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Descriptive Essay About My Church
Almost every year my family, I, and almost the whole entire church that I go to which is called Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries Bowie
Maryland also known as MFM Bowie Maryland; usually we go to a retreat called Sandy Cove during the summer time for 4 days and 3 nights. The
placed Sandy Cove is a Christian conference ministry that is an all–inclusive, year–round Christian retreat center located on the headwaters of the
Chesapeake Bay in North East, Maryland. The reason why my family, I, and almost the whole entire church go to Sandy Cove is because it's a
great peaceful and rejuvenate place to pray to GOD and to get to know your fellow church members. Also, it's a place to relax and fun with your
fellow church members too. In general people I heard that many people go there to any different needs and hopes in anticipation of a special time
away with GOD and others and find what they are looking for there. So, my family and I always pack our clothes and stuff into luggage's a week
before the retreat. The way my family and I get to Sandy Cove is by going on a tour bus with our church members and a few church members also
drive there to get to the place. Sandy Cove is one and 40 minutes drive from our church. Once you get to the place, you are encountered with a gate
that says welcome to Sandy Cove Ministries, after we have entered through the gate we keep on going along to the building which the hotel that our
entire church will be staying. Along the way you can see
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Changing Culture of the Church Essay
We live in a society today that is vastly different to the one the previous generation grew up in; priorities have changed with people finding completely
new ways to spend their time, people have an barrage of options presented to them with every decision and everyone seems to find someone else to
blame for the current situation.
50 years ago this country was experiencing a cultural way of thinking known as modernity, this was described very well by Anthony Giddens here;
"Modernity is a shorthand term for modern society, or industrial civilisation, it is associated with a certain set of attitudes towards the world, the idea of
the world as open to transformation, by human intervention"1
A great example of this occurred in 1969 more content...
The cultural shift we are currently going through is known as postmodernism and it is rather unclear where it is leading the combined with its
constantly shifting, changing and evolving nature makes it very hard to define. Tomlinson however does a good job of summing it up in this quote:
"The postmodern world is a world which understands itself through biological rather than mechanistic models; a world where people see themselves as
belonging to the environment rather than over it or apart from it. A world distrustful of institutions, hierarchies, centralised bureaucracies and male
dominated organisations... A world hungry for spirituality yet dismissive of systemised religion. It is a world in which image and reality are so deeply
intertwined that it is difficult to draw a line between the two"2
Through this change a number of obvious changes have become apparent, a major one of which is the changing shape of the family and the extinction of
traditional family life with it. In a study entitled Social Structure, Murdock3 examined the institution of the family in a wide range of societies and
deemed that as such the family is universal. There are many types of family structure:
The Nuclear family is where children live with both parents until they are of an age where they leave home for reasons of work or further education.
In a survey done by the government for the year 2004, 66% of
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Essay On The Church
would be free to establish healthy kingdom alliances with fellow spirit filled ministries. In Acts 2:42, the apostles clearly understood that the mission
that they were called to was relational. So they continued daily from house to house, fellowshipping, breaking bread and praying. It's a miracle to get
50 pastors in any city in America to come together for that city alone for any extended period of time. Most churches and pastors have tunnel vision
and short memories just like children.
The gift of the apostle found in Ephesians 4 is who God placed first in the church specifically to establish kingdom government. Once enough local
churches have shifted back to the spiritual foundation that God established in the New Testament, more content...
It is possible to have the gift and not be controlled by the giver. The gifts come in part and in seasons as He sees fit–we do not function in these gifts at
will. Some people can prophesy and speak in tongues, but they fail to discipline that tongue. The giver of all gifts is God and He is love. And, I
know that you have known people who may be quite charismatic and even flow in a gifts of two–but their character has a lot to be desired. (The
character of the Holy Spirit operating in the believer at all times as stated in Galatians 5:22 is the more "excellent" way.
3. Plurality of Elders appointed to serve by the Apostles and Pastors in the spiritual administration:
In order to clarify the term (elder) in the bible–it must be clear also that the terms bishop, elder and pastor are used interchangeably. The Greek term
eВ·piК№skoВ·pos is that of protective supervision, which is the role of a shepherd or pastor. The terms "overseer" and "elder"
(preВ·sbyК№teВ·ros) refer to the same position in the scriptures, with "elder" indicating (chronology) and the mature qualities of the one so
appointed, and "overseer" emphasizing the duties inherent in this appointment. In essence, an elder in the bible specifically address an older person.
One who is seasoned in the word, full of spiritual maturity and of senior age. The reason why Paul said not to exalt a novice is because they are
generally a young person with not much
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A Passionate Sermon At Church Essay
Once during a passionate sermon at church, my pastor had made a vivid statement about incorporation of sin in law. Pastor Smith stated, "the world has
developed loopholes to maintain its dignity by incorporating sin into the law, and as long as we are operating under the law, our actions are perceived
as being justified"(Smith). Reflecting on his theory has brought me to the realization that the United Stated has established a profitable industry,
governed by the creation and the manipulation of laws. Although, it's ideal to believe that the standards of laws were truly orchestrated with the
foundation of equality, justice, and freedom. It is imperative to be informed of historical events that has transpired through the history of the black race
each operating under the ordinance of law. Beginning with the development of slavery, to the alarming rate of black men behind bars. I am compelled
to present the clause of injustice that has labeled the United States as the home of 25% of the world 's prisoners ().
The United States of America accounts for 5% of the world 's population. This number depicted the actuality articulated by Van Jones, "one out of four
human beings with their hands on the bars, shackled, in the the world are locked up in the land of the free (). His descriptive statement resonates far
from being believable considering we are a nation that promotes itself as being a land of opportunity. However, these opportunities that are glamorized
were not
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Four Marks Of The Church Essay
The four marks of our church are what we believe as Roman Catholics our church to be. We state these beliefs in the Nicene Creed and they are also
shown in many other parts of our faith. Only the Roman Catholic Church reflects the fullness of these marks. It is through these marks that salvation
can be achieved. These marks include One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostalic. The meaning of the first mark of the church is that we are united in our
creed as well as other teachings, the celebration of the Sacraments, and the hierarchical structure based on the Apostalic succession preserved through
holy Orders. The church is one for three reasons. These reasons include its source (the Holy Trinity), its founder Jesus Christ, and its "soul" (the Holy
Spirit). These reasons make the "oneness" of the church visible. No matter where you worship God at mass, it is the same all over the world. The
readings are the same, the order of the mass is the same, and the more content...
The meaning of the word Catholic is universal. The church is catholic in two senses. The first is that Christ is present in her so she possesses the
fullness of Christ and has received from him the fullness of the means of salvation. The second is Christ sent her on a mission to gather all people
into the people of God. The church feels connected to all people because all are made in the image and likeness of God. Despite this, the perfect union
with God and all people will not take place till the end of time. Churches are completely and fully Catholic when they are in communion with the
Church of Rome, meaning they recognize the Pope's authority as the visible foundation for the unity of all members of the church and church leaders.
The Seven Sacraments are also a huge part of what makes the church Catholic as they touch the totality of a persons life and Catholic journey from
Baptism in the beginning as a sacrament of initiation to Annointing of the Sick at the
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Essay on Personal Experience: Sunday Worship
I entered into the worship service, unaware of what to expect. I was not familiar with this church, it was a non–denominational church, but the pastor
had his roots in the A.M.E. Zion Church and branched out to establish his own church. I walked into the sanctuary prepared to participate in the
Sunday School. I found a seat and readied myself to engage in some meaningful discussion. After sitting for several minutes, I asked one of the
gentlemen who was standing at the front of the church if they had already started and where was the lesson coming from. He looked at his watch and
indicated that he didn't know if we had time for Sunday School. A puzzled look came over my face and I couldn't help but express my confusion as I
looked more content...
Far too often, in this emerging new culture, we want to treat God as friend, and not as creator and sustainer. Humans are flawed fleshly beings,
therefore whenever in the true presence of God a transformation from old to new should occur. We should feel so convicted about our transgressions
until we have an earnest desire to change. The flesh dies and slowly loses control of our lives, leaving the Holy Spirit to freely dwell. Ironically
enough the next topic he mentioned was praise. He talked about a song which was sung by the choir "Praise is what we do" and he couldn't understand
the relevance behind these words. Once again, I slowly raised my hand and injected that praise is what we do, worship transcends beyond these
parameters as an act of honoring and revering God. Worship is the entire church experience. Before I could elaborate further, he quickly indicated it
was time to close out and we didn't have time for further discussion. This Sunday School experience demonstrated the necessity for us to educate those
persons who uphold leadership positions in the Church. If the Sunday school teacher had simply taken the time to research the answers to his
questions, he would have been properly equipped to lead the discussion. It saddened me to realize that in essence it was the blind leading the blind. In
a situation such as this, it is imperative that
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The Church is Holly in Three Ways Essay
From the Incarnation of the Word, the world was given the fullness of divine Revelation in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ instructed the apostles
with the task of handing down all that he had taught them. In order that they fulfill this mission, the Father sent the Holy Spirit upon them. The Holy
Spirit allowed the apostles to understand the fullness of Christ's teachings and proclaim them. This definitive Revelation of Christ , which was given to
the apostles and continues now through the Church, is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred tradition, as the Deposit of faith. In conclusion "God has
entrusted to the Catholic Church all Revealed Truth" (Theological Flint) If a Christian Church has broken away from the Catholic Church more
The church is made up of sinful members yet it is still considered holy. As the second mark states the church is holy, "the church receives this from
her founder Jesus Christ through the indwelling of the holy Spirit." (The Church: Sacrament of Salvation) Christ filled the Church with grace
completely making her sanctifying. The Church is holy in three ways. She is holy because of her founder Christ. She is holy because her goal is the
glory of God. She is holy because she was given to bring all men into communion with god, through teachings of Christ, the sacraments, and the life of
prayer. She remains holy even with her sinful members because "her essence is the Mystical body of Christ, and like Christ is Holy and without sin."
(The Church: Sacrament of Salvation) The sins of her members do not defile her holiness, instead her holiness defiles their sins, transforming them into
holiness. As the first mark states the Church is one. She remains one because of the belief in one God, and also that Jesus instituted the one Church.
since the Church is known as one we acknowledge "the unity and solidarity of the Church." (The Church: Sacrament of Salvation) With the catholic
faith spread around the world many different customs arise but the Church still remain in unity. This is because the church's unity does not come from
her members but from God, her divine source. The many members of the Church are united with
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My Experience Of The Church And My Church
My whole life I had been attending church with my family. It was just a regular thing that we did every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesdays. I
thought because I had two parents that had been Christians for their whole lives it automatically made me a Christian from the instant I was born.
I thought there was no need for me to do the initiation prayer and profess my faith publically, but I was wrong. In the second grade I realized Jesus
needed to be something I had to make my own thing and He was something I had to pursue by myself. On Easter Sunday when I was in second
grade my church was having something special for the students in first through sixth grade. Everyone in those grades were going to met on the
grass behind the church. On the grass was a huge tent where we were going to have our special Easter message. Of course I had already heard the
Easter stories multiple times by now and I did not think anything special was going to happen. They gave us the message about how God died on
the cross for our sins so we did not have to, then he rose again on the third day. After the message the leaders let us plays some games. I remember
one game in which we had to fish for the ducks with magnets and if you fished out the duck with the special sign on the bottom you got a prize. I
did not win but one of my friends did win and I was happy for him. Near the end of the service we began to do worship, which honestly was my least
favorite part. I never liked singing the adult song
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The Church as a Christian Community Essay
Few organizations are as present in our cities and towns than churches. While every municipality has dozens of fraternal organizations, shops, and
information centers, it is entirely common to look across a cityscape and see the spires of a steeple peeking out above the surroundings. However, the
use of the word "church" to describe this buildings fall short of its original meaning, with the word indicating a body of people, joined for a specific
theological purpose. Different Churches see different ways at succeeding at fulfilling this purpose. While the Church often seems antiquated in modern
times, I will analyze its importance in the modern world. Finally, I will identify the place of the Church in the modern world. It is important
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Francis identifies that the two ideas of the people of God, and those people who are called to be leaders of the people, and realizes that they are in
separable because of their purpose. Without the people as a whole, the hierarchy would have few means of reaching the world as a whole; without
the hierarchy, the people would lack leadership, and from a Catholic perspective: the Grace found in the Sacraments. It is through Grace that the
Church endeavors to complete its primary mission: the salvation of souls . The first task in working towards the salvation of souls is the spread of
the Gospels. The Church desires to spread the Gospel through preaching and works, to take up Christ on his command to "go and make disciples
of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). The Church does this in a special way by being a presence in the world, to spread the Gospel through preaching, and to
practice the Gospel in everyday life. Natalie Kertes Weaver, a theologian and religious scholar at Ursuline College describes this presence in her book
Christian Thought and Practice, saying that: "As a community of believers, the church plays a vital role in the way individual Christians experience
their faith. It is also critical to Christians' understanding of the way in which Jesus' grace is made available to them" . Here, we can see the importance
of different roles in the community. While the largest part of the community, the laity, helps to be
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A Leadership Development Of The Church Essay
ENACTING A LEADERSHIP PIPELINE IN THE CHURCH Most churches have leadership positions that, by default, become vacancies for the
enlisted warm body to assume. Intentionality is absent or obfuscated by the activity of the church and the apparent lack of vision clarity. Developing a
pipeline comes from a convictional mandate to multiply as leaders and facilitate depth of discipline. The first step in the strategy to enact a leadership
development plan is to embark on the journey through prayer.
Embark Through Prayer Prayer is the penetrating activity of a leadership expansion strategy, from inception and continuing as a foundation
throughout. Leadership development apart from God is nothing more than a ladder of accomplishment within the ranks of a local body of believers.
Daniel Im states, "Christian leadership is not taking secular leadership and baptizing it into the church." Essentially, Christian leadership sprouts from
the call of God on a believer 's life to move from doing the things of scripture to training others to do and further equip. One cannot pursue an endeavor
of this magnitude, assume success, without the practice of prayer by the originators of the idea, but also of the early coalition that will first grasp the
urgency of this strategy. Finally, prayer is the catalyst for checking motivation, ego, and the root thrust of moving forward.
Being the Example Pride exhibits in a pastor 's clasped hands of control and insecurity, the essence of which is moving
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Early Christian Church Essay
The vision of the early Christian Church as a haven of peace in a troubled world is a fiction that history shows to be false, and for some very good
reasons. Even when Jesus was still with his apostles a dispute arose that signalled the bitter partisanship and embattled denominationalism that came
into even sharper relief in the centuries that followed Jesus' ascent into heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God.
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his
Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of
his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on
The first signal that a 'them and us' mentality was present is shown when some of the apostles forbade a man not of their band from casting out devils
in the name of Jesus.
And John answered him, saying, Master, more content...
Such demarcation embraced the persecution of those considered heretical. The extent of persecutions of heretics formed a litany of cruel and
murderous practices that Christianity has not
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The Mission Of The Church Is Mission Essay
The Mission of the Church is Mission However we look at the purpose of the Church in the world today we cannot avoid the fundamental truths
that God created us to firstly have communion with Him; then to fellowship with others who have also come to believe in the saving work of
Christ; and also to witness to the lost who live in our midst. These three things I believe are inseparable and I want to focus on the last point after
making some brief comments about the first two. God did not leave us in doubt about His love for mankind when we read throughout the Old and
New Testaments about His provision of a way back to Him, even though it was Man who rebelled against God and so deserves His wrath. Many times
we see how God more content...
And then God sent His Son. To fulfil the promises He made in the beginning, God redeemed all peoples by sending the Christ not only to proclaim
the coming Kingdom, but also to pay the price of the sins of mankind by dying on the cross. The resurrection of the Christ on the third day proved the
power of God to all mankind that even death has been conquered by Him. The Christian Church was born. The first believers were given a mandate
that would have seemed rather daunting in the ancient world – 'you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth'(Acts 1:8 NRSV). But this was consistent with the message of the Old
Testament and proof of God's faithfulness; He has not abandoned His people He so dearly loves. During the past two thousand years there have been
many developments in the way Christians interact with each other and with the rest of the world. Mostly the Church has become an institution that
seems to exist for its own purposes and the evangelistic mandate in many places has been largely forgotten. The Enlightenment of the eighteenth
century and the development of liberal theology of the late nineteenth century have done much to erode the zeal of the Church to reach out to the lost
ones of this
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What does the Church mean to you?
What does the Church mean to you? When you hear "the Church," what do you think of? Maybe, it is that place where you are forced to go every
weekend, something to do with Jesus and God, but you aren 't quite sure, or, do you think of Jesus dying for you? Well, whatever you think of, I am
going to explain to you what, from the Bible passages that I have read, what I think God was trying to explain to us.
God tries to explain what the Church should mean to us in the Bible passages through the apostles and people he has sent down to proclaim His word.
During the Last Supper, Jesus took the bread, broke it and said, "This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me." Since then,
the meaning of the Church has been more content...
God does not make us incomplete, so who are we to make the body of Christ incomplete? We are each put here to serve some purpose. Although we
may not know what this purpose is, God will guide us in the right direction, and we will soon enough find out. WE can each become active in Christ
's body in many ways. A start may be by going to Church every week. You could also try going on an Antioch weekend, or
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Descriptive Essay About The Church
My church, Crestmont Alliance Church, is focused on mission and Jesus. My church is located in Aliquippa and we do a lot of mission work there.
My church is one hundred years old. Crestmont has many special features. It has a kitchen, some classrooms, a nursery, a cafe, and a baptismal. In
addition to Sunday worship, the church is used for weddings, VBS, committee meetings, prayer meetings, Bible studies, and birthday parties, and
special events. My church is also used as a voting poll but the Pastor and the Elders do not let people advertise for the candidates. They teach our
church Biblical truths so that they can make their own decisions about who to vote for. In our sanctuary we have 5 flags in the very front. The five
flags are the American flag, the Christian flag, the Jordanian flag, the Dominican Republic flag and the Florida state flag. The latter three flags
represent the countries and states that are in a missionary partnership with Crestmont. We have a multitude of flags along the side of my church that
represent the countries the Christian Missionary Alliance partner with. We have a communion table with multiple names of Christ on it. (It was
donated to the church in memory of my Grandfather.) We also have stain glass windows but they don't have a specific purpose, they just make the
sanctuary more reverent. There is a large wooden cross above the baptismal which is the focal point of the sanctuary to represent that Jesus was crucified
for us. Sunday morning
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My Childhood Church Experience
lective Essay I grew up in a very average family, as far as religion goes. We are Christians practicing a very mainstream form of Christianity. We had
sporadic church attendance, did not tithe as suggested by the church, but did donate money to the church and participate in volunteer activities and
youth groups with the church. I would say that, regardless of denomination, my childhood church experience was very similar to the experiences that
most people growing up in America, who self–identify as Christians, have in their churches. This generic experience made it relatively easy for me to
go from my church to other churches with my friends in high school. They all had the same basic format: a prayer service for all members, a special
youth–oriented service or activity for teenagers, and sometimes a breakfast, brunch, or lunch after the service. The various churches in my area hosted
different events aimed at teenagers throughout the year, so it would not be uncommon for kids of all denominations to attend the lock–in at the local
Methodist Church one weekend, and then a fall carnival at the local Catholic Church the following weekend. While there were certain activities, such
as taking communion that were generally forbidden or discouraged among non–members, most of the churches had a very welcoming attitude towards
non–members. My first experience where I felt like a member of an outcast group came when I went to church with a girl I had recently befriended in
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Church Planting Essay
Over the years, church planters passionately stepped into church planting across the globe at great costs in obedience to God's call. Some used the
mother–church method and cell or house church method in cross–cultural settings. Some planters believe that it is the quality of their planting
methods, effective publicity, attractive programmes, missional teams and resources that will make theirchurch plant successful. Whereas these are
helpful, the central factor is the God of mission, who, through the work of the Holy Spirit and the gospel reveals himself to people, convicts of sin,
transforms people and brings them salvation.
For effectiveness, planters with the right mix of spiritual gifts including outreach more content...
This growth was understood as developing the work of existing churches, not creating additional ones. This may have assisted the birth of a more
outward–looking church, but was not a direct precursor of church planting and helpfully has often been confused with it. Only three expressions of
church were planted in 1978, and of those, one was the reopening of a closed church building. It is not clear why, by 1983, this number of church
plants had trebled to nine...In 1984 the first book on the subject was published for the English market – How to Plant Churches – from the British
Church Growth Association.
From the above, one realises that it is worth learning from planting experiences of the past. Some causes of failure in church planting in the past include
poor administrative structures, poor planning, ineffective and inefficient leadership, lack of focus, cultural unawareness, ignorance and inadequate
facilities and resources. Answering the question is church planting passГ©; the working group stated from their research of planting experience that:
After the 1990s' peak of interest in church planting, there came a stream of other supposed solutions to mission ineffectiveness: Seeker Services, the
Toronto blessing, the Alpha course, Cell church, Celtic Worship, Pensicola Revival and most recently the 'Transforming Communities' videos. Many of
these initiatives have been wrongly interpreted as offering a 'quick fix' to the mission dilemma of the
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The History of the Christian Church Essay
The fall and decline of the Roman Republic became an act of survival and it destroyed Rome completely. The only way for farmers to survey, would
be to make their own fighting equipment and they would struggle everyday, they had nothing. The land would be ugly, not maintain because, they had
nothing to maintain it with, and they were poor. The farmers had no choice but to sell their property to the Romans, also know as the Socrates. Also,
in 133 B.C the Gracchi brothers were trying to make situation better by relocating farmers in the North Africa, but along the way they were both
killed. Marius and Sulla were a new role for the Roman Army but, shortly they were against one another. Marius made a list of Sulla's friend and had
them more content...
Why did Christianity appeal to people, especially women? "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for these sums up
the law and the Prophet". I believe this quote from Jesus was very important during this time, between Roman and Jesus, because it was all about
death and slavery. Roman's most certainly didn't believe in fairness but more control and power. Christians believe in equality between all humans.
The belief of Christology was spreading, a 100 churches developed in popular cites of the east and other places towards the west area of the empire,
even Latin–speaking people took a liking to Christian belief. The Christians belief was important to people, because it brought them hope for equal
rights. Men were accepted by this religion and it gave them the opportunity to suppress the thought of war and death. Men gained some belief, that
they are more to this world, then being a warrior and losing their lives. Christianity really took an affect on women during this time, because women
were so miss treated and used by society. Christianity gave them the right to be respected, well treated and loved. For example, Christanity gave
women the right to with hold sex till marriage and this type of action really makes a difference for women. In conclusion, I feel Christanity really
helped people in this difficult era, no matter if your rich, poor, a man or a woman, everyone was treated equally the same
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Church Essay
The church has influenced various issues in our society. The issues which have been influenced are abortion, divorce, homosexuality, and poverty. But
before we look at how these issues were influenced lets first look at some of the aspects of the church.
The churches mass is made up of two parts– the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist for the duration of which the Holy Communion is
rejoiced. Mass is the center of worship that Catholics participate in. Catholics are supposed to attend Mass every Sunday and on a small number of
important feasts days throughout the year. Mass is a crucial aspect in marriages, funerals, and other Catholic ceremonies and its celebrated every day in
the more content...
Minors who have been sexually abused by constituents of the clergy has become an important focus in the U.S. as well as some European nations. In
the year 2002, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops endorsed a Charter for the Protection of Young People and Children. However, the Vatican did
not support the Charter by claiming impending clashes among the plan's procedures and the laws of the Church. The bishops altered their policies later.
In the year 2004, the first major study of child sexual maltreatment in the U.S. church has discovered that from 1950–2002, about four percent, or 4,392
priests, were engaged in committing sexual abuses to more than 10,000 children. Researches also came across that the church has spent $572 million in
imbursements to victims, treatment for priests, and legal charges.
Abortion is another controversial subject that has been continually argues over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main
controversy is should abortion be legalized? There are two sides to this abortion topic the Pro–Life which are those who are against abortion and the
Pro–Choice or those who believe it is the woman's right to choose if she wants to have an abortion.
Despite the Bible failing to condemn the practice of abortion, it does place great emphasis on the value of life and
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Leadership Role Of The Church Essay
Leadership Role Paper
In Ephesians 4:11 (KJV), The Apostle Paul writes of the offices in the New Testament church which have been ordained by God for the perfecting of
the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ. Pastors and teachers is a combined role of what the leader of the
church in a growing ministry are called by God to perform.
In brief order, the role of a pastor or leader is to be a servant leader. The Bible provides pastors and leaders in a Christian church with the best model of
a servant leader in Jesus Christ. According to Thorsten Grahn (2011), "Jesus submitted his own life to sacrificial service under the will of (Luke
22:42), and he sacrificed his life freely out of service for others (John 10:30). He came to serve (Matthew 20:28) although he was God's son and was
thus more powerful than any other leader in the world. He healed the sick (Mark 7:31–37), drove out demons (Mark 5:1–20), was recognized as
Teacher and Lord (John 13:13), and had power over the wind and the sea and even over death (Mark 4:35–41; Matthew 9:18–26. In John 13:1–17
Jesus gives ... responsibility of the house–servant" (Grahn, 2011, p. 2).
This in short summarizes what the role of a pastor is to be which was illustrated by the head of the Christian church. Today, the role of pastor "in a
modern–day "pastor" system is as much a departure from the New Testament pattern of church as is an ecclesiastical hierarchy. No one man can
assume the
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Descriptive Essay About My Church

  • 1. Descriptive Essay About My Church Almost every year my family, I, and almost the whole entire church that I go to which is called Mountain of Fire & Miracles Ministries Bowie Maryland also known as MFM Bowie Maryland; usually we go to a retreat called Sandy Cove during the summer time for 4 days and 3 nights. The placed Sandy Cove is a Christian conference ministry that is an all–inclusive, year–round Christian retreat center located on the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay in North East, Maryland. The reason why my family, I, and almost the whole entire church go to Sandy Cove is because it's a great peaceful and rejuvenate place to pray to GOD and to get to know your fellow church members. Also, it's a place to relax and fun with your fellow church members too. In general people I heard that many people go there to any different needs and hopes in anticipation of a special time away with GOD and others and find what they are looking for there. So, my family and I always pack our clothes and stuff into luggage's a week before the retreat. The way my family and I get to Sandy Cove is by going on a tour bus with our church members and a few church members also drive there to get to the place. Sandy Cove is one and 40 minutes drive from our church. Once you get to the place, you are encountered with a gate that says welcome to Sandy Cove Ministries, after we have entered through the gate we keep on going along to the building which the hotel that our entire church will be staying. Along the way you can see Get more content on
  • 2. Changing Culture of the Church Essay We live in a society today that is vastly different to the one the previous generation grew up in; priorities have changed with people finding completely new ways to spend their time, people have an barrage of options presented to them with every decision and everyone seems to find someone else to blame for the current situation. 50 years ago this country was experiencing a cultural way of thinking known as modernity, this was described very well by Anthony Giddens here; "Modernity is a shorthand term for modern society, or industrial civilisation, it is associated with a certain set of attitudes towards the world, the idea of the world as open to transformation, by human intervention"1 A great example of this occurred in 1969 more content... The cultural shift we are currently going through is known as postmodernism and it is rather unclear where it is leading the combined with its constantly shifting, changing and evolving nature makes it very hard to define. Tomlinson however does a good job of summing it up in this quote: "The postmodern world is a world which understands itself through biological rather than mechanistic models; a world where people see themselves as belonging to the environment rather than over it or apart from it. A world distrustful of institutions, hierarchies, centralised bureaucracies and male dominated organisations... A world hungry for spirituality yet dismissive of systemised religion. It is a world in which image and reality are so deeply intertwined that it is difficult to draw a line between the two"2 Through this change a number of obvious changes have become apparent, a major one of which is the changing shape of the family and the extinction of traditional family life with it. In a study entitled Social Structure, Murdock3 examined the institution of the family in a wide range of societies and deemed that as such the family is universal. There are many types of family structure: The Nuclear family is where children live with both parents until they are of an age where they leave home for reasons of work or further education. In a survey done by the government for the year 2004, 66% of Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On The Church would be free to establish healthy kingdom alliances with fellow spirit filled ministries. In Acts 2:42, the apostles clearly understood that the mission that they were called to was relational. So they continued daily from house to house, fellowshipping, breaking bread and praying. It's a miracle to get 50 pastors in any city in America to come together for that city alone for any extended period of time. Most churches and pastors have tunnel vision and short memories just like children. The gift of the apostle found in Ephesians 4 is who God placed first in the church specifically to establish kingdom government. Once enough local churches have shifted back to the spiritual foundation that God established in the New Testament, more content... It is possible to have the gift and not be controlled by the giver. The gifts come in part and in seasons as He sees fit–we do not function in these gifts at will. Some people can prophesy and speak in tongues, but they fail to discipline that tongue. The giver of all gifts is God and He is love. And, I know that you have known people who may be quite charismatic and even flow in a gifts of two–but their character has a lot to be desired. (The character of the Holy Spirit operating in the believer at all times as stated in Galatians 5:22 is the more "excellent" way. 3. Plurality of Elders appointed to serve by the Apostles and Pastors in the spiritual administration: In order to clarify the term (elder) in the bible–it must be clear also that the terms bishop, elder and pastor are used interchangeably. The Greek term eВ·piК№skoВ·pos is that of protective supervision, which is the role of a shepherd or pastor. The terms "overseer" and "elder" (preВ·sbyК№teВ·ros) refer to the same position in the scriptures, with "elder" indicating (chronology) and the mature qualities of the one so appointed, and "overseer" emphasizing the duties inherent in this appointment. In essence, an elder in the bible specifically address an older person. One who is seasoned in the word, full of spiritual maturity and of senior age. The reason why Paul said not to exalt a novice is because they are generally a young person with not much Get more content on
  • 4. A Passionate Sermon At Church Essay Once during a passionate sermon at church, my pastor had made a vivid statement about incorporation of sin in law. Pastor Smith stated, "the world has developed loopholes to maintain its dignity by incorporating sin into the law, and as long as we are operating under the law, our actions are perceived as being justified"(Smith). Reflecting on his theory has brought me to the realization that the United Stated has established a profitable industry, governed by the creation and the manipulation of laws. Although, it's ideal to believe that the standards of laws were truly orchestrated with the foundation of equality, justice, and freedom. It is imperative to be informed of historical events that has transpired through the history of the black race each operating under the ordinance of law. Beginning with the development of slavery, to the alarming rate of black men behind bars. I am compelled to present the clause of injustice that has labeled the United States as the home of 25% of the world 's prisoners (). The United States of America accounts for 5% of the world 's population. This number depicted the actuality articulated by Van Jones, "one out of four human beings with their hands on the bars, shackled, in the the world are locked up in the land of the free (). His descriptive statement resonates far from being believable considering we are a nation that promotes itself as being a land of opportunity. However, these opportunities that are glamorized were not Get more content on
  • 5. Four Marks Of The Church Essay The four marks of our church are what we believe as Roman Catholics our church to be. We state these beliefs in the Nicene Creed and they are also shown in many other parts of our faith. Only the Roman Catholic Church reflects the fullness of these marks. It is through these marks that salvation can be achieved. These marks include One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostalic. The meaning of the first mark of the church is that we are united in our creed as well as other teachings, the celebration of the Sacraments, and the hierarchical structure based on the Apostalic succession preserved through holy Orders. The church is one for three reasons. These reasons include its source (the Holy Trinity), its founder Jesus Christ, and its "soul" (the Holy Spirit). These reasons make the "oneness" of the church visible. No matter where you worship God at mass, it is the same all over the world. The readings are the same, the order of the mass is the same, and the more content... The meaning of the word Catholic is universal. The church is catholic in two senses. The first is that Christ is present in her so she possesses the fullness of Christ and has received from him the fullness of the means of salvation. The second is Christ sent her on a mission to gather all people into the people of God. The church feels connected to all people because all are made in the image and likeness of God. Despite this, the perfect union with God and all people will not take place till the end of time. Churches are completely and fully Catholic when they are in communion with the Church of Rome, meaning they recognize the Pope's authority as the visible foundation for the unity of all members of the church and church leaders. The Seven Sacraments are also a huge part of what makes the church Catholic as they touch the totality of a persons life and Catholic journey from Baptism in the beginning as a sacrament of initiation to Annointing of the Sick at the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Personal Experience: Sunday Worship I entered into the worship service, unaware of what to expect. I was not familiar with this church, it was a non–denominational church, but the pastor had his roots in the A.M.E. Zion Church and branched out to establish his own church. I walked into the sanctuary prepared to participate in the Sunday School. I found a seat and readied myself to engage in some meaningful discussion. After sitting for several minutes, I asked one of the gentlemen who was standing at the front of the church if they had already started and where was the lesson coming from. He looked at his watch and indicated that he didn't know if we had time for Sunday School. A puzzled look came over my face and I couldn't help but express my confusion as I looked more content... Far too often, in this emerging new culture, we want to treat God as friend, and not as creator and sustainer. Humans are flawed fleshly beings, therefore whenever in the true presence of God a transformation from old to new should occur. We should feel so convicted about our transgressions until we have an earnest desire to change. The flesh dies and slowly loses control of our lives, leaving the Holy Spirit to freely dwell. Ironically enough the next topic he mentioned was praise. He talked about a song which was sung by the choir "Praise is what we do" and he couldn't understand the relevance behind these words. Once again, I slowly raised my hand and injected that praise is what we do, worship transcends beyond these parameters as an act of honoring and revering God. Worship is the entire church experience. Before I could elaborate further, he quickly indicated it was time to close out and we didn't have time for further discussion. This Sunday School experience demonstrated the necessity for us to educate those persons who uphold leadership positions in the Church. If the Sunday school teacher had simply taken the time to research the answers to his questions, he would have been properly equipped to lead the discussion. It saddened me to realize that in essence it was the blind leading the blind. In a situation such as this, it is imperative that Get more content on
  • 7. The Church is Holly in Three Ways Essay From the Incarnation of the Word, the world was given the fullness of divine Revelation in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ instructed the apostles with the task of handing down all that he had taught them. In order that they fulfill this mission, the Father sent the Holy Spirit upon them. The Holy Spirit allowed the apostles to understand the fullness of Christ's teachings and proclaim them. This definitive Revelation of Christ , which was given to the apostles and continues now through the Church, is found in Sacred Scripture and Sacred tradition, as the Deposit of faith. In conclusion "God has entrusted to the Catholic Church all Revealed Truth" (Theological Flint) If a Christian Church has broken away from the Catholic Church more content... The church is made up of sinful members yet it is still considered holy. As the second mark states the church is holy, "the church receives this from her founder Jesus Christ through the indwelling of the holy Spirit." (The Church: Sacrament of Salvation) Christ filled the Church with grace completely making her sanctifying. The Church is holy in three ways. She is holy because of her founder Christ. She is holy because her goal is the glory of God. She is holy because she was given to bring all men into communion with god, through teachings of Christ, the sacraments, and the life of prayer. She remains holy even with her sinful members because "her essence is the Mystical body of Christ, and like Christ is Holy and without sin." (The Church: Sacrament of Salvation) The sins of her members do not defile her holiness, instead her holiness defiles their sins, transforming them into holiness. As the first mark states the Church is one. She remains one because of the belief in one God, and also that Jesus instituted the one Church. since the Church is known as one we acknowledge "the unity and solidarity of the Church." (The Church: Sacrament of Salvation) With the catholic faith spread around the world many different customs arise but the Church still remain in unity. This is because the church's unity does not come from her members but from God, her divine source. The many members of the Church are united with Get more content on
  • 8. My Experience Of The Church And My Church My whole life I had been attending church with my family. It was just a regular thing that we did every Sunday and sometimes on Wednesdays. I thought because I had two parents that had been Christians for their whole lives it automatically made me a Christian from the instant I was born. I thought there was no need for me to do the initiation prayer and profess my faith publically, but I was wrong. In the second grade I realized Jesus needed to be something I had to make my own thing and He was something I had to pursue by myself. On Easter Sunday when I was in second grade my church was having something special for the students in first through sixth grade. Everyone in those grades were going to met on the grass behind the church. On the grass was a huge tent where we were going to have our special Easter message. Of course I had already heard the Easter stories multiple times by now and I did not think anything special was going to happen. They gave us the message about how God died on the cross for our sins so we did not have to, then he rose again on the third day. After the message the leaders let us plays some games. I remember one game in which we had to fish for the ducks with magnets and if you fished out the duck with the special sign on the bottom you got a prize. I did not win but one of my friends did win and I was happy for him. Near the end of the service we began to do worship, which honestly was my least favorite part. I never liked singing the adult song Get more content on
  • 9. The Church as a Christian Community Essay Few organizations are as present in our cities and towns than churches. While every municipality has dozens of fraternal organizations, shops, and information centers, it is entirely common to look across a cityscape and see the spires of a steeple peeking out above the surroundings. However, the use of the word "church" to describe this buildings fall short of its original meaning, with the word indicating a body of people, joined for a specific theological purpose. Different Churches see different ways at succeeding at fulfilling this purpose. While the Church often seems antiquated in modern times, I will analyze its importance in the modern world. Finally, I will identify the place of the Church in the modern world. It is important more content... Francis identifies that the two ideas of the people of God, and those people who are called to be leaders of the people, and realizes that they are in separable because of their purpose. Without the people as a whole, the hierarchy would have few means of reaching the world as a whole; without the hierarchy, the people would lack leadership, and from a Catholic perspective: the Grace found in the Sacraments. It is through Grace that the Church endeavors to complete its primary mission: the salvation of souls . The first task in working towards the salvation of souls is the spread of the Gospels. The Church desires to spread the Gospel through preaching and works, to take up Christ on his command to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). The Church does this in a special way by being a presence in the world, to spread the Gospel through preaching, and to practice the Gospel in everyday life. Natalie Kertes Weaver, a theologian and religious scholar at Ursuline College describes this presence in her book Christian Thought and Practice, saying that: "As a community of believers, the church plays a vital role in the way individual Christians experience their faith. It is also critical to Christians' understanding of the way in which Jesus' grace is made available to them" . Here, we can see the importance of different roles in the community. While the largest part of the community, the laity, helps to be Get more content on
  • 10. A Leadership Development Of The Church Essay ENACTING A LEADERSHIP PIPELINE IN THE CHURCH Most churches have leadership positions that, by default, become vacancies for the enlisted warm body to assume. Intentionality is absent or obfuscated by the activity of the church and the apparent lack of vision clarity. Developing a pipeline comes from a convictional mandate to multiply as leaders and facilitate depth of discipline. The first step in the strategy to enact a leadership development plan is to embark on the journey through prayer. Embark Through Prayer Prayer is the penetrating activity of a leadership expansion strategy, from inception and continuing as a foundation throughout. Leadership development apart from God is nothing more than a ladder of accomplishment within the ranks of a local body of believers. Daniel Im states, "Christian leadership is not taking secular leadership and baptizing it into the church." Essentially, Christian leadership sprouts from the call of God on a believer 's life to move from doing the things of scripture to training others to do and further equip. One cannot pursue an endeavor of this magnitude, assume success, without the practice of prayer by the originators of the idea, but also of the early coalition that will first grasp the urgency of this strategy. Finally, prayer is the catalyst for checking motivation, ego, and the root thrust of moving forward. Being the Example Pride exhibits in a pastor 's clasped hands of control and insecurity, the essence of which is moving Get more content on
  • 11. Early Christian Church Essay The vision of the early Christian Church as a haven of peace in a troubled world is a fiction that history shows to be false, and for some very good reasons. Even when Jesus was still with his apostles a dispute arose that signalled the bitter partisanship and embattled denominationalism that came into even sharper relief in the centuries that followed Jesus' ascent into heaven, where he sits at the right hand of God. God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: The first signal that a 'them and us' mentality was present is shown when some of the apostles forbade a man not of their band from casting out devils in the name of Jesus. And John answered him, saying, Master, more content... Such demarcation embraced the persecution of those considered heretical. The extent of persecutions of heretics formed a litany of cruel and murderous practices that Christianity has not Get more content on
  • 12. The Mission Of The Church Is Mission Essay The Mission of the Church is Mission However we look at the purpose of the Church in the world today we cannot avoid the fundamental truths that God created us to firstly have communion with Him; then to fellowship with others who have also come to believe in the saving work of Christ; and also to witness to the lost who live in our midst. These three things I believe are inseparable and I want to focus on the last point after making some brief comments about the first two. God did not leave us in doubt about His love for mankind when we read throughout the Old and New Testaments about His provision of a way back to Him, even though it was Man who rebelled against God and so deserves His wrath. Many times we see how God more content... And then God sent His Son. To fulfil the promises He made in the beginning, God redeemed all peoples by sending the Christ not only to proclaim the coming Kingdom, but also to pay the price of the sins of mankind by dying on the cross. The resurrection of the Christ on the third day proved the power of God to all mankind that even death has been conquered by Him. The Christian Church was born. The first believers were given a mandate that would have seemed rather daunting in the ancient world – 'you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth'(Acts 1:8 NRSV). But this was consistent with the message of the Old Testament and proof of God's faithfulness; He has not abandoned His people He so dearly loves. During the past two thousand years there have been many developments in the way Christians interact with each other and with the rest of the world. Mostly the Church has become an institution that seems to exist for its own purposes and the evangelistic mandate in many places has been largely forgotten. The Enlightenment of the eighteenth century and the development of liberal theology of the late nineteenth century have done much to erode the zeal of the Church to reach out to the lost ones of this Get more content on
  • 13. What does the Church mean to you? What does the Church mean to you? When you hear "the Church," what do you think of? Maybe, it is that place where you are forced to go every weekend, something to do with Jesus and God, but you aren 't quite sure, or, do you think of Jesus dying for you? Well, whatever you think of, I am going to explain to you what, from the Bible passages that I have read, what I think God was trying to explain to us. God tries to explain what the Church should mean to us in the Bible passages through the apostles and people he has sent down to proclaim His word. During the Last Supper, Jesus took the bread, broke it and said, "This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me." Since then, the meaning of the Church has been more content... God does not make us incomplete, so who are we to make the body of Christ incomplete? We are each put here to serve some purpose. Although we may not know what this purpose is, God will guide us in the right direction, and we will soon enough find out. WE can each become active in Christ 's body in many ways. A start may be by going to Church every week. You could also try going on an Antioch weekend, or Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About The Church My church, Crestmont Alliance Church, is focused on mission and Jesus. My church is located in Aliquippa and we do a lot of mission work there. My church is one hundred years old. Crestmont has many special features. It has a kitchen, some classrooms, a nursery, a cafe, and a baptismal. In addition to Sunday worship, the church is used for weddings, VBS, committee meetings, prayer meetings, Bible studies, and birthday parties, and special events. My church is also used as a voting poll but the Pastor and the Elders do not let people advertise for the candidates. They teach our church Biblical truths so that they can make their own decisions about who to vote for. In our sanctuary we have 5 flags in the very front. The five flags are the American flag, the Christian flag, the Jordanian flag, the Dominican Republic flag and the Florida state flag. The latter three flags represent the countries and states that are in a missionary partnership with Crestmont. We have a multitude of flags along the side of my church that represent the countries the Christian Missionary Alliance partner with. We have a communion table with multiple names of Christ on it. (It was donated to the church in memory of my Grandfather.) We also have stain glass windows but they don't have a specific purpose, they just make the sanctuary more reverent. There is a large wooden cross above the baptismal which is the focal point of the sanctuary to represent that Jesus was crucified for us. Sunday morning Get more content on
  • 15. My Childhood Church Experience lective Essay I grew up in a very average family, as far as religion goes. We are Christians practicing a very mainstream form of Christianity. We had sporadic church attendance, did not tithe as suggested by the church, but did donate money to the church and participate in volunteer activities and youth groups with the church. I would say that, regardless of denomination, my childhood church experience was very similar to the experiences that most people growing up in America, who self–identify as Christians, have in their churches. This generic experience made it relatively easy for me to go from my church to other churches with my friends in high school. They all had the same basic format: a prayer service for all members, a special youth–oriented service or activity for teenagers, and sometimes a breakfast, brunch, or lunch after the service. The various churches in my area hosted different events aimed at teenagers throughout the year, so it would not be uncommon for kids of all denominations to attend the lock–in at the local Methodist Church one weekend, and then a fall carnival at the local Catholic Church the following weekend. While there were certain activities, such as taking communion that were generally forbidden or discouraged among non–members, most of the churches had a very welcoming attitude towards non–members. My first experience where I felt like a member of an outcast group came when I went to church with a girl I had recently befriended in high Get more content on
  • 16. Church Planting Essay Introduction Over the years, church planters passionately stepped into church planting across the globe at great costs in obedience to God's call. Some used the mother–church method and cell or house church method in cross–cultural settings. Some planters believe that it is the quality of their planting methods, effective publicity, attractive programmes, missional teams and resources that will make theirchurch plant successful. Whereas these are helpful, the central factor is the God of mission, who, through the work of the Holy Spirit and the gospel reveals himself to people, convicts of sin, transforms people and brings them salvation. For effectiveness, planters with the right mix of spiritual gifts including outreach more content... This growth was understood as developing the work of existing churches, not creating additional ones. This may have assisted the birth of a more outward–looking church, but was not a direct precursor of church planting and helpfully has often been confused with it. Only three expressions of church were planted in 1978, and of those, one was the reopening of a closed church building. It is not clear why, by 1983, this number of church plants had trebled to nine...In 1984 the first book on the subject was published for the English market – How to Plant Churches – from the British Church Growth Association. From the above, one realises that it is worth learning from planting experiences of the past. Some causes of failure in church planting in the past include poor administrative structures, poor planning, ineffective and inefficient leadership, lack of focus, cultural unawareness, ignorance and inadequate facilities and resources. Answering the question is church planting passГ©; the working group stated from their research of planting experience that: After the 1990s' peak of interest in church planting, there came a stream of other supposed solutions to mission ineffectiveness: Seeker Services, the Toronto blessing, the Alpha course, Cell church, Celtic Worship, Pensicola Revival and most recently the 'Transforming Communities' videos. Many of these initiatives have been wrongly interpreted as offering a 'quick fix' to the mission dilemma of the Get more content on
  • 17. The History of the Christian Church Essay The fall and decline of the Roman Republic became an act of survival and it destroyed Rome completely. The only way for farmers to survey, would be to make their own fighting equipment and they would struggle everyday, they had nothing. The land would be ugly, not maintain because, they had nothing to maintain it with, and they were poor. The farmers had no choice but to sell their property to the Romans, also know as the Socrates. Also, in 133 B.C the Gracchi brothers were trying to make situation better by relocating farmers in the North Africa, but along the way they were both killed. Marius and Sulla were a new role for the Roman Army but, shortly they were against one another. Marius made a list of Sulla's friend and had them more content... Why did Christianity appeal to people, especially women? "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for these sums up the law and the Prophet". I believe this quote from Jesus was very important during this time, between Roman and Jesus, because it was all about death and slavery. Roman's most certainly didn't believe in fairness but more control and power. Christians believe in equality between all humans. The belief of Christology was spreading, a 100 churches developed in popular cites of the east and other places towards the west area of the empire, even Latin–speaking people took a liking to Christian belief. The Christians belief was important to people, because it brought them hope for equal rights. Men were accepted by this religion and it gave them the opportunity to suppress the thought of war and death. Men gained some belief, that they are more to this world, then being a warrior and losing their lives. Christianity really took an affect on women during this time, because women were so miss treated and used by society. Christianity gave them the right to be respected, well treated and loved. For example, Christanity gave women the right to with hold sex till marriage and this type of action really makes a difference for women. In conclusion, I feel Christanity really helped people in this difficult era, no matter if your rich, poor, a man or a woman, everyone was treated equally the same Get more content on
  • 18. Church Essay The church has influenced various issues in our society. The issues which have been influenced are abortion, divorce, homosexuality, and poverty. But before we look at how these issues were influenced lets first look at some of the aspects of the church. The churches mass is made up of two parts– the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist for the duration of which the Holy Communion is rejoiced. Mass is the center of worship that Catholics participate in. Catholics are supposed to attend Mass every Sunday and on a small number of important feasts days throughout the year. Mass is a crucial aspect in marriages, funerals, and other Catholic ceremonies and its celebrated every day in the more content... Minors who have been sexually abused by constituents of the clergy has become an important focus in the U.S. as well as some European nations. In the year 2002, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops endorsed a Charter for the Protection of Young People and Children. However, the Vatican did not support the Charter by claiming impending clashes among the plan's procedures and the laws of the Church. The bishops altered their policies later. In the year 2004, the first major study of child sexual maltreatment in the U.S. church has discovered that from 1950–2002, about four percent, or 4,392 priests, were engaged in committing sexual abuses to more than 10,000 children. Researches also came across that the church has spent $572 million in imbursements to victims, treatment for priests, and legal charges. Abortion is another controversial subject that has been continually argues over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main controversy is should abortion be legalized? There are two sides to this abortion topic the Pro–Life which are those who are against abortion and the Pro–Choice or those who believe it is the woman's right to choose if she wants to have an abortion. Despite the Bible failing to condemn the practice of abortion, it does place great emphasis on the value of life and Get more content on
  • 19. Leadership Role Of The Church Essay Leadership Role Paper In Ephesians 4:11 (KJV), The Apostle Paul writes of the offices in the New Testament church which have been ordained by God for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ. Pastors and teachers is a combined role of what the leader of the church in a growing ministry are called by God to perform. In brief order, the role of a pastor or leader is to be a servant leader. The Bible provides pastors and leaders in a Christian church with the best model of a servant leader in Jesus Christ. According to Thorsten Grahn (2011), "Jesus submitted his own life to sacrificial service under the will of (Luke 22:42), and he sacrificed his life freely out of service for others (John 10:30). He came to serve (Matthew 20:28) although he was God's son and was thus more powerful than any other leader in the world. He healed the sick (Mark 7:31–37), drove out demons (Mark 5:1–20), was recognized as Teacher and Lord (John 13:13), and had power over the wind and the sea and even over death (Mark 4:35–41; Matthew 9:18–26. In John 13:1–17 Jesus gives ... responsibility of the house–servant" (Grahn, 2011, p. 2). This in short summarizes what the role of a pastor is to be which was illustrated by the head of the Christian church. Today, the role of pastor "in a modern–day "pastor" system is as much a departure from the New Testament pattern of church as is an ecclesiastical hierarchy. No one man can assume the Get more content on