboard.

  Man Group         Test Results:

     Medium         Strategy & Management: High   Man Group has put a lot of thought into
                                                  the structure of managing CR and it will be
                    Brand & Product: Medium       interesting to see how that pays dividends
                    People: Medium                in the future. It can be a bit hard to grasp but
                                                  there is focus on how CR is integrated in the
                    Overall: Medium               products. There is a wealth of information on
                                                  the website and the intranet but switchboard
                                                  are none the wiser.

                   DIRECTIONS 06                                                                   13
The results


                         = High Embeddedness        = Medium Embeddedness          = Low Embeddedness

       Marks & Spencer    Test Results:

             High         Strategy & Management: High             As we’ve heard earlier in this report, M&S are
                                                                  working hard and creatively to embed CR and
                          Brand & Product: High                   convey it via the M&S brand. It is paying off.
                          People: Medium                          But interestingly the switchboard weren’t well
                                                                  versed which unfortunately makes you wonder
                          Overall: High                           if shop floor can do justice to all that hard work.
                                                                  Maybe that’s the next area that needs focus.

       Smith & Nephew     Test Results:

            Medium        Strategy & Management: Medium           Smith & Nephew have a bit of a sector
                                                                  advantage – they have to factor in CR when
                          Brand & Product: High                   designing products to provide economic
                          People: Low                             and practical benefit to the healthcare
                                                                  professionals. Plus marketing is heavily
                          Overall: Medium                         regulated. But it is missing a trick when it
                                                                  comes to communicating with employees.

     Reckitt Benckiser    Test Results:

             High         Strategy & Management: Medium           Reckitt Benckiser may score a medium for
                                                                  strategy and management via this methodology
                          Brand & Product: High                   but believes its hands-on approach works better
                          People: High                            in its flat structure. It is working for internal
                                                                  communications, the switchboard talked about
                          Overall: High                           the CR training they receive.

            ITV           Test Results:

            Medium        Strategy & Management: High             ITV uses its intranet, the Watercooler, to
                                                                  give regular updates to employees on what
                          Brand & Product: Medium                 is happening around the CR activities, and
                          People: Medium                          it gets plenty of attention. Viewers are
                                                                  surveyed on CR issues, aligning the brand
                          Overall: Medium                         with the relevant issues. It seems integration
                                                                  is developing, if not fully embedded.

14                        DIRECTIONS 06
BSkyB          Test Results:

      High         Strategy & Management: High   BSkyB is using its significant customer reach to
                                                 roll out CR-relevant messages such as energy
                   Brand & Product: High         efficiency and climate change. The CR strategy
                   People: Medium                and management provide the company’s CR
                                                 framework and a taskforce of CR champions
                   Overall: High                 help to embed it through the business. As with
                                                 most companies we tested, switchboard drew
                                                 a blank.

   Rio Tinto       Test Results:

     Medium        Strategy & Management: High   Rio Tinto is creating strong management
                                                 structures and the stewardship programmes
                   Brand & Product: Medium       mean CR is well integrated in the product area.
                   People: Low                   However internal communication stays within
                                                 the upper layers of the management structure
                   Overall: Medium               so there is little embeddedness there.

Anglo American     Test Results:

     Medium        Strategy & Management: High   Anglo American has integrated CR through its
                                                 management structures and into all the stages
                   Brand & Product: Medium       of its projects from feasibility to responsible
                   People: Medium                closure. It doesn’t really do advertising but
                                                 internal communications use various means
                   Overall: Medium               to tunnel CR into the organisation, though it
                                                 seems to have bypassed switchboard.

  Prudential       Test Results:

     Medium        Strategy & Management: High   Effective CR strategy and management mean
                                                 Prudential leads from the front and it makes
                   Brand & Product: Medium       every effort to communicate financial products
                   People: Medium                clearly to its customers, educating them on
                                                 financial planning. Some employees are given
                   Overall: Medium               CR training but it isn’t everywhere.

     Shell         Test Results:

     Medium        Strategy & Management: High   Shell, as you would imagine, has all the
                                                 management structures in place. And a
                   Brand & Product: Medium       significant amount of its product development
                   People: Medium                takes sustainable development into account.
                                                 Whilst there are some very positive employee
                   Overall: Medium               training and communications programmes,
                                                 they exist in isolation.

Land Securities    Test Results:

      High         Strategy & Management: High   Land Securities has developed its CR with
                                                 a focused approach to its strategy and
                   Brand & Product: High         management, positive communications
                   People: Medium                programmes and green building techniques.
                                                 Unfortunately the switchboard didn’t pick
                   Overall: High                 up those messages.

                  DIRECTIONS 06                                                                15
The results


                           = High Embeddedness        = Medium Embeddedness         = Low Embeddedness

          Wolseley          Test Results:

             High           Strategy & Management: Medium           Judging by the scores it’s a hands-on approach
                                                                    that’s having an effect. Wolseley have interesting
                            Brand & Product: High
                                                                    programmes such as the Sustainable Building
                            People: High                            Centre, a showcase for renewable building
                                                                    materials, and promote energy saving and
                            Overall: High                           sustainable timber products. Switchboard
                                                                    weren’t sure of the terminology but once it
                                                                    was explained were quite knowledgeable about
                                                                    office-based activities.

British American Tobacco    Test Results:

            Medium          Strategy & Management: High             CR and tobacco have always been controversial
                                                                    bedfellows and BAT is clearly thinking hard
                            Brand & Product: Low                    about how to embed CR in its strategy and
                            People: Medium                          management. But the product is the product
                                                                    and BAT does not see the corporate brand as a
                            Overall: Medium                         vehicle to carry CR messages. Employees are
                                                                    surveyed on CR but that hasn’t reached them all.

       British Airways      Test Results:

             Low            Strategy & Management: High             There are the management structures in
                                                                    place to embed CR at BA but it seems they
                            Brand & Product: Low                    haven’t fed throughout the organisation as
                            People: Low                             yet. CR is rightly represented by activities on
                                                                    the environment, health and safety and the
                            Overall: Low                            community, and employees are told about
                                                                    these, but that won’t equip them to champion
                                                                    CR as a business strategy.

16                          DIRECTIONS 06
Embedded                   Overall the companies we tested faired quite
 Tests                      well. Though they use a range of approaches
                            and CR programmes to do it, they all recognised
 The winners
                            that CR must be embedded to be effective.
                            Interestingly of the 23 companies we tested,
                            only three switchboards were familiar with
                            corporate responsibility. Of the companies
                            achieving high scores, we felt these five stood
       BSkyB                out (in alphabetical order):
  Using its huge customer
network to communicate CR

  Includes all geographic
    areas and business
 functions in CR thinking

     Marks &
   Making CR a definite
       brand value

   Extensive employee
  engagement activities

  A good all rounder and
    willing to advertise

                            DIRECTIONS 06                                     17
Top FTSE 100   The panel is back
by sector
Methodology    Last year Directions moved on from just recording
               the reporting activities of major companies and a
               judging panel gave their opinions on how effectively
               the FTSE 100 report on corporate responsibility.
               With 49 of the FTSE 100 producing detailed reports there is
               now no denying that corporate responsibility reporting is here
               to stay. Now it is a question of how effective those reports
               are. The one-size-fits-all approach of one huge report looks
               like it might have had its day as 59 of this group use various
               combinations of web based and printed information to
               communicate values and activities. These refinements need
               to continue and progress for organisations to reach a point
               where they are really communicating effectively.

               So here we have a new set of willing volunteers to give their
               views on who is up to what this year. As before we set some
               loose ground rules but gave the individuals a pretty free rein
               to let us know what they think does and doesn’t work.

Rules          1. The assessments should be based on information on
                  company websites or in public reports available up to
                  and including 18 August 2006.

               2. The panellists are encouraged to be forthright

               3. The panellist’s decision is final (but please feel free
                  to get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss it)

               4. The panel aren’t actually doctors!

               Please note the panellists’ views are their own personal views and not necessarily
               those of their organisations or of salterbaxter

               FTSE 100 list taken from the Financial Times, 31 March 2006

18             DIRECTIONS 06
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                f KPMG onsibility                                                                                                                a n ents anci rogr mbe oun ent
         Head o       sp                                                                                                                          cli n-fin nce p me ess C lopm and
Mike is te Social Re he leads
Corpora nction, whe managing                                                                                                                        no sura team usin Deve ility
                        s                                                                                                                             as ore rld B ble ntab roup
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                                a CSR    Mike K R, KPMG                                                                                                   for BCS ing w
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    Europe y a collabora ctices                                        Kirsty is an Associate Director at
     curre 5 member pra                                                F&C Asset Management, one of
     some 2                                                            London’s largest institutional
                                                                       investors with £107 billion under
                                                                       management. She works in the
                                                                       GSRI team where she covers the
                                                                       banking sector and leads the
                                                                       shareholder engagement                 Kirsty Jenkinson
                                                                       programme on Human Rights.             Associate Director,
                                                                       Prior to joining F&C in 2001, Kirsty   Governance and Socially
                                                                       spent six years in London and          Responsible Investment (GSRI),
                                                                       New York with Goldman Sachs            F&C Asset Management

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                                                                                                                Jenny works with keholders’
                                                                                                                to research their sta
                                                                                                                opinions and expect iety of
                                                                                                                working across a var
                                   ible                                                                          industry sectors
                     er is orate ient      UK.                       er                                                                                 Jenny Dawkins
                 Luk corp pat in the g
         Jud Pfizer’sility an tegies e-rang
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                   mad rterly
                                                                          DIRECTIONS 06                                                                                                              19
The sectors          Sectors                                  Page      Sectors                                 Page

                      Aerospace & Defence                        20     Healthcare Equipment & Services and
                      Banks                                       21    Health, Pharmaceuticals & Biotech         27
                      Beverages                                   21    Household Goods                           27
                      Chemicals                                  22     Industrial Metals                         28
                      Construction                               22     Media                                     28
                      Electricity                                23     Mining                                    29
                      Fixed Line Telecommunications and                 Non-life Insurance and Life Insurance     29
                      Mobile Telecommunications                  23     Oil & Gas                                 30
                      Food & Drug Retailers                      24     Real Estate                               30
                      Food Producers                             24     Software & Computer Services              31
                      Gas, Water & Multi-utilities               25     Support Services                          31
                      General Financial                          25     Tobacco                                   32
                      General Industries                         26     Travel & Leisure                          32
                      General Retailers                          26

                     BAE Systems is the only company in this            corruption within BAE and media reports
     Aerospace &     sector that publishes a full CR Report.            relating to bribery. However, this makes for
      Defence:       Smiths Group and Rolls-Royce focus primarily
                     on environment, health & safety and therefore
                                                                        slightly uncomfortable reading when they raise
                                                                        more questions than they answer.
                     fail to address many of the key issues for this
      BAE Systems    sector such as business ethics, human rights       All three companies report comprehensively
      ARolls-Royce   and lobbying.                                      on environment, health and safety – showing
      Smiths Group                                                      clear performance trends. The quantitative
                V    As in previous years, BAE has continued            targets published by Smiths Group and
                     to make stakeholder feedback central to its        Rolls-Royce demonstrate a mature approach
        Panellist:   report. There are detailed comments from           to reporting in this area.
      Emily Osband   external experts in four key areas – ethics,
                     employees, lobbying and education – followed
                     by the company’s response. This format
                     obviously works best when the external
                     reviewer provides challenging and insightful
                     commentary. The section on lobbying makes
                     for a good read with Robert Barrington, Director
                     of Governance and Socially Responsible
                     Investment F&C Asset Management, highlighting
                     strengths and weaknesses of the company’s          § And the winner is:
                     approach. The Q&As get top marks for honesty
                     – drawing attention to a government inquiry            BAE Systems
                     into allegations of false accounting and

20                   DIRECTIONS 06
Banks, perhaps more than any other sector,       Bingley and Northern Rock to, say, Barclays
         Banks:              can feel that they are caught between a          or Standard Chartered, is not particularly
                             rock and a hard place on CSR reporting.          constructive.
     Alliance & Leicester    While strict compliance requirements and
           Barclays          client confidentiality restrict information      Consequently, I think it’s helpful to consider
      Bradford & Bingley     flows, increasing public scrutiny of a sector    the sector in a few sub-groups. Alliance &
             HBOS            representing 20% of the FTSE 100, and            Leicester gets my vote among the ‘UK-focused’
                             wielding undisputed influence over the global    institutions for an easy-to-read yet detailed
             HSBC            economy, means that the days of relative         report that goes beyond a review of its
          Lloyds TSB         secrecy are well and truly over.                 philanthropic activities and tackles CSR in its
        Northern Rock                                                         ‘Marketplace’. Standard Chartered and Lloyds
    Royal Bank of Scotland   Thankfully, banks are rising to the challenge    TSB also deserve a mention for pioneering
     Standard Chartered      with many now finding a balance in CSR           concise and punchy Corporate Responsibility
                             reporting that both informs stakeholders and     ‘Reviews’ which are heavy on numbers, targets
                             protects commercial activity. This involves      and results. However on balance, HSBC comes
           Panellist:        reporting on the indirect impacts of their       out as overall winner for a report that sets its
       Kirsty Jenkinson      lending and other commercial activities as       approach to Sustainable Development firmly
                             well as their direct impacts. While there is     within the Group’s overall strategic goals.
                             more to be done, most banks now make clear       It grapples with the wide range of issues –
                             differentiations between, for example, the       from corporate governance, sustainability
                             environmental performance of their branch        risk, Equator Principles implementation and
                             networks and how they assess environmental       treating customers fairly, to diversity, HIV/AIDS
                             issues when writing business.                    and carbon neutrality – facing a bank of its size
                                                                              and international reach today.
                             All this being said, the actual content of CSR
                             reports still varies considerably from bank
                             to bank, as does progress in identifying and
                             managing sustainability related risks and
                             opportunities. To a large extent this reflects
                             both the different range of products and         § And the winner is:
                             services that the banks offer, and the
                             geographic reach of their business. For this         HSBC
                             reason, comparing companies like Bradford &


                             All three companies prepare a CR report          Firstly their report provides outcome and
      Beverages:             and all commission an external assurance         performance evidence, such as the number of
                             programme. Whilst some CR issues are             complaints made to the Advertising Standards
            Diageo           common to all three companies in the sector,     Authority and the proportion of advertising
          SAB Miller         others such as water shortages and HIV/AIDS      spend focused on responsibility messages.
     Scottish & Newcastle    tend to be more specific. This is generally      This effectively moves the report on – from
                             reflected in the CR reports. SABMiller           one based on commitments and initiatives,
                             addresses a number of CR issues, giving          to one which more clearly demonstrates the
                             equal space and emphasis to each one, whilst     business benefit of good CR performance.
         Panellist:          Diageo and Scottish & Newcastle focus on
        Matt Haddon          responsible drinking as their key issue.         Secondly the Diageo report is broader,
                                                                              covering a wider range of issues such as the
                             Responsible drinking, as in 2005, is the         company’s economic impact, employees and
                             dominant issue for the sector in 2006. All       governance practices. It is a more complete
                             three companies recognise the issue and          non-financial performance report.
                             the importance of their role in promoting
                             responsible behaviour. They also detail
                             management processes and initiatives they
                             have put in place, examples of memberships,
                             research, policy commitments and best
                                                                              § And the winner is:
                             Diageo though, goes a notable step further           Diageo
                             than the others, and is awarded first prize.

                             DIRECTIONS 06                                                                                   21
All of these companies see CSR, and                ICI is straightforward, provides clear
      Chemicals:           particularly the environmental component of        performance data and again is of an easy
                           CSR, as an opportunity rather than a cost and      to read length and a somewhat easier to
           BOC             talk about future income streams from that         digest format.
            ICI            source. Additionally occupational health and
      Johnson Matthey      safety features very strongly both in terms of     Johnson Matthey also has clear data, easily
                           the targets set and also in the narratives from    understood, and even confirms support to
                           the CEOs and Chairmen. This is quite right         ILO conventions and the Universal Declaration
                           given the hazardous products and processes         of Human Rights.
         Panellist:        with which they are all involved and the
         Mike Kelly        ambitions set, such as a target of zero            But the winner is Johnson Matthey, because
                           reportable accidents introduced by Johnson         they also talk about difficult issues such as
                           Matthey or BOC’s simple zero incidents and         animal testing.
                           injuries is admirable.
                                                                              Now what do they all think about REACH?
                           The length of the BOC report is great and          (the EU regulatory framework for the
                           proves you don’t have to destroy a couple          Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation
                           of forests every 12 months to produce an           of Chemicals)
                           effective document. Although it covers all the
                           main areas, the report is in danger of under-
                           selling what they are doing, even though it
                           gives a nod to GRI, the ABI, the UK’s Combined
                           Code and the provisions of the US Sarbanes
                           Oxley as well as the UN Global Compact.
                           It would be good to see future reports building    § And the winner is:
                           on the use of diagrams to communicate targets
                           and data, enabling the reader to easily gauge         Johnson Matthey
                           performance improvements.

                           Hanson reports online, and is strongest in         (looking to improve the ecological footprint of
     Construction:         the area of health and safety, where it gives      buildings and the living standards they enable)
                           trends on performance data showing sustained       and contributing to sustainable communities
          Hanson           improvements. It would be strengthened by          is particularly impressive. Wates also deserves
                           disclosing the targets set for future years.       special mention for its initiative to employ
                           The rest of the information is largely policy      people aged 35 plus who are long-term
         Panellist:        statements, although it does make the              unemployed, ex-offenders and parents
                           link between its training initiatives and the      returning to work. The inclusion of strategic
       Jenny Dawkins       business strategy, references to senior            priorities, performance targets, stakeholder
                           management involvement and gives a few             dialogue and accreditation schemes such as
                           interesting case studies.                          Investors in People and ISO 14001 are also
                                                                              common strengths in these reports which
                           There are a few role models for more               Hanson could emulate.
                           comprehensive reporting among the
                           construction companies outside the FTSE 100.
                           Companies like Lafarge, Barratt and Wates
                           produce standalone sustainability reports, and
                           tackle their core business impacts in areas such
                           as waste minimisation, using local suppliers and
                           local employees to contribute to local economic    § And the winner is:
                           development, and responsible purchasing e.g.
                           sustainable timber sourcing. The coverage of           Hanson
                           the overarching aim of sustainable construction



22                         DIRECTIONS 06
Overall, reporting in this sector could be more     somehow to make a connection with
          Electricity:              imaginative when it comes to the design and         the reader. The stakeholder engagement
                                    layout of reports. Future targets are not always    information is chiefly focused on government
         British Energy Group       reported and apart from Scottish Power,             and the investment community.
               Drax Group           reporting on stakeholder engagement is limited.
          International Power                                                           International Power contains a lot of repetition
     Scottish and Southern Energy   Scottish Power’s Issue Briefings are in direct      from the previous report. It highlights a few
             Scottish Power         response to stakeholder feedback; these and         philanthropic endeavours but there is no
                                    the individual performance summaries make           hook into the core business. The stakeholder
                                    it easy to navigate through key issues.             engagement programme seems this time to
                                    The concise Summary Report provides a               be limited to employee consultation.
              Panellist:            good punchy overview, while those wanting
             Judith Luker           more detail can turn to the full Community          Drax Group’s report is the weakest in this
                                    and Environment reports, which slightly             category, with a narrow focus on environment
                                    confusingly also contain summary sections.          and H&S and limited accountability. It is,
                                                                                        however, nice and short!
               A                    Scottish and Southern Energy’s report is
                                    diligent, if somewhat dense. It raises some
                            V       important issues, including appropriate sales
                                    and marketing techniques and the sector’s
                                    role in reducing total energy demand. Extra
                                    marks also for linking corporate responsibility
                                    objectives to directors’ remuneration.
                                                                                        § And the winner is:
                                    British Energy Group responds to feedback
                                    from the previous report, and the document              Scottish Power
                                    is neat and concise. However, I felt it failed

                                    Perhaps more than any other major sector in         Vodafone has also continued the steady
         Fixed Line                 the FTSE, telecoms continue to be buffeted by       evolution of its CR strategy and reporting,
    Telecommunications              the strong winds of technological change and
                                    regulatory intervention. 02 is now part of the
                                                                                        with particularly good sections on the positive
                                                                                        contribution that mobile can make for emerging
         and Mobile                 Spanish Telefonica group – although, for now, it    markets, and on how the group is managing
                                    has maintained a high standard of separate CR       the growth of potentially anti-social content
    Telecommunications:             reporting. In addition, Cable and Wireless has      (such as adult content and gambling) on its
                                    fallen out of this year’s review; let’s hope that   networks. Its “We said… we have… we will”
                 BT                 the corporate turnaround currently underway         mantra also provides a strong spine around
                                    will also extend to its CR programme.               which to present performance on its priority
                                    That leaves the two telecoms behemoths,
                                    BT and Vodafone, whose disclosure this year         One area where CR disclosure could improve
              Panellist:            highlights two of the wider themes impinging        is in the area of business ethics and marketplace
             Nick Robins            on the responsibility agenda: first, how to         conduct. Telecoms is an extremely concentrated
                                    manage the dance between the standalone             market, bringing intense regulatory oversight,
                                    report and an in-depth website, and second,         with the potential for new interventions (such
                                    how to connect transparency on CR with              as from the EU over roaming charges) as
                                    disclosure through the annual report.               well as investigations into anti-competitive
                                                                                        behaviour. BT does have a short section on
                                    BT has made a refreshing contribution this year     “competing fairly” which is welcomed, and
                                    with its Changing World: Sustaining Values          it would be great to see greater attention
V                                   report, which effectively conveys the company’s     to this from Vodafone next year.
                                    strategic CR priorities and performance in a
                                    mere 18 pages – providing a snapshot of how it      All in all, a good crop.
                                    is anticipating future trends. This is backed by
                                    a comprehensive website that enables analysts
                                    to drill down to the detail. What is equally
                                    impressive is how issues of reputation,             § And the winner is:
                                    employee motivation and social responsibility
                                    are dealt with in the main body of the                  BT
                                    shareholder-directed annual report.

                                    DIRECTIONS 06                                                                                      23
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood
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Directions 2006 - Is Corporate Responsibility in Your Company's Blood

  • 2. Contents 02 Looking for corporate responsibility behind the label by Rowland Hill, M&S 01 Welcome to Directions 06 06 Corporate Responsibility: more than skin deep? Lisa Walden, internal communications consultant 10 Embedded Tests 17 Embedded Tests The winners 33 The panel’s winners 18 34 The panel Euro 250 and FTSE 100 Analysis 35 Euro 250 and FTSE 100 Analysis overview 48 About salterbaxter
  • 3. Directions 06 Trends in CR reporting 2005–2006 Welcome to Directions 06, a A report by salterbaxter look at embedding corporate responsibility. The holy grail of corporate responsibility has been that this approach to doing business becomes an Nigel Salter, salterbaxter intrinsic part of a company’s day-to-day operations and decision-making. Much head scratching has been done over the years to work out how to do it. Has anyone had a breakthrough? Lucie Harrild, salterbaxter This year Directions has decided to put some Rowland Hill from Marks & Spencer talks about of the UK’s largest companies under the the challenges M&S has faced in its quest to microscope to see if corporate responsibility embed corporate responsibility in the business is being embedded in the organisation. Has and in the brand. Lisa Walden, an internal anyone found the secret to injecting corporate communications specialist, gives a view on responsibility into the heart of an organisation communicating corporate responsibility to and seeing it circulate into every fibre? employees and ensuring the people Do the people get it? If it had happened, understand the strategy. would we know? After the success of last year’s judging panel So we have run some tests on a select group we decided we needed an update on who within the FTSE 100 to see if corporate is reporting effectively, so the panel is back. responsibility is in their blood – right down Ten experts have studied the FTSE 100 and to seeing if the switchboard knows what we their findings start on page 18. are talking about! The tests are not diagnostic – there are many things a company should And last but not least we’ve researched the be doing in order to have embedded corporate FTSE 100 and EURO 250 to see what they responsibility and some of the evidence could have produced this year. be confidential information – but turn to page 10 to draw your own conclusions. Happy (and healthy) reading! This year we have two contributors who bring us the reality of embedding corporate responsibility. DIRECTIONS 06 01
  • 4. Looking for corporate responsibility behind the label Rowland Hill Corporate Social Responsibility/ Sustainability Manager, Marks & Spencer As you’re reading Directions ‘06 it’s probably fair to assume that you’re someone who ‘gets’ Corporate Responsibility. 02 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 5. The challenge is that many of the variety is supportive and well intentioned M&S CR team has done a lot of hand- people with whom you work don’t. Some but in truth only active leadership can holding during the initial ‘getting to of your colleagues will be CR-agnostic, a ‘cut through’ to the organisation’s strategy. know you’ phase. minority might even claim to be anti-CR What I’ve learned is that if the senior team and worst of all are those obsessives aren’t in a position to provide leadership All successful organisations have a clear who want to use it to pursue their own on CR then you have to go and find it business strategy. You know the sort of CR agenda. How do you keep everyone elsewhere. Look to the non-executive thing, to be the fastest, cheapest, best, aiming in the same direction through directors or perhaps the leader of an most reliable, most stylish etc. To my the good times and bad? important business division. What you’re mind the single most important piece of looking for is someone who is effective information a CR practitioner can have is At Marks & Spencer we clearly start within the organisation, ‘gets’ CR and the answer to the question: ‘How does CR with a huge debt to our heritage in is respected. support our strategy?’ If you can answer that we’ve always had the ability to this with clarity, knowing which parts attract ethically minded individuals as Next up is governance and processes. of the CR agenda really matter to key customers, employees, suppliers and Compared to many organisations M&S stakeholders, along with the organisation’s shareholders. But over the last decade places a greater reliance on its people strengths and weaknesses I really believe the retail marketplace has undergone rather than its processes so I won’t dwell that you’re half way there. If the answer significant change. Expectations and here too long. You need to connect the doesn’t exist within the organisation go personnel have all moved on and yet leadership of the business with its CR out and start building a consensus about on the whole we’ve managed to keep performance and ensure stakeholder what it might be. Constructing simple lists CR moving forward in the right direction. engagement with appropriate responses. of what it does and doesn’t include is a It hasn’t always been easy and there It’s always easier to motivate people really good starting point. At one point we have been times when we’ve had if you can identify positive benefits even had every part of the business with to retreat from the odd battle in rather than the avoidance of risk. We’ve their own little set of pictures showing the order to win the war. Having tried put in a system with a Board level CR issues that mattered. This kept focus and most approaches I’ll run through the Committee supported by a CR Forum of prevented wasted energy in responding techniques that worked the best for us. senior managers and heads of department to passing fads or distractions. across the business. That said, what we achieve still depends hugely on the energy c Leadership is terribly important... What you’re and commitment of our people. c Actions speakbehaviour than words. The louder looking for is someone The quality of our relationships with and deeds of an organisation who is effective within stakeholders is also hugely important. Much of this is about basic courtesy and have to match up to the the organisation, ‘gets’ acknowledging that sometimes the most rhetoric. d CR and is respected. d unexpected sources can provide valuable insights into your business. At its best Leadership is terribly important. In various these relationships can help form and capacities I’ve worked for M&S for nearly even deliver your future strategies. a quarter of a century seeing out the old That said, many people in corporate life family leadership up to the present day. can feel very uneasy about face-to-face During that time we’ve had both passive meetings with the likes of campaign and active leadership on CR. The passive groups and over the last few years the DIRECTIONS 06 03
  • 6. Actions speak louder than words. The formulated within the CR team over a and animal welfare groups if we were behaviour and deeds of an organisation number of years. The concept is that we going to mention them or their campaigns. have to match up to the rhetoric. In are asking our customers to look beyond In order to ensure that our employees the long-term, organisations have to be the product that they see in the store and were informed we even launched the trusted to deliver on their services as consider all of the CR credentials that campaign two weeks early behind well as to act in the wider interests of we’ve addressed on their behalf. After all, the scenes in our stores and everyone society. This needs not only to be visible even the most sustainable product will look received a key ring with copies of the but increasingly to provide the option much the same as the most polluting and planned adverts on them. for stakeholders to feel empowered by unethical. The difference lies in the way it participating in something positive. It has been produced and the level of trust ‘Look behind the label’ has given us can be a community project, recycling in its provider. What made the campaign an accessible means of talking CR with or choosing the ethical product. so effective, however, were the skills in employees and customers without the execution provided by our colleagues in technical jargon getting in the way. Finally there is what I’ll call the Brand marketing and communications. Almost X Factor. We live in a world of almost nine months before the first adverts Many of the traditional tools that CR limitless choice and increasing complexity. appeared the groundwork was being set practioners use such as governance, We can’t possibly review all the detail so by using our customer research combined management and stakeholder engagement we use brands to help us make choices. with our CR Report to identify the overlaps systems are clearly important. However, Even within the world of CR reports of high consumer expectations and good our recent experiences suggest that the the format, content, assurance and M&S performance. best outcomes are achieved by the even choice of assurance providers CR holy trinity of leadership, strategy all position our CR brand. Good brand and marketing. This takes CR beyond management has to be honest. One of the reasons that ‘Your M&S’ has been c Even the most sustainable product will look much the the specialist functions and cedes ownership to some unorthodox functions so successful for Marks & Spencer is that same as the most polluting such as marketing and communications. it genuinely reflects the way employees In itself this is a challenge but perhaps and customers see the company. At once and unethical. The difference is the ultimate test of the oft-quoted you have a means of brand positioning lies in the way it has been 21st century cliché about CR being in that rings true but also provides direction. produced and the level of a company’s DNA. For us, part of this has also included what is effectively a CR sub-brand called ‘Look trust in its provider. d behind the label’. The genesis of ‘Look The drafting process required the behind the label’ was a result of the clear co-ordination of many different business direction provided by our Chief Executive, functions and we went out and consulted Stuart Rose, and ideas that had been with stakeholders such as environmental 04 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 7. Our recent experiences suggest that the best outcomes are achieved by the CR holy trinity of leadership, strategy and marketing. This takes CR beyond the specialist functions and cedes ownership to some unorthodox functions such as marketing and communications. DIRECTIONS 06 05
  • 8. Corporate Responsibility: more than skin deep? Communicating and embedding a CR strategy internally can be a bit like using an anti-ageing cream – it takes time for the results to show and you have to keep rubbing it in. Lisa Walden Internal communications consultant, and ex-Director of Internal Communications, Prudential At first, it seemed to go against the But is this enough for employees? natural order of things. Getting senior Employees have a view of the company’s managers to buy in to a CR strategy impact on society, the big issues, the that could challenge the very source stakeholders’ perspective and even the of a company’s profitability seemed measures used to tackle CR. Surely this unlikely, if not a fool’s errand. must be positive. But is it enough? No. Pharmaceutical companies addressing product safety concerns? Tobacco The internal communications dilemma producers focusing on youth smoking From an internal communications prevention? But the angst-ridden perspective, the role CR plays in the soul-searching battle was won business strategy is key to how deeply (in most cases). employees are going to absorb the message. Now we’re into tricky territory. If that was the public face of the Declaring “it’s part of our strategy”, organisation, what lies beneath? The means people will start looking for company will have stated somewhere connectivity – with the brand, product what is on its conscience and how development, training, customer prepared it is to do the right thing. communications, and HR policy… 06 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 9. c Fabulous newsletters may pave the way to awards, but once the excitement, not to mention the post- event hangover, has faded, this starlet of internal communications won’t get the message under the skin of employees. c 2 (x=y-z) c For internal to be communications (as appropriate) and people (employees). Thirdly, don’t forget the brand in all this – employees after the CEO has briefed or at least communicated with all senior it is essentially the corporate personality managers in advance. believable, there has to be a so there has to be a rationale for how visible connection – even for people’s CR behaviours fit with it. Seeping through Infrastructure – a set of processes the cynics – between what’s And another thing – there must be an for communicating specific types of being said and “how we do agreed principle that silence, if there’s information using specific channels a crisis, is not an option. (face to face briefing, email, voice things around here”. d Rubbing in the message message, text, print, webcast, intranet) in a standard and consistent way. It is To be fair, it’s difficult. But that’s not Who and what carries the CR message? the only way to get deep down into a reason to head straight for the easy Managers and a robust communications an organisation. option of dropping a CR article into the infrastructure – the very same ones that company newsletter (we’ll return to this carry the business messages. Why? Because it consistently pumps point). For internal communications to through the organisation and restates, be believable, there has to be a visible Fabulous newsletters may pave the over and over again, the same strategy, connection – even for the cynics – way to awards, but once the excitement, the same connections… until consistency between what’s being said and “how not to mention the post-event hangover, instils common beliefs and ultimately… we do things around here”. has faded, this starlet of internal common behaviours. That’s why managers communications won’t get the message are excluded at the organisation’s peril. Frankly, it’s just not worth pursuing under the skin of employees. employees as ambassadors and agents of CR without absolute clarity about It wouldn’t be unreasonable to suggest c a fully functioning on Successful CR depends three things on where CR fits in the that the bulk of an employee’s source bigger picture. Firstly, what has it got of influence comes from the manager communications to do with the business we’re in, the whether we’re talking about acceptable products/services we provide and how does it stack up against our need behaviours or believable information. infrastructure. d to deliver profit to the shareholder? So how does an important email straight The number of employees, sites and Secondly, how do CR targets or measures from the CEO to all employees score on the overall structure of the organisation fit with the business’ key performance the believability/impact scale? Lower will inform how many channels or even indicators – financial, customer than the email that goes out to all function-specific infrastructures are used. DIRECTIONS 06 07
  • 10. The key is it all has to connect, which is function, business segment, site. This How deep are businesses why often, it helps to have a centralised is essentially a logistics and e-based prepared to go? internal communications team if an exercise (no surprise there aren’t any Having alert employees is one thing. organisation is implementing a strategy awards for this line of work). Making every employee an ambassador that requires behavioural change. and agent of CR is another. It’s probably 3. Three agreements: fair to say that most companies are in So if successful CR depends on a fully • One with the CEO/business director the former category rather than the functioning infrastructure, it’s worth (the ultimate in charge): to support latter. However, the CR strategy sits with checking to see if the following three the infrastructure and not give any the company’s core business strategy and foundations are in place: senior managers permission to ‘opt employees have to see and understand out’ (potentially tricky issue). the clear links between the two. 1. Straight-talking performance • One with the Finance Director and updates: sponsor of transformation programmes: A final thought. It takes months of • Monthly and quarterly processes to to provide the performance data and constant attention and collaboration communicate clear tangible progress commentary on time. with senior managers for internal against objectives/targets. • One with the PR/Marketing/Marcomms communications to effectively carry • Details on where progress has not Director (the ultimate owners of all a business strategy through an been made and what’s being done external communications): to guarantee organisation. Adding the complexities about it. any material or comment going to the of CR to the mix makes it tougher, • Briefings face to face (or voice) using media and any customer or stakeholder but if the CR strategy is well thought a handy ‘pincer movement’ (i.e. tell communications is copied/briefed in to through, the infrastructure can bring all employees their manager has the internal communications before it to life. Without it, the face the information to brief them in the next it’s released. company projects will be no more 10 days). than a mask. 2.Cascade processes: • Detailed (specific names in boxes) processes for how time critical/non cone thing. Making is Having alert employees time critical announcements are every employee an briefed in to the organisation (e.g Stock Exchange announcements, ambassador and agent redundancies, product recall) – by of CR is another. d 08 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 11. c It can take months of constant attention and A few live scenarios to consider: BP – probably the most impressive corporate citizen, provides a dramatic illustration. The company has made a huge collaboration with senior investment to address safety concerns and minimise managers for internal environmental impact, but as the partial closure of the Prudhoe communications to Bay field in Alaska has proved, being a responsible corporate citizen has not gone deep enough into the organisation. effectively carry a business strategy through an Richard Branson has recently announced a move into organisation. Adding the environmental businesses, known as the ‘Gaia Capitalism Project’, starting with a company called Cilion that will make complexities of CR to the environmentally friendly fuel. The question is, will he expect mix makes it tougher. c all employees in the Virgin empire to operate and think in a way that is aligned to this part of his business strategy – such as environmentally friendly office systems and practices? Or will environmental conscientiousness be kept within the confines of project businesses? Following its acquisition of Green & Black’s, is Cadbury Schweppes shifting its brand values to align with those of Green & Blacks and is anyone telling employees whether they are expected to behave differently as a result? To what degree will L’Oréal adopt The Body Shop’s product development principles or will this business and its beliefs be ring-fenced from the rest of the organisation? How will Body Shop people feel about that – especially if the reason they come to work is because they perceive their employer is aligned with their own ethical values? DIRECTIONS 06 09
  • 12. Embedded Is corporate responsibility Tests Methodology in your blood? If it really is running through your organisation’s veins the symptoms should be recognisable! We decided to run a few tests on a selection of companies from the FTSE 100 to see how they are embedding CR. Our panel of judges picked out the most effective reporters in their sectors (see page 18) and we have used some of those as our test group. This isn’t, of course, the definitive guide to embedding CR but we hope it provides you with an interesting insight into progress. If you would like to talk to us about embedding CR please get in touch! So the white mice are: Aerospace & Defence – BAE Systems Healthcare Equipment & Services and Health, Pharmaceuticals & Biotech – Smith & Nephew Lucie Harrild Banks – HSBC Head of CR Communications Household Goods – Reckitt Benckiser Beverages – Diageo Media – ITV and BSkyB Chemicals – Johnson Matthey Mining – Rio Tinto and Anglo American Electricity – Scottish Power Non-life Insurance and Life Insurance – Fixed Line Telecommunications and Prudential Mobile Telecommunications – BT Lucie Harrild, salterbaxter Oil & Gas – Shell Food & Drug Retailers – Tesco Real Estate – Land Securities Food Producers – Unilever Support Services – Wolseley Gas, Water & Multi-utilities – United Utilities Tobacco – British American Tobacco General Financial – Man Group Travel & Leisure – British Airways General Retailers – Marks & Spencer We tested the companies using the questions opposite, focusing on three areas where an organisation might try to embed CR: strategy and management, brand and product, and people. First of all we used publicly disclosed information to make assessments. Then we spoke with the relevant person responsible for CR. We wanted to see if CR was getting to the heart of the workforce, so decided to check with the switchboard to gauge whether they had heard of CR (or sustainable development). So to test the switchboard, we rang the switchboard! 10 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 13. Testing for embedded Corporate Responsibility DIRECTIONS 06 11
  • 14. Embedded Tests The results Key: = High Embeddedness = Medium Embeddedness = Low Embeddedness BAE Systems Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High BAE systems have implemented the strategic and management side of things. It is probably Brand & Product: Medium unsurprising that CR doesn’t feature in People: Medium marketing messages but it does in product development – and defence export legislation Overall: Medium requires it. Switchboard is run by an external company and they give a seminar to employees on CR. HSBC Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High HSBC’s strategy and management of CR is constantly improving and has gradually Brand & Product: Medium brought in more areas of the business and People: Medium its functions in order to embed CR. Training is increasing with programmes for new Overall: Medium employees, graduates and very senior management. But the switchboard didn’t understand us. Diageo Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High High scores for strategy and management as well as brand and product – not surprising Brand & Product: High given the focus on responsible drinking and People: Medium alcohol in society. There is broad representation of divisions, functions and geographical areas Overall: High of the business on its corporate citizenship committee. Unfortunately the switchboard wasn’t up to speed. Johnson Matthey Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Johnson Matthey seem to be more successful with embedding CR in the senior parts of the Brand & Product: Medium company with considered CR management People: Low and senior staff trained in policy. However other employees are less aware. But there Overall: Medium are positive changes happening in the product development area. 12 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 15. Scottish Power Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High Scottish Power’s activities in the renewables market give it a lead in the brand and product Brand & Product: High area with periodic marketing to support it. And People: Medium as you might expect it has strong CR strategy and management but the employee awareness Overall: High programmes aren’t sufficiently powerful. BT Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Whilst BT run internal communications programmes for CR, the switchboard weren’t Brand & Product: Low connected. But the strategy side of things is People: Medium well integrated. An ad-hoc approach has been applied to products being developed with CR Overall: Medium issues in mind. But this might change soon. Tesco Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High Tesco have some impressive employee communications activities across the Brand & Product: High organisation, which have paid off – and the People: High switchboard knew exactly what we were talking about. Product developments and a Overall: High range of external and internal communications back up the CR strategy and management. Unilever Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High Unilever has committed to significant strategic leadership on CR. It is incorporated Brand & Product: High into product development and features in People: Medium advertising and marketing – “we don’t play with your food”. Internal communications Overall: High play their part too, but it hasn’t reached the switchboard yet. United Utilities Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Strong strategy and management plus activities in renewable energy are positive Brand & Product: Medium for United Utilities. Advertising and sales People: Low messages are given a light touch in terms of CR as is employee communications and Overall: Medium it hasn’t reached the switchboard. Man Group Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Man Group has put a lot of thought into the structure of managing CR and it will be Brand & Product: Medium interesting to see how that pays dividends People: Medium in the future. It can be a bit hard to grasp but there is focus on how CR is integrated in the Overall: Medium products. There is a wealth of information on the website and the intranet but switchboard are none the wiser. DIRECTIONS 06 13
  • 16. Embedded Tests The results Key: = High Embeddedness = Medium Embeddedness = Low Embeddedness Marks & Spencer Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High As we’ve heard earlier in this report, M&S are working hard and creatively to embed CR and Brand & Product: High convey it via the M&S brand. It is paying off. People: Medium But interestingly the switchboard weren’t well versed which unfortunately makes you wonder Overall: High if shop floor can do justice to all that hard work. Maybe that’s the next area that needs focus. Smith & Nephew Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: Medium Smith & Nephew have a bit of a sector advantage – they have to factor in CR when Brand & Product: High designing products to provide economic People: Low and practical benefit to the healthcare professionals. Plus marketing is heavily Overall: Medium regulated. But it is missing a trick when it comes to communicating with employees. Reckitt Benckiser Test Results: High Strategy & Management: Medium Reckitt Benckiser may score a medium for strategy and management via this methodology Brand & Product: High but believes its hands-on approach works better People: High in its flat structure. It is working for internal communications, the switchboard talked about Overall: High the CR training they receive. ITV Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High ITV uses its intranet, the Watercooler, to give regular updates to employees on what Brand & Product: Medium is happening around the CR activities, and People: Medium it gets plenty of attention. Viewers are surveyed on CR issues, aligning the brand Overall: Medium with the relevant issues. It seems integration is developing, if not fully embedded. 14 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 17. BSkyB Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High BSkyB is using its significant customer reach to roll out CR-relevant messages such as energy Brand & Product: High efficiency and climate change. The CR strategy People: Medium and management provide the company’s CR framework and a taskforce of CR champions Overall: High help to embed it through the business. As with most companies we tested, switchboard drew a blank. Rio Tinto Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Rio Tinto is creating strong management structures and the stewardship programmes Brand & Product: Medium mean CR is well integrated in the product area. People: Low However internal communication stays within the upper layers of the management structure Overall: Medium so there is little embeddedness there. Anglo American Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Anglo American has integrated CR through its management structures and into all the stages Brand & Product: Medium of its projects from feasibility to responsible People: Medium closure. It doesn’t really do advertising but internal communications use various means Overall: Medium to tunnel CR into the organisation, though it seems to have bypassed switchboard. Prudential Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Effective CR strategy and management mean Prudential leads from the front and it makes Brand & Product: Medium every effort to communicate financial products People: Medium clearly to its customers, educating them on financial planning. Some employees are given Overall: Medium CR training but it isn’t everywhere. Shell Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High Shell, as you would imagine, has all the management structures in place. And a Brand & Product: Medium significant amount of its product development People: Medium takes sustainable development into account. Whilst there are some very positive employee Overall: Medium training and communications programmes, they exist in isolation. Land Securities Test Results: High Strategy & Management: High Land Securities has developed its CR with a focused approach to its strategy and Brand & Product: High management, positive communications People: Medium programmes and green building techniques. Unfortunately the switchboard didn’t pick Overall: High up those messages. DIRECTIONS 06 15
  • 18. Embedded Tests The results Key: = High Embeddedness = Medium Embeddedness = Low Embeddedness Wolseley Test Results: High Strategy & Management: Medium Judging by the scores it’s a hands-on approach that’s having an effect. Wolseley have interesting Brand & Product: High programmes such as the Sustainable Building People: High Centre, a showcase for renewable building materials, and promote energy saving and Overall: High sustainable timber products. Switchboard weren’t sure of the terminology but once it was explained were quite knowledgeable about office-based activities. British American Tobacco Test Results: Medium Strategy & Management: High CR and tobacco have always been controversial bedfellows and BAT is clearly thinking hard Brand & Product: Low about how to embed CR in its strategy and People: Medium management. But the product is the product and BAT does not see the corporate brand as a Overall: Medium vehicle to carry CR messages. Employees are surveyed on CR but that hasn’t reached them all. British Airways Test Results: Low Strategy & Management: High There are the management structures in place to embed CR at BA but it seems they Brand & Product: Low haven’t fed throughout the organisation as People: Low yet. CR is rightly represented by activities on the environment, health and safety and the Overall: Low community, and employees are told about these, but that won’t equip them to champion CR as a business strategy. 16 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 19. Embedded Overall the companies we tested faired quite Tests well. Though they use a range of approaches and CR programmes to do it, they all recognised The winners that CR must be embedded to be effective. Interestingly of the 23 companies we tested, only three switchboards were familiar with corporate responsibility. Of the companies achieving high scores, we felt these five stood BSkyB out (in alphabetical order): Using its huge customer network to communicate CR Diageo Includes all geographic areas and business functions in CR thinking Marks & Spencer Making CR a definite brand value Tesco Extensive employee engagement activities Unilever A good all rounder and willing to advertise DIRECTIONS 06 17
  • 20. Top FTSE 100 The panel is back companies by sector Methodology Last year Directions moved on from just recording the reporting activities of major companies and a judging panel gave their opinions on how effectively the FTSE 100 report on corporate responsibility. With 49 of the FTSE 100 producing detailed reports there is now no denying that corporate responsibility reporting is here to stay. Now it is a question of how effective those reports are. The one-size-fits-all approach of one huge report looks like it might have had its day as 59 of this group use various combinations of web based and printed information to communicate values and activities. These refinements need to continue and progress for organisations to reach a point where they are really communicating effectively. So here we have a new set of willing volunteers to give their views on who is up to what this year. As before we set some loose ground rules but gave the individuals a pretty free rein to let us know what they think does and doesn’t work. Rules 1. The assessments should be based on information on company websites or in public reports available up to and including 18 August 2006. 2. The panellists are encouraged to be forthright 3. The panellist’s decision is final (but please feel free to get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss it) 4. The panel aren’t actually doctors! Please note the panellists’ views are their own personal views and not necessarily those of their organisations or of salterbaxter FTSE 100 list taken from the Financial Times, 31 March 2006 18 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 21. My-L iden inh is ta t and ifying su sked wit and opportun stainabil h Sust sectors in ities of ity/CR ris The judging Inve ainable a which companie ks s H inves tment ( nd Resp enderso s S activ t. My-Lin RI) fund onsible n’s panel initia ely in volv h ha sb CR p tives to ed in a een s ma y and ractices encoura number healt a g o hcar mong th e better f My- e ind e ustrie media Senio Linh s Glob r SRI A Ngo al In n vest alyst, H ors ende rson Lucie Em h corpo as a backg co ily ra comm te and conround in co rpor is th unicati s ns at e f consu ons, S umer ha u e o lt in Env ancy. She RI and CR in s el ltanc resp und ironm holds CR the even y CR onsi er of from Im ental T an MS str field yea Fu bilit the respon perial Coll echnology c ate a rs tur y gy nd ex es. respon sible for co ege and is an spe per She work a sibility com rporate d r cia ien ep lis ce t salte m rbaxte unications ort es r Lucie ing in Harril Head of d salterb CR commu axter nicati ons, Em Dir ily ec torO CR sb , Fu a tur nd al es on ati ith ern ks w ate on int or r dd r in w rpo e ne He co dg HaM art RM. chip ing e d tt R P E e sa y u tt i anc f bl p c ng utt an d wa n s Martner, E Ma nsult er o evelo porti es, a Pa UK’s co umb to d al re amm r of cil f KPMG onsibility a n ents anci rogr mbe oun ent Head o sp cli n-fin nce p me ess C lopm and Mike is te Social Re he leads re Corpora nction, whe managing no sura team usin Deve ility s as ore rld B ble ntab roup (CSR) fu programme erformance. a c e Wo taina ccou ing g KPMG’s ’s own CSR p the UK’s elly th Sus D) A ork rm the fi nally he lea ds loping a CSR Mike K R, KPMG for BCS ing w Additio ution in deve across CS Head o f (W port G contrib me for KPM nd Africa – Re m a progra , Middle East tion of Europe y a collabora ctices Kirsty is an Associate Director at ntl curre 5 member pra F&C Asset Management, one of some 2 London’s largest institutional investors with £107 billion under management. She works in the GSRI team where she covers the banking sector and leads the shareholder engagement Kirsty Jenkinson programme on Human Rights. Associate Director, Prior to joining F&C in 2001, Kirsty Governance and Socially spent six years in London and Responsible Investment (GSRI), New York with Goldman Sachs F&C Asset Management nd in grou y and Nick back c He manacoordina has a onsultan igence. he t funct gement es the fu Mike egic c e dil ht rat rcial du years wit first ce Peir nd Head a billio ions for H nd resea nd st me e at com spent fiv tAbility, ment of Mike Directort,aCambridge n ran r He h a ge o enderso ch also , Accoun develop bility the in s a particf SRI fun n’s £1 a ty n y of cli vestmen ular foc ds. NGO ging the account nd later Depu elopme Industr ev r a Hend mate cha t implicat s on u man rporate A1000, aficer of D amme fo its co work, A ting Of Progr 2000 erson in nge and ions e ra expe with ove Dece joine fram ief Ope mbe d h r susta ience wit r a decadr as C inabil ity/C h the e’s Nick R ag Robi enda Head ns Glob of SRI Fu al Inv n estor ds, Hend s erso n companies Jenny works with keholders’ to research their sta ations, opinions and expect iety of working across a var ible industry sectors ons resp er is orate ient UK. er Jenny Dawkins ith Luk corp pat in the g d Jud Pfizer’sility an tegies e-rang in Luk er Head of Corporate for onsib n stra a wid nt dithtakehorld K Ju d of S fize U Responsibility Res earch, resp rmatio inates ageme ees a h Hea tegy, P Ipsos MORI. info coord er eng overs in whic Str a She ehold e and cture are stak grammce stru tions a pro ernan menda rd on gov recom he Boa CR e to t basis mad rterly qua DIRECTIONS 06 19
  • 22. The sectors Sectors Page Sectors Page Aerospace & Defence 20 Healthcare Equipment & Services and Banks 21 Health, Pharmaceuticals & Biotech 27 Beverages 21 Household Goods 27 Chemicals 22 Industrial Metals 28 Construction 22 Media 28 Electricity 23 Mining 29 Fixed Line Telecommunications and Non-life Insurance and Life Insurance 29 Mobile Telecommunications 23 Oil & Gas 30 Food & Drug Retailers 24 Real Estate 30 Food Producers 24 Software & Computer Services 31 Gas, Water & Multi-utilities 25 Support Services 31 General Financial 25 Tobacco 32 General Industries 26 Travel & Leisure 32 General Retailers 26 BAE Systems is the only company in this corruption within BAE and media reports Aerospace & sector that publishes a full CR Report. relating to bribery. However, this makes for Defence: Smiths Group and Rolls-Royce focus primarily on environment, health & safety and therefore slightly uncomfortable reading when they raise more questions than they answer. fail to address many of the key issues for this BAE Systems sector such as business ethics, human rights All three companies report comprehensively ARolls-Royce and lobbying. on environment, health and safety – showing Smiths Group clear performance trends. The quantitative V As in previous years, BAE has continued targets published by Smiths Group and to make stakeholder feedback central to its Rolls-Royce demonstrate a mature approach Panellist: report. There are detailed comments from to reporting in this area. Emily Osband external experts in four key areas – ethics, employees, lobbying and education – followed by the company’s response. This format obviously works best when the external reviewer provides challenging and insightful commentary. The section on lobbying makes for a good read with Robert Barrington, Director of Governance and Socially Responsible Investment F&C Asset Management, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of the company’s § And the winner is: approach. The Q&As get top marks for honesty – drawing attention to a government inquiry BAE Systems into allegations of false accounting and 20 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 23. Banks, perhaps more than any other sector, Bingley and Northern Rock to, say, Barclays Banks: can feel that they are caught between a or Standard Chartered, is not particularly rock and a hard place on CSR reporting. constructive. Alliance & Leicester While strict compliance requirements and Barclays client confidentiality restrict information Consequently, I think it’s helpful to consider Bradford & Bingley flows, increasing public scrutiny of a sector the sector in a few sub-groups. Alliance & HBOS representing 20% of the FTSE 100, and Leicester gets my vote among the ‘UK-focused’ wielding undisputed influence over the global institutions for an easy-to-read yet detailed HSBC economy, means that the days of relative report that goes beyond a review of its Lloyds TSB secrecy are well and truly over. philanthropic activities and tackles CSR in its Northern Rock ‘Marketplace’. Standard Chartered and Lloyds Royal Bank of Scotland Thankfully, banks are rising to the challenge TSB also deserve a mention for pioneering Standard Chartered with many now finding a balance in CSR concise and punchy Corporate Responsibility reporting that both informs stakeholders and ‘Reviews’ which are heavy on numbers, targets protects commercial activity. This involves and results. However on balance, HSBC comes Panellist: reporting on the indirect impacts of their out as overall winner for a report that sets its Kirsty Jenkinson lending and other commercial activities as approach to Sustainable Development firmly well as their direct impacts. While there is within the Group’s overall strategic goals. more to be done, most banks now make clear It grapples with the wide range of issues – differentiations between, for example, the from corporate governance, sustainability environmental performance of their branch risk, Equator Principles implementation and networks and how they assess environmental treating customers fairly, to diversity, HIV/AIDS issues when writing business. and carbon neutrality – facing a bank of its size and international reach today. All this being said, the actual content of CSR reports still varies considerably from bank to bank, as does progress in identifying and managing sustainability related risks and opportunities. To a large extent this reflects both the different range of products and § And the winner is: services that the banks offer, and the geographic reach of their business. For this HSBC reason, comparing companies like Bradford & V All three companies prepare a CR report Firstly their report provides outcome and Beverages: and all commission an external assurance performance evidence, such as the number of programme. Whilst some CR issues are complaints made to the Advertising Standards Diageo common to all three companies in the sector, Authority and the proportion of advertising SAB Miller others such as water shortages and HIV/AIDS spend focused on responsibility messages. Scottish & Newcastle tend to be more specific. This is generally This effectively moves the report on – from reflected in the CR reports. SABMiller one based on commitments and initiatives, addresses a number of CR issues, giving to one which more clearly demonstrates the equal space and emphasis to each one, whilst business benefit of good CR performance. Panellist: Diageo and Scottish & Newcastle focus on Matt Haddon responsible drinking as their key issue. Secondly the Diageo report is broader, covering a wider range of issues such as the Responsible drinking, as in 2005, is the company’s economic impact, employees and dominant issue for the sector in 2006. All governance practices. It is a more complete three companies recognise the issue and non-financial performance report. the importance of their role in promoting responsible behaviour. They also detail management processes and initiatives they have put in place, examples of memberships, research, policy commitments and best practices. § And the winner is: Diageo though, goes a notable step further Diageo than the others, and is awarded first prize. DIRECTIONS 06 21
  • 24. All of these companies see CSR, and ICI is straightforward, provides clear Chemicals: particularly the environmental component of performance data and again is of an easy CSR, as an opportunity rather than a cost and to read length and a somewhat easier to BOC talk about future income streams from that digest format. ICI source. Additionally occupational health and Johnson Matthey safety features very strongly both in terms of Johnson Matthey also has clear data, easily the targets set and also in the narratives from understood, and even confirms support to the CEOs and Chairmen. This is quite right ILO conventions and the Universal Declaration given the hazardous products and processes of Human Rights. Panellist: with which they are all involved and the Mike Kelly ambitions set, such as a target of zero But the winner is Johnson Matthey, because reportable accidents introduced by Johnson they also talk about difficult issues such as Matthey or BOC’s simple zero incidents and animal testing. injuries is admirable. Now what do they all think about REACH? The length of the BOC report is great and (the EU regulatory framework for the proves you don’t have to destroy a couple Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of forests every 12 months to produce an of Chemicals) effective document. Although it covers all the main areas, the report is in danger of under- selling what they are doing, even though it gives a nod to GRI, the ABI, the UK’s Combined Code and the provisions of the US Sarbanes Oxley as well as the UN Global Compact. It would be good to see future reports building § And the winner is: on the use of diagrams to communicate targets and data, enabling the reader to easily gauge Johnson Matthey performance improvements. Hanson reports online, and is strongest in (looking to improve the ecological footprint of Construction: the area of health and safety, where it gives buildings and the living standards they enable) trends on performance data showing sustained and contributing to sustainable communities Hanson improvements. It would be strengthened by is particularly impressive. Wates also deserves disclosing the targets set for future years. special mention for its initiative to employ The rest of the information is largely policy people aged 35 plus who are long-term Panellist: statements, although it does make the unemployed, ex-offenders and parents link between its training initiatives and the returning to work. The inclusion of strategic Jenny Dawkins business strategy, references to senior priorities, performance targets, stakeholder management involvement and gives a few dialogue and accreditation schemes such as interesting case studies. Investors in People and ISO 14001 are also common strengths in these reports which There are a few role models for more Hanson could emulate. comprehensive reporting among the construction companies outside the FTSE 100. Companies like Lafarge, Barratt and Wates produce standalone sustainability reports, and tackle their core business impacts in areas such as waste minimisation, using local suppliers and local employees to contribute to local economic § And the winner is: development, and responsible purchasing e.g. sustainable timber sourcing. The coverage of Hanson the overarching aim of sustainable construction A V 22 DIRECTIONS 06
  • 25. Overall, reporting in this sector could be more somehow to make a connection with Electricity: imaginative when it comes to the design and the reader. The stakeholder engagement layout of reports. Future targets are not always information is chiefly focused on government British Energy Group reported and apart from Scottish Power, and the investment community. Drax Group reporting on stakeholder engagement is limited. International Power International Power contains a lot of repetition Scottish and Southern Energy Scottish Power’s Issue Briefings are in direct from the previous report. It highlights a few Scottish Power response to stakeholder feedback; these and philanthropic endeavours but there is no the individual performance summaries make hook into the core business. The stakeholder it easy to navigate through key issues. engagement programme seems this time to The concise Summary Report provides a be limited to employee consultation. Panellist: good punchy overview, while those wanting Judith Luker more detail can turn to the full Community Drax Group’s report is the weakest in this and Environment reports, which slightly category, with a narrow focus on environment confusingly also contain summary sections. and H&S and limited accountability. It is, however, nice and short! A Scottish and Southern Energy’s report is diligent, if somewhat dense. It raises some V important issues, including appropriate sales and marketing techniques and the sector’s role in reducing total energy demand. Extra marks also for linking corporate responsibility objectives to directors’ remuneration. § And the winner is: British Energy Group responds to feedback from the previous report, and the document Scottish Power is neat and concise. However, I felt it failed Perhaps more than any other major sector in Vodafone has also continued the steady Fixed Line the FTSE, telecoms continue to be buffeted by evolution of its CR strategy and reporting, Telecommunications the strong winds of technological change and regulatory intervention. 02 is now part of the with particularly good sections on the positive contribution that mobile can make for emerging and Mobile Spanish Telefonica group – although, for now, it markets, and on how the group is managing has maintained a high standard of separate CR the growth of potentially anti-social content Telecommunications: reporting. In addition, Cable and Wireless has (such as adult content and gambling) on its fallen out of this year’s review; let’s hope that networks. Its “We said… we have… we will” BT the corporate turnaround currently underway mantra also provides a strong spine around will also extend to its CR programme. which to present performance on its priority Vodafone indicators. That leaves the two telecoms behemoths, BT and Vodafone, whose disclosure this year One area where CR disclosure could improve Panellist: highlights two of the wider themes impinging is in the area of business ethics and marketplace Nick Robins on the responsibility agenda: first, how to conduct. Telecoms is an extremely concentrated manage the dance between the standalone market, bringing intense regulatory oversight, report and an in-depth website, and second, with the potential for new interventions (such how to connect transparency on CR with as from the EU over roaming charges) as disclosure through the annual report. well as investigations into anti-competitive behaviour. BT does have a short section on BT has made a refreshing contribution this year “competing fairly” which is welcomed, and with its Changing World: Sustaining Values it would be great to see greater attention V report, which effectively conveys the company’s to this from Vodafone next year. strategic CR priorities and performance in a mere 18 pages – providing a snapshot of how it All in all, a good crop. is anticipating future trends. This is backed by a comprehensive website that enables analysts to drill down to the detail. What is equally impressive is how issues of reputation, § And the winner is: employee motivation and social responsibility are dealt with in the main body of the BT shareholder-directed annual report. DIRECTIONS 06 23