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Dr. Bharat D. Zinjurke
MD (Swasthvritta)
30-Jul-22 1
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 त्रय उपस्तम्भा इतत आहारः स्वप्नो ब्रम्हचययमितत ॥ च. सू. ११/३५
 Trayopstambha : Healthy life is primarily dependent on three fundamental activities
 Aahar ( Balanced Diet)
 Nidra ( Sound sleep)
 Brahmacharya (Balanced sexual life)
30-Jul-22 2
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 According to Ayurveda, Ahara i.e. diet is the best preventive medicine and is solely
responsible for health and illness, sorrow and happiness.
 Although, specific drugs are required for management of specific diseases, Ahara is best
of all the medicines.
 No medicine can perform well unless it is accompanied by proper food.
 The food habit that promotes health is called pathya (wholesome diet)
 The one which is not congenial to the body is called as Apathya (unwholesome diet).
 The importance of Aahar is being underestimated in the fast moving modern world.
 The customs in eating, the ways of cooking, eating habits of the fast moving modern
world are changing for the worse.
 So to increase awareness about a balanced and nutritious diet ultimately
a healthy lifestyle is the aim of Ayurveda.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Ayurvedic diet varies for each individual for it is based on various
factors like age, gender, the doshic (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)
tendencies, the strength of body tissues and digestive fires and
the level of ama (toxins) in their body.
 As per classics of Ayurveda, one must follow certain rules in
context of preparation as well as consumption of food.
 As faulty practice of food consumption may lead to invitation of
various diseases.
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 4
आह्रित इत्याहारो भेषजिपप ॥ चक्रपाणि
 Definition of Aahar:
 Aahara (Diet) is that which we take from mouth inside the body, where it is
transformed after digestion and give nutrition to all the body parts. At the
same time it protects, heals and promotes growth of human body.
 Diet is what we eat,drink
 Diet is Pathya.(Dos)
 Diet is Apathya.(Donts)
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Diet plays an important role in keeping our mind healthy.
Considering the effect of food on mind following 3 classifications
have been made:
 1. Satvik diet – Ideal diet containing vegetarian, non-oily,
nonspicy articles which are congenial to the body
 2. Rajasik diet – Too spicy, hot, sour, salty that excites the mind
3. Tamasik diet – Too oily, heavy food that leads to lethargic
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 6
 प्रािाः प्रािभृतािन्नं लोकोऽमभधावतत ।
 वियप्रसादः सौस्वयं जीपवतं प्रततभा सुखि्॥
 तुष्टः पुष्टर्यलं िेधा सवयिन्ने प्रततष्िति ्।
 लौकककि ्किय यद्वृत्तौ स्वर्यतौ यच्च वैह्रदकि ्।
 किायपवर्े यच्चोक्तं तच्चाप्यन्ने प्रततष्िति्॥ च. सू. २७/
 Aahara is nourishing, energy gaining, replenishing.
 It sustains the body
 Increases the memory, mental function
 Enhances the life span
 Increases the Agni(Digestive fire)
 Brings complexion to skin
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 The consumption of Aahar is nothing but the supply of Panchamahabhutas to
the body.
 The diet should be planned in such a way that the requirement of the body
for a particular Mahabhuta gets fulfilled.
 Food get digested and utilized for the growth of Panchamahabhutas which
in turn results in growth of body
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
Pacahan (Digestion): Transformation of Panchabhautic elements in form of
food to the Panchabhautic elements of the body.
 Agni performs this transformation , literally means digestive capacity in our
body ( Jatharagni)
 Similarly seven Dhatus(Dhatwagni) and five Mahabhutas(Bhutagni) posses
digestive capacity for the regeneration of respective Dhatu and Mahabhutas.
 Health is dependent on the proper functioning of the Agni.
 Sama-agni ( balanced ) helps to maintain the longevity of life and nourish
Dosha, Dhatu and Malas.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 प्रार्ेव तु र्ुरुस्वादुषस्नग्धं च िध्येऽम्ल लविि ्।
 अन्ते रुक्षद्रवमितर रसयुक्तं च ॥ अ. सं. सू.१०/४०
 िधुरिधुरिादौ िध्यतोऽम्लैकभावः
 कटुकटुकिथान्ते ततक्तततक्तं तथैव ।
 Rasa = taste
 Diet should be made up of all the six rasas
 1st liquid food / dry food and guru (heavy), madhura (sweet)
and snigdha (ghee containing foods)
 2nd amla (sour) and Lavana (salty) food
 3rd Rooksha (without oil food), katu (bitter), tikta (pungent),
kashaya (astringent) food.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
Proper time of taking food is when
उद्र्ार शुषध्दरुत्साहो वेर्ोत्सर्ो यथोचचतः ।
लघुता क्षुत्तपपपासा च जीिायहारस्य लक्षिं ॥ भा.प्र.पू.
 Proper excretion of urine and stool
 Cleaning of all the srotasas (channels)
 Feeling of lightness in the body
 Belching with no smell
 We feel like eating and drinking
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 याििध्ये न भोक्तव्यं याियुग्िं न लङ्र्येत ।
 याििध्ये रसोत्पषत्तयायियुग्िाद्र्लक्षयः ॥ यो.र.तन.
 प्रातराशे त्वजीिेऽपप सायिाशो न दु्यतत ॥ च.चच.१५/२३७
 When to take food?
 When you are hungry.
 The duration between two meals should be at least 3 hrs at the
same time you should not be fasting more than 6 hrs.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 िात्राशी स्यात। आहार िात्रा पुनराषग्नर्लापेक्षक्षिी।
 र्ुरुिािधयसौह्रहत्यं लघूनां नातततृप्तता ।
 िात्राप्रिािं तनह्रदय्टं सुखं यावषव्दजीययते ॥
 भोजनं ह्रहनिात्रं तु न र्लोपचयौजसे ।
 सवेषां वातरोर्ािां हेतुतां च प्रपद्यते ॥
 अततिात्रं पुनः सवयिाशु दोषं प्रकोपयेत्।
 शाक
ं नवान्नभूतय्टं शीतिु्िीकृ तं त्यजेत्॥
 As per digestive capacity ( Agni)
 Considering four parts of stomach,
 one should take 2 parts of food, 1 part liquid, 1 part free for the gases/ vayu to move
 Depends on nature, properties of food articles
 The amount of food, which without disturbing the equilibrium of doshas & dhatus of the
body gets digested as well as metabolized in proper time is to be regarded as the proper
quantity. 30-Jul-22 13
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Active Overeating
 Active overeating in humans can occur for cultural reasons. A good example
of this comes from urban Gambia, where the prevalence of obesity is >35%
in middle-aged women.
 In Western societies, active overeating is generally driven by marketing.
 Passive Overeating
 Overeating and breast cancer risk by pathologic subtypes: EpiGEICAM study
 M Pollán;S Bezares;Carrasco;B Pérez-GómezV Lope
 After taking BMI into account, excessive energy intake increases BC risk,
while relative caloric restriction seems to have a protective effect. Moderate
calorie restriction, in combination with regular physical activity, could be a
good strategy for BC prevention.
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 14
अत्यम्र्ुपानान्न पवपच्यतेऽन्निनम्र्ुपानाच्च स एव दोषः।
तस्िान्नरोअ वषन्हपववधंनाय िुहुिुयहुवायरर पपर्ेद्भूरर: ॥
भक्तस्यादौ जलं पीतिषग्नसादं कृ शांर्ताि्॥
 अन्ते करोतत स्थुलत्विूध्वय चािाशयात्कफ़ि्।
 िध्ये िध्यांर्तां साम्यं धातूनां जरिं सुखि्॥
 अजीिे भेषजं वारर जीिय वारर र्लप्रदि्।
 भोजने चािृतं वारर रात्रौवारर पवषप्रदि्॥
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Water in less or excess amount is harmful for health hence should be
consumed in optimum quantity for maintaining the body physiological
 Water should be consumed judiciously in appropriate quantity then it
acts like nectar or otherwise acts as poison.
 Water in less quantity is recommended for the person suffering from
alpagni (diminution of agni/ reduced digestive power), pandu
(anaemia), udar rog (ascites), atisar (diarrhoea), arsha (haemorrhoids),
grahani (disorders of lower G.I.T.), gulma (lump) and in shotha
 Except for Sharad (autumn) and nidagha (summer) even healthy
persons should drink only requisite quantity of water in all other
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 16
 Out of four parts of stomach amount equivalent to one part water should be
consumed at the time of meal.
 Specific effects of water on health in relation to intake of meals have been
explained in classics.
 Water when consumed before meal during good appetite time acts like
poison and may result in emaciation or weight loss.
 Drinking water intermittently along with food gives the strength to body and
result in maintenance of weight and health.
 Drinking of water just after meals may result in obesity.
 Water protects like umbrella if is consumed on appearance of thirst after
taking the food.
 Drinking of water in the morning helps in vayasthapan (preventing the
effects of age) in healthy persons depending on their constitution,
specifically for sama prakriti (Balanced constitution) individuals.
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 17
 Ayurveda classified water as per various means of processing and signifies
role of each type of water for human being.
 Cold water is indicated in madatyaya (alcohol abuse), chardi
(vomiting/emesis), klama (fatigue), bhrama (giddiness), trishna
(thirst/polidypsia), daha (burning sensation), pittaj vikar (pittaj disorder),
visha (poison), and pittaj mutrakriccha (dysuria due to pitta). Ushnodak (hot
water) based on quantity to be reduced after boiling is also explained in the
texts along with its indications viz., navajwara (fever of recent origin),
pinasa, vataj pratishyay, (rhinitis) hikka (hiccup), shwas (dyspnoea), kasa
(cough/ tussis), sthaulya (obesity), after & during panchkarma, Galroga
(disorders of throat), anaha (flatulence) and thrishna (thirst).
 Boiled cooled water is anabhishandi (non-obstructing channels of
circulation) and laghu (light/easily digestible); advisable in pittdosha
associated conditions,
 however, if it is kept overnight it will vitiate tridoshas
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 18
 Madhura (Sweet) = Earth + Water
 Amla(Sour) = Fire + Earth
 Lavana(Salt) = Water + Fire
 Katu(Pungent) = Fire + Air
 Tikta(Bitter) = space + Air
 Kashaya(Astringent) = Earth + Air
 Diet is made up of Panchmahabhutas
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 फलिादौ ही चाश्नीयाद्भोजनस्य नरोत्ति ।
 पवना िोचफलं तद्वद्वजयनीया च कक
य टी ॥ ३/११ क्षेिक
ु तूहलि्
 आदौ फलातन भुन्न्जीत दाडििादीतन र्ुषध्दिान् ।
 ततः पेयांस्ततो भोज्यान् भक्षयांषश्चत्रांस्ततः परि् ॥
 Fruits should eat before meal like Pomegranat but should avoid
Banana and Cucumber.
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 20
 भुक्त्वोपपवशतस्तुन्दं र्लिुत्तानशातयनः ।
 आयुवायिकह्रटस्थस्य िृत्युधायवतत धावतः॥
 Sitting after meal increases obesity special abdominal obesity.
 Lie-down on back after meal increases strength.
 Lie-down on left lateral position after meal increases your life.
 Walking or running after meal death.
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 21
Ayurveda Modern science
 Madhura (Sweet)
 Amla(Sour)
 Lavana(Salt)
 Katu(Pungent)
 Tikta(Bitter)
 Kashaya(Astringent)
 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Fats
 Vitamins
 Minerals
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 According to source three types
 Jangam : foods obtained from animals , e.g. meat,eggs, milk, butter
 Audbhid : foods obtained from vegetables, e.g. cereals , pulses etc.
 Parthiv : Minerals , metals etc.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 तस्यामशतपीतलीढखाह्रदतस्य .. सु.सू. ४६/३
 अमशत – भोज्यिोदकाह्रद – Chewables
 पीत – पेयं क्षीराह्रद – Drinkable
 लीढ – लेह्यं िध्वाह्रद – Lickables
 खाह्रदत – भक्षयं िोदकाह्रद – Eatable
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 आहार षड्पवधं चू्यं पेयं लेह्यं तथैव च ।
 भोज्यं भक्षयं तथा चव्यं र्ुरुपवद्द्याद्द्यथोत्तरि् ॥ भा.प्र.
 As per consistency six types (षड्पवधाहार)
 Peya = which can be drunk e. g. liquids
 Lehya= which can be licked e. g. honey
 Bhojya = easily chewable e.g. rice
 Bhakshya = Hard food substances which need to be chewed e.g.
sugarcane, bread
 Chushya = which could be sucked e. g. mango
 Charvya = which needs to mastication by the teeth, these include
very hard food materials e.g. various nuts
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 रसनेषन्द्रयग्राह्यो रसः ।
 Rasa can assessed by Rasanendyiya (Tongue)
 Madhura : Habitual right from the childhood as it replenishes the dhatus e.g. milk
 Amala : Acts as a good appetizer , cardio tonic. E.g. Aamalaki
 Lavan : Relishes the food and increases the digestive capacity. E.g. common salt
 Tikta: Though an unpleasant taste it rectifies the functions of tongue e.g. Bitter
 Katu: Elevates the digestive capacity of an individual.
 Makes food palatable and reduces unctusness of the body. E.g. Ginger, Capsicum
 Kashaya: Reduces the flow by constriction. E.g. Areca nut
 Ayurveda recommends intake of food of all six tastes and over use of single taste
should be avoided.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Vipaka
पररिालक्षिो पवपाकः
Vipaka is denoted by change in original form
Ingested food is digested by Agni and then gets assimilated in the body.
Vipaka is the taste attained by the digested food material in the digestive
Virya –
कियलक्षिं वीयं
Virya is assessed by its action
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 According to digestibility property (Guna) diet can be of mainly of two
Guru = Heavy to Digest
Laghu = Easy to digest
 According to potency property (Veerya) by which it acts on body
Ushna = Hot
Sheeta = Cold
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Guna – Physical properties of Dravya
 1. Guru Guna (Heaviness or Physical mass) – पृथ्वी+आप
 यस्य द्रव्यस्य र्ृंहिे कियणि शषक्तः स र्ुरुः ।
 २. Laghu – Lightness – आकाश+ वायू+आषग्न
 लङघने लघुः ।
 Clear channels of the body
 3. Sheeta Guna – (Cold) –
 स्तम्भनो ह्रहिः ।
 ४. Ushna Guna (Hotness)
 स्वेदने उ्िः ।
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 29
 ५. Snigdha Guna (Unctuousness) – जल
 यस्य क्लेदने शषक्तः स षस्नग्धः ।
 ६. Ruksha Guna (Dryness or non- unctuousness)- वायु
 शोषिे रुक्षः ।
 ७. Manda Guna (Dullness or Mildness)
 यस्य शिने शषक्तः स िन्दः ।
 ८. Tikshana Guna (Sharpness or fast-acting)
 शोधने ततक्षिः ।
 ९. Sthira Guna (Immobility)
 धारिे षस्थरः ।
 १०. Sara Guna (Mobility)
 प्रेरिे चलः ।
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 30
 ११. Mridu Guna (Softness or Fragility)
 श्लथने िृदुः ।
 १२. Katina (Hardness)
 दृढीकरिे कह्रिनः ।
 १३. Vishad Guna (Clearness)
 क्षालने पवशदः ।
 १४. Pichchils Guna (Stickyness or sliminess)
 लेपने पपषश्चलः ।
 १५. Slakshna Guna (Smoothness)
 रोपने श्लक्षिः ।
 १६. Khara Guna ( Roughness)
 लेखने खरः ।
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 31
 १७. Sukshma Guna ( Fineness or Microscopic nature)
 पववरिे सूक्षिः ।
१८. Sthula Guna (Bulkiness)
 संवरिे स्थूलः ।
 १९. Sandra Guna (Solidity or Turbidity)
 यस्य प्रसादने शषक्तः स सान्द्रः ।
 २०. Drava Guna (Fluidity)
 यस्य पवलोिने शषक्तः स द्रवः ।
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 32
 तत्र, िधुरो रसः शरीरसात्म्याद्रसरुचधरिांसिेदोषस्थिज्जौजःशुक्रामभवधयन आयु्यः षडिषन्द्रयप्रसा
दनो र्लवियकरः पपत्तपवषिारुतघ्नस्तृ्िादाहप्रशिनस्त्वच्यः क
े श्यः कण्ठ्यो र्ल्यः प्रीिनो जी
वनस्तपयिो र्ृंहिः स्थैययकरः क्षीिक्षतसन्धानकरो घ्राििुखकण्ठिौ्िषजह्वाप्रह्लादनो| दाहिूच््ाय
प्रशिनः षट्पदपपपीमलकानामि्टतिः षस्नग्धः शीतो र्ुरुश्च|
 Amongest them, madhura, rasa, because of its suitability to the body,
promotes Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Medas, Asthi, Majja, Ojas and Sukra; is
conductive to life-span, pleasing to six sense organs, promotes strength and
lustier, alleviates pitta, poisons and Vayu; pacifies thirst and heat; is
beneficial for skin, hairs, throat and strength; is nourishing, vitalize,
saturating, bulk-promoting and stabiliser; promotes healing in wounds of
the emaciated, is delighting for nose, mouth, throat, lips and tongue;
alleviates fainting, is most liked by the bees and ants, is unctuous, cold
and heavy.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 1. Nadi Samsthana- Alhadakara, Shad Indriya Prasadakara,
Medhya, Tarpana
 2. Pacahana Samsthana- Anulomana, Trishna Nigrahana
 3. Raktavaha Samsthana- Sandhaniya, Hridya
 4. Shwasana Samsthana- Kanthya
 5. Mutravaha Samsthana- Mutrala.
 6. Prajanana Samsthana- Vrushya, Garbhasthapana, Stanyajanana
7. Twacha- Dahashamana, Twachya, Keshya, Varnya.
30-Jul-22 34
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानः स्थौल्यं िादयविालस्यिततस्वप्नं र्ौरविनन्नामभलाषिग्नेदौर्यल्यिास्यकण्ठि
योिांसामभवृपधं श्वासकासप्रततश्यायालसकशीतज्वरानाहास्यिाधुययविथुसञ्ज्ञास्वरप्रिाशर्लर्ण्ठिर्
ण्ठििालाश्लीपदर्लशोफर्षस्तधिनीर्लोपलेपाक्षयाियामभ्यन्दातनत्येवम्प्रभृतीन ् कफजान ् पवकारानु
पजनयतत (१)
 Excessive use of sweet, produces kaphaja disorders such as obesity, laxity,
lassitude, over-sleep, heaviness, loss of desire for food, mildness of appetite,
abnormal growth in mouth and throat, dyspnoea, cough, coryza, alasaka,
fever with shivering, hardness in bowels, sweetness in mouth, vomiting, loss
of consciousness and voice, goitre, cervical adenitis, filariasis, pharyngitis,
(mucous) coating in bladder, arteries and throat, eye diseases, conjunctivitis
30-Jul-22 35
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 अम्लो रसो भक्तं रोचयतत, अषग्नं दीपयतत, देहं र्ृंहयतत ऊजययतत, िनो र्ोधय
तत, इषन्द्रयाणि दृढीकरोतत, र्लं वधययतत, वातिनुलोियतत, हृदयं तपययतत, आस्य
िास्रावयतत, भुक्तिपकषययतत क्लेदयतत जरयतत, प्रीियतत, लघुरु्िः षस्नग्धश्च
 Amla rasa gives pleasure to food, stimulates agni, promotes the
bulk of the body and gives energy to it, awakens mind, makes the
sense organs firm, promotes strength, carminates wind,
saturates heart, salivates mouth; carries down, moistens and
digests food; gives satisfaction, and is light, hot and unctuous.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानो दन्तान् हषययतत, तषययतत, सम्िीलयत्यक्षक्षिी, संवेजयतत लोिा
तन, कफ
ं पवलापयतत, पपत्तिमभवधययतत, रक्तं दूषयतत,िांसं पवदहतत, कायं मशचथलीकरो
तत, क्षीिक्षतकृ शदुर्यलानां श्वयथुिापादयतत, अपप च क्षतामभहतद्टदग्धभग्नशूनप्रच्युता
विूत्रत्रतपररसपपयतिह्रदयतषच््न्नमभन्नपवषश्ल्टोद्पवधोषत्प्टादीतन पाचयत्याग्नेयस्वभावात ्,
पररदहतत कण्ठििुरो हृदयं च|
 Used excessively, sensitizes teeth, causes thirst, makes the eye close,
raises the body hairs, liquifies kapha, aggravates pitta, affects blood
morbidity, causes heat in muscles and laxity in body, produces
swelling in wasted, injured, emaciated and debilitated persons,
because of its agneya nature causes suppuration in wounds, injuries,
bites, burns, fractures, swellings, falling, poisoned spots due to
urination and contact of insects, compressed, excised, dislocated,
punctured and crushed etc.; and causes burning sensation in throat,
chest and cardiac region.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 लविो रसः पाचनः क्लेदनो दीपनश्च्यावनश््ेदनो भेदनस्तीक्षिः सरो पवकास्यधः
स्रंस्यवकाशकरो वातहरः स्तम्भर्न्धसङ्घातपवधिनः सवयरसप्रत्यनीकभूतः, आस्य
िास्रावयतत, कफ
ं पव्यन्दयतत, िार्ायन् पवशोधयतत, सवयशरीरावयवान् िृदूकरोतत,
रोचयत्याहारि्, आहारयोर्ी, नात्यथं र्ुरुः षस्नग्ध उ्िश्च|
 Lavana rasa is digestive, moistening, appetiser, pouring,
expectorant, massbreaking, irritant, laxative, depressant, oozing,
space-creating, vata-alleviating, removes stiffness, binding and
compactness, overshadows all the rasas, salivates mouth,
liquifies kapha, cleanses channels, softens all the body-parts,
gives relish to food, is an associate of food. It is not much heavy,
unctuous and hot.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानः पपत्तं कोपयतत, रक्तं वधययतत, तषययतत, िूच््ययतत , तापयतत,
दारयतत, क
ु ्िातत िांसातन, प्रर्ालयतत क
ु ्िातन, पवषं वधययतत, शोफान् स्फोटयतत, द
न्तांश्च्यावयतत, पुंस्त्विुपहषन्त, इषन्द्रयाण्ठयुपरुितद्भ, वमलपमलतखामलत्यिापादयतत, अपप
च लोह्रहतपपत्ताम्लपपत्तपवसपयवातरक्तपवचचचयक
े न्द्रलुप्तप्रभृतीषन्वकारानुपजनयतत|
Excessively, vitiates pitta, aggravates rakta, causes thirst, fainting,
heat, tearing, sloughing, increases leprosy and other skin diseases,
aggravates poisons, makes the inflammed part burst and teeth fall
down; damages potency, hinders sense organs, gives rise to wrinkles,
grey hair and baldness; and also produces disorders like internal
haemorrhage, acid gastritis, erysipelas, vatarakta, eczema, alopecia
30-Jul-22 39
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 कटुको रसो वक्त्रं शोधयतत, अषग्नं दीपयतत, भुक्तं शोषयतत, घ्राििास्रावयतत, चक्षुपवयरे
चयतत, स्फ
ु टीकरोतीषन्द्रयाणि, अलसकश्वयथूपचयोददायमभ्यन्दस्नेहस्वेदक्लेदिलानुपह
षन्त, रोचयत्यशनं, कण्ठिूपवयनाशयतत , व्रिानवसादयतत, कक्रिीन् ह्रहनषस्त, िांसं पवमलख
तत, शोणितसङ्घातं मभनषत्त, र्न्धांषश््नषत्त, िार्ायन् पववृिोतत, श्ले्िािं शियतत, ल
घुरु्िो रूक्षश्च|
 Katuka rasa cleanses mouth, stimulates digestion, absorbs food,
causes secretion from the nose and eyes; makes the sense organs
clear, alleviates alasaka, swelling, corpulence, urticarial patches,
channel-blocking, unction, sweating, moisture and dirts, gives relish
to food, destroys itching, depresses wounds, kills organism, scrapes
muscles, checks the coagulation of blood, cuts the bindings, opens the
channels, pacifies kapha, and is light, hot and rough.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानो पवपाकप्रभावात ् पुंस्त्विुपहषन्त, रसवीययप्रभावान्िोहयषन्त, ग्लापय
तत, सादयतत, कशययतत, िूच््ययतत, नियतत, तियतत, भ्रियतत, कण्ठिं पररदहतत, शरीर
तापिुपजनयतत, र्लं क्षक्षिोतत, तृ्िां जनयतत; अपप च वाय्वषग्नर्ुिर्ाहुल्याद्भ्रिदवथु
कम्पतोदभेदैश्चरिभुजपाश्वयपृ्िप्रभृततषु िारुतजान् पवकारानुपजनयतत|
 Excessively, damages sexual potency due to the effect of vipaka,
causes mental confusion, malaise, depression, emaciation, fainting,
bending, feeling of darkness, giddiness, burning in throat, body-heat,
loss of strength and thirst due to the effect of rasa, virya and
prabhava, over and above, due to
abundance of vayu and agni, it produces vatika disorders in feet, hands,
sides, back etc. particularly with symptoms like movements, burning
pain, tremors, piercing and tearing pains.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 ततक्तो रसः स्वयिरोचच्िुरप्यरोचकघ्नो पवषघ्नः कक्रमिघ्नो िूच््ायदाहकण्ठिूक
ु ्ि
तृ्िाप्रशिनस्त्वङ्िांसयोः षस्थरीकरिो ज्वरघ्नो दीपनः पाचनः स्तन्यशोधनो ले
खनः क्लेदिेदोवसािज्जलसीकापूयस्वेदिूत्रपुरीषपपत्तश्ले्िोपशोषिो रूक्षः शीतो
Tikta rasa, though itself non-relishing destroys disrelish, is
antipoison, anthelmintic, alleviates fainting, burning sensation,
itching, leprosy (including skin disorders) and thirst; provides
firmness to skin and muscles, is antipyretic, appetiser, digestive,
galacto-depurant, reducing, absorbent of moisture, fat, muscle-
fat, marrow, lymph, pus, sweat, urine, faeces, pitta and kapha;
and is rough, cold and light.
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 एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानो रौक्षयात्खरपवषदस्वभावाच्च रसरुचधरिांसिेदोषस्थिज्जशुक्रा
ण्ठयुच््ोषयतत, स्रोतसां खरत्विुपपादयतत, र्लिादत्ते, कशययतत, ग्लपयतत, िोहय
तत, भ्रियतत, वदनिुपशोषयतत, अपरांश्च वातपवकारानुपजनयतत|
Excessively, on account of its roughness, coarseness and non-
sliminess, dries up rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, majja and
sukra; causes coarseness in channels, takes away strength,
produces emaciation, malaise, mental co fusion, giddiness,
dryness of mouth and other vatika disorders.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 कषायो रसः संशिनः सङ्ग्राही सन्धानकरः पीिनो रोपिः शोषिः स्तम्भनः श्ले
्िरक्तपपत्तप्रशिनः शरीरक्लेदस्योपयोक्ता रूक्षः शीतोऽलघुश्च|
 Kasaya rasa is pacifying, astringent, union-promoting,
compressing, healing, absorbing, checking (discharges); pacifies
kapha, rakta and pitta; utilises the body fluid, is rough, cold and
slightly light.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिान आस्यं शोषयतत, हृदयं पीियतत, उदरिाध्िापयतत, वाचं
तनर्ृह्िातत, स्रोतांस्यवर्ध्नातत, श्यावत्विापादयतत, पुंस्त्विुपहषन्त, पव्टभ्य ज
रां र्च््तत, वातिूत्रपुरीषरेतांस्यवर्ृह्िातत, कशययतत, ग्लपयतत, तषययतत, स्तम्भ
यतत, खरपवशदरूक्षत्वात् पक्षवधग्रहापतानकाह्रदयतप्रभृतींश्च वातपवकारानुपजनयतत||
 Excessively, dries up mouth, causes heart-ache, flatulence,
hindrance in voice, slowing of movement in channels,
blackishness, impotency, gas formation during digestion; checks
flatus, urine, faeces and semen; produces emaciation, malaise,
thirst, stiffness; and, because of its coarseness, non-sliminess
and roughness, causes vatika disorders like hemiplegia, spasm,
convulsions, facial paralysis etc.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 तत्र खषल्विान्य्टाहारपवचधशेषायतनातन भवषन्तः
 तद्यथा – प्रकृ ततकरिसंयोर्रामशदेश कालोपयोर् संस्थोपयोक्त्र्टिातन
॥ च.पव. १/२१
 For maintaining health every body should consume only
wholesome diet, and prepare the food, taking in to account the
following eight factors.
 These eight factors determines whether the food is going to be
helpful or harmful for the body.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
1. Prakriti : Nature of food article
2. Karana : Method of there processing
3. Samyoga: Combination
4. Rashi : Quantity
5. Desha: Habitat
6. Kala: Time
7. Upyogsanstha: Rules governing intake of food
8. Upyokta: Wholesomeness to individual who takes it
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 तत्र प्रकृ ततरुच्यते स्वभावो यः स पुनराहारौषधद्रव्यािां ।
 स्वभापवको र्ुवायह्रदर्ुियोर्ः तद्यथा- िाषिुद्र्योः शूकरैियोश्च ॥
 च. पव. १/२१
 Prakriti means nature of food article i.e. characteristic features of substance
(sheet, ushna, laghu etc.)
 Every individual has specific physical and mental characters, every food
substance also has its prakriti which depends on sheet, ushna, guru etc.
 For example: Masha i.e. black gram is very heavy (Guru) in nature
and Mudga (Phaseolus mungo) is light (Laghu) so it is easy to digest.
Similarly, Shukar (boar) mans is guru and that of Ena (deer) has laghu property.
 Prakriti identifies inherent properties of ahara. So, one should take into
consideration about heavy or light properties of food before eating so that one
can consume food according to their digestion power.
 Knowledge of sheet ushna property of food will help in taking food according
to Deha Prakruti. E.g. People with Pitta Prakruti should avoid Ushna Dravya.
Thus, the nature of food should be taken into consideration before taking food.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Green Gram- कषायश्ले्िपपत्तघ्नो,
रूक्षः शीतः लयघुः
 Black Gram -
वृ्यः परं वातहरः षस्नग्धो्िो िधुरो र्ुरुः
 Kulthya - Horse Gram
उ्िाः कषायाः पाक
े ऽम्लाः कफशुक्रातनलापहाः
 Bengal Gram -
शीतिधुराः सकषाया पवरूक्षिाः
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 करिं पुनः स्वाभापवकानां द्रव्यािािमभसंस्कारः ।
 संस्कारो ह्रह र्ुिान्तराधानिुच्यते ॥
 ते र्ुिास्तोय अषग्नसषन्नकषय शौच िन्थनदेशकाल वासन भावनाह्रदमभः काल प्रकषय
भाञ्ज्जनाह्रदमभ श्चाधीयते ॥
 Karan refers to method of processing of food.
 Karan i.e. samskara is responsible for change in property of food.
 Agnisanskaran, jalasanyog, Shaucha, Manthana are some examples
of samskara.
 Some food articles are not suitable for consumption in their original
 It has to undergo some procedure or samskara so that it can be
accepted by body.
 Some food has prakriti of vitiation of doshas, this property can be
changed by different processing over food i.e. Karan.
30-Jul-22 50
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
Examples of processing's –washing, cleaning, dilution, (अषग्न सषन्नकषय)heating,
roasting, boiling, cooking, frying, (िन्थन)churning, storing, maturing, flavoring,
preservation etc.
 Agni Samskara (Contact of fire): Heating, boiling, frying and roasting are
different agni samskara. Different types of agni causes different change in the
property of food. e.g. food cooked on coal or natural wood has better taste than
food cooked over electrical one.
 Jal Sannikarsh and Shauch (Cleaning) Samskara: It includes cleaning of
substances i.e. contact with water. It is done to remove impurities. e. g: Rice
prepared of dusked paddy is laghu, while rice prepared of nonboiled paddy
is guru.5
 Manthana (Churning) Samskara: Manthan i.e. churning or grinding changes
properties of food. E.g. Dadhi is guru and shothkrut in nature. When dadhi is
churned it is converted into buttermilk which is laghu in nature. Also, it is
considered as shothghna.
30-Jul-22 51
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 सुधौतः प्रस्रुतः षस्वन्नः सन्तप्तश्चौदनो लघुः||२५७||
भृ्टतण्ठिुलमिच््षन्त र्रश्ले्िािये्वपप|
अधौतोऽप्रस्रुतोऽषस्वन्नः शीतश्चाप्योदनो र्ुरुः||२५८||
 Odana (boiled rice), prepared of well-cleaned grains, devoid of
water, well- cooked and warm is light.
 In conditions of poisoning and kaphaja disorders, odana is
prepared of fried rice.
 Odana(भात) prepared of uncleaned grains, not well-filtered, not
well-cooked and cold is heavy.
30-Jul-22 52
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 दचध तु िधुरिम्लित्यम्लं चेतत; तत्कषायानुरसं षस्नग्धिु्िं पीनसपवषिज्वरा
ततसारारोचकिूत्रकृ च्रकाश्यायपहं वृ्यं प्रािकरं िङ्र्ल्यं च ||६५||
िहामभ्यषन्द िधुरं कफिेदोपववधयनि् |
कफपपत्तकृ दम्लं स्यादत्यम्लं रक्तदूषिि् ||६६||
पवदाह्रह सृ्टपवण्ठिूत्रं िन्दजातं त्रत्रदोषकृ त् |६७||
 तक्र
ं तु िधुरिम्लं कषायानुरसिु्िवीयं लघुरूक्षिषग्नदीपनं र्रशोफाततसारग्रहिी
पाण्ठिुरोर्ाशयःप्लीहर्ुल्िारोचकपवषिज्वरतृ्िाच््ह्रदयप्रसेकशूलभेदःश्ले्िातनलहरं िधु
ं हृद्यं िूत्रकृ च्रस्नेहव्यापत्प्रशिनिवृ्यं च ||८४||
30-Jul-22 53
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 रोचनं दीपनं वृ्यं स्नेहनं र्लवधयनि्|
े ऽम्लिु्िं वातघ्नं िङ्र्ल्यं र्ृंहिं दचध||२२५||
 Curd is relishing appetiser, aphrodisiac, uncting, strength-
promoting, amlapaka, hot, alleviates vata, is auspicious and
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Copper
 Irons
 Still
 Silver
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 संयोर्ः पुनव्दययोर्हुनां वा द्रव्यािां संहती भावः स पवशेषिारभते,
 यं पुननैक
ै कशो द्रव्याण्ठयारभन्तेः तद्यथा-िधुसपपयषोः िधुित्स्यपयसां च संयोर्ः ॥
 Though the property of substance is different it changes after mixing with
another substance. i.e. Samyog of two or more articles results in the
manifestation of special qualities, which cannot be achieved by using the same
article separately.
 The combination altogether produces new qualities so, it should be taken in to
consideration that while preparing the food; the ingredient must be compatible
to each other and should be properly mixed together.
 For example, Honey and Ghee in same quantity is samyog virrudha i.e. it causes
harmful effect on body if taken together in same quantity.
 Milk and fish both are sweet in taste but milk is of sheet veerya and fish is
of ushna verya.7 As they have contradiction in their potency it causes vitiation
of Rakta and obstruction of strotas.
 In today’s era people are using food with different combinations. We should
learn the art of combination of substances that they should become compatible
to each other.
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 Dal 1/3 + Rise 2/3
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 रामशस्तु सवयग्रहपररग्रहौ िात्रािात्रफलपवतनश्चयाथयः ।
 तत्र सवयस्याहारस्य प्रिाि ग्रहिािेकपपण्ठिेन सवयग्रहः ।
 पररग्रहः पुनः प्रिािग्रहण्ठिेक
ै कश्येनाहारद्रव्यािाि् ।
 सवयस्य ह्रह ग्रहः सवयग्रहः सवयतश्च र्ृहः पररग्रह उच्च्यते ॥
 Quantity of food substances which determines the result of their
administration in adequate and inadequate dose/ amount.
 The quantity of food taken in its total quantity is Sarvagraha and the
quantity of each of its ingredients is Parigraha
 The total quantity depends upon the digestive capacity of an individual,
whereas the proportion of ingredients is fixed e.g. in buttermilk one part
and four parts of water are taken.
30-Jul-22 58
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Rashi means Matra. Ayurveda emphasis on Aharmatra.
 Take diet according to individuals age, digestive capacity etc.
 Digestive capacity varies from person to person, so ahara matra should also
be vary with same.
 The food which get digested in proper time without disturbing the balance
of Dhatus and Doshas is called samyukt rashi i.e. proper quantity.
 The proper quantity of food depends upon property of substances
like laghu-guru. If food is taken in proper quantity it activates digestion
while excess or insufficient food will harm the body.
 Laghu food also should not be ingested in excess quantity, otherwise it
causes decrease digestive power.
 For deciding the matra of food consumption of each person Ayurveda has
given one rule.
 Stomach should be divided into four parts, out of which two parts are filled
with food, one part for water or liquid, and one part is reserved for
movement of vayu (gas).
30-Jul-22 59
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 देशः पुनः स्थानं स द्रव्यािािुत्पषत्तप्रचारौ देशसात्म्यं चाच्टे ॥
 Desh =place.
 Place of the food from where it is originated and the place of
 Three types of Deshas – Anup, Jangal, Sadharan
 It determines attributes due to growth of particular type of food in a
particular locality or their acclimatization to that region. e.g. wheat
growing in Punjab is more nutritive than that growing in other regions.
 Strawberry in Mahabaleswar
30-Jul-22 60
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Habitat is a geographic region.
 Quality of substance is affected by variety of soil and climate.
 Himalaya is considered as Guru Pradesh, substances grown in this
place are guru in nature, while substances grown in dessert
are laghu in nature.
 Persons who consume laghu ahara and performing various activities
are light in nature.
 Ahara should be taken according to both Bhoomi Desha & Deha
 Desha parikshana is vital aspect in understanding patient regarding
dietary habits of patients, probability of diseases related to the diet
and accordingly treatment and Pathyapathya aspect.
30-Jul-22 61
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 कालो ह्रह तनत्यर्श्चावषस्थकश्चः तत्रावाषस्थको पवकारिपेक्षते तनत्यर्स्तु ऋतुसात्म्यापेक्षः ।
 The seasonal regiment in the stage of health & disease must be followed to maintain
proper health.
 Parinaman, maturity of substances and destruction i.e. Uttpati-Sthithi-Laya are
dependent on kala. Nityaga and Avasthika are two types of Kala.
 Nityaga: In this type ahara is taken according to Rutusatmya. For example: Rainy season
is considered as vataprakopak kala. So, food containing vatashamak
gunatmak substances is preferred in this season. In summer days as climate is hot, rasa
dhatu kshay occurs, hence cold, madhur gunatmak ahara is taken. Also, plenty of drinks
are adviced.
 Avasthika: Food is taken depending on the condition of body i.e. either healthy or
diseased. For example, Langhana is advised in Atisara, Spicy food is better to avoid in
 Ayurveda also explains the ideal time for food intake i.e., only when food taken earlier is
completely digested.
 Ayurveda recommends a specific diettary regimen for daytime , nighttime, seasonal
along with acute and chronic conditions of the disease e.g. consumption of curds, heavy
food should be avoided at night.
30-Jul-22 62
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 उपयोक्त पुनययस्तिाहारिुपयुक्ते यदायत्तिोकसात्म्यि ् ॥
 Action of food depends on the psychological and physical
attitude of the person)
 Depends on mental condition, likings, environments and so on
 Availability of food, requirements of individual as per age,
physical conditions.
30-Jul-22 63
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 उपयोर्संस्था तूपयोर्तनयिः सजीिय लक्षिापेक्षः ॥
 Dietetic rules
 Very important for proper digestion
 Intake of food should be warm
 Food should be unctuous ( moist )
 In proper quantity
 After digestion of previous meal
 Avoidance of contradictory food
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 In proper place
 Without hurry and worry
 Not to slow not to fast
 Avoidance of too much talking or laughing, with full
 Should eat with due consideration to himself
 उ्िं षस्नग्धं िात्रावत् जीिे वीयायपवरुध्दि् इ्टेदेशे इ्टसवोपकरिं नाततद्रुतं
नाततपवलषम्र्ति् अजल्पन ् अहसन ् तन्िना भुन्जीत आत्िानिमभसिीक्षय
सम्यक ॥
30-Jul-22 65
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 तस्य साद्र्ुण्ठयिुपदेक्षयािः-
उ्ििश्नीयात्; उ्िं ह्रह भुज्यिानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चाषग्निौदययिुदीरयतत, क्षक्षप्रं
जरां र्च््तत, वातिनुलोियतत, श्ले्िािं च पररिाससयतत [१; तस्िादु्ििश्नी
यात् (१)|२५|
 one should eat warm (food) because it tastes well, the eaten food
stimulates the digestive fire, gets digested quickly, carminates
flatus, reduces mucus; hence one should eat warm
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 षस्नग्धिश्नीयात्; षस्नग्धं ह्रह भुज्यिानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चानुदीियिषग्निुदीरयतत
क्षक्षप्रं जरां र्च््तत, वातिनुलोियतत, शरीरिुपचचनोतत, दृढीकरोतीषन्द्रयाणि, र्ला
मभवृपधिुपजनयतत, वियप्रसादं चामभतनवयतययतत; तस्िात् षस्नग्धिश्नीयात् (२)|२५
 One should eat unctuous; because it tastes well, eaten food
stimulates the unstimulated digestive fire, gets digested quickly,
carminates flatus, develops the body, provides firmness to sense
organs, increases strength, produces clarity of complexion;
hence one should eat unctuous.
30-Jul-22 67
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 िात्रावदश्नीयात्; िात्रावपध भुक्तं वातपपत्तकफानपीियदायुरेव पववधययतत क
े वलं,
सुखं र्ुदिनुपयेतत, न चो्िाििुपहषन्त, अव्यथं च पररपाकिेतत; तस्िान्िात्रावद
श्नीयात् (३)|२५|
 One should eat in proper quantity. Food taken in proper quantity
without disturbing vata, pitta and kapha only promotes life-span,
easily passes down to anus, does not disturb the (digestive) fire,
gets digested with discomfort; hence one should eat in proper
30-Jul-22 68
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 जीिेऽश्नीयात ्; अजीिे ह्रह भुञ्ज्जानस्याभ्यवहृतिाहारजातं पूवयस्याहारस्य रसिपररित
िुत्तरेिाहाररसेनोपसृजत ् सवायन ् दोषान ् प्रकोपयत्याशु, जीिे तु भुञ्ज्जानस्य स्वस्थान
स्थेषु दोषे्वग्नौ चोदीिे जातायां च र्ुभुक्षायां पववृतेषु च स्रोतसां िुखेषु पवशुधे चो
द्र्ारे हृदये पवशुधे वातानुलोम्ये पवसृ्टेषु च वातिूत्रपुरीषवेर्े्वभ्यवहृतिाहारजातं स
वयशरीरधातूनप्रदूषयदायुरेवामभवधययतत क
े वलं; तस्िाज्जीिेऽश्नीयात ् (४)|२५|
 One should eat when the previous meal is digested because if one
eats during indigestion, the eaten food mixing the product of the
earlier meal with that of the later one vitiates all the dosas quickly,
on the contrary, when one eats after the previous meal is digested
well, the dosas are situated in their own locations, agni is
stimulated, appetite is arisen, entrances of the channels are open,
eructation is pure, heart is normal, flatus passes down and urges of
flatus, urine and faeces are attended to, the eaten food promotes
only the life-span without afflicting any dhatu. Hence one should
eat after the previous meal is digested. 30-Jul-22 69
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 वीयायपवरुधिश्नीयात ्; अपवरुधवीययिश्नन् ह्रह पवरुधवीयायहारजैपवयकारैनोपसृज्यते; तस्िा
द्वीयायपवरुधिश्नीयात ् (५)|२५|
 One should take food consisting of the items non-antagonistic in
potency. While doing so one is not afflicted with the disorders caused
by food antagonistic in potency. Hence one should take the food non-
antagonistic in potency.
 इ्टे देशे इ्टसवोपकरिं चाश्नीयात ्; इ्टे ह्रह देशे भुञ्ज्जानो नातन्टदेशजैियनोपवघातकरै
भायवैियनोपवघातं प्राप्नोतत, तथैवे्टैः सवोपकरिैः; तस्िाह्रद्टे देशे तथे्टसवोपकरिं चा
श्नीयात ् (६)
 One should eat in favorable place and with favorable accessories.
While eating in favorable place one does not fall victim to psychic
disturbance due to such factors found in otherwise places. Similarly
while having favorable accessories. Hence one should eat in favorable
place and with favorable accessories.
30-Jul-22 70
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 नाततद्रुतिश्नीयात्; अततद्रुतं ह्रह भुञ्ज्जानस्योत्स्नेहनिवसादनं भोजनस्याप्रतत्िानं
च, भोज्यदोषसाद्र्ण्ठयोपलषधधश्च न तनयता; तस्िान्नाततद्रुतिश्नीयात् (७)
 One should not eat fast because by eating fast the food may
enter into a wrong passage, there is depression and the food is
not established in its place; over and above, detection of the
defects of food and achievement of the merits of the same are
not certain. Hence one should not eat too fast.
30-Jul-22 71
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 नाततपवलषम्र्तिश्नीयात ्; अततपवलषम्र्तं ह्रह भुञ्ज्जानो न तृषप्तिचधर्च््तत, र्हु भुङ्क्ते
, शीतीभवत्याहारजातं, पवषिं च पच्यते; तस्िान्नाततपवलषम्र्तिश्नीयात ् |
 One should not eat too slow because by eating too slow one does not
get satisfaction, eats much, food becomes cold and is digested
irregularly. Hence one should not eat too slow.
 अजल्पन्नहसन् तन्िना भुञ्ज्जीत; जल्पतो हसतोऽन्यिनसो वा भुञ्ज्जानस्य त एव ह्रह
दोषा भवषन्त, य एवाततद्रुतिश्नतः; तस्िादजल्पन्नहसंस्तन्िना भुञ्ज्जीत (९)
 One should eat while not talking or laughing and with concentration.-
By taking food while talking or laughing or with mind elsewhere, he is
inflicted with the same defects as by eating too fast. Hence one should
eat while not talking or laughing and with concentration.
30-Jul-22 72
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 आत्िानिमभसिीक्षय भुञ्ज्जीत सम्यक्; इदं ििोपशेते इदं नोपशेत इत्येवं पवह्रदतं
ह्यस्यात्िन आत्िसात्म्यं भवतत; तस्िादात्िानिमभसिीक्षय भुञ्ज्जीत सम्यचर्तत
 One should eat after due consideration to his self. This is suitable
or unsuitable for me if known in this way then only it becomes
suited to his self. Hence one should eat after considering his self
30-Jul-22 73
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 A healthy and balanced diet according to the above mentioned
special directions can protect the human body against certain
type of disease.
 In particular non communicable disease such as obesity,
diabetes, cardiovascular diseases some type of cancer and
skeletal disorder.
 All the eight types of special direction food are very essential for
good and Happy life.
 The person and physician having knowledge of special direction
of food are beneficial for healthy and long life.
 This knowledge is very helpful for treat the any type’s disease
and change all type of physically, mental as well as social status.
30-Jul-22 74
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
अतः उध्वं व्दादशाशनप्रपवचारान् वक्षयािः । तत्र
ै ककामलकषव्दकामलकौषधयुक्तिात्राहीनदोषप्रशिनवृत्यथायः
॥ सु.उ. ६४/५५
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 तृ्िो्ििददाहातायन रक्तपपत्तपवषातुरान् ।
 िूच््ायतायन स्त्रीषु च क्षीिान् शैतैरन्नैरुपाचरेत् ॥ सु.उ. ६४/५६
 Sheet Ahara: indicated in thirst, alcoholic, burning, Raktapitta and
in emaciated individuals
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 कफवाताियापव्टान् पवररक्तान् स्नेहपातयनः ।
 प्रषक्लन्नकायांश्च नरानु्िैरन्नैरुपाचरेत् ॥
 Ushna Ahara: useful in the patients with Kaphaja and Vataj
disorders and after Virechan and Snehan (oleation therapy).
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 वाततकान् रुक्षदेहांश्च व्यवायोपहतांस्तथा ।
 व्यायामिनश्चापप नरान् षस्नग्धैरन्नैरुपाचरेत् ॥
 Snigdha Ahara: indiacated in Ruksha individual, individual with
Vata Prakrati, in Vataja disorders and the individuals emaciated
by excess sexual act.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 िेदसाऽमभपरीतांस्तु षस्नग्धान्िेहातुरानपप ।
 कफामभपन्नदेहांश्च रुक्षैरन्नैरुपाचरेत ॥
 Ruksha Ahara: useful in obese, diabetics and individual with
excess Kapha.
30-Jul-22 79
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 शु्कदेहान् पपपासातायन् दुर्यलानपप च द्रवैः ।
 Drava Ahara: indicated in dehydrated and weak individuals.
30-Jul-22 80
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 प्रषक्लन्नकायान् व्रणिनः शु्क
ै िेह्रहन एव च ।
 Shushka Ahara: indicated in the patients of dermatological
disorders, eryseplas and diabetes mellitus.
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Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 एककालं भवेद्देयो दुर्यलाषग्नपववृध्दये ।
 Ek-kalika Ahara: Ek-kalika Ahara i.e. one time (once a day) is
indicated in the individuals with impared Agni (digestive power).
30-Jul-22 82
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 सिाग्नये तथाऽऽहारो षव्दकालपप पूषजतः ॥
 Dvi-kalika Ahara: Ahara, twice a day is indicated in individual
with proper Agni.
30-Jul-22 83
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
औषधव्देपषिे देयस्तथौषधसिायुतः ।
Aushadha Yukta Ahara: the diet mixed with required drugs should
be used in those patients, who are unable to take unpalatable
30-Jul-22 84
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 िन्दाग्नये रोचर्िे च िात्राहीनः प्रशस्यते ॥
 Matraheen Ahara: the individual with impaired Agni and the
diseased individual should advise to take the diet in reduced
30-Jul-22 85
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 यथतुयदत्तस्त्वाहारो दोषप्रशिनः स्िृतः ॥
 (ऋतु क
े अनुसार आहार)
 Prashamaka Ahara: the diet advised according to seasonal
variation is Dosha Prashamaka i.e. pacify all the Doshas.
30-Jul-22 86
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 अतः परं तु स्वस्थानां वृत्त्यथं सवय एव च ।
 प्रपवचारातनिानेवं व्दादशात्र प्रयोजयेत् ॥ सु.उ. ६४/६४
 . Vrattiprayojaka Ahara: advised in healthy individuals to promote
psychosomatic health
30-Jul-22 87
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 1.Shashtika - is a kind of rice which grows very quickly to maturity, within sixty days
(meaning of shashtika) and is therefore light on digestion.
 2. Shali - is a variety of rice, sometimes translated as red rice
 3. Mudga- is a pulse called green gram which is light in digestion
 4. Saindhava - is called rock salt, it is powdery, light pink in color. Its composition is
said to include more of potassium than of sodium. This salt is cooling unlike other
types of salt.
 5. Amalaki - It is rejuvenative, antioxidant, pacifying to all Doshas but Pitta, especially.
It is rich in vitamin C and calcium.
 6. Yava(barley) - is also light, laxative, diuretic and is especially useful for removing
excess Kapha from the body
 7. Rain water
 8. Paya (milk) - that comes fresh from cows udder is best among milks. It is more easily
digested if brought to a boil then drank warm. Milk is light in digestion, nourishing the
body and Tri-Doshic.
 9. Ghee - is clarified butter and is best among oils for pacifying Pitta. It also pacifies
Vata and because it. increases the digestive fire
 10. Honey - pacifies Kapha predominantly and Pitta secondarily. Honey must be raw,
uncooked and never used in foods to be cooked
30-Jul-22 88
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Digestion is a process in which agni converts complex ingested food in
such a form that can be easily assimilated in the body.
 Sthoola pachan ( Gross digestion)
 Sookshma pachan ( Minute digestion)
 The three Nyay ( Laws)
 Kshiradadhi nyay
 Kedarkulya nyay ( most commonly accepted )
 Khale kapot nyay
30-Jul-22 89
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Diet causes diseases
 Diet cures diseases
30-Jul-22 90
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Digestion is a process in which agni converts complex ingested food in
such a form that can be easily assimilated in the body.
 Sthoola pachan ( Gross digestion)
 Sookshma pachan ( Minute digestion)
 The three Nyay ( Laws)
 Kshiradadhi nyay
 Kedarkulya nyay ( most commonly accepted )
 Khale kapot nyay
30-Jul-22 91
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Diet causes diseases
 Diet cures diseases
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 What is the need of medicine to a person who follows the diet
30-Jul-22 93
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 How does a medicine will help to a person who does not follows
diet rules .
30-Jul-22 94
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 According to action on body food is classified in to
 Shaman: foods which have suppressant action on doshas
 Kopan : foods which increases doshas above their normal levels
 Swasthhitakara: foods which maintains balanced state of doshas
and dhatus.
30-Jul-22 95
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Hitakara ( Pathyakara) : the diet beneficial to an individual
according to constitution
 Ahitakara( Apathyakara) : the diet which is harmfull to
30-Jul-22 96
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 Contraindicated food
 Incompatible foods
 The wrong combinations of vitiates doshas in such manners
that they act as toxins for the body.
 Desh, kaal, Agni, Matra, Satmya, Dosha, Sanskara, Veerya, Avastha,
Krama, Parihar, pak, Sanyoga, Hrud, sampad
 The diet consumed without considering the above principals
may lead to disorders of skin, eyesite etc.
30-Jul-22 97
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Medicines and diet go hand in hand in treatment of any disease.
 Diet is one of the causative factor for occurrence of a disease
 Hence Nidanparivarjan ( avoidance and correction ) is a important
factor in the management of disease.
30-Jul-22 98
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
Srotaswise diet management
Name of srotas Srotodushti dietitic
Dietitic management
Pranavaha srotas Ati ruksha, abhishyandi ,
atisheeta anna
Drava,ushna,laghu and
dipaniya annasevan.
e.g. garlic, ginger, goat
milk, moong, etc
Udakavaha srotas Atishushka, vidahi
Drava aahar e.g. manda,
siddha jalapan
Annavaha srotas Atimatra, akali,
ahitakara, asatmya,
Langhana , warm water,
peya, vilepi, yusha,
laghu aahar sevan.
Rasavaha srotas Guru, sheeta,
atisnigdha, atyashana
Langhan , pachana
30-Jul-22 99
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
Srotaswise diet management
Name of srotas Srotodushti dietitic factor Dietitic management
Raktavaha srotas Vidahi, snigdha ushna,
atidrava ,tikshna, ushna,
navadhanya, amla, lavan
annasevan, madyapana
Langhan, laghu, dipan
pittashamak e.g.
khadirasiddha jala,
kokam etc
Mamsavaha srotasa Abhishyandi, guru,
sthula, atimatra,
Laghu, ruksha, dipan
pachan, matravat
Medovahasrotas Snigdha, guru sheeta
,kafakara food atisevan,
Ruksha, ushna, lekhan ,
guru but kafaghna aahar
e.g. yava, ragi, mudga
30-Jul-22 100
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
Srotaswise diet management
Name of srotas Srotodushti dietitic
Dietitic management
Asthivaha srotas Vatavrudhikara aahar
ruksha, sheeta, laghu.
Snigdha, ushna, tikta
rasatmak. E.g. milk,
ghrita, mamsarasa etc
Majjavaha srotas Atiabhishyandi
Madhura, tikta rasa
Shukravaha srotas Virudhashan, ushna,
ruksha ,tikshna, katu,
tikta, vidahi
Sheeta, snigdha,
madhura, laghu.e.g.
milk, ghrita, butter
30-Jul-22 101
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Infant feeding : Three stages
 Ksheerad: till 5 to 6 months only breast milk
 Breast milk : ideal nourishment , most natural food for baby.
 Kashyapa defines “ pure breast milk on which the baby thrives
well and both the mother and baby remain happy, healthy and
free from any ailments.
 Breast milk promotes growth and development and acts as a
tonic for all the tissues
 Ksheer Annad:6 months to 1 and half year
 Start from drava aahar to ghana aahar. Fresh fruit juices,
vegetable, pulses yushas , peya etc medicated with spices
30-Jul-22 102
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Annad : after 1 and half years of age till 3 years
 Child can digest solid food and can be given wholesome diet as per
appetite and requirements.
 Age group after 3 years : As per growth requirement of food changes
which should be full filled.
 Balanced diet
 Sarvarasatmak
 Quantity as per appetite
 Warm, fresh, clean, well cooked, easily digestible.
30-Jul-22 103
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Adult stage : Shadrasatmaka aahar , Balanced Diet
 Diet in old age : OLD AGE = VATA DOSHA dominance , hence
Diet should be pacifying vatadosha , light, easy to digest but at
the same time strength giving.
 Diet in garbhiniavastha
 Diet in sutikaavastha
30-Jul-22 104
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Strenuous physical work : Food in more quantity
 However should consider constitution , appetite, availability of
 Sedentary work : food in less quantity but as per requirement, light
to digest.
 Mental work: food in appropriate quantity having qualities to full
fill majjadhatu nourishment.
 As per modern nutrition science calorie requirement as per
occupation is considered.
 For sedentary 2400 Kcal
 For moderate 2800Kcal
 For heavy 3800 Kcal
 Again gender wise requirement is different
30-Jul-22 105
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Due to globalisation world has come closer. Today means of
communication has become very fast, incidentally people travel from one
country to other frequently. They consume the food available in
respective country. These food items consumed apart from India are not
mentioned in Ancient Ayurvedic text. Hence they can be called as
 Anukta literally means unsaid and unuttered. With specific reference to
Ayurveda, the entity, which is not directly or specifically mentioned in the
Ayurvedic texts, is Anukta. Literary meaning of the word anukta is
30-Jul-22 106
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Chakrapani comments that atideshatantrayukti -(getting the knowledge of unsaid
things) helps for clarification of the hidden meaning and also derives the unsaid things.
Based on the method followed to explain the existing condition, explanation of the new
disease or drug or formulation should be made. To understand the extension of existing
technology / concept is atideshatantrayukti.
 All the dravyas are made up of panchamahabhoota (five basic elements)
such as Prithvi, Ap, Tej, Vayu and Akasha. Thus depending upon the
concept of panchamahabhuta, the new dravyas(ahara/aushadha) evolved,
which are not mentioned in ayurvedic texts, can be understood
30-Jul-22 107
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Malnutrition is like a Iceberg in developing
 Malnutrition is a man made disease.
 Begins in womb and ends in grave
 Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children
are more vulnerable
 Ad versed effects of malnutrition are LBW,
Anemia, Toxemias, PPH etc
30-Jul-22 108
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 At present 48% children under 5 years of age are
 48% moderate to severe
 16% severe malnutrition
 Out of which 20 % moderate to sever wasting and 48 %
severe stunting
 Effects of malnutrition:
 Susceptible to infection
 Slow recovery
 High mortality
30-Jul-22 109
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Definition of Malnutrition
 A pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute deficiency or
excess of one or more essential nutrients.
 Four types of malnutrition
 Under nutrition
 Over nutrition
 Imbalance
 Specific deficiency
30-Jul-22 110
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Under nutrition : results when insufficient food is eaten over an extended period of
time.( in extreme cases it is called starvation)
 Over nutrition: pathological state resulting from the consumption of excessive quantity
of food over an extended period of time. ( high incidence of obesity, diabetes etc)
 Imbalance : It is the pathological state resulting from disproportion among essential
nutrients with or without the absolute deficiency of any nutrient.
 Specific deficiency : It is a pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute lack of
an individual nutrient.
30-Jul-22 111
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Malnutrition is caused by a lack of nutrients in your diet.
 This is either due to an inadequate diet or problems absorbing
nutrients from food.
 Medical conditions that can lead to malnutrition like various
 Socioeconomic factors –poverty, ignorance, insufficient education
about nutrition, large family size
 Cultural influences
 Food habits
 Religion
 Food fads
 Cooking practices
 Child rearing
30-Jul-22 112
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Problem of malnutrition can be solved by taking Actions on
various levels
 Actions at the family level – education about nutrition,
promotion of breast feeding, diet in pregnancy and postpartum ,
 Action at the community level – Analysis of nutritional problem,
deficiencies, dietary and non dietary factors etc and then
implementation of applied nutrition program
 Action at National level : strategies: Rural development ,
increasing agricultural production, population control, nutrition
intervention programmers, Nutrition related health activities
 Action at the International levels : multilateral world food
program 30-Jul-22 113
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
 Ayurveda considers malnutrion as sthoulya, karshya, dhatukshinata.
 Specifically mentioned pathyapathya for each disease.
 Mentioned ashtouvidhivisheshayatanani
 Aaharvidhividhan
 Shadrasatmak bhojan
 Diet regime
 If followed properly ultimately prevents malnutrition
30-Jul-22 114
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
30-Jul-22 115
Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke

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Dietetic Concept of Ayurveda 2.pdf

  • 1. Dr. Bharat D. Zinjurke MD (Swasthvritta) 30-Jul-22 1 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 2.  त्रय उपस्तम्भा इतत आहारः स्वप्नो ब्रम्हचययमितत ॥ च. सू. ११/३५  Trayopstambha : Healthy life is primarily dependent on three fundamental activities  Aahar ( Balanced Diet)  Nidra ( Sound sleep)  Brahmacharya (Balanced sexual life) 30-Jul-22 2 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 3.  According to Ayurveda, Ahara i.e. diet is the best preventive medicine and is solely responsible for health and illness, sorrow and happiness.  Although, specific drugs are required for management of specific diseases, Ahara is best of all the medicines.  No medicine can perform well unless it is accompanied by proper food.  The food habit that promotes health is called pathya (wholesome diet)  The one which is not congenial to the body is called as Apathya (unwholesome diet).  The importance of Aahar is being underestimated in the fast moving modern world.  The customs in eating, the ways of cooking, eating habits of the fast moving modern world are changing for the worse.  So to increase awareness about a balanced and nutritious diet ultimately a healthy lifestyle is the aim of Ayurveda. 30-Jul-22 3 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 4.  Ayurvedic diet varies for each individual for it is based on various factors like age, gender, the doshic (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) tendencies, the strength of body tissues and digestive fires and the level of ama (toxins) in their body.  As per classics of Ayurveda, one must follow certain rules in context of preparation as well as consumption of food.  As faulty practice of food consumption may lead to invitation of various diseases. 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 4
  • 5. आह्रित इत्याहारो भेषजिपप ॥ चक्रपाणि  Definition of Aahar:  Aahara (Diet) is that which we take from mouth inside the body, where it is transformed after digestion and give nutrition to all the body parts. At the same time it protects, heals and promotes growth of human body.  Diet is what we eat,drink  Diet is Pathya.(Dos)  Diet is Apathya.(Donts) 30-Jul-22 5 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 6.  Diet plays an important role in keeping our mind healthy. Considering the effect of food on mind following 3 classifications have been made:  1. Satvik diet – Ideal diet containing vegetarian, non-oily, nonspicy articles which are congenial to the body  2. Rajasik diet – Too spicy, hot, sour, salty that excites the mind 3. Tamasik diet – Too oily, heavy food that leads to lethargic mind 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 6
  • 7.  प्रािाः प्रािभृतािन्नं लोकोऽमभधावतत ।  वियप्रसादः सौस्वयं जीपवतं प्रततभा सुखि्॥  तुष्टः पुष्टर्यलं िेधा सवयिन्ने प्रततष्िति ्।  लौकककि ्किय यद्वृत्तौ स्वर्यतौ यच्च वैह्रदकि ्।  किायपवर्े यच्चोक्तं तच्चाप्यन्ने प्रततष्िति्॥ च. सू. २७/  Aahara is nourishing, energy gaining, replenishing.  It sustains the body  Increases the memory, mental function  Enhances the life span  Increases the Agni(Digestive fire)  Brings complexion to skin 30-Jul-22 7 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 8.  The consumption of Aahar is nothing but the supply of Panchamahabhutas to the body.  The diet should be planned in such a way that the requirement of the body for a particular Mahabhuta gets fulfilled.  Food get digested and utilized for the growth of Panchamahabhutas which in turn results in growth of body 30-Jul-22 8 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 9. Pacahan (Digestion): Transformation of Panchabhautic elements in form of food to the Panchabhautic elements of the body.  Agni performs this transformation , literally means digestive capacity in our body ( Jatharagni)  Similarly seven Dhatus(Dhatwagni) and five Mahabhutas(Bhutagni) posses digestive capacity for the regeneration of respective Dhatu and Mahabhutas.  Health is dependent on the proper functioning of the Agni.  Sama-agni ( balanced ) helps to maintain the longevity of life and nourish Dosha, Dhatu and Malas. 30-Jul-22 9 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 10.  प्रार्ेव तु र्ुरुस्वादुषस्नग्धं च िध्येऽम्ल लविि ्।  अन्ते रुक्षद्रवमितर रसयुक्तं च ॥ अ. सं. सू.१०/४०  िधुरिधुरिादौ िध्यतोऽम्लैकभावः  कटुकटुकिथान्ते ततक्तततक्तं तथैव ।  Rasa = taste  Diet should be made up of all the six rasas  1st liquid food / dry food and guru (heavy), madhura (sweet) and snigdha (ghee containing foods)  2nd amla (sour) and Lavana (salty) food  3rd Rooksha (without oil food), katu (bitter), tikta (pungent), kashaya (astringent) food. 30-Jul-22 10 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 11. Proper time of taking food is when उद्र्ार शुषध्दरुत्साहो वेर्ोत्सर्ो यथोचचतः । लघुता क्षुत्तपपपासा च जीिायहारस्य लक्षिं ॥ भा.प्र.पू.  Proper excretion of urine and stool  Cleaning of all the srotasas (channels)  Feeling of lightness in the body  Belching with no smell  We feel like eating and drinking 30-Jul-22 11 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 12.  याििध्ये न भोक्तव्यं याियुग्िं न लङ्र्येत ।  याििध्ये रसोत्पषत्तयायियुग्िाद्र्लक्षयः ॥ यो.र.तन.  प्रातराशे त्वजीिेऽपप सायिाशो न दु्यतत ॥ च.चच.१५/२३७  When to take food?  When you are hungry.  The duration between two meals should be at least 3 hrs at the same time you should not be fasting more than 6 hrs. 30-Jul-22 12 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 13.  िात्राशी स्यात। आहार िात्रा पुनराषग्नर्लापेक्षक्षिी।  र्ुरुिािधयसौह्रहत्यं लघूनां नातततृप्तता ।  िात्राप्रिािं तनह्रदय्टं सुखं यावषव्दजीययते ॥  भोजनं ह्रहनिात्रं तु न र्लोपचयौजसे ।  सवेषां वातरोर्ािां हेतुतां च प्रपद्यते ॥  अततिात्रं पुनः सवयिाशु दोषं प्रकोपयेत्।  शाक ं नवान्नभूतय्टं शीतिु्िीकृ तं त्यजेत्॥  As per digestive capacity ( Agni)  Considering four parts of stomach,  one should take 2 parts of food, 1 part liquid, 1 part free for the gases/ vayu to move  Depends on nature, properties of food articles  The amount of food, which without disturbing the equilibrium of doshas & dhatus of the body gets digested as well as metabolized in proper time is to be regarded as the proper quantity. 30-Jul-22 13 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 14.  Active Overeating  Active overeating in humans can occur for cultural reasons. A good example of this comes from urban Gambia, where the prevalence of obesity is >35% in middle-aged women.  In Western societies, active overeating is generally driven by marketing.  Passive Overeating  Overeating and breast cancer risk by pathologic subtypes: EpiGEICAM study  M Pollán;S Bezares;Carrasco;B Pérez-GómezV Lope  After taking BMI into account, excessive energy intake increases BC risk, while relative caloric restriction seems to have a protective effect. Moderate calorie restriction, in combination with regular physical activity, could be a good strategy for BC prevention. 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 14
  • 15. अत्यम्र्ुपानान्न पवपच्यतेऽन्निनम्र्ुपानाच्च स एव दोषः। तस्िान्नरोअ वषन्हपववधंनाय िुहुिुयहुवायरर पपर्ेद्भूरर: ॥ भक्तस्यादौ जलं पीतिषग्नसादं कृ शांर्ताि्॥  अन्ते करोतत स्थुलत्विूध्वय चािाशयात्कफ़ि्।  िध्ये िध्यांर्तां साम्यं धातूनां जरिं सुखि्॥  अजीिे भेषजं वारर जीिय वारर र्लप्रदि्।  भोजने चािृतं वारर रात्रौवारर पवषप्रदि्॥ 30-Jul-22 15 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 16.  Water in less or excess amount is harmful for health hence should be consumed in optimum quantity for maintaining the body physiological activities.  Water should be consumed judiciously in appropriate quantity then it acts like nectar or otherwise acts as poison.  Water in less quantity is recommended for the person suffering from alpagni (diminution of agni/ reduced digestive power), pandu (anaemia), udar rog (ascites), atisar (diarrhoea), arsha (haemorrhoids), grahani (disorders of lower G.I.T.), gulma (lump) and in shotha (oedema/inflammation).  Except for Sharad (autumn) and nidagha (summer) even healthy persons should drink only requisite quantity of water in all other seasons. 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 16
  • 17.  Out of four parts of stomach amount equivalent to one part water should be consumed at the time of meal.  Specific effects of water on health in relation to intake of meals have been explained in classics.  Water when consumed before meal during good appetite time acts like poison and may result in emaciation or weight loss.  Drinking water intermittently along with food gives the strength to body and result in maintenance of weight and health.  Drinking of water just after meals may result in obesity.  Water protects like umbrella if is consumed on appearance of thirst after taking the food.  Drinking of water in the morning helps in vayasthapan (preventing the effects of age) in healthy persons depending on their constitution, specifically for sama prakriti (Balanced constitution) individuals. 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 17
  • 18.  Ayurveda classified water as per various means of processing and signifies role of each type of water for human being.  Cold water is indicated in madatyaya (alcohol abuse), chardi (vomiting/emesis), klama (fatigue), bhrama (giddiness), trishna (thirst/polidypsia), daha (burning sensation), pittaj vikar (pittaj disorder), visha (poison), and pittaj mutrakriccha (dysuria due to pitta). Ushnodak (hot water) based on quantity to be reduced after boiling is also explained in the texts along with its indications viz., navajwara (fever of recent origin), pinasa, vataj pratishyay, (rhinitis) hikka (hiccup), shwas (dyspnoea), kasa (cough/ tussis), sthaulya (obesity), after & during panchkarma, Galroga (disorders of throat), anaha (flatulence) and thrishna (thirst).  Boiled cooled water is anabhishandi (non-obstructing channels of circulation) and laghu (light/easily digestible); advisable in pittdosha associated conditions,  however, if it is kept overnight it will vitiate tridoshas 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 18
  • 19.  Madhura (Sweet) = Earth + Water  Amla(Sour) = Fire + Earth  Lavana(Salt) = Water + Fire  Katu(Pungent) = Fire + Air  Tikta(Bitter) = space + Air  Kashaya(Astringent) = Earth + Air  Diet is made up of Panchmahabhutas 30-Jul-22 19 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 20.  फलिादौ ही चाश्नीयाद्भोजनस्य नरोत्ति ।  पवना िोचफलं तद्वद्वजयनीया च कक य टी ॥ ३/११ क्षेिक ु तूहलि्  आदौ फलातन भुन्न्जीत दाडििादीतन र्ुषध्दिान् ।  ततः पेयांस्ततो भोज्यान् भक्षयांषश्चत्रांस्ततः परि् ॥  Fruits should eat before meal like Pomegranat but should avoid Banana and Cucumber. 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 20
  • 21.  भुक्त्वोपपवशतस्तुन्दं र्लिुत्तानशातयनः ।  आयुवायिकह्रटस्थस्य िृत्युधायवतत धावतः॥  Sitting after meal increases obesity special abdominal obesity.  Lie-down on back after meal increases strength.  Lie-down on left lateral position after meal increases your life.  Walking or running after meal death. 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 21
  • 22. Ayurveda Modern science  Madhura (Sweet)  Amla(Sour)  Lavana(Salt)  Katu(Pungent)  Tikta(Bitter)  Kashaya(Astringent)  Carbohydrates  Proteins  Fats  Vitamins  Minerals 30-Jul-22 22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 23.  According to source three types  Jangam : foods obtained from animals , e.g. meat,eggs, milk, butter etc.  Audbhid : foods obtained from vegetables, e.g. cereals , pulses etc.  Parthiv : Minerals , metals etc. 30-Jul-22 23 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 24.  तस्यामशतपीतलीढखाह्रदतस्य .. सु.सू. ४६/३  अमशत – भोज्यिोदकाह्रद – Chewables  पीत – पेयं क्षीराह्रद – Drinkable  लीढ – लेह्यं िध्वाह्रद – Lickables  खाह्रदत – भक्षयं िोदकाह्रद – Eatable 30-Jul-22 24 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 25.  आहार षड्पवधं चू्यं पेयं लेह्यं तथैव च ।  भोज्यं भक्षयं तथा चव्यं र्ुरुपवद्द्याद्द्यथोत्तरि् ॥ भा.प्र.  As per consistency six types (षड्पवधाहार)  Peya = which can be drunk e. g. liquids  Lehya= which can be licked e. g. honey  Bhojya = easily chewable e.g. rice  Bhakshya = Hard food substances which need to be chewed e.g. sugarcane, bread  Chushya = which could be sucked e. g. mango  Charvya = which needs to mastication by the teeth, these include very hard food materials e.g. various nuts 30-Jul-22 25 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 26.  रसनेषन्द्रयग्राह्यो रसः ।  Rasa can assessed by Rasanendyiya (Tongue)  Madhura : Habitual right from the childhood as it replenishes the dhatus e.g. milk  Amala : Acts as a good appetizer , cardio tonic. E.g. Aamalaki  Lavan : Relishes the food and increases the digestive capacity. E.g. common salt  Tikta: Though an unpleasant taste it rectifies the functions of tongue e.g. Bitter gourd  Katu: Elevates the digestive capacity of an individual.  Makes food palatable and reduces unctusness of the body. E.g. Ginger, Capsicum  Kashaya: Reduces the flow by constriction. E.g. Areca nut  Ayurveda recommends intake of food of all six tastes and over use of single taste should be avoided. 30-Jul-22 26 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 27.  Vipaka पररिालक्षिो पवपाकः Vipaka is denoted by change in original form Ingested food is digested by Agni and then gets assimilated in the body. Vipaka is the taste attained by the digested food material in the digestive system. Virya – कियलक्षिं वीयं Virya is assessed by its action 30-Jul-22 27 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 28.  According to digestibility property (Guna) diet can be of mainly of two types: Guru = Heavy to Digest Laghu = Easy to digest  According to potency property (Veerya) by which it acts on body Ushna = Hot Sheeta = Cold 30-Jul-22 28 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 29.  Guna – Physical properties of Dravya  1. Guru Guna (Heaviness or Physical mass) – पृथ्वी+आप  यस्य द्रव्यस्य र्ृंहिे कियणि शषक्तः स र्ुरुः ।  २. Laghu – Lightness – आकाश+ वायू+आषग्न  लङघने लघुः ।  Clear channels of the body  3. Sheeta Guna – (Cold) –  स्तम्भनो ह्रहिः ।  ४. Ushna Guna (Hotness)  स्वेदने उ्िः । 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 29
  • 30.  ५. Snigdha Guna (Unctuousness) – जल  यस्य क्लेदने शषक्तः स षस्नग्धः ।  ६. Ruksha Guna (Dryness or non- unctuousness)- वायु  शोषिे रुक्षः ।  ७. Manda Guna (Dullness or Mildness)  यस्य शिने शषक्तः स िन्दः ।  ८. Tikshana Guna (Sharpness or fast-acting)  शोधने ततक्षिः ।  ९. Sthira Guna (Immobility)  धारिे षस्थरः ।  १०. Sara Guna (Mobility)  प्रेरिे चलः । 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 30
  • 31.  ११. Mridu Guna (Softness or Fragility)  श्लथने िृदुः ।  १२. Katina (Hardness)  दृढीकरिे कह्रिनः ।  १३. Vishad Guna (Clearness)  क्षालने पवशदः ।  १४. Pichchils Guna (Stickyness or sliminess)  लेपने पपषश्चलः ।  १५. Slakshna Guna (Smoothness)  रोपने श्लक्षिः ।  १६. Khara Guna ( Roughness)  लेखने खरः । 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 31
  • 32.  १७. Sukshma Guna ( Fineness or Microscopic nature)  पववरिे सूक्षिः । १८. Sthula Guna (Bulkiness)  संवरिे स्थूलः ।  १९. Sandra Guna (Solidity or Turbidity)  यस्य प्रसादने शषक्तः स सान्द्रः ।  २०. Drava Guna (Fluidity)  यस्य पवलोिने शषक्तः स द्रवः । 30-Jul-22 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke 32
  • 33.  तत्र, िधुरो रसः शरीरसात्म्याद्रसरुचधरिांसिेदोषस्थिज्जौजःशुक्रामभवधयन आयु्यः षडिषन्द्रयप्रसा दनो र्लवियकरः पपत्तपवषिारुतघ्नस्तृ्िादाहप्रशिनस्त्वच्यः क े श्यः कण्ठ्यो र्ल्यः प्रीिनो जी वनस्तपयिो र्ृंहिः स्थैययकरः क्षीिक्षतसन्धानकरो घ्राििुखकण्ठिौ्िषजह्वाप्रह्लादनो| दाहिूच््ाय प्रशिनः षट्पदपपपीमलकानामि्टतिः षस्नग्धः शीतो र्ुरुश्च|  Amongest them, madhura, rasa, because of its suitability to the body, promotes Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Medas, Asthi, Majja, Ojas and Sukra; is conductive to life-span, pleasing to six sense organs, promotes strength and lustier, alleviates pitta, poisons and Vayu; pacifies thirst and heat; is beneficial for skin, hairs, throat and strength; is nourishing, vitalize, saturating, bulk-promoting and stabiliser; promotes healing in wounds of the emaciated, is delighting for nose, mouth, throat, lips and tongue; alleviates fainting, is most liked by the bees and ants, is unctuous, cold and heavy. 30-Jul-22 33 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 34.  1. Nadi Samsthana- Alhadakara, Shad Indriya Prasadakara, Medhya, Tarpana  2. Pacahana Samsthana- Anulomana, Trishna Nigrahana  3. Raktavaha Samsthana- Sandhaniya, Hridya  4. Shwasana Samsthana- Kanthya  5. Mutravaha Samsthana- Mutrala.  6. Prajanana Samsthana- Vrushya, Garbhasthapana, Stanyajanana 7. Twacha- Dahashamana, Twachya, Keshya, Varnya. 30-Jul-22 34 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 35.  एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानः स्थौल्यं िादयविालस्यिततस्वप्नं र्ौरविनन्नामभलाषिग्नेदौर्यल्यिास्यकण्ठि योिांसामभवृपधं श्वासकासप्रततश्यायालसकशीतज्वरानाहास्यिाधुययविथुसञ्ज्ञास्वरप्रिाशर्लर्ण्ठिर् ण्ठििालाश्लीपदर्लशोफर्षस्तधिनीर्लोपलेपाक्षयाियामभ्यन्दातनत्येवम्प्रभृतीन ् कफजान ् पवकारानु पजनयतत (१)  Excessive use of sweet, produces kaphaja disorders such as obesity, laxity, lassitude, over-sleep, heaviness, loss of desire for food, mildness of appetite, abnormal growth in mouth and throat, dyspnoea, cough, coryza, alasaka, fever with shivering, hardness in bowels, sweetness in mouth, vomiting, loss of consciousness and voice, goitre, cervical adenitis, filariasis, pharyngitis, (mucous) coating in bladder, arteries and throat, eye diseases, conjunctivitis etc 30-Jul-22 35 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 36.  अम्लो रसो भक्तं रोचयतत, अषग्नं दीपयतत, देहं र्ृंहयतत ऊजययतत, िनो र्ोधय तत, इषन्द्रयाणि दृढीकरोतत, र्लं वधययतत, वातिनुलोियतत, हृदयं तपययतत, आस्य िास्रावयतत, भुक्तिपकषययतत क्लेदयतत जरयतत, प्रीियतत, लघुरु्िः षस्नग्धश्च |  Amla rasa gives pleasure to food, stimulates agni, promotes the bulk of the body and gives energy to it, awakens mind, makes the sense organs firm, promotes strength, carminates wind, saturates heart, salivates mouth; carries down, moistens and digests food; gives satisfaction, and is light, hot and unctuous. 30-Jul-22 36 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 37.  एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानो दन्तान् हषययतत, तषययतत, सम्िीलयत्यक्षक्षिी, संवेजयतत लोिा तन, कफ ं पवलापयतत, पपत्तिमभवधययतत, रक्तं दूषयतत,िांसं पवदहतत, कायं मशचथलीकरो तत, क्षीिक्षतकृ शदुर्यलानां श्वयथुिापादयतत, अपप च क्षतामभहतद्टदग्धभग्नशूनप्रच्युता विूत्रत्रतपररसपपयतिह्रदयतषच््न्नमभन्नपवषश्ल्टोद्पवधोषत्प्टादीतन पाचयत्याग्नेयस्वभावात ्, पररदहतत कण्ठििुरो हृदयं च|  Used excessively, sensitizes teeth, causes thirst, makes the eye close, raises the body hairs, liquifies kapha, aggravates pitta, affects blood morbidity, causes heat in muscles and laxity in body, produces swelling in wasted, injured, emaciated and debilitated persons, because of its agneya nature causes suppuration in wounds, injuries, bites, burns, fractures, swellings, falling, poisoned spots due to urination and contact of insects, compressed, excised, dislocated, punctured and crushed etc.; and causes burning sensation in throat, chest and cardiac region. 30-Jul-22 37 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 38.  लविो रसः पाचनः क्लेदनो दीपनश्च्यावनश््ेदनो भेदनस्तीक्षिः सरो पवकास्यधः स्रंस्यवकाशकरो वातहरः स्तम्भर्न्धसङ्घातपवधिनः सवयरसप्रत्यनीकभूतः, आस्य िास्रावयतत, कफ ं पव्यन्दयतत, िार्ायन् पवशोधयतत, सवयशरीरावयवान् िृदूकरोतत, रोचयत्याहारि्, आहारयोर्ी, नात्यथं र्ुरुः षस्नग्ध उ्िश्च|  Lavana rasa is digestive, moistening, appetiser, pouring, expectorant, massbreaking, irritant, laxative, depressant, oozing, space-creating, vata-alleviating, removes stiffness, binding and compactness, overshadows all the rasas, salivates mouth, liquifies kapha, cleanses channels, softens all the body-parts, gives relish to food, is an associate of food. It is not much heavy, unctuous and hot. 30-Jul-22 38 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 39.  एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानः पपत्तं कोपयतत, रक्तं वधययतत, तषययतत, िूच््ययतत , तापयतत, दारयतत, क ु ्िातत िांसातन, प्रर्ालयतत क ु ्िातन, पवषं वधययतत, शोफान् स्फोटयतत, द न्तांश्च्यावयतत, पुंस्त्विुपहषन्त, इषन्द्रयाण्ठयुपरुितद्भ, वमलपमलतखामलत्यिापादयतत, अपप च लोह्रहतपपत्ताम्लपपत्तपवसपयवातरक्तपवचचचयक े न्द्रलुप्तप्रभृतीषन्वकारानुपजनयतत| Excessively, vitiates pitta, aggravates rakta, causes thirst, fainting, heat, tearing, sloughing, increases leprosy and other skin diseases, aggravates poisons, makes the inflammed part burst and teeth fall down; damages potency, hinders sense organs, gives rise to wrinkles, grey hair and baldness; and also produces disorders like internal haemorrhage, acid gastritis, erysipelas, vatarakta, eczema, alopecia etc. 30-Jul-22 39 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 40.  कटुको रसो वक्त्रं शोधयतत, अषग्नं दीपयतत, भुक्तं शोषयतत, घ्राििास्रावयतत, चक्षुपवयरे चयतत, स्फ ु टीकरोतीषन्द्रयाणि, अलसकश्वयथूपचयोददायमभ्यन्दस्नेहस्वेदक्लेदिलानुपह षन्त, रोचयत्यशनं, कण्ठिूपवयनाशयतत , व्रिानवसादयतत, कक्रिीन् ह्रहनषस्त, िांसं पवमलख तत, शोणितसङ्घातं मभनषत्त, र्न्धांषश््नषत्त, िार्ायन् पववृिोतत, श्ले्िािं शियतत, ल घुरु्िो रूक्षश्च|  Katuka rasa cleanses mouth, stimulates digestion, absorbs food, causes secretion from the nose and eyes; makes the sense organs clear, alleviates alasaka, swelling, corpulence, urticarial patches, channel-blocking, unction, sweating, moisture and dirts, gives relish to food, destroys itching, depresses wounds, kills organism, scrapes muscles, checks the coagulation of blood, cuts the bindings, opens the channels, pacifies kapha, and is light, hot and rough. 30-Jul-22 40 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 41.  एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानो पवपाकप्रभावात ् पुंस्त्विुपहषन्त, रसवीययप्रभावान्िोहयषन्त, ग्लापय तत, सादयतत, कशययतत, िूच््ययतत, नियतत, तियतत, भ्रियतत, कण्ठिं पररदहतत, शरीर तापिुपजनयतत, र्लं क्षक्षिोतत, तृ्िां जनयतत; अपप च वाय्वषग्नर्ुिर्ाहुल्याद्भ्रिदवथु कम्पतोदभेदैश्चरिभुजपाश्वयपृ्िप्रभृततषु िारुतजान् पवकारानुपजनयतत|  Excessively, damages sexual potency due to the effect of vipaka, causes mental confusion, malaise, depression, emaciation, fainting, bending, feeling of darkness, giddiness, burning in throat, body-heat, loss of strength and thirst due to the effect of rasa, virya and prabhava, over and above, due to abundance of vayu and agni, it produces vatika disorders in feet, hands, sides, back etc. particularly with symptoms like movements, burning pain, tremors, piercing and tearing pains. 30-Jul-22 41 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 42.  ततक्तो रसः स्वयिरोचच्िुरप्यरोचकघ्नो पवषघ्नः कक्रमिघ्नो िूच््ायदाहकण्ठिूक ु ्ि तृ्िाप्रशिनस्त्वङ्िांसयोः षस्थरीकरिो ज्वरघ्नो दीपनः पाचनः स्तन्यशोधनो ले खनः क्लेदिेदोवसािज्जलसीकापूयस्वेदिूत्रपुरीषपपत्तश्ले्िोपशोषिो रूक्षः शीतो लघुश्च| Tikta rasa, though itself non-relishing destroys disrelish, is antipoison, anthelmintic, alleviates fainting, burning sensation, itching, leprosy (including skin disorders) and thirst; provides firmness to skin and muscles, is antipyretic, appetiser, digestive, galacto-depurant, reducing, absorbent of moisture, fat, muscle- fat, marrow, lymph, pus, sweat, urine, faeces, pitta and kapha; and is rough, cold and light. 30-Jul-22 42 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 43.  एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिानो रौक्षयात्खरपवषदस्वभावाच्च रसरुचधरिांसिेदोषस्थिज्जशुक्रा ण्ठयुच््ोषयतत, स्रोतसां खरत्विुपपादयतत, र्लिादत्ते, कशययतत, ग्लपयतत, िोहय तत, भ्रियतत, वदनिुपशोषयतत, अपरांश्च वातपवकारानुपजनयतत| Excessively, on account of its roughness, coarseness and non- sliminess, dries up rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, majja and sukra; causes coarseness in channels, takes away strength, produces emaciation, malaise, mental co fusion, giddiness, dryness of mouth and other vatika disorders. 30-Jul-22 43 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 44.  कषायो रसः संशिनः सङ्ग्राही सन्धानकरः पीिनो रोपिः शोषिः स्तम्भनः श्ले ्िरक्तपपत्तप्रशिनः शरीरक्लेदस्योपयोक्ता रूक्षः शीतोऽलघुश्च|  Kasaya rasa is pacifying, astringent, union-promoting, compressing, healing, absorbing, checking (discharges); pacifies kapha, rakta and pitta; utilises the body fluid, is rough, cold and slightly light. 30-Jul-22 44 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 45.  एवात्यथयिुपयुज्यिान आस्यं शोषयतत, हृदयं पीियतत, उदरिाध्िापयतत, वाचं तनर्ृह्िातत, स्रोतांस्यवर्ध्नातत, श्यावत्विापादयतत, पुंस्त्विुपहषन्त, पव्टभ्य ज रां र्च््तत, वातिूत्रपुरीषरेतांस्यवर्ृह्िातत, कशययतत, ग्लपयतत, तषययतत, स्तम्भ यतत, खरपवशदरूक्षत्वात् पक्षवधग्रहापतानकाह्रदयतप्रभृतींश्च वातपवकारानुपजनयतत||  Excessively, dries up mouth, causes heart-ache, flatulence, hindrance in voice, slowing of movement in channels, blackishness, impotency, gas formation during digestion; checks flatus, urine, faeces and semen; produces emaciation, malaise, thirst, stiffness; and, because of its coarseness, non-sliminess and roughness, causes vatika disorders like hemiplegia, spasm, convulsions, facial paralysis etc. 30-Jul-22 45 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 46.  तत्र खषल्विान्य्टाहारपवचधशेषायतनातन भवषन्तः  तद्यथा – प्रकृ ततकरिसंयोर्रामशदेश कालोपयोर् संस्थोपयोक्त्र्टिातन ॥ च.पव. १/२१  For maintaining health every body should consume only wholesome diet, and prepare the food, taking in to account the following eight factors.  These eight factors determines whether the food is going to be helpful or harmful for the body. 30-Jul-22 46 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 47. 1. Prakriti : Nature of food article 2. Karana : Method of there processing 3. Samyoga: Combination 4. Rashi : Quantity 5. Desha: Habitat 6. Kala: Time 7. Upyogsanstha: Rules governing intake of food 8. Upyokta: Wholesomeness to individual who takes it 30-Jul-22 47 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 48.  तत्र प्रकृ ततरुच्यते स्वभावो यः स पुनराहारौषधद्रव्यािां ।  स्वभापवको र्ुवायह्रदर्ुियोर्ः तद्यथा- िाषिुद्र्योः शूकरैियोश्च ॥  च. पव. १/२१  Prakriti means nature of food article i.e. characteristic features of substance (sheet, ushna, laghu etc.)  Every individual has specific physical and mental characters, every food substance also has its prakriti which depends on sheet, ushna, guru etc.  For example: Masha i.e. black gram is very heavy (Guru) in nature and Mudga (Phaseolus mungo) is light (Laghu) so it is easy to digest. Similarly, Shukar (boar) mans is guru and that of Ena (deer) has laghu property.  Prakriti identifies inherent properties of ahara. So, one should take into consideration about heavy or light properties of food before eating so that one can consume food according to their digestion power.  Knowledge of sheet ushna property of food will help in taking food according to Deha Prakruti. E.g. People with Pitta Prakruti should avoid Ushna Dravya. Thus, the nature of food should be taken into consideration before taking food. 30-Jul-22 48 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 49.  Green Gram- कषायश्ले्िपपत्तघ्नो, रूक्षः शीतः लयघुः  Black Gram - वृ्यः परं वातहरः षस्नग्धो्िो िधुरो र्ुरुः  Kulthya - Horse Gram उ्िाः कषायाः पाक े ऽम्लाः कफशुक्रातनलापहाः  Bengal Gram - शीतिधुराः सकषाया पवरूक्षिाः 30-Jul-22 49 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 50.  करिं पुनः स्वाभापवकानां द्रव्यािािमभसंस्कारः ।  संस्कारो ह्रह र्ुिान्तराधानिुच्यते ॥  ते र्ुिास्तोय अषग्नसषन्नकषय शौच िन्थनदेशकाल वासन भावनाह्रदमभः काल प्रकषय भाञ्ज्जनाह्रदमभ श्चाधीयते ॥  Karan refers to method of processing of food.  Karan i.e. samskara is responsible for change in property of food.  Agnisanskaran, jalasanyog, Shaucha, Manthana are some examples of samskara.  Some food articles are not suitable for consumption in their original form.  It has to undergo some procedure or samskara so that it can be accepted by body.  Some food has prakriti of vitiation of doshas, this property can be changed by different processing over food i.e. Karan. 30-Jul-22 50 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 51. Examples of processing's –washing, cleaning, dilution, (अषग्न सषन्नकषय)heating, roasting, boiling, cooking, frying, (िन्थन)churning, storing, maturing, flavoring, preservation etc.  Agni Samskara (Contact of fire): Heating, boiling, frying and roasting are different agni samskara. Different types of agni causes different change in the property of food. e.g. food cooked on coal or natural wood has better taste than food cooked over electrical one.  Jal Sannikarsh and Shauch (Cleaning) Samskara: It includes cleaning of substances i.e. contact with water. It is done to remove impurities. e. g: Rice prepared of dusked paddy is laghu, while rice prepared of nonboiled paddy is guru.5  Manthana (Churning) Samskara: Manthan i.e. churning or grinding changes properties of food. E.g. Dadhi is guru and shothkrut in nature. When dadhi is churned it is converted into buttermilk which is laghu in nature. Also, it is considered as shothghna. 30-Jul-22 51 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 52.  सुधौतः प्रस्रुतः षस्वन्नः सन्तप्तश्चौदनो लघुः||२५७|| भृ्टतण्ठिुलमिच््षन्त र्रश्ले्िािये्वपप| अधौतोऽप्रस्रुतोऽषस्वन्नः शीतश्चाप्योदनो र्ुरुः||२५८||  Odana (boiled rice), prepared of well-cleaned grains, devoid of water, well- cooked and warm is light.  In conditions of poisoning and kaphaja disorders, odana is prepared of fried rice.  Odana(भात) prepared of uncleaned grains, not well-filtered, not well-cooked and cold is heavy. 30-Jul-22 52 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 53.  दचध तु िधुरिम्लित्यम्लं चेतत; तत्कषायानुरसं षस्नग्धिु्िं पीनसपवषिज्वरा ततसारारोचकिूत्रकृ च्रकाश्यायपहं वृ्यं प्रािकरं िङ्र्ल्यं च ||६५|| िहामभ्यषन्द िधुरं कफिेदोपववधयनि् | कफपपत्तकृ दम्लं स्यादत्यम्लं रक्तदूषिि् ||६६|| पवदाह्रह सृ्टपवण्ठिूत्रं िन्दजातं त्रत्रदोषकृ त् |६७||  तक्र ं तु िधुरिम्लं कषायानुरसिु्िवीयं लघुरूक्षिषग्नदीपनं र्रशोफाततसारग्रहिी पाण्ठिुरोर्ाशयःप्लीहर्ुल्िारोचकपवषिज्वरतृ्िाच््ह्रदयप्रसेकशूलभेदःश्ले्िातनलहरं िधु रपवपाक ं हृद्यं िूत्रकृ च्रस्नेहव्यापत्प्रशिनिवृ्यं च ||८४|| 30-Jul-22 53 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 54.  रोचनं दीपनं वृ्यं स्नेहनं र्लवधयनि्| पाक े ऽम्लिु्िं वातघ्नं िङ्र्ल्यं र्ृंहिं दचध||२२५||  Curd is relishing appetiser, aphrodisiac, uncting, strength- promoting, amlapaka, hot, alleviates vata, is auspicious and bulk-promoting.  30-Jul-22 54 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 55.  Copper  Irons  Still  Silver 30-Jul-22 55 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 56.  संयोर्ः पुनव्दययोर्हुनां वा द्रव्यािां संहती भावः स पवशेषिारभते,  यं पुननैक ै कशो द्रव्याण्ठयारभन्तेः तद्यथा-िधुसपपयषोः िधुित्स्यपयसां च संयोर्ः ॥  Though the property of substance is different it changes after mixing with another substance. i.e. Samyog of two or more articles results in the manifestation of special qualities, which cannot be achieved by using the same article separately.  The combination altogether produces new qualities so, it should be taken in to consideration that while preparing the food; the ingredient must be compatible to each other and should be properly mixed together.  For example, Honey and Ghee in same quantity is samyog virrudha i.e. it causes harmful effect on body if taken together in same quantity.  Milk and fish both are sweet in taste but milk is of sheet veerya and fish is of ushna verya.7 As they have contradiction in their potency it causes vitiation of Rakta and obstruction of strotas.  In today’s era people are using food with different combinations. We should learn the art of combination of substances that they should become compatible to each other. 30-Jul-22 56 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 57.  Dal 1/3 + Rise 2/3 30-Jul-22 57 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 58.  रामशस्तु सवयग्रहपररग्रहौ िात्रािात्रफलपवतनश्चयाथयः ।  तत्र सवयस्याहारस्य प्रिाि ग्रहिािेकपपण्ठिेन सवयग्रहः ।  पररग्रहः पुनः प्रिािग्रहण्ठिेक ै कश्येनाहारद्रव्यािाि् ।  सवयस्य ह्रह ग्रहः सवयग्रहः सवयतश्च र्ृहः पररग्रह उच्च्यते ॥  Quantity of food substances which determines the result of their administration in adequate and inadequate dose/ amount.  The quantity of food taken in its total quantity is Sarvagraha and the quantity of each of its ingredients is Parigraha  The total quantity depends upon the digestive capacity of an individual, whereas the proportion of ingredients is fixed e.g. in buttermilk one part and four parts of water are taken. 30-Jul-22 58 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 59.  Rashi means Matra. Ayurveda emphasis on Aharmatra.  Take diet according to individuals age, digestive capacity etc.  Digestive capacity varies from person to person, so ahara matra should also be vary with same.  The food which get digested in proper time without disturbing the balance of Dhatus and Doshas is called samyukt rashi i.e. proper quantity.  The proper quantity of food depends upon property of substances like laghu-guru. If food is taken in proper quantity it activates digestion while excess or insufficient food will harm the body.  Laghu food also should not be ingested in excess quantity, otherwise it causes decrease digestive power.  For deciding the matra of food consumption of each person Ayurveda has given one rule.  Stomach should be divided into four parts, out of which two parts are filled with food, one part for water or liquid, and one part is reserved for movement of vayu (gas). 30-Jul-22 59 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 60.  देशः पुनः स्थानं स द्रव्यािािुत्पषत्तप्रचारौ देशसात्म्यं चाच्टे ॥  Desh =place.  Place of the food from where it is originated and the place of consumption,  Three types of Deshas – Anup, Jangal, Sadharan  It determines attributes due to growth of particular type of food in a particular locality or their acclimatization to that region. e.g. wheat growing in Punjab is more nutritive than that growing in other regions.  Strawberry in Mahabaleswar 30-Jul-22 60 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 61.  Habitat is a geographic region.  Quality of substance is affected by variety of soil and climate.  Himalaya is considered as Guru Pradesh, substances grown in this place are guru in nature, while substances grown in dessert are laghu in nature.  Persons who consume laghu ahara and performing various activities are light in nature.  Ahara should be taken according to both Bhoomi Desha & Deha Desha.  Desha parikshana is vital aspect in understanding patient regarding dietary habits of patients, probability of diseases related to the diet and accordingly treatment and Pathyapathya aspect. 30-Jul-22 61 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 62.  कालो ह्रह तनत्यर्श्चावषस्थकश्चः तत्रावाषस्थको पवकारिपेक्षते तनत्यर्स्तु ऋतुसात्म्यापेक्षः ।  The seasonal regiment in the stage of health & disease must be followed to maintain proper health.  Parinaman, maturity of substances and destruction i.e. Uttpati-Sthithi-Laya are dependent on kala. Nityaga and Avasthika are two types of Kala.  Nityaga: In this type ahara is taken according to Rutusatmya. For example: Rainy season is considered as vataprakopak kala. So, food containing vatashamak gunatmak substances is preferred in this season. In summer days as climate is hot, rasa dhatu kshay occurs, hence cold, madhur gunatmak ahara is taken. Also, plenty of drinks are adviced.  Avasthika: Food is taken depending on the condition of body i.e. either healthy or diseased. For example, Langhana is advised in Atisara, Spicy food is better to avoid in Jaundice.  Ayurveda also explains the ideal time for food intake i.e., only when food taken earlier is completely digested.  Ayurveda recommends a specific diettary regimen for daytime , nighttime, seasonal along with acute and chronic conditions of the disease e.g. consumption of curds, heavy food should be avoided at night. 30-Jul-22 62 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 63.  उपयोक्त पुनययस्तिाहारिुपयुक्ते यदायत्तिोकसात्म्यि ् ॥  Action of food depends on the psychological and physical attitude of the person)  Depends on mental condition, likings, environments and so on  Availability of food, requirements of individual as per age, physical conditions. 30-Jul-22 63 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 64.  उपयोर्संस्था तूपयोर्तनयिः सजीिय लक्षिापेक्षः ॥  Dietetic rules  Very important for proper digestion  Intake of food should be warm  Food should be unctuous ( moist )  In proper quantity  After digestion of previous meal  Avoidance of contradictory food 30-Jul-22 64 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 65.  In proper place  Without hurry and worry  Not to slow not to fast  Avoidance of too much talking or laughing, with full concentration  Should eat with due consideration to himself  उ्िं षस्नग्धं िात्रावत् जीिे वीयायपवरुध्दि् इ्टेदेशे इ्टसवोपकरिं नाततद्रुतं नाततपवलषम्र्ति् अजल्पन ् अहसन ् तन्िना भुन्जीत आत्िानिमभसिीक्षय सम्यक ॥ 30-Jul-22 65 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 66.  तस्य साद्र्ुण्ठयिुपदेक्षयािः- उ्ििश्नीयात्; उ्िं ह्रह भुज्यिानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चाषग्निौदययिुदीरयतत, क्षक्षप्रं जरां र्च््तत, वातिनुलोियतत, श्ले्िािं च पररिाससयतत [१; तस्िादु्ििश्नी यात् (१)|२५|  one should eat warm (food) because it tastes well, the eaten food stimulates the digestive fire, gets digested quickly, carminates flatus, reduces mucus; hence one should eat warm 30-Jul-22 66 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 67.  षस्नग्धिश्नीयात्; षस्नग्धं ह्रह भुज्यिानं स्वदते, भुक्तं चानुदीियिषग्निुदीरयतत क्षक्षप्रं जरां र्च््तत, वातिनुलोियतत, शरीरिुपचचनोतत, दृढीकरोतीषन्द्रयाणि, र्ला मभवृपधिुपजनयतत, वियप्रसादं चामभतनवयतययतत; तस्िात् षस्नग्धिश्नीयात् (२)|२५  One should eat unctuous; because it tastes well, eaten food stimulates the unstimulated digestive fire, gets digested quickly, carminates flatus, develops the body, provides firmness to sense organs, increases strength, produces clarity of complexion; hence one should eat unctuous. 30-Jul-22 67 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 68.  िात्रावदश्नीयात्; िात्रावपध भुक्तं वातपपत्तकफानपीियदायुरेव पववधययतत क े वलं, सुखं र्ुदिनुपयेतत, न चो्िाििुपहषन्त, अव्यथं च पररपाकिेतत; तस्िान्िात्रावद श्नीयात् (३)|२५|  One should eat in proper quantity. Food taken in proper quantity without disturbing vata, pitta and kapha only promotes life-span, easily passes down to anus, does not disturb the (digestive) fire, gets digested with discomfort; hence one should eat in proper quantity. 30-Jul-22 68 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 69.  जीिेऽश्नीयात ्; अजीिे ह्रह भुञ्ज्जानस्याभ्यवहृतिाहारजातं पूवयस्याहारस्य रसिपररित िुत्तरेिाहाररसेनोपसृजत ् सवायन ् दोषान ् प्रकोपयत्याशु, जीिे तु भुञ्ज्जानस्य स्वस्थान स्थेषु दोषे्वग्नौ चोदीिे जातायां च र्ुभुक्षायां पववृतेषु च स्रोतसां िुखेषु पवशुधे चो द्र्ारे हृदये पवशुधे वातानुलोम्ये पवसृ्टेषु च वातिूत्रपुरीषवेर्े्वभ्यवहृतिाहारजातं स वयशरीरधातूनप्रदूषयदायुरेवामभवधययतत क े वलं; तस्िाज्जीिेऽश्नीयात ् (४)|२५|  One should eat when the previous meal is digested because if one eats during indigestion, the eaten food mixing the product of the earlier meal with that of the later one vitiates all the dosas quickly, on the contrary, when one eats after the previous meal is digested well, the dosas are situated in their own locations, agni is stimulated, appetite is arisen, entrances of the channels are open, eructation is pure, heart is normal, flatus passes down and urges of flatus, urine and faeces are attended to, the eaten food promotes only the life-span without afflicting any dhatu. Hence one should eat after the previous meal is digested. 30-Jul-22 69 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 70.  वीयायपवरुधिश्नीयात ्; अपवरुधवीययिश्नन् ह्रह पवरुधवीयायहारजैपवयकारैनोपसृज्यते; तस्िा द्वीयायपवरुधिश्नीयात ् (५)|२५|  One should take food consisting of the items non-antagonistic in potency. While doing so one is not afflicted with the disorders caused by food antagonistic in potency. Hence one should take the food non- antagonistic in potency.  इ्टे देशे इ्टसवोपकरिं चाश्नीयात ्; इ्टे ह्रह देशे भुञ्ज्जानो नातन्टदेशजैियनोपवघातकरै भायवैियनोपवघातं प्राप्नोतत, तथैवे्टैः सवोपकरिैः; तस्िाह्रद्टे देशे तथे्टसवोपकरिं चा श्नीयात ् (६)  One should eat in favorable place and with favorable accessories. While eating in favorable place one does not fall victim to psychic disturbance due to such factors found in otherwise places. Similarly while having favorable accessories. Hence one should eat in favorable place and with favorable accessories. 30-Jul-22 70 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 71.  नाततद्रुतिश्नीयात्; अततद्रुतं ह्रह भुञ्ज्जानस्योत्स्नेहनिवसादनं भोजनस्याप्रतत्िानं च, भोज्यदोषसाद्र्ण्ठयोपलषधधश्च न तनयता; तस्िान्नाततद्रुतिश्नीयात् (७)  One should not eat fast because by eating fast the food may enter into a wrong passage, there is depression and the food is not established in its place; over and above, detection of the defects of food and achievement of the merits of the same are not certain. Hence one should not eat too fast. 30-Jul-22 71 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 72.  नाततपवलषम्र्तिश्नीयात ्; अततपवलषम्र्तं ह्रह भुञ्ज्जानो न तृषप्तिचधर्च््तत, र्हु भुङ्क्ते , शीतीभवत्याहारजातं, पवषिं च पच्यते; तस्िान्नाततपवलषम्र्तिश्नीयात ् |  One should not eat too slow because by eating too slow one does not get satisfaction, eats much, food becomes cold and is digested irregularly. Hence one should not eat too slow.  अजल्पन्नहसन् तन्िना भुञ्ज्जीत; जल्पतो हसतोऽन्यिनसो वा भुञ्ज्जानस्य त एव ह्रह दोषा भवषन्त, य एवाततद्रुतिश्नतः; तस्िादजल्पन्नहसंस्तन्िना भुञ्ज्जीत (९)  One should eat while not talking or laughing and with concentration.- By taking food while talking or laughing or with mind elsewhere, he is inflicted with the same defects as by eating too fast. Hence one should eat while not talking or laughing and with concentration. 30-Jul-22 72 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 73.  आत्िानिमभसिीक्षय भुञ्ज्जीत सम्यक्; इदं ििोपशेते इदं नोपशेत इत्येवं पवह्रदतं ह्यस्यात्िन आत्िसात्म्यं भवतत; तस्िादात्िानिमभसिीक्षय भुञ्ज्जीत सम्यचर्तत ||२५||  One should eat after due consideration to his self. This is suitable or unsuitable for me if known in this way then only it becomes suited to his self. Hence one should eat after considering his self well. 30-Jul-22 73 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 74.  A healthy and balanced diet according to the above mentioned special directions can protect the human body against certain type of disease.  In particular non communicable disease such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases some type of cancer and skeletal disorder.  All the eight types of special direction food are very essential for good and Happy life.  The person and physician having knowledge of special direction of food are beneficial for healthy and long life.  This knowledge is very helpful for treat the any type’s disease and change all type of physically, mental as well as social status. 30-Jul-22 74 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 75. अतः उध्वं व्दादशाशनप्रपवचारान् वक्षयािः । तत्र शीतो्िषस्नग्धरुक्षद्रवशु्क ै ककामलकषव्दकामलकौषधयुक्तिात्राहीनदोषप्रशिनवृत्यथायः ॥ सु.उ. ६४/५५ 30-Jul-22 75 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 76.  तृ्िो्ििददाहातायन रक्तपपत्तपवषातुरान् ।  िूच््ायतायन स्त्रीषु च क्षीिान् शैतैरन्नैरुपाचरेत् ॥ सु.उ. ६४/५६  Sheet Ahara: indicated in thirst, alcoholic, burning, Raktapitta and in emaciated individuals 30-Jul-22 76 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 77.  कफवाताियापव्टान् पवररक्तान् स्नेहपातयनः ।  प्रषक्लन्नकायांश्च नरानु्िैरन्नैरुपाचरेत् ॥  Ushna Ahara: useful in the patients with Kaphaja and Vataj disorders and after Virechan and Snehan (oleation therapy). 30-Jul-22 77 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 78.  वाततकान् रुक्षदेहांश्च व्यवायोपहतांस्तथा ।  व्यायामिनश्चापप नरान् षस्नग्धैरन्नैरुपाचरेत् ॥  Snigdha Ahara: indiacated in Ruksha individual, individual with Vata Prakrati, in Vataja disorders and the individuals emaciated by excess sexual act. 30-Jul-22 78 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 79.  िेदसाऽमभपरीतांस्तु षस्नग्धान्िेहातुरानपप ।  कफामभपन्नदेहांश्च रुक्षैरन्नैरुपाचरेत ॥  Ruksha Ahara: useful in obese, diabetics and individual with excess Kapha. 30-Jul-22 79 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 80.  शु्कदेहान् पपपासातायन् दुर्यलानपप च द्रवैः ।  Drava Ahara: indicated in dehydrated and weak individuals. 30-Jul-22 80 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 81.  प्रषक्लन्नकायान् व्रणिनः शु्क ै िेह्रहन एव च ।  Shushka Ahara: indicated in the patients of dermatological disorders, eryseplas and diabetes mellitus. 30-Jul-22 81 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 82.  एककालं भवेद्देयो दुर्यलाषग्नपववृध्दये ।  Ek-kalika Ahara: Ek-kalika Ahara i.e. one time (once a day) is indicated in the individuals with impared Agni (digestive power). 30-Jul-22 82 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 83.  सिाग्नये तथाऽऽहारो षव्दकालपप पूषजतः ॥  Dvi-kalika Ahara: Ahara, twice a day is indicated in individual with proper Agni. 30-Jul-22 83 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 84. औषधव्देपषिे देयस्तथौषधसिायुतः । Aushadha Yukta Ahara: the diet mixed with required drugs should be used in those patients, who are unable to take unpalatable drugs. 30-Jul-22 84 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 85.  िन्दाग्नये रोचर्िे च िात्राहीनः प्रशस्यते ॥  Matraheen Ahara: the individual with impaired Agni and the diseased individual should advise to take the diet in reduced quantum. 30-Jul-22 85 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 86.  यथतुयदत्तस्त्वाहारो दोषप्रशिनः स्िृतः ॥  (ऋतु क े अनुसार आहार)  Prashamaka Ahara: the diet advised according to seasonal variation is Dosha Prashamaka i.e. pacify all the Doshas. 30-Jul-22 86 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 87.  अतः परं तु स्वस्थानां वृत्त्यथं सवय एव च ।  प्रपवचारातनिानेवं व्दादशात्र प्रयोजयेत् ॥ सु.उ. ६४/६४  . Vrattiprayojaka Ahara: advised in healthy individuals to promote psychosomatic health 30-Jul-22 87 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 88.  1.Shashtika - is a kind of rice which grows very quickly to maturity, within sixty days (meaning of shashtika) and is therefore light on digestion.  2. Shali - is a variety of rice, sometimes translated as red rice  3. Mudga- is a pulse called green gram which is light in digestion  4. Saindhava - is called rock salt, it is powdery, light pink in color. Its composition is said to include more of potassium than of sodium. This salt is cooling unlike other types of salt.  5. Amalaki - It is rejuvenative, antioxidant, pacifying to all Doshas but Pitta, especially. It is rich in vitamin C and calcium.  6. Yava(barley) - is also light, laxative, diuretic and is especially useful for removing excess Kapha from the body  7. Rain water  8. Paya (milk) - that comes fresh from cows udder is best among milks. It is more easily digested if brought to a boil then drank warm. Milk is light in digestion, nourishing the body and Tri-Doshic.  9. Ghee - is clarified butter and is best among oils for pacifying Pitta. It also pacifies Vata and because it. increases the digestive fire  10. Honey - pacifies Kapha predominantly and Pitta secondarily. Honey must be raw, uncooked and never used in foods to be cooked 30-Jul-22 88 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 89.  Digestion is a process in which agni converts complex ingested food in such a form that can be easily assimilated in the body.  Sthoola pachan ( Gross digestion)  Sookshma pachan ( Minute digestion)  The three Nyay ( Laws)  Kshiradadhi nyay  Kedarkulya nyay ( most commonly accepted )  Khale kapot nyay 30-Jul-22 89 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 90.  Diet causes diseases  Diet cures diseases 30-Jul-22 90 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 91.  Digestion is a process in which agni converts complex ingested food in such a form that can be easily assimilated in the body.  Sthoola pachan ( Gross digestion)  Sookshma pachan ( Minute digestion)  The three Nyay ( Laws)  Kshiradadhi nyay  Kedarkulya nyay ( most commonly accepted )  Khale kapot nyay 30-Jul-22 91 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 92.  Diet causes diseases  Diet cures diseases 30-Jul-22 92 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 93.  What is the need of medicine to a person who follows the diet rules. 30-Jul-22 93 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 94.  How does a medicine will help to a person who does not follows diet rules . 30-Jul-22 94 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 95.  According to action on body food is classified in to  Shaman: foods which have suppressant action on doshas  Kopan : foods which increases doshas above their normal levels  Swasthhitakara: foods which maintains balanced state of doshas and dhatus. 30-Jul-22 95 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 96.  Hitakara ( Pathyakara) : the diet beneficial to an individual according to constitution  Ahitakara( Apathyakara) : the diet which is harmfull to body 30-Jul-22 96 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 97.  Contraindicated food  Incompatible foods  The wrong combinations of vitiates doshas in such manners that they act as toxins for the body.  Desh, kaal, Agni, Matra, Satmya, Dosha, Sanskara, Veerya, Avastha, Krama, Parihar, pak, Sanyoga, Hrud, sampad  The diet consumed without considering the above principals may lead to disorders of skin, eyesite etc. 30-Jul-22 97 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 98.  Medicines and diet go hand in hand in treatment of any disease.  Diet is one of the causative factor for occurrence of a disease  Hence Nidanparivarjan ( avoidance and correction ) is a important factor in the management of disease. 30-Jul-22 98 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 99. Srotaswise diet management Name of srotas Srotodushti dietitic factor Dietitic management Pranavaha srotas Ati ruksha, abhishyandi , atisheeta anna sevan,kshudhitasya Vyayama Drava,ushna,laghu and dipaniya annasevan. e.g. garlic, ginger, goat milk, moong, etc Udakavaha srotas Atishushka, vidahi annapan.madysevan Drava aahar e.g. manda, siddha jalapan Annavaha srotas Atimatra, akali, ahitakara, asatmya, adhyashan, virudhashana, samashana. Langhana , warm water, peya, vilepi, yusha, laghu aahar sevan. Rasavaha srotas Guru, sheeta, atisnigdha, atyashana Langhan , pachana 30-Jul-22 99 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 100. Srotaswise diet management Name of srotas Srotodushti dietitic factor Dietitic management Raktavaha srotas Vidahi, snigdha ushna, atidrava ,tikshna, ushna, navadhanya, amla, lavan annasevan, madyapana Langhan, laghu, dipan pittashamak e.g. khadirasiddha jala, kokam etc Mamsavaha srotasa Abhishyandi, guru, sthula, atimatra, Laghu, ruksha, dipan pachan, matravat Medovahasrotas Snigdha, guru sheeta ,kafakara food atisevan, madyapana Ruksha, ushna, lekhan , guru but kafaghna aahar e.g. yava, ragi, mudga yusha. 30-Jul-22 100 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 101. Srotaswise diet management Name of srotas Srotodushti dietitic factor Dietitic management Asthivaha srotas Vatavrudhikara aahar ruksha, sheeta, laghu. Snigdha, ushna, tikta rasatmak. E.g. milk, ghrita, mamsarasa etc Majjavaha srotas Atiabhishyandi ,viruddhashana, Madhura, tikta rasa sevan Shukravaha srotas Virudhashan, ushna, ruksha ,tikshna, katu, tikta, vidahi Sheeta, snigdha, madhura, laghu.e.g. milk, ghrita, butter etc. 30-Jul-22 101 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 102.  Infant feeding : Three stages  Ksheerad: till 5 to 6 months only breast milk  Breast milk : ideal nourishment , most natural food for baby.  Kashyapa defines “ pure breast milk on which the baby thrives well and both the mother and baby remain happy, healthy and free from any ailments.  Breast milk promotes growth and development and acts as a tonic for all the tissues  Ksheer Annad:6 months to 1 and half year  Start from drava aahar to ghana aahar. Fresh fruit juices, vegetable, pulses yushas , peya etc medicated with spices 30-Jul-22 102 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 103.  Annad : after 1 and half years of age till 3 years  Child can digest solid food and can be given wholesome diet as per appetite and requirements.  Age group after 3 years : As per growth requirement of food changes which should be full filled.  Balanced diet  Sarvarasatmak  Quantity as per appetite  Warm, fresh, clean, well cooked, easily digestible. 30-Jul-22 103 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 104.  Adult stage : Shadrasatmaka aahar , Balanced Diet  Diet in old age : OLD AGE = VATA DOSHA dominance , hence Diet should be pacifying vatadosha , light, easy to digest but at the same time strength giving.  Diet in garbhiniavastha  Diet in sutikaavastha 30-Jul-22 104 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 105.  Strenuous physical work : Food in more quantity  However should consider constitution , appetite, availability of food.  Sedentary work : food in less quantity but as per requirement, light to digest.  Mental work: food in appropriate quantity having qualities to full fill majjadhatu nourishment.  As per modern nutrition science calorie requirement as per occupation is considered.  For sedentary 2400 Kcal  For moderate 2800Kcal  For heavy 3800 Kcal  Again gender wise requirement is different 30-Jul-22 105 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 106.  Due to globalisation world has come closer. Today means of communication has become very fast, incidentally people travel from one country to other frequently. They consume the food available in respective country. These food items consumed apart from India are not mentioned in Ancient Ayurvedic text. Hence they can be called as ANUKTA DRAVYAS  Anukta literally means unsaid and unuttered. With specific reference to Ayurveda, the entity, which is not directly or specifically mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts, is Anukta. Literary meaning of the word anukta is ‘unstated’ 30-Jul-22 106 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 107.  Chakrapani comments that atideshatantrayukti -(getting the knowledge of unsaid things) helps for clarification of the hidden meaning and also derives the unsaid things. Based on the method followed to explain the existing condition, explanation of the new disease or drug or formulation should be made. To understand the extension of existing technology / concept is atideshatantrayukti.  All the dravyas are made up of panchamahabhoota (five basic elements) such as Prithvi, Ap, Tej, Vayu and Akasha. Thus depending upon the concept of panchamahabhuta, the new dravyas(ahara/aushadha) evolved, which are not mentioned in ayurvedic texts, can be understood 30-Jul-22 107 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 108.  Malnutrition is like a Iceberg in developing country  Malnutrition is a man made disease.  Begins in womb and ends in grave  Pregnant women, nursing mothers and children are more vulnerable  Ad versed effects of malnutrition are LBW, Anemia, Toxemias, PPH etc 30-Jul-22 108 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 109.  At present 48% children under 5 years of age are underweight  48% moderate to severe  16% severe malnutrition  Out of which 20 % moderate to sever wasting and 48 % severe stunting  Effects of malnutrition:  Susceptible to infection  Slow recovery  High mortality 30-Jul-22 109 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 110.  Definition of Malnutrition  A pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute deficiency or excess of one or more essential nutrients.  Four types of malnutrition  Under nutrition  Over nutrition  Imbalance  Specific deficiency 30-Jul-22 110 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 111.  Under nutrition : results when insufficient food is eaten over an extended period of time.( in extreme cases it is called starvation)  Over nutrition: pathological state resulting from the consumption of excessive quantity of food over an extended period of time. ( high incidence of obesity, diabetes etc)  Imbalance : It is the pathological state resulting from disproportion among essential nutrients with or without the absolute deficiency of any nutrient.  Specific deficiency : It is a pathological state resulting from a relative or absolute lack of an individual nutrient. 30-Jul-22 111 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 112.  Malnutrition is caused by a lack of nutrients in your diet.  This is either due to an inadequate diet or problems absorbing nutrients from food.  Medical conditions that can lead to malnutrition like various infections  Socioeconomic factors –poverty, ignorance, insufficient education about nutrition, large family size  Cultural influences  Food habits  Religion  Food fads  Cooking practices  Child rearing 30-Jul-22 112 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 113.  Problem of malnutrition can be solved by taking Actions on various levels  Actions at the family level – education about nutrition, promotion of breast feeding, diet in pregnancy and postpartum , geriatrics  Action at the community level – Analysis of nutritional problem, deficiencies, dietary and non dietary factors etc and then implementation of applied nutrition program  Action at National level : strategies: Rural development , increasing agricultural production, population control, nutrition intervention programmers, Nutrition related health activities  Action at the International levels : multilateral world food program 30-Jul-22 113 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 114.  Ayurveda considers malnutrion as sthoulya, karshya, dhatukshinata.  Specifically mentioned pathyapathya for each disease.  Mentioned ashtouvidhivisheshayatanani  Aaharvidhividhan  Shadrasatmak bhojan  Diet regime  If followed properly ultimately prevents malnutrition 30-Jul-22 114 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke
  • 115. 30-Jul-22 115 Dr Bharat D. Zinjurke