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Fitness for weight loss
In today’s era, who does not want to be an attractive figure of fatless? The whole world is heading towards
zero figure today. For that, along with healthy foods, there must be a need for body exercises. It is possible
only through housework. But due to our lack of time, the body fat is growing. As a result, there are many
problems with creation.
Wake up from the office, and return home from the office, work out, eat, sleep again. It does not have time
to give yourself time. As a result of this stress, the health of the body continues to get worse. But if you give
yourself only 30 minutes in 24 hours you will be very good with both the physical and emotional side. In
this episode, you will have the fitness for weight loss.
Attractive figure:
In the past, it means good health people of buxomy look. The demand for people with the ages has
changed. Nowadays, good health is a healthy, fit and tight body man, to whom any clothes are adorned
and attractive to everyone.
Fitness center:
While exercising or exercise, many understand that going to the fitness center, there are some rules to
enhance physical beauty with the help of different instruments or trainers. But the time required to travel
and exercise to the fitness center? So, if you want a beautiful figure, it is not possible for everyone to spend
time working in a fitness center, leaving jobs, family and other work in the house. So if you want to work,
you can stay fit.
Cleaning the floor of the house:
If the work of the house is done properly by the rules itself, then both of them are possible. This means
that the house was clean with cleanliness, and the body too beautiful. Especially when cleaning the floor or
stairs, there is a nervous pressure on the abdomen, which reduces the stomach fat easily. By cleaning the
floor, the stomach is smooth and the waist size is also beautiful.
The windows are clean:
To clear the glass of the window, the hand is repeatedly put down and down, the other parts of the body
are also shifting. Therefore, as well as cleaning the windows, the muscles of the hand are tight and the
excess fat in the body decreases. As the age increases, the muscles of many people hang up a little, which
is possible to reduce through this exercise.
Work in standing:
In the past, the women sit in the kitchen and do all the work. Working alone, only one job can be done. But
if it works, it can be possible to cook, wash, and do other things as well. In this case, there is some exercise
in the foot and the bone is strong. Immediately the body fat can not get easily.
Keep the equipment clean:
The biggest problem in body beauty is the thick stomach, which grows very quickly. If the clothes are sitting
on the floor or using a washing machine in semi-sitting cloth or pressure on the stomach to clean it. If this
type of work is done regularly, less fat is accumulated in the stomach. It looks as beautiful as watching
yourself fat, on the other hand, due to keeping the equipment clean, their longevity increases.
Clean the car itself:
Today’s busy life car is so much needed, likewise there are many hobbies for cars. So do not wash the
precious car of the hawk without carwash or wash the driver, rather wash yourself! The car will be
beautiful, and it will fit your body. Then you will see how smart and attractive you are in a modern dress!
Gardening is a hobby. The body works very well to make the work well, to grow vegetables, fruits and
beautiful flowers. It is understood, however, that the gardener sees the fine body of fat. In addition, the
intimate relationship with the nature of garden lovers. As a result, the garden helps keep both body and
mind good.
Eco-friendly garden:
There has been a long way to buy or rent gardens in Germany. Many of those who live in flat houses have
such a garden nearby. In some parts of the country, some parts of some land are offered for some time
now in order to encourage people to protect the environment. It is, however, conditioned that there can be
a natural way to cultivate vegetables or fruits only to eat them.
Try to practice:
In Asian countries, the housewives feel more comfortable working in the house with ‘workmen’ or domestic
workers. Although doing this work is not always easy. However, those who are used to doing work from
home or doing their own work at home without leaving a job, Their body structure became beautiful from
the very young age.
Rest after work:
There is no doubt that it will cost a few calories to clean the bathtub properly by hand. Naturally, then
someone gets tired, is not it? Fine water baths in beautiful bath tubes and pour it into the perfume fluid
soap. Now husband and wife come down in the water. After half an hour, the body will get up from the
water and it feels absolutely light and the heart is very breezy!
Regularly exercising the body in any way, its results are available. So, there is no exception in the
beautiful figure. A little awareness about healthy eating, as well as walking a bit and doing
homework, anyone can get a beautiful figure.
Experts advise walking a 30-minute walk every day. Know about the necessity of walking for half an
hour every day-
1. According to a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, calories burn easily during a 30-
minute walk. In the case of inheritance, if obesity is seen in someone, it can be controlled every 30 minutes
by a walk.
2. Every day walking becomes less likely to affect heart disease. Doctors say that walking as a low-intensity
cardio workout is best.
3. According to a study by the American Cancer Society, breast cancer risk decreases by 14 percent in 7
hours a week.
4. Walking to stay away from brain disorders, Alzheimer’s, memories etc. According to the report, the age
of sixty years of age should be walking every 10 kilometers.
5. The right medicines for extra tension, depression, bad mood etc. are 30 minutes walk. Everyday walks
and mind also with the body.
6. Doctors say that there is nothing more like a morning walk to increase immunity in the body. The
disease can not sit in the body quickly. However, patients who have high blood pressure, they are enough
to walk for 10 minutes daily.
Besides having fitness, there are some rules of weight loss:
If your weight is high, then there is no substitute for reducing it. Keep the body weight needed for good
health. So follow these ways to remove your body’s excess weight.
1. Exercise 30 minutes before breakfast: Exercise 30 minutes before breakfast, effective for weight loss.
Keep in mind that your exercise will move from 120 to 130 in your heart rate.
2. Learn the service size: Remove the idea that the dish will be filled and eaten. Take a small meal in small
3. Learn the best of food: Learn which foods are good for your body and what foods are bad.
Then take healthy food accordingly.
4. Make your own food: Your cooking arm is probably not good? Then learn some recipes for cooking
healthy food by yourself.
5. Take previous and next pictures: Take a picture before and after becoming aware of your weight.
Compare both photos.
6. Dance: A physical practice like a dance. It is possible to lose weight through this. Various ways of
physical exercise are now available in DVDs. You will get enough benefit from studying and watching such
7. Bring diversity into practice: If your physical practice becomes monotonous then it will not work. Due
to this, the diversity of physical practice should be brought.
8. Imagine: Imagine the condition that you want to make your physical condition. This will create your
9. Take fiber meal: The fiber provides many benefits including keeping the digestive system healthy. It will
also help to reduce the weight of your body by eating more such foods.
10. Walk or ride a bike: Make use of walking or cycling instead of mechanical powered vehicles. Regular
bicycling reduces the risk of heart attack. Regular cycling reduces depression, stress, and anxiety
11. Be realistic: Be realistic about weight loss. You can not reduce the body half by practicing only a few
days. It is possible to lose about 10 pounds of weight a month.
12. Do not exclude protein: Eggs, low-fat meat, fish are one of the sources of protein. These foods need
the body during weight loss. But if you prefer a vegetarian, then you can choose a nutritious meal with the
help of nutritionists.
13. Do not forget to breathe in practice: During physical exercise, breathing will not decrease. Take
oxygen more during this time. Deep breathing helps not only to outlive but also to maintain mood and
work enthusiasm.
14. Take regular measurements: Take a closer look at the changes in your body as a result of practice.
Place a tape near the hand. Physicians, nutritionists, or dietitian usually determine the nutritional status of
humans by measuring BMI. This measurement is very complicated for ordinary people. It is better to find a
doctor or a dietitian to know BMI.
15. Take rest after work: After work, you need rest of your muscles. So allocate time to rest. A group of
UK researchers, on the basis of various surveys, prove that physical and emotional development is
interrupted in insufficient sleep and rest.
16. Eliminate salad dressing: Salad is a healthy diet. But the use of dressing is harmful to health.
17. Try not to eat processed food: Try not to eat food produced in the industry. Instead, make healthy
fresh fruit and food habits. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the processed meat used to be
extremely harmful to fast food and various food items for human health. These types of foods are more
likely to cause cancer in your body regularly.
18. Not crash diet: Crash diets are extremely quick to lose weight through a very small amount of food.
For example, if you have 1800 calories, in that case, if the demand is reduced to 700-800 calories, and if the
food is consumed very little amount by reducing the amount of sugar and fat, that’s the crash diet? Crush
diet without hurry to lose weight. It can cause serious damage to your body.
19. Exclude emotional foods: Eat foods to repel hunger for physical needs. Instead of being emotionally
satisfied, greedy or bewildered by the beauty of food, leave excessive eating habits.
20. Eat five times a day: If you eat a meal five times a day, your appetite will decrease appetite.
21. Do not eat another mood: Leave the tendency to concentrate on different subjects during meals.
22. Do not skip breakfast: Breakfast has many positive benefits in the morning. It is quite useful to reduce
23. Keep healthy foods with: Do not eat junk food on the road. Keep one bowl with salad, nut or fruit.
24. Eat with a few people: Eating with more people, it increases your eating habits.
25. List breakfast: Frequent meals such as breakfast allow quick weight gain. So decide on the time of
eating these.
26. Keep a note of food: Write a notebook daily, what it is eating. It is easy to understand how much
weight is like eating it.
27. Exclude junk food: Do not buy harmful food for health and try not to bring home.
28. List: Make a list of the reasons you want to lose weight. Keep an eye on the regular list.
29. Sweet face after eating: Some may eat sweet after eating. Try not to eat any empty stomach. Because
sweet insulin levels increase, as a result, there is pressure on your pancreas. This may be your diabetes.
30. Pause: Apart from trying to lose weight, it can also be a pause for a short period of time.
31. Share: Share the food with your friends. It increases the amount of calorie as it will increase friendship
32. Calculate holiday: Many people forget about physical exercises on holiday. Leave it and you can use
the holidays.
33. Eat slowly: If you eat slowly, it can be seen eating properly. So the need to reduce the speed of food. It
is said in the study, if the food is slowly eaten, then the weight loss. The food is filled with stomach if it is
too fast, the signal does not reach the brain. Then it is eaten more. When the food is taken slowly, the
signal reaches the brain well and understanding the brain needs to stop eating now.
34. Stay busy: Spend time in a task while you have a lot of time. During the lazy time, your eating habits
will increase.
35. Reward yourself: Reward your body with a specific goal of losing weight. Maybe it’s a fun food or
36. Try to listen to the body: The body will tell you how much food you need. Listen to the body.
37. Do not eat unhealthy foods: Make a habit of eating healthy foods instead of having unhealthy foods
in your diet.
38. Mental pressure reduces: Mental pressure is responsible for increasing weight. Therefore, reducing
mental pressure is very important.
39. Do not eat soda: Stay away from drinking soft drinks like soda. Instead, you can drink healthy fresh
fruit juice.
40. Fitness Education: Get some tips for weight loss, fitness magazines or various websites. Find out the
fitting ways for you to do this.
41. Enough sleep: There is enough sleeping requirement for weight loss. Various studies have proved that
an adult should sleep for at least 8 hours daily. National sleep foundation has advised an adult to sleep for
7-9 hours daily
42. Get inspired: Inspiration gives us the ability to work. Inspiration destroys laziness in our body and
makes us fully active. Inspiration to work works as a fuel for our body. Work as your inspiration for weight
43. A glass of water before meals: Drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes ago. This will reduce your
appetite and create a suitable environment for stomach digestion.
44. Love: It would be helpful to reduce weight if you love someone. So love your wife more and more.
45. Keep the car away: Park your personal vehicle in a distant place. It needs walks to go to the
46. Kiss: Every minute kiss kills five to six calories. So weight loss can be an easy way to find it. Daily 10
minutes kiss, reduce weight extra! You can read this post.
47. Use the stairway: Use the stairway without using the elevator when you get the opportunity. This will
be beneficial enough.
48. Be patient: Weight loss work is not sudden. Be patient and continue to practice. And suddenly starting
or ending this matter, it creates a lot of physical problems or illness.
49. Find out the problem: Combine with a friend if there is a problem playing the weight loss program
alone. Do both works together.
50. Exclude negatives: Negative of all aspects of life is harmful. Negative thoughts can lead you backward.
Negative views and negative behaviors are very unfortunate. Negative people cannot adopt other people.
So the negative people do not burn themselves, they burn the society.
51. Be positive: Positiveness is one of the conditions for loving yourself. Think about your good times of
retirement, try to overcome the weaknesses. Positive thoughts will help to solve your very big problems
easily. With positive people, it increases your mental stimulus. It will be very easy to control weight.
52. Get help from the trainee: If you can not determine the weight loss method yourself, then get help
from professionals. They are skilled at this.
53. Slim dress: If your weight is low then buy clothing as such clothing is needed. It will also show you the
willingness to wear your clothes, but you will be interested in weight loss.
54. Partner: Running alone in the weight loss program became difficult for a lot of time. But with your wife,
it becomes much easier.
55. Do some practice every day: Do some practice with your daily activities. It will be easy to lose weight
such as body fat.
56. Skip Weight measuring instruments: For weight loss, there will be a need for weight-measuring
instruments to measure body weight. But without using excessive use of this machine, use the tape to
determine the size of the body.
Lose stomach fat
Working for a long time sitting, due to low physical activity, fat is in the stomach. As a result, those who are
unable to find out when exercising, they have been through some simple habits every day and lose
stomach fat can reduce the way through the excess fat of the body.
Excess fat in the abdomen is hard to get back and the beauty is broken. It is very necessary for health to
keep body weight properly. If your weight is high, then there is no substitute for reducing it. Many people
are faced with danger while hurrying to reduce weight.
Generally, almost all men and women have stomach obesity complications. Especially the stomach is more
in the stomach than the whole body and, sadly, it takes a little longer to reduce stomach fat. Along with
this, there will be some changes in diet. Eat less food than a few times and eat less than five to six times.
Eat water after half an hour after eating meals. Night meal should be done at 8:30 pm or two hours before
bedtime to finish the dinner. Food, vegetables, red rice, red flour bread, chicken, fish, low-fat milk etc
should be kept in the food list.
These methods are completely domestic. You can do these at home.
Cumin water:
This cumin is used in cooking in the Mediterranean and south-western Asian countries. As a result of
drinking water, it refreshes the body by cooling down the body and reducing excess body temperature. It is
very healthy. The cumin water contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which facilitates digestion. If
you drink this water, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting can be removed. This cumin water is very beneficial
to clean toxic elements from the body.
Cumin water works like a magician to reduce stomach fat. If you drink 10 liters of cumin water, you will lose
weight. Drinking cumin water the digestive system works well. Researchers say, if you have any disorder,
then you can drink tea with cumin. Read more
Terms of Use: Mix some spoons honey and three grams of cumin powder into a glass of water well. Eat
this mixture regularly. Make a soup, mix one spoon powder of cumin powder and do good work. Boil
carrots and other vegetables, pour garlic and lemon juice. Add some cumin powder to it. Eat every night.
After 15 days, you get to lose weight like magic.
Ginger water:
Ginger helps to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Increasing the amount of bad
cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart disease. Ginger water works to prevent various types of
cancer. Ginger can drink water if high blood pressure problem. These include strong antioxidants. Ginger
water removes toxic substances from the body and helps in refreshing the body.
Terms of Use: Cut ginger pieces into the water and boil for 15 minutes. Then cool down from the oven and
cool it. Drink with a lemon in it. Ginger water will help to remove excess fat in the body. Drink it for a week.
It will help reduce stomach fat. You can also grind ginger if you want. Mild yolk mixed with water you can
drink before breakfast.
Cinnamon water:
Cinnamon regulates the cholesterol levels in the body. Cinnamon effectively follows the activities of insulin.
Insulin plays an important role in controlling blood sugar levels. It is very important to maintain a
satisfactory level of blood sugar because the excess body accumulates excess fat in the body. Since
cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels, it prevents excess fat from being stored.
Drinking cinnamon and honey mixed with water will fade fat. Drink a mixture of honey and cinnamon twice
daily. This drink will help reduce fat in the stomach.
Terms of Use: 2 glasses of water and mix 2 tablespoon cinnamon powder and mix it well and keep it
covered for 15 minutes. Then add one and a half tablespoon honey to it drink an empty stomach in one
glass morning. Drink more than a glass night before sleeping.
Lemon juice:
Lemon has a lot of fiber. Which fight against hunger. There are many benefits of lemon, such as energy
enhancement, kidney stones, liver clean, help in digestion, clear skin, prevent cancer, remove urinary
infections. However, if drinking excessive lemon water, those who have problems with acid can flame their
chest. Excessive lemon juice can cause pain in the stomach and lower abdominal pain.
Terms of Use: Take 1 cup / 237 ml of boiling water. Then put the cinnamon powder in a glass and pour
boiling water into it. Then cover it with lid in the glass. When it gets a little cool, add honey and lemon juice
to it. Do not mix honey with boiling hot water. Because the quality of honey is spoiled. Then drink half of
this drink before sleeping in the night. And leave the keep half in the refrigerator. Drink half an empty
stomach in the morning. But in the morning there is no need to heat the drink again. Drink this drink
regularly daily. Diameter, see the weight loss of magic.
Studies have shown, if you eat garlic in an empty stomach, it works like a strong antibiotic. It works better
even after eating garlic before breakfast. Especially eating empty juice of garlic causes bacteria to be
exposed and then the bacteria lose to the power of garlic. As a result, the body’s harmful bacteria cannot
be protected. Kavita Devgan, a nutritionist at Delhi’s nutrition website on food and nutrition, said, the
calorie value of garlic is very small. Three to four slices of garlic contain only 13 calories. Besides, garlic has
many other qualities.
Terms of Use: Eat 2/3 slice of garlic on empty stomach every morning, drink a little later, lemon juice. It will
work twice as fast as possible to reduce your stomach fat. Moreover, it will make the body’s circulation
Ice mint Tea:
Mint is a very good element to reduce fat in the stomach. It also helps to remove the antioxidant of mint
and various types of physical problems. You can get some relief in the summer and take a little less
stomach’s fat with the help of the ice mint tea.
Terms of Use: A few grains of tea in 3-4 cups of water, Fist 1 Mint leaf and 1-inch ginger in the sum burn
the stove with the bruised ginger. When you are well burned, take cold. If you want to make ice with some
drinks. Then pour it into a glass and drink it with the common ice. As honey can be mixed. You can mix
with a few drops of lemon juice. Your Ice Mint Tea is ready.
Red rice instead of white rice:
There is a cover on the red rice after leaving the shell. Which keeps its nutrients intact. And it contains a lot
of fiber, mineral nutrients and vitamins than normal white rice. This rice does not go through intensive
processing and smoothing during marketing. As a result, there is no way to deny that red rice is more
healthy, rich in nutrient value and more delicious.
Apart from this, the amount of calories and carbohydrate is more in white rice. Other nutritional
components are less. As a result, it causes various diseases including diabetes and obesity. Regardless of
these things, it would be more healthy to add red rice instead of completely eliminating rice from the food
list. Red rice is used to prevent diabetes, prevent heart disease, good for digestion, weight control, reduce
cholesterol. In addition, there are many benefits of red rice.
If you want to reduce fat in the stomach, adjust these exercises:
Sit Up:
Read on in a flat place or on the floor. Then fold the legs two. The hand is straight along the knee,
front. Now sit in front of the breath and sit straight ahead.
The legs are folded. Now go back to the previous state. There will be no longer sitting. Get up again and sit
again, sit back again. This will happen once. You do this 12 times a total. If you have 12 times, take a minute
to rest. One minute later you will start again in the same way. Again 12 times. Thus, one set will be 12
times. You have to set two in such a situation initially. This way you can set three.
leg Raises:
Lie down on the floor straight. Pair the legs two straight up to 90 degrees. The hands will be on the right
side. Now take the breath to take down the two pairs of legs. But the legs will not fall on two
floors. There will be some distance to the floor with your
feet. Leave the breath in this situation then lift the legs up to 90 degrees. Move down again. From the head
to the waist it will be on the floor. Set 12 times this way. This exercise is very beneficial for the abdomen.
Russian Twist:
Sit straight on both sides of the legs. Take a couple of feet by folding the legs to a little higher than the
floor. Take the upper part of the body from the waist to the back. Put your hands in the hands of the gentle
hands and turn around once to the right and turn towards the right waist, or turn around and bring it to
the waist. In this way, 12 times will mean two sets. This reduces the fatty tissue and floor belly fat in your
Put your arms in front of the elbows and fill them on the feet. The body will be raised in a parallel position.
Stay in this condition exactly 10-15 seconds. In the first 10-15 seconds. It can be extended up to 40-45
seconds. Do this in two to three times. After each time you will take a little rest. This reduces the back and
fat of your stomach.
If you regularly adjust these exercises, you will certainly get very good results. But remember not to do this
abdominal exercise every day. In a primary condition, do one day afterward. It will get good results. After
the first one to two days, you may feel pain in the muscles of the stomach. You will be sure that your
exercises are working, that is, the fat cells started to break. Thus, after two to three months stretching, you
will get better results. Two to three months later you have to choose another exercise. Because the same
exercise takes longer and does not want to work.
This exercise is not possible by eating unhealthy foods. Keep food away from sugar. Reduce extra oily food.
Besides, drink plenty of water.
Read more
Nutritionist diet plan and Treatment for obesity
Obesity is a chronic condition which affects more than one in three adults and affects about 17 percent of
the United States children and adolescents. Weighing more than one in three adults. Extra weight or
obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, fatty liver disease, kidney disease and
other health problems. Read more
Today is there Nutritionist diet plan & Treatment for obesity.
The weight control information network says that two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight
or brain. Obesity is still a big problem and advertisements of various companies close the mixed message
so that you may not have the best way to reduce your weight. If you want to lose weight and you are trying
to do it on your own, a nutritionist can help you understand that’s what kind of food would be best for you.
The nutrition field is constantly changing. Researchers discover new insights on how to be healthy and
Nutritionist diet plan:
Step 1: Decide which type of nutrition you want to show. You can get a Registered Dietary, Nutrition
Counseling or Nutrition Counseling from a Certified Clinical Nutrition. According to the Labor Bureau
statistics, registered diabetes and degreed Nutritionists need Bachelor’s Degree in at least one nutrient to
attain nutrition certified Nutrition or may not be in the graduate level, but get certified by taking classes
and passing the exam.
Step 2: Record the food you can eat for three days in the food journal. It is necessary to eat honestly all the
food you eat and the full quantity that you eat. If you are not sincere, then the nutritionist will have to help
you. For the weekend, for two weeks and one day, what you ate record the right time and eat it with
Step 3: Take the nutritionist to your food journal and ask them for input on what you can change to let
them be spontaneous. The Labor Statistics Bureau tells that nutritionists can help you by analyzing your
diet. Nutritious cannot help but educate you about some of the foods you eat, and you should try but not
about some foods that are not eaten.
Step 4: Ask for sample meal plans, grocery lists and recipes for your nutritionist. You have a lot of
resources to help reduce weight, but because of everyone’s motivation, you have to ask him for anything.
Do not assume that he plans for all your meals. But if you want a meal plan, then he may be willing to
make it. Follow the recommendations of persistence and patience from your nutritionist, because
of healthy weight loss but comes slowly.
Weight loss management:
The main treatment for obesity is the combination of diet and physical exercise. Due to the dietary
program, it is possible to lose weight in a short time, but this weight can be the problem of reducing in that
way and sometimes it may be necessary to have physical exposure. At the same time, low-calorie foods
can become part of the lifespan of that person.
Although there are 67% of people in the context of many more structures, those who have been able to
maintain their body weight by more than 10% or maintain weight loss for a year. The average weight loss
of 3 kg (6.6 lb) or more weight or full body weight can be maintained up to five years.
A significant increase in the rate of death of certain populations with weight loss has been found in some
studies. An anticipated survey of obese women who suffer from weight-related illness, at any level there is
a reduction in mortality of 20% with international weight loss. In obese women, there is a relation of
decreasing 25% of mortality in relation to obesity-related to 9 kg (20 lb) or more weight loss.
Recent studies have shown, in some specific sub-groups, there is type 2 diabetes and they found long-term
benefits in women, their death rates. However, there is not much improvement in weight loss for men in
men. The next study found those who have lost weight with specific goals among those who were severely
obese for those people, a benefit of decreasing mortality has been noticed. Bariatric surgery is a very
effective treatment for obesity. Although the costs and the risk of complications, researchers are looking
for effective but less invasive other ways.
Dieting or restricted to food:
The general diet that is used for weight loss is usually given in four parts: Low fat, low carbohydrate, low
calorie and very little calories. The meta-analysis of randomly selected six controlled test experiments
found no difference between three main types of food (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat). All
studies have shown that only 2-4 kilograms (4.4-8.8 pounds) lose weight. Despite not stressing on the large
nutrients, these three methods have reduced the weight of similar weight in two years.
Daily 200-800 calories are available from very low-calorie foods. Fat and carbohydrate control the
acceptance of calories from both of these proteins. They keep the body starving and every 1.5- 2.5
kilograms (3.3-5.5 pounds) weight reduction every week. This diet is not recommended for general use.
Because it has many side effects. Like losing a soft muscle, Increasing the risk of Gout and decreasing
electrolyte balance. People who are eating such food must be closely supervised by the physician so that
any complications can be reduced.
Physical exercise:
Muscle accepts the energy received from fat and glycogen. Being the walking, running, and bicycling are
the most effective ways of body weight reduction due to the growing leg muscles. Physical exercises play a
role in maintaining large nutritional balance. During the medium-sized physical exercise like a quick walk,
there is a tendency to use cherub as a fuel. The American Heart Association recommends maintaining
health, physical exercise should be done moderately for at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes.
After analyzing 43 studies conducted randomly through collaboration, the meta-analysis found that Only
physical exercise can reduce weight. Adding to it with eating habits, however, reduces the weight by only 1-
kilogram weight. It has been found to be 1.5 kilograms (3.3 lb) in weight loss. Nevertheless, the way
physical exercises are performed in the general population has the moderate impact. Regardless of taking
food, it is seen in 20 weeks of preliminary military training. At least 12.5 kilograms (27.6 lb) of newborn
obese person has lost weight. To reduce weight, it is believed that physical exercise is very important. It is
known with the help of the instrument which measures the walking path and how many feet it walked, that
means if the person using the pedometer can be more motivated. Someone has an average of 18 weeks of
physical exercise and if the level of exercise increases to 27%, then BMI will definitely be able to reduce
0.38 parts.
As well as encouraging stairs to be promoted, the mentality of physical labor increases among the people if
the mobilization of the campaign continues. For example, the 113 kilometer (70 miles) long road is closed
for the physical exercise of the city’s residents on every Sunday and holiday in Colombia’s Bogota city. It is
open to pedestrians to deal with chronic and difficult diseases, obesity.
Weight loss program:
Weight loss programs often show the changes in lifestyle and dietary modifications. It can also be involved
in eating a small quantity, reducing certain types of food, and consciously trying to do more physical
exercises. It is possible to make people’s contact possible with a group of people who are trying to lose
weight, through this program. There are several popular programs in circulation. These include Weight
Watchers, Anonymous, and Jenny Craig. If they are restricted to a specific food list for more than two years,
they are considered to help reduce the weight of moderate size (2. 9 Kg, 6.4 lb). The Internet-based
program is considered to be ineffective. The Chinese government has introduced a number of ‘fat farms’
where the obese children go for compulsory physical exercise. They passed a law. It is said in this law that
at least one hour of physical activity or sports should be done at school.
Treatment of medicines:
There is now FDA approved for two days of obesity-resistant medicines. One of them is the orlistat, which
inhibits the intestinal fat by blocking pancreatic lipase. The other is Sibutramine. It works in the brain. It has
a lot of resemblance to the anti-depressant and prevents the inactivity of nervous transport. As a result,
the desire for food decreases.
Although this method of treating obesity was approved in Europe, the United States and Canada were not
allowed due to safety issues. Although in October 2008 the European Medicine Agency has recommended
the suspension of the sale of Rimonabant in Europe. The reason is that the amount of risk is getting more
than the benefits are not available. These medicines help to reduce the weight of medium weight. Orlistat
2.9 kg (6.Pound) for long periods, Sibutramine 4.2 kg (9.points) and 4.7 kg (10.4 lb) in the rimonabant is the
average weight loss rate.
Still, other drugs are used illegally. Most of them work on one or more nerve fuels, which suppress the will
of food. The effectiveness of any drug depends on the presence of Comorbidity. Metformin (glucose) is
preferred for overweight diabetes. Because it is more effective in reducing weight loss than insulin.
Fluoxetine, Orlistat, and Sibutramine by using 12-57 weeks, it is possible to reduce moderate weight in
diabetics. Even though evidence shows that there are a lot of cardiovascular events happening among
people who take sibutramine versus control (11.4% vs. 10.0%). What is the long-term benefit of health care
in all these treatments is not yet clear? Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine were withdrawn from the
market in 1997. Again in 2004 the ephedra (China’s traditional herbal medicine is made from Ma Huang).
There are enough side effects in this drug. Although people sometimes use these drugs illegally. Read
Bariatric surgery(“Weight Loss Surgery”) is the use of surgical treatment for obesity treatment. Since every
surgery has complexity, so the only surgery for severely obese individuals is recommended (BMI> 40) to
regulate eating habits and it is not possible to lose weight through pharmacological treatment this is the
only way for them.
Weight loss surgery depends on various principles:
The two most common goals are to reduce the stomach size. Giving a basic idea of rubbish and which
reduces the stomach is called gastric bypass surgery, which reduces direct absorption.
Some process can be done through laparoscopy. Weight loss surgery is often complicated. There are a
long-term weight loss and overall mortality related to surgery for severe obesity. A study found that 14% to
25% of weight loss (depending on what kind of method has taken) has been decreased in 10 years, and
29% has been reduced compared to normal weight loss steps in overall death rate. Diabetes mellitus,
cardiovascular disease and the risk of cancer have been noticeably decreased after bariatric surgery. The
weight loss in the first few months of surgery, and since then, it has long lasting survival. One study found
that accidents and suicides have led to death inexplicably, although it is not more in terms of disease
When compared to the two main methods, it shows that 30% more weight loss is reduced after one year of
surgery due to gastric bypass in comparison to the banding process. The effect of liposuction is very low on
obesity. The delivery of the balloon via gastroscopy but the commitment is complete. One type of balloon
can reduce the weight of 5.7 BMI units by 6 months or 14.7 kg (32.4 lb). If the balloon is removed then it is
very normal to get lost weight, however, 4.2% of the people can not afford this device.
Clinical rules:
Most of the Western world has created clinical practice guidelines to tackle the increasing rates of obesity.
Since 2004, everyone has published statements about Australia, Canada, the European Union, and the
United States.
The following five recommendations have been made by the American College of Physicians published in
the Clinical Practice Guidelines:
1. Those 30 who have BMI must follow the advice of diet or dietary habits and should be adhered to physical
exercise and other behavioral restrictions for weight loss.
2. If it does not reach the goal, it may be suggested to have a pharmacotherapy. However, on whom it should
be applied, it should be informed beforehand that it has side effects and there is no information on far-
reaching security or success.
3. Treatment with medicines can also be said, There will be sibutramine, orlistat, phentermine, phentermine,
fluoxetine and bupropion. In the case of more severe obesity, powerful drugs such as amphetamine and
methamphetamine may be used in some cases. There is not enough evidence to suggest the use of drugs
like Topiramate, Sertraline, Zonisamide.
4. Those (BMI) more than 40, Those who failed to reach the goal of weight loss (without the use of drugs or
medicines) and who have complicated complications of obesity, may be indicated for bariatric surgery. The
complications related to it must be told to the person.
5. Those who need bariatric surgery should be sent to a larger organization, where there are surgeries who
always do such surgery.
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Mediterranean diet
After World War II, a study team began to study the pattern of food in the Mediterranean countries,
including Greece and southern Italy and it concludes that they have special benefits for cardiovascular
health, especially for them. When you take the tip of the Mediterranean food, you like to eat more food
than red meat after feeding your food. Talk to your doctor about whether the Mediterranean style is right
for your body.
In Southern Europe, olive oil, almonds, beans, fruits, and vegetables rich medicare diet / Mediterranean
food, popular foods. Although the amount of fat in this type of food is medium to high, But it is a healthy
diet rich in animal fat compared to animal fat. Current studies have shown that, For those who have the
risk of developing heart disease (Mediterranean diet), the risk of such problems is reduced.
Mediterranean food has received many pressures in the past decade, and for good reasons. Mainly one of
the best healthy eating plans, consistently following the plant-based diet. Eating a variety of antioxidant-
rich foods and concentrating on omega-3 (limited to high red meat) focuses on the moderate amount of
fish and fish inflammation and stress reduction. According to researchers, following the diet plan can
protect your brain and you can reduce brain stress with your age.
Researchers say a healthy diet is very good for us. More evidence that Mediterranean food is a very
accurate concept. Because it helps prevent some health problems common to the elderly.
What is the “Mediterranean” food?
Any “Mediterranean” food is geographically different countries and territories of the Mediterranean Sea
boundaries of at least 16 countries. There may be differences in culture, ethnic background, religion,
economy and agricultural production. But there are these features in general estate.
The components are dairy products, fish, and duck, more common than red meat. Fruits, vegetables, bread
and other crops, potatoes, peas, nuts, and seeds. The use of olive oil is an important monounsaturated fat
source. Eat wine from low to medium amounts. These diets are similar to the dietary recommendations of
the American Heart Association. Relatively smaller than the Mediterranean dietary diet high calories come
from fat.
Mediterranean diagram pyramid:
The Mediterranean food pyramid is different from other food pyramids. Studies have shown that,
traditionally, people in the Mediterranean region prepare for their meals, eat more time by eating and
increasing fat and taking their food among others. The traditional Mediterranean style of living was much
less affordable than other cultures, including the United States. Among which was involved significant
physical labor and activity.
Fish and seafood are eaten twice a week. Duck and eggs, cheese and yogurt are eaten on the medium or
weekly basis on a daily basis. For example, a review of Mediterranean diet research suggests about four
eggs a week. At the top of the pyramid – that means you eat them very rarely – red meat and sweet
favorites include water in the amendment, as well as red wine.
How to Make Mediterranean Diet for 28 days?
If you decide to try a Mediterranean diet for four weeks, or 28 days. Try a basic rotation of breakfast,
launch, and dinner by seven days a week. You can get an idea of how food works. You can add new foods
and meals to further change your options.
Although people in the Mediterranean region traditionally eat small portions of grains. For example, a dish
is used beside 1/2 to 1 cup paste instead of pasta Americans. Fiber and protein diet are your best friends.
For having this two nutrition fullness and content you need your fullness so that you can relieve yourself. If
your goal is to maintain or maintain weight, avoiding excess food intake will be important for your success.
Breakfast in the Mediterranean food:
Start your day at the Mediterranean meal during breakfast. Keep the fuel for your job and feel full for your
hours. Make breakfast with your family. If you make the same schedule and try to eat as well as watch
television, eat it.
The first day: Perfume Less Fatty Greek Cups for Breakfast. Make 1/2 cup blueberries and cut ounce with
walnuts. Yogurt will give you calcium and adequate protein. Protects you from cellular damage when the
seeds are full of antioxidants and nuts provide omega-3 fat. Omega-3 fat can prevent heart disease and
reduce high blood pressure.
Second day: An ounce and fiber of lean walnuts. Cook a cup with 1/2 cup of apple oats. Sprinkle with
cinnamon and maple syrup spoon. Try to eat with thin almonds with 1/2 cup strawberries. If you like milk
with oatmeal, then choose nuts. Make this breakfast for 5 days.
Seven days from the third: Place in the menu, make two eggs, red bell pepper, scallion and 2 tablespoons
of cheese. The next time you have an egg, break the egg into half a cup of Avocado, sprinkle a little ramara
with chicken and bake. It’s not only cooking fast, it offers your heart-delicious monounsaturated medicines
avocado. Make your 7-day breakfast with two tablespoons of whole grain test, two slices of almond flour.
Enjoy it with half grapes or chopped chilies.
Lunch on the Mediterranean diet:
Find grill fish and salads as a menu option for lunch. You can go to the park with your own person or a
colleague while not eating at your table.
The first day: Green leafy vegetables Vitamin A and K. When the fish supplies protein and omega-3 fats.
Some of the salads include vegetables cut. Like the tomato, broccoli and fiber, To help you absorb the bell
pepper iron for Vitamin C 5 days again there is a salad, But this time use Romaine Lettuce. Cannellini beans
alternative for your protein. Choose cucumber, carrot and asparagus tips as veggies. Choose for olive oil
and red wine or balsamic vinegar for your dressing.
Second day: The second day, the luncheon of your favorite turtle-associated vegetable, With hummus
made its environment. Carrots and pepper make good cooperation. The meal with an orange or kiwifruit.
Place a bowl of whole pea soup, and the bowl with raw pomegranate seeds put it on top of a perfume
curd. It provides proteins and fiber in a satisfactory package. There is a cup of 18 grams of protein and 16 g
fiber. Make this soup again at a big bowl, or try a little soup to sprinkle with cheese.
Seven days from the third: Keep on the menu from third to seven days, half of the avocado salad. A fried
Common mushroom, lettuce, and tomatoes. The top menu with it. A broiled turkey burger, a side soup or
salad. Serve with baked or sweet potato fries. If you are a vegetarian, but replace a seed burger for turkey.
Mediterranean dinner:
Soak vegetables and salmon together, When the rice cooks a protein, a simple, satisfying meal is prepared
in whole grains. To make sure that you are collecting 100 percent full grains, Find a sand rice mixture of
wild and brown rice.
Pasta with hummus, olive, feta, and red pepper. Light and fresh Italian pasta salad. Greek-style tuna salad,
Mediterranean Turkey Herbed Yogurt, Meatball with sauce. Salmon with warm tomato-olive salad, spicy
Escarole with Garlic. Mussels with potatoes and olives. Agrodolce with spaghetti squash and mushrooms.
Mediterranean snack and dessert in the diet:
You have enjoyed eating in your diet for 28 days. But you may need half an hour to get you through work
or a long afternoon in school. Select one ounce of nuts or dried powders. A cup of black pepper with low
fat cottage cheese and sprinkle with salt. If you want something sweet after dinner, then drink 1 cup of
fruit or tomato-cup syrup.
Studies on Mediterranean diets:
In the early twentieth century, when heart disease became a big problem. At that time, the causes of heart
disease studying researchers mentioned an interesting pattern. People in some countries around the
Mediterranean Sea (such as Italy and Greece) Americans with a little heart disease too.
Among the plants, this diet is high, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, bread, legumes, potatoes,
nuts, and seeds.
They are both used in both the extra virgin olive oil and red wine, along with medium quantities of fish,
poultry, dairy, and eggs. Red meat was rarely eaten.
Mediterranean influences on weight loss issues. Journal of American Medical Association, published
this report:
Description: 180 patients of metabolic syndrome are randomized to follow a Mediterranean diet or “pure”
low-fat diet 2.5 years.
Result: At the end of the study, 44% of the Mediterranean food group still had metabolic syndrome, 86%
of the control group. The Mediterranean food groups have also been improved due to various risk factors.
Some additional details:
 Weight loss: Body weight decreased by 4. Mediterranean food group 0 kg (8. 8 lb), compared to 1.2 kg (2.6
pounds) less fat control group
 Endothelial Function Score: Improves the Mediterranean Food Group, but remains stable in low-fat
control groups.
 Other markers: Inflammatory markers (HS-CRP, IL-6, IL-7, and IL-18) and insulin resistance have
significantly reduced the Mediterranean diet group.
Conclusion: The Mediterranean diet is considered to reduce metabolic syndrome and other cardiovascular
risk factors.
Benefits of Mediterranean Foods:
Stay with this food for four weeks, and you’ll be connected to the taste and the summer of food. Make sure
you have 30 minutes of movement on most days of the week. Based on more than 1 to 5 million items
between 1966 and 2008, the results of total-analysis of 12 large research, In 2009 the British Journal of
Nutrition published. The authors conclude that Mediterranean food is associated with specific health
benefits. Including low death rates and heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and have fewer chances of
chronic diseases like Parkinson’s.
The main cause of women not given importance is breast cancer. Since 2008, its impact has increased
more than 20% worldwide. Some observational studies have shown that Mediterranean foods may reduce
the risk of breast cancer.
The purpose is to follow a low-fat diet (control) on the occurrence of breast cancer to determine the effect
of 2 intervention with Mediterranean diet.
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Diet plans for women!
According to the US Department of the American Diabetes Guidelines, women need fewer calories than
average age men of the same age. This report says that adult women aged 19 to 30 years of age will have
to eat 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day. 31 to 50-year-old women every day 1,800 to 2,200 calories and for
women 50 years old, 1,600 to 2,200 required less amount per day. The exact number depends on age,
body type, and daily physical activity levels.
2007 statistics say 60 percent of US women have more weight. Notable factors, diseases related to
excessive obesity such as the risk of developing heart problems, stroke, type 2 diabetes and high blood
pressure are increased. An effective diet plan is a healthy diet, by limiting small parts and unhealthy food
choices, women can help reduce the risk of this disease.
The American Heart Association 2013 information has been told, American adults who are overweight.
That number is 78 million adult brains and 42 million women among them. Obesity is at risk for chronic
diseases including heart, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. Improve their health
through proper diet and exercise programs for breastfeeding women.
According to nutrition and diabetic academics, obesity is defined as a body mass index, or BMI, more than
30. BMI helps estimate body fat and is based on height related body weight. BMI can be calculated by
increasing the weight in pounds by 703, then divided by the height of the inches, and divided by the height
in inches.
Calorie Decrease:
Adult women generally require fewer calories than men. The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, or
NHLBI, advocates for obesity education to reduce the risk of disease to help reduce the weight loss for
women with weight. According to USDA’s Nutrition Policy and Campaign Center, adult women generally
require fewer calories than men. To successfully reduce weight, NHLBI suggests that women lose weight by
1 to 2 pounds per week in men, like men, to reduce the weight of 500-1000 calories every day. After six
months of weight loss, the primary body weight will be 10 percent, Weight loss is encouraged to maintain
extra weight before losing weight.
Calorie Requirement:
Obese women should follow a low-calorie diet plan.
The NHLBI institute has advised that The brain follows women’s low-calorie diet plan, but not less than 800
calories per day. The food made by daily 1,000 to 1,200 calories is appropriate. Women who require more
than 165 pounds of medicines or regular exercise may need 1,600 calories daily.
Food plan:
They should eat 15% of their calories from the source of gross women’s protein. Diet recommends that 15
percent of total calories from protein, 55 percent or more of carbohydrate and less than 30 percent fat. Fat
and diabetes should be limited to 10 percent of cholesterol. It is recommended to feed 20 to 30 grams of
fiber every day.
United States Department of Agriculture, food Beauty Plate Instructions Suitable for Choosing Good Health
Foods. The USDA My Plate website offers personalized menu plans.
Right attitude: A complete life is even felt as a victory in even small results. Try to be self-reliant. If you get
one hour in the day, use it well.
Set the right goals: In order to set goals in your life, you need to think from a personal perspective. What
will you be happy with? What is the ultimate goal of your life? Before moving on to the goal, make a long-
term plan to get an idea about that path. And that plan will be your tool to achieve goals.
Find help: If you have enough power, then help your family members. Believe me, you have a little boy or
a girl, play sports with them, they’ll be happy. Husband can offer you a roast rich meal, to support you and
with you today a salad will be eaten.
Write changes gradually: Do not cut off the shoulders? All inventions should be started slowly. To protect
yourself from the breakdown, and protect your body from the pressure.
Drinking water: Adult and active men and women need to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. However,
depending on how much water to drink, depending on weather and physical labor. According to scientists,
an adult should drink a maximum of 4-5 liters of water a day. Kidney, liver, heart, and brain are good for
drinking enough water. Blood circulation is normal in the body. Water helps keep the inner cells strong and
Choose a weight loss program: Exercises for women. Home training is just an ideal option. All you need
for a quality study at home. All you have to do, jump rope, v-exercise, legs tied, Superman, jump on one
leg, you can choose these programs. If you are a supporter of food, choose those who are fully involved
with you, Which is suitable for taste, preferences and health reasons.
Try to remove sugar: Extra sugar, especially with soft drinks, is responsible for kidney disease of excess
sugar. Addiction to sugar prevents the body from taking nutrition. Uric acid in sugar. Any kind of arthritis in
excess sugar can increase the pain. Experts say excessive sugar consumption increases the likelihood of
pancreatic cancer. The effectiveness of insulin hormones is wasted by consuming excessive sugars. Those
who are interested in weight loss, they can use tea instead of sugar, tea in coffee and honey.
Fast digestible carbohydrate: The energy that is required for life-saving is provided by almost half the
carbohydrate content. To lose weight, you have to calculate the calorie balance and calculate the expense.
 To reduce weight, you have to have 60 grams of carbohydrate diet limits every day.
 When weight is normal, then 200 g of carbohydrate proteins may be in the right shape unless fatty foods
are abused.
 Eating foods with more than 300 grams of carbohydrate daily, You can observe increasing increases in
Do not eat extra fry: Do not eat fried food out of the outside oil. If weights increase, cholesterol,
diabetes, heart disease, and mortality in homebody high blood pressure. Potato fried or frozen fries are
necessary to stay away from these foods as far as possible. Due to the high intake of fried foods, there are
many types of damage to the body. For example,
 Fat levels in the body begin to grow.
 The mobility of the body decreases.
 There is a possibility of increased toxicity of toxic content in the body.
Try to eat less fat: Scientists have shown that eating fat does not mean weight gain. The foods that are full
of harmful fats for the body increase weight. One study found in the Nutrition Journal, omega three fatty
acids are much more in animal meat than grass. Which is known to reduce the risk of heart disease? This
meat is naturally lean and less calorie than normal meat. It is most useful to use olives or other vegetable
oils to cook.
Eat vegetables: All kinds of green vegetables help to reduce weight. So it is better to keep any vegetables
in the everyday diet. It contains plenty of iron and vitamins, which help in reducing weight loss as well as
the necessary nutrient deficiencies. Such as- Cauliflower, cucumber, carrot etc.
Do not forget to eat protein: Choose low-fat food. Fish, meat, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts, seeds and
other proteins. Turkish chicken can eat rabbit meat. Fish included in very low-fat foods. Dairy and dairy
products are less. Low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) yogurt, cottage cheese, or milk. “Light” cream cheese or
fat-free cream. Fat-free American cheese or other types of greasy cheeses.
Exercise Planning:
Exercises for women in the brain have many benefits. Benefits of exercising for women in brain
Maintenance of weight loss, the risk of disease, reduced body fat and may be less of a decrease in muscle
mass related to weight loss. Exercise should be increased gradually and care for survival. NHLBI
recommends that all adults work up to an exercise plan, which is at least 30 minutes of exercise for most
days or weeks. The Center for Medical Weight Loss says that women should naturally have more fat than
men, women can program an exercise while adding some weight-training to increase muscle, that helps
burn calories.
Walking is a drug substitute, popular cardiovascular exercise for most women and additional body fat may
help to burn. Exercise resistance such as weight lifting may help to burn excess fat. Walking or other
cardiovascular exercises can be alternated with. I wish you good health.
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Best way to lose weight fast!
Excess weight causes distress to a man. One thing we hear from the media and society is that it is
“beautiful or thin.” All the people of the world want to live a healthy and beautiful life. But the main thing is,
do we have to do that? It is not the main problem that will look like you overweight, the main problem is
your health. But always thinking about exercising and overweight always does not produce any good
results. For that best way to lose weight fast and some plans have to be worked out. The planned life is the
only way to create a beautiful life.
In 2015, the World Health Organization published a research report on obesity.
Whose title was.
Increased food energy supply as a major driver of the obesity epidemic: a global analysis.
Overweight and obesity have become major global public health problems. Worldwide, the proportion of
adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or greater increased from 28.8% to 36.9% in men, and
from 29.8% to 38.0% in women between 1980 and 2013. Urgent action from governments and the food
industry is needed to curb the epidemic. Action needs to be directed at the main drivers of the epidemic to
meet the global target of halting the rise in obesity by 2025. Read more
Today is the episode, the best way to lose weight and some rules. You have to take some steps to
lose weight.
First of all: You have to admit that your weight is not normal and a lot higher than the average weight of
the human.
Second: Promise yourself for extra weight loss and try to end until you achieve your desired goal.
If someone accepts these steps and pledges to carry on properly, there is a balanced diet plan for 30 days
to lose weight. Which will really help you lose weight in 30 days.
How do you reduce weight in 30 days?
There is always a healthy method for weight loss. Very fast or strictly for weight reduction and enhancing
for a person and for his body. Such weights can interfere with the nutrition and mineral supply needed by
the body and may make the person more sick and diseased. Here is a planned way to lose weight through
which you can keep track of what you are eating and when you are eating.
Best way to lose weight fast the food plan is mentioned below:
1. Humanity to accept the truth:
Your first and most important step to losing weight in a month is you must admit that you have increased
your weight and your weight is more than usual. Maybe you already have a lot of health and are currently
facing many problems in the workplace.
Regardless of the situation, Always remember that when you start showing humanity to accept the
situation, you can change yourself and everything in your life. So, start questioning yourself by asking
Ask yourself the exact amount of weight and a goal you have to fill in this month. You do not have to hate
yourself for it. What has happened in the past has happened. You can not do anything to change the past.
But right now you can change your lifestyle and you can completely change yourself for a lifetime.
2. Set goals:
The second thing you need to do is set some goals that are realistic or acceptable. I know there are some
strictly regulated curiosities that guarantee you lose weight in just a few days. This is really ridiculous. You
must be patient and decide the goals that are realistic. It is the best way to lose weight easily and fast.
Think of this before creating a final list.
3. Try cardio:
The third step is to include cardio in your daily program. For the newcomers, it is enough to exercise 30
minutes a week for 5 times a week. Over time, you can exercise for 40 minutes or more. It always depends
on your comfort level.
Remember, the routine exercises that you exercise routine will always practice. Do not take a day off from
your days of exercise. Always remember when you are trying to lose weight, then every calorie is counted.
You can start by heating the body for two minutes and the body can end up with some expansion.
4. Own power training:
Power training is one such thing which you will never want to miss out on practice. After completing cardio
training, spend 10 minutes during the training of energy. Dumbbells are a very good option, but if you do
not have dumbbells in your house then you can use heavy water bottles instead. Some women also like
sand filling bottles. This training will make your practice more effective. This will definitely give your body a
beautiful shape, your arm, and buttocks will firm.
5. Walk:
Instead of cardio, you can not use the walk as an alternative. To lose weight, you must adjust both walking
and cardio.
6. Receive food at the right time:
How important is eating proper foods, just how important it is to eat food at the right time. Refrain from
eating dinner after 8 pm and before going to sleep after eating dinner, you must work for a while.
7. Beware of taking breakfast:
The main reason for most weight gain is to take heavy snacks! In the middle of every meal, we give
ourselves the freedom to eat anything and everything. Eating a snack or breakfast is not bad, but try to eat
healthy food. Eat roasted nuts or salad instead of biscuits. Reduce caffeine as much as possible.
Do you know how effective it is for you?
Walking for 45 minutes in the morning, your body can spend up to 160 calories. If you can walk more
quickly, it will certainly help you spend more calories. It increases metabolism and helps to reduce weight
If you think the walk is somewhat boring, then download any audio you like on your mobile phone and
walk and listen. This will certainly encourage you to exercise.
8. Climb the stairs:
According to experts, those who climb the stairs regularly can reduce their weight faster than others. If you
can spend 5 minutes a day just climbing the stairs, you will definitely be able to spend some extra calories.
The advantage of getting upstairs will increase your heart rate and you will sweat in a moment. You can do
the practice 3 times a day and at the end of the month, you will see a change in your body.
9. Kiss your wife:
The benefits of kissing your wife are the increase in your heart beat and you’ll be sweating, and this is the
way to lose weight. In the 90 percent of the world’s cultural diversity, the issue of romantic kiss is common.
To lose weight through kissing does not seem boring like exercise. To reduce one pound, burn 3500
calories. That is, it is possible to earn 5 pounds of weight per year in just 10 minutes a day. Read more
10. Refrain from eating while watching TV:
Do not try as much as possible while watching TV. Because at this time you will eat more than you can eat.
When you eat, concentrate on eating and eat slowly. Enjoy every meal of the food. It will actually help you
to eat properly and help to eat as much as you need for weight loss.
11. Training while watching TV:
Now, how many of you have really heard about it? Many people say exercise while watching TV itself
laziness and a great way to keep away from labor reversals. If you are jumping for a while for walking
during the day, and when you watch the TV after the exercise, If you want to grow up and grow your body,
then it will not harm you. Rather it will help to digest what you ate! This technique will definitely help you
reduce your weight within a month.
12. Protein:
Weight loss is always related to healthy eating habits. You can not lose weight by eating unhealthy foods. If
you want to see any changes in your body, You must change your eating habits and lifestyle.
Organize your entire diet with foods that contain many proteins. That is, you can keep fruits, vegetables,
pulses, eggs and lean meat in your diet. Keep mango and banana away from the fruit list because they
increase the weight even slightly. You will never eat more than one banana a day.
Do not eat sweet potatoes because it is not good for your health. Do not eat more than one egg in the day
and avoid eating beef and goat meat. Chicken meat is more healthy than these. Pulses and very good
additions to your food list.
13. Unhealthy foods are not food:
The next thing you need to do is to eliminate unhealthy/fried foods from your list. You must stay away
from white food, such as noodles, pasta, and white bread. Instead, you can eat brown bread or multi-grain
bread. Occasionally feeding wheat pasta is good.
14. Do not say sugar:
To lose weight, you must do the job and stay away from sugar. It’s not completely. Starting from cakes
muffin, biscuits and ice cream, all of them are your enemies. These foods reduce your metabolism and
stop your weight loss. Since these are plenty of calories, they will make you lazy and fat in a few days. Most
researchers have said that it is better to stay away from eating sweet foods even on the day you stayed
away from the diet. As long as you plan to lose weight, remember that from the food list you must
eliminate sweet foods!
15. Drink water:
If you want to reduce your weight quickly within a month, then drink 2 liters of water daily. It will remove all
the contaminated substances from your body and keep your body pure. Every time you sit down to eat,
you can drink a bottle of small bottles of water. Drink more glass of water after eating. This way you will get
fewer calories from the food, finally, your weight will decrease further.
16. Balanced meal:
If you eat a meal you can reduce the weight within a month, Are you so worried about this matter? A little
advice for you:
Breakfast: A cup of milk, fruit, two bread with egg and green tea.
Lunch: rice, two pieces of meat/fish, one bowl of vegetables.
Dinner: Poultry made from home-made soup/rice with chicken/rice, vegetables, and pulses.
17. Refrain from diet once a week:
You can stop dieting once a week. And try it on holiday. You can eat the food you love most to eat this day.
However, stay away from excessive eating or staying away from eating it all day long. For this, only once a
meal is enough.
18. Drink coffee before exercising:
You can drink a cup of hot coffee 1 hour before exercise. Of course, it must be sugarless. All people who
follow this technique have noticed a lot of changes in their bodies within a month.
19. Enough sleep:
The biggest thing to lose weight is to sleep well. If you sleep for 8 hours per day then there is a possibility
that your body will increase the chances of fattening excess fat. Because the body works very well when it
rests. If you take a normal rest, weight loss will come to your hands.
20. Do not follow any strict diet catalog:
Do not follow any strict diet let during weight loss. Always remember, you have to be healthy and keep the
body safe for long periods of time to work. If you keep this word in mind, then you can achieve your goals
so fast that you are outside of your imagination.
21. Eat like your own wish once a week:
Eating healthful foods does not mean that you will deprive yourself of delicious food. Do not interrupt
yourself in all your wishes. Eat your favorite foods once a week that you enjoy very much. But eat as much
food as you can with your stomach. Avoid eating extra and make sure your body is working 45 minutes a
day to keep your body active, healthy and metabolism level better.
22. Keep yourself strong and motivated:
The latest and important step to lose weight is the motivation and consistency. If you can follow the above
suggestions and be attentive to your goals, then someone will not be able to remove you from losing
How much should you really eat?
Our weight increases when we eat extra food for our body needs. You have to be a doctor to know how
much calories you need every day. Doctors will use your daily routine, type of work, daily lifestyle habits,
viewing the food habits, travel status, and physical activity will help assess your daily calorie needs. After
knowing what calories you will need, the second step is to plan what you eat.
If you do not want to exceed your calorie intake then you will have as much as possible to eat at home. All
types of packaged food, processed foods, and fast food must be discarded. Eating out and eating out
packed foods outside is not to say absolutely. Also, when cooking at home, use less oil.
To keep your weight under control, you have a list below which you need to follow:
1. The best of eating raw vegetables, fruits and salads for weight loss.
2. Olive oil vs. soybean oil is very good for cooking.
3. Burn the milk twice to remove fat.
4. Avoid eating sweets, avoid them by making them in the house.
5. Drink with herbals tea honey while eating breakfast.
Finally, try to stay healthy but not thin. Just like your work, you are beautiful. When you begin to feel
healthy inside, just a little fat will not affect you. If you want to make your body more organized, then go
ahead and start practicing. You will be fine, be healthy.
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Healthy diet plan, vegetable and fad!
A well-balanced vegetarian diet is important for people of all age groups. Besides being healthy, such diets
are also rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium, iron, iodine and zinc. While
there are certain vegetarian diet plans for weight loss, it is only when they are combined with other lifestyle
changes such as regular physical activity, proper sleep and healthy diet that they become effective. The
best diet to lose weight fast.
While nobody is saying that diehard non-vegetarians should sacrifice their chicken tikkas and kebabs, it
should be noted that eating substantial portions of vegetarian food can help you greatly. It will not only
help you maintain your weight but also prevent certain health hazards. Here are some vegetarian foods
and healthy eating plan that aid in weight loss:
Quinoa is a flowering plant in the amaranth family. It is a herbaceous annual plant grown as a grain crop
primarily for its edible seeds. Quinoa is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and manganese and is high
in phytonutrients.
Quinoa – which is high in protein – can increase metabolism and reduce appetite at the same time, helping
in weight reduction. “Quinoa is gluten-free and happens to be one of the few plant-based proteins
available. It is also fiber-rich and full of slowly digested carbohydrates, making it a good low-glycemic index
option. It’s a fat burning diet. It is also a very good source of calcium, magnesium, and manganese, and is
high in phytonutrients – which have anti-inflammatory effects,” says Delhi-based Tanveer Singh, who is a
diabetes educator for the Beato medical app.
Green leafy vegetables:
Green leafy vegetables are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. “They are extremely
low in calories but loaded with fiber, and are therefore helpful in reducing the level of fat in the body.
Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of meals without increasing calorie intake,” says
They can also help ward off strokes. According to researchers, green leafy vegetables can help reduce
stress. Another study suggests that a diet high in vegetables and fruits means there would be a 42%
reduced rate of heart failure.
Beans and soya products:
“Soya products and beans help supplement protein in the body. They contain ample amounts of soluble
fiber, which helps reduce processed fats in the body. Some examples include baked beans, chickpeas,
lentils, tofu and black beans. These food items aid weight loss by reducing appetite and improving the
metabolic rate,” explains Bangalore-based Shubhankhi Ghosh, a senior nutritionist with home healthcare
service Portea Medical.
Health Bites: Is it a fad diet?
Every lifestyle area experiences trends or fads. We see examples of this in fashion, fitness, music, social
media, and food. While many trends are fleeting and tend to change as time goes on, one fad that seems
to reappear is in the diet and weight loss world.
Fad diets are limitless and have a long history of existence. The cabbage soup diet, low-carb/high-protein
combos, juice cleanses, the grapefruit diet, and the list only grows from there. Although the names of fad
diets vary, the characteristics and premise of many never change. Here are 10 red flags to consider when
reading about the next “new diet plan that will change your life.”
It’s probably a fad diet if…
1. It promises “fast weight loss” results. It’s true – severely restricting caloric intake will result in rapid
weight loss. However, the type of weight that’s lost is not body fat. It’s most often lean protein and water,
which is not ideal or recommended. Healthy weight loss occurs over time.
2. It involves eliminating specific food groups or macronutrients. Unless someone has a preexisting
metabolic condition (such as Type II diabetes) or other health concern that requires an elimination diet
(such as Celiac Disease or IBS), eating a balance of healthy carb, low carb foods, lean proteins, and healthy
fats is a research-supported recommendation.
3. If it notes “results not typical” in advertising claims. In this instance, ask yourself why the diet is
promising certain results and then, in the smallest print possible, notes otherwise. That’s a serious
4. If it promises weight loss without exercise. Exercise is a necessary component to any weight
management plan. While the type of exercise may vary between individuals and situations, exercise and
diets that work is not a component that should be left out.
5. If it requires the consumption of a wide range of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are not
heavily regulated nor are they often tested by an independent third party. Remember ephedra? That was a
dietary supplement that resulted in fatalities. It’s one thing to take a supplement to support a missing
component of the nutritional profile. It’s a different story when supplements start replacing actual food in
the diet.
6. If it promotes miracle or magic food combinations. Weight loss is a process and balanced nutrition is
part of that process. Combining this food with that food will not guarantee specific results.
7. If it implies that a certain combination of foods will alter body chemistry. This is simply an unfounded
8. If it has rigid rules or strict guidelines that don’t allow for flexibility. Life is dynamic and humans need an
element of flexibility in all areas of life. This includes nutrition.
9. If it doesn’t focus on lifestyle or behavior change efforts. Changing behavior is the key to sustainable
weight management practices.
10. If it sounds too good to be true. If any diet claims to be the “answer to all your weight issues”, seek
another answer.
Quality and valid weight loss programs and/or nutritional approaches are guided by sound scientific
research methodologies and include a primary focus on lifestyle change and SMART goal setting. If you
come across a diet plan that intrigues you or makes you wonder, “should I give this a try”, please seek the
guidance of a registered dietitian or other qualified professionals who can provide insight into the pros,
cons, and potential risks associated with the guidelines of any diet. Take the time to ask the deeper
questions and make an educated decision.
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Seven kg weight loss strategies a week
In a report published on the Health website, a University of Ior researcher explains the findings, Intestinal
changes in bowel bacteria can be the reason for weight gain. Similar studies have shown that sleep
disadvantages can also increase weight gain by up to 55 percent.
Indian dietician Neha Chadha said that a slight change in bowel bacteria can affect insulin resistance,
increase hormones, reduce metabolism and even change the type of metabolism.
The Mumbai-based Nutritionist said, “Our body is refreshed and restructured while sleeping. At the same
time, these bacteria do the best.
So before following the rules, you need to ensure the sleeping range.
Less than a week, you can wipe your body down to 7 kg weight. Thinking how can it be possible to lose 7 kg
weight in seven days? This impossible can be done if you follow the General Motors (GM) diet plan. It is one
of the world’s most popular diet programs. Those who are less interested in weight loss, keep them
informed beforehand, Weight loss does not mean eating? It is rather harmful to your body. Because it is
likely to increase the weight of a few more kilos next to it. In the right way, you can only lose weight by
eating the right amount of food. Maybe thinking, how to lose weight by eating enough food?
So let’s see how we can lose weight in one week after eating the right foods?
According to the GM diet plan, the first day of the diet is very important. There will be nothing but fruit on
your food list this day. Meaning, this day can be informed as a fruit day.
First day:
On the first day, you can put your favorite fruits on your food list. But remember that bananas cannot eat
in any way this day. Keep food on the list, watermelon, apple, blueberries, and grapefruit. Eat this morning,
afternoon, at night. You can also eat 8-10 glasses of water. However, no other food can be eaten.
Second day:
This day can be celebrated as a Vegetable Day. You can eat vegetables that you like and eat raw. It is more
beneficial to eat more than cooked vegetables and cook it better than eating. If you want to eat boiled
potatoes, eat it in the morning. Because the potato carbohydrate can strengthen you all day. Keep in the
food list, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage and can eat vegetables. You can also eat 8-10 glasses of
Third day:
On this day you can jointly observe fruits and vegetable day. However, on this day, potatoes and bananas
will not be on the food list. Fruits in the morning, vegetables at noon, fruits in the afternoon and fruits and
vegetables at night. You can also eat 8-10 glasses of water.
Fourth day:
This day can eat milk and bananas all day. You can eat 8-10 bananas and 3 glasses of milk all day. Start
with milk and bananas in the morning. Two bananas and one glass milk at noon. In the afternoon and at
night you can finish the meal with bananas and milk.
Fifth day:
You can eat a cup of rice at noon this afternoon. Besides, 6-8 tomatoes can eat all day and night. You can
increase the amount of water 12-15 glasses on this day.
Sixth day:
You can eat a cup of rice at noon this afternoon. You can also eat vegetables all day and night. You can
increase the amount of water 12-15 glasses on this day.
Your weight loss mission arrives the last day. You can also eat a cup of rice on this day. You can eat fruit
juice and vegetables throughout the day.
Nutritionists are asking for more fruit in the diet. But the fruit is healthy but there are some fruits that
contain high levels of sugar. Therefore, the obstacles to the weight loss stand.
During the program, we are requesting not to eat the following fruits.
Dry Fruit: Dry Fruit is considered a healthy snack, but faster than the fresh fruit of the frying fry, blood
sugar levels increase.
Papaya: As a result, the amount of sugar is high, so there is no fiber around. So, on one hand, the level of
blood sugar increases, Because of lack of fiber, metabolism does not help papaya.
Pineapple: Very entertaining, delicious fruit pineapple. But due to this, the amount of sugar is very high,
which is a big barrier to weight loss.
Mango: Everyone loves to eat mango in the summer. But if we want to lose weight, the lesser amount of
food I eat, the better. The amount of sugar in me is very high. Which helps to increase weight.
After the above diet program, you will find that you have reduced the desired weight? You can not just lose
weight in it rather, the skin of your face will be brighter than before. As a result of weight loss as well as the
bright skin, you can now follow this one-week diet program.
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Daily 10 minutes kiss, reduce weight extra!
In the 90 percent of the world’s cultural diversity, the issue of romantic kiss is common. Chicago
northwestern university Feinberg school of medicine psychologist Laura Berman said Loving kiss means
that we will be partners with each other and together. Not only that, there are several other types of
strange positive health issues.
Kiss is very romantic and one thing in love. To say, the biggest tool to love kissing dear ones. By kissing you
love your partner, believe and can express confidence. Even a little touch of your lip on his forehead is
enough to give him confidence in his mind. But the country and the time and the pot can be kissed slightly
But a kiss can now be said to be a method of losing weight, not just as a means to express love. It is
astonishing, however, that it is possible to burn the weight of up to 2 to 5 calories every minute to kiss. Two
miles per hour is equal to the walk.
To reduce one pound, burn 3500 calories. That is, it is possible to earn 5 pounds of weight per year in just
10 minutes a day. To lose weight through kissing does not seem boring like exercise. That is, it is a simple
and enjoyable medium to burn calories. The deep kiss also accelerates the speed of metabolism, which
helps in weight loss. In other words, a deeper kiss can be an alternative to exercise. The heart rate
increases during kissing, which is helpful in burning calories. Heartbeat increases during kissing, which is
helpful to burn calories. Also regular kisses are well-suited to facial muscles, and help avoid wrinkles of the
mouth. Most of the muscles of the mouth are active during the kiss and neurotransmitter empties
adrenaline with this process. This whole process burns calories very quickly. However, there are special
types and industry knowledge in the kiss. Thinks of such kiss experts.
Let’s take a look at how much more calories burn through kissing.
1. Deep kiss:
The number of calories that kissing will depend on how deep the kiss is. How many calories burned in a
light kiss. For a long time, more calories can be burnt through deep kisses. Also, deep kisses accelerate
metabolism speed, which helps in weight loss. That means a deep dark kiss can be an alternative to
2. Standing kiss:
Standing kissing leads to the maximum calorie decay. Studies have shown, Those who are used to kissing
and standing in comparison to other methods their weight relatively quickly decreases faster than others.
3. Single Lip Kiss:
It is an unimaginable way to express the fastest romance. These kisses are popular in their peculiarity. The
two of them close to the lips will lip the lips. Some time to go to a kiss, gently. That is, the lips are active. It
is to be remembered that the problem of dental use in this kiss is a problem.
4. French kiss:
It is believed that the French kiss kills the whole emotion. This is a great way of expressing intimacy. At the
end of romance, the whole love of the mind is clear how the French. This kiss is the most popular method.
Two lips are bound. And the moment will be spread like a glamour. Use of spouse tongue here french kiss
have different feature and excitement.
5. Spiderman Kiss:
There is nothing to wonder about the name. Keeping the head down from the head, Spiderman hanging
on the kiss, do you remember? That’s what Spiderman kisses. You can kiss your lover/wife without being
like Spiderman. Suppose, the lover is sitting on the chair. You came to the back of the chair and touched
the lover and he brought his face towards the face of the lover/wife and the lips touching lips. Or on one
side of the bed, especially on the bottom of your lover/wife. Then, when you come up on the bed, keep
your face along the face of your lover/wife and keep kissing.
6. Deep breath:
If you take a big breath, you burn calories. At the time of kisses, breathing is more often taken. If you take a
big breath in the heart of the chest, it is possible to lose more calories than usual.
Besides the benefits, there are also harmful aspects of the kiss. Kiss increases love. It was known that the
bacterium transmitted through kisses? A new study says that only about 10 seconds of the deep kiss, eight
million bacteria enter the mouth of one person with redness. One Dutch study said, With just ten seconds
of a French kiss, one million people have been exposed from one mouth to another. To stop the
effectiveness of these microbes, the body needs to be strengthened. I wish everyone’s good health.
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10 Foods to reduce weight
In this time of modernity, our body weight is increasing for many reasons. No woman, no man, no one is
able to escape. No woman, no man, no one is able to escape. Someone is running for him or someone else
in the gym or doing a diet, how much more organized! Many willingness and unwillingness to do weight
loss. Many restrictions are to be followed. But even after so many things do not lose weight. Do not want to
overtake excess weight. Meanwhile, life is unstable in compliance with the rules of prohibition. Funny thing
to know? You can reduce your weight by adding some food to your food list.
This is a list of food for you today.
1. Tropical almond:
Tropical almond is a good food for health. It contains adequate vitamins and minerals and provides energy
to the body throughout the day. Wood nut fiber reduces appetite. Start the morning with a handful of
Wood nut. Doctors advise you to consume body fat in addition to body fat control. But avoid saline Wood
2. Walnut:
If you get hungry, eat four to five walnuts. The stomach suffices, as well as your body will get plenty of
antioxidants. The amount of cholesterol in the walnut is less than other dried fruits. Please remember one
thing. In the walnut there is a lot of calories, so playing walnuts reduces weight, playing walnuts all the
time, the reactions are reversed.
3. Oat:
Oat we all know. But it is not very delicious to eat, so many people avoid. A bowl oat in the morning breaks
helps to reduce weight quickly. Oats are a good food element to lose weight. There are lots of fiber in oats.
Journal of Family Practice published in a 2002 report found that oats help in reducing high blood pressure
in the daily diet. It is very effective in controlling hypertension and high blood pressure. Moreover, its
magnesium and fiber keeps the blood circulation normal and stabilizes the disease condition.
4. Olive oil:
Olive oil contains healthy fat, which is made of stomach fillings. As a result, when the tendency to get
hungry decreases. Nutritionists, “If you add olive oil to the diet, you may have less chance of losing weight
less than two and a half kilograms a week. It keeps the heart as well. ”
5. Apple:
There is a common talk about apple, ‘Do not need a doctor every day to eat apples’.
But you know, Apple is a much more effective diet to reduce weight? An apple contains 4-5 grams of fiber.
It reduces hunger and helps in cutting off fat in the body. When hungry, many eat unhealthy foods, which
are not good for the body and also increase weight. So keep an apple with weight loss.
6. Mung bean:
Mung beans contain plenty of vitamins A, B, C and E. There are also calcium, iron, and potassium. Playing a
bowl mung beans is full of stomach. However, the feed is as good as the quantity.
7. The white part of the egg:
Many people think that eating eggs increases weight. The word is completely wrong. But if you want to
reduce weight, avoid the egg yolk. In the morning, eating one / two egg white part, it stays in the stomach
for a long time and lowers hunger. Egg protein is a very good source of protein. It’s pretty good for the
body. Those who are dieting, keep an egg at breakfast. You have the power to work on the whole day. As
well as reduce weight.
8. Sweet pepper:
Sweet pepper contains plenty of vitamins. This Vitamin C helps to reduce weight very easily and very
quickly. Red, yellow or green sweet pepper can be used in cooking. The best way is to eat salad sweet
The taste of garlic changes on any food, its whole taste. This helps to reduce the weight of garlic! There is
plenty of allicin in garlic, which helps control high cholesterol and insulin as well as reduce blood sugar.
Garlic also very useful for reducing appetite. As a result, weight is easily controlled.
10. Cauliflower:
It is a little surprised to read this name! There is nothing to be surprised. Because really cauliflower helps
to reduce weight. Besides having low-calorie foods, there is plenty of fiber in it. So the stomach is filled with
a lot of time. In addition, it also contains glucosinolates which also helps in toxin from the body.
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The natural way to lose weight
Fats (proteins and carbohydrates) are stored in energy. A calorie is the unit of energy measurement made
from fat, protein, and carbohydrates. The chemical reaction in different stages is made from fat or fat
accumulated in the body. The energy that is not spent is in the body. To reduce weight, more calories or
energy will be spent than what you are taking.
When more energy is consumed than food, fat cells will decrease within the body. It is the same as the
reduction in water by steam. And it is possible to lose weight in this process.
The above process is recognized as the universal approach to weight loss. But there are natural ways to
make this process faster.
1. Green Tea and Ginger:
Antioxidant-rich green helps keep the weight under control, as well as keeping glucose levels under
control. Green tea is quite beneficial to eliminate physical problems. This tea is helpful to increase
immunity. As well as mixing ginger with green tea, it helps to increase digestion.
2. Cinnamon tea:
The amount of blood sugar affects our weight. Because of our diet and energy, the amount depends on its
magnitude. If the balance of blood sugar is maintained, then the amount of hunger is regulated and the
performance is well maintained. As a result, the risk of getting fat in the body decreased.
Cinnamon is very effective in maintaining this level of blood sugar.
Keep the cinnamon mixed with water and keep it for a while. Drink when the yolk is hot. Drink this drink
twice a day.
3. The water of Rose petals:
Pink petals water or rose water is unrivaled in skin care, it is more or less common to everyone. But there
are many who have no idea about this drink which is beneficial for the body.
Rose petals act as boiling water. As a result, sodium or salt in the body can effectively purify kidneys. And
this process also increases the demand for drinking water. As a result, the body’s immune system is
This beverage needs to be cleaned properly, one of the fresh or dried rose petals, the amount of water that
is spread in rose petals, spread out the mouth of the vessel, for 20 minutes. These drinks can be kept
freezing by refrigeration for up to six days. Drink this water with one cup of empty stomach every day.
4. Chewing gum:
Chewing gum chewing habits help reduce the feeling you can cook chewing gum without sugar.f appetite.
Due to continuous chewing, the brain reaches the signal that food is being eaten. As a result, the demand
for food is reduced. If you want to eat untimely.
5. Drink water:
One of the ways to lose weight is to drink water. Sufficient water also helps to increase the body’s digestive
wells as well as increase the digestive tract. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
6. Enough sleep:
There is a need for adequate sleep for normal body operation and rest. Sleep helps maintain the
consistency of the work in each part of the body. So it is very important to sleep at the right level to stay
healthy. If there is an irregularity in the sleep for a long time, insulin levels increase in the body, which can
lead to increased risk of weight gain. So to stay healthy and keep the weight under control, you have to
7. sour yogurt and honey:
sour yogurt is very beneficial for bacterial health. Helps maintain the consistency of yogurt’s digestive
process. As well as digestion of fat and other ingredients, digestion also helps reduce weight. In this case,
you will have to choose a fat-free yogurt. And the honey will satisfy the demand of sweets without any
harm. Two cups of yogurt mixed with a tablespoon honey can eat with breakfast. You can mix different
types of taste and mix it with the desired fruit.
8. Cayenne and lemon juice:
The mixture of peppercorns with lemon juice helps in the process of weight loss. A type of peppercorn is a
type of ingredient from which its flavor is flavored. This material disrupts the fat depositing process.
Moreover, it is very useful to keep blood fat levels under control. On the other hand, lemon helps
digestion. As a result, weight loss helps.
This leaflet will need to be prepared half a lemon juice, a little peppercorn powder and quantity of water.
This mixture will be used once every day after drinking it
9. Chocolate:
The fear of growing weight is to follow the greed of freedom chocolate. But 70 percent of the dark
chocolate is better for health. Dark chocolate helps keep blood sugar under control. After a dinner, a piece
of chocolate can be eaten from one to two inches in size.
Along with any diet, adequate exercise is helpful in reducing weight. Weight loss is not possible due to lack
of exercise in many cases even after diet.
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Health is wealth
Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. Today, on this auspicious occasion I want
to speak on the topic ‘health is wealth’. As we all know that good health is really a boon and real jewel of
the happy life. Good health is the precious thing a person gets in his/her life. Once a person losses his/her
health can never get back through money. It is the theme what this proverb tells us. It is very easy to
maintain a good health through disciplined lifestyle, regular exercises, common and healthy food, positive
thoughts, personal hygiene, and cleanliness. Healthy people do not need to spend money on medicines
and making the round of doctors. However, an unhealthy person needs to spend more money to cure
their diseases.
A good health is the freedom of sickness and diseases and it is the feeling of physical, mental and social
well being of a person. If one maintains a good health, he/she is really blessed with a most precious gift all
through the life. Being a well healthy person, it is very necessary to be healthy in every aspect like
physically, mentally and socially. A healthy person is only able to enjoy all the pleasures of life. Living a
happy life, being rich is not so important however it is very necessary to be healthy. A good health can be
achieved by anyone through the continuous efforts. Proper awareness about bad habits is also very
necessary to keep body away from the illnesses.
To maintain a proper health, we should practice a disciplined life from early morning to the evening. We
should get up in the early morning, go for a morning walk or do some exercises, breathe some fresh air,
get fresh, maintain proper hygiene and eat food timely. Laughing is also the best medium to keep
ourselves happy and healthy. It helps to be happy by overcoming anger and fear and makes one able to
enjoy life to the full.
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Foods for health and fitness
A very good morning to the respected teachers, my colleagues and other people gathered here. As we all
know that we are here to celebrate this special occasion, I would like to speak on the topic of health and
fitness. In this competitive and crowded world, everyone has forgotten to take care of their health. They
start a run in the early morning (to earn money for their family) which only ends in the late night. People
do not have a little bit of time for themselves. They only earn money, eat and sleep. They do not know that
to keep this body healthy, we need to involve in the daily physical exercises and cleanliness of body. There
is a common saying that “health is wealth”. It is very true, it is only our good health which remains with us
in our bad times and helps us to face all challenges of the life. Health is the most valuable and precious
things for every individual in the life. Good health is the state of complete physical, mental, social and
spiritual well being without any suffering.
Being a healthy and fit person requires good natural environment, healthy living, healthy food, daily
physical exercises, and personal cleanliness. All such things facilitate good health for a long time. On the
other hand, an unhealthy environment because of the overpopulation, industrialization, and pollution
causes bad health and mental disturbance. Bad health always threatens the life as it brings many dreadful
diseases such as heart attack, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, AIDS, kidney failure, liver problems,
Nowadays, people are suffering from various mental disorders because they are spending their full time in
racing to blindly earn money, to earn fame, win aim of life and achieve big status in the society.
Everyone’s life has been hectic because of the huge level
competition in each field. Earlier people were used to of enjoying the nature’s beauty and enjoying the
different colors of life. But now, people are working in very stressful condition without any satisfaction
which is hindering the physical and mental fitness thus people are suffering any diseases. Physical fitness
and the healthy diet are very important for getting a healthy and tension free life. People should eat very
simple and light food (rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins) with green leafy vegetables, fruits, and milk.
Food rich in fruits and fresh vegetables reduces the risk of cancer, cataract, diabetes, heart attack etc.
People should avoid eating fast foods, oily foods, soft drinks and fatty foods. Everyone should follow good
eating and exercise habits such as:
Eat breakfast at the time and in the large amount and light dinner 3 hrs before sleeping.
We should be a nibbler and not a foodie.
We should practice eating fresh salad with the meal.
We should not keep ourselves starve for a long time or overeat subsequently.
We should avoid fast foods and canned foods.
We should eat heart-friendly foods like yellow, orange and green vegetables and fruits.
We should reduce the intake of food and exercise more as the age increases.
We should go for daily light and heavy physical exercises by keeping in mind the structure of the body.
Regular exercises enhance basic metabolic rate which increases absorption of digested food and burns
extra body fat by improving vital organs functioning.
We should practice yoga and meditation at home on daily basis.
We should go for proper sleep at right time and follow early to bed early to rise regime. We should take
care that; never sleep with stress, never sleep during the day, always drink warm milk before going to bed.
Diet and Weight Loss | The best diet plan and natural ways of weight loss
Diet and Weight Loss | The best diet plan and natural ways of weight loss

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Diet and Weight Loss | The best diet plan and natural ways of weight loss

  • 2. Fitness for weight loss In today’s era, who does not want to be an attractive figure of fatless? The whole world is heading towards zero figure today. For that, along with healthy foods, there must be a need for body exercises. It is possible only through housework. But due to our lack of time, the body fat is growing. As a result, there are many problems with creation. Wake up from the office, and return home from the office, work out, eat, sleep again. It does not have time to give yourself time. As a result of this stress, the health of the body continues to get worse. But if you give yourself only 30 minutes in 24 hours you will be very good with both the physical and emotional side. In this episode, you will have the fitness for weight loss. Attractive figure: In the past, it means good health people of buxomy look. The demand for people with the ages has changed. Nowadays, good health is a healthy, fit and tight body man, to whom any clothes are adorned and attractive to everyone. Fitness center: While exercising or exercise, many understand that going to the fitness center, there are some rules to enhance physical beauty with the help of different instruments or trainers. But the time required to travel and exercise to the fitness center? So, if you want a beautiful figure, it is not possible for everyone to spend time working in a fitness center, leaving jobs, family and other work in the house. So if you want to work, you can stay fit. Cleaning the floor of the house: If the work of the house is done properly by the rules itself, then both of them are possible. This means that the house was clean with cleanliness, and the body too beautiful. Especially when cleaning the floor or stairs, there is a nervous pressure on the abdomen, which reduces the stomach fat easily. By cleaning the floor, the stomach is smooth and the waist size is also beautiful. The windows are clean: To clear the glass of the window, the hand is repeatedly put down and down, the other parts of the body are also shifting. Therefore, as well as cleaning the windows, the muscles of the hand are tight and the excess fat in the body decreases. As the age increases, the muscles of many people hang up a little, which is possible to reduce through this exercise. Work in standing:
  • 3. In the past, the women sit in the kitchen and do all the work. Working alone, only one job can be done. But if it works, it can be possible to cook, wash, and do other things as well. In this case, there is some exercise in the foot and the bone is strong. Immediately the body fat can not get easily. Keep the equipment clean: The biggest problem in body beauty is the thick stomach, which grows very quickly. If the clothes are sitting on the floor or using a washing machine in semi-sitting cloth or pressure on the stomach to clean it. If this type of work is done regularly, less fat is accumulated in the stomach. It looks as beautiful as watching yourself fat, on the other hand, due to keeping the equipment clean, their longevity increases. Clean the car itself: Today’s busy life car is so much needed, likewise there are many hobbies for cars. So do not wash the precious car of the hawk without carwash or wash the driver, rather wash yourself! The car will be beautiful, and it will fit your body. Then you will see how smart and attractive you are in a modern dress! Gardening: Gardening is a hobby. The body works very well to make the work well, to grow vegetables, fruits and beautiful flowers. It is understood, however, that the gardener sees the fine body of fat. In addition, the intimate relationship with the nature of garden lovers. As a result, the garden helps keep both body and mind good. Eco-friendly garden: There has been a long way to buy or rent gardens in Germany. Many of those who live in flat houses have such a garden nearby. In some parts of the country, some parts of some land are offered for some time now in order to encourage people to protect the environment. It is, however, conditioned that there can be a natural way to cultivate vegetables or fruits only to eat them. Try to practice: In Asian countries, the housewives feel more comfortable working in the house with ‘workmen’ or domestic workers. Although doing this work is not always easy. However, those who are used to doing work from home or doing their own work at home without leaving a job, Their body structure became beautiful from the very young age. Rest after work: There is no doubt that it will cost a few calories to clean the bathtub properly by hand. Naturally, then someone gets tired, is not it? Fine water baths in beautiful bath tubes and pour it into the perfume fluid soap. Now husband and wife come down in the water. After half an hour, the body will get up from the water and it feels absolutely light and the heart is very breezy! Regularly exercising the body in any way, its results are available. So, there is no exception in the beautiful figure. A little awareness about healthy eating, as well as walking a bit and doing homework, anyone can get a beautiful figure. Experts advise walking a 30-minute walk every day. Know about the necessity of walking for half an hour every day- 1. According to a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, calories burn easily during a 30- minute walk. In the case of inheritance, if obesity is seen in someone, it can be controlled every 30 minutes by a walk. 2. Every day walking becomes less likely to affect heart disease. Doctors say that walking as a low-intensity cardio workout is best. 3. According to a study by the American Cancer Society, breast cancer risk decreases by 14 percent in 7 hours a week. 4. Walking to stay away from brain disorders, Alzheimer’s, memories etc. According to the report, the age of sixty years of age should be walking every 10 kilometers.
  • 4. 5. The right medicines for extra tension, depression, bad mood etc. are 30 minutes walk. Everyday walks and mind also with the body. 6. Doctors say that there is nothing more like a morning walk to increase immunity in the body. The disease can not sit in the body quickly. However, patients who have high blood pressure, they are enough to walk for 10 minutes daily. Besides having fitness, there are some rules of weight loss: If your weight is high, then there is no substitute for reducing it. Keep the body weight needed for good health. So follow these ways to remove your body’s excess weight. 1. Exercise 30 minutes before breakfast: Exercise 30 minutes before breakfast, effective for weight loss. Keep in mind that your exercise will move from 120 to 130 in your heart rate. 2. Learn the service size: Remove the idea that the dish will be filled and eaten. Take a small meal in small containers. 3. Learn the best of food: Learn which foods are good for your body and what foods are bad. Then take healthy food accordingly. 4. Make your own food: Your cooking arm is probably not good? Then learn some recipes for cooking healthy food by yourself. 5. Take previous and next pictures: Take a picture before and after becoming aware of your weight. Compare both photos. 6. Dance: A physical practice like a dance. It is possible to lose weight through this. Various ways of physical exercise are now available in DVDs. You will get enough benefit from studying and watching such DVDs. 7. Bring diversity into practice: If your physical practice becomes monotonous then it will not work. Due to this, the diversity of physical practice should be brought. 8. Imagine: Imagine the condition that you want to make your physical condition. This will create your interest. 9. Take fiber meal: The fiber provides many benefits including keeping the digestive system healthy. It will also help to reduce the weight of your body by eating more such foods. 10. Walk or ride a bike: Make use of walking or cycling instead of mechanical powered vehicles. Regular bicycling reduces the risk of heart attack. Regular cycling reduces depression, stress, and anxiety 11. Be realistic: Be realistic about weight loss. You can not reduce the body half by practicing only a few days. It is possible to lose about 10 pounds of weight a month. 12. Do not exclude protein: Eggs, low-fat meat, fish are one of the sources of protein. These foods need the body during weight loss. But if you prefer a vegetarian, then you can choose a nutritious meal with the help of nutritionists. 13. Do not forget to breathe in practice: During physical exercise, breathing will not decrease. Take oxygen more during this time. Deep breathing helps not only to outlive but also to maintain mood and work enthusiasm. 14. Take regular measurements: Take a closer look at the changes in your body as a result of practice. Place a tape near the hand. Physicians, nutritionists, or dietitian usually determine the nutritional status of humans by measuring BMI. This measurement is very complicated for ordinary people. It is better to find a doctor or a dietitian to know BMI. 15. Take rest after work: After work, you need rest of your muscles. So allocate time to rest. A group of UK researchers, on the basis of various surveys, prove that physical and emotional development is interrupted in insufficient sleep and rest. 16. Eliminate salad dressing: Salad is a healthy diet. But the use of dressing is harmful to health. 17. Try not to eat processed food: Try not to eat food produced in the industry. Instead, make healthy fresh fruit and food habits. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that the processed meat used to be extremely harmful to fast food and various food items for human health. These types of foods are more likely to cause cancer in your body regularly. 18. Not crash diet: Crash diets are extremely quick to lose weight through a very small amount of food. For example, if you have 1800 calories, in that case, if the demand is reduced to 700-800 calories, and if the food is consumed very little amount by reducing the amount of sugar and fat, that’s the crash diet? Crush diet without hurry to lose weight. It can cause serious damage to your body.
  • 5. 19. Exclude emotional foods: Eat foods to repel hunger for physical needs. Instead of being emotionally satisfied, greedy or bewildered by the beauty of food, leave excessive eating habits. 20. Eat five times a day: If you eat a meal five times a day, your appetite will decrease appetite. 21. Do not eat another mood: Leave the tendency to concentrate on different subjects during meals. 22. Do not skip breakfast: Breakfast has many positive benefits in the morning. It is quite useful to reduce weight. 23. Keep healthy foods with: Do not eat junk food on the road. Keep one bowl with salad, nut or fruit. 24. Eat with a few people: Eating with more people, it increases your eating habits. 25. List breakfast: Frequent meals such as breakfast allow quick weight gain. So decide on the time of eating these. 26. Keep a note of food: Write a notebook daily, what it is eating. It is easy to understand how much weight is like eating it. 27. Exclude junk food: Do not buy harmful food for health and try not to bring home. 28. List: Make a list of the reasons you want to lose weight. Keep an eye on the regular list. 29. Sweet face after eating: Some may eat sweet after eating. Try not to eat any empty stomach. Because sweet insulin levels increase, as a result, there is pressure on your pancreas. This may be your diabetes. 30. Pause: Apart from trying to lose weight, it can also be a pause for a short period of time. 31. Share: Share the food with your friends. It increases the amount of calorie as it will increase friendship 32. Calculate holiday: Many people forget about physical exercises on holiday. Leave it and you can use the holidays. 33. Eat slowly: If you eat slowly, it can be seen eating properly. So the need to reduce the speed of food. It is said in the study, if the food is slowly eaten, then the weight loss. The food is filled with stomach if it is too fast, the signal does not reach the brain. Then it is eaten more. When the food is taken slowly, the signal reaches the brain well and understanding the brain needs to stop eating now. 34. Stay busy: Spend time in a task while you have a lot of time. During the lazy time, your eating habits will increase. 35. Reward yourself: Reward your body with a specific goal of losing weight. Maybe it’s a fun food or drink. 36. Try to listen to the body: The body will tell you how much food you need. Listen to the body. 37. Do not eat unhealthy foods: Make a habit of eating healthy foods instead of having unhealthy foods in your diet. 38. Mental pressure reduces: Mental pressure is responsible for increasing weight. Therefore, reducing mental pressure is very important. 39. Do not eat soda: Stay away from drinking soft drinks like soda. Instead, you can drink healthy fresh fruit juice. 40. Fitness Education: Get some tips for weight loss, fitness magazines or various websites. Find out the fitting ways for you to do this. 41. Enough sleep: There is enough sleeping requirement for weight loss. Various studies have proved that an adult should sleep for at least 8 hours daily. National sleep foundation has advised an adult to sleep for 7-9 hours daily 42. Get inspired: Inspiration gives us the ability to work. Inspiration destroys laziness in our body and makes us fully active. Inspiration to work works as a fuel for our body. Work as your inspiration for weight loss. 43. A glass of water before meals: Drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes ago. This will reduce your appetite and create a suitable environment for stomach digestion. 44. Love: It would be helpful to reduce weight if you love someone. So love your wife more and more. 45. Keep the car away: Park your personal vehicle in a distant place. It needs walks to go to the workplace. 46. Kiss: Every minute kiss kills five to six calories. So weight loss can be an easy way to find it. Daily 10 minutes kiss, reduce weight extra! You can read this post. 47. Use the stairway: Use the stairway without using the elevator when you get the opportunity. This will be beneficial enough.
  • 6. 48. Be patient: Weight loss work is not sudden. Be patient and continue to practice. And suddenly starting or ending this matter, it creates a lot of physical problems or illness. 49. Find out the problem: Combine with a friend if there is a problem playing the weight loss program alone. Do both works together. 50. Exclude negatives: Negative of all aspects of life is harmful. Negative thoughts can lead you backward. Negative views and negative behaviors are very unfortunate. Negative people cannot adopt other people. So the negative people do not burn themselves, they burn the society. 51. Be positive: Positiveness is one of the conditions for loving yourself. Think about your good times of retirement, try to overcome the weaknesses. Positive thoughts will help to solve your very big problems easily. With positive people, it increases your mental stimulus. It will be very easy to control weight. 52. Get help from the trainee: If you can not determine the weight loss method yourself, then get help from professionals. They are skilled at this. 53. Slim dress: If your weight is low then buy clothing as such clothing is needed. It will also show you the willingness to wear your clothes, but you will be interested in weight loss. 54. Partner: Running alone in the weight loss program became difficult for a lot of time. But with your wife, it becomes much easier. 55. Do some practice every day: Do some practice with your daily activities. It will be easy to lose weight such as body fat. 56. Skip Weight measuring instruments: For weight loss, there will be a need for weight-measuring instruments to measure body weight. But without using excessive use of this machine, use the tape to determine the size of the body. Lose stomach fat Working for a long time sitting, due to low physical activity, fat is in the stomach. As a result, those who are unable to find out when exercising, they have been through some simple habits every day and lose stomach fat can reduce the way through the excess fat of the body. Excess fat in the abdomen is hard to get back and the beauty is broken. It is very necessary for health to keep body weight properly. If your weight is high, then there is no substitute for reducing it. Many people are faced with danger while hurrying to reduce weight. Generally, almost all men and women have stomach obesity complications. Especially the stomach is more in the stomach than the whole body and, sadly, it takes a little longer to reduce stomach fat. Along with this, there will be some changes in diet. Eat less food than a few times and eat less than five to six times. Eat water after half an hour after eating meals. Night meal should be done at 8:30 pm or two hours before bedtime to finish the dinner. Food, vegetables, red rice, red flour bread, chicken, fish, low-fat milk etc should be kept in the food list. These methods are completely domestic. You can do these at home. Cumin water: This cumin is used in cooking in the Mediterranean and south-western Asian countries. As a result of drinking water, it refreshes the body by cooling down the body and reducing excess body temperature. It is very healthy. The cumin water contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which facilitates digestion. If you drink this water, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting can be removed. This cumin water is very beneficial to clean toxic elements from the body.
  • 7. Cumin water works like a magician to reduce stomach fat. If you drink 10 liters of cumin water, you will lose weight. Drinking cumin water the digestive system works well. Researchers say, if you have any disorder, then you can drink tea with cumin. Read more Terms of Use: Mix some spoons honey and three grams of cumin powder into a glass of water well. Eat this mixture regularly. Make a soup, mix one spoon powder of cumin powder and do good work. Boil carrots and other vegetables, pour garlic and lemon juice. Add some cumin powder to it. Eat every night. After 15 days, you get to lose weight like magic. Ginger water: Ginger helps to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. Increasing the amount of bad cholesterol in the body increases the risk of heart disease. Ginger water works to prevent various types of cancer. Ginger can drink water if high blood pressure problem. These include strong antioxidants. Ginger water removes toxic substances from the body and helps in refreshing the body. Terms of Use: Cut ginger pieces into the water and boil for 15 minutes. Then cool down from the oven and cool it. Drink with a lemon in it. Ginger water will help to remove excess fat in the body. Drink it for a week. It will help reduce stomach fat. You can also grind ginger if you want. Mild yolk mixed with water you can drink before breakfast. Cinnamon water: Cinnamon regulates the cholesterol levels in the body. Cinnamon effectively follows the activities of insulin. Insulin plays an important role in controlling blood sugar levels. It is very important to maintain a satisfactory level of blood sugar because the excess body accumulates excess fat in the body. Since cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels, it prevents excess fat from being stored. Drinking cinnamon and honey mixed with water will fade fat. Drink a mixture of honey and cinnamon twice daily. This drink will help reduce fat in the stomach. Terms of Use: 2 glasses of water and mix 2 tablespoon cinnamon powder and mix it well and keep it covered for 15 minutes. Then add one and a half tablespoon honey to it drink an empty stomach in one glass morning. Drink more than a glass night before sleeping. Lemon juice: Lemon has a lot of fiber. Which fight against hunger. There are many benefits of lemon, such as energy enhancement, kidney stones, liver clean, help in digestion, clear skin, prevent cancer, remove urinary infections. However, if drinking excessive lemon water, those who have problems with acid can flame their chest. Excessive lemon juice can cause pain in the stomach and lower abdominal pain. Terms of Use: Take 1 cup / 237 ml of boiling water. Then put the cinnamon powder in a glass and pour boiling water into it. Then cover it with lid in the glass. When it gets a little cool, add honey and lemon juice to it. Do not mix honey with boiling hot water. Because the quality of honey is spoiled. Then drink half of this drink before sleeping in the night. And leave the keep half in the refrigerator. Drink half an empty stomach in the morning. But in the morning there is no need to heat the drink again. Drink this drink regularly daily. Diameter, see the weight loss of magic. Garlic: Studies have shown, if you eat garlic in an empty stomach, it works like a strong antibiotic. It works better even after eating garlic before breakfast. Especially eating empty juice of garlic causes bacteria to be exposed and then the bacteria lose to the power of garlic. As a result, the body’s harmful bacteria cannot be protected. Kavita Devgan, a nutritionist at Delhi’s nutrition website on food and nutrition, said, the calorie value of garlic is very small. Three to four slices of garlic contain only 13 calories. Besides, garlic has many other qualities. Terms of Use: Eat 2/3 slice of garlic on empty stomach every morning, drink a little later, lemon juice. It will work twice as fast as possible to reduce your stomach fat. Moreover, it will make the body’s circulation easier. Ice mint Tea: Mint is a very good element to reduce fat in the stomach. It also helps to remove the antioxidant of mint and various types of physical problems. You can get some relief in the summer and take a little less stomach’s fat with the help of the ice mint tea. Terms of Use: A few grains of tea in 3-4 cups of water, Fist 1 Mint leaf and 1-inch ginger in the sum burn the stove with the bruised ginger. When you are well burned, take cold. If you want to make ice with some
  • 8. drinks. Then pour it into a glass and drink it with the common ice. As honey can be mixed. You can mix with a few drops of lemon juice. Your Ice Mint Tea is ready. Red rice instead of white rice: There is a cover on the red rice after leaving the shell. Which keeps its nutrients intact. And it contains a lot of fiber, mineral nutrients and vitamins than normal white rice. This rice does not go through intensive processing and smoothing during marketing. As a result, there is no way to deny that red rice is more healthy, rich in nutrient value and more delicious. Apart from this, the amount of calories and carbohydrate is more in white rice. Other nutritional components are less. As a result, it causes various diseases including diabetes and obesity. Regardless of these things, it would be more healthy to add red rice instead of completely eliminating rice from the food list. Red rice is used to prevent diabetes, prevent heart disease, good for digestion, weight control, reduce cholesterol. In addition, there are many benefits of red rice. If you want to reduce fat in the stomach, adjust these exercises: Sit Up: Read on in a flat place or on the floor. Then fold the legs two. The hand is straight along the knee, front. Now sit in front of the breath and sit straight ahead. The legs are folded. Now go back to the previous state. There will be no longer sitting. Get up again and sit again, sit back again. This will happen once. You do this 12 times a total. If you have 12 times, take a minute to rest. One minute later you will start again in the same way. Again 12 times. Thus, one set will be 12 times. You have to set two in such a situation initially. This way you can set three. leg Raises: Lie down on the floor straight. Pair the legs two straight up to 90 degrees. The hands will be on the right side. Now take the breath to take down the two pairs of legs. But the legs will not fall on two floors. There will be some distance to the floor with your feet. Leave the breath in this situation then lift the legs up to 90 degrees. Move down again. From the head to the waist it will be on the floor. Set 12 times this way. This exercise is very beneficial for the abdomen. Russian Twist: Sit straight on both sides of the legs. Take a couple of feet by folding the legs to a little higher than the floor. Take the upper part of the body from the waist to the back. Put your hands in the hands of the gentle hands and turn around once to the right and turn towards the right waist, or turn around and bring it to the waist. In this way, 12 times will mean two sets. This reduces the fatty tissue and floor belly fat in your waist. Plank:
  • 9. Put your arms in front of the elbows and fill them on the feet. The body will be raised in a parallel position. Stay in this condition exactly 10-15 seconds. In the first 10-15 seconds. It can be extended up to 40-45 seconds. Do this in two to three times. After each time you will take a little rest. This reduces the back and fat of your stomach. If you regularly adjust these exercises, you will certainly get very good results. But remember not to do this abdominal exercise every day. In a primary condition, do one day afterward. It will get good results. After the first one to two days, you may feel pain in the muscles of the stomach. You will be sure that your exercises are working, that is, the fat cells started to break. Thus, after two to three months stretching, you will get better results. Two to three months later you have to choose another exercise. Because the same exercise takes longer and does not want to work. This exercise is not possible by eating unhealthy foods. Keep food away from sugar. Reduce extra oily food. Besides, drink plenty of water. Read more Nutritionist diet plan and Treatment for obesity Obesity is a chronic condition which affects more than one in three adults and affects about 17 percent of the United States children and adolescents. Weighing more than one in three adults. Extra weight or obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, fatty liver disease, kidney disease and other health problems. Read more Today is there Nutritionist diet plan & Treatment for obesity. The weight control information network says that two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or brain. Obesity is still a big problem and advertisements of various companies close the mixed message so that you may not have the best way to reduce your weight. If you want to lose weight and you are trying to do it on your own, a nutritionist can help you understand that’s what kind of food would be best for you. The nutrition field is constantly changing. Researchers discover new insights on how to be healthy and unhappy. Nutritionist diet plan: Step 1: Decide which type of nutrition you want to show. You can get a Registered Dietary, Nutrition Counseling or Nutrition Counseling from a Certified Clinical Nutrition. According to the Labor Bureau statistics, registered diabetes and degreed Nutritionists need Bachelor’s Degree in at least one nutrient to attain nutrition certified Nutrition or may not be in the graduate level, but get certified by taking classes and passing the exam. Step 2: Record the food you can eat for three days in the food journal. It is necessary to eat honestly all the food you eat and the full quantity that you eat. If you are not sincere, then the nutritionist will have to help you. For the weekend, for two weeks and one day, what you ate record the right time and eat it with everything. Step 3: Take the nutritionist to your food journal and ask them for input on what you can change to let them be spontaneous. The Labor Statistics Bureau tells that nutritionists can help you by analyzing your
  • 10. diet. Nutritious cannot help but educate you about some of the foods you eat, and you should try but not about some foods that are not eaten. Step 4: Ask for sample meal plans, grocery lists and recipes for your nutritionist. You have a lot of resources to help reduce weight, but because of everyone’s motivation, you have to ask him for anything. Do not assume that he plans for all your meals. But if you want a meal plan, then he may be willing to make it. Follow the recommendations of persistence and patience from your nutritionist, because of healthy weight loss but comes slowly. Weight loss management: The main treatment for obesity is the combination of diet and physical exercise. Due to the dietary program, it is possible to lose weight in a short time, but this weight can be the problem of reducing in that way and sometimes it may be necessary to have physical exposure. At the same time, low-calorie foods can become part of the lifespan of that person. Although there are 67% of people in the context of many more structures, those who have been able to maintain their body weight by more than 10% or maintain weight loss for a year. The average weight loss of 3 kg (6.6 lb) or more weight or full body weight can be maintained up to five years. A significant increase in the rate of death of certain populations with weight loss has been found in some studies. An anticipated survey of obese women who suffer from weight-related illness, at any level there is a reduction in mortality of 20% with international weight loss. In obese women, there is a relation of decreasing 25% of mortality in relation to obesity-related to 9 kg (20 lb) or more weight loss. Recent studies have shown, in some specific sub-groups, there is type 2 diabetes and they found long-term benefits in women, their death rates. However, there is not much improvement in weight loss for men in men. The next study found those who have lost weight with specific goals among those who were severely obese for those people, a benefit of decreasing mortality has been noticed. Bariatric surgery is a very effective treatment for obesity. Although the costs and the risk of complications, researchers are looking for effective but less invasive other ways. Dieting or restricted to food: The general diet that is used for weight loss is usually given in four parts: Low fat, low carbohydrate, low calorie and very little calories. The meta-analysis of randomly selected six controlled test experiments found no difference between three main types of food (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat). All studies have shown that only 2-4 kilograms (4.4-8.8 pounds) lose weight. Despite not stressing on the large nutrients, these three methods have reduced the weight of similar weight in two years. Daily 200-800 calories are available from very low-calorie foods. Fat and carbohydrate control the acceptance of calories from both of these proteins. They keep the body starving and every 1.5- 2.5 kilograms (3.3-5.5 pounds) weight reduction every week. This diet is not recommended for general use. Because it has many side effects. Like losing a soft muscle, Increasing the risk of Gout and decreasing electrolyte balance. People who are eating such food must be closely supervised by the physician so that any complications can be reduced. Physical exercise: Muscle accepts the energy received from fat and glycogen. Being the walking, running, and bicycling are the most effective ways of body weight reduction due to the growing leg muscles. Physical exercises play a role in maintaining large nutritional balance. During the medium-sized physical exercise like a quick walk, there is a tendency to use cherub as a fuel. The American Heart Association recommends maintaining
  • 11. health, physical exercise should be done moderately for at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes. After analyzing 43 studies conducted randomly through collaboration, the meta-analysis found that Only physical exercise can reduce weight. Adding to it with eating habits, however, reduces the weight by only 1- kilogram weight. It has been found to be 1.5 kilograms (3.3 lb) in weight loss. Nevertheless, the way physical exercises are performed in the general population has the moderate impact. Regardless of taking food, it is seen in 20 weeks of preliminary military training. At least 12.5 kilograms (27.6 lb) of newborn obese person has lost weight. To reduce weight, it is believed that physical exercise is very important. It is known with the help of the instrument which measures the walking path and how many feet it walked, that means if the person using the pedometer can be more motivated. Someone has an average of 18 weeks of physical exercise and if the level of exercise increases to 27%, then BMI will definitely be able to reduce 0.38 parts. As well as encouraging stairs to be promoted, the mentality of physical labor increases among the people if the mobilization of the campaign continues. For example, the 113 kilometer (70 miles) long road is closed for the physical exercise of the city’s residents on every Sunday and holiday in Colombia’s Bogota city. It is open to pedestrians to deal with chronic and difficult diseases, obesity. Weight loss program: Weight loss programs often show the changes in lifestyle and dietary modifications. It can also be involved in eating a small quantity, reducing certain types of food, and consciously trying to do more physical exercises. It is possible to make people’s contact possible with a group of people who are trying to lose weight, through this program. There are several popular programs in circulation. These include Weight Watchers, Anonymous, and Jenny Craig. If they are restricted to a specific food list for more than two years, they are considered to help reduce the weight of moderate size (2. 9 Kg, 6.4 lb). The Internet-based program is considered to be ineffective. The Chinese government has introduced a number of ‘fat farms’ where the obese children go for compulsory physical exercise. They passed a law. It is said in this law that at least one hour of physical activity or sports should be done at school. Treatment of medicines: There is now FDA approved for two days of obesity-resistant medicines. One of them is the orlistat, which inhibits the intestinal fat by blocking pancreatic lipase. The other is Sibutramine. It works in the brain. It has a lot of resemblance to the anti-depressant and prevents the inactivity of nervous transport. As a result, the desire for food decreases. Although this method of treating obesity was approved in Europe, the United States and Canada were not allowed due to safety issues. Although in October 2008 the European Medicine Agency has recommended the suspension of the sale of Rimonabant in Europe. The reason is that the amount of risk is getting more than the benefits are not available. These medicines help to reduce the weight of medium weight. Orlistat 2.9 kg (6.Pound) for long periods, Sibutramine 4.2 kg (9.points) and 4.7 kg (10.4 lb) in the rimonabant is the average weight loss rate. Still, other drugs are used illegally. Most of them work on one or more nerve fuels, which suppress the will of food. The effectiveness of any drug depends on the presence of Comorbidity. Metformin (glucose) is preferred for overweight diabetes. Because it is more effective in reducing weight loss than insulin. Fluoxetine, Orlistat, and Sibutramine by using 12-57 weeks, it is possible to reduce moderate weight in diabetics. Even though evidence shows that there are a lot of cardiovascular events happening among people who take sibutramine versus control (11.4% vs. 10.0%). What is the long-term benefit of health care
  • 12. in all these treatments is not yet clear? Fenfluramine and Dexfenfluramine were withdrawn from the market in 1997. Again in 2004 the ephedra (China’s traditional herbal medicine is made from Ma Huang). There are enough side effects in this drug. Although people sometimes use these drugs illegally. Read more Surgery: Bariatric surgery(“Weight Loss Surgery”) is the use of surgical treatment for obesity treatment. Since every surgery has complexity, so the only surgery for severely obese individuals is recommended (BMI> 40) to regulate eating habits and it is not possible to lose weight through pharmacological treatment this is the only way for them. Weight loss surgery depends on various principles: The two most common goals are to reduce the stomach size. Giving a basic idea of rubbish and which reduces the stomach is called gastric bypass surgery, which reduces direct absorption. Some process can be done through laparoscopy. Weight loss surgery is often complicated. There are a long-term weight loss and overall mortality related to surgery for severe obesity. A study found that 14% to 25% of weight loss (depending on what kind of method has taken) has been decreased in 10 years, and 29% has been reduced compared to normal weight loss steps in overall death rate. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and the risk of cancer have been noticeably decreased after bariatric surgery. The weight loss in the first few months of surgery, and since then, it has long lasting survival. One study found that accidents and suicides have led to death inexplicably, although it is not more in terms of disease prevention. When compared to the two main methods, it shows that 30% more weight loss is reduced after one year of surgery due to gastric bypass in comparison to the banding process. The effect of liposuction is very low on obesity. The delivery of the balloon via gastroscopy but the commitment is complete. One type of balloon can reduce the weight of 5.7 BMI units by 6 months or 14.7 kg (32.4 lb). If the balloon is removed then it is very normal to get lost weight, however, 4.2% of the people can not afford this device. Clinical rules: Most of the Western world has created clinical practice guidelines to tackle the increasing rates of obesity. Since 2004, everyone has published statements about Australia, Canada, the European Union, and the United States. The following five recommendations have been made by the American College of Physicians published in the Clinical Practice Guidelines: 1. Those 30 who have BMI must follow the advice of diet or dietary habits and should be adhered to physical exercise and other behavioral restrictions for weight loss. 2. If it does not reach the goal, it may be suggested to have a pharmacotherapy. However, on whom it should be applied, it should be informed beforehand that it has side effects and there is no information on far- reaching security or success. 3. Treatment with medicines can also be said, There will be sibutramine, orlistat, phentermine, phentermine, fluoxetine and bupropion. In the case of more severe obesity, powerful drugs such as amphetamine and methamphetamine may be used in some cases. There is not enough evidence to suggest the use of drugs like Topiramate, Sertraline, Zonisamide. 4. Those (BMI) more than 40, Those who failed to reach the goal of weight loss (without the use of drugs or medicines) and who have complicated complications of obesity, may be indicated for bariatric surgery. The complications related to it must be told to the person. 5. Those who need bariatric surgery should be sent to a larger organization, where there are surgeries who always do such surgery. Read more
  • 13. Mediterranean diet After World War II, a study team began to study the pattern of food in the Mediterranean countries, including Greece and southern Italy and it concludes that they have special benefits for cardiovascular health, especially for them. When you take the tip of the Mediterranean food, you like to eat more food than red meat after feeding your food. Talk to your doctor about whether the Mediterranean style is right for your body. In Southern Europe, olive oil, almonds, beans, fruits, and vegetables rich medicare diet / Mediterranean food, popular foods. Although the amount of fat in this type of food is medium to high, But it is a healthy diet rich in animal fat compared to animal fat. Current studies have shown that, For those who have the risk of developing heart disease (Mediterranean diet), the risk of such problems is reduced. Mediterranean food has received many pressures in the past decade, and for good reasons. Mainly one of the best healthy eating plans, consistently following the plant-based diet. Eating a variety of antioxidant- rich foods and concentrating on omega-3 (limited to high red meat) focuses on the moderate amount of fish and fish inflammation and stress reduction. According to researchers, following the diet plan can protect your brain and you can reduce brain stress with your age. Researchers say a healthy diet is very good for us. More evidence that Mediterranean food is a very accurate concept. Because it helps prevent some health problems common to the elderly. What is the “Mediterranean” food? Any “Mediterranean” food is geographically different countries and territories of the Mediterranean Sea boundaries of at least 16 countries. There may be differences in culture, ethnic background, religion, economy and agricultural production. But there are these features in general estate. The components are dairy products, fish, and duck, more common than red meat. Fruits, vegetables, bread and other crops, potatoes, peas, nuts, and seeds. The use of olive oil is an important monounsaturated fat source. Eat wine from low to medium amounts. These diets are similar to the dietary recommendations of the American Heart Association. Relatively smaller than the Mediterranean dietary diet high calories come from fat. Mediterranean diagram pyramid: The Mediterranean food pyramid is different from other food pyramids. Studies have shown that, traditionally, people in the Mediterranean region prepare for their meals, eat more time by eating and
  • 14. increasing fat and taking their food among others. The traditional Mediterranean style of living was much less affordable than other cultures, including the United States. Among which was involved significant physical labor and activity. Fish and seafood are eaten twice a week. Duck and eggs, cheese and yogurt are eaten on the medium or weekly basis on a daily basis. For example, a review of Mediterranean diet research suggests about four eggs a week. At the top of the pyramid – that means you eat them very rarely – red meat and sweet favorites include water in the amendment, as well as red wine. How to Make Mediterranean Diet for 28 days? If you decide to try a Mediterranean diet for four weeks, or 28 days. Try a basic rotation of breakfast, launch, and dinner by seven days a week. You can get an idea of how food works. You can add new foods and meals to further change your options. Although people in the Mediterranean region traditionally eat small portions of grains. For example, a dish is used beside 1/2 to 1 cup paste instead of pasta Americans. Fiber and protein diet are your best friends. For having this two nutrition fullness and content you need your fullness so that you can relieve yourself. If your goal is to maintain or maintain weight, avoiding excess food intake will be important for your success. Breakfast in the Mediterranean food: Start your day at the Mediterranean meal during breakfast. Keep the fuel for your job and feel full for your hours. Make breakfast with your family. If you make the same schedule and try to eat as well as watch television, eat it. The first day: Perfume Less Fatty Greek Cups for Breakfast. Make 1/2 cup blueberries and cut ounce with walnuts. Yogurt will give you calcium and adequate protein. Protects you from cellular damage when the seeds are full of antioxidants and nuts provide omega-3 fat. Omega-3 fat can prevent heart disease and reduce high blood pressure. Second day: An ounce and fiber of lean walnuts. Cook a cup with 1/2 cup of apple oats. Sprinkle with cinnamon and maple syrup spoon. Try to eat with thin almonds with 1/2 cup strawberries. If you like milk with oatmeal, then choose nuts. Make this breakfast for 5 days. Seven days from the third: Place in the menu, make two eggs, red bell pepper, scallion and 2 tablespoons of cheese. The next time you have an egg, break the egg into half a cup of Avocado, sprinkle a little ramara with chicken and bake. It’s not only cooking fast, it offers your heart-delicious monounsaturated medicines avocado. Make your 7-day breakfast with two tablespoons of whole grain test, two slices of almond flour. Enjoy it with half grapes or chopped chilies. Lunch on the Mediterranean diet: Find grill fish and salads as a menu option for lunch. You can go to the park with your own person or a colleague while not eating at your table. The first day: Green leafy vegetables Vitamin A and K. When the fish supplies protein and omega-3 fats. Some of the salads include vegetables cut. Like the tomato, broccoli and fiber, To help you absorb the bell pepper iron for Vitamin C 5 days again there is a salad, But this time use Romaine Lettuce. Cannellini beans alternative for your protein. Choose cucumber, carrot and asparagus tips as veggies. Choose for olive oil and red wine or balsamic vinegar for your dressing. Second day: The second day, the luncheon of your favorite turtle-associated vegetable, With hummus made its environment. Carrots and pepper make good cooperation. The meal with an orange or kiwifruit. Place a bowl of whole pea soup, and the bowl with raw pomegranate seeds put it on top of a perfume curd. It provides proteins and fiber in a satisfactory package. There is a cup of 18 grams of protein and 16 g fiber. Make this soup again at a big bowl, or try a little soup to sprinkle with cheese.
  • 15. Seven days from the third: Keep on the menu from third to seven days, half of the avocado salad. A fried Common mushroom, lettuce, and tomatoes. The top menu with it. A broiled turkey burger, a side soup or salad. Serve with baked or sweet potato fries. If you are a vegetarian, but replace a seed burger for turkey. Mediterranean dinner: Soak vegetables and salmon together, When the rice cooks a protein, a simple, satisfying meal is prepared in whole grains. To make sure that you are collecting 100 percent full grains, Find a sand rice mixture of wild and brown rice. Pasta with hummus, olive, feta, and red pepper. Light and fresh Italian pasta salad. Greek-style tuna salad, Mediterranean Turkey Herbed Yogurt, Meatball with sauce. Salmon with warm tomato-olive salad, spicy Escarole with Garlic. Mussels with potatoes and olives. Agrodolce with spaghetti squash and mushrooms. Mediterranean snack and dessert in the diet: You have enjoyed eating in your diet for 28 days. But you may need half an hour to get you through work or a long afternoon in school. Select one ounce of nuts or dried powders. A cup of black pepper with low fat cottage cheese and sprinkle with salt. If you want something sweet after dinner, then drink 1 cup of fruit or tomato-cup syrup. Studies on Mediterranean diets: In the early twentieth century, when heart disease became a big problem. At that time, the causes of heart disease studying researchers mentioned an interesting pattern. People in some countries around the Mediterranean Sea (such as Italy and Greece) Americans with a little heart disease too. Among the plants, this diet is high, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, bread, legumes, potatoes, nuts, and seeds. They are both used in both the extra virgin olive oil and red wine, along with medium quantities of fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs. Red meat was rarely eaten. Mediterranean influences on weight loss issues. Journal of American Medical Association, published this report: Description: 180 patients of metabolic syndrome are randomized to follow a Mediterranean diet or “pure” low-fat diet 2.5 years. Result: At the end of the study, 44% of the Mediterranean food group still had metabolic syndrome, 86% of the control group. The Mediterranean food groups have also been improved due to various risk factors. Some additional details:  Weight loss: Body weight decreased by 4. Mediterranean food group 0 kg (8. 8 lb), compared to 1.2 kg (2.6 pounds) less fat control group  Endothelial Function Score: Improves the Mediterranean Food Group, but remains stable in low-fat control groups.  Other markers: Inflammatory markers (HS-CRP, IL-6, IL-7, and IL-18) and insulin resistance have significantly reduced the Mediterranean diet group. Conclusion: The Mediterranean diet is considered to reduce metabolic syndrome and other cardiovascular risk factors. Benefits of Mediterranean Foods:
  • 16. Stay with this food for four weeks, and you’ll be connected to the taste and the summer of food. Make sure you have 30 minutes of movement on most days of the week. Based on more than 1 to 5 million items between 1966 and 2008, the results of total-analysis of 12 large research, In 2009 the British Journal of Nutrition published. The authors conclude that Mediterranean food is associated with specific health benefits. Including low death rates and heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and have fewer chances of chronic diseases like Parkinson’s. The main cause of women not given importance is breast cancer. Since 2008, its impact has increased more than 20% worldwide. Some observational studies have shown that Mediterranean foods may reduce the risk of breast cancer. The purpose is to follow a low-fat diet (control) on the occurrence of breast cancer to determine the effect of 2 intervention with Mediterranean diet. Read more Diet plans for women! According to the US Department of the American Diabetes Guidelines, women need fewer calories than average age men of the same age. This report says that adult women aged 19 to 30 years of age will have to eat 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day. 31 to 50-year-old women every day 1,800 to 2,200 calories and for women 50 years old, 1,600 to 2,200 required less amount per day. The exact number depends on age, body type, and daily physical activity levels. 2007 statistics say 60 percent of US women have more weight. Notable factors, diseases related to excessive obesity such as the risk of developing heart problems, stroke, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure are increased. An effective diet plan is a healthy diet, by limiting small parts and unhealthy food choices, women can help reduce the risk of this disease. The American Heart Association 2013 information has been told, American adults who are overweight. That number is 78 million adult brains and 42 million women among them. Obesity is at risk for chronic diseases including heart, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. Improve their health through proper diet and exercise programs for breastfeeding women. According to nutrition and diabetic academics, obesity is defined as a body mass index, or BMI, more than 30. BMI helps estimate body fat and is based on height related body weight. BMI can be calculated by increasing the weight in pounds by 703, then divided by the height of the inches, and divided by the height in inches. Calorie Decrease: Adult women generally require fewer calories than men. The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, or NHLBI, advocates for obesity education to reduce the risk of disease to help reduce the weight loss for women with weight. According to USDA’s Nutrition Policy and Campaign Center, adult women generally require fewer calories than men. To successfully reduce weight, NHLBI suggests that women lose weight by 1 to 2 pounds per week in men, like men, to reduce the weight of 500-1000 calories every day. After six months of weight loss, the primary body weight will be 10 percent, Weight loss is encouraged to maintain extra weight before losing weight. Calorie Requirement: Obese women should follow a low-calorie diet plan. The NHLBI institute has advised that The brain follows women’s low-calorie diet plan, but not less than 800 calories per day. The food made by daily 1,000 to 1,200 calories is appropriate. Women who require more than 165 pounds of medicines or regular exercise may need 1,600 calories daily.
  • 17. Food plan: They should eat 15% of their calories from the source of gross women’s protein. Diet recommends that 15 percent of total calories from protein, 55 percent or more of carbohydrate and less than 30 percent fat. Fat and diabetes should be limited to 10 percent of cholesterol. It is recommended to feed 20 to 30 grams of fiber every day. United States Department of Agriculture, food Beauty Plate Instructions Suitable for Choosing Good Health Foods. The USDA My Plate website offers personalized menu plans. Right attitude: A complete life is even felt as a victory in even small results. Try to be self-reliant. If you get one hour in the day, use it well. Set the right goals: In order to set goals in your life, you need to think from a personal perspective. What will you be happy with? What is the ultimate goal of your life? Before moving on to the goal, make a long- term plan to get an idea about that path. And that plan will be your tool to achieve goals. Find help: If you have enough power, then help your family members. Believe me, you have a little boy or a girl, play sports with them, they’ll be happy. Husband can offer you a roast rich meal, to support you and with you today a salad will be eaten. Write changes gradually: Do not cut off the shoulders? All inventions should be started slowly. To protect yourself from the breakdown, and protect your body from the pressure. Drinking water: Adult and active men and women need to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. However, depending on how much water to drink, depending on weather and physical labor. According to scientists, an adult should drink a maximum of 4-5 liters of water a day. Kidney, liver, heart, and brain are good for drinking enough water. Blood circulation is normal in the body. Water helps keep the inner cells strong and normal. Choose a weight loss program: Exercises for women. Home training is just an ideal option. All you need for a quality study at home. All you have to do, jump rope, v-exercise, legs tied, Superman, jump on one leg, you can choose these programs. If you are a supporter of food, choose those who are fully involved with you, Which is suitable for taste, preferences and health reasons. Try to remove sugar: Extra sugar, especially with soft drinks, is responsible for kidney disease of excess sugar. Addiction to sugar prevents the body from taking nutrition. Uric acid in sugar. Any kind of arthritis in excess sugar can increase the pain. Experts say excessive sugar consumption increases the likelihood of pancreatic cancer. The effectiveness of insulin hormones is wasted by consuming excessive sugars. Those who are interested in weight loss, they can use tea instead of sugar, tea in coffee and honey. Fast digestible carbohydrate: The energy that is required for life-saving is provided by almost half the carbohydrate content. To lose weight, you have to calculate the calorie balance and calculate the expense.  To reduce weight, you have to have 60 grams of carbohydrate diet limits every day.  When weight is normal, then 200 g of carbohydrate proteins may be in the right shape unless fatty foods are abused.  Eating foods with more than 300 grams of carbohydrate daily, You can observe increasing increases in weight. Do not eat extra fry: Do not eat fried food out of the outside oil. If weights increase, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and mortality in homebody high blood pressure. Potato fried or frozen fries are
  • 18. necessary to stay away from these foods as far as possible. Due to the high intake of fried foods, there are many types of damage to the body. For example,  Fat levels in the body begin to grow.  The mobility of the body decreases.  There is a possibility of increased toxicity of toxic content in the body. Try to eat less fat: Scientists have shown that eating fat does not mean weight gain. The foods that are full of harmful fats for the body increase weight. One study found in the Nutrition Journal, omega three fatty acids are much more in animal meat than grass. Which is known to reduce the risk of heart disease? This meat is naturally lean and less calorie than normal meat. It is most useful to use olives or other vegetable oils to cook. Eat vegetables: All kinds of green vegetables help to reduce weight. So it is better to keep any vegetables in the everyday diet. It contains plenty of iron and vitamins, which help in reducing weight loss as well as the necessary nutrient deficiencies. Such as- Cauliflower, cucumber, carrot etc. Do not forget to eat protein: Choose low-fat food. Fish, meat, poultry, seafood, beans, nuts, seeds and other proteins. Turkish chicken can eat rabbit meat. Fish included in very low-fat foods. Dairy and dairy products are less. Low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) yogurt, cottage cheese, or milk. “Light” cream cheese or fat-free cream. Fat-free American cheese or other types of greasy cheeses. Exercise Planning: Exercises for women in the brain have many benefits. Benefits of exercising for women in brain Maintenance of weight loss, the risk of disease, reduced body fat and may be less of a decrease in muscle mass related to weight loss. Exercise should be increased gradually and care for survival. NHLBI recommends that all adults work up to an exercise plan, which is at least 30 minutes of exercise for most days or weeks. The Center for Medical Weight Loss says that women should naturally have more fat than men, women can program an exercise while adding some weight-training to increase muscle, that helps burn calories. Walking is a drug substitute, popular cardiovascular exercise for most women and additional body fat may help to burn. Exercise resistance such as weight lifting may help to burn excess fat. Walking or other cardiovascular exercises can be alternated with. I wish you good health. Read more Best way to lose weight fast! Excess weight causes distress to a man. One thing we hear from the media and society is that it is “beautiful or thin.” All the people of the world want to live a healthy and beautiful life. But the main thing is, do we have to do that? It is not the main problem that will look like you overweight, the main problem is your health. But always thinking about exercising and overweight always does not produce any good results. For that best way to lose weight fast and some plans have to be worked out. The planned life is the only way to create a beautiful life. In 2015, the World Health Organization published a research report on obesity. Whose title was. Increased food energy supply as a major driver of the obesity epidemic: a global analysis. Overweight and obesity have become major global public health problems. Worldwide, the proportion of adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or greater increased from 28.8% to 36.9% in men, and from 29.8% to 38.0% in women between 1980 and 2013. Urgent action from governments and the food industry is needed to curb the epidemic. Action needs to be directed at the main drivers of the epidemic to meet the global target of halting the rise in obesity by 2025. Read more Today is the episode, the best way to lose weight and some rules. You have to take some steps to lose weight. First of all: You have to admit that your weight is not normal and a lot higher than the average weight of the human. Second: Promise yourself for extra weight loss and try to end until you achieve your desired goal.
  • 19. If someone accepts these steps and pledges to carry on properly, there is a balanced diet plan for 30 days to lose weight. Which will really help you lose weight in 30 days. How do you reduce weight in 30 days? There is always a healthy method for weight loss. Very fast or strictly for weight reduction and enhancing for a person and for his body. Such weights can interfere with the nutrition and mineral supply needed by the body and may make the person more sick and diseased. Here is a planned way to lose weight through which you can keep track of what you are eating and when you are eating. Best way to lose weight fast the food plan is mentioned below: 1. Humanity to accept the truth: Your first and most important step to losing weight in a month is you must admit that you have increased your weight and your weight is more than usual. Maybe you already have a lot of health and are currently facing many problems in the workplace. Regardless of the situation, Always remember that when you start showing humanity to accept the situation, you can change yourself and everything in your life. So, start questioning yourself by asking questions. Ask yourself the exact amount of weight and a goal you have to fill in this month. You do not have to hate yourself for it. What has happened in the past has happened. You can not do anything to change the past. But right now you can change your lifestyle and you can completely change yourself for a lifetime. 2. Set goals: The second thing you need to do is set some goals that are realistic or acceptable. I know there are some strictly regulated curiosities that guarantee you lose weight in just a few days. This is really ridiculous. You must be patient and decide the goals that are realistic. It is the best way to lose weight easily and fast. Think of this before creating a final list. 3. Try cardio: The third step is to include cardio in your daily program. For the newcomers, it is enough to exercise 30 minutes a week for 5 times a week. Over time, you can exercise for 40 minutes or more. It always depends on your comfort level. Remember, the routine exercises that you exercise routine will always practice. Do not take a day off from your days of exercise. Always remember when you are trying to lose weight, then every calorie is counted. You can start by heating the body for two minutes and the body can end up with some expansion. 4. Own power training: Power training is one such thing which you will never want to miss out on practice. After completing cardio training, spend 10 minutes during the training of energy. Dumbbells are a very good option, but if you do not have dumbbells in your house then you can use heavy water bottles instead. Some women also like sand filling bottles. This training will make your practice more effective. This will definitely give your body a beautiful shape, your arm, and buttocks will firm. 5. Walk: Instead of cardio, you can not use the walk as an alternative. To lose weight, you must adjust both walking and cardio. 6. Receive food at the right time: How important is eating proper foods, just how important it is to eat food at the right time. Refrain from eating dinner after 8 pm and before going to sleep after eating dinner, you must work for a while. 7. Beware of taking breakfast:
  • 20. The main reason for most weight gain is to take heavy snacks! In the middle of every meal, we give ourselves the freedom to eat anything and everything. Eating a snack or breakfast is not bad, but try to eat healthy food. Eat roasted nuts or salad instead of biscuits. Reduce caffeine as much as possible. Do you know how effective it is for you? Walking for 45 minutes in the morning, your body can spend up to 160 calories. If you can walk more quickly, it will certainly help you spend more calories. It increases metabolism and helps to reduce weight faster. If you think the walk is somewhat boring, then download any audio you like on your mobile phone and walk and listen. This will certainly encourage you to exercise. 8. Climb the stairs: According to experts, those who climb the stairs regularly can reduce their weight faster than others. If you can spend 5 minutes a day just climbing the stairs, you will definitely be able to spend some extra calories. The advantage of getting upstairs will increase your heart rate and you will sweat in a moment. You can do the practice 3 times a day and at the end of the month, you will see a change in your body. 9. Kiss your wife: The benefits of kissing your wife are the increase in your heart beat and you’ll be sweating, and this is the way to lose weight. In the 90 percent of the world’s cultural diversity, the issue of romantic kiss is common. To lose weight through kissing does not seem boring like exercise. To reduce one pound, burn 3500 calories. That is, it is possible to earn 5 pounds of weight per year in just 10 minutes a day. Read more 10. Refrain from eating while watching TV: Do not try as much as possible while watching TV. Because at this time you will eat more than you can eat. When you eat, concentrate on eating and eat slowly. Enjoy every meal of the food. It will actually help you to eat properly and help to eat as much as you need for weight loss. 11. Training while watching TV: Now, how many of you have really heard about it? Many people say exercise while watching TV itself laziness and a great way to keep away from labor reversals. If you are jumping for a while for walking during the day, and when you watch the TV after the exercise, If you want to grow up and grow your body, then it will not harm you. Rather it will help to digest what you ate! This technique will definitely help you reduce your weight within a month. 12. Protein: Weight loss is always related to healthy eating habits. You can not lose weight by eating unhealthy foods. If you want to see any changes in your body, You must change your eating habits and lifestyle. Organize your entire diet with foods that contain many proteins. That is, you can keep fruits, vegetables, pulses, eggs and lean meat in your diet. Keep mango and banana away from the fruit list because they increase the weight even slightly. You will never eat more than one banana a day. Do not eat sweet potatoes because it is not good for your health. Do not eat more than one egg in the day and avoid eating beef and goat meat. Chicken meat is more healthy than these. Pulses and very good additions to your food list. 13. Unhealthy foods are not food: The next thing you need to do is to eliminate unhealthy/fried foods from your list. You must stay away from white food, such as noodles, pasta, and white bread. Instead, you can eat brown bread or multi-grain bread. Occasionally feeding wheat pasta is good. 14. Do not say sugar: To lose weight, you must do the job and stay away from sugar. It’s not completely. Starting from cakes muffin, biscuits and ice cream, all of them are your enemies. These foods reduce your metabolism and stop your weight loss. Since these are plenty of calories, they will make you lazy and fat in a few days. Most researchers have said that it is better to stay away from eating sweet foods even on the day you stayed away from the diet. As long as you plan to lose weight, remember that from the food list you must eliminate sweet foods! 15. Drink water: If you want to reduce your weight quickly within a month, then drink 2 liters of water daily. It will remove all the contaminated substances from your body and keep your body pure. Every time you sit down to eat,
  • 21. you can drink a bottle of small bottles of water. Drink more glass of water after eating. This way you will get fewer calories from the food, finally, your weight will decrease further. 16. Balanced meal: If you eat a meal you can reduce the weight within a month, Are you so worried about this matter? A little advice for you: Breakfast: A cup of milk, fruit, two bread with egg and green tea. Lunch: rice, two pieces of meat/fish, one bowl of vegetables. Dinner: Poultry made from home-made soup/rice with chicken/rice, vegetables, and pulses. 17. Refrain from diet once a week: You can stop dieting once a week. And try it on holiday. You can eat the food you love most to eat this day. However, stay away from excessive eating or staying away from eating it all day long. For this, only once a meal is enough. 18. Drink coffee before exercising: You can drink a cup of hot coffee 1 hour before exercise. Of course, it must be sugarless. All people who follow this technique have noticed a lot of changes in their bodies within a month. 19. Enough sleep: The biggest thing to lose weight is to sleep well. If you sleep for 8 hours per day then there is a possibility that your body will increase the chances of fattening excess fat. Because the body works very well when it rests. If you take a normal rest, weight loss will come to your hands. 20. Do not follow any strict diet catalog: Do not follow any strict diet let during weight loss. Always remember, you have to be healthy and keep the body safe for long periods of time to work. If you keep this word in mind, then you can achieve your goals so fast that you are outside of your imagination. 21. Eat like your own wish once a week: Eating healthful foods does not mean that you will deprive yourself of delicious food. Do not interrupt yourself in all your wishes. Eat your favorite foods once a week that you enjoy very much. But eat as much food as you can with your stomach. Avoid eating extra and make sure your body is working 45 minutes a day to keep your body active, healthy and metabolism level better. 22. Keep yourself strong and motivated: The latest and important step to lose weight is the motivation and consistency. If you can follow the above suggestions and be attentive to your goals, then someone will not be able to remove you from losing weight. How much should you really eat? Our weight increases when we eat extra food for our body needs. You have to be a doctor to know how much calories you need every day. Doctors will use your daily routine, type of work, daily lifestyle habits, viewing the food habits, travel status, and physical activity will help assess your daily calorie needs. After knowing what calories you will need, the second step is to plan what you eat. If you do not want to exceed your calorie intake then you will have as much as possible to eat at home. All types of packaged food, processed foods, and fast food must be discarded. Eating out and eating out packed foods outside is not to say absolutely. Also, when cooking at home, use less oil. To keep your weight under control, you have a list below which you need to follow: 1. The best of eating raw vegetables, fruits and salads for weight loss. 2. Olive oil vs. soybean oil is very good for cooking.
  • 22. 3. Burn the milk twice to remove fat. 4. Avoid eating sweets, avoid them by making them in the house. 5. Drink with herbals tea honey while eating breakfast. Finally, try to stay healthy but not thin. Just like your work, you are beautiful. When you begin to feel healthy inside, just a little fat will not affect you. If you want to make your body more organized, then go ahead and start practicing. You will be fine, be healthy. Read more Healthy diet plan, vegetable and fad! A well-balanced vegetarian diet is important for people of all age groups. Besides being healthy, such diets are also rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium, iron, iodine and zinc. While there are certain vegetarian diet plans for weight loss, it is only when they are combined with other lifestyle changes such as regular physical activity, proper sleep and healthy diet that they become effective. The best diet to lose weight fast. While nobody is saying that diehard non-vegetarians should sacrifice their chicken tikkas and kebabs, it should be noted that eating substantial portions of vegetarian food can help you greatly. It will not only help you maintain your weight but also prevent certain health hazards. Here are some vegetarian foods and healthy eating plan that aid in weight loss: Quinoa: Quinoa is a flowering plant in the amaranth family. It is a herbaceous annual plant grown as a grain crop primarily for its edible seeds. Quinoa is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and manganese and is high in phytonutrients. Quinoa – which is high in protein – can increase metabolism and reduce appetite at the same time, helping in weight reduction. “Quinoa is gluten-free and happens to be one of the few plant-based proteins available. It is also fiber-rich and full of slowly digested carbohydrates, making it a good low-glycemic index option. It’s a fat burning diet. It is also a very good source of calcium, magnesium, and manganese, and is high in phytonutrients – which have anti-inflammatory effects,” says Delhi-based Tanveer Singh, who is a diabetes educator for the Beato medical app. Green leafy vegetables: Green leafy vegetables are loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. “They are extremely low in calories but loaded with fiber, and are therefore helpful in reducing the level of fat in the body. Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of meals without increasing calorie intake,” says Singh. They can also help ward off strokes. According to researchers, green leafy vegetables can help reduce stress. Another study suggests that a diet high in vegetables and fruits means there would be a 42% reduced rate of heart failure. Beans and soya products: “Soya products and beans help supplement protein in the body. They contain ample amounts of soluble fiber, which helps reduce processed fats in the body. Some examples include baked beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu and black beans. These food items aid weight loss by reducing appetite and improving the metabolic rate,” explains Bangalore-based Shubhankhi Ghosh, a senior nutritionist with home healthcare service Portea Medical.
  • 23. Health Bites: Is it a fad diet? Every lifestyle area experiences trends or fads. We see examples of this in fashion, fitness, music, social media, and food. While many trends are fleeting and tend to change as time goes on, one fad that seems to reappear is in the diet and weight loss world. Fad diets are limitless and have a long history of existence. The cabbage soup diet, low-carb/high-protein combos, juice cleanses, the grapefruit diet, and the list only grows from there. Although the names of fad diets vary, the characteristics and premise of many never change. Here are 10 red flags to consider when reading about the next “new diet plan that will change your life.” It’s probably a fad diet if… 1. It promises “fast weight loss” results. It’s true – severely restricting caloric intake will result in rapid weight loss. However, the type of weight that’s lost is not body fat. It’s most often lean protein and water, which is not ideal or recommended. Healthy weight loss occurs over time. 2. It involves eliminating specific food groups or macronutrients. Unless someone has a preexisting metabolic condition (such as Type II diabetes) or other health concern that requires an elimination diet (such as Celiac Disease or IBS), eating a balance of healthy carb, low carb foods, lean proteins, and healthy fats is a research-supported recommendation. 3. If it notes “results not typical” in advertising claims. In this instance, ask yourself why the diet is promising certain results and then, in the smallest print possible, notes otherwise. That’s a serious concern. 4. If it promises weight loss without exercise. Exercise is a necessary component to any weight management plan. While the type of exercise may vary between individuals and situations, exercise and diets that work is not a component that should be left out. 5. If it requires the consumption of a wide range of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are not heavily regulated nor are they often tested by an independent third party. Remember ephedra? That was a dietary supplement that resulted in fatalities. It’s one thing to take a supplement to support a missing component of the nutritional profile. It’s a different story when supplements start replacing actual food in the diet. 6. If it promotes miracle or magic food combinations. Weight loss is a process and balanced nutrition is part of that process. Combining this food with that food will not guarantee specific results. 7. If it implies that a certain combination of foods will alter body chemistry. This is simply an unfounded claim. 8. If it has rigid rules or strict guidelines that don’t allow for flexibility. Life is dynamic and humans need an element of flexibility in all areas of life. This includes nutrition. 9. If it doesn’t focus on lifestyle or behavior change efforts. Changing behavior is the key to sustainable weight management practices. 10. If it sounds too good to be true. If any diet claims to be the “answer to all your weight issues”, seek another answer. Quality and valid weight loss programs and/or nutritional approaches are guided by sound scientific research methodologies and include a primary focus on lifestyle change and SMART goal setting. If you come across a diet plan that intrigues you or makes you wonder, “should I give this a try”, please seek the guidance of a registered dietitian or other qualified professionals who can provide insight into the pros, cons, and potential risks associated with the guidelines of any diet. Take the time to ask the deeper questions and make an educated decision. Read more Seven kg weight loss strategies a week In a report published on the Health website, a University of Ior researcher explains the findings, Intestinal changes in bowel bacteria can be the reason for weight gain. Similar studies have shown that sleep disadvantages can also increase weight gain by up to 55 percent.
  • 24. Indian dietician Neha Chadha said that a slight change in bowel bacteria can affect insulin resistance, increase hormones, reduce metabolism and even change the type of metabolism. The Mumbai-based Nutritionist said, “Our body is refreshed and restructured while sleeping. At the same time, these bacteria do the best. So before following the rules, you need to ensure the sleeping range. Less than a week, you can wipe your body down to 7 kg weight. Thinking how can it be possible to lose 7 kg weight in seven days? This impossible can be done if you follow the General Motors (GM) diet plan. It is one of the world’s most popular diet programs. Those who are less interested in weight loss, keep them informed beforehand, Weight loss does not mean eating? It is rather harmful to your body. Because it is likely to increase the weight of a few more kilos next to it. In the right way, you can only lose weight by eating the right amount of food. Maybe thinking, how to lose weight by eating enough food? So let’s see how we can lose weight in one week after eating the right foods? According to the GM diet plan, the first day of the diet is very important. There will be nothing but fruit on your food list this day. Meaning, this day can be informed as a fruit day. First day: On the first day, you can put your favorite fruits on your food list. But remember that bananas cannot eat in any way this day. Keep food on the list, watermelon, apple, blueberries, and grapefruit. Eat this morning, afternoon, at night. You can also eat 8-10 glasses of water. However, no other food can be eaten. Second day: This day can be celebrated as a Vegetable Day. You can eat vegetables that you like and eat raw. It is more beneficial to eat more than cooked vegetables and cook it better than eating. If you want to eat boiled potatoes, eat it in the morning. Because the potato carbohydrate can strengthen you all day. Keep in the food list, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage and can eat vegetables. You can also eat 8-10 glasses of water. Third day: On this day you can jointly observe fruits and vegetable day. However, on this day, potatoes and bananas will not be on the food list. Fruits in the morning, vegetables at noon, fruits in the afternoon and fruits and vegetables at night. You can also eat 8-10 glasses of water. Fourth day: This day can eat milk and bananas all day. You can eat 8-10 bananas and 3 glasses of milk all day. Start with milk and bananas in the morning. Two bananas and one glass milk at noon. In the afternoon and at night you can finish the meal with bananas and milk.
  • 25. Fifth day: You can eat a cup of rice at noon this afternoon. Besides, 6-8 tomatoes can eat all day and night. You can increase the amount of water 12-15 glasses on this day. Sixth day: You can eat a cup of rice at noon this afternoon. You can also eat vegetables all day and night. You can increase the amount of water 12-15 glasses on this day. Seventh-day: Your weight loss mission arrives the last day. You can also eat a cup of rice on this day. You can eat fruit juice and vegetables throughout the day. Chariness: Nutritionists are asking for more fruit in the diet. But the fruit is healthy but there are some fruits that contain high levels of sugar. Therefore, the obstacles to the weight loss stand. During the program, we are requesting not to eat the following fruits. Dry Fruit: Dry Fruit is considered a healthy snack, but faster than the fresh fruit of the frying fry, blood sugar levels increase. Papaya: As a result, the amount of sugar is high, so there is no fiber around. So, on one hand, the level of blood sugar increases, Because of lack of fiber, metabolism does not help papaya. Pineapple: Very entertaining, delicious fruit pineapple. But due to this, the amount of sugar is very high, which is a big barrier to weight loss. Mango: Everyone loves to eat mango in the summer. But if we want to lose weight, the lesser amount of food I eat, the better. The amount of sugar in me is very high. Which helps to increase weight. After the above diet program, you will find that you have reduced the desired weight? You can not just lose weight in it rather, the skin of your face will be brighter than before. As a result of weight loss as well as the bright skin, you can now follow this one-week diet program. Read more Daily 10 minutes kiss, reduce weight extra! In the 90 percent of the world’s cultural diversity, the issue of romantic kiss is common. Chicago northwestern university Feinberg school of medicine psychologist Laura Berman said Loving kiss means that we will be partners with each other and together. Not only that, there are several other types of strange positive health issues. Kiss is very romantic and one thing in love. To say, the biggest tool to love kissing dear ones. By kissing you love your partner, believe and can express confidence. Even a little touch of your lip on his forehead is enough to give him confidence in his mind. But the country and the time and the pot can be kissed slightly different. But a kiss can now be said to be a method of losing weight, not just as a means to express love. It is astonishing, however, that it is possible to burn the weight of up to 2 to 5 calories every minute to kiss. Two miles per hour is equal to the walk. To reduce one pound, burn 3500 calories. That is, it is possible to earn 5 pounds of weight per year in just 10 minutes a day. To lose weight through kissing does not seem boring like exercise. That is, it is a simple and enjoyable medium to burn calories. The deep kiss also accelerates the speed of metabolism, which helps in weight loss. In other words, a deeper kiss can be an alternative to exercise. The heart rate
  • 26. increases during kissing, which is helpful in burning calories. Heartbeat increases during kissing, which is helpful to burn calories. Also regular kisses are well-suited to facial muscles, and help avoid wrinkles of the mouth. Most of the muscles of the mouth are active during the kiss and neurotransmitter empties adrenaline with this process. This whole process burns calories very quickly. However, there are special types and industry knowledge in the kiss. Thinks of such kiss experts. Let’s take a look at how much more calories burn through kissing. 1. Deep kiss: The number of calories that kissing will depend on how deep the kiss is. How many calories burned in a light kiss. For a long time, more calories can be burnt through deep kisses. Also, deep kisses accelerate metabolism speed, which helps in weight loss. That means a deep dark kiss can be an alternative to exercise. 2. Standing kiss: Standing kissing leads to the maximum calorie decay. Studies have shown, Those who are used to kissing and standing in comparison to other methods their weight relatively quickly decreases faster than others. 3. Single Lip Kiss: It is an unimaginable way to express the fastest romance. These kisses are popular in their peculiarity. The two of them close to the lips will lip the lips. Some time to go to a kiss, gently. That is, the lips are active. It is to be remembered that the problem of dental use in this kiss is a problem. 4. French kiss: It is believed that the French kiss kills the whole emotion. This is a great way of expressing intimacy. At the end of romance, the whole love of the mind is clear how the French. This kiss is the most popular method. Two lips are bound. And the moment will be spread like a glamour. Use of spouse tongue here french kiss have different feature and excitement. 5. Spiderman Kiss: There is nothing to wonder about the name. Keeping the head down from the head, Spiderman hanging on the kiss, do you remember? That’s what Spiderman kisses. You can kiss your lover/wife without being like Spiderman. Suppose, the lover is sitting on the chair. You came to the back of the chair and touched the lover and he brought his face towards the face of the lover/wife and the lips touching lips. Or on one side of the bed, especially on the bottom of your lover/wife. Then, when you come up on the bed, keep your face along the face of your lover/wife and keep kissing. 6. Deep breath: If you take a big breath, you burn calories. At the time of kisses, breathing is more often taken. If you take a big breath in the heart of the chest, it is possible to lose more calories than usual. Prevention: Besides the benefits, there are also harmful aspects of the kiss. Kiss increases love. It was known that the bacterium transmitted through kisses? A new study says that only about 10 seconds of the deep kiss, eight million bacteria enter the mouth of one person with redness. One Dutch study said, With just ten seconds of a French kiss, one million people have been exposed from one mouth to another. To stop the effectiveness of these microbes, the body needs to be strengthened. I wish everyone’s good health. Read more 10 Foods to reduce weight In this time of modernity, our body weight is increasing for many reasons. No woman, no man, no one is able to escape. No woman, no man, no one is able to escape. Someone is running for him or someone else in the gym or doing a diet, how much more organized! Many willingness and unwillingness to do weight loss. Many restrictions are to be followed. But even after so many things do not lose weight. Do not want to overtake excess weight. Meanwhile, life is unstable in compliance with the rules of prohibition. Funny thing to know? You can reduce your weight by adding some food to your food list. This is a list of food for you today.
  • 27. 1. Tropical almond: Tropical almond is a good food for health. It contains adequate vitamins and minerals and provides energy to the body throughout the day. Wood nut fiber reduces appetite. Start the morning with a handful of Wood nut. Doctors advise you to consume body fat in addition to body fat control. But avoid saline Wood nut. 2. Walnut: If you get hungry, eat four to five walnuts. The stomach suffices, as well as your body will get plenty of antioxidants. The amount of cholesterol in the walnut is less than other dried fruits. Please remember one thing. In the walnut there is a lot of calories, so playing walnuts reduces weight, playing walnuts all the time, the reactions are reversed. 3. Oat: Oat we all know. But it is not very delicious to eat, so many people avoid. A bowl oat in the morning breaks helps to reduce weight quickly. Oats are a good food element to lose weight. There are lots of fiber in oats. Journal of Family Practice published in a 2002 report found that oats help in reducing high blood pressure in the daily diet. It is very effective in controlling hypertension and high blood pressure. Moreover, its magnesium and fiber keeps the blood circulation normal and stabilizes the disease condition. 4. Olive oil: Olive oil contains healthy fat, which is made of stomach fillings. As a result, when the tendency to get hungry decreases. Nutritionists, “If you add olive oil to the diet, you may have less chance of losing weight less than two and a half kilograms a week. It keeps the heart as well. ” 5. Apple: There is a common talk about apple, ‘Do not need a doctor every day to eat apples’. But you know, Apple is a much more effective diet to reduce weight? An apple contains 4-5 grams of fiber. It reduces hunger and helps in cutting off fat in the body. When hungry, many eat unhealthy foods, which are not good for the body and also increase weight. So keep an apple with weight loss. 6. Mung bean: Mung beans contain plenty of vitamins A, B, C and E. There are also calcium, iron, and potassium. Playing a bowl mung beans is full of stomach. However, the feed is as good as the quantity. 7. The white part of the egg: Many people think that eating eggs increases weight. The word is completely wrong. But if you want to reduce weight, avoid the egg yolk. In the morning, eating one / two egg white part, it stays in the stomach for a long time and lowers hunger. Egg protein is a very good source of protein. It’s pretty good for the body. Those who are dieting, keep an egg at breakfast. You have the power to work on the whole day. As well as reduce weight. 8. Sweet pepper: Sweet pepper contains plenty of vitamins. This Vitamin C helps to reduce weight very easily and very quickly. Red, yellow or green sweet pepper can be used in cooking. The best way is to eat salad sweet pepper 9.Garlic: The taste of garlic changes on any food, its whole taste. This helps to reduce the weight of garlic! There is plenty of allicin in garlic, which helps control high cholesterol and insulin as well as reduce blood sugar. Garlic also very useful for reducing appetite. As a result, weight is easily controlled. 10. Cauliflower:
  • 28. It is a little surprised to read this name! There is nothing to be surprised. Because really cauliflower helps to reduce weight. Besides having low-calorie foods, there is plenty of fiber in it. So the stomach is filled with a lot of time. In addition, it also contains glucosinolates which also helps in toxin from the body. Read more The natural way to lose weight Fats (proteins and carbohydrates) are stored in energy. A calorie is the unit of energy measurement made from fat, protein, and carbohydrates. The chemical reaction in different stages is made from fat or fat accumulated in the body. The energy that is not spent is in the body. To reduce weight, more calories or energy will be spent than what you are taking. When more energy is consumed than food, fat cells will decrease within the body. It is the same as the reduction in water by steam. And it is possible to lose weight in this process. The above process is recognized as the universal approach to weight loss. But there are natural ways to make this process faster. 1. Green Tea and Ginger: Antioxidant-rich green helps keep the weight under control, as well as keeping glucose levels under control. Green tea is quite beneficial to eliminate physical problems. This tea is helpful to increase immunity. As well as mixing ginger with green tea, it helps to increase digestion. 2. Cinnamon tea: The amount of blood sugar affects our weight. Because of our diet and energy, the amount depends on its magnitude. If the balance of blood sugar is maintained, then the amount of hunger is regulated and the performance is well maintained. As a result, the risk of getting fat in the body decreased. Cinnamon is very effective in maintaining this level of blood sugar. Keep the cinnamon mixed with water and keep it for a while. Drink when the yolk is hot. Drink this drink twice a day. 3. The water of Rose petals:
  • 29. Pink petals water or rose water is unrivaled in skin care, it is more or less common to everyone. But there are many who have no idea about this drink which is beneficial for the body. Rose petals act as boiling water. As a result, sodium or salt in the body can effectively purify kidneys. And this process also increases the demand for drinking water. As a result, the body’s immune system is released. This beverage needs to be cleaned properly, one of the fresh or dried rose petals, the amount of water that is spread in rose petals, spread out the mouth of the vessel, for 20 minutes. These drinks can be kept freezing by refrigeration for up to six days. Drink this water with one cup of empty stomach every day. 4. Chewing gum: Chewing gum chewing habits help reduce the feeling you can cook chewing gum without sugar.f appetite. Due to continuous chewing, the brain reaches the signal that food is being eaten. As a result, the demand for food is reduced. If you want to eat untimely. 5. Drink water: One of the ways to lose weight is to drink water. Sufficient water also helps to increase the body’s digestive wells as well as increase the digestive tract. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. 6. Enough sleep: There is a need for adequate sleep for normal body operation and rest. Sleep helps maintain the consistency of the work in each part of the body. So it is very important to sleep at the right level to stay healthy. If there is an irregularity in the sleep for a long time, insulin levels increase in the body, which can lead to increased risk of weight gain. So to stay healthy and keep the weight under control, you have to sleep. 7. sour yogurt and honey: sour yogurt is very beneficial for bacterial health. Helps maintain the consistency of yogurt’s digestive process. As well as digestion of fat and other ingredients, digestion also helps reduce weight. In this case, you will have to choose a fat-free yogurt. And the honey will satisfy the demand of sweets without any harm. Two cups of yogurt mixed with a tablespoon honey can eat with breakfast. You can mix different types of taste and mix it with the desired fruit. 8. Cayenne and lemon juice: The mixture of peppercorns with lemon juice helps in the process of weight loss. A type of peppercorn is a type of ingredient from which its flavor is flavored. This material disrupts the fat depositing process. Moreover, it is very useful to keep blood fat levels under control. On the other hand, lemon helps digestion. As a result, weight loss helps. This leaflet will need to be prepared half a lemon juice, a little peppercorn powder and quantity of water. This mixture will be used once every day after drinking it 9. Chocolate: The fear of growing weight is to follow the greed of freedom chocolate. But 70 percent of the dark chocolate is better for health. Dark chocolate helps keep blood sugar under control. After a dinner, a piece of chocolate can be eaten from one to two inches in size. Along with any diet, adequate exercise is helpful in reducing weight. Weight loss is not possible due to lack of exercise in many cases even after diet. Read more
  • 30. Health is wealth Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. Today, on this auspicious occasion I want to speak on the topic ‘health is wealth’. As we all know that good health is really a boon and real jewel of the happy life. Good health is the precious thing a person gets in his/her life. Once a person losses his/her health can never get back through money. It is the theme what this proverb tells us. It is very easy to maintain a good health through disciplined lifestyle, regular exercises, common and healthy food, positive thoughts, personal hygiene, and cleanliness. Healthy people do not need to spend money on medicines and making the round of doctors. However, an unhealthy person needs to spend more money to cure their diseases. A good health is the freedom of sickness and diseases and it is the feeling of physical, mental and social well being of a person. If one maintains a good health, he/she is really blessed with a most precious gift all through the life. Being a well healthy person, it is very necessary to be healthy in every aspect like physically, mentally and socially. A healthy person is only able to enjoy all the pleasures of life. Living a happy life, being rich is not so important however it is very necessary to be healthy. A good health can be achieved by anyone through the continuous efforts. Proper awareness about bad habits is also very necessary to keep body away from the illnesses. To maintain a proper health, we should practice a disciplined life from early morning to the evening. We should get up in the early morning, go for a morning walk or do some exercises, breathe some fresh air, get fresh, maintain proper hygiene and eat food timely. Laughing is also the best medium to keep ourselves happy and healthy. It helps to be happy by overcoming anger and fear and makes one able to enjoy life to the full. Share this post Read more Foods for health and fitness A very good morning to the respected teachers, my colleagues and other people gathered here. As we all know that we are here to celebrate this special occasion, I would like to speak on the topic of health and fitness. In this competitive and crowded world, everyone has forgotten to take care of their health. They start a run in the early morning (to earn money for their family) which only ends in the late night. People do not have a little bit of time for themselves. They only earn money, eat and sleep. They do not know that to keep this body healthy, we need to involve in the daily physical exercises and cleanliness of body. There is a common saying that “health is wealth”. It is very true, it is only our good health which remains with us in our bad times and helps us to face all challenges of the life. Health is the most valuable and precious
  • 31. things for every individual in the life. Good health is the state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well being without any suffering. Being a healthy and fit person requires good natural environment, healthy living, healthy food, daily physical exercises, and personal cleanliness. All such things facilitate good health for a long time. On the other hand, an unhealthy environment because of the overpopulation, industrialization, and pollution causes bad health and mental disturbance. Bad health always threatens the life as it brings many dreadful diseases such as heart attack, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, hepatitis, AIDS, kidney failure, liver problems, etc. Nowadays, people are suffering from various mental disorders because they are spending their full time in racing to blindly earn money, to earn fame, win aim of life and achieve big status in the society. Everyone’s life has been hectic because of the huge level competition in each field. Earlier people were used to of enjoying the nature’s beauty and enjoying the different colors of life. But now, people are working in very stressful condition without any satisfaction which is hindering the physical and mental fitness thus people are suffering any diseases. Physical fitness and the healthy diet are very important for getting a healthy and tension free life. People should eat very simple and light food (rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins) with green leafy vegetables, fruits, and milk. Food rich in fruits and fresh vegetables reduces the risk of cancer, cataract, diabetes, heart attack etc. People should avoid eating fast foods, oily foods, soft drinks and fatty foods. Everyone should follow good eating and exercise habits such as: Eat breakfast at the time and in the large amount and light dinner 3 hrs before sleeping. We should be a nibbler and not a foodie. We should practice eating fresh salad with the meal. We should not keep ourselves starve for a long time or overeat subsequently. We should avoid fast foods and canned foods. We should eat heart-friendly foods like yellow, orange and green vegetables and fruits. We should reduce the intake of food and exercise more as the age increases. We should go for daily light and heavy physical exercises by keeping in mind the structure of the body. Regular exercises enhance basic metabolic rate which increases absorption of digested food and burns extra body fat by improving vital organs functioning. We should practice yoga and meditation at home on daily basis. We should go for proper sleep at right time and follow early to bed early to rise regime. We should take care that; never sleep with stress, never sleep during the day, always drink warm milk before going to bed.