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the builder’s source 
ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 
The Water Issue 
Less Water Equals More Lots 
Making Sense of CSA P.9-11 
Rainwater for Use in Laundry 
Field Testing Sustainability in New Homes 
Water Pipe Sizing in OBC: A Solution 
Looking for a Problem 
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Optional Prioritizing of Comfor t Levels with Energy Savings 
C All mechanical and electrical components are 
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C The MAXAIR fan coil is so compact that it fi ts 
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C It can be installed in new or existing homes. 
C It takes less than 1/3 of the space of a conventional 
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C Energy savings, temperature control and comfort 
levels are achieved in individual levels of the home 
by prioritizing the requirements. This is achieved 
by installing optional space thermostats. If any 
area calls for heating or cooling, the individual 
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C This method of prioritizing is a great energy 
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CThe supply outlets can be placed in the wall, 
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C ECMs are ultra-high-effi cient programmable 
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209 Citation Drive, Units 56, Concord, ON L4K 2Y8, Canada
the builder’s source 
16 Water Conservation, a Grey Issue 
20 Getting Ahead of the Curve Through 
Decentralized Water Systems 
02 Publisher’s Note: Water – The Cup Is Half Empty 
03 The Bada Test: Less Water Equals More Lots 
04 Industry News: There Is Power in Water 
06 Industry Expert: Combination Space Heating and 
Domestic Hot Water Systems 
08 Builder News: Trying to Make Sense of CSA P.9-11 
13 Industry News: Rainwater for Use in Laundry 
22 :P[L:WLJPÄJ! 61 Talwood Drive 
24 Builder News: PRIORITY GREEN Clarington: 
Field Testing Sustainability in New Homes 
27 From the Ground Up: New Water Pipe Sizing 
in the Ontario Building Code: A Solution 
Looking for a Problem! 
31 :P[L:WLJPÄJ;VV! Winner – My Design Studio and 
Castleform Developments Inc. 
32 The Plane View: Need to Know Facts About Water 
ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 
Better Builder Magazine 
12 Rowley Avenue 
Toronto, ON M4P 2S8 
416-481-4218 fax 416-481-4695 
Better Builder Magazine is a 
sponsor of 
Publishing editor 
John B. Godden 
managing editor 
Wendy Shami 
To advertise, contribute a story, 
or join our distribution list, please 
Feature Writers 
Tracy Hanes, Alex Newman 
Janet Dimond 
Robert Robotham Graphics 
This magazine brings 
together premium product 
manufacturers and leading 
builders to create better, 
differentiated homes and 
buildings that use less energy, 
save water and reduce our 
impact on the environment. 
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Better Builder Magazine 
12 Rowley Avenue, Toronto, 
ON M4P 2S8. Better Builder 
Magazine is published four 
times a year. 
publisher’s note 
By John Godden 
Water – The Cup Is Half Empty 
Life on this planet cannot survive without 
water. Fortunately the city of Toronto is 
situated on Lake Ontario supplying an 
abundance of water. Other localities rely on 
groundwater and wells for their water supply. 
In both cases the treatment process of pol-luted 
water and the movement of water for 
various uses is expensive. 
In fact, moving water in Toronto consumes 
35 per cent of the city’s electricity bill. This 
consumption number for the central dis-tribution 
of water 
It turns out that greywater 
recycling is a practical way 
to reduce household demand 
of water by up to 30 per cent. 
is higher than the 
cost to the Toronto 
Transit Commission 
to run the subways. 
The city of Guelph 
relies on pumped groundwater. The electricity 
consumption for their water supply accounts 
for 50 per cent of the city’s bill. 
Water can be wasted in a number of ways – 
by leaving a tap running or leakage in the cen-tral 
distribution system. This leakage accounts 
for 10 to 30 per cent of the total volume of 
water moved through the system. Increasing 
development and more people require more 
pipes, more pumps, more sewage treatment 
facilities and more infrastructure. Although 
average individual daily consumption of water 
is down, there are more people using it and 
they live farther and farther from the source. 
The average annual household water bill in 
Toronto went from $814 in 2013 to $887 in 
2014 (the Toronto Star, Dec. 18, 2013). This 
rate will continue to increase by 8 per cent 
yearly for the next three years. 
Given that water is expensive to treat and 
move around, it is imperative we conserve. 
Currently certain localities are experiencing 
water shortages and experts warn that the 
water table is being depleted permanently. The 
cup is half empty. 
The current Ontario Building Code (OBC) 
has mandated low flow shower heads, fau-cets 
and toilets to ensure water conservation. 
Additional water conservation measures are 
needed to protect the fragile supply of water. 
A good example of leadership in water 
conservation is the Sustainable Home Incen-tive 
Program (SHIP). Introduced in 2009 by 
York Region, SHIP allocates up to 20 per cent 
greater water and sewer capacity to projects 
that meet water reduction targets. This means 
builders who construct homes that use less 
water will be granted allocations to build 
higher densities (more 
In this issue of 
Better Builder all our 
contributors discuss 
important issues 
regarding water. Gord Cooke looks at combi-nation 
heating systems that use hot water to 
meet lower heating requirements for residen-tial 
applications. Alex Newman interviews a 
number of builders addressing the subject of 
greywater recycling. It turns out that greywater 
recycling is a practical way to reduce household 
demand of water by up to 30 per cent. Michael 
Lio examines the building code requirements 
when using rainwater for laundry uses. 
In approaching water efficiency we must 
determine what measures are cost effective. 
We include an article in this issue describing 
how initiatives like PRIORITY GREEN Claring-ton 
are essential for determining cost-effective 
measures through testing and monitoring 
water consumption. Doug Tarry reports on 
recent changes to the Ontario plumbing codes. 
Water is precious and in greater demand 
every day. A simple reminder – less water 
supplied to a house means less water leaving 
the house. The resulting reduction of water 
demand means less infrastructure, smaller 
pipes, fewer pumping stations, less electricity 
consumed and less treated water. A commit-ment 
to reduced consumption may – over time 
– fill our cups. BB 
Force of Nature.” So too it seems 
that water can also be the driving 
force in land development. Pro-vincial 
legislation, plans and policies 
speak to the importance of sustain-ability 
in land development. Upper-and 
lower-tier municipalities, to be in 
alignment with provincial legislation, 
are responding to the growing priority 
of sustainable development. Municipal 
staff have developed sustainability 
metrics for new developments in vary-ing 
forms. Measurement is obviously 
important in setting and achieving 
goals, however it has become a tool for 
assessing the merits of new develop-ment 
proposals as well – a ranking sys-tem 
of sorts. Although measurement, 
verification and prioritization are 
important, alone these do not result in 
reaching our desired goals. 
Water – potable use, waste dis-charge 
and stormwater retention have 
rightly been included in the calculus of 
determining the desirability of a new 
project. Interestingly, potable water 
(and its inevitable waste discharge) 
and stormwater are yin and yang when 
viewing sustainability. Pumping and 
treating potable and wastewater and 
the infrastructure needed consume 
significant amounts of energy contrib-uting 
to climate change (depending on 
the source of electricity). Stormwater 
management is to a larger degree 
being considered part of climate 
change mitigation practices. 
The Ontario Building Code (OBC) 
has recognized this, and industry 
has stepped up its efforts in reduc-ing 
potable water use. Waterclosets 
have gone from 13L per flush to 3.86L 
per flush (a 70 per cent reduction) in 
relatively short order. Similarly faucets 
and shower fixtures have greatly 
reduced their flow rates without too 
much effect on the consumer experi-ence. 
Exciting new technologies on the 
near horizon such as greywater recy-cling 
are reducing both water intake 
and outflows at the same time. This 
technology is likely the next best step 
to get us even more efficient in our 
water use. Most important here is that 
manufacturers have innovated before 
government has mandated. 
Stormwater management goals 
largely revolve around keeping as 
much water on a property as possible 
via harvesting, reuse and greater infil-tration 
into the ground. This is done 
to keep runoff to a minimum. Some 
reasonable targets have been achieved 
given that compact development and 
density are often at odds with infil-tration 
and harvesting. That is to say 
that more hard surfaces (buildings 
and roads, etc.) on smaller properties 
test the physical limits as do native 
soil types. Some latitude must be 
given here since we are leaving much 
more land undeveloped today. 
The good news is that builders 
and developers who undertake more 
stringent potable/waste and storm-water 
management practices are 
being rewarded with more water and 
sewer allocation for their projects. 
York Region is a good example with 
its 2009 Sustainable Home Incentive 
Program (SHIP), which allocates up to 
20 per cent greater water and sewer 
allocation for projects that meet their 
reduction targets. Incentive is the 
operative word in this program. This 
incentive program yields tangible 
results for all stakeholders – con-sumers, 
industry, government and 
the environment. It would be great 
if more conservation programs were 
conceived of in this way. Direct gov-ernment 
handouts should be avoided. 
It is rather simple. When we use less, 
we should get more – and/or pay less. 
Although measuring the sustainabil-ity 
performance of a new development 
may have its uses, checklists and point 
systems can be problematic. It can be 
viewed this way: Fill out these forms 
and promise to do these things (among 
a great many others), and you can 
compete for the privilege of taking an 
enormous amount of risk, and investing 
great amounts of time and energy in 
the hope of generating some all-around 
economic benefit in providing a basic 
societal need. What has happened 
is that we’ve raised the basic cost of 
admission. Incentives work better than 
checklists. I guess you can lead a horse 
to water, but you can’t make it drink. BB 
Lou Bada is construction  contracts 
manager for Starlane Homes. 
By Lou Bada 
Less Water 
More Lots
Everyone knows that water is 
powerful. We see the effects of 
waves and floods, but it takes 
a lot of power to get us our drinking 
water and treat our sewage. In fact, 
water is actually fairly power inten-sive, 
and this may be good news for 
water conservation in general. 
In some ways water is the forgot-ten 
resource. Being situated beside 
the world’s largest freshwater 
reserves has not helped make water 
conservation a priority in the same 
way conserving natural gas, electric-ity 
and even gasoline has become 
in Ontario. Water efficiency has 
been written into the Ontario Build-ing 
Code (OBC), which means that 
extreme waste (like 20-litre flush 
toilets) has been relegated out of 
the new home market. Yet, there 
has been comparatively little in the 
way of programming or funding to 
significantly address water conserva-tion 
in the last five years. Canada has 
the lowest cost per cubic metre for 
water of any Western country, and is 
second only to the U.S. in terms of 
water consumption per capita, at 353 
litres per person per day. 
Water management, both fresh 
and sewage, is typically the purview 
of local governments and there is 
no such thing as the Ontario Water 
Authority to serve as an equivalent 
to the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) 
to co-ordinate conservation efforts 
(although there are regional conserva-tion 
authorities that focus primarily 
on watershed preservation). Aside 
from the building code, there are 
some local initiatives for toilet retro-fits, 
downspout disconnections and 
rain barrel installations, and some 
widespread reductions have come 
from efforts to reduce hot water use 
by gas or electric utilities with low 
flow shower heads and faucet aera-tors 
to save energy used in heating. 
With little municipal funding to 
address water conservation, looking at 
the energy used to produce and then 
treat cold water is perhaps a short-term 
way forward to making water 
conservation a priority. More than one 
Ontario utility or local distribution 
company (LDC) has already looked 
into the amount of energy used to fil-ter, 
pump and treat water, and to date 
they have not yet seen it as a cost-effective 
area to address, but things 
may be changing. 
With the new Conservation First 
Framework, Ontario LDCs are tasked 
with very aggressive reduction tar-gets. 
Medium-sized LDCs often have 
the local water and sewage plants as 
their biggest use customers. Early 
adopters will likely be those LDCs 
who are closely tied to their munici-pal 
government, and who might even 
be active in delivery or billing for 
By Lenard Ha r t 
POWER There Is 
in Water
water, like Utilities Kingston 
or Public Utilities Commis-sion 
(PUC – Sault Ste. Marie), 
for example. Additionally, 
there could be early activ-ity 
in places where a greater 
energy is used to draw water 
from wells. 
The Conservation First 
Framework is a six-year 
funding envelope that has a 
total conservation target of 
7 TWh. Each 
LDC is allotted 
a percentage 
of that total 
target based on 
its size, demo-graphics 
Canada is second only 
to the U.S. in terms 
of water consumption 
per capita, at 353 litres 
per person per day. 
regional needs. The OPA, a 
quasi-governmental agency 
that manages conservation in 
Ontario, is phasing out of its 
active leadership role and is 
set to merge with the Inde-pendent 
Electricity Service 
Operator (IESO) at the end of 
this year. This enables LDCs 
to take the lead on conserva-tion, 
and encourages them to 
be more innovative and more 
regionally distinct to meet 
the needs of their particular 
customer base. Most of the 
saveONenergy programs in 
the market for the last four 
years will continue into 2015 
and beyond. This includes the 
New Home Construction Pro-gram, 
now registering homes 
for completion in 2015 (con-tact 
to register or find out more). 
Water conservation measures 
could easily be added to these 
programs to increase poten-tial 
electrical savings. 
LDCs are developing their 
conservation planning for 
2015 and beyond, and there 
is an opportunity for water 
conservation to be part of 
those plans. For builders, this 
may allow for some incen-tives 
to use rain or greywater 
systems, real-time water 
monitoring, ozone washing 
machines and more. 
We all know that CO2 emis-sions 
are changing the climate, 
CFCs deplete 
the ozone 
and pollution 
affects our air 
quality, and 
this is why we 
are aggres-sively 
legislating and funding 
programs to reduce the causes 
of all three of these problems. 
Likewise, we know water is a 
limited and precious resource 
that sustains all life, but we 
are not pricing its consump-tion 
accordingly and not 
funding its conservation suf-ficiently. 
It’s hard to know why 
there is such a collective blind 
spot on this one issue. 
Perhaps we just need to 
look at water differently 
through an energy savings 
filter. Then we can find a way 
to prioritize significant water 
conservation efforts. Then 
the future of water conserva-tion 
may not be driven by 
local governments trying 
to conserve an important 
resource, but by LDCs trying 
to meet massive energy con-servation 
targets. BB 
Lenard Hart is vice-president 
of sales and marketing at 
Summerhill Group. 
By Lenard Ha r t
Combination Space Heating and 
Domestic Hot Water Systems 
Last winter I wrote about the 
opportunities in multifamily 
buildings (low rise and high 
rise), for downsizing heating equip-ment 
because of the inherent effi-ciency 
of attached dwelling units due 
to fewer outside walls and ceilings, 
and because of the improved energy 
efficiency of houses overall. Now, 
while it is true space 
heating loads are 
on their way down, 
I am finding that 
the expectations 
of homeowners for 
increased hot water 
for domestic use is 
on its way up, in a pretty extraordi-nary 
way. To put this into perspective, 
consider the typical 1,000 to 1,200 sq 
ft starter home of the 1960s, like the 
one pictured here. From my memories 
of growing up in a family with six 
kids, we had one 40-gal water heater, 
perhaps with a capacity of 40,000 
BTUs/hr serving the one bathroom. 
But there was also a big old natural 
draft boiler that was around 120,000 
to 140,000 BTUs/hr capacity. Compare 
that to the 1,000 to 1,200 sq ft, 3.5-sto-rey 
townhome common today, where 
the capacities are typically reversed. 
The new space heating capacity needed 
is under 40,000 BTUs/hr, but the expec-tations 
of the 2.5 bathrooms is perhaps 
a tankless water heater or wall hung 
boiler with a 120,000 to 140,000 BTUs/ 
hr capacity. Even the new condensing 
tank water heaters often have a capac-ity 
of 90,000+ BTUs/hr. These great 
new efficient water heating options 
are sitting around most of the day 
waiting for someone to take a shower. 
But many builders and HVAC contrac-tors 
have figured out that an efficient 
domestic hot water heater can also be a 
useful appliance for space heating. One 
gas appliance instead of two means 
one less vent added to the crowded end 
walls, and hot water offers flexibility 
in heating distribution. A hot water 
air handler, radiant 
panel heaters and 
even in-floor heat can 
all be served off that 
one appliance. 
There is at least 
one important 
technical issue to 
be resolved – the efficiency of this 
one appliance but dual roles scenario. 
Even in my R-2000 home built in 1992, 
it was pointed out to me, and the 
industry, that the high efficiency water 
heater I used condensed nicely during 
a call for domestic hot water, but not 
when the air handler was pulling hot 
water for heating my home. This was 
due to the difference in return water 
temperature to the water heater and 
noticeable just by standing outside at 
the vent – steamy in hot water mode, 
no condensate in heating mode. 
Now, after much research and 
industry consultation and development, 
there is a new standard called CAN/ 
CSA P.9-11 – Test method for determin-ing 
the performance of combined space 
and water heating systems (combos) 
standard. This standard ensures that 
the total or overall efficiency of combi-nation 
systems is reported accurately 
and consistently. This is clearly a great 
goal for a technology that has a lot to 
offer in both new and existing homes. 
The standard is now referenced in the 
2010 National Building Code and is also 
a requirement for combination systems 
used in ENERGY STAR-labelled homes 
as of September 2014. 
The essence of a truly energy-efficient 
combination system is that 
the heat exchange process must get to 
condensing mode not only in domes-tic 
hot water heating mode, but also in 
space heating mode. That is, when the 
return water temperature from the 
space heating coils will generally be 
much warmer than the city water inlet 
temperature that the system heats 
when providing potable hot water. 
This is particularly difficult in part 
load conditions or mild days, when 
the space heating needs are very low. 
Forward-thinking manufacturers 
have realized that good overall results, 
measured by a new energy performance 
metric called thermal performance 
factor (TPF), can only be achieved when 
efficient water heaters and air handlers 
are well matched and the operating 
system intelligently controls both the 
water heater and air handler together. 
Successful control strategies are able 
to vary the water temperature and flow 
to the air handler to ensure the water 
heater condenses all or at least most 
of the time. The TPF metric combines 
ratings for space heating and water 
heating performance, and takes a load-weighted 
average of the two to generate 
a performance rating. 
In many ways, the P.9 standard is 
more comprehensive than the stan-dards 
used to rate performance of 
water heaters and furnaces individu- 
By Go rd Cooke 
systems with TPFs even 
under 0.80 outperform the 
more traditional high 
power-vented water heaters.
120 MBH 1960s starter home 40 MBH 
30 MBH 2014 starter home 140 MBH 
ally, since it recognizes that heating 
systems will operate under part load 
conditions most of the time. Thus 
combination systems are tested under 
loads that equate to 100%, 40% and 
15% of their space heating capacities. 
For comparison purposes, a combi-nation 
system with a TPF of 0.90 can 
be assumed to have an overall energy 
performance roughly equal to the 
combined performance of a 95% AFUE 
(annual fuel utilization efficiency) gas 
furnace and a water heater with an 
energy factor of 0.67. However, as 
we have been applying TPF perfor-mance- 
rated equipment specifically 
to efficient townhomes, where space 
heating loads are very small, we are 
finding combo systems with TPFs 
even under 0.80 outperform the more 
traditional high efficiency furnace 
and power-vented water heaters. 
There is a helpful list of manufac-turers 
who have either developed their 
own total package of air handler and 
water heaters, or have worked with 
other component manufacturers to get 
systems performance tested. The most 
current list can be found at: 
I urge you to support these tested 
products as they represent the best 
combination of features that include: 
‡high combustion efficiency to ensure 
condensing mode as often as possible 
‡modulation of water temperatures 
‡variable flow water pumps with low 
electrical consumption 
‡variable air flow fans with low elec-trical 
consumption electronically 
commutated (ECM) fan motors 
‡optimized hot water coils for proper 
air temperature control 
‡great controls that adapt to space 
and water heating loads easily. 
The best combinations are able to 
achieve TPFs over 0.90 and offer a 
great match of efficiency while meet-ing 
the expectations of your homebuy-ers 
for more hot water. BB 
Gord Cooke is president of Building 
Knowledge Canada. 
Until recently, builders were 
given the freedom to match up 
HVAC components as they saw 
fit to make for as efficient a system 
as possible. For example, a contractor 
or engineer could select a hot water 
source – instantaneous water heater, 
boiler, combo unit and tank – and 
pick any type from any manufacturer. 
But as Brian Jackson, P.Eng., 
mechanical engineer with Airmax Tech-nologies, 
explains that didn’t neces-sarily 
mean you were getting the most 
efficient system even if you combined 
two high efficiency components. 
“For example, a 25,000 BTU/hr 
fan coil paired with a 120,000 BTU/ 
hr high efficiency instantaneous 
hot water heating device together 
might not be as efficient at one set of 
operating points, but very efficient at 
another,” Jackson explains. 
To ensure equipment is paired for 
the greatest efficiency, CSA has writ-ten 
a standard to assess whether two 
components from the same or two 
different manufacturers are working 
together to derive maximum system 
The premise behind the CSA P.9-11 
standard is a good one, Jackson adds. 
“It’s something that makes sense 
and can give you a system efficiency 
rating on two pieces of equipment 
combined.” This has potential rami-fications 
for ENERGY STAR for New 
Homes (ESNH) builders. As Jackson 
explains, when a building designer 
specifies the building construction 
details to ensure compliance to ESNH, 
they can approach it in one of two 
ways – prescriptive or performance. 
“Most builders prefer the easier, less 
complicated and less expensive choice 
of the prescriptive method. What that 
essentially means is choosing from a 
list a set of prescribed building details 
that when combined ensure compli-ance 
with the building code.” 
The other way to approach the 
design is using the performance 
method. “That’s used when you do 
not or cannot comply with the stan-dard 
set of details in the prescriptive 
method. In this application, a builder 
employs an energy evaluating firm 
like Clearsphere to model the build-buildernews 
By Al e x Newman 
Trying to Make Sense of CSA P.9-11 
With changing urban densities, stacked townhouses are becoming a common housing form. These units need an integrated space and 
hot water heating system offered by combo systems. The efficiency of these combo systems is in question along with a reasonable 
standard for testing them.
ing to determine and opti-mize 
the energy efficiency of 
the building. They will define 
the building construction 
techniques and all construc-tion 
details like insulation, 
architectural materials and 
mechanical equipment. A 
builder must pay for this 
service, then pay for a blower 
door test after it’s built, and 
those things cost money. 
Most builders doing subdivi-sion 
homes prefer to use the 
prescriptive method.” 
The new CSA P.9-11 
standard, which applies only 
ESNH, will permit use of the 
prescriptive method if the 
selected combo 
thermal perfor-mance 
The other way to 
approach the design 
is using the 
performance method. 
(TPF) is 0.89 
or more. Since 
the CSA P.9-11 standard only 
applies to ESNH, builders 
must use combo systems 
with a certified CSA P.9-11 
result if they want to build to 
ESNH standards and be certi-fied. 
If the TPF falls below 
0.89, the builder must go 
with a performance method. 
In theory this is all well 
and good, but when manu-facturers 
of HVAC equipment 
went to conduct the P.9 tests 
on their equipment, there 
weren’t many labs that could 
complete the work – only one 
in Canada. “With several dif-ferent 
manufacturers trying 
to get quotes, book lab time, 
and the duration of a single 
test of about a week and a 
half, well, you can do the 
math. In process test condi-tion 
adjustments are only 
making that turnaround time 
longer,” Jackson says. 
And since Natural 
Resources Canada (NRCan 
– the federal body that 
publishes the test results 
and determined that 0.89 
threshold number) only gave 
manufacturers six months to 
comply after releasing the TPF 
threshold, there was consider-able 
opposition to the stan-dard. 
Manufacturers and build-ers 
alike were complaining 
they didn’t have enough time 
to meet the April 1 deadline 
(which has since 
been extended 
to October 1). 
For the man-ufacturers, 
tests are expen-sive 
– upwards of $10,000 per 
system, Jackson says – and 
there is no value added sales 
benefit. Also not all builders 
do ENERGY STAR homes and 
the standard only applies to 
ENERGY STAR builders. 
It’s an even bigger chal-lenge 
for small manufactur-ers, 
who can’t afford either 
the time or money to spend 
on testing their equipment. 
Jackson’s company Air-max 
Technologies is capable 
of absorbing the $100,000- 
plus they’ve spent on tests, 
but it doesn’t allow for the 
company to charge any more 
for their systems, so that is 
money straight out of their 
RD budget. 
With the trend to build- 
By Al e x Newman
By Al e x Newman 
ing smaller homes – especially with 
the new stacked townhomes – which 
have a significantly smaller heating 
load, there’s a mis-match 
between the 
appliance capacity 
required for domes-tic 
water supply (at 
120-200K BTUs/ 
hr), and the smaller 
space heat loads of 
around 25K. “These 
two pieces of equip-ment 
work better when they’re more 
closely matched in capacity,” Jackson 
explains. “When you take a 25K BTU/ 
hr fan coil and match it with a 125K 
BTU/hr instantaneous water heater, 
they might not work optimally 
together and may 
give you a TPF lower 
than 0.89, so now the 
builder has to have 
the home modelled to 
comply with the per-formance 
Coming up with 
newer designs of 
equipment that work 
together more efficiently takes time, 
Jackson says. “A lot of manufactur-ers 
are working on the next genera-tion 
of instantaneous water heaters 
that can modulate lower and also 
maintain thermal efficiency at that 
lower modulation level to properly 
align with the smaller load required 
at the fan coil.” 
Bottom line, Jackson says, is 
the standard NRCan “wants you to 
achieve is currently difficult with 
equipment that’s commercially avail-able 
right now. Getting these things 
working in tandem properly is a 
multiyear project.” BB 
Alex Newman is a writer, editor and researcher 
Bottom line, Jackson 
says, is the standard 
NRCan “wants you to 
achieve is currently 
that’s commercially 
available right now.”
By Mi c h a e l L i o 
For the last 20 or 30 years, 
changes in housing have largely 
focused on energy efficiency. 
Ways to dramatically reduce water 
consumption are part of a new con-versation. 
There are many benefits 
associated with water conservation. 
For instance, using less water reduces 
the load on the urban infrastruc-ture 
(sewers and treatment plants), 
reduces energy consumption (less 
water to pump to households) and 
saves the homeowner money. 
While installing low flow faucets 
and showerheads are commonplace, 
new practices are being adopted 
that can dramatically reduce water 
consumption. Environment Canada 
reports that over the 20-year period 
from 1991 to 2011, Canadians reduced 
their overall water consumption by 27 
per cent (from 342L/person/day to 
251L/person/day). Only by adopting 
new, more aggressive measures can 
the savings continue to grow. 
Making better use of rainwater for 
household uses holds much promise. 
Rainwater capture and storage in rain 
barrels for use on lawns and gardens 
is not new – neither is using rainwater 
for toilets. What is new is using rain-water 
for household laundry. 
Washing clothes uses approxi-mately 
20 per cent of household 
water consumption, and while 
harvesting rainwater does not offer 
year-round benefits, it can lower peak 
summer water demand. Rainwater 
harvesting also reduces wet weather 
sewage overflows by providing tem-porary 
storage for rainwater. 
The 2012 Ontario Building Code 
(OBC) allows, for the first time, the 
use of rainwater harvesting systems 
Rainwater for Use in Laundry 
A rainwater harvesting system.
(RWH) for laundry purposes. The 
background of this code change lies 
in a 2010 Building Code Commission 
Hearing where we represented the 
applicant Rodeo Fine Homes. The 
house in question was a two-storey 
house in the town of Newmarket, 
which was completed and occupied. 
The builder applied for a permit to 
install a RWH system for laundry 
purposes, and was declined. 
The proposed RWH system used 
a prefilter system to catch debris, 
leaves and dirt prior to rainwater 
entering a storage tank. This filter-ing 
system had previously been 
demonstrated in a Guelph home by 
Reid’s Heritage Homes. The stor-age 
tank was designed to be buried 
underground and had a connection 
to municipal water should there be 
a short supply of rainwater. The 
rainwater was supplied to the washer 
through its cold water inlet, but the 
system did contain an on-demand 
water heater should hot water be 
required. The proposed system was 
connected to a front-loading wash-ing 
machine, as opposed to a top-loading 
machine, which prevented 
the opening of the appliance until 
after the water had fully drained. 
An air gap and backflow preventer 
were included to prevent rainwater 
from flowing back into the municipal 
water supply. The system conformed 
to CSA-B128.1-06 Design and instal-lation 
of non-potable water systems 
and CSA-B128.2-06 Maintenance and 
field testing of non-potable water 
The sections of the code in 
question were from Part 7, which 
addressed storm drainage systems, 
water distribution systems and 
nonpotable connections. The intent 
of these code provisions is to limit 
the probability that an inappropriate 
location for outlets from nonpotable 
water systems would lead to the 
inadvertent use of nonpotable water 
for functions which require potable 
water. This could lead to the con-sumption 
of harmful substances. 
It was argued at the hearing that 
rainwater should be permitted in 
residential laundry facili-ties 
for four main reasons, 
which were supported by 
credible research: 
1. It does not pose a 
health and safety risk: 
‡pathogens are more likely 
introduced by dirty laun-dry 
than rainwater 
‡contaminated rainwater fails to 
increase bacterial count in washed 
‡rainwater is generally of good quality 
for laundry purposes 
‡rainwater contamination can be pre-vented 
through proper installation, 
storage and system maintenance 
‡contamination of the potable water 
system is prevented 
‡the system includes a number of fail-safes 
to minimize risk of contamina-tion 
from equipment failure. 
2. It does not result in premature 
failure of appropriately designed 
laundry facilities: 
‡system maintenance is straightfor-ward 
for optimal performance. 
3. Past performance proves it is a reli-able 
means of washing clothing: 
‡the building code already permitted 
the indoor use of nonpotable water 
(storm sewage/stormwater) 
‡RWH systems for laundry have been 
successfully demonstrated in Canada 
and elsewhere (past performance 
was cited from Guelph, British 
Columbia, Saskatchewan, Germany, 
Texas, Australia and New Zealand). 
4. It provides a significant benefit 
including a reduction in household 
water use: 
‡there is reduced water and energy 
demand and pollution when RWH is 
used for laundry 
‡homeowners benefit when RWH is 
used for laundry. 
We had argued that the proposed 
RWH system did not expose occu-pants 
to significant additional health 
and safety risk, that past performance 
indicated RWH has been used reliably 
for laundry in many jurisdictions, and 
the system conformed 
to two CSA standards. In 
the end, the commission 
ruled that the system 
demonstrated sufficiency 
of compliance. It should 
be noted that the ruling 
applied to the specific 
house in question only. However, the 
ruling provided the foundation for a 
code change. 
In the 2012 Ontario Building Code, 
treated rainwater free of solids is 
permitted to be used as a water sup-ply 
for clothes washers (see Article and For clothes 
washers supplied by rainwater and 
a potable water system, the potable 
water system needs to be protected 
by dual-check valve backflow preven-ters 
that conform to CAN/CSA-B64.6 
for both area isolation and premise 
isolation (see Article Nonpo-table 
water systems are required to 
be designed and constructed to good 
engineering practices appropriate 
to the circumstances, as described 
in the ASHRAE handbooks, ASPE 
Data Books, or CAN/CSA-B128.1 (see 
These code changes are an exam-ple 
of the next wave of aggressive 
water conservation that will continue 
the efforts of past years. The wide 
adoption of RWH systems in homes 
across Ontario, in addition to saving 
homeowners money, will dramati-cally 
reduce water consumption and 
provide reduced loads for sewers and 
treatment plants that may become 
strained with increased density. 
Together, water efficiency and conser-vation 
will help protect our valuable 
water resource. BB 
Michael Lio is president and Ceara Allen is 
manager, technical services, at buildABILITY 
By Mi c h a e l L i o 
Rainwater is 
generally of 
good quality 
for laundry 
By Al e x Newman 
Water Conservation, Reducing water consumption not only saves money 
and is simple to do, but also keeps municipalities 
happy. And when local municipalities – and their 
sustainability checklists – are satisfied, builders 
can do their job better. 
Bob Finnigan, COO of Heathwood Homes, explains, 
“Water allocation is a serious issue for municipalities, who 
are trying to reduce water consumption now for the future. 
For builders, it’s not just a slam dunk – buy the land and 
automatically get approvals – because water isn’t always so 
readily available.” 
Chris Thompson, cofounder and CTO of Greyter Water 
Systems, whose technology creates water-efficient build-ings 
and homes adds, “It’s not just inaccessibility of water, 
but challenges in delivering water from the source to the 
customer. York Region, for example, doesn’t have direct 
access to Lake Ontario, forcing them to purchase from 
other municipalities. Water is transported to the region 
through pump stations, which adds greatly to the cost and 
creates a bottleneck.” 
In Richmond Hill, where Heathwood is now building 
113 homes at its Forest Hill on the Green site, greywater 
recycling rough-ins are part of the whole package. Finni-gan 
says, “One component the municipality looks at in 
allocating development permits is what you are doing 
with respect to water conservation. That factors into the 
municipality’s ability to grant permits – the less con-sumption, 
the more homes they can give allocation to. It’s 
a simple equation.” 
This is particularly true in York Region, he adds, where 
new sources of water had to be found and created because 
until now most water had come out of wells. So anything
A Grey Issue 
that can slow down the consumption of such a hard-to-get 
resource isn’t only good for future generations, but also 
for future development. 
In suburban areas where development has covered up 
much of the ground, water hasn’t had a chance to reach 
below the surface into the water table. Instead, it’s been 
running off into storm ponds – not so bad in itself except 
when heavy rains threaten to cause floods and overrun 
storm sewers and ponds. As well, especially around the 
Oak Ridges Moraine, municipal governments are making 
efforts to keep the water table up. 
For Boaz Feiner, housing division president of Gera-nium 
Corporation, greywater recycling just makes “good 
sense.” Geranium has just finished greywater rough-ins in 
18 homes at its Ballantrae site, because as Feiner points 
out, “There is no logical reason or purpose to be flushing 
perfectly good drinking water down the toilet.” 
He is well aware of the sustainability checklist of 
municipalities in which his company builds, and with the 
recent innovations in greywater recycling he says it’s so 
much easier to build homes that are future proofed. “This 
ensures a user-friendly and energy-efficient tomorrow – 
and adds a lot of life to your housing stock,” Feiner says. 
Greywater recycling has proven to be one of the highest 
water reducers in a home. In 2011 when Heathwood built 
both a green home and an ENERGY STAR home in Richmond 
Hill, they monitored the results, with Ryerson students ana-lyzing 
the raw data. Finnigan says of all the green compo-nents 
in the green home – some more successful than others 
– the one that consistently achieved very high sustainability 
results was greywater recycling. 
The recycling system works by taking wastewater from 
showers and tubs, which consumes 
the most domestic water in a home. 
Those isolated drains are plumbed to 
the mechanical room and tied into the 
sanitary drain. When the greywater 
system is installed, the shower and 
bath water are redirected into a sys-tem 
that filters, stores and disinfects 
the greywater, which is then pumped 
to the toilets to use for flushing. 
This year, Heathwood expects to 
build about 300 homes with greywater 
system rough-ins, Finnigan says. 
The rising cost 
In many areas of the world, 
including some parts of 
North America, there’s 
a shortage of water. 
of water is another 
potential concern, 
say both builders. At 
the moment, most 
homeowners don’t 
think about their 
water bill, Feiner says, because it’s still 
so cheap. But as water costs continue 
to escalate, it will become top of mind. 
“We have abundant water now,” 
Feiner says. “But we can’t rest on our 
laurels. In many areas of the world, 
including some parts of North Amer-ica, 
there’s a shortage of water. Water 
is the next major item that needs to 
be dealt with. We’re in the same place 
with water consumption now that 
we were with energy consumption 
10 or 15 years ago. I’m not saying 
we’ve maxed our energy savings, but 
we in the industry have done well to 
track it, and have come a long way 
in terms of energy efficiency. But we 
need to start dealing with the water 
issue now.” 
Thompson says the amount of 
water saved is significant. When he 
first installed a system at home, he 
was “tracking between 28 and 40m3 
of water every month for five people. 
Partly that was so high because of 
a swimming pool, and also making 
a skating rink in the backyard. But 
normally it was around 24m3. When I 
did greywater recycling, it went down 
to 9m3 and when the municipality saw 
my bill, they thought the household 
size had dropped to one or two.” 
Thompson figures he has saved 
about 130,000 litres a year, which 
amounts to about four swimming 
pools. “We flush on average seven 
times a day, and if you have 6-litre 
toilets, that’s 42 litres per person per 
day, the equivalent of two of those 
big jugs of water at the store. If you 
recycle the water from tubs and 
showers, that’s how much you’re sav-ing. 
For the end user it’s a huge cost 
savings. And what you save on your 
monthly water bill is much greater 
than the cost of 
Greywater ready-ing 
is incredibly 
easy to install dur-ing 
the construction 
phase – a couple of 
extra pipes is all that’s needed. And 
the cost is minimal – between $400 
and $600. Compare that to installing 
after the fact, says Feiner, when it is 
likely to cost thousands in ripping 
out walls and retrofitting the right 
drains and pipes. 
So why don’t we see more resi-dential 
greywater recycling systems? 
“There are no affordable, practical and 
efficient products on the market that 
achieve a high quality of water back to 
the toilets and are simple to main-tain,” 
says Chris Thompson. “Until 
now.” While Greyter has been actively 
selling its commercial building grey-water 
systems around the world, they 
have spent the greater part of the last 
three years designing and testing the 
Greyter HOME. According to Thomp-son, 
it has been designed to efficiently 
deliver a high quality of water for 
reuse with minimal maintenance. 
Furthermore, it will be priced around 
$2,000 and take up a small footprint 
within the home. The highly antici-pated 
Greyter HOME is expected to be 
available on the market as early as the 
end of 2015. BB 
Alex Newman is a writer, editor and researcher 
There is no question it requires less energy, effort, 
and cost to operate a system efficiently than it does 
to operate a system inefficiently. Any system. In 
fact, that is essentially the definition of efficiency. As such, 
an efficient system will require less revenue to operate in a 
full cost recovery manner and, therefore, future increases 
in customer water rates will be minimized. In short, oper-ating 
an efficient system is a win-win scenario. 
Nearly everyone is aware that indoor residential per 
capita water demands are declining in North America at an 
unprecedented rate due to programs like WaterSense and 
the recent marketplace shift to water-using fixtures and 
appliances that are more efficient – specifically high effi-ciency 
toilets and clothes washers. But what about outdoor 
water demands? After all, it is the increase in outdoor 
demands after extended periods of hot and dry weather 
that lead to high peak day ratios, and the need to expand 
our water supply infrastructure (at a huge cost!) to meet 
demands that may only occur for a few days each year. 
Landscapes generally get the water 
they require either naturally through 
precipitation or somewhat unnaturally 
through manual or automatic irrigation 
systems. Since landscapes do not require 
potable water, it makes little sense in 
a philosophical way to spend money 
and effort to convey nonpotable water 
from a site (rainwater) and, at the same 
time, spend money and effort to convey 
potable water to the same site to be used for nonpotable 
purposes. In some municipalities like Kitchener, the munic-ipality 
charges each customer a fee (stormwater utility fee) 
based on building size for residences and the amount of 
impervious cover for nonresidential properties. A credit 
is available to those customers who capture rainwater for 
reuse or increase the permeable areas on their properties 
by using rain gardens or soak-away chambers. Such storm-water 
fee structures are getting municipal attention and are 
the approach of choice to address costly infrastructure and 
encourage at-source stormwater management. 
Why do more large industrial or 
institutional customers not collect and 
use the rainwater that falls on their 
properties to irrigate their landscapes? 
Well, the answer is partly related to costs 
and partly to convenience. The water bill 
is still one of the least inexpensive bills 
many industrial or institutional custom-ers 
receive. Spending a lot of money to 
build a rainwater harvesting system to save a little bit of 
money on the water bill does not make great financial sense. 
Two things are likely to change this situation in the future: 
1. Not only are water rates increasing at a far greater 
rate than inflation to make up for charging too little for 
water historically, more and more municipalities are begin-ning 
to look at incorporating a seasonal water use rate into 
their rate structure – a rate that would charge customers a 
much higher rate for each cubic metre used as irrigation. 
2. The opportunity to install larger communal rain-water 
harvesting systems (vs. a single 
smaller system for each customer) takes 
advantage of economies of scale, allows 
a single operator to service the needs of 
multiple sites, allows sites with little or 
no irrigation needs, but large roof areas, 
to provide their water for a fee to other 
sites that do have irrigation or other non-potable 
needs such as processing water, 
and it allows sites to keep the rainwater 
on site, thus not incurring any stormwater utility fees. 
This type of system is called a district water system and is 
defined by The Water Strategy as: 
A decentralized publicly-operated, privately-operated 
or jointly-operated (public-private venture) water 
management system that captures rainwater or 
greywater and treats the collected water to suitable 
standards for its intended use. Currently, district 
water refers to treatment for nonpotable purposes 
with water provided to customers for irrigation, 
boiler and cooling tower make-up water, toilet and 
By Bi l l Ga u l e y a n d Tr a c y P a t t e r s o n 
Getting Ahead of the Curve Through 
Decentralized Water Systems 
Bill Gauley 
MARTINO Heating • Air Conditioning • Indoor Air Quality • HVAC Design 
urinal flushing, car washing, back-up fire flow, etc., 
on a multibuilding scale or for aquifer recharge. 
District water systems are likely to become more popu-lar 
as more municipalities start 
developing stronger require-ments 
for stormwater manage-ment, 
flood mitigation, reduc-tion 
of contaminant loadings 
to water bodies, watershed 
protection and water conserva-tion 
(particularly for peak time, seasonal water use). 
In fact, the trend among leading jurisdictions is to 
require builders to use low impact development (LID) 
practices and technology to control and manage rainwa-ter 
at its source, such as rainwater/stormwater capture 
and reuse, bioretention, porous paving, etc., as well as 
conveyance controls, such as bioswales, perforated pipe, 
grassed swales, etc. Eliminating the need for stormwater 
retention ponds in new subdivisions not only improves 
the aesthetics of the subdi-vision, 
it also allows more 
building sites to be developed, 
which is a financial benefit to 
the developer and the town. 
Thinking outside the box 
takes a little more effort but, 
with forward thinking and a little ingenuity, we can begin 
to work in closer harmony with nature – improving not 
only the environment, but the bottom line as well. BB 
Bill Gauley, P. Eng., is principal of Gauley Associates Ltd. Tracy Pat-terson 
is a managing consultant and principal of Freeman Associates. 
By Bi l l Ga u l e y a n d Tr a c y P a t t e r s o n
By Ba r b i n i Developments I n c . 
This is BARBINI’s latest offering 
– a luxury contemporary home 
that sits on a generous corner 
lot in a quiet Toronto neighbourhood 
and is easily accessible by two major 
This contemporary home was 
renovated with sustainability in 
mind. It provides a complete array 
of elegant contemporary design 
details, meticulously selected fin-ishes, 
together with the advantages 
of a superior building envelope and 
efficient heating, ventilating and air 
conditioning (HVAC) system deliver-ing 
pure air quality and energy-effi-cient 
operation. The design approach 
to the home was a holistic one, and 
so the experience of the benefits is 
also holistic. The home performs as a 
total environment and all the compo-nents 
are experienced together. 
61 Talwood was designed for the 
future. The home is future proofed 
so it can evolve and adapt to the 
requirements and technological 
changes of the future including a 
100 amp panel for an electric car 
charger in the garage and prepara-tion 
for solar panelling to be inte-grated 
with the HVAC system. With 
sustainability in mind, the home 
was redesigned so that not only did 
it comply with the Ontario Build-ing 
Code (OBC), it ranked way above 
code requirements, therefore pro-viding 
a better living environment, 
air quality, mechanical systems and 
significant energy savings, which in 
turn lower the carbon footprint of 
that residence and family 
while providing a superior 
comfort level for living. 
The ground level of this 
home features an open 
concept kitchen, dining 
room, interior/exterior liv-ing 
room design for today’s 
living style. The side 
entrance features a dog/ 
boot shower and is acces-sible 
Amedeo Barbini 
from a two-car garage 
with easy assess to a large 
kitchen designed for family 
use and entertaining. The 
home is flooded with natu-ral 
light through oversized 
windows and doors, and is 
very much part of the lush 
The Award: 
Barbini Developments Inc. 
winner of the 2014 Ontario 
Home Builders’ Association Awards 
of Distinction for the “Most Out-standing 
Home Renovation” (Actual 
Retail Value Over $500,001). BB 
61 Talwood Drive 
Credits: We wish 
to thank our in-house 
team – interior designer 
Vanja Stepanek, site 
supervisor Raul Alberto 
and project manager 
Amedeo Barbini for 
their vision, hard work and determination. 
Talwood would not be what it is today 
if it weren’t for our team’s co-ordination 
and collaboration with our friends and 
colleagues at Integral Design Associ-ates, 
M.G. Pascoe  Associates Ltd., 
Clearsphere, Alpha Comfort Control Ltd., 
Inline Fiberglass Ltd., Amberwood Doors 
Inc., Vanity Island Custom Cabinets, Alli-ance 
Stucco  Moulding Ltd., RA Stairs 
Ltd., Adanac Glass, Rockport Painting 
Inc., and many other companies that 
assisted us in making our concept and 
vision a reality. 
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Field Testing Sustainability in 
New Homes 
The population of Clarington will 
double within 20 years. Recognizing 
these pressures on its infrastructure, 
the municipality has launched PRIOR-ITY 
GREEN Clarington (PGC). By field 
testing numerous beyond code water 
and energy efficiency technologies 
and techniques, Clarington will gain 
clarity on which technologies make 
economic and environmental sense. 
These results will provide direction 
on how to reduce the water and sewer 
footprint of new homes, lessening the 
growth pressures on water and sewer 
infrastructures and pointing the way 
to more sustainable growth. 
Three Projects in One 
Beyond the field test there are two 
other facets to PGC: 
1. Clarington will be refining develop-ment 
approvals to favour green 
development by reviewing cur-rent 
practices and changing them 
to expedite approvals for green 
homes and neighbourhoods. 
2. The Province’s Places to Grow Act 
(2005) dictates higher densities 
through intensification. In Claring-ton, 
public opposition to town-homes 
and apartments is impeding 
intensified development. Various 
innovative community engage-ment 
techniques such as visioning 
walkabouts will involve a variety 
of community members (including 
those opposed to intensification). 
Broader public outreach will be 
tested in late 2014 to inform the 
larger community of the benefits of 
higher densities. 
Field Testing Green 
In 2013, Clarington requested pro-posals 
from area homebuilders. The 
municipality secured the participation 
of three innovative companies – Brook-field 
Residential, Halminen Homes 
and Jeffery Homes. Each one agreed to 
enhancing two homes each with over 
20 water- and energy-efficient beyond 
code improvements. Each builder 
chose its own enhancements from a 
schedule provided by Clarington and 
each covered related costs. 
In addition to a great response 
from the homebuilding community, 
a number of leading-edge technology 
suppliers have donated products to 
the project. Examples include Profi-ciency 
3-litre flush toilets from Water 
Matrix, ecobee smart thermostats, 
Panasonic Whisper bathroom fans 
and three Recover greywater units 
from Canplas. The Recover units take 
shower and bath water, cleanse it and 
return it to flush toilets. They have 
the potential to reduce indoor water 
use by 25 per cent. The greywater 
systems are being monitored for 
inflow, outflow, potable water top-up 
and water quality. This project com-buildernews 
By Glen Pleasance 
Water meter used to measure water use reductions. 
An ecobee smart thermostat. 
ponent holds great promise. 
The beyond code improvements 
or best management practices (BMPs) 
will be measured by an average of ten 
water and eight electricity submeters. 
These submeters will record data for 
at least four months, transmitting 
it daily via Wi-Fi to a dedicated web-site. 
Water submeters are measuring 
clothes washers (hot and cold), drain-water 
heat recovery units, showers, 
kitchen faucets, greywater recovery 
units, etc. Note there is sufficient data 
from other studies on high efficiency 
toilet (HET) water use. Electricity 
submetering includes furnaces, air 
conditioners, heat recovery ventilators 
(HRV), clothes washers and dryers, 
etc. The combined water and energy 
metering will enable measurement of 
the water/energy synergies within the 
homes. (Note: whole home natural gas 
consumption is also being recorded.) 
By understanding these water-energy 
synergies, water, electricity and natu-ral 
gas consumption can be reduced. 
This holistic approach to home 
energy and water use will enable 
return on investment (ROI) calcula-tions 
to be determined for many of 
the BMPs. The ROIs will identify the 
BMPs that make the most sense for 
homebuilders and homebuyers. It will 
also allow the measurement of carbon 
dioxide equivalent (CO2e) reductions 
for each home. The field study report 
will be completed in March 2015. 
What we know so far is that the 
energy performance ratings of the six 
homes averaged 21 per cent better 
than code (the Ontario Building Code). 
Jeffery Homes has already released its 
next phase of 20 townhomes, built and 
marketed to PRIORITY GREEN Claring-ton 
Many Partners 
A project of this complexity requires 
broad partnerships to be success-ful. 
Partners include both levels of 
municipal government (Clarington 
and Region of Durham), Ministry of 
the Environment’s Environmental 
Innovations Branch (Showcasing Water 
Innovation Program), Federation of 
Canadian Municipalities’ Green Munici-pal 
Fund, our three homebuilders, 
the Sustainable Housing Foundation, 
Durham College and the University of 
Ontario Institute of Technology. BB 
Glen Pleasance, from the Municipality of 
Durham, has 20 years as Durham's water 
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By Doug Ta r r y 
I was just recently on holiday at one 
of my favourite resorts down in 
Jamaica, looking at that beautiful 
blue Caribbean water. As my article 
on plumbing and water conservation 
was due, a sign in the bathroom got 
me thinking about hotels and water 
conservation. Some of us will remem-ber 
that years ago we used our hotel 
towels and the next day fresh ones 
magically appeared. Then suddenly 
little signs appeared in the hotel 
bathrooms asking us to hang up our 
towels for reuse unless we required 
fresh ones. In one stroke it made 
hotels look like environmental leaders 
while at the same time reducing their 
operational costs. They looked like 
they were leading the way to a greener 
planet and their bottom lines were 
improved. A win-win by all. 
Fast-forward 20-odd years and look 
at the incredible work by the Ontario 
Home Builders’ Association (OHBA), 
and our many locals and members, at 
transforming our industry in reducing 
both energy and water usage through 
mostly voluntary programs. We are 
proud to say we are the only Cana-dian 
industry that has both met and 
exceeded our Kyoto Accord targets, 
and before the deadline! As this article 
is focusing on water, I am proud to 
be one of the many members who 
advocated for low flow toilets and 
showers for the most recent building 
code change, as both are environmen-tally 
responsible at the same time 
as understanding the connection to 
rising electrical and water treatment 
costs for our customers. Like the hotel 
industry we saw this as a win-win. 
Then the 2012 code came into full 
effect on January 1, 2014 and we 
began to realize that some things had 
entered our Ontario Building Code 
(OBC) that we will call unintended 
and/or unforeseen consequences 
such as water service sizing. Our 
members understood the reduction 
in measured water flow, and using 
fixtures that met the new building 
code requirements should have been 
fairly straightforward. Selecting fix-tures 
that met the EPA WaterSense or 
equivalent requirements would meet 
the code requirements, were readily 
available, would have limited impact 
on installation costs to the builders, 
provide long-term savings to our 
customers, and the flow rates were 
clearly defined in the OBC. 
Now here comes the blindside. 
At the same time as we advocated 
for and got the inclusion of smaller 
fixtures, for some reason both the 
National Building Code, followed by 
the OBC, changed the requirements 
for pipe sizing to be increased. What? 
What does this mean? I’m not really 
sure anyone has completely figured 
it out, but it appears that unless you 
have a detailed plumbing design, 
you will need to run 3/4” pipe to all 
fixtures rather than the previous 1/2” 
pipe (in the majority of cases). 
So let’s be clear. What worked yes-terday 
with larger fixtures, volumes 
and 1/2” plumbing lines today does 
not work with smaller fixture lines, 
and we now have to replace 1/2” 
plumbing lines with 3/4”? How did 
this happen? Why was this change 
needed and how in the world of con-servation 
is it justified? Where is the 
New Water Pipe Sizing in the Ontario Building Code: 
A Solution Looking for a Problem!
evidence of failure to suggest larger 
piping is needed en masse? These 
are the questions our association and 
other industry stakeholders are ask-ing 
the three levels of government. 
I get it if you put a car wash into a 
home, you might need to have larger 
supplies. But every home regardless? 
This goes against our conservation 
efforts and here’s why. 
Under the previous code you 
installed a 1/2” supply for a typical 
shower head. Now under the new 
code you will have a 3/4” pipe with a 
restricted flow shower head. You have 
all that additional hot water to heat 
that will sit in a pipe waiting for use. 
More correctly, you will have all that 
cool water in the larger pipe that has 
to be used through a low flow fixture 
before you can even get to the hot 
water. The customer that would have 
complained about waiting for hot 
water with a larger flow shower head 
is now going to be waiting even longer 
before they have hot water. Get ready 
for the complaint calls! 
But wait! There’s more! We are also 
dealing with municipalities insisting 
on having a 1” service to the house 
regardless of what housing type has 
been planned for. The builder/devel-oper 
will comply with the municipal 
requirement for oversized service, so 
that a building permit will be issued 
and the added cost ultimately passed 
on to the new homebuyer. I’m not 
talking about McMansions, just a 
common two-storey home design with 
two baths on the second floor, a main 
floor powder room, typical kitchen 
and laundry room along with a base-ment 
bath rough-in. 
So what’s the problem? There’s 
plenty of water, because the water 
meter is a 5/8” service. So the most 
common size of water meter service 
municipalities have in abundance is 
also the first and greatest restric-tor 
of water flow. That makes this 
an exercise in just plain bad plan-ning 
– added costs with no benefit 
to the customer or the municipality. 
When you add it all up, you have 
a lot of wasted water, water treat-ment 
and extra heating costs – for 
what? It goes against everything we 
have been advocating for and is not 
responsibly considering the cost to 
the new homebuyer. 
The OHBA is working with other 
industry stakeholders to request a 
code change to resolve this issue: ‡ We are surveying our members to 
see if there have been any reported 
issues of water flow that would 
require this change. ‡ We are discussing this issue with 
Tarion to see if there has been a 
significant increase in warranty 
complaints concerning water pres-sure 
related to water service sizing. ‡ We continue to work with the 
Ontario Building Officials Associa-tion 
to ensure the change we are 
requesting makes sense and greatly 
appreciate their partnership efforts 
with us on this and other issues. ‡ We are asking upper levels of gov-ernment 
for the evidence that this 
change was based on, and if the 
change to low flow fixtures was con-sidered 
part of the decision-making 
Admittedly, I am not an expert on 
plumbing design. However, I have 
consulted with industry stakeholders 
who are. We need to share with you 
some of the concerns we are working 
on, both for our members and for the 
consumer. BB 
Doug Tarry Jr. is director of marketing at 
Doug Tarry Homes in St. Thomas, Ont. 
By Doug Ta r r y
OTTAWA, ONTARIO (September 22, 
2014) – My Design Studio was among 
the winners announced at the Ontario 
Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) 
Awards of Distinction held in Ottawa 
this year for taking home the award for 
Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen 
(New Home 2001 sq ft and Over) for 29 
Yorkview, Castleform Developments Inc. 
behind Peter Voong’s Castleform Devel-opments 
– quality craftsmanship paired 
of our environment. 
Presented by the Ontario Home Build-ers’ 
Association, the Awards of Distinction 
applauds the talent of builders, renovators, 
designers and marketers in the new home 
and construction industry in Ontario. 
“It’s an incredible honour to be rec-ognized 
among the best from all the en-tries 
throughout Ontario,” says Yasmine 
Goodwin, principal, My Design Studio. 
Yasmine Goodwin and My Design Stu-dio 
were also nominated in 2014 for Most 
Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New 
Home up to 2000 sq ft) and had previously 
won in 2010 for Best Interior Decorating – 
Model Home/Suite (Under 2000 sq ft). 
The Ontario Home Builders’ Associa-tion 
represents 4,000 member companies 
organized into 31 local associations across 
the province. BB 
By My De s i g n St u d i o 
and B e t t e r B u i l d e r s t a f f 
Annual OHBA Awards of Distinction 
Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New Home 2001 sq ft and Over) in the Annual 
OHBA Awards of Distinction 2014 
Top left and top right: The “Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New Home 2001 sq ft and Over). Lower right: Castleform Developments LEED 
Gold-certified home. Inset: Peter Voong (Castleform Developments Inc.) with Yasmine Goodwin (My Design Studio) and Joëlle Goodwin. 
By Be t t e r Bu i l d e r St a f f 
Need to Know Facts About Water 
‡ Canada has more lake area than any other coun-try 
in the world – approximately 8 per cent of its 
territory is covered by lakes. 
‡ Canadians, it seems, have no trouble consuming 
lots of it. Canada ranks second highest in terms 
of per capita water consumption at 353 litres 
per day, and is 65 per cent above the OECD 
(Organization of Economic Co-operation and 
Development) average. 
‡ It’s not just Canadians who are consuming more 
water – water use increased six-fold during the 
20th century, more than twice the rate of popu-lation 
‡ The Conference Board of Canada ranked Canada 
15th out of 16 peer countries in terms of water 
withdrawals. This ranking is second only to the 
United States. Eight of the peer countries consume 
less than half that of Canadians per capita. 
‡ There is still little known nationwide about 
the quantity and quality of fresh groundwater. 
What is known is that approximately one-third 
of Canadians depend on groundwater as their 
freshwater source. 
This fact coupled with the following should be 
enough to rouse some alarm. 
‡ Twenty five percent of Canadian municipalities 
have experienced water shortages in the past 
several years. 
‡ Add the fact that warmer climates and altered 
precipitation patterns are causing increased 
evaporation of surface water, which in turn may 
result in summer droughts in the interior of 
Southern Canada, and a bit of panic may set in. 
In Western Canada, these shortages may be worsened 
by the slow but steady disappearance of alpine glaciers 
that currently provide much of the freshwater input in 
regional rivers and streams. 
‡ David Crane for Water Canada ( 
says the first step toward an action-positive move for 
Canadians will be “to raise the level of understanding, 
not only among policymakers, but also among the wider 
public; that there is an enormous challenge facing the 
world and that there is also a significant opportunity 
for Canada, by strengthening our research base and the 
strength of our companies….[we need to] identify our 
water champions who will provide leadership to make 
Canada a water-solutions country.” BB 
“The World and Water Fact Sheet.” RBC. Accessed Novem-ber 
18, 2014. 
“High and Dry: What Canadians Don’t Know About Water Could 
Usher in Global Crisis.” Accessed November 20, 2014. http:// 
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Better Builder Magazine, Winter Issue 2014

  • 1. 1 BETTER Builder MAGAZINE the builder’s source ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA The Water Issue IN THIS ISSUE Less Water Equals More Lots Making Sense of CSA P.9-11 Rainwater for Use in Laundry Field Testing Sustainability in New Homes Water Pipe Sizing in OBC: A Solution Looking for a Problem PHOTO: BRENT PERRY PHOTOGRAPHY PUBLICATION NUMBER 42408014
  • 2. Airmax ad with Prioritizing AMT 12430 AD FPG 09_HR.pdf 1 2013-04-18 8:46 AM A b r e a t h o f f r e s h a i r . Mini Ducted Hi-Velocity Air Handling System MAX SERVICE Optional Prioritizing of Comfor t Levels with Energy Savings C All mechanical and electrical components are accessible from the front of the unit. C Heating coil and fan/motor slide out for easy service. C One of the most extensive warranties in the business: 1-year parts labour, 2-years on parts only, where applicable. MAX COMFORT CWith the increased effi ciency of this optional Electronically Commuted Motor (ECM), homeowners will be free to cycle air continuously with a minimal increase in electricity cost. Continuous fan operation helps improve fi ltration, reduce temperature variations, and helps keep the air clear of dust and allergens – making your customers’ homes more comfortable. MAX SPACE SAVER C The MAXAIR fan coil is so compact that it fi ts anywhere: laundry room, attic, crawl space, you can even place it in a closet. C It can be installed in new or existing homes. C It takes less than 1/3 of the space of a conventional heating and air conditioning unit. MAX ENERGY SAVINGS C Energy savings, temperature control and comfort levels are achieved in individual levels of the home by prioritizing the requirements. This is achieved by installing optional space thermostats. If any area calls for heating or cooling, the individual thermostat allows the space it serves to achieve optimum comfort and still maintain continuous air circulation throughout the home. C This method of prioritizing is a great energy savings measure while offering an increased comfort level to the home owner. For distribution of Air Max Technologies products call 2 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2015 FLEXAIRTM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MAX FLEXIBILITY CThe supply outlets can be placed in the wall, ceiling or fl oor. CEach unit has four choices of locations for the return air connections. CThe FLEXAIR™ insulated 2½ supply duct will fi t in a standard 2x 4 wall cavity. CCan be mounted for vertical or horizontal airfl ow. CCan be combined with humidifi ers, high effi ciency air cleaners or ERVs / HRVs. CSnap-together branch duct and diffuser connections. MAX ELECTRICAL SAVINGS C ECMs are ultra-high-effi cient programmable brushless DC motors that are more effi cient than the permanently split capacitor (PSC) motors used in most residential furnaces. This is especially true at lower speeds used for continuous circulation in many new homes. 905-264-1414 613-966-5643 416-213-1555 877-254-4729 1-800-453-6669 519-578-5560 905-951-0022 209 Citation Drive, Units 56, Concord, ON L4K 2Y8, Canada
  • 3. BETTER Builder MAGAZINE the builder’s source FEATURE STORY 16 Water Conservation, a Grey Issue BY ALEX NEWMAN 20 Getting Ahead of the Curve Through Decentralized Water Systems BY BILL GAULEY AND TRACY PATTERSON INSIDE THIS ISSUE 02 Publisher’s Note: Water – The Cup Is Half Empty BY JOHN GODDEN 03 The Bada Test: Less Water Equals More Lots BY LOU BADA 04 Industry News: There Is Power in Water BY LENARD HART 06 Industry Expert: Combination Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Systems BY GORD COOKE 08 Builder News: Trying to Make Sense of CSA P.9-11 BY ALEX NEWMAN 13 Industry News: Rainwater for Use in Laundry BY MICHAEL LIO 22 :P[L:WLJPÄJ! 61 Talwood Drive BY BARBINI DEVELOPMENTS INC. 24 Builder News: PRIORITY GREEN Clarington: Field Testing Sustainability in New Homes BY GLEN PLEASANCE 27 From the Ground Up: New Water Pipe Sizing in the Ontario Building Code: A Solution Looking for a Problem! BY DOUG TARRY 31 :P[L:WLJPÄJ;VV! Winner – My Design Studio and Castleform Developments Inc. BY MY DESIGN STUDIO AND BETTER BUILDER STAFF 32 The Plane View: Need to Know Facts About Water BY BETTER BUILDER STAFF 1 3 13 ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 27 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 PHOTO: WSB® CLEAN WASTEWATER SYSTEM FROM RH2O® NORTH AMERICA BOTTLE, MONEY: WWW.PHOTO: WWW.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DESIGNPICS.COM; BALANCE: WWW.DREAMSTIME.COM
  • 4. Publisher Better Builder Magazine 12 Rowley Avenue Toronto, ON M4P 2S8 416-481-4218 fax 416-481-4695 Better Builder Magazine is a sponsor of Publishing editor John B. Godden managing editor Wendy Shami To advertise, contribute a story, or join our distribution list, please contact Feature Writers Tracy Hanes, Alex Newman ProoFreading Janet Dimond creative Robert Robotham Graphics This magazine brings together premium product manufacturers and leading builders to create better, differentiated homes and buildings that use less energy, save water and reduce our impact on the environment. Publication number 42408014 Copyright by Better Builder Magazine. Contents may not be reprinted or reproduced without written permission. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the authors and assumed to be original work. Better Builder Magazine cannot be held liable for any damage as a result of publishing such works. trademark disclaimer All company and/or product names may be trade names, trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners with which they are associated. undeliverable mail Better Builder Magazine 12 Rowley Avenue, Toronto, ON M4P 2S8. Better Builder Magazine is published four times a year. publisher’s note By John Godden Water – The Cup Is Half Empty Life on this planet cannot survive without water. Fortunately the city of Toronto is situated on Lake Ontario supplying an abundance of water. Other localities rely on groundwater and wells for their water supply. In both cases the treatment process of pol-luted water and the movement of water for various uses is expensive. In fact, moving water in Toronto consumes 35 per cent of the city’s electricity bill. This consumption number for the central dis-tribution of water It turns out that greywater recycling is a practical way to reduce household demand of water by up to 30 per cent. is higher than the cost to the Toronto Transit Commission to run the subways. The city of Guelph relies on pumped groundwater. The electricity consumption for their water supply accounts for 50 per cent of the city’s bill. Water can be wasted in a number of ways – by leaving a tap running or leakage in the cen-tral distribution system. This leakage accounts for 10 to 30 per cent of the total volume of water moved through the system. Increasing development and more people require more pipes, more pumps, more sewage treatment facilities and more infrastructure. Although average individual daily consumption of water is down, there are more people using it and they live farther and farther from the source. The average annual household water bill in Toronto went from $814 in 2013 to $887 in 2014 (the Toronto Star, Dec. 18, 2013). This rate will continue to increase by 8 per cent yearly for the next three years. Given that water is expensive to treat and move around, it is imperative we conserve. Currently certain localities are experiencing water shortages and experts warn that the water table is being depleted permanently. The cup is half empty. The current Ontario Building Code (OBC) has mandated low flow shower heads, fau-cets and toilets to ensure water conservation. Additional water conservation measures are needed to protect the fragile supply of water. A good example of leadership in water conservation is the Sustainable Home Incen-tive Program (SHIP). Introduced in 2009 by York Region, SHIP allocates up to 20 per cent greater water and sewer capacity to projects that meet water reduction targets. This means builders who construct homes that use less water will be granted allocations to build higher densities (more houses). In this issue of Better Builder all our contributors discuss important issues regarding water. Gord Cooke looks at combi-nation heating systems that use hot water to meet lower heating requirements for residen-tial applications. Alex Newman interviews a number of builders addressing the subject of greywater recycling. It turns out that greywater recycling is a practical way to reduce household demand of water by up to 30 per cent. Michael Lio examines the building code requirements when using rainwater for laundry uses. In approaching water efficiency we must determine what measures are cost effective. We include an article in this issue describing how initiatives like PRIORITY GREEN Claring-ton are essential for determining cost-effective measures through testing and monitoring water consumption. Doug Tarry reports on recent changes to the Ontario plumbing codes. Water is precious and in greater demand every day. A simple reminder – less water supplied to a house means less water leaving the house. The resulting reduction of water demand means less infrastructure, smaller pipes, fewer pumping stations, less electricity consumed and less treated water. A commit-ment to reduced consumption may – over time – fill our cups. BB 4 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014
  • 5. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 5 Force of Nature.” So too it seems that water can also be the driving force in land development. Pro-vincial legislation, plans and policies speak to the importance of sustain-ability in land development. Upper-and lower-tier municipalities, to be in alignment with provincial legislation, are responding to the growing priority of sustainable development. Municipal staff have developed sustainability metrics for new developments in vary-ing forms. Measurement is obviously important in setting and achieving goals, however it has become a tool for assessing the merits of new develop-ment proposals as well – a ranking sys-tem of sorts. Although measurement, verification and prioritization are important, alone these do not result in reaching our desired goals. Water – potable use, waste dis-charge and stormwater retention have rightly been included in the calculus of determining the desirability of a new project. Interestingly, potable water (and its inevitable waste discharge) and stormwater are yin and yang when viewing sustainability. Pumping and treating potable and wastewater and the infrastructure needed consume significant amounts of energy contrib-uting to climate change (depending on the source of electricity). Stormwater management is to a larger degree being considered part of climate change mitigation practices. The Ontario Building Code (OBC) has recognized this, and industry has stepped up its efforts in reduc-ing potable water use. Waterclosets have gone from 13L per flush to 3.86L per flush (a 70 per cent reduction) in relatively short order. Similarly faucets and shower fixtures have greatly reduced their flow rates without too much effect on the consumer experi-ence. Exciting new technologies on the near horizon such as greywater recy-cling are reducing both water intake and outflows at the same time. This technology is likely the next best step to get us even more efficient in our water use. Most important here is that manufacturers have innovated before government has mandated. Stormwater management goals largely revolve around keeping as much water on a property as possible via harvesting, reuse and greater infil-tration into the ground. This is done to keep runoff to a minimum. Some reasonable targets have been achieved given that compact development and density are often at odds with infil-tration and harvesting. That is to say that more hard surfaces (buildings and roads, etc.) on smaller properties test the physical limits as do native soil types. Some latitude must be given here since we are leaving much more land undeveloped today. The good news is that builders and developers who undertake more stringent potable/waste and storm-water management practices are being rewarded with more water and sewer allocation for their projects. York Region is a good example with its 2009 Sustainable Home Incentive Program (SHIP), which allocates up to 20 per cent greater water and sewer allocation for projects that meet their reduction targets. Incentive is the operative word in this program. This incentive program yields tangible results for all stakeholders – con-sumers, industry, government and the environment. It would be great if more conservation programs were conceived of in this way. Direct gov-ernment handouts should be avoided. It is rather simple. When we use less, we should get more – and/or pay less. Although measuring the sustainabil-ity performance of a new development may have its uses, checklists and point systems can be problematic. It can be viewed this way: Fill out these forms and promise to do these things (among a great many others), and you can compete for the privilege of taking an enormous amount of risk, and investing great amounts of time and energy in the hope of generating some all-around economic benefit in providing a basic societal need. What has happened is that we’ve raised the basic cost of admission. Incentives work better than checklists. I guess you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. BB Lou Bada is construction contracts manager for Starlane Homes. thebadatest By Lou Bada BOTTLE, MONEY: WWW.DESIGNPICS.COM; BALANCE: WWW.DREAMSTIME.COM Less Water Equals More Lots
  • 6. Everyone knows that water is powerful. We see the effects of waves and floods, but it takes a lot of power to get us our drinking water and treat our sewage. In fact, water is actually fairly power inten-sive, and this may be good news for water conservation in general. In some ways water is the forgot-ten resource. Being situated beside the world’s largest freshwater reserves has not helped make water conservation a priority in the same way conserving natural gas, electric-ity and even gasoline has become in Ontario. Water efficiency has been written into the Ontario Build-ing Code (OBC), which means that extreme waste (like 20-litre flush toilets) has been relegated out of the new home market. Yet, there has been comparatively little in the way of programming or funding to significantly address water conserva-tion in the last five years. Canada has the lowest cost per cubic metre for water of any Western country, and is second only to the U.S. in terms of water consumption per capita, at 353 litres per person per day. Water management, both fresh and sewage, is typically the purview of local governments and there is no such thing as the Ontario Water Authority to serve as an equivalent to the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to co-ordinate conservation efforts (although there are regional conserva-tion authorities that focus primarily on watershed preservation). Aside from the building code, there are some local initiatives for toilet retro-fits, downspout disconnections and rain barrel installations, and some widespread reductions have come from efforts to reduce hot water use by gas or electric utilities with low flow shower heads and faucet aera-tors 4 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 to save energy used in heating. With little municipal funding to address water conservation, looking at the energy used to produce and then treat cold water is perhaps a short-term way forward to making water conservation a priority. More than one Ontario utility or local distribution company (LDC) has already looked into the amount of energy used to fil-ter, pump and treat water, and to date they have not yet seen it as a cost-effective area to address, but things may be changing. With the new Conservation First Framework, Ontario LDCs are tasked with very aggressive reduction tar-gets. Medium-sized LDCs often have the local water and sewage plants as their biggest use customers. Early adopters will likely be those LDCs who are closely tied to their munici-pal government, and who might even be active in delivery or billing for industrynews By Lenard Ha r t PHOTO: WWW.DESIGNPICS.COM POWER There Is in Water
  • 7. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 7 water, like Utilities Kingston or Public Utilities Commis-sion (PUC – Sault Ste. Marie), for example. Additionally, there could be early activ-ity in places where a greater energy is used to draw water from wells. The Conservation First Framework is a six-year funding envelope that has a total conservation target of 7 TWh. Each LDC is allotted a percentage of that total target based on its size, demo-graphics and Canada is second only to the U.S. in terms of water consumption per capita, at 353 litres per person per day. regional needs. The OPA, a quasi-governmental agency that manages conservation in Ontario, is phasing out of its active leadership role and is set to merge with the Inde-pendent Electricity Service Operator (IESO) at the end of this year. This enables LDCs to take the lead on conserva-tion, and encourages them to be more innovative and more regionally distinct to meet the needs of their particular customer base. Most of the saveONenergy programs in the market for the last four years will continue into 2015 and beyond. This includes the New Home Construction Pro-gram, now registering homes for completion in 2015 (con-tact to register or find out more). Water conservation measures could easily be added to these programs to increase poten-tial electrical savings. LDCs are developing their conservation planning for 2015 and beyond, and there is an opportunity for water conservation to be part of those plans. For builders, this may allow for some incen-tives to use rain or greywater systems, real-time water monitoring, ozone washing machines and more. We all know that CO2 emis-sions are changing the climate, CFCs deplete the ozone and pollution affects our air quality, and this is why we are aggres-sively legislating and funding programs to reduce the causes of all three of these problems. Likewise, we know water is a limited and precious resource that sustains all life, but we are not pricing its consump-tion accordingly and not funding its conservation suf-ficiently. It’s hard to know why there is such a collective blind spot on this one issue. Perhaps we just need to look at water differently through an energy savings filter. Then we can find a way to prioritize significant water conservation efforts. Then the future of water conserva-tion may not be driven by local governments trying to conserve an important resource, but by LDCs trying to meet massive energy con-servation targets. BB Lenard Hart is vice-president of sales and marketing at Summerhill Group. industrynews By Lenard Ha r t
  • 8. Combination Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Systems Last winter I wrote about the opportunities in multifamily buildings (low rise and high rise), for downsizing heating equip-ment because of the inherent effi-ciency of attached dwelling units due to fewer outside walls and ceilings, and because of the improved energy efficiency of houses overall. Now, while it is true space heating loads are on their way down, I am finding that the expectations of homeowners for increased hot water for domestic use is on its way up, in a pretty extraordi-nary way. To put this into perspective, consider the typical 1,000 to 1,200 sq ft starter home of the 1960s, like the one pictured here. From my memories of growing up in a family with six kids, we had one 40-gal water heater, perhaps with a capacity of 40,000 BTUs/hr serving the one bathroom. But there was also a big old natural draft boiler that was around 120,000 to 140,000 BTUs/hr capacity. Compare that to the 1,000 to 1,200 sq ft, 3.5-sto-rey townhome common today, where the capacities are typically reversed. The new space heating capacity needed is under 40,000 BTUs/hr, but the expec-tations of the 2.5 bathrooms is perhaps a tankless water heater or wall hung boiler with a 120,000 to 140,000 BTUs/ hr capacity. Even the new condensing tank water heaters often have a capac-ity of 90,000+ BTUs/hr. These great new efficient water heating options are sitting around most of the day waiting for someone to take a shower. But many builders and HVAC contrac-tors have figured out that an efficient domestic hot water heater can also be a useful appliance for space heating. One gas appliance instead of two means one less vent added to the crowded end walls, and hot water offers flexibility in heating distribution. A hot water 8 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 air handler, radiant panel heaters and even in-floor heat can all be served off that one appliance. There is at least one important technical issue to be resolved – the efficiency of this one appliance but dual roles scenario. Even in my R-2000 home built in 1992, it was pointed out to me, and the industry, that the high efficiency water heater I used condensed nicely during a call for domestic hot water, but not when the air handler was pulling hot water for heating my home. This was due to the difference in return water temperature to the water heater and noticeable just by standing outside at the vent – steamy in hot water mode, no condensate in heating mode. Now, after much research and industry consultation and development, there is a new standard called CAN/ CSA P.9-11 – Test method for determin-ing the performance of combined space and water heating systems (combos) standard. This standard ensures that the total or overall efficiency of combi-nation systems is reported accurately and consistently. This is clearly a great goal for a technology that has a lot to offer in both new and existing homes. The standard is now referenced in the 2010 National Building Code and is also a requirement for combination systems used in ENERGY STAR-labelled homes as of September 2014. The essence of a truly energy-efficient combination system is that the heat exchange process must get to condensing mode not only in domes-tic hot water heating mode, but also in space heating mode. That is, when the return water temperature from the space heating coils will generally be much warmer than the city water inlet temperature that the system heats when providing potable hot water. This is particularly difficult in part load conditions or mild days, when the space heating needs are very low. Forward-thinking manufacturers have realized that good overall results, measured by a new energy performance metric called thermal performance factor (TPF), can only be achieved when efficient water heaters and air handlers are well matched and the operating system intelligently controls both the water heater and air handler together. Successful control strategies are able to vary the water temperature and flow to the air handler to ensure the water heater condenses all or at least most of the time. The TPF metric combines ratings for space heating and water heating performance, and takes a load-weighted average of the two to generate a performance rating. In many ways, the P.9 standard is more comprehensive than the stan-dards used to rate performance of water heaters and furnaces individu- industryexpert By Go rd Cooke LHYLÄUKPUNJVTIV systems with TPFs even under 0.80 outperform the more traditional high LMÄJPLUJ`MYUHJLHUK power-vented water heaters.
  • 9. 120 MBH 1960s starter home 40 MBH 30 MBH 2014 starter home 140 MBH WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 9 ally, since it recognizes that heating systems will operate under part load conditions most of the time. Thus combination systems are tested under loads that equate to 100%, 40% and 15% of their space heating capacities. For comparison purposes, a combi-nation system with a TPF of 0.90 can be assumed to have an overall energy performance roughly equal to the combined performance of a 95% AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) gas furnace and a water heater with an energy factor of 0.67. However, as we have been applying TPF perfor-mance- rated equipment specifically to efficient townhomes, where space heating loads are very small, we are finding combo systems with TPFs even under 0.80 outperform the more traditional high efficiency furnace and power-vented water heaters. There is a helpful list of manufac-turers who have either developed their own total package of air handler and water heaters, or have worked with other component manufacturers to get systems performance tested. The most current list can be found at: cfm?action=app.welcome-bienvenue I urge you to support these tested products as they represent the best combination of features that include: ‡high combustion efficiency to ensure condensing mode as often as possible ‡modulation of water temperatures ‡variable flow water pumps with low electrical consumption ‡variable air flow fans with low elec-trical consumption electronically commutated (ECM) fan motors ‡optimized hot water coils for proper air temperature control ‡great controls that adapt to space and water heating loads easily. The best combinations are able to achieve TPFs over 0.90 and offer a great match of efficiency while meet-ing the expectations of your homebuy-ers for more hot water. BB Gord Cooke is president of Building Knowledge Canada. SUPPLIED PHOTOS
  • 10. Until recently, builders were given the freedom to match up HVAC components as they saw fit to make for as efficient a system as possible. For example, a contractor or engineer could select a hot water source – instantaneous water heater, boiler, combo unit and tank – and pick any type from any manufacturer. But as Brian Jackson, P.Eng., mechanical engineer with Airmax Tech-nologies, explains that didn’t neces-sarily mean you were getting the most efficient system even if you combined two high efficiency components. “For example, a 25,000 BTU/hr fan coil paired with a 120,000 BTU/ hr high efficiency instantaneous hot water heating device together might not be as efficient at one set of operating points, but very efficient at another,” Jackson explains. To ensure equipment is paired for the greatest efficiency, CSA has writ-ten a standard to assess whether two components from the same or two different manufacturers are working together to derive maximum system efficiency. The premise behind the CSA P.9-11 standard is a good one, Jackson adds. “It’s something that makes sense and can give you a system efficiency rating on two pieces of equipment combined.” This has potential rami-fications for ENERGY STAR for New Homes (ESNH) builders. As Jackson explains, when a building designer 10 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 PHOTO: BAKER STREET RESIDENCES specifies the building construction details to ensure compliance to ESNH, they can approach it in one of two ways – prescriptive or performance. “Most builders prefer the easier, less complicated and less expensive choice of the prescriptive method. What that essentially means is choosing from a list a set of prescribed building details that when combined ensure compli-ance with the building code.” The other way to approach the design is using the performance method. “That’s used when you do not or cannot comply with the stan-dard set of details in the prescriptive method. In this application, a builder employs an energy evaluating firm like Clearsphere to model the build-buildernews By Al e x Newman Trying to Make Sense of CSA P.9-11 With changing urban densities, stacked townhouses are becoming a common housing form. These units need an integrated space and hot water heating system offered by combo systems. The efficiency of these combo systems is in question along with a reasonable standard for testing them.
  • 11. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 11 ing to determine and opti-mize the energy efficiency of the building. They will define the building construction techniques and all construc-tion details like insulation, architectural materials and mechanical equipment. A builder must pay for this service, then pay for a blower door test after it’s built, and those things cost money. Most builders doing subdivi-sion homes prefer to use the prescriptive method.” The new CSA P.9-11 standard, which applies only ESNH, will permit use of the prescriptive method if the selected combo systems’ thermal perfor-mance factor The other way to approach the design is using the performance method. (TPF) is 0.89 or more. Since the CSA P.9-11 standard only applies to ESNH, builders must use combo systems with a certified CSA P.9-11 result if they want to build to ESNH standards and be certi-fied. If the TPF falls below 0.89, the builder must go with a performance method. In theory this is all well and good, but when manu-facturers of HVAC equipment went to conduct the P.9 tests on their equipment, there weren’t many labs that could complete the work – only one in Canada. “With several dif-ferent manufacturers trying to get quotes, book lab time, and the duration of a single test of about a week and a half, well, you can do the math. In process test condi-tion adjustments are only making that turnaround time longer,” Jackson says. And since Natural Resources Canada (NRCan – the federal body that publishes the test results and determined that 0.89 threshold number) only gave manufacturers six months to comply after releasing the TPF threshold, there was consider-able opposition to the stan-dard. Manufacturers and build-ers alike were complaining they didn’t have enough time to meet the April 1 deadline (which has since been extended to October 1). For the man-ufacturers, the tests are expen-sive – upwards of $10,000 per system, Jackson says – and there is no value added sales benefit. Also not all builders do ENERGY STAR homes and the standard only applies to ENERGY STAR builders. It’s an even bigger chal-lenge for small manufactur-ers, who can’t afford either the time or money to spend on testing their equipment. Jackson’s company Air-max Technologies is capable of absorbing the $100,000- plus they’ve spent on tests, but it doesn’t allow for the company to charge any more for their systems, so that is money straight out of their RD budget. With the trend to build- buildernews By Al e x Newman
  • 13. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 13 buildernews By Al e x Newman ing smaller homes – especially with the new stacked townhomes – which have a significantly smaller heating load, there’s a mis-match between the appliance capacity required for domes-tic water supply (at 120-200K BTUs/ hr), and the smaller space heat loads of around 25K. “These two pieces of equip-ment work better when they’re more closely matched in capacity,” Jackson explains. “When you take a 25K BTU/ hr fan coil and match it with a 125K BTU/hr instantaneous water heater, they might not work optimally together and may give you a TPF lower than 0.89, so now the builder has to have the home modelled to comply with the per-formance method.” Coming up with newer designs of equipment that work together more efficiently takes time, Jackson says. “A lot of manufactur-ers are working on the next genera-tion of instantaneous water heaters that can modulate lower and also maintain thermal efficiency at that lower modulation level to properly align with the smaller load required at the fan coil.” Bottom line, Jackson says, is the standard NRCan “wants you to achieve is currently difficult with equipment that’s commercially avail-able right now. Getting these things working in tandem properly is a multiyear project.” BB Alex Newman is a writer, editor and researcher at Bottom line, Jackson says, is the standard NRCan “wants you to achieve is currently KPMÄJS[^P[OLXPWTLU[ that’s commercially available right now.”
  • 15. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 15 industrynews By Mi c h a e l L i o For the last 20 or 30 years, changes in housing have largely focused on energy efficiency. Ways to dramatically reduce water consumption are part of a new con-versation. There are many benefits associated with water conservation. For instance, using less water reduces the load on the urban infrastruc-ture (sewers and treatment plants), reduces energy consumption (less water to pump to households) and saves the homeowner money. While installing low flow faucets and showerheads are commonplace, new practices are being adopted that can dramatically reduce water consumption. Environment Canada reports that over the 20-year period from 1991 to 2011, Canadians reduced their overall water consumption by 27 per cent (from 342L/person/day to 251L/person/day). Only by adopting new, more aggressive measures can the savings continue to grow. Making better use of rainwater for household uses holds much promise. Rainwater capture and storage in rain barrels for use on lawns and gardens is not new – neither is using rainwater for toilets. What is new is using rain-water for household laundry. Washing clothes uses approxi-mately 20 per cent of household water consumption, and while harvesting rainwater does not offer year-round benefits, it can lower peak summer water demand. Rainwater harvesting also reduces wet weather sewage overflows by providing tem-porary storage for rainwater. The 2012 Ontario Building Code (OBC) allows, for the first time, the use of rainwater harvesting systems PHOTO: WSB® CLEAN WASTEWATER SYSTEM FROM RH2O® NORTH AMERICA Rainwater for Use in Laundry A rainwater harvesting system.
  • 16. (RWH) for laundry purposes. The background of this code change lies in a 2010 Building Code Commission Hearing where we represented the applicant Rodeo Fine Homes. The house in question was a two-storey house in the town of Newmarket, which was completed and occupied. The builder applied for a permit to install a RWH system for laundry purposes, and was declined. The proposed RWH system used a prefilter system to catch debris, leaves and dirt prior to rainwater entering a storage tank. This filter-ing system had previously been demonstrated in a Guelph home by Reid’s Heritage Homes. The stor-age tank was designed to be buried underground and had a connection to municipal water should there be a short supply of rainwater. The rainwater was supplied to the washer through its cold water inlet, but the system did contain an on-demand water heater should hot water be required. The proposed system was connected to a front-loading wash-ing machine, as opposed to a top-loading machine, which prevented the opening of the appliance until after the water had fully drained. An air gap and backflow preventer were included to prevent rainwater from flowing back into the municipal water supply. The system conformed to CSA-B128.1-06 Design and instal-lation of non-potable water systems and CSA-B128.2-06 Maintenance and field testing of non-potable water systems. The sections of the code in question were from Part 7, which addressed storm drainage systems, water distribution systems and nonpotable connections. The intent of these code provisions is to limit the probability that an inappropriate location for outlets from nonpotable water systems would lead to the inadvertent use of nonpotable water for functions which require potable water. This could lead to the con-sumption of harmful substances. It was argued at the hearing that rainwater should be permitted in residential laundry facili-ties for four main reasons, which were supported by credible research: 1. It does not pose a health and safety risk: ‡pathogens are more likely introduced by dirty laun-dry than rainwater ‡contaminated rainwater fails to increase bacterial count in washed laundry ‡rainwater is generally of good quality for laundry purposes ‡rainwater contamination can be pre-vented through proper installation, storage and system maintenance ‡contamination of the potable water system is prevented ‡the system includes a number of fail-safes to minimize risk of contamina-tion from equipment failure. 2. It does not result in premature failure of appropriately designed laundry facilities: ‡system maintenance is straightfor-ward for optimal performance. 3. Past performance proves it is a reli-able means of washing clothing: ‡the building code already permitted the indoor use of nonpotable water (storm sewage/stormwater) ‡RWH systems for laundry have been successfully demonstrated in Canada and elsewhere (past performance was cited from Guelph, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Germany, Texas, Australia and New Zealand). 4. It provides a significant benefit including a reduction in household water use: ‡there is reduced water and energy demand and pollution when RWH is used for laundry ‡homeowners benefit when RWH is used for laundry. We had argued that the proposed RWH system did not expose occu-pants 16 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 to significant additional health and safety risk, that past performance indicated RWH has been used reliably for laundry in many jurisdictions, and the system conformed to two CSA standards. In the end, the commission ruled that the system demonstrated sufficiency of compliance. It should be noted that the ruling applied to the specific house in question only. However, the ruling provided the foundation for a code change. In the 2012 Ontario Building Code, treated rainwater free of solids is permitted to be used as a water sup-ply for clothes washers (see Article and For clothes washers supplied by rainwater and a potable water system, the potable water system needs to be protected by dual-check valve backflow preven-ters that conform to CAN/CSA-B64.6 for both area isolation and premise isolation (see Article Nonpo-table water systems are required to be designed and constructed to good engineering practices appropriate to the circumstances, as described in the ASHRAE handbooks, ASPE Data Books, or CAN/CSA-B128.1 (see Article These code changes are an exam-ple of the next wave of aggressive water conservation that will continue the efforts of past years. The wide adoption of RWH systems in homes across Ontario, in addition to saving homeowners money, will dramati-cally reduce water consumption and provide reduced loads for sewers and treatment plants that may become strained with increased density. Together, water efficiency and conser-vation will help protect our valuable water resource. BB Michael Lio is president and Ceara Allen is manager, technical services, at buildABILITY Corporation. industrynews By Mi c h a e l L i o Rainwater is generally of good quality for laundry purposes.
  • 17. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 17 Features
  • 18. featurestory By Al e x Newman Water Conservation, Reducing water consumption not only saves money and is simple to do, but also keeps municipalities happy. And when local municipalities – and their sustainability checklists – are satisfied, builders can do their job better. Bob Finnigan, COO of Heathwood Homes, explains, “Water allocation is a serious issue for municipalities, who are trying to reduce water consumption now for the future. For builders, it’s not just a slam dunk – buy the land and automatically get approvals – because water isn’t always so readily available.” Chris Thompson, cofounder and CTO of Greyter Water Systems, whose technology creates water-efficient build-ings and homes adds, “It’s not just inaccessibility of water, but challenges in delivering water from the source to the customer. York Region, for example, doesn’t have direct 18 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 access to Lake Ontario, forcing them to purchase from other municipalities. Water is transported to the region through pump stations, which adds greatly to the cost and creates a bottleneck.” In Richmond Hill, where Heathwood is now building 113 homes at its Forest Hill on the Green site, greywater recycling rough-ins are part of the whole package. Finni-gan says, “One component the municipality looks at in allocating development permits is what you are doing with respect to water conservation. That factors into the municipality’s ability to grant permits – the less con-sumption, the more homes they can give allocation to. It’s a simple equation.” This is particularly true in York Region, he adds, where new sources of water had to be found and created because until now most water had come out of wells. So anything
  • 19. A Grey Issue WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 19 that can slow down the consumption of such a hard-to-get resource isn’t only good for future generations, but also for future development. In suburban areas where development has covered up much of the ground, water hasn’t had a chance to reach below the surface into the water table. Instead, it’s been running off into storm ponds – not so bad in itself except when heavy rains threaten to cause floods and overrun storm sewers and ponds. As well, especially around the Oak Ridges Moraine, municipal governments are making efforts to keep the water table up. For Boaz Feiner, housing division president of Gera-nium Corporation, greywater recycling just makes “good sense.” Geranium has just finished greywater rough-ins in 18 homes at its Ballantrae site, because as Feiner points out, “There is no logical reason or purpose to be flushing perfectly good drinking water down the toilet.” He is well aware of the sustainability checklist of municipalities in which his company builds, and with the recent innovations in greywater recycling he says it’s so much easier to build homes that are future proofed. “This ensures a user-friendly and energy-efficient tomorrow – and adds a lot of life to your housing stock,” Feiner says. Greywater recycling has proven to be one of the highest water reducers in a home. In 2011 when Heathwood built both a green home and an ENERGY STAR home in Richmond Hill, they monitored the results, with Ryerson students ana-lyzing the raw data. Finnigan says of all the green compo-nents in the green home – some more successful than others – the one that consistently achieved very high sustainability results was greywater recycling. The recycling system works by taking wastewater from PHOTO: BRENT PERRY PHOTOGRAPHY
  • 20. showers and tubs, which consumes the most domestic water in a home. Those isolated drains are plumbed to the mechanical room and tied into the sanitary drain. When the greywater system is installed, the shower and bath water are redirected into a sys-tem that filters, stores and disinfects the greywater, which is then pumped to the toilets to use for flushing. This year, Heathwood expects to build about 300 homes with greywater system rough-ins, Finnigan says. The rising cost In many areas of the world, including some parts of North America, there’s a shortage of water. of water is another potential concern, say both builders. At the moment, most homeowners don’t think about their water bill, Feiner says, because it’s still so cheap. But as water costs continue to escalate, it will become top of mind. “We have abundant water now,” Feiner says. “But we can’t rest on our laurels. In many areas of the world, including some parts of North Amer-ica, there’s a shortage of water. Water is the next major item that needs to be dealt with. We’re in the same place with water consumption now that we were with energy consumption 10 or 15 years ago. I’m not saying we’ve maxed our energy savings, but we in the industry have done well to track it, and have come a long way in terms of energy efficiency. But we need to start dealing with the water issue now.” Thompson says the amount of water saved is significant. When he first installed a system at home, he was “tracking between 28 and 40m3 of water every month for five people. Partly that was so high because of a swimming pool, and also making a skating rink in the backyard. But normally it was around 24m3. When I did greywater recycling, it went down to 9m3 and when the municipality saw my bill, they thought the household size had dropped to one or two.” 20 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 Thompson figures he has saved about 130,000 litres a year, which amounts to about four swimming pools. “We flush on average seven times a day, and if you have 6-litre toilets, that’s 42 litres per person per day, the equivalent of two of those big jugs of water at the store. If you recycle the water from tubs and showers, that’s how much you’re sav-ing. For the end user it’s a huge cost savings. And what you save on your monthly water bill is much greater than the cost of installation.” Greywater ready-ing is incredibly easy to install dur-ing the construction phase – a couple of extra pipes is all that’s needed. And the cost is minimal – between $400 and $600. Compare that to installing after the fact, says Feiner, when it is likely to cost thousands in ripping out walls and retrofitting the right drains and pipes. So why don’t we see more resi-dential greywater recycling systems? “There are no affordable, practical and efficient products on the market that achieve a high quality of water back to the toilets and are simple to main-tain,” says Chris Thompson. “Until now.” While Greyter has been actively selling its commercial building grey-water systems around the world, they have spent the greater part of the last three years designing and testing the Greyter HOME. According to Thomp-son, it has been designed to efficiently deliver a high quality of water for reuse with minimal maintenance. Furthermore, it will be priced around $2,000 and take up a small footprint within the home. The highly antici-pated Greyter HOME is expected to be available on the market as early as the end of 2015. BB Alex Newman is a writer, editor and researcher at
  • 22. There is no question it requires less energy, effort, and cost to operate a system efficiently than it does to operate a system inefficiently. Any system. In fact, that is essentially the definition of efficiency. As such, an efficient system will require less revenue to operate in a full cost recovery manner and, therefore, future increases in customer water rates will be minimized. In short, oper-ating an efficient system is a win-win scenario. Nearly everyone is aware that indoor residential per capita water demands are declining in North America at an unprecedented rate due to programs like WaterSense and the recent marketplace shift to water-using fixtures and appliances that are more efficient – specifically high effi-ciency toilets and clothes washers. But what about outdoor water demands? After all, it is the increase in outdoor demands after extended periods of hot and dry weather that lead to high peak day ratios, and the need to expand our water supply infrastructure (at a huge cost!) to meet demands that may only occur for a few days each year. Landscapes generally get the water they require either naturally through precipitation or somewhat unnaturally through manual or automatic irrigation systems. Since landscapes do not require potable water, it makes little sense in a philosophical way to spend money and effort to convey nonpotable water from a site (rainwater) and, at the same time, spend money and effort to convey potable water to the same site to be used for nonpotable purposes. In some municipalities like Kitchener, the munic-ipality charges each customer a fee (stormwater utility fee) based on building size for residences and the amount of impervious cover for nonresidential properties. A credit is available to those customers who capture rainwater for reuse or increase the permeable areas on their properties by using rain gardens or soak-away chambers. Such storm-water fee structures are getting municipal attention and are the approach of choice to address costly infrastructure and encourage at-source stormwater management. 22 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 Why do more large industrial or institutional customers not collect and use the rainwater that falls on their properties to irrigate their landscapes? Well, the answer is partly related to costs and partly to convenience. The water bill is still one of the least inexpensive bills many industrial or institutional custom-ers receive. Spending a lot of money to SUPPLIED PHOTO build a rainwater harvesting system to save a little bit of money on the water bill does not make great financial sense. Two things are likely to change this situation in the future: 1. Not only are water rates increasing at a far greater rate than inflation to make up for charging too little for water historically, more and more municipalities are begin-ning to look at incorporating a seasonal water use rate into their rate structure – a rate that would charge customers a much higher rate for each cubic metre used as irrigation. 2. The opportunity to install larger communal rain-water harvesting systems (vs. a single smaller system for each customer) takes advantage of economies of scale, allows a single operator to service the needs of multiple sites, allows sites with little or no irrigation needs, but large roof areas, to provide their water for a fee to other sites that do have irrigation or other non-potable needs such as processing water, and it allows sites to keep the rainwater on site, thus not incurring any stormwater utility fees. This type of system is called a district water system and is defined by The Water Strategy as: A decentralized publicly-operated, privately-operated or jointly-operated (public-private venture) water management system that captures rainwater or greywater and treats the collected water to suitable standards for its intended use. Currently, district water refers to treatment for nonpotable purposes with water provided to customers for irrigation, boiler and cooling tower make-up water, toilet and featurestory By Bi l l Ga u l e y a n d Tr a c y P a t t e r s o n Getting Ahead of the Curve Through Decentralized Water Systems Bill Gauley /DQGVFDSHVJHQHUDOO JHWWKHZDWHUWKH UHTXLUHHLWKHUQDWXUDOO WKURXJKSUHFLSLWDWLRQ RUVRPHZKDWXQQDWXUDOO WKURXJKPDQXDO RUDXWRPDWLF LUULJDWLRQVVWHPV
  • 24. SUDFWLFHVDQGWHFKQRORJWRFRQWURO DQGPDQDJHUDLQZDWHUDWLWVVRXUFH RELIABLE, CONSISTENT, MARTINO Heating • Air Conditioning • Indoor Air Quality • HVAC Design 1-800-465-5700™ WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 23 urinal flushing, car washing, back-up fire flow, etc., on a multibuilding scale or for aquifer recharge. District water systems are likely to become more popu-lar as more municipalities start developing stronger require-ments for stormwater manage-ment, flood mitigation, reduc-tion of contaminant loadings to water bodies, watershed protection and water conserva-tion (particularly for peak time, seasonal water use). In fact, the trend among leading jurisdictions is to require builders to use low impact development (LID) practices and technology to control and manage rainwa-ter at its source, such as rainwater/stormwater capture and reuse, bioretention, porous paving, etc., as well as conveyance controls, such as bioswales, perforated pipe, grassed swales, etc. Eliminating the need for stormwater retention ponds in new subdivisions not only improves the aesthetics of the subdi-vision, it also allows more building sites to be developed, which is a financial benefit to the developer and the town. Thinking outside the box takes a little more effort but, with forward thinking and a little ingenuity, we can begin to work in closer harmony with nature – improving not only the environment, but the bottom line as well. BB Bill Gauley, P. Eng., is principal of Gauley Associates Ltd. Tracy Pat-terson is a managing consultant and principal of Freeman Associates. featurestory By Bi l l Ga u l e y a n d Tr a c y P a t t e r s o n
  • 25. sitespecific By Ba r b i n i Developments I n c . This is BARBINI’s latest offering – a luxury contemporary home that sits on a generous corner lot in a quiet Toronto neighbourhood and is easily accessible by two major highways. This contemporary home was renovated with sustainability in mind. It provides a complete array of elegant contemporary design details, meticulously selected fin-ishes, together with the advantages of a superior building envelope and efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system deliver-ing pure air quality and energy-effi-cient operation. The design approach to the home was a holistic one, and so the experience of the benefits is also holistic. The home performs as a total environment and all the compo-nents are experienced together. 61 Talwood was designed for the future. The home is future proofed so it can evolve and adapt to the requirements and technological changes of the future including a 100 amp panel for an electric car charger in the garage and prepara-tion for solar panelling to be inte-grated with the HVAC system. With sustainability in mind, the home was redesigned so that not only did it comply with the Ontario Build-ing Code (OBC), it ranked way above code requirements, therefore pro-viding a better living environment, air quality, mechanical systems and significant energy savings, which in turn lower the carbon footprint of that residence and family while providing a superior comfort level for living. The ground level of this home features an open concept kitchen, dining room, interior/exterior liv-ing room design for today’s living style. The side entrance features a dog/ boot shower and is acces-sible Amedeo Barbini 24 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 from a two-car garage with easy assess to a large kitchen designed for family use and entertaining. The home is flooded with natu-ral light through oversized windows and doors, and is very much part of the lush exterior. The Award: Barbini Developments Inc. winner of the 2014 Ontario Home Builders’ Association Awards of Distinction for the “Most Out-standing Home Renovation” (Actual Retail Value Over $500,001). BB 61 Talwood Drive Credits: We wish to thank our in-house team – interior designer Vanja Stepanek, site supervisor Raul Alberto and project manager Amedeo Barbini for their vision, hard work and determination. Talwood would not be what it is today if it weren’t for our team’s co-ordination and collaboration with our friends and colleagues at Integral Design Associ-ates, M.G. Pascoe Associates Ltd., Clearsphere, Alpha Comfort Control Ltd., Inline Fiberglass Ltd., Amberwood Doors Inc., Vanity Island Custom Cabinets, Alli-ance Stucco Moulding Ltd., RA Stairs Ltd., Adanac Glass, Rockport Painting Inc., and many other companies that assisted us in making our concept and vision a reality. SUPPLIED PHOTO
  • 26. Whole-House Solutions THAT HELP BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS OUTPERFORM WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 25 Dow’s full house of insulation, air sealants and adhesives work together to create an air-tight, moisture resistant structure from roof to foundation, helping builders and contractors meet or exceed building codes, reduce callbacks and create a comfortable, durable, energy efficient structure for their customers. ®™The DOW Diamond Logo is a trademark of The Dow Chemical Company © 2014 DOW BUILDING SOLUTIONS 1-866-583-BLUE (2583)
  • 27. PRIORITY GREEN Clarington: Field Testing Sustainability in New Homes Context The population of Clarington will double within 20 years. Recognizing these pressures on its infrastructure, the municipality has launched PRIOR-ITY GREEN Clarington (PGC). By field testing numerous beyond code water and energy efficiency technologies and techniques, Clarington will gain clarity on which technologies make economic and environmental sense. These results will provide direction on how to reduce the water and sewer footprint of new homes, lessening the growth pressures on water and sewer infrastructures and pointing the way to more sustainable growth. Three Projects in One Beyond the field test there are two other facets to PGC: 1. Clarington will be refining develop-ment approvals to favour green development by reviewing cur-rent practices and changing them to expedite approvals for green homes and neighbourhoods. 2. The Province’s Places to Grow Act (2005) dictates higher densities through intensification. In Claring-ton, public opposition to town-homes and apartments is impeding intensified development. Various innovative community engage-ment techniques such as visioning walkabouts will involve a variety of community members (including those opposed to intensification). Broader public outreach will be tested in late 2014 to inform the larger community of the benefits of higher densities. 26 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 Field Testing Green In 2013, Clarington requested pro-posals from area homebuilders. The municipality secured the participation of three innovative companies – Brook-field Residential, Halminen Homes and Jeffery Homes. Each one agreed to enhancing two homes each with over 20 water- and energy-efficient beyond code improvements. Each builder chose its own enhancements from a schedule provided by Clarington and each covered related costs. In addition to a great response from the homebuilding community, a number of leading-edge technology suppliers have donated products to the project. Examples include Profi-ciency 3-litre flush toilets from Water Matrix, ecobee smart thermostats, Panasonic Whisper bathroom fans and three Recover greywater units from Canplas. The Recover units take shower and bath water, cleanse it and return it to flush toilets. They have the potential to reduce indoor water use by 25 per cent. The greywater systems are being monitored for inflow, outflow, potable water top-up and water quality. This project com-buildernews By Glen Pleasance Water meter used to measure water use reductions. An ecobee smart thermostat. SUPPLIED PHOTO
  • 28. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 27 ponent holds great promise. The beyond code improvements or best management practices (BMPs) will be measured by an average of ten water and eight electricity submeters. These submeters will record data for at least four months, transmitting it daily via Wi-Fi to a dedicated web-site. Water submeters are measuring clothes washers (hot and cold), drain-water heat recovery units, showers, kitchen faucets, greywater recovery units, etc. Note there is sufficient data from other studies on high efficiency toilet (HET) water use. Electricity submetering includes furnaces, air conditioners, heat recovery ventilators (HRV), clothes washers and dryers, etc. The combined water and energy metering will enable measurement of the water/energy synergies within the homes. (Note: whole home natural gas consumption is also being recorded.) By understanding these water-energy synergies, water, electricity and natu-ral gas consumption can be reduced. This holistic approach to home energy and water use will enable return on investment (ROI) calcula-tions to be determined for many of the BMPs. The ROIs will identify the BMPs that make the most sense for homebuilders and homebuyers. It will also allow the measurement of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) reductions for each home. The field study report will be completed in March 2015. What we know so far is that the energy performance ratings of the six homes averaged 21 per cent better than code (the Ontario Building Code). Jeffery Homes has already released its next phase of 20 townhomes, built and marketed to PRIORITY GREEN Claring-ton specifications. Many Partners A project of this complexity requires broad partnerships to be success-ful. Partners include both levels of municipal government (Clarington and Region of Durham), Ministry of the Environment’s Environmental Innovations Branch (Showcasing Water Innovation Program), Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Munici-pal Fund, our three homebuilders, the Sustainable Housing Foundation, Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. BB Glen Pleasance, from the Municipality of Durham, has 20 years as Durham's water LɉJPLUJ`JVVYKPUH[VY
  • 29. WARM AIR GAS FURNACE DESIGNED, RIGHT-SIZED, AND MANUFACTURED IN CANADA FOR HEATING AND COOLING CANADIAN RESIDENCES Full line 15,000 to 120,000 BTU ‡ Ultra compact size, featuring the industry’s smallest footprint ‡ Right-sized for today’s tighter homes and new codes ‡ Ideally suited to the replacement market ‡ Designed with a gas laboratory and builders’ input ‡ Stainless primary and secondary heat exchanger ‡ 95 % AFUE and above Coming in January 2015 Modulating outdoor condensing variable speed units for central air system. Making Dettson the first residential HVAC manufacturer offering a variable speed / right sized central system for comfort year round. 1-800-567-2733 28 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014
  • 30. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 29 fromthegroundup By Doug Ta r r y I was just recently on holiday at one of my favourite resorts down in Jamaica, looking at that beautiful blue Caribbean water. As my article on plumbing and water conservation was due, a sign in the bathroom got me thinking about hotels and water conservation. Some of us will remem-ber that years ago we used our hotel towels and the next day fresh ones magically appeared. Then suddenly little signs appeared in the hotel bathrooms asking us to hang up our towels for reuse unless we required fresh ones. In one stroke it made hotels look like environmental leaders while at the same time reducing their operational costs. They looked like they were leading the way to a greener planet and their bottom lines were improved. A win-win by all. Fast-forward 20-odd years and look at the incredible work by the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA), and our many locals and members, at transforming our industry in reducing both energy and water usage through mostly voluntary programs. We are proud to say we are the only Cana-dian industry that has both met and exceeded our Kyoto Accord targets, and before the deadline! As this article is focusing on water, I am proud to be one of the many members who advocated for low flow toilets and showers for the most recent building code change, as both are environmen-tally responsible at the same time as understanding the connection to rising electrical and water treatment costs for our customers. Like the hotel industry we saw this as a win-win. Then the 2012 code came into full effect on January 1, 2014 and we began to realize that some things had entered our Ontario Building Code (OBC) that we will call unintended and/or unforeseen consequences such as water service sizing. Our members understood the reduction in measured water flow, and using fixtures that met the new building code requirements should have been fairly straightforward. Selecting fix-tures that met the EPA WaterSense or equivalent requirements would meet the code requirements, were readily available, would have limited impact on installation costs to the builders, provide long-term savings to our customers, and the flow rates were clearly defined in the OBC. Now here comes the blindside. At the same time as we advocated for and got the inclusion of smaller fixtures, for some reason both the National Building Code, followed by the OBC, changed the requirements for pipe sizing to be increased. What? What does this mean? I’m not really sure anyone has completely figured it out, but it appears that unless you have a detailed plumbing design, you will need to run 3/4” pipe to all fixtures rather than the previous 1/2” pipe (in the majority of cases). So let’s be clear. What worked yes-terday with larger fixtures, volumes and 1/2” plumbing lines today does not work with smaller fixture lines, and we now have to replace 1/2” plumbing lines with 3/4”? How did this happen? Why was this change needed and how in the world of con-servation is it justified? Where is the PHOTO: WWW.SHUTTERSTOCK.COM New Water Pipe Sizing in the Ontario Building Code: A Solution Looking for a Problem!
  • 31. evidence of failure to suggest larger piping is needed en masse? These are the questions our association and other industry stakeholders are ask-ing the three levels of government. I get it if you put a car wash into a home, you might need to have larger supplies. But every home regardless? This goes against our conservation efforts and here’s why. Under the previous code you installed a 1/2” supply for a typical shower head. Now under the new code you will have a 3/4” pipe with a restricted flow shower head. You have all that additional hot water to heat that will sit in a pipe waiting for use. More correctly, you will have all that cool water in the larger pipe that has to be used through a low flow fixture before you can even get to the hot water. The customer that would have complained about waiting for hot water with a larger flow shower head is now going to be waiting even longer before they have hot water. Get ready for the complaint calls! But wait! There’s more! We are also dealing with municipalities insisting on having a 1” service to the house regardless of what housing type has been planned for. The builder/devel-oper will comply with the municipal requirement for oversized service, so that a building permit will be issued and the added cost ultimately passed on to the new homebuyer. I’m not talking about McMansions, just a common two-storey home design with two baths on the second floor, a main floor powder room, typical kitchen and laundry room along with a base-ment bath rough-in. So what’s the problem? There’s 30 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 plenty of water, because the water meter is a 5/8” service. So the most common size of water meter service municipalities have in abundance is also the first and greatest restric-tor of water flow. That makes this an exercise in just plain bad plan-ning – added costs with no benefit to the customer or the municipality. When you add it all up, you have a lot of wasted water, water treat-ment and extra heating costs – for what? It goes against everything we have been advocating for and is not responsibly considering the cost to the new homebuyer. The OHBA is working with other industry stakeholders to request a code change to resolve this issue: ‡ We are surveying our members to see if there have been any reported issues of water flow that would require this change. ‡ We are discussing this issue with Tarion to see if there has been a significant increase in warranty complaints concerning water pres-sure related to water service sizing. ‡ We continue to work with the Ontario Building Officials Associa-tion to ensure the change we are requesting makes sense and greatly appreciate their partnership efforts with us on this and other issues. ‡ We are asking upper levels of gov-ernment for the evidence that this change was based on, and if the change to low flow fixtures was con-sidered part of the decision-making process. Admittedly, I am not an expert on plumbing design. However, I have consulted with industry stakeholders who are. We need to share with you some of the concerns we are working on, both for our members and for the consumer. BB Doug Tarry Jr. is director of marketing at Doug Tarry Homes in St. Thomas, Ont. fromthegroundup By Doug Ta r r y
  • 34. WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 33 OTTAWA, ONTARIO (September 22, 2014) – My Design Studio was among the winners announced at the Ontario Home Builders’ Association (OHBA) Awards of Distinction held in Ottawa this year for taking home the award for Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New Home 2001 sq ft and Over) for 29 Yorkview, Castleform Developments Inc. ;OLOVTL[YS`MSÄSSZ[OLWOPSVZVWO` behind Peter Voong’s Castleform Devel-opments – quality craftsmanship paired ^P[OS_Y`ÄUPZOLZ^P[OV[[OLZHJYPÄJL of our environment. Presented by the Ontario Home Build-ers’ Association, the Awards of Distinction applauds the talent of builders, renovators, designers and marketers in the new home and construction industry in Ontario. “It’s an incredible honour to be rec-ognized among the best from all the en-tries throughout Ontario,” says Yasmine Goodwin, principal, My Design Studio. Yasmine Goodwin and My Design Stu-dio were also nominated in 2014 for Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New Home up to 2000 sq ft) and had previously won in 2010 for Best Interior Decorating – Model Home/Suite (Under 2000 sq ft). The Ontario Home Builders’ Associa-tion represents 4,000 member companies organized into 31 local associations across the province. BB sitespecifictoo By My De s i g n St u d i o and B e t t e r B u i l d e r s t a f f Annual OHBA Awards of Distinction Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New Home 2001 sq ft and Over) in the Annual OHBA Awards of Distinction 2014 Top left and top right: The “Most Outstanding New Home Kitchen (New Home 2001 sq ft and Over). Lower right: Castleform Developments LEED Gold-certified home. Inset: Peter Voong (Castleform Developments Inc.) with Yasmine Goodwin (My Design Studio) and Joëlle Goodwin. 2015 SUPPLIED PHOTOS
  • 35. theplaneview By Be t t e r Bu i l d e r St a f f Need to Know Facts About Water ‡ Canada has more lake area than any other coun-try in the world – approximately 8 per cent of its territory is covered by lakes. ‡ Canadians, it seems, have no trouble consuming lots of it. Canada ranks second highest in terms of per capita water consumption at 353 litres per day, and is 65 per cent above the OECD (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development) average. ‡ It’s not just Canadians who are consuming more water – water use increased six-fold during the 20th century, more than twice the rate of popu-lation growth. ‡ The Conference Board of Canada ranked Canada 15th out of 16 peer countries in terms of water withdrawals. This ranking is second only to the United States. Eight of the peer countries consume less than half that of Canadians per capita. ‡ There is still little known nationwide about the quantity and quality of fresh groundwater. What is known is that approximately one-third of Canadians depend on groundwater as their freshwater source. This fact coupled with the following should be enough to rouse some alarm. ‡ Twenty five percent of Canadian municipalities have experienced water shortages in the past several years. ‡ Add the fact that warmer climates and altered precipitation patterns are causing increased evaporation of surface water, which in turn may result in summer droughts in the interior of Southern Canada, and a bit of panic may set in. In Western Canada, these shortages may be worsened by the slow but steady disappearance of alpine glaciers that currently provide much of the freshwater input in regional rivers and streams. ‡ David Crane for Water Canada ( says the first step toward an action-positive move for Canadians will be “to raise the level of understanding, not only among policymakers, but also among the wider public; that there is an enormous challenge facing the world and that there is also a significant opportunity for Canada, by strengthening our research base and the 34 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 strength of our companies….[we need to] identify our water champions who will provide leadership to make Canada a water-solutions country.” BB Sources: “The World and Water Fact Sheet.” RBC. Accessed Novem-ber 18, 2014. assets-custom/pdf/Fact-Sheet-The-World-and-Water-EN.pdf “High and Dry: What Canadians Don’t Know About Water Could Usher in Global Crisis.” Accessed November 20, 2014. http:// t-know-about-water-could-lead-global-crisis PHOTO: WWW.DESIGNPICS.COM
  • 36. Find comfort in a world of change. With residential building codes changing across Canada you need an exterior insulated sheathing that measures up. In the move from nominal to effective R-values, ROXUL® COMFORTBOARD™ IS provides a stable solution. Vapour permeable, it dries easily even if the framing gets wet, guarding against mould and mildew all while delivering an extra layer of thermal protection. | 1-800-265-6878 DON’T JUST INSULATE, ROXULATE WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014 35
  • 37. PAGE TITLE Features Helping builders design and build more energy effi cient homes. New building codes require new approaches to housing design and energy performance. Enbridge’s Savings by Design program is here to help. The program offers free access to design and technical experts, as well as valuable incentives to help design and build more energy effi cient homes. Using our unique and collaborative Integrated Design Process (IDP), we will work with you to identify optimal solutions for improving energy effi ciency 25% beyond Ontario Building Code 2012. To learn more, visit TM 34 WWW.BETTERBUILDER.CA | ISSUE 12 | WINTER 2014