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How to do business in Turkey?
                Investors' guide

November 2011
Table of contents

    1. Turkey in general                                                                  1
             1.1. Geography, political and economic background                            1
             1.2. Current political administration and government structure               1
             1.3. Currency                                                                2
             1.4. Population                                                              2
             1.5. E-Government in Turkey                                                  2
             1.6. International relations                                                 2

    2. Turkish economy                                                                    3
              2.1. Main economic indicators                                               3
              2.2. International Trade                                                    3
              2.3. Foreign Direct Investments                                             5

    3. Industrial and service outlook                                                     7
              3.1. Transportation and defense                                             7
              3.2. Automotive                                                             12
              3.3. Financial Services Industry (FSI) in Turkey                            13
              3.4. Consumer Business                                                      14
              3.5. Energy & Resources                                                     16
              3.6. Life Science and Health Care                                           18
              3.7. Construction                                                           20
              3.8. Telecommunication and IT                                               21
              3.9. Tourism                                                                23

    4. Incentives and financing                                                            25
              4.1. Types of Incentives Available                                          25
              4.2. Investment Incentives                                                  25
              4.3. Export-Oriented Incentives                                             35
              4.4. Other Tax/Non-Tax Incentives                                           37
              4.5. Financing                                                              39

    5. Business regulations and requirements                                              41
              5.1. Foreign Investment Rules                                               41
              5.2. Foreign Trade                                                          43
              5.3. Registration and Licensing                                             45
              5.4. Price Controls and Competition Law                                     45
              5.5. Exchange Controls                                                      46
              5.6. Accounting Principles and Statutory Books                              48

    6. Major highlights of the New Turkish Commercial Code                                49
             6.1. Enterprise Law                                                          49
             6.2. Company Law                                                             51

    7. Employment law and practice                                                        63
             7.1 Employees’ Rights and Remuneration                                       63
             7.2. Social Security and Unemployment Insurance Payments                     65
             7.3. Termination of Employment                                               66
             7.4. Labor Management Relations                                              67
             7.5. Employment of Foreign Individuals                                       67

    8. Choice of business entity(*)                                                       71
              8.1. Principal Forms                                                        71
              8.2. General Rules for Establishment of Companies by Foreign Shareholders   72
              8.3. Corporations                                                           73
              8.4. Limited Liability Companies                                            76
              8.5. Branches                                                               77
              8.6. Partnerships                                                           77
              8.7. Joint Ventures                                                         78

Table of contents

         8.8. Liaison Offices                                                78
         8.9. Mergers, Acquisitions, Conversions, De-mergers, Share Swaps   78

9. Corporate income taxation                                                79
         9.1. Entities Liable for Corporate Income Tax                      79
         9.2. Residence and Non-Residence                                   79
         9.3. Taxable Income                                                79
         9.4. Corporate Income Tax Rates                                    80
         9.5. Dividend Withholding Tax                                      80
         9.6. Treatment of Losses                                           80
         9.7. Participation Exemption                                       80
         9.8. Capital Gains Taxation                                        81
         9.9. Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC)                            81
         9.10. Transfer Pricing                                             81
         9.11. Cost Sharing/Cost Allocations                                82
         9.12. Anti-Tax Haven Rules                                         83
         9.13. Thin Capitalization Rules                                    83
         9.14. Taxation of Branches of Foreign Companies                    85
         9.15. Liquidation                                                  85
         9.16. Assessments, Payments and Tax Audits                         86

10. Individual income taxation                                              87
          10.1. Residence and Non-Residence                                 87
          10.2. Taxable Income                                              87
          10.3. Individual Income Tax Rates                                 88
          10.4. Assessments and Payments                                    88

11. Withholding taxes and double tax relief                                 89

         11.1. Major Withholding Tax Rates                                  89
         11.2. Double Tax Treaty Relief                                     89
         11.3. Unilateral Relief                                            92

12. Other taxes                                                             93
         12.1. Value Added Tax                                              93
         12.2. Special Consumption Tax (SCT)                                94
         12.3. Property Tax                                                 95
         12.4. Inheritance and Transfer Tax                                 95
         12.5. Stamp Tax                                                    95
         12.6. Motor Vehicle Tax                                            95
         12.7. Bank and Insurance Transaction Tax                           96
         12.8. Special Communication Tax                                    96

13. How Deloitte can help?                                                  97
        13.1.Corporate Income Tax Certification                              98
        (Compliance) Services What is Tax Certification (Compliance)?
        13.2.Financial Services Industry Tax Advisory Services              98
        13.3.International Tax Advisory Services                            99
        13.4.Mergers and Acquisitions                                       99
        13.5.Taxation of Individuals                                        100
        13.6.Indirect Tax Services                                          100
        13.7.Transfer Pricing Services                                      100
        13.8.Tax and Customs Litigation Consultancy Services                101
        13.9.Customs and Foreign Trade                                      101

14. Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)                                    102
    Foreign Economic Relations Board

Appendix: Useful Links and addresses                                        103

Message of the president

                                                                                      Turkey is a manufacturing country, a major
                                                                                      producer of a diverse range of industrial project.
                                                                                      Turkey exports more than 200 countries and has
                                                                                      a foreign trade volume reaching to 300 billion
                                                                                      dollars. Two thirds of Turkish exports go to the
                                                                                      advanced industrial countries of the European
                                                                                      Union, North America, and the OECD. Turkey is
                                                                                      the sixth largest trading partner of the European
    M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu                                                           Union.
    President of DEIK
    (Foreign Economic                                                                 There are many opportunities in Turkey for global
    Relations Board of                                                                investors in particular. In the last 8 years, Turkey
    Turkey) and Union                                                                 has implemented several structural reforms
    of Chambers and                                                                   in order to improve conditions for investors.
    Commodity Exchanges                                                               Consequently, only in the last 5 years, it attracted
    of Turkey (TOBB)                                                                  foreign direct investment over 70 billion dollars. 26
                                                                                      thousands foreign enterprises operate in Turkey.

                              It is my great pleasure to introduce this “Investors’   We welcome foreign investors and promise them
                              Guide for Turkey”, written in collaboration             a vital and exciting environment in which they can
                              with Deloitte, intended to introduce Turkey to          look forward to sharing the opportunities of rapid
                              the global business community and provide key           growth. Companies well-established here will be
                              information about current economic issues, the          able to reap the rewards, while late-comers will
                              investment environment, and the general business        have missed the opportunities I mentioned.
                              framework of our country.
                                                                                      From its establishment till today, Foreign Economic
                              The opportunities are real and very exciting. Turkey    Relations Board (DEİK) has been a trail-blazer
                              already ranked as the 15th largest economy in the       in establishing new links between the Turkish
                              world and ranked 6th largest economy in Europe          business community and its counterparts
                              in terms of purchasing power parity. Turkey has         elsewhere. DEİK plays the leading role as an
                              been one of the fastest growing of the OECD             intermediary between Turkish private sector
                              countries for many years. Recent researches             and global business community. DEİK, with its
                              predict that Turkish economy will be the second         100 business councils; local, regional and global
                              biggest in Europe, after the UK by 2050.                network; its professional team, is ready to support
                              Therefore, it is often labeled as the BRIC of Europe.   and guide your business initiatives in Turkey. I very
                                                                                      much hope that this investors’ guide will succeed
                              The figures tell their own story. Turkey has the         in its aim of encouraging business people to take
                              largest free market economy between Italy and           advantage of the enormous opportunities which
                              China. Turkish multinationals are rising stars of       are to be found in Turkey today. On this occasion,
                              global market. There are 24 Turkish companies           I would like to thank Deloitte most sincerely
                              within the list of 100 biggest companies in             to cooperate with us in preparing this valuable
                              Islamic world. Turkish contracting industry is the      investors’ guide.
                              second biggest of the world, after China. Turkish
                              contractors are currently handling overseas
                              projects worth a total of 190 billion dollars at the
                              end of 2010.

Message from the chairman of
the executive board

Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK)
was founded in 1988 to promote the economic
and commercial relations of Turkish private sector
abroad along with the broader goal of ensuring
the overall integration of the Turkish economy into
the global economy.

As a consequence of the economic liberalization
policies of the 1980s, Turkey became a prominent
actor in international trade as well as an attractive
hub for foreign direct investments. In fact, DEİK
has earned considerable credit for achievement as
an institution that makes every effort to open the
                                                                                                                Rona Yırcalı
Turkish economy up to the world economy.
                                                                                                                Chairman of DEİK
                                                                                                                Executive Board
In this new era, the priorities of DEİK include
fostering production of goods and services
which have high added value and competitive
power, providing market diversity and depth,            Deloitte’s commitment to Turkey’s commercial,
contributing in attracting the investments involving    industrial and financial development as well as
high technology to Turkey; and supporting the           integration to the global economy serves as an
trademark of Turkish brands and providing them          exemplary model in terms of forging business
the opportunity to have activities in the global        relationships among foreign and domestic
arena.                                                  investors. Based on our shared vision and strong
                                                        commitment to Turkey’s development, I am
In addition to its routine meetings, DEİK organized     confident that Deloitte and DEIK will collaborate
more than 539 activities, 458 in Turkey and 81          on more projects in the near future. In this
abroad, and hosted 39 Presidents and Prime              respect, I sincerely thank, Deloitte, once again, for
Ministers of various countries in the previous year.    joining us in our endeavor to illuminate foreign
Additionally, DEİK coordinated very significant          businessmen and investors abroad about the
meetings where many of the most distinguished           business opportunities and legal framework in
persons in the world could meet with Turkish and        particular and the Turkish economic situation in
foreign businessmen.                                    general.

“Investors’ Guide for Turkey” which has been            I hope that Turkey will be promoted because of
prepared in cooperation with Deloitte is a very         this publication, and new projects, enterprises,
useful publication for both the new and the             and cooperation will be established which will
current investors in Turkey. Deloitte’s local and       render Turkey one of the biggest economies in the
global expertise in tax and consulting as well as 25    world. I sincerely believe that with the guidance of
years of business experience in Turkey are some         DEİK as a pioneering organization serving Turkey’s
of the valuable assets Deloitte brought to our          integration into the world, Turkey will become
invaluable partnership.                                 further involved with the world.


                                                                               We closely observe that Turkey is getting more and
                                                                               more in line with the global business standards
                                                                               as a result of the economic liberalization policies
                                                                               of the 1980’s followed by harmonization of tax,
                                                                               investment and business related legislation with
                                                                               the global applications through the enactment
                                                                               of the new Customs Law in 1999, new Law
                                                                               for Foreign Direct Investment in 2003 as well
                                                                               as the New Corporate Income Tax Law in 2006
                                                                               and finally the new Turkish Commercial Code
                                                                               published in the Official Gazette on 14 February
                                                                               2011, the majority of Articles of which will enter
                                                                               into force on 1 July 2012. The New Corporation
                                                                               Tax Law is important since it has introduced
    Güler Hülya Yılmaz
                                                                               rules governing “Disguised Profit Distribution
    Tax Partner
                                                                               through Transfer Pricing” for transactions
    Deloitte Turkey
                                                                               between related parties in line with the Transfer
                                                                               Pricing Guidelines of the Organization for
                         It is a great pleasure for Deloitte Turkey to         Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
                         cooperate with the Foreign Economic Relations         as well as those rules governing “Controlled
                         Board of Turkey (“DEIK”) once again to contribute     Foreign Companies”. Finally, the official
                         to the development of Turkey’s economic,              publication of the new Turkish Commercial
                         commercial, industrial and financial relations with    Code (Law No. 6102) has introduced the use of
                         foreign countries as well as international business   Turkish Accounting Standards in line with the
                         organizations and communities. DEIK plays a           International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
                         very important role in achieving the integration      audit requirements and a number of new rules
                         of Turkey’s economy into the global economy.          about the establishment, organization and legal
                         This integration requires development of business     operations of different types of legal entities,
                         relations with foreign countries and attraction       rights and obligations of shareholders as well as
                         of foreign direct investment into Turkey as well      mergers, de-mergers, conversions, liquidations.
                         as maintaining the investments in Turkey. In this
                         respect, DEIK acts as a very strong intermediary
                         between the public and private sectors through its
                         close working relations with both sides.

Another new legislative development parallel          We strongly believe that with the guidance of DEIK
to the new Turkish Commercial Code is the             as a pioneering organization serving for Turkey’s
enactment of the new Code of Obligations              integration into the global economic environment,
(Law No. 6098) published in the Official Gazette       Turkey will gain more and more importance as an
on 4 February 2011 so as to enter into force as       emerging and fast developing country and thus,
of 1 July 2012. These legislative developments in     will undertake more and more critical roles that it
Turkey in accordance with the global standards are    already deserves in the global arena.
all important for foreign investors. It is more and
more important for all foreign investors in today’s   The information provided in this Guide is not
global economic environment which has recently        exhaustive and unless otherwise indicated, is
faced a crisis of unknown depth and duration, to      based on the relevant tax and legal legislation
very carefully take into consideration and analyze    and conditions existing at April 2011. Investors
the prevailing tax and business related regulations   are advised to consult with professionals, such
when making their investment decisions to assess      as independent and certified accountants and
the inherent risks and opportunities in initiating,   consultants as well as legal counsel before making
maintaining, developing, restructuring and ceasing    their investment decisions and/or taking any
their operations in a particular country.             formal action. Professionals of Deloitte Turkey
                                                      would be pleased to provide any support needed
Once again it is a great pleasure and honor for       in this respect.
Deloitte Turkey to closely cooperate with DEIK for
preparation of this investment guide in an attempt
to provide foreign investors with a concise tax and   Yours sincerely,
business guide to help them with their investment

We hope that the Guide will provide potential
and existing investors with an overview of what is
possible when structuring an investment in Turkey
and which factors must be considered when
deciding whether to acquire an existing Turkish

1. Turkey in general

            1.1. Geography, political and economic                Turkey has been a parliamentary democracy since
            background                                            1923 and she is a secular republican parliamentary
                                                                  democracy based on division of power between
            The Republic of Turkey covers about 814,578 km2,      various ruling bodies.
            at the junction between Europe and the Middle
            East. Turkey is composed of seven geographical        Its unicameral parliament, The Grand National
            regions: Marmara Region, Black Sea Region,            Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) which includes 550
            Mediterranean Region, Eastern Anatolia Region,        seats representing the 81 Turkish provinces is
            Southeastern Anatolia Region, Aegean Region           the legislative body. The legal framework of the
            and Central Anatolian Region. She has coastline       Republic is based on the 1981 Constitution. The
            of about 8,000 kilometers. The Anatolian Land         President is elected by direct elections for a term
            is surrounded by the Black Sea in the North, the      of 4 years, while the members of the Parliament
            Aegean and Marmara Sea in the West and the            are elected for a 4-years period. The Republic of
            Mediterranean Sea in the South. The capital city is   Turkey has a tripartite legal system. Civilian and
            Ankara which is located in the Central Anatolian      military jurisdiction is separated.
            Region. Turkey’s neighbors are: Greece, Bulgaria,
            Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq and          The main executive body is the Council of
            Syria. Turkey’s geographical coordinates puts its     Ministers, consisting of a Prime Minister and
            time scale two hours ahead of “Greenwich Mean         twenty six ministers. Independent Courts have
            Time” (GMT) and the table below shows the time        the judicial power. Turkey is a secular state. The
            differences between Turkey and the major world        freedom of worship for all religions is protected
            cities.                                               under the Constitution.

            City hours ahead or behind Turkey                     1.2. Current political administration and
                                                                  government structure
             Berlin                                          -1
             Paris                                           -1
                                                                  The current President of the Republic of Turkey
                                                                  is Mr. Abdullah Gül who was elected in August
             Rome                                            -1
                                                                  2007. The current Prime Minister is Mr. Recep
             London                                          -2   Tayyip Erdoğan who was re-appointed after the
             New York                                        -7   general elections held in June 2011. He is the head
             Los Angeles                                    -10   of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) which
             Singapore                                       +6   has won the Parliamentary majority in June 2011
             Tokyo                                           +7
             Sydney                                         +8

            The official language is Turkish, therefore all the
            official documents which are to be submitted to
            the government authorities must be in Turkish.
            English is used as an international language in
            trade and business circles. Turkish culture and
            economy has strong ties with both the Western
            and Eastern countries. Therefore her links with
            both sides are very strong and well established.

1.3. Currency                                             Not only does this project decrease red tape spent
                                                          in bureaucratic transactions causing loss of time
The domestic currency is the Turkish Lira (TL).           and money, but it also provides security for citizens
                                                          and the State. Turkey finalized the infrastructure of
1.4. Population                                           the main e-government portal through which all
                                                          public services could be accessed and utilized since
By the end of 2010, Turkey’s population is                the beginning of 2010.
73.7 million. Approximately 76.3% of Turkey’s
population lives in cities while 23.7% lives in           1.6. International relations
suburbs and the process of urbanization is
expected to continue for the foreseeable future.          The Republic of Turkey attaches great importance
                                                          in establishing strong and lasting regional and
About 1/3 of the population is concentrated in            international ties based on mutual understanding
Marmara region. The most populated cities of              and cooperation. She actively participates in a
Turkey are İstanbul (about 13.3 million), Ankara          wide range of leading regional and international
(about 4.8 million) and İzmir (about 3.9 million).        organizations such as the United Nations, the
                                                          North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
The population growth rate, which has decreased           Organization for Economic Cooperation and
sharply, has been about 1.27% in the last decade;         Development (OECD), World Trade Organization
demographers project the population to increase           (WTO), Economic Cooperation Organization
to 80-85 million in the next 20 years, which              (ECO), Organization for the Islamic Conference
compares with the largest current EU member               (OIC), Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC),
state Germany that has 81.8 million inhabitants           International Bank of Reconstruction and
today, but whose population is projected to               Development (IBRD),International Monetary Fund
decrease to around 80 million by the year 2020.           (IMF), the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and
                                                          Central Bank Governors (G20 Developing Nations),
1.5. E-Government in Turkey                               and Asian Development Bank.

E-government project in Turkey is coordinated             Turkey is in the EU Customs Union since 1996 and
by the Prime Ministry of Turkey and a Public              an EU accession country since October 2005. In
Committee. After Turkey signed the e-Europe               Helsinki European Council Summit in December
project which was discussed in European Union             10-11, 1999, Turkey was officially recognized
Leaders Conference held in mid-2001, the Prime            without any precondition as a candidate state
Ministry of Turkey gave a start to the project.           to EU on an equal level with other candidate
                                                          states. The Accession Partnership for Turkey was
MERNIS is one of the big steps of the                     prepared within the framework of Turkey’s ability
e-government project which identifies every                to fulfill the Copenhagen political criteria. In
citizen with an identity number, which eases              December 2002 EU declared that if Turkey fulfills
most operations in social life and state-related          the Copenhagen political criteria, it would open
operations. This step has been effective from             accession negotiations with Turkey by December
November 1, 2006. During the transition period            2004. At the European Council on December
between 1 November 2006 and 1 January 2007,               16-17, 2004 the Council decided to open
both the identity number and tax number were              accession negotiations on October 3, 2005. The
used together by the citizens. By the beginning           negotiations are open-ended and are not expected
of 2007 only identity number has began to be              to finish before ten years.
valid. With this identity number, a citizen is able to
identify himself/herself e.g. in tax offices, university
applications, bank operations shortly in all state
related operations.

2. Turkish economy

           2.1. Main economic indicators                                             The Turkish economy has grown steadily over 26
                                                                                     quarters of 2001-2007 with an average rate of
           Its diversified economy, proximity to Europe,                              6.6%. After the 2001 financial crisis, Turkey made
           Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia, integration                        important structural reforms which have led to
           with European markets, young and vibrant                                  improve her financial system. Therefore, Turkey
           work force, crisis experienced businessmen and                            has relatively less affected by the global crisis. Also
           economy management makes Turkey one of the                                previous crisis experience of Turkish businessmen
           most powerful economies in the region.                                    and economy officials make Turkey more resilient
                                                                                     to the global financial crisis today. As a result of
           Being the commercial center of Southeastern                               this, Turkey was the only country in 2009, who
           Europe, Middle East and Eurasia, Turkey is                                received two point upgrade in her credit rating,
           becoming an increasingly important economic                               and after a 4.7% decrease in GDP, Turkey grew
           and diplomatic country in the region. Between                             8.9% in 2010.
           2001 and 2007, before the effects of financial
           crisis started, Turkey’s GDP have increased by
           242% totaling to US $ 657 billion and by 2009 she
           became the 16th largest economy (Gross GIP) in
           the world.

                                                            2007           2008            2009         2010        2011         2011
                                                                                                                1.Quarter    2.Quarter
            GDP (billion $/in current prices)               656.6         741.8            617.6       735.3        182.8        203.6
            GDP Growth Rate (%)                                 4.5            1.1           -4.7         8.9        11.6          8.8
            GDP per Capita (Nom.$)                          9,333        10,436            8,511      10,079             -            -
            FDI Inflow (billion $)                             22.1         19.5              8.4          8.9          3.1           2
            Unemployment (%)                                    9,9        10,3             13,1         11.9        10.8          9.2
            Consumer Price Inflation (%)                       8.61        10.54             6.53          6.4        3.99         6.24
            Export (billion $)                              107.2              132         102.1         114         31.4         34.2
            Import (billion $)                                  170       201.8            140.9       185.5         56.1         63.7
            External Debt (billion $)                       249.4         280.4            268.4       289.4        298.7        309.6

           Source: TUIK, Central Bank of Turkey, Treasury of Turkey

           Economic Indicators Forecast

            Economic Indicator                         2011            2012
            GDP (billion $/nominal)                    763.8           836.3
            GDP Growth Rate (%)                           4.6            4.8
            GDP Per Capita ($/PPP)                   13,862           14,780
            Export (billion $)                         135.6           140.5
            Import (billion $)                         200.9           205.5

           Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit Forecasts, May 2011

2.2. International Trade

 Indicator                              2004            2005               2006                  2007         2008             2009          2010

 Export (Thousand $)               63,167,153     73,476,408       85,534,676            107,271,750    132,027,196      102,128,759   113,979,452
 Import (Thousand $)               97,539,766    116,774,151      139,576,174            170,062,715    201,963,574      140,926,023   185,541,037
 Volume (Thousand $)              160,706,919    190,250,559      225,110,850            277,334,464    333,990,770      243,054,782   299,520,489
 Balance (Thousand $)             -34,372,613    -43,297,743      -54,041,498            -62,790,965    -69,936,378      -38,797,264   -71,561,585
Source: TUIK

Between 2001 and 2008, foreign trade has                       In 2010, Turkey mainly exported to Germany,
increased by 359% and exports have increased by                France, United Kingdom, Italy and Iraq whereas it
321%. After having a record high level of foreign              mainly imported from Russia, Germany, China, the
trade with 334 billion US $ in 2008, because of                United States and Italy.
global economic crisis it declined to 243 billion US
$ in 2009. But it bounced back to 299.5 billion US
$ in 2010. Automotive, iron and steel, textile and
clothing, machinery, and agriculture are the major
export items, while oil and natural gas, machinery,
automotive, and chemicals are the major import

Main Exports (Thousand $-2010)                                 Main Imports (Thousand $-2010)
 Vehicles other than railway                    13,814,541      Mineral fuels and oils                      38,496,313
 Machineries, mechanical appliances,             9,415,320      Machineries, mechanical appliances,         21,266,385
 boilers and; parts thereof                                     boilers and ; parts thereof
 Iron and steel                                  8,761,259      Iron and steel                              16,118,937
 Articles of apparel and clothing                7,741,746      Electrical machinery and equipment          14,641,856
 accessories knitted                                            Vehicles other than railway                 13,419,375
 Electrical machinery and equipment              7,530,930      Plastics and articles thereof,               9,730,441
 Articles of iron and steel                      4,855,137      Pharmaceutical products                      4,410,051
 Articles of apparel and clothing acc.not        4,639,898      Organic chemicals                            4,400,320
                                                                Optical instruments and apparatus            3,437,712
 Mineral fuels and oils                          4,505,851
                                                                Cotton. cotton yarn and cotton fabric        3,385,770
 Pearls, precious stones, coin                   3,748,594
                                                                Copper and articles thereof                  3,299,333
 Plastics and articles thereof,                  3,717,427
                                                                Pearls, precious stones, coin                3,036,955
 Fruit                                           3,494,049
                                                                Paper and paperboard                         2,819,742
 Salt, sulphur, earth, plastering mat., lime,    2,509,387
                                                                Aluminum and articles thereof                2,487,587
                                                                Rubber and articles thereof                  2,321,648
 Aluminum and articles thereof                   1,917,185
                                                                Man-made staple fibers                        2,089,035
 Rubber and articles thereof                     1,896,002
                                                                Articles of iron and steel                   1,966,776
 Other made-up textile articles                  1,838,930
                                                                Miscellaneous chemical products              1,795,419
 Furniture                                       1,786,756
                                                                Inorganic chemicals                          1,423,788
 Cotton. cotton yarn and cotton fabric           1,449,871
                                                                Cereals                                      1,056,747
 Preparations of vegetables and fruits           1,491,632
 Man-made filaments                               1,250,359     Source: TUIK
 Ships, boats and floating structures             1,114,331

Source: TUIK                                                                                                                                         4
Principal Destinations of Exports                            Principal Origins of Import (Thousand $-2010)
    (Thousand $-2010)
                                                                  Russian Federation                               21,599,569
     Germany                                      11,486,808      Germany                                          17,549,159
     United Kingdom                                7,238,433      China                                            17,180,806
     Italy                                         6,508,644      USA                                              12,318,752
     France                                        6,055,125      Italy                                            10,203,727
     Iraq                                          6,041,861      France                                             8,176,579
     Russia Federation                              4,631,496     Iran                                               7,644,782
     USA                                            3,770,779     Spain                                              4,840,061
     Spain                                          3,563,472     South Korea                                        4,764,048
     UAE                                            3,337,659     United Kingdom                                     4,680,610
     Iran                                           3,043,426     Ukraine                                            3,832,744
     Romania                                        2,599,020     Romania                                            3,449,178
     Netherlands                                    2,462,185     India                                              3,409,938
     Saudi Arabia                                   2,219,407     Japan                                              3,297,783
     Israel                                         2,082,969     Belgium                                            3,213,712
     Switzerland                                    2,057,082     Netherlands                                        3,155,980
     Belgium                                        1,960,441     Switzerland                                        3,153,699
     Azerbaijan                                     1,551,212     Kazakhstan                                         2,470,966
     Bulgaria                                       1,497,832     Saudi Arabia                                       2,437,156
     Greece                                         1,456,212     Algeria                                            2,274,924
     Ukraine                                        1,260,892
    Source: TUIK                                                 Source: TUIK

    2.3. Foreign Direct Investments                              Foreign Direct Capital Inflows (million $)

    In the last six years in particular, Turkey has started to   25,000
    draw increasing amounts of foreign capital thanks to a                                    19,137
                                                                 20,000             17,639
    rapid recovery from the 2001 crisis, large
    privatization projects, prolonged stability coinciding       15,000
    with the excessive liquidity in international markets
    and the beginning of EU accession process. Turkey was        10,000
                                                                                                                  6,252   6,529
    15th most attractive economy for the location of FDI
    in UNCTAD´s World Investment Prospects Survey 2008-
    2010. Turkey also ranked 65th out of 183 economies in             0
    Ease of Doing Business Rank of the World Bank (June                     2005     2006         2007   2008     2009    2010
    2010), 46th out of 128 economies in Forbes Doing
                                                                             FDI Inflows
    Business Index.
                                                                 Source: Central Bank of Turkey
    Being the world’s 16th and Europe’s 6th largest economy
    (PPP), Turkey has recently been home to numerous
    significant investments by attracting more than 89.1
    billion US $ for the last 6 years.

Foreign Direct Capital Inflows by Origin of Countries (million $)                      In 2003 when the new investment law was ratified,
                                                                                      there were about 6.500 foreign companies operating in
                                                         2008       2009      2010    Turkey. By the end of 2010, this number has increased
 European Countries                                     11,367     5,234      5,166   to 25,800.
                             Germany                     1,237       498       598
                                                                                      The cumulative sector breakdown of foreign capital
                             France                       679        617       600
                                                                                      financed companies between 1954-2010 shows that
                             Netherlands                 1,343       718       498
                                                                                      30% of these companies operate in wholesale and retail
                             United Kingdom              1,335       350       240    sectors; 17% of them operate in manufacturing sector
                             Italy                        249        314        56    and 16% of them operate in real estate, renting and
                             Other EU Countries          6,233     2,431      2,918   business activities sectors. Construction (9%); transport,
                             Other European Countries     291        306       256    storage and communications (9%); hotels and
                             (excl.EU)                                                restaurants (7%); other community, social and personal
                                                                                      service activities (5%); mining and quarrying activities
 African Countries                                         82             2      0
                                                                                      (2%); agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry (2%) and
 U.S.                                                     868        260       320    electricity, gas and water supply (2%) constitute other
 Canada                                                    23            52     56    sectors.
 Central and South America & Caribbean                     60            19      5
 Asia                                                    2,220       599       933    The Turkish companies have become important investors
                                                                                      abroad and have recently accomplished significant
                             Gulf Countries              1,963       209       442
                                                                                      projects and have bought world’s leading brands
                             Near and Middle East          96            78     46
                                                                                      including “Godiva”,” Razi”, “Trader Media East” and
                             Other Asian Countries        161        312       445    “Grundig”. Moreover, the Turkish contractors have
 Other                                                      2            86     49    undertaken projects accounting for 21.5 billion US $
 Total                                                  14,622     6,252      6,529   in 2009 and 15.2 billion US $ in 2010. Accordingly, 33
                                                                                      Turkish contracting firms partake among the world’s
Source: Central Bank of Turkey
                                                                                      largest 225 contracting firms ranking in 2010 which was
                                                                                      31 in 2009.

Foreign Direct Capital Inflows According to Sectors (million $)
                                                                                      The Turkish companies have invested in the sectors of
 Sectors                                                         2009          2010   banking, white goods and telecommunication in Eastern
 Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Aquaculture                    49            83   Europe, energy, consumer goods, industry, tourism,
                                                                                      finance and logistics in Eurasia, chemicals, industry and
 Mining                                                            89           196
                                                                                      logistics in the Gulf countries and food, textile and
 Manufacturing Industry                                          1,565          867
                                                                                      automotive in the Middle East.
            Food, Beverage and Tobacco                            196           149
            Textile                                                77            82   Turkish Outflow Investments (million $)
            Chemicals                                             336           102
                                                                                                    Year                          Investment
            Machinery                                             220            64
                                                                                                    2001                                   604
            Automotive                                            225            39
                                                                                                    2002                                   283
            Other                                                 511           431
                                                                                                    2003                                   505
 Electricity, Gas, Water                                         2,126        2,063
                                                                                                    2004                                   815
 Construction                                                     208           372
                                                                                                    2005                                 1,065
 Wholesale and Retail                                             389           389
                                                                                                    2006                                 1,677
 Hotels and Restaurants                                            54           113
                                                                                                    2007                                 2,275
 Transportation, Telecommunication & Logistics                    391           210
                                                                                                    2008                                 2,604
 Financial Intermediary Institutions                              666         1,630
                                                                                                    2009                                 2,040
 Real Estate                                                      560           368
                                                                                                    2010                                 1,820
 Other Social and Personal Services                               155           238
                                                                                                2003-2010                              12,801
 Total                                                           6,252        6,529
                                                                                                1991-2010                              16,495
Source: Central Bank of Turkey
                                                                                      Source: Central Bank of Turkey

3. Industrial and service outlook

            3.1. Transportation and defense                             With the influence of economical development
                                                                        and the EU accession period, the modernization
            Transportation                                              of transportation sector has been already kicked
                                                                        off through privatizations and foreign direct
            Turkey enjoys a privileged position at the                  investments. Turkish Ministry of Transportation
            crossroads among Europe, Caucasus, Middle East              had 64 ongoing projects in 2010 on infrastructure
            and Central Asia. As a result of being a regional           and many privatizations have been realized mostly
            logistics base, Turkey’s transportation sector              through build-operate-transfer (BOT) contracts.
            partakes among principal sectors in terms of                Moreover, Transportation Master Plan Strategy
            economic growth and employment.                             Report has been prepared for the Turkish Ministry
                                                                        of Transportation, which encompasses numerous
                                                                        project proposals on infrastructure, traffic and
                                                                        management of transport modes.

            Turkish transportation sector statistics

             Railways                            2005      2006        2007      2008     2009
             Length of railway (km)            10,973     10,984   10,991       11,005   11,405
             Passenger train kilometer         26,284     25,545   25,079       23,339   23,698
             Goods traffic (Thousand tons)      19,195     20,185   21,404       23,491   21,813

            Source: TUIK

             Road                                              2005            2006        2007        2008         2009
             Length of motorway                                1,667           1,908       1,908      1,922        2,036
             Length of State road                             30,740          30,728      30,743     30,784       30,770
             Length of Provincial road                        26,642          26,635      27,282     27,525       27,693
             Number of road motor vehicles (thousand)         11,145          12,227      13,022     13,765       14,316
             Freight transportation and the circulation
             on the state roads, provincial roads and
             motorways (Tonne/km)                            166,831      177,399        181,330    181,935      176,455
             Passenger transportation and the circula-
             tion on the state roads, provincial roads
             and motorways (Passenger/km)                    182,152      187,593        209,115    206,098      212,464
            Source: TUIK

Air                                              2005         2006          2007           2008          2009
 Number of aircrafts                               202           245           250           262           297
 Seat capacity                                  38,600        42,894        40,017        41,634        47,972
 Freight carried domestic lines (ton)          315,858       373,055       414,192       399,213       484,833
 Freight carried international lines (ton)     933,697       973,934     1,131,833     1,130,464     1,241,512
 Domestic air traffic (unit)                    264,805       343,956       365,136       385,053       419,422
 International air traffic (unit)               286,687       286,713       323,432       356,127       369,047
 Number of passengers domestic lines         20,502,516   28,799,878    31,970,874    33,546,000    41,226,959
 Number of passengers international lines    35,042,957   32,884,325    38,381,993    40,840,000    44,281,549
Source: TUIK

 Sea                                              2005         2006          2007           2008          2009
 Loading (thousand tones)                       19,904        21,463        16,941        14,386        13,518
 Unloading (thousand tones)                     24,745        23,901        19,619        16,020        12,113

Source: TUIK

In order to realize a nostalgic dream, the revival of
the historical Silk Road as a part of international       The Turkish Government aims to modernize
transportation is the agenda. Turkey has a primary        existing roads and launch new projects. The
role as a natural bridge within the Silk Road             estimated cost for modernization and construction
project, which links the Asian economies with             of the roads (until 2023) is 166 billion TL. As a part
high shares in world trade and Europe, due to             of the Silk Road project, construction of Black Sea
its strategic geographic location, its proximity to       Ring Highway, which has a total length of 7,140
the international transport routes, its renovated         kilometers and crosses the borders of 12 Black Sea
transport infrastructure and strong road fleet.            Economic Cooperation (BSEC) member countries,
Road transport is the main means of freight and           is in the agenda. To ease traffic jam in İstanbul,
passenger transportation. It constitutes 80.63%           construction of a third Bosphorus Bridge and an
of the freight transportation and 89.59% of the           underwater tunnel are in progress. Bridges that
passenger transportation. Turkey has the largest          span İstanbul Strait will be privatized as well.
and newest transportation fleet in Europe with
1,400 road transportation companies and 45,000

Turkey has targeted to become a center for railway     Domestic and international flights are operated by
    freight traveling by realizing and completing the      state-owned company, Turkish Airlines (THY) as
    Strait Rail Tube Crossing and Commuter Railway         well as some private airlines.
    Upgrading (MARMARAY) Project, which will
    connect Turkey to the Trans-European Network.          There are 67 airports in Turkey:
    The total length of the Project is approximately
    76 km and total amount is estimated as 3 billion       • 41 airports are being operated, 23 of them are
    US $. Once the project is completed, Turkey will         open to both domestic and international flights,
    become an essential center for railway freight           and 18 of them are open only to domestic
    among Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East.          flights.
    Developing rails for more freight cargo is required.
    23.5 billion US dollars is allocated for railways by   • 12 airports are only open to protocol and
    2023.                                                    military.

    Turkey also has a leading role in Kars-Tbilisi-Baku    • 10 airports which are open to only private use
    Railway Project, which is an alternative route
    within the contemporary Silk Road. Known as            • 4 airports which are only open to use of Turkish
    the ‘Iron Silk Road’, Kars-Tbilisi-Baku Railway          Aviation Association.
    Project creates an alternative route to the existing
    West-East corridor through Iran. The total length      The estimated cost for airport modernization
    of the project is 124 kilometers. 92 kilometers will   and construction is TL 4 billion. Construction of
    pass through Turkey and the rest will pass through     airports in Bingöl, Iğdır, Hakkari Yüksekova, Şırnak,
    Georgia.                                               Kütahya, Afyon, Uşak, İstanbul, Çukurova, Eskişehir
                                                           and Diyarbakır takes place among upcoming

                                                           İstanbul-İzmit, İzmir, Adana-Mersin and Samsun
                                                           are the major ports for domestic and international
                                                           freight and passenger transportation. In order
                                                           to increase quality and productivity, ports of
                                                           Bandırma, Derince, Iskenderun, and İzmir will be

                                                           Also ship construction is a big sector in Turkey
                                                           and she is on the 5th place in the world in ship
                                                           construction orders and super yacht construction.

                                                           Apart from aforementioned transportation
                                                           projects, 10 logistics villages will be built in Halkalı,
                                                           Köseköy, Kayseri, Samsun, Eskişehir, Balıkesir,
                                                           Yenice, Erzurum, Mersin and Aydın.

                                                       But the imbalance between the local production
Turkish defense sector is developing very fast in      and the imports led Turkey to pursuit of a stable
the last decade. Turkey spends 3-4 billion US $        local defense industry infrastructure. In May 2004,
annually in arms procurement. The proportion           SSM decided to cancel three major projects,
of defense systems produced locally was 25%            including the multi-billion dollar attack and tactical
in 2003 and 52.1% by the end of 2010. On the           reconnaissance (ATAK) helicopter programme,
other hand, annual Turkish defense export reached      and instead introduced a new procurement model
to the level of 853.5 million US $ in 2010.            to boost ailing local industry. The initial goal was
                                                       to increase the proportion of defense systems
Turkey has traditionally made modest efforts to        produced locally to 50% by the end of 2010,
become self-sufficient in basic defense industrial      which had successfully been achieved. The next
activities. Starting in the second half of the 1970s   stage proposes an increase in exports of defense
these capabilities were expanded through several       products and services to around 1 billion US $ per
vital investments, particularly into the defense       year by 2011 from the 196 million US $ export
electronics and aerospace fields. In 1985 a             in 2004. SSM targets 1.8 billion US $ worth of
government entity charged with coordinating and        defense exports by 2016.
financing the development of the defense industry
was established under secretariat for defense
industries (SSM). Since its establishment in 1985
the SSM has been entrusted with the responsibility
of a fairly large number of defense industry
projects, valued over 30 billion dollars.

The prime mover on the aerospace side of               Also, a private company Yonca Onuk designed and
     Turkey's defense industry is TAI (TUSAS Aerospace      built most of the fast patrol craft in service with
     Industries). It has been co-producing the needed       the Coast Guard.
     air planes and helicopters by the Turkish Air Force.
     Another Turkish company ASELSAN has established        Besides Turkish companies there are many
     itself as the leading electronic systems house         foreign companies that work for Turkish defense
     in Turkey as well as having a major capability in      industry. Imtech, RMK Marine Shipyard, German
     radars and optronic systems. ROKETSAN is one of        Minehunter Consortium of Abeking & Rasmussen
     the few companies in Europe with the capability to     and Lurssen Werft and Dearsan Shipbuilding
     design, develop and manufacture artillery rocket       and Repair Company are some of them. Beneath
     systems (ARS). FNSS Savunma Sistemleri is the          the surface, the Golcük shipyard has experience
     largest manufacturer of tracked armored fighting        working under the license of Germany's
     vehicles (AFVs) in Turkey. Another company             Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) in
     Otokar has developed and placed in production          constructing submarines.
     a complete range of 4x4 and 6x6 light armored
     tactical vehicles. Makina ve Kimya Endustrisi          Turkish defense industry is expected to continue its
     Kurumu (MKEK) is the main manufacturer of              growth in the future due to Turkey’s geographic
     ammunition, small arms and other weapons in            and strategic position. At the same time with
     Turkey and is also a major subcontractor to other      the new legislations and incentives for the local
     Turkish defense contractors. TLFC has extensive        defense industry to grow, Turkey’s export and
     facilities involved not only in the upgrading of       import in the sector is projected to be more
     AFV and artillery systems but also in production.      balanced in the future as well.
     It has upgraded over 4,000 tanks and the center
     has developed and put into production specialized
     versions including ambulances, command post
     and engineer squad vehicles. The main repository
     of naval shipbuilding and repair experience
     remains resident within state-owned hands at
     Naval Shipyard. The navy's other major surface
     acquisition is the locally designed and built
     12 MilGem corvette ships. The first of the 12
     Milgems, which is a corvette class warship, has
     joined the Turkish Navy in 2011.

3.2. Automotive                                        Automotive Production (Amount)

According to International Organization of Motor                                                   2007           2008       2009         2010
Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) Turkey is the 16th         Automobiles                             634,883         621,567    510,931      603,394
automotive manufacturer in the world and                Commercial Vehicles                     464,531         525,543    358,674      491,163
6th in Europe. Also she is Europe’s largest light       Tractor                                  33,518          24,807     14,861       30,425
commercial vehicle and 3rd bus manufacturer. The
                                                        Total                                1,132,932        1,171,917    884,466    1,124,982
Turkish automotive sector includes production
of trucks, buses, trailers, midi and mini buses        Source: Automotive Manufacturers’ Association (OSD)
and passenger cars with a capacity of 1.5 million
vehicles. Except the global financial crisis year
2009, the manufacturing numbers are in a steady        Automotive Exports
rise in recent years.
                                                                                                      2007         2008       2009        2010

Domestic production in Turkish automotive sector        Production                              1,132,951      1,171,917    884,466   1,124,892
has started in 1967. Over the years, industry           Export                                    829,879        920,763    637,855     763,670
imported foreign models and produced them               Export/Production (%)                            73           79         72          68
for domestic market under the protection of
                                                       Source: Automotive Manufacturers’ Association (OSD)
high tariffs. As Customs Union came into effect
in 1996, tariff protection for the industry had
finished. After this point, many global brands
such as Honda, Toyota and Hyundai joined the
already existing brands like Renault, Ford, Fiat in
Turkish automotive industry. Today, there are 17
manufacturers and 4,000 component makers in
Turkey. Prior to the crisis they were employing over
300,000 people.

Automotive sector exports 70% of its production
and 90% of the exports goes to Europe. Transport
vehicle and component industry is the leading
sector in Turkish exports. It was 16,8 billion US
$ in 2009 and 17.4 billion US $ in 2010 (15.3%
of the Turkish export). Turkish automotive export
increased 15.6% during 2010.

3.3. Financial Services Industry (FSI) in                               There are 48 banks, 9,581 branches and 180,038
     Turkey                                                                  employees in Turkish banking system by the end of
                                                                             2010. Total assets of the banking sector are 655
     Turkish banking sector mostly dominates the                             billion US dollars, which was 561 billion US dollars
     Turkish financial system. 85.8% of the financial                          by the end of 2009. During the global financial
     system’s assets were held by the banking sector.                        crisis in 2009, the number of branches increased
     By the end of 2010, volume of the financial sector                       by 207 (2.9%), employee number increased by
     assets were as big as 103.6% of the Turkish GDP.                        1,551 (0.8%). Even in 2008, when the global
     Major reforms were carried out in the finance and                        financial crisis got deeper and many European and
     banking sectors between 1999 and 2002.                                  American banks got smaller, 277 new branches
                                                                             opened and 1,551 new employees hired.
     “The Banking Sector Restructuring Program”
     was initiated in May 2001 with the aim of
     modifying the banking sector into a sound and
     competitive structure consistent with sustainable
     growth. Banking legislation was adjusted to
     international regulations, BIS recommendations
     and European Union banking directives. Also in
     line with the previous principles and the BASEL
     (Banking Supervision and Auditing) Committee
     principles, a banking law was issued in 2005 to
     regulate the sector. With the new structure of the
     banking system and improvements in the Turkish
     economy, Turkish banking sector had significant
     growth in the bank’s balance sheets and changes
     in their structure.

                                Main Indicators of the Turkish banking sector and National Income
      Billion US $        1995      2000       2001      2002      2003      2004   2005   2006    2007    2008   2009    2010
      Loans                   29        51        28        30         48      74    112     149     234    218     254     333
      Deposit                 44      102         81        84         111    143    181     211     295    259     333     391
      Total Assets            67      155        116       130         179    229    296     346     485    434     539     655
      GDP                   227       266        195       232         303    392    482     529     649    730     615     736

     Source: Banks Association of Turkey (BAT), BRSA, Turkstat, IMF,

2010 was a very profitable year for the banking        3.4. Consumer Business
sector where the net profit rose 8.7% to 21.93
billion TL (13.9 billion $). Total loans were 525.9   Turkey is a major market for consumer products
billion TL with a 33.9% increase at the end of        with 73.7 million population and a vivid export
2010, which was nearly half of the total assets.      sector. Textile and clothing, agriculture, white
Whereas deposits grew 19.9% to 617 billion TL.        goods, furniture, cosmetics and jewelry are the
Also total assets grew 20.8%.                         prominent sectors in consumer products.

Although global financial crisis affected Turkish      Turkey is a major textile and clothing producer
banking sector, it had some advantages in             country in the world with over 40,000 producers
comparison to other countries. These are;             and 2.5 million workers. Cotton clothing, knitted
                                                      clothing, woven clothing and accessories as well
• There is no toxic product,                          as home textile products constitute main products
                                                      in the sector. Thanks to strong leather sector of
• Turkish banking sector is conventional, wide        Turkey, footwear industry is a well-developed
  spread, mainly constituted from deposits and        industry as well. Its well established industry
  have a wide spread of customer net,                 focuses on Europe, Middle East and Eurasia
                                                      regions. Turkey is one of the world’s leading
• Weight of the individual loans is not much in the   manufacturer of floor-coverings including hand-
  GDP,                                                woven and machine-made rugs and mats. Also
                                                      Turkey has a high quality cotton yarn.
• Turkish banking sector started very late to the
  mortgage system and the interest rates are fixed,   In recent years textile and clothing sectors faced
                                                      fierce competition from far eastern countries.
• Due to some politic and financial developments,     Especially lifting of the quotas in 2005 affected the
  Turkish banking sector pushed on the brakes         export sector as well as the domestic sector. The
  starting from the beginning of 2007 and,            sectors are moving more towards higher quality
                                                      production and spend great deal of energy on
• Turkish banking sector has crisis experience.       branding. In order to achieve the move towards
                                                      more sophisticated products, companies benefit
                                                      from the government’s design and technology
                                                      incentives. As a result of this effort and the
                                                      changing conditions of the sector after the world
                                                      financial crisis, the sector’s exports increased
                                                      12.6% in 2010 after a 16% fall in 2009.

                                                      Agriculture and food industry is one of the leading
                                                      sectors of Turkey with rich resources, huge
                                                      potential of fish products and livestock. Edible
                                                      nuts, frozen fruits and vegetables, confectionery
                                                      products, poultry, dairy products, oil and vast
                                                      variety of fresh vegetables and fruits are produced
                                                      in Turkey and are exported to numerous countries.
                                                      Also, Turkey is the world leader in the production
                                                      of dried figs, hazelnuts, sultanas/raisins and dried

The sector has over 25 thousand enterprises,            Furniture sector is a very important sector in
                                     with an average five hectares farm size. With            Turkey with its huge export potential. Metal office
                                     5.7 million workers the sector employs 25% of           furniture, wooden furniture, seats for automobiles
                                     Turkey’s total work force. This ratio was over          and seats convertible into beds constitute the
                                     35% at one decade ago. Although Turkey has              major items of production and export in the sector.
                                     relatively small enterprises and land per enterprise,   There are approximately 30 thousand companies
                                     due to its favorable ecological conditions, large       in furniture production business who export to
                                     food importer neighboring countries and a large         over 170 countries in the world. Also 32 thousand
                                     domestic population with rising income, the sector      companies are in furniture retail business. The
                                     is expected to grow in the future.                      sector employs over 500 thousand people. The
                                                                                             production realized was over 9.5 billion dollars
                                     Turkey is Europe’s second largest producer of           in the sector with 1.4 billion US $ export. Turkish
                                     white goods with production of refrigerators,           furniture was exported to 173 different countries
                                     washing machines and other household                    in the world in 2010. There are six furniture
                                     appliances. In addition to establishing production      companies in the top 500 industrial establishments
                                     units in the Eastern Europe, Eurasia and Asia, like     of Turkey. These companies are: Merkez Çelik,
                                     Russia, Romania and China, some of the Turkish          Boytaş Mobilya, Merinos Halı, İstikbal Mobilya,
                                     white goods and electronic appliances producers         Grammer Koltuk Sistemleri and Yataş Yatak ve
                                     also bought world’s leading brands. Over 2 million      Yorgan Sanayi.
                                     people work in the sector and 2010 production
                                     was 18.4 million pieces where 13.7 million of           Around 1,400 companies operate in the cosmetics
                                     them were exported. There are over 50 producers         sector. Shampoos, depilatories, products for
                                     and over 500 hundred white goods parts suppliers        bath, lip and eye make-up products, deodorants,
                                     in the sector.                                          perfumes and baby care products are major
                                                                                             items in the sector. The sector had a volume
                                                                                             of 2 billion US dollars. Turkey partakes among
                                 Consumer Product Exports $                                  world’s leading laurel and olive oil soap producers.
                             2006          2007          2008         2009         2010      Many successful brands came out from the soap
     Textile          19,440,858 22,599,459 22,826,789 19,162,627 21,568,974                 producers in recent years. They achieved high
     Agriculture                                                                             volume of exports. Some of these companies
     and Forestry      3,480,539       3,725,212    3,936,710    4,347,482     4,939,552     are Evyap, Eczacıbaşı, Canan Kozmetik, Kopaş
                                                                                             Kozmetik, Kurtsan İlaçları, Hunca Kozmetik,
     White Goods       2,005,000       2,532,000    2,766,000    2,578,000              -
                                                                                             Aromel Kozmetik, Hobi Kozmetik, Kosan Kozmetik,
     Furniture           788,153       1,067,523    1,387,061    1,198,575     1,414,700     Dündar Kozmetik, Erkul Kozmetik and Rosense
     Cosmetics           774,862         848,010    1,074,889    1,030,714     1,136,084     Kozmetik. Also many international companies
     Jewelry             639,352         979,079    3,631,108    4,641,351     2,072,842     produce different cosmetic products in Turkey.
                                                                                             Given its cultural heritage of jewelry, Turkey ranks
                                     The main producer brands in the sector are:             among world’s top three gold jewelry producers
                                     Arçelik, Beko, Altus and Aygaz under Arçelik            and exporters with her powerful modern and
                                     group; Profilo, Bosch and Siemens under                  classical techniques in the sector. Her gold
                                     BSH-Profilo Group, Vestel under Vestel Group;            production capacity is 400 tons per year. The
                                     Ariston and Indesit under Indesit Group. With the       sector employs 250 thousand people, where 6
                                     high priority given to innovation in the sector,        thousand producers and 35 thousand jewelry
                                     world’s fastest washing machines and dish-              stores are active. İstanbul Gold Exchange was
                                     washers have been developed in Turkey.                  formed in 1995. Currently it has 85 members. Also
                                     The sector exports most of its production.              İstanbul Gold Refinery started its production in

3.5. Energy & Resources                                        There are currently two existing and one planned
                                                               major oil pipeline in Turkey. Existing ones are
Turkey is an important energy consumer as                      Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) and Iraq-Turkey crude oil
well as an important hub for energy supplies                   pipelines which bring oil from Azerbaijan and Iraq.
transportation. Turkey’s primary energy                        BTC’s capacity is 1 million barrels per day (bpd).
consumption was 105 million TEP by the end                     With some technical changes it will first reach
of 2009. 28.9% of this energy was produced at                  to 1.2 million bpd and eventually to 1.6 million
home and the rest was imported. Between the                    bpd. Capacity of the Iraq - Turkey pipeline is 1.6
years 1990 and 2009 primary energy consumption                 million bpd. Also Trans - Anatolian pipeline project
increased 3.7% on an average in Turkey which is                is planned to carry Russian and Kazakh oil from
the highest average among the OECD members.                    North of Turkey to the South. From Ceyhan, a big
Also Turkey was the second in demand increase                  port in the South of Turkey where the oil Trans
for natural gas and electricity in the world                   - Anatolian pipeline ends, the oil will be shipped
after China. Between 2010 and 2020, primary                    to other parts of the world. Tupras refinery is in
consumption is expected to rise 4% annually                    Ceyhan too. The crude oil is refined at Tupras
(average annual increase expectation for the world             and refined products are sold both domestically
is 1.8%). Total 130 billion US $ of investment                 and internationally. There are couple of new
is needed in the energy field by 2020 to meet                   projects to build other refineries in Turkey are on
Turkey’s energy needs.                                         planning level as well. So, Ceyhan area on the
                                                               Mediterranean coast has become a focal point of
                                                               the international crude oil trade.
Energy Consumption in Turkey According to
Resources (2009) (%)                                           When we look at the natural gas pipelines’ length,
                                                               they increased from 4,510 km in 2002 to 11,441
                                                               km by the end of 2010. Currently 67 cities has
                                                               natural gas grid in Turkey. There are two Russian-
                                                               Turkish natural gas pipelines (West and Black sea),
      31%             29%                                      one Azerbaijani-Turkish natural gas pipeline (Baku-
                                                               Tbilisi-Erzurum) and one Iranian-Turkish natural gas
                                         Renewable Resources
                         5%                                    pipeline transmitting natural gas to Turkey.
                                         Natural Gas           Total 31.9 billion cm3 natural gas imported from
                                                               these pipelines and in LNG form from Algeria
Source: Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
                                                               and Nigeria in 2010. Already one fourth of Azeri
                                                               natural gas goes to Greece. Also Nabucco gas
                                                               pipeline agreement had signed in 2009, which
Except coal (mostly lignite), currently Turkey has             will connect Central Asian natural gas to Central
very limited mineral resources. She imports almost             Europe through Turkey. Turkey is building a
all of its petroleum (91%) and natural gas (98%)               link to the Egyptian - Jordan - Syria - Lebanon
needs and one fifth of its coal need (2010). TPAO               gas pipeline. The link will be connected to the
(The Turkish Petroleum Corporation) has invested               Turkish natural gas network. Talks for building a
500 million US $ in exploration of Black Sea region            pipeline connecting Katar natural gas to Turkey is
where 10 billion barrels of potential reserves                 continuing. Another under sea pipeline is planned
thought to be lying. With this goal TPAO has                   to be built between Ceyhan and Israel. The gas
established partnerships with Petrobas, Exxonmobil             from the pipeline will be transferred to India from
and Chevron. Although she mostly imports her                   Red Sea by ship.
oil and natural gas, Turkey is becoming a hub
for energy supplies.

Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EMRA”)                        Turkey’s demand for electricity is growing
           is the main authority in energy market and                         fastest after China in the world. Between
           provides independent regulation and supervision                    2002 and 2007 annual average growth in
           to the electricity, natural gas, petroleum and LPG                 electricity demand grew 8%. In 2007, electricity
           markets. All market activities are conducted under                 consumption grew 8.8% and reached to 190
           licenses issued by EMRA.                                           billion kWh. However in 2008 with the effects
                                                                              of the global crisis increase rate fell to 4.3%
           Turkey realizes 91% of her oil import from four                    and became 198.1 billion kWh. As iron, steel,
           countries, namely Iran, Russian Federation, Saudi                  cement and textile industries slowed down, the
           Arabia and Iraq.                                                   commercial use of electricity decreased further. As
                                                                              a result of this electricity consumption in 2009 was
                                                                              194.1 billion kWh. And as the effects of the global
           Turkey Main Resources of Oil (2009)                                crisis started to lessen electricity consumption
                                                                              increased to 209.5 billion kWh.

                              12%                Kazakhstan
             12%                                                              Main Resources in Electiricity Production (2009)
                                     4%          Italia
                                        1%       Syria
                                                                              49.33%                  28.76%
                                         1%      Nigeria
     23%                                  1%                                                                        Coal
                                                 Libya, Azerbaijan, Georgia
                                                 Russia Federation
                                41%                                                                                 Natural Gas
                                                 Saudi Arabia
           Source: Energy Market Regulatory Authority

                                                                              Source: Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

           Turkey makes her natural gas import from five
           countries; Iran, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan,
           Algeria and Nigeria.                                               Turkey has 49,524.1 MW installed capacity as of
                                                                              the end of 2010. 32,278.5 MW of it is thermic,
                                                                              15,831.2 MW of it is hydraulic, 1320.2 MW of it
             15%            14%                                               is wind and 94.2 MW of it is geothermal. During
                                                                              2010, approximately 5,000 MW new capacity
                                                   Azerbaijan                 added. Meanwhile, gross electricity demand was
                                                   Algeria                    210.4 billion kWh and the supply was 211.2 billion
                                                   Nigeria                    kWh. Also 1.1 billion kWh electricity is imported
                                          3%       Russia Federation          and 1.9 billion kWh electricity is exported. In the
                                                   Iran                       next decade, average 7.5% increase on electricity
                                                                              demand is expected.

           Source: Energy Market Regulatory Authority

Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011
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Deloitte - How to do business in turkey 2011

  • 1. How to do business in Turkey? Investors' guide November 2011
  • 2. Table of contents 1. Turkey in general 1 1.1. Geography, political and economic background 1 1.2. Current political administration and government structure 1 1.3. Currency 2 1.4. Population 2 1.5. E-Government in Turkey 2 1.6. International relations 2 2. Turkish economy 3 2.1. Main economic indicators 3 2.2. International Trade 3 2.3. Foreign Direct Investments 5 3. Industrial and service outlook 7 3.1. Transportation and defense 7 3.2. Automotive 12 3.3. Financial Services Industry (FSI) in Turkey 13 3.4. Consumer Business 14 3.5. Energy & Resources 16 3.6. Life Science and Health Care 18 3.7. Construction 20 3.8. Telecommunication and IT 21 3.9. Tourism 23 4. Incentives and financing 25 4.1. Types of Incentives Available 25 4.2. Investment Incentives 25 4.3. Export-Oriented Incentives 35 4.4. Other Tax/Non-Tax Incentives 37 4.5. Financing 39 5. Business regulations and requirements 41 5.1. Foreign Investment Rules 41 5.2. Foreign Trade 43 5.3. Registration and Licensing 45 5.4. Price Controls and Competition Law 45 5.5. Exchange Controls 46 5.6. Accounting Principles and Statutory Books 48 6. Major highlights of the New Turkish Commercial Code 49 6.1. Enterprise Law 49 6.2. Company Law 51 7. Employment law and practice 63 7.1 Employees’ Rights and Remuneration 63 7.2. Social Security and Unemployment Insurance Payments 65 7.3. Termination of Employment 66 7.4. Labor Management Relations 67 7.5. Employment of Foreign Individuals 67 8. Choice of business entity(*) 71 8.1. Principal Forms 71 8.2. General Rules for Establishment of Companies by Foreign Shareholders 72 8.3. Corporations 73 8.4. Limited Liability Companies 76 8.5. Branches 77 8.6. Partnerships 77 8.7. Joint Ventures 78 2
  • 3. Table of contents 8.8. Liaison Offices 78 8.9. Mergers, Acquisitions, Conversions, De-mergers, Share Swaps 78 9. Corporate income taxation 79 9.1. Entities Liable for Corporate Income Tax 79 9.2. Residence and Non-Residence 79 9.3. Taxable Income 79 9.4. Corporate Income Tax Rates 80 9.5. Dividend Withholding Tax 80 9.6. Treatment of Losses 80 9.7. Participation Exemption 80 9.8. Capital Gains Taxation 81 9.9. Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC) 81 9.10. Transfer Pricing 81 9.11. Cost Sharing/Cost Allocations 82 9.12. Anti-Tax Haven Rules 83 9.13. Thin Capitalization Rules 83 9.14. Taxation of Branches of Foreign Companies 85 9.15. Liquidation 85 9.16. Assessments, Payments and Tax Audits 86 10. Individual income taxation 87 10.1. Residence and Non-Residence 87 10.2. Taxable Income 87 10.3. Individual Income Tax Rates 88 10.4. Assessments and Payments 88 11. Withholding taxes and double tax relief 89 11.1. Major Withholding Tax Rates 89 11.2. Double Tax Treaty Relief 89 11.3. Unilateral Relief 92 12. Other taxes 93 12.1. Value Added Tax 93 12.2. Special Consumption Tax (SCT) 94 12.3. Property Tax 95 12.4. Inheritance and Transfer Tax 95 12.5. Stamp Tax 95 12.6. Motor Vehicle Tax 95 12.7. Bank and Insurance Transaction Tax 96 12.8. Special Communication Tax 96 13. How Deloitte can help? 97 13.1.Corporate Income Tax Certification 98 (Compliance) Services What is Tax Certification (Compliance)? 13.2.Financial Services Industry Tax Advisory Services 98 13.3.International Tax Advisory Services 99 13.4.Mergers and Acquisitions 99 13.5.Taxation of Individuals 100 13.6.Indirect Tax Services 100 13.7.Transfer Pricing Services 100 13.8.Tax and Customs Litigation Consultancy Services 101 13.9.Customs and Foreign Trade 101 14. Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu (DEİK) 102 Foreign Economic Relations Board Appendix: Useful Links and addresses 103 1
  • 4. Message of the president Turkey is a manufacturing country, a major producer of a diverse range of industrial project. Turkey exports more than 200 countries and has a foreign trade volume reaching to 300 billion dollars. Two thirds of Turkish exports go to the advanced industrial countries of the European Union, North America, and the OECD. Turkey is the sixth largest trading partner of the European M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu Union. President of DEIK (Foreign Economic There are many opportunities in Turkey for global Relations Board of investors in particular. In the last 8 years, Turkey Turkey) and Union has implemented several structural reforms of Chambers and in order to improve conditions for investors. Commodity Exchanges Consequently, only in the last 5 years, it attracted of Turkey (TOBB) foreign direct investment over 70 billion dollars. 26 thousands foreign enterprises operate in Turkey. It is my great pleasure to introduce this “Investors’ We welcome foreign investors and promise them Guide for Turkey”, written in collaboration a vital and exciting environment in which they can with Deloitte, intended to introduce Turkey to look forward to sharing the opportunities of rapid the global business community and provide key growth. Companies well-established here will be information about current economic issues, the able to reap the rewards, while late-comers will investment environment, and the general business have missed the opportunities I mentioned. framework of our country. From its establishment till today, Foreign Economic The opportunities are real and very exciting. Turkey Relations Board (DEİK) has been a trail-blazer already ranked as the 15th largest economy in the in establishing new links between the Turkish world and ranked 6th largest economy in Europe business community and its counterparts in terms of purchasing power parity. Turkey has elsewhere. DEİK plays the leading role as an been one of the fastest growing of the OECD intermediary between Turkish private sector countries for many years. Recent researches and global business community. DEİK, with its predict that Turkish economy will be the second 100 business councils; local, regional and global biggest in Europe, after the UK by 2050. network; its professional team, is ready to support Therefore, it is often labeled as the BRIC of Europe. and guide your business initiatives in Turkey. I very much hope that this investors’ guide will succeed The figures tell their own story. Turkey has the in its aim of encouraging business people to take largest free market economy between Italy and advantage of the enormous opportunities which China. Turkish multinationals are rising stars of are to be found in Turkey today. On this occasion, global market. There are 24 Turkish companies I would like to thank Deloitte most sincerely within the list of 100 biggest companies in to cooperate with us in preparing this valuable Islamic world. Turkish contracting industry is the investors’ guide. second biggest of the world, after China. Turkish contractors are currently handling overseas projects worth a total of 190 billion dollars at the end of 2010. 2
  • 5. Message from the chairman of the executive board Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK) was founded in 1988 to promote the economic and commercial relations of Turkish private sector abroad along with the broader goal of ensuring the overall integration of the Turkish economy into the global economy. As a consequence of the economic liberalization policies of the 1980s, Turkey became a prominent actor in international trade as well as an attractive hub for foreign direct investments. In fact, DEİK has earned considerable credit for achievement as an institution that makes every effort to open the Rona Yırcalı Turkish economy up to the world economy. Chairman of DEİK Executive Board In this new era, the priorities of DEİK include fostering production of goods and services which have high added value and competitive power, providing market diversity and depth, Deloitte’s commitment to Turkey’s commercial, contributing in attracting the investments involving industrial and financial development as well as high technology to Turkey; and supporting the integration to the global economy serves as an trademark of Turkish brands and providing them exemplary model in terms of forging business the opportunity to have activities in the global relationships among foreign and domestic arena. investors. Based on our shared vision and strong commitment to Turkey’s development, I am In addition to its routine meetings, DEİK organized confident that Deloitte and DEIK will collaborate more than 539 activities, 458 in Turkey and 81 on more projects in the near future. In this abroad, and hosted 39 Presidents and Prime respect, I sincerely thank, Deloitte, once again, for Ministers of various countries in the previous year. joining us in our endeavor to illuminate foreign Additionally, DEİK coordinated very significant businessmen and investors abroad about the meetings where many of the most distinguished business opportunities and legal framework in persons in the world could meet with Turkish and particular and the Turkish economic situation in foreign businessmen. general. “Investors’ Guide for Turkey” which has been I hope that Turkey will be promoted because of prepared in cooperation with Deloitte is a very this publication, and new projects, enterprises, useful publication for both the new and the and cooperation will be established which will current investors in Turkey. Deloitte’s local and render Turkey one of the biggest economies in the global expertise in tax and consulting as well as 25 world. I sincerely believe that with the guidance of years of business experience in Turkey are some DEİK as a pioneering organization serving Turkey’s of the valuable assets Deloitte brought to our integration into the world, Turkey will become invaluable partnership. further involved with the world. 3
  • 6. Foreword We closely observe that Turkey is getting more and more in line with the global business standards as a result of the economic liberalization policies of the 1980’s followed by harmonization of tax, investment and business related legislation with the global applications through the enactment of the new Customs Law in 1999, new Law for Foreign Direct Investment in 2003 as well as the New Corporate Income Tax Law in 2006 and finally the new Turkish Commercial Code published in the Official Gazette on 14 February 2011, the majority of Articles of which will enter into force on 1 July 2012. The New Corporation Tax Law is important since it has introduced Güler Hülya Yılmaz rules governing “Disguised Profit Distribution Tax Partner through Transfer Pricing” for transactions Deloitte Turkey between related parties in line with the Transfer Pricing Guidelines of the Organization for It is a great pleasure for Deloitte Turkey to Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) cooperate with the Foreign Economic Relations as well as those rules governing “Controlled Board of Turkey (“DEIK”) once again to contribute Foreign Companies”. Finally, the official to the development of Turkey’s economic, publication of the new Turkish Commercial commercial, industrial and financial relations with Code (Law No. 6102) has introduced the use of foreign countries as well as international business Turkish Accounting Standards in line with the organizations and communities. DEIK plays a International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), very important role in achieving the integration audit requirements and a number of new rules of Turkey’s economy into the global economy. about the establishment, organization and legal This integration requires development of business operations of different types of legal entities, relations with foreign countries and attraction rights and obligations of shareholders as well as of foreign direct investment into Turkey as well mergers, de-mergers, conversions, liquidations. as maintaining the investments in Turkey. In this respect, DEIK acts as a very strong intermediary between the public and private sectors through its close working relations with both sides. 1
  • 7. Another new legislative development parallel We strongly believe that with the guidance of DEIK to the new Turkish Commercial Code is the as a pioneering organization serving for Turkey’s enactment of the new Code of Obligations integration into the global economic environment, (Law No. 6098) published in the Official Gazette Turkey will gain more and more importance as an on 4 February 2011 so as to enter into force as emerging and fast developing country and thus, of 1 July 2012. These legislative developments in will undertake more and more critical roles that it Turkey in accordance with the global standards are already deserves in the global arena. all important for foreign investors. It is more and more important for all foreign investors in today’s The information provided in this Guide is not global economic environment which has recently exhaustive and unless otherwise indicated, is faced a crisis of unknown depth and duration, to based on the relevant tax and legal legislation very carefully take into consideration and analyze and conditions existing at April 2011. Investors the prevailing tax and business related regulations are advised to consult with professionals, such when making their investment decisions to assess as independent and certified accountants and the inherent risks and opportunities in initiating, consultants as well as legal counsel before making maintaining, developing, restructuring and ceasing their investment decisions and/or taking any their operations in a particular country. formal action. Professionals of Deloitte Turkey would be pleased to provide any support needed Once again it is a great pleasure and honor for in this respect. Deloitte Turkey to closely cooperate with DEIK for preparation of this investment guide in an attempt to provide foreign investors with a concise tax and Yours sincerely, business guide to help them with their investment decisions. We hope that the Guide will provide potential and existing investors with an overview of what is possible when structuring an investment in Turkey and which factors must be considered when deciding whether to acquire an existing Turkish company. 2
  • 8. 1. Turkey in general 1.1. Geography, political and economic Turkey has been a parliamentary democracy since background 1923 and she is a secular republican parliamentary democracy based on division of power between The Republic of Turkey covers about 814,578 km2, various ruling bodies. at the junction between Europe and the Middle East. Turkey is composed of seven geographical Its unicameral parliament, The Grand National regions: Marmara Region, Black Sea Region, Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) which includes 550 Mediterranean Region, Eastern Anatolia Region, seats representing the 81 Turkish provinces is Southeastern Anatolia Region, Aegean Region the legislative body. The legal framework of the and Central Anatolian Region. She has coastline Republic is based on the 1981 Constitution. The of about 8,000 kilometers. The Anatolian Land President is elected by direct elections for a term is surrounded by the Black Sea in the North, the of 4 years, while the members of the Parliament Aegean and Marmara Sea in the West and the are elected for a 4-years period. The Republic of Mediterranean Sea in the South. The capital city is Turkey has a tripartite legal system. Civilian and Ankara which is located in the Central Anatolian military jurisdiction is separated. Region. Turkey’s neighbors are: Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq and The main executive body is the Council of Syria. Turkey’s geographical coordinates puts its Ministers, consisting of a Prime Minister and time scale two hours ahead of “Greenwich Mean twenty six ministers. Independent Courts have Time” (GMT) and the table below shows the time the judicial power. Turkey is a secular state. The differences between Turkey and the major world freedom of worship for all religions is protected cities. under the Constitution. City hours ahead or behind Turkey 1.2. Current political administration and government structure Berlin -1 Paris -1 The current President of the Republic of Turkey is Mr. Abdullah Gül who was elected in August Rome -1 2007. The current Prime Minister is Mr. Recep London -2 Tayyip Erdoğan who was re-appointed after the New York -7 general elections held in June 2011. He is the head Los Angeles -10 of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) which Singapore +6 has won the Parliamentary majority in June 2011 elections. Tokyo +7 Sydney +8 The official language is Turkish, therefore all the official documents which are to be submitted to the government authorities must be in Turkish. English is used as an international language in trade and business circles. Turkish culture and economy has strong ties with both the Western and Eastern countries. Therefore her links with both sides are very strong and well established. 1
  • 9. 1.3. Currency Not only does this project decrease red tape spent in bureaucratic transactions causing loss of time The domestic currency is the Turkish Lira (TL). and money, but it also provides security for citizens and the State. Turkey finalized the infrastructure of 1.4. Population the main e-government portal through which all public services could be accessed and utilized since By the end of 2010, Turkey’s population is the beginning of 2010. 73.7 million. Approximately 76.3% of Turkey’s population lives in cities while 23.7% lives in 1.6. International relations suburbs and the process of urbanization is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. The Republic of Turkey attaches great importance in establishing strong and lasting regional and About 1/3 of the population is concentrated in international ties based on mutual understanding Marmara region. The most populated cities of and cooperation. She actively participates in a Turkey are İstanbul (about 13.3 million), Ankara wide range of leading regional and international (about 4.8 million) and İzmir (about 3.9 million). organizations such as the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), The population growth rate, which has decreased Organization for Economic Cooperation and sharply, has been about 1.27% in the last decade; Development (OECD), World Trade Organization demographers project the population to increase (WTO), Economic Cooperation Organization to 80-85 million in the next 20 years, which (ECO), Organization for the Islamic Conference compares with the largest current EU member (OIC), Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), state Germany that has 81.8 million inhabitants International Bank of Reconstruction and today, but whose population is projected to Development (IBRD),International Monetary Fund decrease to around 80 million by the year 2020. (IMF), the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G20 Developing Nations), 1.5. E-Government in Turkey and Asian Development Bank. E-government project in Turkey is coordinated Turkey is in the EU Customs Union since 1996 and by the Prime Ministry of Turkey and a Public an EU accession country since October 2005. In Committee. After Turkey signed the e-Europe Helsinki European Council Summit in December project which was discussed in European Union 10-11, 1999, Turkey was officially recognized Leaders Conference held in mid-2001, the Prime without any precondition as a candidate state Ministry of Turkey gave a start to the project. to EU on an equal level with other candidate states. The Accession Partnership for Turkey was MERNIS is one of the big steps of the prepared within the framework of Turkey’s ability e-government project which identifies every to fulfill the Copenhagen political criteria. In citizen with an identity number, which eases December 2002 EU declared that if Turkey fulfills most operations in social life and state-related the Copenhagen political criteria, it would open operations. This step has been effective from accession negotiations with Turkey by December November 1, 2006. During the transition period 2004. At the European Council on December between 1 November 2006 and 1 January 2007, 16-17, 2004 the Council decided to open both the identity number and tax number were accession negotiations on October 3, 2005. The used together by the citizens. By the beginning negotiations are open-ended and are not expected of 2007 only identity number has began to be to finish before ten years. valid. With this identity number, a citizen is able to identify himself/herself e.g. in tax offices, university applications, bank operations shortly in all state related operations. 2
  • 10. 2. Turkish economy 2.1. Main economic indicators The Turkish economy has grown steadily over 26 quarters of 2001-2007 with an average rate of Its diversified economy, proximity to Europe, 6.6%. After the 2001 financial crisis, Turkey made Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia, integration important structural reforms which have led to with European markets, young and vibrant improve her financial system. Therefore, Turkey work force, crisis experienced businessmen and has relatively less affected by the global crisis. Also economy management makes Turkey one of the previous crisis experience of Turkish businessmen most powerful economies in the region. and economy officials make Turkey more resilient to the global financial crisis today. As a result of Being the commercial center of Southeastern this, Turkey was the only country in 2009, who Europe, Middle East and Eurasia, Turkey is received two point upgrade in her credit rating, becoming an increasingly important economic and after a 4.7% decrease in GDP, Turkey grew and diplomatic country in the region. Between 8.9% in 2010. 2001 and 2007, before the effects of financial crisis started, Turkey’s GDP have increased by 242% totaling to US $ 657 billion and by 2009 she became the 16th largest economy (Gross GIP) in the world. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 1.Quarter 2.Quarter GDP (billion $/in current prices) 656.6 741.8 617.6 735.3 182.8 203.6 GDP Growth Rate (%) 4.5 1.1 -4.7 8.9 11.6 8.8 GDP per Capita (Nom.$) 9,333 10,436 8,511 10,079 - - FDI Inflow (billion $) 22.1 19.5 8.4 8.9 3.1 2 Unemployment (%) 9,9 10,3 13,1 11.9 10.8 9.2 Consumer Price Inflation (%) 8.61 10.54 6.53 6.4 3.99 6.24 Export (billion $) 107.2 132 102.1 114 31.4 34.2 Import (billion $) 170 201.8 140.9 185.5 56.1 63.7 External Debt (billion $) 249.4 280.4 268.4 289.4 298.7 309.6 Source: TUIK, Central Bank of Turkey, Treasury of Turkey Economic Indicators Forecast Economic Indicator 2011 2012 GDP (billion $/nominal) 763.8 836.3 GDP Growth Rate (%) 4.6 4.8 GDP Per Capita ($/PPP) 13,862 14,780 Export (billion $) 135.6 140.5 Import (billion $) 200.9 205.5 Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit Forecasts, May 2011 3
  • 11. 2.2. International Trade Indicator 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Export (Thousand $) 63,167,153 73,476,408 85,534,676 107,271,750 132,027,196 102,128,759 113,979,452 Import (Thousand $) 97,539,766 116,774,151 139,576,174 170,062,715 201,963,574 140,926,023 185,541,037 Volume (Thousand $) 160,706,919 190,250,559 225,110,850 277,334,464 333,990,770 243,054,782 299,520,489 Balance (Thousand $) -34,372,613 -43,297,743 -54,041,498 -62,790,965 -69,936,378 -38,797,264 -71,561,585 Source: TUIK Between 2001 and 2008, foreign trade has In 2010, Turkey mainly exported to Germany, increased by 359% and exports have increased by France, United Kingdom, Italy and Iraq whereas it 321%. After having a record high level of foreign mainly imported from Russia, Germany, China, the trade with 334 billion US $ in 2008, because of United States and Italy. global economic crisis it declined to 243 billion US $ in 2009. But it bounced back to 299.5 billion US $ in 2010. Automotive, iron and steel, textile and clothing, machinery, and agriculture are the major export items, while oil and natural gas, machinery, automotive, and chemicals are the major import items. Main Exports (Thousand $-2010) Main Imports (Thousand $-2010) Vehicles other than railway 13,814,541 Mineral fuels and oils 38,496,313 Machineries, mechanical appliances, 9,415,320 Machineries, mechanical appliances, 21,266,385 boilers and; parts thereof boilers and ; parts thereof Iron and steel 8,761,259 Iron and steel 16,118,937 Articles of apparel and clothing 7,741,746 Electrical machinery and equipment 14,641,856 accessories knitted Vehicles other than railway 13,419,375 Electrical machinery and equipment 7,530,930 Plastics and articles thereof, 9,730,441 Articles of iron and steel 4,855,137 Pharmaceutical products 4,410,051 Articles of apparel and clothing acc.not 4,639,898 Organic chemicals 4,400,320 knitted Optical instruments and apparatus 3,437,712 Mineral fuels and oils 4,505,851 Cotton. cotton yarn and cotton fabric 3,385,770 Pearls, precious stones, coin 3,748,594 Copper and articles thereof 3,299,333 Plastics and articles thereof, 3,717,427 Pearls, precious stones, coin 3,036,955 Fruit 3,494,049 Paper and paperboard 2,819,742 Salt, sulphur, earth, plastering mat., lime, 2,509,387 Aluminum and articles thereof 2,487,587 cement Rubber and articles thereof 2,321,648 Aluminum and articles thereof 1,917,185 Man-made staple fibers 2,089,035 Rubber and articles thereof 1,896,002 Articles of iron and steel 1,966,776 Other made-up textile articles 1,838,930 Miscellaneous chemical products 1,795,419 Furniture 1,786,756 Inorganic chemicals 1,423,788 Cotton. cotton yarn and cotton fabric 1,449,871 Cereals 1,056,747 Preparations of vegetables and fruits 1,491,632 Man-made filaments 1,250,359 Source: TUIK Ships, boats and floating structures 1,114,331 Source: TUIK 4
  • 12. Principal Destinations of Exports Principal Origins of Import (Thousand $-2010) (Thousand $-2010) Russian Federation 21,599,569 Germany 11,486,808 Germany 17,549,159 United Kingdom 7,238,433 China 17,180,806 Italy 6,508,644 USA 12,318,752 France 6,055,125 Italy 10,203,727 Iraq 6,041,861 France 8,176,579 Russia Federation 4,631,496 Iran 7,644,782 USA 3,770,779 Spain 4,840,061 Spain 3,563,472 South Korea 4,764,048 UAE 3,337,659 United Kingdom 4,680,610 Iran 3,043,426 Ukraine 3,832,744 Romania 2,599,020 Romania 3,449,178 Netherlands 2,462,185 India 3,409,938 Saudi Arabia 2,219,407 Japan 3,297,783 Israel 2,082,969 Belgium 3,213,712 Switzerland 2,057,082 Netherlands 3,155,980 Belgium 1,960,441 Switzerland 3,153,699 Azerbaijan 1,551,212 Kazakhstan 2,470,966 Bulgaria 1,497,832 Saudi Arabia 2,437,156 Greece 1,456,212 Algeria 2,274,924 Ukraine 1,260,892 Source: TUIK Source: TUIK 2.3. Foreign Direct Investments Foreign Direct Capital Inflows (million $) In the last six years in particular, Turkey has started to 25,000 draw increasing amounts of foreign capital thanks to a 19,137 20,000 17,639 rapid recovery from the 2001 crisis, large 14,747 privatization projects, prolonged stability coinciding 15,000 with the excessive liquidity in international markets 8,535 and the beginning of EU accession process. Turkey was 10,000 6,252 6,529 15th most attractive economy for the location of FDI 5,000 in UNCTAD´s World Investment Prospects Survey 2008- 2010. Turkey also ranked 65th out of 183 economies in 0 Ease of Doing Business Rank of the World Bank (June 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010), 46th out of 128 economies in Forbes Doing FDI Inflows Business Index. Source: Central Bank of Turkey Being the world’s 16th and Europe’s 6th largest economy (PPP), Turkey has recently been home to numerous significant investments by attracting more than 89.1 billion US $ for the last 6 years. 5
  • 13. Foreign Direct Capital Inflows by Origin of Countries (million $) In 2003 when the new investment law was ratified, there were about 6.500 foreign companies operating in 2008 2009 2010 Turkey. By the end of 2010, this number has increased European Countries 11,367 5,234 5,166 to 25,800. Germany 1,237 498 598 The cumulative sector breakdown of foreign capital France 679 617 600 financed companies between 1954-2010 shows that Netherlands 1,343 718 498 30% of these companies operate in wholesale and retail United Kingdom 1,335 350 240 sectors; 17% of them operate in manufacturing sector Italy 249 314 56 and 16% of them operate in real estate, renting and Other EU Countries 6,233 2,431 2,918 business activities sectors. Construction (9%); transport, Other European Countries 291 306 256 storage and communications (9%); hotels and (excl.EU) restaurants (7%); other community, social and personal service activities (5%); mining and quarrying activities African Countries 82 2 0 (2%); agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry (2%) and U.S. 868 260 320 electricity, gas and water supply (2%) constitute other Canada 23 52 56 sectors. Central and South America & Caribbean 60 19 5 Asia 2,220 599 933 The Turkish companies have become important investors abroad and have recently accomplished significant Gulf Countries 1,963 209 442 projects and have bought world’s leading brands Near and Middle East 96 78 46 including “Godiva”,” Razi”, “Trader Media East” and Other Asian Countries 161 312 445 “Grundig”. Moreover, the Turkish contractors have Other 2 86 49 undertaken projects accounting for 21.5 billion US $ Total 14,622 6,252 6,529 in 2009 and 15.2 billion US $ in 2010. Accordingly, 33 Turkish contracting firms partake among the world’s Source: Central Bank of Turkey largest 225 contracting firms ranking in 2010 which was 31 in 2009. Foreign Direct Capital Inflows According to Sectors (million $) The Turkish companies have invested in the sectors of Sectors 2009 2010 banking, white goods and telecommunication in Eastern Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and Aquaculture 49 83 Europe, energy, consumer goods, industry, tourism, finance and logistics in Eurasia, chemicals, industry and Mining 89 196 logistics in the Gulf countries and food, textile and Manufacturing Industry 1,565 867 automotive in the Middle East. Food, Beverage and Tobacco 196 149 Textile 77 82 Turkish Outflow Investments (million $) Chemicals 336 102 Year Investment Machinery 220 64 2001 604 Automotive 225 39 2002 283 Other 511 431 2003 505 Electricity, Gas, Water 2,126 2,063 2004 815 Construction 208 372 2005 1,065 Wholesale and Retail 389 389 2006 1,677 Hotels and Restaurants 54 113 2007 2,275 Transportation, Telecommunication & Logistics 391 210 2008 2,604 Financial Intermediary Institutions 666 1,630 2009 2,040 Real Estate 560 368 2010 1,820 Other Social and Personal Services 155 238 2003-2010 12,801 Total 6,252 6,529 1991-2010 16,495 Source: Central Bank of Turkey Source: Central Bank of Turkey 6
  • 14. 3. Industrial and service outlook 3.1. Transportation and defense With the influence of economical development and the EU accession period, the modernization Transportation of transportation sector has been already kicked off through privatizations and foreign direct Turkey enjoys a privileged position at the investments. Turkish Ministry of Transportation crossroads among Europe, Caucasus, Middle East had 64 ongoing projects in 2010 on infrastructure and Central Asia. As a result of being a regional and many privatizations have been realized mostly logistics base, Turkey’s transportation sector through build-operate-transfer (BOT) contracts. partakes among principal sectors in terms of Moreover, Transportation Master Plan Strategy economic growth and employment. Report has been prepared for the Turkish Ministry of Transportation, which encompasses numerous project proposals on infrastructure, traffic and management of transport modes. Turkish transportation sector statistics Railways 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Length of railway (km) 10,973 10,984 10,991 11,005 11,405 Passenger train kilometer 26,284 25,545 25,079 23,339 23,698 Goods traffic (Thousand tons) 19,195 20,185 21,404 23,491 21,813 Source: TUIK Road 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Length of motorway 1,667 1,908 1,908 1,922 2,036 Length of State road 30,740 30,728 30,743 30,784 30,770 Length of Provincial road 26,642 26,635 27,282 27,525 27,693 Number of road motor vehicles (thousand) 11,145 12,227 13,022 13,765 14,316 Freight transportation and the circulation on the state roads, provincial roads and motorways (Tonne/km) 166,831 177,399 181,330 181,935 176,455 Passenger transportation and the circula- tion on the state roads, provincial roads and motorways (Passenger/km) 182,152 187,593 209,115 206,098 212,464 Source: TUIK 7
  • 15. Air 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Number of aircrafts 202 245 250 262 297 Seat capacity 38,600 42,894 40,017 41,634 47,972 Freight carried domestic lines (ton) 315,858 373,055 414,192 399,213 484,833 Freight carried international lines (ton) 933,697 973,934 1,131,833 1,130,464 1,241,512 Domestic air traffic (unit) 264,805 343,956 365,136 385,053 419,422 International air traffic (unit) 286,687 286,713 323,432 356,127 369,047 Number of passengers domestic lines 20,502,516 28,799,878 31,970,874 33,546,000 41,226,959 Number of passengers international lines 35,042,957 32,884,325 38,381,993 40,840,000 44,281,549 Source: TUIK Sea 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Loading (thousand tones) 19,904 21,463 16,941 14,386 13,518 Unloading (thousand tones) 24,745 23,901 19,619 16,020 12,113 Source: TUIK In order to realize a nostalgic dream, the revival of the historical Silk Road as a part of international The Turkish Government aims to modernize transportation is the agenda. Turkey has a primary existing roads and launch new projects. The role as a natural bridge within the Silk Road estimated cost for modernization and construction project, which links the Asian economies with of the roads (until 2023) is 166 billion TL. As a part high shares in world trade and Europe, due to of the Silk Road project, construction of Black Sea its strategic geographic location, its proximity to Ring Highway, which has a total length of 7,140 the international transport routes, its renovated kilometers and crosses the borders of 12 Black Sea transport infrastructure and strong road fleet. Economic Cooperation (BSEC) member countries, Road transport is the main means of freight and is in the agenda. To ease traffic jam in İstanbul, passenger transportation. It constitutes 80.63% construction of a third Bosphorus Bridge and an of the freight transportation and 89.59% of the underwater tunnel are in progress. Bridges that passenger transportation. Turkey has the largest span İstanbul Strait will be privatized as well. and newest transportation fleet in Europe with 1,400 road transportation companies and 45,000 vehicles. 8
  • 16. Turkey has targeted to become a center for railway Domestic and international flights are operated by freight traveling by realizing and completing the state-owned company, Turkish Airlines (THY) as Strait Rail Tube Crossing and Commuter Railway well as some private airlines. Upgrading (MARMARAY) Project, which will connect Turkey to the Trans-European Network. There are 67 airports in Turkey: The total length of the Project is approximately 76 km and total amount is estimated as 3 billion • 41 airports are being operated, 23 of them are US $. Once the project is completed, Turkey will open to both domestic and international flights, become an essential center for railway freight and 18 of them are open only to domestic among Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East. flights. Developing rails for more freight cargo is required. 23.5 billion US dollars is allocated for railways by • 12 airports are only open to protocol and 2023. military. Turkey also has a leading role in Kars-Tbilisi-Baku • 10 airports which are open to only private use Railway Project, which is an alternative route within the contemporary Silk Road. Known as • 4 airports which are only open to use of Turkish the ‘Iron Silk Road’, Kars-Tbilisi-Baku Railway Aviation Association. Project creates an alternative route to the existing West-East corridor through Iran. The total length The estimated cost for airport modernization of the project is 124 kilometers. 92 kilometers will and construction is TL 4 billion. Construction of pass through Turkey and the rest will pass through airports in Bingöl, Iğdır, Hakkari Yüksekova, Şırnak, Georgia. Kütahya, Afyon, Uşak, İstanbul, Çukurova, Eskişehir and Diyarbakır takes place among upcoming projects. İstanbul-İzmit, İzmir, Adana-Mersin and Samsun are the major ports for domestic and international freight and passenger transportation. In order to increase quality and productivity, ports of Bandırma, Derince, Iskenderun, and İzmir will be privatized. Also ship construction is a big sector in Turkey and she is on the 5th place in the world in ship construction orders and super yacht construction. Apart from aforementioned transportation projects, 10 logistics villages will be built in Halkalı, Köseköy, Kayseri, Samsun, Eskişehir, Balıkesir, Yenice, Erzurum, Mersin and Aydın. 9
  • 17. Defense But the imbalance between the local production Turkish defense sector is developing very fast in and the imports led Turkey to pursuit of a stable the last decade. Turkey spends 3-4 billion US $ local defense industry infrastructure. In May 2004, annually in arms procurement. The proportion SSM decided to cancel three major projects, of defense systems produced locally was 25% including the multi-billion dollar attack and tactical in 2003 and 52.1% by the end of 2010. On the reconnaissance (ATAK) helicopter programme, other hand, annual Turkish defense export reached and instead introduced a new procurement model to the level of 853.5 million US $ in 2010. to boost ailing local industry. The initial goal was to increase the proportion of defense systems Turkey has traditionally made modest efforts to produced locally to 50% by the end of 2010, become self-sufficient in basic defense industrial which had successfully been achieved. The next activities. Starting in the second half of the 1970s stage proposes an increase in exports of defense these capabilities were expanded through several products and services to around 1 billion US $ per vital investments, particularly into the defense year by 2011 from the 196 million US $ export electronics and aerospace fields. In 1985 a in 2004. SSM targets 1.8 billion US $ worth of government entity charged with coordinating and defense exports by 2016. financing the development of the defense industry was established under secretariat for defense industries (SSM). Since its establishment in 1985 the SSM has been entrusted with the responsibility of a fairly large number of defense industry projects, valued over 30 billion dollars. 10
  • 18. The prime mover on the aerospace side of Also, a private company Yonca Onuk designed and Turkey's defense industry is TAI (TUSAS Aerospace built most of the fast patrol craft in service with Industries). It has been co-producing the needed the Coast Guard. air planes and helicopters by the Turkish Air Force. Another Turkish company ASELSAN has established Besides Turkish companies there are many itself as the leading electronic systems house foreign companies that work for Turkish defense in Turkey as well as having a major capability in industry. Imtech, RMK Marine Shipyard, German radars and optronic systems. ROKETSAN is one of Minehunter Consortium of Abeking & Rasmussen the few companies in Europe with the capability to and Lurssen Werft and Dearsan Shipbuilding design, develop and manufacture artillery rocket and Repair Company are some of them. Beneath systems (ARS). FNSS Savunma Sistemleri is the the surface, the Golcük shipyard has experience largest manufacturer of tracked armored fighting working under the license of Germany's vehicles (AFVs) in Turkey. Another company Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) in Otokar has developed and placed in production constructing submarines. a complete range of 4x4 and 6x6 light armored tactical vehicles. Makina ve Kimya Endustrisi Turkish defense industry is expected to continue its Kurumu (MKEK) is the main manufacturer of growth in the future due to Turkey’s geographic ammunition, small arms and other weapons in and strategic position. At the same time with Turkey and is also a major subcontractor to other the new legislations and incentives for the local Turkish defense contractors. TLFC has extensive defense industry to grow, Turkey’s export and facilities involved not only in the upgrading of import in the sector is projected to be more AFV and artillery systems but also in production. balanced in the future as well. It has upgraded over 4,000 tanks and the center has developed and put into production specialized versions including ambulances, command post and engineer squad vehicles. The main repository of naval shipbuilding and repair experience remains resident within state-owned hands at Naval Shipyard. The navy's other major surface acquisition is the locally designed and built 12 MilGem corvette ships. The first of the 12 Milgems, which is a corvette class warship, has joined the Turkish Navy in 2011. 11
  • 19. 3.2. Automotive Automotive Production (Amount) According to International Organization of Motor 2007 2008 2009 2010 Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) Turkey is the 16th Automobiles 634,883 621,567 510,931 603,394 automotive manufacturer in the world and Commercial Vehicles 464,531 525,543 358,674 491,163 6th in Europe. Also she is Europe’s largest light Tractor 33,518 24,807 14,861 30,425 commercial vehicle and 3rd bus manufacturer. The Total 1,132,932 1,171,917 884,466 1,124,982 Turkish automotive sector includes production of trucks, buses, trailers, midi and mini buses Source: Automotive Manufacturers’ Association (OSD) and passenger cars with a capacity of 1.5 million vehicles. Except the global financial crisis year 2009, the manufacturing numbers are in a steady Automotive Exports rise in recent years. 2007 2008 2009 2010 Domestic production in Turkish automotive sector Production 1,132,951 1,171,917 884,466 1,124,892 has started in 1967. Over the years, industry Export 829,879 920,763 637,855 763,670 imported foreign models and produced them Export/Production (%) 73 79 72 68 for domestic market under the protection of Source: Automotive Manufacturers’ Association (OSD) high tariffs. As Customs Union came into effect in 1996, tariff protection for the industry had finished. After this point, many global brands such as Honda, Toyota and Hyundai joined the already existing brands like Renault, Ford, Fiat in Turkish automotive industry. Today, there are 17 manufacturers and 4,000 component makers in Turkey. Prior to the crisis they were employing over 300,000 people. Automotive sector exports 70% of its production and 90% of the exports goes to Europe. Transport vehicle and component industry is the leading sector in Turkish exports. It was 16,8 billion US $ in 2009 and 17.4 billion US $ in 2010 (15.3% of the Turkish export). Turkish automotive export increased 15.6% during 2010. 12
  • 20. 3.3. Financial Services Industry (FSI) in There are 48 banks, 9,581 branches and 180,038 Turkey employees in Turkish banking system by the end of 2010. Total assets of the banking sector are 655 Turkish banking sector mostly dominates the billion US dollars, which was 561 billion US dollars Turkish financial system. 85.8% of the financial by the end of 2009. During the global financial system’s assets were held by the banking sector. crisis in 2009, the number of branches increased By the end of 2010, volume of the financial sector by 207 (2.9%), employee number increased by assets were as big as 103.6% of the Turkish GDP. 1,551 (0.8%). Even in 2008, when the global Major reforms were carried out in the finance and financial crisis got deeper and many European and banking sectors between 1999 and 2002. American banks got smaller, 277 new branches opened and 1,551 new employees hired. “The Banking Sector Restructuring Program” was initiated in May 2001 with the aim of modifying the banking sector into a sound and competitive structure consistent with sustainable growth. Banking legislation was adjusted to international regulations, BIS recommendations and European Union banking directives. Also in line with the previous principles and the BASEL (Banking Supervision and Auditing) Committee principles, a banking law was issued in 2005 to regulate the sector. With the new structure of the banking system and improvements in the Turkish economy, Turkish banking sector had significant growth in the bank’s balance sheets and changes in their structure. Main Indicators of the Turkish banking sector and National Income Billion US $ 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Loans 29 51 28 30 48 74 112 149 234 218 254 333 Deposit 44 102 81 84 111 143 181 211 295 259 333 391 Total Assets 67 155 116 130 179 229 296 346 485 434 539 655 GDP 227 266 195 232 303 392 482 529 649 730 615 736 Source: Banks Association of Turkey (BAT), BRSA, Turkstat, IMF, 13
  • 21. 2010 was a very profitable year for the banking 3.4. Consumer Business sector where the net profit rose 8.7% to 21.93 billion TL (13.9 billion $). Total loans were 525.9 Turkey is a major market for consumer products billion TL with a 33.9% increase at the end of with 73.7 million population and a vivid export 2010, which was nearly half of the total assets. sector. Textile and clothing, agriculture, white Whereas deposits grew 19.9% to 617 billion TL. goods, furniture, cosmetics and jewelry are the Also total assets grew 20.8%. prominent sectors in consumer products. Although global financial crisis affected Turkish Turkey is a major textile and clothing producer banking sector, it had some advantages in country in the world with over 40,000 producers comparison to other countries. These are; and 2.5 million workers. Cotton clothing, knitted clothing, woven clothing and accessories as well • There is no toxic product, as home textile products constitute main products in the sector. Thanks to strong leather sector of • Turkish banking sector is conventional, wide Turkey, footwear industry is a well-developed spread, mainly constituted from deposits and industry as well. Its well established industry have a wide spread of customer net, focuses on Europe, Middle East and Eurasia regions. Turkey is one of the world’s leading • Weight of the individual loans is not much in the manufacturer of floor-coverings including hand- GDP, woven and machine-made rugs and mats. Also Turkey has a high quality cotton yarn. • Turkish banking sector started very late to the mortgage system and the interest rates are fixed, In recent years textile and clothing sectors faced fierce competition from far eastern countries. • Due to some politic and financial developments, Especially lifting of the quotas in 2005 affected the Turkish banking sector pushed on the brakes export sector as well as the domestic sector. The starting from the beginning of 2007 and, sectors are moving more towards higher quality production and spend great deal of energy on • Turkish banking sector has crisis experience. branding. In order to achieve the move towards more sophisticated products, companies benefit from the government’s design and technology incentives. As a result of this effort and the changing conditions of the sector after the world financial crisis, the sector’s exports increased 12.6% in 2010 after a 16% fall in 2009. Agriculture and food industry is one of the leading sectors of Turkey with rich resources, huge potential of fish products and livestock. Edible nuts, frozen fruits and vegetables, confectionery products, poultry, dairy products, oil and vast variety of fresh vegetables and fruits are produced in Turkey and are exported to numerous countries. Also, Turkey is the world leader in the production of dried figs, hazelnuts, sultanas/raisins and dried apricots. 14
  • 22. The sector has over 25 thousand enterprises, Furniture sector is a very important sector in with an average five hectares farm size. With Turkey with its huge export potential. Metal office 5.7 million workers the sector employs 25% of furniture, wooden furniture, seats for automobiles Turkey’s total work force. This ratio was over and seats convertible into beds constitute the 35% at one decade ago. Although Turkey has major items of production and export in the sector. relatively small enterprises and land per enterprise, There are approximately 30 thousand companies due to its favorable ecological conditions, large in furniture production business who export to food importer neighboring countries and a large over 170 countries in the world. Also 32 thousand domestic population with rising income, the sector companies are in furniture retail business. The is expected to grow in the future. sector employs over 500 thousand people. The production realized was over 9.5 billion dollars Turkey is Europe’s second largest producer of in the sector with 1.4 billion US $ export. Turkish white goods with production of refrigerators, furniture was exported to 173 different countries washing machines and other household in the world in 2010. There are six furniture appliances. In addition to establishing production companies in the top 500 industrial establishments units in the Eastern Europe, Eurasia and Asia, like of Turkey. These companies are: Merkez Çelik, Russia, Romania and China, some of the Turkish Boytaş Mobilya, Merinos Halı, İstikbal Mobilya, white goods and electronic appliances producers Grammer Koltuk Sistemleri and Yataş Yatak ve also bought world’s leading brands. Over 2 million Yorgan Sanayi. people work in the sector and 2010 production was 18.4 million pieces where 13.7 million of Around 1,400 companies operate in the cosmetics them were exported. There are over 50 producers sector. Shampoos, depilatories, products for and over 500 hundred white goods parts suppliers bath, lip and eye make-up products, deodorants, in the sector. perfumes and baby care products are major items in the sector. The sector had a volume of 2 billion US dollars. Turkey partakes among Consumer Product Exports $ world’s leading laurel and olive oil soap producers. 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Many successful brands came out from the soap Textile 19,440,858 22,599,459 22,826,789 19,162,627 21,568,974 producers in recent years. They achieved high Agriculture volume of exports. Some of these companies and Forestry 3,480,539 3,725,212 3,936,710 4,347,482 4,939,552 are Evyap, Eczacıbaşı, Canan Kozmetik, Kopaş Kozmetik, Kurtsan İlaçları, Hunca Kozmetik, White Goods 2,005,000 2,532,000 2,766,000 2,578,000 - Aromel Kozmetik, Hobi Kozmetik, Kosan Kozmetik, Furniture 788,153 1,067,523 1,387,061 1,198,575 1,414,700 Dündar Kozmetik, Erkul Kozmetik and Rosense Cosmetics 774,862 848,010 1,074,889 1,030,714 1,136,084 Kozmetik. Also many international companies Jewelry 639,352 979,079 3,631,108 4,641,351 2,072,842 produce different cosmetic products in Turkey. Source: TURKSTAT, DTM, BEYSAD Given its cultural heritage of jewelry, Turkey ranks The main producer brands in the sector are: among world’s top three gold jewelry producers Arçelik, Beko, Altus and Aygaz under Arçelik and exporters with her powerful modern and group; Profilo, Bosch and Siemens under classical techniques in the sector. Her gold BSH-Profilo Group, Vestel under Vestel Group; production capacity is 400 tons per year. The Ariston and Indesit under Indesit Group. With the sector employs 250 thousand people, where 6 high priority given to innovation in the sector, thousand producers and 35 thousand jewelry world’s fastest washing machines and dish- stores are active. İstanbul Gold Exchange was washers have been developed in Turkey. formed in 1995. Currently it has 85 members. Also The sector exports most of its production. İstanbul Gold Refinery started its production in 2002. 15
  • 23. 3.5. Energy & Resources There are currently two existing and one planned major oil pipeline in Turkey. Existing ones are Turkey is an important energy consumer as Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) and Iraq-Turkey crude oil well as an important hub for energy supplies pipelines which bring oil from Azerbaijan and Iraq. transportation. Turkey’s primary energy BTC’s capacity is 1 million barrels per day (bpd). consumption was 105 million TEP by the end With some technical changes it will first reach of 2009. 28.9% of this energy was produced at to 1.2 million bpd and eventually to 1.6 million home and the rest was imported. Between the bpd. Capacity of the Iraq - Turkey pipeline is 1.6 years 1990 and 2009 primary energy consumption million bpd. Also Trans - Anatolian pipeline project increased 3.7% on an average in Turkey which is is planned to carry Russian and Kazakh oil from the highest average among the OECD members. North of Turkey to the South. From Ceyhan, a big Also Turkey was the second in demand increase port in the South of Turkey where the oil Trans for natural gas and electricity in the world - Anatolian pipeline ends, the oil will be shipped after China. Between 2010 and 2020, primary to other parts of the world. Tupras refinery is in consumption is expected to rise 4% annually Ceyhan too. The crude oil is refined at Tupras (average annual increase expectation for the world and refined products are sold both domestically is 1.8%). Total 130 billion US $ of investment and internationally. There are couple of new is needed in the energy field by 2020 to meet projects to build other refineries in Turkey are on Turkey’s energy needs. planning level as well. So, Ceyhan area on the Mediterranean coast has become a focal point of the international crude oil trade. Energy Consumption in Turkey According to Resources (2009) (%) When we look at the natural gas pipelines’ length, they increased from 4,510 km in 2002 to 11,441 km by the end of 2010. Currently 67 cities has natural gas grid in Turkey. There are two Russian- Turkish natural gas pipelines (West and Black sea), 31% 29% one Azerbaijani-Turkish natural gas pipeline (Baku- Petroleum Tbilisi-Erzurum) and one Iranian-Turkish natural gas Renewable Resources 5% pipeline transmitting natural gas to Turkey. Coal 35% Natural Gas Total 31.9 billion cm3 natural gas imported from these pipelines and in LNG form from Algeria Source: Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and Nigeria in 2010. Already one fourth of Azeri natural gas goes to Greece. Also Nabucco gas pipeline agreement had signed in 2009, which Except coal (mostly lignite), currently Turkey has will connect Central Asian natural gas to Central very limited mineral resources. She imports almost Europe through Turkey. Turkey is building a all of its petroleum (91%) and natural gas (98%) link to the Egyptian - Jordan - Syria - Lebanon needs and one fifth of its coal need (2010). TPAO gas pipeline. The link will be connected to the (The Turkish Petroleum Corporation) has invested Turkish natural gas network. Talks for building a 500 million US $ in exploration of Black Sea region pipeline connecting Katar natural gas to Turkey is where 10 billion barrels of potential reserves continuing. Another under sea pipeline is planned thought to be lying. With this goal TPAO has to be built between Ceyhan and Israel. The gas established partnerships with Petrobas, Exxonmobil from the pipeline will be transferred to India from and Chevron. Although she mostly imports her Red Sea by ship. oil and natural gas, Turkey is becoming a hub for energy supplies. 16
  • 24. Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“EMRA”) Turkey’s demand for electricity is growing is the main authority in energy market and fastest after China in the world. Between provides independent regulation and supervision 2002 and 2007 annual average growth in to the electricity, natural gas, petroleum and LPG electricity demand grew 8%. In 2007, electricity markets. All market activities are conducted under consumption grew 8.8% and reached to 190 licenses issued by EMRA. billion kWh. However in 2008 with the effects of the global crisis increase rate fell to 4.3% Turkey realizes 91% of her oil import from four and became 198.1 billion kWh. As iron, steel, countries, namely Iran, Russian Federation, Saudi cement and textile industries slowed down, the Arabia and Iraq. commercial use of electricity decreased further. As a result of this electricity consumption in 2009 was 194.1 billion kWh. And as the effects of the global Turkey Main Resources of Oil (2009) crisis started to lessen electricity consumption increased to 209.5 billion kWh. 12% Kazakhstan 12% Main Resources in Electiricity Production (2009) 4% Italia 2% 1% Syria 49.33% 28.76% 1% Nigeria 23% 1% Coal Libya, Azerbaijan, Georgia Hydroelectric Russia Federation Other Iran 41% Natural Gas Saudi Arabia 18,46% Source: Energy Market Regulatory Authority 3,45% Source: Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Turkey makes her natural gas import from five countries; Iran, Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Algeria and Nigeria. Turkey has 49,524.1 MW installed capacity as of the end of 2010. 32,278.5 MW of it is thermic, 15,831.2 MW of it is hydraulic, 1320.2 MW of it 15% 14% is wind and 94.2 MW of it is geothermal. During 2010, approximately 5,000 MW new capacity Azerbaijan added. Meanwhile, gross electricity demand was 13% Algeria 210.4 billion kWh and the supply was 211.2 billion Nigeria kWh. Also 1.1 billion kWh electricity is imported 3% Russia Federation and 1.9 billion kWh electricity is exported. In the Iran next decade, average 7.5% increase on electricity 55% demand is expected. Source: Energy Market Regulatory Authority 17