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P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 2
Restoring Digestive Wellness
Table of Contents
Introduction & Meet Our Team..................................................................................................... 4
Standard American Diet & Vitamin Deficiency............................................................................. 5
Chemicals and Processing Drain Food of Vital Nutrients............................................................ 6
Ensuring Adequate Vitamin and Mineral Intake – How to Get What You Need ........................ 7
11 Ways to Beat Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency................................................................... 8
Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Who Cares About Constipation? ................................................................................................... 9
Am I Constipated? What Is Normal?........................................................................................... 9
Which Is Right...Who Defines Constipation? ............................................................................ 10
How did we become so Constipated?....................................................................................... 11
The Consequences of Constipation........................................................................................... 12
5-Step Anti-Constipation Action Plan........................................................................................ 13
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 16
The Truth about Human Parasites............................................................................................... 17
A Few Parasitic Stats ................................................................................................................. 17
Why Are Parasites So Prevalent? .............................................................................................. 18
Parasites Often Elude Diagnostic Testing.................................................................................. 18
Parasite Cleansing Case Studies ................................................................................................ 20
4 Steps to Purging Parasites...................................................................................................... 21
How Are Parasites Transmitted? Let Me Count the Ways........................................................ 25
Summary... ................................................................................................................................ 27
The Benefits of a Colon Cleanse - Detoxification........................................................................ 28
Puristat's Colon Cleanse Plans................................................................................................... 28
14 Ways To Know When it's Time for a Colon Cleanse ............................................................ 29
Colon Cleansing Testimonials ................................................................................................... 30
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Why Use Our Colon Cleanse Program?..................................................................................... 31
What to Expect During a Colon Cleanse.................................................................................... 31
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 32
Liver Cleansing Helps Detoxify the Liver and Improve Proper Liver Functioning...................... 33
The Benefits Of A Colon & Liver Cleanse Combination ............................................................ 33
Liver Cleansing Helps A Vital Organ .......................................................................................... 34
Why Liver Cleanse? ................................................................................................................... 35
21 Signs You Need A Liver Cleanse............................................................................................ 36
Liver Cleansing Testimonials ..................................................................................................... 37
Liver Cleansing Precautions....................................................................................................... 37
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 38
Bloating, Flatulence & Gassiness: The Causes and 4-Step Anti-Gas Relief Plan........................ 39
Aging Means More Bloating, Flatulence and Gassiness ........................................................... 39
Lactose Points the Way ............................................................................................................ 40
Bacterial Feasts.......................................................................................................................... 41
Re-located Bacteria Impacts Digestive Functioning.................................................................. 42
What About Foods That Create Gassiness, Bloating, and Flatulence? ..................................... 43
The 4-Step Anti-Gas Action Plan ............................................................................................... 44
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 46
Wrapping it all up – Where do you go from here? .................................................................... 47
© 2006-2013 - All Rights Reserved – Puristat, Inc.
The following information is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, nor is it a substitute for
professional advice, diagnosis, and treatment of any disease or condition. You should consult your physician or
health care practitioner before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. The following statements have not
been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Here at Puristat we provide a place for experts in the medical field to have a voice. A place where they
can share their expertise and opinions with the thousands of visitors to our web site every day. These
experts contribute because they have a message of health that is in line with our multi-prong approach to
digestive and overall wellness. We thank them for their contributions and hope you enjoy and benefit
from their input.
Dr. Scott D. Olson, is a Naturopathic doctor with expert knowledge of natural medicine. His
primary specialty is alternative medicine. However, as an ND, Dr. Olson is trained as a
primary care physician, and is therefore well versed in medical diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Amy Denman, CTN, CNHP, MH, has dedicated more than twenty years to helping
people achieve a healthier lifestyle. Born and raised in upstate New York, Dr. Denman's first
health-related job experience was working as a child birth educator, eventually going on to
become a lay-midwife in California.
Vickie M. Cole, Retired Registered Nurse, Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, and a member
of the International Association of Forensic Nurses holds an RN degree in Clinical Nutrition
and Forensics, with more than five years of experience in labor delivery, five years in
forensics, and a specialization in oncological nursing which includes three years at a
prestigious medical center in Texas. She has been instrumental in the development of the
customer care department at Puristat, and is proud to be putting her experience and
education to use to help people realize optimum health.
Dr. Jesse Hanley, is a public speaker, instructor, and co-author of Tired of Being Tired.
She is a pioneer in anti-aging medicine, is the former medical director of the Malibu Health
and Rehabilitation Center, where she has been in private practice for more than twenty
years. Her first book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Premenopause, written
with John R. Lee, M.D., was a national bestseller.
Dr. Jim Steigerwalt is a retired hematologist who witnessed firsthand the limitations of conventional
medicine. Research, he says, may develop products that become part of mainstream medicine, but as a
young medical research technician Dr. Jim learned that it was vital to always have an open mind.
Dr. Jim has worked in numerous medical research capacities around the globe, as well as consulted in
various areas at American institutions, with physicians at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the University of
Pennsylvania Health System, Honnoman University, and the University Medical Center at Princeton.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
"Many people will get up before dawn to check the stock market, work until
all hours of the night on a project for work or church...but they will not
remember, or think it is important enough, to feed their own bodies." – Dr.
Jesse Hanley, MD, and co-author of Tired of Being Tired, Women's
Passages, and Attention Deficit Disorder.
Everyone wants to remain youthful and live forever. But is a long life really
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you're feeling vaguely unhealthy
much of the time? And why do so many of us feel lousy when we still think
of ourselves as young and
vibrant? Two words: nutrient
You can't get away without a
multiple vitamin and mineral
supplement," says Dr.
Hanley. "The ground is so
depleted that not even the
bugs can live in our refined
wheat and white flour
The simple fact of the matter
is that our bodies are not
getting what they need...and even if we were to suddenly adopt a diet that
made us poster children for healthy living, without nutrient supplementation,
we will always remain vitamin deficient.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Is living a long life a thing of the past? Unless many people are willing to
change their approach to nutrition, the life expectancy for today's youth will
be a different story. Many medical institutions do not expect children to live
as long as their parents because of obesity, toxicity, and the deficiencies
inherent in the Standard American Diet.
The state of our food, coupled with our
dietary choices, has rendered us toxic and
depleted of the vitamins and minerals we
need to function and thrive. Most of the
food we eat contains barely half of the
vitamins and minerals it did fifty years ago;
today's high yield wheat crops offer only
half the protein they did a century ago.
Processing methods – by their very nature – deplete food of nutrients. And
the length of time it takes to pick, transport, and stock onto grocers'
shelves, means food has lost much of its nutritional value by the time it
finally gets to our plates.
While alternatives such as organic foods
are free of dangerous GMOs (genetically
modified organisms) and many toxic
pesticides and fertilizers, they are far from
perfect as it can take decades for soil to
fully recover from years of abuse.
But in spite of all the doom and gloom, it's
possible to turn the deficiency tide, and
learn how to take care of ourselves in a whole new way.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
First, forget what you thought you knew about adequate vitamin intake.
Take a fresh approach to your health – likely, your old approach doesn't
take into account what experts are discovering about the sorry condition of
our soil, the depleted state of processed food, and our bodies' agonizing
struggle to overcome vitamin and mineral deficiency.
Everyone on the planet at some point in their lives will require extra
vitamins and minerals to compensate for deficiencies in the Standard
American Diet. In times of special need – during pregnancy, periods of
overwhelming stress, or illness – nutrients are good therapy, so it's vital to
update your knowledge base.
For example, consider the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for
vitamins and minerals. These figures were calculated in the 1940s when
soil was healthy, and food refining and processing was relatively rare.
Today, our vitamin and mineral needs
far exceed the circa World War II
recommendations handed out by
many health practitioners.
And all the hype about low-fat, fat-
free, sodium-free, vitamin-enriched,
and on and's all just bunk, part
of food companies' marketing
strategies to convince you to buy their
products. The truth is, all the
processing to make food other than
what it naturally is simply removes the life-giving nutrients our bodies need.
Real food – free of unnecessary additives and processing – is the simple
secret to health and longevity, so beware of terms like vitamin enriched. All
this means is that the food was stripped bare of its goodness during
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processing, and then something was added in a futile attempt to make up
the loss, and give it some sort of bare minimum value.
By midlife, an overwhelming number of Americans will have developed a
chronic illness or contracted some form of cancer due to diet deficiencies.
But why wait for a health crisis to start giving your body what it needs now?
After all, regular maintenance is always preferable to crisis management.
Remember, when implementing dietary changes, take it slowly, pay
attention to how your body responds and, if possible, consult a health
By giving up the Standard American Diet, and supplementing your new
multiple vitamin and mineral regimen with individualized care that factors in
age, gender, weight, and your unique health conditions, you may end up
feeling better than you ever have in your life...for the rest of your life!
11 Ways to Beat Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency
1. If you cannot get fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, opt for frozen over canned.
2. Avoid processed foods, fake foods, and junk foods.
3. Always eat real food, and never buy anything that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated
oil – i.e. never eat anything containing trans fats.
4. Read the label. If you don't know what a word means, or cannot pronounce it, don't eat it! Opt
instead for something real.
5. Don't buy products with a long shelf life – the better they do on the shelf, the worse they are for you.
6. Never eat foods that have been enriched. They are completely devitalized during processing.
7. Avoid food that has been engineered. Nearly all processed food contains GMOs.
8. Some nutritionists recommend kelp tablets / granules, or using unrefined sea salt as an added
mineral source. Ordinary table salt has been stripped of vital trace elements during refining.
9. A digestive aid or probiotic assists with nutrient absorption, increasing your nutrient intake.
10. Try an herbal colon cleanse. Cleansing can help you eliminate the toxic build up that occurs from
years of eating processed foods.
11. A high quality, daily multiple vitamin / mineral supplement is essential. You can be assured – by
starting with a multiple – that you're taking the right combination, which enables vitamins and
minerals to work synergistically in your metabolic and enzymatic systems.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
The most pressing question people have
about bowel movements is, "Am I
officially "constipated" and how do I know
what's normal?"
Bowel movements and constipation are
not exactly water-cooler conversation, so
most people don't know if their situation is
classified as "constipation", or how many
bowel movements they ought to be having each day. No one really likes to
think or talk about what's coming out of their rear end (well, almost no one
over the age of twelve), but how often you go can have a dramatic effect on
your health.
Whenever the subject comes around to constipation, people invariably ask
how often they should be having a bowel movement. Some people have
three or more bowel movements a day, while others only have one a week
(you are definitely constipated!).
On the one hand, someone who has a bowel movement every few days
may feel constipated if they haven't had a movement in a week. On the
other hand, there are people who believe they are constipated if they don't
go every day.
The medical community is no help either. Depending on the source, they
suggest that fewer than three bowel movements per week qualifies as
constipation, or that someone is constipated if their stool is hard and/or
difficult to pass.
So is normal once a day or three times a week?
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To get an idea of what is normal or "not constipation", we can turn to three
Most animals will have a bowel movement soon
after they eat a major meal. You can train a
puppy to go outside by keeping them in a tight
enclosure for half an hour after they eat, and
then take them outside. Birds are famous for
going while they are eating. Likewise, cats,
dogs, goldfish, horses, and other animals all go
shortly after they have eaten. Domestic animals
suffer more constipation than wild animals because of the foods we feed
Small children also follow this
pattern and can help us to
determine what is normal. Breast-
fed infants, especially, have a
bowel movement with every large
feeding. Parents can often time
when their toddlers will go to the
bathroom. They know that shortly
after breakfast or lunch, their children will be headed
to the bathroom, especially if they are running around
and active. Much fewer children suffer with
constipation than adults.
Another method we can use to uncover what is
normal is to look at people who live in non-western
cultures, and who eat a diet that is tied to their
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environment. Scientists who study these people note that they typically
have two to three bowel movements a day, and the movements are usually
much heavier than the stool of someone who eats a typical Western diet.
People in these cultures would scratch their heads at the concept of
constipation. It just doesn't make sense to them. Non-western people don't
have large stacks of reading material next to where they go to the
bathroom because they don't sit and wait for a movement to just
Taking our cue from these teachers, we find that a natural number of bowel
movements is probably between two and three a day – one for each major
meal of the day. For health reasons, it is good to have at least one bowel
movement a day...if you are having less than you could be classified as
suffering with constipation.
Some four million Americans experience constipation on a regular basis;
more than half that number will visit a doctor each year with constipation as
a major complaint. Constipation tends to happen more
often in the elderly and in pregnant women, but it can
strike people of all ages. At last count, Americans were
spending over $700 million dollars a year on laxatives!
The first major reason for so much constipation in the
United States is that we are trained not to go to the
bathroom when we have the urge. Remember when you
were young and in school? You couldn't get up and go
to the bathroom any time you wanted to. After you ate
lunch and were sitting in class, you'd get the signal from your body that it
was time to go. But did you go? No, you sat there and ignored what your
body was telling you.
It is rare for an animal to hold onto their stool for very long. We have
muscles and the ability to hold on to our stool, but in the wild world, this is a
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rare occurrence. Most animals and babies go when they have to go. We,
however, are taught to hold it until the time is right.
The problem with this type of training is that the body eventually gets the
message; it will stop telling you that it is time to go to the bathroom. The
muscles that hold back stool also become stronger and better at keeping
stool from coming out. It becomes a
vicious cycle.
Another reason for the epidemic number
of people who are constipated in the
United States is the Standard American
Diet. The stool of people living in native
cultures is full of fiber. This means that the
bowel movements they have are larger
and bulkier. A larger stool is easier to
Much of the food we eat in the United States is made from ground up
seeds such as bread, cereals, cake, and other foods made from flours.
Eating grains is fine, but it is much healthier to eat them in whole form – the
way most people eat rice. The difference is that eating grains that have
been ground makes for stool that is hard and compacted.
Imagine dirt or soil. If there is a high proportion of organic material called
humus or fiber in the soil, it is light and airy; if there is no organic material,
we call it clay. Your bowel movements are the same; they can either be
light and bulky or clay-like, depending on what you are eating.
Another reason for all the constipation in the United States is that most
people in our culture don't take care of their bowels by giving them a rest
(more on this later).
The medical community denies that there is anything really wrong with
having a bowel movement every few days. I disagree.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
The problems with constipation are many. The cells that make up the walls
of the large intestine (the colon) are very tough, but even they can't handle
constant abuse. Stool contains many waste products and these can affect
the colon's cells.
Does cancer arise from this long-term contact between stool and the
colon's cells? No one can say for sure, but it certainly doesn't help to foster
good health. Are you at a higher risk for colon cancer if you are
constipated? The answer is yes. You are two to three times more likely to
develop colon cancer if you are experiencing constipation enough to
warrant using laxatives. This risk is higher for women than men and higher
in black women than other women.
Other diseases are also more likely if you are constantly constipated
including hemorrhoids, which can be caused by straining during a bowel
movement. Anal fissures are caused when a hard stool actually rips the
tissue on the inside of the anus.
Severe complications from constipation include rectal prolapse where the
intestinal lining is pushed from the anal opening. Diverticulitis, an out-
pouching of the lining of the colon, is complicated or created by
constipation. Fecal impaction is a potentially harmful condition where the
stool becomes so stuck that it has to be removed manually.
While appendicitis is thought to arise from infection, the incidence is higher
in people who are constantly constipated. In fact, the amount of fiber in a
child's diet is directly related to the chances of getting appendicitis.
Clearly, being constipated is no fun for anyone, and it's a condition that can
have long-lasting effects on your health. Be aware that many drugs and
some diseases can cause you to become constipated. Even if your
constipation is caused by drugs or a disease, you can find relief by
following this action plan, but be sure to check with your doctor before
beginning any plan.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Okay, fiber is boring. It isn't flashy like some
other supplements that you can take, but it is
essential for your health. Not only will fiber add
bulk to your diet, which can reduce
constipation, but fiber also plays many other roles in the body.
Fiber is what helps to ensure that many toxins leave your body. Fiber has a
way of grabbing on to other molecules. When your body wants to get rid of
something, it sends it down your intestines. If there is enough fiber, that
molecule is taken out of the body. If there is not enough fiber, that molecule
is often reabsorbed.
Fiber also provides a food source to the bacteria in your gut. The bacteria
munch the fiber and we enjoy the benefits of the vitamins and nutrients that
are extracted.
High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, and grains. Remember, consider
eating grains in their whole form and not always ground up as flour. A fiber
supplement is also a great addition to your health plan. Try mixing it in a
smoothie or your orange juice every morning.
How many times have you heard that you should
drink eight glasses of water a day? Yes, water is
What most people don't realize is that water is vital to
consistent bowel movements. The more water you
have in your body, the easier it is to have a bowel
movement. If you aren't drinking enough water then,
the body takes water from your stool, which results in dry, hard bowel
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
How do you know you are getting enough water? Look to your urine. If your
urine is bright yellow, then you are not drinking enough water. You want
your urine to be close to water-color. Remember that certain vitamins will
turn your urine bright yellow, so this color-test may not always work.
Remember that you have trained your brain not to remind you that you
need to go to the bathroom! Well, you can re-train your brain by sitting on
the toilet half an hour after eating.
While you may feel silly sitting there, this kind of training can really work.
Take a book or some other reading material and spend about five to ten
minutes just sitting on the toilet after your meal.
We eat food every day. While that may sound normal, it is not. Every wild
animal on the earth experiences days when
they don't have food. While this thought may
strike horror into your heart, it is actually
healthy to take a break; especially for your
The best way to experience this kind of break
(and still eat) is to cleanse your colon. A
colon cleanse is rejuvenating and can put
your colon back into shape. Many people
who use colon cleansing report that their constipation is gone after a good
cleanse. In fact, when constipation returns it is often a signal from your
body that it is time to cleanse your colon.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Taking a walk is a great way to stimulate a bowel
movement. Any kind of exercise will work, but the
best are walking and running.
You can't lose with exercise, there are so many
additional benefits that everyone should exercise as
much as they can.
Being constipated is no way to go through life. It is uncomfortable,
inconvenient, and unhealthy. Constipation is a discomfort that no one
should have; it is a completely treatable condition. The solution is not that
hard. You need to take care of your gut like you take care of the rest of
your body.
A colon cleanse a few times a year, adding fiber to your diet, and getting
enough exercise and water can break the cycle of having infrequent bowel
movements. The investment you make in taking care of your colon can
have long-term payoffs in improved health and a more comfortable life.
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Almost everyone has parasites. It's simply a fact of life. Even Dr. Oz says:
"90% of humans will have a problem with parasites in their lifetime."
Parasites are not just something that other people get – a malady reserved
for citizens of developing countries. Everywhere we go, during just about
everything we do, North Americans are vulnerable to parasitic infestation.
The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies parasites as among the
six most dangerous diseases that infect humans. Parasites outrank cancer
as the number one global killer, and account for many of the digestive woes
from which people suffer.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
estimates that over sixty million people in the United
States are likely infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a
parasite associated with raw meat and contact with cat
A report on food borne parasites prepared for the Food
Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin–
Madison cited an estimated two and a half million cases of food and
waterborne Giardia lamblia and three million cases of Cryptosporidium
parvum in the U.S. alone. Both protozoan parasites are transmitted through
drinking water contaminated with the fecal material of infected persons.
And while only a minimal number of cases are detected and reported,
some estimate that approximately fifty million American children are
infected with worm parasites.
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13 Symptoms of a Parasitic
Sometimes you can be infected without
having symptoms; however, there are
often signs, including:
1. Allergies to many different
types of foods
2. Anemia (low red blood count)
3. Bloating/abdominal swelling
4. Bloody stools
5. Bouts of diarrhea and
inconsistent bowel habits
6. Flu-like symptoms such as
coughing, wheezing, and fever
7. Foul-smelling stools that get
worse in the afternoon and
8. Fever
9. Gas and cramping
10. Itching around the anus,
especially at night.
11. Nausea
12. Vomiting
13. Weight loss with a ravenous
Your intestines provide the perfect breeding ground for parasites, who
enjoy making their homes nestled within impacted waste as well as in the
linings of colon walls.
Living inside our intestines, these microorganisms gain the upper hand by
virtue of their sheer numbers – both in kind and in population. They thrive
because of the unique ways in which they have adapted their life cycles in
order to ensure the perpetuation of their species within their unsuspecting
hosts: us.
The three major groups of parasites include
protozoans (single-celled organisms),
nematodes (roundworms), and cestodes
(tapeworms). There are numerous parasites
common to North America ranging from
microscopic protozoans and Cyclospora
cayetanensis – sometimes called the
yuppie disease because of outbreaks in the
United States resulting from fecally-
contaminated imported raspberries – to
macroscopic multi-cellular worms and
nematodes such as hookworm, pinworm,
and whipworm.
Parasites range from the stuff of late night
horror shows – measuring in at several feet
in length – to those that are invisible to the
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Dr. Oz appeared on the Oprah Show, prompting her to say “If there's one
thing Dr. Oz likes as much as talking about poop, it's props! This time he's
brought along a real doozy.‘Wormzilla’ is a tapeworm—a type of parasite
that can grow up to 30 feet long.”
naked eye. And while they are fond of the colon, this is not the only place
parasites can be found. Just
about any part of your body is
vulnerable to infestation: the
lungs, liver, esophagus, brain,
blood, muscles, joints,
skin...and even your eyes!
There are more than a
hundred different types of
parasites who enjoy living out
their lives inside of human
beings. In the United States
alone, one-third of nearly six
thousand fecal specimens
tested came back positive for
nineteen species of intestinal
parasites at the Parasitology Center, Inc. (PCI) in Tempe, Arizona.
Laboratory methods have progressed considerably in the last decade, and
can provide various forms of parasitic testing supported by the CDC.
Unfortunately, so far there is not one laboratory style of testing that covers
all of the commonly known parasites. And while lab testing has come a
long way, PCI is still the only laboratory in the United States specializing in
parasitology testing.
It's important to remember that tests aren't conclusive unless they are
positive, which could require the taking of many different specimens, at
least three of each kind: blood, serum stool, and urine. Testing can become
a time-consuming venture as much repetition can be required, and with so
many different types of parasites, test results can be vague, inconclusive,
and expensive.
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Parasite Cleansing Case Studies
Read what Puristat users are saying about their experiences with flushing out parasitic infestations
through colon cleansings.
"I saw something in my stool..."
"I could not believe the things that came out of me, and how much energy I had when I had finished
this program. I saw something alive in my stool, as well as a lot of deposits, and mucus stuff. I never
dreamed such gross stuff was inside my body. Thank you, Puristat, for introducing me to this cleansing
program." – Amanda C.
"I saw worms in my..."
"I am completely grossed out and disgusted with what just occurred, but so thankful it did. I just had a
bowel movement, and looked into the toilet before flushing (why, I don't know). I saw worm-like things
in my stool. I was so freaked I flushed immediately before I really got a good look. The experience
actually made me almost throw up, but I am glad your program is helping me to rid my body of
whatever is in there. Yuck!" – Melanie B.
"I passed worms..."
"I passed three worms in the first three days with your program. I can't believe what is coming out of
me! I feel great, and have more energy than I have had in a long time; I feel so much less bloated. My
tummy looks flatter than before, too. I'm telling everyone about this product!" – Michelle W.
"Some sort of bug..."
"I had gone to Mexico and picked up some sort of bug, was very bloated, and had a lot of gas. I was
quite uncomfortable. I purchased my first Puristat kit, and had great results and relief from my
"I have my second order coming and will be using it right away. Then I'll wait a while to do the cleanse
again - but I will do it again! In the meantime I will be telling everyone about Puristat." – JN
The Puristat Medical Team loves hearing the success that people are experiencing with our products. Of
course, success stories reflect an individual's results. Results do vary and are not necessarily
representative of all of those who will use our products. Our next success story could come from you!
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Accepting the fact that parasites are nearly unavoidable, as well as
recognizing the kinds of environments parasites enjoy and how they are
transmitted, is the key to ridding yourself of them, and preventing further
First, it's important to flush out your gastrointestinal (GI) system; a clean,
hydrated, and toned colon goes a long way toward discouraging parasites
to make their home in your intestines, as well as works to alleviate the
unpleasant symptoms you are experiencing while under attack by a
parasitic infestation.
Coping with parasites is best handled with a 4-Step Approach, which
Most everyone has parasites. They
love life in the human colon because
they thrive on human waste. So why
not use common sense wisdom and
clean up our colons regularly with colon
cleanses and – by extension – take
care of the rest of our bodies in the
One of the most effective ways to begin
ridding yourself of parasites is with a detoxification of your entire body,
Step 1: Herbal Colon Cleansing
Step 2: Increase Your Fiber Intake
Step 3: Reverse Vitamin Deficiency
Step 4: Know Sources - Preventing Re-infestation
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starting with your colon. Colonic irrigation and herbal cleansing can help to
remove parasites, mucus, and toxins that have built up in your colon.
By flushing out impacted waste, passing stool is easier, transit times are
improved, the unlucky parasites will have less time to take their foothold,
and there will be nothing left for them to feed on. This means your body will
become an inhospitable host, reducing the likelihood of further parasitic
Numerous societies around the globe use natural alternative medicines
derived mainly from plants for treatment of common ailments. Herbs have
been used for thousands of years because of their proven track record for
successfully purging parasites from the body. They help to increase the
wave-like motion in the colon that propels waste along, while at the same
time toning colon muscles.
Many herbs are more effective, and easier on the system, when used in
conjunction with other herbs. A cleansing program that combines a variety
of herbs in order to purge parasites from the body is preferable.
Puristat's colon cleanse is comprised of 23 herbal ingredients including
cascara sagrada, buckthorn bark, ginger root, cayenne pepper, psyllium
husk, fennel seed, and rhubarb root – all highly effective for expelling
parasites and their eggs.
These herbs also have analgesic properties that can help relieve the
inflammation, constipation, nausea, abdominal cramping, bloating,
flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach ache that often accompany an
Removing impurities also goes a long way toward helping your body
absorb nutrients, enhancing energy levels, and increasing regularity...all
necessary aspects of getting back on track after a parasitic infestation.
After cleansing your colon, it's important to restore certain bacteria to
prevent unhealthy bacteria from inhabiting the area. Probiotics are the good
bacteria your system needs in order to restore its healthy flora.
It's recommended you begin a cleanse with considerably less than the
suggested dosage if you're elderly. For example, one half to one tablet the
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first day, increasing daily until you regularly produce one to three bowel
movements per day.
The key to managing parasitic infestation is prevention; the sooner you
make dietary changes that will help
to keep you cleansed and clear of
waste, the less opportunity there
will be for parasites to settle into
the impacted waste within your
Fiber helps keep your bowels
regulated by increasing your transit
time, which in turn keeps your colon clear of the waste build-up associated
parasitic infestation.
Increase your fiber intake by eating more fiber-rich foods, and make up for
low-fiber days with a high-quality fiber supplement. A dietary supplement
containing psyllium is one of several excellent ways to increase fiber, and it
tends to produce less gas than some high-fiber foods.
Learn about both traditional and more exotic foods that are filled with non-
soluble and soluble fiber, as well as how to incorporate them into your diet.
Print out our fiber chart so you'll know exactly how many grams of fiber per
serving that various foods have to offer.
Although in some countries people reportedly consume over seventy grams
of fiber each day, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for fiber in the
United States is twenty-five to thirty grams. An increase in fiber creates
softer, bulkier stool, which moves more easily through your digestive
system, flushing out parasites, mucus, and toxins on a daily basis.
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The result is a cleaned and toned colon, which makes for a less hospitable
place for parasites to move in, and
take over. Increased fiber intake is
also linked to weight loss and many
other health benefits.
Parasites and vitamin deficiency go
together like peanut butter and jelly.
Not only can having parasites lead to
a deficiency, if you're already vitamin-deficient, you will be vulnerable to a
host of health problems including parasitic infestation.
Parasites feed off human blood, extracting vital nutrients. And not only do
they burrow in our intestinal walls, some parasites cause diarrhea, making
it difficult for our bodies to absorb nutrients.
It is a well-documented fact that parasites cause specific vitamin
deficiencies. Diphyllobothrium latum for example – commonly referred to as
fish or broad tapeworm – can deplete your body of half its vitamin B12, an
essential resource for the proper functioning of your central nervous
system, muscle coordination, and memory.
Unfortunately, many of us are already vitamin deficient due to our Standard
American Diet of processed, fake, and junk foods. Add to this the fact that
modern food refining destroys and devitalizes much of the goodness in the
foods we eat, and you've set yourself up for a potentially vicious cycle of
infestation, deficiency, and re-infestation.
At some point in their lives, everyone on the planet will require extra
vitamins and minerals to compensate for deficiencies; if you've got
parasites, the time to incorporate a multi-vitamin into your daily regimen is
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Advanced vitamin supplementation is the foundation of good health, and
can work to help prevent parasitic infestations. With a strong multi-vitamin
in your corner, your body will be able to recuperate from a parasitic attack,
and build up its immune system to prevent future infestations.
In order to avoid infestation, it is important to understand how parasites
operate, and then take the necessary steps to avoid becoming an unwitting
host to various parasites.
It's a parasite's job to infest, and they have
designed a variety of clever ways to invade
their hosts – i.e. you. Some air-borne
viruses, bacteria, and fungi can infect
human beings if accidentally inhaled.
In North America, Histoplasmosis, Valley
fever, and Hanta virus are examples of
parasitic diseases associated with bat dung
(used in some fertilizers), dust, and rodent
Parasitic worms are readily transmitted from pets and other animals such
as beef and swine tapeworms. Cat litter boxes may pose a threat of
toxoplasmosis; the Toxoplasma gondii parasite is found in cat feces. Dogs
carry Echinococcus, an intestinal tapeworm the eggs of which spread over
a dog's fur via its anus. Unhealthy human contact with infected dogs, such
as kissing, transports the eggs into the human intestine from where they
can make their way to a host's brain and liver.
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Bloodsucking insects can transmit parasites through bites as they endeavor
to feed on human blood. Insect-borne pathogens are not normally a danger
to their natural hosts – a rodent for example – but can become extremely
harmful in unnatural hosts such as human beings.
Protozoa – such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia – are transmitted through
drinking water that has been contaminated with fecal material from infected
persons. They can be found in both running streams and the tap water in
many large North American cities served by surface water treatment plants.
Schistosomes such as the deadly Trematoda fluke, however, can only be
transmitted through skin contact with
contaminated water.
One of the most common ways of
contracting a parasitic infection is
through food intake. Unless properly
washed, vegetables grown on farms
fertilized with infected human waste
can transmit the eggs of various
parasites. When swallowed with
contaminated food, parasites can be
infective. This can easily occur in
household settings, or in restaurants where health inspections at even the
most expensive world-class restaurants reveal that employees harbor fecal
matter under their nails.
Some parasites – the roundworm nematode, for example – spend their
immature egg stage in warm, moist soil, just waiting for a new host to
invade. Walking bare-footed or sitting on fecally-contaminated soil can be
an invitation to the eggs of hookworms or strongyloides, who penetrate the
exposed skin and migrate through the human body to the intestinal tract.
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1. Expect to become infected by parasites.
2. Regular colon cleansings are a must since most water sources are
located near human habitation, and are therefore likely infested with
3. Supplement your diet with fiber to improve transit times, and keep
your colon cleansed of parasitic activity.
4. Supplement your diet with a high-grade multi-vitamin to ensure
adequate vitamin, mineral, and nutrient intake, and to combat the
resulting deficiency from parasitic infestation.
5. If you are prone to infestations, avoid known sources such as contact
with rodent feces, cat litter boxes, and inappropriate contact with
6. Use caution when drinking and/or swimming in unfamiliar water
7. Wear protective clothing when exposed to bloodsucking insects.
8. Wash all fruits and vegetables in clean water before eating to prevent
roundworm and whipworm infection. Add a few ounces of over-the-
counter hydrogen peroxide and/or mild soap to increase the parasite-
killing activity of water.
9. Wear shoes or slippers to prevent hookworm infection.
10. Do not use water from septic tanks or other potentially contaminated
sources for watering vegetables.
11. Contain all waste matter in an outdoor toilet or latrine rather than
going as nature intended outdoors.
Children are particularly susceptible to parasites, and often harbor the
largest number of worms. Teach them proper hygiene, such as hand
washing (including using a nail brush) after going to the toilet, playing
outside, or before preparing or eating food.
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Most people imagine that their colon is tough; after all, think about what it
deals with every day! But over time, as it ages, the colon has a harder time
doing its job, and the entire digestive process can be thrown off by any
number of little things.
A colon cleanse allows your colon the chance to
rebuild itself, and return to proper functioning.
Many people are unaware of the fact that the colon
was never designed to have food in it all the time.
Think about it. All animals in the wild go through
periods when they eat, and times when they don’t.
These fasting periods allow their guts a break from
having to deal with food, and the colon needs this
A well-designed colon cleanse can mimic a fast
without you ever having to stop eating! In addition, a
colon cleanse helps to rejuvenate the entire digestive system. The end
result is that your body works better and you feel great.
Puristat's MILD, MODERATE and ADVANCED Colon Cleanse plans are
made up of three components - Cleanse, Restore and Advanced
Supplementation. The combination of herbal ingredients in Cleanse works
to stimulate increased muscle activity in the colon. The increased muscle
activity will not only help break up and remove impacted waste, it will also
help tone your colon.
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14 Ways To Know When it's Time for
a Colon Cleanse
You need a colon cleanse if you experience
the following symptoms:
1. Fatigue
2. Constipation
3. Gas and bloating
4. Diarrhea
5. Frequent infections (colds, flus)
6. Skin problems (acne, eczema)
7. Depression
8. Irritability
9. Colitis
10. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
11. PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
12. Parasites and Tapeworms
13. Allergies
14. Diverticulitis
Using products with just the right combination of
herbs is the secret to a successful colon cleanse
program. For centuries, people around the globe
have used a variety of herbal ingredients to
assist their bodies in eliminating toxins, mucous,
and parasites from the colon. Puristat's Colon
Cleanse is comprised of twenty-three cleansing
and detoxification herbs, all working together to
gently expel waste, parasites, and toxins.
The second component to Puristat’s Colon Cleanse is Restore. It is
comprised of additional cleansing herbs, plus good bacteria, also known as
lactobacillus acidophilus. It is vital to
restore the good bacteria whenever you
cleanse your system. The proper balance
of acidophilus helps keep your immune
system strong, reduces yeast overgrowth,
and increases regularity.
The third component, Advanced
Supplementation is a digestive support
regimen that contains digestive enzymes,
probiotics, l-glutamine (for intestinal
healing), vitamin D3 (for fostering nutrient
absorption) and an advanced supply of the
daily nutrients required for digestive and
overall wellness. No colon cleanse
program is complete without a digestive
support supplement.
Do you need a colon cleanse? The short
answer is that everyone needs a colon cleanse at least once, if not several
times a year. The longer you go without fasting or a colon cleanse, the
worse your colon will become.
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Can a simple colon cleanse improve this many conditions? Yes! Your colon
is the center of your health, so everything you eat comes in through your
mouth and has to pass through the
colon. If your digestive process is not
working well, it has an impact on the
entire body.
If you want to discover your specific
needs, turn to the Colon Health
Assessment Test. It takes about two
minutes to complete and will supply you
with article recommendations - plus
which colon cleanse program is right for you, all based upon your input.
Does It Work? Ask These People!
"Thirty pounds later...!"
"I was shocked to see how small my stomach got; you could literally see the difference within just a few days. I knew I
made the right choice. During the twelve months after using Puristat's Colon Cleanse I lost a total of thirty pounds." -
Cassandra P.
"Even beano didn't do the trick, then I tried a colon cleanse"
"It's a bit embarrassing to talk about, but...I had a severe problem with flatulence. It was very bad-smelling, like sulfur. I did
one Puristat colon cleanse for two weeks and it really helped, so I called Puristat to ask when the next shipment would be
coming...and I did another colon cleanse, which also helped. I will be using the colon cleanse once a month from now on!"
~ Grace M.
"...always sluggish"
"I was always sluggish and constipated and I didn't feel right. No matter what I did, nothing changed. I didn't feel good
physically, mentally, or emotionally. I was in the market for something that would help and Puristat's Colon Cleanse did it!"
– Marge M.
"Constipation, diarrhea, indigestion..."
"I experienced constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and cramps. Over the last 5-10 years I've tried about 10-15 different
vitamin combinations and over-the-counter remedies. None of them worked...then I tried Puristat's Colon Cleanse. If your
suffer as I did, try Puristat's Colon Cleanse, it really does work!" - Michael T.
"...throw away the laxatives!"
"I was constipated, boated, and I had back pain. It affected my house, my kids, my husband, and my job. Three days after
taking Puristat's Colon Cleanse, I felt better and was going to the bathroom like I was supposed to. With the Colon Cleanse,
you can throw away the laxatives. I believe in this product!" – Jodie D.
The Puristat Medical Team loves hearing the success that people are experiencing with our products. Of course, success
stories reflect an individual's results. Results do vary and are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our
products. Our next success story could come from you!
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
We offer multiple colon cleanse programs based upon your needs. The
shortest plan, the 7-day colon cleanse kit is stronger than most 30-day
programs. In other words, you get more with our 7-day colon cleanse-
detoxification kit than you get with most competitors’ products in thirty days.
While Puristat’s program is powerful, this does not mean that it is
uncomfortable. The Puristat Colon Cleanse has been specially formulated
to not cause cramping or quick trips to the bathroom. It simply means larger
more productive bowel movements more often.
Is it difficult? This is the most common question we get asked. The answer
is no. Most people go through the colon cleanse without any problems,
continuing along with their normal lives throughout the process. The only
difference is that they feel great.
If you are new to colon cleansing, you may
be surprised by how good you will begin to
feel once you have started our colon cleanse
program. If you have tried other colon
cleanse programs, you will be delighted by
how wonderfully our program works.
You can expect to feel great, have more
regular bowel movements, sleep better, have more energy, and even to
smell and taste better. It is truly remarkable what a good colon cleanse can
do for your health.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
At Puristat, we firmly believe in promoting healing from the inside out, and
offer numerous products to assist in alleviating digestive ailments, and
promote long-term, optimum health.
Whether you're trying to improve your overall health; struggle with fatigue
or PMS; battling weight gain; trying to relieve constipation, bloating, and
gas; hoping to ease indigestion, rid your body of toxins and parasites, or
relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diverticulitis, a
colon cleanse is the place to start.
Colon cleansing gently encourages your system to rid itself of accumulated
toxins, waste, and parasites, while at the same time helping to tone the
colon. It promotes healing within intestines that have been damaged by
constipation; a colon cleanse can help prime your intestines to better
absorb essential vitamins and minerals. You'll improve your transit time,
too, speeding up the elimination process, and rejuvenating your energy
Colon cleansing benefits your whole body, and ought to be part of every
digestive health regimen!
But is doesn’t stop there...other Colon Cleanse benefits include:
● Weight Loss: Can you lose weight on a colon cleanse? Yes. Many people do lose weight
during their colon cleanse. By following the plan, many people naturally lose shed weight.
● Constipation: A great benefit of a colon cleanse is that it often marks the end of constipation.
In addition to the discomfort people experience, having infrequent bowel movements is tied
to a number of diseases including colon cancer, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis. A colon
cleanse can rejuvenate your bowels and increase the number of healthy bowel movements.
● Parasites: Having parasites is much more common than many people realize. The herbs in
our colon cleanse are designed to kill and remove parasites from the digestive tract.
● Fatigue: One of the most common complaints heard in doctors’ offices is how tired people
are. If you have been feeling fatigued lately, then a colon cleanse is the perfect way to restore
the vital energy you are lacking.
● Gas and Bloating: You never really notice how much gas and bloating you have until you
don’t have it anymore. A colon cleanse rebalances gut bacteria, and improves digestion. This
powerful combination reduces gas and bloating.
● Acne: While doctors will tell people that acne has nothing to do with the food you eat or how
healthy your colon is, we know differently. Acne tends to clear after a colon cleanse.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
A liver cleanse helps ensure your liver functions in
tip-top condition. A liver cleanse helps cleanse and
detoxify your liver and it is one of the most powerful
procedures you can do to enhance your body's
performance. It can significantly improve digestion,
enzyme levels, a fatty liver, cirrhosis and energy,
which is the basis of your health.
A sluggish liver can lead to serious fatigue, weight
gain, water retention, and a host of other health woes.
A liver cleansing can help with regularity, bloating
and flatulence, diet, and save you thousands of
dollars and months of pain by facilitating the avoidance of needless surgery
for gallstones.
Forget about gallstones and surgery! "Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the
most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body's health,"
says Dr. Hulda Clark, author of The Cure of All Diseases.
Liver cleansing diets and liver support supplements can help you avoid
possible subsequent complications from liver diseases, and the
development of other afflictions related to an unhealthy liver.
Before you consider maximizing your liver
function, be sure to cleanse your colon first.
Why? A major function of the liver is to clean
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
your blood, and the best way to make it as easy as possible for the liver to
do this is to cleanse the colon first, so the blood that comes to your liver is
as toxin-free as possible.
If your colon is obstructed with years of accumulated debris, the massive
amounts of toxins to be eliminated from a liver cleansing cannot easily be
evacuated from your body if your colon is blocked. Therefore, it is
imperative to cleanse the colon before beginning your liver cleanse.
The liver is a complex, unique organ
serving many functions crucial to
sustaining life. From circulation to
digestion, it is constantly processing
blood for use by the rest of the body.
Weighing three to four pounds, the liver is
the largest internal organ in the human body. It is glossy in appearance,
and dark red in color from the rich supply of blood flowing through it.
Sometimes called The Great Chemical Factory, your liver neutralizes
harmful toxins and wastes, stores glycogen (a blood-sugar regulator),
amino acids, protein, and fat.
In today's world, our liver – all of our organs, in fact – are at great risk of
contamination from environmental toxins and over-processed foods infused
with many unnatural chemicals. If your liver is not functioning well, a
hazardous buildup of toxins may occur.
The liver performs many important functions to keep us healthy. It removes
harmful material from the blood; it makes enzymes and bile that help digest
food; and it converts food into substances needed for life and growth.
From its sheltered position in the abdominal cavity, the liver filters blood
and performs many functions vital to health. Our bodies depend on the liver
to regulate, synthesize, store, and secrete important proteins and nutrients.
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The liver is the most resilient body organ. It is capable of regenerating
itself, and is able to recreate lost tissue in order to help maintain its
essential functions, even in the face of moderate damage.
When part of the liver is removed, a healthy organ may grow back to its
original size. But its capacity to repair itself can be exceeded by repeated
or extensive damage.
Keeping your liver as healthy and cleansed as possible with a liver cleanse
supplement or liver cleanse diet, offers many health advantages.
In our industrialized developed world, we
are immersed in a sea of toxic
chemicals. The Environmental Protection
Agency estimates that half-a-million
chemicals are in use today, and over five
Top Liver Functions - Over 500 Including:
1. Filtering blood
2. Purifying and clearing waste products, toxins, and drugs
3. Regulating and secreting substances important in maintaining your body's
functions and health
4. Storing important nutrients (such as glycogen glucose), vitamins, and minerals
5. Metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
6. Creating bile
7. Metabolizing hormones, internally-produced wastes, and foreign chemicals
8. Forming urea
9. Assimilating and storing fat-soluble vitamins
10. Synthesizing blood proteins
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21 Signs You Need A Liver Cleanse:
1. Alcoholic Liver Disease
2. Allergies
3. Bloating, Gas, Flatulence
4. Chemical Sensitivities
5. Cirrhosis of the Liver
6. Constipation
7. Elevated Liver Enzymes
8. Fatigue
9. Fatty Liver Disease
10. Fibrosis of the Liver
11. Gallstones
12. Gilbert's Syndrome
13. Hemochromatosis
14. Hepatitis C
15. Jaundice
16. Low Metabolism
17. Menopausal Digestive Issues
18. Obesity
19. PMS (pre-menstrual
20. Poor Digestion
21. Wilson's Disease
thousand new chemicals are introduced yearly. Some researchers believe
up to twenty-five percent of these may be carcinogenic. This is why it is
crucial to employ a liver cleanse supplement and/or diet to cleanse your
liver of the toxic waste of twenty-first century
Dr. Hulda Clark, PhD, ND, in her
groundbreaking bestseller, The Cure of All
Diseases, dramatically describes the
gallstones and cholesterol that can choke the
liver biliary tubing in many people, including
our children.
"Imagine the situation if your garden hose had
marbles in it. Much less water would flow,
which in turn would decrease the ability of the
hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones,
much less cholesterol leaves the body, and
cholesterol levels may rise."
"Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the
bacteria, cysts, viruses, and parasites that are
passing through the liver. In this way, nests of
infection are formed, forever supplying the
body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection
such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be
cured permanently without removing these
gallstones from the liver."
If your liver becomes overworked, it can
become congested. Toxic compounds and
impurities may get trapped in deposits of hardened bile. Pollutants may not
be flushed out of the body, and can back up in your blood stream.
A sluggish liver can lead to serious fatigue, weight gain, water retention,
and a host of other health woes. Detoxification that targets the liver can
help remove these unwanted poisons and enable it to function properly. A
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healthy liver will increase your energy, improve metabolism, and help you
burn excess fat.
If possible, do not take any pharmaceuticals during your liver flush. If you
are under a physician's care, consult with him or her prior to your cleanse,
and follow your doctor's instructions concerning your medications.
Testimonials from those happy with their liver cleansing results include:
Eliminated Gallstones the Size of Grapes
A patient described the unhappy situation of having his liver full of gallstones, a digestive system
working inefficiently, and kidneys that were full of toxins and stones. All of this was affecting his
adrenal glands, resulting in low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, and fatigue. After liver cleansing
and avoiding too much fatty food early in the day, he was able to work again without feeling
Shed Sixty-one Pounds
After suffering from intermittent stomach problems—bloating, painful cramps, food intolerance,
constipation, fluid retention, etc., a liver cleanser elatedly reported she had shed 61 pounds, lost
an incredible amount of fluid, and gained significant energy.
Young Girl's Energy Restored
A thrilled mother shared that her daughter's health, after a liver cleanse, had dramatically
improved; her stomach pains were gone, her energy levels were soaring, and her waist
measurement had decreased by five inches as a result of losing over fourteen pounds without
dieting or exercising: "I was amazed and relieved to see my fifteen-year-old daughter's health
improve in such a short time."
The Puristat Medical Team loves hearing the success that people are experiencing with our
products. Of course, success stories reflect an individual's results. Results do vary and are not
necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products. Our next success story could
come from you!
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Remember, when you are detoxifying your liver, you will not receive full
benefit from any medication because they may be flushed out with the
cleanse, reducing their effectiveness.
After you have completed a liver cleanse, it is
important to cleanse the colon again. Some of the
toxins and waste products removed, including drug
residues from pharmaceutical products you have
taken over the years, will move through the colon. If it
is not re-cleansed, the colon can reabsorb these
compounds, and re-toxify your blood and body. The
Puristat Colon & Liver Cleanse is designed to first
cleanse the colon, then the liver and then a final colon
cleanse is completed.
Liver cleansing offers an inexpensive and easy way to detoxify, protect,
and rejuvenate one of your most important organs and the many body
functions it supports. When your liver functions at its best, it has the
marvelous ability to recover and regenerate; all it needs from you is a liver
cleanse to help to jump-start the miracle.
When you should NOT liver cleanse:
● If constipated - consider doing a colon cleanse first
● When ill
● During pregnancy or lactation
● Keep away from young children
If you have a medical concern, consult with your healthcare professional.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Remember those days when you could eat anything and it didn't matter?
You could stuff anything closely resembling food in your face and never
think about it again. For most of us, who are middle-aged, or for women
fast approaching menopause, those days are
gone forever.
Today, this kind of eating is likely to send a
friendly "reminder" wafting into the air a few
hours later. Occasional bloating, flatulence,
gassiness, and indigestion can be
uncomfortable - both for you and for others in
the room - and if it is happening a lot, it may
just be a sign from your body that something
needs to change.
As we age, our bodies become less efficient at digestion, and this poor
digestion leads to an increase in bloating, gassiness and flatulence. For
example, the slowdown of the gastrointestinal tract's processes as a
woman ages can sometimes result in menopausal indigestion.
There are many other reasons for becoming gassy and bloated such as
eating foods that cause gassiness and bloating, not properly combining
foods, or gulping air while you're eating, but the vast majority of gas is
produced by bacteria in your gut.
The whole story of what's going on is a combination of loss of digestive
powers, the bacteria in your gut, and the types of foods you decide to put
into your mouth. While it might feel that these changes have occurred
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 40
Restoring Digestive Wellness
quickly, in most people they have happened slowly over time as their body
changes and ages.
Most people have heard of lactose intolerance, but what is it, exactly?
Lactose is the sugar found in milk.
People with lactose intolerance don't
have the ability to digest the sugar in
All babies have the enzyme necessary
to digest milk sugar (lactase). Humans
can digest lactose when they're
young, but many lose this ability as
they age. This makes sense: all
mammals drink milk from their mother,
but then stop as they grow older.
Humans are the only ones who try to
break this rule.
As an adult, if you don't have the lactase enzyme and you drink milk or eat
milk products, then the sugar from the milk passes through the stomach
and small intestine undigested. While you wouldn't normally think
undigested sugar is a big deal, it is.
According to research, the number of people who have lactose intolerance
varies by ethnicity. In general, about half the population of the United
States are considered lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is highest
among Asians (almost 100%) and Blacks (around 80%); at the other end of
the spectrum are Scandinavians; as little as 2% are lactose intolerant.
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
Undigested sugars are a boon for the bacteria that live in your gut.
Your gut is full of bacteria. The number of bacteria in your gut outnumbers
the number of cells in your entire body. There are literally billions of both
good and bad bacteria in your gut. In a healthy person, the good and the
bad bacteria achieve a balance where there are not too many of the good
guys or the bad guys.
For the peri-menopausal and menopausal woman, good bacteria are
essential to feeling well. They metabolize and recycle hormones such as
estrogen, phytoestrogens, and thyroid. This process fosters hormonal
balance, and helps to minimize menopausal symptoms.
When undigested lactose sugar comes down the intestines, bacteria
gobble up the sugars. To the bacteria, it is time to party. When food
sources (mostly sugars) are plentiful for
bacteria, they do what bacteria do best: grow
and multiply. When bacteria start multiplying
rapidly, they produce gas. Undigested lactose
sugar equals gas production and more
Bacteria can also produce toxins as they grow
and multiply, which can be harmful to the lining
of the gut. This can cause diarrhea.
By now you have probably realized that not just
lactose, but other sugars can cause the same
problem. Any sugar that you don't digest will
become a meal for the bacteria in your gut, and
any meal for bacteria means an increase in gas
production and toxins.
The smell is another story. Not all bacteria that create gas produce a smelly
gas. The main villains - as far as smell goes – are the bacteria that produce
gases containing sulfur and methane. There is some evidence that it's the
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
harmful bacteria that produce odd smells, but this is not entirely
Don't get the wrong idea about the bacteria in your gut. They're vital to your
health and perform many functions such as breaking down complex
carbohydrates (fibers), and providing us with vitamins and other nutrients.
It's just bad when you start over-feeding the bacteria with sugars and they
produce excess gas.
There is a relationship between digestive ability
and the bacteria in your gut. When we were
younger, our digestive powers were at their
height, but they decline as we age. With many
more of the sugars that in our youth would
normally be digested and absorbed now passing
through the gut undigested, gas-producing bacteria have lots to feed on.
Poor digestion, along with food and drug choices, can change where the
bacteria in the gut are located. Once again, this doesn't sound like a big
deal, but where bacteria are located in your gut can have long-lasting
effects on your health and the amount of "room-clearing" gas that exits
from your body.
Medical books would have you believe that the majority of bacteria in your
gut are found in your colon. In healthy people, this is true. If you don't
remember your high school anatomy lessons, the colon makes up the last
four to six feet or so of your intestines. In between the colon and the
stomach are around 24 feet of small intestine. The small intestines are not
supposed to have many bacteria in them, but in modern people, they do.
There is a medically recognized syndrome called small bowel bacterial
overgrowth syndrome, where the small intestines become overgrown with
large amounts of bacteria. This syndrome is much more common than
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
many doctors realize. Bacteria are not dumb - they are going to go and
grow where the food is. If there are large amounts of sugars to be found
high in the digestive tract, that is where the bacteria are going to go.
Stress, a carbohydrate-rich (sugar) diet, and poor digestion – in addition to
the use of antibiotics that can kill off many of the good bacteria – can all
contribute to bacteria relocating to the
small intestine.
Most of the absorption of nutrients
and vitamins occurs high in the gut.
Having bacteria high in the guts
means that bacteria are now in
competition for our nutrients. If
bacteria are creating toxins and
irritating the gut lining, then there is the potential for malabsorption
syndromes such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Yes, there are foods that tend to create bloating and flatulence; some of
these are famous for doing so such as beans, cabbage, and others. These
foods typically contain a difficult to digest fiber that is perfect food for
bacteria. Other foods that create bloating and flatulence are those that
contain a large amount of sugar.
Traditional Gas-producing Foods
● Vegetables: peas, cabbage, onions, broccoli, radishes,
and cauliflower
● Fruits: apples, prunes, bananas, and dried fruit
● Fiber: oatmeal and other grains
● Sugar: any large amount of sugar, especially those
contained in soda
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 44
Restoring Digestive Wellness
You can try to avoid the foods that cause gas, but these foods are some of
the best foods you can put in your body. Broccoli alone is the subject of
over two hundred studies, and is prized for its ability to prevent a wide
number of cancers, to act as an antioxidant, and numerous other health
benefits. Likewise, cabbage, onions, and oatmeal are full of great nutrients
that your body needs.
The best way to avoid bloating and
flatulence is to take an integrated
First, realize that digestion begins in the
mouth. There are digestive enzymes that are released in your mouth as
you chew. One of the easiest tricks to chewing your food well is to take
Embarrassing Marriage Moments!
"Lately, I have had embarrassing moments with gas and bloating. I feel a lot better now
thanks to Puristat, and I have more energy. Intimacy has also improved in my marriage
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"The biggest side issue for me was always gas, I could not control it and it was often very
embarrassing and uncomfortable. Since trying Puristat I have felt much better and the
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Restoring Digestive Wellness
your fork and put food in your mouth - then set the fork down on the table
until you are done chewing. Most people are picking up their next bite as
they are chewing; this creates urgency where you are trying to get the food
out of your mouth because the next bite is waiting on the fork. Stop, put
your fork down, finish the bite in your mouth, and pick up the fork again.
If you haven't heard the news about how bad soda is yet, then let us tell
you: stop drinking soda. According to a recent National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, soda is the major source of calories in the United
States. Soda creates many problems for people who want to be healthy
and overwhelms even the best digestive capacities. Drinking soda feeds
gas-producing bacteria. Other simple sugars should be eaten in
moderation, or if you are really brave, not at all.
You should periodically undergo a colon cleanse. A one- or three- week
program helps to rebalance the good and bad bacteria in your body, and
also helps to push the bacteria back into the colon where it belongs. A
simple colon cleanse can do wonders for reducing bloating and flatulence;
returning the colon to a healthier state means that it no longer takes days
for food to pass through the colon. A shorter transit time means that there
is less time for bacteria to produce gas.
Next, you should give your gut a hand and take a
digestive enzyme supplement. Taken with to
meals, digestive enzymes will help support your
digestive system and relieve bloating, flatulence
and discomfort. The enzymes will break down the
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 46
Restoring Digestive Wellness
sugars that you're eating, leaving little left over for the bacteria.
Lastly, you should give your gut and entire body a hand by taking a daily
digestive wellness supplement. There is no other single thing you can do to
improve your digestive and overall health than support your digestive
system on a daily basis. Vitamin dosages are critical in today's world since
it's literally impossible to get the daily nutrients we need from the over
processed food we eat every day. Many people find supplementing their
diets with a strong digestive support vitamin provides them with the extra
energy and mental clarity they need to achieve personal and professional
goals. Since struggling with your health on a daily
basis drains your energy, these success stories make
a lot of sense! And Puristat's 35 Billion Probiotics will
help balance the good and bad bacteria in your gut.
It's no fun being the negative center of attention,
especially when it's people's noses that point you out.
The great news about gassiness, bloating, and flatulence is that it's easy to
make it go away. It takes a little effort on your part, but most people who
implement a healthy digestive program are amazed at how good they feel,
and are delighted by the loss of bloating and flatulence.
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 47
Restoring Digestive Wellness
Every organ, gland and cell is in our
bodies are affected by the condition and
maintenance of our digestive system,
especially our colon and liver. Our bodies
are not built to continually eliminate ever-
increasing amounts of toxins. If they
were, we'd all be disease free and
Dramatic transformations start with
education. From there, the path often
leads towards colon cleanses, liver
cleanses and an overall digestive health
wellness plan.
Since 2001, has provided cutting-edge digestive health
guidance, breaking news and remedies to address all varieties of digestive
illness. We will help you make lifestyle changes that keep you on the path
to better digestive health and happiness.
Simply by receiving this book, you’ve shown you take charge of your own
health. Now, keep the momentum going as you proceed through the next
four steps towards finally achieving better health, and the abundant
happiness that comes with it! is your ultimate guide to reliable health information on
digestive wellness topics. Every article on is researched and
reviewed by industry professionals. Additional articles are published
monthly. Visit our library here.
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 48
Restoring Digestive Wellness
Digestive health is an important element in overall health and wellness. The
gut is a part of every person’s body, and how well it functions can
determine how long and well you live. Caring for your digestive system is
akin to caring for your entire body, what you do to and for your digestive
system affects your entire being. Below is a sample of the test.
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 49
Restoring Digestive Wellness
By taking the DigestiveHealth®
Test you will:
1. Have a better understanding of your overall health, lifestyle, diet and
bowel habits.
2. Rate your overall digestive health and compare your score to others
taking the test.
3. Learn of some of the most common digestive health related
4. Use the report at the end of the test to review articles, products and
success stories to help with your condition(s).
Take the DigestiveHealth®
Test here.
Sign up for our newsletter, and you'll receive the latest information on
Digestive Wellness, filled with interesting, educational, and motivational
news, delicious recipes, and valuable discounts. Past newsletter topics
 Eliminate Almost All Constipation, Bloating & Fatigue In Less Than 6
 How to Lose 10 lbs. in 7 Days, Without Starving Yourself!
 The Latest Science on Intestinal Parasites, and How to Avoid Them
 Special Promotions for Newsletter Subscribers
People often come to us feeling less than well, and not realizing why. When
they learn the important role digestive health plays in their overall
wellbeing, they're amazed at how good they can start feeling!
If you know anyone who isn't at their optimal level of health, do them a
favor and let them know that proper digestive health is essential to vibrant
overall wellbeing. We are happy to spend a few minutes on the phone
advising them on this, free of charge, if the call comes through you.
The Puristat Digestive Wellness Newsletter is published twice a month. We
will never share, sell, or otherwise compromise your email address. You
can unsubscribe at any time. Sign up for our Newsletter here.
P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 50
Restoring Digestive Wellness
Are we passionate about the benefits of cleansing the colon and liver? The
hundreds of testimonials we’ve received prove to us it works.
You now realize the health benefits of a properly
functioning digestive system as well. By cleansing
the colon and the liver consecutively, you'll focus
on the top two filtration organs of the body.
Effectively cleanse both the colon & liver of built
up toxins. The combination of therapeutic
ingredients help relieve poor digestion, including
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Also included in our program is Advanced
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We’ll support you every step of the way. All programs include our 45-Day
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Give us the opportunity to improve your digestive health. Together, we’ll
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Digestive Wellness

  • 1.
  • 2. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 2 Restoring Digestive Wellness Table of Contents Introduction & Meet Our Team..................................................................................................... 4 Standard American Diet & Vitamin Deficiency............................................................................. 5 Chemicals and Processing Drain Food of Vital Nutrients............................................................ 6 Ensuring Adequate Vitamin and Mineral Intake – How to Get What You Need ........................ 7 11 Ways to Beat Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency................................................................... 8 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Who Cares About Constipation? ................................................................................................... 9 Am I Constipated? What Is Normal?........................................................................................... 9 Which Is Right...Who Defines Constipation? ............................................................................ 10 How did we become so Constipated?....................................................................................... 11 The Consequences of Constipation........................................................................................... 12 5-Step Anti-Constipation Action Plan........................................................................................ 13 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 16 The Truth about Human Parasites............................................................................................... 17 A Few Parasitic Stats ................................................................................................................. 17 Why Are Parasites So Prevalent? .............................................................................................. 18 Parasites Often Elude Diagnostic Testing.................................................................................. 18 Parasite Cleansing Case Studies ................................................................................................ 20 4 Steps to Purging Parasites...................................................................................................... 21 How Are Parasites Transmitted? Let Me Count the Ways........................................................ 25 Summary... ................................................................................................................................ 27 The Benefits of a Colon Cleanse - Detoxification........................................................................ 28 Puristat's Colon Cleanse Plans................................................................................................... 28 14 Ways To Know When it's Time for a Colon Cleanse ............................................................ 29 Colon Cleansing Testimonials ................................................................................................... 30
  • 3. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 3 Restoring Digestive Wellness Why Use Our Colon Cleanse Program?..................................................................................... 31 What to Expect During a Colon Cleanse.................................................................................... 31 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 32 Liver Cleansing Helps Detoxify the Liver and Improve Proper Liver Functioning...................... 33 The Benefits Of A Colon & Liver Cleanse Combination ............................................................ 33 Liver Cleansing Helps A Vital Organ .......................................................................................... 34 Why Liver Cleanse? ................................................................................................................... 35 21 Signs You Need A Liver Cleanse............................................................................................ 36 Liver Cleansing Testimonials ..................................................................................................... 37 Liver Cleansing Precautions....................................................................................................... 37 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 38 Bloating, Flatulence & Gassiness: The Causes and 4-Step Anti-Gas Relief Plan........................ 39 Aging Means More Bloating, Flatulence and Gassiness ........................................................... 39 Lactose Points the Way ............................................................................................................ 40 Bacterial Feasts.......................................................................................................................... 41 Re-located Bacteria Impacts Digestive Functioning.................................................................. 42 What About Foods That Create Gassiness, Bloating, and Flatulence? ..................................... 43 The 4-Step Anti-Gas Action Plan ............................................................................................... 44 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 46 Wrapping it all up – Where do you go from here? .................................................................... 47 © 2006-2013 - All Rights Reserved – Puristat, Inc. The following information is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, and treatment of any disease or condition. You should consult your physician or health care practitioner before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. The following statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • 4. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 4 Restoring Digestive Wellness Here at Puristat we provide a place for experts in the medical field to have a voice. A place where they can share their expertise and opinions with the thousands of visitors to our web site every day. These experts contribute because they have a message of health that is in line with our multi-prong approach to digestive and overall wellness. We thank them for their contributions and hope you enjoy and benefit from their input. Dr. Scott D. Olson, is a Naturopathic doctor with expert knowledge of natural medicine. His primary specialty is alternative medicine. However, as an ND, Dr. Olson is trained as a primary care physician, and is therefore well versed in medical diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Amy Denman, CTN, CNHP, MH, has dedicated more than twenty years to helping people achieve a healthier lifestyle. Born and raised in upstate New York, Dr. Denman's first health-related job experience was working as a child birth educator, eventually going on to become a lay-midwife in California. Vickie M. Cole, Retired Registered Nurse, Certified Legal Nurse Consultant, and a member of the International Association of Forensic Nurses holds an RN degree in Clinical Nutrition and Forensics, with more than five years of experience in labor delivery, five years in forensics, and a specialization in oncological nursing which includes three years at a prestigious medical center in Texas. She has been instrumental in the development of the customer care department at Puristat, and is proud to be putting her experience and education to use to help people realize optimum health. Dr. Jesse Hanley, is a public speaker, instructor, and co-author of Tired of Being Tired. She is a pioneer in anti-aging medicine, is the former medical director of the Malibu Health and Rehabilitation Center, where she has been in private practice for more than twenty years. Her first book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Premenopause, written with John R. Lee, M.D., was a national bestseller. Dr. Jim Steigerwalt is a retired hematologist who witnessed firsthand the limitations of conventional medicine. Research, he says, may develop products that become part of mainstream medicine, but as a young medical research technician Dr. Jim learned that it was vital to always have an open mind. Dr. Jim has worked in numerous medical research capacities around the globe, as well as consulted in various areas at American institutions, with physicians at Johns Hopkins Hospital, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, Honnoman University, and the University Medical Center at Princeton.
  • 5. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 5 Restoring Digestive Wellness "Many people will get up before dawn to check the stock market, work until all hours of the night on a project for work or church...but they will not remember, or think it is important enough, to feed their own bodies." – Dr. Jesse Hanley, MD, and co-author of Tired of Being Tired, Women's Passages, and Attention Deficit Disorder. Everyone wants to remain youthful and live forever. But is a long life really the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you're feeling vaguely unhealthy much of the time? And why do so many of us feel lousy when we still think of ourselves as young and vibrant? Two words: nutrient deficiency. You can't get away without a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement," says Dr. Hanley. "The ground is so depleted that not even the bugs can live in our refined wheat and white flour anymore!" The simple fact of the matter is that our bodies are not getting what they need...and even if we were to suddenly adopt a diet that made us poster children for healthy living, without nutrient supplementation, we will always remain vitamin deficient.
  • 6. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 6 Restoring Digestive Wellness Is living a long life a thing of the past? Unless many people are willing to change their approach to nutrition, the life expectancy for today's youth will be a different story. Many medical institutions do not expect children to live as long as their parents because of obesity, toxicity, and the deficiencies inherent in the Standard American Diet. The state of our food, coupled with our dietary choices, has rendered us toxic and depleted of the vitamins and minerals we need to function and thrive. Most of the food we eat contains barely half of the vitamins and minerals it did fifty years ago; today's high yield wheat crops offer only half the protein they did a century ago. Processing methods – by their very nature – deplete food of nutrients. And the length of time it takes to pick, transport, and stock onto grocers' shelves, means food has lost much of its nutritional value by the time it finally gets to our plates. While alternatives such as organic foods are free of dangerous GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and many toxic pesticides and fertilizers, they are far from perfect as it can take decades for soil to fully recover from years of abuse. But in spite of all the doom and gloom, it's possible to turn the deficiency tide, and learn how to take care of ourselves in a whole new way.
  • 7. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 7 Restoring Digestive Wellness First, forget what you thought you knew about adequate vitamin intake. Take a fresh approach to your health – likely, your old approach doesn't take into account what experts are discovering about the sorry condition of our soil, the depleted state of processed food, and our bodies' agonizing struggle to overcome vitamin and mineral deficiency. Everyone on the planet at some point in their lives will require extra vitamins and minerals to compensate for deficiencies in the Standard American Diet. In times of special need – during pregnancy, periods of overwhelming stress, or illness – nutrients are good therapy, so it's vital to update your knowledge base. For example, consider the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamins and minerals. These figures were calculated in the 1940s when soil was healthy, and food refining and processing was relatively rare. Today, our vitamin and mineral needs far exceed the circa World War II recommendations handed out by many health practitioners. And all the hype about low-fat, fat- free, sodium-free, vitamin-enriched, and on and's all just bunk, part of food companies' marketing strategies to convince you to buy their products. The truth is, all the processing to make food other than what it naturally is simply removes the life-giving nutrients our bodies need. Real food – free of unnecessary additives and processing – is the simple secret to health and longevity, so beware of terms like vitamin enriched. All this means is that the food was stripped bare of its goodness during
  • 8. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 8 Restoring Digestive Wellness processing, and then something was added in a futile attempt to make up the loss, and give it some sort of bare minimum value. By midlife, an overwhelming number of Americans will have developed a chronic illness or contracted some form of cancer due to diet deficiencies. But why wait for a health crisis to start giving your body what it needs now? After all, regular maintenance is always preferable to crisis management. Remember, when implementing dietary changes, take it slowly, pay attention to how your body responds and, if possible, consult a health practitioner. By giving up the Standard American Diet, and supplementing your new multiple vitamin and mineral regimen with individualized care that factors in age, gender, weight, and your unique health conditions, you may end up feeling better than you ever have in your life...for the rest of your life! 11 Ways to Beat Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency 1. If you cannot get fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, opt for frozen over canned. 2. Avoid processed foods, fake foods, and junk foods. 3. Always eat real food, and never buy anything that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil – i.e. never eat anything containing trans fats. 4. Read the label. If you don't know what a word means, or cannot pronounce it, don't eat it! Opt instead for something real. 5. Don't buy products with a long shelf life – the better they do on the shelf, the worse they are for you. 6. Never eat foods that have been enriched. They are completely devitalized during processing. 7. Avoid food that has been engineered. Nearly all processed food contains GMOs. 8. Some nutritionists recommend kelp tablets / granules, or using unrefined sea salt as an added mineral source. Ordinary table salt has been stripped of vital trace elements during refining. 9. A digestive aid or probiotic assists with nutrient absorption, increasing your nutrient intake. 10. Try an herbal colon cleanse. Cleansing can help you eliminate the toxic build up that occurs from years of eating processed foods. 11. A high quality, daily multiple vitamin / mineral supplement is essential. You can be assured – by starting with a multiple – that you're taking the right combination, which enables vitamins and minerals to work synergistically in your metabolic and enzymatic systems.
  • 9. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 9 Restoring Digestive Wellness The most pressing question people have about bowel movements is, "Am I officially "constipated" and how do I know what's normal?" Bowel movements and constipation are not exactly water-cooler conversation, so most people don't know if their situation is classified as "constipation", or how many bowel movements they ought to be having each day. No one really likes to think or talk about what's coming out of their rear end (well, almost no one over the age of twelve), but how often you go can have a dramatic effect on your health. Whenever the subject comes around to constipation, people invariably ask how often they should be having a bowel movement. Some people have three or more bowel movements a day, while others only have one a week (you are definitely constipated!). On the one hand, someone who has a bowel movement every few days may feel constipated if they haven't had a movement in a week. On the other hand, there are people who believe they are constipated if they don't go every day. The medical community is no help either. Depending on the source, they suggest that fewer than three bowel movements per week qualifies as constipation, or that someone is constipated if their stool is hard and/or difficult to pass. So is normal once a day or three times a week?
  • 10. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 10 Restoring Digestive Wellness To get an idea of what is normal or "not constipation", we can turn to three teachers. Most animals will have a bowel movement soon after they eat a major meal. You can train a puppy to go outside by keeping them in a tight enclosure for half an hour after they eat, and then take them outside. Birds are famous for going while they are eating. Likewise, cats, dogs, goldfish, horses, and other animals all go shortly after they have eaten. Domestic animals suffer more constipation than wild animals because of the foods we feed them. Small children also follow this pattern and can help us to determine what is normal. Breast- fed infants, especially, have a bowel movement with every large feeding. Parents can often time when their toddlers will go to the bathroom. They know that shortly after breakfast or lunch, their children will be headed to the bathroom, especially if they are running around and active. Much fewer children suffer with constipation than adults. Another method we can use to uncover what is normal is to look at people who live in non-western cultures, and who eat a diet that is tied to their
  • 11. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 11 Restoring Digestive Wellness environment. Scientists who study these people note that they typically have two to three bowel movements a day, and the movements are usually much heavier than the stool of someone who eats a typical Western diet. People in these cultures would scratch their heads at the concept of constipation. It just doesn't make sense to them. Non-western people don't have large stacks of reading material next to where they go to the bathroom because they don't sit and wait for a movement to just happens. Taking our cue from these teachers, we find that a natural number of bowel movements is probably between two and three a day – one for each major meal of the day. For health reasons, it is good to have at least one bowel movement a day...if you are having less than you could be classified as suffering with constipation. Some four million Americans experience constipation on a regular basis; more than half that number will visit a doctor each year with constipation as a major complaint. Constipation tends to happen more often in the elderly and in pregnant women, but it can strike people of all ages. At last count, Americans were spending over $700 million dollars a year on laxatives! The first major reason for so much constipation in the United States is that we are trained not to go to the bathroom when we have the urge. Remember when you were young and in school? You couldn't get up and go to the bathroom any time you wanted to. After you ate lunch and were sitting in class, you'd get the signal from your body that it was time to go. But did you go? No, you sat there and ignored what your body was telling you. It is rare for an animal to hold onto their stool for very long. We have muscles and the ability to hold on to our stool, but in the wild world, this is a
  • 12. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 12 Restoring Digestive Wellness rare occurrence. Most animals and babies go when they have to go. We, however, are taught to hold it until the time is right. The problem with this type of training is that the body eventually gets the message; it will stop telling you that it is time to go to the bathroom. The muscles that hold back stool also become stronger and better at keeping stool from coming out. It becomes a vicious cycle. Another reason for the epidemic number of people who are constipated in the United States is the Standard American Diet. The stool of people living in native cultures is full of fiber. This means that the bowel movements they have are larger and bulkier. A larger stool is easier to pass. Much of the food we eat in the United States is made from ground up seeds such as bread, cereals, cake, and other foods made from flours. Eating grains is fine, but it is much healthier to eat them in whole form – the way most people eat rice. The difference is that eating grains that have been ground makes for stool that is hard and compacted. Imagine dirt or soil. If there is a high proportion of organic material called humus or fiber in the soil, it is light and airy; if there is no organic material, we call it clay. Your bowel movements are the same; they can either be light and bulky or clay-like, depending on what you are eating. Another reason for all the constipation in the United States is that most people in our culture don't take care of their bowels by giving them a rest (more on this later). The medical community denies that there is anything really wrong with having a bowel movement every few days. I disagree.
  • 13. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 13 Restoring Digestive Wellness The problems with constipation are many. The cells that make up the walls of the large intestine (the colon) are very tough, but even they can't handle constant abuse. Stool contains many waste products and these can affect the colon's cells. Does cancer arise from this long-term contact between stool and the colon's cells? No one can say for sure, but it certainly doesn't help to foster good health. Are you at a higher risk for colon cancer if you are constipated? The answer is yes. You are two to three times more likely to develop colon cancer if you are experiencing constipation enough to warrant using laxatives. This risk is higher for women than men and higher in black women than other women. Other diseases are also more likely if you are constantly constipated including hemorrhoids, which can be caused by straining during a bowel movement. Anal fissures are caused when a hard stool actually rips the tissue on the inside of the anus. Severe complications from constipation include rectal prolapse where the intestinal lining is pushed from the anal opening. Diverticulitis, an out- pouching of the lining of the colon, is complicated or created by constipation. Fecal impaction is a potentially harmful condition where the stool becomes so stuck that it has to be removed manually. While appendicitis is thought to arise from infection, the incidence is higher in people who are constantly constipated. In fact, the amount of fiber in a child's diet is directly related to the chances of getting appendicitis. Clearly, being constipated is no fun for anyone, and it's a condition that can have long-lasting effects on your health. Be aware that many drugs and some diseases can cause you to become constipated. Even if your constipation is caused by drugs or a disease, you can find relief by following this action plan, but be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any plan.
  • 14. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 14 Restoring Digestive Wellness Okay, fiber is boring. It isn't flashy like some other supplements that you can take, but it is essential for your health. Not only will fiber add bulk to your diet, which can reduce constipation, but fiber also plays many other roles in the body. Fiber is what helps to ensure that many toxins leave your body. Fiber has a way of grabbing on to other molecules. When your body wants to get rid of something, it sends it down your intestines. If there is enough fiber, that molecule is taken out of the body. If there is not enough fiber, that molecule is often reabsorbed. Fiber also provides a food source to the bacteria in your gut. The bacteria munch the fiber and we enjoy the benefits of the vitamins and nutrients that are extracted. High fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, and grains. Remember, consider eating grains in their whole form and not always ground up as flour. A fiber supplement is also a great addition to your health plan. Try mixing it in a smoothie or your orange juice every morning. How many times have you heard that you should drink eight glasses of water a day? Yes, water is important. What most people don't realize is that water is vital to consistent bowel movements. The more water you have in your body, the easier it is to have a bowel movement. If you aren't drinking enough water then, the body takes water from your stool, which results in dry, hard bowel movements.
  • 15. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 15 Restoring Digestive Wellness How do you know you are getting enough water? Look to your urine. If your urine is bright yellow, then you are not drinking enough water. You want your urine to be close to water-color. Remember that certain vitamins will turn your urine bright yellow, so this color-test may not always work. Remember that you have trained your brain not to remind you that you need to go to the bathroom! Well, you can re-train your brain by sitting on the toilet half an hour after eating. While you may feel silly sitting there, this kind of training can really work. Take a book or some other reading material and spend about five to ten minutes just sitting on the toilet after your meal. We eat food every day. While that may sound normal, it is not. Every wild animal on the earth experiences days when they don't have food. While this thought may strike horror into your heart, it is actually healthy to take a break; especially for your colon. The best way to experience this kind of break (and still eat) is to cleanse your colon. A colon cleanse is rejuvenating and can put your colon back into shape. Many people who use colon cleansing report that their constipation is gone after a good cleanse. In fact, when constipation returns it is often a signal from your body that it is time to cleanse your colon.
  • 16. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 16 Restoring Digestive Wellness Taking a walk is a great way to stimulate a bowel movement. Any kind of exercise will work, but the best are walking and running. You can't lose with exercise, there are so many additional benefits that everyone should exercise as much as they can. Being constipated is no way to go through life. It is uncomfortable, inconvenient, and unhealthy. Constipation is a discomfort that no one should have; it is a completely treatable condition. The solution is not that hard. You need to take care of your gut like you take care of the rest of your body. A colon cleanse a few times a year, adding fiber to your diet, and getting enough exercise and water can break the cycle of having infrequent bowel movements. The investment you make in taking care of your colon can have long-term payoffs in improved health and a more comfortable life.
  • 17. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 17 Restoring Digestive Wellness Almost everyone has parasites. It's simply a fact of life. Even Dr. Oz says: "90% of humans will have a problem with parasites in their lifetime." Parasites are not just something that other people get – a malady reserved for citizens of developing countries. Everywhere we go, during just about everything we do, North Americans are vulnerable to parasitic infestation. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies parasites as among the six most dangerous diseases that infect humans. Parasites outrank cancer as the number one global killer, and account for many of the digestive woes from which people suffer. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) estimates that over sixty million people in the United States are likely infected with Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite associated with raw meat and contact with cat feces. A report on food borne parasites prepared for the Food Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin– Madison cited an estimated two and a half million cases of food and waterborne Giardia lamblia and three million cases of Cryptosporidium parvum in the U.S. alone. Both protozoan parasites are transmitted through drinking water contaminated with the fecal material of infected persons. And while only a minimal number of cases are detected and reported, some estimate that approximately fifty million American children are infected with worm parasites.
  • 18. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 18 Restoring Digestive Wellness 13 Symptoms of a Parasitic Infestation Sometimes you can be infected without having symptoms; however, there are often signs, including: 1. Allergies to many different types of foods 2. Anemia (low red blood count) 3. Bloating/abdominal swelling 4. Bloody stools 5. Bouts of diarrhea and inconsistent bowel habits 6. Flu-like symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and fever 7. Foul-smelling stools that get worse in the afternoon and evening 8. Fever 9. Gas and cramping 10. Itching around the anus, especially at night. 11. Nausea 12. Vomiting 13. Weight loss with a ravenous appetite Your intestines provide the perfect breeding ground for parasites, who enjoy making their homes nestled within impacted waste as well as in the linings of colon walls. Living inside our intestines, these microorganisms gain the upper hand by virtue of their sheer numbers – both in kind and in population. They thrive because of the unique ways in which they have adapted their life cycles in order to ensure the perpetuation of their species within their unsuspecting hosts: us. The three major groups of parasites include protozoans (single-celled organisms), nematodes (roundworms), and cestodes (tapeworms). There are numerous parasites common to North America ranging from microscopic protozoans and Cyclospora cayetanensis – sometimes called the yuppie disease because of outbreaks in the United States resulting from fecally- contaminated imported raspberries – to macroscopic multi-cellular worms and nematodes such as hookworm, pinworm, and whipworm. Parasites range from the stuff of late night horror shows – measuring in at several feet in length – to those that are invisible to the
  • 19. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 19 Restoring Digestive Wellness Dr. Oz appeared on the Oprah Show, prompting her to say “If there's one thing Dr. Oz likes as much as talking about poop, it's props! This time he's brought along a real doozy.‘Wormzilla’ is a tapeworm—a type of parasite that can grow up to 30 feet long.” naked eye. And while they are fond of the colon, this is not the only place parasites can be found. Just about any part of your body is vulnerable to infestation: the lungs, liver, esophagus, brain, blood, muscles, joints, skin...and even your eyes! There are more than a hundred different types of parasites who enjoy living out their lives inside of human beings. In the United States alone, one-third of nearly six thousand fecal specimens tested came back positive for nineteen species of intestinal parasites at the Parasitology Center, Inc. (PCI) in Tempe, Arizona. Laboratory methods have progressed considerably in the last decade, and can provide various forms of parasitic testing supported by the CDC. Unfortunately, so far there is not one laboratory style of testing that covers all of the commonly known parasites. And while lab testing has come a long way, PCI is still the only laboratory in the United States specializing in parasitology testing. It's important to remember that tests aren't conclusive unless they are positive, which could require the taking of many different specimens, at least three of each kind: blood, serum stool, and urine. Testing can become a time-consuming venture as much repetition can be required, and with so many different types of parasites, test results can be vague, inconclusive, and expensive.
  • 20. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 20 Restoring Digestive Wellness Parasite Cleansing Case Studies Read what Puristat users are saying about their experiences with flushing out parasitic infestations through colon cleansings. "I saw something in my stool..." "I could not believe the things that came out of me, and how much energy I had when I had finished this program. I saw something alive in my stool, as well as a lot of deposits, and mucus stuff. I never dreamed such gross stuff was inside my body. Thank you, Puristat, for introducing me to this cleansing program." – Amanda C. "I saw worms in my..." "I am completely grossed out and disgusted with what just occurred, but so thankful it did. I just had a bowel movement, and looked into the toilet before flushing (why, I don't know). I saw worm-like things in my stool. I was so freaked I flushed immediately before I really got a good look. The experience actually made me almost throw up, but I am glad your program is helping me to rid my body of whatever is in there. Yuck!" – Melanie B. "I passed worms..." "I passed three worms in the first three days with your program. I can't believe what is coming out of me! I feel great, and have more energy than I have had in a long time; I feel so much less bloated. My tummy looks flatter than before, too. I'm telling everyone about this product!" – Michelle W. "Some sort of bug..." "I had gone to Mexico and picked up some sort of bug, was very bloated, and had a lot of gas. I was quite uncomfortable. I purchased my first Puristat kit, and had great results and relief from my symptoms." "I have my second order coming and will be using it right away. Then I'll wait a while to do the cleanse again - but I will do it again! In the meantime I will be telling everyone about Puristat." – JN The Puristat Medical Team loves hearing the success that people are experiencing with our products. Of course, success stories reflect an individual's results. Results do vary and are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products. Our next success story could come from you!
  • 21. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 21 Restoring Digestive Wellness Accepting the fact that parasites are nearly unavoidable, as well as recognizing the kinds of environments parasites enjoy and how they are transmitted, is the key to ridding yourself of them, and preventing further infestations. First, it's important to flush out your gastrointestinal (GI) system; a clean, hydrated, and toned colon goes a long way toward discouraging parasites to make their home in your intestines, as well as works to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms you are experiencing while under attack by a parasitic infestation. Coping with parasites is best handled with a 4-Step Approach, which includes... Most everyone has parasites. They love life in the human colon because they thrive on human waste. So why not use common sense wisdom and clean up our colons regularly with colon cleanses and – by extension – take care of the rest of our bodies in the process? One of the most effective ways to begin ridding yourself of parasites is with a detoxification of your entire body, Step 1: Herbal Colon Cleansing Step 2: Increase Your Fiber Intake Step 3: Reverse Vitamin Deficiency Step 4: Know Sources - Preventing Re-infestation
  • 22. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 22 Restoring Digestive Wellness starting with your colon. Colonic irrigation and herbal cleansing can help to remove parasites, mucus, and toxins that have built up in your colon. By flushing out impacted waste, passing stool is easier, transit times are improved, the unlucky parasites will have less time to take their foothold, and there will be nothing left for them to feed on. This means your body will become an inhospitable host, reducing the likelihood of further parasitic infestation. Numerous societies around the globe use natural alternative medicines derived mainly from plants for treatment of common ailments. Herbs have been used for thousands of years because of their proven track record for successfully purging parasites from the body. They help to increase the wave-like motion in the colon that propels waste along, while at the same time toning colon muscles. Many herbs are more effective, and easier on the system, when used in conjunction with other herbs. A cleansing program that combines a variety of herbs in order to purge parasites from the body is preferable. Puristat's colon cleanse is comprised of 23 herbal ingredients including cascara sagrada, buckthorn bark, ginger root, cayenne pepper, psyllium husk, fennel seed, and rhubarb root – all highly effective for expelling parasites and their eggs. These herbs also have analgesic properties that can help relieve the inflammation, constipation, nausea, abdominal cramping, bloating, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach ache that often accompany an infestation. Removing impurities also goes a long way toward helping your body absorb nutrients, enhancing energy levels, and increasing regularity...all necessary aspects of getting back on track after a parasitic infestation. After cleansing your colon, it's important to restore certain bacteria to prevent unhealthy bacteria from inhabiting the area. Probiotics are the good bacteria your system needs in order to restore its healthy flora. It's recommended you begin a cleanse with considerably less than the suggested dosage if you're elderly. For example, one half to one tablet the
  • 23. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 23 Restoring Digestive Wellness first day, increasing daily until you regularly produce one to three bowel movements per day. The key to managing parasitic infestation is prevention; the sooner you make dietary changes that will help to keep you cleansed and clear of waste, the less opportunity there will be for parasites to settle into the impacted waste within your colon. Fiber helps keep your bowels regulated by increasing your transit time, which in turn keeps your colon clear of the waste build-up associated parasitic infestation. Increase your fiber intake by eating more fiber-rich foods, and make up for low-fiber days with a high-quality fiber supplement. A dietary supplement containing psyllium is one of several excellent ways to increase fiber, and it tends to produce less gas than some high-fiber foods. Learn about both traditional and more exotic foods that are filled with non- soluble and soluble fiber, as well as how to incorporate them into your diet. Print out our fiber chart so you'll know exactly how many grams of fiber per serving that various foods have to offer. Although in some countries people reportedly consume over seventy grams of fiber each day, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for fiber in the United States is twenty-five to thirty grams. An increase in fiber creates softer, bulkier stool, which moves more easily through your digestive system, flushing out parasites, mucus, and toxins on a daily basis.
  • 24. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 24 Restoring Digestive Wellness The result is a cleaned and toned colon, which makes for a less hospitable place for parasites to move in, and take over. Increased fiber intake is also linked to weight loss and many other health benefits. Parasites and vitamin deficiency go together like peanut butter and jelly. Not only can having parasites lead to a deficiency, if you're already vitamin-deficient, you will be vulnerable to a host of health problems including parasitic infestation. Parasites feed off human blood, extracting vital nutrients. And not only do they burrow in our intestinal walls, some parasites cause diarrhea, making it difficult for our bodies to absorb nutrients. It is a well-documented fact that parasites cause specific vitamin deficiencies. Diphyllobothrium latum for example – commonly referred to as fish or broad tapeworm – can deplete your body of half its vitamin B12, an essential resource for the proper functioning of your central nervous system, muscle coordination, and memory. Unfortunately, many of us are already vitamin deficient due to our Standard American Diet of processed, fake, and junk foods. Add to this the fact that modern food refining destroys and devitalizes much of the goodness in the foods we eat, and you've set yourself up for a potentially vicious cycle of infestation, deficiency, and re-infestation. At some point in their lives, everyone on the planet will require extra vitamins and minerals to compensate for deficiencies; if you've got parasites, the time to incorporate a multi-vitamin into your daily regimen is now!
  • 25. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 25 Restoring Digestive Wellness Advanced vitamin supplementation is the foundation of good health, and can work to help prevent parasitic infestations. With a strong multi-vitamin in your corner, your body will be able to recuperate from a parasitic attack, and build up its immune system to prevent future infestations. In order to avoid infestation, it is important to understand how parasites operate, and then take the necessary steps to avoid becoming an unwitting host to various parasites. It's a parasite's job to infest, and they have designed a variety of clever ways to invade their hosts – i.e. you. Some air-borne viruses, bacteria, and fungi can infect human beings if accidentally inhaled. In North America, Histoplasmosis, Valley fever, and Hanta virus are examples of parasitic diseases associated with bat dung (used in some fertilizers), dust, and rodent feces. Parasitic worms are readily transmitted from pets and other animals such as beef and swine tapeworms. Cat litter boxes may pose a threat of toxoplasmosis; the Toxoplasma gondii parasite is found in cat feces. Dogs carry Echinococcus, an intestinal tapeworm the eggs of which spread over a dog's fur via its anus. Unhealthy human contact with infected dogs, such as kissing, transports the eggs into the human intestine from where they can make their way to a host's brain and liver.
  • 26. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 26 Restoring Digestive Wellness Bloodsucking insects can transmit parasites through bites as they endeavor to feed on human blood. Insect-borne pathogens are not normally a danger to their natural hosts – a rodent for example – but can become extremely harmful in unnatural hosts such as human beings. Protozoa – such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia – are transmitted through drinking water that has been contaminated with fecal material from infected persons. They can be found in both running streams and the tap water in many large North American cities served by surface water treatment plants. Schistosomes such as the deadly Trematoda fluke, however, can only be transmitted through skin contact with contaminated water. One of the most common ways of contracting a parasitic infection is through food intake. Unless properly washed, vegetables grown on farms fertilized with infected human waste can transmit the eggs of various parasites. When swallowed with contaminated food, parasites can be infective. This can easily occur in household settings, or in restaurants where health inspections at even the most expensive world-class restaurants reveal that employees harbor fecal matter under their nails. Some parasites – the roundworm nematode, for example – spend their immature egg stage in warm, moist soil, just waiting for a new host to invade. Walking bare-footed or sitting on fecally-contaminated soil can be an invitation to the eggs of hookworms or strongyloides, who penetrate the exposed skin and migrate through the human body to the intestinal tract.
  • 27. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 27 Restoring Digestive Wellness 1. Expect to become infected by parasites. 2. Regular colon cleansings are a must since most water sources are located near human habitation, and are therefore likely infested with parasites. 3. Supplement your diet with fiber to improve transit times, and keep your colon cleansed of parasitic activity. 4. Supplement your diet with a high-grade multi-vitamin to ensure adequate vitamin, mineral, and nutrient intake, and to combat the resulting deficiency from parasitic infestation. 5. If you are prone to infestations, avoid known sources such as contact with rodent feces, cat litter boxes, and inappropriate contact with dogs. 6. Use caution when drinking and/or swimming in unfamiliar water sources. 7. Wear protective clothing when exposed to bloodsucking insects. 8. Wash all fruits and vegetables in clean water before eating to prevent roundworm and whipworm infection. Add a few ounces of over-the- counter hydrogen peroxide and/or mild soap to increase the parasite- killing activity of water. 9. Wear shoes or slippers to prevent hookworm infection. 10. Do not use water from septic tanks or other potentially contaminated sources for watering vegetables. 11. Contain all waste matter in an outdoor toilet or latrine rather than going as nature intended outdoors. Children are particularly susceptible to parasites, and often harbor the largest number of worms. Teach them proper hygiene, such as hand washing (including using a nail brush) after going to the toilet, playing outside, or before preparing or eating food.
  • 28. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 28 Restoring Digestive Wellness Most people imagine that their colon is tough; after all, think about what it deals with every day! But over time, as it ages, the colon has a harder time doing its job, and the entire digestive process can be thrown off by any number of little things. A colon cleanse allows your colon the chance to rebuild itself, and return to proper functioning. Many people are unaware of the fact that the colon was never designed to have food in it all the time. Think about it. All animals in the wild go through periods when they eat, and times when they don’t. These fasting periods allow their guts a break from having to deal with food, and the colon needs this break. A well-designed colon cleanse can mimic a fast without you ever having to stop eating! In addition, a colon cleanse helps to rejuvenate the entire digestive system. The end result is that your body works better and you feel great. Puristat's MILD, MODERATE and ADVANCED Colon Cleanse plans are made up of three components - Cleanse, Restore and Advanced Supplementation. The combination of herbal ingredients in Cleanse works to stimulate increased muscle activity in the colon. The increased muscle activity will not only help break up and remove impacted waste, it will also help tone your colon.
  • 29. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 29 Restoring Digestive Wellness 14 Ways To Know When it's Time for a Colon Cleanse You need a colon cleanse if you experience the following symptoms: 1. Fatigue 2. Constipation 3. Gas and bloating 4. Diarrhea 5. Frequent infections (colds, flus) 6. Skin problems (acne, eczema) 7. Depression 8. Irritability 9. Colitis 10. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) 11. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) 12. Parasites and Tapeworms 13. Allergies 14. Diverticulitis Using products with just the right combination of herbs is the secret to a successful colon cleanse program. For centuries, people around the globe have used a variety of herbal ingredients to assist their bodies in eliminating toxins, mucous, and parasites from the colon. Puristat's Colon Cleanse is comprised of twenty-three cleansing and detoxification herbs, all working together to gently expel waste, parasites, and toxins. The second component to Puristat’s Colon Cleanse is Restore. It is comprised of additional cleansing herbs, plus good bacteria, also known as lactobacillus acidophilus. It is vital to restore the good bacteria whenever you cleanse your system. The proper balance of acidophilus helps keep your immune system strong, reduces yeast overgrowth, and increases regularity. The third component, Advanced Supplementation is a digestive support regimen that contains digestive enzymes, probiotics, l-glutamine (for intestinal healing), vitamin D3 (for fostering nutrient absorption) and an advanced supply of the daily nutrients required for digestive and overall wellness. No colon cleanse program is complete without a digestive support supplement. Do you need a colon cleanse? The short answer is that everyone needs a colon cleanse at least once, if not several times a year. The longer you go without fasting or a colon cleanse, the worse your colon will become.
  • 30. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 30 Restoring Digestive Wellness Can a simple colon cleanse improve this many conditions? Yes! Your colon is the center of your health, so everything you eat comes in through your mouth and has to pass through the colon. If your digestive process is not working well, it has an impact on the entire body. If you want to discover your specific needs, turn to the Colon Health Assessment Test. It takes about two minutes to complete and will supply you with article recommendations - plus which colon cleanse program is right for you, all based upon your input. Does It Work? Ask These People! "Thirty pounds later...!" "I was shocked to see how small my stomach got; you could literally see the difference within just a few days. I knew I made the right choice. During the twelve months after using Puristat's Colon Cleanse I lost a total of thirty pounds." - Cassandra P. "Even beano didn't do the trick, then I tried a colon cleanse" "It's a bit embarrassing to talk about, but...I had a severe problem with flatulence. It was very bad-smelling, like sulfur. I did one Puristat colon cleanse for two weeks and it really helped, so I called Puristat to ask when the next shipment would be coming...and I did another colon cleanse, which also helped. I will be using the colon cleanse once a month from now on!" ~ Grace M. "...always sluggish" "I was always sluggish and constipated and I didn't feel right. No matter what I did, nothing changed. I didn't feel good physically, mentally, or emotionally. I was in the market for something that would help and Puristat's Colon Cleanse did it!" – Marge M. "Constipation, diarrhea, indigestion..." "I experienced constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, and cramps. Over the last 5-10 years I've tried about 10-15 different vitamin combinations and over-the-counter remedies. None of them worked...then I tried Puristat's Colon Cleanse. If your suffer as I did, try Puristat's Colon Cleanse, it really does work!" - Michael T. "...throw away the laxatives!" "I was constipated, boated, and I had back pain. It affected my house, my kids, my husband, and my job. Three days after taking Puristat's Colon Cleanse, I felt better and was going to the bathroom like I was supposed to. With the Colon Cleanse, you can throw away the laxatives. I believe in this product!" – Jodie D. The Puristat Medical Team loves hearing the success that people are experiencing with our products. Of course, success stories reflect an individual's results. Results do vary and are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products. Our next success story could come from you!
  • 31. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 31 Restoring Digestive Wellness We offer multiple colon cleanse programs based upon your needs. The shortest plan, the 7-day colon cleanse kit is stronger than most 30-day programs. In other words, you get more with our 7-day colon cleanse- detoxification kit than you get with most competitors’ products in thirty days. While Puristat’s program is powerful, this does not mean that it is uncomfortable. The Puristat Colon Cleanse has been specially formulated to not cause cramping or quick trips to the bathroom. It simply means larger more productive bowel movements more often. Is it difficult? This is the most common question we get asked. The answer is no. Most people go through the colon cleanse without any problems, continuing along with their normal lives throughout the process. The only difference is that they feel great. If you are new to colon cleansing, you may be surprised by how good you will begin to feel once you have started our colon cleanse program. If you have tried other colon cleanse programs, you will be delighted by how wonderfully our program works. You can expect to feel great, have more regular bowel movements, sleep better, have more energy, and even to smell and taste better. It is truly remarkable what a good colon cleanse can do for your health.
  • 32. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 32 Restoring Digestive Wellness At Puristat, we firmly believe in promoting healing from the inside out, and offer numerous products to assist in alleviating digestive ailments, and promote long-term, optimum health. Whether you're trying to improve your overall health; struggle with fatigue or PMS; battling weight gain; trying to relieve constipation, bloating, and gas; hoping to ease indigestion, rid your body of toxins and parasites, or relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diverticulitis, a colon cleanse is the place to start. Colon cleansing gently encourages your system to rid itself of accumulated toxins, waste, and parasites, while at the same time helping to tone the colon. It promotes healing within intestines that have been damaged by constipation; a colon cleanse can help prime your intestines to better absorb essential vitamins and minerals. You'll improve your transit time, too, speeding up the elimination process, and rejuvenating your energy levels. Colon cleansing benefits your whole body, and ought to be part of every digestive health regimen! But is doesn’t stop there...other Colon Cleanse benefits include: ● Weight Loss: Can you lose weight on a colon cleanse? Yes. Many people do lose weight during their colon cleanse. By following the plan, many people naturally lose shed weight. ● Constipation: A great benefit of a colon cleanse is that it often marks the end of constipation. In addition to the discomfort people experience, having infrequent bowel movements is tied to a number of diseases including colon cancer, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis. A colon cleanse can rejuvenate your bowels and increase the number of healthy bowel movements. ● Parasites: Having parasites is much more common than many people realize. The herbs in our colon cleanse are designed to kill and remove parasites from the digestive tract. ● Fatigue: One of the most common complaints heard in doctors’ offices is how tired people are. If you have been feeling fatigued lately, then a colon cleanse is the perfect way to restore the vital energy you are lacking. ● Gas and Bloating: You never really notice how much gas and bloating you have until you don’t have it anymore. A colon cleanse rebalances gut bacteria, and improves digestion. This powerful combination reduces gas and bloating. ● Acne: While doctors will tell people that acne has nothing to do with the food you eat or how healthy your colon is, we know differently. Acne tends to clear after a colon cleanse.
  • 33. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 33 Restoring Digestive Wellness A liver cleanse helps ensure your liver functions in tip-top condition. A liver cleanse helps cleanse and detoxify your liver and it is one of the most powerful procedures you can do to enhance your body's performance. It can significantly improve digestion, enzyme levels, a fatty liver, cirrhosis and energy, which is the basis of your health. A sluggish liver can lead to serious fatigue, weight gain, water retention, and a host of other health woes. A liver cleansing can help with regularity, bloating and flatulence, diet, and save you thousands of dollars and months of pain by facilitating the avoidance of needless surgery for gallstones. Forget about gallstones and surgery! "Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body's health," says Dr. Hulda Clark, author of The Cure of All Diseases. Liver cleansing diets and liver support supplements can help you avoid possible subsequent complications from liver diseases, and the development of other afflictions related to an unhealthy liver. Before you consider maximizing your liver function, be sure to cleanse your colon first. Why? A major function of the liver is to clean
  • 34. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 34 Restoring Digestive Wellness your blood, and the best way to make it as easy as possible for the liver to do this is to cleanse the colon first, so the blood that comes to your liver is as toxin-free as possible. If your colon is obstructed with years of accumulated debris, the massive amounts of toxins to be eliminated from a liver cleansing cannot easily be evacuated from your body if your colon is blocked. Therefore, it is imperative to cleanse the colon before beginning your liver cleanse. The liver is a complex, unique organ serving many functions crucial to sustaining life. From circulation to digestion, it is constantly processing blood for use by the rest of the body. Weighing three to four pounds, the liver is the largest internal organ in the human body. It is glossy in appearance, and dark red in color from the rich supply of blood flowing through it. Sometimes called The Great Chemical Factory, your liver neutralizes harmful toxins and wastes, stores glycogen (a blood-sugar regulator), amino acids, protein, and fat. In today's world, our liver – all of our organs, in fact – are at great risk of contamination from environmental toxins and over-processed foods infused with many unnatural chemicals. If your liver is not functioning well, a hazardous buildup of toxins may occur. The liver performs many important functions to keep us healthy. It removes harmful material from the blood; it makes enzymes and bile that help digest food; and it converts food into substances needed for life and growth. From its sheltered position in the abdominal cavity, the liver filters blood and performs many functions vital to health. Our bodies depend on the liver to regulate, synthesize, store, and secrete important proteins and nutrients.
  • 35. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 35 Restoring Digestive Wellness The liver is the most resilient body organ. It is capable of regenerating itself, and is able to recreate lost tissue in order to help maintain its essential functions, even in the face of moderate damage. When part of the liver is removed, a healthy organ may grow back to its original size. But its capacity to repair itself can be exceeded by repeated or extensive damage. Keeping your liver as healthy and cleansed as possible with a liver cleanse supplement or liver cleanse diet, offers many health advantages. In our industrialized developed world, we are immersed in a sea of toxic chemicals. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that half-a-million chemicals are in use today, and over five Top Liver Functions - Over 500 Including: 1. Filtering blood 2. Purifying and clearing waste products, toxins, and drugs 3. Regulating and secreting substances important in maintaining your body's functions and health 4. Storing important nutrients (such as glycogen glucose), vitamins, and minerals 5. Metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates 6. Creating bile 7. Metabolizing hormones, internally-produced wastes, and foreign chemicals 8. Forming urea 9. Assimilating and storing fat-soluble vitamins 10. Synthesizing blood proteins
  • 36. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 36 Restoring Digestive Wellness 21 Signs You Need A Liver Cleanse: 1. Alcoholic Liver Disease 2. Allergies 3. Bloating, Gas, Flatulence 4. Chemical Sensitivities 5. Cirrhosis of the Liver 6. Constipation 7. Elevated Liver Enzymes 8. Fatigue 9. Fatty Liver Disease 10. Fibrosis of the Liver 11. Gallstones 12. Gilbert's Syndrome 13. Hemochromatosis 14. Hepatitis C 15. Jaundice 16. Low Metabolism 17. Menopausal Digestive Issues 18. Obesity 19. PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) 20. Poor Digestion 21. Wilson's Disease thousand new chemicals are introduced yearly. Some researchers believe up to twenty-five percent of these may be carcinogenic. This is why it is crucial to employ a liver cleanse supplement and/or diet to cleanse your liver of the toxic waste of twenty-first century living. Dr. Hulda Clark, PhD, ND, in her groundbreaking bestseller, The Cure of All Diseases, dramatically describes the gallstones and cholesterol that can choke the liver biliary tubing in many people, including our children. "Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise." "Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses, and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way, nests of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver." If your liver becomes overworked, it can become congested. Toxic compounds and impurities may get trapped in deposits of hardened bile. Pollutants may not be flushed out of the body, and can back up in your blood stream. A sluggish liver can lead to serious fatigue, weight gain, water retention, and a host of other health woes. Detoxification that targets the liver can help remove these unwanted poisons and enable it to function properly. A
  • 37. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 37 Restoring Digestive Wellness healthy liver will increase your energy, improve metabolism, and help you burn excess fat. If possible, do not take any pharmaceuticals during your liver flush. If you are under a physician's care, consult with him or her prior to your cleanse, and follow your doctor's instructions concerning your medications. Testimonials from those happy with their liver cleansing results include: Eliminated Gallstones the Size of Grapes A patient described the unhappy situation of having his liver full of gallstones, a digestive system working inefficiently, and kidneys that were full of toxins and stones. All of this was affecting his adrenal glands, resulting in low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, and fatigue. After liver cleansing and avoiding too much fatty food early in the day, he was able to work again without feeling exhausted. Shed Sixty-one Pounds After suffering from intermittent stomach problems—bloating, painful cramps, food intolerance, constipation, fluid retention, etc., a liver cleanser elatedly reported she had shed 61 pounds, lost an incredible amount of fluid, and gained significant energy. Young Girl's Energy Restored A thrilled mother shared that her daughter's health, after a liver cleanse, had dramatically improved; her stomach pains were gone, her energy levels were soaring, and her waist measurement had decreased by five inches as a result of losing over fourteen pounds without dieting or exercising: "I was amazed and relieved to see my fifteen-year-old daughter's health improve in such a short time." The Puristat Medical Team loves hearing the success that people are experiencing with our products. Of course, success stories reflect an individual's results. Results do vary and are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products. Our next success story could come from you!
  • 38. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 38 Restoring Digestive Wellness Remember, when you are detoxifying your liver, you will not receive full benefit from any medication because they may be flushed out with the cleanse, reducing their effectiveness. After you have completed a liver cleanse, it is important to cleanse the colon again. Some of the toxins and waste products removed, including drug residues from pharmaceutical products you have taken over the years, will move through the colon. If it is not re-cleansed, the colon can reabsorb these compounds, and re-toxify your blood and body. The Puristat Colon & Liver Cleanse is designed to first cleanse the colon, then the liver and then a final colon cleanse is completed. Liver cleansing offers an inexpensive and easy way to detoxify, protect, and rejuvenate one of your most important organs and the many body functions it supports. When your liver functions at its best, it has the marvelous ability to recover and regenerate; all it needs from you is a liver cleanse to help to jump-start the miracle. When you should NOT liver cleanse: ● If constipated - consider doing a colon cleanse first ● When ill ● During pregnancy or lactation ● Keep away from young children If you have a medical concern, consult with your healthcare professional.
  • 39. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 39 Restoring Digestive Wellness Remember those days when you could eat anything and it didn't matter? You could stuff anything closely resembling food in your face and never think about it again. For most of us, who are middle-aged, or for women fast approaching menopause, those days are gone forever. Today, this kind of eating is likely to send a friendly "reminder" wafting into the air a few hours later. Occasional bloating, flatulence, gassiness, and indigestion can be uncomfortable - both for you and for others in the room - and if it is happening a lot, it may just be a sign from your body that something needs to change. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at digestion, and this poor digestion leads to an increase in bloating, gassiness and flatulence. For example, the slowdown of the gastrointestinal tract's processes as a woman ages can sometimes result in menopausal indigestion. There are many other reasons for becoming gassy and bloated such as eating foods that cause gassiness and bloating, not properly combining foods, or gulping air while you're eating, but the vast majority of gas is produced by bacteria in your gut. The whole story of what's going on is a combination of loss of digestive powers, the bacteria in your gut, and the types of foods you decide to put into your mouth. While it might feel that these changes have occurred
  • 40. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 40 Restoring Digestive Wellness quickly, in most people they have happened slowly over time as their body changes and ages. Most people have heard of lactose intolerance, but what is it, exactly? Lactose is the sugar found in milk. People with lactose intolerance don't have the ability to digest the sugar in milk. All babies have the enzyme necessary to digest milk sugar (lactase). Humans can digest lactose when they're young, but many lose this ability as they age. This makes sense: all mammals drink milk from their mother, but then stop as they grow older. Humans are the only ones who try to break this rule. As an adult, if you don't have the lactase enzyme and you drink milk or eat milk products, then the sugar from the milk passes through the stomach and small intestine undigested. While you wouldn't normally think undigested sugar is a big deal, it is. According to research, the number of people who have lactose intolerance varies by ethnicity. In general, about half the population of the United States are considered lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is highest among Asians (almost 100%) and Blacks (around 80%); at the other end of the spectrum are Scandinavians; as little as 2% are lactose intolerant.
  • 41. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 41 Restoring Digestive Wellness Undigested sugars are a boon for the bacteria that live in your gut. Your gut is full of bacteria. The number of bacteria in your gut outnumbers the number of cells in your entire body. There are literally billions of both good and bad bacteria in your gut. In a healthy person, the good and the bad bacteria achieve a balance where there are not too many of the good guys or the bad guys. For the peri-menopausal and menopausal woman, good bacteria are essential to feeling well. They metabolize and recycle hormones such as estrogen, phytoestrogens, and thyroid. This process fosters hormonal balance, and helps to minimize menopausal symptoms. When undigested lactose sugar comes down the intestines, bacteria gobble up the sugars. To the bacteria, it is time to party. When food sources (mostly sugars) are plentiful for bacteria, they do what bacteria do best: grow and multiply. When bacteria start multiplying rapidly, they produce gas. Undigested lactose sugar equals gas production and more bloating. Bacteria can also produce toxins as they grow and multiply, which can be harmful to the lining of the gut. This can cause diarrhea. By now you have probably realized that not just lactose, but other sugars can cause the same problem. Any sugar that you don't digest will become a meal for the bacteria in your gut, and any meal for bacteria means an increase in gas production and toxins. The smell is another story. Not all bacteria that create gas produce a smelly gas. The main villains - as far as smell goes – are the bacteria that produce gases containing sulfur and methane. There is some evidence that it's the
  • 42. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 42 Restoring Digestive Wellness harmful bacteria that produce odd smells, but this is not entirely understood. Don't get the wrong idea about the bacteria in your gut. They're vital to your health and perform many functions such as breaking down complex carbohydrates (fibers), and providing us with vitamins and other nutrients. It's just bad when you start over-feeding the bacteria with sugars and they produce excess gas. There is a relationship between digestive ability and the bacteria in your gut. When we were younger, our digestive powers were at their height, but they decline as we age. With many more of the sugars that in our youth would normally be digested and absorbed now passing through the gut undigested, gas-producing bacteria have lots to feed on. Poor digestion, along with food and drug choices, can change where the bacteria in the gut are located. Once again, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but where bacteria are located in your gut can have long-lasting effects on your health and the amount of "room-clearing" gas that exits from your body. Medical books would have you believe that the majority of bacteria in your gut are found in your colon. In healthy people, this is true. If you don't remember your high school anatomy lessons, the colon makes up the last four to six feet or so of your intestines. In between the colon and the stomach are around 24 feet of small intestine. The small intestines are not supposed to have many bacteria in them, but in modern people, they do. There is a medically recognized syndrome called small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome, where the small intestines become overgrown with large amounts of bacteria. This syndrome is much more common than
  • 43. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 43 Restoring Digestive Wellness many doctors realize. Bacteria are not dumb - they are going to go and grow where the food is. If there are large amounts of sugars to be found high in the digestive tract, that is where the bacteria are going to go. Stress, a carbohydrate-rich (sugar) diet, and poor digestion – in addition to the use of antibiotics that can kill off many of the good bacteria – can all contribute to bacteria relocating to the small intestine. Most of the absorption of nutrients and vitamins occurs high in the gut. Having bacteria high in the guts means that bacteria are now in competition for our nutrients. If bacteria are creating toxins and irritating the gut lining, then there is the potential for malabsorption syndromes such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Yes, there are foods that tend to create bloating and flatulence; some of these are famous for doing so such as beans, cabbage, and others. These foods typically contain a difficult to digest fiber that is perfect food for bacteria. Other foods that create bloating and flatulence are those that contain a large amount of sugar. Traditional Gas-producing Foods ● Vegetables: peas, cabbage, onions, broccoli, radishes, and cauliflower ● Fruits: apples, prunes, bananas, and dried fruit ● Fiber: oatmeal and other grains ● Sugar: any large amount of sugar, especially those contained in soda
  • 44. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 44 Restoring Digestive Wellness You can try to avoid the foods that cause gas, but these foods are some of the best foods you can put in your body. Broccoli alone is the subject of over two hundred studies, and is prized for its ability to prevent a wide number of cancers, to act as an antioxidant, and numerous other health benefits. Likewise, cabbage, onions, and oatmeal are full of great nutrients that your body needs. The best way to avoid bloating and flatulence is to take an integrated approach. First, realize that digestion begins in the mouth. There are digestive enzymes that are released in your mouth as you chew. One of the easiest tricks to chewing your food well is to take Embarrassing Marriage Moments! "Lately, I have had embarrassing moments with gas and bloating. I feel a lot better now thanks to Puristat, and I have more energy. Intimacy has also improved in my marriage because I am less embarrassed about passing gas during lovemaking." ~ Angela in California "Gas...I Could Not Control It!" "The biggest side issue for me was always gas, I could not control it and it was often very embarrassing and uncomfortable. Since trying Puristat I have felt much better and the discomfort has gone away completely. Thanks Puristat!" ~ Linda in MA
  • 45. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 45 Restoring Digestive Wellness your fork and put food in your mouth - then set the fork down on the table until you are done chewing. Most people are picking up their next bite as they are chewing; this creates urgency where you are trying to get the food out of your mouth because the next bite is waiting on the fork. Stop, put your fork down, finish the bite in your mouth, and pick up the fork again. If you haven't heard the news about how bad soda is yet, then let us tell you: stop drinking soda. According to a recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, soda is the major source of calories in the United States. Soda creates many problems for people who want to be healthy and overwhelms even the best digestive capacities. Drinking soda feeds gas-producing bacteria. Other simple sugars should be eaten in moderation, or if you are really brave, not at all. You should periodically undergo a colon cleanse. A one- or three- week program helps to rebalance the good and bad bacteria in your body, and also helps to push the bacteria back into the colon where it belongs. A simple colon cleanse can do wonders for reducing bloating and flatulence; returning the colon to a healthier state means that it no longer takes days for food to pass through the colon. A shorter transit time means that there is less time for bacteria to produce gas. Next, you should give your gut a hand and take a digestive enzyme supplement. Taken with to meals, digestive enzymes will help support your digestive system and relieve bloating, flatulence and discomfort. The enzymes will break down the
  • 46. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 46 Restoring Digestive Wellness sugars that you're eating, leaving little left over for the bacteria. Lastly, you should give your gut and entire body a hand by taking a daily digestive wellness supplement. There is no other single thing you can do to improve your digestive and overall health than support your digestive system on a daily basis. Vitamin dosages are critical in today's world since it's literally impossible to get the daily nutrients we need from the over processed food we eat every day. Many people find supplementing their diets with a strong digestive support vitamin provides them with the extra energy and mental clarity they need to achieve personal and professional goals. Since struggling with your health on a daily basis drains your energy, these success stories make a lot of sense! And Puristat's 35 Billion Probiotics will help balance the good and bad bacteria in your gut. It's no fun being the negative center of attention, especially when it's people's noses that point you out. The great news about gassiness, bloating, and flatulence is that it's easy to make it go away. It takes a little effort on your part, but most people who implement a healthy digestive program are amazed at how good they feel, and are delighted by the loss of bloating and flatulence.
  • 47. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 47 Restoring Digestive Wellness Every organ, gland and cell is in our bodies are affected by the condition and maintenance of our digestive system, especially our colon and liver. Our bodies are not built to continually eliminate ever- increasing amounts of toxins. If they were, we'd all be disease free and energetic! Dramatic transformations start with education. From there, the path often leads towards colon cleanses, liver cleanses and an overall digestive health wellness plan. Since 2001, has provided cutting-edge digestive health guidance, breaking news and remedies to address all varieties of digestive illness. We will help you make lifestyle changes that keep you on the path to better digestive health and happiness. Simply by receiving this book, you’ve shown you take charge of your own health. Now, keep the momentum going as you proceed through the next four steps towards finally achieving better health, and the abundant happiness that comes with it! is your ultimate guide to reliable health information on digestive wellness topics. Every article on is researched and reviewed by industry professionals. Additional articles are published monthly. Visit our library here.
  • 48. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 48 Restoring Digestive Wellness Digestive health is an important element in overall health and wellness. The gut is a part of every person’s body, and how well it functions can determine how long and well you live. Caring for your digestive system is akin to caring for your entire body, what you do to and for your digestive system affects your entire being. Below is a sample of the test.
  • 49. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 49 Restoring Digestive Wellness By taking the DigestiveHealth® Test you will: 1. Have a better understanding of your overall health, lifestyle, diet and bowel habits. 2. Rate your overall digestive health and compare your score to others taking the test. 3. Learn of some of the most common digestive health related conditions. 4. Use the report at the end of the test to review articles, products and success stories to help with your condition(s). Take the DigestiveHealth® Test here. Sign up for our newsletter, and you'll receive the latest information on Digestive Wellness, filled with interesting, educational, and motivational news, delicious recipes, and valuable discounts. Past newsletter topics include:  Eliminate Almost All Constipation, Bloating & Fatigue In Less Than 6 Days  How to Lose 10 lbs. in 7 Days, Without Starving Yourself!  The Latest Science on Intestinal Parasites, and How to Avoid Them  Special Promotions for Newsletter Subscribers People often come to us feeling less than well, and not realizing why. When they learn the important role digestive health plays in their overall wellbeing, they're amazed at how good they can start feeling! If you know anyone who isn't at their optimal level of health, do them a favor and let them know that proper digestive health is essential to vibrant overall wellbeing. We are happy to spend a few minutes on the phone advising them on this, free of charge, if the call comes through you. The Puristat Digestive Wellness Newsletter is published twice a month. We will never share, sell, or otherwise compromise your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time. Sign up for our Newsletter here.
  • 50. P u r i s t a t D i g e s t i v e W e l l n e s s Page 50 Restoring Digestive Wellness Are we passionate about the benefits of cleansing the colon and liver? The hundreds of testimonials we’ve received prove to us it works. Congratulations! You now realize the health benefits of a properly functioning digestive system as well. By cleansing the colon and the liver consecutively, you'll focus on the top two filtration organs of the body. Effectively cleanse both the colon & liver of built up toxins. The combination of therapeutic ingredients help relieve poor digestion, including gas, bloating, and constipation while at the same time promoting healthy liver function. Also included in our program is Advanced Supplementation - supplying specific nutrients like Omega-3 oils, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and other digestive essentials critical to getting the best results from your cleanse. We’ll support you every step of the way. All programs include our 45-Day 100% full product price refund, no questions asked, dietary directions, Dietary Fiber Chart, and unlimited Digestive Specialist support. Give us the opportunity to improve your digestive health. Together, we’ll help you live the vibrant, happy life you deserve! Shop our programs here.